DRUG Tramadol

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Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Indications: Contraindications : Adverse reactions :
Classification: moderate to Before :
tramadol Pharmacologic: opioid moderately severe pain > patients CNS: anxiety, asthenia, -- Assess pain before
agonist hypersensitive to the CNS stimulation, starting therapy
Trade Name: Therapeutic: analgesic -- Monitor CV and
Ultram Patient's indication: drug and its ingredients confusion, coordination
Pregnancy Category: C pain management for disturbance, dizziness, respiratory status
intrajugular insertion > patients with acute euphoria -- Closely monitor patient
Content: Mechanisms of @ risk for seizures
centrally-acting intoxication from CV: vasodilation -- Be alert for adverse
action: alcohol, hypnotics EENT: visual
synthetic analgesic reactions
Chemical: Unknown > at risk for seizures or GI: abdominal During :
Patient's Dose: Therapeutic: relieves
50mg BID PO respiratory depression, discomfort, -- Give drug before the
pain patients with increased constipation, diarrhea, onset of pain
Absorption: Rapid and ICP or head injury, renal nausea -- If RR is below 12 cpm,
Maximum Dose: almost complete withhold drug
120 mg PO x 7 days or hepatic impairment
Distribution: 20% bound -- Anticipate need for
to plasma CHON laxative therapy
Minimum Dose: > not recommended in -- Do not confuse with
Metabolism: extensively BF women
10 – 20 mg PO daily in Excretion: 30% in urine
3 doses as unchanged drug, After :
and 60% as metabolites -- Be alert for adverse
reaction and side effects
Capsules and Tablets: -- Instruct to take only as
10, 20, 100, 120 mg prescribed
-- Tell patient to exercise
caution when waking and
 Springhouse getting up
Nurse's Drug -- Warn from driving
Guide for -- Instruct to notify p-
Nurses 2008 prescriber when taking
OTC drugs
 Davis' Drug -- Reassess pain scale
Guide for
Nurses 2008

 Nursing Drug
Handbook 2008

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