Mba-III-Advanced Financial Management (14mbafm304) - Notes
Mba-III-Advanced Financial Management (14mbafm304) - Notes
Mba-III-Advanced Financial Management (14mbafm304) - Notes
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Working capital management
Determination of level of current Assets Sources for financing working capital. Bank
finance for working capital (No problems on estimation of working capital) Working capital
financing: Short term financing of working capital, long term financing of working capital.
Working capital leverages
Cash Management
Forecasting cash flows – Cash budgets, long-term cash forecasting, monitoring collections and
receivables, optimal cash balances – Baumol model, Miller-orr model, and stone model.
Strategies for managing surplus fund.
Receivables Management
Dividend policy
Theories of dividend policy: relevance and irrelevance dividend decision. Walter‟s &
Gordon‟s model, Modigliani & Miller approach. Dividend policies – stable dividend, stable
payout and growth. Bonus shares and stock split corporate dividend behavior. Legal and
procedural aspects of dividends Corporate Dividend Tax.
Special issues in financial management
Corporate financial modelling Agency problem and consideration. Effect of inflation on Asset
value, firm value, returns Financial planning – Basis of financial planning, sales forecast method,
pro-forma P & L account method, pro-forma balance sheet method, determination of External
Financing Requirement (EFR). - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Working Capital Management
One of the most important areas in the day to day management of the firm is the management of
working capital. Working capital refers to the funds held in current assets. Current assets are
essential to use fixed assets. The requirements for current assets are usually greater than the
amount of funds available through current liabilities
The importance of adequate working capital can never be over emphasized. A firm has to be
very careful in estimating its working capital. The effective management of working capital is
the primary means of achieving the firm’s goal of adequate liquidity. A very big amount of
working capital would mean that the firm has idle funds. This results in over capitalization.
Over capitalization implies that the firm has too large funds for its requirements, resulting in a
low rate of return. If the firm has inadequate working capital, it is said to be undercapitalized.
Such a firm runs the risk of insolvency. Shortage of working capital may lead to a situation
where the firm may not be able to meet its liabilities. Hence it is very essential to estimate the
requirements of working capital carefully and determine the optimum level of investment in it.
At the optimum level of working capital the profitability will be maximum.
Concepts of working capital
Gross Working Capital: io
The Gross working capital refers to investment in all the current assets taken together. Current
assets are the assets which can be converted into cash within an accounting year or operating
cycle and include cash, short-term securities, debtors, bills receivable and inventory.
2. Net working Capital:
The term ‘net working capital’ refers to excess of total current assets over total current
liabilities. Current liabilities are those claims of outsider’s which are expected to mature for
payments within an accounting year and include creditors, bills payable and outstanding
expenses. Networking capital can be positive (CA>CL) or negative (CA< CL). Net working
capital is that position of current assets which is financed with the long term funds.
Need for working capital management - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
the amount of working capital available within the firms is neither too large nor too small for its
For the following reasons working capital should be adequate.
needs can be taken care off.
To enable the firm to extend favourable credit terms to the customers.
Optimum working Capital
Current ratio, with acid test ratio to supplement it, has traditionally been considered the best
indicator of the working capital situation.
A current ratio of 2 for a manufacturing firm implies that the firm has an optimum account of
working capital.
This is supplemented by the Acid Test Ratio which should be at least one.
It is considered that there is a comfortable liquidity position if liquid current assets are equal to
current liabilities.
Optimum working capital can be determined only with reference to the particular circumstances
of a specific situation.
In a firm where the inventories are easily saleable and the sundry debtors are as good as liquid
cash, the current ratio may be lower than 2 and yet firm may be sound. An optimum working
capital ratio dependent upon the business situation as such, and the nature and composition of
various current assets.
The working capital cycle/ Operating cycle refers to the length of time between the firms paying
cash for materials etc., entering into the production process/inventory and the inflow of cash
from sale of finished goods.
The operating cycle (working capital cycle) in a manufacturing firm consists of the following
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Conversion of account receivable into cash (OR finished good into cash in the case cash sales)
The duration of the Gross operating cycle for the purpose of estimating working capital is equal
to the sum of the durations of each of above said events. Net operating cycle is calculated as
Gross operating cycle less the credit period allowed by the suppliers.
Types Of working Capital
From the point of view of time, the term working capital can be divided into two categories:
1. Permanent working capital:
It is that minimum level of investment in the current assets that is carried by the firm at all times
to carryout minimum level of its activities. It also refers to the Hard core working capital.
2. Temporary working capital:
It refers to that part of total working capital, which is required by a business over and above
permanent working capital. It is also called as variable or fluctuating working capital. Since the
volume of temporary working capital keeps on fluctuating from time to time, according to the
business activities it may be financed.
Hedging (or Maturity Matching) Approach
A method of financing where each asset would be offset with a financing instrument of the same
approximate maturity
Financing Needs and the Hedging Approach
Fixed assets and the non-seasonal portion of current assets are financed with long-term debt and
equity (long-term profitability of assets to cover the long-term financing costs of the firm).
Seasonal needs are financed with short-term loans (under normal operations sufficient cash flow
is expected to cover the short-term financing cost). - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Borrowing only what is necessary
Short-Term Financing Risks
Refinancing short-term obligations in the future
Uncertain future interest costs
Manager accepts greater expected profits in exchange for taking greater risk.
Combining Liability Structure and Current Asset Decisions
u The level of current assets and the method of financing those assets are interdependent.
u A conservative policy of “high” levels of current assets allows a more aggressive method
of financing current assets.
u A conservative method of financing
(all-equity) allows an aggressive policy of “low” levels of current assets.
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Cash Management
Cash management refers to a broad area of finance involving the collection, handling, and
usage of cash. It involves assessing market liquidity, cash flow, and investments.
In banking, cash management, or treasury management, is a marketing term for certain
services related to cash flow offered primarily to larger business customers. It may be used to
describe all bank accounts (such as checking accounts) provided to businesses of a certain size,
but it is more often used to describe specific services such as cash concentration, zero balance
accounting, and automated clearing house facilities. Sometimes, private banking customers are
given cash management services. Financial instruments involved in cash management
include money market funds, treasury bills, and certificates of deposit
Baumol model of cash management helps in determining a firm's optimum cash balance under
certainty. It is extensively used and highly useful for the purpose of cash management. As per the
model, cash and inventory management problems are one and the same.
William J. Baumol developed a model (The transactions Demand for Cash: An Inventory
Theoretic Approach) which is usually used in Inventory management & cash management.
Baumol model of cash management trades off between opportunity cost or carrying cost or
holding cost & the transaction cost. As such firm attempts to minimize the sum of the holding
cash & the cost of converting marketable securities to cash.
At present many companies make an effort to reduce the costs incurred by owning cash. They
also strive to spend less money on changing marketable securities to cash. The Baumol model of
cash management is useful in this regard.
