Position, Rotation, and SC Ale-Invariant Recognition OF 2-Dimensional Objects Using A Gradient Coding Scheme
Position, Rotation, and SC Ale-Invariant Recognition OF 2-Dimensional Objects Using A Gradient Coding Scheme
Position, Rotation, and SC Ale-Invariant Recognition OF 2-Dimensional Objects Using A Gradient Coding Scheme
The 2D representation and recognition of objects, The problem of 2D shape recognition is one of the
based on external space-domain descriptors, is addressed most familiar and fundamental problems in pattern recogni-
in this paper. A new shape signature is proposed for 2D tion. Comprehensive surveys of algorithms for description
shape recognition, namely the gradient-perimeter plot. The and analysis of 2D shapes have been reported in [4,5]. Ac-
recognition method is , position-, rotation-, and scale- cording to these surveys, 2D shape descriptors can be di-
invariance. For the matching process a cost function, based vided into four classes, two of which are based on the ex-
on mean square error (MSE), is minimized. It is also shown ternal (boundary) properties of the shape (external scalar-
that, as the basis of an alternative method, the angle- transform descriptors and external space-domain descrip-
perimeter plot can be used to provide a feature set for 2D tors). Boundary is the basis of these two 2D shape analysis
shapes. This method can be applied to polygonal shapes, techniques, since it has been shown that the information
or shapes for which polygonal approximations are content of a shape is concentrated along the boundary
available. Both methods were successfully applied to a set contours, and furthermore, at points (on those contours) at
of standard shapes. which the direction changes most rapidly [6].
One of the 2D representation and recognition tech-
1. Introduction niques under study for integration in the proposed vision
system, is based on the boundaries of shapes (an external
The flexibility of robotic workcells can be significantly space-domai n descriptor). Boundary representation
increased through the integration of visual sensors for 3D schemes generally express the curvature in some manner
object recognition; thus, reducing the need for customized as a function of linear or angular variation along a blob's
and often complex tooling by implementing flexible au- periphery. These functions can be referred to as signatures
tomation rather than hard automation. The research pro- of planar shapes. In general, a signature is a function that
gram currently undetway at the University of Toronto fo- can be associated with any continuous planar curve, and its
cuses on developing an efficient and flexible 3D object- definition combines local variations in the curve's tangent
recognition method for vision-based robotic assembly. The with the global layout of the length on the plane.
main incentives in pursuing this research are the lack of
generalized computer vision theories applicable to robotic Various 2D shape signatures (with different names)
vision, and the inefficiency and inflexibility of existing 3D have been proposed and used for pattern analysis in the
object-recognition methods for industrial environments. machi ne-vision literature, such as: " K-curvature" [7],
Volumetric methods based on the exact specification "incremental curvature" (based on a line-segment scan
of an object, and multi-view feature representation based method) [a], "angle versus length signature" [9], "polar cod-
either on the characteristic views of an object or on the dis- ing of an object" [IO]. "plane curve signature" [ll], "the cur-
crete view-sphere representation have been developed vature K(s) of a contour [12], "normal contour distance
[1,2]. However, these techniques are complex and compu- (NCD) signature" (131, and, "slope density function" [14]. In
tationally expensive due to their need for a 3D matching this paper, a new boundary based 2D shape descriptor
process. The new 3D object-recognition technique under (signature) is defined (under the constraints of position-,
development is based on a pre-marking scheme, through rotation-, and scale-invariance) and applied to a set of
which the matching process is performed in 2 0 space [3]. standard 2D shapes. The boundary is traced and chain-
coded using the Freeman chain code [15].
