USN H2H Rough and Tumble

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ROUGE AND TUMBLE 159 . Break for wrist hold (cont'd) ROUGH AND TUMBLE OUGH aN tumble fighting is a method ol self-defense waught wt Rix Naval Academy in which is used a combination of the foul, holds in wrestling and the toul blows in boxing, Great care must be exercised when practicing rough and tumbl fighting for many of the counter holds are bone breaking. The cou! mast be taken up in the same manner as training with the bayone or loaded guns on the rifle range. ‘This brief course in rough and tumble is given as a means of sel defense against odds, The naval officer ashore in perhaps a se civilized country is often open to attack from hostile natives; Of rerurning to his ship at night on the water front, one may efitou disreputable characters in almost any coastal city. Defense Against Various Holds No. 1 Break for wrist hold L Bend your arn towards your body A uvise iC in the direction of his Fie te Your assistant selves your vigtt Pia. 2 Grasp Wis Sand with sean sist seth Sis sight Ivan, Lise your vigtye arnt onreu, sau his wrist, Piting him i hie buco twlaina Bis cha He Your ascaitene seizes jor vigle Fie. 6. “Tssist yo ‘test iets his Lett fy of his daub, usin in the diveetion a dasstusand shy 160, PHYSIGAL TRAINING MANUAL ROUGH AND TUMBLE 161 No. 1—Break for wrist hold (cout'd), “inger lead. / ur assailant has itech goue cg Te, ®. Grip our sight fund and bewl woint with oth hands, Your ome tele sean ex He. te Grip your assailants right aim Fie. 1 Step behind and lock bis sat to ‘with your tell end your body. Secite his Wtle finger ancl ite ome Hest and Benet thar back to: wards she fe No, $—Hand lead. ut pars your tel ‘anid fey anc wsnilone’ igh a 1, Step bel nh veniveen Ti anal acenss een rn eal yout right 1, 10, Grips see wiht fat soem 0 wsallaat sarin’ with botls beanda te we PHYSICAL PRAINING MANUAL ROUGH AND TUMBLE, 168 No. 4—Arm lead No. 5—Suiangle from in front with one-hand. @ Fic. 13. Seumne agailane’s right wri with — Fie. 16, Step Sebind, fring your left a Fie $9, Your asatlane teas you by he Pic. 28. Revel up sith sour right hand som Fight fram From underneath. over and arma is right scx, hoki Vineat Icom in. Teont ith his night son! scwate hic ght With a0" Ager i sour Fighe wel, est Bis 251 tian Ins palin, sour thuanb on dhe back of fis hear nw ont ise writ than. Sccire ie afm at the elbow wit i 12. Stop tochin his right, secnve Hold on amt, 2 pon Taft aw vivler Who, 18: Sep fichind, pose ti aa Iie rights serine tok on tah gala suits aun aruatmnes fal is patan ip. lek Sa ‘winle yore sight banc Corer ai att tab ane aval fear down an in elbow, ‘Toe is Hawa tor the eae ant bw in 10 ‘vant bis teow

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