Practical Radiotherapy Planning, Fourth Edition
Practical Radiotherapy Planning, Fourth Edition
Practical Radiotherapy Planning, Fourth Edition
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Fourth Edition
Illustrations editor:
Jonathan Harrowven BSc (Hons),
Radiographer, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust
Hodder Arnold, an imprint of Hodder Education, an Hachette UK Company
338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH
© 2009 Ann Barrett, Jane Dobbs, Stephen Morris and Tom Roques
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Preface vii
1 What you need to know before planning radiotherapy
treatment 1
5 Principles of brachytherapy 54
7 Skin 71
12 Hypopharynx 146
13 Nasopharynx 156
14 Larynx 165
17 Orbit 196
20 Lung 241
21 Mesothelioma 258
22 Breast 265
23 Lymphomas 283
25 Pancreas and liver 303
26 Rectum 311
27 Anus 323
28 Prostate 332
29 Bladder 351
30 Testis 359
31 Penis 365
32 Cervix 370
33 Uterus 384
34 Vagina 394
35 Vulva 401
36 Sarcoma 408
Index 435
Since the last edition of Practical Radiotherapy Planning in 1999, the practice of
radiotherapy has changed radically. Advances in imaging have been integrated with
technological developments in radiotherapy delivery so that 3D planning of
volumes has replaced 2D field arrangements. Major developments in tumour
localisation have included the publication of ICRU reports on target definition
(Report 62 in 1999 and Report 71 in 2004) and the possibility of registration of
different imaging modalities including CT, MRI and PET. In treatment delivery,
multi-leaf collimation has enabled treatments to be shaped to tumours and
intensity-modulated dose plans have provided solutions to previous planning
dilemmas. Accuracy of treatment delivery has been ensured by development of
portal imaging and daily image-guided and adaptive radiotherapy techniques.
This is therefore a completely new book, with new introductory chapters and a
changed structure within each tumour site chapter. We have been able to make
much more use of clinical images to illustrate important planning concepts. The
aim of the book, however, remains unchanged: to provide a guide to radiotherapy
treatment planning that is based on sound pathological and anatomical principles.
Complexity of treatment planning has increased greatly but this new edition
continues to emphasise the underlying principles of treatment, which can be
applied to conventional, conformal, and novel treatments, taking into account
advances in imaging and treatment delivery.
Much treatment is now given according to local, national or international
protocols and these should always be consulted and used when appropriate. Details
of drug and of some radiotherapy regimens are not given as they change frequently.
Again we have largely excluded recommendations for treatment of benign disease.
The ICRU report proposed a colour convention for outlining target volumes,
but with regret we have chosen different colours to ensure optimal reproduction
of plans. We have used the following scheme in all illustrations:
GTV dark blue
CTV cyan (light blue)
CTV2 magenta (purple)
PTV red
PTV2 lime green
OAR yellow, light yellow, light green, dark green
Two authors from the first three editions have been joined by two younger
colleagues from our departments to ensure that we continue to reflect the most
up-to-date approach to treatment planning. It would have been impossible to
produce a book like this one, in the age of site-specialised practice and
multidisciplinary team working, without relying very heavily on expert colleagues
within our respective departments. We are most grateful to them for the time and
effort they have put in to ensuring the accuracy and appropriateness of what we
have written. Special thanks are due to Anna Winship, George Mikhaeel, David
Convery and Kim Ball at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, Mark Gaze at University
College Hospital, Richard Benson at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and at the Norfolk
and Norwich University Hospital: Dinos Geropantas, Suat Loo, Adrian Harnett,
Max Dahele, Rob Wade, Jenny Tomes, and our radiological colleagues. We would
like to acknowledge our radiographer colleagues in both departments who have
helped us to find illustrations and plans. The work was supported in part by a
sabbatical leave award to Jane Dobbs from the Clinical Oncology Dean’s Fund of
the Royal College of Radiologists, London, whom we thank.
This small textbook cannot describe all the research which has been undertaken
to develop treatment schedules. We aim always to use evidence-based solutions
where they exist and have suggested, in a short list of information sources at the
end of each chapter, where more detailed data may be found. Some fields of research,
such as the use of gating and adaptive therapy, 3D rotational arc therapy, and
stereotactic radiotherapy are still undergoing evaluation and are therefore beyond the
scope of this book. We give a brief introduction to the principles and practice of
brachytherapy but details must be found elsewhere. Commonly used abbreviations
have been spelled out only at first mention in the book but are included in the
appendix for further reference.
Trainees in radiation oncology and radiographers, working within a
multidisciplinary team, will, we hope, continue to use our book to produce safe
and appropriate plans for common tumours.
Ann Barrett; Jane Dobbs; Stephen Morris; Tom Roques
What you need to 1
know before planning
Radiotherapy treatment can only produce good effects if it is delivered in an
appropriate clinical context. Attempting radical treatment for a patient with
metastatic disease, or one who is likely to die soon from cardiac or lung disease is
inappropriate. These decisions require a fine balance of judgement between therapeutic
optimism and nihilism and must be firmly based in good clinical history taking and
examination. The clinician must then be able to synthesise all the information about
the patient, tumour, investigations and previous treatment to make a decision about
whether radiotherapy should be given and if so, with radical or palliative intent.
Comorbidities, such as diabetes or vascular disease, which would affect the toxicity
of treatment, must also be considered.
Sometimes the decision to offer radiotherapy may be relatively simple if the
disease is common, the treatment effective and standardised, the histological
features well categorised, and imaging easy to interpret. Some breast cancers fit well
into this category. In contrast, decisions may be very difficult if there is no treatment
of proven benefit, the prognosis is uncertain, the patient’s general performance
status is poor, imaging is of limited usefulness or there is histological uncertainty.
Clinical experience and judgement is then critically important. This expertise is
built on the foundation of good history taking which enables us to set the patient’s
disease in the context of their own ideas, concerns and expectations. Have other
family members had radiotherapy with good or bad outcomes? Are they so
claustrophobic that they will not go into a scanner or treatment room? Do they
have other problems which would affect the feasibility of radiotherapy – arthritis
which limits joint movement, shortness of breath which prevents them lying flat,
heart valves or prostheses which may affect dose delivery?
Clinicians may consider that the new era of cross-sectional and functional imaging
has made examination of the patient irrelevant but it remains the essential foundation
of appropriate clinical judgements; for example, detection of a lymph node in the
axilla, otherwise overlooked in imaging, or the progression of tumour since the last
scan, may change a decision taken earlier in a multidisciplinary team meeting.
Classification systems
Many classification systems have been developed to ensure that clinicians throughout
the world share a common language as they describe patients, tumours, and their
Pathological classification
The International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 of the World Health
Organization (WHO) has been in use since 1994. It is the international standard
diagnostic classification for epidemiology and health management. It is used in
hospital records and on death certificates, which in turn are the basis for compiling
mortality and morbidity statistics nationally and internationally. There is a
subclassification, the International Classification of Disease for Oncology version 3
(ICD-O-3) which is used in cancer/tumour registries to code site (topography)
and type (morphology) of neoplasms from the histopathology report.
Information about malignancy (malignant, benign, in situ or uncertain) and
differentiation is also coded. In the UK, this information is abstracted from clinical
notes by trained coders. The introduction of computerised systems suggests that
clinicians will be required to develop greater awareness of this classification, at least
in their own areas of expertise, especially if the information becomes essential data
before income is assured. ICD 10 and ICD-O-3 are available online.
The morphological information for ICD-O-3 coding comes from the pathologist
whose expertise is essential to establish a precise diagnosis and choose appropriate
treatment volumes. A pathology report will contain a description of the macroscopic
appearance of the gross tumour specimen, its size, margins and anatomical
relationships. It will describe the microscopic appearance after appropriate staining of
cut sections of the tumour, including features such as areas of necrosis. Recognition
of the tissue of origin and grading of the tumour will then often be possible.
There has been an explosion of new techniques in pathology, such as
immunocytochemical staining, immunophenotyping and fluorescence in situ
hybridisation, which may help to remove uncertainties about diagnoses following
conventional histopathological examination. Oncologists must be in constant
dialogue with their colleagues in pathology to ensure that they understand the
significance of results of these special investigations and know how to assess the
degree of certainty of the report.
Tumour stage, histological classification and grading determine prognosis and
treatment decisions. An internationally agreed system of staging is essential to
interpret outcomes of treatment and compare results in different treatment centres.
The behaviour of tumours in different sites is determined by the anatomical situation,
blood supply and lymphatic drainage, as well as the histological classification and
grading. Any staging system must take into account this variability. The most
commonly used systems are the UICC (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer)
TNM, AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) and FIGO (Federation
Internationale de Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique) for gynaecological malignancy. The
TNM system describes the tumour extent (T) nodal involvement (N) and distant
metastases (M). This defines a clinical classification (cTNM) or a pathological one
(pTNM) which incorporates information derived from an excised tumour and any
draining lymph nodes that are also removed or sampled. Details of this system are
given in the TNM atlas which should be available and used wherever patients are
seen or results of investigation are correlated.
T staging includes measurement of the tumour either clinically, by imaging
techniques or by macroscopic examination of an excised specimen. Correct
pathological T staging can only be assured if the pathologist receives a completely
excised tumour with a rim of surrounding tissue. The tumour should not be cut into
or fixed except by the pathologist. Examination of the whole specimen is needed
to determine the highest grade of tumour (as there is frequently inhomogeneity
across the tumour), any vascular or lymphatic invasion or invasion of adjacent
tissues. Spread into a body space such as the pleural or peritoneal cavity affects T
stage as it changes prognosis.
Numbers are added to indicate extent of disease. T0 implies no primary tumour
(as after spontaneous regression of a melanoma). Categories T1–4 indicate tumours
of increasing size and/or involvement of lymphatic vessels or surrounding tissue. If
it is impossible to ascertain size or extent of primary tumour, it is designated Tx.
N classification describes whether there is lymph node involvement and if so,
how many nodes are involved. Pathological staging requires adequate excision of
the relevant lymph node compartment and a minimum number of nodes which
indicates that this has been achieved may be defined for each site. If there are
positive nodes, the ratio of negative to positive is of prognostic significance. For
example, one node positive out of four removed indicates a worse prognosis than
one out of 12. The size of tumour in the nodes must be recorded as well as any
extension through the capsule. Micrometastases are classified differently from
tumour emboli in vessels and this affects the N staging.
Identification and sampling of a sentinel node may give useful prognostic
information about other potential node involvement and help to choose appropriate
treatment strategies. In breast cancer, for example, it appears highly predictive
(90 per cent) for axillary node involvement.
M category indicates presence (M1) or absence (M0) of metastases to distant
For some sites, other staging systems have proved clinically more useful. These
include the FIGO system for gynaecological malignancy and Dukes’ classification
of colonic tumours. Useful atlases of patterns of lymph node involvement have
been devised for several tumour sites. These are included in subsequent chapters
where relevant. Recommendations for the most appropriate imaging techniques
for staging in different sites have been published.
Residual tumour after surgical excision is an important poor prognostic factor.
Examination of resection margins assigns tumours to categories: R0, no residual
tumour; R1, histologically detectable tumour at margins; and R2, macroscopic
evidence of residual tumour. Where serum markers (S) convey important prognostic
information, as in tumours of the testis, an S category has been introduced to the
TNM system.
TNM categorisation is often used to group tumours subsequently into stages
indicating local and metastatic extent and correlating with likely outcome.
Grading is defined by degree of differentiation as: G1, resemblance to tissue of
origin; G2, moderately well differentiated; G3, poorly differentiated; and G4,
Performance status
Performance status measures attempt to quantify cancer patients’ general wellbeing.
They are used to help to decide whether a patient is likely to tolerate a particular
treatment such as chemotherapy, whether doses of treatment need to be adjusted
or whether palliative treatment has been effective. The status of all patients should
be recorded using one of these scores at presentation and with any change in
treatment or the disease. They are also used as a measure of quality of life in clinical
There are various scoring systems, of which the most commonly used are the
Karnovsky and WHO scales for adults, and the Lansky score for children. The SF-36
is a short form (SF) survey of overall health (originally with 36 questions, now 12)
which gives a profile of mental and physical health. It has produced statistically
reliable and valid results in many reported studies. There are modifications of this
questionnaire for specific tumour sites. Another commonly used scale in quality of
life assessment is the HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) which is used
to measure changes in mental and emotional wellbeing during treatment or with
progression of disease.
Prognostic factors
All possible information which may help in predicting prognosis should be
collected in order to advise the patient and help make the most appropriate
treatment decision.
Screen detected cancers may have a better prognosis than tumours presenting
symptomatically because diagnosis is made earlier (breast and oesophagus).
However, in other situations, screening is as yet of unproven benefit (for example
chest X-ray for detecting early lung cancer).
Histological tumour type, grading and staging are most influential in
determining outcome for an individual patient, and new techniques of tumour
examination are yielding more information on gene function and expression which
may affect prognosis. Other factors which must also be considered include
epidemiological ones such as age, sex, lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol and
other drug use, obesity, and family history of disease. Other biological factors such
as performance status, which may reflect comorbidities, must be considered.
Biochemical tumour markers may be specific enough to give prognostic
information by their absolute value, as for example β subunit of human chorionic
gonadotrophin (β-hCG) levels in testicular cancer. However, they may be only
relatively poorly correlated with tumour volume, such as carcinoembryonic
antigen (CEA) in bowel cancer, but still be useful to indicate treatment response
or disease progression by their rise or fall.
One of the most important prognostic factors is whether there is effective
treatment for the condition. Because new treatments are being introduced all the
Influence of other treatments on radiotherapy
time, prognostic predictions must also be constantly reviewed and validated in
prospective controlled clinical trials.
Predictive tools based on population datasets are available for some tumours
such as ‘Adjuvant! On line’ for breast cancer, and Partin tables and the Memorial
Sloane Kettering nomogram for prostate cancer.
Predictive indicators are variables determined before treatment which give
information on the probability of a response to a specific treatment. Predictive
indices based on multiple indicators give an individual score which may help to
make decisions. These tools can only be developed by painstaking retrospective
analysis and careful prospective studies, but it is likely that their use will increase
steadily. They are important in determining strategies for treating different tumour
subsets in guidelines and protocols.
Increasingly, specific genetic profiles are correlated with natural history of
disease or outcome of treatment. Examples are the predictive value of MYCN
amplification in neuroblastoma, oestrogen/HER2 receptor status and response to
hormone therapy or trastuzumab, and predilection of patients with Li–Fraumeni
syndrome to development of second tumours. Microarray technology will provide
more genetically determined prognostic factors which will have to be taken into
account in planning treatment.
used for depression, may affect the metabolism of some drugs. Aspirin and gingko
biloba may increase risk of bleeding, and phyto-oestrogens may affect hormonally
sensitive cancers. Lifestyle factors such as smoking or eating many vegetables
during radiotherapy may influence the severity of acute treatment side effects such
as mucositis or diarrhoea.
Clinical anatomy
Modern radiotherapy planning requires a comprehensive knowledge of cross-
sectional anatomy and the ability to visualise structures in three dimensions.
Formal teaching in anatomy should be part of training, using standard atlases,
various online resources, e.g. the Visible Man, and three-dimensional (3D) images,
which have become more accessible with picture archiving and conservation
systems (PACS). We attempt to give some relevant anatomical details in the
following chapters, but collaboration with a diagnostic radiologist will be essential
for accurate GTV delineation. Oncologists will tend to develop expertise in their
own specialist area, but are unlikely to be familiar with all the possible normal
variants and anomalies which may occur.
Information sources
Adjuvant! Online. (accessed 26 November 2008).
Clark A, Fallowfield LJ (1986) Quality of life measurement in patients with malignant disease. Royal
Soc Med 79:165–9.
Cochran AJ, Roberts AA, Saida T (2003) The place of lymphatic mapping and sentinel node biopsy
in oncology. Int J Clin Oncol 8: 139–50.
Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events v3.0 (CTCAE) (2006) (accessed 26 November 2008).
Dukes CE (1949) The surgical pathology of rectal cancer. J Clin Path 2: 95–8 and at
ECOG/WHO Oken MM, Creech RH, Tormey DC et al. (1982) Toxicity and response criteria of the
Eastern Oncology Cooperative Group. Am J Clin Oncol 5: 649–55.
Ernst E, Cassileth BR (1998) The prevalence of complementary/alternative medicine in cancer.
Cancer 83: 777–82.
Gipponi M, Solari N, Di Somma FC et al. (2004) New fields of application of the sentinel node biopsy
in the pathological staging of solid neoplasms: Review of the literature and surgical
perspectives. J Surg Oncol 85: 171–9.
Imaging for Oncology: Collaboration Between Clinical Radiologists and Clinical Oncologists in
Diagnosis, Staging, and Radiotherapy Planning. (2004) Royal College of Radiologists, London.
Karnovsky DA, Burchenal JH (1949) The clinical evaluation of chemotherapeutic agents in cancer.
In: MacLeod CM (ed) Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Agents. Columbia University Press,
New York, p. 196 and at
Kattan MW, Eastham JA, Stapleton AM et al. (1998) A prospective nomogram for disease
recurrence following radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 90: 766–71.
Lansky SB, List MA, Lansky LL et al. (1987) The measurement of performance in childhood cancer
patients. Cancer 60: 1651–6.
NICE guidance.
Partin AW, Mangold LA, Lamm DM et al. (2001) Contemporary update of prostate cancer staging
nomograms (Partin tables) for the new millennium. Urology 58: 843–8.
Pecorelli S, Ngan HYS, Hacker NF (2006) Staging Classifications and Clinical Practice Guidelines for
Gynaecological Cancers. Reprinted from Int J Gynae Obstet 2002; 70: 207–312 at (accessed 2 December 2008).
QLC-30. (accessed 26 November 2008).
Recommendations for Cross-sectional Imaging in Cancer Management (2006). Royal College of
Radiologists, London.
Seiwert TY, Joseph K, Salama JK et al. (2007) The concurrent chemoradiation paradigm – general
principles. Nat Clin Pract Oncol 4: 86–100.
SF36. (accessed 2 December
Sobin LH, Wittekind CH (2002) TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 6th edn. John Wiley,
Therasse P, Arbuck SG, Eisenhauer EA et al. (2000) New guidelines to evaluate the response to
treatment in solid tumours. J Natl Cancer Inst 92: 205–16 and at (accessed 26 November 2008).
The Visible Human Project, National Library of Medicine 1989–1995. (accessed 2 December 2008).
Radiation Therapy Oncology Group.
Wittekind CH, Hutter R, Greene FL et al. (2005) TNM Atlas: Illustrated Guide to the TNM
Classification of Malignant Tumours, 5th edn. John Wiley, Chichester.
World Health Organization (2007) International Classification of Disease – Version 10, Chapter 2
Neoplasms. (accessed 26 November 2008).
Zigmond AS, Snaith RP (1983) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Acta Pyschiatr Scand 67:
361–70 and at (Guideline 57).
Principles of 2
radiotherapy planning
The practice of radiotherapy requires not only excellent clinical skills but also
appropriate technical expertise. Chapter 1 considered some factors contributing to
making good clinical judgements; Chapter 2 outlines the specialist knowledge
required to plan radiotherapy treatment.
Figure 2.2 ICRU illustrations to show (a) GTV-T plus GTV-N in continuity (CTV-TN) and
(b) CTV-T and CTV-N at a distance. Reproduced with permission from ICRU (2004)
Prescribing, Recording and Reporting Electron Beam Therapy. ICRU report 71.
When treating lung tumours, the displacement of the CTV caused by respiration can
be dealt with in several ways: by increasing the CTV-PTV margin eccentrically to
include all CTV positions during a respiratory cycle; by using suspended respiration
with a technique such as the active breathing control (ABC) device; or by delivery
of radiation using gating or respiratory correlated CT scanning and treatment.
Protocols for minimising effects on the CTV of variations in bladder and rectal
filling are described in relevant chapters. Uncertainties from organ motion can also
be reduced by using fiducial markers, and published results are available for lung,
prostate and breast tumours. Radio-opaque markers are inserted and imaged at
localisation using CT or MRI, and at treatment verification, using portal films,
electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) or online cone beam CT image-guided
radiotherapy (IGRT).
The internal margin therefore allows for inter- and intra-fractional variations in
organ position and shape which cannot be eliminated.
where Σ total standard deviation (SD) computed as the square root of the sum of
the squared individual SD values of all systematic errors for organ motion and set-up;
and σ total SD of all random errors combined quadratically in a similar way.
This provides a population-derived standard CTV-PTV margin for a particular
technique in a given centre and can be non-isotropic in cranio-caudal, transverse
and anteroposterior (AP) directions. Accurate treatment delivery depends on
reducing or eliminating systematic errors and requires a high level of awareness of
all staff throughout the many different work areas from localisation through to
Other theories about how to incorporate organ motion and the uncertainty of
the ‘mean’ position of the CTV on a snapshot CT scan used for localisation have
been proposed. Van Herk suggests a volume large enough to contain the mean
position of the CTV in 90 per cent of cases, called the systematic target volume
(STV) (British Institute of Radiology 2003). Collection of data on the precise CT
location of tumour recurrences in relation to the original target volume is
important to improve margin definition.
■ Treated volume
This is the volume of tissue that is planned to receive a specified dose and is
enclosed by the isodose surface corresponding to that dose level, e.g. 95 per cent.
The shape, size and position of the treated volume in relation to the PTV should
be recorded to evaluate and interpret local recurrences (in field versus marginal)
and complications in normal tissues, which may be outside the PTV but within the
treated volume.
■ Conformity index
This is the ratio of PTV to the treated volume, and indicates how well the PTV is
covered by the treatment while minimising dose to normal tissues.
■ Irradiated volume
This is the volume of tissue that is irradiated to a dose considered significant in
terms of normal tissue tolerance, and is dependent on the treatment technique
used. The size of the irradiated volume relative to the treated volume (and integral
dose) may increase with increasing numbers of beams, but both volumes can be
reduced by beam shaping and conformal therapy.
■ Organs at risk
These are critical normal tissues whose radiation sensitivity may significantly
influence treatment planning and/or prescribed dose. Any movements of the organs
at risk (OAR) or uncertainties of set-up may be accounted for with a margin similar
to the principles for PTV, to create a planning organ at risk volume (PRV). The
size of the margin may vary in different directions. Where a PTV and PRV are close
or overlap, a clinical decision about relative risks of tumour relapse or normal tissue
damage must be made. Shielding of parts of normal organs is possible with the use
of multi-leaf collimation (MLC). Dose–volume histograms (DVHs) are used to
calculate normal tissue dose distributions.
The patient must be in a position that is comfortable and reproducible (whether
supine or prone), and suitable for acquisition of images for CT scanning and
treatment delivery. Immobilisation systems are widely available for every anatomical
tumour site and are important in reducing systematic set-up errors. Complex
stereotactic or relocatable frames (e.g. Gill–Thomas) are secured to the head by
insertion into the mouth of a dental impression of the upper teeth and an occipital
impression on the head frame, and are used for stereotactic radiotherapy with a
reproducibility of within 1 mm or less. Perspex shells reduce movement in head and
neck treatments to about 2 mm. The technician preparing the shell must have
details of the tumour site to be treated, e.g. position of the patient (prone, supine,
flexion or extension of neck, arm position, etc.). An impression of the relevant area
(made using quick setting dental alginate or plaster of Paris) is filled with plaster and
this form is used to make a Perspex shell by vacuum moulding. The shell fits over
the patient and fastens to a device on the couch with Perspex straps and pegs in at
least five places. Alternatively, thermoplastic shells can be made by direct moulding
of heat-softened material on the patient and these have a similar degree of accuracy.
Relocatable whole body fixation systems using vacuum moulded bags of
polystyrene beads on a stereotactic table top restrict movement to 3–4 mm and are
used to immobilise the trunk and limbs with markings on the bag instead of on
the patient’s skin. Where the patient has kyphosis, scoliosis or limitation of joint
movement, extra limb pads or immobilisation devices may be required. Metallic
prostheses, abdominal stomata and the batteries of pacemakers must be located
and excluded from the radiation volume where possible. Details of immobilisation
devices are discussed in each tumour site chapter.
Parameters of limb rests, thoracic or belly boards, foot rests and leg restraints,
Perspex shells and skin tattoos should be clearly recorded to avoid transfer errors
between the planning process and subsequent treatment. Gantry and couch top
flexibility should be measured and couch sag avoided by using rigid radiolucent
carbon fibre tables. Table tops must have fixtures for immobilisation devices and
laser light systems are essential in CT, simulator and treatment units (Fig. 2.3).
Protocols for bladder and rectal filling, respiration and other patient parameters
must be documented at localisation, and reproduced daily during treatment to
minimise uncertainties.
CT scans taken for localisation are only a single snapshot, and the CT scan
should be repeated daily on several days to measure variation in organ motion and
systematic set-up errors for an individual patient. These values can then be used to
inform the CTV-PTV margin on an individual basis rather than using population
derived margin values. This is known as adaptive radiotherapy (ART). Kilovoltage
(kV), cone beam CT, and megavoltage (MV) imaging on treatment machines
make it possible to obtain CT images immediately before treatment. While
Figure 2.3 Patient positioned to show immobilisation on the CT scanner with arms up
and laser lights used to prevent rotational set-up errors.
Data acquisition
resolution is not as good as with diagnostic CT, the use of fiducial markers and
image registration protocols enables daily online IGRT. With this technique only
intra-fractional variations and the doctor’s CTV delineation error remain.
Data acquisition
Accurate 3D data about tumour, target volumes and organs at risk are acquired in
relation to external reference points under exactly the same conditions as those used
for subsequent treatment. Optimal diagnostic imaging modalities are chosen for
each tumour site according to protocols developed with diagnostic radiologists.
Multi-slice CT, MR with dynamic scanning, 3D ultrasound, positron emission
tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
have provided a wealth of anatomical, functional and metabolic information about
the GTV. These MRI and PET images are fused with CT planning scans to optimise
tumour localisation using a CT scanner with virtual simulation. Alternatively, when
these are unavailable, a simulator or simulator CT is used for 2D planning.
■ CT scanning
CT scanning provides detailed cross-sectional anatomy of the normal organs, as well
as 3D tumour information. These images provide density data for radiation dose
calculations by conversion of CT Hounsfield units into relative electron densities
using calibration curves. Compton scattering is the main process of tissue interaction
for megavoltage beams and is directly proportional to electron density. Hence CT
provides ideal density information for dose corrections for tissue inhomogeneity,
such as occurs in lung tissue. Clinical studies have shown that 30–80 per cent of
patients undergoing radiotherapy benefit from the increased accuracy of target
volume delineation with CT scanning compared with conventional simulation. It has
been estimated that the use of CT improves overall 5-year survival rates by around
3.5 per cent, with the greatest impact on small volume treatments.
CT scans taken for radiotherapy treatment planning usually differ from those taken
for diagnostic use. Ideally, planning CT scans are taken on a dedicated radiotherapy
CT scanner by a therapy trained radiographer. The scanner should have the largest
possible aperture to aid positioning of the patient for treatment. The standard
diagnostic CT aperture is 70 cm but 85 cm wide-bore scanners are available, which
are helpful for large patients and those being treated for breast cancer, who lie with
both arms elevated on an inclined plane that can be extended up to around 15°. The
CT couch must be flat topped with accurate couch registration to better than 1 mm.
The patient is positioned using supporting aids and immobilisation devices and
aligned using tattoos and midline and lateral laser lights identical to those used for
subsequent radiotherapy treatment. A tattoo is made on the skin over an immobile
bony landmark nearest to the centre of the target volume (e.g. pubic symphysis). It
is marked with radio-opaque material such as a catheter or barium paste for
visualisation on the CT image. Additional lateral tattoos are used to prevent lateral
rotation of the patient and are aligned using horizontal lasers (see Fig. 2.3).
Oral contrast medium is used in small concentrated dose to outline small bowel
as an organ at risk (e.g. for pelvic intensity-modulated radiotherapy [IMRT]
treatment), but care must be taken to avoid large quantities which may cause
diuresis and overfill the bladder. Intravenous contrast is given for patients with
lung and mediastinal tumours to differentiate between mediastinal vascular
structures, tumour and lymph nodes, and in the pelvis to enhance blood vessels for
CTV delineation of lymph nodes. Structures such as the vulva, vaginal introitus,
anal margin, stomata and surgical scars may be marked with radio-opaque material.
Patients with locally advanced tumours should be examined in the treatment
position and tumour margins clearly marked. Protocols to reduce organ motion,
for example by emptying the bladder before bladder radiotherapy and the rectum
before prostate treatment, need to be in place. Patients are given information
leaflets to explain the importance of, and rationale for, these procedures.
Multi-slice CT scanners perform a scan of the entire chest or abdomen in a few
seconds with the patient breathing normally. Scanning for lung tumours can
involve ‘slow’ CT scans, respiratory correlated CT scans, gating, or use of the ABC
device to cope with the effect of respiratory movement.
Protocols for CT scanning are developed with the radiologist to optimise tumour
information, to ensure full body contour in the reconstruction circle and scanning of
relevant whole organs for DVHs. DRRs are produced from CT density information
and are compared with electronic portal images (EPIs). Contiguous thin CT slices
are obtained at 2–5 mm intervals for the head and 3–10 mm for the body.
■ Contouring
CT scans are transferred digitally to the target volume localisation console using
an electronic network system which must be compliant with DICOM 3 and
DICOM RT protocols (Fig. 2.4). The GTV, CTV, PTV, body contour and normal
organs are outlined by a team of radiation oncologist, specialist radiologist and
planning technician, with appropriate training. Where MRI is the optimal imaging
modality for tumours such as the prostate, uterus, brain, head and neck and
sarcomas, it is incorporated into target volume definition by image fusion. Treatment
planning based on MR images alone is reported, but more commonly CT and MR
images are co-registered, ideally scanning using a flat MRI couch top to aid
matching. PET or PET-CT images may give additional information for head and
neck tumours, lymphomas, lung and gynaecological tumours, and SPECT for
brain tumours. Multimodality image fusion of all these images in the treatment
planning process is ideal for accurate delineation of the target.
Departmental protocols for target volume delineation are essential for each
tumour site; these should define optimal window settings, how to construct the
CTV, 3D values for CTV-PTV margins, type of 3D expansion software and
method of outlining for each OAR to be used. ‘Doctor’s delineation errors’
resulting from contouring are said to be the most uncertain part of the whole
planning process and training in, and validation of these procedures is essential.
Contouring starts with definition of the GTV on a central slice of the primary
tumour and then on each axial CT image moving superiorly and then inferiorly.
Involved nodes can then be defined in the same way. Viewing the GTV on coronal
and sagittal DRRs ensures consistency of definition between slices so that no artificial
steps in the volume are created. A volume should not be copied or cut and pasted
onto sequential slices for risk of pasting an error: it is more accurate to redraw the
GTV on each slice. If there are slices where the GTV cannot be defined – for example
Data acquisition
Figure 2.4 Network for transferring data between steps in the radiotherapy planning
due to dental artefact – the planning software will usually allow the missing
contours to be interpolated from those either side.
■ CT virtual simulation
Using CT data, software generates images from a beam’s eye perspective, which
are equivalent to conventional simulator images. External landmarks are used to
define an internal isocentre for treatment set-up. The CT simulator provides
maximal tumour information as well as full 3D capabilities (unlike the simulator
CT facility). It is particularly useful for designing palliative treatments such as for
lung and vertebral metastases, as well as for some breast treatments using
tangential beams, which can be virtually simulated and then 3D planned. The
ability to derive CT scans, and provide target volume definition, margin generation,
and simulation all on one workstation, provides a rapid solution.
■ Conventional simulator
For palliative treatments, a simulator may still be used to define field borders following
the 50 per cent isodose line of the beam, rather than a target volume. A simulator is
an isocentrically mounted diagnostic X-ray machine which can reproduce all the
movements of the treatment unit and has an image intensifier for screening. The
patient is prepared in the treatment position exactly as described above for CT
scanning. The machine rotates around the patient on an axis centred on a fixed point,
the isocentre, which is 100 cm from the focal spot and is placed at the centre of the
target volume. Digital images or radiographs are used to record the field borders
chosen by reference to bony landmarks. The simulator is commonly used either for
palliative single field treatments of bone metastases or to define opposing anterior and
posterior fields for palliative treatment to locally advanced tumour masses.
■ Simulator-CT
A CT mode attached to the simulator gantry can be used to produce images with
a relatively limited resolution during the simulation process. This provides both
external contouring and some normal anatomical data, such as lung and chest wall
thickness, for simple inhomogeneity corrections. Images do not give detailed
tumour information or accurate CT numbers. These scans are time consuming to
obtain, and are therefore usually limited to the central, superior and inferior levels
of the target volume.
Dose solutions
When the PTV and normal organs have been defined in 3D, the optimal dose
distribution for treating the tumour is sought. Consultation with a dosimetrist is vital
to select the best parameters. For example, a treatment machine must be chosen
according to percentage depth dose characteristics and build up depth which will vary
with energy and beam size as shown in Table 2.1. These can be used to calculate doses
for treatment using single fields and to learn the construction of isodose distributions
using computer modelling. Other factors to be considered in the choice of machine
are the effect of penumbra on beam definition, the availability of independent or
multi-leaf collimators, facilities for beam modification and portal imaging.
Table 2.1 Data from treatment machines in common use, showing variation of Dmax and
percentage depth dose (DD) with energy
■ Conventional treatment
Single fields may be used with borders defined by the 50 per cent isodose for bone
metastases. Parallel opposing beams are used for speed and ease of set-up for
palliative treatments (e.g. lung), for target volumes of small separation (e.g. larynx)
or tangential volumes (e.g. breast). Isodose distributions show that the 95 per cent
isodose does not conform closely to the target volume, the distribution of dose is
not homogeneous and much normal tissue is irradiated to the same dose as the
tumour. Beam modification with the use of wedges alters the dose distribution to
compensate for missing tissue, obliquity of body contour or a sloping target
volume, and may produce a more homogeneous result.
For many tumours seated at depth, a radical tumour dose can only be achieved
with a combination of several beams if overdose to the skin and other superficial
tissues is to be avoided. When multiple beams are chosen for a plan, variable
wedges can be used to attenuate the beam and thereby avoid a high dose area at
beam intersections. To achieve the same dose at the patient, the number of
monitor units set will have to be increased compared with those for an open field.
Computerised dose planning systems are used to construct an isodose distribution
with beams of appropriate energy, size, weighting, gantry angle and wedge to give
a homogeneous result over the target volume.
■ Inhomogeneity corrections
Attenuation of an X-ray beam is affected by tissue density, being less in lung than
bone. This variation affects both the shape of the dose distribution and the values
of the isodoses. Lung tissue should therefore be localised when planning treatment
for tumours of the thorax (e.g. lung, breast, oesophagus, mediastinum). The
relative electron density of lung compared with water is in the range 0.2–0.3 and
these values are used to correct for inhomogeneity.
When 2D conventional planning is used, correction is only valid at the planned
central slice of the target volume, e.g. breast treatment planned with a simulator
using central lung distance (CLD). Using CT scanning, the whole lung is localised
in 3D and a pixel by pixel correction made for all tissue densities by conversion of
CT numbers into relative electron densities using calibration curves. CT numbers
are affected by contrast agents but dose distributions in the chest and abdomen are
not significantly changed by the quantities used in most CT scanning protocols.
However, large amounts of gas in the rectum can cause organ motion of the
prostate and uterus as well as affecting CT densities.
■ Beam junctions
When treatment is given to target volumes that lie adjacent to one another,
consideration must be given to the non-uniformity of dose in the potential overlap
regions caused by divergence of the adjacent beams. If the beams abut on the
skin surface, they will overlap with excess dose at depth. If there is a gap between
beams at the skin, there will be a cold area in the superficial tissues. Clinical examples
of this problem include treatment of (a) adjacent vertebrae with single posterior
fields which may be separated in time, where there is a risk of overlap of dose at the
underlying spinal cord, (b) primary breast cancer and adjacent lymph nodes, where
a single isocentric technique centred at the junction can be used (see Chapter 22),
(c) primary head and neck tumours and their regional nodes which can be treated
with IMRT or matched photon and electron fields to avoid overlap over the spinal
cord (see Chapter 8) and (d) primary central nervous system (CNS) tumours such as
medulloblastoma, where beams are matched at the anterior spinal cord and junctions
between beams shifted during the course of treatment (see Chapter 18).
Various techniques have been developed to minimise dose heterogeneity at beam
junctions in these different clinical situations. Half beam blocking using shielding
or independent collimator jaws can be used to eliminate divergence up to the match
line, but accuracy is then dependent on precise immobilisation and reliability of skin
marks to reproduce the match perfectly. Couch rotation can be used to remove
beam divergence when matching breast and lymph node irradiation. However, for
some sites, it is still common to match beams by using a gap between beams so that
the beam edges converge at a planned depth (Fig. 2.5). The dose in the triangular
gap (x) below the skin surface will be lower than at the point P where the beams
converge because it lies outside the geometric margins of both beams. Doses at (y)
are higher because they include contributions from both beams. The positioning of
point P anatomically will vary according to the aim of treatment. If treatment is for
medulloblastoma, a homogeneous dose is required to potential tumour cells within
the spinal cord which is therefore placed at point P, and point P is moved in a
cranio-caudal direction at regular intervals to prevent any risk of overdose at
Dose solutions
junctions. Where treatment is aimed at metastases in adjacent vertebral bodies, it is
important to avoid overdosage at the spinal cord which is therefore placed in the
superficial cold triangle (x) with point P anterior to it. The gap on the skin is the
sum of the beam divergence of each beam. It is calculated as the distance from
the edge of the beam as defined by the 50 per cent isodose to the point of
convergence P measured perpendicular to the central axis and marked (s) spread
(beam divergence) for each beam. Graphs have been drawn up expressing beam
divergence as a function of the depth below the skin for different field sizes and
focus skin distance (FSD). Once the gap has been calculated, it may be necessary to
increase it slightly to allow for possible movement of patient or skin tattoos, to
ensure that there is no overdosage. Whenever possible, a patient should be treated
in the same position (supine or prone) for matching adjacent fields.
