Grade 12 Vocabulary and Set Book Unit7+8+9

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Some of the key takeaways from the passage are about traditional games played by boys and girls in Kuwait in the past and the role of Bayt Louthan as a community center and platform for artists.

Some of the traditional games mentioned are Khabsa, Dawama and Ambar.

Bayt Louthan usually hosts a café, arts exhibitions and acts as a community center.

Unit ( 7 ) Long Lives : ‫ لحياة أطول‬- ‫الوحدة السابعة‬

New vocabulary
Words to remember ( Student's book ):
admiration respect and warm approval ‫ تقدير‬/ ‫ احترام‬/ ‫اعجاب‬

affection a gentle feeling of fondness or liking ‫المحبة‬

ailment an illness, typically a minor one ‫ اعياء‬/ ‫مرض‬

bestow confer or present an honour, right, or ‫ يهدي‬/ ‫ يهب‬/ ‫يمنح‬

blizzard a severe snow storm with high wind ‫العاصفة الثلجية‬
and low visibility
cardiovascular relating to the heart and blood vessels ‫القلب و الشرايين‬

centenarian a person who is one hundred or more ‫معمر ( شخص يعيش‬

years old ) ‫فوق المئة‬
commentary the expression of opinions or explanations ‫تعليق‬
about an event or situation
conceal to keep from sight, to hide ‫ يخبىء‬/ ‫يخفي‬

cycle to ride a bicycle ‫يقود دراجة‬

deserve to do something or show qualities ‫يستحق‬

worthy of ( reward or punishment )
dispute a disagreement, argument, or debate ‫ خالف‬/ ‫نزاع‬

do away with to get rid of ‫يتخلص من‬

do up to fasten, tie ‫ يربط‬/ ‫يثبت‬

do without to not have something and manage in ‫يستغني عن‬

due expected at, or planned for at a certain ‫ الزم‬/ ‫ واجب‬/ ‫مستحق‬
elderly old or aging person ‫ مسن‬/ ‫كبير بالعمر‬

excuse a reason or explanation ‫ سبب‬/ ‫عذر‬

expectation a strong belief that something will ‫توقع‬
fatal causing death ‫ قاتل‬/ ‫مميت‬

frequently on many occasions with little time ‫باستمرار‬

geriatric relating to old people, esp. with regard / ‫ كبار السن‬/ ‫العجزة‬
to their health care ‫مأوى العجزة‬
honour v. to treat someone with special respect / ‫ يحترم‬/ ‫ يقدر‬/ ‫يكرم‬
in spite of regardless of ‫بالرغم من‬

integral essential or fundamental ‫ اساسي‬/ ‫ الزم‬/ ‫ضروري‬

life the average period that a person may ‫معدل العمر‬

expectancy live
make up to invent ( a story ) ) ‫يؤلف ( قصة‬

make up for to take the place of something lost or ‫يعوض‬

onerous involving an amount of effort and ‫ صعب‬/ ‫شاق‬
reverence deep respect for some one ‫تقديس‬

supple bending and moving easily, flexible ‫مرن‬

vicinity the area near or surrounding a place ) ‫محيط ( الجيران‬

vigorous strong, healthy and full of energy ‫ عفي‬/ ‫قوي‬

Key- words ( Workbook ):

chronic something that continues for a long ‫مزمن‬

deprived of dispossess of, rob of ‫محروم من‬

drowsy tired and almost asleep ‫نعسان‬

genetic make- chemical structure that defines ‫التكوين الوراثي‬

up individuality
restful peaceful and quiet, making you feel ‫مريح‬
shallow not deep ‫ نوم‬/ ‫ رقيق‬/ ‫ضحل‬

Unit (8 )
Town and Country : ‫ بين المدينة و الريف‬- ‫الوحدة الثامنة‬
New vocabulary
Words to remember ( Student's book ):
advantageous a condition that puts one in a ‫ مهم‬/ ‫مميز‬
favourable or superior position
almond the tree that produces flat pale nut with ‫شجرة اللوز‬
brown skin that tastes sweet
astounded shocked or greatly surprised ‫ منذهل‬/ ‫مندهش‬