The Baumol model enables companies to find out their desirable level of cash balance under
certainty. The Baumol model of cash management theory relies on the trade off between the
liquidity provided by holding money (the ability to carry out transactions) and the interest
foregone by holding one's assets in the form of non-interest bearing money. The key variables of
the demand for money are then the nominal interest rate, the level of real income which
corresponds to the amount of desired transactions and to a fixed cost of transferring one's wealth
between liquid money and interest bearing assets. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Assumptions There are certain assumptions or ideas that are critical with respect to the Baumol
model of cash management:
The particular company should be able to change the securities that they own into cash,
keeping the cost of transaction the same. Under normal circumstances, all such deals
have variable costs and fixed costs.
The company is capable of predicting its cash necessities. They should be able to do this
with a level of certainty. The company should also get a fixed amount of money. They
should be getting this money at regular intervals.
The company is aware of the opportunity cost required for holding cash. It should stay
the same for a considerable length of time.
The company should be making its cash payments at a consistent rate over a certain
period of time. In other words, the rate of cash outflow should be regular.
Equational Representations in Baumol Model of Cash Management:
Where T is the total fund requirement, C is the cash balance, k is the opportunity cost & c is the
cost per transaction.
Limitations of the Baumol model:
1.It does not allow cash flows to fluctuate.
2. Overdraft is not considered.
3. There are uncertainties in the pattern of future cash flows.
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The upper limit for the cash account (H) is determined by the equation:
H = 3Z - 2L
Z = Target cash balance
L = Lower limit
Managing Cash Balances
Maximize pool of funds available for investment
– Concentration Accounts
– Zero-balance accounts
• Highest yield
Controlling Cash Collection & Disbursement
• Dual responsibility
Cash Budgeting
Properly preparing your cash budget will show how cash flows in and out of your business. Also,
it may then be used in planning your short-term credit needs. In today's financial world, you are
required by most financial institutions to prepare cash budgets before making capital
expenditures for new assets as well as for expenditures associated with any planned expansion.
The cash budget determines your future ability to pay debts as well as expenses. For example,
preliminary budget estimates may reveal that your disbursements are lumped together and that, - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
with more careful planning, you can spread your payments to creditors more evenly throughout
the entire year. As a result, less bank credit will be needed and interest costs will be lower. Banks
and other credit-granting institutions are more inclined to grant you loans under favorable terms
if your loan request is supported by a methodical cash plan. Similarly, businesses that operate on
a casual day-to-day basis are more likely to borrow funds at inopportune times and in excessive
amounts. Without planning, there is no certainty that you will be able to repay your loans on
schedule. However, once you've carefully mapped out a cash budget, you will be able to compare
it to the actual cash inflows and outflows of your business. You will find that this comparison
will go a long way in assisting you during future cash budget preparation. Also, a monthly cash
budget helps pinpoint estimated cash balances at the end of each month which may foresee short-
term cash shortfalls.
Cash budgeting is a continuous process that can be checked for consistency and accuracy by
comparing budgeted amounts with amounts that can be expected from using typical ratios or
financial statement relationships. For example, your treasurer will estimate the payments made to
your suppliers of merchandise or materials, the payments to employees for wages and salaries,
and the other payments that you are obligated to make. These payments can be scheduled by
dates so that all discounts will be taken, and so that no obligation will be overlooked when it
comes due. Cash collections from customers can also be estimated and scheduled by dates along
with other expected cash receipts. With careful cash planning, you should be able to maintain a
sufficient cash balance for your needs and not put yourself in the position of holding excessive
balances of nonproductive cash. In the normal course of operations in a merchandising business,
for example, merchandise is purchased and sold to customers who eventually pay for the
merchandise sold to them. Usually there is a time lag in business operations. It may be necessary
to pay the suppliers for merchandise before the merchandise is sold to the customers. Before and
during a busy selling season the demand for cash may be higher than the inflow of cash from
operations. In this case it may be necessary to arrange short-term loans. When the selling season
is over, cash collections from customers will be relatively large and the loans can be paid off.
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Receivables management
An asset designation applicable to all debts, unsettled transactions or other monetary
obligations owed to a company by its debtors or customers. Receivables are recorded by a
company's accountants and reported on the balance sheet, and they include all debts owed to the
company, even if the debts are not currently due
Objective: the objective of receivables management is “to promote sales and profits until that
point is reached where the return on investment in further funding receivables is less than the
cost of funds raised to finance that additional credit (i,e, cost of capital):
Costs: the major categories of costs associated with the extension of credit and accounts
receivable are: (i) collection cost (ii) capital cost (iii) delinquency cost and (iv) default cost
Capital cost: is the cost on the use of additional capital to support credit sales which alternatively
could have been employed elsewhere
Delinquency cost: is cost arising out of failure of customers to pay on due date.
Default cost: are the overdue that cannot be recovered
Receivables management
Apart from the costs, another factor that has a bearing on accounts receivable management is the
benefit emanating from credit sales.
The benefits are the increased sales and anticipated profits because of a more liberal policy
Accounts receivable management should aim at a trade-off between profit (benefit) and risk
(cost). That is to say, the decision to commit funds to receivables (or the decision to grant credit)
will be based on a comparison of the benefits and costs involved, while determining the optimum
level of receivables.
The costs and benefits to be compared are marginal costs and benefits. The firm should only
consider the incremental (additional) benefits and costs that result from a change in the
receivables or trade credit policy. Despite uncontrollable factors that are bound to be, a firm can
improve its profitability through a properly conceived trade credit policy or receivables
The firm’s objective with respect to receivables management is not merely to collect receivables
quickly, but attention should also be given to the benefit-cost trade-off involved in the various
areas of accounts receivable management. The first decision area is credit policies.
The credit policy of a firm provides the framework to determine (a) whether or not to extend
credit to a customer and (b) how much credit to extend. The credit policy decision of a firm has
two broad dimensions (i) credit standards and (ii) credit analysis. A firm has to establish and use
standards in making credit decisions, develop appropriate sources of credit information and
methods of credit analysis. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
and investigation. Two basic steps are involved in the credit investigation process (a) obtaining
credit information and (b) analysis of credit information. It is on the basis of credit analysis that
the decisions to grant credit to a customer as well as the quantum of credit would be taken.
Credit management
The important dimensions of a firm’s credit policy are :
Credit policy variables:
Credit period
Cash discount
Collection effort
Credit standards
These variables are related and have a bearing on the level of sales, bad debt loss, discounts
taken by customers and collection expenses
Credit standards
A firm has a wide range of choice in setting standard to be applied in accepting or rejecting
an account for credit granting.
• At one end of the spectrum it may decide not to extend credit to any customer, however
strong his credit rating may be
• At the other end, it may decide to grant credit to all customers irrespective of their credit
• Between these two extreme positions lie several possibilities, often the more practical
In general, liberal credit standards tend to push sales up by attracting more customers. This is,
however, accompanied by higher incidence of bad debt loss, a larger investment in receivables,
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t = corporate tax rate
k = post-tax cost of capital
ΔI = Increase in receivables investment
∆I = ∆S X ACP X V
where ∆S
average daily change (increase) in sales. The divisor here can with equal justification be 365,
rather than 360;
ACP = Average collection period
ΔS(1-V) measures the increase in gross profit i.e. sales minus variable cost also referred to as
contribution on account of incremental sales;
ΔS bn reflects the bad debt loss on incremental sales and
ΔS(1-V) – ΔS bn](1-t) represents the post-tax operating profit arising from increase in sales
after considering bad debt losses and
Pioneer presently extends unlimited credit to customers in categories 1 and 2, limited credit to
customers in category3, and no credit to customers in category 4. As a result of this credit policy,
the company is foregoing sales to the extent of Rs.10 million to customers in category 3 and Rs.
