Sanctity Joint and Divided: On Holy Places in The Islamic Tradition
Sanctity Joint and Divided: On Holy Places in The Islamic Tradition
Sanctity Joint and Divided: On Holy Places in The Islamic Tradition
M.J. Kister
At the end of the first century of the hijra there was an almost unani-
mous consensus of the Muslim community as to the three distinguished
mosques which were recommended as sanctuaries to be visited by the
believers. It is noteworthy that the consent of the Muslim orthodox
scholars to grant validity to the famous utterance of the Prophet: "You
shall set out only for the three mosques .... " 1 was reached after a period
of discussion among the scholars of Muslim law, after a close scrutiny
of the tradition of the Prophet, and after the approval of the orthodox
Sanctity Joint and Divided 19
heads of the community. Weighing cautiously the opinions of the schol-
ars in the different regions of the Muslim empire, the influential religious
leaders, after hesitations and doubts, gradually consented to extend the
tradition recommending to set out only to the sanctuary of the Ka'ba/'
so as to include the mosque of the Prophet in Medina. 3
There seems to have been a strong tendency among orthodox scholars
to discourage believers from journeys to sanctuaries honored and revered
before Islam where they would perform ritual practices. Tradition says
that the Aus and Khazraj used to pray in the direction of Jerusalem
two years before the hijra of the Prophet" and it is plausible that they
intended to continue to set out to Jerusalem after they had embraced
Islam. The opposition to journeys to sanctuaries other than those in
Mecca and Medina, journeys undertaken on the authority of certain
early traditions, is manifest in reports on the authority of the Prophet,
in which he dissuaded believers from carrying out their oath to set out
to Jerusalem, and convinced them to perform the planned ritual in the
mosque of Medina.P
Finally, after the consolidation of Umayyad power and the growth of
the influence of Syria, the utterance concerning the three mosques quoted
above gained almost unanimous approval. As in the case of the former
tradition limiting the recommended journey to two mosques (Mecca and
Medina), orthodox scholars tried to dissuade the believers from journeys
to sanctuaries other than these three mosques. This can be seen in the
widely circulated tradition in which the Companions are enjoined not to
journey to the mount of Sinai and to perform their ritual practices in the
three recommended mosques." The believers however persisted in their
veneration of Tiir Stna: commentaries of the Qur'an report many stories
2 Ibn AbI Shayba, al-Mu~annaf, II, 375, ll. 2-3: 'an 'abdi Ilahi bni aM I-hudhayl
qiiia: la tashuddu l-rihiila ilia ila I-bayti I-'atfq.
3Niir al-Dm al-Haythamt, Mawarid al-q:am'an, 252, no. 1023: inn a khayra ma
rukibat ilayhi I-rawal}ilu masjidf hadhii wa-I-baytu I-'atfq. 'Ala' al-Din 'All b. Balaban
al-Farisr, al-Ihsiin. bi-tartfbi ~al}fl}i bni I}ibban, ed. Kamal. Yusuf al-Hut (Beirut, 1407/
1987), III, 70, no. 1614. AI-MundhirI, al-Targhfb wa-I-tarhfb, ed. Muhammad Muhyi
l-DIn 'Abd al-Hamid (Cairo, 1379/1960), III, 63, no. 1775.
4 Mahmtid Ibrahim, Faq.a'il bayti I-maqdis /f makhtutat 'arabiyya qadfma (al-
Kuwayt, 1406/1985), 365, 1. 3.
5Niir al-Din al-Haythaml, Mawarid al-q:am'an, 256, no. 1035. Al-Tabarant, al-
Mu'jam al-kabfr, VII, 320, no. 7258. Ibn al-Athtr, Jiimi' al-u~Ul min al}adfthi I-rasul
[::;1, ed. Muhammad Hamid al-FaqqI (Cairo, 1374/1955), XII, 183, nos. 9092-95.
6Niir al-Dtn al-HaythamI, Mawarid al-q:am' an, 252-53, no. 1024. Al-Tabaranl,
al-Mu'jam al-kabfr, II, 276, no. 2157. Al-Zurqanl, SharI} al-muwaHa' (Cairo, 1381/
1961), I, 329-30, 332. AI-Kha~Ib al-Baghdadr, Talkhf~u I-mutashabih /f I-rasm wa-
I}imayatu ma ashkala minhu 'an bawadiri l-ta~l}ffi wa-I-wahm, ed. Sukayna al-Shihabi
(Damascus, 1985), II, 866-67, no. 1422. Ibn AbI Shayba, al-Mu~annaf, II, 274 ult.-
275 1. 1: sa'altu 'umara: atf I-tura? qala: dati I-tura wa-Ia ta'tiha, wa-qala: Iii
tashuddu I-ril}ala ilia ila thalathati masajida. I;>iya' al-Dln al-Maqdist, Faq.a'il bayti
I-maqdis, 41. Al-Albant, Silsilat al-a1,ladfthi 1-~al}fI],a,II, 733.
20 M.J. Kister
about miracles that occurred on 'fur SIna when the Torah was given to
Moses and describe how the mountain split out of awe for God. It was on
this occasion that sections of 'fur SIna reached Mecca, Medina and other
places; thus the mountains of Uhud, Thabir, Hira', Warqan and Thaur
in the Hijaz are splinters of 'fur SIna.7 The traditions speaking of how
splinters of 'fur SIna reached Mecca and Medina and how they eventually
served as the material out of which the sanctuaries in these cities were
built illustrate the idea of the transfer of sanctity and demonstrate its
distribution among other holy places. The persistence of the reverence
of al-'fur in the popular belief of pious circles is expressed in a question
directed to Ibn Hajar al-HaytamI (d. 974 H.), whether Uhud is said to
be more holy than Mount SIna.8
~ufis seem to have continued to journey to Mount SInai al-Junayd
is said to have journeyed with a group of ~ufis to 'fur SIna, climbed up
the mountain, prayed there, invoked God and a qawwiil chanted such a
moving song that the ~ufis who were present could not tell whether they
were in heaven or on earth. A Christian monk who was on the mountain
was so much impressed by the ritual that convinced by the arguments
of the group of Sufis, converted to Islam."
AI-'fur is counted among the three places of asylum: Damascus
will serve as a refuge for the believers in the period of the bloody
wars (maliif},im), Jerusalem will shelter them in the period of the false
Messiah (dajjiil), al- 'fur will be their refuge in the time of Yajuj and
The status of a sanctuary was often enhanced by assigning it an
additional name referring to a biblical personality or to a holy place al-
ready existing in the pre-Islamic period, or by giving it a second name
borrowed from a celebrated Muslim sanctuary. The name of Medina,
for example, is said to have been al-Makkatiinill or al-Masjid al-aq/?ii.12
Mecca, says a tradition, was called $ahyun;13 this name of course refers
death of Luqman, were stricken by hunger and died on one day provide
another instance; their graves are in Hamla.P! Luqrnan is said to be
buried between the mosque of Ramla and its market+' although another
tradition says that he is buried near Tiberias.F'
The high position of Ramla is reflected in a tradition recorded on
the authority of Ka'b al-Ahbar: On the Day of Resurrection Ramla will
argue, interceding on behalf of the people buried in its cemetery, com-
plaining of their being punished even though they are buried in Ramla.24
The problem of the graves of prophets is noteworthy. The number of
graves of prophets and saints in a given city serves as a measure of its
status and position on the map of holy places as drawn by the Muslim
community.r" This concept was deduced from the interpretation of a
verse allegedly recorded in the Torah, saying that Sham is God's treasury
on earth and in it is God's treasury of His servants; the "treasury of His
servants" was said to mean the graves of the prophets: Ibrahim, Ishaq
and Ya'qub.26
The stories of Ramla, a town founded in the period of the Umayyads,
may serve as a good example for the sanctification of places which did
not exist in the early period. Stories about their sanctity became current
in the period following their foundation or their conquest.
The Prophet is said to have prayed on his nocturnal journey, the
isrii'; on the spot on which the mosque of Damascus was later built.27
This event endowed the area of the mosque with its sanctity. We may
gain some notion of the beliefs and tenets of the people of Syria con-
cerning the sanctity of the mosque of Damascus from a report about a
dispute between two believers as to the value of a prayer in the Damascus
mosque and as to the merits of pious deeds and ritual practices in Syria.
The famous scholar Ibn Taymiyya (d. 728 H.) was asked his opinion as to
21 Ibid., fol. 133b, ult. Al-Mazandarant, Maniiqib salman (n.p., 1285 [lithograph]),
22 Anonymous, History of the Prophets,' [Arabic], MS Br. Mus. Or. 1510,
fol. 133b inf.
23 Al-Mazandarani, Manaqib salman, 17.
24 Al-Fasawi, al-Ma'rifa uia-l-ta'rtkh, II, 299.
25 Al-Fakihi, Tti'rikh. Makka, MS Leiden, Or. 463, fol. 357a: dhikru mauq.i'i qubiir
'adhara baniiti ismiiiil 'alayhi l-saliim min masjidi t-hariim ... ; but see al-kalbf'an abf
~alilJ, 'ani bni 'abbasin [r] qiila: fi l-masjidi l-tiariimi qabriini laysa fihi ghayruhuma:
qabru isma'fla wa-shu'aybin. AI-FasI, Shifa'u l-gharam bi-okhbiiri l-baladi l-harii
(Beirut, [reprint], n.d.), I, 199. Ibn al-Faqlh al-Hamadhant, Kitiib al-buldiin, ed.
M.J. De Goeje (Leiden, 1885), 17: uia-qiila 'alayhi l-saliimu inn a qabra hiida wa-
shu'aybin wa-~alilJ,in fimii bayna zamzama wa-l-maqiimi wa-inna fi l-ka'bati qabra
iholiithi mi'ati nabiyyin wa-ma bayna l-rukni l-yamanf ilii l-rukni l-aswadi qabrii
sab'fna nabiyyan.
26 Al-Suyiitf', al-Durr al-manthiir, III, 112 sup.: Ka'b: maktiibun fi l-tauriiti: inn a
l-shiima kanzu llahi 'azza wa-jalla min arq.ihi, biha kanzu lliih» min 'ibadihi, ya'nf
bihii qubiira l-anbiya'i: ibriihisru: wa-islJ,aqa wa-ya'qiiba ....
