14working Capital Requirement

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„ Funds Required for short term purposes for purchase of
raw materials, Payment of wages and other day to day
„Refers to that part of Firms capital which is requires for
financing short term or current assets such as cash,
marketable securities, debtors and inventories.
„Also known as revolving and circulating capital or Short
term capital.

Two Concepts of Working Capital
„ ualance Sheet Concept
„ Operating Cycle and Circular Flow concept

Two interpretations of working capital under ualance
Sheet concept :

Gross Working Capital

Net working Capital

§ross Working Capital  Capital invested in total
current assets of a firm.
Net Working Capital  Current assets Ȃ Current
Ú      Ú  

Cash in hand and bank balances.

u R

Sundry debtors less provision for bad debts

Inventories of stock as
Raw material
Work in progress
Store and spares
Finished goods

Temporary investments in surplus Funds

Prepaid Expenses

Accrued income
Ú     Ú     
O uills payable.
O Sundry creditors or account payable.
O Accrued or outstanding expenses.
O Short term loans, advances and deposits.
O Dividend payable.
O uank overdraft.
O Provision for taxation

Provide correct amount of working capital

Mgmt more interested to know about total assets.

Take into consideration that increase in funds leads to

increase in working capital.

O Indicates firms ability to meet its liabilities.

O Indicates the margin of protection.
O Indicates financial soundness of uusiness.
O Suggests the need for financing part of working capital
requirements out of permanent source of funds.




O Gross working capital RMCP + WIPCP +FGCP+RCP
O RMCPRaw material conversion period
O WIPCPwork in process conversion period
O FGCPFinished goods conversion period
O RCPReceivables conversion period

O Net operating Cycle period  Gross operating cycle

period Ȃ Payable Deferral Period.

O Payables Deferral Period Avg. Payables Net Credit

Purchases Per Day
M    Ú

n the basis of Concept

Gross Working Capital
Net Working Capital

n the basis of Time

Permanent or Fixed working
Temporary working Capital
Êermanent Working Capital :

Minimum amount of working capital which is

required to ensure effective utilizations of fixed
facilities and for maintaining the circulation of
current assets.

Regular working Capital is that capital which is

required to carry day to day operations.

Capital above regular working capital is reserve

working capital. these require for special
contingencies like Strikes, rise in price etc.
O Temporary Working Capital :

Required to meet seasonal demand nad special


Seasonal needs

Special working capital: launching new product,

Campaign for research
GSolvency of business
GEasy loans
GCash discounts
GRegular supply of raw material
GRegular payment of salaries
GHigh morale

Nature of business.

Size of business

Manufacturing Process

Seasonal Variations

Working Capital Cycle

Credit policy

Rate of Stock Turnover

Y     Ú

Operating Cycle Method.

Forecasting Of Current asset and Current Liabilities


Cash forecasting Method.

Percentage of Sales method.

Projected ualance Sheet Method.

perating Cycle

!actors Considered while forecasting of Working

Cost of raw materials ,wages and overheads.

Period during which raw material remain in store

before it is issued for production purpose.

Period of production cycle.

Period during which finished goods is stored

before sale.

Period of credit allowed to debtors and period of

credit allowed.

Time lag in payment of wages and overheads.

Minimum cash balanced required to be


!orecasting of current assets and current
º Acc to this method, an estimate is made of forthcoming
periods current assets and current liabilities on the basis of
factors like past experience, credit policy, stock policy and
payment policy of previous years.
º Such estimate is made for each current assets on basis of
each month then monthly requirements are converted in to
yearly requirements of current assets.
º The estimate amount of current liabilities is deducted from
this amount in order to estimate the requirement of
working capital.
º A certain percentage of contingencies may also be added to
this amount.

O Estimate is made of cash receipts and cash
payments for the next period.
O Estimate cash receipt are added to the amount of
working capital which exists in beginning of the
year and estimate cash payment are deducted from
this amount.
O The difference will be amount of working capital.

Certain key ratios based on past years information
are established.

Ratio of sales to raw material

Sales to semi finished goods stock.

Sales to finished goods stock

Sales to debtors

Sales to cash balance

After this sales for next year will be estimated
and requirement of working capital will be
determined on the basis of these ratios.

Ê u   

º An estimate is made of assets and liabilities for a future

date and projected balance sheet is prepared for that
future date.
º The diff. in current assets and current liabilities shown
in projected balance sheet will be amount of working
Working Capital is the life-blood of every business
organization. WC is very essential for every business
organization without it no business enterprise can
survive in the market.

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