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1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

20 or so 20 ‫تق ا‬ phrase 20 roughly

a matter of
‫ مان‬،‫فرض‬ phrase supposition
‫اطﻼعات و‬/‫ پول‬،‫برای مک‬ ‫درخواست از ک‬
a solicitation of phrase /səˌlɪsɪˈteɪʃən/ an invitation of
‫غ ه‬
‫برای‬ ‫ا م ا ( دون تصم‬ ‫رها کردن )ک‬
abandon v [T] /əˈbændən/ give up, desert; leave without planning to come back; quit
abnormal, deviating from what is normal or typical or from
aberrant ‫ غ طب‬-‫غ معمول‬ adj /əˈberənt/
an established rule; abnormal or deviant
quit, to stop an activity because it would be difficult or
abort ‫متوقف کردن ه فعال ت‬ v[T] /əˈbɔːrt/
dangerous to continue it
1)sudden and unexpected; or 2) seeming rude and
abrupt ‫غ دوستانه و گستاخانه‬-‫ غ متتظره‬- ‫اتفا‬ adj /əˈbrʌpt/
appeal: learn: take into; take in a liquid, gas or other
absorb ‫جذب کردن آب ا مواد د گر ا اطﻼعات‬ adj /əbˈzɔːb $ -ɔːrb/
substance from the surface or space around
Not concrete and realistic;not obviously related to every-
abstract ‫ان ا‬ adj /ˈæbstrækt/
day experience
absurd ‫مسخره‬-‫مﻀﺤک‬ adj /əb-ɜːrd/ ridiculous, completely stupid or unreasonable
abundance ‫وفور‬- ‫فراوا‬ n /əˈbʌndəns/ great number: large amount, host of
abundant ‫زاد‬-‫فراوان‬ adj /əˈbʌndənt/ affluent: ample: numerous :plentiful: substantial, copious
accelerate ‫عت خش دن‬ v [T, I] /əkˈseləreɪt/ speed up/get faster
access ‫دس‬- ‫اجازه دس‬ n /ˈækses/ reach
accessible ‫قا ل دس س‬ adj /əkˈsesəbəl/ easy to approach; obtainable
accidental ‫غ منتظره‬ adj /ˌæksəˈdentl/ unexpected
acclaimed ‫شده‬ ‫تﺤس‬ adj /əˈkleɪmd-/ praised- publicly praised by a lot of people-
provide for: achieve- if a room, building etc can ~ a
accommodate ‫جا دادن‬ v /əˈkleɪmd-/ particular a number of people or thing, it has enough space
for them
skilled-very skilful because you had a lot of experience of
accomplished ‫س ار ماهر‬ adj /əˈkʌmplɪʃt/
doing something
description- a written or spoken description that says what
account ‫ا شفا‬ ‫توضیح دادن کت‬ n [C] /əˈkaʊnt/
happens in an event or process
account for ‫ شک ل دادن‬-‫توضیح دادن‬ phrasal verb explain-to form a particular amount or part of something

collect: pile up: build up- to gradually more and more

accumulate ‫ دا ش و غ ه‬،‫پول‬ ‫ااش‬ v /əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt/
money, possessions, knowledge etc over a period of time
accurate ‫ﺻﺤیح‬-‫دقیق‬ adj /ˈakjʊrət/ correct- correct and true in every detail
1) recognize(if people~ something, they recognize how
acknowledge ‫ اع اف کردن‬،‫ اذعان کردن‬،‫شخ ص دادن‬ v /əkˈnɒlɪdʒ/ good or important it is)-2) to admit or accept that
something is true
1) in fact used to emphasize the real or exact truth of a
situation 2) (spoken) used to add new information to what
actually ‫در واقع‬ adv /ˈaktʃʊəli/
you have just said, to give your opinion, or to start a new
added ‫ه اضافه ی‬ adj /ˈædɪd/ extra- in addition to what is usual or expected
very skilled; having a natural ability to do something that
adept ‫ز ردست‬-‫ماهر‬ adj /əˈdɛpt/
needs skill (at doing sth)
enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a
adequately ‫ه اندازه ا‬ adv /ˈadɪkwətli-/
particular purpose or need
adherent ‫هواخواه‬-‫طرفدار‬ n //ədˈhɪrənt/ supporter
adjacency ‫نزد‬-‫مجاورت‬ noun [ C or U ] nearing
nearby: neighboring;a room, building, piece of land etc
adjacent ‫کنار‬ adj /əˈdʒeɪs(ə)nt/
that is ~ to something is next to it
modify, to change something slightly, especially to make it
adjust ‫وقف دادن‬-‫تنظ م کردن‬ v /əˈdʒʌst/
more correct, effective, or suitable
administer ‫مدی ت کردن‬ v /ədˈmɪnɪstə/ manage
to respect somebody for what they are or for what they
admire ‫تﺤس کردن‬ v /ədˈmaɪəˈmaɪr/
have done

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

‫اجازه داخل‬-‫اع اف کردن‬-‫قبول کردن‬- ‫ذیرف‬ to agree unwillingly that something is true, confess; to let
admit v /ədˈmɪt/
‫شدن دادن‬ in; to allow someone to enter
(low, rule) to formally approve a proposal, amendment
adopt ‫تص ب کردن‬ V /ˈdɑːpt/
etc, especially by voting; enact
improvement, a change, discovery, or invention that brings
advance ‫توسعه‬-‫پ فت‬ n [c] /ədˈvæns/
advent ‫پ دا ش‬-‫ظهور‬ n /ædvent/ arrival: beginning
matter, an event or set of related events, especially one
affair ‫ ار‬-‫امر‬ n /əˈfer/
that is impressive or shocking
provide, to provide something or allow something to
afford -‫فراهم کردن‬-‫ته ه کردن‬-‫از عده بر امدن‬ v[T], (formal) /əˈf ɔːrd/
1) to make someone angry or annoyed; irritate, annoy:2)
‫ وضعی دی ا‬-‫ اذ ت کردن‬- ‫خشمگ کردن‬
aggravate v[T] /ˈæɡrəveɪt/ increase, to make a bad situation, an illness, or an injury
‫ب ماری ا جراح را دتر کردن‬
aggregate ‫مجم ع‬-‫جمع‬ n (formal)combined: overall
group, when different things are combined to make a
aggregation ‫توده‬-‫گروه‬ n /ˌægrɪˈgeɪʃən/
whole, or the whole that is produced
agile ‫چا ک‬-‫ز رک‬-‫اهوش‬ adj /ˈædʒəl/ astute: clever: moving and acting quickly: quick and active
air n /er/ feeling
alarm ‫هشدار‬-‫آز ر‬ n /əˈlɑːrm/ sound: warning
conjunction (formal)
albeit ‫ا رچه‬ even though: although
asserted: reported, supposed;an alleged crime, fact etc is
adjective [only before
alleged ‫گزارش شده‬-‫ادعا شده‬-‫ب ان شده‬ one that someone says has happened or is true, although
noun] formal /əˈledʒd/
it has not been proved
allocation ‫تخص ص‬ n /æləˈkeɪʃən/ distribution
allow ‫اجازه دادن‬ v /əˈlaʊ/ enable
(formal) phrasal verb
allude to ‫ذکر کردن‬- ‫اشاره ه‬ refer to, suggest, cite
/əˈlud tə, tʊ, ˌtu/
[transitive always
link to, to help and support other people or countries,
ally with ‫متﺤد کردن‬--‫ه‬ ‫پیوس‬ +adv/preposition]
especially in a war or disagreement
alter ‫کردن‬/‫تغی دادن‬ v [t, I] /ˈɒːltər/ make different; change; vary
amazing ‫شگفت انگ‬ adj /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ remarkable
ambiguous ‫دارای ب ش از ک مع‬-‫مبهم‬ adj /æmˈbɪɡjuəs/ more than one meaning: vague
ambitious ‫ لندهمت‬-‫جاه طلب‬ adj /æmˈbɪʃəs/ keen/energetic
uncertain, unsure, doubtful, mixed (having mixed feelings
ambivalent #NAME? adj /æmˈbɪvələnt/
), not sure whether you want or like something or not
ample ‫فراوان‬-‫انبوه‬ adj /ˈæmpəl/ spacious: plentiful;sufficient
verb (amplified,
1) magnify, to increase the effects or strength of
‫ توضیح‬-‫توسعه دادن‬-‫تق ت کردن‬ amplifying, amplifies)
amplify something 2) to explain something that you have said by
‫دادن‬ [transitive]formal
givingmation a more inforbout it
analogous to ‫ش ه ه‬ adj /əˈnæləɡəs/ similar to
ancestor ‫جد‬ n[c] /ˈænsestər/ forefather/progenitor
v, [intransitive,
anchor ‫مﺤ م س‬- ‫لنگر انداخ‬ hold (sth. especially a ship) in place- syn:moor
transitive] /ˈæŋkə/
ancient ‫قد‬-‫مهﻦ‬- ‫استا‬ adv /ˈeɪnʃ(ə)nt/ antique: old- belonging to a long time in old history
verb [transitive] completely remove: destroy, eradicate - to destroy
annihilate ‫نابود کردن‬
//əˈnaɪəleɪt/ something or someone completely
annually ‫ساﻻنه‬ adv /ˈænjʊəli/ yearly-once a year- ever year
irregularity- something that is noticeable because it is
anomaly ‫ناهنجاری‬ n /əˈnɑːməli/
different from what is usual
anonymous ‫ناشناس‬ adj /əˈnɑːnɪməs/ nameless/incognito- unknown by name
antagonist ‫رق ب‬-‫ح ف‬-‫مخالف‬ n /ænˈtæɡənɪst/ competitor- your opponent in competition, battle
anticipate ‫توقع داش‬-‫پ ش بی کردن‬ v /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ expect, foresee, predict, project, estimate

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

clean (adj)completely free from infection-(n) a medicine

antiseptic ‫ضدعفو کننده‬- ‫ا ه و تم‬ n, adj //ˌæntəˈseptɪk/ that you put onto a wound to stop it from becoming
noun (plural
antithesis ‫متناقﺾ‬ antitheses /-siːz/) [c], opposite-the complete opposite of something
formal /ænˈtɪθɪsɪs/
antler ‫شاخ گوزن‬ n /ˈæntlər/ horn-one of two horns of a male
worry, the state of feeling nervous or worried that
anxiety ‫نگرا‬-‫اضطراب‬ n /aŋˈzʌɪəti/
something bad is going to happen
apart from ‫ه غ از‬ preposition except for
equipment-the technical equipment or machinery needed
apparatus ‫تجه ات‬-‫لوازم‬-‫دست اه‬ n /ˌapəˈreɪtəs/
for a particular activity or purpose
apparent ‫مشخص‬-‫واضخ‬ adj /əˈpærənt/ obvious
apparentlyclearly: seemingly- used to say that you have
apparently ‫ظاهرا‬ adv /əˈparəntli/ heard that something is true, although you are not
completely sure about it
1) (n) attraction-being attractive-a quality that makes
people like something or someone.2) (n) an urgent request
appeal ‫تقاضا کردن‬-‫تقاضا‬-‫جذاب ت‬ verb [I], N [C] /əˈpēl/
for something important. 3) (v) to make a serious public
request for help, money, information etc
appealing ‫درخواست‬ adj /əˈpēliNG/ attractive, interesting
seem-come into sight; become visible or noticeable,
appear ‫ه نظر رس دن‬ v /əˈpir/
typically without visible agent or apparent cause
1) arrival/ rise, when something new begins to exist or
appearance ‫ظاهر‬-‫پ دا ش‬-‫ظهور‬ n /əˈpirəns/ starts being used 2)showing up-the way that someone or
something looks.
application ‫ار رد‬ n /ˌapləˈkāSH(ə)n/ use, the action of putting something into operation
appreciable ‫قا ل تﺤس‬ adj /əˈprēSH(ē)əb(ə)l/ noticeable-large or important enough to be noticed
1)move toward-come near or nearer to (someone or
approach ‫روش‬-‫نزد ک شدن‬ n, v /əˈprəʊtʃ/
something) in distance or time 2)method
roughly-used to show that something is almost, but not
approximately ‫تق ا‬ adv /əˈprɒksɪmətli/
completely, accurate or exact; roughly.
architect ‫معمار‬ noun [ C ] /ˈɑːr.kə.tekt/ a person who designs buildings/structure

architecture ‫معماری‬ n /ˈɑːrkətektʃər/ structure- the style and design of a building or bulidings
record: stock: store- a place where a large number of
archive ‫ا ا‬ n /ˈɑːr.kaɪv/
history records are stored
difficult-involving or requiring strenuous effort; difficult
arduous ‫دشوار‬ adj /ˈɑːdjʊəs/
and tiring
dry; barren- having little or no rain; too dry or barren to
arid ‫خشک‬ adj /arɪd/
support vegetation
arise ‫ ظاهر شدن‬-‫بوجود امدن‬ v /əˈrʌɪz/ come about: emerge
configuration-the action, process, or result of arranging or
arrangement ‫توافق‬ n /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/
being arrange
range-an impressive display or range of a particular type of
array ‫ارا ه‬ n /əˈreɪ/
article -‫قلم‬ noun [ C ] /ˈɑːr.t̬ɪ.kəl/ item: object
as a rule ‫ه طور‬ in general, as a general rule
assert ‫ــح کردن‬ v /əˈsəːt/ declare-state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
strong statement-a confident and forceful statement of
assertion ‫ادعا‬ n /əˈsɝː.ʃən/
fact or belief
asset ‫دارا‬ n /ˈasɛt/ advantage-a useful or valuable thing or person
combine-to become part of a group, country, society, etc.,
verb [ I or T ]
assimilate ‫همانند ساخ‬ or to make someone or something become part of a
group, country, society
assistance ‫مک‬ n /əˈsɪstəns/ help-the action of helping someone by sharing work

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

assorted ‫همه فﻦ ح ف‬ adv /əˈsɔːtɪd/ various- various sorts put together

believe: suppose: take on- 1. suppose to be the case,
assume ‫فرض کردن‬ v /əˈsjuːm/
without proof
premise-a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to
assumption ‫فرض‬ n /əˈsʌmpʃən/
happen, without proof
astonish ‫متعجب ساخ‬ v /əˈstɒnɪʃ/ surprise-surprise or impress (someone) greatly
astonishing ‫خارق العاده‬ adj /əˈstɑː.nɪ.ʃɪŋ/ amazing
astoundingly ‫ه طرز شگفت انگ ی‬ adv /əˈstaʊn.dɪŋ.li/ incredibly
astute ‫اهوش‬ adj /əˈstuːt/ clever
at random ‫ ه ﺻورت رندمم‬-‫دون ال و خاص‬ without a definite pattern
preference for, a feeling that you like or love someone or
attachment ‫تعلق خاطر‬- ‫وا ست‬- ‫دل ست‬ n //əˈtætʃmənt/
something and that you would be unhappy without them
verb [transitive]
attain ‫ه دست اوردن‬ achieve
formal /əˈteɪn/
1) achievement; success in achieving something or
n-formal- 1) [u] 2) [c]
attainment ‫دستاورد‬- ‫دس ا‬ reaching a particular level.2)something that you have
succeeded in achieving or learning, such as a skill
attest ‫دادن‬ ‫گوا‬ verb formal /əˈtest/ confirm, testify, to show or prove that something is true
n, phrasal verb
attribute ‫ س ت دادن‬- ‫و ژ‬- ‫خصوﺻ ت‬ 1)characteristic 2)credit with-accredit
attribution ‫ س ت‬-‫تخص ص‬ n [u] /ˌætrɪˈbjuːʃn/ character
verb [transitive] increase, to increase the "size or value" of something by
augment ‫افزا ش دادن سایز ا حجم چ ی‬
/ɑːɡˈment/ adding something to it
available ‫در دس س‬-‫موجود‬ adj /əˈveɪ.lə.bəl/ obtainable, attainable
n [countable]noun
avenue ‫روش‬ means, method, a possible way of achieving something
adj [only before noun]
avid ‫متما ل‬،‫ارزومند‬، ‫مشتاق‬ enthusiastic, extremely eager or interested
adj [not before noun]
aware of ‫آ اه از‬ familiar with
// əˈwer//
back up ‫حما ت کردن‬، ‫ش ی ان ته ه کردن‬ ‫ک‬ phrasal verb support
barely ‫ فقﻂ‬،‫تنها‬ adv //ˈberli// just, only with great difficulty or effort
n [countable]
barge ‫لنﺞ‬، ‫قایق‬ boat
n [countable]
barrier ‫حصار‬،‫سد‬، ‫مانع‬ impediment: obstacle
‫ ن د‬،‫ نزاع‬،‫ن د‬، ‫ست‬، ‫م ارزه‬ n [countable], v
battle struggle, combat, fight
‫جنگ کردن‬،‫کردن‬ //ˈbætl//
be accustomed to ‫ عادت داش‬،‫خو گرف ه‬ get used to
be closer resemblance
‫س ار ش ه ه چ ی بودن‬ be more like
be consistent with ‫سازار ا‬ be compatible with
be entitled to ‫ مستﺤق دا س‬،‫حق دادن‬ //ɪnˈtaɪtl// have the right
be inclined ‫تما ل داش‬ tend
be susceptible to (‫در معرض بودن ) ک ب ماری ا مش ل‬ be subject to
beckon ‫دعوت کردن‬ v //ˈbekən// invite
become extinct ‫منقرض شدن‬ die out
beforehand ‫ق ل از رو داد د گه ای ه وق ع پیوس‬ adv //bɪˈfɔːrhændf// foreordain, before something else happens or is done
being ‫ موجود‬،‫بودن‬ n creature
beneficial ‫سودمند‬ adj //ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl// advantageous
blossom ‫شکوفا کردن‬-‫شکوفه‬ n, v //ˈblɑ:səm// flourish: thrive
v, n [countable] //
boast ‫ م الغه‬،‫ه رخ کش دن‬ exaggerate: puff
bombard ‫م اران کردن‬ v // bɑːmˈbɑːrd// assault: strike: assail
boom ‫ توسعه‬،‫رونق‬ n //buːm// expansion

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

n [countable usually
boon ‫م ت‬ great benefit
singular] //buːn//
boost ‫ اﻻبردن‬، ‫جل ردن‬، ‫تر دادن‬ v //buːst// raise
boundary ‫ کرانه‬،‫مرز‬ n //ˈbaʊndəri// periphery
n [countable]
branch ‫ شاخه‬،‫ خش‬،‫شع ه‬ division
n [countable]
breakthrough ‫ انقﻼب‬،‫فت غ منتظره‬ ‫پ‬ revolution
breed ‫ دو اره ساخ‬،‫تول د کردن‬ v //briːd// reproducebreeding behavior: sitting on the eggs
brew ‫ ش‬، ‫ه عمل آوردن‬ v //bruː// develop
brilliant ‫درخشان‬ adj //ˈbrɪljənt// bright
brittle ‫شکننده‬ adj //ˈbrɪtl// breakable: fragile
broad appeal ‫مﺤب ت گس ده‬ wide popularity
broadly ‫ گس ده‬، ‫ه طور‬ adv //ˈbrɒːdli// generally: extensively
largest area: major part: great quantity: large part: large
bulk ‫قسمت عمده‬، ‫ صورت عمده‬، ‫پرحجم‬ n //bʌlk//
portion: majority
verb [intransitive]
burgeon ‫ وع برشدکردن‬، ‫درامدن‬ expand, to grow or develop quickly
formal //ˈbɜːrdʒən//
bustling ‫ زنده‬،‫شل غ‬ adj //ˈbʌsəlɪŋ// lively
by and large ‫ ﻼ‬،‫روی هم رفته‬ for the most part
‫ پنهان‬،‫ مخ کردن‬،‫ پوشش‬،‫اس تار‬
camouflage n, v //ˈkæməflɑːʒ// hide: blend with circumstances: decorate: disguise
adj [only before noun]
cardinal ‫ اسا‬، ‫اﺻ‬ fundamental, essential, vital, basic
//ˈkɑːrdənəl //

cargo ‫ اﻻى حمل شده ا ش‬، ‫ مﺤموله‬،‫ار‬ n //ˈkɑːrɡoʊ// shipment

catastrophic ‫ فاجعه آم‬،‫ مص ت ار‬،‫ د‬، ‫م‬ adj //ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk◂// badly harmful
celebrated ‫ معروف‬،‫مشهور‬ adj //ˈselɪbreɪtɪd// famous
central ‫اسا‬، ‫ اﺻ‬،‫مهم‬ adj //ˈsentrəl// essential, of the greatest importance
certain ‫ مشخص شده‬، ‫تعي شده‬ adj //ˈsɜːrtn// specified
‫ترو ــﺞ‬-‫ ش ی ا کردن از‬،‫دفاع کردن‬
champion v //ˈtʃæmpiən// promote
chancy ‫ پرمخاطره‬، ‫تصاد‬ adj //ˈtʃænsi// risky
channel ‫ فراهم کردن‬،‫هدا ت کردن‬ v //ˈtʃænl// direct: guide: provide
chaotic ‫ پره ج و م ج‬،‫نظم‬ adj //keɪˈɑːtɪk// disorganized
cherish ‫گرا داش‬ v //ˈtʃerɪʃ// value
chief ‫ مهم‬،‫ عمده‬،‫و‬ ‫ پ‬،‫رئ س‬ n [countable] //tʃiːf// major, principal, most important
chisel ‫ حک کردن‬،‫تراش دن‬ v //ˈtʃɪzəl// carve
choose ‫انتخاب کردن‬ v //tʃuːz// opt
chronic ‫ هم ش‬،‫ دی نه‬،‫مزمﻦ‬ adj //ˈkrɑ:nɪk// confirmed: inveterate: habitual: persistent
chronically ‫دائما‬ adv //ˈkrɑ:nɪkli// constantly, consistently
circuitous ‫غ مستق م‬ adj //sɜːrˈkjuːɪtəs// indirect
circumstance ‫ وضع ت‬، ‫ ا ﻂ مﺤ ﻂ‬،‫پ شامد‬ n //ˈsɜːrkəmstæns// condition: situation
cite ‫ نقل قول کردن‬،‫اس ناد کردن‬ v //saɪt// refer to: quote, mention
classic ‫ نو‬، ‫معمو‬ adjective //ˈklæsɪk// typical
clear ‫ واضح‬،‫آش ار‬ adjective //klɪə $ klɪr// visible: apparent, evident, explicit

cling to ‫نگه داش‬، ‫ الﺤاق شدن‬، ‫چس دن ه‬ verb //ˈkliŋ// attach to: hold
close ‫ا دقت‬ careful
clue ‫نخ‬ ، ‫اشاره‬ noun //kluː// hint
cluster ‫ گروه‬، ‫دسته‬ noun //ˈklʌstə $ -ər// group, bunch
noun //ˈkəʊtɪŋ $ ˈkoʊ-
coating ‫ جلد‬، ‫ رو ه‬، ‫پوشش‬ covering
verb //ˌkəʊənˈsaɪd $
coincide with ‫همزمان ا‬ be as the same time as: accord with

