14working Capital Requirement
14working Capital Requirement
14working Capital Requirement
Funds Required for short term purposes for purchase of
raw materials, Payment of wages and other day to day
Refers to that part of Firms capital which is requires for
financing short term or current assets such as cash,
marketable securities, debtors and inventories.
Also known as revolving and circulating capital or Short
term capital.
Two Concepts of Working Capital
ualance Sheet Concept
Operating Cycle and Circular Flow concept
Two interpretations of working capital under ualance
Sheet concept :
u R
Inventories of stock as
Raw material
Work in progress
Store and spares
Finished goods
Prepaid Expenses
Accrued income
O uills payable.
O Sundry creditors or account payable.
O Accrued or outstanding expenses.
O Short term loans, advances and deposits.
O Dividend payable.
O uank overdraft.
O Provision for taxation
O Gross working capital RMCP + WIPCP +FGCP+RCP
O RMCPRaw material conversion period
O WIPCPwork in process conversion period
O FGCPFinished goods conversion period
O RCPReceivables conversion period
Seasonal needs
Nature of business.
Size of business
Manufacturing Process
Seasonal Variations
Credit policy
Sales to debtors