A Boundary Cloud Method With A Cloud-By-Cloud Polynomial Basis
A Boundary Cloud Method With A Cloud-By-Cloud Polynomial Basis
A Boundary Cloud Method With A Cloud-By-Cloud Polynomial Basis
We have recently presented a boundary cloud method (BCM) [Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng 191 (2002) 2337], which combines
boundary integral formulations with scattered point interpolation techniques. A generalized least-squares approach, which requires
information about the outward normal to the boundary, is employed to construct interpolation functions. Since an outward normal is not well
defined for geometries with corners for 2D problems (or for corners and edges for 3D problems), points could not be placed at corners when
discretizing the surface of the object. In this paper, we introduce a new implementation of the BCM, which uses a varying base interpolating
polynomial to construct interpolation functions. The key idea is to define an appropriate polynomial basis which ensures linear completeness.
The polynomial basis can change from cloud to cloud depending on the definition of the cloud at each point. The new implementation can
handle points at corners and is much simpler and at least an order of magnitude faster compared to our original implementation. The original
implementation can be more accurate and can give higher order convergence rates, but is limited because it cannot handle points at corners.
Numerical results comparing the original and the new implementation are shown for several potential and electrostatic problems.
q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Boundary cloud method; Least-squares approach; Cloud by cloud; Polynomial basis; Meshless method
in 3D) in the moving least-squares approach to construct with the boundary integral formulations are summarized
interpolation functions. Recently, we have introduced a below.
boundary cloud method (BCM), which is also a combined
boundary-integral/scattered point approach for boundary 2.1. Potential problem
only analysis of partial differential equations. The BCM
employs a generalized least-squares approach to construct Consider an arbitrary domain V; as shown in Fig. 1, on
interpolation functions. The generalized least-squares which the potential equation along with the boundary
approach enables the use of Cartesian coordinates, which conditions is to be solved, i.e.
is attractive. However, since the approach requires infor-
72 u ¼ 0 in V ð1Þ
mation about the outward normal to the boundary, points
could not be placed at the corners (for 2D) or along the u¼g on Gg ð2Þ
edges and corners (for 3D) as the normal at these points is
not well-defined. ›u
q¼ ¼h on Gh ð3Þ
In this paper, we introduce a new implementation of ›n
BCM where points can be placed along corners and edges. where u is the unknown potential; Gg ; the portion of the
The basic idea is to use a varying polynomial basis to boundary where Dirichlet boundary conditions are speci-
eliminate the singularity encountered in the moving least- fied; Gh ; the portion of the boundary where Neumann
squares approach when all the points lie along a straight boundary conditions are specified; g and h, the prescribed
line. Specifically, when a weighting function is centered at a Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, respectively;
point, a cloud for that point is defined. If all the points in the q, the normal derivative of u; n is the outward normal vector.
cloud lie along a straight line (or in the same plane for 3D), A boundary integral equation for the potential problem is
the moment matrix becomes singular when a complete given by (see, e.g. Ref. [2] for details)
linear base interpolating polynomial is used, i.e. {1; x; y}: ( )
ð ›ln rðP; QÞ
However, if the basis is chosen carefully, then the ln rðP; QÞqðQÞ 2 ½uðQÞ 2 uðPÞ dSQ ¼ 0
singularity can be avoided. For example, instead of using dV ›nQ
{1; x; y}; the use of either {1; x} or {1; y} depending on the ð4Þ
definition of the cloud can ensure the linear completeness as
well as eliminate the problems encountered in the moving where lnðrÞ is the Green’s function for the 2D potential
least-squares approach. Compared to the generalized least- equation, P and Q are the source and field points,
squares approach, the use of a varying polynomial basis is respectively, rðP; QÞ is the distance between P and Q and
attractive for two reasons: first, since the varying basis nQ is the outward normal vector at a field point Q on
approach does not require information about the outward boundary dV:
normal, points can be placed at corners (and edges in 3D);
second, the varying basis approach is much simpler and 2.2. Electrostatics
faster to use to compute interpolation functions. However,
as demonstrated in the results section, the generalized least- Consider a two conductor system as shown in Fig. 2. V1
squares approach is more accurate and produces higher and V2 denote the geometry of conductors 1 and 2,
convergence rates compared to the varying basis approach. respectively, dV1 and dV2 denote the surface or boundary
The rest of the paper is outlined as follows: Section 2 of conductors 1 and 2, respectively, and V is the domain
summarizes the governing equations and the boundary exterior to V1 and V2 : A potential of g1 is applied on
integral formulations for potential and electrostatic pro- conductor 1 and a potential of g2 is applied on conductor 2.
