RESENTATION ON Blue Eye Technology

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PRESENTATION ON Blue eye technology

Is it possible to create a computer which can interact with us as we interact each other? For
example imagine in a fine morning you walk on to your computer room and switch on your
computer, and then it tells you ³Hey friend, good morning you seem to be a bad mood today.
And then it opens your mailbox and shows you some of the mails and tries to cheer you. It seems
to be a fiction, but it will be the life lead by ³BLUE EYES´ in the very near future. The basic
idea behind this technology is to give the computer the human power. We all have some
perceptual abilities. That is we can understand each others feelings. For example we can
understand ones emotional state by analyzing his facial expression. If we add these perceptual
abilities of human to computers would enable computers to work together with human beings as
intimate partners. The ³BLUE EYES´ technology aims at creating computational machines that
have perceptual and sensory ability like those of humanbeings
How can we make computers "see" and "feel"?
Blue Eyes uses sensing technology to identify a user's actions and to extract key information.
This information is then analyzed to determine the user's physical, emotional, or informational
state, which in turn can be used to help make the user more productive by performing expected
actions or by providing expected information. For example, in future a Blue Eyes-enabled
television could become active when the user makes eye contact, at which point the user could
then tell the television to "turn on". This paper is about the hardware, software, benefits and
interconnection of various| |  
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Imagine yourself in a world where humans interact with computers. You are sitting in front of
your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even scream aloud. It has the ability to gather
information about you and interact with you through special techniques like facial recognition,
speech recognition, etc. It can even understand your emotions at the touch of the mouse. It
verifies your identity, feels your presents, and starts interacting with you .You can ask the
computer to dial to your friend at his office. It realizes the urgency of the situation through the
mouse, dials your friend at his office, and establishes a connection.

Human cognition depends primarily on the ability to perceive, interpret, and integrate audio-
visuals and censoring information. Adding extraordinary perceptual abilities to computers would
enable computers to work together with human beings as intimate partners. Researchers are
attempting to add more capabilities to computers that will allow them to interact like humans,
recognize human presents, talk, listen, or even guess their feelings.The BLUE EYES technology
aims at creating computational machines that have perceptual and sensory ability like those of
human beings. It uses non-obtrusive sensing method, employing most modern video cameras and
microphones to identify the users¶ actions through the use of imparted sensory abilities. The
machine can understand what a user wants, where he is looking at, and even realize his physical
or emotional states.

The basic idea behind this technology is to give the computer the human power. We all have
some perceptual abilities. That is we can understand each others feelings. For example we can
understand ones emotional state by analyzing his facial expression. If we add these perceptual
abilities of human to computers would enable computers to work together with human beings as
intimate partners. The "BLUE EYES" technology aims at creating computational machines that
have perceptual and sensory ability like those of human beings.

BlueEyes system provides technical means for monitoring and recording the operator¶s basic
physiological parameters. The most important parameter is saccadic activity1, which enables the
system to monitor the status of the operator¶s visual attention along with head acceleration,
which accompanies large displacement of the visual axis (saccades larger than 15 degrees).
Complex industrial environment can create a danger of exposing the operator to toxic substances,
which can affect his cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary systems. Thus, on the grounds of
plethysmographic signal taken from the forehead skin surface, the system computes heart beat
rate and blood oxygenation.
The BlueEyes system checks above parameters against abnormal (e.g. a low level of blood
oxygenation or a high pulse rate) or undesirable (e.g. a longer period of lowered visual attention)
values and triggers user-defined alarms when necessary.
Quite often in an emergency situation operators speak to themselves expressing their surprise or
stating verbally the problem. Therefore, the operator¶s voice, physiological parameters and an
overall view of the operating room are recorded. This helps to reconstruct the course of

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operators¶ work and provides data for long-term analysis.

Our system consists of a mobile measuring device and a central analytical system. The mobile
device is integrated with Bluetooth module providing wireless interface between sensors worn by
the operator and the central unit. ID cards assigned to each of the operators and adequate user
profiles on the central unit side provide necessary data personalization so different people can
use a single mobile device (called hereafter DAU ± Data Acquisition Unit). The overall system
diagram is shown in Figure 1.
The tasks of the mobile Data Acquisition Unit are to maintain Bluetooth connections, to get
information from the sensor and sending it over the wireless connection, to deliver the alarm
messages sent from the Central System Unit to the operator and handle personalized ID cards.
Central System Unit maintains the other side of the Bluetooth connection, buffers incoming
sensor data, performs on-line data analysis, records the conclusions for further exploration and
provides visualization interface.

