Karndean Commercial Floor Installation Guide 070810
Karndean Commercial Floor Installation Guide 070810
Karndean Commercial Floor Installation Guide 070810
Acclimatisation of Material Flooring Grade Plywood Floors High Temperature Adhesive (HT)
Before Installation Apply full coat of Karndean Skim coat A modified acrylic adhesive with an
Remove material from packaging, spread to smooth joints and fixings in plywood. improved service temperature. For use in
out and allow to condition in the room Alternatively apply primer and lay minimum areas subject to excessive heat and direct
where the installation is to take place at a 3mm coat of fibre reinforced smoothing sunlight e.g. conservatories, shop windows,
constant temperature of 18°-26°C for a period compound. (Any plywood floors with patio doors, external panelled doors and
of 24 hours prior to installation. A constant thickness less than 6mm treat as chipboard). under floor heating. Dry fit floor in sections.
temperature should be maintained during Remove dry flooring including cuts.
installation, and for a 24 hour period after Laminate Apply High Temperature adhesive with
installation (Tiles and planks must be Existing laminate floor coverings must be an A2 trowel in smooth consistent
stored flat). uplifted and removed together with any sweeps. DO NOT leave puddles or streaks.
underlay and laminate flooring accessories. Place flooring into wet adhesive. Apply hand
Sub-floors The sub-floor should be treated as per the roller over newly bonded floor. Wipe any
Products must only be laid on sub-floors sub floor exposed. excess adhesive off flooring immediately
where the moisture level does not exceed with a clean damp cloth.
75%RH when tested with a hygrometer in Other Floors
accordance with BS8203-4; 2001 (Installation Metal Floors We always recommend that you work section
of resilient floor coverings). Where readings Consult your supplier. by section, as product must be laid in wet
above 75%RH are recorded it would be adhesive. When using this adhesive the open
necessary to install a surface DPM (damp Painted Floors time is approximately 15 minutes, depending
proof membrane), this applies to both new Mechanically remove all paint back to on atmospheric conditions.
and old floors. original base prime and apply a compatible
smoothing compound to a minimum of 3mm. Special Note About Conservatories
Concrete/Sand Cement Screeds (New) In areas that may be subject to extremely
For new concrete floors below 75%RH, Cork excessive direct heat 50°C or above
i.e. dry. Clean the floor to remove Uplift and remove adhesive residue. The (e.g. fully glazed south facing conservatories)
contamination (laitance, paint, plaster, etc.) floor should be treated as per the subfloor the floor must be installed with epoxy
prime the floor and then apply a compatible exposed. adhesive. It is particularly necessary to
smoothing compound to a minimum of keep the temperature in conservatories
3mm. For readings above 75%RH consult your Miscellaneous Floors at a constant 18°-26° prior to, during, and
supplier for information relating to surface Including magnecite, granwood, anhydrite – for 24 hours after installation. It would also
DPM requirements. consult your supplier. be advisable to shade windows to ensure
that constant temperature conditions are
Power Floated Concrete Existing Floor Coverings maintained for 48 hours after installation.
If readings with the hygrometer are below (Linoleum, PVC, Thermoplastic)
75%RH the power floated floors require Remove existing floor covering and all traces Acrylic
abrasion prior to the application of a primer of adhesive residues. The subfloor should be Ideal for use in most normal residential
and compatible smoothing compound treated as per the subfloor exposed. and commercial installations. We always
to a minimum of 3mm. (Abrasion can be recommend that you work section by
either scarification or light shot blasting). Underfloor Heating (all types) section, as product must be wet bonded
For readings above 75%RH the surface will It is possible to install Karndean over floors when installed with this adhesive (the open
still require abrasion before applying a incorporating underfloor heating, but time is approximately 15 minutes,
surface DPM. these must be insulated to ensure surface depending on atmospheric conditions)
temperature does not exceed 27°C (80°F).
Quarry Tile/Mosaic/Terrazzo/Ceramics The underfloor heating must be switched Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PS)
Test floor for evidence of damp. If after off 48 hours before, during, and 48 hours Ideal for use in most residential and
testing, dampness is apparent consult your following the installation, then gradually commercial installations. Best used as
supplier. Check floor area for unstable, increase to working temperature. semi-dry/tack. Once adhesive has reached
loose or broken tiles. Remove loose pieces Karndean Temperature (HT) or epoxy the semi-dry tack condition you will have
and fill deep holes with rapid drying mortar. adhesive must be used. approximately 2 hours working time. Use A2
Degrease, rinse and abrade the surface trowel for all installations
of the floor. Apply primer and compatible Electrical Underfloor Heating
smoothing compound to a minimum of (extra information) IMPORTANT
3mm. A second topcoat of primer and Consult under floor heating manufacturer We must insist that all Karndean Flooring
smoothing compound may be required and make sure the system is compatible products are laid using only our own
to nullify sinking of smoothing compound with Karndean Flooring. Mesh/ Wire systems adhesive, available in various sizes for your
over old tile grout lines. must be bedded into a base coat of convenience. An A2 trowel must be used
reinforced fibre smoothing compound to to apply all Karndean adhesive.
Asphalt cover the wires or mesh. Then a second coat
Asphalt should be de-greased and the of primer and reinforced fibre smoothing Installation
surface rinsed with clear water. The surface compound needs to be applied as a finish Ensure that tiles and planks are laid into the
should then be primed and a compatible coat. This is applicable for both concrete adhesive within the prescribed open time
smoothing compound applied to a and timber constructions sub floors. For indicated on the adhesive container.
minimum of 4mm. underfloor heating pipes set into concrete,
the surface must be primed before applying ALL products should be rolled after installation
Timber Floors a compatible smoothing compound to a using a 68kg roller in larger areas, or a small
Standard Floorboards/Tongue and Groove minimum of 3mm. hand roller in smaller areas.
Floorboards should be well secured, loose
boards firmly fastened worn/broken boards Consult Karndean for further instructions. With the exception of products installed
replaced. Lay a minimum 6mm flooring with pressure sensitive (PS) adhesive, which
grade plywood, fixes at maximum 150mm Adhesives can receive traffic immediately following
centers. Then apply a full coat of Karndean Epoxy Resin installation, ensure that all tiles and planks
skim coat over the plywood. Epoxy resin is a two-part mix. Both components are free from general traffic for 24 hours after
should be mixed together with a drill and installation (or protect from direct contact
Undulating or Flexible Timber Floors paddle to a smooth consistency and the for that period, i.e. board over).
Alternatively for undulating timber floors contents poured out within 5 minutes of
apply a primer over the plywood and a mixing time. If left within the container the Please note that the following products are
minimum 3mm coat of fibre reinforced resin will harden inside 15 minutes; on the directional: MLC01, MLC07, MLC08, MX92,
smoothing compound. floor you have up to 1 hour working time. MX93, MX95, MX97, MX98. T101 and T102 will
require to be tessellated to ensure a uniform
All Chipboard/MDF/Weyrock Recommended for areas subject to moisture in fitting is achieved.
Overlay with a 6mm flooring grade plywood and high temperature. Any areas under
fixed at maximum 150mm centers and apply question consult your supplier.
full coat of Karndean skim coat. July 2010
Wood Mosaic Panel, Woodblock, Installer must wear eye protection and
Wood Strip gloves when using this product.
Remove any of these products if laid direct
to earth/bitumen/pitch, these should not be
overlaid with an impervious vinyl. If laid onto
a wood floor check to ensure all flooring is
securely fitted then treat as timber floors.