Soaring Eagle Academy Detailed IRSP 2010

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Policy for Non-Violent Crisis Intervention and

Individualized Regulatory Support Plans

At Soaring Eagle Academy, Individualized Regulatory Support Plans (IRSP) are designed to address areas of
unmet needs and support co-regulatory strategies to replace dysregulation and resulting challenging behaviors
that arise as a result of a student’s individual sensory motor profile and developmental level. This will be
achieved through the use of sensory supports and co-regulatory strategies in natural environments.

In the event that compromises in the student’s individual sensory profile result in behaviors that present imminent
physical danger and less restrictive interventions have failed, procedures are in place for implementation of safe
emergency intervention techniques to protect for the safety of everyone involved.

Informed Consent:

Soaring Eagle Academy’s behavior policies and procedures promote proactive developmental and emotionally
affirming approaches and a continuum of interventions which emphasize the student’s capacity to regulate
themselves. Soaring Eagle Academy does not use any behavior intervention strategies that would jeopardize the
safety or security of students or that would rely upon pain as a method of control. In an effort to offer a secure
and safe environment for all students, informed consent by parents/guardian for use of emergency intervention
procedures is secured at the time of admission.

Parent/guardians receive a copy of the Student Services Policies and Procedures along with the Regulatory
Support Consent Form to be signed at the time of enrollment. Prior to the initial Individual Education Plan (IEP)
meeting, an IRSP is developed and included in the IEP. If the IRSP includes a more restrictive intervention (see
Regulatory Interventions Hierarchy), the IRSP and a Regulatory Support Program Rejection Form will be sent to
parents/guardian for review. By signing and returning the Regulatory Support Program Rejection Form, the
parent/guardian is revoking consent for the specific regulatory intervention program.

The current IRSP will be included and sent to the parent/guardian with the annual IEP.

Parents/guardians can revoke consent for the IRSP at any time by contacting the Director.

Individual Sensory Profile and Regulatory Assessment:

The Individual Sensory Profile and Regulatory Assessment may include any or all of the following in the
determination of an appropriate IRSP:
- Review of history, case records;
- Interview of parents, teachers, aides, therapists and/or primary caregivers;
- Direct observation of student across environments;
- Direct observation of the challenging dysregulation as it occurs;
- Detailed Analysis of sensory profile needs
- Trial interventions and strategies; support from the Occupational therapist, DIR ® classroom therapist and
DIR ® consultant

Developing Individualized Regulatory Support Plans (IRSP):

All IRSP will be based on the Individual Sensory Profile and Regulatory Assessment and consist of:
- DIR ® individualized sensory motor profile
- identification, description, and frequency of dysregulation;
- identified variables and profile considerations negatively effecting regulation;
- underlying reason for dysregulation;
- identified anxieties contributing to dysregulation;
- proactive strategies and techniques including sensory profile plan designed to support the student’s
optimal level of regulation
- least restrictive interventions (see Regulatory Interventions Hierarchy) to support regulation and co-
regulation in order to maintain safety during instances of dysregulation;
- interventions and strategies to reduce the need for more restrictive intervention techniques (if applicable);
- data collection to monitor success of intervention plan and sensory supports; and

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

- data collection to monitor the need for more restrictive intervention techniques (if applicable).

All individuals will be given the opportunity to participate in the development of his or her IRSP. Individuals can
request changes to his or her plan by notifying any staff member.

IRSP development for any individual will utilize the approach that best allows the student to self- regulate and
regain a well regulated state as established in the Regulatory Interventions Hierarchy and as determined by the
sensory profile and regulatory assessment.

Regulatory Interventions Hierarchy:

I. Co-Regulatory Interventions that are least restrictive:

A. Procedures for increasing co-regulatory capacities:

1. Emotional Support Strategies: The identification of and capacity to empathically join the
emotional state of the student during moments of negative affect (frustration, anger,
embarrassment, rage, sadness, jealousy) while using language that is developmentally appropriate
to the student’s linguistic level. Staff will create a safe and trusting emotional tone in the context
of any dysregulation to support the student’s capacity to express his/her emotions freely and
without judgment. Capacity to express emotions can be nonverbal or verbal. Any nonverbal
attempt to express an emotional state will be interpreted and validated by staff. A warm and
positive environment creates opportunities for thinking, learning and social interactions.