During the functional design phase we used UML standard use case notation, which shows the
functions the system offers to particular users. We defined three groups of users: operators,
supervisors and system administrators.
 is a person whose physiological
parameters are supervised. The operator wears the    
DAU. The only functions offered to that user are

authorization in the system and receiving alarm

alerts. Such limited functionality assures the device
does not disturb the work of the operator (Fig. 2). r    

 ± the function is used when the
operator¶s duty starts. After inserting his personal ID
card into the mobile device and entering proper PIN
code the device will start listening for incoming Bluetooth connections. Once the connection has
been established and authorization process has succeeded (the PIN code is correct) central
system starts monitoring the operator¶s physiological parameters. The authorization process shall
be repeated after reinserting the ID card. It is not, however, required on reestablishing Bluetooth
 ± the function supplies the operator with the information about the most
important alerts regarding his or his co-workers¶ condition and mobile device state (e.g.
connection lost, battery low). Alarms are signaled by using a beeper, earphone providing central
system sound feedback and a small alphanumeric LCD display, which shows more detailed
  is a person responsible for analyzing operators¶ condition and performance. The
supervisor receives tools for inspecting present values of the parameters (r  ) as
well as browsing the results of long-term analysis (r  ).
During the on-line browsing it is possible to watch a list of currently working operators and the
















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status of their mobile devices. Selecting one of the operators enables the supervisor to check the
operator¶s current physiological condition (e.g. a pie chart showing active brain involvement)
and a history of alarms regarding the operator. All new incoming alerts are displayed
immediately so that the supervisor
is able to react fast.
However, the presence of the human supervisor is not necessary since the system is equipped
with reasoning algorithms and can trigger user-defined actions (e.g. to inform the operator¶s co-
During off-line browsing it is possible to reconstruct the course of the operator¶s duty with all the
physiological parameters, audio and video data. A comprehensive data analysis can be performed
enabling the supervisor to draw
conclusions on operator¶s overall %     



performance and competency (e.g. for 

working night shifts). %       




 is a user that O   


maintains the system. The administrator is


delivered tools for adding new operators to   



the database, defining alarm conditions,

configuring logging tools and creating new analyzer modules.
 the administrator enters appropriate data (and a photo if
available) to the system database and programs his personal ID card.
 ± the function enables setting up user-defined alarm conditions by
writing condition-action rules (e.g. low saccadic activity during a longer period of time 
inform operator¶s co-workers, wake him up using the beeper or playing appropriate sound and
log the event in the database).
        ± based on earlier recorded data the administrator can create
new analyzer modules that can recognize other behaviors than those which are built-in the
system. The new modules are created using decision tree induction algorithm. The administrator
names the new behavior to be recognized and points the data associated with it. The results
received from the new modules can be used in alarm conditions.

 enables the administrator to choose the parameters to monitor as well as the
algorithms of the desired accuracy to compute parameter values.
 provides tools for selecting the parameters to be recorded. For audio data sampling
frequency can be chosen. As regards the video signal, a delay between storing consecutive
frames can be set (e.g. one picture every two seconds).

 ± here the administrator can remove old or ³uninteresting´ data from the
database. The ³uninteresting´ data is suggested by the built-in reasoning system.

[   [ 

In this section we describe the hardware part of the BlueEyes system with regard to the
physiological data sensor, the DAU hardware components and microcontroller software.


To provide the Data Acquisition Unit with necessary physiological data we decided to purchase
an off-shelf eye movement sensor ± Jazz Multisensor. It supplies raw digital data regarding eye
position, the level of blood oxygenation, acceleration along horizontal and vertical axes and
ambient light intensity.

Eye movement is measured using direct infrared oculographic transducers.

The eye movement is sampled at 1kHz, the other parameters at 250 Hz. The sensor sends
approximately 5,2kB of data per second.

CSU software is located on the delivered Toshiba laptop, in case of larger resource demands the
processing can be distributed among a number of nodes. In this section we describe the four
main CSU modules (see Fig. 1): Connection Manager, Data Analysis, Data Logger and
Visualization. The modules exchange data using specially designed single-producer-multi-
consumer buffered thread-safe queues. Any number of consumer modules can register to receive
the data supplied by a producer. Every single consumer can register at any number of producers,
receiving therefore different types of data. Naturally, every consumer may be a producer for
other consumers (for system core class diagram ± see Appendix C). This approach enables high
system scalability ± new data processing modules (i.e. filters, data analyzers and loggers) can be
easily added by simply registering as a consumer.