27 Abu Hafs 'Urnar al-Mausili, al- Wasfla, V /1, 188.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 23
whether one prayer in the mosque of the Umayyads in Damascus equals
ninety prayers [elsewhere], whether it is true that three hundred prophets
are buried in this mosque, that a believer who passes a night sleeping in
Syria gets the same reward as a believer who passes a night in vigilance
in 'Iraq, that a believer who observes a voluntary fast in 'Iraq is like a
believer who does not observe such a fast in Syria, and whether God,
in blessing the two places, placed seventy parts of the blessing in Syria
and only one part in 'Iraq. Ibn Taymiyya denied the tradition about
the special value of prayer in the mosque of the Umayyads in Damas-
cus; he did however uphold the view that God is much better praised in
this mosque than in any other. He denied the tradition about the three
hundred prophets buried in the Damascus mosque and about special re-
wards for the performance of ritual practices in Syria; but he confirmed
that the Prophet praised Syria and set store by the pious deeds of the
people of Syria.28 In another of his writings Ibn Taymiyya took excep-
tion to the practice of "falsifying" tombs, i.e., falsely ascribing graves to
eminent Islamic personages.P"
The famous scholar of I},adfth 'Abd al-'Azlz al-Kattant''? made plain
his opinion about the graves of prophets: none of the graves is certified
except the tomb of the Prophet. Others maintained that the grave of
Abraham was also assured. The early author Ibn Sa'd counted as certain
the graves of Isma'il under the spout of the Ka'ba, the grave of Hud in
Yemen, as well as the grave of the Prophet."!
Ibn Taymiyya records as spurious the tomb of Ubayy b. Ka'b in
Damascus (he died in Medina), the tombs of Umm Habtba and Umm
Salama and the tombs of other wives of the Prophet outside Damascus.
It is however probable that there is a tomb of the $al},abiyya Umm Salama
bint Yazid b. al-Sakan, who indeed died in Syria. It is probable too that
the tomb of Bilal, (the Prophet's mU'adhdhin), is situated at the biib
al-~aghfr in Damascus.V
Of special interest are the data given by Ibn Taymiyya as to the
tombs of caliphs and governors allegedly buried in Damascus. The tomb
of Hud in the mosque of Damascus is not genuine; Hiid was sent as
prophet in the Yemen and performed the pilgrimage to Mecca; he did
not go to Syria. This tomb is in fact that of the pious Mu'awiya b.
Yazld b. Mu'awiya, who was Caliph for a short time and died without
appointing an heir. The tomb of Khalid (obviously b. WalId) in Hims is
28 Ibn Taymiyya, al-Faiiiuiii l-kubrii, ed. Hasanayn Muhammad Makhluf (Beirut,
1386/1966, [reprint]), I, 371, no. 226.
29 Ibn Taymiyya, Iqtiq.ii'u l-siriiii l-mustaqim mukhiilafatu a~lJiibi l-jalJfm, ed.
Muhammad Hamid al-FiqT (Cairo, 1369), 316-20.
30 Called al-Katabt in the text, see al-DhahabT, Tadhkirat al-lJuffii:; (Hyderabad,
1376/1957), III, 1170, no. 1024 .
.31 Ibn Taymiyya, al-Faiiiuiii l-kubrii, IV, 449.
32 Ibid.
24 M.J, Kister
33 Ibid., 450-451.
34 Ibn Junghul, Ta'rikh, MS Br. Library, Or. 5912/1, fol. 36b (the tomb of Hud in
the mosque of Damascus is the tomb of Mu'awiya; and see ibid. on the tombs of
'Amr b. al-'A:;;and 'AlI).
35 Al-Safftirf, Nuzhat al-majiilis wa-muntakhab al-nafii'is (Beirut, n.d.), 341 inf.
36 Muhammad b. Tulun al-Salihl, al-Qalii'id al-jauhariyya If ta'rfkhi l-~iilil}iyya, ed.
Muhammad Ahmad Dahman (Damascus, 1401/1981), II, 513. Isma'tl Muhammad
al-'Ajliinf l-Jarrahr l= al-Jarraht], Kashf al-khafii' wa-muzflu l-ilbiis 'ammii shta-
ham mina l-al}iidfthi 'alii alsinati l-niis (Beirut, 1351), I, 450 sup., no. 1466. 'AlI
b. Muhammad b. 'Araq al-Kinanf l= Ibn 'Araq], Tanzihs: I-shari'ati l-marfii'a 'ani
l-al}iidzthi l-shani'ati l-mau(lii'a, ed. 'Abd al-Wahhab 'Abd al-Latrf and 'Abdallah
Muhammad al-Sadlq (Beirut, 1399/1979), II, 48, no. 7. Al-Dhahabi, Mfziin al-
i'tidiil If naqdi l-rijnl, ed. 'All Muhammad al-Bijawt (Cairo, 1382/1963), IV, 346,
no. 9400. Ibn al-Jauzt, Kitiibu l-mau(lii'iit, ed. 'Abd al-Rahman "Uthman, al-Madtna
al-munawwara (1386/1966), II, 51. Al-Shaukant, al-Fawii'id al-majmii'a If l-al}iidzthi
l-mau(lii'a, ed. 'Abd al-Rahman b. Yahya l-Mu'allarnr l-Yamanr (Beirut, 1392),428,
no. 1229, and see the editor's comments.
37 Al-Fasawi, al-Ma'rifa uia-l-ta'rikh, II, 304. Al-Shaukanr, al-Fawii'id al-majmii'a,
428, no. 1229, and see al-Fasawr, ibid,. the cities of Hell: Qustantrniyya, al-Tuwana,
Antakiyya, Tadmur and ~an'a' in Yemen; al-Shaukanf however stresses that by ~an'a'
of Hell the city ~an'a' in Rum is meant.
38 Al-Shaukani, al-Fawii'id al-majmii'a, p. 428, no. 1230.
39 Muhammad b. al-Fattal al-Naysaburt, Roudatu. l-wii'i~fn, ed. Muhammad MahdI
l-Sayyid Hasan al-Kharsan (Najaf, 1386/1966), 409: arba'u madii'in min a l-janna:
makkatu wa-I-madznatu wa-baytu l-maqdis wa-madfnatun bayna sayl}iin wa-jayl}iin
yuqiilu lahii mansiira wa-hiya masisa maMii~atun bi-I-malii'ikati.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 25
(al-khayr) into ten parts; nine-tenths He placed in Syria, and one part
in the rest of the world. Similarly God divided Evil (al-sharr) into ten
parts: one part He placed in Syria, and nine parts in the rest of the
The location of the bad things of the rest of the world were located
deduced from a tradition about a conversation 'Umar held with Ka'b
al-Al)bar when they established the place of the mosque of Jerusalem.
'Umar was invited on that occasion by the people of 'Iraq to visit them
in the same way as he visited the people of Jerusalem, but was swayed
by Ka'b to refuse the invitation; Ka'b argued that 'Iraq contained the
rebellious jinn, that Hartlt and Marilt taught people witchcraft in 'Iraq
and that 'Iraq harbored nine tenths of the world's evil (shan,); the peo-
ple of 'Iraq, in addition, were affected by an incurable disease: they
were too wealthy.'! Needless to say, this is a manifest Syrian anti-Traqi
It is only to be expected that there should be a widely circulated
prophetic tradition forbidding the performing of prayers in the "Land of
Babil," because the land of Babil is cursed.v'
The people of Shiim, says an utterance ascribed to the Prophet, will
continue to fight their enemies for a just cause until the last of them
will fight the Dajja1.43 The Prophet predicted that Sham would be con-
quered and summoned the believers to move to the conquered territories,
as Shiim was the best of the lands and its people would be the chosen
40 Al-Tabarani, al-Mu'jam al-kabir, IX, 198, no. 8881. Nnr al-Din al-Haythamt, Ma-
jma' al-zawa'id wa-manba' al-fawa'id (Beirut, 1967), X, 60. Al-Fasawi, al-Ma'rifa,
II, 295.
41 Al-Muttaqi l-Hindi, Kanz al-'ummal fi sunan al-aquiiil wa-I-af'al (Hyderabad,
1390/1970), XVII, 120, no. 376.
42 Ibn Tayrniyya, al-Iqtitf,a', 81. Ibn AbI Shayba, cl-Musanna], II, 377: 'AlI: ... mii
kuntu u~alli bi-ardia khusifa biha thaliuha marratin. And see ib.: 'an 'aliyyin annahu
kariha l-saliita fi l-khusii]. And see ib.: anna' aliyyan marra bi-janibin min babil fa-
lam yu~alli biha. Al-'AynT, 'Umdat al-qiiri; IV, 189. Al-Suyutt, al-Durr al-manthiir,
I, 96. L 'A, s.v. bbl. Al-Bayhaqt, al-Sunan al-kubrii (Hyderabad, 1346), II, 451:
'AlI inn a I],abfbi sall« lliilu» 'alayhi wa-sallam nohiini an u~alliya fi l-maqburati wa-
nahanz an u~alliya fi ardi biibila [a-innahii mal'iinatun. Mubarak b. Muhammad
Ibn al-Athrr, Jiimi' al-usiil min al],adithi l-rasiil [~], ed. Muhammad Hamid al-FiqT
(Cairo, 1370/1951), VI, 314, no. 3673. 'Abdallah b. Ahmad b. Hanbal, Masa'ilu 1-
imam ahmad b. hanbol, ed. 'AlI b. Sulayrnan al-Muhanna (al-Madlna al-rnunawwara,
1406/1986), I, 228-29, no. 309 and see the references of the editor.