In the proposed 3 0 object-recognition technique, an
object is modeled using only a small number of 2D distinct 2. Gradient-Perimeter Function
perspective views. The number of views depends partly on
the degree of symmetry of the object. These are referred to A number of preprocessing steps must be carried out
as standard-views, each with a corresponding standard- before the boundary of an object silhouette can be chain-
view-axis. For successful recognition, the input image of an coded. These include the thresholding of a "good" con-
object must be one of its standard perspective views. Thus, trasted image, followed by its edge detection using, for
a mobile camera is used, such that the camera's optical example, the Sobel operator. The starting point of the edge
axis can be aligned with one of the standard-view-axes of is recorded and the edge chain coded. The gradient map
the object in order to acquire a standard-view. The used for chain coding is shown in Figure 1. Since the
matching process is, then, performed between the acquired Freeman gradient map can cause a sudden jump from 0 up
2D standard-view of the object under consideration and the to 7, or 7 down to 0, when the gradient is plotted against the
library of 2D standard-views of a set of objects. Based on distance along the contour, forming a gradient-perimeter
the proposed method, then, any 2D representation and its plot, a modified code is used. The next vector code, Ci+l, in
corresponding recognition technique that is used, must be the modified chain code is defined as,
Dosition-. rotation-, and scale-invariance.
CH2691-4/89-0000.306 $1.00 0 1989 IEEE
Ci+,=Ci - (Ui - U&, + 8K) for i > 0
- 'proj
C i = 8 - 7 +8n.
Figure 1. The gradient map. 4
Using this modified gradient coding scheme, if the The value of n (..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...) is chosen such that the
boundary of the object silhouette is traced from left to right
and top to bottom, a convex boundary would have a non- absolute value of (Ei-Ci) would be less than 4. It should be
increasing gradient-perimeter function. A polygonal noted that, in general, Ci does not have an integer value.
approximation of a boundary with none of its angles greater
than 180 degrees is defined as convex boundary, whereas With an edge tracing algorithm, the modified edge-
a boundary with any of its angles greater than 180 degrees gradient-coding method, and the above gradient-code-
is defined as a (partially) concave boundary. smoothing process, the function of the edge gradient versus
Since only 8 discrete directions can be obtained from the distance along the contour, namely the gradient-
the boundary of the original object silhouette, the resolution perimeter function, can be plotted. The distance is defined
of the direction vector may be seen to be too low for a good in terms of the number of links and link lengths, (either 1 or
estimate of the slope at a point on the boundary of the square root of 2), in the Freeman chain code, and
object silhouette To increase the resolution, one can measured from the starting point of the chain to the point of
increase the number of direction vectors in the map of interest.
Figure 1, but this requires the examination of more than the In particular, provided that the edge of the object's
nearest 8 grid neighbors of the current point on the silhouette is traced from left to right, and from top to bottom,
boundary. Moreover, the complexity of the algorithm would the gradient-perimeter plot of a circle is a straight line with a
increase greatly if more neighboring pixels were examined. constant negative slope. That for r-sided convex polygon is
In order to retain low complexity and improve the res- a descending stare case having r+l horizontal segments
olution, an averaging process, which uses a set of P separated by sudden descending jumps. If the boundary
adjacent elements of the contour chain, is proposed . tracing starts from one of the vertices, there are only r
Based on the experiments carried out on a set of standard horizontal segments.
2D shapes, P was selected to be 15. The averaging Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the gradient-perimeter
procedure for the gradient vectors is important, since it plots of a rectangle and a triangle, respectively. In these
eliminates the discrete jumps in the values of the gradient figures, it can be seen that the plots have 4 and 3
vectors and provides a better estimation of the true descending jumps corresponding to 4 and 3 straight edges
gradient. The criterion for choosing the value of P was of these two shapes, respectively.
derived from the view that: "P should not be too large, so
that important shape information such as corners would be 3. Matching of Gradient-Perimeter Functions
smoothed out; however, it should also not be too small, so
that it causes poor estimation of the gradient ". The.gradient-perimeter function described in section 2
The proposed averaging process is as follows: Let Ci is an effective descriptor for shape recognition. A matching
be the gradient code, (direction code of which there are 8 ) , process based on the gradient-perimeter function is as
follows: Given the gradient-perimeter functions of an
of the current link, and, Cr and Cy represent the lengths of unknown shape and a reference shape , the first step in the
its projection on the x- and y-axes respectively, then, scale-invariant recognition process would be to normalize
the two perimeter lengths, such that, they have the same
invariant aspect of the algorithm. If a shape is rotated, and
the gradient-perimeter function starts at the same point on
the contour, there is a d.c. bias between the original shape
and the rotated shape gradient-perimeter functions. Thus,
the d.c. bias removal is important in the rotation-invariant
recognition process.