The objective is to compute the surface charge density on
blems; Section 3 summarizes the generalized least-squares
approach and introduces the varying basis approach to
compute interpolation functions; Section 4 describes the
numerical implementation of the method; numerical results
for potential and electrostatic problems are shown in Section
5; conclusions are given in Section 6.
72 f ¼ 0 in V ð5Þ ¼ ½0 b
nxÞ b
nyÞ m¼3 ð13Þ
uðx; yÞ ¼ ~ I ðx; yÞ^uI þ
M N~ I ðx; yÞ^qI ð18Þ
shown in Fig. 3, the cloud of point 1 is singular and the
I¼1 I¼1
cloud for point 2 is nonsingular as the points do not lie along
a straight line. In this paper, we use a linear polynomial
NP basis. The base interpolating polynomial is given by
qðx; yÞ ¼ S~ I ðx; yÞ^uI þ T~ I ðx; yÞ^qI ð19Þ
I¼1 I¼1
pTv ðx; yÞ
where M ~ I ðx; yÞ; N~ I ðx; yÞ; S~ I ðx; yÞ and T~ I ðx; yÞ are the (
½1 x y m ¼ 3 ðbasis for nonsingular cloudÞ
interpolation functions and are given by ¼
½ 1 x or ½ 1 y m ¼ 2 ðbasis for singular cloudÞ
t pðxI ; yI ÞwI ðxt ; yt Þ
~ I ðx; yÞ ¼ pT ðx; yÞC21
M ð20Þ ð25Þ
›pT ðx; yÞ 21 X
S~ I ðx; yÞ ¼ Ct pðxI ; yI ÞwI ðxt ; yt Þ ð22Þ Jt ¼ wi ðxt ; yt Þ½pTv ðxi ; yi Þbt 2 u^ i 2 ð26Þ
where Remarks.
2 3 2 3
pTv ðx1 ; y1 Þ u^ 1 1. A fixed least-squares approach [18] is used to illustrate the
6 7 6 7
6 pT ðx ; y Þ 7 6 u^ 7 construction of interpolation functions by a varying basis
6 v 2 2 7 6 2 7
6 7 6 7
Pv ¼ 6 7; u^ ¼ 6 . 7; approach. A moving least-squares approach can also be
6 .. 7 6 . 7
6 . 7 6 . 7 used to define interpolation functions. The interpolation
4 5 4 5
functions constructed by either the fixed least-squares
pv ðxNP ; yNP Þ
u^ NP approach or by the moving least-squares approach are
2 3 ð32Þ
identical. However, the derivatives of the interpolation
w1 ðxt ; yt Þ 0 0 0
6 7 function can be different. Since the derivatives of the
6 w2 ðxt ; yt Þ 0 7
6 0 0 7 interpolation function are not required for the work
6 7
W¼6 7 presented in the paper, both moving least-squares and
6 . . 7
6 0 0 . 0 7 fixed least-squares approaches produce identical results.