43 Nnr al-Dtn al-Haythamt, Majma' al-zawa'id, X, 60-61 sup. Abu 'AlI Hanbal
b. Is/:laq al-Shaybanr, Kitiib al-fitan [al-juz' al-rabi'], MS ~ahiriyya, rnajmu'a 38/4,
fol. 46b. Ibn Hajar al-fAsqalant, Listitu: l-mzzan (Hyderabad, 1331 [reprint]), VI, 223,
no. 785: 'an abi hurayrata marfii'an: tn taziilu 'i~abatun min ummati yuqatiliina 'ala
nbuuibi dimashqa uia-mii I],aulaha wa-'ala abwabi bayti l-maqdisi uia-mii I],aulaha la
yatf,urruhum khidhliinu man khadhalahum ~ahirzna 'ala l-haqqi ilii an taqiima l-sii=atu.
AI-BukharT, al-Ta'rzkh al-kabir (Hyderabad, 1384/1964), IV, 248, no. 2691 [II, 2 of
the MSj. Diya' al-Dfn al-Maqdisr, Fatf,a'il bayt al-maqdis, 72-3. Al-Fasawt, al-Ma'rifa
uia-l-ia'rikli, II, 297-98.
26 M.J. Kister
among the believers.v' The Prophet said that no good could be ex-
pected among the believers if the people of al-Shiitti were corrupted.t"
According to another version the Prophet stated that there would be no
good in his community if the people of al-Shiim perished: 'ani l-nabiyyi,
sollii llahu 'alayhi wa-sallam, qiila: idha halaka ahlu l-shami [a-lii khayra
fi ummatf.46 During the bloody war with Syria no less a person than
'All prohibited cursing its people because among them were the saintly
An eminent holy place in Syria, the mountain of Qasiyiin, was ordered
by God to give up its shade and blessing in favor of the mountain of
Jerusalem (jabal bayt al-maqdis). As a reward God will order to erect
on this mountain a House in which He will be worshipped for forty years
after the devastation (kharab) of the world.j" It is evident that this
tradition gives us an instance of the idea current in popular Islamic
tradition about the mutual dependence and coordination of sanctuaries
in the Muslim world. This belief is clearly reflected in the stories of
the holy places and their virtues. The mountain of Qasiyun is also the
place where Jesus and his mother found refuge when they escaped the
persecution of the Jews; on this mountain the son of Adam killed his
brother, and on the slopes of this mountain Abraham was born.f? This is
an innovative tradition about the birthplace of Abraham. The traditions
mentioned above are often denied; the story saying that Abraham was
born on this spot is firmly rejected.I'"
The cave in this mountain was famous for the efficacy of prayers
and invocations; the prophet Ilyas sought refuge in this place; Ibrahim,
Musa, elsa and Ayyub prayed and made invocations in this cave;51 the
place was known as the mustaghath al-anbiya' and is, in connection with
this virtue, linked with the story of the Prophet. When the Prophet
faced a plot of the unbelievers against him in Mecca and suffered from
their persecution, he wished to set out to this cave in order to invoke
God to damn them; JibrIl however persuaded him to seek refuge from
his people in one of the caves of Mecca.52
al-jauhariyya, I, 93-95. Al-Mausili, al- Waslla, V/1, 188. Muhammad Nasir al-Dtn
al-Albanl, Takhrlj al}adlth ... , 45-46, no. 21.
53 Al-'A.qillI, 'Arf al-tib min akhbiiri makkata wa-madinati l-hobtb, MS Leiden Or.
493, fol. 79a inf. Al-Dhahabi, Mfzan al-i'Lidiil, III, 483, no. 7236. Ntir al-Dln al-
Haythamr, Mnuiiiridu. l-~am'an, 251-52, no. 1021. Nasir al-Dtn al-Albanr, Silsilatu
l-al}adfthi l-tf.a'ifa wa-I-maw!u'a (Beirut, 1405/1985), I, 248, no. 211; and see the
comments of al-Albant. Diya'u I-DIn al-Maqdisi, Fatf.a'il bayti l-maqdis, 88, no. 59;
and see ibid. 89-90, nos. 60-62. AI-Wasip, Fatf.a'ilu l-bayti l-muqaddas, ed. I. Hasson
(Jerusalem, 1979),58-59, nos. 91-92; and see the references of the editor. AI-BayhaqT,
al-Jiimi' li-shu'abi I-Iman, ed. 'Abd al-'Aliyy 'Abd al-Hamld Hamid (Bombay, 1409/
1988), VII, 578-79, no. 3737; and see the references of the editor.
54 AI-MuttaqT l-Hindl, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 264, no. 1460. Nasir al-DTnal-Albani,
Silsilatu l-alJad!thi 1-tf.a'lfa ... , I, 249, no. 213.
55 Ibn Taymiyya, Majmu'atu l-rasii' iii l-kubrii (Beirut, 1392/1972), II, 356: al-risiila
fll-kalam 'ala l-qu~~a~; the tradition is marked by Ibn Taymiyya as lJadlth kadhib
56 Anonymous, History of the Prophets [Arabic], MS Br. Mus. Or. 15lO, fol. 54b.
Al-Khuwarizmr, Mukhiasar ithiiraii l-targhlb wa-I-tashwlq ua l-masiijidi l-thaliithati
wa-ilii. l-bayti l-i aiiq, MS Br. Mus. Or. 4584, fols. 21b, 27b.
57 Anonymous, History of the Prophets, MS Br. Mus. Or. 15lO, fol. 55a.
58 Ibn al-Athtr, Usd al-qhiiba fI ma'rifati l-sahiiba (Cairo, 1280 [repr. Tehran]), III,
3lO sup.; and see ibid. the prediction of the Prophet: sa-yakhruju nasun min ummatl
yuqtaluna bi-jabali l-khalil.
28 M.J. Kister
Prophet stated that the mountain of Hebron was sacred and was revealed
by God to the prophets of the Banii Isra'il in olden times as a place of
refuge to which they might escape in a period of sedition (fitna) in order
to preserve their belief (dmuhum).59 Jesus, when he passed by Hebron,
is said to have asked God to bestow on that town the following graces:
he asked to turn the mountain of Hebron into a secure asylum for every
frightened person (khii.'if), to make the people of the mountain secure
from wild beasts, and to remain fertile when all other places would be
affected by drought.f"
A miraculous story links the building of the tomb of Abraham in
Hebron with the person of Sulayman. Sulayman was ordered in a dream
to build a tomb on the grave of God's Friend, Abraham, in order that
he may be known by it. The dream repeated itself three times during
three nights; but Sulayman did not know the place. He asked God about
it and was guided by Him to the required spot, from which light rises
to heaven. When Sulayrnan got up in the morning he saw the place,
put a mark on it and the jinn built the tomb for him at this spot. One
can see how huge the stones of the tomb are: ten men or more cannot
carry a single stone. When the tomb was about to be finished Sulayrnan
left the tomb through its top part; the building was then closed from all
sides and none could enter it. The visitors to the tomb could perform
the ritual practices of the ziyii.ra from outside the building only. When
the Crusaders captured the city they opened a door in the building
and turned it into a church; they made drawings of the graves of the
ancestors inside the building assigning them individually to Abraham,
Ishaq, Ya'qub etc. Things went on unchanged in this manner until the
time of the author.v'
A tradition ascribed to Ibn 'Abbas reports how God sanctified the
place of the grave of Abraham. When God decided that Abraham was
to die He announced this to the world. The hilly plain of Hibra stood
humbly up in the Presence of God and He addressed Hibra: "You are
my chosen one, you are my holy one, you are my sanctuary (anti baytu
maqdisf), in you I placed the treasury of my knowledge, upon you I
shall let down my mercy and my blessings, and to you I shall gather my
servants (on the Day of Resurrection). Therefore blessed is the man who
puts his forehead on you (i.e., on the tomb erected upon you), prostrating
himself in front of Me; I shall let him drink from the Presence of my
59 Nu'aym b. Harnmad, Kitab ol-fitan, MS Br. Mus., fol. 65b: qiila rasiilu lliihi:
jabalu l-khalUi jabalun muqaddasun wa-inna l-fitnata lamma zaharat fi banI isra'lla
aul}a llahu ta'ala ila anbiya'ihim an yafirru bi-dlnihim ila jabali l-khalili. AI-MuttaqI
l-Hindi, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 260, no. 1429 (from Nu'aym's Fitan); and see this
tradition ibid., XIII, 247, no. 1370.
60 Nu'aym b. Hammad, Kitab al-fitan, fol. 65a.
61 Al-'AbdarI l= Ibn al-Hajj], al-Madkhal (Beirut, 1972), IV, 258.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 29
Holiness, and shall grant him security from the horrors of the Day of
Resurrection and shall lodge him in Paradise by my Mercy. Therefore
blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you, I shall bury my Friend
(Abraham) in you.,,62
According to AbU Bakr Ahmad b.'Amr b. Jabir, scholars of the
Prophetic tradition (ahl al-'ilm al-sharif) have unanimously endorsed
the validity of the location of the graves of Abraham', Ishaq, and Ya'qub,
and their wives. Any believer who goes against this is a man of evil in-
novations, one who embraces deviations or who is in error: mii yat'anu
fi dhiilika illa mjulun min ahli l-bida'i wa-l-zayghi wa-l-¢alalati, na'iidhu
bi-lliihi min dhalika.63
The texts of the invocations and prayers said at the tomb were pre-
scribed in great detail and the order of the visit, including the visit to
the tombs of the patriarchs and their wives, was carefully planned. After
visiting the tombs of the patriarchs and their wives, the believers were
urged to go down to the grave of Joseph (yiisuf [!D in the valley (al-wad'l
[!D and make an invocation there. Believers who visited the tomb in
the past claimed that their prayers, invocations, and supplications were
Ibn al-Hajj warns visitors to the grave not to attend the vicious in-
novative practices of the people of Hebron who dance and sing in groups
after the afternoon prayer (~alat al-' a$1"). He recommends that believers
refrain from taking part in the afternoon performances, when drums and
trumpets are beaten; such a performance they call naubat al-kholil. An-
other reprehensible innovation is the distribution of lentils which they
call al-' adas cl-ibriihimi. Ibn al- J.Iajj points out that the designation al-
'adas al-ibriihimi is incorrect, as Abraham did not entertain his guests
with lentils.P''
It was once again Ibn Taymiyya, that stalwart opponent of the tomb
worship, who was adamant in denying the legendary stories about the
building of the tomb. These stories he ,branded as unfounded inventions.