10 million to customers in category 4. The firm is considering the adoption of a more liberal
credit policy under which customers in category 3 would be extended unlimited credit and
customers in category 4 would be extended limited credit. Such relaxation would increase the
sales by Rs.15 million on which bad debt losses would be 10 per cent. The contribution – margin - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
ratio, (1-V), for the firm is 20 per cent, the Average collection period , ACP is 40 days, and the
post-tax cost of funds, k is 10 per cent. The tax rate for Pioneer is 40 per cent. Given the above
information, what is the effect of relaxing the credit policy on net profit.
• The effect of relaxing the credit policy on the net profit would be:
• [ 15,000,000(1 – 0.80) -15,000,000 x 0.1]
(1 – 0.4) minus
0.10 x 15,000,000 x 40 x 0.80
= 15,000,000(.2-.1)(.6) = 9,00,000 minus
0.1 x15,00,000 x40x0.8= 1,33,333 =Rs.7,66,667
Since the impact of change in credit standards on net profit is positive, the proposed change is
The credit period refers to the length of time customers are allowed to pay for their
purchases. It generally varies from 15 to 60days.
• Lengthening of the credit period pushes sales up by inducing existing customers to
purchase more and attracting additional customers. This is, however, accompanied by a
larger investment in debtros and a higher incidence of bad debt loss.
• Shortening of the credit period would have opposite influences. It tends to lower sales,
decrease investments in debtors, and reduce the incidence of bad debt loss.
Since the effects of lengthening the credit period are similar to that of relaxing the credit
standards, we may estimate the effect on residual income of change in credit period by using the
same formula:
ΔI = Increase in receivables investment
ACPn = new average collection period ( after lengthening the credit period)
ACPo = old average collection period - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
t = corporate tax rate
k = post-tax cost of capital
On the right hand side, the first term represents the incremental investment in receivables
associated with existing sales and the second term represents the investment in receivables
arising from the incremental sales.
The incremental investment in receivables arising from existing sales is based on the value of
sales, whereas the investment in receivables arising from new sales is based on the variable costs
associated with new sales.
The difference exists because the firm would have collected the full sales price on the old
receivables earlier in the absence of credit policy change, whereas it invests only the variable
costs with new receivables.
Z Corporation currently provides 30 days of credit to its customers. Its present level of sales is
Rs. 50 million. The firm’s cost of capital is 10 percent and the ratio of variable costs to sales is
0.85. Z is considering extending its credit period to 60 days. Such as extension is likely to push
sales up by Rs. 5 million. The bad debt proportion on additional sales would be 8 per cent. The
tax rate for Z is 40 per cent.
What is the effect of lengthening the credit period on the net profit of Z.
The effect of lengthening the credit period on the net profit of Z would be: [5,000,000 x 0.15 –
5,000,000 x 0.08](0.6) ] minus
= 210,000 – 487,500
= - 277,500 negative . Hence do not proceed. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Cash discount
• Firms generally offer cash discounts to induce customers to make pr0mpt payments. the
percentage discount and the period duringh which it is available are reflected in the credit
terms. for eg credit terms of 2/10, net 30mean that a discount of 2 percent is offered if the
payment is made by the tenth day; otherwise the full payment is due by the thirtieth day.
• Liberalizing the cash discount policy may mean that the discount percentage is increased
and/or the discount period is lengthened. Such an action tends to enhance sales ( because
the discount is regarded as price reduction), reduce the average collection period( as
customer pays promptly). And increase the cost of discount. The effect of such an action
on residual income may be estimated by a formula.
ΔRI = [ΔS(1-V) – ΔDIS ](1-t) +k ΔI
Where ΔS = increase in sales
V = ratio of variable cost to sales
k = cost of capital
ΔI = savings in receivables investment
i.e. = [ So] (ACPo - ACPn ) – V ΔS ( ACPn )
360 360
where So = sales before liberalising the discount terms
ACPo = average collection period before liberalising the discount terms
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Given the above information, explain what the effect of relaxing the discount policy on net profit
would be:
[5,000,000(0.15) – 960,000] ( 1 – 0.4) + 0.10 x 1,168,055
= - Rs. 9,194
Since the impact of change in discount policy on gross profit is negative, it is not
desirable to change the discount terms from 1/10, net 30 to 2/10, net 30
Collection effort
The collection programme of the firm, aimed at timely collection of receivables, may consist of
the following:
Monitoring the state of receivables
Dispatch of letters to customers whose due date is approaching
Electronic and telephonic advice to customers around the due date
A rigorous collection programme tends to decrease sales shorten the average collection period,
reduce bad debt percentage, and increase collection expense.
A lax collection programme, on the other hand, would push sales up, lengthen the average
collection period, increase bad debt percentage, and perhaps reduce the collection expense.
The effect of decreasing the rigour of collection programme on residual income may be
estimated as follows:
ΔRI = [ΔS(1-V) – Δ BD](1-t) – k ΔI
where ΔRI = change in net profit
ΔS = increase in sales
V = variable cost to sales - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
k = cost of capital
Δ BD = increase in Bad debts cost
t = tax rate
ΔI = increase in investment in receivables
i.e. equal to [ So / 360 ] (ACPn - ACPo ) + ΔS ( ACPn ) V
Δ BD = bn (So + ΔS ) - boSo
ABC Company is considering relaxing its collection effort. Its sales are R.40 million, its average
collection period, ACP , is 20 days, its variable costs to sales ratio, V, is 0.80, its cost of capital,
k, is 12 per cent , and its bad debt ratio is 0.05. The relaxation in collection effort is expected to
push sales up by Rs. 5 million, increase the average collection period to 40 days, and raise the
bad debts ratio to 0.06. ABC’s tax rate is 40 per cent.
Given the above information what is the effect of relaxing the collection effort on net profits.
[5,000,000(0.2) – 700,000](0.6) minus
0.12 [ 40,000,000(40 – 20) + 5,000,000 x 40 x 0.80 ]
360 360
= - Rs. 140,000.
Since the effect on profit is negative, it is not worthwhile to relax the collection effort.
• Credit evaluation
• Proper assessment of credit risks is an important element of credit management. It helps
in establishing credit limits. In assessing credit risks, two types of errors occur:
Type I error A good customer is misclassified as a poor credit risk
Type II error A bad customer is misclassified as a good risk
Both the errors are costly- first leads to loss of profit on sales to good customers and the
second results in bad debt losses on credit sales made to risky customers.
Though misclassification errors cannot be eliminated wholly, a firm can mitigate their
occurrence by doing proper credit evaluation. Three broad approaches are used for credit
evaluation: viz. traditional credit analysis, numerical credit scoring and discriminant analysis. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Capital The financial reserves of the customer. If the customer has difficulty in meeting his
credit obligations from its operating cash flow, the focus shifts to its capital
Collateral The security offered by the customer in the form of pledged assets.