When planning a new treatment for metastatic disease in the spine, previous
treatment fields should be reconstructed from films and records and the patient
placed in the same position to ensure there is no overlap.
■ Electron therapy
Electron therapy may be used to treat superficial tumours overlying cartilage and
bone (for example nose, ear, scalp and dorsum of hand), in preference to superficial
or orthovoltage therapy where there is increased bone absorption due to the
photoelectric effect. There is a sharp fall in dose beyond the 90 per cent isodose
(4–12 MeV) and electron energy is chosen so that the target volume is
encompassed by the 90–95 per cent isodose at the deep margin. Electrons at higher
energies (15–25 MeV) may be used for treating cervical lymph nodes overlying
spinal cord, parotid tumours and in mixed beams with photons.
The effective treatment depth in centimetres is about one-third of the beam energy
in MeV and the total range about half (Fig. 2.6) but this is dependent on field size
(especially at 40 mm). Different tissue densities such as bone and air (as found in
ribs overlying lung and facial bones containing air filled sinuses) cause
inhomogeneous dose distributions. Doses beyond air cavities may be higher than
expected even after density corrections and this limits the usefulness of electrons for
treating in these clinical situations. Electron beam edges do not diverge geometrically
due to lateral scatter, which is greater at low energies with the characteristic shape
shown in Figure 2.7. Wider margins must be added when choosing the beam width
for adequate treatment of tumours at depth. Where there is tumour infiltration of
skin, the skin sparing characteristics of electron beams below 16 MeV should be
removed by adding bolus material, which can also be used to provide tissue equivalent
material for an irregular contour such as the nose or ear. Beam sizes 40 mm should
be avoided because of inadequate depth of penetration and loss of beam flatness.
■ Conformal treatment
3D conformal radiotherapy (CFRT) links 3D CT visualisation of the tumour with
the capability of the linear accelerator to shape the beam both geometrically and
by altering the fluence of the beam (IMRT). This encloses the target volume as
closely as possible while reducing dose to adjacent normal tissues. The radiation
oncologist and dosimetrist agree the final PTV, which has been created using 3D
Figure 2.6 Percentage depth dose of varying electron energies for 10 10 cm applicator.
■ Complex treatment
IMRT is created using MLC to define the beam intensity independently in
different regions of each incident beam, to produce the desired uniform distribution
of dose, or a deliberate non-uniform dose distribution, in the target volume. The
position of the leaves of the MLC can be varied in time with a fixed or moving
gantry. IMRT can be delivered using dose compensation, multiple static fields,
step-and-shoot, dynamic MLC or tomotherapy.
A sequence of static MLC fields can be used with the beam being switched off
between changes in position – the step-and-shoot technique. Alternatively, there
may be automatic sequencing of beam segments without stopping treatment –
dynamic MLC. Other methods include tomotherapy and other devices where
there is intensity modulated rotational delivery with a fan beam.
Forward planned or segmental IMRT provides simple tissue compensation with a
beam’s eye view of the PTV and sub-segments which are shaped with different MLC
to create a uniform dose in the PTV. Inverse planning requires specification of dose
prescription to GTV, PTV and PRV in terms of dose–volume constraints, fluence
optimisation and 3D dose planning. Very careful quality assurance must be developed
to assure accuracy of the beam. Verification of an IMRT plan requires either
measurement of the dose distribution in a phantom, or an independent monitor unit
calculation with portal dosimetry. Dose delivery is verified throughout the course of
treatment using radiographic film or adapted EPIDs or transit dosimetry. Accurate
patient positioning, target volume delineation and reduction of organ and patient
motion uncertainties, especially respiration, are critical for safe IMRT.
IMRT techniques modulate the intensity of the beam as well as its geometric
shape, delivering complex dose distributions, using forward or inverse treatment
planning. Plans can be produced with concave shapes, and critical structures at
sites such as head and neck (eye or spinal cord), prostate (rectum) and thyroid
(spinal cord) avoided. Late toxicity can be reduced significantly for tumour sites
such as prostate, pelvis, breast and head and neck. Dose escalation studies in
prostate cancer show an improvement in biochemical relapse-free survival using
IMRT with reduced late rectal toxicity. There is proof of sparing of salivary gland
function with IMRT for head and neck cancer with no loss of tumour control.
Late fibrotic changes in the breast can be reduced, and IMRT pelvic treatments,
more conformal to the tumour lymph node drainage, have reduced bone marrow
and acute bowel and bladder toxicity. However, integral dose may be greater with
some IMRT solutions, with increased risk of late malignancies. IMRT dose plans
with steep dose gradients may risk underdosage of tumour if margins are close and
organ motion still present.
It is difficult to produce evidence of benefit from new technology until it is widely
enough available to conduct RCTs, preferably on a multicentre basis. Often,
pioneering groups develop and test the technology from the physical viewpoint and
clinical implementation goes from pilot (phase 1 type) studies to routine use without
a rigorous evidence base of efficacy. A further problem of particular relevance for
radiotherapy is that unwanted late effects of treatment cannot be quantified for many
years, so that determination of therapeutic ratio – the true test of efficacy – is delayed.
Organ motion during treatment makes it necessary to consider the fourth
dimension of time. IGRT refers to all techniques in which cross-sectional, X-ray or
ultrasound images obtained during treatment are used to check that the actual
treatment delivered matches that which has been planned. Ideally the moving
tumour outline is imaged during treatment using daily EPIs or real time cone
beam CT. Alternatively, EPIs can be taken on the first few days of treatment and
used to adjust treatment volumes where necessary.
Variations in overall positioning of the body during treatment can be monitored
using optical imaging devices, sometimes in association with markers attached to
the skin. To avoid respiratory motion, treatment may be delivered while the
patient holds his or her breath using the ABC device. This demands cooperation
from the patient and may be difficult in those with lung diseases. Treatment may
be gated to a specific phase of the respiratory cycle, usually expiration, using
optical devices or X-ray fluoroscopic measurements. CT scans obtained by imaging
devices on the linear accelerator can be compared with respiration-correlated spiral
CT planning images. Treatment delivery is triggered when the two images match.
These techniques may reduce the PTV and restrict the dose to normal lung but
are time consuming. Some evidence is accumulating that respiratory gating may be
of limited benefit overall since, although it reduces organ movement effects, it
prolongs treatment time. Composite multi-field conformal plans delivered in
multiple fractions may have a similar overall effect in a more cost effective way.
Further randomised trials are needed to assess 4D treatment delivery.
Adaptive radiotherapy (ART) involves regular changes (weekly or daily) to
treatment delivery for an individual patient based on analysis of images taken before
treatment or ideally during treatment. Linear accelerator mounted imaging devices
are essential for this technique. One integrated approach is to use rotational IMRT
or tomotherapy. The MLC is linked to a machine-mounted CT scanner with
images taken during therapy used to gate treatment to the correct body slice.
Special techniques
■ Protons
Some radiation oncologists consider that many of the advantages of IMRT could
be better obtained by using the superior dose distributions of protons. There are
some indications where the benefits seem to be established firmly enough for this
to be the treatment of choice (some paediatric and skull-based tumours, and radio-
resistant tumours in difficult sites, such as vertebral chondrosarcoma). At present
the cost of installing proton facilities precludes widespread use, but guidelines for
referral to specialist centres have been drawn up.
■ Stereotactic radiotherapy
This technique is only available in a limited number of centres but has been used for
many years, mainly for the treatment of small brain tumours and arteriovenous
malformations. Accuracy of patient positioning to approximately 1 mm is maintained
using a stereotactic frame attached to the patient’s skull. Radiotherapy may be delivered
as a single or multiple fractions and may be considered as an alternative to surgery. The
gamma knife device uses multiple cobalt sources arranged around a half circle, which
irradiate a very conformal volume by blocking selected collimator openings with
different collimation helmets for different time intervals. Alternatively, a linear
accelerator with specialised collimators can be used to deliver multiple arc therapy.
This technique requires very careful quality assurance because of steep dose
gradients and problems of electron equilibration with very small beams. It also
requires close collaboration within a team of people with relevant expertise in
imaging, neuroanatomy, tumour management and physics. This approach may
also be beneficial for some small volume lung and liver tumours.
Prescription of radiotherapy treatment is the responsibility of the radiation
oncologist and usually follows agreed guidelines, taking into consideration individual
patient factors, such as the expected risk–benefit ratio of treatment, comorbidities
and consideration of scheduling of other treatment modalities. Radiotherapy
regimens vary internationally. Fractions of 2 Gy or less delivered 5 days a week are
the standard of care in much of North America and Europe. Regimens given in
this book are safe evidence-based schedules but national and international
protocols or trials should be used as appropriate.
Alternative fractionation schedules using fewer larger fractions in a shorter
overall time (hypofractionation) have been developed, especially in the UK and
Canada, driven initially by resource constraints, but now supported by extensive
published clinical data, e.g. for breast and prostate cancer as well as for palliative
treatments. Accelerated fractionation gives the same overall dose in a shorter time,
often using smaller fraction sizes to reduce toxicity, and has been used successfully
in head and neck cancer trials. Hyperfractionation regimens deliver treatment
twice or three times a day using smaller fraction sizes, thereby increasing the total
dose and remaining within tolerance for late toxicity (see Table 3.2, p. 42).
The linear quadratic (LQ) model of radiation-induced cell killing is currently the
most useful for comparing different fractionation schedules (see Chapter 3), taking
into account the effect of dose per fraction and repopulation on tumour and normal
tissue late effects. Clinical outcome depends on the total dose, dose per fraction,
overall treatment time, volume of tumour and normal tissues irradiated, dose
specification points and quality control procedures. If treatment has to be stopped
unexpectedly for operational or clinical reasons causing an unscheduled gap in
treatment, the dose-fractionation schedule may need to be altered (see Chapter 3).
Dose specification
All dose distributions are inhomogeneous and so the dose throughout the PTV
varies. The biological effect of a given dose is difficult to predict because of
variations in cell density at the centre and periphery of the CTV, heterogeneity of
tumour cell populations and inadequate knowledge of cellular radio-sensitivity.
Nevertheless, one must attempt to specify a dose which is representative of the
absorbed dose in the target volume as a whole, to assess effectiveness of treatment.
To facilitate understanding and exchange of precise and accurate radiotherapy
treatment data, it is important that all centres report their results using the same
volume concepts and prescribing definitions.
The ICRU reports 50 and 62 recommend that the radiation dose should be
reported, and hence is also best prescribed, at or near the centre of the PTV, and
when possible at the intersection of the beam axes (ICRU reference dose). This
ICRU reference point for prescription is selected because it is clinically relevant,
usually situated where there is maximum tumour cell density, easy to define, often
lies on the central axis of the beam where dose can be accurately determined, and is
not in a region of steep dose gradient. It is essential that this dose specification point
is accompanied by a statement of the homogeneity of the irradiation as defined by at
least the maximum and minimum doses to the PTV. The maximum target dose is
the highest dose in the target volume which is clinically significant (to a volume
greater than 15 mm3 unless in a critical tissue where special considerations apply).
The minimum target dose is an important parameter because it correlates with the
probability of tumour control. Additional information, such as average dose and its
standard deviation, DVHs and an accurate description of dose to OAR, is also very
important (Fig. 2.8).
Superficial treatment machines, with energies ranging from 50 kV to 150 kV and
appropriate filtration which defines percentage depth dose characteristics, are used
to treat superficial skin tumours. The dose prescription point is at Dmax, the
maximum dose, which is at the skin surface. An appropriate energy is selected from
tables for different beam sizes for a given FSD to encompass the target volume
both on the skin and at depth with a 90 per cent isodose.
When a single megavoltage beam is used, dose is prescribed to the ICRU point at
the centre of the target volume rather than to Dmax. For example, for bone metastases,
the prescription point may be at the centre of the vertebra e.g. 40–50 mm depth
for a thoracic vertebra. Alternatively, for palliative treatments, the ICRU point may
be chosen at the dose-limiting structure, such as the spinal cord, and a dose
prescribed to maximum tolerance.
(a) (b
(c) (d)
Figure 2.8 Dose distribution to treat carcinoma of the prostate showing (a) axial view with isodoses, ICRU point (100 per cent): maximum 101 per
cent; minimum 95 per cent. (b) DVH showing PTV, and doses to bladder, rectum, left (LFH) and right (RFH) femoral head. (c) Coronal view with
dose colourwash. (d) Sagittal view with dose colourwash.
For co-axial opposing lateral or AP beams, the dose is specified at the midplane
dose (MPD) on the central axis of the beam, as recommended by ICRU. In
subsequent chapters of this book, these ICRU dose specification conventions have
been followed for all dose distributions and prescriptions.
Verification is needed of the geometrical set-up of the treatment and the dose being
delivered. Electronic portal imaging is available on most linear accelerators and
images can be compared with DRRs obtained from the treatment planning system.
Image evaluation software tools can be used to match predefined bony landmarks on
both images noting displacements of beam borders, to match the edges of beams
measuring the change in position of bony structures or to match fiducial markers.
Errors may be systematic or random. Repeating the portal image daily for the
first few days will identify any systematic errors, which can then be corrected.
Random errors in set-up may be reduced by better patient immobilisation or staff
education, or the CTV-PTV margin may have to be increased if correction is
Image matching of EPIs with DRRs is usually carried out by the treating
radiographers after appropriate training. Verification protocols, both online and
off-line, will define the level of action for any deviation. EPIs or portal films should
be signed by the clinician, verifying and recording any actions taken.
Verification of the dose delivered to the patient is essential using semiconductor
silicon diodes with instant readout, or thermo-luminescent dosimetry (TLD) with
delayed readout, and is performed on the first day of each patient’s treatment.
Transit dosimetry uses a transmission portal image to measure the dose delivered
to the patient, which can be compared with the planned dose distribution. Equally
important are the mechanical checks of MLC that are required to ensure safe
delivery of treatments. These must include examination of the stability of leaf speed,
accuracy of leaf position and transmission through and between leaves.
■ Practical considerations
Routine checks of the following must be included in the quality assurance protocol:
■ machine checks
■ dosimetry protocols
■ planning checks
■ patient documentation.
Machine checks
During installation and acceptance of new equipment, calibration data are obtained
to provide reference against which subsequent checks are made. Inter-comparisons
between different institutions or with national or international standards are useful
for detecting systematic errors. Quality control should then ensure that a unit
performs according to its specification and is safe for both patients and staff.
It should guarantee accuracy of dose delivered, prevent major errors, minimise
downtime for machines and encourage preventative machine maintenance. There
should be a specific quality control protocol for each unit, which outlines the test
to be performed, the methods to be used to ensure consistency in the performance
of each unit, parameters to be tested, frequency of measurement, staff responsibilities,
reference values, tolerances, action to be taken in case of deviation and rules for
documentation. Daily, weekly and extended testing of dosimetry beam alignment
and safety checks are necessary. Regular checks include tests of optical, mechanical
and computer hardware and software systems. Action levels are defined where
correction is needed before treatment can proceed. Similar checks must be carried
out for all imaging equipment and treatment planning systems. The results of daily
checks must be recorded in the control room of the treatment units and
radiographers must also record any problems in machine functioning. All other
checks, actions and maintenance work are recorded in a separate log book. Good
cooperation is needed between all staff groups. A physicist who coordinates all
quality control activity checks that tests are up to standard and reports any major
deviations to the clinician.
Dosimetry protocols
These include dose monitor calibration checks, checks of beam quality and
symmetry and evaluation of beam flatness. In vivo dosimetry systems such as TLDs
and silicon diodes must also be regularly checked and calibrated.
Planning checks
Treatment prescriptions are now mostly electronic, and recording of treatment delivery
parameters is automatic by computer systems attached to treatment machines. Reports of
activity obtained from these systems can be used for audit, and central collection of these
output data may give very useful information about patterns of radiotherapy delivery.
Individual weekly review of patients’ treatment records should verify that treatment is being
delivered as planned.
Patient documentation
Electronic systems are being used increasingly. Radiation treatment records are usually
kept separately from other hospital documents to ensure reliable rapid access. Records
should identify the patient, give clinical history and examination findings, histological
diagnosis, staging of the tumour and proposed treatment plan. There should be
written treatment policies for specific tumour sites and data should be recorded to
enable subsequent evaluation of the outcome of treatment. Written consent for
treatment is required. At the end of treatment, a summary detailing actual treatment
parameters must be prepared and appropriate continuing care of the patient assured.
A quality programme as described above is essential for the safe delivery of treatment.
It can only be achieved if each member of the team understands clearly the
boundaries of responsibility and if there is excellent coordination of all quality
control activity by a highly qualified physicist acting with the person responsible for
overall management of the radiotherapy department. Careful training of all staff
members must therefore be an integral part of any effective quality assurance system.
Information sources
Bel A, Bartelink H, Vijbrief RE et al. (1994) Transfer errors of planning CT to simulator: a possible
source of set up inaccuracies? Radiother Oncol 31: 176–80.
Bel A, van Herk M, Bartelink H et al. (1993) A verification procedure to improve patient set-up
accuracy using portal images. Radiother Oncol 29: 253–60.
BIR Working Party (2003) Geometric Uncertainties in Radiotherapy: Defining the Planning Target
Volume. British Institute of Radiology, London.
Chao KSC, Majhail N, Huang C-J et al. (2001) Intensity-modulated radiation therapy reduces late
salivary toxicity without compromising tumor control in patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma:
a comparison with conventional techniques. Radiother Oncol 61: 275–80.
Information sources
Development and Implementation of Conformal Radiotherapy in the United Kingdom (2002) Royal
College of Radiologists, London.
Dobbs HJ, Parker RP, Hodson NJ et al. (1983) The use of CT in radiotherapy treatment planning.
Radiother Oncol 1: 133–41.
Gregoire V, Coche E, Cosnard G et al. (2000) Selection and delineation of lymph node target
volumes in head and neck conformal therapy. Proposal for standardising terminology and
procedure based on the surgical experience. Radiother Oncol 56: 135–50.
Guidelines for the Management of Unscheduled Interruption or Prolongation of a Radical Course of
Radiotherapy, 2nd edn. (2002) Royal College of Radiologists, London.
Holland R, Veling S, Mravunac M et al. (1985) Histologic multifocality of Tis, T1–2 breast
carcinomas. Implications for clinical trials of breast-conserving surgery. Cancer 56: 979–90.
Hurkmans CW, Remeijer P, Lebesque JV et al. (2001) Set-up verification using portal imaging:
review of current clinical practice. Radiother Oncol 58: 105–20.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (1993) Prescribing, Recording and
Reporting Photon Beam Therapy ICRU: Report 50. ICRU, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (1999) Prescribing, Recording and
Reporting Photon Beam Therapy (supplement to ICRU Report 50): ICRU Report 62. ICRU,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (2004) Prescribing, Recording and
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LENT-SOMA Tables (1995). Radiother Oncol 35: 17–60.
McKenzie AL, van Herk M, Mijnheer B (2000) The width of margins in radiotherapy treatment plans.
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Seddon B, Bidmead M, Wilson J et al. (2000) Target volume definition in conformal radiotherapy for
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Suter B, Shoulders S, Maclean M et al. (2000) Machine verification radiographs: an opportunity for
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Taylor A, Rockall AG, Reznek RH et al. (2005) Mapping pelvic lymph nodes: guidelines for
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Webb S (2005) Contemporary IMRT: Developing Physics and Clinical Implementation. Institute of
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Wong JW, Sharpe MB, Jaffray DA et al. (1999) The use of active breathing control (ABC) to reduce
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World Health Organization (1988) Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy. WHO, Geneva.
Yan D, Ziaja E, Jaffray D et al. (1998) The use of adaptive radiation therapy to reduce setup error: a
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prostate cancer: early toxicity and biochemical outcome in 772 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 53: B1111–16.
3 Radiobiology and
treatment planning
where SF is the surviving fraction, d is the given single dose and α and β are
parameters characteristic of the cells concerned. The ratio α/β gives the relative
importance of the linear dose term and the quadratic dose term for those cells, and
controls the shape of the survival curve (Fig. 3.1). When α/β is large, the linear
term predominates, so a plot of log (SF) against d is relatively straight, while if α/β
is small, the quadratic term is more important, giving a plot with greater curvature.
For cells whose survival curves have a lower α/β ratio, doubling the dose leads to
more than doubling of the effect on log (SF). Such cells will be particularly sensitive
to changes in fraction size when radiation is given as a fractionated schedule.
Effects on tissues
0 Dose (Gy)
Small α/β
Figure 3.1 Two contrasting survival curves for irradiated cells, with log of the surviving
fraction (SF) plotted against single radiation dose. The more steeply curving survival curve
has the lower α/β ratio when fitted to the linear-quadratic equation.
Notice that the survival curve parameters appear as a ratio in this expression, which
means that only this single number for a tissue need be known in order to apply
the equation. In fact, α/β estimates have been made and tabulated for many
tissues. Late-responding tissues are usually found to have low values of α/β (about
3 Gy), while acute-responding tissues have higher values (about 10 Gy). (This
means that the cells of late-responding tissues have more steeply curving survival
curves.) Tumours are more variable; many are like acute-responding tissues, with
α/β values of 10 Gy or more, but recent estimates for breast tumours suggest
lower values. In practice, Equation 3.2 is often used to compare an unfamiliar
schedule with a standard schedule which would have the same effect. Most
usefully, the unfamiliar schedule can be assessed by asking what total dose, given
as 2 Gy fractions, would have the same effect (on that tissue) as the unfamiliar
schedule. This is helpful for determining whether the unfamiliar schedule is ‘hot’
or ‘cold’. For example, consider a schedule which consists of 10 twice-weekly
fractions of 4 Gy to a total dose of 40 Gy in 5 weeks. In Equation 3.2, let d1 be
4 Gy and D1 be 40 Gy. If we now set d2 2 Gy, and calculate D2 (for a particular
choice of tissue α/β), we shall get the total dose given as 2 Gy fractions which
would have the same effect on that tissue as the schedule D1, d1. Notice, however,
that the calculation depends on the assumed value of α/β. For this example, we
shall repeat the calculation for acute-responding and late-responding tissues. For
acute-responding tissues (α/β 10 Gy) we find that D2 47 Gy, while for late-
responding tissues (α/β 3 Gy), we find that D2 56 Gy. Therefore, the new
schedule is expected to be ‘hotter’ in terms of its effects on late-responding than
Volume effects
on acute-responding tissues, but it is no ‘hotter’ than a conventional radical
regimen (e.g. 60 Gy in 2 Gy fractions).
It should be noted that the simple LQ model does not allow for differences in
total time between the schedules, which are therefore presumed to be given in the
same overall time (5 weeks in this case), despite their different fractionation
patterns. This restriction is not so important for late-responding tissues (for which
the total time is a minor variable), but the results for acute-responding tissues (for
which the time factor can be significant) need to be interpreted cautiously with this
limitation of the model borne in mind.
In recent years, the LQ model has been developed extensively and applied to
more complex schedules, including brachytherapy. The standard schedule with
which an unfamiliar schedule is to be compared is not necessarily one using 2 Gy
fractions. A rather abstract standard schedule, more appealing to mathematicians
than to clinicians, is a hypothetical regimen in which a very large number of small
fractions are given (mathematically, an infinite number of zero-sized fractions are
given, but to a finite total dose). The equivalent total dose calculated for such a
schedule is called the biological effective dose (BED). It is usually quite a large
dose (e.g. 100 Gy for a typical radical regimen) because it represents the limit of
tissue sparing by fractionation, i.e. the total dose that could be given if the
individual fraction size were vanishingly small. Linear quadratic calculations
performed using BED are mathematically equivalent to those performed with the
standard regimen taken to be one using 2 Gy fractions, although the latter has the
advantage of clinical familiarity. An important feature of the LQ model in its
various forms is the recognition that the cells of different tissues differ in their
survival curve shape and therefore respond differently to changes in fraction size.
Since a target volume may contain several tissue types as well as the tumour, a
change of fractionation regimen will affect these components differently. There is
therefore no such thing as a regimen which is ‘generally equivalent’ to some other
regimen – the regimens can only be matched (by choice of total dose) for
equivalent effects on each specific tissue.
Volume effects
Together with the total dose and fractionation schedule, target volume is a major
variable in radiotherapy. For a given fractionation regimen, higher doses can usually
be given when volumes at the same site are small rather than large. Normal tissues
are required to perform orchestrated functions, which can be impaired in various
ways by irradiation. Most normal tissues also cannot regenerate from a single
surviving cell. However, tissue recovery may be assisted by immigration of
unirradiated neighbouring cells, particularly if the treatment volume is small.
Volume is also an important determinant of normal tissue response to a given dose,
first because larger volumes provide less opportunity for tissues to draw on their
‘functional reserve’ and second because larger irradiated volumes make it more
likely that a critical volume element will exceed some upper dose limit. These factors
differ according to tissue structure, and vary from one treatment to another.
In general, the normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) increases with
dose (for a given fractionation regimen) and with the irradiated volume. It is
important to know, at least approximately, how changes in irradiated volume at a
particular site will affect the tolerance dose which can safely be given. The
‘tolerance dose’ may arbitrarily be defined as that dose which gives no more than
5 per cent incidence of significant side effects, based on clinical experience. A body
of data has been amassed which provides some simple ‘rules of thumb’ concerning
the trade-off between treatment volume and tolerance dose, but these need to be
used very cautiously. Tolerance is affected not only by volume, but also by
radiation sensitivity and fraction size, and tolerance to the various new schedules
in use must be carefully confirmed by clinical studies. In some cases, radiation
injury may result from an excessively high dose to a small tissue element within the
treatment volume. The possibility of ensuring better homogeneity of dose
distribution with IMRT may help to ameliorate this problem.
50 SF2 0.6
SF2 0.5
SF2 0.4
7 8 9 10 11 12
Log (cell numb
Figure 3.2 Shows the calculated number of 2 Gy fractions to achieve 90 per cent cure
probability, as a function of tumour cell population number, for differing values of cellular
intrinsic radiosensitivity (expressed as the surviving fraction following a single 2 Gy
treatment, SF2). Moderate variation of SF2, as seen between cells of different tumour
types, leads to large differences in the number of 2 Gy treatment fractions required for
90 per cent cure probability. In some cases, the predicted number of fractions required is
much larger than could be safely given.
modest change in the number of treatments and hence the total dose required. For
example, the number of treatments required for a tumour of 104 cells is just half
the number required for 108 cells. It is because of this logarithmic relationship that
quite high total doses have to be given to regions containing only microscopic
spread (in fact often about half the dose given to the bulk tumour). Within regions
of microscopic spread it is likely that the tumour cell density will gradually
decrease, on average, with increasing distance from the visible edge. This suggests
that the radiotherapy dose should similarly decrease with distance, roughly in
proportion to log cell density. Although the cell density distribution will not be
known in detail, it is possible that a tapering dose distribution, such as occurs in a
conventional plan with a peripheral dose gradient, or achieved with IMRT and
deliberate dose modulation within the volume, could be advantageous. A second
feature of the model is that a small change in SF2 has quite a large effect on the
required total dose (compare the three curves shown in Fig. 3.2). Small variations
in the intrinsic radiosensitivity of tumour cells could result in a tumour being easily
curable, or completely incurable, by a radiotherapy regimen.
Another feature of the dose–cure relationship is the steepness of the increase in
tumour cure probability with total dose, illustrated in Figure 3.3. In this figure,
the solid curves show the dose–cure relationships for a series of tumours with
slightly different parameters, and they can be seen to be increasing steeply with
total dose in all cases. This implies that relatively small differences in total dose
Figure 3.3 The solid lines in this figure show the expected relationship between total
radiation dose and cure probability for individual tumours with differing radiosensitivity and
cell number. The curves are sigmoid in shape, located at different positions on the dose
axis, and each is quite steep. The broken line shows the much shallower dose-response
usually seen when proportion cured is plotted against dose for groups of tumours, as in
clinical trial studies. The shallower response is thought to result from the heterogeneity of
the tumours in each dose group.
could make a significant difference to cure probability for each tumour. However,
these steep relationships are not seen in the dose–cure relationships for treatment
of groups of tumours with differing parameters, such as occur in clinical studies
with patient groups. The broken line in Fig. 3.3 shows the much shallower
gradient which is typically observed in such studies. The shallow gradient of the
curve for tumour groups is the resultant of a series of steep curves for individual
tumours with differing radiosensitivities. This has some significance when we
consider the importance of moderate changes in total dose when treating
individual patients. The importance of a dose increment in treating an individual
tumour depends on how close the treatment regimen has come to achieving cure.
For a large or resistant tumour (such as glioblastoma) with cure probability close
to zero, a modest dose increment will make little difference. Conversely, for a small
or highly sensitive tumour (such as seminoma) with cure probability close to unity,
a small dose increment again makes little difference. However, if the treatment
regimen achieves a cure probability close to 50 per cent (such as head and neck
tumours), it is in this situation that the dose–response curve is as steep as that
calculated from the Poisson model. This means that for any individual patient
there is some probability, usually unknown, that a large change in tumour control
probability will result from a small change in delivered dose. Even where the
average dose–response curve for patient groups is known to be shallow, a minority
of patients may benefit substantially from small changes in the given dose. It is
these patients for whom the choice of treatment plan may be especially critical.
Tumour radiobiology
Tumour radiobiology
It is believed that the main factors controlling tumour response to fractionated
radiotherapy are the so-called ‘five Rs’ of radiobiology (Table 3.1). Currently, the
most important of these factors are thought to be the intrinsic radiosensitivity of
cells and the kinetics of repopulation of surviving cells.
Intrinsic radiosensitivity varies between different tumour cell lines in culture,
with cell lines derived from clinically resistant tumour types having a statistical
tendency towards higher SF2 values. SF2 measurements on tumours are technically
difficult and time-consuming, and techniques are not yet clinically available to help
predict radiosensitivity of tumour and normal tissues in individual patients.
Although tumours are very diverse, the radiobiological properties of most
tumours are similar to those of acute-responding tissues, i.e. a high α/β ratio,
moderate sensitivity to changes in fraction size, and some dependence on total
treatment time. The role of treatment time has been controversial, but it is now
widely believed that many tumours repopulate rapidly during the latter part of a
course of radiotherapy, and that any factor which prolongs time in treatment could
lead to significantly reduced tumour cure probability. Attempts are currently being
made to identify which tumours are most capable of rapid repopulation by
measuring kinetic parameters. Measurements of tumour kinetics to detect those
most capable of rapid repopulation are possible using thymidine analogues, but
these tests are not yet available to use as predictive tools for individual patients.
Treatment scheduling
Conventionally, radiotherapy schedules have consisted of multiple fractions of 2 Gy
delivered for 5 days a week over several weeks. The total dose is usually limited by
anticipated risk of injury to late-responding tissues, although there are situations
where acute responses (e.g. mucosal reactions) are the main concern. Treatment
schedules with this structure probably take advantage of differences between the
survival curves of cells in late-responding tissues (low α/β ratio and fraction size
sensitivity) and the survival curves of those in typical tumours (with higher α/β
ratios). This means that late-responding tissues are spared to a greater extent than
most tumours by the use of small fractions, giving a favourable therapeutic ratio.
Late responses are not strongly influenced by overall treatment time, and it would
be desirable to make the latter as short as possible in order to minimise the
Treatment plan and ‘double trouble’
opportunities for tumour repopulation. However, this must be balanced by the
need to allow time for reoxygenation of hypoxic cells during therapy, and there also
may be an adverse effect of reduced treatment time on acute-responding tissues
(which also have reduced opportunities for repopulation).
There is now considerable experience with different schedules of treatment (for
details, see Table 3.2). All these changes in scheduling may bring important gains
in tumour control. However, tumours are known to be extremely heterogeneous
with regard to cell survival parameters and growth kinetics, as well as other
properties. It is unlikely that any one schedule is ideal for treatment of all tumours,
even those of a single pathological type, and it would be highly desirable to select
treatment schedules for individual patients on the basis of the radiobiological and
kinetic parameters for each tumour. Predictive tests are not yet sufficiently reliable
to be used in this way, but individualised scheduling based on biological assay is a
likely development for the future.
Hyperfractionation Tumours resemble Multiple daily fractions Increased tumour Increased Increased
acute-reacting tissues of less than 2 Gy using cell kill
with high α/β ratio an increased number of
fractions to give an
increased total dose
Accelerated High rate of repopulation Reduced overall treatment Increased tumour Increased Minimal
in tumours may time. Same fraction size, 6 h cell kill Increase
eliminate proliferation. interval between treatments
Time factor for late if used with hyperfractionation.
effects relatively Six or seven times a week
unimportant for daily fractions
Accelerated Combines the advantages Benefit of this approach either Increased tumour Increased Decreased
hyperfractionation of hyperfractionation with reduced total dose or cell kill or same
(CHART, concomitant and acceleration shorter overall treatment time
Hypofractionation May help to overcome Decreased number of fractions Same or increased Same or increased Increased if total
radio-resistance. Is of increased fraction size. cell kill dose is unchanged.
possible for some sites Suitable for small volume, Same if dose is
where normal tissue high-precision treatments decreased
reactions are not dose
limiting. Reduces overall
time eliminating proliferation
Information sources
the same effect on late-responding tissues when given as 2 Gy fractions. Isodose
curves can be constructed using the ‘radiobiological dose’ and compared with
more conventional isodose plots using the physical dose. Algorithms have been
developed which can be incorporated in commercial treatment planning systems
and used to compute radiobiological treatment plans. Alternatively, LQ transformed
DVHs (which incorporate the biological effects of changing fraction size within
the volume) can be computed and the biologically equivalent dose to the hottest
and coldest parts of the volume calculated.
Future directions
Careful analysis of data from clinical trials of novel fractionation schemes after
long-term follow up of late effects will permit refinement of understanding of the
LQ model. This will stimulate further investigation, particularly of shortened
courses of radiotherapy, which, if isoeffective with conventional fractionation,
would bring benefits to both patients and healthcare providers. Widespread use of
IMRT with functional imaging makes it possible to improve homogeneity within
a treatment volume or to plan for inhomogeneity according to defined biological
characteristics of the tumour.
Information sources
Ling CC, Humm J, Larson S (2000) Towards multi-dimensional radiotherapy (MD-CRT): biological
imaging and biological conformality. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 47: 551–60.
Royal College of Radiologists (2008) The Timely Delivery of Radical Radiotherapy: standards and
guidelines for the management of unscheduled treatment interruptions. Royal College of
Radiologists, London.
Steel GG (ed) (2002) Basic Clinical Radiobiology, 3rd edn. Hodder Arnold, London.
4 Organs at risk and
tolerance of normal
Therapeutic ratio
When considering how to achieve the best outcome from radiotherapy in the
treatment of tumours, it is critical to understand the concept of therapeutic ratio.
Cure is always achieved at some cost in terms of normal tissue damage. There must
be a balance between trying to ensure that all tumour cells receive a lethal dose of
radiation and that acute and late effects are tolerable. The total dose, dose per
fraction, treated volume and addition of drugs (radiochemotherapy) will all affect
this balance, as will individual factors for each patient (e.g. age, comorbidity and
intrinsic tissue radiosensitivity).
In some clinical situations, the frequency or severity of late effects drives a
reduction in radiotherapy dose. For example, concern about the high incidence of
second malignancies after radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma has led to
chemotherapy being used in preference. In some paediatric tumours with high cure
rates (Wilms’, germ cell tumours), research has focused on lowering radiotherapy
dose to see if late effects can be reduced without compromising cure.
More commonly, a desire to increase radiotherapy dose to improve cure rates may
be limited by the response of normal tissues to radiation. However, although the
optimal balance of cure and side effects may have been reached for one radiotherapy
technique, further dose escalation may be possible with more precise treatment
delivery or better patient support. If a more conformal technique is used, the dose
to critical structures may be reduced and dose hot-spots or cold-spots in individual
sites or in parts of tumours can be minimised. Improvements in patient support, such
as using gastrostomy tubes for feeding patients undergoing head and neck
radiotherapy, may make acute effects more tolerable. A better understanding of the
mechanisms of late effects is helping to produce a less nihilistic approach to their
management. There are specialist teams now providing a multidisciplinary therapeutic
approach to the management of late effects of pelvic and breast radiation.
Any change to a treatment regimen, such as the use of IMRT, a dose increase
or addition of chemotherapy or biological agents, will change the therapeutic
ratio. The challenge for the radiation oncologist is to ensure that this change
improves the ratio and that an increase in dose is not counteracted by an increase
in unmanageable acute or serious late effects. TCP (tumour control probability)
and NTCP (normal tissue complication probability) are mathematical models used
to predict effects of such changes. However, to know whether a new treatment has
really produced better outcomes overall, and to inform and improve the reliability
of these modelling estimates, good clinical data must be collected, not only for
outcome measures relating to tumour control, but also for acute and late normal
tissue damage.
Organs at risk
Normal tissue effects can be specified in relation to the probability of them
occurring, their severity and their timing. Radiation injury may be expressed soon
after treatment (early effects) or after 6 months up to many years later (late effects).
Subsequent treatment, as for example with anthracyclines, may reveal latent,
previously asymptomatic, damage. Expression of damage may depend on genetic
susceptibility. It has been estimated that 20 per cent of the observed variation in
normal tissue sensitivity to radiation is random and 80 per cent deterministic,
including that due to genetic variations. No single gene has been isolated but
several conditions are known to predispose to abnormal radiation sensitivity. These
include ataxia telangiectasia, Fanconi’s anaemia and Bloom’s syndrome.