4 5
2. Both the Hermite-type approach and the varying basis
0 0 0 wNP ðxt ; yt Þ
approach avoid singular moment matrices when all the
points in the cloud lie along a straight line. Unlike the
As shown in Ref. [1], when a cloud is singular, the moment
Hermite-type approach, the varying basis approach over-
matrix C0t becomes singular if the full polynomial basis
comes the difficulty by appropriately redefining the basis
½1 x y is used. In such cases, the appropriate base
for the singular clouds.
interpolating polynomial can be determined from the
3. Both the Hermite-type and the varying basis interpola-
information of points contained in the cloud. For example,
tions functions are meshless interpolation functions. No
if all the points in the singular cloud are defined by a line
connectivity information among the scattered points is
y ¼ constant; then pTv ¼ ½1 x can be used. If the singular
required to compute the interpolation functions.
cloud is defined by a line x ¼ constant; then pTv ¼ ½1 y can
4. Both the Hermite-type and the varying basis interpolants
be used. In the general case of a cloud defined by y ¼
are consistent, i.e. any linear combination of the basis
ax þ b; either pTv ¼ ½1 x or pTv ¼ ½1 y can be used.
polynomial can be interpolated exactly. The varying basis
Substituting the definition of bt from Eq. (29) into Eq.
interpolants are consistent even when the basis is reduced.
(24), the approximation for the unknown can be rewritten as
For example, assigning to each u^ i the values of basis
uðx; yÞ ¼ pTv ðx; yÞbt ¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 A0t u^ ð33Þ functions gives
u^ ¼ Pv ð40Þ
In short form,
Substituting Eq. (40) to Eq. (33)
uðx; yÞ ¼ Nðx; yÞu^ ð34Þ
uðx; yÞ ¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 A0t u^ ¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 PTv WPv
where Nðx; yÞ is 1 £ NP interpolation vector given by
¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 C0t ¼ pTv ðx; yÞ ð41Þ
Nðx; yÞ ¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 A0t ð35Þ
Without losing generality, assume a singular cloud is
Nðx; yÞ is again multi-valued and the interpolation function represented by a reduced basis pTv ¼ ½1 x when all the
can be limited to a single value by computing the points in the cloud lie along a straight line defined by
interpolations at the point where the weighting function is y ¼ kx: Assuming the unknown u takes the form u ¼
centered. Eq. (35) can be rewritten in a matrix form as, a þ bx þ cy (a, b and c are constants), for the points in the
u ¼ Nu^ ð36Þ singular cloud, u is given by u ¼ a þ ðb þ kcÞx: Since any
linear combination of pTv ðx; yÞ ¼ ½1 x can be interpolated
where N is an NP £ NP interpolation matrix. At any point exactly, the unknown u is interpolated exactly by the
ðx; yÞ; the unknowns are evaluated by reduced basis ½1 x:
5. The varying basis least-squares technique is a much
uðx; yÞ ¼ NI ðx; yÞ^uI ð37Þ simpler approach compared to the Hermite-type
I¼1 approach. The varying basis approach is a much faster
technique to compute interpolation functions compared to
the Hermite-type approach. For a typical potential
NI ðx; yÞ ¼ pTv ðx; yÞC0t 21 pv ðxI ; yI ÞwI ðxt ; yt Þ ð38Þ problem with 512 nodes, the solution of the new
implementation is about 10 times faster than the original
The normal derivative of u can be interpolated by using the Hermite-type approach.
same interpolation function, i.e. 6. In a Hermite-type approach, the outward normal to the
NP boundary is required to compute interpolation func-
qðx; yÞ ¼ NI ðx; yÞ^qI ð39Þ tions. Hence, points could not be placed at corners (or
I¼1 edges in 3D) where the normal to the boundary is not
62 G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71
Q coincide or very close to each other, respectively. Regular The results are compared with the results of BCM with
Gauss quadrature becomes inaccurate in these cases. Special Hermite-type interpolations. Unless otherwise mentioned
treatment is employed to compute the various integrals. we use the 2D cubic spline weighting function as given in
Given a source point P, cells are classified into three Eq. (17). The convergence of the method is measured by
categories: (1) for cells which are far away from the source using a global error measure
point, a regular Gauss quadrature is used to compute the vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
integral, (2) for cells which are nearby to the source point, 1 u 1 X NP
e ¼ ðeÞ t ½uðeÞ 2 uIðcÞ 2 ð55Þ
the weights of the nodes are computed more accurately by lu lmax NP I¼1 I
using the Nyström [21] and the SVD [22] techniques, and
(3) for a cell which includes the source point, the integral is where e is the error in the solution and the superscripts (e)
computed analytically. Extensive details on computing and (c) denote, respectively, the exact and the computed
these integral can be found in Ref. [1]. solutions.