He also rejected the tradition that Jibril bade the Prophet pray at the
grave of his ancestor Abraham during his nocturnal journey, and perform
a prayer at the birthplace of his brother Jesus. People of knowledge
unanimously considered these traditions invented lies. Bayt Lahm was
a church of the Christians, and there was no merit in visiting it by
Muslims, whether it was the birthplace of Jesus or not. None of the
Companions nor any of the successors of the Companions, the tiibi' un,
went to pray or make invocations at the grave, or even to visit it. The
believers had come more than once with 'Umar to ol-Sluim, and some
of the Companions settled there but none of them had practiced things
of this kind, and no mosque had been built on the grave at all. Only
when the Christians captured Syria because of the impious rafiq,a (ShrI
extremists) who ruled Egypt, and gained control of the coastal territories
and other localities, did they cut through Abraham's sepulchral chamber
and set up a door over the tomb. It was the Christians who turned
it into a place of worship, not the ancestors of the believers or pious
Places and localities are rewarded according to their sympathy and
help for sanctuaries and saintly believers afflicted by distress; vicious
places and sinful groups are accordingly punished. According to a re-
port of Ka'b (al-Ahbar}, Qustantiniyya rejoiced at the devastation of
Jerusalem (kharab bayt al-maqdis); God reproached the vicious city
and predicted that He would severely punish the sinful city.67 In con-
trast to Qustantiniyya, the attitude of Kaskar was sympathetic: when
Bukhtanassar destroyed Jerusalem (bayt al-maqdis) all the places on
earth wept; but Kaskar surpassed all other places in weeping. As a re-
ward, God promised that a mosque would be built there, where there
would be abundant supplications and invocations to which God would
respond favorably. People explained the prediction as a reference to the
mosque of Wasit.68
Even birds are rewarded or punished according to their feelings to-
wards the ruined sanctuaries dear to the hearts of the believers: the
Prophet forbade killing swallows (al-khatt.Wi:j) because they wept for the
destruction of the temple of Jerusalem.P''
Sometime there is an evident political tendency in this kind of tradi-
tions. ShrI stories concerning the role of Basra belong to this category:
Heaven and Earth are said to have wept when Husayn was killed. The
only ones who did not weep were Basra, Damascus and the family of
al-Hakam b. al-'A~.7o
66 Ibn Taymiyya, /qtiq.a' al-~irat, 319, 331, 438-39; see e.g. 438: wa-/lhi ma huuia
mina l-mauq.u'ati l-rnukhtolioiit. mithlu mii yarwihi ba'q.uhum /lhi: "anna l-nabiyya
scllii lliiln: 'alayhi wa-sallam qiila lahs: jibril: hii.dha qabrw abika ibrahima, inzil [a-
solli /fhi, ura-hiidhii baytu la~.min maulidu akhika 'tsa, inzil [a-solli /fhi." And see
439: wa-baytu lahmit: kanisatun min kana'isi l-na$ara, laysa /f ityaniha /aq.ilatun
'inda l-muslimina, sawa'an kana maulida 'isa au lam yakun ....
67 Abu Bakr Muhammad b. al-Husayn al-Naqqash , Shi/a'u l-$udur al-muhadhdhab
/f iafsiri l-qur'tin; MS Chester Beatty 3389, fol. 40a sup. Ibn al-FaqIh al-Hamadhanr,
Kiiiib al-buldan, ed. M.J. De Goeje (Leiden, 1885), 146. Abu Nu'aym al-Isfahant,
lfilyat al-auliya' (Beirut, 1387/1967), VI, 45.
68 Bahshal, Ta'rikh. wasit, ed. Kurkts 'Awwad (Baghdad, 1387/1967), 35.
69 Al-Daylami, Firdaus al-akhbiir, MS Chester Beatty 3037, fo1. 187b sup.
70 AI-MajlisT, BilJ,ar al-anwar, LX, 205; but 211: baka 'alayhi jami'u ma khalaqa
Sanctity Joint and Divided 31
The imam Ja'far b. Muhammad recorded sixteen groups of people
hostile to the ShfI belief and the shrr community, among them the
people of Sijistan, Rayy, Mausil, and Baghdad,"! 'AlI enumerated the
vices of Basra, to which he added a forceful curse on the city. 72 Hudhayfa
is stated to have said that the people of Basra would not open the gate
of righteousness [bab al-huda] or leave the gate of error. The flood had
been removed from all the places on earth except Basra.?" To 'Abdallah
[b. 'Amr] is attributed the saying that the footprints of Ibiis are extant
in Basra, but that he hatched his eggs in Egypt.I" The Prophet is said
to have prohibited the believers to enter the city of Basra itself, warning
them from earthquakes; he recommended however that they should visit
the suburbs of Basra.?"
As against the ShrI descriptions of the vices of Basra and the pre-
dictions about its gloomy fate there are however traditions in praise of
the city, The Prophet is said to have stated: "I know a place named
al-Basra; it is a locality most direct in the position of the qibla, it has
the greatest number of mosques and callers for prayer (mu'adhdhinun)
and it will be better protected from distress than other places."?"
It is evident that these contradictory utterances reflect of the political
struggles of the early Islamic period.
The assignment of varying degrees of sanctity to various sanctuar-
ies brought about competition between them, in contrast to the idea
of coordination between them. This is seen clearly in the literature of
the faq,a'il. The rivalry was often prompted by political struggles in the
Muslim empire, by ethnic rivalry and by the contests between the reli-
gious factions. In a very early period of Islam the sanctity of Damascus
was confronted with that of al-Kiifa. 'All marked al-Kufa as the treasure
of belief, the convincing argument of Islam, the sword of God and His
spear; God will aid the victory of the believers in the easternmost as well
as in the westernmost parts of the earth through the people of KIifa as
distinguishes between right and wrong); from the mosque there is a path
to the mountain of Ahwaz, In this mosque is the Nuh's place of prayer
(mu!fallii). From this mosque there will be gathered seventy thousand
of the believers who will enter Paradise without being interrogated or
judged (laysa 'alayhim lJ,isiib). Its center rests in one of the gardens of
Paradise, it contains three of the wells of Paradise which remove the
filth and purify the believers. If the people would know the virtue of the
mosque they would come crawling towards it.83
Some of the commentators of the Qur'an used their freedom to in-
terpret the word rabwa (Sura 23:50) as denoting Kiifa, and the word
ma'fn as denoting the Euphrates.t" It is evident that this is a Shi'I
interpretation of the words of the Qur'an which was meant to confront
the Umayyad, pro-Syrian interpretation mentioned above.f"
Since ancient times the Jews used the outskirts of Kilfa as a burial
ground for their dead; they believed that seventy thousand dead would
be raised from this cemetery on the Day of Resurrection and would
enter Paradise without being subjected to questioning and judgment.
When 'All heard this opinion from the Ra's Jalut he countered that the
seventy thousand to be raised on the Day of Resurrection and introduced
to Paradise would be believing Muslims. 'AlI asserted that the grave just
outside al-Kufa was that of Yahudha b. Ya'qiib, as well as the grave of
Hud.86 'All bought the territory between Najaf and al-Htra as far as
al-Kiifa from the dihqiins and paid forty thousand dirhams for it. The
purpose of the transaction was to enable the believers to rise on the Day
of Resurrection from land belonging to 'AlIP A similar transaction was
carried out in ancient times by Ibrahim: he acquired these very lands
from the people of Baniqiya, paying a hundred sheep (ghanam); Baniqiya
in Aramaic means a hundred sheep. He consecrated the place whose
sanctity was revealed to him and named it al-Qadisiyya. This territory
thus became the point from which Ibrahim set out for his hijra.88
At the end of time, during the unjust wars (jitan), when the mahdf
will be sent, the happiest people will be the people of Kiifa.89 Never will
a tyrant (jabbiir) set out to annihilate it without being afflicted by God
with a mortal blow.P?
corpse (jism) of 'All b. AbI Talib, The believer asked how it was possi-
ble that the bones of Adam are in Ktifa since he descended in Sarandib
and people believe that his bones are placed in the mosque of Mecca
(baytu llahi I-lJ,aram). The imam replied that God ordered Ni11;tin the
ark to go around the Ka'ba seven times, which he did. Afterwards he
went into the water, which reached up to his knees, and pulled out
a coffin which contained the bones of Adam. He carried the coffin in
the ark and it went round the Ka'ba several times. He continued the
journey in the ark until he arrived at the gate of KUfa, in the middle
of which was the mosque. God ordered the water to be swallowed by
the earth (ibla' 'l mii' aki) and the mosque became dry. The people who
accompanied Ni11;tdispersed; Ni11;ttook the coffin and buried it in the
ghariyy. This was part of the mountain on which God addressed Moses,
on which He consecrated Jesus, on which He took Abraham to Him-
self as Friend (khal'll), and on which He took Muhammad to Himself
as His Dear One (lJ,abib); God turned the place into an abode of the
prophets. The amir al-mu'min'ln, 'All b. AbI Talib is buried next to
his two noble ancestors, Adam and Ni1I;t. "Therefore while visiting al-
Najaf you are visiting the bones of Adam, the body of Ni1I;t,the corpse
of 'All b. AbI Talib; you are visiting the ancestors, Muhammad the Seal
of the prophets and 'All the Lord of the Trustees (sayyid al-wa$iYY'ln).
The gates of Heaven will be opened for the invocations of the visitor; act
thus and be not heedless of that which is good" (fa-la takun 'ani l-khayri
nawwaman) .102
The status of Medina in comparison with Mecca was secondary, in the
opinion of the orthodox community. According to an utterance recorded
on the authority of 'A'isha, God created Mecca and encompassed it by
angels a thousand years before He created anything on Earth; then He
attached Medina to it and eventually paired Medina with Jerusalem
(bayt al-maqdis); then a thousand years later He created the Earth with
one stroke (khalqan walJ,idan) .103
According to some utterances ascribed to the Prophet Medina will
be singled out in the fateful period of the false messiahs, the dajjal.