Conditions The general economic conditions that affect the customer to get information on the
five c’s , a firm may rely on the following:
financial statements- a searching analysis of the customer’s financial statements can provide
useful insights into the credit worthiness of the customer. The following ratios seem particularly
return on equity.
helpful in this context: current ratio, acid test ratio, debt equity ratio, ebit to total assets ratio and
For the sake of simplicity, only three c’s character , capacity and capital are considered. For
judging a customer on these dimensions, the credit analyst may use quantitative measures (like
financial ratios) and qualitative assessments(like ‘trustworthy’)
To illustrate, consider three stages of credit analysis: review of the past payment record, detailed
internal analys, and, credit investigation by an external agency. The credit analyst proceeds from
stage one to stage two only if there is no past payment history and hence a detailed internal credit
analysis is warranted. Likewise, the credit analyst goes from stage two to stage three only if
internal credit analysis suggests that the customer poses a medium risk and hence there is a need
forf external credit analysis. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
point scale is used)
For each factor, multiply the factor rating with the factor weight to get the factor score.
Add all the factor scores to get the overall customer rating index.
Based on the rating index , classify the customer.
Construction of a credit rating index(based on a 5-point rating scale)
Discriminant analysis
The nature of this analysis may be discussed with the help of a simple example. ABC
Company manufactures gensets for industrial customers. It considers the following financial
ratios of its customers as the basic determinants of creditworthiness: current ratio and return on
net worth. The plot of its customers on a graph of these two variable are shown in the figure.
X represent customers who have paid their dues and O’s represent customers who have
defaulted. The straight line seems to separate the Xs from the Os – while it may not be possible
to completely separate the Xs and Os with the help of a straight line, the straight line does a
fairly good job of segregating the two groups. The equation of this straight line is
Since this is the line which discriminates between the good customers (who pay) and bad
customers (defaulters), a customer with a Z Score of more than 3 is deemed creditworthy( This
number 3 is an arbitrary constant ) We could use any other number just as well. The point to be
emphasized is that the ratio of weights applied to current ratio and return on equity should be
10:1. In this example we considered a Z function of two variables. In most of the practical
applications a Z function of several variables is considered.
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Once the credit worthiness of a customer has been assessed the next question is; should
the credit be offered? If there is no possibility of a repeat order, the situation may be represented
by a decision tree as shown in figure above.
In the figure, p is the probability that a customer pays his dues, (1- p) is the probability
that the customer defaults. Rev is the revenue from sale, cost is the cost of goods sold. The
expected pretax profit for the action ‘offer credit’ is
p (rev- cost) – (1 – p) cost
The expected profit for the action ‘refuse credit’ is zero. Obviously, if the expected profit of
the course of action ‘offer credit’ is positive, it is desireable to extend credit, otherwise not.
• Repeat order
• Granting credit repeat order case
What happens when there is a repeat order? The figure illustrates the situation. The company is
considering extending credit to a customer who is expected to place a repeat order ( the repeat
order, of course, would be accepted only if the customer does not default on the first order). One
thing about this situation needs to be emphasised. Once the customer pays for the first order, the
probability that he would default on the second order is less than the probability of his defaulting
on the first order. In the case shown in the figure, the probability of default decreases from 0.1 to
0.05. The expected profit of offering credit in this case, ignoring the time value of money is
Expected profit on + Probability of payment x Expected profit on
initial order and repeat order repeat order
{p1 (REV1 - COST1 )- (1-p1) COST1 } + p1 X {p2 (REV2 - COST2 )- (1-p2) COST2 }
Control of accounts receivable
Traditionally, two methods have been commonly suggested for monitoring accounts receivable;
days’ sales outstanding and ageing schedule. While these methods are popularly used, they have
a serious deficiency: they are based on an aggregation of sales and receivables. To overcome the
weakness of the traditional methods, the collection matrix approach has been suggested.
• Traditional methods of control of accounts receivable
Days’ sales outstanding
the days’ sales outstanding (dso) at a given time ‘t’ may be defined as the ratio of accounts
receivables outstanding at that time to average daily sales figure during the preceding 30days,
60days ,
90 days, or some other relevant period.
dso = accounts receivables at time ‘t’ - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
average daily sales consider the monthly sales and month end accounts
receivable for a company
Traditional methods of control of accounts receivable if the dso is calculated at the end of each
quarter, we get the following picture:
quarter days’ sales outstanding
First 320
(150 + 156 + 158) ÷ 90 = 62 days
Second 320
(150 + 170 + 180) ÷91 = 58 days
Third 360
(190 + 200 + 210) ÷ 92 = 55 days
Fourth 420
(220 + 230 + 240) ÷ 92
io = 56 days
Looking at the DSO we see that it decreased slightly over last year, suggesting
that collections improved a little. According to this method, A/R are deeme to be
In control if the DSO is equal to or less than a certain norm. If the value of DSO exceeds the
Specified norm , collections are considered to be slow
• Ageing schedule
the ageing schedule (as) classifies outstanding accounts receivables at a given point of
time into different age brackets. An illustrative example is given below:
> 90 5
The actual AS of the firm is compared with some standard AS to determine whether
accounts receivable are in control. A problem is indicated if the actual AS shows a greater
proportion of receivables, compared with the standard AS, in the higher age groups - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
• Collection matrix
the average collection period and the ageing schedule have traditionally been very
popular measures for monitoring receivables. However, they suffer from a limitation in that they
are influenced by the sales pattern as well as the payment behaviour of the customers. If sales are
increasing, the average collection period and the ageing schedule will differ from what they
would be if sales are constant. This holds even when the payment behaviour of customers
remains unchanged. The reason is simple: a greater portion of sales is billed currently. Similarly,
decreasing sales lead to the same results. The reason here is that a smaller portion of sales is
billed currently.
in order to study correctly the changes in the payment behaviour of customers, it is
helpful to look at the pattern of collections associated with credit sales. The next table shows an
illustrative collection matrix.
• Collection matrix
Jupiter Ltd is selling its products on credit basis and its customers are associated with 5% credit
risk . Its annual turnover is expected at Rs. 5,00,000 if credit is extended and if no credit is given
the sales would be at 60% thereon. Suggest the profitability of extending credit and cash sales.
Profitability on cash sales
Evaluation of the Different Options in Credit Policy of XYZ Ltd
A factor is a financial institution which offers services relating to management and
financing of debts arising from credit sales.
Features: the key features of a factoring arrangement are as follows:
The factor selects the accounts of the client that would be handled by it and establishes, along
with the client, the credit limits applicable to the selected accounts
The factor assumes responsibility for collecting the debt of accounts handled by it. For each
account, the factor pays to the client at the end of the credit period or when the account is
collected, whichever comes earlier.
The factor advances money to the client against not-yet –collected and not-yet-due debts.
Typically, the amount advances is 70 – 80 percent of the face value of the debt and carries an
interest rate which may be equal to or marginally higher than the lending rate of commercial
Factoring may be on a recourse basis( this means that the credit risk is borne by the client) or on
a non-recourse basis (this means that the credit risk is borne by the factor)
Besides the interest on advances against debt, the factor charges a commission which may be 1
to 2 percent of the face value of the debt factored - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
2. Factoring of debt may be perceived as a sign of financial weakness.
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Inventory or stock refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate
purpose of resale (or repair).
