Defensa Personal - FBI Defensive Tactics Manual

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v RESTRICTED DEFENSIVE TACTICS A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers Federal Bureau of Investigation 1951 United States Department of Justice J. Edgar Hoover, Director Defensit€ Factics A Handbook for Law Enforcement Officers CONTENTS A. Narure or Derenstve Tactics B. Ponpose oF Derensive Tactics C. Savery Precaution D. Basic Privcirtes E. FUNDAMENTALS L ca eee 2. Personal Weapons (Chart I, see p. 9) 8, Vulnerable, Avchs (Chaff IL. sobip, 10) 4 F. Courrex ano Escars: Hows Vrist Grasps 2 Grasp on Chest 3. Push on Chest—Trap Hand & Grasp on Arm—Trap Hand in Crotch of Elbow 5. Body Locke—Front & Body Locks—Rear 7. Front Strangle . 8. Rear Strangle 9, Front Strangle—On Floor Notice This Handbook makes no attempt to cover the entire field of offensive and de- fensive personal combat but is pur posely confined to 10. Kicks i IN, Leg Tackle those tacties and 12, Blows techniques designed G. Miscettaxnous Houps axp Turows primarily for self- 1 Wrist Throw 3 defense and counter- 3. Hammer Lock attack which are 4 Arm Break and Throw simple, practical and 5. Arm Lock—Bent Arm readily adaptable to 6. Arm Drags and Follow-Ups 1: Take Downs F H. Derenses Acarst Kxtre 1. Downward Thrust 2. Upward Thrust 3. Sideward Thrust 4, Straight-in Thrust the needs of the law ‘enforcement officer. Both the instructor and the student are reminded that de- L Pee Base apn OUeS fensive tactics are 2! Out of Chair dangerous. It is a 3. Up From Floor technique which 4 Out of Automobile must be practiced 5. Into Automobile 6. Through Door and used judiciously. 7. Restraining and Handeuffing Holds D The material contained in this publication is not to be reproduced in whole or in part with- out the specific authority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Published by the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Washington, D. C. ite A. NATURE OF DEFENSIVE TACTICS Defensive tactics is a system of defense and counter-attack devised primarily for use by Special Agents of the FBI and other law-enforce- ment officers. While based upon well-established principles of combat, defensive tactics is not patterned after any single system or method of self-defense or hand-to-hand fighting. On the contrary, simple and effective maneuvers from age-old arts and sports such as judo, jiujitsu, savate, boxing, wrestling, rough and tumble, football, soccer, and fencing, have been selected, and with some variations, molded into one system which is particularly applicable to the work of the officer. ‘Any law enforcement officer can profit by a course in defensive tactics. The individual who possesses average physical ability can learn, through conscientious practice, to perform all of the techniques in an effective manner. The individual who is less fortunately endowed from a physical standpoint can master the simpler techniques and, by gaining a knowledge of this seience in general, realize what could happen to him should he become careless when apprehending criminal, and thus be in « more favorable posi- tion to cope with situations which otherwise might prove embarrassing. B. PURPOSE OF DEFENSIVE TACTICS ‘The purpose of training in defensive tactics is to improve the skill and general efficiency of the officer through speeding up reflex action, inspiring confidence and imparting a knowledge of the principles of combat. While the FBI and other law-enforcement agencies do not tolerate force, duress, or brutality, defensive tactics provides the officer with scientific methods of applying such tactics which might be necessary to protect himself and at the same time assure maintaining the custody of the person being arrested. Defensive Tacties C. SAFETY PRECAUTION Extreme caution must be exercised in practicing and learning defensive tactics. Many of the maneuvers are definitely dangerous and if prac- ticed in a haphazard manner may result in severe injury. However, the risk of injury can be re- duced to a minimum by observing the following safety precautions: 1. All techniques must be first practiced in “slow action” and speeded up only after the mechanics are thoroughly learned. 2. The student acting as the “stooge” should offer only passive resistance and “give” with pressure. Active resistance leads to injury and impedes learning. 3. The student performing the technique should apply pressure slowly and be extremely careful to simulate the striking of all blows. ‘This will allow the “stooge” ample time to signal that he is being hurt and the operator can stop before injury occurs. 4. Alll techniques should be practiced in such a manner that they fall within the physical capacity of the individuals involved. This can be done by dividing each technique into two phases; namely, the first and the second. 