The dajjal will be barred from entering the city, which will be guarded
by angels.l'" According to another tradition Mecca and Medina will
share this privilege: the dajjal will enter every locality but Mecca and
102 Al-Majlisl, Bihiir, C, 258. Ghiyath al-Dln 'Abd al-Karjrn b. Tawils, Farho: al-
gharr fi ta'yrn qabri amrri l-mu'minrn 'air b. aM talib 'alayhi I-salam (Najaf, 1368),
103 Al-Daylamt, Firdaus al-ckhbtir, MS Chester Beatty 3037, fo1. 77a, penult. Qiya'
al-Din al-Maqdisl, Fadti'i! bayti l-maqdis, p. 49, no. 14.
104 Abu Ya'la, Musnad, V, 318, no. 2940; 369, no. 3016; 390, no. 3051; 402, no. 3073.
105 Al-'AynI, 'Umdat al-qiiri, X, 244 sup. Ibn Hazm , al-MuiJ,alla, VII, 281.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 37
Another version, however, records two other places: the Ka'ba and
Jerusalem (bayt al-maqdis). 106 A third version extends the number of
places from which the dajjal will be barred: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem
(bayt al-maqdis), and al- 'filr.107
Tradition pointed out the virtues of Medina: it was the place of the
hijra of the Prophet, the center from which he propagated his religion,
the place where he died and in which he was buried.
The sincere sympathy of the Prophet and his affection for Medina is
manifest in his declaration of Medina as a haram; he acted as counterpart
to Abraham: just as Abraham proclaimed Mecca as a harem; so did the
Prophet with Medina.l'"
A peculiar tradition, obviously anti-Shi'tte, contains a denial at-
tributed to 'All, in which he declares that there is no privilege granted
him by the Prophet which he is supposed to keep in the sheath of his
sword; in the sheath of his sword, 'AlI says, he only keeps the document
of tahrim al-madfna.109
It is indeed these virtues and qualities, which gained wide circula-
tion among the Muslim community, that stimulated the rivalry between
these two highly revered localities. Against the background of ethnic
differences, diverse economic interests, and social and political contests,
the disputes as to the relative merits attached to these localities grew
more vociferous.
In his thorough going study, Materiaua: pour l'etude du conftit de
preseance entre la M ekke et M edine,110 A. Arazi provides a detailed and
106' Umdat al-qiiri; X, 244 sup. Comp. Diys;' al-Din al-Maqdisi, Fadti'i! bayti 1-
maqdis, p. 60, no. 34.
107Al-'AynT, 'Umdat al-qiiri, X, 244 sup. Diya' al-Dtn al-Maqdisi, Faga'il, 62-63,
no. 36. And comp. al-Suyutt, Jam' l-jauuimi", I, 744: ... ma'qilu l-muslimlna mina
l-rnaliihini dimashq wa-ma'qiluhum mina l-dajjali baytu l-maqdis wa-ma'qiluhum min
yajuj wa-majuj ai-tur.
108Al-Suyutr, al-Durr al-manthur, I, 121-122. Nur al-Din al-HaythamT, Majma' al-
zawii'id, III, 301-302. AI-AynT, 'Umdat al-qiiri, X, 227-231. Al-'AbdarT, al-Madkhal,
II, 39. AI-BayhaqT, al-Sunan al-kubrii, V, 196-201. AmIn Mahmild Khattab, Fatliu
l-maliki l-moibiid, takmilatu l-manhali l-'adhbi l-mauriid, sharb. sunan abl dawud
(Cairo, 1394/1974), II, 239-49. Al-Sinjarl, Mana'il}u l-karam bi-akhbiiri makkata
uui-l-luiram, MS Leiden Or. 7018, fol. 7a inf. (but comp. ibid., fol. 7b sup.: thumma
qiila (ay rasulu llahi, s.) inna makkata lJarramaha lliihu wa-lam yul}arrimha l-nasu
[a-lii yalJillu li-mri'in yu'minu bi-lIiihi wa-I-yaumi l-iikhiri an yasfika biha daman.
And see Abu Ya'Ia, al-Ahkiin: al-sultaniyya, ed. Muhammad Hamid al-FiqI (Cairo,
1386/1966), 192. AI-MundhirI, al-Tarqhib uia-l-tarhib, III, 62, no. 1771.
109Mul,lammad b. 'A~im al-Thaqafi al-Isfahant, Juz', ed. Mufid Khalid 'Ayyid,
(Riyad , 1409), 125-26, no. 42; and see the editor's references. Ibrahrm b. Tahman,
Mashyakha, ed. Muhammad Tahir Malik (Damascus, 1403/1983), 104-107, no. 51:
[a-qiila [i.e., 'AlI]: mii 'ahida ilayya rasiili: llahi 'ahdan lam ya'had hu ila I-nasi,
ghayra anna fi qiriibi sayfi ~al}fjatan, fa-idha fiha: inna ibrahfma horrama makkata
wa-ana uharrimu l-madi:nata, wa-innaha lJaramun mii bayna lJarratayha, and see the
editor's abundant references there.
110 JSAI, 5 (1984), 177-235.
38 M.J. Kister
111 Ibn Hazm, al-Mul].allii, VII, 289. Ibn Taymiyya, '11m al-I].adith, ed. Musa
Muhammad 'AlI (Beirut, 1405/1984), 361. Yaqut, Mu'jam al-buldiin, s.v. hazwara,
Nur al-Dln al-Haythami, Mawiirid al-~am'iin, 254, no. 1026. Al-Sinjarr, Manii'il].
al-kara, MS fol. 9a. Al-Shaukani, Nayl al-autiir (Cairo, 1372/1953), V, 32a-39. Al-
Zurqant, Sharh. cl-rnauuihib al-laduniyya, VIII, 322. Ibn AbI Hatim, 'llal al-I].adlth
(Cairo, 1343), I, 282, no. 836.
112 Al-Albanl, Silsilat al-al].iidithi 1-q.a'lfa wa-I-mauq.u'a (al-Riyad, 1408/1987), III,
639-40, no. 1445. Albanf marks the tradition as maw;lu', a forged one. Ibn Taymiyya,
Majmu'at al-rasii'il al-kubrii, II, 356. Ibn Taymiyya marks the tradition as biitil; see
ibid., for his arguments. Al-Shaukani, Nayl al-autiir, V, 34; and see the discussion of
the subject in ibid. Al-Qayrawanr, Kitiib al-jiimi', 139.
113 Al-'Abdarf, al-Madkhal, II, 35 inf. Abu l-Hasan 'All b.'Umar b. Muhammad b.
al-Hasan al-Sukkarr, Juz", MS al-Zahiriyya, majmu'a 18, fol. 248b. 'Abdallah b. Abf
Zayd al-Qayrawani, Kitiibu I-jiimi' fi I-sunan wa-l-iidiib wa-l-maghiizl wa-I-ta'r'ikh,
ed. Muhammad Abu l-Ajfan and 'Uthrnan Bitttkh (Beirut-Tunis, 1402/1982), 138:
wa-uftutil].at al-qurii bi-l-sayf I].attii makkatu, wa-uftutil].at al-mad'inatu bi-l-qur'iini;
and see ibid. note 3. Ibn al-Jauzr, al-Maw;lii'iit, II, 216-17. Ahmad b. Hanbal marks
the tradition as munkar. Ibn Hazm, al-Mul].allii, VII, 286. Ibn Hajar, al-Matiilibu
l-'iiliya, I, 369, no. 1246.
114 Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya, Al].kiim ahli l-dhimma, I, 126 ult.-127.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 39
Medina was considered more honorable and dignified than Mecca,
which was flooded by streams of pilgrims from all areas of the Muslim
empire. This can be seen from a story about 'Umar, who was informed
of a man who had the intention of giving the oath of allegiance after the
death of 'Umar to a certain person. 'Umar had the idea of standing up
in Mecca and warning the believers against people who were about to
rob the umma of their rights (viz. by deciding about 'Umar's successor).
He was however dissuaded from delivering his warning in Mecca because
of the mob that used to attend his council, and he made up his mind
to convey his admonition in Medina, the abode of the hijra and of the
A place to which special honor was accorded was the grave of the
Prophet in Medina. Several traditions emphasized the qualities of this
revered spot, linking the veneration of the grave with that of the Prophet
himself. The place in which he was buried was chosen by the Prophet
himself. Scholars argued that God does not cause a prophet to die except
in a place he likesY 7 This assumption was corroborated by a tradition
saying that prophets should be buried in the place where they die; but
both traditions are countered by others according to which it is unde-
sirable to bury people in their abode, as a grave turns the house into a
cemetery in which prayer is disagreeable. Needless to say, the burial of
the Prophet in this place is considered a special distinction.U"
The grave itself was closely connected with the Prophet from the
beginning of his existence. The Prophet is said to have been created from
the dust of the grave in which he was buried. God sent Jibrrl to bring
him a handful of white clay out of the heart of the earth and its light in
order to create Muhammad, Jibril set out with seventy thousand angels
and took a handful of earth from the place of the Prophet's grave, which
was then white and pure. It was kneaded with the nectar of paradise
(mii'u l-tasnfm), with the wine of Paradise (al-raMq) and with water
from the well of Paradise (salsabrl). Then it was plunged into the water
of the rivers of Paradise and was carried towards the earth and the sea;
the angels learned to know the quality of Muhammad before they knew
the virtues of AdamY9 A well known utterance states that the Prophet
was buried in the clay from which he was created (dufina bi-l-iinati uau
khuliqa minha)j the tradition is provided with several utterances which
115 Al-Shaukant, Nayl al-autar, V, 34.
116 Al-Fasawt, al-Ma'rifa wa-I-ta'rlkh, I, 351.
117 Al-Munawt, FayrJu l-qadir, V, 459, no. 7956. Al-'AbdarI, al-Madkhal, II, 39 inf.
Abu Ya'la, Musnad, I, 45, no. 45.
118 Al-Munawi, FayrJu l-qtulir, V, 459, no. 7956; and see the comments of al-Munawr,
119 Al-Saqslni, Zahrot al-riyarJ, MS Hebrew Univ., Coli. Yahudah 571, 8, 11 sup.,
ll. 1-3. Al-IAbdarr, al-Madkhal, II, 32. 'All b. Burhan al-Dtn, al-Sira al-lJalabiyya, I,
40 M,]. Kister
extol the idea that the dust of the grave should be the dust from which
the person is born.12o According to a tradition there is a special angel
called malak al-crluim, who is entrusted with the burial of the dead in
their proper graves.P!