bump into to meet by chance ‫ يقابل بالصدفة‬/ ‫يصادف‬

densely closely compacted in substance ‫ بشكل مكثف‬/ ‫بكثافة‬

depopulation the number of people reducing in an ‫ هجرة‬/ ‫قلة السكان‬

area ‫السكان‬
deserted abandoned, neglected ‫ مهمل‬/ ‫ معزول‬/ ‫مهجور‬

disturbance the interruption of a settled and ‫ازعاج‬

peaceful condition
embarrassed feeling or showing shame ‫ يشعر باالحراج‬/ ‫محرج‬

export the selling out of goods to other ‫ يبيع للخارج‬/ ‫يصدر‬

far and wide over a large area ‫على نطاق واسع‬

glamour an attractive and exciting quality ‫ لمعان‬/ ‫بريق‬

graduated divided into different levels ‫ مقسم‬/ ‫متدرج‬

hub centre of activity ) ‫مركز ( تجاري أو مالي‬

hustle and activity, liveliness ‫ نشاط‬/ ‫ حيوية‬/ ‫صخب‬

infrastructure the basic structures needed for ‫البنية التحتية‬
leafy having or characterized by mush foliage ‫ خضراء‬/ ‫وارفة الظالل‬
because of an abundance of trees or bushes

make it your change something in your possession so that ‫ اضف اليه‬/ ‫اعتبره لك‬
own you reflect your personality and character ‫لمساتك‬
metropolis densely populated city ‫ مدينة‬/ ‫مدينة رئيسية‬
‫ حاضرة‬/ ‫مزدحمة‬
narrate give a spoken or written account of ‫ يقص‬/ ) ‫يروي ( حكاية‬
) ‫( قصة‬
odds and ends bits and pieces ‫ قطع‬/ ‫اغراض صغيرة‬
overcrowding the process of filling an area ‫ مكتظ بالناس‬/ ‫مزدحم‬

palatial spacious and splendid as a palace ‫ فسيح‬/ ‫ واسع‬/ ‫فخم‬

picturesque visually attractive ‫ طبيعة‬/ ‫مناظر خالبة‬

pluck up the make an effort to do something that ‫ يمتلك‬/ ‫يستجمع قواه‬
courage frightens one ‫الشجاعة‬
public services a service that is run for the benefit of all ‫خدمات عامة‬

residents' parking space reserved especially for ‫مواقف خاصة‬

parking residents of a particular area
reverse to make something the opposite ‫ يقلب‬/ ‫يعكس‬

rural relating to the countryside ‫ بعيد عن المدينة‬/ ‫ريفي‬

socioeconomi concerned with the interaction of social ‫ اقتصادي‬-‫اجتماعي‬

c and economic factors
tranquil calm, free from disturbance ‫ وادع‬/ ‫هادىء‬

unemployment the state of being jobless ‫البطالة ( عدم توفر فرص‬

) ‫العمل‬
vacant having no furniture, inhabitants, empty ‫ فارغ‬/ ‫ خالي‬/ ‫شاغر‬

vice versa with the main items in the preceding ‫العكس صحيح‬
statement the other way around

Key- words ( Workbook ):

contentment the state of being happy and satisfied ‫ اكتفاء‬/ ‫رضا‬

crown jewel the best or most valuable thing that a ‫ اغلى شىء‬/ i‫جوهرة التاج‬
person or place has
demarcation the point at which one area of work ends ‫ ترسيم‬/ ‫الحد الفاصل‬
and another one begins ‫الحدود‬
skyline the shape made by hills or buildings ‫حدود االفق‬
against the sky
vertical village the same amount of people occupying a ‫سكان بناية برجية ( بما‬
village but in one tall building ) ‫يعادل عدد سكان قرية‬

Unit ( 9 )
New Ways and Old : ‫ بين الماضي و الحاضر‬- ‫الوحدة التاسعة‬
New vocabulary
Words to remember ( Student's book ):
appoint to choose someone for a job ) ‫يعين ( شخصا ً في منصب‬

below par something which is inferior ‫ شىء وضيع‬/ ‫تحت المستوى‬

bill a written proposal for a new law ‫وثيقة‬

biography an account of someone's life ‫السيرة الذاتية‬

call the shots to make the important decision ‫ الكل بالكل‬/ ‫صاحب القرار‬

competent having the necessary ability ‫ متمكن‬/ ‫ متقن‬/ ‫مبدع‬

cookery the skill of cooking food ‫فن الطبخ‬

customarily usually, habitually ‫بشكل اعتيادي‬

custom-made made to particular customer's order ‫ على‬/ ‫مفصل حسب الطلب‬

degree a course of study at a university or a ‫شهادة دراسية‬
doctorate a university degree ‫شهادة دكتوراه‬