2. Environmental and Sensory Supports: With the support of the Occupational therapist, DIR ®
classroom therapist, and DIR ® consultant as well as the student’s individual sensory profile,
specific environmental modifications will be made to support the student to maintain a well-
regulated state. This may include reduction of visual information, movement near or around
student, tactile information, auditory information, and/or increased active or passive movement to
support regulatory capacities.

3. Contingent Communication:
a) Student’s emotional state is identified and responded to immediately by staff;
b) Reasons for student’s dysregulation are identified and responded to immediately by
c) Staff provides matched affect state to student to support co-regulatory capacities
d) Student’s capacity to regulate is met with positive support and review by staff.

4. Providing support for student’s comprehension of language or the situation/context

a) Staff will be aware of student’s comprehension capacities when supporting regulatory

capacities. Reduction of language or language that is developmentally appropriate will
be used.
b) Use of visual supports/photos/gestures/facial expressions to aid in the student’s ability
to understand the overall situation or context as well as to give ideas and options about
regulatory alternatives will be provided for the student.
c) Staff will monitor rate of speech, pacing of interaction and vocal intensity to support
child’s regulatory capacities.

5. Supporting new self regulatory capacities

a) Staff will initially help student find sensory supports that lead to co-regulated states
(Staff may choose the option that they know has helped the student in the past or
introduce a sensory support to help the student).
b) Staff will provide student with a range of choices that have supported their regulatory
capacities in past interactions. Student will be able to choose from these options given
their own internal understanding about what supports their regulation.
c) Staff will comment on the student’s growing dysregulation and support their ability to
think of a regulatory strategy that has worked in past interactions.
d) Student will experience dysregulation and spontaneously seek out or ask for strategies
and supports that have successfully worked in past interactions.

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

B. Procedures for decreasing physical acts towards another (hitting, biting, throwing, etc…):

Soaring Eagle Academy is committed to understanding the reasons why a student engages in physical acts
towards another. As stated in above sections, understanding the student’s unique profile is essential to
understanding why these acts occur and how to support the student. Challenges in the student’s visual
spatial system, the student’s sensory processing capacities, motor planning and praxis capacities,
comprehension of language capacities and expressive language capacities all contribute to physical acts
towards another or towards oneself. Therefore, procedures for decreasing these acts will be directly tied to
understanding the unique profile and applying strategies that support the deficiency or challenge within
that capacity.

1. Providing support for student’s unique individual sensory profile:

a) If student is hitting, in addition to above strategies under part (A), staff will determine
if there are any underlying physical reasons or sensory needs when hitting occurs. If
student’s motor planning capacities are compromised, hitting may be the easiest motor
plan when they are in distress. Supporting motor planning capacities to develop will be a
strategy when hitting is occurring. If student needs more proprioceptive or tactile input,
hitting may serve as a way to obtain that input. Providing other ways to achieve this
input will be explored by staff with support of occupational therapist.
b) If student is biting, in addition to above strategies under part (A), determine if there are
any underlying physical reasons or sensory needs when biting occurs. If student needs
more proprioceptive or tactile input, biting may serve as a way to obtain that input.
Providing other ways to achieve this input will be explored by staff with support of
occupational therapist.
c) If student is throwing, in addition to above strategies under part (A), staff will
determine if there are any underlying physical reasons or sensory needs when throwing
occurs. If student’s motor planning capacities are compromised, throwing may be an
easy motor plan when they are in distress. Treating throwing as intentional, providing
destinations for throwing and supporting intentional motor planning of this act will be
strategies when throwing occurs.

2. Limit Setting: Staff will support the student to feel safe in their environment by placing limits
on physical acts towards others or themselves by verbally and nonverbally expressing/indicating
that this is not acceptable. Verbal limit setting will take the form of staff members indicating to
the student that they will not allow him/her to hurt another or themselves.