'The first phase of any technique consists of all the steps or ma- nouvers necessary to place your opponent in a position where he can be thrown or hurt by the application of pressure. ‘The application of pres- sure so as to inflict pain or the actual throwing of your opponent constitutes the second phase. ‘The first phase of any technique is the most important because once you have your opponent in the proper or desired position, it is an easy matter to apply pressure or throw him. Conse- quently, by practicing only the first phase, or by practicing the first and second phases separately, defensive tactics can be mastered with comparative safety ‘There are several safety precautions which must also be observed in the actual use of defensive tactics. Attempting to use a technique or ma- neuver which has not been thoroughly mastered may result in embarrassment and injury to the officer, while, on the other hand, promiscuous use of well-learned techniques on the part of the officer may result in serious injury or even death to the person who attacks the officer or offers resistance to arrest. In the final analysis, de- fensive tactics is dangerous. It is a science which must be used judiciously. D. BASIC PRINCIPLES A thorough knowledge of the principles upon which defensive tactics is based, is necessary in order to learn and effectively use it 1. First, and possibly the most important prin- ciple, is “balance.” It is only from a balanced position that a maximum of speed, power, and ‘accuracy in physical movement ean be realized. Consequently, in defensive tactics the object is to maintain your balance while you endeavor to keep your opponent off balance. There is no standing position that a man can assume where he is absolutely on balance, in view of the fact that nature has provided only two points of support; namely, the two legs. How- ever, some positions do afford « greater balance than others and the student of defensive tactics should be acquainted with the strength and weak. ness of each. For example, when an individual stands with his feet together (fig. 1), his base of support is very small; he is definitely off balance and can be easily pushed in any direction. When the feet are spread with the toes in line, the indi- vidual is on balance from left to right (fig. 2), but off balance forward and backward (fig. 3) Even when @ position which is considered one of good balance is assumed, that is, with the right (or left) foot slightly forward, feet slightly spread, and knees slightly bent, the individual is strong when pushed from front right to left rear and vice versa (fig. 4), but weak when pushed from left front to right rear and vice versa (fig. 5). If the left foot is forward, the reverse is true. Consequently, the maintaining of a reasonably good position of balance is a matter of keeping the feet moderately spread, the knees slightly bent, and constantly shifting the feet in accordance with the direction of the attack. 2. The next basic principle has to do with the “extensive use of the trunk muscles, particularly the abdominal group; the use of good body me- chanics, and the application of leverage.” Good body mechianics consist of the use of the proper muscles in the proper way at the proper time. Leverage is simply the mechanical advantage Figure No. 1 Figure No. 2. gained by using a lever. ‘This principle ean be best illustrated by analyz- ing the mechanics involved in the execution of » simple “hip throw’. In the first phase of this throw (fig. 6) you will note that the knees are bent so that your legs can do the lifting and that your hip is placed low against your opponent in such @ way that itserves ase fulcrum. From this position ‘your opponent is easily thrown by pulling the upper part of his body forward, twisting your trunk vigorously to the left, and at the same time extending your knees (fg. 7). 3. The third principle is concerned with the “concentration of all of your power at your ‘opponent’s weakest spot;”” or as this principle is sometimes stated: Maximum strength should be used against minimum strength. In defensive tactics it is not a matter of opposing a hand with ‘a hand or a foot with a foot, but when attacked, you defend yourself by directing all your power, that is, the power of your hands, arms, feet, legs, trunk, and entire body, at the point on your op- ponent’s body which appears to be the weakest under that particular set of circumstances. For example, if you desire to release yourself from a “rear body lock” by working on your opponent's hands, it is not advisable to work against all his fingers with one of your hands, but rather you apply the power of your entire body against his little finger which is the weakest part of his grasp (fg. 8). Another example may be seen when you escape from a “front body lock” by applying pressure to a weak spot. In this case it is the ‘opponent ’s eyes (fig. 9). 4; ‘The fourth and last principle is the “‘utiliza- tion of an opponent’s strength and momentum to his disadvantage.” ‘This is brought about by ‘assuming that your opponent is stronger than you are. Therefore, you do not oppose him directly, but rather you use your strength to direct his movements. In other words, if your opponent pushes, you pull, and vice versa, For instance, if your opponent charges in and at- tempts to take you down by means of a “leg tackle,” you can use his strength and momentum to his disadvantage by placing your hands on his head or upper back, pushing downward and to your left, and at the same time removing your left leg from his path by executing a rear pivot on the Tight foot (fig. 10). eo i Figure No. 6. Figure No. 7. Another example is the use of a “leg kick” against a strong, aggressive opponent. When an opponent forces you backward (fig. 11), grasp his clothing at the chest, or upper arms; pull him forward as you sit down suddenly, at the same time i your foot in his groin or midsection (fg. Your leg is then extended forcefully, causing opponent to be thrown over your head (fig. 13) ‘Your opponent's momentum, properly directed by you, is the chief factor in bringing about his downfall. z papa. E. FUNDAMENTALS ‘The positions from which you can best defend yourself, as well as knowledge of how and where to ‘trike counterblows, are fundamentals of defensive tactics. They must be mastered before the more complicated techniques and maneuvers are at- tempted. 