It is not surprising to find a parallel tradition according to which the
clay of which the Prophet was created was Meccan, but it was blended
with clay from Medina.P''
The extreme veneration of the tomb of the Prophet is shown by the
opinion of a group of zealots who claimed that a visit to the grave of
the Prophet is more meritorious than a pilgrimage to Mecca and a visit
to the Ka'ba.123 The pilgrimage to Mecca was linked with a visit to
the grave of the Prophet; the Prophet is reported to have said that
he who performs the f},ajj without visiting his grave treats him harshly
The grave of the Prophet was considered to surpass in its virtue the
sanctity of the Ka'ba:
Marw. Marw was built by Dhu l-Qarnayn, who asked God to bless
the city. The people of Marw will never be afflicted by any calam-
Among the cities of Persia a high position was accorded to Qazwin,
The Prophet predicted that at the "end of the days" there would be
people "whose true belief would be blended with their blood and flesh";
they would fight the unbelievers in a city called Qazwin. Paradise would
desire them and yearn for them like a she-camel who yearns for her
foa1.136 In another tradition the Prophet says that the courageous people
dwelling in Qazwin, who read the Qur 'an and fight with their swords,
will appear on the Day of Resurrection with their jugular veins dripping
with blood. They love God and God loves them. The eight gates of
Paradise will be opened for them and they will be allowed to enter by
any gate they wish.137
Another tradition says that God watches the people of Qazwln twice
every day as they let the sinners go unpunished and accept the good
deeds of the beneficent.l "
A peculiar tradition says that a man who dwells in Qazwin is superior
to one who dwells in one of the two harems, Mecca or Medina.P?
In some of the traditions Qazwin is coupled with 'Asqalan: both are
marked as the two cities of paradise.v'" Other traditions place Qazwln
in another list of paradise cities: Alexandria, 'Asqalan, 'Abbadan and
A tradition attributed to the Prophet emphasizes the high rank of
Alexandria: a person sojourning in Alexandria for three days without
harboring hypocritical thoughts will have the same status as a believer
from among the Rum and the 'Arabs who worships God for sixty thou-
sand years.142
135 Al-Munawi, Fayq, al-qadir, IV, 130, no. 4774. AI-MuttaqT l-Hindr, Kanz al-
'ummal, XIII, 2.57, nos. 1418-19. Al-Dhahabi, Mi:zan al-i'tidal, II, 239, no. 3586.
Ibn 'Adiyy, al-Kiimil, I, 401 inf.-402 sup. But see Abu Ya'Ia, Musnad, I, 39, no. 33:
the dajjal will set out from Khurasan; and see ibid. references. Ibn 'Araq, Tanzitu:
/·sharl'a l-marfil':«, II, 47, no. 6; and see ibid. the virtues of other cities of Khurasan.
Ibn Hajar al-f.Asqalanr, Lisiiri al-mi:zan, III, 120, no. 415.
136 Abu l-Qasim al-Rafi'r, al-Tadwi:n fi dhikri ahli l-'ilmi bi-qazuiin, MS Laleli 2010,
1'01.3a. Al-Munawl, Fayq, ol-qadir, IV, 30, no. 4444. AI-MuttaqT l-Hindi, Kanz al-
'llmmal, XIII, 253, no. 1399.
137 AI-Rafi'I, al- Taduiin; MS fol. 3a. AI-MuttaqT I-HindI, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 256,
110. 1412.
138 AI-Rafi'T, al-Tadwln, MS fol. 3b. AI-MuttaqT l-Hindt, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 256,
110. 1416.
139 AI-MuttaqI I-HindI, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 257, no. 1417.
140 AI-Rafi'T, al-Tadwln, MS fol. 7a.
141 AI-MuttaqT I-HindI, Kanz al-'ummal, XIII, 257, no. 1420. But comp. a different
list of the minbars of Paradise: Anon., Masa'il 'abdi I-salam li-nabiyyina, MS Hebrew
Univ., ColI. S.M. Stern, 34.: Qayrawan, Bab at-abwab, 'Abbadan and Khurasan.
142 Ibn Hajar al-t.Asqalan'I, Lisiin al-mlzan, VI, 219 inf., no. 768.
44 M.J. Kister
When the Prophet stated that there were two gates open to Paradise:
'Abbadan and Qazwin, he was asked whether 'Abbadan was not a newly
built place; he answered in the affirmative, but added that it was the
first place which believed in Jesus the son of Maryam.l+'
The lengthy chapter of fa#'il qazwfn in al-Muttaqi al-Hindr's Kanz
al-'ummiil144 bears evidence to the wide currency given to traditions
concerning the virtues of Qazwin.
These traditions give us the opportunity to follow the process of sanc-
tification of a newly conquered locality, and shows how new sanctuary
was coupled with well established sanctuaries held in high esteem, often
situated in far regions.
A frequent tendency in the farJii'illiterature is to restrict or withdraw
part of the sanctity of a locality, by attributing similar virtues to smaller
places adjacent to a main locality or on the way to it.
Judda, a well-known place in the vicinity of Mecca, is recorded as a
distinguished locality sharing virtues with Mecca. The Prophet is said
to have stated: makkatu ribiitun wa-juddatu jihiidun.145 When a man
in a council in Mecca prided himself on being a member of one of the
most distinguished councils in the city, 'Abbad b. Kathlr146 said that he
was far removed from the virtues of Judda: a prayer in Judda has the
value of seventeen million prayers elsewhere, a dirham spent in charity
in Judda is worth a hundred thousand dirhams, and good deeds done
there are rewarded in the same measure. God will forgive the sins of
a man who merely looks at Judda from a distance.l+? The tradition
about the four cities of Paradise, Alexandria, Qazwin, 'Abbadan, and
'Asqalan, was duly modified by an additional significant phrase: "and
the superiority of Judda to all these cities is like the superiority of the
House of God in relation to other houses (wa- farJlu judda 'alii hii' -us: i
ka-farJli bayti lliihi l-hariimi 'alii sii'iri l-buyiit.) 148
Some scholars claimed to have read in "books" (i.e., collections of
apocalyptic predictions attributed to the Prophet or to pious persons of
the first generation of Islam; sometimes these predictions can be traced
149 Al-Fakihi, Ta'rikh, MS fol. 414a. Ibn Fahd, Risiila, p. 200, from al-Fakihl. Ibn
0uhayra, al-Jtimi' al-latif, p. 81, from al-Fakihr, AI-FasT, Shifa'u. l-qhcriim, I, 87,
from al-FakihT.
Ir,olbn Fahd, Risiila, p. 203. 'Abd al-Qadir b. Ahmad, al-SilalJ, wa-l-'u.dda, p. 102.
Ifi1See e.g., al-Mausilt, al- Wasfla, V /1, 182. Al-Samhudi, Wafa'u. l-wafa, pp. 250,
~ 14-15, 797-800. Al-'AyyashT, Tafsir, ed. Hashim al-Rasulr I-MaJ:tallatT, (Qumm,
1:171), II, 111, no. 135: sa' 'alayhi l-salamu. 'ani l-masjidi lladlii u.ssis a 'ala
l-Laquiti min awwali yau.min [a-qiil«: masjidu. quba' .... Al-Warthflant, Nu.zhatu. 1-
I1n~arfZ faq,li l-ta'rfkhi wa-l-akhbiir (Beirut, 1394/1974), p. 468.
152 Ibn Abr Shayba, ai-Musannaf, II, 372-73.
153 AI-MuttaqT l-Hindi, Kanz al-'u.mmal, XIII, 228, no. 1271. 'Urnar b. Shabba,
'l'a'rikh. al-madfna al-mu.nawwara, ed. Fahfrn Muhammad Shaltfit (n.p.), I, 48-50.
154Ibn AbT Shayba, al-Musanna], II, 373. AI-Muttaqi l-Hindt, Kanz al-'u.mmal, XIII,
227-29, nos. 1269-70, 1274-83. Al-Samhiidf, Wafa'u. l-uiaf«, pp. 800-806. Ibn Hajar
al-'AsqalanT, Lisiinu l-mfzan, VI, 324 ult., no. 1157. Al-Warthtlant, Nuzhat al-an~ar,
\ 55 Ibn AbT Shayba, ol-Musanno], II, 373, ult.
156 'Urnar b. Shabba, Ta'rikh, I, 42: Sa'd b. abf uiaqqiis: la-an u.~allffZmasjidi qu.bii'a
mk'atayni aliabtn: ilayya min an atiya bayta l-maqdisi marratayni. lau. ya'lamiina
ma fZ qu.bii'a la-darabii ilayhi akbiida l-ibil. Al- Warthtlant, Nu.zhat al-an~ar, p. 468.
46 M.J. Kister
169Ibid., p. 19.
170Ibid., p. 19.
171Mughultay, al-Zahr al-basim fi strai aM l-qasim, MS Leiden Or. 370,
fol. 158b inf.-159a sup.
172Al-Mazandarani, Manaqib salman, p. 17. But see al-BustI, al-Majrul}fn, II, 34:
the Torah, Moses' rod, and the remainder of the broken Tablets are in Antakia.
173Ibn Hajar al-IAsqalanr, al-Khi$al al-mukaffira li-I-dhunub, ed. Muhammad Riyad
al-Malik (Damascus, 1383/1963), p. 33.
174Ibn Tahman, Mashyakha, p. 95, no. 43. The Prophet forbade to call the city
"Yathrib"; it had to be called "al-Madiria." The Umayyads, however, continued to
call the locality "Yathrib" or "al-Muntina."
48 M.J. Kister
with whom she was not allowed to be in contact (innaka rajulun lasta
minnf bi-malJ,ramin) she would ask him to spit in her mouth, thus hoping
to attain Paradise. She quoted the utterance of the Prophet according
to which drinking and washing at the well of 'Ayn Baqar, and drinking
from 'Ayn al-Fulus in Baysan, or from the well of Silwan in Jerusalem,
or from Zamzam in Mecca, will keep a man's body from the fire of Hell.