[ f(P) - g(p+q)I2
Tq = E
f(p) - g(p+q)l ,-~
where q is the amount of shift along the perimeter. Note I I I I I I
that, both f(p) and g(p+q) are periodic functions with a 0 100 200 300 400 500
period N, due to being the gradient-perimeter functions of
closed contours. The first term (MSE) of the cost function Figure 4. The relative cost function (MSE term) for two
can be considered as the total error power, and the second similar rectangles.
term as the total d.c. power, which accounts for the rotation-
Let cinand coutbe the average directions of the in-
coming and outgoing chain vectors, respectively, at the
current point i on the perimeter. The direction -din is a
function of {Ci-K, Ci-K+1, ..., Ci-l}, and cout
is a function of
{Ci+l, Ci+2, ..., C~+K).
The parameter K specifies the start and
the end points of the averaging window for the incoming
and outgoing vectors. Based on the results of experiments
carried out on a set of standard 2D shapes, K was selected
to be 9. Applying the method described in section 2, the
average incoming and outgoing angles, (@in,eout), can be
estimated, where the angle at the current point i can then
be defined as,
Refaence Test Maximum Ratlo of 6. Conclusions
Min. MSE U)
object object MSE MSE Max MSE In this paper, a new signature is proposed for 2D
cam cam 0.0065 0.3704 0.0175 shape recognition, namely the gradient-perimeter plot. The
Circle circle 0.0012 0.0168 0.0731 method is developed under the constraint of being position-
ellipse2 ellipse2 0.0061 0.7983 o.mi6 , rotation-, and scale-invariance. For the matching process
ellipse.4 ellipse.4 0.0142 1.8787 0.0075 a cost function which has the property of rotation-invariance
ellips.8 ellipse.8 0.0088 2.7095 0.0032 is defined. The second term of the proposed cost function
ellipse.20 ellipsea 0.0184 3.2851 0.0056 accounts for the rotation-invariant aspect of the method.
WlYP PolY8On 0.0064 5.0938 0.0013 The scale-invariance of the method is achieved by
rectansle rectangle 0.0022 1.2735 0.0017 normalizing the length of the shape's perimeter length.
triangle triangle 0.0238 1.6463 0.0145
cam circle 0.1070 0.1 140 0.9387 The method has been applied to a set of standard 2D
cam rectangle 0.2002 0.7680 0.2607 shapes. The experimental results were consistent and sat-
cam triangle 0.4738 0.7821 0.6058 isfactory.
Circle ellipse.2 0.1806 0.2077 0.8694 Four sources of error have been identified. The
ehpse.2 eUise.4 0.0784 1.2423 0.0631 effectiveness of the method presented above can be
eUipse.4 eUipse.8 0.0167 2.3260 0.0072 increased, if errors or their effects can reduced.
ellipse.8 circle 0.8756 0.9619 0.9102 As the basis of an alternative method, the angle-
ellip9e.8 ellipse.20 0.0036 3.0309 0.0012 perimeter plot can also be used to provide a feature set for
DOlygOn ellipse.4 1.6471 3.7464 0.43% 2D shapes. This method can be applied to polygonal
shapes or shapes for which polygonal approximations are
available. The accuracy of the measured features is highly
crucial in the recognition process, in general, and the
above-mentioned error sources have to be addressed in
Table 1. Results of matching algorithm.
this second method as well.
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