II. More Restrictive Interventions:

A. Physical intervention:

1. Pulling back and moving away as taught in Individualized Regulatory Support Inservice (4-8
2. Use of various Therapeutic Listening interventions to Support Student as taught in Regulatory
Support Inservice.
3. Physical guiding of student to safe place as taught in Individualized Regulatory Support
4. Physical lifting and carrying of student to safe place as taught in Individualized Regulatory
Support Inservice.
B. Environmental Intervention:

1. If student is unable to be guided to a safe place (relaxation room, floor time room, sensory
gym) outside of the classroom environment within a relatively short period of time (5-10
minutes), staff will have other students move out of the classroom to a new location while
supporting regulation of the student engaged in physical acts.

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

2. Staff will make the current environment as safe as possible by moving furniture out of the
student’s way and ensuring safety of student and property within the environment.
3. Two staff members will stay with student at all times during dysregulation.

C. Parental Intervention:

1. If student is unable to regulate themselves within a reasonable period of time (45-60 minutes),
and physical acts continue despite all interventions, the staff will contact the student’s parents to
come and assist in supporting with this process. Together, parents and staff will determine if the
student should leave school for the remainder of the day.

Criteria for Implementing More Restrictive Interventions:

Rationale for use of an emergency or more restrictive intervention must be that imminent physical danger and
risk of injury is present, less restrictive interventions have failed, and use of an emergency intervention is
necessary to protect for the safety of the student and everyone involved. The risks associated with allowing the
physical acts to continue without a more restrictive intervention must be more than the risks associated with use
of a more restrictive intervention.

Emergency or more restrictive interventions may be implemented only with the approval of the Director or
administrative designee. An exception may occur when extenuating circumstances occur in an environment
where immediate supervisory or administrative support is not available (i.e.: in a community setting or
while in a vehicle) where immediate use of a more restrictive intervention is necessary to provide for safety. In
such cases, the staff member with the most seniority and/or most knowledge of the student may implement
an approved more restrictive intervention to maintain care, welfare, safety and security.

Implementation of more restrictive interventions will be designated for safety and in the best interest of the
individual and shall never be used as punishment, for staff convenience, or as a substitute for proactive co-
regulatory strategies and interventions.

Examples of physical acts which may require the use of more restrictive interventions include:
- Any physical act (biting, hitting, scratching, pinching, punching) that continues for longer than 10 minutes
without responding to co-regulatory efforts and least restrictive measures/attempts by staff.
- Any repetitive self-injurious behaviors which are resulting in injury.
- Any physical act leading to property damage in school or a community setting

Emergency or restrictive intervention in a Community Setting or Vehicle:

At times, dysregulation resulting in physical acts to others or self may occur while in vehicles or on a community
outing. In such cases, staff will intervene following the Regulatory Support Inservice Protocol (see steps below).
If least restrictive interventions are unsuccessful to provide for the immediate safety of everyone involved,
emergency or restrictive intervention may be necessary.

It is very important that signs of dysregulation and anxiety are identified and addressed at the earliest level
possible to avoid dysregulation that may lead to physical acting out.

In the event of any instance of dysregulation in the community, the following steps will be taken:

1. As soon as signs of dysregulation or anxiety are noted, an available staff will phone Soaring Eagle
Academy to notify the administrator on duty of the situation. The administrator may choose to immediately
send additional staff to assist in regulation and/or transportation.

2. If physical acts meet the criteria under “physical acts which may require the use of more restrictive
interventions” staff will implement approved restrictive interventions as a last resort to provide for the
immediate safety of all individuals involved.

3. After returning to Soaring Eagle Academy, the administrator on duty must be notified as soon as possible

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

of the use of restrictive intervention in the community.

4. Appropriate documentation of the incident will occur and the administrator and other appropriate staff
will review the incident.

Definitions of more restrictive interventions:

A. Pulling back and moving away – anytime a staff member has to pull back from a student or move away
from a student during a physical act against another.

B. Use of various Therapeutic Listening interventions – anytime a staff member uses therapeutic listening
intervention with a student during physical acts against others or themselves. Staff may place headphones
on student’s head to support the process of listening.