Then she turned to the man from 'Akka and continued to quote
the utterances of the Prophet about 'Akka.175 The Prophet said that
walking in the streets of 'Akka carries with it more merit than prayer
in some mosques. The Prophet touched upon the rewards of those who
would be stationed in 'Akka as a military force ready to meet the enemy
(al-muriibitiin): he who stayed in 'Akka as a muriibit. for one night would
be considered as one who would fight with his spear for the cause of God;
he who stayed for two nights would be considered as one who fought with
his sword for the cause of God; he who stayed for three nights would be
considered as one who came floundering in his blood; he who stayed for
forty days would be given seventy Badri warriors and would not forfeit
his pay (ajr) neither in this world or in the next one (/f l-dunyii wa-l-
'A'isha attests having heard the Prophet announce that one prayer
in the mosque of 'Akka on Friday has the value of eight thousand two
hundred prayers elsewhere. In another utterance the Prophet states that
Jibril stretches his wing above 'Akka; God guards it with His eye and
the city is kept from every damage and harm.176
'Akka is coupled with another city as regards merits of performing
ritual practices. The Prophet is said to have stated that two bendings
(rak'atiini) in Qaysariyya and 'Akka are more to God's liking than a
thousand bendings (rak'a) in Jerusalem.l"? The tradition, obviously a
forged one, is a convincing case of the rise and growth of small local
religious centers and their rivalry with the established great localities.
A tradition in which the virtues of these small centers are emphasized
says that the Prophet was asked whether there was a city in Paradise
reminiscent of a city in this world. The Prophet stated that there were
b. 'abd al-malik lii yu' azzims: fliyii kamii yu' azzimuhii ahlu baytihi. qiila:
Ja-sirtu ma'ahu wa-huwa waliyyu 'ahdin wa-ma'ahu khiilid b. yazfd b.
mu'iiwiya .... Khalid b. Yazid said that he had read the Torah and the
Book revealed by God to Muhammad, The Rock of the sanctuary of
Jerusalem was not enjoined by God to the Jews as qibla in their Scrip-
ture; the decision to take the Rock as qibla was a result of an historical
development: the Ark of the Sakina (tiibut al-sakfna) was placed on the
Rock. When God became angry with the Jews He removed the Ark
from the Rock. Then the Jews consulted among themselves and de-
cided to pray in the direction of the Rock and established it as their
Thus the Rock itself had no sanctity at all. Abu l_'A.liya181 could
indeed convince a Jew who claimed that the Rock was the qibla of
Moses, that Moses prayed in the direction of the Ka'ba; he merely per-
formed the prayer at the Rock: kiina YUi?allf'inda l-sakhra wa-yastaqbilu
l-bayt al-horiim, Ja-kiinat al-ka' batu qiblatahu wa-kiinat al-sokhratn: bayna
Al-'AbdarI records in his al-Madkhal a significant opinion concerning
the practice of bad innovations (bid' a) which occurred in some virtuous
and distinguished places. The bid' a under consideration was the con-
troversial saliit al-ragha'ib which started in Jerusalem. The virtuous
places have no influence on the deeds and practices performed in them:
[a-aqiiiu: inna hadhihi ol-souit [i.e., saliit al-ragha' ib 1 shii' at bayna l-niis
ba'da l-mi' ati l-riibi' ati wa-lam takun tu'raJu; [a-lajzuhs: hiidhii yadullu
'alii annahii bid' atun. Further he argues:
181 See Ibn Hajar al-t.Asqalani, Toluihib al-tahdhfb, XII, 143, no. 685.
182 Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya, Badii/i' al-fawCi'id (Beirut [reprint], n.d.), IV, 170 inf.>
171. Additionally the Jew was persuaded of the argument of Abu l-'Aliya by the fact
that the qibla of the mosque of the prophet $ali\:l was in the direction of the Ka'ba.
The Christians too were not ordered by Jesus to face East in their prayers, nor was
such injunction given to them in the Evangelium or in any of their Scriptures. An
instructive passage (ibid., pp. 171 inf>- 172 sup.) about the qibla of the Samaritans,
a mountain in the district of Nabulus, attempts to prove the worthlessness of their
claim that that qibla was enjoined in the Torah. Ibn Qayyim himself checked the
text and failed to find the alleged Samaritan qibla in this Scripture. On the qibla of
Jerusalem and the attitude of some of the Umayyads towards it; see Suliman Bashear,
"Qur 'an II, 114 and Jerusalem," BSOAS, 52 (1989), p. 237; and see the reference in
note 158.
183 Al-'AbdarI, al-Madkhal, IV, 267 inf.~268.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 51
Al-'AbdarI explains that Jerusalem cannot be blamed for the bad
innovations. Jerusalem is in fact the third city as to its virtues; Mecca
and Medina are superior to Jerusalem in virtue and in these two cities
there occurred events which the shari:« is reluctant to accept.P"
It is precisely this inferior position of Jerusalem, being third in rank
among the dignified cities, that caused Jerusalem to be mindful of the
claims of other cities. Such was the case of the competition of Jerusalem
with Damascus, which according to some scholars is the fourth sanctuary
to which one should set out for ritual practices.J'"
In a detailed, comprehensive and exhaustive study, Professor Joseph
Sadan subjects the competition between Jerusalem and Damascus to an
illuminating scrutiny.V" The pivot of discussion in Sadan's two arti-
cles is the location of maqiim nabf miisii: whether it is to be sought in
the vicinity of Jerusalem or of Damascus. Sadan dealt with the philo-
logical elements and analyzed the arguments of the opponents, basing
himself on a huge bibliographical array. Even the indication of the com-
mon word al-shiim was heatedly discussed and variously interpreted by
different groups. The hadith. qudsi: anii rabbu l-shiimi man a'T"iidahii
hi-su'in qa$amtuhu187 "I am the Lord of al-Sham and shall break any-
one who wishes it ill" was differently explicated by scholars according
to their opinion whether al-shiim refers to the whole territory of Syria
or merely to Damascus.l'" In some cases al-shiim was said to apply to
Sadan points out that the treatise of al-Timurtashf (d. 1054 H.), al-
Kluibar al-tiimm fZ J;,udud al-a'T"~iI-muqaddasati uia-jiiastin. wa-I-shiim as
well as that of Muhammad b. Habib (d. 1649), Du'T"'T"u l-niziim fZ mahosini
I-sham, were both composed at the instigation and encouragement of
some official dignitaries in Egypt and in Syria.190
The treatise of Muhammad b. Habib, Du'T"'T"U l-niziirn, which is based
Oil Iuulitl, material combined with some historical traditions, reflects the
191 See C. Brockelmann, GAL, II, 112. And see the fatwa of Burhan al-DIn b.
Jama'a on the problem of sama', MS Hebrew University AP. Ar. 158, fols. 11a-20a:
hadha su'alun sa'alahu shakhsut: mina l-fuqara'i ghafara llahu lalvu amfn amfn li-
maulana qarf,'1I-qurf,atiburhani l-dini bni jama'a taghammadahu llahu bi-ral].matihi
ami"n lamma kana khati"ban bi-bayti l-maqdisi wa-dhalika fi sanati ithnatayni wa-
sab''1na wa-sab'imi'atin.
192 MS Hebrew University, Yahudah Col., Ar. 318.
193 MS Yah. Ar. 318, fol. 89a.
194 See Ibn Sa'd ,al-Tabaqiit al-kubra (Beirut, 1377/1957), VII, 112-17.
195 See F. Sezgin, GAS, I, 280-83.
196 See Ibn Hajar al-IAsqalant, TahdMb al-tahdMb, XI, 450-52, no. 869.
197 AI-Musharraf b. al-Murajja, Farf,a'il bayti l-maqdis wa-l-khali"l wa-farf,a'il ol-shiim;
MS Tiibingen 1, fol. 36a inf. Mahmud Ibrahlrn, Farf,a'il bayti l-maqdis (Kuwayt, 1406/
1985), p. 306 (from al-Miknasi's Farf,a'il bayti l-maqdis). Al-Wasitt, Farf,a'il al-bayti
l-muqaddas, ed. I. Hasson (Jerusalem, 1979), p. 51, no. 78 (and see the references of
Sanctity Joint and Divided 53
There are several traditions attributing the virtue of prophethood to
Jerusalem or to al-shiini in general. A peculiar utterance transmitted
by Damra b. Rabra198 stated: "Never was a prophet sent except from
Syria [Sham l; if he was not from Syria, he was moved to Syria": lam
yub' ath nabiyyun illa mina l-shiimi, fa-in lam yakun minhii usriya bihi
The idea that the prophets turned their faces towards the Ka'ba as
their qibla was also popular. "Never did God send a prophet without
enjoining him to pray in the direction of the Ka'ba. The Jews and the
Christians were ordered to do so but strayed from the right path.,,200
A tradition recorded on the authority of 'Urwa says that every prophet
performed the pilgrimage to Mecca except Hiid and Salih; Niih too per-
formed the pilgrimage. Hiid was sent by God to perform the pilgrimage,
but he was impeded by the troubles of his people and could not carry out
his mission. After Ibrahim every prophet without exception performed
the pilgrimage to Mecca and performed the rites of the circumambula-
tion of the Ka'ba.201
According to another tradition traced back to Mujahid, seventy
prophets performed the hajj to Mecca; among them was Moses clad
in a Qatwani woolen striped cloak, and Yunus, who uttered the talbiya:
labbayka kiishifa l_kurab.202
203 Al-Mausili, al- Wasua, III/2, 309: mii min nabiyyin haraba min qaumihi illii
haraba un lliihi. bi-makkata fa-'abada lliilu: f!ha batu: miita. 'Abdallah b. Mas'ud
b. 'Abd al-Rahrnan al-Marakashi, al-Raud al-mughtanam f! farjli ma'i zamzam, MS
Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana, Or. 178, fol. 20a: kana l-nabiyyu mina l-anbiya'i
idhii kadhdhabahu qaumuhu wa-halakat ummatuhu lahiqa bi-makkata sharrafahii
lliihsi fa-ya'budu lliiha f!ha huwa wa-man ma'ahu ~atta yamii.ta. See A. ArazT, "Con-
flit de preseance entre la Mekke et Medine," JSAI 5(1984), pp. 212-13.