Inventory management is a science primarily about specifying the shape and percentage of
stocked goods. It is required at different locations within a facility or within many locations of a
supply network to precede the regular and planned course of production and stock of materials.
The scope of inventory management concerns the fine lines between replenishment lead time,
carrying costs of inventory, asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation,
inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical inventory, available physical
space for inventory, quality management, replenishment, returns and defective goods, and
demand forecasting. Balancing these competing requirements leads to optimal inventory levels,
which is an on-going process as the business needs shift and react to the wider environment.
Inventory management involves a retailer seeking to acquire and maintain a proper merchandise
assortment while ordering, shipping, handling, and related costs are kept in check. It also
involves systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide
replenishment techniques, report actual and projected inventory status and handle all functions
related to the tracking and management of material. This would include the monitoring of
material moved into and out of stockroom locations and the reconciling of the inventory
balances. It also may include ABC analysis, lot tracking, cycle counting support, etc.
Management of the inventories, with the primary objective of determining/controlling stock
levels within the physical distribution system, functions to balance the need for product
availability against the need for minimizing stock holding and handling costs.
There are three types of inventories: raw materials, work in process, and finished goods:
Raw materials are materials and components that are inputs in making the final product Work in
process, also called stock in process, refers to goods in the intermediate stages of production.
Finished goods consist of final products that are ready for sale.
While manufacturing firms generally hold all the three types of inventories, distribution firms
hold mostly finished goods
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including the opportunity cost of the funds invested, associated with alternative levels be
measured and compared. To do this, it is necessary to determine the specific benefits and costs
associated with holding the various types of inventories.
Financial managers usually do not have primary responsibility for managing a company's
inventories, nevertheless, they are responsible for seeing that funds are invested in a manner
consistent with shareholder wealth maximization. Normally, production and/or marketing
management has primary responsibility for determining the specific quantities of the various
types of inventories that a firm holds.
Good inventory control policy
A good inventory policy should consist of the following features:
There should be proper accounting and physical controls
The inventory should be stored properly to avoid the losses like breakage, spoilage, wastage,
damage, deterioration, pilferage etc
Fixation of inventory levels like minimum, maximum, re-order levels and economic order
quantity to ensure the optimum level of stocks.
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To answer the first question, the basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model is helpful. In the
context of inventory management there are three types of costs which are : (i) ordering costs, (ii)
carrying costs and (iii) shortage costs.
• Fixation of inventory levels
Various levels of inventory are fixed to see that no excess inventory is carried and
simultaneously there will not be any stock outs. The following inventory levels are fixed for each
item of stock:
RE-ORDER LEVEL: It is the level of stock availability when a new order should be
raised. The stores department will initiate the purchase of material when the stock of material
reaches at this point. This level is fixed between the minimum and maximum stock levels and the
following formula is useful for the purpose:
Re-order level : Maximum Usage x Maximum Lead Time
MINIMUM STOCK LEVEL: It is the lower limit below which the stock of any stock
item should not normally be allowed to fall. Their level is also called ‘ safety stock’ or ‘buffer
stock level’. The main object of establishing this level is to protect against stock- out of a
particular stock item and in fixation of which average rate of consumption and the time required
for replenishment, i.e. lead time are given prime consideration.
Minimum stock level:
= Re-order level – (Average or Normal Usage x Average lead Time)
MAXIMUM STOCK LEVEL: It represents the upper limit beyond which the quantity of
any item is not normally allowed to rise to ensure that unnecessary working capital is not
blocked in stock items. Maximum stock level represents the total of safety stock level and
economic order quantity. Maximum stock level can be expressed in the formula given below:
Maximum Stock level
= Reorder level + Economic order quantity –(Minimum usage x minimum lead time)
DANGER LEVEL: It is fixed below the minimum stock level and if stock reaches below
this level, urgent action for replenishment of stock should be taken to prevent stock out position.
Danger level = Average Consumption x Lead Time for Emergency purchases
AVERAGE STOCK LEVEL: It is the average of minimum and maximum stock levels.
Average stock level: (Minimum Stock level + Maximum Stock level) / 2 OR
= Minimum stock level + ½ of Re-Order Quantity
Stock movements and fixation of stock levels - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Ordering costs:
Relating to purchased items would include expenses on the following:
Preparation of purchase order/documentation
Expediting/intermittant cost of chasing orders, rejecting faulty goods.
Additional costs of frquent or small quantity orders
Transport costs
Receiving and placing in storage relating to items manufactured in the company would include
the following:
Set-up and tooling costs associated with each production run
Receiving and placing in storage
Carrying costs: generally are abour 25 percent of the inventories sold and include expenses on
the following:
Interest on capital locked up in inventory
Required rate or return on investment incurrent assets
Storage costs (rent ,lighting, heating, refrigeration, airconditioning etc,)
Handling costs
Stores staffing, equipment maintenance and running costs.
Audit, stock taking or perpetual inventory costs
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Extra costs associated with urgent replenishment of small quantities
Measurement of shortage costs is difficult because of its both long term and short term effect as
it is somewhat intangible in nature.they are associated with running out
The Primary Objective of Inventory Management is to find out and maintain optimum level of
investment in inventory to minimise the total costs associated with it. The EOQ is the optimum
size of the order for a particular item of inventory calculated at a point where the total inventory
costs are at a minimum level for that particular stock item. The EOQ is an optimum quantity of
materials to be ordered after consideration of the three categories of costs – Ordering costs,
Carrying costs and Stock-out costs. Stock out costs are difficult to incorporate in this model since
they are based on qualitative and subjective judgment. The safety or buffer stock has no bearing
on the EOQ, only on the timing of orders
The basic eoq model is based on the following assumptions:
The forecast usage/demand for a given period, usually one year, is known
Thre are two distinquishable costs associated with inventories- cost of ordering and costs of
carrying and cost of carrying.
The cost per order is constant regardless of size of order.i.e. there is no price discounts.
The cost of carrying is a fixed percentage of the average value of inventory.
EOQ formula:
The total costs of ordering and carrying inventories are equal to:
TC = U X F + Q X P X C
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P = price per unit
TC = Total costs of ordering and carrying
The first term on the right hand side is the ordering cost, obtained as a product of the
number of orders (U/Q) and the cost per order (F).The second term on the right hand side is the
carrying cost, obtained as the product of the average value of inventory holding (QP/2) and the
percentage carrying cost (C). The carrying cost varies directly with the order size ( since the
average level of inventory is one-half of the order size), whereas the ordering cost varies
inversely with the order size.. The total cost of ordering and carrying is minimised when
Q = √ 2FU
It is a useful tool for inventory management. It tells us what should be the order size for
purchased items and what should be the size of production run for manufactured items
ORDER POINT: The standard EOQ model assumes that materials can be procured
instantaneously and hence implies that the firm may place an order for replenishment when the
inventory level drops to zero. In the real world , however, procurement of materials takes time
and hence the order level (order level and reorder level refer to the same thing) must be such that
the inventory at the time of ordering suffices to meet the needs of production during the
procurement period..