fix to repair something that is broken ‫يصلح‬

immobile motionless ‫ مستقر‬/ ‫ غير متحرك‬/ ‫ثابت‬

mail order the selling of goods to customers by mail ‫طلبية بالبريد‬

mass-produced produced in large quantity by an automated ‫انتاج بكميات كبيرة‬ / ً ‫منتج أليا‬
mechanical process
master's degree a university degree you get two years ‫شهادة ماجستير‬
after your first study
minister a politician who is in charge of a ‫وزير‬
government or a department
neck and neck evenly matched ‫ بنفس‬/ ‫ ند‬/ ‫راس براس‬
parliament the group of elected people who issue ‫ مجلس االمة‬/ ‫برلمان‬
portfolio the work that a particular government ‫ حقيبة وزارية‬/ ‫محفظة‬
official is responsible for
put to to ask someone a question, especially about ‫يتعرض الى‬
something important
resign to announce that you have decided to ‫يستقيل‬
leave your job
snooker a game played with cues on a billiard table ‫لعبة السنوكر‬

substandard below the usual standard ‫غير مستوفي للشروط‬

toe the line to accept the authority of a group ‫ يطيع‬/ ‫يقوم بالمطلوب‬
ungentlemanly dishonorable ‫ بطريقة‬/ ‫بشكل غير الئق‬
unique being the only one of its kind ‫ نادر‬/ ‫فريد‬

unusual not habitually or commonly occurring ‫غريب الشكل‬

whereas in contrast or comparison with the fact ‫بينما‬

workshop a room or building where goods are made ‫ورشة عمل‬

Key- words ( Workbook ):

contemporary belonging to the present ‫معاصر‬

craftsman someone who is very skilled / ‫ صنايعي‬/ ‫صاحب صنعة‬

in parallel occurring at the same time ‫ جنبا ً الى جنب‬/ ‫بمحاذاة‬

platform a raised level surface on which people stand ‫ قاعدة‬/ ‫أرضية‬

pottery clay shaped and baked to make pots ‫صناعة الفخار‬

promote support or actively encourage ‫ يعرض‬/ ‫يعلن عن‬

seamlessly smooth and without seams or obvious ‫ بانسياب‬/ ‫بسالسة‬


socialize to mix socially with others ‫ يجتمع ب‬/ ‫يلتقي ب‬

Grade 12 - Unit ( 7 ) - Set-book Questions:
1- Many daily activities may lead to a long life. Mention two
a. Vigorous stretching in the morning
b. running for a kilometer

2- One of the best ways of ensuring a long life is by staying active, both physically and mentally. Give
a. Do some sport activities
b. Tax your brain by reading a book or doing a crossword puzzle.

3- We don’t see geriatric homes in Kuwait. What, do you think , the reason is?
Because we have a close-net relations between family members and we respect the elderly.

4- How can we show gratitude and respect to the elderly?

a. Being there to talk to them
b. Looking after them and showing respect
c. Treating them with compassion

5- Mention two harmful habits that may prevent us from enjoying a long life.
a. Smoking
b. Having shallow sleep hours
c. Staying awake until late hours at night.

6- The amount of sleep we need depends on several factors, such as…………

a. our age
b. our daily routine
c. the quality of our sleep
d. our genetic make-up

7- If you feel drowsy during the school time, this means that……………………
a. You need more sleeping time at night
b. You need more hours of deep sleep

8- Why is it important that we get enough sleep?

It's important to sleep well in order to be able to work the next day and enough sleep enables your
body cells to work normally.

9- Kuwaitis are now living longer than before. What do you suggest the reasons are?
a. Better health care
b. Better work atmosphere
c. Better life conditions

10- What are the teachings of Islam regarding respect for the elderly?
We should show them compassion and full respect, especially our parents

11- What are the consequences of showing respect to our elderly parents?
One day you will receive the same respect and affection that they do.
B ) Mark with ( √ ) or ( X ) and justify your answers:
1- Most centenarians live long because they lead a lazy and quiet life. ( X )
They usually lead an active life
2- Kuwait has got no geriatric houses because we have close-net families. (√ )
It's even a part of our religion to respect the elderly.