1. On Guard Positions On guard positions are positions from which you can best protect. yourself, either prior to or after you are attacked. ‘The alert stance (fig. 14) is suggested for use while talking to @ suspect or subject, or in any other situation where the possibility of being at- tacked exists, In this position you stand about arm’s length away from your adversary, facing him at about a 45° angle. Your feet are directly under your shoulders or just slightly farther apart, and your knees are bent very slightly. One or both hands should loosely grasp (thumbs out) the lapels of your coat or the arms should be loosely folded at’ the chest. This position allows you to go into action quickly so as to defend against a possible surprise attack (fig. 15) and at the same time does not arouse suspicion or antagonize the individual or individuals with whom you are confronted When you are being attacked, the combat stance (fig. 16) should be assumed. Here the fect are comfortably spread with the right (if you are right handed) about 12 inches to the rear of the left ‘The knees are slightly bent, with the weight of the body on the balls of the feet. Your hands should be held about face high and the elbows should be carried reasonably close to your body. This is a position of good balance from which you can defend and counterattack to the best of your ability Figure No. 16. 2. Personal Weapon Personal weapons (chart No. 1) are the parts of the body which can be used for self-defense and countersttack. These weapons are extremely important and it can be said that the Iaw-enforce- ment officer who develops skill in their use need not consider himself unarmed or helpless even though he finds himself without regularly issued ‘weapons. When using the hand as a weapon it is well to keep in mind that the wrist should be held straight for all blows, except the “heel-of-hand.” “Edge-of- hand” and “‘edge-of-fist”’ blows are most effective when delivered with a chopping motion across the body with the palm down, or downward with the palm facing in. The fingers are held rigid for the ‘“inger-jab” and the “extended-knuckles” blow. ‘The “heel-of-hand” blow is delivered upward (band slightly cupped) when you are close to your opponent. ‘The foot is used for kicking forward with the toe, to the side with the edge, ball and heel, and for stamping down with the heel. Short snappy kicks, using the forward foot, delivered to your ‘opponent's shin or knee are extremely effective in in-fighting. ‘The elbow should be fully flexed when used as a weapon and the most effective blows are delivered toward the rear or outward across the body. A forearm blow is usually delivered by raising the arm about shoulder high, flexing the elbow fully and then swinging the arm sharply forward and toward the inside, ‘The knee can be used for “knee-lifts” to the face and groin, and to fall on your opponent when taking him to the floor. All blows should be struck with the knee fully flexed and in the case of “knee-lifts” the foot should be returned to the floor immediately so that you are off balance only momentarily. ‘The head is a reasonably formidable weapon and one should not hesitate to use it for butting when the occasion arises 3. Vulnerable Areas The human body has numerous structural weak- nesses which are decidedly vulnerable to attack. Blows or pressure applied to these areas may cause severe pain, unconsciousness and, some- times, even death. The location of the major vulnerable areas along with the type of blow which is the most effective against each is set forth in chart No. 2. Notes SNOdYaM TWNOSdad Z LaWHO SYauY ATAaVaAN INA F, COUNTER AND ESCAPE HOLDS (Defenses against common types of attack) 1. Wrist Grasps (2) One hand—twist against thumb. SITUATION: Opponent grasps your right wrist with his left hand, thumb on top. ACTION : Step inor pull your opponent toward ‘you sothat your arm is close to your body (fig. 17). ‘Then immediately bring your wrist upward and to the outside, twisting against opponent’s thumb (fig. 18). It should be noted that any type of m one-hand wrist grasp can be easily broken by twisting against your opponent's thumb. Notes an Figure 18. (8) Two hande—grasp own fat. SITUATION: Opponent grasps your right wrist with both of his hands, thumbs on top. ACTION: Feint or strike a blow to opponent's face with your left hand as you step forward with your right foot, bending both knees and bringing your right arm close to your body (fig. 19). Im- mediately grasp your right fist with your left hand and pull upward and backward as you extend your knees (fig. 20). The pressure applied against op- ponent’s thumb forces him to release his grasp and makes it possible for you to counter further with an “elbow blow” (fig. 21). 2. Grasp on Chest (a) Trap arm. SITUATION: Opponent grasps the clothing at your chest with his left hand and attempts to set ‘you up for a right-hand blow (fig. 22). ACTION: Place your left hand over opponent's left hand and hold it to your chest. Immediately bring your right arm over his left and clamp his forearm tightly to your body as you twist toward your left (fig. 28). Pressure is applied downward ‘on the back of opponent’s elbow (fig. 24). Also, if necessary, from this position you can deliver an “edge-of-fist” blow with your right hand to the side of opponent's face. Notes Figure 19. 12

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