C. Physical guiding of student – anytime a student is physically guided to a safe area. Staff will use a
supportive arm on student’s shoulder or back to guide them towards a safe area or sensory gym/relaxation

D. Physical lifting and carrying of student – anytime a student must be lifted and carried to a safe location.
Staff will verbally tell the student that they will be moving their body to a safe location before picking them
up. Two staff members must be present when lifting and carrying a student to a safe location.

Under any other circumstance, if a staff uses a more restrictive intervention as detailed above it will be
documented for director and parents and sent home the day of the incident.

A Restrictive Intervention Report must be completed anytime any of the above criteria is met (see documentation
procedures below).

Restrictive Interventions may only be implemented by staff meeting criteria under “Staff Training” section (see

Only escort and lift/carry procedures taught during Regulatory Support Inservice may be utilized by staff.

Physical restraint of student, mechanical restraint of student, seclusionary time out or secured seclusionary
time out are prohibited at Soaring Eagle Academy.

Restrictive Interventions may be implemented for no longer than the period of time necessary for a student to

Meals and Snacks:

Restrictive interventions may occur during times that were scheduled for meal or snack times. The student will
always be offered their meal or snack when they are regulated. Meals and snacks are never withheld for any

Use of Relaxation Room/Sensory Gym:

Soaring Eagle Academy has rooms designated as “Relaxation Rooms”, and sensory gyms. These rooms are
designed to meet the needs of student’s individual profiles. Relaxation rooms are areas where students can choose
to go in order to calm or relax. Sensory gyms are areas where students can choose to go in order to meet their
sensory/regulatory needs on equipment.

Staff Training:

Prior to implementing a Restrictive Intervention, staff must successfully complete a Regulatory Support Inservice

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

lasting 4-8 hours. Staff is instructed on the hierarchy of least to more restrictive interventions and is instructed
that restraints and seclusional time outs are prohibited. Approval of staff in the implementation of restrictive
intervention techniques may be rescinded at any time by the staff member’s Director or an administrative
designee. Staff is required to participate in regulatory inservices on an annual basis.

Individualized Regulatory Support Inservices:

Staff is required to be trained on a student’s IRSP prior to working with him or her. All direct care staff are
required to attend the IRSP team meetings for all students to which they are assigned. The IRSPs must be
reviewed with staff through the IRSP meetings/trainings each quarter (every three months). These trainings/team
meetings are mandatory.

Documentation of emergency or restrictive interventions:

Documentation for any restrictive intervention procedure shall be reliable and accurate. Data collection will
include the following:
- Date
- Name of individuals involved (including students and staff)
- intervention(s) implemented
- Time intervention(s) began and ended
- Context and/or circumstances preceding physical act
- Least restrictive procedures attempted prior to use of restrictive intervention
- Physical act which necessitated the use of emergency intervention
- student’s reaction to the intervention
- Documentation of student or staff injuries

Documentation of restrictive interventions is reviewed within 24 hours by the director or appropriate designee.
The Director is responsible for the supervision of all restrictive interventions and shall regularly review data on
physical acts as well as frequency of use of restrictive interventions.

IRSP Monitoring:

All IRSPs will be reviewed annually during the IEP review or more frequently as needed. IRSPs may be
discussed and reviewed at weekly team meetings and/or a case conference may be held to address issues relating
to an individual’s IRBP. A case conference may be requested by staff and/or parent by notifying the director.

Internal and External Monitoring of Restrictive Interventions:

At least one administrative designee (this may be the classroom teacher in some cases) is available on premises
during regular school hours. Staff is encouraged to contact the administrative designee for consultation and
support during a student’s dysregulation. The administrative designee will assist in providing ideas and strategies
for regulation.

An administrative designee will review each individual episode of restrictive intervention with the staff assigned
to work with the involved student. When appropriate, the student will also participate in the meeting.

The concept of the IRSP was created for Soaring Eagle Academy and was developed in collaboration: Linda
Cervenka, Annette Hatter, Maureen Karwowski, Jennifer Mullis, Michele Ricamato and Deanna Tyrpak.

A school where students learn to soar to higher levels of learning.

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