If the usage rate of materials and the lead time for procurement are known with certainty, then
the ordering level would simply be : lead time in days for procurement x average daily usage
When the usage rate and lead time are likely to vary, the re-order level should be highe than the
normal consumption period requirement during the procurement period to provide a measure of
safety in face of variability of usage and lead time. Put differently , the reoder level should be
equal to: normal consumption x safety stock
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When both the lead time and usage rate vary, which is often the case, and the range of
variation is wide, complete protection against stock-out may require an excessively large safety
stock. For eg, if the lead time varies between 60 days and 180 days with an average value of 90
days. And the usage rate varies between 75 units and 125 units per day with an average value of
100 units per day, a safety stock of 13,500 units is required for complete protection again stock
out. This has been worked out as follows:
{Maximum possible usage ( i.e. Max daily usage x max lead time)}
{(Normal Usage (i. e .Average daily usage x Average lead time)}
125 x 80 - 100 x 90 = 13,500
ORDER POINT FORMULA: The following formula would be helpful for calculating
the reorder point:
Reorder point : S(L) + F√SRL
Where S = usage
L = Lead time needed to obtain additional inventory when the
order is placed
R = Average quantity period
F = stock out acceptance factor. To illustrate the computations of the reorder
level from the following data pertaining to ABC Company where S = 20 units/day L = 60 days,
In real world there are some more additional considerations that ought to be taken into
account. These may relate to one or more of the following:
– Anticipated scarcity
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There are three important types of inventories carried by a manufacturing organisation:
(i) raw material inventory
(ii) work-in-process inventory, and
(iii) finished goods inventory
The valuation of work in process and finished goods inventory depends on (i) method
used for pricing materials, and (ii) the manner in which fixed manufacturing overhead costs are
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Capital Structure
Capital Structure refers to the combination or mix of debt and equity which a company uses to
finance its long term operations. Raising of capital from different sources and their use in
different assets by a company is made on the basis of certain principles that provide a system of
capital so that the maximum rate of return can be earned at a minimum cost. This sort of system
of capital is known as capital structure.
Total Required Capital
• From Shares
– Equity Share capital
– Preference Share Capital
• From Debentures
Factors Influencing Capital Structure
Internal Factors
Size of Business
Nature of Business
• Regularity and Certainty of Income
• Assets Structure
• Age of the Firm
• Desire to Retain Control
• Future Plans
• Operating Ratio
• Trading on Equity
• Period and Purpose of Financing
External Factors
• Capital Market Conditions
• Nature of Investors
• Statutory Requirements
• Taxation Policy
• Policies of Financial Institutions
• Cost of Financing
• Seasonal Variations
• Economic Fluctuations
• Nature of Competition - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
• Maximum Return
• Maximum Control
• Safety
• Simplicity
• Flexibility
• Attractive Rules
• Commensurate to Legal Requirements
Basic Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio: 1:1
Earning Interest Ratio: 2:1
Sound or Optimal Capital Structure requires (An Approximation):
• During Depression: one and a half time of interest.
• Total Debt Capital should not exceed 50 % of the depreciated value of assets.
• Total Long Term Loans should not be more than net working capital during normal
• Current Ratio 2:1 and Liquid Ratio 1:1 be maintained.
Point of Indifference
(EBIT-EPS Analysis)
• It refers to that EBIT level at which EPS remains the same irrespective of different
alternatives of debt equity mix.
• At this level of EBIT, the rate of return on capital employed is equal to the cost of debt
and this is also known as break-even level of EBIT for alternative financial plans.
• If the Expected EBIT is much more than the Point of Indifference Level - ?
• If the Expected EBIT is lower than the Point of Indifference Level - ?
• If the Expected EBIT is even less than the Fixed Cost - ? - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
X = EBIT at Indifference Point
R1 = Interest in Alternative 1
R2 = Interest in Alternative 2
T = Tax Rate
PD = Preference Dividend
N1 = No. of Equity Shares in Alternative 1
N2 = No. of Equity Shares in Alternative 2
Theories of Capital Structure
• Net Income (NI) Theory
• Net Operating Income (NOI) Theory
• Traditional Theory
• Modigliani-Miller (M-M) Theory
Net Income (NI) Theory
• This theory was propounded by “David Durand” and is also known as “Fixed ‘Ke’
• According to this theory a firm can increase the value of the firm and reduce the overall
cost of capital by increasing the proportion of debt in its capital structure to the maximum
possible extent.
• It is due to the fact that debt is, generally a cheaper source of funds because:
– (i) Interest rates are lower than dividend rates due to element of risk,
– (ii) The benefit of tax as the interest is deductible expense for income tax purpose. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Assumptions of NI Theory
• The ‘Kd’ is cheaper than the ‘Ke’.
• Income tax has been ignored.
• The ‘Kd’ and ‘Ke’ remain constant.
• Computation of the Total Value of the Firm
Total Value of the Firm (V) = S + D
S = Market value of Shares = EBIT-I = E
Ke Ke
D = Market value of Debt = Face Value
E = Earnings available for equity shareholders
Ke = Cost of Equity capital or Equity capitalization rate.
• Computation of the Overall Cost of Capital or Capitalization Rate
Ko = Overall Cost of Capital or Capitalization Rate
V = Value of the firm
change in the capital structure and the overall cost of capital (Ko) remains fixed
irrespective of the debt-equity mix.
• Assumptions of NOI Theory
• The split of total capitalization between debt and equity is not essential or relevant.
• The equity shareholders and other investors i.e. the market capitalizes the value of the
firm as a whole. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
• The business risk at each level of debt-equity mix remains constant. Therefore, overall
cost of capital also remains constant.
• The corporate income tax does not exist.
• Computation of the Total Value of the Firm
Ko = Overall cost of capital
• Market Value of Equity Capital
S = Market Value of Equity Capital
V = Value of the Firm
D = Market value of the Debt
• Cost of Equity Capital
• Ke = EBIT – I X 100
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risk, offset the advantage of using low cost of debt.
• Effects of Changes in Capital Structure on ‘Ko’ and ‘V’
• Third Stage: The ‘V’ will decrease and the ‘Ko’ will increase. Because further increase of
debt in the capital structure, beyond the acceptable limit increases the financial risk.
Computation of Market Value of Shares & Value of the Firm
S = EBIT – I
Modigliani-Miller Theory
• This theory was propounded by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller.
• They have given two approaches
– In the Absence of Corporate Taxes
• Because with increased use of debt as a source of finance, ‘Ke’ increases and the
advantage of low cost debt is offset equally by the increased ‘Ke’.
• In the opinion of them, two identical firms in all respect, except their capital structure,
cannot have different market value or cost of capital due to Arbitrage Process. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
value of the shares
• Cent-Percent Distribution of earnings to the shareholders
• No Corporate Taxes: But later on in 1969 they removed this assumption.
• When Corporate Taxes Exist
M-M’s original argument that the ‘V’ and ‘Ko’ remain constant with the increase of debt
in capital structure, does not hold good when corporate taxes are assumed to exist.
They accepted that the value of levered (VL) firm will be greater than the value of unlevered
firm (Vu).