Underlying all normal tissue damage, there is a mechanism of dysregulated
repair of the radiation injury. Fibroblastic proliferation and extracellular matrix
deposition are influenced by cytokine and growth factor release and may lead to
endothelial proliferation and subsequent fibrosis. This is common in soft tissues
such as skin, breast, bowel, lung, kidney and liver. Alternatively, cell death may
lead to atrophy or necrosis of tissues as may occur with bone, nerves or brain.
Late damage will also depend on the hierarchical organisation of the irradiated
tissue at risk – whether the cells are serial in arrangement (e.g. spinal cord) or
parallel (e.g. liver).
Organs at risk
The ICRU defines OAR as those normal tissues which lie adjacent to tumours and
may therefore be included within treated volumes, with a risk that the radiation may
impair their normal functioning. Preparation of a treatment plan involves outlining
in three dimensions not only tumour and its potential extensions, but also any OAR.
OAR should be outlined according to protocols so that dose can be correlated
with end effect and comparisons made between institutions. For example in lung
cancer, the OAR volume for the normal lung is variously defined as the whole of
both lungs, lungs with GTV subtracted or lungs with PTV subtracted. The volume
of OAR can be expanded in three dimensions to take account of organ movement
and of systematic and random errors in treatment delivery. This will create a PRV
in the same way that a CTV is expanded to form a PTV.
There is a risk that the increasing awareness of organ motion and treatment
delivery errors will lead to larger PTVs and larger PRVs, which may overlap when
a dose solution is chosen. While it may be theoretically correct to generate a PRV
for each organ so that with each fraction the true location of that organ will be
within the PRV, in practice, dose limits for organs at risk are usually applied to the
OAR as defined on the planning images. One exception is the spinal cord where a
more conservative approach is often taken because of the potential severity of late
effects (paralysis). The cord itself can be contoured and a 3–5 mm margin added
isotropically to produce a PRV. Alternatively, the spinal canal is contoured as the
organ at risk which effectively adds a margin to the OAR. This approach also
makes it possible to make comparisons with data derived from 2D planning where
the spinal canal was considered to represent the cord.
For some tumours, the PTV can be treated with a plan where accepted tolerance
doses to normal tissues are not exceeded. But sometimes the clinician may need to
make a value judgement about the relative risks of possible normal tissue damage
and loss of tumour control. It is important to consider the type and severity of the
effect, the possible consequences of a local tumour recurrence and how an
individual patient may tolerate radiotherapy. For example, late damage to the spinal
cord resulting in paralysis may be catastrophic, whereas an oesophageal stricture or
a cataract may be treatable. It may be acceptable to irradiate one kidney to high
dose if the contralateral one is functioning normally, but not in the presence of
hypertensive nephropathy. In postoperative radiotherapy for a tumour close to the
optic nerve, using a lower dose of radiation to try to keep within accepted tolerance
may increase the risk of blindness from a local recurrence. In trying to prevent
blindness, the risk of not giving adequate dose to the PTV may be greater than the
risk of normal tissue damage. In the same patient, the acceptable dose to the
ipsilateral and contralateral optic nerves may therefore be different.
Tolerance doses
There are very few prospective dose escalation studies of radiation, analogous to
phase 1 studies of new drugs, to help determine the maximum tolerated dose of
radiotherapy. The tables of tolerance doses which are used in clinical practice are
often extrapolated from laboratory or animal studies or at best relate to
radiotherapy given many years ago with techniques and technology which have
been superseded by 3D planning and treatment delivery. In addition, the fraction
size, dose rate, volume treated, concomitant therapy and comorbidity will all affect
the probability of late effects occurring in an individual. A tolerance dose needs to
be interpreted in this context. Moreover tolerance doses will change over time as 3D
dose distributions are correlated with late effects in the modern era. Nevertheless
it is possible to give guidance as to the chance that a given dose will produce a
given side effect and to define safe limits to use when devising a plan.
Correlating the risk of side effects with 2D dose distributions led to the production
of TD5/5 tables which are still used clinically today. These provide an estimate of
the dose which gives a 5 per cent probability of a given late effect 5 years after
treatment. Similarly a TD50/5 is the dose giving a 50 per cent risk of a particular
effect at 5 years. From these point estimates, models to predict probability of
normal tissue complications were developed such as the Lyman-probit and the
Kallman-relative seriality models.
While point doses such as TD5/5 may be useful for some serial organs such as
the spinal cord where exceeding a dose threshold at any point can compromise
whole organ function, they are less useful in organs composed of parallel subunits.
The advent of 3D planning has made it possible to describe the dose given to a
volume of tissue and to correlate it with acute and late effects. This description is
usually in the form of a DVH.
A DVH is a plot of dose of radiation on the x-axis and per cent volume of the
structure of interest on the y-axis. The shape and area under the DVH curve are used
to ensure that the target volume is adequately covered with a homogeneous dose and
that dose to critical structures is within acceptable limits. A 3D planning system can
calculate the dose in each pixel of the organ outlined and sum these to produce a
DVH. From this, the percentage of the volume of an organ receiving a given dose
(d) can be read – Vd. From the x-axis, the mean, median doses, etc. can be calculated.
Figure 4.1 shows a DVH for a lung plan where the V20 (volume of lung receiving
Tolerance doses
more than 20 Gy) is 7.89 per cent and the mean lung dose (total lung volume – PTV)
is 6 Gy. DVHs can also be used to evaluate dose given to a PTV. A plan should ideally
produce a steep curve showing that the dose within the PTV varies from no more than
95 per cent to 107 per cent of that prescribed in accordance with ICRU50 (Fig. 4.2);
DVHs for multiple volumes can be plotted on the same axes.
Dose (Gy)
100.0 100.0
90.0 90.0
Ratio of total structure volume (%)
80.0 80.0
Mean lung dose 6 Gy
70.0 70.0
60.0 60.0
50.0 50.0
40.0 40.0
30.0 30.0
20.0 Dose 30.3% (19.99 Gy) 20.0
Volume 7.89%
10.0 10.0
0.0 0.0
Figure 4.1 DVH for a lung plan for a small peripheral tumour receiving 66 Gy in 33
fractions where the V20 (volume of lung receiving more than 20 Gy) is 7.89 per cent and
the mean lung dose (total lung volume – PTV) is 6 Gy.
Figure 4.2 Plan with dose colourwash showing dose within the PTV varying from 95 per cent
to 103.2 per cent of that prescribed, in accordance with ICRU50.
If DVHs are obtained from a series of patients in whom acute or late effects are
recorded, points on the DVH can be correlated with the probability of these effects
occurring. Thus, for parotid sparing IMRT, the chance of producing long-term
xerostomia correlates best with a mean dose to the contralateral parotid gland of
more than 24 Gy. For lung radiotherapy, the chance of symptomatic lung fibrosis
correlates best with a V20 of 32 per cent. These are the usual limits for an
acceptable plan. It must be remembered that these limits essentially still simplify a
3D dose distribution into a single dose, albeit the dose that is best correlated with
effect measured in a series of patients.
It is therefore essential to view and record the whole DVH for a volume rather
than just one dose point. This can be particularly useful when comparing two plans
for the same patient. Consider DVHs for the PTV and the lung in two possible
plans for a stage 3 lung cancer. Plan A conforms better to the PTV but with a V20
of 35 per cent. Plan B underdoses more of the PTV but has a V20 of 30 per cent.
The clinician must decide whether it is preferable to risk lung fibrosis to optimise
PTV coverage or whether, for this patient, a higher risk of fibrosis is unacceptable
and PTV coverage must be compromised.
DVH calculations do not take into account all the biological variables which
may determine a treatment outcome and the concept of BED has been developed
by Withers and colleagues (see Wilson 2007), based on the LQ model (see Chapter 3)
to allow comparison of equivalent doses delivered to a particular structure for
other dose/fractionation schedules. The formula for BED is:
BED {n*d [1 d/(α/β)]} – [(0.693*T)/( α*Tp)] (4.1)
where n number of treatments, d dose per fraction, T treatment time and
α/β 3 Gy (for late effects). Tp (potential doubling time), and α (linear
component of cell killing) are taken from published data for each tumour.
Equivalent uniform dose (EUD) is another method of summarising and
reporting inhomogeneous dose distributions which assumes that any two dose
distributions are equivalent if they cause the same radiobiological effect. A project,
known as Quantec, has recently been established to try to summarise 3D dose/
volume/outcome data in a clinically useful manner.
■ Spinal cord
Because a possible consequence of late radiation damage is irreversible paralysis,
treatments have been cautious and there is a shortage of clinical data on which to
base estimates of spinal cord tolerance. The constraints employed are therefore
necessarily conservative.
The spinal cord should either be defined with a 5 mm margin to produce a PRV
or the spinal canal contoured as a PRV. Dose to any part of the cord should be less
than 46 Gy. A small part (1 cm3) may receive up to 50 Gy. If more than 15 cm
length of cord is treated, the dose to any part of the cord should be less than
44 Gy. If dose per fraction is increased due to inhomogeneity of the plan (e.g. 103
per cent to spinal cord) and/or hypofractionation schedules are used, total dose to
the spinal cord must be lowered.
When palliative radiotherapy is repeated – for example, for spinal cord compression
or when the prognosis is short – a higher dose may be used if withholding treatment
is more likely to give a poor outcome than exceeding a theoretical dose limit.
Brainstem 1/3 60 54
2/3 53 65 V60 0.9 mL 1% up to 60
3/3 50
Peripheral nerves 60
Pituitary gland 20–24
(hormone production)
Permanent hair loss 45–55
Optic nerve 50–55
Optic chiasm 50
Lacrimal gland 32–35
Lens 10
Retina Whole 45 45–50
volume 60
Cornea 48
Cochlea 50
Parotid 2/3 32 46 V30 45% 24
3/3 32 46
Epiphyses before 10
fusion in children
Femoral heads V50 50
Heart 1/3 60 70 V40 30 Dmax 60
2/3 45 55 V30 40–45
3/3 40 50 V20 50
Lung 1/3 45 65 V30 10–15
2/3 30 40 V20 25
3/3 17.5 24.5 Mean 10
Kidney 1/3 50
2/3 20–30 40 Mean 17.5 Gy
3/3 23 28
Table 4.1 Continued
Data taken from multiple sources including personal records, Emani et al. (1991), Milano et al. (2007).
EUD, equivalent uniform dose; TD, total dose.
The use of tolerance doses is more applicable to head and neck cancers where
the PTV is close to neural tissue. If the brain is not part of the target volume, dose
to any part should not exceed 60 Gy.
The brainstem is traditionally regarded as more radiosensitive than the cerebrum.
It should not receive more than 54 Gy (1 per cent up to 60 Gy). For peripheral
nerves such as the brachial plexus, dose should be limited to 60 Gy.
■ Mucosa
Volume irradiated should be minimised to reduce acute mucositis. To prevent
oesophageal stricture, the length of oesophagus in the treated volume is kept as
short as possible and ideally 10 cm.
■ Lung
Late fibrosis is best correlated with V20 with a target of 32 per cent of the lung-
PTV volume receiving more than 20 Gy. Other DVH parameters including mean
lung dose are also sometimes used.
■ Kidney
TD5/5 for the whole kidney is 23 Gy. Dose to two-thirds of one kidney (and
ideally both) should be below 20 Gy.
■ Liver
If the whole liver is irradiated, dose should be 30 Gy to avoid radiation hepatitis.
V30 should be below 60 per cent.
■ Second malignancies
Any radiation dose increases the risk of second malignancy so no safe dose limits
can be given. In principle, the irradiated volume should be kept as small as
possible. Techniques such as IMRT which use multiple beams may increase the
volume of normal tissue irradiated and theoretically increase the risk of second
malignancy. It will take decades before data on the incidence of second malignancies
is obtained so the possible increase can only be estimated from biological modelling.
Clinical experience with radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma, where the absolute
incidence of second malignancies after mantle radiotherapy is 30 per cent at 30 years,
shows the importance of long-term follow-up and data collection in the assessment
of late effects, particularly when a new treatment technique is introduced.
Information sources
Chan L, Xia P, Gottschalk M et al. (2008) Proposed rectal dose constraints for patients undergoing
definitive whole pelvic radiotherapy for clinically localised prostate cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 72: 69–77.
Information sources
Chon BH, Loeffler JS (2002) The effect of nonmalignant systemic disease on tolerance to radiation
therapy. Oncologist 7: 136–43.
Drzymala RE, Mohan R, Brewster L et al. (1991) Dose-volume histograms. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 21: 71–8.
Emani B, Lyman J, Brown A et al. (1991) Tolerance of normal tissue to irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 21: 109–22.
Franklin JG, Paus MD, Pluetschow A et al. (2006) Second malignancy risk associated with treatment
of Hodgkin’s lymphoma: meta-analysis of the randomised trials. Ann Oncol 17: 1749–60.
Larrier NA, Marks LB (2007) What radiation dose is safe in non-small cell lung cancer? Nat Clin
Pract Oncol 4: 80–1.
Lee SP, Leu MY, Smathers JB et al. (1995) Biologically effective dose distribution based on the
linear quadratic model and its clinical relevance. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 33: 375–89.
Marks L (2008) MO-D-AUD A-02: A clinician’s view of Quantec. Med Phys 35: 2863–4.
Milano MT, Constine LS, Okunieff P (2007) Normal tissue tolerance doses. Semin Radiat Oncol
17: 131–40.
Niemerko A (1997) Reporting and analyzing dose distributions: a concept of equivalent uniform
dose. Med Phys 24: 103–10.
Wilson G (2007) Cell kinetics. Clin Oncol 19: 370–84.
5 Principles of
Brachy is from the Greek word for ‘short’ so brachytherapy (also known as sealed
source radiotherapy) roughly translated means short-distance therapy. A radioactive
material is inserted directly into or next to a tumour and concentrates the dose there.
The dose falls off very rapidly according to the inverse square law, and surrounding
normal tissues receive substantially lower doses than the tumour. When 65 Gy are
delivered at 0.5 cm from the source, the dose at 2 cm is only 4.06 Gy.
As well as its physical advantages, there are also biological advantages. Low dose
rate (LDR) brachytherapy is a type of extreme hyperfractionation and is therefore
relatively sparing to normal tissues. The dose rate may be low but it is delivered
continuously, which shortens overall treatment time and reduces the opportunity
for tumour repopulation during treatment. Conversely, high dose rate (HDR)
brachytherapy must be fractionated to avoid normal tissue morbidity. Three dose
rate bands are defined: LDR (1 Gy/h), medium dose rate (MDR) (1 to
12 Gy/h) and HDR (12 Gy/h). It is important to remember that if the dose
rate is increased, a dose reduction is needed to give a biologically isoeffective dose.
When changing from low to medium dose rate (e.g. changing from LDR
intracavitary brachytherapy to MDR), a dose correction of approximately minus
15 per cent is needed. Other advantages of brachytherapy include the accurate
localisation and immobilisation of the tumour, which removes the problems of
organ movement and set-up errors seen with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT).
The disadvantages of brachytherapy are the operative nature of the procedures
often needed to access the tumour, the requirement for skilled personnel, and
the radiation protection measures needed to protect patient, staff and general
Brachytherapy is considered whenever possible for accessible localised tumours
of relatively small volume. It is contraindicated where tumour infiltrates bone,
where the margins of the tumour or target volume are not clearly identifiable and
where there is active infection in the tissues. Brachytherapy is used as a radical
single modality treatment or in combination with EBRT to deliver a boost dose.
It can be used after surgical excision to irradiate a tumour bed. Isotopes used for
brachytherapy are shown in Table 5.1.
■ Delivery systems
With interstitial brachytherapy, sources are inserted directly into tissue. Iridium-
192 wire is ideal and can be cut to any length and curved as required. It is used as
hair pins to treat cancer of the anterior tongue, or looped to treat base of tongue
Clinical use
Table 5.1 Isotopes for brachytherapy
Clinical use
Table 5.2 shows some of the common sites treated with brachytherapy techniques.
Table 5.2 Clinical uses of brachytherapy
The spatial configuration of brachytherapy sources in a target volume is chosen to
achieve as homogeneous a dose as possible. The dose distribution is inherently
inhomogeneous with high doses around each source, which can cause necrosis,
and low doses between sources, which can result in recurrence. An established set
of rules for implantation must be followed to achieve good dose distributions.
Several systems have been used to calculate and describe the dose distributions of
brachytherapy implants. The Manchester system is widely used for gynaecological
implants. However the GEC-ESTRO group has recently published recommendations
on target volume concepts and plan evaluation using DVHs (see Chapter 32). The
Paris system was specifically designed for use with iridium wire afterloading
techniques. Both these systems use traditional dose formalism for manual calculations
with reference to precalculated data such as Paterson–Parker tables for needle implants,
and the cross-line graphs or escargot curves for iridium wire. These systems have
been adapted for computer calculations which follow the TG43 formalism,
published in 1995 by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Task group 43. The sources must be distributed according to the particular
dosimetry system used and the method of dose specification and prescription
System for iridium wire implants
adhered to. Previously it was always important to plan in advance the number and
distribution of radioactive sources. With modern implant and dosimetry techniques,
it is now possible to perform dynamic intraoperative dosimetry, e.g. for prostate
seed implants, which reduces the amount of preplanning needed and avoids
repositioning errors. An estimate of the volume to be implanted and the number
of sources still needs to be made and the sources must be distributed according to
the system used.
of the hairpin ignoring the cross piece. Computer systems can now allow rotation
of the implant in 3D to visualise the implant and central plane.
The calculation then uses the basal dose rate, which is the dose in the middle of
the implanted volume where the dose rate is lowest. The basal dose rate at a point
is the summation of dose rate contributions from each source according to the
distance of the source from the point. In the case of a large implant, there may be
several basal dose rate points, and a mean basal dose rate is taken for the implant
as a whole (Fig. 5.1).
(a) (b)
Figure 5.1 Basal dose rate point for two different volume implants arranged in (a) one
and (b) two equilateral triangles.
Once the basal dose rate at the centre of the implant is known, the reference
dose is taken as 85 per cent of the basal dose rate. This is then used to calculate
the duration of the implant and the 85 per cent isodose defines the treated volume.
The time needed for the implant is derived by dividing the prescribed dose by the
reference dose rate and takes into account the activity of the wire used and
radioactive decay during the implant. An example is shown in Table 5.3.
It is important to know the relationship between volume treated and length and
separation of sources used when performing an implant. The following apply to
implants according to the Paris system:
■ the length of the treated volume is approximately 70 per cent of the length of
the active sources (Fig. 5.2)
■ the thickness of the treated volume in a single-plane implant is approximately
50 per cent of the separation between the sources
■ the treatment margin around a volume implant performed in triangles is
30–40 per cent of the distance between the sides of the triangle
■ the ratio of treated volume to source length or separation increases as more
sources are used.
With the increased use of computer programmes for dose calculation, there is a
tendency to prescribe to computer-derived isodoses. The isodose for prescription
is chosen where the dose gradient is very steep, and there may be wide variation
between the dose at the periphery and that at the centre of the target volume.
A considerable proportion of the implanted volume may therefore receive a higher
Dose reporting
Table 5.3 Calculation for breast implant
1 2 5 cm
3 4 5 7 cm
Wire A B C
Distance Dose rate Distance Dose rate Distance Dose rate
(mm) (Gy/h) (mm) (Gy/h) (mm) (Gy/h)
dose than that at the periphery. For safe treatment, it is advised that the central
dose should be no more than 20 per cent higher than the peripheral dose.
Dose reporting
The ICRU report 38 (1985) gives guidance on reporting absorbed doses and
volumes for intracavitary brachytherapy. It recommends that a combination of total
reference air kerma, description of the reference volume and absorbed dose at
reference points be used to specify intracavitary applications for cervix carcinoma.
The ICRU report 58 (1997) recommends that the following information should
be reported following an interstitial implant:
■ Description of volumes:
– gross tumour volume
– clinical tumour volume
– treated volume
■ Description of sources and techniques:
– description of time pattern
– total reference air kerma (TRAK) (the sum of the products of the reference
air kerma rate and irradiation time for each source)
■ Description of doses:
– prescribed dose
– mean central dose in the central plane (equivalent to basal dose in the Paris
– peripheral dose (equivalent to the reference dose in the Paris system)
■ Description of high and low dose volumes.
A highly skilled and trained team is essential to perform brachytherapy implants
safely. Everyone in the team should be trained in the principles of radiation safety
so that the patient, staff and public are not at risk of unnecessary irradiation.
Protective measures should be in place to keep dose levels as low as reasonably
practicable (ALARP).
Information sources
■ Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999
■ Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IR(ME)R)
■ Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) Regulations 1978
(amendment 1995)
■ Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Regulations 2002
■ Radioactive Substances Act 1993
The IR(ME)R practitioner for brachytherapy must be authorised under the
Medicines (Administration of Radioactive Substances) regulations and hold a valid
ARSAC licence before being able to administer radioactive sources for brachytherapy.
The regulations allow for the safe implementation of brachytherapy in clinical practice.
Information sources
Gerbaulet A, Pötter R, Mazeron J-J et al. (2002) The GEC ESTRO Handbook of Brachytherapy.
ESTRO, Brussels.
Hoskin P, Coyle C (2005) Radiotherapy in Practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (1985) Dose and Volume
Specification for Reporting Intracavitary Therapy in Gynaecology, ICRU Report 38. Bethesda,
Maryland, USA.
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (1997) Dose and Volume
Specification for Reporting Interstitial Therapy, ICRU Report 58. Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Report of American Association of Physicists in Medicine Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group
43 (1995). Med Phys 22: 209–35. Reports 50, 62 and 71.
6 Emergency and
palliative radiotherapy
■ Clinical features
A high index of suspicion is needed to detect cases early while neurological
function is still intact. Common features of SCC in the thoracic area are back pain
(typically radicular), sensory disturbance in the lower limbs, bladder or bowel
dysfunction and leg weakness. The neurological signs are of bilateral upper motor
neurone lesions in the legs and a sensory level. Cervical cord involvement may be
suspected if there are signs and symptoms in the arms. In the lumbar spine area,
compression may be of the cauda equina, causing nerve root pain in the back and legs,
Spinal cord compression
urinary disturbance, signs of a lower motor neurone lesion in the legs and patchy
asymmetrical sensory loss. Nerve root irritation may be shown by limitation of
straight leg raising. Onset of symptoms may be insidious, or occasionally paraplegia
may develop rapidly with few preceding symptoms. Any delay in diagnosis and
treatment will impact on functional outcome. Complete sudden paraplegia is
usually associated with vascular damage and is commonly irreversible.
■ Investigations
A patient with suspected SCC needs an emergency MR scan of the whole spine,
which is the most informative and least invasive technique. There are frequently
multiple levels involved and clinical signs can appear to be out of keeping with the
vertebral level involved (Fig. 6.1).
■ Treatment
At presentation, all patients suspected to have SCC should be given high dose
steroids (e.g. dexamethasone 16 mg daily).
A neurosurgeon should urgently assess all patients who are fit for surgery,
reviewing clinical features and MRI to assess whether there is a place for
multimodality treatment. Immediate consultation is made possible with remote
image viewing. Surgery for SCC involves an anterior decompression and stabilisation
of the spine. The indications for surgery are:
There is evidence that some patients have a better functional outcome if treated
with emergency spinal decompressive surgery followed by postoperative
Some patients have very chemo-sensitive tumours such as lymphoma or small
cell carcinoma of the lung, and chemotherapy can be started urgently before
If surgery or chemotherapy are not appropriate, EBRT is given immediately to
prevent further neurological damage, to improve function and for pain relief.
■ Data acquisition
The patient is planned and treated ideally in the prone position using a direct
posterior beam to avoid increased skin dose from treatment through the couch top.
However, the supine position using an undercouch beam may be easier and more
comfortable for the patient. Treatment should be planned using a CT scanner for
virtual simulation or a simulator. Information from clinical examination and the
MR scan is used to design the target volume.
Three reference tattoos are placed at the isocentre and bilaterally.
■ Dose solutions
3D CT planning or virtual simulation may be used (Fig. 6.2). To treat the PTV
adequately at depth, a direct 6 MV photon beam may be used. For lumbosacral
lesions, a better dose distribution may be obtained with opposing beams. If
treatment is delivered with a cobalt-60 source, an extra margin for the penumbra
should be added according to departmental protocol. The field edge defined at the
simulator to cover the PTV represents the 50 per cent isodose.
The dose prescription point is the depth of the anterior spinal canal. This can be
assessed from axial imaging and usually at 5–7 cm in the cervical and thoracic
region, and at 7–8 cm in the lumbar region.
■ Dose fractionation
Palliation for good prognosis disease where radiotherapy is the
first definitive treatment and postoperatively
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
A single dose of 8 Gy may be used for palliation of pain in patients with
established paraplegia for 24 h.
Radical doses
Solitary plasmacytoma: 45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Lymphoma: 30–36 Gy in 15–18 daily fractions given in 3–31⁄2 weeks.
■ Data acquisition
Where patients cannot lie down, they may be treated sitting upright using a direct
anterior beam with margins determined from clinical examination, chest X-ray or
CT appearances mapped on the patient by reference to landmarks such as the
suprasternal notch. Beam sizes of 12 12 cm are usually adequate.
Ideally, patients should be treated supine with 3D conformal CT planning,
virtual CT simulation or simulator planning. The CT scans are taken with 3–5 mm
slices from the lower neck to the diaphragm.
Figure 6.4 Axial CT slice showing anterior and posterior opposing beams created with
virtual simulation to treat SVCO (arrowed).
The CTV is chosen according to tumour type and patterns of spread. The CTV-
PTV margin is 1–2 cm. The margin is modified to spare normal lung tissue if possible.
■ Dose solutions
3D conformal planning can be used to treat the PTV and spare as much normal
lung and spinal cord as possible. Conventionally, treatment is given with anterior
and posterior beams with MLC or lead shielding.
■ Dose fractionation
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
For some chemo-sensitive tumours, a single fraction of 4 Gy in conjunction with
chemotherapy may give adequate immediate palliation.
Bone pain
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Pain from bone metastases which persists in spite of analgesia can be successfully
treated by radiotherapy with good relief in 80 per cent of cases. The commonest
tumours to metastasise to bone are prostate, breast and lung cancers, but bone
metastases may occur from any primary tumour site. Assessment of metastatic bone
pain requires a full evaluation of the sites of metastases by isotope bone scanning or
Bone pain
MRI to determine whether local or systemic therapy is appropriate. If the cortex of
the bone is eroded and there is risk of fracture, or if the bone has already fractured,
surgical stabilisation should be performed followed by postoperative radiotherapy.
Isotope therapy of diffuse prostatic cancer bone metastases may be considered.
■ Data acquisition
Immobilisation is individualised to the patient and the site of the bone metastases
to be treated. Most sites can be treated with the patient supine, except vertebral
lesions which are ideally treated with the patient prone. This is especially relevant
for cancers with a long natural history where a possible need for re-treatment
makes skin sparing desirable, particularly over the sacrum. Ankle stocks and head
rests can be used to aid immobilisation. Lesions in the upper cervical spine are best
treated with the patient supine, immobilised in a thermoplastic shell so that
opposing lateral beams can be used to avoid irradiating the oral cavity and
pharynx. Patients who are to be treated with electron or orthovoltage applicators
can be immobilised supine, prone or on their side.
The area to be treated is planned using a virtual CT or conventional simulation
with reference to diagnostic X-rays, bone scans, CT, MRI and sites of symptoms.
■ Dose solutions
The majority of treatments are given with a single direct photon beam, for example
to the spine, or as opposing anterior and posterior beams, e.g. pelvis. Sites such as the
ribs can be treated with direct electron or orthovoltage beams. A single fraction of
8 Gy has been shown overall to be equivalent to higher doses. For large volumes,
situations where long-term survival is expected, or where long segments of spinal cord
are included, a fractionated course of treatment may reduce acute and late morbidity.
Anterior and posterior opposing beams are used for half body radiotherapy. A
lower dose is used for upper half body radiotherapy to keep lung dose within
tolerance. The prescription point for a single beam, e.g. spine, should be the depth
of the vertebral body taken from imaging and is usually between 5 cm and 7 cm
in the cervical and thoracic region and 7–8 cm in the lumbar region. The prescription
point for opposing anterior and posterior beams is the MPD. The prescription point
for electron therapy is 100 per cent on the central axis and the energy is chosen to
cover the target volume at depth by the 90 per cent isodose.
Orthovoltage beams are prescribed to Dmax at 100 per cent. A 250–500 kV beam
will give an 80 per cent isodose at a depth of 3–3.5 cm, with a relative increase in
the dose to bone compared with megavoltage and electron beams.
■ Dose-fractionation
8 Gy single fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
Bleeding from advanced tumours of the breast, bladder, bronchus and other sites
can be effectively palliated with radiotherapy. Simple arrangements such as
opposing anterior and posterior beams for treatment of the bronchus or bladder,
or small tangential beams for breast tumours, are used. The size is chosen clinically
as the smallest needed to palliate the bleeding effectively with the fewest side
effects, and may not include the whole tumour.
The following dose fractionations can be used:
Single 8 Gy fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 5 fractions given in 6 weeks (6 Gy once weekly) can be used for patient
convenience where higher doses are needed.
Information sources
NICE (2008) Metastatic Spinal Cord Compression. Guideline 75.
(accessed 4 December 2008).
Patchell RA, Tibbs PA, Regine WF et al. (2005) Direct decompressive surgical resection in the
treatment of spinal cord compression caused by metastatic cancer. A randomised trial. Lancet
Aug 20–26, 336: 643–8.
Rowell NP, Gleeson FV (2002) Steroids, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and stents for superior vena
caval obstruction in carcinoma of the bronchus: a systematic review. Clin Oncol 14: 338–51.
Sze WM, Shelley MD, Held I et al. (2003) Palliation of metastatic bone pain: single fraction versus
multifraction radiotherapy – a systematic review of randomised trials. Clin Oncol 15: 345–52.
Skin 7
Each cell type in the skin can give rise to a different type of cancer. It is convenient
to classify skin tumours into non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) and malignant
melanoma (MM). Secondary deposits from other cancers can also present in the
skin. This chapter covers the role of radiotherapy for NMSC (basal and squamous
cell carcinomas), MM and other rare tumours such as cutaneous lymphoma,
Kaposi’s sarcoma, angiosarcoma, and Merkel cell tumours. Radiotherapy is also
used for benign conditions such as keloids.
■ large lesions on the cheek which often respond with minimum scarring
■ recurrent lesions after surgery, or with incomplete excision or perineural invasion.
Relative contraindications are:
■ patients under 45 years: there is potential for deterioration of the cosmetic
outcome over time (5–10 years) and risk of second malignancy
■ large lesions involving cartilage, bone, tendons or joints: the risk of
radionecrosis is high, and cure rates are lower
■ lesions where there is uncertainty over the histology
■ lesions that recur after radiotherapy
■ hair-bearing skin such as scalp, eyebrow and eyelashes: risk of permanent epilation
■ lesions around the upper eyelid: risk of lacrimal gland dryness and upper lid
conjunctival keratinisation
■ inner canthus lesions: risk of nasolacrimal duct stenosis
■ lesions on the lower leg, back and dorsum of the hand: poor healing and radiation
sequelae, particularly telangiectasia, pigmentation, ulceration, and atrophic scarring.
These relative contraindications need to be reviewed in each individual case because
alternative treatments may produce even more problems.
Mohs’ micrographic surgery can be used in selected patients with BCCs in critical
sites such as the eyelids, ears, lips, nose, and nasolabial folds, or morphoeic or
infiltrative histological subtype, as well as in patients with recurrent BCC, especially
after radiotherapy. Incompletely excised high risk BCCs may be treated by
re-excision, or by postoperative radiotherapy.
Not all BCCs require treatment. Aggressive treatment might be inappropriate
for patients of advanced age or poor general health, especially for asymptomatic
low risk lesions that are unlikely to cause significant morbidity. Some elderly or
frail patients with symptomatic or high risk tumours prefer treatments designed to
palliate rather than cure.
■ Data acquisition
The majority of skin radiotherapy is based on clinical definition of the treatment
volumes and the use of single superficial X-ray or electron beams. In very advanced
cases with deep infiltration, a CT-planned photon or electron treatment may be
Basal cell carcinoma
The patient is positioned supine, prone or semi-prone so that the tumour to be
treated can be accessed by the superficial X-ray machine or electron applicators.
Head rests, pillows, sandbags and other supports are used to aid immobilisation as
necessary. If the patient requires a plan to treat an extensive tumour, immobilisation
will be similar to that for a head and neck cancer using a Perspex shell.
Superficial radiotherapy
Lead shielding is used to define the treatment field and protect surrounding
structures. The superficial machine applicators are applied directly to the skin or
standard lead cut-outs may be used. Irregular lesions need individualised lead cut-
outs which on the face can be made into lead masks (Fig. 7.1). The thickness of
lead depends on the energy of the beam used: 1.5 mm is adequate for 90–150 kV.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1 Lead mask with area cut out for treatment of (a) BCC of nose for superficial
radiotherapy and (b) squamous cell carcinoma of the scalp with wax bolus for electron
When treating lesions of the eyelids a lead shield must be used to protect the eye.
Internal lead contact lenses are available in various sizes and shapes (Fig. 7.2a).
They are inserted after instillation of local anaesthetic eye drops. The eye must be
protected following treatment until the local anaesthetic wears off and the corneal
reflex returns. Alternatively, a spade-shaped eye shield may be used under the lower
or upper eyelid (Fig 7.2b). An intranasal shield is used to protect the mucosa and
cartilage of the nasal septum. The gums can be protected with an internal lead
shield when lesions on the skin above the upper lip are treated, but it is important
to ensure the shield does not alter the shape of the area, causing stand-off.
(a) (b)
Figure 7.2 (a) Internal lead eye shield. (b) Spade-shaped eye shield. (c) Electron eye
Table 7.1 Sample percentage depth dose data for 80 kV (HVL 2.0 mm aluminium)
15-cm SSD
Applicator (cm) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Equivalent 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
diameter (cm)*
BSF† 1.06 1.09 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18
Depth (cm)
0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
0.5 76 78 80 81 82 83 84 84 85
1.0 58 61 64 66 68 69 71 71 72
2.0 37 40 42 44 46 48 49 50 51
3.0 24 26 28 30 32 33 34 35 36
4.0 16 18 19 21 22 23 23 24 25
5.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18
6.0 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13
7.0 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10
8.0 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7
9.0 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6
10.0 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
25-cm SSD
Applicator (cm) 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8 10 10 15
Equivalent 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 9.9 13.3
diameter (cm)*
BSF† 1.20 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.24 1.26
Depth (cm)
0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
0.5 87 88 89 90 90 89 90
1.0 76 78 79 80 81 79 80
2.0 57 59 60 61 62 60 61
3.0 42 44 45 46 48 45 47
4.0 30 32 34 35 37 34 36
5.0 22 25 26 28 29 26 28
6.0 17 19 21 22 23 21 22
7.0 13 15 16 17 19 16 18
8.0 10 12 13 14 15 13 14
9.0 8 9 10 11 12 10 11
10.0 6 7 8 8 9 8 9
Owing to curving body contours, it may not be possible to appose the applicator
of the machine to the lead mask, which will result in positive or negative stand-off
(Fig. 7.3). An allowance for this stand-off must be made according to the inverse
square law. Tables for superficial X-ray therapy units are available which give
multiplication factors to correct for different amounts of both positive and
negative stand-off (Table 7.2).
Applicator Applicator
0.5 cm
1.11 100%
Output (Gy/min) = 2.81 0.94 (7.2)
1.14 100
Treatment time per fraction 1.75 min 1 min 45 s (7.3)
When there is no stand-off and no cut-out, the treatment time in minutes can
be read directly from a table (Table 7.3).
Table 7.3 Sample table for calculation of surface dose rate for a given applicator size and
treatment time in min (energy 80 kV, HVL 2.0 mm, aluminium filtration 1.7 mm)
Figure 2.6 (p. 22). The energy of the electron beam is chosen so that the deep
surface of the target volume is encompassed by the 90 per cent isodose with a
sharp fall in dose beyond. This spares the underlying tissues. The effective
treatment depth expressed in centimetres is about one-third of the beam energy in
MeV but depends on the beam size and depth dose data for any particular
machine. Bolus is placed on the skin surface to increase dose to 100 per cent and
to compensate for irregular surfaces (see Fig. 7.1b, p. 73). This reduces the depth
of the 90 per cent isodose which must be taken into account when choosing the
electron energy. A correction for any stand-off between the applicator and skin
surface can be made using the inverse square law and effective SSD. Tables for
varying electron energy and applicator size should be used.
■ Dose-fractionation
The daily dose and fractionation scheme depend on the site and size of the lesion,
and the age and performance status of the patient. The convenience of shorter
regimens must be balanced against risks of normal tissue damage.
For superficial radiotherapy, the dose is specified at Dmax and for electrons at
100 per cent on the central axis, ensuring a minimum dose of 90–95 per cent to
the whole target volume. Many different regimens have been shown to be effective
and are in widespread use.
cutaneous malignancies. The 5-year cure rate for NMSC with radiotherapy is as
high as 90 per cent and the cosmetic results are good or acceptable in 84 per cent.
The early and late complication rates are low. Radiotherapy is often used as an
adjuvant modality for high risk SCC, e.g. lesions over 2 cm with perineural
invasion in a high risk site. Radiotherapy may also be used palliatively for patients
with lymph node metastases.