In this section we present results for several problems Consider the solution of the potential equation on various
using the BCM with varying base interpolating polynomial. domains as shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 4(a) is a 1 £ 1 square
Fig. 4. (a) 1 £ 1 square domain on which the potential equation is solved, (b) a circular domain, and (c) an elliptical domain.
64 G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71
domain where Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions the boundary of the domain is described by
are specified along the four edges of the boundary. Four
examples with different boundary conditions are presented. x ¼ a·cosðuÞ; y ¼ b·sinðuÞ ð56Þ
For a uniform distribution of nodes with a linear basis, the
where a ¼ 1:0 and b ¼ 0:5: A Neumann problem is solved
cloud sizes are chosen to be rx ¼ ry ¼ 1:17Ds; where Ds is
over the elliptical domain. The cell structure and the cloud
the spacing between the points. A uniform cell structure is size are identical to those used for the circular domain.
used. Fig. 4(b) is a circular domain with a radius of 1.0. A The first example is a Dirichlet problem on the square
Dirichlet problem is solved over the circular domain. Nodes domain with a linear exact solution for u and a constant
are uniformly distributed along the boundary of the domain. exact solution for q. Dirichlet boundary conditions are
A uniform cell structure with two Gauss points per cell is specified along the four edges of the boundary. The
considered. The cloud sizes are chosen to be rx ¼ ry ¼ 1:17 boundary conditions are
Ds where Ds is the perimeter of the circle divided by the
number of points. Fig. 4(c) is an elliptical domain and u¼xþy for x ¼ 0; y ¼ 0; x ¼ 1; y ¼ 1 ð57Þ
Fig. 5. (a) Comparison of the computed and exact solution, (b) convergence of q with varying basis BCM. Note that no points are put at the corners. The
boundary is defined between 0 and 1 and no points are put at either 0 or 1. Even though points can be put at the corners with the new implementation, no points
were put at the corners in order to compare the solution with the original implementation.
G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71 65
Fig. 6. Comparison of convergence of BCM with varying basis interpolation and Hermite-type interpolation for a Dirichlet problem with quadratic exact
solution for u.
Fig. 7. Comparison of convergence of BCM with varying basis interpolation and Hermite-type interpolation for a Neumann problem with cubic exact solution
for u.
66 G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71
Fig. 8. Convergence of BCM with varying basis interpolation and a random point distribution for a Dirichlet problem with quadratic exact solution for u.
Fig. 9. Comparison of results of BCM with varying basis interpolation and exact solution for a Dirichlet problem with quadratic exact solution for u.
G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71 67
The exact solution for q is given by Note that the normal derivative of u is discontinuous at
( points ð0; 1Þ and ð1; 0Þ: At these two points, q jumps from
›u 21 for y ¼ 0; x ¼ 0
q¼ ¼ ð58Þ 2 1 to 1. For this example, Gaussian quadrature is used for
›n 1 for x ¼ 1; y ¼ 1 all the cells. However, the weights of the Gauss points are
Fig. 12. A two plate conductor system. Also shown is the discretization of the geometry into points.
computed such that the integration of lnðP; QÞ; x·lnðP; QÞ interpolation functions give a better performance by
and y·lnðP; QÞ are exact. Thus, in this case, the numerical including the normal derivative of the basis into the
error comes only from the interpolation. We obtain the exact interpolation. The convergence rate of the BCM with
solution by using the Hermite-type interpolations. However, Hermite-type interpolation is 1.41.
interpolation error arises near the two corners where q is The third example is a Neumann problem on the square
discontinuous when the varying basis least-squares interp- domain with a cubic exact solution for u. The specified
olation is used. Comparison of the numerical results and the boundary conditions are
exact solution is shown in Fig. 5(a). When the point 8
distribution is refined (8, 16, 32, 64 points per edge and 2 >
> 23y2 for x ¼ 0
points per cell), the numerical error is reduced. As shown in >
< 23x2
›u for y ¼ 0
Fig. 5(b), the convergence rate is 0.5. This example clearly ¼ ð61Þ
›n >
> 2
3y þ 6y 2 3 for x ¼ 1
shows one advantage of the Hermite-type interpolation, i.e. >
: 2
the capability to capture the discontinuity in the normal 3x þ 6x 2 3 for y ¼ 1
derivative of the solution around the corner.