Value of Unlevered Firm
Vu = EBIT(1 – T)
Value of Levered Firm
VL = Vu + Dt
Vu : Value of Unlevered Firm
VL :Value of Levered Firm
D : Amount of Debt
t : tax rate
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Module 6
Dividend is that portion of profits of a company which is distributed among its
shareholder according to the decision taken and resolution passed in the meeting of Board of
Directors. This may be paid as a fixed percentage on the share capital contributed by them or at a
fixed amount per share. It means only profits after meeting all the expenses and providing for
taxation and for depreciation and transferring a reasonal amount to reserve funds should be
distributed to shareholders as dividend. There is always a problem before the top management or
Board of Director to decide how much profits should be transferred to Reserve funds to meet any
unforeseen contingencies and how much should be distributed to shareholder,. Payment of
dividend is desirable because it affects the goodwill of the concern in the market on the one
hand, and on the other, shareholders invest their funds in the company in a hope of getting a
reasonable return. Retained earnings are the sources of internal finance for the financing of
corporate future projects but payment of dividend constitute an outflow of ca to shareholders.
Although both-expansion and payment of dividend-are desirable, these two are in conflicts. It is,
therefore, one of the important functions of the financial management to constitute a dividend
policy which can balance these two contradictory view paints and allocate the reasonable amount
1. Stability of Earnings. The nature of business has an important bearing on the dividend policy.
Industrial units having stability of earnings may formulate a more consistent dividend policy
than those having an uneven flow of incomes because they can predict easily their savings and
earnings. Usually, enterprises dealing in necessities suffer less from oscillating earnings than
those dealing in luxuries or fancy goods.
2. Age of corporation. Age of the corporation counts much in deciding the dividend policy. A
newly established company may require much of its earnings for expansion and plant
improvement and may adopt a rigid dividend policy while, on the other hand, an older company
can formulate a clear cut and more consistent policy regarding dividend.
3. Liquidity of Funds. Availability of cash and sound financial position is also an important
factor in dividend decisions. A dividend represents a cash outflow, the greater the funds and the
liquidity of the firm the better the ability to pay dividend. The liquidity of a firm depends very
much on the investment and financial decisions of the firm which in turn determines the rate of
expansion and the manner of financing. If cash position is weak, stock dividend will be
distributed and if cash position is good, company can distribute the cash dividend.
4. Extent of share Distribution. Nature of ownership also affects the dividend decisions. A
closely held company is likely to get the assent of the shareholders for the suspension of
dividend or for following a conservative dividend policy. On the other hand, a company having a
good number of shareholders widely distributed and forming low or medium income group,
would face a great difficulty in securing such assent because they will emphasise to distribute
higher dividend. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
5. Needs for Additional Capital. Companies retain a part of their profits for strengthening their
financial position. The income may be conserved for meeting the increased requirements of
working capital or of future expansion. Small companies usually find difficulties in raising
finance for their needs of increased working capital for expansion programmes. They having no
other alternative, use their ploughed back profits. Thus, such Companies distribute dividend at
low rates and retain a big part of profits.
6. Trade Cycles. Business cycles also exercise influence upon dividend Policy. Dividend policy
is adjusted according to the business oscillations. During the boom, prudent management creates
food reserves for contingencies which follow the inflationary period. Higher rates of dividend
can be used as a tool for marketing the securities in an otherwise depressed market. The financial
solvency can be proved and maintained by the companies in dull years if the adequate reserves
have been built up.
7. Government Policies. The earnings capacity of the enterprise is widely affected by the change
in fiscal, industrial, labour, control and other government policies. Sometimes government
restricts the distribution of dividend beyond a certain percentage in a particular industry or in all
spheres of business activity as was done in emergency. The dividend policy has to be modified
or formulated accordingly
io in those enterprises.
8. Taxation Policy. High taxation reduces the earnings of he companies and consequently the rate
of dividend is lowered down. Sometimes government levies dividend-tax of distribution of
dividend beyond a certain limit. It also affects the capital formation. N India, dividends beyond
10 % of paid-up capital are subject to dividend tax at 7.5 %.
9. Legal Requirements. In deciding on the dividend, the directors take the legal requirements too
into consideration. In order to protect the interests of creditors an outsiders, the companies Act
1956 prescribes certain guidelines in respect of the distribution and payment of dividend.
Moreover, a company is required to provide for depreciation on its fixed and tangible assets
before declaring dividend on shares. It proposes that Dividend should not be distributed out of
capita, in any case. Likewise, contractual obligation should also be fulfilled, for example,
10. Past dividend Rates. While formulating the Dividend Policy, the directors must keep in mind
the dividend paid in past years. The current rate should be around the average past rat. If it has
been abnormally increased the shares will be subjected to speculation. In a new concern, the
company should consider the dividend policy of the rival organisation.
11. Ability to Borrow. Well established and large firms have better access to the capital market
than the new Companies and may borrow funds from the external sources if there arises any
need. Such Companies may have a better dividend pay-out ratio. Whereas smaller firms have to
depend on their internal sources and therefore they will have to built up good reserves by
reducing the dividend pay out ratio for meeting any obligation requiring heavy funds. - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
12. Policy of Control. Policy of control is another determining factor is so far as dividends are
concerned. If the directors want to have control on company, they would not like to add new
shareholders and therefore, declare a dividend at low rate. Because by adding new shareholders
they fear dilution of control and diversion of policies and programmes of the existing
management. So they prefer to meet the needs through retained earing. If the directors do not
bother about the control of affairs they will follow a liberal dividend policy. Thus control is an
influencing factor in framing the dividend policy.
13. Repayments of Loan. A company having loan indebtedness are vowed to a high rate of
retention earnings, unless one other arrangements are made for the redemption of debt on
maturity. It will naturally lower down the rate of dividend. Sometimes, the lenders (mostly
institutional lenders) put restrictions on the dividend distribution still such time their loan is
outstanding. Formal loan contracts generally provide a certain standard of liquidity and solvency
to be maintained. Management is bound to hour such restrictions and to limit the rate of dividend
14. Time for Payment of Dividend. When should the dividend be paid is another consideration.
Payment of dividend means outflow of cash. It is, therefore, desirable to distribute dividend at a
time when is least needed by the company because there are peak times as well as lean periods of
expenditure. Wise management should plan the payment of dividend in such a manner that there
is no cash outflow at a time when the undertaking is already in need of urgent finances.
15. Regularity and stability in Dividend Payment. Dividends should be paid regularly because
each investor is interested in the regular payment of dividend. The management should, inspite
of regular payment of dividend, consider that the rate of dividend should be all the most constant.
For this purpose sometimes companies maintain dividend equalization Fund.
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Special issues in financial management
Financial modeling is the task of building an abstract representation (a model) of a real
world financial situation. This is a mathematical model designed to represent (a simplified
version of) the performance of a financial asset or portfolio of a business, project, or any other
investment. Financial modeling is a general term that means different things to different users;
the reference usually relates either to accounting and corporate finance applications, or
to quantitative finance applications. While there has been some debate in the industry as to the
nature of financial modeling—whether it is a tradecraft, such as welding, or a science—the task
of financial modeling has been gaining acceptance and rigor over the years. Typically, financial
modeling is understood to mean an exercise in either asset pricing or corporate finance, of a
quantitative nature. In other words, financial modeling is about translating a set of hypotheses
about the behavior of markets or agents into numerical predictions; for example, a firm's
decisions about investments (the firm will invest 20% of assets), or investment returns (returns
on "stock A" will, on average, be 10% higher than the market's returns).