Connection Manager¶s main task is to perform low-level Bluetooth communication using Host
Controller Interface commands. It is designed to cooperate with all available Bluetooth devices
in order to support roaming (for CSU detailed hardware specification ± see Appendix D).
Additionally, Connection Manager authorizes operators, manages their sessions, demultiplexes
and buffers raw physiological data. Figure 11 shows Connection Manager architecture.
     hides the details regarding actual Bluetooth physical transport
interface (which can be either RS232 or UART or USB standard) and provides uniform HCI
command interface.

 is responsible for establishing and maintaining connections using
all available Bluetooth devices. It periodically inquires new devices in an operating range and
checks whether they are registered in the system database. Only with those devices the
Connection Manager will communicate. After establishing a connection an authentication
procedure occurs. The authentication process is performed using system PIN code fetched from
the database. Once the connection has been authenticated the mobile unit sends a data frame
containing the operator¶s identifier. Finally, the Connection Manager adds a SCO link (voice
connection) and runs a new dedicated Operator Manager, which will manage the new operator¶s
session (for detailed Bluetooth communication flow charts and protocols ± see Appendix E).
Additionally, the Connection Manager maps the operator¶s identifiers into the Bluetooth
connections, so that when the operators roam around the covered area a connection with an
appropriate Bluetooth device is established and the data stream is redirected accordingly.
The data of each supervised operator is buffered separately in the dedicated r 
At the startup it communicates with the Operator Data Manager in order to get more detailed
personal data. The most important Operator Manager¶s task is to buffer the incoming raw data
and to split it into separate data streams related to each of the measured parameters. The raw data







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is sent to a Logger Module, the split data streams are available for the other system modules
through producer-consumer queues. Furthermore, the Operator Manager provides an interface
for sending alert messages to the related operator.
   provides an interface to the operator database enabling the other
modules to read or write personal data and system access information.


The module performs the analysis of the raw sensor data in order to obtain information about the
operator¶s physiological condition. The separately running Data Analysis Module supervises
each of the working operators. The module consists of a number of smaller analyzers extracting
different types of information. Each of the analyzers registers at the appropriate Operator
Manager or another analyzer as a data consumer and, acting as a producer, provides the results of
the analysis. An analyzer can be either a simple signal filter (e.g. Finite Input Response (FIR)
filter) or a generic data extractor (e.g. signal variance, saccade detector) or a custom detector
module. As we are not able to predict all the supervisors¶ needs, the custom modules are created
by applying a supervised machine learning algorithm to a set of earlier recorded examples
containing the characteristic features to be recognized. In the prototype we used an improved
C4.5 decision tree induction algorithm. The computed features can be e.g. the operator¶s position
(standing, walking and lying) or whether his eyes are closed or opened.
As built-in analyzer modules we implemented a saccade detector, visual attention level, blood
oxygenation and pulse rate analyzers.

 registers as an eye movement and accelerometer signal variance data
consumer and uses the data to signal saccade occurrence. Since saccades are the fastest eye
movements the algorithm calculates eye movement velocity and checks physiological
The algorithm we used performs two main steps:
A. "  #
. The phase takes up 5 s. After buffering approx. 5 s of the signal
differentiate it using three point central difference algorithm, which will give eye velocity time
series. Sort the velocities by absolute value and calculate upper 15% of the border velocity along
both X ± v0x and Y ± v0y axes . As a result v0x and v0y are cut-off velocities.
B. r     . Continuously calculate eye movement velocity using three point
central difference algorithm. If the velocity excess precalculated v0 (both axes are considered
separately) there is a possibility of saccade occurrence. Check the following conditions (if any of
them is satisfied do not detect a saccade):
 the last saccade detection was less than 130 ms ago (physiological constraint ± the saccades

will not occur more frequently)

 the movement is nonlinear (physiological constraint)

 compare the signal with accelerometer (rapid head movement may force eye activity of

comparable speed)

 if the accelerometer signal is enormously uneven consider ignoring the signal due to possible

sensor device movements.


The module provides support for storing the monitored data in order to enable the supervisor to
reconstruct and analyze the course of the operator¶s duty. The module registers as a consumer of
the data to be stored in the database (for database schema ± see Appendix G). Each working
operator¶s data is recorded by a separate instance of the Data Logger. Apart from the raw or
processed physiological data, alerts and operator¶s voice are stored. The raw data is supplied by
the related Operator Manager module (Fig. 11), whereas the Data Analysis module delivers the
processed data. The voice data is delivered by a Voice Data Acquisition module. The module
registers as an operator¶s voice data consumer and optionally processes the sound to be stored
(i.e. reduces noise or removes the fragments when the operator does not speak). The Logger¶s
task is to add appropriate time stamps to enable the system to reconstruct the voice.
Additionally, there is a dedicated video data logger, which records the data supplied by the
Video Data Acquisition module (in the prototype we use JPEG compression). The module is
designed to handle one or more cameras using Video For Windows standard. The cameras can be
either directly connected to the system or accessible through a UDP network connection (for
detailed camera protocol specification ± see Appendix H). The Data Logger is able to use any
ODBC-compliant database system. In the prototype we used MS SQL Server, which is a part of
the Project Kit.
duty (for detailed Visualization Module structure ± see Appendix I).