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

noun //kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns $
coincidence ‫ حوادث ا احتمال اﻻ‬، ‫اتفا‬ likely events
verb [intransitive
collaborate ‫ هم اری کردن‬، ‫هم اری‬ cooperate
collaboration ‫ اثر مش ک‬،‫هم اری‬ joint effect
collect ‫جمع آوری‬ verb //kəˈlekt// gather, stack up
verb [intransitive]
collide with ‫ اﺻا ت‬، ‫برخورد ا‬ run into: hit
adjective //kəˈlɒsəl $
colossal ‫ عظ م الجثه‬، ‫بزرگ‬ enormous
verb [transitive
commemorate ‫ بزرگداشت‬، ‫جشﻦ تﺤجل ل برگزار کردن‬ celebrate
adverb //ˈkɒmənli $
commonly ‫ معمو‬، ‫رایﺞ‬ 1)often 2)generally/normally
compact ‫ جمع و جور‬، ‫ ف ده‬، ‫مخت‬ concise compressed
ˈkɒmpækt $
equivalent, similar to something so that we can make a
comparable ‫ معادل‬، ‫قا ل مقا سه‬ //ˈkɒmpərəbəl $
comparative ‫ طور س‬، ‫مقا سه ای‬ relative
compatible ‫ تطابق‬، ‫سازار‬ consistent, suitable
compel ‫ مجبور کردن‬، ‫وادار کردن‬ verb( t //kəmˈpel// push
compelling ‫جذاب‬-‫قانع کننده‬ 1) convincing-forcing 2) interesting
‫ غرامت‬، ‫ خسارت دادن‬، ‫ ج ان كردن‬verb //ˈkɒmpənseɪt $
compensate make up
‫ تاوان دادن‬، ‫دادن‬ ˈkɑːm-//
‫ تعد ل‬، ‫ ارسنگ كردن‬، ‫ خن كردن‬verb //ˈkɒmpənseɪt $
compensate for 1)balance 2)reimburse
‫كردن‬ ˈkɑːm-//
complaint ‫ ش ا ت‬، ‫اع اض‬ noun //kəmˈpleɪnt// protest
verb [transitive]
complement ‫ ت م ل کردن‬، ‫م مل‬ //ˈkɒmpləment $ 1)add to 2)supplement
completely ‫ امﻼ‬، ‫ه طور امل‬ adverb //kəmˈpliːtli// totally

‫پر نقش و‬، ‫ مجموعه ا ارتمان‬،‫ش که‬ noun [countable], adj 1) system (n), a group of buildings, or a large building with
‫ پ چ ده‬، ‫ن ار‬ //ˈkɒmpleks $ ˈkɑːm-// many parts, used for a particular purpose, 2) elaborate (adj)
complicated ‫ غرنﺞ‬، ‫پ چ ده‬ 1)complex 2)made things more difficult
noun [ C ]
component ‫ اجزا‬، ‫جز‬ constituent
noun //ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃən $
composition ‫ مخلوط‬، ‫ترک ب‬ mixture
comprehensive ‫ قا ل فهم‬، ‫ جامع‬،‫امل‬ /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv◂ $ complete, understandable: thorough
comprise ‫ در بر داش‬، ‫شامل بودن‬ verb //kəmˈpraɪz// consist of: make up: form
compulsory ‫وری‬ ، ‫اج اری‬ required, mandatory
concede ‫ تصدیق کردن‬،‫قبول کردن‬ verb //kənˈsiːd// accept
conceiving ‫ درک‬، ‫ا مﻼحظه ی‬ adjective //kəˈnaɪvɪŋ// considering
noun //kənˈsɜːn $ -
concern interest, a matter of interest or importance to someone

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

concise ‫ مخت‬، ‫ساده‬ adjective //kənˈsaɪs// simple, brief, short

conclusive ‫ نها‬، ‫قط‬ final: ultimate
conducive ‫ اعث‬،‫ موجب‬،(‫منجر )شونده‬ contributive
noun [countable,
configuration ‫ فرم‬،‫ آرا ش‬، ‫پ ک ندی‬ arrangement: form
/kənˌfɪɡəˈreɪʃən, -ɡjə-
$ -ɡjə-//
verb [transitive] limit, keep or restrict within limits-~ to=limited to,
confine ‫مﺤدود کردن‬
//kənˈfaɪn// restricted
verb [transitive]
confront ‫ مواجه شدن‬، ‫رو رو شدن‬ face
verb [intransitive]
congeal ‫ سفت کردن‬، ‫یخ س‬ solidify
verb [intransitive]
congregate ‫جمع کردن‬ //ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt $ ˈkɑːŋ- gather, assemble
consecutive ‫در‬ ، ‫متوا‬ successive
noun [singular,
consensus ‫ رضا ت‬،‫توافق‬ uncountable agreement
noun //ˈkɒnsəkwəns $
consequence ‫ن جه‬ 1) importance e.g. of little consequence 2)result
adjective [usually
before noun]
consequent ‫ برآیند‬، ‫ن جه خش‬ resulting: later: resultant
//ˈkɒnsəkwənt $ ˈkɑːn-
adjective [usually
before noun]
consequential ‫ قا ل توجه‬، ‫مهم‬ significant
//ˌkɒnsəˈkwenʃəl◂ $
adverb [sentence
consequently ‫ بنابرایﻦ‬، ‫در ن جه‬ therefore: thus: as a result
//ˈkɒnsəkwəntli $
verb [transitive]
conserve ‫ از ﺻدمه حفﻂ کردن‬، ‫نگه داری‬ save
//kənˈsɜːv $ -ɜːrv//
consider ‫در نظر گرف‬ verb //kənˈsɪdə $ -ər// think about: view as
considerable ‫قا ل توجه‬ large amount of: substantial/significant
phrasal verb
consist of ‫شک ل شدن از‬ compose of, constitute
consistent ‫ منظم‬، ‫ا دار‬ regular: uniform, steady, constant
consistently ‫ منظم‬، ‫همواره‬ adverb /kənˈsɪstənt// regularly, uniformly
conspicuous ‫ قا ل توجه‬، ‫انگشت نما‬ notable
adjective //ˈkɒnstənt
constant ‫ ا دار‬، ‫ثا ت‬ stable, fixed, firm
$ ˈkɑːn-//
adverb //ˈkɒnstəntli $
constantly ‫ پیوسته‬، ‫هم شه‬ always, invariably
noun [countable]
constellation ‫ ترک ب‬، ‫مجموعه‬ //ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən $ collection: combination

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb //ˈkɒnstɪtjuːt $
constitute ‫ شک ل دادن‬، ‫در رداش‬ comprise/consist of: make up
،‫ ترك ب‬،‫ ساخت‬،‫ ساختمان‬،‫ساختار‬ noun [C]
constitution component
‫شل‬ //ˌkɑːn.stəˈtuː.ʃən//
( ‫ )مجازى‬، ‫ مق د كردن‬، ‫مﺤدود كردن‬
‫ گ انداخ‬، ‫دست و ال ك را س‬
constrain ‫ ) ه زور( جلو عمل )ك‬،‫ ملزم كردن‬، verb [T] //kənˈstreɪn// restrict, limit
، ‫ جلوگ ى كردن‬، ‫ا چ ى را( گرف‬
‫مهار كردن‬
، ‫ مﺤدود ت‬،‫ ق د‬،‫ اج ار‬، ‫الزام‬ noun [C & U]
constraint limit: restriction
‫ ج‬، ‫وادارسازى‬ //kənˈstreɪnt//
، ‫ م ف كردن‬، ‫ لع دن‬، ‫خوردن‬
consume verb [T] //kənˈsuːm// eat up
‫آشام دن‬
consumed ‫امﻼ م ف شده‬ used completely: used up
‫ شامل‬، ‫ )در بر(داش‬، ‫حاوى بودن‬
contain verb [T] //kənˈteɪn// include
‫ دارا بودن‬، ‫ مﺤتوى بودن‬، ‫بودن‬
verb [I or T]
contemplate ‫در نظر داش‬ consider
contemporary ‫ معا‬، ‫ مدرن‬،‫ جد د‬، ‫امروزى‬ modern
verb [I or T] 1) to compete against someone in order to gain something
contend ‫ ادعا کردن‬،‫رقا ت کردن‬
//kənˈtend// 2)to argue or state that something is true
noun 1)[C] 2)[U]
contention ‫ مشاجره‬،‫ادعا‬ 1) claim 2) argument and disagreement between people
، ‫ اهل جر و ﺤث‬، ‫ دعوا‬، ‫ست جوى‬ adjective
contentious disputed
‫ست گراى‬ //kənˈten.ʃəs//
‫ هم‬،‫ هم مرز‬، ‫ چس ده ه هم‬، ‫مماس‬
‫ ديوار ه‬،‫ هم پهلو‬، ‫ متصل‬،‫ديوار‬ adjective
contiguous neighboring
‫ همسا ه‬، ‫ نزد ك‬،‫ مجاور‬،‫ جنب‬،‫ديوار‬ //kənˈtɪɡ.ju.əs//
‫ همجوار‬،
‫ شت هم )و ه‬،‫ مكرر‬، ‫در‬
continual ‫ ك‬، ‫ همواره‬، ‫ مسلسل‬،( ‫طور منقطع‬ constant, ceaseless
‫ پيوسته‬،‫بند‬
adjective [before
continued ‫ مسلسل‬,‫پيوسته‬ constant, incessant
noun] //kənˈtɪn.juːd//
،‫ همواره‬،‫ مكث‬، ‫ وقفه‬،‫پيوسته‬ adjective
continuous uninterrupted: ongoing
‫ متداوم‬، ‫ مداوم‬،‫مستمر‬ //kənˈtɪn.ju.əs//
contour ‫هرچ‬ ‫ خطوط خار‬،‫ نمود‬،‫نما‬ noun [C] //ˈkɑːn.tʊr// outline
،‫ هم اری ا مک کردن‬،‫اعانه دادن‬ verb [I or T] 1) to give money, help, ideas etc to something 2)to help to
‫مشارکت کردن‬ //kənˈtrɪbjuːt// make something happen
1- ‫ نقشه‬، ‫ تدب كردن‬، ‫ط ح كردن‬
‫ ) ا‬-2 ‫ ط ح ر زى كردن‬، ‫كش دن‬
contrive verb [T] //kənˈtraɪv// create or invent in a skilful way
‫ تعب ه كردن‬، ‫ مهارت و ابت ار( ساخ‬،
‫ا داع كردن‬
، ‫ جرو ﺤث‬، ‫ م احثه‬،‫ گو مگو‬، ‫ﺤث‬ noun [C or U]
controversy conflict: disagreement
‫ ق ل و قال‬، ‫ مناقشه‬، ‫جدل‬ //ˈkɑːn.trə.vɝː.si//
، ‫ متداول‬، ‫ قراردادى‬، ‫ سن‬، ‫عر‬ adjective
conventional customary: traditional
‫ عادى‬، ‫ متعارف‬، ‫معمول‬ //kənˈven.ʃən.əl//
converging ‫ همسان شونده‬،‫همگرا شونده‬ concentrating
verb[I or T]
convert ‫ت د ل كردن ا شدن‬ transform: change to
convey ‫ ب ان كردن‬، ‫ مع دادن‬، ‫رساندن‬ verb [T] //kənˈveɪ// communicate
، ‫ گناه ار شناخ‬، ‫مﺤكوم شناخ‬ verb [T usually
convict doom: sentence: condemn
‫مجرم شناخ‬ passive] //kənˈvɪkt//
noun [U]
conviction ‫ عق ده ى مﺤ م‬، ‫اعتقاد راسخ‬ strong beliefopinionperspective

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

convince ‫ قانع كردن‬، ‫ مجاب كردن‬، ‫ متقاعد كردن‬verb [T] //kənˈvɪns// persuade
‫ از‬، ‫از س )چ ى ا ك ( برآمدن‬
cope with ‫ چ ه‬، ‫ ح ف شدن‬، ‫عهده برآمدن‬ verb [I] //koʊp// deal with: handle
‫ جوا گو بودن‬، ‫شدن‬
، ‫ متنا ه‬،‫ وافر‬، ‫ خ‬،‫ س ار‬، ‫فراوان‬ adjective
copious plentiful, ample, abundant
‫ز اد‬ //ˈkoʊ.pi.əs//
core ‫ وسﻂ‬، ‫ م ان اه‬،‫مركز‬ noun[C] //kɔːr// center, hub, nucleus
‫ ﻻزم و ملزوم بودن‬، ‫هم ست داش‬ verb [I or T]
correlate match
‫ هم وا ست داش‬، ‫ ست داش‬، //ˈkɔːr.ə.leɪt//
noun [C & U]
correspondence ‫ مشابهت‬، ‫ تطابق‬، ‫ مطا قت‬، ‫همخوا‬ harmony

correspondingly ‫ متقا ﻼ‬،‫ همانطور‬،‫بهمان س ت‬ accordingly
verb [T]
corroborate ‫ اث ات كردن‬، ‫تاي د كردن‬ confirm
costly ‫ پر خ ج‬، ‫ پر ه نه‬، ‫گران‬ adjective //ˈkɑːst.li// expensive
counsel ‫توﺻ ه کردن‬-‫نص ﺤت کردن‬ verb [T] //ˈkaʊn.səl// advise
‫ جواب‬، ‫ تﻼ كردن‬، ‫مقا له كردن‬ verb [I or T]
counter oppose, speak or act in opposition to
‫ معامله مثل كردن ا‬، ‫دادن‬ //ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ//
counter of ‫ برخﻼف‬،‫در مقا ل‬ phrase /ˈkaʊntər/ in the opposite of
، ‫ نظ‬، ‫ ق نه‬،‫ م مل‬، ‫ همدوش‬،‫همتا‬ noun [C]
counterpart equivalent: similitude, peer
‫ رونوشت‬، ‫ ك‬، ‫سخه‬ //ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ.pɑːrt//
verb [I or T]
countervail #NAME? compensate: oppose, neutralize
countless ‫ س ار ز اد‬،‫ شمارش نا ذير‬،‫شمار‬ innumerable
، ‫ ه هم پيوس‬، ‫جفت شدن ا كردن‬
couple ، ‫ همبند كردن‬، ‫ه هم وﺻل كردن‬ verb [I or T] //ˈkʌp.əl// associate, combine
‫هم سته كردن‬
couple with ‫ همراه‬،‫ا‬ phrase //ˈkʌp.əl wɪð// together with

covered ‫ در برگرفته شده‬،‫شامل شده‬ adjective //ˈkʌv.ɚd// included, coated

crawl ‫ آهسته حرکت کردن‬،‫خ دن‬ verb [I] //krɑːl// move, creep
create ‫ هست كردن‬، ‫ خلق كردن‬، ‫آف دن‬ verb [T] //kriˈeɪt// invent, manufacture
creative ‫ آف دگر‬، ‫ خﻼقه‬، ‫ سازنده‬، ‫خﻼق‬ adjective //kriˈeɪ.t̬ɪv// inventive, innovative
crest ‫ راس‬، ، ‫ نوك‬، ‫ فراز ن اه‬، ‫قله‬ noun [C] //krest// peak, climax, culmination, summit
noun [C & U]
crisis ‫ گشت‬، ‫ بزن اه‬،‫ شور‬، ‫ﺤران‬ disturbance, tension
critical ‫ ح ا‬، ‫ س ار مهم‬، ‫ﺤرا‬ adjective //ˈkrɪt̬.ɪ.kəl// crucial: essential
verb [I or T]
criticize ‫ا ه ى و غ ه ( كردن‬ ‫انتقاد )اد‬ debate, argue
crucial ‫ ح ا‬، ‫س ار مهم‬ adjective //ˈkru·ʃəl// important, vital, essential, critical
crucially ‫قطعا‬، ‫طورقط‬ adverb //ˈkruː.ʃəl.i// decisively, definitely
، ‫ خا از ظرافت‬، ‫ ناش انه‬، ‫زمخت‬
crude adjective //kruːd// unsophisticated
، ‫ خرد كردن ا شدن‬، ‫له كردن ا شدن‬
crushed verb[T] //krʌʃd// ground, put down
‫آرد كردن‬
cueing ‫ اشاره براى راهنما‬، ‫ ا ماء‬،‫سخﻦ رهنما‬ noun [C] //ˈkjuːɪŋ// hint: clue

‫ ه حد‬، ‫ ه اوج رس دن‬،‫ ه انتها رس دن‬phrasal verb, (formal)

culminate reach a climax or peak
‫اعﻼ رس دن‬ //ˈkʌlməneɪt//
، ‫درجه‬ ‫ منت‬، ‫ فراز ن اه‬، ‫ اوگ‬، ‫اوج‬ noun [U]
culmination high point, zenith, apex, crest
‫انجام‬ //ˌkʌl.məˈneɪ.ʃən//