Afterloading brachytherapy can be used for SCCs on the dorsum of the hand,
lower limb or curved surfaces such as the scalp. A mould of the area to be treated
is made and catheters distributed over the area to be treated following the
Manchester or Paris rules for an interstitial implant.
Methods of assessment and target volume definition are similar to those
described for BCC. However, a larger margin of 1–2 cm is added to the GTV to
create the PTV according to risk factors. Dose-fractionation regimens are similar
to those described for BCC, but for larger lesions, longer dose-fractionation
schedules are preferred.
■ Dose-fractionation
Lesions 5 cm diameter (see also dose-fractionation regimens for BCC)
45 Gy in 9 fractions of 5 Gy given in 21 days treating on alternate weekdays.
54 Gy in 20 fractions of 2.7 Gy given in 4 weeks.
HDR brachytherapy
A typical fractionation is 45 Gy in 10 fractions. A more prolonged fractionation
may be advisable in the lower limb.
Palliative radiotherapy
8 Gy in a single fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
36 Gy in 6 fractions of 6 Gy once weekly given in 6 weeks.
(*Consider increasing dose by 10 per cent to account for the reduced relative
biological dose of electrons.)
Malignant melanoma
The primary treatment of melanoma is surgery. Radiotherapy has a primary role in
treating in situ lentigo maligna, an adjuvant role for postoperative lymph node
areas and a palliative role for skin, nodal and visceral metastases. In vitro studies
have shown a wide shoulder to the cell survival curve for melanoma cell lines
suggesting a possible advantage for hypofractionation. This has to be balanced
against the risk of increased normal tissue reactions with larger fractions.
Malignant melanoma
Lentigo maligna is the superficial in situ phase that progresses to lentigo maligna
melanoma in 30–40 per cent of cases. It is typically a large flat, pigmented area most
commonly on the face. The treatment is surgical excision or radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy is very effective with a recurrence rate of 7 per cent and is a good
option for older patients. The lesions may be treated with superficial or electron
beam radiotherapy as described for NMSC. The margins need to be carefully
defined, as there is often a large area of subclinical disease requiring a margin of up
to 2 cm from GTV to PTV. The dose used is the same as for NMSC described above.
There is a 30–50 per cent risk of recurrence following lymph node dissection for
melanoma where there is extracapsular extension, three or more involved lymph
nodes, lymph node size 3 cm, cervical neck location or recurrence after previous
excision. Adjuvant radiotherapy can reduce the risk of local recurrence by over
50 per cent in these high risk cases, but has not been shown to improve survival.
There is a high risk of lymphoedema when treating the axillae and groins
adjuvantly and radiotherapy is usually avoided in these sites. Radiotherapy to the
nodal regions is planned as described in Figure 23.2 (p. 288).
Radiotherapy may be used palliatively to relieve pain and bleeding from skin,
nodal, bone and visceral metastases. Brain metastases can be palliated in patients
with a good performance status. The recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) classification
is helpful in selecting patients for treatment.
■ RPA class 1: age 65, Karnovsky performance status (PS) 70, controlled
primary, no extracranial metastases
■ RPA class 2: all others
■ RPA class 3: Karnovsky PS 70
Patients in RPA class 1 may benefit from surgical excision and postoperative
whole brain radiotherapy, or focal stereotactic radiotherapy. Patients in RPA class
3 and those with meningeal involvement have such a poor survival that they are
best managed with palliative care only. Patients in RPA class 2 may benefit from
palliative whole brain radiotherapy.
■ Dose-fractionation
Lentigo maligna
See dose-fractionation regimens for NMSC above. Adjuvant radiotherapy after
lymph node dissection:
Palliative radiotherapy
8 Gy in a single fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
36 Gy in 6 fractions of 6 Gy once weekly given in 6 weeks.
Cutaneous lymphoma
Primary cutaneous lymphomas are rare with an incidence of 0.4 per 100 000, but
most are low grade with long survival and therefore the prevalence is much higher.
Two thirds are T cell in origin, the majority of which are mycosis fungoides (MF).
The WHO/EORTC (Willemze et al. 2005) classification is now used and
specialist multidisciplinary teams should manage these patients.
■ T cell
Radiotherapy is a very effective single agent for the treatment of MF. It is used in
every stage to treat patches and plaques, tumours, and lymph nodes. MF is
extremely sensitive to radiotherapy and low doses can be used, allowing adjacent
areas to be treated, and recurrences can be retreated safely.
In early stage IA–IIB MF, radiotherapy is used with skin directed therapy such
as psoralen ultraviolet A (PUVA) to treat patches and plaques which are planned
for treatment in a similar way to NMSC as described above. The margins from
GTV to field edge depend on the area being treated and are usually 0.5–1.0 cm.
In stage IIB–IVB MF, radiotherapy can be used alone or with systemic therapies
to treat skin patches, plaques and tumours, nodal and visceral metastases. Mucosal
involvement of the nasopharynx or pharynx responds well to radiotherapy, which
is fractionated to reduce normal tissue toxicity.
250 cm
Figure 7.4 TSEBT technique used at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital modified from the
Stanford technique: (a) six standing positions and (b) dual field arrangement. Courtesy of
Dr P Rudd.
Patch and plaque
8 Gy in 2 fractions of 4 Gy given in 2–4 days.
12 Gy in 3 fractions of 4 Gy given in 3–5 days.
Mucosal disease
20 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
Lymph nodes
30 Gy in 15 daily fractions given in 3 weeks.
30 Gy in 20 fractions of 1.5 Gy given in 5 weeks.
■ B cell
Primary cutaneous B cell lymphomas (PCBCL) are a heterogeneous group that
present in the skin without evidence of extracutaneous disease at diagnosis. The
EORTC WHO classification describes two indolent types: primary cutaneous
marginal zone lymphoma (PCMZL), primary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma
(PCFCL) and two more aggressive types: primary cutaneous diffuse large B cell
lymphoma leg type (PCLBCL LT) and non-leg type. The indolent PCMZL and
PCFCL are treated with radiotherapy alone with an excellent 5-year disease-
specific survival of over 95 per cent. The more aggressive PCLBCL LT has a
5-year disease-specific survival of 50 per cent and is best treated with CHOP-R
(cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin and prednisolone, and rituximab)
chemotherapy followed by involved field radiotherapy to the primary skin lesions
and regional lymph nodes.
If radiotherapy planning margins are inadequate, the relapse rate is much higher.
It is currently recommended that margins of 2–3 cm are added to the GTV to form
the treatment field when planning superficial radiotherapy, and margins of 3–5 cm
are added to the GTV when planning electron beam radiotherapy. Lymph node
regions are treated in the same way as nodal lymphoma.
15 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 15 daily fractions given in 3 weeks.
Kaposi’s sarcoma
Radiotherapy can be used for classical Kaposi’s sarcoma and as hyperfractionated
accelerated adjuvant radiotherapy (HAART) with chemotherapy for human
Cutaneous angiosarcoma
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated Kaposi’s sarcoma. It is very useful for
treatment of localised lesions and for the palliation of pain, bleeding and oedema.
Nodular localised disease can be treated with superficial or electron therapy with a
0.5–1 cm margin. More widespread lower limb skin involvement can be treated by
covering the limb in bolus (or placing it in a water bath) to deliver opposing
photon beams. Mucosal lesions (such as the mouth and conjunctiva) are best
treated with fractionated courses to avoid the severe mucosal reactions to
radiotherapy seen in patients with HIV.
■ Dose-fractionation
8 Gy in a single fraction.
15 Gy in 3 fractions of 5 Gy given in 1 week.
20 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
Cutaneous angiosarcoma
Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the scalp and face is a rare condition that primarily
affects elderly patients. The tumours have ill-defined margins, are often multifocal
and the scalp and face location makes complete resection difficult. It is biologically
aggressive with a high risk of metastases and the 5-year survival is 15 per cent with
a 50 per cent mortality rate at 15 months.
The primary treatment is surgical excision if possible. In cases with involved or
close margins, postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy is advised. For inoperable
disease, high dose palliative electron therapy with large margins around the
tumour produces local control and palliation. Radiotherapy has been combined
with liposomal daunorubicin and with adjuvant recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL2)
with reported success. Lesions on the scalp need to be treated with wide margins
and often require several electron fields with moving match lines to avoid overdose
when matching fields. Lesions involving the face require large electron fields with
electron eye shielding.
■ Dose-fractionation
50 Gy in 25 fractions given in 5 weeks.
44 Gy in 11 fractions of 4 Gy given in 3 1⁄2 weeks
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
■ Dose-fractionation
Radical radiotherapy
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
Radical chemoradiotherapy
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
Adjuvant tumour bed
50 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.5 Gy given in 4 weeks.
45 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 3 weeks.
Adjuvant lymph nodes
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
Following surgical excision of keloid scars, radiotherapy can be used to prevent the
reformation of scar tissue. Superficial radiotherapy (50–80 kV) is used to treat the
surgical scar with a narrow margin. The treatment should be planned to minimise
any scatter of radiation to normal tissues and a customised lead cut-out made. The
use of radiotherapy for benign conditions such as keloids requires caution,
especially in children and young adults given the risk of carcinogenesis. This is
particularly true for keloids overlying areas that have been shown to be at increased
risk such as the breast and thyroid.
■ Dose-fractionation
9 Gy in a single fraction 24–72 hours after surgery.
Information sources
Information sources
Bichakjian C K, Lowe L, Lao CD et al. (2007) Merkel cell carcinoma: critical review with guidelines
for multidisciplinary management. Cancer 110: 1–12.
Botwood N, Lewanski C, Lowdell C (1999) The risks of treating keloids with radiotherapy. Br J
Radiol 72: 1222–4.
British Association of Dermatology. Patient information and clinical guidelines.
Derm IS. Dermatology Information System.
Holden CA, Spittle MF, Jones EW (1987) Angiosarcoma of the face and scalp, prognosis and
treatment. Cancer 59: 1046–57.
Motley R, Kersey P, Lawrence C (2002) Multiprofessional guidelines for the management of the
patient with primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol 146: 18–25.
Schlienger P, Brunin F, Desjardins L et al. (1996) External radiotherapy for carcinoma of the eyelid.
Report of 850 cases treated. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 34: 277–87.
Senff NJ, Hoefnagel JJ, Neelis KJ et al. (2007) Results of radiotherapy in 153 primary cutaneous
B cell lymphomas classified according to the WHO-EORTC classification. Arch Dermatol 143:
Telfer NR, Colver G, Bowers PW (1999) Guidelines for the management of basal cell carcinoma. Br
J Dermatol 141: 415–23.
Whittaker SJ, Marsden JR, Spittle M et al. (2003) Joint British Association of Dermatologists and UK
Cutaneous Lymphoma Group guidelines for the management of primary cutaneous T-cell
lymphomas. Br J Dermatol 149: 1095–107.
Willemze R, Jaffe ES, Burg G et al. (2005) WHO-EORTC classification for cutaneous lymphomas.
Blood 105: 3768–85.
8 Head and neck:
Conformal volume-based radiotherapy of head and neck cancers requires
knowledge of anatomy and patterns of spread of disease, which are often specific
to each tumour site. This chapter explains the common principles of treatment of
these tumours.
Radiotherapy alone with daily 2 Gy fractions is no longer regarded as standard
for locally advanced head and neck cancer. Altered fractionation or the addition of
chemotherapy or targeted agents improves outcomes in patients able to tolerate a
more intensive approach.
Indications for radiotherapy
Indications for radiotherapy including
sequencing with surgery
Although the primary site and involved or at-risk cervical lymph nodes are usually
treated with the same modality, it is useful to consider the indications for radiotherapy
for the primary site and nodes separately.
*With permission.
■ Palliative treatment
It is often challenging to select patients for a palliative approach when they present
with locally advanced disease that is theoretically curable with surgery and or
radiation. When the chance of cure is low or potential cure would entail significant
morbidity – for example when a total glossectomy or laryngopharyngectomy is
proposed or when comorbidity precludes optimal curative approaches – palliative
radiotherapy may provide control of local symptoms such as pain and airways
obstruction. Palliative radiotherapy to the primary site can also be useful when
metastases are present at diagnosis, or in locally recurrent disease to ameliorate
fungating tumour or reduce bleeding.
For many years, daily 2 Gy fractions, 5 days a week, have been regarded as the
standard of care in curative radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. In the UK, 66 Gy
has often been prescribed to the primary and involved nodes but 70 Gy is the standard
dose in most clinical trials and international centres and is recommended here.
In adjuvant radiotherapy 60 Gy has been the standard dose with 66 Gy if there
are positive resection margins or extranodal spread.
The prophylactic dose to uninvolved nodal levels has often been 50 Gy. We
recommend 44 Gy, as supported by the control arm of the CHART trial and other
clinical series, because recurrence rates are equally low and there is no need to
match a posterior electron field.
There is now good evidence that improved local control and cure rates can be
achieved by using altered fractionation regimens, by combining drugs with
radiation, or possibly by a combination of these approaches. The choice depends on
the resources and philosophy of the treating clinician, but for locally advanced
(T3/4 or N) head and neck cancer in patients able to tolerate more aggressive
therapy, one of these methods should be used.
Each of these approaches not only improves local control but also increases
acute and/or late side effects, suggesting that they make dose escalation possible
rather than improving the therapeutic ratio. Careful collection of data on side
effects is as important as local control rates in assessing outcomes.
Refining target volumes in the context of increasingly conformal radiotherapy will,
on the other hand, improve the therapeutic ratio. Better imaging techniques and
clinical expertise lead to more accurate selection and definition of target volumes,
and improvements in treatment delivery such as IMRT lead to more conformal dose
solutions. This allows the same dose to be delivered to the tumour with reduced side
effects or may make dose escalation possible without increasing side effects.
■ Accelerated radiotherapy
Accelerated radiation schedules shorten the overall treatment time to reduce tumour
repopulation during a course of radiotherapy and theoretically increase local control
or cure. Examples of pure accelerated techniques include using 6 fractions per week
(DAHANCA) or a concomitant boost schedule where the smaller second phase
volume is treated at the same time as the larger prophylactic volume rather than after
it (Fig. 8.1). Between fractions given on the same day there should be a gap of at
least 6 hours to allow normal tissues to repair sublethal damage.
Individual trials and meta-analyses have shown an improvement in local control
with accelerated regimens of 7–10 per cent but an absolute survival benefit has
been harder to demonstrate. Acute effects are increased so careful support through
radiotherapy is necessary. There is also evidence that late effects are increased.
x drug dose
x x x
x x x x x x x
Figure 8.1 Schematic examples of fractionation and radiochemotherapy schedules for
head and neck cancer. (a) Conventional 2 Gy/fraction. (b) Accelerated DAHANCA – 6
fractions/week. (c) Concomitant boost. (d) Hyperfractionation (1.2 Gy/fraction).
(e) GORTEC very accelerated regimen (2 Gy/fraction). (f) Radiochemotherapy with
3 weekly cisplatin. (g) Radiochemotherapy with weekly cisplatin or cetuximab.
The GORTEC group has used a very accelerated regimen of twice daily 2 Gy
fractions throughout a course of treatment and shown that 62–64 Gy over 32–33
days produces better local control and equivalent survival to 70 Gy in 35 daily
fractions but with more acute toxicity.
Radiotherapy with chemotherapy
■ Hyperfractionation
Reducing the dose per fraction (usually 1.0–1.2 Gy) and using two fractions per
day should, according to radiobiological principles, reduce the risk of late effects
for the same dose and allow dose escalation with an improved therapeutic ratio.
An example is the RTOG 9003 schedule of 1.2 Gy given twice daily to a total dose
of 81.6 Gy in 68 fractions. A meta-analysis suggests improvement in local control
and overall survival of 8 per cent at 5 years with hyperfractionation. Again, acute
effects are increased with hyperfractionated regimens.
■ Hypofractionation
There is evidence that more hypofractionated regimens can produce local control
and survival rates comparable with the regimens described above but there are few
RCT data to support this. Examples are: 50 Gy in 16 fractions, 55 Gy in 20
fractions and 60 Gy in 25 fractions. A shorter overall treatment time will reduce
the risk of tumour repopulation at the cost of a theoretical increase in late effects
due to the higher dose per fraction. The small volumes in early laryngeal cancer
make this less of a concern and 55 Gy in 20 fractions is used for T1/2 N0 laryngeal
tumours in many centres.
■ Palliative
When the goal of treatment is to improve symptoms and quality of life, a short
course of radiotherapy with minimal side effects is ideal. Several regimens have
been advocated including 20 Gy in 5 daily fractions and 30 Gy in 5 fractions (treating
twice a week). Such regimens improve symptoms in between 50 and 70 per cent
of patients and responses typically last for some months.
■ Induction chemotherapy
The excellent (50–70 per cent) response rate of head and neck cancers to cisplatin-
based chemotherapy makes the idea of induction chemotherapy, given before
radiation, attractive but the evidence shows only a non-significant 2 per cent
improvement in overall survival. Chemotherapy can be started quickly, can reduce
the volume of disease and theoretically make curative EBRT more likely to succeed,
and may reduce the rate of distant metastases.
The side effects of induction chemotherapy mean that a proportion of patients will
be less well equipped to deal with the toxicity of subsequent radiochemotherapy.
There is also a concern that increasing the overall duration of anticancer therapy may
lead to tumour repopulation and may negate any benefit of smaller treatment
volumes. Radiochemotherapy as the gold standard for definitive treatment must
not be compromised by induction chemotherapy.
3D data acquisition
Brachytherapy can be used as definitive treatment for small tumours of the lip, oral
tongue, floor of mouth and buccal mucosa, when expertise is available. It can also be
used to boost dose to primary tumour after EBRT. Treatment with intraluminal
catheters can increase dose to the primary site in nasopharyngeal cancer. Interstitial
brachytherapy can be used to aid local control in the neck where there is extracapsular
Potentially curative re-irradiation can be given in highly selected patients with
unresectable local recurrence after previous radiotherapy or for an adjacent unresectable
second primary tumour. The disease-free interval should be at least 2 years, and the
volume as small as possible. The patient should have excellent performance status and be
fully aware of the increased risk of potentially serious late effects. IMRT can be useful to
conform dose more closely to target volumes and to minimise the volume treated to
a high dose. In some cases, though, it may be preferable to use a simpler solution, as
IMRT will irradiate a greater volume of tissue, albeit to a lower dose, and therefore
overlap more with previously irradiated volumes.
3D data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
The proximity of tumour to critical normal tissues in head and neck cancer with
relatively limited intra-fractional motion of organs means that good immobilisation
will enable smaller treatment margins and reduce side effects.
A Perspex shell constructed from a plaster cast of the patient has been regarded
as the most accurate way of immobilising the patient. This is usually constructed
with the patient supine with their head on a customised head rest and as flat as
possible to maintain the spinal cord parallel to the couch top. Some patients,
particularly those with excessive secretions, need to have their head more elevated.
The shell should be fixed to the couch top in at least five places to reduce
movement (Fig. 8.2). A mouth bite can be used to push the hard palate away from
the treated volume in oral cavity tumours or to depress the tongue when sinonasal
tissues are treated. Grip bars at the side of the couch may help to pull the shoulders
inferiorly. Once anterior and lateral reference marks have been made on the shell,
selected parts can be cut out to reduce skin dose in regions where full dose to
the skin is not required. An anterior midline tattoo below the inferior extent of
the shell is useful to improve shoulder alignment. Modern thermoplastic materials
can immobilise patients to a similar degree of accuracy and have a skin-sparing
All immobilisation solutions can induce anxiety in patients prone to
claustrophobia. The skill of the radiographers and technicians can help alleviate this
but some patients need benzodiazepines or hypnotherapy to relax them in order
to construct a mask that will be tolerable and practical.
Each department should assess the random and systematic errors of their
immobilisation system to determine the margin to be added from the CTV to the
PTV. A margin of 3 mm should be achievable with high quality immobilisation.
■ CT scanning
Ideally, CT slices should be 3 mm (but no more than 5 mm) thick to aid accurate
target volume definition and to produce good quality DRRs for verification.
Intravenous contrast will highlight the internal jugular vein and may help to define
involved lymph nodes more accurately but is not essential when diagnostic imaging
is available. Lateral and midline reference marks are drawn on the shell.
Fusing MRI and CT scans can help to define both tumour volumes and critical
normal tissues (e.g. optic chiasm, lacrimal glands) particularly in sinonasal (Fig. 8.3)
and oropharyngeal tumours or those involving the skull base.
The GTV is defined as the primary tumour and any lymph nodes over 10 mm in
short axis dimension or smaller nodes with necrotic centres or rounded contours
thought to contain tumour. If induction chemotherapy has been used, the post-
chemotherapy GTV is contoured, but the pre-chemotherapy extent of tumour
should be included in the CTV70.
The diagnostic images and records and photographs of initial evaluation (in
clinic or at examination under anaesthesia [EUA]) are critical to assess the extent
of the primary tumour and the exact site of involved lymph nodes. Discussion with
the surgeon performing the endoscopic assessment and with an experienced
radiologist will enable GTV to be defined as accurately as possible. A planning CT
scan done at an interval after the diagnostic one should be carefully reviewed for
evidence of residual local disease after surgery or unexpected new cervical
Target volume definition
(a) (b)
Figure 8.3 Adjuvant radiotherapy of an ethmoid tumour. (a) Planning CT. (b) Fused
MRI–CT of the same axial slice to help to define volumes and critical normal structures.
Note ethmoid opacities seen on CT are shown to be postoperative secretions on MRI.
(a) (b)
Figure 8.4 Step-wise CTV definition for a left tonsillar cancer invading the base of tongue.
(a) GTV is grown isotropically by 10 mm to produce a CTV. (b) CTV is edited off
uninvolved bone and air. (c) CTV is expanded to cover possible invasion of the
contralateral base of tongue and to include adjacent level II nodes.
Target volume definition
define the exact anatomical sites at risk of residual disease. Radio-opaque clips used
to mark close or involved margins can be helpful but should not be confused with
vascular ligation clips which may be distant to the original tumour. It is not known
whether the whole operative field should be included in the CTV but a more
individualised, selective approach seems reasonable. It is sometimes useful to
define the site of the preoperative GTV on the planning CT to orientate the
possible sites of microscopic disease but this is less helpful when the anatomy is
very different following a major resection. If there is bulky residual disease a GTV
can be defined and expanded to form the CTV as above.
*With permission.
Figure 8.5 Lateral DRR and corresponding axial planning CT slices to illustrate cervical lymph node levels Ib and II, levels III and V, and level IV.
Table 8.3 CT-based anatomical guidelines for delineation of the retrostyloid space and
supraclavicular fossa (from Gregoire et al. 2006*)
*With permission.
to include both level II and level III nodes within the high dose CTV. When
a matched anterior neck field is used to treat the uninvolved low neck, nodal volumes
need not be defined. If there are involved nodes in the low neck,
nodal GTV and CTV should be contoured to ensure adequate coverage (see below).
For postoperative neck irradiation, the whole operative field is usually defined in
the CTV, particularly when there was extracapsular spread. Where nodes abutted
muscles or other structures not removed at operation, those structures should be
included in the CTV.
Each CTV is grown isotropically to create a PTV. By recording and analysing
systematic and random errors in a series of patients, CTV-PTV margins for each
Dose solutions
centre can be defined, with the assumption that there is no intra-fractional organ
motion in the head and neck. Such margins are usually 3–5 mm.
Dose solutions
Dose solutions for tumour subtypes will be covered in the relevant chapters but
general principles are covered here.
■ Conventional/conformal
Anterior neck field
The standard conventional beam arrangement of opposing lateral beams or a
unilateral plan to treat the primary site and involved nodes is matched to an
anterior neck beam. With this arrangement recurrences in the low neck are
uncommon but if nodal volumes are delineated as described above, a 6 MV
anterior photon beam will not provide adequate coverage of nodal volumes (Fig. 8.7).
In most patients the risk of recurrence in the low neck is low, and we recommend
continuing with an anterior beam. The lateral border is 1 cm lateral to the
intersection of the first rib and clavicle on a posteroanterior radiograph and the
inferior border is at the inferior head of the clavicle. If the target volume is
unilateral the medial border is 1 cm from midline to avoid the cord, pharynx and
larynx. If it is bilateral, 2 cm midline shielding is added. MLC shielding is used
inferior to the clavicle to spare the apex of the lung (Fig. 8.8).
When the low neck is included in the high risk volume (e.g. involved level IV nodes
or in the high risk postoperative neck) the nodal CTV should be formally delineated.
Either anteroposterior opposing photon beams can be used (which will increase dose
to the posterior neck) or an anterior beam with dose prescribed at 3 cm depth is used
to improve coverage at the expense of a hot-spot underneath the skin surface.
Matching techniques
The common practice of using an anterior beam to treat the low neck nodes
necessitates matching at the junction with superior fields. The problems are the
divergent edges of the photon beams in different planes and the beam penumbra.
Figure 8.7 Possible beam arrangements for prophylactic treatment of low neck (level IV)
nodes. Beam edges are chosen as described in the text. (a) Anterior beam prescribed to
Dmax. (b) Anterior beam prescribed to 3 cm. (c) Anterior and posterior opposing beams.
Dose solutions
Figure 8.8 Standard borders of an anterior
neck beam to treat the low neck
prophylactically. The superior border is
determined by the inferior extent of the high
dose planning target volume. Sites of normal
level III (blue) and IV (pink) nodal volumes are
shown for illustration.
The most elegant solution – which deals with both problems – is to use a single
isocentre technique. Both the anterior neck beam and the plan superior to it use
only half the beam (the other half shielded by an asymmetric jaw) so that they
match at the isocentre without penumbra or beam divergence.
Another technique is to calculate angles required so that both beam edges
diverge perpendicular to the match plane. This will result in slight overlap at depth
as the width of the penumbra increases. Simpler solutions are to match the beams
at the 50 per cent (light beam) isodose or to leave a gap of 5–10 mm on the skin
surface. Both will produce a perfect match at one depth but underdose anterior to
this and overdose posteriorly where the divergent beams overlap.
The level at which the anterior beam is matched depends on the PTV. Ideally it
should be below the high dose PTV or in between nodal CTVs as matches
overlying the PTV risk underdosing disease at the match plane. If this is
unavoidable the junction can be moved by 1 cm half way through the course of
treatment to blur this match.
Electron therapy
If IMRT is not available, electron beams of 9–12 MeV may be used to treat posterior
nodes overlying the spinal cord, especially if the prescribed dose would exceed spinal
cord tolerance, i.e. if 50 Gy in 25 fractions is chosen as the prophylactic dose rather
than 44 Gy in 22 fractions. The lateral ‘bowing’ of electron isodoses at depth means
perfect matching with the photon beam is not possible so a compromise of matching
the 50 per cent photon surface isodose with the 50 per cent electron surface isodose
is usually chosen (Fig. 8.9). This is achieved by matching the edges of the two light
beams on the surface of the shell. With CT algorithms for electron beams it is
possible to view electron isodoses on a three-dimensional plan so that underdosing
at areas of high risk (e.g. involved nodes) can be avoided if possible.
■ Complex
IMRT is particularly useful for head and neck tumours, given the concave PTVs and
their proximity to critical structures. IMRT offers parotid sparing in oropharyngeal
and some nasopharyngeal cancers to reduce the risk of xerostomia, avoids the risk
of underdosing or overdosing at photon–electron junctions and provides a more
uniform dose distribution in sinonasal and nasopharyngeal tumours.
In the future, careful mapping of recurrent disease and improved knowledge of
the relationship between toxicity and critical organ doses should allow volume
definition to be refined so that increased dose can be given to the tumour with
tolerable side effects – thereby improving cure. This will be enhanced by the ability
to paint dose to areas of highest risk of recurrence as identified by functional
imaging or radiogenomics.
■ Verification
Several off-line and online strategies for verification and correction are described.
A commonly used protocol is for the treatment isocentre on lateral and anterior
DRRs from the CT simulation to be compared with EPIs from the treatment
machine taken on days 1–3 and weekly thereafter. An off-line correction is made
relative to the isocentre position if the mean error in any one plane is 3 mm. If
Patient care
there is a 5 mm error on any one day the patient should not be treated until the
error has been corrected. Re-verification in the simulator or a repeat planning CT
scan may be required.
■ Inter-fractional motion
During a course of head and neck radiotherapy, tumour shrinkage or unintentional
weight loss can occur leading to two problems.
First, immobilisation may become less effective introducing error into treatment
delivery. The mould room technician may be able to adjust the immobilisation but
if there is concern that subsequent changes in the set-up are significant (i.e. outside
the margin allowed for systematic and random errors), the planning CT should be
repeated. The original beam arrangement is then overlaid onto the new CT dataset
and corrections made as necessary. If the immobilisation cannot be corrected
either a new plan must be created with a larger CTV-PTV margin to account for
the increased motion or a new shell must be constructed. Either runs the risk of
introducing a gap in the course of treatment.
Second, a reduction in tissue volume (usually manifest as a gap between the shell
and the skin) may mean the beam penetrates more deeply towards critical normal
tissues, increasing the risk of damage. In these cases repeating a planning or cone-
beam CT can provide reassurance or enable the plan to be changed.
■ Dental assessment
Before radiotherapy commences, a thorough dental assessment should be carried
out and an orthopantomogram (OPG) performed to look for signs of decay in teeth
likely to be within the treated volume. Any teeth at risk of decay should be removed
to avoid the potential for radionecrosis and chronic infection that can occur when
dental work is carried out in a previously irradiated mouth or in patients with
xerostomia. Patients should be given advice about maintaining good oral hygiene.
■ Smoking
Continued smoking increases the severity of mucositis, and patients still smoking
should be offered formal cessation advice.
■ Haemoglobin
There is evidence that low haemoglobin predicts poor outcomes in head and neck
cancer. There is less good evidence that maintaining haemoglobin above 12 g/dL with
transfusions improves survival. Erythropoietin is ineffective. Anaemia may therefore be
a marker of poor prognosis rather than a correctable influence of survival.
■ Weight loss
The common acute side effects of mucositis, pain, altered taste and altered saliva all
contribute to a reduction in calorie intake during radiotherapy. Patients with pre-
existing swallowing problems (e.g. tongue base or hypopharyngeal tumours or
significant oral or pharyngeal pain) should be assessed by a specialist dietician before
radiotherapy. Losing more than 10 per cent weight during treatment is associated
with delayed recovery and increased complications as well as making immobilisation
more difficult. When a patient is felt to be at risk of losing more than 10 per cent
weight during treatment a prophylactic enteral feeding tube is recommended.
During treatment patients should be seen weekly by a dietician as part of a
multidisciplinary assessment team (with doctor or specialist radiographer and
speech and language therapist) and weighed each week. Soft and high calorie diets
and high energy protein-based supplement drinks can be useful to maintain oral
intake when it is limited by pain or dysphagia.
Speech and language therapy can be valuable during treatment to maintain
effective swallowing, to assess aspiration risk and to advise on vocal care. When
swallowing stops completely, rehabilitation after treatment is more difficult and
therefore only patients with risk of aspiration should be denied oral intake.
Patients in whom treatment includes part of the eyes (e.g. sinonasal tumours)
should be seen regularly throughout treatment by an ophthalmologist for advice
on preventing corneal damage with lubricating drops and to treat corneal abrasions
or infections promptly.
As mucosal reactions peak up to 2 weeks after therapy, particularly with accelerated
fractionation or hypofractionation, careful weekly assessment should continue until
acute effects are subsiding.
Information sources
atmosphere helps keep secretions moist and easier to swallow. Nausea caused by
secretions stimulating the soft palate is best managed with 5-hydroxytryptamine
antagonists. Taste is commonly affected by radiotherapy but the mechanisms of
dysgeusia are complex and poorly understood.
■ Skin
Skin reactions can be minimised by applying aqueous cream topically four times daily
to treated areas. Tight collars should be avoided and men should avoid wet shaving.
key trials
Information sources
Bernier J, Bentzen SM (2006) Radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: latest developments and
future perspectives. Curr Opin Oncol 18: 240–6.
Bernier J, Cooper JS, Pajak TF et al. (2005) Defining risk levels in locally advanced head and neck
cancers: a comparative analysis of concurrent postoperative radiation plus chemotherapy –
trials of the EORTC (#22931) and RTOG (# 9501). Head Neck 27: 843–50.
Cancer Care Ontario Head and Neck Cancer Evidence-based Series and Practice Guidelines [online]
(2008). Available at:
(accessed 6 October 2008).
Corvo R (2007) Evidence-based radiation oncology in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Radiother Oncol 85: 156–70.
Fowler JF (2007) Is there an optimum overall time for head and neck radiotherapy? A review with
new modelling. Clin Oncol 19: 8–22.
Gregoire V, Levendag P, Ang KK et al. (2003) CT-based delineation of lymph node levels and
related CTVs in the node-negative neck: DAHANCA, EORTC, GORTEC, NCIC, RTOG
consensus guidelines. Radiother Oncol 69: 227–36.
Gregoire V, Coche E, Gosnard G et al. (2004) Selection and delineation of lymph node target
volumes in head and neck conformal and intensity-modulated radiation therapy. In: Gregoire V,
Scalliet P, Ang KK (eds) Clinical Target Volumes in Conformal and Intensity-modulated Radiation
Therapy. Springer, Berlin, pp. 69–90.
Gregoire V, Eisbruch A, Hamoir M et al. (2006) Proposal for the delineation of the nodal CTV in the
node-positive and the post-operative neck. Radiother Oncol 79: 15–20.
Gregoire V, Levendag P. DAHANCA, EORTC, GORTEC, NCIC and RTOG endorsed consensus
guidelines for the delineation of the CTV in the N0 neck of patients with head & neck squamous
cell carcinoma. [online] Available at: (accessed 14 July 2008).
J Clin Oncol (2006) 24 – series of review articles covering controversies in head and neck cancer.
Lengele B, Hamoir M, Scalliet P et al. (2007) Anatomical bases for the radiological delineation of
lymph node areas. Major collecting trunks, head and neck. Radiother Oncol 85: 146–55.
Pignon JP, Bourhis J, Domenge C et al. (2000) Chemotherapy added to locoregional treatment for
head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma: three meta-analyses of updated individual data.
MACH-NC Collaborative Group. Meta-Analysis of Chemotherapy on Head and Neck Cancer.
Lancet 355: 949–55.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Guideline 90 (2006) Diagnosis and Management of Head
and Neck Cancer. A National Clinical Guideline. Available at:
Lip, ear, nose and 9
treatment of the neck
in skin cancer
This chapter describes radiotherapy for squamous cell cancers of the lip, external
ear canal and middle ear and nasal vestibule, as well as management of the neck in
skin cancers of the head and neck. Superficial skin tumours of the nose and pinna
are considered in Chapter 7.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Most lip cancers arise on the vermillion border of the lower lip – the junction
between the skin and the lip itself – and are diagnosed at an early stage because
they are visible. They are usually superficial squamous cell tumours linked to long-
term sun exposure and smoking. Surgery, EBRT and brachytherapy all give local
control rates of 90 per cent or higher at 5 years. The choice of treatment depends
on the expertise available, the likely cosmetic and functional outcomes and patient
choice. Radiotherapy is particularly appropriate when the commissure of the lip is
involved (as function may not be as good after surgery), and for larger tumours
where more extensive resection and reconstruction would be required. Commissure
tumours have higher rates of local recurrence than lower lip cancers.
If excision margins are positive or close (3 mm), adjuvant radiotherapy should be
considered if it would result in better function and cosmesis than a further excision.
In elderly patients with significant comorbidity it may be appropriate to observe
clinically rather than treat with adjuvant radiotherapy, even if margins are close.
Involved neck nodes are usually managed with a neck dissection and postoperative
radiotherapy if required (see below).
■ Sequencing of multimodality therapy
When adjuvant radiotherapy is indicated it should ideally commence within
6 weeks of surgery but a longer gap may be required to allow adequate recovery
from a major resection.
Facial nodes Intraparotid nodes
artery Buccinator nodes Mastoid nodes
Figure 9.1 Superficial lymph nodes of the head and neck.
■ Dose solutions
Most tumours are treated with electrons or superficial X-rays. The PTV should be
covered by the 90 per cent isodose of the electron or superficial X-ray beam. Once
the PTV has been defined and marked as above, isodose charts are used to select the
required energy to give 90 per cent coverage from the surface to the deep margin.
Tissue equivalent bolus is used as required either to increase the surface dose or to
reduce unwanted deep penetration. The applicator size can then be calculated. If
electrons are used, the 90 per cent isodose in the lateral plane is 3–5 mm inside the edge
of the applicator, which represents the 50 per cent dose. Electrons bow inwards at
depth at higher energies, so if a high energy is chosen the applicator size will need to
be correspondingly larger to avoid underdosing the deep lateral margin.
A 3–4 mm thick lead mask is then constructed with a cut-out area over the
target volume. An intraoral lead shield is used to protect the gums and teeth from
the exit beam. It is lined with wax to absorb secondary electrons.
■ Dose-fractionation
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks.
■ Verification
Verification is by daily inspection of the set-up compared with photographs taken
at planning.
■ Other points
Brachytherapy for lip squamous cell cancer
Where technical expertise exists, brachytherapy can produce excellent local control
rates, cosmesis and function. The target volume is defined as above. Rigid needles
are implanted horizontally along the axis of the lip, using either a single plane for
superficial lesions, or three or more sources distributed in a equilateral triangle or
square in the cross-sectional plane for deeper tumours. A plastic template can be
used to provide stability. Sources are usually 10 mm apart and 5–8 cm long which
inevitably means treating most of the lip, making this a useful technique in more
extensive tumours or those with indistinct margins (Fig. 9.2).
