WKC 2011 Praise Parade

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CFC Kids for Family and Life

World Kids Conference 2011


April 29, 2011
Guidelines for the Praise Parade Competition:

1. Members of each entry should be a registered participant of the World Kids

Conference 2011.
2. Each entry should be composed of 10-15 members per delegation with both boys
and girls. There will be a deduction of 0.5 point from their total average for every
member in excess per entry.
3. All entries should perform a dance presentation with the music provided (Waving
Flag of World Fifa Cup 2010)
4. Choreography should be wholesome and kid-friendly. All suggestive movements
will result to stopping of music and disqualification from the competition.
5. Participants can choose a specific theme to represent as costume based from
the conference’s theme. For example, athletes for strong body; doctors for strong
mind and religious for strong heart.
6. All entries should have a waving flag with their district’s name and color to be use
during the dance. Flag size is 2x3 ft. and should be place on a bamboo stick or
the likes. Using of props are also encouraged.
7. Each participating delegation should have a conviction statement that is related
to the theme that will represent their district. This statement should be
showcased during the dance presentation in any way possible.
8. There would be 3 judges for this competition. Criteria for judging is as follows:

Mastery and Timing 20%

Cheoreography and Style 25%
Costume and Props 20%
Conviction Statement 25%
Audience Impact 20%
TOTAL 100%

Isaiah 49:5

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