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

‫ گت و‬، ‫ دست و ا گ‬،‫سخت ار رد‬ adjective

cumbersome awkward: clumsy: unwieldy; slow, difficult and heavy
‫گنده‬ //ˈkʌm.bɚ.səm//
curb ‫کن ل کردن‬-‫مهار کردن‬ verb [T] //kɝːb// control, suppress
current ‫ جارى‬، ‫ فع‬، ‫كنو‬ adjective //ˈkɝː.ənt// present
cushion #NAME? verb [T] //ˈkʊʃ.ən// protect, shield
،‫ راه بند‬،‫ ازدار‬، ‫ جل ست‬، ‫مانع‬
dam noun [C] //dæm// block
‫ )روى تاب ( آو زان كردن‬، ‫تاب خوردن‬ verb [I or T]
dangle hang
‫ا بودن‬ //ˈdæŋ.ɡəl//
daring ‫ دل‬، ‫ شجاع‬، ‫پر جرات‬ adjective //ˈder.ɪŋ// bold, brave, defiant
noun [C or U]
debate ‫ جر و ﺤث‬،‫ گومگو‬، ‫م احثه‬ argue, dispute
verb [T usually
decimate ‫وارد کردن‬ ‫ تلفات سنگ‬،‫نابود کردن‬ passive] destroy
noun [U]
decimation ‫ و را‬، ‫خرا‬ destruction
noun [U]
decorating ‫ت نات‬ ornaments, adornments
،‫ مبوددار‬، ‫ نا امل‬، ‫ معيوب‬، ‫ناقص‬
deficient adjective //dɪˈfɪʃ.ənt// inadequate, defective
‫ ورتا ه كردن ا‬، ‫منﺤرف كردن ا شدن‬ verb [I or T]
deflect redirect
‫ كژراه كردن ا شدن‬، ‫شدن‬ //dɪˈflekt//
degree ‫ درجه‬،‫ م ان‬،‫حد‬ n //dɪˈɡriː// extent, measure
delicate ‫ حساس‬،‫ظ ف‬ n //ˈdɛlɪkət// dainty, graceful
delight ‫لذت‬ 1) v [T] 2) n /dɪˈlʌɪt/ 1)please 2)pleasure
deluxe ‫ مجلل‬،‫لوکس‬ adj /dəˈlʌks/ lavish, luxurious, glorious
demand ‫ ن از‬،‫تقاضا‬ v [T], n /dɪˈmɑːnd/ need
demise ‫ انقراض‬،‫مردن‬ n /dɪˈmʌɪz/ extinction, perish
demography (...،‫ ج س‬،‫اطﻼعات آماری جامعه )سﻦ‬ n /dɪˈmɒɡrəfi/ (study of)population
dense ‫م ام‬ adj /dɛns/ 1)crowded 2)thick
depend ‫ ست داش‬،‫وا سته‬ v [I] /dɪˈpɛnd/ rely on, belong
dependable ‫قا ل اعتماد‬ adj //dɪˈpɛndəb(ə)l// reliable
depict ‫ ح دادن‬،‫ه تص ر کش دن‬ v [T] //dɪˈpɪkt// 1)describe 2)portray
deplete ‫خا کردن‬ v [T] //dɪˈpliːt// exhaust
depletion ‫تخل ه‬ n //dɪˈpliːʃn// drain, evacuation
deposit ‫ ان اش‬،‫س ده‬ v [T] //dɪˈpɒzɪt// accumulate, lay down, put/set down
derive from ‫مشتق از‬ v //dɪˈraɪv frɒm// arise from
desiccated ‫خشک‬ n //ˈdɛsɪkeɪt// dry, arid, parched
design ‫ خلق کردن‬،‫طرا کردن‬ v [T] //dɪˈzaɪn// create, draw, plan
۱-‫ در نظر‬،‫برای شغ نامزد کردن‬ 1) assign :to choose someone or something for a particular
verb [transitive]
designate ‫ نام‬،‫اشاره کردن ه‬-۲ ‫ برگ دن‬، ‫گرف‬ job or purpose 2) identify to represent or refer to
‫ نام دن‬،‫بردن‬ something using a particular sign, name etc
identification, [uncountable] the act of choosing someone
noun (formal)
designation ‫ انتصاب‬،‫ انتخاب‬،‫گ ش‬ or something for a particular purpose, or of giving them a
particular description
despite ‫ ا وجود‬،‫ بر خﻼف‬،‫ ه رغم‬،‫ع رغم‬ even though, notwithstanding, in spite of
detected ‫شناسا شده‬ adjective //dɪˈtektɪd// identified, specified
verb [transitive]
determine ‫ معلوم کردن‬،‫مشخص کردن‬ figure out, specify, define
//dɪˈtɜːmɪn $ -ɜːr-//
noun [countable]
detractor ‫دگو‬ critic
//dɪˈtræktə $ -ər//
adjective (formal)
detrimental ‫ م‬،‫ز ان آور‬ harmful
‫ مراه‬،‫ منﺤرف شدن‬،‫کجروی کردن‬ verb [intransitive]
deviate digress, stray
‫شدن‬ //ˈdiːvieɪt//
deviation ‫ انﺤراف‬،‫کﺞ روی‬ noun //ˌdiːviˈeɪʃən// departure, deflection, digression

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb [transitive]
devise ‫ ساخ‬،‫ اخ اع کردن‬،‫ا داع کردن‬ create, invent, contrive
adjective //dɪˈvɔɪd
devoid ‫ دون‬،‫از‬ ‫ ت‬،‫خا از‬ short of: lack of: scant of: without
adjective //dɪˈvəʊtɪd
devoted ‫ فدا ار‬،‫وفادار‬ dedicated
$ -ˈvoʊ-//

adjective //dɪˈvəʊtɪd
devoted to ‫ اختصا‬،‫وقف شده‬ concentrated on, dedicated to
$ -ˈvoʊ-//
verb [transitive]
devour ‫لع دن‬ eat
//dɪˈvaʊə $ -ˈvaʊr//
verb [intransitive,
dictate ‫ تﺤم ل کردن‬،‫فرمان دادن‬ transitive] //dɪkˈteɪt $ give orders to, prescribe
differential ‫ ناهمسان‬،‫متفاوت‬ uneven, dissimilar, different
verb [intransitive,
diffuse ‫ خش کردن ا شدن‬،‫پرا نده کردن‬ disperse/ spread out: travel
transitive] //dɪˈ uːz//
noun [countable]
dilemma ‫ معما‬،‫ تنگنا‬،‫معﻀل‬ problem, difficult/complex situation, no-win situation
//dəˈlemə, daɪ-//
diligent ‫ مستمر‬،‫ سخت کوش‬،‫کوشا‬ careful, hard-working
verb [transitive]
dilute ‫ ضع ف کردن‬،‫م توان کردن‬ //daɪˈluːt $ dɪˈluːt, daɪ- reduce, weaken
1) decrease, if a light dims, or if you dim it, it becomes less
verb [intransitive,
dim ‫ ضع ف کردن‬،‫م نور کردن‬ bright 2) weak, if a feeling, quality etc dims or is dimmed, it
transitive] //dɪm//
grows weaker or less
noun [countable]
dimension ‫ اندازه‬،‫ مقدار‬،‫ ا عاد‬،‫عد‬ aspect: size
//daɪˈmenʃən, də-//
verb [ transitive]
disassemble ‫ پ اده کردن ماش آﻻت‬،‫از هم از کردن‬ break up: break apart (often a device), dismantle
verb [intransitive,
disband ‫ از هم اش دن‬،‫منﺤل شدن ا کردن‬ transitive] dismiss
verb [intransitive,
discard ‫دور انداخ‬ transitive] //dɪsˈkɑːd $ throw away: throw up
discernible ‫ قا ل فهم‬،‫قا ل شخ ص‬ noticeable: discriminating
verb [intransitive,
discharge ‫ ب ون ر خ‬،‫ مرخص کردن‬،‫ خا کردن‬transitive] //dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ release, unload
$ -ɑːr-//
verb [transitive]
discipline ‫ت ب ه کردن‬ punish, penalize
discrete ‫ جدا‬،‫مجزا‬ adjective //dɪˈskriːt// separate
‫ از‬،‫ ﺻاف کردن‬،‫ رها کردن‬،‫جدا کردن‬ verb [transitive]
disentangle disband, abandon, unwrap
‫پ چ د درآوردن‬ //ˌdɪsənˈtæŋɡəl//
verb [T], noun
disguise ‫ ل اس م دل‬، ‫پنهان ساخ‬ hidden, camouflage
verb [transitive]
disgust ‫ مشم کردن‬،‫ م جر کردن‬،‫ب ار شدن‬ distaste, hatred
//dɪsˈɡʌst, dɪz-//
verb [intransitive,
disintegrate ‫شدن ا کردن‬ ‫ متﻼ‬،‫فرو اش دن‬ transitive] fall apart: break apart: tear apart
verb [transitive]
dismantle ‫برچ دن‬ demolish: destroy, disassemble

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb [transitive]
dismiss ‫رد کردن‬ reject, ignore
noun //dɪsˈɔːdə $ -
disorder ‫نظ‬ anarchy
dispensable ‫وری‬ ‫غ‬ not necessary, inessential
noun /dɪˈspɜːsəl $ -ɜːr-
dispersal ‫ ان شار‬،‫ توز ــع‬،‫پرا ش‬ distribution: spread
verb [intransitive,
disperse ‫ پرا نده کردن‬،‫متفرق کردن‬ transitive] //dɪˈspɜːs $ scatter, diffuse
verb [transitive]
displace ‫ خانمان کردن‬،‫جا ه جا کردن‬ move out of position, replacedisplace
noun formal
disposition ‫ خو‬،‫ م ش‬،‫طبع‬ temperament, character
noun //dɪˈspjuːt,
dispute ‫ جدل‬،‫ مشاجره‬،‫ گفتمان‬،‫ﺤث‬ argument: contention
verb [intransitive,
dissipate ‫ خش کردن ا شدن‬،‫پرا ندن‬ transitive] disperse, scatter, diffuse
‫ نظر ک را‬، ‫ ازداش‬،‫من ف کردن‬ verb [transitive]
dissuade discourage, persuade against
‫تغی دادن‬ //dɪˈsweɪd//
distant ‫دور‬ adjective //ˈdɪstənt// far

distinct ‫ متمایز‬،‫مجزا‬ adjective //dɪˈstɪŋkt// separate: clear and recognizable

distinction ‫ برتری‬، ‫ برجست‬،‫ تمایز‬،‫تفاوت‬ noun //dɪˈstɪŋkʃən// difference: excellence: honor
distinctive ‫ برجسته‬،‫ متمایز‬،،‫ خاص‬،‫شاخص‬ characteristic, distinguishing
clearly, markedly, in a way that is readily distinguishable by
distinctly ‫ه طور واضح‬ adv /dɪˈstɪŋktli/
the senses
distinguish ‫تم دادن‬-‫شخ ص دادن‬ notice from the difference, differentiate, recognize, identify
transitive] /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪ/
verb [transitive]
distribute ‫ خش کردن‬،‫توز ــع کردن‬ spread > distribution: dispersion
verb [transitive]
disturb ‫ پ شان کردن‬،‫مزاحم شدن‬ upset, unsettle, disorganize
diverse ‫ گونا ون‬،‫متن ع‬ adj /dəˈvɜːrs, daɪ-/ distinct: various
noun [uncountable]
diversification ‫تن ع و گونا و‬ emergence of many varieties
diversify ‫متن ع ساخ‬ transitive] vary, bring variety todiversify
noun [ S or U ]
diversity ‫تن ع‬ varietydiversity
verb [transitive]
divert ‫ معطوف داش‬،‫منﺤرف کردن‬ deflect, redirect
divest ‫بهره کردن‬ ،‫مﺤروم کردن‬ transitive] //daɪˈvest, deprive: get rid of, exclude
principle, a set of beliefs that form an important part of a
doctrine ‫ دک ﻦ‬،‫ ط قت‬،‫ مکتب‬،‫ط ق‬ noun /ˈdɒktrən/
religion or system of ideas
home, 1) relating to or happening in one particular country
domestic ‫ داخ‬، ‫خان‬ and not involving any other countries opposute of
foreign.2) relating to family relationships and life at home
dormant ‫ سا ت‬،‫خواب ده‬ Adj /ˈdɔːr.mənt/ hibernated: inactive
dramatically ‫ه طور چشم گ ی‬ noticeably: greatly, exceedingly

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

drastic ‫ موثر‬،‫شد د‬ adjective //ˈdræstɪk// extreme> drastically: severely

drive ‫ مﺤرک‬،‫انگ ه‬ n /draɪv/ incentive, movement, push, impetus, inducement
adjective [only before
dual ‫دوتا‬ double
noun] //ˈdjuːəl//
verb [transitive]
duplicate ‫ک کردن‬ copy: repeat
durable ‫ماند‬،‫ا دوام‬ adj /ˈdʊrəbl/ lasting, enduring
earn ‫ه دست آوردن‬ v[T, I] /ɜːrn/ acquire, gain
ease ‫سه ل کردن‬ v[T] /iːz/ facilitate
eccentric ‫دمدو مزاج‬،‫عج ب‬،‫غ عادی‬ adj /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ strange: erratic, peculiar
edible ‫خورد‬، ‫خورا‬ adj /ˈedəbl/ eatable
efface ‫از ب بردن‬،‫زدودن‬ v[T] /ɪˈfeɪs/ eliminate, remove
elaborate ‫دقیق‬ adj /ɪˈlæbərət/ detailed
elapsed ‫س ی شده‬ adj /ɪˈlæps/ passed (of time)
elevate ‫اﻻ بردن‬ v[T] /ˈelɪveɪt/ raise, boost
eliminate ‫برداش‬،‫از ب برن‬ v[T] /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ remove, efface
elite ‫نخ ه‬ n[C] /eɪˈliːt/ excellent person
elusive ‫گ زان‬ adj /iˈluːsɪv/ difficult to catch
emanate ‫ د دار شدن‬،‫ب ون آمدن‬ v[T] /ˈeməneɪt/ emerge, appear, spread out, show a particular quality
phrasal verb
embark ‫وع کردن‬ start, begin
embed ‫وارد کردن‬،‫مﺤصور کردن‬،‫جاسازی کردن‬ v[T, I] /ɪmˈbed/ enclose: implant: insert
noun [uncountable]
emergence ‫ظهور‬-‫پ دا ش‬ rise: appearance
emergency ‫ ﺤران‬،‫غ منتظره‬، ‫اضطرارى‬، ‫ورى‬ n //ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi// crisis, urgent situation

adj [only before noun]

emergent ‫نوظهور و در حال توسعه‬ in the early stages of existence or development, developing
‫ ار‬، ‫استعمال کردن‬، ‫ه ار بردن‬
employ v //ɪmˈplɔɪ// use, apply, hire
enable ‫قادر ساخ‬ v //ɪˈneɪbəl// allow
enactment ‫ صورت قانون در امدن‬، ‫تص ب‬ n //ɪˈnæktmənt// establishment, approval
encapsulate ‫ه ﺻورت خﻼﺻه ب ان کردن‬ v //ɪnˈkæpsəleɪt // state briefly, summarize, capture
encounter ‫مواجه شدن ا‬، ‫رو روشدن‬ v //ɪnˈkaʊntər// meet
encourage ‫دل رم کردن‬، ‫ ش ق کردن‬، ‫ترغ ب کردن‬ v //ɪnˈkɜːrɪdʒ// stimulate, persuade
end ‫ مقصود‬،‫منظور‬ n //end// purpose, aim, intention
endangered ‫در معرض خطر‬ adj //ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd// not abundant, put in danger
endeavor ‫س‬،‫جد و جهد‬، ‫کوشش‬ n //ɪnˈdevər// enterprise, effort, strife
endorse ‫ ش ی ا کردن‬،‫ﺻﺤه گذاردن‬ v //ɪnˈdɔːrs// support, advocate
endow ‫موه ت خش دن ه‬، ‫وقف کردن‬ v //ɪnˈdaʊ// bestow, grant, dedicate
enduring ‫ ا دار‬،‫ ادوام‬، ‫پرطاقت‬ adj //ɪnˈdʊrɪŋ// lasting: withstanding, durable
swallow, ingest, comprehend, 1) if an unpleasant feeling
verb [transitive]
engulf ‫فرا گرف‬-‫قورت دادن‬ engulfs you, you feel it very strongly.2) to completely
surround or cover something
verb [transitive]
enhance ‫بهبود دادن‬ improve: intensify
experience, benefit from, to have a particular ability or
enjoy ‫دارا بودن‬ formal /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/
verb [transitive] recurit, obtain, formal to ask for and get help or support
enlist ‫مک‬ ‫مک طلب کردن و گرف‬
/ɪnˈlɪst/ from someone:
enormous ‫بزرگ‬ adj /əˈnɔːr.məs/ huge: large: great, immense, massive, colossal
verb [transitive] enhance, to improve the "quality" of something, especially
enrich #NAME?
/ɪnˈrɪtʃ/ by adding things to it
verb [intransitive]
ensue result, to happen after or as a result of something
formal /ɪnˈsuː/

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

adjective [only before

ensuing ‫ پ و‬،‫متعاقب‬ subsequent, following
verb [transitive]
ensure ‫شدن‬ ‫مطمن‬ guarantee
formal verb
entail ‫ مستلزم بودن‬،‫شامل بودن‬ involve, require, call for
[transitive] /ɪnˈteɪl/
enthusiastic ‫مشتاق‬ adj /ɪnˌθuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/ eager, keen, avid
entirely ‫امﻼ‬ adv /ɪnˈtaɪr.li/ wholly, completely and in every possible way
environment ‫مﺤ ﻂ‬-‫زمینه‬ n /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ setting, surroundings
verb [transitive]
envision ‫تصور کردن‬ imagine
existing or popular for only a short time, short-lived,
ephemeral ‫زودگذر‬ adj /ɪˈfemərəl/
transitory, temporary
episode ‫زمان مع‬-‫رو داد‬-‫قسمت‬ n /epəsəʊd/ event, incident, occasion
‫مثا معروف از چ ی‬-‫مجسم کردن‬
epitomize v[T] /ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz/ exemplify, to be a very typical example of something
noun [singular,
equilibrium ‫ارامش‬-‫برابری‬-‫تعادل‬ uncountable] balance
noun [countable]
era ‫ع‬-‫دوران‬ period
verb [transitive] remove completely, annihilate, to completely get rid of
eradicate ‫نابود کردن‬-‫ر شه کﻦ کردن‬
/ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ something such as a disease or a social problem
erect ‫ساخ‬ verb [transitive] to build something such as a building or wall (formal )
erratic ‫نامنظم‬- ‫متغ‬ adj /ɪˈrætɪk/ irregular: unpredictable, inconsistent
erroneous ‫نادرست‬ adj /əˈroʊ.ni.əs/ wrong, incorrect
verb [intransitive,
escalate ‫شد د شدن‬ extend, increase rapidly, burgeon
transitive] /ˈeskəleɪt/
essential ‫ح ا‬-‫مهم‬ adj /ɪˈsenʃəl/ crucial, vital, indispensable, principal, integral
essentially ‫اساسا‬ adv /ɪˈsenʃəli/ fundamentally
adjective [only before qualified, have been in existence for a long time and
established ‫اﻂ‬ ‫واجد‬-‫موجود‬
noun] /ɪˈstæblɪʃt/ therefore recognized and generally accepted.
formation, the act of starting an organization, relationship,
establishment ‫شک ل‬ n /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/
or system
noun [countable],
1) projection 2) to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost
estimate ‫زدن‬ ‫تخم‬- ‫تخم‬ verb [transitive]
etc of something
estimation ‫ تخم‬، ‫ارز ا‬ n /ˌestəˈmeɪʃən/ evaluation, assessment, calculation
euphoric ‫خوش‬ adj /juːˈfɔːr.ɪk/ extremely happy
verb [transitive]
evaluate ‫ارز ا کردن‬ judge, rate, assess
adjective [only before
eventual ‫اا‬ later: final, ultimate, end
noun] /ɪˈventʃuəl/

eventually ‫در نها ت‬ adv /ɪˈventʃuəli, -tʃəli/ finally: later: ultimately: in the end
ever-shifting ‫تغی دائ‬ constant changing
evidence ‫مدرک‬ n. /ˈevɪdəns/ proof
evident ‫واضح‬-‫آش ار‬ adj /ˈevɪdənt/ obvious: apparent, clear, explicit
verb [transitive] create in the mind: arouse: draw: promote: stimulate:
evoke ‫در ک‬ ‫ه وجوداوردن خاطره ا ح‬
/ɪˈvoʊk/ produce
‫تغی پ دا‬-‫دادن‬/ ‫توسعه اف‬ verb [intransitive,
evolve develop
‫دادن‬/‫کردن‬ transitive] /ɪˈvɑːlv/
verb [intransitive,
exaggerate ‫غلو کردن‬ transitive] overstate, overemphasize
verb [intransitive,
excavate ‫حفاری کردن‬ dig out
transitive] /ˈekskəveɪt/