Figure 9.2 Three-source implant for carcinoma of the lip. (a) Anterior view. (b) Sagittal
view showing arrangement of sources in an equilateral triangle.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Cancers of the external auditory canal and middle ear are rare. There is no agreed
staging system but most tumours present when locally advanced with bone erosion
or cranial nerve palsies. Local invasion and the complexity of a temporal bone
resection mean that close or positive resection margins are common. For these
patients, surgery and postoperative radiotherapy are recommended and can
produce 5-year survival rates of 40–60 per cent. Early tumours confined to the
external ear canal without soft tissue or bone involvement can be treated with
either primary radiotherapy or surgery.
■ Data acquisition
The patient is immobilised lying supine in a custom-made shell with the neck
extended to move the orbit superiorly out of the treated volume.
CT scanning
CT slices are obtained from the skull base to the hyoid bone. Slices should be no
more than 5 mm thick and ideally 3 mm. Fusion of MR and CT planning images
can be particularly helpful to define skull base anatomy.
3D conformal planning is recommended in all patients because of the complex
anatomy and proximity of critical structures.
■ Dose solutions
The photon beam arrangement is individualised depending on the PTV, but
usually anterior and posterior oblique wedged beams are used, often with an
additional lateral beam. The angle of the posterior oblique beam is chosen to avoid
the brainstem and spinal cord. Where the PTV comes close to these structures or
to the temporal lobe, the risk of late radiation damage must be weighed against
the risk of tumour recurrence. The oncologist should take this decision but must
inform the patient of the possible risks of late effects and possible benefits of giving
more dose to high risk sites.
If a compromise is needed it is better to use two phases of treatment rather than
underdose the PTV throughout the whole course. The whole PTV should be
included in the phase 1 volume (usually for 20–25 fractions), with a smaller phase
2 shaped with MLCs to protect critical structures. A summated plan is created from
the two phases to allow evaluation of DVHs. Numbers of fractions for each phase
can be varied so that the best compromise can be achieved for individual patients.
It may also be necessary to reduce the total dose to protect OAR (Fig. 9.3).
Figure 9.3 Beam arrangement for postoperative external beam radiotherapy of a middle
ear tumour with skull base invasion. The PTV60 is covered by the 95 per cent isodose but
prescribing 60 Gy would exceed tolerance of the brainstem (BS). The prescribed dose
must be reduced or the PTV coverage compromised for at least some of the treatment.
A PTV66 (purple) has also been defined to include known positive resection margins.
■ Dose-fractionation
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks to PTV60.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks to PTV66.
Higher doses are associated with an increased risk of osteoradionecrosis of the
temporal bone.
■ Verification
Portal images are compared with DRRs as for other head and neck tumours with
in vivo dosimetry on the first day of treatment.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Cancers of the nasal vestibule behave like skin tumours, are usually diagnosed
when small and have a 90 per cent local control rate with radiotherapy or surgery.
Radiation gives better cosmesis except for very small lesions. External beam
radiotherapy can be combined with brachytherapy. Larger tumours with bone
involvement are rare but have a low chance of cure by radiation alone. Resection may
be followed by adjuvant radiotherapy.
■ Data acquisition
The patient is immobilised in a thermoplastic or Perspex shell with wax nostril
plugs to help produce a more homogeneous dose distribution.
CT scanning
Slices 3 mm thick are obtained from the inferior orbit to the hyoid bone to include
level I nodes.
3D conformal therapy is recommended given the small fields required and possible
dose inhomogeneities created by adjacent air spaces.
Identical beam
Figure 9.4 Beam arrangement for conformal treatment of nasal columella tumour. Note
beams are angled posteriorly to cover possible tumour extension along the roof of the
hard palate.
Electrons can also be used for superficial lesions but the contour of the nose,
small field sizes and underlying cartilage make conformal photons the preferred
■ Dose-fractionation
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks.
Longer fractionation is not necessary given the small volumes treated.
Postoperative neck irradiation
■ Treatment delivery and patient care
The inside of the nasal cavity can become especially sore and topical local
anaesthetic or steroid creams as well as systemic analgesics are often needed to
enable the patient to tolerate insertion of the wax plugs throughout treatment.
■ Verification
Portal images are compared with DRRs as for other head and neck tumours with
in vivo dosimetry on the first day of treatment.
■ Dose solutions
The radiotherapy technique is a combination of that described in Chapter 15 for
parotid tumours and in Chapter 8 for the neck. Examples of nodal levels to be
covered in the CTV60 and CTV44 are shown in Table 9.1. If the CTV60 includes
the parotid bed and low neck, it will be difficult to provide adequate coverage with
one plan owing to the change in neck contour. A planned volume superiorly
should then be matched to an anterior photon field treating the lower neck with
the match plane at a level at relatively low risk of harbouring disease.
Table 9.1 Examples of CTV60 and CTV44 for the neck nodes in head and neck skin
squamous cell depending on clinical and pathological findings
Intraparotid only Superficial parotidectomy alone Parotid bed Levels Ib, II, III
Intraparotid only Superficial parotidectomy and Parotid bed Not defined
level Ib–III dissection. Involved
intraparotid nodes only
Intraparotid only Superficial parotidectomy and Parotid bed Levels Ib, III–V
level Ib-III dissection. Involved and level II
intraparotid and level II nodes*
Intraparotid Superficial parotidectomy and Parotid bed and Not defined
and neck level Ib–V dissection. Involved levels Ib–V
intraparotid and level Ib–V nodes*
*Neck irradiation can be omitted if there is only one level Ib–V node involved without extracapsular spread.
■ Dose-fractionation
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks to PTV60.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions to sites of positive margins or extracapsular nodal
44 Gy in 22 daily fractions given in 4 1⁄2 weeks to PTV44.
■ Verification
See Chapter 8.
key trials
Information sources
Information sources
De Visscher JGAM, Grond AJK, Botke G et al. (1996) Results of radiotherapy for squamous cell
carcinoma of the vermilion border of the lower lip. A retrospective analysis of 108 patients.
Radiother Oncol 39: 9–14.
Mendenhall WM, Stringer SP, Cassisi NJ et al. (1999) Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal
vestibule. Head Neck 21: 385–93.
Ogawa K, Nakamura K, Hatano K et al. (2007) Treatment and prognosis of squamous cell
carcinoma of the external auditory canal and middle ear: a multi-institutional retrospective
review of 87 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 68: 1326–34.
Veness MJ, Porceddu S, Palme CE et al. (2007) Cutaneous head and neck squamous cell
carcinoma metastatic to parotid and cervical lymph nodes. Head Neck 29: 621–31.
10 Oral cavity
The oral cavity comprises the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the floor of mouth,
buccal mucosa, hard palate and gingivae (Fig. 10.1). Tumours of the lip are discussed
in Chapter 9.
Anterior alveolus
Buccal mucosa tongue (gingiva)
Mucosa of
the upper lip
Upper bucco-
alveolar sulcus
Lower bucco-
alveolar sulcus
Mucosa of
the lower lip
Floor of Lower
Hard palate mouth alveolus
Soft palate (gingiva) Figure 10.1 Subsites of the oral cavity.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
T3 and T4 tumours are best managed by a combination of surgery and adjuvant
(chemo) radiation. However, surgery may be inappropriate for locally advanced
cancer where clear resection margins are not possible, if the expected functional
outcome after surgery is not acceptable to the patient, or if comorbidity precludes
surgery. In these cases, radiotherapy alone can be the best method of palliation and
may provide a small chance of long-term cure, especially if combined with
concomitant chemotherapy.
soft palate posteriorly can also spread to level II or retropharyngeal nodes which
should be specifically evaluated by cross-sectional imaging.
T staging of oral cavity tumours is shown in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002*) tumour staging for oral cavity cancer
T1 Tumour
2 cm in greatest dimension
T2 Tumour 2 cm but
4 cm in greatest dimension
T3 Tumour 4 cm in greatest dimension
T4a Tumour invades through cortical bone, into deep (extrinsic) muscles of the tongue
(genioglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus and styloglossus), maxillary sinus or skin
of face (i.e. considered resectable)
T4b Tumour invades masticator space, pterygoid plates or skull base and/or encases
internal carotid artery (i.e. considered unresectable)
*With permission.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients should lie supine with a straight spine, immobilised in a Perspex or
thermoplastic shell. A custom-made mouth bite may help to push the tongue
inferiorly when irradiating the hard palate or upper alveolus or to separate the roof
of the mouth from the inferior oral cavity when irradiating the tongue. Mouth
bites can distort the anatomy and make volumes on CT more difficult to define
accurately. Some patients find them difficult to tolerate and they may precipitate
swallowing and thus cause movement of critical structures.
■ CT scanning
CT slices are obtained from the base of skull to the arch of the aorta with the patient
immobilised in the treatment position. Ideally slices should be 3 mm thick to
improve volume definition and quality of the DRR but 5 mm thick slices may suffice.
■ Simulator
Where low dose palliative radiotherapy with opposed lateral fields is planned, a
lateral simulator radiograph is used to define volumes and field edges after marking
any palpable tumour or lymphadenopathy with radio-opaque wires. A midplane
separation is taken to calculate the required monitor units.
■ Curative radiotherapy
The GTV is outlined on a planning computer with window settings adjusted to
show soft tissues. There are no studies correlating primary tumour size clinically or
on imaging with microscopic spread histologically on which to base GTV-CTV
margins. A 10 mm margin from macroscopic tumour edge to surgical resection
margin would be regarded as likely to produce local control. We therefore
recommend growing GTV isotropically by 10 mm to produce a CTV70.
The CTV70 is edited to take account of local patterns of tumour spread
and natural tissue barriers, for example bone can be spared if not clinically involved.
The medial pterygoid muscle should be included in the CTV70 if there is local
invasion of part of the muscle, for example from a retromolar trigone tumour.
The CTV70 is then further edited to include adjacent positive or high risk nodal
volumes. These will depend on the site of the primary tumour but include all levels
where there is any lymphadenopathy and levels between the primary site and skip
metastases (usually at least levels Ib and II).
The CTV70 is then copied to form the CTV44 which is expanded to include
other nodal levels at lower risk of occult nodal metastases. Recommended CTV44
Target volume definition
levels depend on the nodal status and whether both sides of the neck are
considered to be at risk (Table 10.2).
Table 10.2 Recommendations for the selection of prophylactic nodal levels (CTV44) for
oral cavity tumours – anterior two-thirds of the tongue, floor of mouth, buccal mucosa,
hard palate and gingivae
N0/N1 with Ib, II, III; include Ia for tumours Not treated
well-lateralised involving tip of tongue, floor of
primary mouth or anterior mandible; include
IV for tumours of the anterior
tongue or involving the oropharynx
N0/N1 primary Ib, II, III; include Ia for tumours Ib, II, III; include Ia for tumours
not well involving tip of tongue, floor of involving tip of tongue, floor of
lateralised mouth or anterior mandible; mouth or anterior mandible;
include IV for tumours of the include IV for tumours of the
anterior tongue or involving anterior tongue or involving the
the oropharynx oropharynx
N2a/N2b with Ib, II, III, IV; include Ia for tumours Ib, II, III; consider not treating
well-lateralised involving tip of tongue, floor of contralateral neck
primary mouth or anterior mandible;
include IV for tumours of the
anterior tongue or involving the
oropharynx; include V if level IV
N2a/N2b Ib, II, III, IV; include Ia for tumours Ib, II, III; include IV for tumours of
primary not involving tip of tongue, floor of mouth the anterior tongue or involving
well lateralised or anterior mandible; include IV for the oropharynx
tumours of the anterior tongue
or involving the oropharynx;
include V if level IV involved
N2c Ib, II, III, IV; include Ia for tumours Ib, II, III; include IV if multiple
involving tip of tongue, floor of mouth contralateral nodes or for tumours
or anterior mandible; include IV for of the anterior tongue or involving
tumours of the anterior tongue or the oropharynx; include V if level
involving the oropharynx; include V IV involved
if level IV involved
N3 Ib, II, III, IV; include Ia for tumours As for N2a/b (no contralateral
involving tip of tongue, floor of mouth nodes) or N2c (contralateral
or anterior mandible; include IV for nodes) respectively
tumours of the anterior tongue or
involving the oropharynx; include V
if level IV involved
■ Palliative radiotherapy
GTV, CTV and PTV are defined as for curative treatment either on a planning CT
scan or lateral simulator radiograph. To minimise normal tissue toxicity
(particularly mucositis), smaller margins can be used than for curative treatment –
e.g. 5 mm from GTV to CTV.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Conformal solutions are preferred because of the complex three-dimensional shape
of target volumes in oral cavity tumours and the advantage for the patient of sparing
Dose solutions
some of the mucosa of the oral cavity and pharynx. The exact multiple beam
arrangement will depend on the tumour doses required, the shape of the volumes
and consideration of doses to OAR.
In evaluating the plan a careful assessment of mandible dose is essential to
reduce the risk of late osteoradionecrosis. Hot-spots of 107 per cent within the
mandible should be avoided.
A midline PTV may still need to be treated with lateral opposed beams but
MLC shielding will help to spare normal tissues, and wedges can be used to
compensate for the change in neck contour and produce a more even dose
distribution (Fig. 10.3). When only one side of the neck is treated, an arrangement
of three coplanar beams can usually provide good tumour coverage while sparing
the contralateral mucosa and parotid gland. At least one of the beams must have
no exit dose through the spinal cord for this organ to remain within tolerance.
In practice this means the angle of the posterior oblique beam is chosen
to provide best coverage of the PTV while avoiding the cord (Fig. 10.4). A
matched anterior neck beam is often required to treat low neck nodes (see
Chapter 8).
■ Complex
IMRT has the potential to deliver the most conformal radiotherapy to complex
target volumes with greater sparing of normal tissues. There are relatively few instances
in oral cavity tumours where this is likely to give a therapeutic advantage as PTVs are
usually convex and as the contralateral parotid can already be spared if the treated
volume is unilateral. Moreover, the extra dose to the oral mucosa and contralateral
mandible from IMRT may increase acute and late effects.
IMRT may offer an advantage when both sides of the neck are included in the
PTV, both to spare one parotid gland and reduce the risk of xerostomia, and to
avoid the uncertainties inherent in a plan with matched posterior electron and
anterior neck photon fields. Beam arrangements similar to those chosen for
oropharynx IMRT are used.
■ Conventional
Where resources are not available for conformal planning, conventional techniques
may be unavoidable. For tumours involving the midline or where bilateral
neck nodes require radiotherapy, opposed lateral fields can be used but this does
not allow sparing of any adjacent mucosa in the treated volume. If the high dose
volume extends posteriorly to the spinal cord, a two phase technique is
used with large lateral fields for phase 1 and smaller lateral fields matched to
posterior electron fields for phase 2. A matched anterior neck field treats
lower neck nodes with midline shielding to reduce dose to the larynx, pharynx and
spinal cord.
Where treatment is unilateral, anterior and posterior oblique wedged fields are
chosen, with a lateral field sometimes used to improve homogeneity medially in
the target volume. An ipsilateral anterior neck field is matched to treat inferior
neck nodes if required.
(a) (b)
Figure 10.3 Adjuvant radiotherapy for a floor of mouth tumour following excision with
close margins and bilateral negative neck dissections (pT4N0). (a) Axial T2-weighted
fat-saturated MRI showing primary tumour (T). (b) Lateral DRR showing beam borders
and PTV. (c) Axial planning CT slice showing dose distribution.
Figure 10.4 Adjuvant radiotherapy for a pT4aN0 buccal mucosa tumour invading the
mandible, which has been resected with close margins but no involved lymph nodes.
■ Curative treatment
EBRT with brachytherapy
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
EBRT alone
70 Gy in 35 daily fractions given in 7 weeks concomitant cisplatin or alternative
fractionation, e.g. with concomitant boost.
44 Gy in 22 daily fractions to PTV44 given in 4 1⁄2 weeks.
■ Adjuvant treatment
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions to PTV60 given in 6 weeks concomitant cisplatin.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 6 1⁄2 weeks to high risk sites.
44 Gy in 22 daily fractions to PTV44 given in 4 1⁄2 weeks.
■ Palliative treatment
30 Gy in 5 fractions of 6 Gy given in 3 weeks.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
See Chapter 8.
Brachytherapy offers excellent conformal radiotherapy to small tumours of the
tongue and buccal mucosa that are well demarcated, not close to bone and accessible
for implantation. These tumours are usually treated by surgery and the decision to
treat with brachytherapy instead is often based on the expertise available. The
disadvantages of brachytherapy include the risk of bleeding and infection, the
radiation risk to staff and the patient isolation required.
Anterior tongue tumours or small floor of mouth cancers not too close to the
mandible are usually treated with iridium-192 hairpins after metal gutters have been
inserted. With the patient anaesthetised, the GTV is marked with ink. The depth
of tumour infiltration on MRI corresponds accurately with surgical invasion and
can be used to assess depth. The CTV is the GTV with a 10 mm margin. There is
(a) (b)
Figure 10.5 Source arrangements for brachytherapy of oral cavity tumours. (a) Iridium-
192 hairpins for anterior tongue or floor of mouth. (b) Iridium-192 single plane implant for
buccal mucosa.
Information sources
no margin added to form a PTV as there is no daily set-up error or organ motion
relative to the radiation. The gutters are inserted 12–15 mm apart according to
Paris rules to ensure adequate CTV coverage and their position verified by
orthogonal radiographs before the iridium is inserted (Fig. 10.5).
Small buccal mucosa tumours can be treated with a single plane implant using
iridium-192 placed in flexible plastic tubes. After the CTV has been defined, hollow
needles are placed to provide adequate CTV dose and a guidewire is introduced
over which the plastic tubes are placed. Steroids may be required if trauma during
the procedure causes enough swelling to compromise the airway. The skin should
be cleaned regularly with an antiseptic agent. Analgesia is provided with opiates and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The implant is reviewed daily.
key trials
There are no phase III trials evaluating the role of radiotherapy in oral cavity
cancers alone, although these patients are often included in studies of head and
neck cancer in general (see key trials in Chapter 8).
Information sources
See Chapter 8.
Nag S, Cano ER, Demanes J et al. (2001) The American Brachytherapy Society recommendations
for high-dose-rate brachytherapy for head-and-neck carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys
50: 1190–8.
Parsons JT, Mendenhall WM, Stringer SP et al. (1997) An analysis of factors influencing the
outcome of postoperative irradiation for squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 39: 137–48.
Shah JP, Candela FC, Poddar AK (1990) The patterns of cervical lymph node metastases from
squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Cancer 66: 109–13.
11 Oropharynx cancer
and unknown primary
Indications for radiotherapy
Two approaches can be recommended for curative treatment of oropharyngeal
squamous cell cancers: primary radiotherapy chemotherapy, or surgery
postoperative (chemo)radiation. There are no randomised controlled trials comparing
these two approaches, although there is indirect evidence suggesting cure rates are
similar. The choice depends on likely functional outcomes, particularly with respect to
swallowing and speech, local medical expertise, patients’ ability to tolerate treatment
and individual patient choice. Treatment of the primary site and the neck can be
considered separately though one modality is usually used as the initial treatment to all
sites of disease. Brachytherapy may have a role in combination with EBRT and is
considered in Chapter 5.
Oropharyngeal tumours usually have lymphadenopathy at presentation and thus
stage III or IV disease but metastases are uncommon. Patients have often smoked
heavily and abused alcohol so assessing functional physiological reserve is
important before deciding on a treatment for each patient.
Primary Nodes
*Positive excision margins and extracapsular nodal spread are definite indications for adjuvant
■ Palliative radiotherapy
In the presence of metastases or if tumour size or comorbidity preclude a curative
approach, palliative radiotherapy may improve pain, dysphagia and speech.
■ Unknown primary tumour sites in the
head and neck
Patients presenting with a level II/III neck node without a clear primary site often
have a primary site in the tonsil, base of tongue, pyriform fossa or nasopharynx.
Pathology of the involved nodes obtained by biopsy or excision can suggest a likely
primary site as can careful examination of the pharynx. If no primary can be found,
radiation is given either to the neck alone or to the neck and possible primary sites,
usually encompassing the ipsilateral tonsil, tongue base and pyriform fossa.
■ Oropharyngeal lymphoma
Lymphomas of the oropharynx (usually tonsil) are treated with radiotherapy alone
or sequential chemotherapy and radiation to residual disease or high risk sites.
Soft palate
Hard palate
Base of Vallecula
Tonsil Uvula Soft palate tongue
(a) (b)
Figure 11.1 Anatomy of the oropharynx. (a) Anterior view. (b) Superior view looking down
from the nasopharynx. The valleculae (glossoepiglottic fossae) lie between the base of
tongue and the epiglottis.
The commonest site of oropharyngeal tumours is the lateral wall, which is made
up of the tonsils, tonsillar fossae and palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches.
Tonsil cancers tend to be infiltrative and can spread inferiorly to the tongue base
or superiorly to the soft palate. The rich lymphatic drainage of the tonsils means
spread to ipsilateral lymph nodes is common at presentation. The tonsil is a
frequent site for occult primaries to be detected in patients presenting with
enlarged neck nodes. Tonsillar tumours extending onto the tongue base have a
greater risk of bilateral nodal spread.
The base of tongue and valleculae (glossoepiglottic fossae) comprise the anterior
wall and have a rich lymphatic drainage to both sides of the neck. Tumours
involving the tongue base are therefore treated with bilateral neck irradiation. The
infiltrative nature of most base of tongue tumours in a site critical for swallowing
means that patients should be assessed before therapy for evidence of aspiration
and a prophylactic feeding tube is advised.
Tumours of the superior wall (soft palate and uvula) and posterior wall are less
common. Lateral soft palate tumours spread to ipsilateral lymph nodes while more
medial tumours or those arising in the posterior wall have a higher chance of
bilateral nodal involvement. The lack of submucosal tissue on the posterior
pharyngeal wall means radiation to these tumours often results in a shallow ulcer,
which takes many months to heal, can be very painful and can be confused with
residual tumour.
Assessment of primary disease
Level II nodes are the usual first site of spread. Disease then spreads inferiorly to
levels III and IV or superiorly to upper level II (and retrostyloid) or retropharyngeal
nodes. Level V involvement is relatively uncommon. Pattern of nodal spread may
be less predictable in patients who have had a previous neck dissection.
Figure 11.2 PET-CT for an unknown primary head and neck cancer presenting with right
level II nodes. Uptake in the right tonsil strongly suggests this is the primary site.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.3 T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI of a T2N2b left tonsil cancer. (a) Axial
slice showing tumour (T) and level II node (N). (b) Coronal slice showing tumour (T) and
level Ib node (N) adjacent to submandibular gland (S).
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
The patient lies supine with the spine as straight as possible and no mouth bite,
but any dentures should be left in place. A shell with at least five fixation points is
constructed to ensure immobilisation (see Chapter 8).
■ CT scanning
CT images – ideally with intravenous contrast – are acquired with 3 mm thick slices
from the skull base superiorly to the top of the aortic arch inferiorly. Lateral and
midline reference marks are drawn on the mask. The CT dataset is imported into
the treatment planning system. Many oropharyngeal tumours are more easily
defined with MRI than CT so co-registered images may improve GTV definition.
■ Simulator
If 3D CT-based planning is not available, beam borders can be defined on
orthogonal radiographs in the simulator. Lateral and anteroposterior (AP) films
are taken when the immobilisation device is fitted. The GTV is drawn on the films
with the help of diagnostic clinical information and imaging. The CTVs and PTVs
are then defined as for CT planning and beam arrangements chosen.
Target volume definition
Target volume definition
■ Curative treatment
The diagnostic images and records and photographs of initial evaluation (in clinic
or at EUA) are critical to assess the extent of the primary tumour and the exact site
of involved lymph nodes. The GTV is defined as the primary tumour and any
lymph nodes over 10 mm in short axis dimension or smaller nodes with necrotic
centres or rounded contours thought to contain tumour.
A high dose CTV70 is created to include sites of local and nodal spread and a
lower dose CTV44 to include uninvolved nodal levels to receive a prophylactic dose.
The GTV-CTV70 expansion at the primary site is individualised and non-
uniform reflecting local barriers to spread and the possible involvement of local
structures. For example the CTV70 for a left base of tongue tumour should include
the whole tongue base and left tonsillar fossa; the CTV70 for a T1 tonsil cancer is
the tonsillar fossa but not tongue base or the nearby medial pterygoid muscle.
For N0 tumours, the CTV70 will include level II nodes adjacent to the primary
either ipsilaterally (lateral tonsil or soft palate primary) or bilaterally. In node-
positive disease the CTV70 includes all levels with involved lymph nodes and those
adjacent to the primary site. If there is involvement of an adjacent muscle due to
extracapsular spread, this should be included in the CTV70.
There is no evidence correlating CT data with pathological specimens from
which to derive a GTV-CTV margin. In practice, the CTV70 is best achieved by
automatically growing the GTV by 10 mm (the pathological margin that a surgeon
aims for), and editing it, to include sites of local spread and possible nodal
involvement and to exclude soft tissues where there are natural barriers to tumour
spread, air spaces and uninvolved bone.
A low dose CTV44 is created from the CTV70 by also including other lymph
node sites thought to be at risk of microscopic nodal disease. If this volume is to
be treated with a single anterior neck beam, a 3D volume need not be defined.
If the posterior pharyngeal wall is involved the bilateral retropharyngeal nodes
should be included in the CTV44. Examples of nodal levels to be included in the
CTV44 for different tumours are given in Table 11.2.
Table 11.2 Suggested nodal CTVs for oropharyngeal tumours
Disease site CTV44
Lateral tonsil or soft palate T1/T2 N0/N1 Ipsilateral levels II–IV (and Ib, RP, retrostyloid if N1)
Lateral tonsil or soft palate T1/T2 N2a,b Ipsilateral levels Ib–IV, retrostyloid, RP and consider
ipsilateral level V
Base of tongue, midline soft palate, Bilateral levels II–IV (and RP if posterior pharyngeal
posterior pharyngeal wall T1/T2 N0 wall involved)
Tonsil or soft palate T 3/4 and/or Consider each hemi-neck separately: N neck – levels
N2c, N3 Ib–IV, retrostyloid and RP nodes and consider level V
Base of tongue, midline soft palate N0 neck – levels II–IV (and RP if posterior pharyngeal
Any T 3/4 and/or N wall involved)
RP, retropharyngeal.
The CTVs are grown to PTVs by applying a margin which can be determined
by the local assessment of random and systematic errors, assuming that tumour
movement in head and neck cancer is negligible. This is usually 3–5 mm.
The spinal cord is outlined and grown by 5 mm to produce a PRV. Each parotid
gland is contoured where parotid sparing is feasible.
(a) (b)
Figure 11.4 Suggested CTVs for an unknown primary head and neck cancer presenting with
a level II node. (a) Axial slice showing the left tonsil (t) and base of tongue (B) in the CTV44
(magenta), CTV70 (cyan). (b) Axial slice showing the left pyriform fossa (P) in the CTV44.
Dose solutions
Ib–IV, retropharyngeal and retrostyloid nodes on the involved side and levels II–IV
contralaterally (Fig. 11.4). Another approach is to not treat the possible primary sites
and only include the ipsilateral levels Ib–IV, retrostyloid and retropharyngeal nodes.
This is less toxic as much of the oropharyngeal mucosa can be spared but, if the
primary site later becomes apparent it will be very difficult to treat with radiation so
close to the original CTV. We recommend the first approach unless comorbidity and
performance status suggest such extensive treatment volumes will be poorly tolerated.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Phase 1 aims to treat the PTV44 to a dose thought sufficient to eradicate microscopic
disease in lymph nodes. Unilateral PTVs are treated with a plan using two or three
beams unilaterally to provide dose to the PTV according to ICRU62 (Fig. 11.5). The
angle of the posterior oblique beam is chosen so as to avoid the spinal cord PRV
which can sometimes mean accepting reduced dose to the most posterior part of the
nodal CTV. This is matched to an ipsilateral low neck beam.
Figure 11.5 Beam arrangement and dose colourwash for treatment of a tonsillar cancer
and ipsilateral neck nodes.
Those PTVs extending to the contralateral side are usually treated with opposing
lateral beams with AP wedges and sometimes superior–inferior wedges to
compensate for changes in contour. A three-beam arrangement can sometimes be
used to try to spare the contralateral parotid gland. Usually the planned superior
volume is matched isocentrically to a lower anterior neck beam, with midline
shielding to treat more inferior nodes without irradiating midline structures.
Phase 2 aims to treat the PTV70 to a curative dose and the beam arrangements are
similar to those in phase 1 but with more shielding if possible. If the PTV70 extends
posteriorly to the posterior level II or level V nodes, a matched posterior electron
beam (9 MeV or 12 MeV) may be needed. The plans for phase 1 and phase 2 should
be reviewed together to ensure PTVs are adequately covered according to ICRU62
and critical structures are not overdosed. Acute side effects will be reduced if the dose
to the oral cavity and pharynx outside the PTV is minimised.
■ Complex
IMRT is the ideal treatment for oropharyngeal cancer requiring bilateral neck
irradiation as it allows parotid sparing to reduce the risk of xerostomia and obviates the
need for matched electron fields (Fig. 11.6). Different PTVs can be treated to different
doses within the same plan. If bilateral level II nodes contain tumour, the need to
include the retrostyloid nodes in the treated volume may preclude parotid sparing.
Figure 11.6 Volumes, five beam arrangement, and dose distribution for
intensity-modulated radiotherapy of a right base of tongue tumour. Colourwash scale is
set from 79 per cent (i.e. 54 Gy) to illustrate the conformality of the plan.
Target volumes are defined as above. Nodal PTVs often come close to the skin
surface. To artificially create a skin sparing effect with IMRT the nodal volumes are
edited so as to be a minimum of 5 mm from the body contour. The only exception
is when an involved node is within 5 mm of the skin surface.
The spinal cord is outlined with a 5 mm isocentric margin as a PRV. Both parotid
glands are contoured: they can be difficult to define on a planning CT, particularly
when there is dental artefact, though the diagnostic MRI may be helpful. The
brainstem is also contoured as an OAR. There is increasing evidence that the dose
to the pharyngeal constrictor muscles may relate to the risk of long-term dysphagia.
They can be spared inferior to the midline PTV and can either be contoured or can
Dose solutions
be included as part of an avoidance volume, including the larynx, hypopharynx and
trachea, which can help to reduce dose to these midline structures.
When the high dose PTV extends inferiorly below the inferior cricoid cartilage the
whole neck is treated in one plan, usually with a seven-beam arrangement of
equispaced IMRT beams. If the more inferior nodes only require a prophylactic dose
they can be treated with a matched anterior neck beam as for conformal treatment, in
which case the superior part of the volume can usually be treated with five equispaced
In practice, the five IMRT beam angles are selected with beam sizes chosen to cover
the PTV. The computer software uses an iterative process to try to meet
the constraints applied to the target volumes as illustrated in Table 11.3. The operator
guides the computer by defining the constraints and weighting them according to
their importance. The target constraints and weights are gradually changed until
Dose [Gy]
100.0 100.0
90.0 90.0
Ratio of total structure volume [%]
Dose [Gy]
100.0 100.0
90.0 90.0
Ratio of total structure volume [%]
LP 80.0
70.0 70.0
60.0 60.0
50.0 50.0
40.0 40.0
30.0 30.0
20.0 20.0
10.0 10.0
SC 5mm
0.0 0.0
Figure 11.7 DVHs for the volumes and plan shown in Figure 11.6, meeting the targets in
Table 11.3. (a) PTV65 (red) and PTV54 (green). (b) Spinal cord PRV (yellow, max dose
45.1 Gy), brainstem (blue, max dose 48.2 Gy), left parotid gland (pink, mean dose 22.6 Gy).
Table 11.3 Suggested targets for PTV and OAR coverage for oropharyngeal IMRT
spinal cord and brainstem are within tolerance, the PTVs are adequately covered and,
if possible, the mean contralateral parotid dose is less than 24 Gy (Fig. 11.7).
■ Curative treatment
70 Gy in 35 daily fractions given in 7 weeks
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 41⁄2 weeks.
■ Adjuvant treatment
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions to PTV60 given in 6 weeks concomitant
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks to high risk sites.
44 Gy in 22 daily fractions to PTV44 given in 41⁄2 weeks.
Information sources
■ Palliative treatment
30 Gy in 5 fractions of 6 Gy twice weekly given in 21⁄2 weeks.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
See Chapter 8.
key trials
See Chapter 8 – most phase III trials in head and neck cancer contain a majority
of patients with oropharyngeal cancers.
Calais G, Alfonsi M, Bardet E et al. (1999) Randomized trial of radiation therapy
versus concomitant chemotherapy and radiation therapy for advanced-stage
oropharynx carcinoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 9: 2081–6.
Denis F, Garaud P, Bardet E et al. (2004) Final results of the 94–01 French Head
and Neck Oncology and Radiotherapy Group randomised trial comparing
radiotherapy alone with concomitant radiochemotherapy in advanced-stage
oropharynx carcinoma. J Clin Oncol 22: 69 –76.
Information sources
Chao KS, Majhail N, Huang CJ et al. (2001) Intensity-modulated radiation therapy reduces late
salivary toxicity without compromising tumour control in patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma:
a comparison with conventional techniques. Radiother Oncol 61: 275–80.
Eisbruch A, Ten Haken RK, Kim HM et al. (1999) Dose, volume, and function relationships in parotid
salivary glands following conformal and intensity modulated irradiation of head and neck cancer.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 45: 577–87.
Jackson SM, Hay JH, Flores AD et al. (1999) Cancer of the tonsil: the results of ipsilateral radiation
treatment. Radiother Oncol 51: 123–8.
Maes A, Weltens C, Flamen P et al. (2002) Preservation of parotid function with uncomplicated
conformal radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 63: 203–11.
12 Hypopharynx
Table 12.1 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002*) tumour staging for hypopharyngeal cancer
T1 Tumour limited to one subsite (postcricoid, pyriform sinus or posterior pharyngeal wall) and
2 cm in greatest dimension
T2 Tumour invades more than one subsite of hypopharynx or an adjacent site, or measures
2 cm but
4 cm in greatest dimension, without fixation of the hemilarynx
T3 Tumour 4 cm in greatest dimension, or with fixation of the hemilarynx
T4a Tumour invades any of the following: thyroid/cricoid cartilage, hyoid bone, thyroid gland,
oesophagus, central compartment soft tissue (prelaryngeal strap muscles and
subcutaneous fat)
T4b Tumour invades prevertebral fascia, encases carotid artery, or invades mediastinal structures
*With permission.
Pyriform fossa tumours have the best prognosis – radiotherapy can achieve local
control in 90 per cent of T1 tumours and 80 per cent of T2 tumours with a 5-year
overall survival of 50–65 per cent. Involvement of the apex of the pyriform fossa
(which may imply occult invasion of cartilage) predicts a lower chance of cure.
Postcricoid carcinomas have a 20–50 per cent cure rate with radiotherapy which is
equivalent to that in surgical series. There are fewer data available for posterior wall
tumours but cure rates are similar to those for postcricoid cancer.
C4 cervical
Hyoid bone
Thyroid cartilage
Arytenoid cartilage
Vocal cords
Cricoid cartilage
sites – medially from the pyriform fossae to the paraglottic space (and then into the
larynx), laterally into the soft tissues of the neck, or posteriorly into the prevertebral
fascia. They can also invade the arytenoid, thyroid and cricoid cartilages. Submucosal
spread is common and should influence GTV-CTV margins. Postcricoid tumours
can spread into the cervical oesophagus.
Lymph node spread is common at presentation and occult disease is found in up
to 60 per cent of patients with no lymphadenopathy. The pyriform fossae drain to
ipsilateral levels II and III nodes initially, and other sites to levels II, III and IV,
usually bilaterally. Tumours involving the posterior pharyngeal wall can also spread
directly to the retropharyngeal nodes. If levels II–IV are involved, tumour can
spread to level Ib or V or to retropharyngeal nodes. Postcricoid cancers can also
spread inferiorly to the paratracheal and paraoesophageal nodes.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients lie supine on a headrest to keep the spine straight, with a custom-made
shell fixed to the couch top in at least five places to reduce movement. The treated
volume will usually extend inferior to the level of the shoulders which should be
as low as possible to facilitate beam entry. No mouth bite is required.
■ CT scanning
With the patient immobilised, CT images are obtained from the skull base to the
carina. The inferior border is at the carina to facilitate planning with lateral beams
angled inferiorly if required. Slices should ideally be 3 mm thick. Intravenous
contrast may help in the definition of lymph node volumes but is unlikely to add
more information than contrast-enhanced diagnostic imaging which must be
available at the time of target volume definition. Contrast can be particularly helpful
when there has been tumour shrinkage after induction chemotherapy as the residual
GTV will differ from that demonstrated on the original diagnostic scan.
There is as yet no proven role for image fusion with MRI or PET in defining
tumour volumes. MRI is unlikely to add much to CT-based planning as
hypopharyngeal tumours are seen almost as well on CT. The role of PET for target
volume definition is evolving and may facilitate dose escalation by identifying a
smaller target volume within the GTV which could receive a higher dose.
■ Simulator
Ideally all patients with hypopharyngeal cancer are planned three-dimensionally
using CT images in view of the complex volume shape and position. If opposing
lateral beams are to be used, the borders can be defined in the simulator on a
lateral radiograph.
RP, retropharyngeal.