3- If I take care of my old parents, my children will care for me in the future.( √)
You'll receive the same respect and affection that they do
4- Standing when someone enters a room is an effortless way to show respect. ( √ )
It's a part of our culture

5- If you feel drowsy during the day, you need more exercise. ( X )
………You need more sleep at night…………………………………………

6- There's no relation between good sleep and good memory. ( X )

Enough sleep will refresh your memory

7- Shallow sleepers usually wake up refreshed. ( X )

Deep sleepers usually wake up refreshed

Unit ( 8 )
Set-book Questions:
A ) Answer the following questions:
1- Many of the people who used to live in the village now live in the city. Why do you think they moved?
a. to get a better job
b. to get access to better public services

2- Mention two of the advantages of living in the city.

a. Better employment chances
b. Getting access to modern services and infrastructure

3- Mention two of the advantages of living in the countryside.

a. Calm and quiet
b. Pleasant picturesque

4- Where do you like to live, in the city or in the country? Justify

a. In the city
b. To get a better employment chance

5- What advantages and disadvantages are there to living in a city?

a. Advantages: better job vacancies, better infrastructure
b. Disadvantages: noisy, polluted , overcrowded

6- What advantages and disadvantages are there to living in a small village?

a. Advantages: peaceful, pleasant picturesque, leafy
b. Disadvantages: less employment chances, far away from services

7- Mention some effects of rural depopulation

a. Farms are left vacant
b. Agriculture is damaged
c. More socioeconomic problems

8- Why do you think some people try to talk to or take photos with celebs?
To keep it for memories

9- What , in your opinion, are important things for choosing a suitable place to live in?
a. Advantageous location
b. Palatial
c. Calm, quiet, tranquil

10- Where does the name of the Silk City come from?
It comes from the old silk road which traversed Kuwait.
11- What is the ultimate aim of establishing the Silk City in Subbiya?
To establish Kuwait's status as a commercial hub of the world.

B ) tick the following statements with ( √ ) or ( X ) and justify your answers:

1- The Silk City or Madinat Al-Hareer will completely be a commercial city.(X)

It will include a commercial, financial, residential and leisure areas

2- The crown jewel of the Silk City will be the Burj Mubarak Al-Kabir. ( √ )
It will house about seven vertical villages.

3- "Advantageous location'' means that your house is far away from services. ( X )
It means being near to all services

4- Many people in Europe nowadays leave the country because it has become polluted. ( X )
They return to the countryside to enjoy the attractive scenery.

5- Unemployment is one of the reasons that drive young people to leave the countryside. ( √ )
Side by side to other issues such as bad infrastructure, weather change and social problems.

Set-books Unit ( 9 )
A ) Answer the following questions:
1- People used to spend their free time in doing many things in the past. Give two examples
a. meeting in café
b. playing traditional games

2- What can people nowadays do to spend their pastime? Give two examples
a. Play computer games
b. Use the internet to meet and chat

3- What is a biography? How is a biography different from an autobiography?

a. A biography is a record of someone's life incidents

b. A biography is usually written by the person himself, but an autobiography is usually written by
someone else.

4- What details may a biography of a person include?

a. Personal details
b. Career
c. physical description
d. achievements

5- Mention what made Dr. Massouma Al-Mubarak famous.

She was the first female minister in the history of Kuwait.

6- What does the name " Bayt Louthan " mean?

It means the shelter for ships

7- What activities does Bayt Louthan usually host?

a. A café
b. Arts exhibition
c. community center
8- In the past, boys and girls played many traditional games such as…………
a. Khabsa
b. Dawama
c. Ambar

9- In the past, boys and girls utilized items from their everyday life in their games such as…………..
a. rocks
b. beads
c. shells

B ) Tick with ( √ ) or ( X ) and justify your answers:

1- Massouma Al-Mubarak is the first female Kuwaiti member of the parliament. ( X )
The first female minister
2- Women in Kuwait were first given the right to vote in 2007. ( X )
In 2005

3- Bayt Louthan holds exhibitions for painters. ( √ )

It provides a platform for artists and craftsmen to exhibit their designs.

4- Bayt Louthan was originally a shelter for ships. ( √ )

It was a place where ships can take a refuge from storms.

5- Meeting in café s is a newly introduced habit in Kuwait. ( X )

Traditional habit

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