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

noun [countable,
excavation ‫حفاری‬ uncountable] unearthing, dig (n)
beyond above: surpass, 1) to be more than a particular
verb [transitive]
exceed ‫گرف‬ ‫پ‬ number or amount, 2) to go beyond what rules or laws say
formal /ɪkˈsiːd/
you are allowed to do
exceedingly ‫ ه حد ز اد‬-‫س ار‬ adv /ɪkˈsiː.dɪŋ.li/ formal, extremely, to a very great degree:
adverb [+adj/adverb]
exceptionally ‫ه طور غ معمول‬ unusually, outstandingly
exclusively ‫ ه تنها‬-‫ا‬ ‫منﺤ‬ adv /ɪkˈskluːsɪvli/ only: solely
verb [intransitive, expel, formal to get rid of waste material from your body
excrete ‫ب ون انداخ‬-‫دفع کردن‬
transitive] /ɪkˈskriːt/ through your bowels, your skin
verb [transitive]
execute ‫انجام دادن‬ perform, carry out, accomplish
verb [transitive] use, employ, practice, formal to use a power, right, or
exercise ‫استفاده کردن از‬
/ˈeksərsaɪz/ quality that you have
verb [transitive] utilize, to use your power, influence etc in order to make
exert ‫اعمال دادن‬-‫استفاده کردن‬
/ɪɡˈzɜːrt/ something happen
adjective //ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd $
exhausted ‫استفاده شده‬،‫تﺤل ل رفته‬ tired: used up

exhibit ‫ ثا ت کردن‬، ‫ نما ش دادن‬،‫شان دادن‬ verb //ɪɡˈzɪbɪt// demonstrate: display, illustrate
expand ‫ توسعه پ دا کردن‬،‫گس ش دادن‬ verb //ɪkˈspænd// increase: stretch
noun [countable]
expanse ‫ وسیع‬، ‫گس ده‬ area> expansive: large
expediency ‫ مناسب‬، ‫ م ت‬، ‫فه‬ uncountable] advantage: convenience, efficiency
expedient ‫ مصلﺤت‬، ‫مقت‬ fitting, suitable, convenient
‫ خ ج‬،‫ استفاده کردن‬،‫ف کردن‬ verb [transitive]
expend use, spend, consume
‫ م ف کردن‬،‫کردن‬ //ɪkˈspend//
explicit ‫ آش ار‬:‫ــح و روشﻦ‬ adjective //ɪkˈsplɪsɪt// obvious, clear, easily understandable
verb [transitive]
exploit ،‫ سود بردن‬،‫بهره برداری‬ make use of: take advantage of: utilize
verb //ɪkˈsplɔː $ -
explore ‫کردن‬ ‫ برر‬، ‫کشف کردن‬ investigate, probe
‫شان دادن چ ی که پوش ده ا مخ‬
‫در معرض )خطر ا حمله ا ما و‬-‫شده‬ verb [transitive]
expose subject to, susceptible to, make vulnerable to
‫ پناه‬، ‫ا هرچ ناخوشايند( قرار دادن‬ //ɪkˈspoʊz//
verb [transitive]
express ‫ ارت اط برقرار کردن‬، ‫ب ان کردن‬ communicate, convey, show
extant ، ‫ دارای هس‬، ‫ ا مانده موجود‬، adjective //ɪkˈstænt// remaining: existing: not extinct
‫ من سﻂ‬،‫ کشش دادن‬، ‫گس ش دادن‬
extend verb //ɪkˈstend// stretch, expand, develop
‫ا جاد کردن جرقه ه جان و خشم‬
extend over spark set off
-(‫=جرقه ا ش ا خشم‬spark)‫و‬..‫و‬
extensive ‫ بزرگ‬، ‫ توسطه افته‬، ‫گس ده‬ adjective //ɪkˈstensɪv// substantial: broad: large, comprehensive

verb (extolled,
extol ‫ ستا ش‬، ‫تمج د‬ extolling) [transitive] praise
//ɪkˈstəʊl $ -ˈstoʊl//
‫ خارج‬، ‫ غ اﺻ‬، ‫وری‬ ‫ غ‬، ‫خار‬ adjective
extraneous from outside: inessential
‫قلمرو‬ //ɪkˈstreɪniəs//

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

//ɪkˈstrɔːdənəri $
extraordinary ‫ اس ثنا‬:‫فوق العاده‬ exceptional, phenomenal
verb //ɪɡˈzjuːd $
exude ‫ ان شار‬:‫ ب ون دادن‬:‫ب ون آمدن‬ give off; release, discharge
1) produce, to make or produce goods or equipment, 2) to
verb [transitive]
fabricate ‫ تول د‬:‫ساخت‬ invent a story, piece of information etc in order to deceive
noun [countable]
facet ‫جن ه‬ aspect
fair ‫غرض‬ ،‫ س تا خوب‬، ‫ا انصاف‬ adjective //feə $ fer// significant, goodish, just
faithful ‫ اى بند‬، ‫ ﺻديق‬،‫ اوفا‬،‫وفادار‬ adjective //ˈfeɪθfəl// loyal
far-reaching ‫وسیع‬-‫گس ده‬ broad/extensive, wide-ranging
fascinating ‫س ار جالب و مجذوب کننده‬ extremely attractive
‫ اب‬،( ‫ چ مرسوم ) ا رايﺞ‬، ‫ رسم‬،‫مد‬ [n] way, a style of clothes, hair, behaviour etc that is
fashion noun //ˈfæʃən//
‫روز‬ fashionable
‫ساخ ک وس له ا دست ا وسا ل‬
[v] 1)make 2)to influence and form someone’s ideas and
fashion ‫تﺤت تاث قرار دادن ا ش ل‬-‫مﺤدود‬ noun //ˈfæʃən//
-‫دادن ا ده و نظر ک فرد‬
fashionable ‫ مدپرستانه‬، ‫ مدگرا انه‬،‫وا سته ه مد‬ popular
feasible ‫ام ان ذیر‬ adjective //ˈfiːzəbəl// achievable; practicable; probable, possible
، ‫ مهما بزرگ‬،‫ سور‬، ‫ جشﻦ‬، ‫بزم‬ noun [countable]
feast eating, banquet
‫ض افت‬ //fiːst//
‫فرى )كش مساف ر و ار ر كه مرتب از‬
‫ك سوى رودخانه ا در اچه ا در ا‬ noun (plural ferries)
ferry transport, passenger boat
‫[ سوى د گر رفت و آمد كند و ار ل‬countable] //ˈferi//
(‫را انجام دهد‬
fertile ‫ حاﺻلخ‬.‫ارور‬ adj /ˈfɜːrtl/ productive: reproductive
figure out ‫کشف کردن‬ phrasal verb map, work out, solve
finding ‫کشف‬ n discovery
first and foremost ‫اول و مهم ﻦ‬ above all
fixed ‫ مع‬.‫ثا ت‬ adj /fɪkst/ firm, constant, stable, steady
flake ‫ تکه‬.‫قطعه‬ n /fleɪk/ fragment, piece, scrap
flattery ‫ تملق‬. ‫چا لو‬ n /ˈflætəri/ praise, compliments
flee ‫ فرار کردن‬. ‫گ خ‬ v /fled/ run away from
flexible ‫قا ل انعطاف‬ adj /ˈfleksəbəl/ adaptable, pliable, malleable
float ‫ شناور بودن‬.‫شناور شدن‬ v /floʊt/ upward rise: stay on the top
flourish ‫ شکوفا شدن‬.‫رشد کردن‬ v /ˈflɜːrɪʃ/ prosper: thrive
flourishing ‫ شکوفا‬.‫رونق‬ adj /ˈflʌrɪʃɪŋˈflɜːr/ prosperous
flow ‫گردش‬. ‫ج ان‬ n /floʊ/ movement, motion, current
fluctuate ‫ نوسان کردن‬. ‫نوسان داش‬ v /ˈflʌktʃueɪt/ change, vary, swing
fluctuation ‫ تغی‬.‫نوسان‬ n /ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃən/ variation, oscillation
focal point ‫نقطه مرکزی‬ n central point
focus ‫متمرکز کردن‬ v /ˈfəʊkəs/ concentrate
follow ‫ پ وی کردن‬.‫دن ال کردن‬ v /ˈfɑːloʊ/ track, pursue, chase
for instance ‫برای مثال‬ for example
forage ‫ علف‬.‫علوفه‬ n /ˈfɑː-, ˈfɔː/ search for food: feed
foremost ‫ پ ش ﻦ‬.‫به ﻦ‬ adj important, most prominent in rank, importance, or position
formidable ‫ دشوار‬.‫ن ومند‬ adj /fəˈmɪd- $ ˈfɔːr/ excessive, powerful, intimidating
formulate ‫ تنظ م کردن‬.‫فرمول بندی کزدن‬ v /ˈfɔːmjəleɪt/ form / devise methodically
foster ‫ ش ق کردن‬.‫ غذا دادن‬.‫پرورش دادن‬ v /ˈfɑːstər/ promote the development of: encourage: urge, bring up
foul ‫نا ا‬ adj /faʊl/ pollute, dirty, unclean
break up> fragmentation: break> fragmentize: break up,
fragment ‫ تکه‬.‫قطغه‬ n /ˈfræɡmənt/
piece, particle

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

frankly ‫ ﺻادقانه‬.‫رک و پوست کنده‬ adv /ˈfræŋkli/ openly: sincerely, honestly

freestanding ‫ پ ا ه‬.‫مستقل‬ adj /friːˈstændɪŋ/ separate, independent
friction ‫اختﻼف‬ n /ˈfrɪkʃən/ conflict, disagreement, strife
frigid ‫ س ار د‬.‫منجمد‬ adj /ˈfrɪdʒɪd/ very cold
function ‫عمل رد‬ n /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ operation: utility
money, an amount of money that is collected and kept for
fund ‫منابع ما‬ n /fʌnd/
a particular purpose
fundamental ‫ ب ادی‬. ‫اسا‬ adj /fʌndəˈmentl/ basic, essential, vital, crucial
furthermore ‫ عﻼوه‬.‫عﻼوه بر ایﻦ‬ adv /ˈfɜːrðərmɔːr/ in addition: moreover
gap ‫ وقفه‬.‫ش اف‬ n /ɡæp/ opening, slot, hole
adjust, the machinery in a vehicle such as a car, truck, or
gear ‫ چ خ دنده‬.‫دنده‬ n /ɡɪr/
bicycle that you use to go comfortably at different speeds
generate ‫تول د کردن‬ v /ˈdʒenəreɪt/ produce
genuine ‫ اﺻل‬. ‫واق‬ adj /ˈdʒenjuɪn/ true, real, origional, sincere
genuinely ‫واقعا‬ adv /dʒenjuɪnli/ actually, in a real and sincere way
movement, a movement of part of your body, especially
gesture ‫ حرکت‬. ‫ اشاره‬.‫ژست‬ n /ˈdʒestʃə/ your hands or head, to show what you mean or how you
get accustomed to ‫عادت کردن ه‬ /əˈkʌstəmd/ become used to
huge, extremely big, and much bigger than other things of
giant ‫قوی ه ل‬ adj /ˈdʒaɪənt/
the same type
produce, lead to, to be the reason why something
give rise to ‫منجر ه‬ formal
happens, especially something bad or unpleasant
given ‫ معلوم‬. ‫مع‬ adj /ˈɡɪvən/ particular, previously arranged, specified
govern ‫حکومت کردن‬ v /ˈɡʌvən/ control: regulate
verb [transitive], n
grasp ‫ گرف‬،‫ درک کردن‬،‫فهم دن‬ understand, realize, grab
groom ‫ ز ا کردن‬. ‫آراس‬ v /ɡrʊm/ make up: clean
ground ‫سب‬ n /graʊnd/ reason, cause
groundless ‫اساس‬ adj /ˈɡraʊndləs/ unfounded, baseless
groundwork ‫ اساس‬.‫ا ه‬ n /ˈɡraʊndwɜːk/ base: basis: foundation
unenthusiastic, bad intentionto do or give something very
grudging ‫ ا ا راه‬.‫سوء ن ت‬ adj /grʌdʒ.ɪŋ/
guarantee ‫اران‬ v /ɡærənˈti/ ensure
hairline ‫ جز‬.‫اندک‬ n /heə.laɪn/ slight, fracture, crack
hallmark ‫ انگ‬.‫شان‬ n /hɑl.mɑrk/ characteristic, mark, sign
halt ‫ ا ستاد کردن‬.‫ا ست کردن‬ v /hɑlt/ stop
hamper ‫ مانع شدن از‬.‫مانع شدن‬ v /hæm.pə/ restrictmake difficultyhinder
handy ‫ راحت‬. ‫ دس‬.‫سودمند‬ adj /ˈhændi/ convenient
haphazard ‫ تصاد‬. ‫اتفا‬ adj /hæpˈhæzəd/ random, accidental
‫ استفاده کردن‬.‫مورد استفاده قرار دادن‬ put into use: use: utilize, control and use the natural force
harness v /ˈhɑːnəs $ ˈhɑːr/
‫از‬ or power of something
harsh ‫ زننده‬.‫خشﻦ‬ adj /hɑːrʃ/ drastic, unpleasantly rough to the senses
hasten ‫ ش اف‬.‫عجله کردن‬ v /ˈheɪsən/ speed up, accelerate
hasty ‫ عجول‬.‫شتابزده‬ adj /ˈheɪsti/ hurried
haul ‫ هل دادن‬.‫کش دن‬ v /hɔːl $ hɒːl/ pull, drag
have nothing to do
‫ا چ ی ارت اط نداش‬ ‫هک‬ in no relation to
noun [uncountable]
havoc ‫تخ ب‬- ‫خرا‬ destruction, decimation
hazard ‫خطرنا‬ adj /ˈhæzəd/ danger, peril
erb [intransitive, increase, if something heightens a feeling, effect etc, or if a
heighten ‫ اف‬/‫افزا ش دادن‬
transitive] /ˈhaɪtn/ feeling etc heightens, it becomes stronger or increases

heir ‫وارث‬ noun [countable] /er/ inheritor

hence ‫بنابرایﻦ‬ adverb formal /hens/ therefore

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

noun [singular,
heritage ‫ م اث‬،‫س ت‬ uncountable] legacy: tradition
adjective formal
heterogeneous ‫متن ع‬ varied, diverse, not homogeneous
hide ‫پنهان کردن‬ v /haɪd/ conceal
verb [transitive]
hinder ‫ا‬ ‫ تداخل داش‬،‫مانع‬ hamperinterfere withprevent
/ˈhɪndə $ -ər/
noun [countable]
hint ‫ ره ی‬،‫ شاخص‬،‫ مفهوم‬،‫نخ‬ clue: implication: indication: lead
hire ‫استخدام‬ verb [transitive] /haɪr/ employ
adverb formal
hitherto ‫قﻼ‬ previously
noun (plural hobbies)
hobby ‫گر‬ pastime
[countable] /ˈhɑː.bi/
verb (past tense and
hold ‫شیا‬ past participle held support-keep up
/held/) /hoʊld/
noun [countable]
hollow ‫جای خا‬ an empty space
uniform, consisting of people or things that are all of the
homogeneous ‫یون فرم‬ adj /həʊməˈdʒiːniəs/
same type
host of ‫تعداد ز اد‬ /həʊst/ great number
however ‫در ع حال‬ adv /haʊˈevə $ -ər/ yet, but
hub ‫مرکز‬ n /hʌb/ center, focal point, core
huge ‫بزرگ‬ adj /hjuːdʒ/ large, enormous, colossal, massive
1) fence, [ C ] a frame or fence for jumping over in a
hurdle ‫مش ل‬-‫خصار‬ n /hɜːdl $ ˈhɜːr/ race:2)a problem that you have to deal with before you
can make progress:
hypothetical ‫مفروض‬ adj /haɪpəˈθetɪkəl/ supposed, based on a hypothesis
ice sheet ‫خچال طب‬ glacier
identical ‫مشا ه‬ adj /aɪˈdentɪkəl/ the same (exactly), indistinguishable
noun (plural
idiosyncrasies ‫خص صه های ذا‬-‫طرز فکر و ژه‬ peculiarity, oddity
v, [intransitive,
transitive] formal to
ignite ‫کردن‬/‫مشتعل شدن‬ set on fire
make something start
burning /ɪɡˈnaɪt/
verb [transitive]
illuminate ‫روشﻦ‬ bright, turn on, shine
impression 1)an idea or opinion that is wrong, especially
noun [countable]
illusion ‫خ ال اطل‬-‫خ ال‬-‫وهم‬ about yourself.2)something that seems to be different
from the way it really is
imitate ‫تقل د کردن‬ v /ˈɪmɪteɪt/ emulate with
immense ‫بزرگ‬ ‫خ‬ /ɪˈmens/ enormous: very big: great: huge: vast, extensive, massive
immensely ‫ خ‬،‫فوق العاده‬ adv /ɪˈmensli/ extremely, to a great extent
immigration ‫ مهاجرت‬، ‫جا جا‬ n /ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃən/ movement, emigration
immobile ‫ثا ت‬ adj /ɪˈməʊbaɪl/ fixed, motionless, inert
absence of motion, when land, labour, or capital cannot be
noun [uncountable] easily moved from one kind of use or employment to
immobility ‫عدم تﺤرک و حرکت‬
/ˌɪməˈbɪləti/ another, for example when skilled workers cannot be
easily employed in another job that uses different skills
immoral ‫ زشت‬،‫نامناسب‬ adj /ɪˈmɔːrəl/ improper: indecent
impermeable ‫غ قا ل نفوذ‬ adj /ɪmˈpɜːmiəbəl/ impervious: impenetrable

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noun [uncountable]
impetus ‫ مﺤرک‬،‫انگ ه‬ incentive: stimulus, inducement
implausible ‫اور نکرد‬ adj /ɪmˈplɔːzəbəl/ unbelievable
verb [transitive], noun 1)put into action: tool, a tool, especially one used for
implement ‫انجام دادن‬-‫ابزار‬-‫وس له‬ [countable] outdoor physical work.2)carry out, to take action or make
/ˈɪmpləment/ changes that you have officially decided should happen
verb (implied,
imply ‫اشاره کردن‬ implying, implies) indicate
[transitive] /ɪmˈplaɪ/
imposing ‫تاث گذار‬ adj /ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ/ impressive
imprecise ‫ مبهم‬،‫درست شده‬ adj /ˌɪmprɪˈsaɪs/ inexact
improbable ‫عد‬ adj /ɪmˈprɒbəbəl/ unlikely, not probable
in fact ‫در حق قت‬ actually
in great demand ‫در مجب ت‬ in (great) popularity
in respect to ‫ ه ب ان‬،‫در مقا سه ا‬ in term of, in regard to
in tandem ‫ا هم‬ together
in the long run ‫ در دراز مدت‬،‫در نها ت‬ eventually, over or after a long period of time
inaccessible ‫ دور از دس س‬، ‫دست ن افت‬ unreachable
inadvertently ‫ دون عمد‬،‫سهوا‬ /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtəntli/ without knowing: unintentionally
inaugurate ‫معر کردن‬ v /ɪˈnɑː.ɡjə.reɪt/ introduce
adjective formal
inauspicious ‫نامساعد‬ unfavorable, not auspicious
incentive ‫انگ ه‬ n /ɪnˈsentɪv/ motive, stimulus, impetus
inception ‫وع ه ار ک موسسه ا کت‬ n /ɪnˈsepʃən/ beginning, start
incidentally ‫ ه هر حال‬،‫اتفاقا‬ adv /ˌɪnsəˈdentəli/ by the way, accidentally
adjective formal unfavorable, intemperate, inclement weather is
inclement ‫ نامساعد‬،‫شد د‬
/ɪnˈklemənt/ unpleasantly cold, wet etc
unimaginable, incredible, too strange or unusual to be
inconceivable ‫غ قا ل تصور‬ adj /ˌɪnkənˈsiːvəbəl/
thought real or possible
inconclusive ‫ن جه‬ adj /ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv/ without result, indefinite, indeterminate
verb [transitive]
incorporate ‫ ترک ب کردن‬،‫ادغام کردن‬ include: merge
noun [countable] 1)invasion, a sudden attack into an area that belongs to
incursion ‫ تاخت و تاز‬،‫تهاجم‬ formal /ɪnˈkɜːʃən, -ʒən other people2)the sudden arrival of something or
$ ɪnˈkɜːrʒən/ someone into a place or activity
indicate ، ‫ثا ت کردن شان دادن‬ verb /demənˌstrāt/ demonstrate, imply
indications ‫شانه‬ noun /ɪndɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ signs
indigenous ‫بو‬ adjective /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ native
indiscriminately ‫ تصاد‬،‫دون نظم و فکر‬ at random, arbitrarily, haphazardly
indispensable ‫وری‬ essential: necessary: needed: required: significant: vital
indistinct ‫نا معلوم‬ not clear
induce ‫ تﺤ ک کردن‬،‫وادار کردن‬ verb /inˈd(y)o͞os/ bring about: bring: cause, give rise to, produce
inducement ‫انگ ه‬ noun /inˈd(y)o͞osmənt/ incentive, motivation, impetus

ineffectively ‫غ موثر‬ adverb /ˌɪn.ɪˈfek.tɪv.li/ without any result

inert ، ‫ سا ﻦ‬، ‫احساس‬ ، ‫انگ ه‬ adjective /iˈnərt/ motionless: motiveless, immobile
inevitable ‫اجتناب نا ذیر‬ adjective /ɪˈnevətəbəl/ unavoidable
conclusion, deduction, a conclusion reached on the basis
inference ‫اس نتاج‬ noun /ˈɪnfərəns/
of evidence and reasoning
infirm ‫ ضع ف‬،‫ناتوان‬ adjective /inˈfərm/ weak, feeble
expand, 1) to fill something with air or gas 2) to make
inflate ‫ افزا ش دادن‬،‫ ادکردن‬،‫بزرگ کردن‬ verb /inˈflāt/ something seem more important or impressive than it
really is

