Blue Eyes Abstract

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system provides technical means for monitoring
and recording the operator¶s basic physiological parameters. The most important
parameter is saccadic activity1, which enables the system to monitor the status of
the operator¶s visual attention along with head acceleration, which accompanies
large displacement of the visual axis (saccades larger than 15 degrees). Complex
industrial environment can create a danger of exposing the operator to toxic
substances, which can affect his cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary systems. Thus,
on the grounds of plethysmographic signal taken from the forehead skin surface,
the system computes heart beat rate and blood oxygenation.

The BlueEyes system checks above parameters against

abnormal (e.g. a low level of blood oxygenation or a high pulse rate) or
undesirable (e.g. a longer period of lowered visual attention) values and triggers
user-defined alarms when necessary. Quite often in an emergency situation
operator speak to themselves expressing their surprise or stating verbally the
problem. Therefore, the operator¶s voice, physiological parameters and an overall
view of the operating room are recorded. This helps to reconstruct the course of
operators¶ work and provides data for long-term analysis.

BlueEyes consists of a mobile measuring device and a

central analytical system. The mobile device is integrated with Bluetooth module
providing wireless interface between sensors worn by the operator and the central
unit. ID cards assigned to each of the operators and adequate user profiles on the
central unit side provide necessary data personalization so different people can use
a single mobile device (called hereafter DAU ± Data Acquisition Unit). The overall
system diagram is shown in Figure 1. The tasks of the mobile Data Acquisition
Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections, to get information from the sensor and
sending it over the wireless connection.

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