The CTV60 should include the margins of resection and sites of any dissected
nodal levels where there was tumour. Sites of positive resection margins or where
there was extracapsular nodal spread should be further defined as CTV66. In
practice it can be impossible to accurately define these sites separately from the
CTV60, in which case only the CTV66 should be defined. When the patient has
had a laryngectomy, the stoma should be included in the CTV60 if subglottic
extension was present or if the surgeon is concerned about the risk of parastomal
If a clinically node negative tumour has been excised with an elective neck
dissection and there is unexpected tumour in the neck nodes, a CTV44 can also be
defined. This should ensure that the nodal levels defined in Table 12.2 have been
treated either surgically or with radiotherapy. For example if surgery for a T2 pyriform
fossa tumour included an ipsilateral level II–IV neck dissection at which multiple
involved nodes were identified (pN2b), the CTV44 should include ipsilateral levels
Ib and V, contralateral levels II–IV and bilateral retropharyngeal nodes.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Both PTV44 and high dose volumes often extend bilaterally into the neck. The usual
conformal plan for many hypopharyngeal tumours uses opposing lateral photon
beams shaped to the PTV with MLCs. Wedges in both the AP and superoinferior
planes may be needed to compensate for changes in the contour of the neck.
If the high dose PTV extends posterior to the plane of the spinal cord a two-
phase technique will be needed. Opposing lateral beams in phase 1 will include the
spinal cord. A second phase using smaller lateral photon beams with posterior
border anterior to the spinal cord is then matched to electron beams to the
posterior neck. The electron energy is chosen to keep within spinal cord tolerance
but cover PTV if possible. Alternatively, the opposing photon beams can be angled
to treat the PTV while avoiding the cord (Fig. 12.5).
The PTV usually extends inferiorly to below the level of the shoulders. The
inferior part of the volume can be treated with a matched anterior photon beam
with midline shielding. The match plane should ideally be inferior to the lower
border of the high dose volume to avoid matching through sites of macroscopic
or high risk microscopic disease. An alternative is to angle the opposing lateral
Dose solutions
■ Complex
IMRT has several advantages. No anterior neck beam matching is needed and
therefore the risk of under or overdosing at the match plane is reduced. Matched
electron beams to treat posteriorly behind the cord will not be needed. It can
provide a more even dose distribution if the volume extends inferiorly into the low
neck or superior mediastinum. It facilitates dose escalation by allowing smaller,
high dose volumes to be treated in one phase with a simultaneous boost technique.
It can reduce the risk of xerostomia by sparing salivary glands.
A seven-beam coplanar technique is usually needed to achieve these aims
though five beams are sometimes adequate. Spinal cord (with a 5 mm isotropic
margin), parotid glands and brainstem are contoured as organs at risk. Oral or
pharyngeal mucosa outside the PTV should be contoured to allow these sites to
be spared as much as possible.
■ Conventional
Patients having palliative radiotherapy can be treated conventionally with lateral
opposing beams chosen in the simulator. If the volume extends inferior to the
shoulders or for any curative treatment, a conformal CT based plan is recommended.
■ Curative treatment T1/T2 N0
70 Gy in 35 daily fractions given in 7 weeks.
Information sources
■ Adjuvant treatment
60–66 Gy in 30–33 daily fractions given in 6–61⁄2 weeks concomitant
■ Palliative treatment
30 Gy in 5 fractions of 6 Gy given in 3 weeks.
or 20 Gy in 5 fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
See Chapter 8.
key trials
See chapter 8 – many phase III trials in head and neck cancer contain patients
with hypopharyngeal cancers.
Lefebvre JL, Chevalier D, Lunoinski B et al. (1996) Larynx preservation in
pyriform sinus cancer: preliminary results of a European Organisation for
Research and Treatment of Cancer phase III trial. EORTC Head and Neck
Cancer Cooperative Group. J Natl Cancer Inst 88: 890–9.
Information sources
Mendenhall WM, Parsons JT, Stringer SP et al. (1993) Radiotherapy alone or combined with neck
dissection for T1–T2 carcinoma of the pyriform sinus: an alternative to conservation surgery. Int
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 27: 1017–27.
Montgomery PQ, Rhys Evans PH, Henk JM (2003) Tumours of the hypopharynx. In: Rhys Evans
PH, Montgomery PQ, Gullane PJ (eds) Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology.
Martin Dunitz, London, pp. 253–78.
13 Nasopharynx
■ Recurrent disease
Local recurrence in the nasopharynx is difficult to treat surgically. Brachytherapy
with iodine-125 or gold-198 seeds can be used to treat small volume persistent or
recurrent disease, or can be combined with surgery. However, most local recurrences
are detected when they are too large to be cured with brachytherapy.
Indications for radiotherapy
Table 13.1 Comparison of UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002*) and Ho’s (1978) staging for
nasopharyngeal cancer
*With permission.
Table 13.2 Stage groupings for UICC TNM
(6th edn, 2002*) classification
Stage I T1 N0 M0
Stage IIA T2a N0 M0
Stage IIB T1 N1 M0
T2a N1 M0
T2b N0–1 M0
Stage III T1 N2 M0
T2a–2b N2 M0
T3 N0–2 M0
Stage IVA T4 N0–2 M0
Stage IVB Any T N3 M0
Stage IVC Any T any N M1
*With permission.
Figure 13.1 Diagnostic MR scans to illustrate nasopharyngeal anatomy and routes of
tumour spread. (a) Axial T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI showing tumour (T) invading
parapharyngeal space (P). The normal contralateral fossa of Rosenmüller (R) and normal
Eustachian tube orifice (E) are also shown. (b) Coronal T1-weighted contrast-enhanced
MRI showing cavernous sinus invasion (C), the sphenoid sinus (S) and internal carotid
artery (IC). (c) Axial T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI showing bilateral retropharyngeal
nodes (arrowed).
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients are treated supine with head and shoulders immobilised in a Perspex shell
or thermoplastic mask with at least five fixation points. The chin is elevated to
spare the oral cavity and orbit, but the spine should be kept as straight as possible
if posterior neck nodes are present, to facilitate matching of an electron boost.
A mouth bite may be used to depress the tongue away from the treated volume. If
IMRT is used, the patient can be immobilised with the chin in a neutral position.
■ CT scanning
CT scan slices measuring 3–5 mm are obtained from 2 cm above the superior orbital
ridge (to include the skull base) to the arch of the aorta inferiorly. Intravenous
contrast may help definition of cervical nodes. Reference marks are placed on the
shell at the CT visit to aid verification.
■ Simulator
3D conformal radiotherapy or an IMRT technique is preferred because local extent
of disease can be better determined. However, Ho’s technique (modified here
slightly) relates likely patterns of spread to bony anatomy, so 2D simulator-based
planning with opposing lateral fields can be used.
(a) (b)
Figure 13.2 GTV, CTV70 (cyan) and CTV60 (purple) for a T2b nasopharyngeal cancer
shown on two axial levels: (a) and (b).
The CTV60 is copied to form the CTV50. This is expanded to include bilateral
level Ib and II–V nodes. In N0 disease, level Ib can be omitted bilaterally. In N1
disease, the contralateral level Ib can be omitted. In the rare situation of WHO1
disease that is clinically N0, level IV and inferior level V nodes can also be omitted.
If level IV or low level V nodes are involved the supraclavicular nodes on that side
should be included in the CTV50. A CTV-PTV margin is applied (usually
3–5 mm) based on measured set-up errors assuming no tumour motion.
The brainstem and spinal cord should always be defined. The parotid glands,
pituitary gland, temporomandibular joints (TMJs), optic apparatus, temporal lobes
and middle ear apparatus (adjacent to the fossa of Rosenmüller) should also be
contoured as critical structures if IMRT is used, as dose sparing may be possible.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
As the PTV50 includes both a midline tumour and bilateral cervical nodes, it is
difficult to obtain adequate coverage conformally with anything other than opposing
lateral photon beams. Conformal planning is still preferable as it will allow MLC
shielding to shape to PTVs rather than to bony anatomy. Treatment of the PTV60
and PTV70 with a conformal plan will reduce the dose to adjacent critical structures
such as the brainstem and temporal lobes.
PTV50 is initially treated to 40 Gy in 20 fractions with opposing lateral photon
beams as shown (Fig. 13.3). MLC shielding is applied to oral cavity, orbit and
brain. This is matched to a bilateral anterior neck beam with the match plane at
least 10 mm below the nodal GTV.
■ Complex
The complex PTVs and adjacent critical normal structures make IMRT of the
nasopharynx a good solution in theory. Five or seven equally spaced coplanar
IMRT beams can provide good target volume coverage, keep neural tissues within
tolerance and spare parotid function to prevent long-term xerostomia. Several
dose levels can be stipulated in the plan so that the three PTVs can be treated to
different doses in a single phase. The low neck can be included in the IMRT
volume or treated with a matched anterior neck beam as above.
■ Conventional
Where resources are not available for conformal planning, conventional techniques
may be unavoidable. Ho’s technique describes a similar solution to the conformal
one described above with bony landmarks used to define beam edges. For example
beam borders for the first phase of treatment are: anterior – bisecting antrum;
posterior – 2 cm posterior to nodes; superior – 5 mm above anterior clinoid.
■ Simultaneous boost IMRT
65 Gy to PTV70, 60 Gy to PTV60 and 50.4 Gy to PTV50 in 30 fractions given in
6 weeks.
■ Conformal/conventional
70 Gy in 35 daily fractions given in 7 weeks to PTV70 concomitant cisplatin
(60 Gy/30fractions and 50 Gy/25 fractions to PTV60 and PTV50, respectively).
See Chapter 8.
key trials
Information sources
Chau RMC, Teo PML, Choi PHK et al. (2001) Three-dimensional dosimetric evaluation of a
conventional radiotherapy technique for treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Radiother
Oncol 58: 143–53.
Jen Y-M, Shih R, Lin YS et al. (2005) Parotid gland-sparing 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy
results in less severe dry mouth in nasopharyngeal cancer patients: a dosimetric and clinical
comparison with conventional radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 75: 204–9.
Lee AWM, Poon YF, Foo W et al. (1992) A retrospective analysis of 5037 patients with
nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated during 1976–1985, overall survival and patterns of failure.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 23: 261–70.
Liu L-Z, Zhang GY, Xie CM et al. (2006) Magnetic resonance imaging of retropharyngeal lymph node
metastasis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: patterns of spread. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 66:
Wolden SL, Chen WC, Pfister DH et al. (2006) Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for
nasopharyngeal cancer: update of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering experience. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 64: 57–62.
Larynx 14
■ Palliative EBRT
If distant metastases are present initially or if the patient is not suitable for curative
treatment, palliative EBRT may improve pain and reduce the chance of laryngeal
obstruction or tumour ulceration in the neck.
Table 14.1 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002*) tumour staging for supraglottic and glottic cancer
Clinical and radiological anatomy
Table 14.1 Continued
Free portion
of epiglottis
Hyoid bone
Pre-epiglottic fat Laryngeal wall
of epiglottis
Aryepiglottic fold
False cord
Laryngeal ventricle
Thyroid cartilage
True cord
Subglottic area
Prelaryngeal Sections of
node cricoid cartilage
pre-epiglottic and paraglottic fat, or into nearby structures such as the carotid
sheath or prevertebral muscles.
The glottic larynx has very few lymphatics so early tumours confined to this site
are usually N0 and adjacent nodes do not require treatment. The prelaryngeal
(Delphian) node lies on the cricothyroid membrane and is usually included in
radiotherapy treated volumes incidentally. Tumours originating in the supraglottic
larynx can spread to adjacent level II or III nodes unilaterally or bilaterally if the
primary tumour crosses the midline. Locally advanced cancers spread to adjacent
level II–IV nodes. If there is subglottic involvement, tumours can spread to level
IV or midline level VI nodes.
(a) (b)
Figure 14.2 Nasendoscopy of the larynx. (a) T1a tumour (T) of the anterior half of the right
vocal cord. (b) T3 tumour (T) of the left vocal cord extending into the supraglottic larynx.
T1N0 squamous cell cancer confined to one vocal cord does not require cross-
sectional imaging as the risk of deep invasion or nodal spread is very small. All other
laryngeal cancer requires cross-sectional imaging with CT or MRI. Invasion of
paraglottic fat and laryngeal cartilages may be assessed by CT or MRI (Fig. 14.3).
Ultrasound can be useful particularly to help assess cartilage sclerosis where cartilage
invasion is suspected but not proven with MRI or CT.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
All patients having radiotherapy should be immobilised in a Perspex or thermoplastic
shell fixed to the couch in at least five places. The spine should be straight. The
shoulders are immobilised in the shell as inferiorly as possible so that the shoulder
tips are inferior to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage thus permitting lateral
radiation beams to treat the larynx without the need to angle them inferiorly. Grip
bars on the side of the couch may help to achieve this.
■ Simulator
Radiotherapy for early (T1) glottic carcinomas with no extra-laryngeal disease
can be planned on a simulator because the position of the primary tumour
can be determined – the vocal cords extend horizontally from 10 mm below the
thyroid promontory – and lymph nodes do not require treatment. The whole
larynx can therefore be treated with opposing lateral beams with the following
Data acquisition
(a) (b)
Figure 14.3 Cartilage invasion in laryngeal tumours. (a) Diagnostic CT scan showing
tumour (arrowed) with possible invasion of the thyroid cartilage. (b) Same slice with
window and level optimised for bone/cartilage to show cartilage invasion. (c) T4a tumour
(T) invading through the cricoid cartilage (CC) into the soft tissues of the neck.
■ CT scanning
CT slices 3–5 mm thick are obtained from the base of skull to the top of the aortic
arch with the patient immobilised in the treatment position. As treatment of
locally advanced glottic cancer or adjuvant radiation after a laryngectomy may
require lateral beams angled inferiorly, the CT scan in these patients should be
extended inferiorly to the carina.
Dose solutions
The CTV44 in the patient with clinically negative nodes includes all nodes at
risk for microscopic metastases as shown in Table 14.2. If adjacent structures are
involved, the CTV44 must reflect their lymphatic drainage, e.g. level II nodes if
there is tongue base invasion.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
The CTV after a laryngectomy is determined by the initial site of the tumour and
which local structures were invaded, and by the pattern of lymph node spread found
on initial imaging and at neck dissection. A CTV66 can be defined as sites where
surgical margins were involved or where there was extracapsular nodal spread but
in practice it is often difficult to delineate this volume separately from the CTV60.
Preoperative imaging, clinicopathological correlation, a clear operation note and
discussion with the surgeon all help to determine the CTV60, which includes sites
at risk of microscopic residual disease. Particular thought should be given to
establishing whether there was subglottic invasion as this predicts for recurrence in
the tracheostomy site and mandates inclusion of the stoma in the CTV60.
For a pT4N0 tumour that has been completely excised with a bilateral negative
selective neck dissection, the CTV60 is the tumour bed alone. For node positive
disease, the CTV60 should include all nodal levels which contained disease in the
dissected neck. A separate CTV44 can be defined to treat contralateral nodes that are
at lower risk of metastases if there has not been a selective neck dissection on that side.
Dose solutions
■ T1 N0 glottic larynx
The field borders defined above will provide adequate coverage for early glottic
cancers. Opposing lateral beams of approximately 5 cm 5 cm require 15–45°
wedges to compensate for missing tissue anteriorly. A 1 cm tissue equivalent bolus
is needed over the apex of the larynx if the anterior commissure is involved.
A more conformal dose distribution can be obtained by either using anterior
oblique rather than lateral beams or by the addition of an anterior beam which can
obviate the need for bolus anteriorly. MLCs are used to conform each beam to the
shape of the PTV. In this way dose to the lateral neck is reduced which may reduce
the risk of damage to the carotid vessels. However, the adjacent lymph nodes will
not receive a therapeutic dose as they would with an opposing beam arrangement
(Fig. 14.4). If there is any question of supraglottic involvement the adjacent nodes
must be included in the CTV and the volume treated accordingly.
■ Other tumours
For a PTV that extends bilaterally and involves midline structures, opposing or
slightly angled lateral photon beams may be the only way to provide adequate
coverage. The beams are shaped to the PTV contour with MLC leaves to improve
Figure 14.4 Conformal radiotherapy for T1a cancer of the left glottis with three beams.
(a) Axial slice showing beams and dose distribution. (b) Sagittal slice. The superior beam
border is the mid-body of the hyoid bone and the inferior border is the inferior margin of
the cricoid cartilage.
the therapeutic ratio. When the PTV extends inferiorly below the shoulders, the
opposing lateral beams are angled inferiorly by 10–30° to provide dose to the low
neck. Because the contour of the neck changes both from anterior to posterior and
also from superior to inferior, the beams are wedged in two planes to provide a
conformal distribution. This is impossible with MLCs, so it is necessary to use two
identical sized fields for each lateral beam – each with a wedge in a different plane.
An anterior beam can also improve the dose distribution in some plans. Even with
these modifications it can be difficult to get a uniform dose distribution and
particularly to get adequate dose to the inferior part of the PTV.
Dose solutions
Where a single PTV anterior to the cord is defined one beam arrangement is
used throughout (Fig. 14.5). If a PTV70 and PTV44 are defined two phases are
used, usually with similar beam angles but different MLC positions (Fig. 14.6). If
the high dose PTV extends posterior to the spinal cord on one side, the lateral
beams can sometimes be angled by 20–30° which may also allow some sparing of
the contralateral parotid gland if the PTV extends superiorly. For some volumes,
matched electron beams may be required to treat the posterior extent of high dose
PTVs in phase 2. The posterior border of the opposing photon beams is set just
anterior to the spinal cord and the electron energy is chosen to provide as good
coverage of the PTV as possible without exceeding spinal cord tolerance.
IMRT has the potential to produce a more conformal dose distribution to the
PTVs particularly if the PTV extends inferiorly below the shoulders or posteriorly
behind the spinal cord. It also means matching within the PTV to an anterior neck
or posterior electron beam is unnecessary. Dose escalation may then be possible.
Parotid sparing can be accomplished if the PTV extends superiorly into level II. A
seven beam coplanar arrangement is likely to produce the best plan though five
beams may be adequate.
■ T1–2 N0 glottic larynx
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks.
50 Gy in 16 daily fractions of 3.125 Gy given in 22 days.
■ Adjuvant treatment
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks concomitant cisplatin.
See Chapter 8.
Information sources
Cellai E, Frata P, Magrini SM et al. (2005) Radical radiotherapy for early glottic cancer: Results in a
series of 1087 patients from two Italian radiation oncology centers. I. The case of T1N0
disease. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 63: 1378–86.
Clark CH, Bidmead AM, Mubata CD et al. (2004) Intensity-modulated radiotherapy improves target
coverage, spinal cord sparing and allows dose escalation in patients with locally advanced
cancer of the larynx. Radiother Oncol 70: 189–98.
Pfister DG, Laurie SA, Weinstein GS et al. (2006) American Society of Clinical Oncology clinical
practice guideline for the use of larynx-preservation strategies in the treatment of laryngeal
cancer. J Clin Oncol 24: 3693–704.
Salivary glands 15
■ Pleomorphic adenoma
Pleomorphic adenomas, though histologically benign, can be difficult to control
locally with surgery alone. Radiotherapy is indicated if excision margins are
positive and no further surgery is possible (e.g. tumour close to the facial nerve).
Radiotherapy should also be considered to prevent further recurrences in patients
who have had a pleomorphic adenoma excised on more than one occasion
previously, particularly if there is a short interval between recurrences relative to
the life expectancy of the patient, or if further surgery would compromise cosmesis
or function.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients should be immobilised lying supine with the neck slightly extended to
move the orbits superiorly and reduce the chance of beams exiting through the
eye. A Perspex or thermoplastic shell with at least five fixation points should ideally
be used even if the neck is not included in the treatment volume, as systematic and
random errors will be smaller and CTV-PTV margins can be tighter.
■ CT scanning
CT slices are obtained from the skull base to the hyoid in patients not requiring
neck radiotherapy, or from the skull base to the arch of the aorta if the neck is to
be irradiated. Slices should be no more than 5 mm thick and ideally 3 mm.
Fusion of planning MRI and CT images can be particularly helpful where there
is extensive perineural invasion which necessitates inclusion of the skull base in the
target volume.
■ Simulator
CT scanning is preferred to simulator-based planning to allow individualised
ipsilateral beam arrangements to conform better to the PTV and avoid critical
structures and mucosa.
Figure 15.3 Target volume definition for an adenoid cystic tumour of the deep lobe of the
parotid gland. (a) Axial T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI showing primary tumour (T).
(b) Corresponding planning CT scan showing CTV including the parapharyngeal space
(arrowed). (c) Axial planning CT slice close to skull base. The course of the facial nerve up
to the stylomastoid foramen (arrowed) is included in the CTV.
If there are indications for neck radiotherapy adjuvantly after a neck dissection,
the levels to be treated are included in the CTV60. If there are indications (high
grade tumour) for prophylactic neck radiotherapy, the ipsilateral level Ib, II and
III nodes should be included in the treated volume. While a separate CTV44 can
be defined to give these sites a prophylactic dose, the proximity of the nodes to
the parotid bed means that including them in the CTV60 and treating the whole
volume in one phase is a more pragmatic approach.
Sites where resection margins are involved, or where there was extracapsular nodal
extension, should be defined in a CTV66 – though again it may be more appropriate
to treat the whole CTV to this dose rather than to define separate dose levels.
The CTV is expanded isotropically to form the PTV by a margin determined for
each department by the observed random and systematic errors – usually 3–5 mm.
The contralateral parotid gland does not usually receive sufficient dose to cause
xerostomia but it should be contoured as an organ at risk if the mean dose to the
gland is expected to be 24 Gy. The inner ear should be defined as an OAR, as
reducing dose to the cochlear apparatus may reduce the risk of deafness.
■ Other sites
Similar principles can be applied for volume definition for tumours of the
submandibular or minor salivary glands. In adenoid cystic carcinomas the nerve
innervating the primary tumour site should be included up to the skull base. In
adenoid cystic carcinomas of the submandibular gland this should include the
lingual nerve (a branch of the mandibular nerve, V3) back to the foramen ovale
and the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve to the stylomastoid
foramen. For tumours arising in or close to midline (e.g. hard palate), prophylactic
lymph node volumes should be outlined bilaterally if lymph nodes are to be
included in the CTV.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Two or three ipsilateral photon beams will usually provide homogeneous dose
distribution to the CTV without exceeding the tolerance of adjacent critical
structures. The anterior oblique beam angle is chosen according to the shape of
the anteromedial edge of the PTV while trying to minimise dose to the mucosa
of the oral cavity and oropharynx. The posterior oblique angle is chosen according
to the contour of the posterolateral edge of the PTV and should be lateral to the
spinal cord and brainstem (Fig. 15.4). The exit dose from this beam should be
inferior to the contralateral eye. This is usually achieved by immobilising the patient
with the neck slightly extended but half beam blocking may be needed if the PTV
extends more superiorly. An additional lateral photon beam may provide a more
homogeneous distribution but will increase dose to the contralateral parotid gland
and possibly to the spinal cord. Alternatively, a lateral electron beam can be used
but current algorithms make the calculation of mixed photon and electron beams
less reliable. All beams should be shaped to the PTV contour with MLCs.
The PTV may come close to the skin surface, in which case it can be difficult to
cover the lateral surface of the PTV unless tissue equivalent bolus is used.
However, bolus is only recommended if there is a risk of microscopic residual
disease in the skin. This is an uncommon situation as involved skin is usually
resected and a myocutaneous flap used to fill the defect. This new skin will not
contain microscopic disease. However, if a Perspex shell is used it should not be
cut out over the treated volume.
Hotspots in the mandible of 107 per cent should be avoided to reduce the risk
of osteoradionecrosis. Excessive dose in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Figure 15.4 Axial planning
CT slice showing three-
beam plan for adjuvant
radiotherapy of a parotid
should also be avoided to reduce the risk of long-term TMJ dysfunction and
trismus. The cochlear dose should be kept below 50 Gy if possible to reduce the
risk of long-term sensorineural hearing damage.
If level III and IV nodes are to be treated as an adjuvant to neck dissection,
a matched anterior neck beam can be used. The match plane should be inferior to
any preoperative lymphadenopathy to avoid a junction through microscopic
residual disease.
■ Complex
IMRT planning studies have reported reduced dose to the cochlea. An equispaced
nine-beam coplanar technique has been described, but this risks increasing dose to
the contralateral parotid. An ipsilateral four-beam IMRT planning solution has
also been used but may not be better than a 3D-conformal beam arrangement.
Neutron therapy
The one small RCT of fast neutron therapy versus conventional radiotherapy for
unresectable salivary gland cancers reports a better local control rate with neutrons
at the risk of increased late toxicity.
■ Conventional
The irregularly shaped PTV will be treated best with conformal radiotherapy to
reduce dose to organs at risk, but an ipsilateral anterior and posterior oblique
wedged beam arrangement can be planned conventionally. Care should be taken
to avoid organs at risk, especially exit dose to the contralateral eye.
■ Adjuvant
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
66 Gy in 33 fractions for positive margins or extracapsular nodal spread.
In addition to the procedures outlined in Chapter 8, if the posterior oblique beam
is shown on BEV to exit close to the contralateral eye, lens doses should be
measured by TLD on the first day of treatment to ensure tolerance is not exceeded.
key trials
Information sources
Chen AM, Garcia J, Lee NY et al. (2007) Patterns of nodal relapse after surgery and postoperative
radiation therapy for carcinomas of the major and minor salivary glands: what is the role of
elective neck irradiation? Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 67: 988–94.
Terhaard CHJ, Lubsen H, Rasch CRN et al. (2005) The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of
malignant salivary gland tumours. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 61: 103–11.
Sinuses: maxilla, 16
ethmoid and nasal
cavity tumours
Indications for radiotherapy
Tumours arising in the sinonasal area usually present with symptoms of local invasion
and the importance of local extent is reflected in the T stage (see Table 16.1).
Lymphatic spread and distant metastases are unusual so surgery and
radiotherapy to the primary site are the main treatments. Fifty per cent of tumours
appear to arise in the maxilla with 25 per cent each in the nasal cavity and
ethmoids. Primary tumours of the frontal or sphenoid sinus are very rare.
Table 16.1 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002*) tumour staging for nasal cavity and paranasal
T1 Tumour limited to the mucosa with Tumour restricted to one subsite of nasal cavity
no erosion or destruction of bone or ethmoid sinus,† with or without bony invasion
T2 Tumour causing bone erosion or Tumour involves two subsites in a single site or
destruction, including extension extends to involve an adjacent site within the
into hard palate and/or middle nasoethmoidal complex, with or without bony
nasal meatus, except extension invasion
to posterior wall of maxillary
sinus and pterygoid plates
T3 Tumour invades any of the following: Tumour extends to invade the medial wall
bone of posterior wall of maxillary or floor of the orbit, maxillary sinus, palate, or
sinus, subcutaneous tissues, cribriform plate
floor or medial wall of orbit,
pterygoid fossa, ethmoid sinuses
T4a Tumour invades any of the following: Tumour invades any of the following: anterior
anterior orbital contents, skin of orbital contents, skin of nose or cheek, minimal
cheek, pterygoid plates, masticator extension to anterior cranial fossa, pterygoid
space, cribriform plate, sphenoid plates, sphenoid or frontal sinuses
or frontal sinuses
T4b Tumour invades any of the following: Tumour invades any of the following: orbital
orbital apex, dura, brain, middle apex, dura, brain, middle cranial fossa, cranial
cranial fossa, cranial nerves other nerves other than V2, nasopharynx, clivus
than maxillary division of trigeminal
nerve V2, nasopharynx, clivus
*With permission.
Subsites are: septum, floor, lateral wall and vestibule of nasal cavity and left and right ethmoid sinuses.
Squamous cell cancers are the commonest histological subtype (50 per cent) and
radiotherapy is often combined with chemotherapy in advanced disease on the
basis that there is additional benefit from combined treatment in other head and
neck squamous cell cancers.
There are many other tumour types that all have slightly different clinico-
pathological characteristics. Adenoid cystic cancers have a propensity for perineural
spread so radiotherapy volumes need to include the course of the relevant nerve to
the skull base. Olfactory neuroblastomas (aesthesioneuroblastoma) arise in the
olfactory epithelium of the superior nasal cavity and can invade the cribriform plate
and anterior cranial fossa. This is important when planning both surgery (craniofacial
resection) and radiotherapy.
Malignant melanomas can arise from the nasal cavity mucosa, especially the lateral
wall. Depth of invasion does not correlate well with prognosis. Sinonasal melanomas
behave unpredictably but almost inevitably recur at some point, often locally. This
means a more palliative approach should be considered in the elderly or those with
poor performance status. Adenocarcinomas usually start in the middle meatus or
ethmoid sinus, and are related to exposure to hardwood dust. Other rarer tumours
include chondrosarcomas and sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas (SNUC).
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
Whilst surgery is the treatment of choice for almost all sinonasal malignancies,
adjuvant radiotherapy is recommended in most cases as it is difficult to resect these
tumours en bloc with clear margins. There is non-randomised trial evidence that
radiotherapy improves local recurrence rates for all tumour types. The exception is
completely resected T1 disease where recurrence rates are likely to be low. It may
also be appropriate not to irradiate after surgery for sinonasal melanoma, reserving
radiotherapy for the almost inevitable recurrence.
Combined surgery and postoperative radiotherapy lead to optimal 5-year
survival rates of 50 per cent in maxillary sinus squamous cell cancers, 60 per cent in
ethmoid adenocarcinoma, 75 per cent in olfactory neuroblastoma and 30 per cent
in sinonasal melanoma.
■ Primary radiotherapy
If complete resection is considered impossible because of invasion of local
structures (e.g. cranial fossae, masticator space) or if the patient declines surgery,
primary radiotherapy is used to obtain local control and, occasionally, cure.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Mucosal melanomas and other locally advanced sinonasal tumours in patients with
poor performance status are treated with palliative radiotherapy as cure is unlikely.
This approach should be discussed with individual patients.
Ethmoid sinuses
Cribriform plate
Lamina papyracea
Floor of orbit
Nasal cavity
Maxillary antrum
Hard palate
Nasal septum
Alveolar process
of maxilla
Maxillary tumours can extend through the anterior wall to invade the cheek or
posteriorly into the pterygopalatine fossa and masticator space (infratemporal
fossa) causing trismus, and from there to the middle cranial fossa. Inferior
extension into and through the floor of the maxilla may result in loose teeth or an
oroantral fistula.
It is relatively easy for tumour to grow into the orbit superiorly through the
inferior orbital fissure or for ethmoid tumour to grow into the orbit through the thin
lamina papyracea. Ethmoid tumours can also grow superiorly through the cribriform
plate and into the anterior cranial fossa and anteriorly into the nasal cavity.
MRI with gadolinium enhancement is the imaging modality of choice as it can
assess local extent and differentiate tumour from retained secretions. CT may
provide additional information if cribriform plate erosion or early orbital involve-
ment is suspected.
Lymph node involvement is seen in less than 20 per cent of tumours but the
neck should be examined clinically and radiologically. Tumours invading the
anterior nose and cheek have a higher risk of lymphatic spread than those
contained within the sinuses, with level Ib and II nodes most likely to be involved.
Lymphatic spread is more common in tumours invading adjacent mucosal surfaces
such as the nasopharynx.
Metastases at presentation are uncommon but all patients should have a chest
radiograph and appropriate investigation of symptoms suggestive of metastases.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients should be immobilised supine in a Perspex or thermoplastic shell. If the
neck is not irradiated, the shoulders do not need to be immobilised. If the low
neck nodes are to be treated (level III–V) the neck should be extended to allow
treatment of most of the neck nodes with an anterior beam, avoiding the oral
cavity and pharynx where possible.
A mouth bite is used to depress the tongue and oral cavity away from the treated
volume and reduce acute morbidity. Patients should be asked to look straight
ahead to avoid rotating the lens or retina, particularly if the orbital cavity is
included in the treated volume. Wax plugs in the nostrils are used if the tumour
extended inferiorly in the nasal cavity to enable a more uniform dose distribution.
■ CT scanning
A CT scan is performed with 3 mm slices from 2 cm superior to the superior orbital
ridge to the hyoid bone (but extended to include the low neck if neck nodes are
to be treated). The whole head should be imaged if non-coplanar beams are to be
used in the treatment plan (see below).
Fused CT-MRI images can be useful in the definition of the optic pathways and
skull base. MRI also allows retained secretions to be differentiated from tumour
where resection has been incomplete.
Target volume definition
■ Simulator
3D CT-planned conformal radiotherapy is recommended for all patients, given the
complex anatomy of this region. If this is not available, orthogonal simulator films
are taken and volumes defined on these films using knowledge of tumour extent
and patterns of spread.
(a) (b)
Figure 16.2 Definition of CTV for a pT4a carcinoma of the maxilla resected with clear
margins. (a) Preoperative T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI showing primary tumour
invading the cheek (C), masticator space (M) and lateral pterygoid muscle (P).
(b) Corresponding planning CT slice showing CTV.
For most tumours, the CTV will include the ipsilateral maxillary sinus and nasal
cavity and the ethmoid sinuses bilaterally. The superior extent can be modified for
a very inferior tumour. Where the primary involved the maxilla, consideration
should be given to including the pterygopalatine and masticator space. When a
maxillary tumour has invaded inferiorly, the hard palate should be included in the
CTV so as to allow a 10 mm margin around original disease.
The CTV for tumours involving the ethmoid sinuses should include the
sphenoid sinus. Where initial disease came close to the orbit or invaded the lamina
papyracea, the CTV should include that portion of the medial and inferior orbital
wall (Fig. 16.3). The orbital cavity should be included in the CTV if the orbital
wall has been breached by tumour or if tumour has grown superiorly through the
inferior orbital fissure. Where a craniofacial excision has been carried out, the CTV
should extend 10 mm superior to the cribriform plate or 10 mm superior to initial
sites of disease, whichever is greater. Olfactory neuroblastomas arise from the
cribriform plate and particular attention should be paid to the CTV at this site.
(a) (b)
Figure 16.3 CTV for an olfactory neuroblastoma invading the lamina papyracea but not
into the orbit. (a) Preoperative T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MRI showing primary
tumour (T) close to the left orbit. (b) Corresponding planning CT slice showing CTV
including the medial portion of the orbital wall.
If the primary was close to or invading the nasopharynx, the adjacent ipsilateral
retropharyngeal nodes should be included in the CTV. When cervical node
radiotherapy is indicated, the intraparotid nodes, level Ib and superior level II
nodes can be included in the CTV but including these nodes will make a complex
volume harder to treat adequately. As local relapse in the primary site is usually the
greatest risk, the nodes are often not treated in sinonasal tumours.
The CTV is expanded isotropically (usually by 3–5 mm but determined by local
audit) to form the PTV.
Organs at risk to be outlined include the lenses, lacrimal glands (in the
superolateral orbit and upper eyelid), optic nerves and chiasm, spinal cord, brainstem
Dose solutions
and pituitary gland. Some centres also expand these structures (in particular the optic
nerves) by 2–3 mm to create a PRV to account for systematic and random errors.
The direction of such errors is likely to be in the same direction as changes in the
PTV so adding a 3 mm margin to both the CTV and the OAR may be unnecessary.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
The commonest beam arrangement for sinonasal tumours uses an anterior beam
to provide most of the dose with an ipsilateral or bilateral wedged lateral beams
added to provide extra dose to the posterior part of the PTV (Fig. 16.4). This
arrangement cannot provide a uniform dose distribution. Hot-spots of 110 per
cent are usually found anteriorly and inadequate posterior coverage occurs in spite
of the lateral beams. MLCs are used to shape each beam to the PTV. The lateral
fields have their anterior border behind the lens and can be angled 5° posteriorly
to avoid exiting through the contralateral lens. As a result, not all the PTV will be
within the lateral beams.
(a) (b)
Figure 16.4 Conformal radiotherapy for sinonasal tumours. (a) Beam arrangement.
Colour wash scale is set from 95 per cent to demonstrate the hot spot anteriorly and the
underdosing posteriorly. (b) BEV of left lateral beam. This beam is to add dose to the
posterior part of the PTV only. Left eyeball green; lens yellow.
The course of the optic nerves becomes more medial at the posterior part of the
orbital cavity as they exit through the optic canal. At this point, the nerves
commonly overlap the PTV. The authors recommend a dose limit of 50 Gy (in
2 Gy fractions) for the optic nerve and chiasm, but where there is particularly high
risk of local recurrence (which could itself cause blindness) 55 Gy can be accepted
to one optic nerve. In practice, this necessitates a two-phase technique. The whole
PTV is treated to 50 Gy. Then the MLCs are moved to ensure the optic nerve
doses remain acceptable, although inevitably the posterolateral part of the PTV
will not be in the treated volume.
Where the orbital contents are included in the CTV (or after an orbital
exenteration) equally weighted anterior and lateral wedged beams are used.
■ Complex
IMRT provides a more conformal dose distribution to the unusual PTVs in sinonasal
cancer. Five- or seven-field coplanar beams have been used but these arrangements
will increase dose to the orbital contents. A non-coplanar arrangement of three to
five sagittal midline beams with right and left lateral beams avoids entry or exit of
beams through the eyes and provides a uniform dose distribution (Figs 16.5–16.7).
Where the PTV overlaps the optic nerve, there must still be either an acceptance of
increased risk of blindness or a reduction in PTV coverage.
■ Conventional
The shape of the PTV means that simple conventional planning will not be able to
produce adequate dose to the PTV and spare critical normal structures.
■ Adjuvant
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions if possible where there is residual disease.
■ Palliative
36 Gy in 6 fractions of 6 Gy treating once weekly.
Treatment delivery and patient care
Figure 16.6 IMRT dose solution for a sinonasal tumour. (a) Note the more homogeneous
coverage of the PTV than the conformal solution (Fig. 16.4) provides. Colourwash scale is
set from 95 per cent. (b) Dose colourwash to illustrate relative sparing of the left lacrimal
gland (pink) and lens (blue).