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

bring about: impose, cause to be suffered by someone or

inflict ‫ وادارکردن‬،‫تﺤم ل کردن‬ verb /inˈflikt/
infrastructure ‫ ساختار‬،‫ز رساخت‬ foundation
ingenious ‫ مخ ع‬،‫ مب ک‬،‫ اهوش‬،‫خﻼق‬ adjective /inˈjēnyəs/ very clever, intelligent, smart, astute
ingenuity ‫ قوه ابت ار‬،‫ استعداد‬،‫نب غ‬ noun /ˌinjəˈn(y)o͞oitē/ cleverness: creativeness: inventiveness: resourcefulness
adjective /-ˈher-,
inherent ‫ اﺻ‬، ‫ طب‬،‫ القوه‬، ‫ذا‬ essential, essential: in characteristic: instinctive: internal
inhibit ‫ اس‬،‫مﺤدودکردن‬ verb /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ decrease, hinder, hamper
inhospitable ‫ نامه ان‬،‫ناخوشایند‬ unfavorable, adverse, unkind
/ˌɪnhɒˈspɪtəbəl $ -hɑː-/
initial ‫ ابتدا‬،‫اول ه‬ adjective /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ first, in the beginning
initial ‫ در آغاز قرار دادن‬،‫آغاز کردن‬ verb in the begining, first
initially ‫در ابتدا‬ adverb /iˈniSHəlē/ originally, at first [adv]
initiate ‫ وارد کردن‬،‫آغاز‬ verb /ɪˈnɪʃieɪt/ start: begin [v]
innovation ‫نوآوری‬ noun /ˌinəˈvāSHən/ new, novelty
innovative ‫ جد د‬،‫خﻼقانه‬ adjective /ˈinəˌvātiv/ new, featuring new methods
inordinate ‫ افراط‬،‫ب ش از حد معمول و ﻻزم‬ adjective /iˈnôrdn-it/ excessive
insight into ‫آ ا داش س ت ه‬ perceive, comprehension into
insistent ، ‫ ا ا ار ز اد‬، ‫م‬،‫مقاوم‬ adjective /inˈsistənt/ persistent, determined
install ‫ راه اندازی‬،‫نصب‬ verb /inˈstôl/ put in place, mount
1.adjective 2.noun
instant ‫ در لﺤظه‬،‫فوری‬ [adjective]: immediate [noun]: a moment
instantaneous ‫ در لﺤظه‬،‫فوری‬ immediate, instant
instigate ‫ وادار کردن‬،‫تﺤ ک کردن‬ verb /ˈinstiˌgāt/ incite, stimulate
1.noun 2.verb [noun]: academy. [verb]: to introduce or start a system,
institute ‫ ب اد نهادن‬،‫موسسه‬
/ˈɪnstɪtjuːt $ -tuːt/ establishe
instructive ‫آموزنده و مف د‬ adjective /inˈstrəktiv/ informative
insufficient ‫نا ا‬ inadequate, not enough
intact ‫ دست نخورده‬،‫سالم‬ adjective /inˈtakt/ untouched, complete
intangible ‫ نامشهود‬،‫غ قا ل لمس‬ nonmaterial; immaterial, untouchable
integral ‫وری‬ adjective /ˈɪntəɡrəl/ essential, forming a necessary part of something
intense ‫شد د‬ adjective /ɪnˈtens/ strong, of extreme force, degree, or strength
intentionally ‫ عمدا‬،‫از قصد‬ adverb /ɪnˈtenʃənəli/ deliberately
exchange, an exchange of ideas, feelings etc which make
intercourse ‫ت ادل ا ده‬ noun /ˈɪntərkɔːrs/
people or groups understand each other better
in-between, a person who is learning something and who
adjective, noun has more than a basic knowledge of it but is not yet
intermediate ‫متوسﻂ‬
/ˌintərˈmēdē-it/ advanced, being between two other related things, levels,
or points:
intermingle ‫ا هم مخلوط کردن‬ verb /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈmɪŋ.ɡəl/ interact, intermix
1)adjective :familiar, close 2)verb:to make people
1)adjective 2)verb
intimate ‫ﺻم‬ understand what you mean without saying it directly
3)noun /ˈɪn.t̬ə.mət/
3)noun:a close personal friend
intricate ‫پ چ ده و ا ج ات ز اد‬ adjective /ˈɪntrɪkət/ carefully shaped; complex
intrigue ‫ش فته کردن‬ verb /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ interest, fascinate
intriguing ‫جذاب‬ adjective /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/ fascinating
adjective /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk, -
intrinsic ‫ ﻻزمه‬، ‫ذا‬ essential; inherent
invasive, causing disruption or annoyance through being
intrusive ‫آزاردهنده‬ adjective /ɪnˈtruː.sɪv/
unwelcome or uninvited
invade ‫حمله کردن‬ verb /ɪnˈveɪd/ move into, attack a country or region
invaluable ‫فوق العاده گرانبها و سودمند‬ highly useful, very valuable

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

invariably ‫همواره‬ adverb /ɪnˈver.i.ə.bli/ always, in every case or on every occasion, constantly
devise, create or design (something that has not existed
invent ‫ درست کردن‬،‫اخ اع کردن‬ verb /ɪnˈvent/
inviolable ‫و تغی‬ ‫ غ قا ل دس‬،‫مصون‬ allowing no attack; without exception, immune
invoke ، ‫درخواست‬، ‫التماس‬ verb /inˈvōk/ appeal, cite or appeal to
irrecoverable ‫ دائ‬،‫غ قا ل ج ان‬ permanent, not able to be recovered
separated, far away from other places, buildings, or
isolated ‫جدا شده‬ adjective /ˈīsəˌlātid/
people; remote
jettison ‫ آزادکردن‬،‫ب ون افکندن‬ verb /-zən, ˈjetisən/ release, throw or drop (something) from an aircraft or ship
jointly ‫ه طور مش ک‬ adverb /ˈjointlē/ combined, in partnership, cooperatively
1)verb: jerk, to move suddenly, to give someone a sudden
jolt ‫ تلق تلق‬،‫ ت ان‬،‫ت ان خوردن‬ 1)verb 2)noun /jōlt/
shock. 2)noun: a sudden shock
estimate 1)noun: someone who decides on the result of a
‫ داوری‬،‫ قﻀاوت کردن‬،‫ داور‬، ‫قا‬
judge 1)noun 2)verb /dʒʌdʒ/ competition 2)verb : to decide on the result of a
junction ‫اتصال‬ noun /ˈjəNGkSHən/ connection
juncture ‫پیوست‬ noun /ˈjəNGkCHər/ connection, junction
justified ‫ تعد ل شده‬،‫ تصدیق کردن‬،‫ حق دادن‬adjective /ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/ right, having an acceptable explanation or reason
justify ‫ حق دادن‬،‫توج ه کردن‬ verb /ˈjəstəˌfī/ prove, give reasons for, give a justification for
justly ‫عادﻻنه‬ adverb /ˈjəstlē/ rightly, fairly
keep tune to ‫ حفظ‬،‫حفظ کردن‬ maintain, keep
key ‫وری‬ ‫س ار مهم و‬ adjective /kiː/ significant: critical, of paramount or crucial importance
noun [ C or U ] cargo: shipment, goods carried by a ship, plane, truck, etc.,
lading ‫ ارگ ی‬-‫مﺤموله‬
/ˈleɪdɪŋ/ or the act of putting these goods on the vehicle
scenery, a large area of countryside, a view or picture of
landscape ‫منظره‬-‫چشم انداز‬ noun[c] /ˈlænd.skeɪp/
the countryside, or the art of making such pictures
large ‫وسیع‬-‫بزرگ‬ adj /lɑːrdʒ/ extensive, big
largely ‫ ه طور عمده‬-‫تاحد ز ادی‬ adv /ˈlɑːrdʒ.li/ mostly or mainly
adjective formal
lateral ‫جان‬ side
verb [transitive]
launch ‫ وع کردن‬-‫راه اندازی کردن‬ initiate: start, embark
careless, not strict or careful enough about standards of
lax ‫اهمال ار‬-‫سست‬ adj /læks/
behaviour, work, safety etc
‫بر حق‬- ‫درس‬--‫قانو بودن‬- ‫حقا‬ noun [ U ]
legitimacy authority, authenticity, validity
‫بودن‬ /ləˈdʒɪt̬.ə.mə.si/
legitimately ‫ه ﺻورت م و و قانو‬ adv /əˈdʒɪt̬.ə.mət.li/ properly, lawfully
leisure ‫مجال‬-‫فراغت‬ noun [ U ] /ˈliː.ʒɚ/ free time
slowly, if you do something in a leisurely way, you do it in
leisurely ‫ دون عجله‬- ‫ا آسود‬ adj /ˈleʒ.ɚ.li/
a slow relaxed way, without hurrying
lethal ‫مهل‬- ‫مرگ ار‬ adj /ˈliːθəl/ deadly: fateful, fatal
liberal ‫گس ده در زمینه اموزش‬ adj /ˈlɪbərəl/ extensive, vast, wide
to compare, equalize, [formal] to say that someone or
liken ‫مقا سه کردن‬ phrasal verb /ˈlaɪkən/
something is similar to another person or thing
likewise ‫همچن‬ adv /ˈlaɪk-waɪz// similarly, in a like manner
stroll: wanderto continue to exist, be noticeable etc for
linger ‫ گردان بودن‬،‫منتظر ماندن‬ /ˈlɪŋɡər/
longer than is usual or desirable
link ‫متصل کردن‬ v[transitive] /lɪŋk/ connect: consist of: put together
little short miraculous ‫چ ی ش ه معجزه‬ //mɪˈrækjələs// amazing but it is impossible
livelihood ‫ وس له معاش‬.‫ معاش‬.‫مع شت‬ //ˈlaɪvlihʊd// means of support, living
noun [countable]
locale ‫ منطقه‬.‫مﺤل‬ 1)place2)find
formal /ˈloʊkeɪt/
lucrative ‫ سودمند‬.‫ پرمنفعت‬.‫سودآور‬ adj //ˈluːkrətɪv// profitable, beneficial
luxuriant ‫ پ رکت‬.‫ انبوه‬.‫مجلل‬ adj //ləɡˈʒʊriənt// thriving, lush, luxurious

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb (magnified,
magnify ‫بزرگ کردن‬ ‫ ز ر ذره ب‬.‫بزرگ کردن‬ enlarge; increase, amplify
magnifies) [transitive]
magnitude ‫اهم ت‬.‫مقدار‬.‫اندازه‬. ‫بزر‬ n //ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd // size; amount; extent, hugeness
verb [transitive] continue, preserve, cause or enable (a condition or state of
maintain ‫ادامه دادن‬.‫حفظ کردن‬. ‫نگه داش‬
//meɪnˈteɪn, mən-// affairs) to continue
magnificent, glorious, splendid, very big, impressive, or
majestic ‫ اعظمت‬.‫اشکوه‬ adj //məˈdʒestɪk//
make their way ‫ س احت کردن‬.‫مسافرت کردن‬ travel, to go towards something
pliable [sound:google-9ea9dc58-04a0acf7-b51e35a9-
malleable ‫نرم و قا ل انعطاف‬ adj /ˈmæliəbəl/
819eb96b-702feb9f.mp3], flexible
manage ‫ گرداندن‬.‫اداره کردن‬ be able, administer
mandatory ‫ الزا‬.‫اج اری‬ adj /ˈmændətɔːri/ obligatory; required, compulsory
verb [transitive] reveal, to display or show (a quality or feeling) by one's
manifest ‫ فاش کردن‬.‫ معلوم مردن‬. ‫آش ار ساخ‬
formal /ˈmænəfest/ acts or appearance; demonstrate
verb [transitive] control, manage, handle or control (a tool, mechanism,
manipulate ‫ اداره کردن‬.‫دست اری کردن‬
/məˈnɪpjəleɪt// etc.), typically in a skillful manner
marked ‫ عﻼمتدار‬.‫مشخص‬ adj /mɑːrkt/ considerable: significant, clearly noticeable; evident
‫ ه طور قا ل توجه‬. ‫ه طرز مﺤسو‬ distinctly: noticeably, to an extent that is clearly
markedly adv /ˈmɑːr.kɪd.li/
‫ای‬ noticeable; significantly
marvelously ‫ جالب‬.‫ عج ب‬.‫ح ت آور‬ adv /ˈmɑr·və·ləs·li// remarkably, wonderfully, superbly
noun [countable],
/n/‫ پوشاندن‬.‫ نقاب‬.‫ماسک‬ 1) cover: disguise.2) 2 to hide your feelings or the truth
mask verb [transitive]
/v/‫ماسک زدن‬.‫ پنهان کردن‬.‫پوشاندن‬ about a situation
massive ‫عظ مو بزرگو ﻼن‬ adj /massive/ enormous: huge, vast, large and heavy or solid
noun [uncountable]
mastery ‫ سلطه‬. ‫ار ا‬ control, lordship
‫ جامه‬. ‫ﺻودت خار ه خود گرف‬ verb [intransitive]
materialize come into being, become actual fact; happen
‫عمل خود پوش دن‬ /məˈtɪriəlaɪz/
matter ‫ماده‬.‫موض ع‬ issue, affair
.‫ ﺤد ل غ ا رشد رسادندن‬.‫رشد کردن‬ verb [intransitive]
mature develop: get older, be fully grown, reach adulthood
‫امل کردن‬ /məˈtʊr/
noun [countable],
maximum ‫ب ش نه‬-‫ب ش ﻦ‬ adjective [only before greatest size, the greatest or highest amount possible
noun] /ˈmæksəməm/
mean ‫م انگ‬.‫متوسﻂ‬ noun [ S ] //miːn// average, medium, mediocre
noun [countable] means, a natural or established process by which
mechanism ‫آﻻت‬ ‫ م ان ک ماش‬.‫م ان ک‬
/ˈmekənɪzəm/ something takes place or is brought about
mere subsistence minimum survival
no more than: only: simply, just(used to emphasize how
merely ‫قدر‬ ‫ هم‬.‫فا‬ .‫فقﻂ‬ adv /ˈmɪr.li/
small or unimportant something or someone is)
verb [intransitive, blend: combine, to combine, or to join things together to
merge ‫ ترک ب کردن‬.‫ادغام کردن‬
transitive] /mɜːrdʒ/ form one thing
1)[n] worth, an advantage or good feature of
/n/ ‫ استﺤقاق‬.‫ ل اقت‬. ‫شا ست‬. n, v [transitive] formal
merit something.2)[v] to be good, important, or serious enough
/v/ ‫ اسنﺤقاق داش‬.‫اوار بودن‬ //ˈmerɪt//
for praise or attention.
meticulously ‫ا دقت س ار‬ adv //məˈtɪkjələsli// carefully, minutely
n [countable]
milestone ‫رو داد مهم‬ significant event, landmark
n [countable], v
mimic /n/‫ مقلد‬/v/‫تقل د کردن‬. copy: imitate
mimicking) [transitive]
adj [only before noun]
miniature ‫ کوتاه‬.‫کوچک‬ small, tiny, minuscule

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

minuscule ‫خ کوچک‬ adj //ˈmɪnəskjuːl// extremely small, tiny, miniature

minute ‫س ار کوچک‬ adj /maɪˈnut/ very small: tiny, minuscule, miniature
minutely ‫طور دقیق‬ //maɪˈnuːtli// finely: in detail, meticulously
v [transitive]
mirror ‫منعکس کردن‬ reflect, show a reflection of
n [countable,
misconception ‫تصور غلﻂ‬ uncountable] wrong idea, misunderstanding
erroneous: inaccurate: unreliable, giving the wrong idea or
misleading ‫مراه کننده‬ adj //mɪsˈliːdɪŋ//
misunderstanding ‫ اش اه فهم دن‬.‫سوء تفاهم‬ //ˌmɪsʌndərˈstændɪŋ false idea, misconception
/n/ ‫ساخت‬/adj/ ‫ تقل دی‬/v/ ‫تقل د‬ adj [only before
mock pretend
‫ دست انداخ‬.‫ مسخره کردن‬.‫در آوردن‬ noun], v //mɑːk//
n [countable]
mode ‫ ط قه‬.‫ طرز‬.‫س ک‬ manner, style, method
/adj/‫م انه رو‬.‫معتدل‬/v/‫پوشاندن‬.
moderate adj /ˈmɑdərət/ temperate, mediocre, mild
‫ماسک زدن‬.‫پنهان کردن‬
limited: small, relatively moderate (of an amount, rate, or
modest ‫س تا م‬ adj //ˈmɑːdɪst//
level of something)
modestly ‫ ا فروت‬.‫ تواضع‬.‫ساده‬ adv //ˈmɑːdɪstli// humbly
noun //ˌmɒdɪfɪˈkeɪʃən
modification ‫ تعد ل‬،‫ پ ا ش‬،‫اﺻﻼح‬ alteration, amendment
$ ˌmɑː-//
verb [transitive]
modify ‫تغی دادن‬ change, alter, amend
//ˈmɒdɪfaɪ $ ˈmɑː-//
significant, of great importance, especially in its bearing on
momentous ‫س ار مهم‬ //məʊˈmentəs, mə- $
the future
moʊ-, mə-//
verb [transitive]
observe, check the progress or quality of (something) over
monitor ‫نظارت کردن‬ //ˈmɒnɪtə $
a period of time
verb [transitive]
‫ ه خود اختصاص‬،‫انﺤصاری کردن‬
monopolize //məˈnɒpəlaɪz $ -ˈnɑː- dominate
‫ ه د گران مجال ندادن‬،‫دادن‬
noun //məˈnɒpəli $
monopoly in ‫انﺤصار‬ domination
məˈnɑː- ɪn//
noun //ˈmɒnətəʊn $ tedious: boring, a continuing sound, especially of
monotone ‫کنواخت و خسته کننده‬
ˈmɑːnətoʊn// someone's voice
monumental ‫ ز اد‬،‫عظ م‬ //ˌmɒnjəˈmentl◂ $ giant: significant, great in importance, extent, or size
adverb [sentence
adverb] formal
moreover ‫ ه اضافه‬،‫عﻼوه بر ایﻦ‬ additionally: in addition, furthermore
//mɔːrˈəʊvə $ -
noun [countable]
motif ‫ ط ح‬،‫ال و‬ pattern, a decorative design or pattern
//məʊˈ ːf $ moʊ-//
grow: climb: increase, climb up (stairs, a hill, or other rising
mount ‫ سوار شدن‬،‫ ﺻعود کردن‬، ‫اﻻ رف‬ verb //maʊnt//
mundane ‫ دنیوی‬،‫ پ ش ا افتاده‬، ‫ معمو‬،‫ عادی‬adjective //mʌnˈdeɪn// material: ordinary, lacking interest or excitement

adjective //ˈmjuːtʃuəli
mutually exclusive ‫متناقﺾ‬ contradictory

adjective [usually
countless: innumerable: numerous, extremely great in
myriad ‫ هزاران‬،‫فراوان‬ before noun] written

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

narrow ‫مﺤدود کردن‬ verb //ˈnærəʊ $ -roʊ// limit, restrict, confine, curb [v]

nature ‫ ذات‬،‫طب عت‬ noun //ˈneɪtʃə $ -tʃər// character, disposition, temperament

adverb //ˈnɪəli $
nearly ‫تق ا‬ almost, closely, approximately
necessary ‫واجب‬-‫وری‬ -‫ﻻزم‬ adj /ˈnesəseri/ required
obvious, used when you are telling someone something
needless to say ‫ ن از ه توضیح ن ست‬،‫اش ار است‬
that they probably know or expect
adverb formal
nevertheless ‫ا ایﻦ وجود‬ however: in spite of
‫حیوانا که در شب فعال ت‬-‫ش انه‬ nighttime1) [formal] happening at night2)an animal that is
nocturnal adj /nɑːkˈtɝː.nəl//
‫م کنند‬ nocturnal is active at night
adjective [usually
notable ‫مهم‬-‫قا ل توجه‬ before noun] important: outstanding
especially1) used to say that a person or thing is a typical
example or the most important example of something
notably ‫ ه خصوص‬-‫ ه و ژه‬-‫و ژه‬ adv /ˈnəʊtəbli/
2)formal in a way that is clearly different, important, or
record, something that you write down to remind you of
note ‫نوش‬-‫ض ﻂ کردن‬ n /noʊt/
notice ‫خ‬-‫اطﻼع‬ n [countable] /ˈnəʊtɪs/ a written announcement / statement
noticeable ‫برجسته‬-‫قا ل توجه‬ adj /ˈnoʊ.t̬ɪ.sə.bəl/ obvious
notion ‫ا ده‬ n /ˈnoʊ.ʃən/ idea, vision
preposition, adverb
notwithstanding ‫ ا وجود اینکه‬-‫ع رغم‬ formal despite: nevertheless
adjective [usually
novel ‫جد د‬ new
before noun] /ˈnɑː.vəl/
now and then ‫اوقات‬ ‫ا‬ occasionally
noun [countable]
objective ‫هدف‬ purpose, target, aim, goal
require: force, if you are obliged to do something, you
oblige ‫مجبور کردن‬-‫وادار کردن‬ verb formal /əˈblaɪdʒ/ have to do it because the situation, the law, a duty etc
makes it necessary
1) to make something difficult to know or understand 2)
verb [transitive]
obscure ‫پنهان کردن‬-‫ت ه کردن‬-‫مبهم کردن‬ conceal, to prevent something from being seen or heard
1)not well known and usually not very important,
obscure ‫ت ه‬--‫ منام‬-‫مبهم‬ adj /əbˈskjʊr/
2)unclear, difficult to understand
‫عﻼقه مندی وافر و‬-‫وسواس‬-‫فکر دائم‬ fixation on, something or someone that you think about all
obsession with /əbˈseʃ.ən/
obsessive behavior‫ب ش از اندازه‬ the time:
obtain ‫گرف‬، ‫فراهم کردن‬، ‫دست اوردن‬ v //əbˈteɪn// acquire
obvious ‫مشهود‬،‫اش ار‬، ‫دی‬ adj //ˈɑːbviəs// evident, clear
obviously ‫ دی است که‬، ‫طور اش ار ا معلوم‬ adv //ˈɑːbviəsli// clearly, apparently
occasion ‫ پ شامد‬،‫موقع ت‬، ‫فرﺻت مناسب‬ n //əˈkeɪʒən// event, moment, occurrence
occasionally ‫ ع از اوقات‬، ‫ اه و ب اه‬، ‫گه اه‬ adv //əˈkeɪʒənəli// once in a while
of legitimacy ‫ م وع ت‬،‫مجاز‬، ‫م وع‬ lawful
، ‫امر احتما‬، ‫ اور کرد‬، ‫مﺤتمل‬
of likelihood probable
offset ‫ موازنه کردن‬،‫ج ان کردن‬ v //ˈɒːfset// 1)balance 2)compensate 3)make up 4)counterbalance
old male ?‫مرد سالمند‬ aged male
omit ‫ از قلم انداخ‬،‫حذف کردن‬ v //oʊˈmɪt// 1)neglect 2)exclude
on the contrary ‫ در حال که‬،‫بر خﻼف‬ 1)on the other hand 2)whereas
on the spur of the
‫دون برنامه و نا ها‬ phrase without planning
on the whole ‫ ه طور عمده‬،‫در ل‬ 1)in general 2)mainly