The module provides user interface for the supervisors. It enables them to watch each of the
working operator¶s physiological condition along with a preview of selected video source and his
related sound stream. All the incoming alarm messages are instantly signaled to the supervisor.
Moreover, the visualization module can be set in the off-line mode, where all the data is fetched
from the database. Watching all the recorded physiological parameters, alarms, video and audio
data the supervisor is able to reconstruct the course of the selected operator¶s duty (for detailed
Visualization Module structure ± see Appendix I).
1.Engineers at IBM's ffice:smarttags" Research Center in San Jose, CA, report that a number of
large retailers have implemented surveillance systems that record and interpret customer
movements, using software from Almaden's BlueEyes research project. BlueEyes is developing
ways for computers to anticipate users' wants by gathering video data on eye movement and
facial expression. Your gaze might rest on a Web site heading, for example, and that would
prompt your computer to find similar links and to call them up in a new window. But the first
practical use for the research turns out to be snooping on shoppers.
BlueEyes software makes sense of what the cameras see to answer key questions for retailers,
including, How many shoppers ignored a promotion? How many stopped? How long did they
stay? Did their faces register boredom or delight? How many reached for the item and put it in
their shopping carts? BlueEyes works by tracking pupil, eyebrow and mouth movement. When
monitoring pupils, the system uses a camera and two infrared light sources placed inside the
product display. One light source is aligned with the camera's focus; the other is slightly off axis.
When the eye looks into the camera-aligned light, the pupil appears bright to the sensor, and the
software registers the customer's attention.this is way it captures the person's income and buying
preferences. BlueEyes is actively been incorporated in some of the leading retail outlets.
2. Another application would be in the automobile industry. By simply touching a computer
input device such as a mouse, the computer system is designed to be able to determine a person's
emotional state. for cars, it could be useful to help with critical decisions like:
"I know you want to get into the fast lane, but I'm afraid I can't do that.Your too upset right now"
and therefore assist in driving safely.
3. Current interfaces between computers and humans can present information vividly, but have
no sense of whether that information is ever viewed or understood. In contrast, new real-time
computer, what activity is occuring, and therefore what display or messaging modalities are most
appropriate to use in the current situation. The results of our research will allow the interface
between computers and human users to become more natural and intuitive.
4. We could see its use in video games where, it could give individual challenges to customers
playing video games.Typically targeting commercial business.
The integration of children's toys, technologies and computers is enabling new play experiences
that were not commercially feasible until recently. The Intel Play QX3 Computer Microscope,
the Me2Cam with Fun Fair, and the Computer Sound Morpher are commercially available smart
toy products developed by the Intel Smart Toy Lab in . One theme that is common across these
PC-connected toys is that users interact with them using a combination of visual, audible and
tactile input & output modalities. The presentation will provide an overview of the interaction
design of these products and pose some unique challenges faced by designers and engineers of
such experiences targeted at novice computer users, namelyyoungchildren.

5. The familiar and useful come from things we recognize. Many of our favorite things'
appearance communicate their use; they show the change in their value though patina. As
technologists we are now poised to imagine a world where computing objects communicate with
us in-situ; where we are. We use our looks, feelings, and actions to give the computer the
experience it needs to work with us. Keyboards and mice will not continue to dominate computer
user interfaces. Keyboard input will be replaced in large measure by systems that know what we
want and require less explicit communication. Sensors are gaining fidelity and ubiquity to record
presence and actions; sensors will notice when we enter a space, sit down, lie down, pump iron,
etc. Pervasive infrastructure is recording it. This talk will cover projects from the Context Aware
The wireless link between the sensors worn by the operator and the supervising system makes it
possible to improve overall reliability, safety and assures proper
Quality of system performance.
These new possibilities can cover areas such as industry, transportation, military command
centers or operation theaters.
Researchers are attempting to add more capabilities to computers that will allow them to interact
like humans, recognize human presents, talk, listen, or even guess theirfeelings.
It avoids potential threats resulting from human errors, such as weariness, oversight,tiredness.

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