(a) Dose (Gy)
0.4 3D Conformal
Volume (cm )
Figure 16.7 DVHs comparing plans shown in Figure 16.4 (three-dimensional conformal)
and 16.6 (IMRT). Prescribed dose 60 Gy in 30 fractions. (a) PTV. (b) Ipsilateral (left) optic
nerve. Note that in the conformal plan, dose to the nerve exceeds tolerance (55 Gy) and
the prescribed dose would have to be reduced.
Where the cornea is within the treated volume, ophthalmic review should be
carried out both during and after radiotherapy. Lubricating eye ointments can be
applied during the day and at night. If there is a pre-existing facial nerve palsy, the
eyelid should be taped shut at night to avoid a dry eye.
Pituitary function tests should be carried out annually during follow-up to
evaluate late radiotherapy effects to the pituitary gland.
Portal images are compared with DRRs as for other head and neck tumours with
in vivo dosimetry on the first day of treatment.
Information sources
key trials
■ None in this rare cancer.
Information sources
Claus F, De Gersem W, De Wagter C et al. (2001) An implementation strategy for IMRT of ethmoid
sinus cancer with bilateral sparing of the optic pathways. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 51:
Dirix P, Nuyts S, Vanstraelen B et al. (2007) Malignancies of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses:
long-term outcome with conventional or three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy. Int J Radiat
Oncol Biol Phys 69: 1042–50.
Lund VJ (2003) Tumours of the upper jaw and anterior skull base. In: Rhys Evans PH, Montgomery
PQ, Gullane PJ (eds) Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology. Martin Dunitz:
London, 337–54.
Mendenhall WM, Amdur RJ, Hinerman RW et al. (2005) Head and neck mucosal melanoma. Am J
Clin Oncol 28: 626–30.
Mendenhall WM, Mendenhall CM, Riggs CE Jr et al. (2006) Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma.
Am J Clin Oncol 29: 27–31.
17 Orbit
■ Extraocular tumours
Orbital lymphomas respond well to radiotherapy either given as sole treatment in
stage I disease or following chemotherapy. Primary lacrimal gland carcinomas and
orbital sarcomas are treated with excision and postoperative radiotherapy.
Clinical and radiological anatomy
Radiotherapy is useful for basal and squamous cell carcinomas arising from the
skin and lower eyelid. Superficial photons or electrons are used for early disease
whereas EBRT can be used as an alternative to exenteration in more advanced
disease or can be considered following exenteration if excision margins are close or
■ Benign disease
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune lymphocyte activation causing infiltration and
oedema of the extraocular muscles. Radiation is an effective way to reduce local
inflammation and compressive symptoms, especially when combined with systemic
steroids. It can similarly be used for orbital pseudotumour – an idiopathic orbital
Iris Pupil
ligament Ciliary body
Optic disc
Uvea or
drain through the nasolacrimal duct within the nasolacrimal canal which runs from
the lacrimal sac to the inferior nasal meatus between the inferior concha and nasal
cavity floor. Tumour invasion, surgery or radiation to the duct can cause epiphora.
The conjunctiva is a clear membrane of lymphoid tissue that covers the sclera
and the inner surface of the eyelids producing protective mucus and tears.
The orbit is conical and formed by the fusion of several bones, the thinnest of
which is the lamina papyracea of the ethmoid bone which forms part of the medial
wall. Tumour can grow into the middle cranial fossa through the superior orbital
fissure and optic canal or into the pterygopalatine fossa and masticator space via
the inferior orbital fissure.
Only the eyelids, conjunctiva and lacrimal glands have lymphatic drainage and
they drain to the preauricular node.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
The proximity of target volumes to several critical normal structures means
excellent immobilisation is vital. A custom-made thermoplastic or Perspex shell is
created with the patient supine and the chin in a neutral position.
■ Simulator
The dimensions of the eye vary by only 1–2 mm between subjects, with a vertical
diameter of 23 mm and a slightly larger anteroposterior diameter. Palliative EBRT
beams for choroidal metastases can therefore be defined in the simulator. A
4 4 cm beam is marked onto the shell with the anterior margin at the outer
canthus and the centre of the field in line with the pupil. The beam is angled
posteriorly by 5° to avoid exit through the contralateral lens. Dose is either
prescribed to Dmax or to the depth of the metastasis if known from imaging (Fig.
17.2). An alternative is to use a direct anterior 4 4 cm beam centred on the pupil
and to treat with the eye open to minimise lens dose. For treatment of bilateral
choroidal metastases, opposing beams are used, again angled 5° posteriorly.
The direct anterior beam used to treat conjunctival lymphomas can also be
defined in the simulator. If the lymphoma is confined to the conjunctiva, electrons
or orthovoltage photons can be used. If diagnostic imaging reveals tumour
tracking posterior to the globe, MV photons are preferred (Fig. 17.3).
Data acquisition
(a) (b)
Figure 17.2 Palliative radiotherapy for choroidal metastasis. (a) Photograph of a choroidal
metastasis (arrowed); optic nerve (ON). (b) Dose colourwash illustrating the dose
distribution created by a 4 4 cm lateral beam angled 5° posteriorly.
(a) (b)
Figure 17.3 A 6 MV photon beam to treat conjunctival lymphoma. (a) Anterior view.
(b) Sagittal view. Note tissue equivalent bolus used to increase the surface dose.
In Graves’ disease small opposed lateral beams can be defined in the simulator
to treat the retro-orbital tissues. No target volumes are defined in benign disease.
Beam borders are specified by the 50 per cent isodose at the front of the pituitary
fossa and the 10 per cent isodose at the posterior lens edge. Beams are angled 5°
posteriorly to avoid the contralateral lens (Fig. 17.4).
■ CT scanning
As non-coplanar beams are sometimes required, the volume imaged should extend
from the vertex of the skull to the hyoid bone. Slices should be no more than
■ Extraocular tumours
The variety of rare extraocular tumours makes it difficult to give general
recommendations for target volume definition following surgery or chemotherapy.
Preoperative or pre-chemotherapy imaging should be available at the time of
volume definition so that all original sites of disease are included in the CTV.
Discussion with the surgeon and pathologist may help to define locations at
greatest risk of recurrence. The CTV should take account of likely patterns of
spread: for example for tumours invading behind the eye in the orbital cavity, the
whole orbit should be included in the CTV. A 3 mm isotropic margin is added to
produce a PTV.
It is tempting to edit the target volumes away from critical structures with the
assumption that tolerance of these structures will be exceeded unless the PTV size
is reduced. The complexity of possible planning solutions – conformal or with
IMRT – means that the compensation needed is hard to predict. We strongly
recommend that tumour target volumes are not influenced by critical structures
and vice versa. Any compromise needed can thus be assessed using dose
distributions and DVHs to choose the plan providing the best solution. The optic
nerves, chiasm, lenses, retinas, lacrimal glands and pituitary should all be
contoured as OAR.
Dose solutions
Dose solutions
■ Intraocular tumours
For treatment to the choroid or retina, planning scan data can be used to create
virtual simulation images to define the beam size and angle to minimise lens dose.
■ Extraocular tumours
A 3D planning scan with 3D conformal planning is the technique of choice for all
curative extraocular tumour treatments because of the inevitable proximity of
critical optic structures to the PTV and the need to identify dose to organs at risk.
Postoperative radiotherapy for carcinomas and sarcomas ideally requires doses of
at least 60 Gy (66 Gy to sites of residual macroscopic disease) so the location and
tolerance of critical structures needs to be considered from the start of the
planning process.
Fractionated doses of more than 10 Gy have a high risk of inducing a cataract but
this late effect is treatable surgically. Lacrimal gland damage can occur with doses over
32 Gy and as a dry eye causes serious morbidity, great care should be taken to avoid
this. Corneal ulceration is uncommon at doses below 48 Gy and can be minimised by
patients being treated with the eye open to avoid any build-up effect of the overlying
eyelid and by good eye care. Retinopathy can occur with doses over 50 Gy and is more
common in diabetic patients. Particular care should be taken to avoid excess dose to
the fovea. Optic nerve and chiasm doses should be kept below 55 Gy.
A variety of beam arrangements can be considered depending on the PTV.
Anterior and lateral wedged beams will usually produce adequate PTV coverage
but the lacrimal gland, retina and optic nerve will usually lie within the treated
volume and the lens dose will exceed tolerance in spite of the lateral beam position
being chosen to be posterior to the lens. It is the preferred beam arrangement after
an enucleation (Fig. 17.5).
Another solution is to use superior and inferior wedged beams in the sagittal
plane (Fig. 17.6). The borders can be chosen to spare the cornea anteriorly but
the lacrimal gland is again difficult to avoid. If the PTV is entirely behind the
Figure 17.6 Treatment of residual orbital lymphoma after chemotherapy. (a) Diagnostic
pre-chemotherapy CT scan showing tumour (T). (b) Corresponding slice on planning CT
scan after chemotherapy showing the CTV, PTV and dose distribution. (c) Sagittal view to
show beam angles and dose distribution.
globe, as in some extraorbital lymphomas, either a single lateral beam is used
or superior and inferior wedged beams in the coronal plane are angled behind the
It is usual for the oncologist to have to accept some compromise in PTV dose
to keep all critical structures within tolerance or to accept an increased risk of
late effects from delivering an adequate dose. This decision will be influenced by
the risk and likely site of recurrence and should be discussed with the radiotherapy
team and the patient. It may be necessary to use two phases of treatment with the
whole PTV treated in phase 1 and some compromise in phase 2 to keep within
tolerance. Both phases should be planned at the same time.
IMRT may offer some advantage to conformal planning in these complex
volumes with a combination of coronal and lateral beams as for ethmoid tumours.
Particular care must be taken not to exceed tolerance of the contralateral orbital
structures when the number of beams is increased.
■ Benign disease
As both eyes are usually treated and a relatively low dose required, lateral beams
angled posteriorly to avoid the lenses can be defined using the CT dataset to help
to choose beam angles as for choroidal metastases.
■ Choroidal metastases
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
■ Conjunctival lymphoma
30 Gy in 15 daily fractions given over 3 weeks.
■ Orbital lymphoma
40 Gy in 20 daily fractions (no chemotherapy).
30–36 Gy in 15–18 daily fractions after chemotherapy depending on the bulk of
any residual disease.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 612⁄ weeks to sites of residual disease.
TLD is used to confirm dose to the contralateral anterior eye.
Other points
Proton and plaque therapy are available in national specialised centres and referral
protocols should be readily available for consultation by any oncologist responsible
for an ophthalmological practice.
key trials
Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group (2006) The COMS randomized trial
of iodine 125 brachytherapy for choroidal melanoma: V. Twelve-year mortality
rates and prognostic factors: COMS report No. 28. Arch Ophthalmol 124:
Hawkins BS, Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group (2004) The
Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) randomized trial of pre-
enucleation radiation of large choroidal melanoma: IV. Ten-year mortality findings
and prognostic factors. COMS report number 24. Am J Ophthalmol 138:
Information sources
Wei RL, Cheng JW, Cai JP (2008) The use of orbital radiotherapy for Graves’ ophthalmopathy:
quantitative review of the evidence. Ophthalmologica 222: 27–31.
Central nervous 18
Primary brain tumours are uncommon and comprise only 1.6 per cent of cancers.
Metastatic spread to the brain from primary cancers elsewhere in the body is much
more common. The variable behaviour of intracranial tumours depends on site
and histology. Some cause problems by their intracranial extension alone (gliomas,
meningiomas, pituitary tumours, metastases) while others (such as lymphomas,
germ cell tumours and primitive neuroendocrine tumours [PNET]) have a
predilection for leptomeningeal spread.
Gliomas constitute 40 per cent of all primary CNS tumours. They arise from glial cells
and are classified by cell type into astrocytomas, ependymoma and oligodendroglioma.
Tumours of mixed cell type can also occur. Grading (I–IV) is determined by
pathological examination with grade I–II classified as low grade astrocytomas, grade III
as anaplastic gliomas and grade IV as glioblastoma multiforme.
Survival may be prolonged for many years so that treatment related sequelae are
of more significance than for HGG. Low grade gliomas should be excised
completely wherever possible. Surgery alone gives 5-year progression free survival
rates of 65–80 per cent. If resection is incomplete, studies have shown that EBRT
given immediately after surgery improves progression-free survival and control of
seizures when compared with no EBRT, but there is no difference in overall
survival. Trials of early versus delayed radiotherapy have shown similar outcomes,
and the neuro-oncology team and the patient must weigh up the risks and benefits
of further treatment in each individual situation. However, taking into account
age, performance status, site of tumour, and patient choice, immediate treatment
may be indicated because of the risk of transformation to higher grade. Larger
volume of residual tumour is associated with a shorter time to tumour progression.
In young patients (2–3 years) radiotherapy may be deferred until recurrence
because of the increased risk of toxicity.
Comparison of radiotherapy doses of 50.4 Gy with dose escalation to 64.8 Gy
has shown increased toxicity with no improvement in disease control. There is no
proven benefit for chemotherapy, but studies are underway comparing EBRT as
sole treatment, or temozolomide alone or in combination with EBRT.
■ Data acquisition
The patient lies supine with the head immobilised in an individual Perspex or
thermoplastic shell. More rigorous immobilisation with a stereotactic frame and
mouth bite is possible.
CT scanning
MRI is more sensitive than CT scanning for demonstrating tumour extent.
Tumours are non-enhancing with low signal intensity on T1-weighted and high
signal on T2. Active tumour lies mainly within areas of T2 hyperintensity but can
extend up to 2 cm from it. Since MRI cannot be used for planning treatment
alone, CT planning scans using intravenous contrast are taken with 1–3 mm slices
from the vault to the base of the skull. Pre-and postoperative MR images are then
co-registered with the CT planning scans and the target volumes delineated.
(a) (b)
Figure 18.1 Comparison of (a) CT and (b) fused T2-weighted MR/CT images for low
grade glioma (G) to illustrate value of fusion. Note fluid in postoperative cavity anteriorly.
Grade III–IV
The GTV is delineated at the contrast-enhancing edge of the tumour (not
oedema) on postsurgical gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted MRI scans fused with
planning CT (Fig. 18.2).
(a) (b)
Figure 18.2 Comparison of (a) CT and (b) fused T1-weighted contrast-enhanced MR/CT
images for high grade glioma (G) to illustrate value of fusion.
For palliative treatment, the GTV includes gross visible tumour as seen on a CT
planning scan.
Two CTVs are defined according to dose to be delivered and reflect degree of
infiltration dependent on tumour grade:
Grade II
CTV54 GTV 15 mm
Grade III
CTV45 GTV 25 mm
CTV54 GTV 15 mm
Grade IV
CTV50 GTV 25 mm
CTV 60 GTV 15 mm
For palliative treatments a single phase CTV margin of 15 mm is added.
A 5 mm margin is added to the CTV taking into account departmental
measurements of set-up accuracy.
Volumes must be tailored to minimise dose to OAR, such as optic chiasm, and
take account of natural barriers to spread such as bone and falx.
These will vary according to the site of the primary tumour. They should be
outlined and a PRV added. A clinical decision about relative risks and benefits is
needed if PTVs and PRVs volumes overlap.
■ Dose solutions
Simple coplanar beam arrangements or opposing beams defined on the simulator
using 6 MV photons may be appropriate for palliative treatments, but CT scanning
is needed to define the GTV.
Using CT scanning and MLCs, volumes are tailored to avoid as much normal
tissue as possible. Three beam arrangements are often used which may be non-
coplanar and should be wedged as appropriate to obtain a satisfactory dose
distribution (Figs 18.3 and 18.4).
Better dose homogeneity across the tumour may be achieved using forward
planning IMRT with segmentation or ‘field in field’ arrangements. Full IMRT
may produce optimal plans to meet normal tissue dose constraints if these would
limit effective doses to tumour when long-term survival is expected (such as
treatment of optic glioma in children).
(a) (b)
Figure 18.3 Treatment plan for low grade gliomas as in Figure 18.1 showing (a) axial and
(b) off axis sagittal non-coplanar beams to avoid the eyes.
■ Dose-fractionation
Grade II/III
CTV 45
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
CTV 54
9 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 1 week.
Grade IV
CTV 50
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
CTV 60
10 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
Medulloblastoma and infratentorial PNET
Adjustments to this treatment approach may be made in the light of known
prognostic factors:
■ Verification
EPIs are taken on the first 3 days of treatment and then once weekly to ensure
accuracy of set-up. Diodes or TLDs are used to check delivered dose.
tumours are rare, optimal treatment is still under investigation and patients should
be cared for by multidisciplinary teams in specialist centres and entered into clinical
trials whenever possible.
■ Assessment of disease
Full neurological, endocrinological and general examination should be performed
as a baseline to facilitate documentation of response and late effects. Various tests
such as audiometry and echocardiography are indicated depending on which
chemotherapy regimen is used. Initial lumbar puncture may reveal positive
cytology. Bone scan is indicated to rule out metastases if there are suggestive
symptoms or neuraxis involvement.
Within 12–48 hours postoperatively, the patient may develop the posterior fossa
syndrome, characterised by mutism, cerebellar dysfunction, supranuclear cranial
nerve palsy and hemiparesis. Resolution may take several weeks and if the patient’s
condition is poor, EBRT may have to be deferred.
Preoperative MRI of brain and whole neuraxis is performed to assess tumour
extent and operability, and to detect any metastatic disease within the spine.
Postoperative MRI should be performed within 48–72 hours after surgery to
Medulloblastoma and infratentorial PNET
determine extent of residual disease, as after this time disease is difficult to
distinguish from postsurgical artefacts.
■ Data acquisition
Formerly the patient was treated prone with an individual facial support and a shell
down over the shoulders to immobilise the head, neck and shoulders.
Improved technology has now made it possible to treat the patient in the supine
position and this is preferred as it is more comfortable and reproducible and is safer
if general anaesthesia is required. The patient lies on a carbon-fibre couch top with
neck extended with a vacuum moulded bag to support the head and shoulders. An
individually made Perspex or thermoplastic shell covers the face and shoulders and
is attached onto the couch top. Indexed knee rests are used to ensure that the
spine is straightened and hips are also fixed in a foam form. The sides of these hip
rests act as arm rests to lift the arm above the spine. Anterior and lateral tattoos are
placed at the point of hip fixation.
CT scanning
With the patient in the supine treatment position, whole body images are obtained
with 5 mm slices from the vault of the skull to the bottom of the sacrum, with
3 mm slices through the primary tumour.
The initial volume includes the whole brain and extends to the inferior border of
the third or fourth cervical vertebra to allow an adequate margin below the
primary tumour in the posterior fossa, to facilitate the matching of the spinal beam
and to avoid the spinal beam exiting through the mouth.
The spine is treated from the fourth or fifth cervical vertebra to the fourth sacral
foramina to include the theca and sacral nerve roots.
Primary tumour
The volume is reduced to cover the primary tumour.
All OAR for both CTV35 and 54 such as the ear, optic chiasm, pituitary,
thyroid, lungs, kidneys, ovaries or testes are outlined for DVH evaluation.
For conventional treatment, opposing lateral beams with the lower border at C3–4
are applied to cover the whole brain, with a collimator rotation of 7–10° to match
the divergence of the posterior spinal beam. A template is made to facilitate lead
shielding of extracranial structures (such as eyes, teeth, etc.) or MLC shielding is
designed. It is important to check that cribriform plate, anterior and temporal
lobes are adequately treated. The lower border of the cranial field is tattooed.
Lateral and posteroanterior simulator films of the vertebral column are then taken.
The position of the spinal cord is marked on the lateral film and the dose at its
central axis calculated over its entire length, which extends from the junction with
the cranial field to the fourth sacral foramina. A wax compensator may be required
to improve homogeneity over this length. The width of the spinal beam ranges
from 4 cm in small children to 6 cm in adults (to cover the lateral spinal roots).
For the second phase of treatment, the anterior border passes behind the
posterior clinoid process avoiding the pituitary gland. The inferior border lies at
the bottom of the first cervical vertebra, and the superior and posterior borders are
set to cover the contents of the posterior fossa (Fig. 18.5).
■ Dose solutions
Beams are designed to cover first the whole brain and spine (CTV 35) (Fig. 18.6) and
then the posterior fossa (CTV54) defined on axial CT scans and are angled posteriorly
to avoid the external auditory meatus and cochlea. MLC is used to shield the face.
Multiple segmented beams are used to ensure a homogeneous dose throughout the
length of the spine and to prevent overdose at sites of beam junction between skull
and spine. Using beam segments, forward planned IMRT, asymmetrical jaws and
dynamic wedges, several boost fields can be added to the posterior spine to top up
areas of underdose. Tomotherapy™ may improve sparing of critical structures but
there is concern about whole body dose, especially in children.
Whole brain irradiation is delivered using opposing lateral beams. By using MLC
with 5 mm leaves if available, the face is shielded from the lateral beams and the
Medulloblastoma and infratentorial PNET
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 18.6 Whole neuraxis for medulloblastoma treatment. (a) Posterior DRRs showing
spinal beam, (b) whole brain, (c) and (d) segment beams to create homogeneous dose
along whole spine. (e) Isodose distribution. Courtesy of Helen Taylor and Dr F Saran,
Royal Marsden Hospital.
kidneys from the posterior spinal beam. Use of posterior oblique beams, rather than
opposing laterals, for treatment to the posterior fossa, makes it possible to avoid the
ears to reduce the likelihood of deafness. Compensation may be applied at the skull
vault and neck. If the uncompensated distribution of dose over the length of the
spine exceeds the ICRU recommended limits of 7 per cent/5 per cent, a
physical compensator of aluminium, wax or Perspex may be used to even out the
overdose superiorly and the underdose inferiorly.
Whole brain and posterior fossa
Treatment is given isocentrically using a linear accelerator and opposing lateral beams
as defined in the simulator. The position of the lower cranial border is shifted by 1 cm
every seven treatments to change the level of the junction with the spinal field.
Spinal field
Despite the use of an FSD extended up to 140 cm, two adjacent fields are
commonly required to cover the spinal cord in adults and older children. The
technique for calculating the gap at beam junctions is described in Chapter 2. Both
this and the craniospinal beam junction are moved caudally every seven treatments.
Using a 6 MV linear accelerator it is not possible to spare anterior abdominal
structures but shielding can be used to cover the kidneys.
■ Dose-fractionation
The doses in both phases of the cranial treatment are prescribed to the midplane of
the posterior fossa volume. Doses received at the midplane of the whole brain volume
are also documented. If there is a variation of more than 5 per cent between the two
central doses, compensators must be used with the conventional technique. The
spinal dose is prescribed to the central spinal axis (the middle of the spinal cord).
35 Gy to whole brain and spine in 21 daily fractions of 1.66 Gy given in 41⁄2 weeks.
19 Gy boost to posterior fossa in 12 daily fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Ependymomas may arise at any site in the neuraxis. In children, 90 per cent are
intracranial and are commonest in the posterior fossa. Spinal lesions are more
common in adults. Extent of resection is the most important prognostic factor.
Supratentorial lesions with complete gross resection in patients older than 3 years
and with benign histology have the best prognosis and require only surgery. Local
failure is the commonest problem and CSRT is not necessary for non-metastatic
disease. Radiotherapy is considered if resection has been incomplete and the
patient is over 3 years old, if the tumour has been grossly resected but there are
adverse histological features, or if the lesion is infratentorial. Children who have
not received radiotherapy at the time of surgery may be treated for tumour relapse.
■ Dose solutions
Treatment may be delivered conformally with three to four beams or a full IMRT
■ Dose-fractionation
Primary brain
54 Gy in 30 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 6 weeks.
Primary spinal tumours
50.4 Gy in 28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 51⁄2 weeks.
For metastatic disease, CSRT is given.
35 Gy in 21 daily fractions of 1.66 Gy given in 4 weeks, with a boost to
individual sites of spinal disease up to 50.4 Gy.
Primary tumour
As above.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
These tumours arise from the meninges, most commonly adjacent to the falx,
along the sphenoid ridge, in the olfactory grooves, the sylvian region,
cerebellopontine angle, and the spinal cord. Most are benign (grade I) but atypical
(grade II) and malignant (grade III) types also occur. Surgery is the treatment of
choice. Radiotherapy is indicated when surgery is impossible, if there is infiltration
of adjacent tissue, biopsy shows grade II or III histology or the patient is suffering
a second or subsequent relapse after surgery. When radiotherapy is indicated, there
is evidence that it is best given early rather than deferred.
■ Data acquisition
See glioma. Stereotactic frames may be used when treatment with protons or
stereotactic techniques is used.
CT scanning
With the patient immobilised, CT scans are obtained from the skull vault to the
base of brain or the first cervical vertebra depending on site of origin of the
tumour, with 1–3 mm slice thickness for fusion with MR images.
■ Dose solutions
Conventional planning and treatment with opposing beams only has a place in the
palliative treatment of recurrent tumours where long-term control is not expected.
Conformal planning and treatment delivery are essential because of the proximity
of critical normal organs. An arrangement of three 6 MV beams is commonly used,
chosen to avoid normal structures as much as possible with MLC shielding and
wedges to improve dose distribution.
Small meningiomas may be most appropriately treated by proton therapy or
stereotactic techniques for which referral to a specialised treatment centre may be
necessary. For other tumours, a non-coplanar beam arrangement with appropriate
MLC shielding and wedges should be used.
■ Dose-fractionation
60 Gy in 33 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 61⁄2 weeks.
Reduced doses of 51 Gy in 30 daily fractions of 1.7 Gy over 6 weeks may be used
for tumours adjacent to optic nerves, chiasm or spinal cord.
■ Verification
See above.
■ Assessment of disease
Patients present with symptoms from tumour mass effect, or from discrete deposits
on cranial or spinal nerves or with ocular involvement in the vitreous. Complete
examination should exclude lymphoma outside the brain and full neurological
testing and slit lamp eye examination should be performed.
Data acquisition, target volume definition, dose solutions and verification are
described in the section on whole brain irradiation for intracranial metastases
CNS irradiation for acute leukaemia
■ Dose-fractionation
Whole brain
40 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2 Gy given in 4 weeks
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
■ Radiotherapy
A thermoplastic or other type of shell is used to immobilise the patient in the
supine position and the outer bony canthi of both orbits are marked with wire or
lead pellets before simulation or virtual simulation. Two opposing lateral beams
are used to cover the whole cranium extending to the lower border of the second
cervical vertebra (Fig. 18.7). The posterior part of the orbit is included because of
the reflection of the meninges along the optic nerve. The anterior orbit and
nasopharynx are shielded with MLCs or a custom-made block. The exit dose to
the contralateral eye may be reduced by angling beams posteriorly by 5° or,
preferably, by placing the central axis of the beam at the anterior orbital margin
with appropriate shielding. Lasers are used to check alignment and portal images
are taken on the first day of treatment to ensure correct positioning of the beams
and shielding. Lithium fluoride TLDs or diodes are used to measure the dose to
the eyes, which should not exceed 10 per cent of the MPD.
■ Dose-fractionation
24 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 3 weeks (designed to attain the
highest antileukaemic dose and minimise effect on developing brain).
■ Data acquisition
The patient is immobilised in a Perspex shell or relocatable frame with the head in
a neutral position.
CT planning
CT scans are obtained with 3 mm slice thickness from the skull vault to the first
cervical vertebra with intravenous contrast, and co-registered with postoperative
gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR images or planning MR scan.
Target volume definition
Any abnormality showing enhancement on T1-weighted MR images postoperatively
is outlined as GTV for pituitary tumours. For craniopharyngioma GTV is defined
as the cystic and solid elements of the tumour defined by pre- and postoperative
MRI. Decompression of large tumour masses may lead to alterations in normal
anatomy and post-decompression changes must be taken into account. For
pituitary adenomas, no GTV to CTV margin is needed as there is no microscopic
spread, but for craniopharyngioma a GTV-CTV margin of 3–5 mm is allowed
because of the tendency of the tumour to adhere to surrounding structures.
A CTV to PTV margin is added according to departmental protocols, but is
usually 5 mm.
■ Dose solutions
Using CT planning, MLCs are used to shape a superior oblique and opposing
lateral beams (Fig. 18.8b), or other beam arrangement to the target volume.
Three to six non-coplanar conformal beams are used to try to reduce dose to optic
structures and temporal lobes. Higher energies than 6 MV may be appropriate to
reduce dose to temporal lobes. Stereotactic techniques may be used for small
intrasellar lesions.
An anterior and two opposing lateral beams are chosen to cover the target volume,
angled to avoid optic structures.
■ Dose-fractionation
Craniopharyngioma or large pituitary adenomas
50–54 Gy in 30 daily fractions of 1.67–1.8 Gy given in 4–5 weeks.
Small pituitary adenomas
48 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
MRI at weeks 3 and 5 may make it possible to reduce the volumes if tumour
shrinkage is confirmed.
Cystic recurrences of craniopharyngioma may be treated with aspiration and
intracystic instillation of radioactive colloids such as Y-90 (half-life 2.67 days,
range 11 mm) to give a planned dose of 200–300 Gy.
■ Treatment delivery and patient care
Steroid and other endocrine replacement therapy is given as necessary. Visual function
should be carefully monitored each week as reaccumulation of fluid in a cystic
component of a craniopharyngioma may require urgent neurosurgical decompression.
■ Verification
See above.
■ Assessment of disease
Symptoms and signs at presentation depend on site and size of tumour. There may
be raised intracranial pressure, lethargy, visual loss, hormone abnormalities or
hypothalamic disturbance.
Factors predicting unfavourable outcome include older age, metastases at
presentation, elevated markers (β-hCG or α-fetoprotein [AFP]), histological
subtype and residual disease after initial chemotherapy.
Diagnosis may be possible without surgery if the characteristic position of the
tumour is associated with elevations in β-hCG or AFP in blood or CSF. If biopsy
is needed to confirm the diagnosis, it may be achieved endoscopically with or
without a procedure designed to restore CSF flow. MRI of the spine and CSF
cytology are required to exclude disseminated disease.
Full endocrine and visual assessment should be carried out as well as baseline
measurement of blood counts and renal and liver function before chemotherapy.
■ Data acquisition
The patient lies supine and is immobilised in a Perspex or thermoplastic shell,
with the shoulders as low as possible and the neck in a neutral position. Foot
restraints and a vacuum moulded bag to immobilise the body may also be
CT scanning
CT scans are taken of the whole brain from the vault of the skull to the first cervical
vertebra and are fused with MR images taken pre- and postoperatively.
See medulloblastoma.
Opposing lateral beams may be used to cover the PTV with shielding to other
areas of the brain.
Conformal solutions are preferred, using either two opposing, or three or four
beam non-coplanar arrangements. DVHs are created and OAR doses are
minimised with MLC shielding.
IMRT solutions may permit sparing of supratentorial brain and pituitary gland and
make it possible to give a simultaneous integrated boost to the primary tumour site
Cerebral metastases
during WVRT. Care must be taken that the use of five to seven non-coplanar
beams does not result in unwanted radiation to normal areas of brain.
■ Dose-fractionation
If CR after chemotherapy – WVRT (CTV 24)
24 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 3 weeks.
If PR after chemotherapy, an additional boost – primary tumour bed (CTV40)
16 Gy in 10 daily fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 2 weeks to give a total dose of 40 Gy
in 25 fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Non-germinomatous GCT
24 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 1.6 Gy given in 3 weeks.
Primary tumour bed
An additional dose of 25.2 Gy in 14 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 2.5–3 weeks.
30 Gy in 15 daily fractions given in 3 weeks.
Boost to primary tumour
25.2 Gy in 14 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy.
These doses are still being investigated and current protocols should be checked.
Cerebral metastases
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Forty per cent of intracranial neoplasms are metastatic, arising in order of frequency
from lung, breast, melanoma, renal, and colon cancers. They are increasing in
frequency with improved treatment of the primary tumour leading to longer survival.
If CT scan or MRI confirms a single metastasis, surgery is the treatment of choice.
Postoperative whole brain radiotherapy with or without a local boost improves
progression-free survival. More commonly, MRI will reveal multiple metastases and
radiotherapy is then indicated. Median survival after whole brain irradiation for
multiple metastases is 3–6 months depending on the number of lesions and the tumour
type as well as performance status. The side effects of radiotherapy, which include hair
loss, and possibly headache, nausea, or other symptoms, are unfortunate with such a
short survival period but quality of life is nevertheless often much improved.
Stereotactic radiosurgery may be appropriate to treat small solitary or few
metastases and gives a median survival of 11 months. Highly collimated beams are
focused on the tumour to give a high dose treatment (17–18 Gy) in a single
session. It may be used after surgical excision for focal treatment to the area of
metastasis. Details of this technique are beyond the scope of this book.
■ Assessment of disease
The need for treatment of secondary tumours in the brain must be assessed in the
light of the extent of the primary tumour and other metastatic disease, and the general
condition of the patient. MRI is more sensitive in detecting intracranial metastases
and should be used if surgery is envisaged for single metastases. Routinely, contrast-
enhanced CT scanning may be more readily available and is adequate.
■ Data acquisition
The patient lies supine in a thermoplastic shell with the neck in a comfortable
neutral position.
Unless focal EBRT is being given after surgical resection of a single metastasis,
planning can be adequately done with the simulator or, if available, virtual
simulation to define borders of treatment volumes (Fig. 18.11). Focal higher dose
treatment can be planned using the general principles outlined above.
■ Dose solutions
Simple opposing lateral beam arrangements are used for whole brain irradiation
with wedging if necessary to improve dose distribution. For focal treatment, plans
are drawn up after CT scanning for optimal dose to tumour and minimal dose to
normal tissues, often using non-coplanar arrangements.
■ Dose-fractionation
Whole brain irradiation
12 Gy in 2 daily fractions given on consecutive days.
20 Gy in 5 fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
Information sources
Brandes AA, Franceschi E, Tosoni A et al. (2000) Long-term results of a prospective study on the
treatment of medulloblastoma in adults. Cancer 15: 1359–70.
Chang CH, Housepian EM, Herbert C Jr (1969) An operative staging system and a megavoltage
radiotherapeutic technic for cerebellar medulloblastomas. Radiology 93: 1351–9.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2002) Chemotherapy in adult high-grade glioma: a
systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 12 randomised trials. Issue
4. Art. No.: CD003913. Available at: (accessed 1
December 2008).
Gerstner ER, Carson KA, Grossman SA, Batchelor TT (2003) Long-term outcome in PCNSL patients
treated with high-dose methotrexate and deferred radiation. J Clin Oncol 21: 4483–8.
Kleihues P, Burger PC, Scheithauer BW (1993) The new WHO classification of brain tumours, Brain
Pathol 3: 255–68.
Laperriere N, Zuraw L, Cairncross G (2002) The Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative
Neuro-Oncology Disease Site Group. Radiotherapy for newly diagnosed malignant glioma in
adults: a systematic review. Radiother Oncol 64: 259–73.
Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD et al. (2007) The 2007 WHO Classification of Tumours of the
Central Nervous System. Acta Neuropathol 114: 97–109. (See also WHO
Classification 2007 WHO Classification.)
Nieder C, Astner ST, Grosu A-L (2007) The role of postoperative radiotherapy after resection of a
single brain metastasis. Strahlenther Onkol 183: 576–80.
Ogawa K, Shikama N, Toita T et al. (2004) Longterm results of radiotherapy for intracranial
germinoma: A multi-institutional retrospective review of 126 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 58: 705–13.
Poortmans PMP, Kluin-Nelemans H C, Haaxma-Reiche H et al. (2003) High-dose methotrexate-
based chemotherapy followed by consolidating radiotherapy in non–AIDS-related primary
central nervous system lymphoma: European Organization for Research and Treatment of
Cancer Lymphoma Group Phase II Trial 20962. J Clin Oncol 44: 1210–16.
Shawl EG, Seiferheld W, Scott C et al. (2003) Re-examining the radiation therapy oncology group
(RTOG) recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) for glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 57: S135–6.
Stupp R, Hegi ME, Gilbert MR, Chakravarti A (2007) Chemotherapy in malignant glioma: standard of
care and future directions. J Clin Oncol 25: 4127–36.
Wolden SL, Wara WM, Larson DA et al. (1995) Radiation therapy for primary intracranial germ cell
tumors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 32: 943–9.
Thyroid and 19
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Well-differentiated thyroid cancer (WDTC – papillary, follicular)
Total thyroidectomy and thyroid remnant ablation with iodine-131 is the
recommended initial treatment for most follicular and papillary tumours. As
patients are usually young and have an excellent prognosis, the possible late effects
of radiotherapy should be carefully considered before advocating treatment.
Adjuvant EBRT is indicated for incompletely excised or inoperable WDTC
(usually T4a or T4b) that does not concentrate iodine-131 sufficiently. The area
of incomplete excision is usually in the thyroid bed but occasionally in the neck
where there is extracapsular lymph node spread or invasion of local structures. Less
well-differentiated follicular or papillary cancers (in particular Hürthle cell
neoplasms) take up iodine poorly.
Occasionally recurrences in the neck or thyroid bed will be inoperable due to
invasion of local structures and will not concentrate iodine. EBRT is then indicated
to improve local control unless the patient has uncontrollable distant metastases.
Radiotherapy can effectively palliate metastases, for example in the bones or
Thyroid cartilage
Thyroid gland
■ Data acquisition
Patients should be immobilised in a custom-made Perspex or thermoplastic shell
fixed to the couch top in at least five places. The neck is extended to move the oral
cavity superiorly and to reduce dose to the mandible and salivary glands. The
shoulders should be as low as possible.
CT scanning
Slices 3–5 mm thick are obtained from the base of skull to the carina to allow
assessment of lymphadenopathy. If the target volume is smaller (for example the
thyroid bed only) the extent of the scan can be reduced. Intravenous contrast
should be avoided if iodine-131 is being considered but otherwise can be helpful
to delineate vascular structures.