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

ongoing ‫ در دست اقدام‬،‫جارى‬ adj //ˈɑːnˌɡoʊɪŋ// current

onset ‫وع‬ n //ˈɑːnset// 1) start 2)beginning, (especially something unpleasant)
impenetrable ‫نفوذنا ذیر‬impermeable ‫نفوذنا ذیر‬impervious
adj [usually before
opaque ‫ پوش ده‬،‫ مات‬،‫کدر‬، ‫مبهم‬، ‫غ شفاف‬ ‫( نفوذنا ذیر‬materials that are impervious to water)not able
noun] //oʊˈpeɪk//
to be seen through
1)most advantageous 2)ideal, best or most favorable;
optimal ‫بهینه‬ adj //ˈɑːptəməl//
option ‫انتخاب‬، ‫گ نه‬ n //ˈɑːpʃən// choice, alternative
orchestrate ‫ اداره کردن‬،‫هماهنگ و موزون کردن‬ v //ˈɔːrkəstreɪt// stage-manage
orientation ‫جهت‬، ‫گرا ش‬ n //ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃən/ 1)perspective 2) introduction
originally ‫در ابتدا‬،‫دراغاز ار‬، ‫دراﺻل‬ adv //əˈrɪdʒənəli// at the first
originate from ‫ شات گرفته از‬،‫آمده ه وجود از‬ come into existence from
ornament ‫ ز ت‬، ‫تزئ‬ n //ˈɔːrnəmənt// decorate
ornamental ‫زن‬ adj //ˌɔːrnəˈmentl// decorative
n [uncountable]
ornamentation ‫پ اش‬ decoration
ostentatious ‫خودنما‬،‫متظاهر‬ adj //ɑːstənˈteɪʃəs// showy, designed to impress or attract notice
n [countable]
outbreak ‫شی ع‬،‫ظهور‬ sudden increase
n [countable]
outcome ‫ن جه‬، ‫حاﺻل‬،‫امد‬ result
adj [only before noun]
outermost ‫از دورت ﻦ نقطه خارج‬، ‫نقطه‬ ‫از اق‬ farthermost away
overlook ‫کردن‬ ‫چشم پو‬ v //ˌoʊvərˈlʊk // ignore
n [countable]
overview ‫ خﻼﺻه‬، ‫اجما‬ ‫برر‬ summary
‫خورد کننده‬،‫طاقت فرسا‬
overwhelming adj //ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ// powerful, very great in amount
owing to ‫ز را‬، ‫علت‬ preposition because of, due to
pace ‫ ام‬،‫ عت‬،‫تندى‬ n //peɪs// speed
assuage [sound:google-09d0ff83-63b6c10c-5bb8bc00-
pacify ‫دادن‬ ‫ سک‬، ‫فرو شاندن‬، ‫ارام کردن‬ v //ˈpæsɪfaɪ//
92a78f16-fb2dae1e.mp3], silence, soothe
paradox ‫اضداد‬،‫ب ان مغایر‬، ‫تناقﺾ‬ n //ˈpærədɑːks// 1)contrary 2)contradictory
paradoxically ‫ ظاهرا‬،‫متناقﺾ‬ ‫هش‬ adv //ˌpærəˈdɑːksɪkli// seemingly, seemingly absurd or self-contradictory
phrasal verb // parcel out: distributeparcel off/up: divideparcel (n):
parcel out ‫ خش کردن‬،‫توز ــع کردن‬
ˈpɑːrsəl aʊt// packagea parcel of clothes and blankets
phrasal verb //per remove, peel (off), trim (something) by cutting away its
pare away ‫پوست کندن‬
əˈweɪ// outer edges
particularly ‫ مخصوﺻا‬،‫ه خصوص‬ adv // pərˈtɪkjələrli// especially
partly ‫ س تا‬، ‫تاحدى‬ adv //ˈpɑːrtli// in some degree
patch ‫ وﺻله‬،‫نقطه‬ n [countable] //pætʃ// 1)area 2) spot
1)top 2)highest point 3)maximum 4)time of the greatest
peak ‫نقطه ما مم‬ n [countable] //piːk//
activity 5)summit/climax
‫داراى اخﻼق غ ب‬، ‫عج ب وغ ب‬
peculiar adj //pɪˈkjuːliər// strange, eccentric
‫و ژه‬،
‫ داخل ا ت کردن‬،‫نفوذ کردن در‬
penetrate v //ˈpenətreɪt// enter, pierce, osmose, make a hole in
‫رخنه کردن‬،
adj, formal
perceptible ‫ مﺤسوس‬، ‫شد‬ ‫ادرا‬، ‫قا ل درک‬ 1)noticeable 2)appreciable
peril ‫ ب م ز ان‬،‫ مخاطره‬،‫خطر‬ n //ˈperəl// danger
adj, literary or formal
perilous ‫خطرنا‬، ‫مخاطره ام‬ 1)dangerous 2)hazardous 3)risky 4)toxic
periodically ‫در فواﺻل مع‬، ‫صورت دوره اى‬ adv //ˌpɪriˈɑː-dɪkli// 1)from time to time 2)regularly
perishable ، ‫نابود شد‬، ‫فاسد شد‬ adj //ˈperɪʃəbəl// easy to spoil
permanent ‫ ا دار‬، ‫دا‬، ‫هم ش‬،‫ا ا‬ adj //ˈpɜːrmənənt// 1)forever 2)lasting

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb (permitted,
permit ‫اجازه دادن‬ allow, enable
permitting) /pərˈmɪt/
adjective [usually
perpetual ‫ هم ش‬،‫ا دی‬ before noun] constant, continual, habitual, eternal
maintain/ immortalize, to make a situation, attitude etc,
perpetuate ‫کردن‬ ‫ دائ‬، ‫جاودا ساخ‬ verb /pərˈpetʃueɪt/
especially a bad one, continue to exist for a long time
persist ‫ افشاری کردن‬،‫ار ورز دن‬ ‫ا‬ Verb /pərˈsɪst/ 1)continue 2)last
persistent ‫مداوم‬ adjective /pərˈsɪstənt/ long lasting
noun (plural
personality ‫ ه ت‬،‫شخص ت‬ personalities) character, trait
adjective formal
pertinent ‫م وط‬ relevant, related
widespread, existing in all parts of a place or thing;
pervasive ‫فرا‬ Adjective /pərˈveɪsɪv/
spreading gradually to affect all parts of a place or thing
noun, countable
phenomena ‫اثار‬-‫د ده‬ //fɪˈnɒmənən $ [pl.] events
fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn, -nən//
adjective //fɪˈnɒmɪnəl
phenomenal -‫ شگفت انگ تاث گذار‬،‫فوق العاده‬ extraordinary
$ -ˈnɑː-//

noun (plural
phenomena /-nə/)
phenomenon ‫ اثر طب‬،‫حادثه‬ 1)observable fact 2)occurrence
/fɪˈnɑːmənɑːn, -nən//
‫هم کردن و بهم متصل کردن‬ joining, to put all the separate parts of an object into the
piece together /piːs/
‫قطعات و اره های چ ی‬ correct order or position
noun [countable,
pigment ‫رنگ‬ uncountable] color
noun [uncountable]
pigmentation ‫ رنگ کردن‬، ‫رن‬ 1)coloring 2)dye
pinnacle ‫درجه‬ ‫ منت‬،‫ راس‬،‫اوج‬ noun //ˈpɪnəkəl// high point, culmination
noun [countable]
pinpoint ‫چ کوچک‬ precise, a very small area or dot of something
pinpoint ‫ا دقت اشاره کردن‬ verb //ˈpɪnpɔɪnt// 1)clearly identify 2)describe precisely
Noun //ˌpaɪəˈnɪə $ -
pioneer ‫ پ شقدم‬،‫و‬ ‫پ‬ initiate, forerunner, progenitor
1) to cause pain, suffering, or trouble to
-‫طاعون‬-‫ ه ستوه اوردن‬-‫ازار رساندن‬ noun, verb [transitive] someone,especially for a long period of time.2) a disease
‫افت ﻼ‬ //pleɪɡ// that causes death and spreads quicklyto a large number of
plausible ‫ مﺤتمل‬، ‫اور کرد‬ adjective /ˈplɑː.zə.bəl/ 1)believable 2)apparently reasonable and valid
noun [uncountable]
plumage ‫ پرهای ز ن‬،‫پر‬ feather
affordable, the amount of money that you have, or your
pocketbook ‫توانا خ د داش‬ noun /ˈpɑː.kɪt.bʊk/
ability to pay for things
popular ‫ مشهور‬،‫مﺤبوب‬ adjective /ˈpɑːpjələr/ broad appeal: widespread
space: hole, one of the very small holes in your skin that
noun [countable]
pore ‫ خلل و ف ج‬،‫ سوراخ ر ز‬،‫روزنه‬ sweat can pass through; one of the similar small holes in
the surface of a plant or a rock
portable ‫قا ل حمل‬ adjective /ˈpɔːrtəbl/ can be carried or moved easily

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

constituent [sound:google-b62cf72e-1e7ff7e8-20dc9a79-
noun, countable
portion ‫ قسمت‬،‫خش‬ 01a1178d-c793e1de.mp3]: part, a part of a whole; an
amount or piece of something
noun [countable] present: place, the position in which someone stands or
pose ‫حالت‬-‫ف گور‬- ‫ژست دروغ‬-‫ژست‬
/poʊz/ sits, especially in a painting, photograph etc
verb [transitive]formal
posit ‫فرض کردن‬ assume: propose: suggest
postulate ‫فرض کردن‬-‫مسلم فرض کردن‬ Verb /ˈpɑːstʃəleɪt/ hypothesize: presume
potent ‫ ن ومند‬،‫قوی‬ Adjective /ˈpoʊtnt/ powerful
potential ‫ استعداد‬،‫پتا س ل‬-‫القوه‬ adj, n //pəˈtenʃəl// 1) possible-latent (adj) 2)capability
practically ‫تق ا‬ Adverb //ˈpræktɪkli// nearly, virtually; almost, in a practical manner
Adjective practical, based on practical rather than theoretical
pragmatic ‫عمل را‬
//præɡˈmætɪk// considerations
insecure, dangerously likely to fall or collapse, dependent
precarious ‫پرمخاطره‬-‫م لزل‬ Adjective /prɪˈkeriəs/
on chance
verb [transitive]
precede ‫جلوتر بودن‬ be beyond: come before
formal //prɪˈsiːd//
precious ‫ارزشمند‬-‫گرانبها‬ adj //ˈpreʃ.əs// valuable
v [ T ] formal bring about, to make something happen suddenly or
precipitate ‫ــع کردن‬
//prɪˈsɪp.ə.teɪt// sooner than expected:
precise ‫دقیق و درست‬ adj /prɪˈsaɪs/ exact
precision ‫دقت‬ n /prɪˈsɪʒən/ accuracy
verb [transitive]formal
preclude ‫مانع شدن‬ rule out, prevent, impede, prohibit
predicament ‫مخمصه‬ n difficult situation: serious situation
prediction ‫پ شگو‬- ‫پ ش بی‬ n //prɪˈdɪkʃən/ prophecy, forecast
predominant ‫غالب‬ /prɪˈdɑːmɪnənt/ very noticeable: most aggressive: principal, dominant
predominantly ‫ اغلب‬،‫عمدتا‬ adv /prɪˈdɑːmənəntli -/ mostly or mainly, principally: primitively, dominantly
preeminent ‫افﻀل‬-‫برجسته‬ adj /priˈem·ə·nənt/ important, foremost, prominent
assume, a statement or idea that you accept as true and
premise ‫ب اد و اساس چ ی‬-‫فرض‬ noun /premɪs/
use as a base for developing other ideas, assumption
concentration on, when someone thinks or worries about
preoccupation ‫تما ل‬- ‫ش فت‬ something a lot, with the result that they do not pay
attention to other things
verb [ T ] formal ordain: appoint: foreordain, decide or determine (an
preordain ‫ق ﻼ وق ع امری را ترت ب دادن‬
/ˌpriː.ɔːrˈdeɪn/ outcome or course of action) beforehand
a preponderance of
evidence that he's
noun formal
eIt has concluded, by ‫ت‬ ‫ا‬ majority
a preponderance of
evidence that he's
support is a noun [countable] requirement: something needed to happenas a prior
‫ ط ﻻزم‬-‫پ ش ن از‬
prerequisite for/to the formal /prerequisite/ condition: something required
success of this project.
verb [transitive]
preserve ‫حفظ کردن‬ protect: retain: save, keep
presumable adj probable: supposable
presumably ‫احتماﻻ‬ adv /prɪˈzuːməbli/ probably
prevail ‫غالب‬ v /prɪˈveɪl/ dominate: monopolize
adj [only before noun]
prevailing ‫مﺤبوب‬،‫غالب‬ dominant: popular
prevalent ‫غالب‬،‫مش ک‬،‫شایع‬ adj /ˈprevələnt/ common: prevailing

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

adj [only before noun]

previous ‫ق‬ past
previously ‫قﻼ‬ adv /ˈpriːviəsli/ before
primarily ‫در درجه اول‬ adv /praɪˈmerəli/ mainly
adj [usually before
primary ‫اول ه‬ dominant
noun] /ˈpraɪmeri/
adj [only before noun]
prime ‫نخست‬ main
primitive ‫اول ه‬ adj /ˈprɪmətɪv/ early: basic and simple, primary, preliminary
adj [only before noun]
principal ‫عمده‬،‫وری‬ ، ‫اﺻ‬ essential: major
principle ‫استاندارد‬،‫قانون‬،‫اﺻل‬ n[C] /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ rule: standard
prior ‫ق‬ adj /ˈpraɪər/ previous, before
priority ‫اول ت‬ n[C, U] /praɪˈɔːrə / ranking preference
pristine ‫تر و تازه‬ adj /ˈprɪs ːn/ pure, fresh, in its original condition; unspoiled.
prized ‫ا ارزش‬ adj /praɪzd/ valued, cherished
probe ‫اوش کردن‬ v [T, I] /proʊb/ explore
purify, cater, perform a series of mechanical or chemical
process ‫روند‬ n [C] /ˈprɑːses/
operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it

procurement ‫ه دست آوردن‬ v[T] /prəˈkjʊr/ acquire: obtain (something), especially with care or effort
profound ‫دور از دس س‬،‫عمیق‬ adj /prəˈfaʊnd/ far-reaching: deep
programmed ‫مشخص‬،‫برنامه ر زی شده‬ adj determined, arrange according to a plan or schedule
progressively ‫ه تدر ــﺞ‬ adv /prəˈɡresɪvli/ gradually
prohibitive ‫گران‬ adj /prəˈhɪbətɪv/ unaffordable, expensive, difficult or impossible to pay
projection ‫پ ش بی‬، ‫تخم‬ n /prəˈdʒekʃən/ estimate/prediction
proliferation ‫افزا ش‬، ‫تکث‬ n /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃn/ [n] increase, rapid increase in numbers
prolifically ‫وفور‬، ‫فراوا‬ adv /prəˈlɪfɪkli/ abundantly
prolong ‫طوﻻ کردن‬ v[T] /prəˈlɔːŋ/ extend, lengthen, extend the duration of
prolonged ‫طوﻻ مدت‬ adj /prəˈlɔːŋd/ lengthy
prominent ‫مهم‬، ‫اﺻ‬،‫برجسته‬ adj /ˈprɑːmɪnənt/ eminent: principal: outstanding: important, preeminent
promote ‫اﻻ بردن؛ ش ق کردن‬ v[T] /prəˈmoʊt/ encourage: enhance, advocate
prompt ‫س ب شود‬ v /prɑːmpt/ cause
definite: clear: notable, very noticeable or marked;
pronounced ‫واضح‬،‫قا ل توجه‬ adj /prəˈnaʊnst/
1)multiply: reproduce, breed, 2)spread and promote (an
propagate ‫رواج دادن‬ v /ˈprɑːpəɡeɪt/
idea, theory, etc.) widely
push, drive, push, or cause to move in a particular
propel ‫فشار دادن‬،‫سوق دادن‬ v[T] /prəˈpel/
direction, typically forward
property ‫ک ف ت‬،‫مشخصه‬، ‫و ژ‬ n /ˈprɑːpər / characteristic: quality, an attribute of something
supporter, a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or
proponent ‫حا‬ n [C] /prəˈpoʊnənt/
proposal ‫پ شنهاد‬ n [C] /prəˈpoʊzəl/ suggestion: idea, offer, scheme
suggest, put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or
propose ‫پ شنهاد‬ v /prəˈpoʊz/
discussion by others
prosper ‫موفق شدن‬ v /ˈprɑːspər/ succeed, thrive
prosperity ‫سﻼمت‬، ‫ام ا‬ n [U] /prɑːˈsperəti/ wellbeing, success, the state of being prosperous
prosperous ‫ثروتمند‬،‫موفق‬ adj /ˈprɑːspərəs/ wealthy, flourishing financially
prototype ‫نمونه اول ه‬ n [C] /ˈproʊtətaɪp/ model, a first, typical or preliminary model of something
project: stick out: extend, extend beyond or above a
protrude ‫خارج شدن‬ v [I] /proʊˈtruːd/
provided ‫ار‬ if, while, on the condition or understanding that
provoke ‫تﺤ ک کردن‬،‫ب ون کش دن‬ v[T] /prəˈvoʊk/ elicit, arouse, produce, evoke, give rise to
prowess ‫تخصص‬ n [U] /ˈpraʊɪs/ 1)great skill: expertise, 2)bravery in battle
proximity ‫نزد‬ n [U] /prɑːkˈsɪməti/ nearness: closeness, vicinity
pursue ‫تعق ب کردن‬،‫دن ال کردن‬ v[T] /pərˈsuː/ chase, follow