The second example is a Dirichlet problem on the square u ¼ 2x3 2 y3 þ 3x2 y þ 3xy2 for x ¼ 0:97; y ¼ 0 ð62Þ
domain with a quadratic solution for u. Dirichlet boundary
conditions are specified along the four edges of the The exact solution for u is given by
boundary. The boundary conditions are u ¼ 2x3 2 y3 þ 3x2 y þ 3xy2
u ¼ x2 2 y2 for x ¼ 0; y ¼ 0; x ¼ 1; y ¼ 1 ð59Þ
for x ¼ 0; y ¼ 0; x ¼ 1; y ¼ 1
The exact solution for q is given by The convergence rate of the BCM with varying basis and the
8 BCM with Hermite-type interpolations is shown in Fig. 7
> 0 for y ¼ 0; x ¼ 0
›u < employing a uniform distribution of 8, 16, 32 and 64 points
q¼ ¼ 2 for x ¼ 1 ð60Þ per edge and 4 points per cell. The accurate integration
›n >
: distance is set to be 0.3. The convergence rate of the BCM
22 for y ¼ 1
with varying basis is found to be 2.09. The convergence rate
The exact solution of u is quadratic which is outside the is found to be 2.06 with the Hermite-type interpolation.
linear base interpolating polynomial. This problem is Note that for this example the potential, u, and its normal
solved by the varying basis BCM with a uniform derivative, q, are continuous along the boundary.
distribution of 8, 16, 32 and 64 points per edge and 2 The fourth example is identical to the second example
points per cell to study the convergence behavior. The except that the nodes are distributed randomly on the
accurate integration distance, defined in Ref. [1], is set to boundary. An accurate integration distance of 0.3 is used for
be 0.5. A comparison of convergence of the BCM with this example. The convergence plot with a random point
varying basis and the BCM with Hermite-type interp- distribution of 8, 16, 32 and 64 nodes per edge is shown in
olation is shown in Fig. 6. The normal derivative of the Fig. 8. The exact solution and the numerical solution
potential is not continuous at the points ð1; 0Þ; ð0; 1Þ and obtained with a random distribution of 64 nodes per edge are
ð1; 1Þ: This discontinuity is not captured by the varying compared in Fig. 9. The cloud size in this case is rx ¼ ry ¼
basis BCM. The convergence rate of the varying basis 1:67Ds; where Ds is the average spacing between the points.
BCM is found to be 0.43. In comparison, the Hermite The convergence rate is found to be 1.35.
G. Li, N.R. Aluru / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (2003) 57–71 69
Fig. 13. Surface charge density distribution on the conductors obtained by the varying basis BCM.
The next example is a Dirichlet potential problem on the The accurate integration distance for the circular domain is
circular domain shown in Fig. 4(b). For the Dirichlet set to be 0.8. The convergence of the BCM is shown in Fig. 10.
problem, the boundary conditions are The convergence rate is found to be 3.61 for the Hermite-type
interpolation and 1.85 for varying basis interpolation. The
u ¼ r·cosðuÞ ¼ x on all the boundary ð64Þ
varying basis interpolation shows a lower convergence rate
The exact solution for q is compared to the regular Hermite-type interpolation.
The next example is a Neumann potential problem on the
¼ cosðuÞ on all the boundary ð65Þ elliptical domain shown in Fig. 4(c). The boundary
Fig. 15. A two conductor system with a complex geometry for the ground plane. Also shown is the point distribution.
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