Industrial sickness is defined in India as "an industrial company (being a company registered
for not less than five years) which has, at the end of any financial year, accumulated losses equal
to, or exceeding, its entire net worth and has also suffered cash losses in such financial year and
the financial year immediately preceding such financial year
Causes of industrial sickness
• Unfavorable external environment the firm may be affected by one or more of the
following external factors over which it may hardly have any control
• Shortage of key inputs like power and basic raw materials
• Changes in governmental policies with respect to excise duties, customs duties, export
duties, reservation etc.
• Emergence of large capacity leading to intense competition
• Development of new technology
• Sudden decline in orders from the government
• Shift in consumer preferences
• Natural calamities
• Adverse international developments
• Reduced lending by financial institutions
Managerial deficiencies- Management can be deficient in many ways. They can be classified
function-wise. These, shortcomings , singly or in combination, can induce sickness:
Improper location
Wrong technology
Uneconomic plant size
Unsuitable plant and machinery
Inadequate emphasis on research and development
Weak production and quality control - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Inaccurate demand projection
Improper product-mix
Wrong product positioning
Irrational price structure
Inadequate sales promotion
High distribution costs
Poor customer service
Financial management of sick units
An industrial unit may be regarded as sick if (i) it faces financial embarassment (arising out of its
inability to honour its obligations as and when they mature), and (ii) its vaiability is seriously
threatened by adverse factors.
Causes of sickness: a firm remains healthy if it (i) operates in a reasonably favourable
environment, and (ii) has a fairly efficient management. When these conditions are not satisfied,
the firm is likely to become sick. Hence sickness may be cause by – unfavourable external
environment and
Wrong capital structure
Bad investment decisions
Weak budgetary control
Absence of responsibility accounting
Inadequate management information system
Poor management of receivables
Bad cash planning and control
Strained relationship with suppliers of capital
Ineffective leadership
Bad labour relations
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Sickness does not occur overnight, but develops gradually over time. A firm which is
becoming sick shows symptoms which indicate that trouble lies ahead of it. Some of the
common symptoms are:
• Delay or default in payment to suppliers
• Irregularity in the bank account
• Delay or default in payment to banks and financial institutions
• Non-submission of information to banks and financial institutions
• Frequent requests to banks and financial institutions for additional credit
• Decline in capacity utilisation
• Poor maintenance of plant and machinery
• Low turnover of assets
• Accumulation of inventories
• Inability to take trade discount
• Excessive turnover or personnel
• Extension of accounting period
Resort to ‘creative accounting’ which seeks to present a better financial picture than what it
really is decline in the price of equity shares and debentures
Prediction of sickness
While the different symptoms suggest that the unit is in difficulty and may become
potentially sick. it is not easy to reach a definitive conclusion about impending sickness on the
basis of these symptoms. considerable amount of empirical research done suggests that financial
ratios can be used fo predicting industrial sickness with greater reliability. this research, in
general involves two types of analysis: univariate analysis and multivariate analysis. univariate
analysis: in univariate analysis an attempt is made to predict sickness on the basis of single
financial ratios. univariate analysis examines financial ratios individually but does not assess the
joint predictive power of various combinations of ratios.
Multivariate analysis, on the other hand, seeks to predict industrial sickness using a
methodology that considers the combined influence of different financial ratios.. the multivariate
technique commonly used in predicting business failure or sickness is the techniqueof multiple
discriminate analysis. this is a statistical technique which helps in classifying an observation into
one of the several pre-specified groups or classes on the basis of certain characteristics of the
observation. it essentially involves estimating a function which discriminates best between the
groups the discriminant function is usually a linear one:
z = a1x1 + a2x2 + …….+ an x n where z = discriminant index
xi = independent variable (i = 1, , n)
ai = co-efficient of variable (i = 1, , n) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
of the working of a unit which could cover:
Market analysis:
– Market share behaviour over the past few years
– Growth rate of the total market
– Emergence of competition
– Comparative price and cost analysis
Order book position
Unique selling proposition, if any, employed by the firm
Consumer attitudes, preferences and needs
– Promotional strategies of the firm and its consumers
– Distribution channels used by the firm
– Distributor cost analyis - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
- Liquidity position
- Leverage analysis
- Turnover of assets
- Profitability
- Estimate of working capital needs
- Balance sheet and income statement projection
- Budgetary control and responsibility accounting
- Cost control and reduction
Human resources
Employee motivation, morale and commitment
• Leadership
• Manpower in relation to needs
• Supply of raw material
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remedial measures are less than the cost of such remedial measures.
REVIVAL PROGRAMME: The revival programme usually involves the following:
(i) settlement with creditors like rescheduling of principal and interest payment, waiver of
interest, conversion of debt into equity, payment of arrears in instalments.
(ii)provision of additional capital: the additional capital may have to be provided on concessional
terms, at least for the initial years, so that the financial burder on the unit is not high.
(iii) Divestment and disposal: divestment of unprofitable plants and operations and disposal of
slow moving and obsolete stock to strengthen liquidity and facilitate reallocation of resources for
enhancing the profitability of the unit.
(iv) Reformulation of Product-market strategy: Product mix strategy may have to be
reformulated to improve the prospects of profitable recovery.
(v) Modernisation of Plant and Machinery: to improve manufacturing efficiency, plant and
machinery may have to be modernised, renovated and repaired. This will result in attaining
certain cost standards and quality norms for competing effectively in the market.
(vi) Reduction in manpower: the leaner the organisation the greater is the chances of survival.
This may call for “golden handshake” offer by the firm to its employees to avoid redundant
manpower on its payroll.
(vii) Strict control over costs: review of all the discretionary expenses may be undertaken to
eliminate programmes and activities which are a drain on the finances of the firm
(viii) streamlining of operations: Value engineering, standardisation, simplification, cost-benefit
analysis, and other approaches should be exploited fully to improve the efficiency of the
(ix) Improvement in Managerial systems: The managerial systems in the unit must be
strengthened. In this exercise, greater attention may have to be paid to the following:
– Environmental monitoring
– Organisational structure
– Responsibility accounting
– Management information system
– Budgetary control - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
(x) Workers’ participation :During the revival phase, the dedication, commitment and support of
the workers is all the more indispensable and meaningful workers’ participation and
(xi) Change of management: A change in management may be necessary where the present
management is dishonest and/or incompetent
DEBT RESTRUCTURING: In the case of sick or potentially sick companies, debt
restructuring is done through a mix of reliefs and concessions. The common elements of such
debt restructuring schemes are:
– Interest rate relief – the contracted interest rate may be reduced if the borrower is
not in a position to achieve cash break even
– Deferment of past interest dues – arrears of interest upto the restructuring date are
deferred and a repayment spread over a period of time is worked out
– Waiver of penalties- penalties levied in the form of compound interest and
liquidated damages for non payment of dues on time are generally waived
– Reschedulement of loan repayment: reworked after assessing the future cash flow
Reduction in the Loan amount – lenders may even write off a portion of the
existing loan
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