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

residences :rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants,

quarter ‫خوا اه‬ n[plural] /ˈkwɔːrtər/
etc. to live in, district
radical ‫مفرط‬،‫شد د‬ adj /ˈrædɪkəl/ drastic: extreme: fundamental
radically ‫ه ﺻورت امل‬ adv /ˈrædɪkli/ completely, fundamentally
n [C, usually plural]
ramification ‫شاخه‬،‫ن جه‬،‫ا شعاب‬ consequence: branch, outcome
random ‫شا‬، ‫تصاد‬ adj /ˈrændəm/ chance, arbitrary
v [intransitive always
vary : to include a variety of different things or people in
range ‫در بر گرف‬ + adverb/preposition]
addition to those mentioned

adj(comparative rarer,
rare ‫غ معمول‬،‫ م اب‬،‫نادر‬ scarce: unusual, infrequent
superlative rarest /rer/
classify, consider to be of a certain quality, standard, or
rate ‫نخ‬ v[C] /reɪt/
rather than ‫ه جای‬ /ˈræðər ðən/ instead of
rational ‫منط‬ adj /ˈræʃənəl/ sensible/logical, reasonable
destroy, devastate, ruin, havoc, cause severe and extensive
ravage ‫رف‬ ‫از ب‬ v[T] /ˈrævɪdʒ/
damage to
readily ‫ه راح‬ adv /ˈredəli/ easily, eagerly
ready ‫ ذیرا‬،‫آماده‬ adj /ˈredi/ receptive
realm ‫منطقه‬،‫حوزه‬ n[C] /relm/ area, field
reasonable ‫منصفانه و معقول‬،‫معقول‬ adj /ˈriːzənəbəl/ fair and sensible, suitable
rebellion ‫شورش‬ n[C, U] /rɪˈbeljən/ revolt, riot
rebound ‫دو اره ه جای اول برگش‬ v[I] /rɪˈbaʊnd/ recover, bounce back
receptivity to ‫قدرت ذیرش‬ n /ˌriːsepˈtɪvə / openness to
recharge ‫دو اره پر کردن‬ v[T, I] /ˌriːˈtʃɑːrdʒ/ refill
compromise, tune, restore friendly relations betweenif you
reconcile ‫وفق دادن‬،‫سازش کردن‬ v[T] /ˈrekənsaɪl/ reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in
which they can both be true or acceptable
recur ‫تکرار شدن‬،‫عود کردن‬ v[I] /rɪˈkɜːr/ repeat, occur again, periodically, or repeatedly
refine ‫ تصف ه کردنف بهبود دادن‬،‫الودن‬ verb /rɪˈfaɪn/ improve, purify, process, treat
refined ‫ بهبود افته‬،‫تصف ه شده‬ adjective /riˈfīnd/ 1) decent 2) with high quality 3) improved
refuge ‫ پناه اه‬،‫پناه‬ noun /ˈre uːdʒ/ safety, shelterm refugee (n)
refuse ‫ رد کردن‬،‫ ز اله‬،‫س مانده‬ noun /ˈre uːs/ 1) [n] garbage, trash, waste, 2) [v] reject
regardless ‫ فنظر از‬، ‫دون در نظر گرف‬ adverb /riˈgärdləs/ without considering
regenerate ‫اح اء کردن‬ verb /rɪˈdʒenəreɪt/ renew, revive, restore
regrettable ‫ متاسفانه‬،‫نام ارک‬ adjective /riˈgretəbəl/ unfortunate; undesirable; unwelcome
adjust; control; control or maintain the rate or speed of (a
regulate ‫ م ان کردن‬،‫تنظ م کردن‬ verb /ˈreɡjəleɪt/
machine or process) so that it operates properly
reinforce ‫ مک کردن‬،‫تق ت کردن‬ verb /ˌriːənˈfɔːs/ strengthen
adjective, noun comparative.1.noun:relation. 2.adjective : having a
relative ‫ مرت ﻂ‬، ‫ فام‬، ‫س‬
/ˈrelətɪv/ particular quality when compared with something else
relic ‫ ا مانده‬،‫اد ار‬ noun /ˈrelɪk/ remain; remnant; historical object, antique, artifact
reluctance ‫ ب اری‬،‫ ا راه‬، ‫م‬ noun /rɪˈlʌktəns/ unwillingness
reluctant ‫ مخالف بودن‬،‫م ل بودن ه چ ی‬ adjective /rɪˈlʌktənt/ disinclined; unwilling and hesitant
remarkable ‫ ز اد‬،‫قا ل توجه‬ adjective /rɪˈmɑːkəbəl/ 1)notable 2)incredible

remarkably ‫ ز اد از حد انتظار‬،‫مقدار قا ل مﻼحظه‬ adverb /rɪˈmɑːkəbli/ surprisingly

remedy ‫درمان‬ noun /ˈremədi/ cure, treatment, therapy
residue/remains/remaining/left-over, the parts of
remnant ‫ اثر‬،‫ ق ه‬،‫ا مانده‬ noun /ˈremnənt/ something that are left after the rest has been destroyed
or has disappeared
render ‫ ا جاد کردن‬، ‫ ساخ‬،‫ارا ه دادن‬ verb /ˈrendər/ make
rendering ‫ ارا ه‬،‫ ح‬، ‫تفس‬ noun /ˈrendərɪŋ/ presentation
renowned ‫مشهور‬ adjective /rɪˈnaʊnd/ famous
repercussion ‫ تاث‬،‫عکس العمل‬ noun /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃən/ effect

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

replenish ‫دو اره پر کردن‬ verb /rɪˈplenɪʃ/ 1)refill 2)restore

replicas ‫ المث‬، ‫ک‬ noun /ˈreplɪkə/ copies
repudiate ‫ رد کردن‬،‫ان ار کردن‬ verb /rɪˈpjuːdieɪt/ reject
reputation ‫شهرت‬ noun /ˌrepjəˈteɪʃən/ fame nfamous adj
resembling approximating
reserve ‫ اندوخ‬،‫ذخ ه کردن‬ verb /rɪˈzɜːv/ save
resident ‫ مق م‬،‫سا ﻦ‬ noun /ˈrezɪdənt/ inhabitant
residual ‫ س ماند‬،‫ا مانده‬ adjective /rɪˈzɪdʒuəl/ remaining
resilient ‫ قا ل از ا‬،‫ ازگشت ذیر‬، ‫ارتجا‬ adjective /rɪˈzɪliənt/ 1)easy to recover 2)quick to recover
respective ‫ قا ل اح ام‬،‫ و ژه‬، ‫مخصوص‬ adjective /rɪˈspektɪv/ particular
restricted ‫مﺤدود‬ adj //rɪˈstrɪktɪd// limited
verb formal //rɪˈzjuːm
resume ‫وع کردن‬ ‫دو اره‬- ‫گرف‬ ‫از‬ start again
$ rɪˈzuːm//
verb [transitive]
retain ‫نگه داری کردن‬-‫حفظ کردن‬ maintain: keep
formal //rɪˈteɪn//
verb [intransitive]
retreat ‫عقب شس‬-‫عقب شی کردن‬ recede
verb [transitive]
retrieve ‫دو اره دست اوردن‬- ‫س گرف‬ bring back
retrospect ‫ س نگری‬-‫ن اه ه گذشته‬ n //ˈretrəspekt// look back, thinking now about something in the past:
verb [transitive]
reveal ‫آش ار کردن‬ manifest: reveal: show: make known
noun [uncountable]
revenue ‫دستمزد‬ income
//ˈrevənjuː $ -nuː//
restoration: resuscitation [sound:google-c8818267-
revival ‫تجد د‬-‫اح ا‬ n //rɪˈvaɪvəl//
resuscitate, recover 1)to bring something back after it has
v [intransitive, not been used or has not existed.2) to become healthy and
revive ‫اح ا شدن‬-‫اح ا کردن‬
transitive] //rɪˈvaɪv// strong again, or to make someone or something healthy
and strong again
revolution ‫تغی اسا‬ n //ˌrevəˈluːʃən// dramatic change
verb [transitive]
revolutionize ‫دادن‬ ‫تغی اسا‬ change dramatically
rigidly ‫شدت‬ adv //ˈrɪdʒɪdli// strictly
rigorous ‫شد د‬-‫سخت‬ adj //ˈrɪɡərəs// demanding: harsh
rigors ‫دشواری ها‬ n //ˈrɪɡə $ -ərs// difficulties
rise ‫ظهور کردن‬ v [intransitive] //raɪz// emerge
risk ‫خطر‬ n //rɪsk// danger
ritual ‫فات‬ /‫آداب‬ adj //ˈrɪtʃuəl// ceremonial
compete vrivalry: a situation in which two or more people
rival ‫رقا ت کردن‬ verb [ T] //ˈraɪvəl//
are competing for something
roam ‫ گردان بودن‬/‫پرسه زدن‬ verb //rəʊm $ roʊm// wander v

adj //rəˈbʌst, ˈrəʊbʌst

robust ‫ تنومند‬/ ‫سالم‬ healthy
$ rəˈbʌst, ˈroʊ-//
noun [countable]
role ‫ وظ فه‬/‫نقش‬ function
//rəʊl $ roʊl//
verb //rəʊˈteɪt $
rotate ‫ دوران کردن‬/ ‫چرخ دن‬ turn
roughly ‫تق ا‬ adverb //ˈrʌfli// almost: approximately
noun [countable]
route ‫ راه‬/ ‫مس‬ path n
//ruːt $ ruːt, raʊt//
routinely ‫معموﻻ‬ adverb //ruːˈ ːnli// commonly
rudiment ‫اﺻول ابتدا‬ //ˈruːdəmənt// basic
rudimentary ‫ ساده‬/ ‫دوی‬ primitive: basic
rupture ‫ جدا کردن‬/ ‫گسس‬ verb //ˈrʌptʃə $ -ər// burst

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

sacred ‫ وقف شده‬/ ‫مقدس‬ adj //ˈseɪkrɪd// holy

sample ‫نمومه‬ //ˈsɑːmpəl $ ˈsæm-// example
satisfied ‫ خشنود‬/ ‫ متقاعد‬/ ‫را‬ //ˈsætəsfaɪd// fulfilled
save for ‫ه جز‬ prep //seɪv fər // except for
scale ‫ اندازه‬،‫مق اس‬ noun /skeɪl/ magnitude
scant ‫ ناقص‬، ‫ نا ا‬،‫اندک‬ adj /skænt/ minimal
scanty ‫ س ار م‬،‫ م‬، ‫اند‬ adj /ˈskæn.t̬i/ thin adj
،‫ افشاندن‬،‫ پرا نده شدن‬،‫خش کردن‬
scatter verb /ˈskæt̬.ɚ/ diffuse/disperse: distribute: disperse
‫پرا ندن‬
scenario ‫ حالت‬،‫ وضع ت‬،‫سنار و‬ noun /səˈner.i.oʊ/ situation
scented ‫ خوشبو‬،‫معطر‬ adj /ˈsen.t̬ɪd/ fragrant: fragrant flowersscent (n,v): scent of a woman
،‫ برنامه‬،‫مﺤدوده )موض ع ک کتاب‬
scope noun /skoʊp/ extent: horizon
‫ افق‬،‫ رنﺞ‬،(... ‫ﻼس و‬
scorching ‫ داغ‬،‫ سوزان‬،‫شدت گرم‬ adj, adv /ˈskɔːr.tʃɪŋ/ exceedingly hot
score ‫تعداد ز ادی از‬ noun /skɔːr/ a large number of n.
scorn ‫ تنفر‬، ‫ تﺤق‬،‫تمسخر‬ noun /skɔːrn/ despise
scrap ‫ اره‬،‫ اوراق‬،‫ قطعه‬،‫تکه‬ noun /skræp/ fragment, piece, flake
‫ ف ل‬،‫ جلوگ ی کردن‬،‫مﺤافظت کردن‬
screen verb /skriːn/ filter v
scrutinize ‫ موش ا کردن‬،‫ه دقت برر کردن‬ verb /ˈskruː.t̬ən.aɪz/ examine v.
،‫ تﺤقیق موش افانه‬،‫برر دقیق‬
scrutiny noun /ˈskruː.t̬ən.i/ examination n
‫موش ا‬
sculpt ‫ مجسمه سازی‬،‫ حجاری کردن‬،‫حجاری‬ verb /skʌlpt/ shape
producesecretion (n) [sound:google-b8f16478-48011dac-
secrete ‫ تراوش کردن‬،‫ تول د کردن‬،‫ترشح کردن‬ verb /sɪˈkriːt/
sedentary ‫ تﺤرک‬،‫شسته‬ adj /ˈsed.ən.ter.i/ settled
،( ‫در جستجوی )موضو غ ف‬
seek verb /siːk/ attempt
‫تﻼش برای‬
‫ه جان زده بودن‬-‫ ا تﺤرک‬-‫فعال‬ 1) active, (of a large number or amount) to move around
seething adj /ˈsiː.ðɪŋ/
(‫)معموﻻ از خشم( جوشان )از خشم‬ energetically in a small space:2) excited
segment ‫ سهم‬،‫خش‬ noun /ˈseɡ.mənt/ portion
seize ‫ ت ف کردن‬، ‫گرف‬ verb /siːz/ take
seldom ‫ س ار نادر‬،‫ه ندرت‬ adv /ˈsel.dəm/ rare
sensational ‫ خاص‬،‫ س ار خوب‬،‫فوق العاده‬ adj /senˈseɪ.ʃən.əl/ extraordinary
separate ‫ متمایز‬،‫ مختلف‬،‫جدا انه‬ adj /ˈsep.ɚ.ət/ different
sequence ‫ ی‬، ‫ توا‬،‫ رشته‬،‫دن اله‬ noun /ˈsiː.kwəns/ series
sequent ‫ عد‬، ‫ در‬،‫پ و‬ adj /siː.kwənt/ later; following
serene ‫ سکوت‬،‫ آرام‬،‫وﺻدا‬ adj /səˈriːn/ calm: silent
set in ‫وع کردن‬ verb /set in/ start
set off ‫وع شدن‬ verb /set off/ begin
setback ‫ ت ل‬،‫شکست‬ noun /ˈset.bæk/ failurebarrierobstaclestumbling back
‫ مستقر‬،‫ ته ش شدن‬،‫سا ﻦ شدن‬
settle verb /ˈset̬.əl/ inhabit
cut off, to cut something into two pieces; to cut something
sever ‫ جدا کردن‬،‫قطع کردن‬ verb formal /ˈsevər/
off something
severe ‫ خشﻦ‬،‫شد د‬ adj /səˈvɪr/ harsh
severity ‫ جد ت‬،‫ شدت‬،‫شدت‬ noun /səˈver.ə.t̬i/ seriousness
shallow ‫م عمق‬ adj /ˈʃæl.oʊ/ not deep
shatter ‫ خراب شدن‬،‫ خرد شدن‬، ‫شکس‬ verb /ˈʃæt̬.ɚ/ destroy v.
sheer ‫ ف‬،‫ مطلق‬،‫مﺤﺾ‬ adj /ʃɪr/ absolute
shield ‫ س‬،‫مﺤافظ‬ noun /ʃiːld/ protect
shift ‫ ش فت دادن‬،‫ تغی م ان‬، ‫تغی‬ verb /ʃɪft/ change: move
‫ ترس و‬،‫ ب ماری‬،‫لرز دن ) علت ما‬
shiver verb /ˈʃɪv.ɚ/ tremor
‫ ه آرا لرز دن‬،(...
shortage ‫ مﺤدود ت‬،‫مبود‬ noun /ˈʃɔːr.t̬ɪdʒ/ limitation
showcase ‫ ﺻفﺤه نما ش‬،‫ نما ش اه‬،‫و ﻦ‬ noun /ˈʃoʊ.keɪs/ display v.
، ‫کوچک کردن ا شدن)در اثر شس‬
shrink verb /ʃrɪŋk/ contract
(... ‫گرما و‬
shy away from ‫ دوری جس از‬،‫اجتناب کردن از‬ avoid

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

signature ‫امﻀا‬ noun /ˈsɪɡ.nə.tʃɚ/ identifying mark

significance ‫ مفاد‬،‫ قدر‬،‫اهم ت‬ noun /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kəns/ importance
significant ‫ مهم‬،‫ معنادار‬،‫قا ل توجه‬ adj /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kənt/ meaningful: important
simulated ‫ مصنو‬،‫ش ه سازی شده‬ adj /ˈsɪm·jəˌleɪ·t̬ɪd/ artificial
simultaneously ‫طور همزمان‬ adj /ˌsaɪ.məlˈteɪ.ni.əs/ at the same time
singularly ‫ ب ژه‬،‫ خصوص‬،‫فوق العاده‬ adv /ˈsɪŋ.ɡjə.lɚ.li/ particularly
sink ‫ فرود آمدن‬،‫ ای آمدن‬،‫غرق شدن‬ verb /sɪŋk/ descend: drop to the bottom: pass out of sight
site ‫ م ان‬،‫ جا‬،‫ موقع ت‬،‫مﺤل‬ noun /saɪt/ locate
reckon up to: measure, assessreckon: to think or suppose
‫اچ ی‬ ‫ روی ک‬، ‫اندازه گرف‬
size up somethingThe police reckon that whoever killed Dad was
‫ اندازه گ ی کردن‬،‫حساب از کردن‬
with him earlier that day.
skeptical ‫ شک‬،‫ مشکوک‬،‫شک و ترد د‬ adj /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ doubting: suspected: doubtful
slight ‫ کوچک‬،‫ م‬، ‫جز‬ adj /slaɪt/ small
slightly ‫ تاحدی‬،‫ تاحدودی‬، adv /ˈslaɪt.li/ somewhat
slope ‫ متما ل شدن‬،‫از ر کردن ا شدن‬ verb /sloʊp/ incline v.
snaking ‫ خ دن‬،‫بودن‬ ‫ مار‬، ‫مار یچ رف‬ winding
snap ‫ ه مﺤ م و نا ها‬، ‫شکس‬ verb /snæp/ break v.
so far ‫ تا حال حا‬،‫ تا ه حال‬،‫تا نون‬ adv /soʊ_fɑːr/ until present: up to now: up to present
soak ‫ شدت جذب کردن‬،‫خ س کردن‬ verb /soʊk/ absorb
sole ‫ تنها‬،‫ انه‬،‫ه فرد‬ ‫منﺤ‬ adj /soʊl/ only: unique
،‫ خواستار بودن‬،‫درخواست کردن‬
solicit verb /səˈlɪs.ɪt/ request
‫التماس کردن‬
solitary ‫ تک‬،‫ه فرد‬ ‫ منﺤ‬،‫ مجرد‬،‫تنها‬ adj /ˈsɑː.lə.ter.i/ alone
sophisticated ‫ ماهرانه‬،‫ در سطح اﻻ‬،‫پ چ ده‬ adj /səˈfɪs.tə.keɪ.t̬ɪd/ complex: refined: elaborated
sophistication ‫ پ چ د‬،‫تکنولوژی‬ technology n.
sort ‫ گونه‬,‫ن ع‬ n. /sɔːrt/ kind: type
sought-after ‫مطلوب‬ adj. /ˈsɑːt ˌæf.tɚ/ desired
source ‫منبع‬ n. /sɔːrs/ origin n.
span ‫دوره‬ n. /spæn/ period n.
sparse ‫پرا نده‬ adj. /spɑːrs/ thinly distributed adj.: not rich
‫ ه‬.‫ تخم گذاری کردن‬.‫تول د مثل کردن‬
spawn v. (T/I) /spɑːn/ create: produce
‫وجود آوردن‬
speak of ‫شان دادن‬ phrasal v. /spiːk ɑːv/ indicate
speciation ‫گونه زا‬ n. /ˌspiː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/ evolution
specific ‫خاص‬ adj. /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/ particular
specifically ‫ه طور مشخص‬ adv. /spəˈsɪf.ɪ.kəl.i/ specially
specify ‫مشخص كردن‬ v.(T.) /ˈspes.ə.faɪ/ state v.
spectacular ‫تماشا‬ adj. /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/ impressive
spectator ‫تماشا ر‬ n.(C) /spekˈteɪ.t̬ɚ/ beholder: human viewer
spectrum ‫طف‬ n. /ˈspek.trəm/ range
speed ‫عت گرف‬ v.(T/I) /spiːd/ increase the rate of v.
spell ‫دوره‬ n. /spel/ period of time n.
sphere ‫حوزه‬ n.(C) /sfɪr/ area
splendid ‫ اشکوه‬. ‫ عا‬. ‫پر زرق و برق‬ adj. /ˈsplen.dɪd/ magnificent adj.
splendor ‫شکوه و جﻼل‬ n.(c/u) /ˈsplen·dər/ magnificence n.
split ‫ قسمت کردن‬. ‫ش اف‬ v. /splɪt/ divide
sponsor ‫حما ت کردن‬ v.(T) /ˈspɑːn.sɚ/ support
spontaneous ‫خود ه خود‬ adj. /spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs/ impulsive: instinctive: unplanned
spontaneously ‫خود خود‬ adv. /spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs.li/ automatically adv.
sporadic ‫متناوب‬ adj. /spəˈræd.ɪk/ intermittent: irregular
sporadically ‫اه و ب اه‬ adv. /spəˈræd.ɪ.kəl.i/ occasionally
spot ‫کشف کردن‬ v. (T) /spɑːt/ catch: identify: see
spottily ‫اه و ب اه‬ adverb /\ˈspä-tə-lē\/ occasionally
spread ‫ان شار دادن‬ v. /spred/ distribute
spur ‫ برانگ خ‬.‫تﺤ ک کردن‬ v. (T) /spɝː/ stimulate v.
stabilize ‫ت ب ت کردن‬ v. /ˈsteɪ.bə.laɪz/ hold in place
staggering ‫گیﺞ کننده‬ adj. /ˈstæɡ.ɚ.ɪŋ/ overwhelming