204 Al-'AqiilI, 'Arf al-!fb, MS Leiden Or. 493, fol. 70a: kana l-nabiyyu min a 1-
anbiya'i idhii halakat ummatuhu lahiqa bi-makkata yata'abbadu f!ha al-nabiyyu wa-
man ma'ahu ~atta l-mauti; [a-miiia biha nii.~ um-hiid wa-shu'ayb wa-~ali~ wa-
qubii.ruhum bayna zamzam uia-l-liijr. Ibn AbT I-Dunya, al-Lshriif f! maniizil al-oshrti],
MS Chester Beatty 4427, fol. 80a sup.: 'an ibni "abbnsin: f! masjidi l-huriimi qabriini,
qabru shu'ayb mustaqbal al-~ijr wa-qabru isma'u f! l-~ijr. Muhammad b. Yiisuf al-
Gharnatr l-Jiyanl, Tafsir al-bahr al-mu~f! (Cairo, 1328), I, 140: wa-li-dhii.lika sum-
miya wasa!uhii bakkata Ii-anna l-orda bukkat min ta~tihii; uia-khtussat bi-l-dhikr li-
ann aha maqarru man halaka qaumuhu min a l-anbiya'i wa-dufina bihii nii~ wa-hii.d
wa-~ali~ bayna l-maqiim wa-l-rukn ....
205 Ibn Jarna'a, Istiqbtil, MS Yah. Ar. 318, fol. 89b. And see Nasir al-Drn b. Khadir,
al-Mustaqsii, MS Escorial 1767, fol. 5b: f! muthfri l-gharami 'an abf l-'abbiisi 1-
Sanctity Joint and Divided 55
As to the Ka'ba, the sanctuary existed and was frequented by the
people who came either for pilgrimage or for a visit . .Adam performed the
I},ajj and the circumambulation of the Ka'ba. According to a tradition
recorded by al-Shafi'I in his Umm the angels met Adam on his return
from the I},ajj and greeted him with the greeting burra I},ajjuka; they told
him that they used to perform the pilgrimage two thousand years before
his pilgrimage. Ibn Jama'a quotes other sources as to Adam's stay in
Mecca and the ritual practices performed by him, or performed in his
time. He is said to have performed forty pilgrimages from India to Mecca
on foot (from Tabari's Ta'rzkh). According to another tradition he so-
journed in Mecca until his death; he used to circumambulate the Ka'ba
seven times a night and five times a day (from al-Azraqi's, Ta'rzkh). Ibn
Jama'a emphasizes that these traditions cannot be rejected except by
people who assume that the first to build the Ka'ba was Abraham and
that it did not exist before him. This opinion is shared by some people
in later times, but the majority of scholars opposes it.
Ibn Jama'a is of the opinion that the prayer (al-~aliit) was a legally
binding practice (kiinat al-saliiis: mashrii: atan) already at the time of
Adam, The tradition of Adam's request on his deathbed to have a bunch
of grapes from heaven mentions that Adam was washed and clad with a
shroud; Jibrll performed the prayer at his grave and he was buried (from
'Abdallah b. Ahmad's Ziyiidiit al-musnad).206 Another tradition says
that the angels carried the body of .Adam and placed it at the door of the
Ka'ba; then Jibril performed the prayer (from FakihI's Ta'rzkh Makka).
A tradition that goes back to Ibn 'Abbas says that Jibril refused to
pray on the grave of .Adam, but instructed Shlth to pray on his father's
grave thirty tokbiras: five as a prayer (~aliit), twenty-five as a distinctive,
supererogatory practice in honor of Adam (taf¢zlan li-iidam) (from Ibn
'Asakir's Ta'rzkh).
These traditions, maintains Ibn Jama'a, support each other to estab-
lish the fact that the prayer for the dead (~aliit al-janiiza) was mandatory
at the time of Adam, He assumes that other prayers were probably es-
tablished at that period and quotes from the commentary of al-Rafi'I
to the Musnad of al-Shafi'I that the morning prayer was the prayer of
Adam, the prayer of midday (al-?uhr) was the prayer of Dawud, the
afternoon prayer (~aliit al-'a~r) was the prayer of Sulayman, the prayer
of sunset was the prayer of Ya'qub and the prayer of the evening ('ishii')
was that of Yunus. There are no explicit traditions about the qibla of
the pre-Islamic prophets, Ibn Jama'a admits; but he assumes that the
qibla of .Adam was the Ka'ba; it was already mentioned earlier, says
Ibn Jarna'a, that Adam circumambulated the Ka'ba and performed the
quriubi: yajiizu an yakiina banat-hu l-malii'ikatu ba' da binii'i l-bayti bi-idhni lliihi.
206 Ibn .Iama'a, Istiqbiil, fol. 8gb.
56 M.J. Kister
212 Al-Sarnarqandi, Tajsir, MS Chester Beatty 3668, I, fol. 277b: wa-dhiilika anna 1-
nabiyya, ~allii lliihu 'alayhi wa-sallam, qadima l-madlnata wa-kiina ahlu I-madlnati fi
shiddatin min 'ayshihim Iii yarkabuna l-khayla wa-lii yal],uzuna l-qhanimata [a-lammii
qadima I-nabiyyu l-truuiinata staghnau.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 61
high opinion about the beauty of Medina, the Prophet remarked: "But
what if you had seen Jerusalem (bayt al-maqdis)? And how not, added
the Prophet, as everyone in this city is visited, but does not set out to
visit [other places-k]; the souls al-arwiilJ, are dispatched to Jerusalem, but
the soul of Jerusalem is directed only to God." God honored Medina,
said the Prophet, and made it pleasant by his stay in this city. "I shall
stay in it, [i.e., in Medina-k] he said, in my lifetime and after my death.
Were it not for this reason, I would not have performed the hijra from
Mecca [sci1. to Medina-k], as the moon in Mecca looks more beautiful
than in any other place.,,213
The stories about the virtues of the sanctuary of Jerusalem were
embellished by the legends of the building of the Temple by David and
Solomon and the miracles witnessed by the people during the centuries
on the Temple precincts and on the Rock.214 Several stories record the
discussions between the Jews and the Muslims as to whether Jerusalem
surpassed Mecca or whether Mecca surpassed Jerusalem in virtues and
distinctive features. The Jews claimed that the Temple surpassed the
Ka'ba in excellence and greatness (wa-qiilat al-yahudu: baytu l-maqdisi
aJ4alu um-n' zamu. mina l-ka'bati) because it was the place of refuge of
the prophets (muhiijar al-anbiyii') in the Holy Land; the Muslims stated
that the Ka'ba surpassed the Temple in excellence.P!"
It was in connection with disputes of this kind that God revealed
the verse: Surely the first House founded for mankind is that at Bacca,
abounding in blessings and a guidance for all peoples.r!"
God created it two thousand years before He created earth.217
The following widely circulated utterance of the Prophet seems to
have been a final solution to the question under discussion: the first
House created by God for worship was the Ka'ba; and forty years later
the Temple in Jerusalem was built.218
The high position of Jerusalem is reflected in another utterance of
the Prophet, in which he allotted to Jerusalem the second place in rank
after Mecca; Jerusalem follows Mecca as a sanctuary and is not preceded
by any other holy place. The Prophet is said to have stated: ~aliitun fi
225 'Umar b. Badr al-Mausilr, al-Mughnf 'ani I-I}if~ uia-l-kitiib, 25; al-Fayruaabadt,
Sifr al-sa'ada (Beirut, 1398/1978), 149; Ibn Himmat , al-Tankit wa-I-ifiida, 53-63
(with the head line: biib fatf.a'il bayti I-maqdis uia-l-sakhra um-i asqaltin. uia-qazuiin.
wa-I-andalus wa-dimashq); al-Huwayni, Kitab [asl ol-khiiiib bi-naqdi kitiib al-muqhru
'ani I-I}if~i uia-l-kitiib, 42-45.
64 M,]. Kister
Authors of collections of weak and forged traditions did not refrain from
severe censure of the l},adfths about the virtues of Jerusalem and the
Rock. Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya (d. 751 AH) marked in his al-Maniir
al-munf/ if l-$al},fl},wa-l-q,a'f/ all the traditions in praise of the Rock as
deliberately invented lies. The footprint in the Rock is an obvious lie,
invented by forgers in order to increase the number of visitors to the
The most favorable thing which may be said about the Rock is that
it was the qibla of the Jews. It corresponds in its location to the Sabbath
in time; God gave the Muhammadan people the Ka'ba in exchange:
The author records some sound traditions about Jerusalem (ibid., p. 86,
nos. 159-161). However, he assesses as "confused" the tradition recorded
by Ibn Majah, according to which the prayer in al-Aq~a has the value of
fifty thousand prayers in another mosque.227
Ibn Qayyim considers the tradition about the isrii' to Jerusalem, the
tying of the Buraq to the door of the mosque and the mi'riij from the
mosques as sound traditions.v"
Ibn Qayyim marks also the tradition saying that the believers
will seek protection from Yajuj and Majuj in the sacred precincts of
Jerusalem, as a sound one.229
226 Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyya, al-Maniir, ed. Ahmad 'Abd al-Shafl (Beirut, 1408/
1988), 85, nos. 156-7.
227 Ibid., 86, no. 162 ... wa-huwa tuuiitliut: miuitarib ....
228 Ibn Qayyim, ibid., 87, no. 164.
229Ibn Qayyim, ibid., 87, no. 165.
Sanctity Joint and Divided 65
230 (,Amma.n, 1973), see the detailed indices of the book prepared by Ishaq Miisa
al-Husaynt, Hasan 'Abd al-Rahman al-Silwadi, Munlra Muhammad al-Daghlawl and
Muyassar lsma't Ghannarn (Jerusalem, 1988).
231 Edited by MOBhe Perlmann, IDS 3 (1973), 261-92.