Drama Elements Quiz
Drama Elements Quiz
Drama Elements Quiz
4) Notes included in a play to describe how something should look, sound or be performed are called___
7) A short selection of a literary work, one that happens in a single place and time is called___________
8) Items that can be carried on and off the stage are known as _______________.
10) Feeling projected by a story or its elements-- happy, romantic, scary, sad, etc.
11) The clothing and accessories actors’ wears are known as __________________.
13) When a play touches something that is human in all of us and has lasting value through time, it is
14) The "proper purgation of pity and fear" that Aristotle mentions is referred to as______________.
16) The type of comedy that relies most on physical elements (such as slapstick, buffoonery, mistaken identities,
and ludicrous situations) is called________________________.
18) The form of drama in which good and evil are most clearly defined is_____________________.
19) The form of drama that seems to send the most conflicting messages--through mood, tone, etc. is:
20) The word "tragedy" derives from the Greek words meaning______________________.
23) The word comedy derives from the Greek word ‘KOMOS” meaning____________________.
24) One scene may be followed by another showing an earlier action. This kind of scene is called a_____