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

stagnation ‫رکود‬ n.(C) /stæɡˈneɪʃən/ inactivity

staple ‫ ب ادیﻦ‬. ‫ اسا‬. ‫عمده‬ adj. /ˈsteɪ.pəl/ important
staunch ‫وفادار‬ adj. /stɑːntʃ/ strong: loyal: firm
steady ‫ثا ت‬ adj. /ˈsted.i/ stable, constant, firm
stealthily ‫پنها‬ adv. /ˈstel.θəl.i/ silently
stem ‫نا شدن از‬ v. (T) /stem/ arise
stimulate ‫انگ خ‬ v. /ˈstɪm.jə.leɪt/ cause: prompt
stipulate ‫ قرار گذاش‬. ‫الزام آور کردن‬ v. (T) /ˈstɪp.jə.leɪt/ require
stockpile ‫ذخ ه کردن‬ v. (T) /ˈstɑːk.paɪl/ store up
strategy ‫اس اتژی‬ n /ˈstræt̬.ə.dʒi/ plan
strictly ‫موکدا‬ adv. /ˈstrɪkt.li/ only
stride ‫ام های لند برداش‬ v. /straɪd/ step
strike ‫ برخورد کردن ا‬. ‫وارد شدن‬ v. /straɪk/ come into: contract with
striking ‫ برجسته‬. ‫قا ل توجه‬ adj. /ˈstraɪ.kɪŋ/ dramatic
string ‫رشته‬ n. /strɪŋ/ series
stringent ‫ سخت‬. ‫دقیق‬ adj. /ˈstrɪn.dʒənt/ strict
strip ‫ خلع کردن‬.‫ رفع کردن‬.‫برهنه کردن‬ v. /strɪp/ remove
stunning ‫خ ه کننده‬ adj. /ˈstʌn.ɪŋ/ astounding
sturdy ‫مﺤ م‬ adj. /ˈstɝː.di/ strong
stylus ‫قلم‬ n.(C) /ˈstaɪ.ləs/ pen
، ‫در معرض )چ ى ( قرار دادن‬
subject to ‫ مورد )چ ى ( قرار‬، ‫دستخوش كردن‬ adj. /ˈsʌb.dʒekt/ vulnerable to
subjected to ‫در معرض‬ v //səbˈdʒektɪd// dominated by
subsequent ‫متعاقب‬ adj. /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ ensuing: later: following in time
subsequently ‫متعاق ا‬ adv. /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt.li/ later
subsidiary ‫فر‬ adj. /səbˈsɪd.i.er.i/ less important, secondary
large amount/considerable: essential: sturdy: actual:
substantial ‫ قا ل توجه‬. ‫اسا‬ adj /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/
significant: enough
substantially ‫ه طور قا ل مﻼحظه ای‬ adv /səbˈstæn.ʃəl.i/ importantly
substantiate ‫ا دل ل و مدرک اث ات کردن‬ v.(T) /səbˈstæn.ʃi.eɪt/ confirm

substitute ‫جا گ ﻦ کردن‬،‫جا گ ﻦ‬ n.(C), v /ˈsʌb.stə.tuːt/ 1) replace 2)replacement

subtle ‫ م‬. ‫ ظ ف‬. ‫نامﺤسوس‬ adj /ˈsʌt̬.əl/ small
succession ‫سلسله‬ n. /səkˈseʃ.ən/ series
successive ‫در‬ adj /səkˈses.ɪv/ continuous
successively ‫در‬ adv /səkˈses.ɪv.li/ one after another
v. (sue, sues, sued)
sue ‫ اقامه ی دعوی کردن‬. ‫ش ا ت کردن‬ raise a legal action againstfile a grievance
suitable ‫مناسب‬ adj /ˈsuː.t̬ə.bəl/ appropriate
suited ‫مناسب‬ adj /ˈsuː.t̬ɪd/ appropriated
sumptuous ‫مجلل‬ adj /ˈsʌmp.tʃu.əs/ luxurious
sunk ‫ فرو رفته‬. ‫غرق‬ adj /ˈsʌmp.tʃu.əs/ down to the bottom
supersede ‫جا ش شدن‬ v.(T) /ˌsuː.pɚˈsiːd/ replace
supplant ‫ جا گ ﻦ کردن‬. ‫تع ﺾ کردن‬ v.(T) /səˈplænt/ replace: substitute
n)‫ م مل‬v)‫ت م ل کردن‬n) ‫م مل‬, n, verb [transitive] n)something that is added to something else in order to
v)‫ت م ل کردن‬ //ˈsʌp·ləˌment// improve it or complete it v)to add to something
supplemental ‫ ت م‬,‫ متمم‬, ‫اضا‬ adj //ˌsʌplɪˈmentl// adj) additional
verb [transitive]v v) to end by force; to prevent something from being
suppress ‫کوب کردن; فرو شاندن‬
//səˈpres// expressed or known
verb [transitive]
surmise ‫ مان بردن‬,‫حدس زدن‬ v) assume: guess: infer
noun [countable,
surplus ‫ اضافه‬,‫مازاد‬ uncountable] n) extra: excess
//ˈsɜrˌplʌs, -pləs//
noun [uncountable]
surveillance ‫ مراق ت‬,‫نظارت‬ n)careful observation
prone to: be subject to :easily influenced or likely to be
susceptible ‫ مستعد ذیرش‬,‫حساس‬ adj //səˈsep·tə·bəl//
hurt by something

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb [transitive]
suspect ‫ ظﻦ کردن‬, ‫ سوء ظﻦ داش‬, ‫شک داش‬ believe: doubt
verb [transitive]
suspend ‫ او زان شدن ا کردن‬,‫معلق کردن‬ v) float: hang
sustain ‫ حما ت کردن از‬,‫تﺤمل کردن‬ v //səˈsteɪn// v) support: persist
sustainable ‫ ا دار‬-‫قا ل تﺤمل‬ adj //səˈsteɪ·nə·bəl// adj) endurable
noun [uncountable]
sustenance ‫تغذ ه‬ n) food: life: living
formal //ˈsʌs·tə·nəns//
n) ‫ برجست‬,‫ تورم‬adj)‫ ز ا‬,‫ ش ک‬، v) to become larger and rounder:expand n)enlargement;
swell n, v, adj //swel//
‫ عا‬v)‫ ف کردن‬,‫کردن‬-‫متورم شدن‬ adj)excellent; very good
swiftly ‫عا‬ adv //ˈswɪft·li// adj) quickly
symmetric ‫متناسب‬ adj //ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪk// adj) balance
noun (plural
synthesis ‫ تلفیق‬,‫ترک ب‬ syntheses /-siːz/) n) combination
noun [countable]
tactic ‫ رزم شیوه‬,‫تا ت ک‬ n) strategy
noun [countable
tailspin ‫ سقوط‬, ‫و بیهو‬ ‫گ‬ usually singular] total confusion: a sudden fall that cannot be controlled
take ‫ مستلزم بودن‬، ‫ ﻻزم داش‬، ‫ن از داش‬ verb //teɪkpleɪs// require
take place ‫ﺻورت گرف‬ verb //teɪkpleɪs/ occur
tame ‫اه‬ adj //teɪm// domesticate
tangible ‫مﺤسوس‬-‫ملموس‬ adj //ˈtæn·dʒə·bəl// material: physical: real: concrete
tantalizing ‫وسوسه انگ ی‬ adj //ˈtæn·təlˌɑɪ·zɪŋ// tempting
taper ‫ ار ک شدن‬,‫مخرو شدن‬ verb //ˈteɪ·pər// diminish
task ‫ ت ل ف‬,‫ ار‬,‫وظ فه‬ noun [ C ] //tæsk// work
noun [ C or U ]
technique ‫ شیوه‬,‫تکن ک‬ method
phrasal verb
teem with ‫شار از‬ be full of
tempting ‫وسوسه انگ‬ adj //ˈtemp.tɪŋ// appealing
noun [ U ]
tenacity ‫سخ‬ stability
tend ‫ گرا ش داش‬,‫مواظب بودن‬ verb //tend// care for : to be likely to happen
noun [ C ]
tendency ‫ تما ل‬,‫گرا ش‬ inclination
tenet ‫ عق ده‬,‫اﺻول‬ noun [ C ] //ˈten·ɪt// belief: principle
tension ‫فشار‬ noun [ U ] //ˈten·ʃən// pressure

tenuous ‫نازک‬ adjective //ˈten·ju·əs// weak

terminal ‫ انتها‬,‫ا ان‬ final
terminated ‫ ا ان افته‬،‫تمام شده‬ adjective finished
terrain ‫زم‬ noun [ U ] //təˈreɪn// tract
testify ‫دادن‬ ‫ گوا‬,‫شهادت دادن‬ verb //ˈtes·təˌfɑɪ// give evidence
adverb //ˈðeərˌfɔr, -
therefore ‫ از ایﻦ رو‬,‫بنابر ایﻦ‬ consequently: in that purpose conj) hence
adjective //ˈθɜr·oʊ,
thorough ‫ تمام‬,‫امل‬ complete
adverb //ˈθɜr·ə·li, ˈθʌr-
thoroughly ‫طور امل‬ completely
threaten ‫ ترساندن‬,‫تهد د کردن‬ verb //ˈθret·ən// endanger
noun [ C ]
threshold ‫ حد‬،‫آستانه‬ //ˈθreʃˌoʊld, limitation: limit

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

thrill ‫ ه جان‬،‫ شور‬، ‫شوق و شعف‬ noun [ C ] //θrɪl// excitement

through ‫ از وسﻂ‬، ‫از م ان‬ preposi on //θruː// by
‫ )در( همه ى‬، ‫ )در( ا‬، ‫)در( تا‬ preposition, adverb
throughout during the period
، ‫)در( تمام‬ //θruːˈaʊt//
‫ از‬، ‫ ديﻦ ترت ب‬، ‫ در ن جه‬، ‫بنابرايﻦ‬
thus adverb //ðʌs// consequently: therefore
‫اي و‬
‫ )الفت و غ ه ( رشته‬،‫ پيوند‬، ‫هم ست‬
tie noun [ C ] //taɪ// connection: relation
‫ را طه‬،
timid ‫ بزدل‬،‫ترسو‬ adjective //ˈtɪm.ɪd// fearful
،‫ قطعا‬، ‫ شك‬،‫ مطمئنا‬،‫ حتما‬،‫مسلما‬
to be sure certainly
to some extent ‫تاحدی‬ with limitations
verb [intransitive
always +
toil ‫ رنﺞ بردن‬،‫زحمت کش دن‬ work
verb [transitive]
tolerate ‫ مدارا کردن‬،‫تﺤمل کردن‬ endure
toxic ‫س‬ adj /ˈtɑːk.sɪk/ poisonous
1)a narrow path or road with a rough uneven surface, 2)
track ‫ دن ال کردن‬،‫ خﻂ‬،‫ راه‬، ‫مس‬ n [c], v /træk/
follow: observe
tract ‫وسعت‬ noun [ C ] /trækt/ (~of land), area
transfer ‫انتقال دادن‬ v /ˈtræns.fɝː/ move
transform ‫ ت د ل کردنح‬،‫دگرگون کردن‬ verb [ T ] /trænsˈfɔːrm/ deform
noun [ C or U ]
transformation ‫ تغی ش ل‬، ‫دگرگو‬ shuffle: change: rotation
adj, formal
transitory ‫ نا ا دار‬، ‫فا‬ short-lived: ephemeral: temporary: transient
noun [ plural ]
trappings ‫تجمﻼت و تزئ نات‬ decorations
noun [ U or C ] damage, (a) severe emotional shock and pain caused by an
trauma ‫ زخم‬، ‫ه رو‬ ،‫آس ب‬
/ˈtrɑː.mə/ extremely upsetting experience:
upsetting, If an experience is traumatic, it causes you
traumatic ‫نا وارر‬-‫تخ ب زا‬- ‫ جراح‬، ‫زخ‬ adj /traumatic/
severe emotional shock and upset:
verb [ T ]‫و‬formal
traverse ‫ پ مودن‬،‫از‬ ‫گذش‬ cross
tremendous ‫ شگفت‬،‫عظ م‬ adj /trɪˈmen.dəs/ enormous
trend ‫ گرا ش‬،‫ روند‬،‫تما ل‬ noun [ C ] /trend/ movement: tendency
difficult, (of a task, problem, or situation) requiring care
tricky ‫مش ل و ن ازمند توجه‬ adj /ˈtrɪk.i/
and skill because difficult or awkward.
trigger ‫ آغاز کردن اری‬، ‫راه انداخ‬ v //ˈtrɪɡər// initiate: start
turbulent ‫ مﻀطرب‬، ‫آشفته‬ adj //ˈtɜːrbjələnt// agitated
turn ‫ تغی کردن‬،‫ت د ل شدن‬ v //tɜːrn// change to
typical ‫معمول‬ adj //ˈtɪpɪkəl// ordinary
ubiquitous ‫رایﺞ‬ adj //juːˈbɪkwɪtəs// common
ultimate ‫نها‬ adj //ˈʌltəmət// in the end
ultimately ‫در نها ت‬ adv //ˈʌltəmətli// finally, eventually
unadorned ‫پ اه‬ ،‫ساده‬ adj //ˌʌnəˈdɔːrnd◂// not decorative

unambiguous ‫واضح‬ clear
n [uncountable]
unanimity ‫ هم رای بودن‬، ‫اتفاق نظر‬ total agreement
//ˌjuːnəˈnɪmə //
unconsolidated ‫ ُسست‬، ‫شل‬ loose
undergo ‫تج ه کردن‬ v //ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ// experience
underlie ‫ زمینه چ ی بودن‬،‫بر اساس چ ی بودن‬ v //ˌʌndərˈlaɪ// on the basis of

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

underlying ‫اسا‬ adj //ˌʌndərˈlaɪ-ɪŋ◂// inner

underpinning ‫ز نا‬ n foundation: support
underrate ‫دست م گرف‬ v //ˌʌndəˈreɪt// undervalue: underestimate
underscore ‫تا د کردن‬ v //ˌʌndərˈskɔːr// stress: emphasize
verb //ˌʌndəˈteɪk $ -
undertake ‫ متعهد شدن‬، ‫ه عهده گرف‬ attempt
undertaking ‫متعهد‬ noun /ˈʌn.dɚˌteɪ.kɪŋ/ enterprise
uneasy ‫ ناراحت‬،‫مﻀطرب‬ adjective //ʌnˈiːzi// unstable
noun [countable,
uniform ‫ کنواخت‬،‫کسان‬ uncountable] without variation
//ˈjuːnəfɔːm $ -ɔːrm//
adv //ˈjuːnəfɔːm $ -
uniformly ‫ه طور کنواخت‬ consistently: evenly
unintendedly occasionally
uninterrupted ‫متداوم‬-‫وقفه‬ steady
unique ‫ه فرد‬ ‫منﺤ‬ adj //juːˈniːk// distinctive: distinct: sole
‫ا وا سته ه ک فرد ا م ان ا‬ ‫منﺤ‬
unique to //juːˈniːk// only found in
‫موجود در ک م ان‬
adverb //ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəli
universally ‫عموما‬ without exception
$ -ɜːr-//
unleash ‫از بند از کردن‬-‫رها کردن‬ verb(I) //ʌnˈliːʃ// release
unprecedented ‫جد د‬ novel: unique: initial: new: unexampled
1)We achieved a lot but I
wouldn't say that the project
has been an unqualified complete, not limited in any way; to the largest degree
unqualified //ʌnˈkwɒlɪfaɪd $ -
success.2) The proposal has possible:
the unqualified support of the
entire committee.
unreceptive unresponsive: undecided
unrestricted ‫نا مﺤدود‬ unlimited
unsophisticated ‫غ پ چ ده‬-‫ساده‬ simple
unsuitable ‫غ مناسب‬ //ʌnˈsuːtəbəl, -ˈsjuː- $ - inappropriate
unsurpassed ‫نظ‬ //ˌʌnsəˈpɑːst◂ $ - superior
unwieldy ‫غ قا ل حمل‬- ‫سنگ‬ adjective //ʌnˈwiːldi// cumbersome
adjective //ɜːˈbeɪn $
urbane ‫مودب‬ behaving in a relaxed and confident way in social situations
utilitarian ‫ار ردی‬ //juːˌtɪləˈteəriən $ - functional : practical
adverb [+adj/adverb]
utterly ‫امﻼ‬ completely
//ˈʌtəli $ -ər-//
vagary uncertainty
vaguely ‫مبهم‬ adverb //ˈveɪɡli// slightly

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

verb [intransitive]
vanish ‫نا د د شدن‬ disappear
adjective //ˈveəriəbəl
variability ‫تغی ذیری‬ : tendency to change
$ ˈver-//
noun /ˌveəriˈeɪʃən $
variation ‫تفاوت‬ difference
adjective /ˈveərid $
varied ‫مختلف‬ different
adjective //vɑːst $
vast ‫وسیع‬ extended: extensive: immense: large number: huge
noun [countable]
vehicle ‫روش‬ means: method: way
adjective //ˈvɜːsətaɪl $
versatile ‫تطبیق ذیر‬-‫همه اره‬ adaptable: competent /all-around
preposition //ˈvaɪə,
via ‫ه وس له ی‬ by means of: by the way of
noun [uncountable]
viability ‫قاب لت ز ست‬-‫ز ست ذیری‬ ability to exist
noun [countable]
vial ‫ش شه کوچک دارو‬ bottle
vibrant ‫پر جنب و جوش‬ adjective //ˈvaɪbrənt// vivid

vicinity ‫همسا‬، ‫مجاورت‬، ‫نزد‬ n, formal //vəˈsɪnəti// neighborhood

n [uncountable],
vigor ‫توان‬، ‫انرژى‬،‫ن و‬،‫ن ومندى‬، ‫قدرت‬ energy
BE:vigour //ˈvɪɡər//
vigorous ‫شد د‬، ‫قوى‬،‫زورمند‬،‫ن ومند‬ adj //ˈvɪɡərəs// active: energetic: strong
virtually ‫ تق ا‬،‫واقعا‬ adv //ˈvɜːrtʃuəli// nearly: almost: nearly: actually: in fact
virtue ‫ شا ست‬، ‫ ا دام‬، ‫پره ارى‬،‫تقوا‬ n //ˈvɜːrtʃuː// merit
visual barrier ‫مانع ی‬ obstacle to view
vital ‫اسا‬، ‫واجب‬، ‫وا سته بزند‬، ‫ح ا‬ adj //ˈvaɪtl// critical: essential
vivid ‫ واضح‬،‫ زنده‬،‫روشﻦ‬ adj //ˈvɪvɪd// bright
volume ‫مقدار‬، ‫تعداد م ان‬ n //ˈvɑːljəm// quantity
vulnerable ‫ ضع ف‬،‫ حساس‬،‫آس ب ذیر‬ adj //ˈvʌlnərəbəl// open to attack: open to break: susceptible: weak
adj [not before noun],
wanting ‫ فاقد‬، ‫نا ا‬ inadequate
formal //ˈwɑːntɪŋ//

warrant ‫ تعهد کردن‬،‫تﻀم کردن‬، ‫کردن‬ ‫گوا‬ v //ˈwɑːrənt// authorize: justify

wary ‫هش ار‬، ‫ ا مﻼحظه‬،‫س ار مﺤتاط‬ adj //ˈweri// cautious
determiner, pronoun
whatever ‫هر چه‬،‫هر قدر‬، ‫هر انچه‬، ‫هرچه‬ in any case
conjunction // werˈæz
whereas ‫ ا ایﻦ حال‬، ‫درحق قت‬، ‫در حال که‬ however
‫ ه‬، ‫ نظر ه ایﻦ که‬،‫که ه موجب آن‬ adv, formal
whereby through a process in which
‫وس له آن‬ //werˈbaɪ//
the time that
something is
happening 2)noun: a
while ‫ ا اینکه‬،‫در حا که‬ period of time. although
3)verb: while away
etc /waɪl/
whole ‫تمام‬ adjective /həʊl/ entire
wholly ‫امﻼ‬ adverb /ˈhōl(l)ē/ completely
wield ‫ خوب استفاده کردن‬،‫ه ار ردن‬ verb /wēld/ exert
with respect of ‫ ا در نظر گرف‬،‫ ا توجه ه‬،‫ه لﺤاظ‬ formal in terms of

1212 Words You Need to Know to Pass TOEFL iBT (edited)

preposition, adverb
within ‫در داخل‬ inside
/wiT͟Hˈin, wiˈTH-/
verb, (past tense and
past participle
withstand ‫ مقاومت کردن در برابر‬،‫تﺤمل کردن‬ resist, tolerate
withstood /-ˈstʊd/)
/wɪðˈstænd, wɪθ-/
1.noun 2 ‫ مدرک‬،‫شاهد‬.verb 1)noun 2)verb
witness observe
‫ د دن‬،‫شهادت دادن‬ /ˈwɪtnəs/
yearly ‫سال انه‬ adjective /ˈyi(ə)rlē/ annual
yearning ‫ ح ت چ ی را داش‬،‫ما ل بودن‬ noun, formal /ˈjɜːnɪŋ/ longing
yet ‫هنوز‬ adverb /jet/ however
yield ‫ مﺤصول‬،‫ازده‬ verb /jiːld/ produce, provide
zenith ‫ قله‬،‫اوج‬ noun /ˈzenəθ/ peak


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