Rapidly growing anaplastic carcinomas may require urgent radiotherapy if there is
tracheal compression and this is often achieved most quickly using a simulator for
planning. Palpable disease is marked with lead wire and parallel opposed
anterior–posterior fields defined to cover the tumour and adjacent lymph nodes if
required (see target volumes). If a dose which exceeds spinal cord tolerance is
prescribed, a CT-planned phase 2 treatment is needed.
Figure 19.2 Palliative radiotherapy for
anaplastic thyroid cancer. Anterior and
posterior opposing beams with MLC
shielding to reduce acute toxicity.
■ Dose solutions
The proximity of the PTV to critical structures such as spinal cord and oesophagus
makes a conformal approach desirable in all patients with WDTC or medullary
cancer and in anaplastic tumours where a high dose is used.
Figure 19.3 Adjuvant radiotherapy for a small left-sided anaplastic thyroid cancer
following a total thyroidectomy without involved lymph nodes. The tumour came
close to the skin surface so bolus was used.
Anaplastic cancer
The PTV35 is treated with a pair of anterior and posterior opposed beams with
MLC shielding. The PTV55 is treated as for well-differentiated tumours above.
Both phases should be planned together so as not to exceed spinal cord tolerance.
If the high dose PTV includes both the thyroid bed and level II or III nodes, it
is very difficult to treat the whole PTV in continuity without using IMRT. A pair
of lateral opposing beams angled caudally will not be able to treat posterior nodes
(cord tolerance would be exceeded) and will risk underdosing the PTV in the low
neck. The thyroid bed may be treated with two antero-oblique wedged beams
matched to electrons superiorly to treat the nodes.
IMRT can provide better target volume coverage than conformal radiotherapy for
thyroid cancer when the concave PTV surrounds the spinal cord. It is of particular
value when lateral cervical nodes are included in the PTV. It can also allow
simultaneous treatment of different volumes to different doses depending on the
risk to each. A five- or seven-beam inverse-planned technique is used.
Where a palliative dose is being given (usually for anaplastic carcinoma), opposing
anterior and posterior beams can be defined on the simulator to cover the target
volume with an appropriate margin to the beam edge. MLC shielding can reduce
dose to adjacent normal structures.
■ Dose-fractionation
WDTC or medullary cancer
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks to PTV60.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks to PTV66 if defined.
Anaplastic cancer
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 7 days.
30 Gy in 6 fractions of 5 Gy given in 2 weeks.
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks if high dose treatment
appropriate (35.75 Gy in 13 fractions to PTV35, 19.25 Gy in 7 fractions to PTV55).
■ Verification
Portal images should be taken on days 1–3 and weekly thereafter to ensure any day-
to-day set-up variation is within tolerance. If there is significant shrinkage of tumour,
a repeat CT scan may be required to evaluate the 3D dose distribution of the original
beam arrangement within the new contour. A new plan should be considered if there
is an increased dose to critical structures or the PTV dose is reduced.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Thymic tumours are usually clinically staged according to the Masaoka system
(Table 19.1) which reflects local invasion. Pathological classification (WHO)
separates thymic carcinomas (WHO C) from thymic epithelial tumours (WHO B –
true thymoma), but clinical staging is more useful to predict prognosis and guide
treatment decisions. Surgery is the treatment of choice for thymic tumours. There
are no phase III studies investigating adjuvant treatment or to guide therapy for
unresectable disease.
*With permission.
■ Data acquisition
Patients lie supine with their arms above the head immobilised with a T bar or
similar device. A custom-shaped vacuum bag can be used to aid immobilisation.
CT scanning
Slices 5 mm thick are obtained from the inferior cricoid cartilage to the bottom of
the thoracic cavity. Intravenous contrast can be helpful to delineate vascular
structures in the mediastinum.
■ Dose solutions
Three coplanar beams usually provide adequate PTV coverage without exceeding
tolerance of the lungs, heart or spinal cord. Examples include two antero-oblique
beams with an additional anterior or postero-oblique beam depending on the PTV.
Inverse planned IMRT may provide useful solutions for these rare tumours.
Figure 19.4 Adjuvant radiotherapy for a Masaoka IIA (WHO B) thymoma. (a) Preoperative
diagnostic CT showing thymoma (T). (b) Corresponding slice on planning CT showing
CTV, PTV and beam arrangement. Note the radio-opaque clips used to mark sites at high
risk of microscopic residual disease (arrowed).
■ Dose-fractionation
Adjuvant radiotherapy in stage II/III disease
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks to PTV50.
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks to PTV60 if defined.
Primary radiotherapy for unresectable disease
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
Pre-operative radiotherapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
■ Verification
Portal images should be taken on days 1–3 and weekly thereafter to ensure any
day-to-day set-up variation is within tolerance.
key trials
Information sources
■ Thyroid
British Thyroid Association, Royal College of Physicians (2007) In: Perros P (ed.) Guidelines for the
Management of Thyroid Cancer, 2nd edn. Report of the Thyroid Cancer Guidelines Update
Group, Royal College of Physicians, London. Available at: www.british-thyroid- (accessed 8 December 2008).
Cooper DS, Doherty GM, Haugen BR et al. (2006) The American Thyroid Association Guidelines
Taskforce. American Thyroid Association management guidelines for patients with thyroid
nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid 16: 109–42.
Meadows KM, Amdur RJ, Morris CG et al. (2006) External beam radiotherapy for differentiated
thyroid cancer. Am J Otolaryngol 27: 24–8.
Pacini F, Schlumberger M, Dralle D et al. (2006) European consensus for the management of
patients with differentiated carcinoma of the follicular epithelium. Eur J Endocrinol 154:
Pasieka J (2003) Anaplastic thyroid cancer. Curr Opin Oncol 15: 78–83.
Schwartz DL, Rana V, Shaw S et al. (2008) Postoperative radiotherapy for advanced medullary
thyroid cancer – local disease control in the modern era. Head Neck 30: 883–8.
■ Thymoma
Giaccone G (2005) Treatment of malignant thymoma. Curr Opin Oncol 17: 140–6.
Masaoka A, Monden Y, Nakahara K et al. (1981) Follow-up study of thymomas with special
reference to their clinical stages. Cancer 48: 2485–92.
Zhu G, He S, Fu X et al. (2004) Radiotherapy and prognostic factors for thymoma: a retrospective
study of 175 patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 60: 1113–19.
Lung 20
Palliative radiotherapy
The majority of patients treated with palliative radiotherapy for lung cancer obtain
symptomatic benefit particularly for cough, chest pain or haemoptysis. The optimal
fractionation schedule is unclear but longer regimens produce a more durable
response and a small survival advantage compared to shorter regimens. They should
be considered for patients with PS 0–1 who are not suitable for curative radiotherapy.
Other patients should be treated with one or two fractions. There is no evidence to
support the use of palliative radiotherapy in asymptomatic patients.
Intravascular stents relieve the symptoms of SVCO faster than radiation or
chemotherapy and should be considered first. Nonetheless SVCO is effectively
palliated by EBRT in 60 per cent of patients with NSCLC and 80 per cent with
SCLC. Palliative radiotherapy should also be considered for symptomatic distant
metastases in sites such as bone, lung or skin.
Adjuvant radiotherapy
Although for many cancers radiotherapy is used as an adjunct to surgery in patients
at high risk of local recurrence, it is not recommended routinely in NSCLC. Meta-
analyses have shown an improvement in local control but an adverse effect on
overall survival, particularly in stage I/II disease. Most studies used non-conformal
techniques and lower doses of radiotherapy than would be considered today,
so the benefits of modern conformal radiotherapy as an adjunct to surgery are
Adjuvant radiotherapy should be considered after surgery where there is
microscopic residual disease (positive resection margins) or unexpected mediastinal
lymphadenopathy at operation.
Neoadjuvant radiotherapy
Some centres recommend radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy for
tumours that are borderline operable. However, there are only two phase III trials
(both from the 1970s) comparing the addition of preoperative radiation to surgery
and neither showed a benefit. There is no role for neoadjuvant radiotherapy outside
a clinical trial.
Sequencing of multimodality therapy
■ Small cell lung cancer
Curative thoracic radiotherapy
Radiotherapy should be considered for patients with SCLC who have tumour that
can be encompassed within a curative radiotherapy volume. Four to six cycles of
chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy are recommended because of the high
incidence of systemic metastases and the relative chemo-sensitivity of SCLC. If
patients are unable to tolerate chemotherapy, radiation alone is given if all sites of
disease can be encompassed.
Thoracic radiotherapy has proven benefit (2-year survival improved from
13 per cent to 19 per cent) if given after chemotherapy to patients with a partial or
complete response with the aim of treating all sites of initial disease. In practice, this
is mainly patients with limited stage disease, excluding those with a malignant pleural
effusion. There is also an RCT supporting the use of thoracic radiotherapy in extensive
disease if there is a complete response outside the chest and a complete or partial
response in the chest. Radiotherapy should therefore be considered in this situation.
There is also evidence to support starting thoracic radiotherapy early in the course of
chemotherapy (concurrently with cycle 1 or 2) in patients with limited stage disease.
Smoking during thoracic radiotherapy for SCLC has been shown to affect
outcomes adversely so cessation advice and support should be provided.
stage IB–IIIA disease. A similar benefit could be expected for the few patients with
stage IB–II disease having potentially curative radiotherapy who are fit enough to
undergo chemotherapy, but there is no clinical trial evidence to support this.
(a) (b)
Figure 20.1 Tumour can be difficult to differentiate from distal collapse and consolidation
on a contrast-enhanced CT scan with either (a) lung windowing or (b) soft tissue windowing.
Lung tumours first spread to lymph nodes within the lung – the subsegmental,
segmental, lobar and interlobar nodes, which lie close to the division of bronchi,
arteries or veins. These are rarely visible on imaging but are often removed at surgery
when involvement may help define adjuvant radiotherapy volumes. Hilar nodes are
situated at each hilum outside the reflection of the pleura. Adjacent tracheobronchial
nodes are inside the reflection but cannot be differentiated from hilar nodes on CT.
The lymph node stations of the mediastinum are best divided into
tracheobronchial, paratracheal, aorto-pulmonary, anterior mediastinal, subcarinal
and para-oesophageal nodes (Fig. 20.2). There are numerical classification systems
for mediastinal nodes based on surgical series.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 20.2 Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes on diagnostic CT scans:
(a) tracheobronchial (T) and subcarinal (S), (b) paratracheal (P) and anterior mediastinal (A),
(c) aorto-pulmonary window (AP), and (d) para-oesophageal (PO).
Table 20.1 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002) staging of lung cancer*
T1 Tumour 3 cm or less in greatest dimension, surrounded by lung or visceral pleura,
without bronchoscopic evidence of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus
(i.e. not in the main bronchus)
T2 Tumour with any of the following features of size or extent:
■ More than 3 cm in greatest dimension
■ Involves main bronchus, 2 cm or more distal to the carina
■ Invades the visceral pleura
■ Associated with atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar
region but does not involve the entire lung
T3 Tumour of any size that directly invades any of the following: chest wall (including superior
sulcus tumours), diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, parietal pericardium; or tumour in the
main bronchus less than 2 cm distal to the carina, but without involvement of the carina;
or associated atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis of the entire lung
T4 Tumour of any size that invades any of the following: mediastinum, heart, great vessels,
trachea, oesophagus, vertebral body, carina; or separate tumour nodules in the same
lobe; or tumour with malignant pleural effusion
N1 Metastasis to ipsilateral peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes, and
intrapulmonary nodes including involvement by direct extension of the primary tumour
N2 Metastasis to ipsilateral mediastinal and/or subcarinal lymph nodes
N3 Metastasis to contralateral mediastinal, contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral
scalene, or supraclavicular lymph node(s)
* With permission.
Table 20.2 UICC TNM (6th edn, 2002) stage groupings for lung cancer*
IA T1 N0 M0
IB T2 N0 M0
IIA T1 N1 M0
IIB T2 N1 M0
T3 N0 M0
IIIA T1–3 N2 M0
T3 N1 M0
IIIB T1–4 N3 M0
T4 N0–3 M0
IV Any T Any N M1
* With permission.
(a) (b)
Figure 20.3 Diagnostic PET-CT can change treatment volumes by identifying involved
mediastinal lymph nodes. (a) Contrast-enhanced CT showing a right paratracheal node
9 mm in short axis diameter (arrowed). (b) Corresponding slice on PET-CT showing
increased uptake. This node should be contoured as GTV.
Distant metastases in the liver, adrenals or bones are assessed using the staging
CT scan and PET-CT if performed. Bone scans and brain imaging are useful in
the presence of unexplained bone pain or neurological symptoms but are not
performed routinely.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Patients should be positioned supine with arms immobilised above the head in a
comfortable, reproducible position to allow a greater choice of beam angle. The
patient holds on to a T-bar device with their elbows supported laterally (Fig. 20.4).
A knee support provides a more comfortable and therefore reproducible set-up.
Data acquisition
Figure 20.4 Immobilisation
for thoracic radiotherapy
with a T-bar, lateral elbow
supports and a knee rest.
■ Simulator
If AP beams are to be used for palliation, the borders can be defined in the simulator.
The beam centre is marked with a reference tattoo and a photograph of the borders,
drawn on the skin, is taken to aid set-up for treatment. Fluoroscopy can be used
to view tumour movement but the accuracy of assessment in two dimensions is not
enough to predict margins required.
■ CT scanning
CT scans are obtained from the cricoid cartilage to the superior aspect of the L2
vertebra to allow the lung DVH to be calculated. Ideally 3–5 mm slices are used
both to aid volume definition and to create high quality DRRs to aid verification.
A separate simulator verification visit can then be omitted. An isocentre is tattooed
in the CT scanner, as are lateral reference points. Intravenous contrast may help
define mediastinal extent of disease but is not essential if a contrast-enhanced
diagnostic CT scan is available.
A co-registered PET scan can be used to aid volume definition. Defining volumes
on a PET-CT image may help distinguish tumour from collapsed lung. Relatively
poor spatial resolution, movement artefact and difficulty in defining the edge of a
PET positive mass make this an experimental technique at present.
■ Tumour motion
A free breathing ‘slow’ CT scan with a single slice scanner is the simplest method of
acquiring 3D data for planning. Depending on the speed of image acquisition, some
motion will be accounted for with a single CT dataset. Target volumes are then
defined taking into account possible organ motion based on population studies.
Whilst some tumours move several centimetres in one or more planes in a
respiratory cycle, others are relatively stationary. Moreover, it is difficult to predict
from the location of a tumour how much movement there will be. There are several
ways to account for individual tumour motion: imaging the tumour at extremes
of motion thus incorporating motion into the CT data, limiting mobility by
If chemotherapy is used before radiation the GTV should include all sites of
disease at presentation, e.g. any enlarged nodes that have shrunk to less than
10 mm with treatment.
The GTV is grown isotropically to produce a CTV. There is evidence to suggest
that an 8 mm margin from GTV to CTV is adequate to cover microscopic disease in
lung tissue. The CTV is edited to take account of natural barriers to tumour spread
(e.g. uninvolved bone or great vessels). It is extended to encompass likely patterns of
spread and to encompass the original GTV if neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been
used. In practice this usually produces a variable GTV-CTV margin throughout the
volume but adding an isotropic margin which is then edited will be less prone to
systematic errors than manually defining the CTV (Fig. 20.6). Elective nodal
irradiation is not recommended as most recurrences after radiotherapy are within the
primary tumour or as distant metastases rather than as isolated nodal recurrences.
CTV to PTV margins depend on tumour motion and day-to-day set-up errors.
The latter should be measured in each department and should be approximately
5 mm in each direction. The margin added for tumour motion will vary from zero
in the case of perfect IGRT using implanted fiducial markers, to a standard
solution if individual motion is not accounted for. In practice, margins of 7 mm
axially and 12 mm longitudinally are added to account for tumour motion and set-
up errors. While this may not reflect extremes of movement for all tumours, larger
margins may make it difficult to keep within dose constraints for critical normal
structures. Some centres advocate margins as small as 5 mm for GTV-CTV and
CTV-PTV, on the basis that local control in lung cancer is primarily determined
by the dose that can be delivered to the GTV rather than to the edge of the PTV.
The spinal cord is contoured on axial slices throughout the PTV and an
isotropic 5 mm margin applied to produce a PRV. The oesophagus is contoured
throughout the PTV if the tumour is close to or involves the mediastinum.
Automatic contouring tools can be used to contour the lungs. A lung minus PTV
structure is then constructed by subtraction.
■ Palliative
If CT planning is used, the GTV is defined as above and a 10 mm margin applied
to produce a PTV on the basis that larger margins would reduce the therapeutic
ratio in the palliative setting. If beams are defined on the simulator, the diagnostic
CT images can still be used to define a virtual GTV which can be superimposed
onto the simulator radiograph. A 15 mm margin from this virtual GTV to the
beam edge will give the same effect.
Dose solutions
■ Conventional
Palliative therapy given in one or two fractions can be defined in the simulator as
above. Anterior and posterior photon beams are used with dose prescribed to the
midplane. MLC shielding may reduce the dose to normal lung tissue; 6 MV
photons are adequate unless the separation at the centre is more than 28 cm, in
which case a higher energy (e.g. 10 MV) is needed.
■ Conformal
There are several challenges to covering the PTV within ICRU targets while
maintaining toxicity at acceptable levels. The location and size of the PTV and its
proximity to critical structures, particularly the oesophagus and spinal cord, often
necessitate a compromise in choosing the most acceptable plan for an individual
When curative radiotherapy is used for stage I or II disease a three-field conformal
plan is commonly used. Many tumours are closer to the chest wall than to the
mediastinum and ipsilateral beams will minimise the dose to contralateral normal
lung tissue and normally provide a homogeneous dose distribution (Fig. 20.7).
Beam angles are chosen to reduce lung dose with anterior oblique, posterior
oblique and lateral beams often used. Wedges compensate for the obliquity of the
beams in relation to the chest wall, and MLC shielding is used to conform each
beam shape to the PTV.
In stage IIIA disease a similar three-field conformal plan is often used. The beam
angles are chosen using the BEV tool while viewing the PTV, spinal cord PRV and
oesophagus contour so as to reduce dose to the spinal cord and oesophagus as
much as possible and with the aim of minimising lung dose.
Dose solutions
Figure 20.7 Beam arrangement and dose
colourwash for a T2N0 lung cancer
situated posteriorly in the right lower lobe.
Lung windowing is used to demonstrate
the primary tumour more clearly.
For larger tumours, in particular those crossing the midline in the mediastinum,
it is more difficult to cover the medial extent of the tumour with ipsilateral beams.
Adding a contralateral beam will significantly increase the dose to normal lung.
Such tumours can be treated in two phases. In phase 1, an arrangement of
opposing MLC-shaped photon beams ensures all the mediastinal extent is treated
and also reduces lung dose, at the expense of a poorly conformal plan with
oesophagus and cord within the treated volume. Phase 2 uses a conformal three-
or four-beam plan which will give a higher lung dose. By varying the number of
fractions in each phase it can be possible to deliver adequate dose to the PTV and
remain within cord, lung and oesophageal tolerance (Fig. 20.8).
Primary tumours close to the spinal cord may have a PTV that is very close to,
or even overlaps the spinal cord PRV. Rather than miss some of the PTV
throughout a course, it is preferable to use two phases for treatment accepting full
dose to the cord for phase 1 with the addition of MLCs to shield the cord from at
least two beams in phase 2. Again, the number of fractions in each phase is varied
until the sum of the two plans is within to cord tolerance.
In SCLCs or NSCLCs with N2 disease, the PTV will often be very close to the
oesophagus. The risk of grade 3 acute toxicity or long-term oesophageal stricture
is related to the length of oesophagus in the treated volume and ideally this is kept
below 8 cm by choosing beam angles carefully. For some patients it may be
appropriate to accept some underdosing of the PTV to achieve this. Concomitant
chemotherapy in either non-small cell or small cell disease increases the risk of
The plan should be assessed carefully by the oncologist using DVHs. We recommend
aiming to keep the V20 (volume of lung minus PTV receiving 20 Gy) below
32 per cent. In vivo, the risk of radiation pneumonitis depends not only on the dose
absorbed but also on the use of concomitant chemotherapy, pre-existing lung disease,
the lobe being treated and vascular perfusion. A 3D dose distribution cannot take
these points into consideration and is then reduced to a 2D graphic illustration – the
DVH. To then base an assessment of pneumonitis solely on whether this curve is
above or below one point on the graph is perhaps an oversimplification. Other targets
such as minimising V5 and having a mean lung dose lower than 20 Gy have also been
shown to correlate with pneumonitis. A V20 of 32 per cent is a useful target but for
patients with poor lung function, a lower target may be needed, whereas for those
Dose (Gy)
100.0 100.0
90.0 90.0
Ratio of total structure volume (%)
80.0 80.0
70.0 70.0
A-P Beams
60.0 3 Beams 60.0
50.0 50.0
40.0 40.0
30.0 30.0
20.0 20.0
10.0 10.0
0.0 0.0
Figure 20.8 Treatment of a large T3N2 NSCLC with a two-phase technique. (a) AP beams
to minimise lung dose. (b) Three-beam plan to reduce cord dose. (c) BEV of posterior
oblique beam from the three-beam plan. The beam angle is chosen to maximise the gap
between the spinal cord PRV and the PTV. (d) DVH for lung-PTV for the AP beams and the
three-beam plan. The V20 would be 46 per cent if the three-beam plan were used for the
whole treatment (66 Gy in 33 fractions) so a two-phase technique is necessary.
with good lung function a value closer to 40 per cent may be acceptable. It is
therefore difficult to use one value in assessing all plans.
Similarly, there are several parameters of the oesophageal DVH identified that
correlate with the risk of grade 3 or 4 acute oesophagitis or the risk of strictures.
We recommend aiming to keep the length of oesophagus within the treated
volume to less than 8 cm where possible and certainly to less than 12 cm. Other
variables including the V40 or V50 have also been shown to correlate with toxicity
in some series.
Beam energies above 10 MV should be avoided because secondary electrons
have a greater range in lung tissue so higher energy photon beams have a wider
penumbra. Modern dose calculation engines such as voxel Monte Carlo will
produce more accurate dose calculations within the lung than the older pencil
beam convolution algorithms implemented in most planning systems.
■ Complex
The principal challenges in lung cancer radiotherapy are volume definition and
accounting for motion. Complex treatment dose solutions should only be used
when tumour motion is also accounted for. In such circumstances IMRT may
produce more conformal dose distributions, particularly for tumours close to the
spinal cord.
■ Curative NSCLC
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
■ Adjuvant NSCLC
50 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.5 Gy given in 4 weeks.
60 Gy in 30 daily fractions given in 6 weeks.
■ Curative SCLC
40 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 2.67 Gy given in 3 weeks.
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks
45 Gy in 30 fractions of 1.5 Gy treating twice daily given in 3 weeks.
■ Palliative
10 Gy in 1 fraction.
16 Gy in 2 fractions of 8 Gy a week apart (the dose has been reduced from
17 Gy in 2 fractions to minimise the risk of spinal cord damage if survival is
Ideally the treatment isocentre on a DRR from the CT simulation is compared
with portal images of the isocentre on the treatment machines using electronic
portal imaging. Off-line correction protocols are used for standard conformal
treatment. Images are taken on days 1–3 and weekly thereafter with a correction
made if the mean error in any one plane is 5 mm. If stereotactic radiation or IGRT
is used, online correction protocols are necessary.
Other points
A single fraction of HDR brachytherapy can provide useful palliation in NSCLC.
Other local treatments such as stent insertion, laser debulking and cryotherapy can
produce similar results and the choice of treatment depends largely on local expertise.
EBRT is likely to be more effective in patients who have not had radiation before,
but brachytherapy can offer good palliation after curative radiotherapy.
key trials
Information sources
Alberts WM (2007) Diagnosis and management of lung cancer executive summary: ACCP
evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, 2nd edition. Chest 132(3 suppl): S1–19.
Information sources
Auperin A, Arriagada R, Pignon JP et al. (1999) Prophylactic cranial irradiation for patients with
small-cell lung cancer in complete remission. Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation Overview
Collaborative Group. N Engl J Med 341: 476–84.
Cancer Care Ontario Lung Cancer Evidence-based Series and Practice Guidelines (2005)
Postoperative Adjuvant Radiation Therapy in Stage II or IIIA Completely Resected Non-Small
Cell Lung Cancer: Cancer Care Ontario Practice Guidelines Initiative. Available at: [cited
2008 October 11] (accessed 26 September 2008).
Chapet O, Kong FM, Quint LE et al. (2005) CT-based definition of thoracic lymph node stations:
an atlas from the University of Michigan. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 63: 170–8.
De Ruysscher D, Pijls-Johannesma M, Bentzen SM et al. (2006) Time between the first day of
chemotherapy and the last day of chest radiation is the most important predictor of survival in
limited-disease small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 24: 1057–63.
Lester JF, Macbeth FR, Toy E et al. (2006) Palliative radiotherapy regimens for non-small cell lung
cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4): CD002143.
National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care, London. Available at: (accessed 8 December 2008).
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2005) Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment.
Clinical guideline 24. Available at: (accessed 5 December
Pignon JP, Arriagada R, Ihde DC et al. (1992) A meta-analysis of thoracic radiotherapy for
small-cell lung cancer. N Engl J Med 327: 1618–24.
Rowell NP, Williams CJ (2001) Radical radiotherapy for stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer in
patients not sufficiently fit for or declining surgery (medically inoperable). Cochrane Database
Syst Rev (2): CD002935.
Rowell NP, O’Rourke NP (2004) Concurrent chemoradiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4): CD002140.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network Guidance 80 (2005) Management of Patients with Lung
Cancer. National Clinical Guideline 80. Available at:
index.html (accessed 5 December 2008).
Senan S, De Ruysscher D, Giraud P et al. (2004) Literature-based recommendations for treatment
planning and execution in high-dose radiotherapy for lung cancer. Radiother Oncol 71:
21 Mesothelioma
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
A few patients with good PS (WHO 0 –1), low comorbidity and early stage disease
confined to the thoracic pleural surface are treated with combined modality
therapy with curative intent. This comprises chemotherapy, surgery (extrapleural
pneumonectomy [EPP] – en bloc removal of the parietal pleura, lung, diaphragm
and pericardium) and adjuvant radiotherapy. Published single centre series in
highly selected patients support this intensive approach with median survival rates
of 20–30 months, but there is no confirmatory phase III evidence. Eligible patients
should be included in phase III studies where possible or at least treated at centres
with experience of this programme. To irradiate one hemithorax while minimising
dose to critical structures (heart, spinal cord, liver, kidneys and contralateral lung)
presents a major radiotherapeutic challenge. The lowest local recurrence rates with
acceptable toxicity have been achieved by treating the hemithorax to 54 Gy.
Comparative series suggest that lower doses are less effective.
■ Prophylactic radiotherapy
Radiotherapy has been given to prevent painful subcutaneous masses forming at
sites of trans-thoracic interventions such as pleural biopsies or chest drains. Seeding
of malignant cells along such needle tracts is reported to occur in 15–50 per cent
of sites, but there is no good evidence that such masses are symptomatic in most
patients. There are a number of phase III studies comparing prophylactic
radiotherapy with no radiation but all are small and underpowered. Interventions
such as CT-guided fine needle biopsies may pose less risk of seeding than large-
bore chest drains used for treatment of pleural effusions. In the absence of evidence
either in favour of or against this practice, we recommend considering prophylactic
radiotherapy for patients of PS 0–1 who have had a chest drain or thoracotomy
(Fig. 21.1). Ideally it is performed within 2 weeks of the intervention.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative radiotherapy can help alleviate chest wall pain in mesothelioma. Several
small single centre series suggest response rates of 20–70 per cent but the doses
Assessment of primary disease
Figure 21.1 Prophylactic radiotherapy
with 12 MeV electrons to the site of a
chest drain. The beam edge is marked in
pen – 2 cm from the drain site.
used and methods of response evaluation were very variable. There is no good
evidence of a dose–response relationship. Mesothelioma often presents as diffuse
pleural disease and it can be difficult to decide which part of the pleural disease
should be targeted with palliative radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is best considered as
one method of pain control alongside opiates, antineuropathic agents and
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
For adjuvant radiotherapy patients should be supine with arms above the head in
a comfortable and reproducible position. A head rest, knee pillow and arm support
may be helpful, and a vacuum bag for the thorax should be considered.
Patients for prophylactic or palliative electron treatment should be placed in a
comfortable position on the simulator couch which allows skin apposition of the
electron applicator.
■ CT scanning
For adjuvant radiotherapy, drain sites and all chest incisions other than the median
sternotomy scar are marked with radio-opaque wire. CT slices no more than 5 mm
thick are obtained from the cricoid cartilage to the iliac crests. A treatment isocentre
is tattooed at the time of CT scanning in order to reduce systematic set-up errors.
■ Simulator
Palliative radiotherapy can be planned on a simulator if a single electron beam or
parallel opposing photon beams are used. Painful chest wall masses or sites of
origin of pain are marked with radio-opaque wire before screening.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
As beams are usually defined on the simulator, GTV, CTV and PTV are not defined.
A 1 cm margin from the edge of any masses to the beam edge is recommended.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal – adjuvant radiotherapy
It is a major challenge to produce a conformal plan to treat the PTV uniformly to
54 Gy while maintaining critical organ tolerance (Fig. 21.2). Table 21.1 gives
suggested OAR tolerance doses when the dose prescribed to the PTV is given in
1.8 Gy fractions.
Dose to the PTV2 can be compromised to achieve target doses to the spinal
cord, contralateral lung, contralateral kidney and liver. The minimum dose to
PTV2 should be 45 Gy and the PTV1 should receive the prescribed dose of 54 Gy.
The large circumferential CTV and multiple OAR mean the best conformal
solution is a pair of anterior and posterior photon beams with MLC shielding to
the liver, kidneys, heart and spinal cord added during the treatment course
depending on their tolerance. The shielded areas within the target volume are then
treated with electrons matched as well as possible to the photon fields.
Table 21.1 Suggested tolerance doses for OAR in adjuvant radiotherapy for
OAR Target
Spinal cord 5 mm 50 Gy
Contralateral lung V20
15 per cent. Some centres also recommend
constraints on mean lung dose (e.g. MLD 9.5 Gy)
and V5 (e.g. V5 60 per cent)
Heart D70 per cent 45 Gy and Dmax 60 Gy. These
limits may be exceeded if residual disease is
present close to the heart
Liver Mean dose 35 Gy
Oesophagus Less than 12 cm length in treated volume
■ Adjuvant
54 Gy in 30 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 6 weeks.
The plan chosen must deliver a minimum dose of 45 Gy to PTV2.
21 Gy in 3 daily fractions of 7 Gy given in 3 days.
8 Gy in 1 fraction.
20 Gy in 5 fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
■ Palliative/prophylactic radiotherapy
Patients should be instructed in skin care – the use of simple soaps and aqueous
cream to keep the skin moisturised. Bright erythema is usual when 21 Gy in
3 fractions over 3 days is used, and some long-term pigmentation of the skin is
Treatment is verified using the protocol described for lung cancer in Chapter 19.
key trials
Boutin C, Rey F, Viallat JR (1995) Prevention of malignant seeding after invasive
diagnostic procedures in patients with pleural mesothelioma. Chest 108: 754–8.
MARS (Mesothelioma and Radical Surgery) trial. Three Cycles of Chemotherapy
Followed Either by EPP and Radiotherapy or by No Surgery or Radiotherapy.
ICR, Scientific Principal Investigator Prof Julian Peto. Closed 2008.
O’Rourke N, Garcia JC, Paul J et al. (2007) A randomised controlled trial of
intervention site radiotherapy in malignant pleural mesothelioma. Radiother
Oncol 84: 18–22.
SAKK 17/04 study. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Extrapleural
Pneumonectomy of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma With or Without
Hemithoracic Radiotherapy. A randomised multicentre phase II trial. Swiss trial
aiming to recruit over 150 patients.
Information sources
Allen AA, Schofield D, Hacker F et al. (2007) Restricted field IMRT dramatically enhances IMRT
planning for mesothelioma. Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 69: 1587–92.
Waite K, Gilligan D (2007) The role of radiotherapy in the treatment of malignant pleural
mesothelioma. Clinical Oncology 19: 182–7.
Breast 22
or lung damage because of shallow breast tissue over heart or ribs). EORTC
22881 showed that in patients younger than 40, a boost dose of 16 Gy resulted in
a greater reduction of local failure than for other age groups, but the relative risk
reduction was similar for all ages. All patients who have microscopic tumour
present at a resection margin, and where re-excision or mastectomy is declined,
should be considered for boost radiotherapy.
■ Post-mastectomy radiotherapy
More patients are having immediate breast reconstruction after mastectomy using
either microvascular techniques or an implant. Subsequent radiotherapy may lead to
a risk of late fibrosis and outcomes are being monitored. Post-mastectomy
radiotherapy is recommended for patients with T3, T4 tumours and those with
four or more positive axillary nodes who have a high risk of local recurrence (around
30 per cent), which is reduced by at least two-thirds. The Danish Breast Cancer
Trials Group (DBCG) reported a 9 per cent absolute increase in survival rate at
15 years after post-mastectomy locoregional radiotherapy in all groups of node
positive patients. Therefore patients with one to three nodes, and for example, young
patients and those with large T2–3 tumours, grade III, oestrogen receptor negative,
lymphovascular invasion or lobular histology with an estimated 10–20 per cent local
recurrence risk at 10 years, may also be considered for locoregional radiotherapy.
Local guidelines must be developed with a threshold chosen for the level of risk of
local recurrence that merits treatment until further trial data are available.
For inoperable T3 and T4 tumours, primary systemic therapy is given before
combined local treatment with surgery and locoregional radiotherapy, the
sequence depending on tumour regression, staging and prognostic factors.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Radiotherapy has a major role in the palliation of locally advanced and fungating
breast tumours as well as in treating symptomatic metastases at sites such as bone,
brain, skin, lymph nodes, choroid and meninges.
Prognostic factors, PS and patient preference all affect the final decision made
by the multidisciplinary team.
mammary nodes I II III
(a) (b)
Figure 22.1 (a) Diagram of lymphatic drainage of the breast. (b) Transverse CT scan of the
left axilla (patient with arms up) both showing position of levels I–III axillary lymph nodes.
AV, axillary vessels; Pm, pectoralis minor; PM, pectoralis major; IP, inter-pectoral nodes.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
The position of the patient must remain identical for localisation on a CT scanner
or simulator and during subsequent treatment. Most commonly the patient is
treated supine using an immobilisation device which secures both arms above the
head, as this lifts the breast superiorly, reducing cardiac doses, and also provides
symmetry if contralateral breast irradiation is required later. A headrest, elbow and
armrests, knee supports and a footboard provide stability. Care must be taken at
data acquisition to adapt all the supporting devices to the individual patient’s size
and shape to maximise comfort, and so aid reproducibility for subsequent
treatment. These recorded parameters, with a system of medial and lateral tattoos
and orthogonal laser lights, ensure alignment of the patient and consistency of
set-up (Fig. 22.2). Often an inclined plane is used with fixed angle positions. This
brings the chest wall parallel to the treatment couch and may reduce the need for
collimator angulation. The inclination is limited to a 10–15° angle for 70 cm, and
17.5–20° for larger 85 cm aperture CT scanners or simulator planning. Some
centres treat the patient lying flat on the couch top, without an incline, with a
similar immobilisation system but using collimator rotation.
Patients with large or pendulous breasts treated supine require a breast support,
either with a thermoplastic shell, or breast cup which can be used to bring the lateral
and inferior part of the breast anteriorly away from the heart, lung and abdomen.
It is important to avoid displacing the breast too far superiorly over the neck.
Increased erythema due to loss of skin sparing by the shell may be offset by
Whole breast
CT scanning
Where available, CT scanning has become standard for planning breast
radiotherapy. After palpation, the breast CTV and surgical breast scar are marked
with radio-opaque material before scanning. The upper and lower limits of the CT
scan are chosen so that CT data are acquired superiorly from above the shoulder to
include the neck and inferiorly to include all of the ipsilateral lung and 5 cm below
breast tissue. CT data of the whole breast and critical structures such as lung and
heart are needed for DVH calculations and to position lymph node beams. Slice
thickness should be sufficient (usually 2–3 mm but dependent on agreed local CT
protocols) to produce good quality images for target volume and OAR definition
and to create DRRs for accurate portal image comparison. Three reference tattoos
are placed on the central slice and in the medial and lateral positions on right and
left sides so that measurements can be made to subsequent beam centres.
The volumetric CT data are exported to the treatment planning system (TPS)
and a virtual simulation package can be used to define medial and lateral tangential
beams to encompass the breast CTV. These can be adapted by viewing the
posterior border of the CTV on all CT slices to ensure coverage of the tumour bed
as delineated by titanium clips or gold seeds on CT. CLD should be less than 2 cm
to avoid symptomatic pneumonitis. The heart, especially the left anterior
descending artery, should be excluded. Where this is impossible, maximum heart
distance (MHD) must be kept to less than 1 cm. CT also helps distinguish
glandular from adipose tissue, especially at the posterolateral aspect of the breast.
If the heart cannot be excluded completely from the target volume without
compromising the tumour bed CTV, localised cardiac shielding can be introduced
Target volume definition
at the dose planning stage. The final virtual simulation is performed by a radiographer,
usually with an oncologist, and diagrams, DRRs and virtual simulation rendered
images are created before the dose plan is produced (Fig. 22.4). Alternatively, the
breast CTV and PTV can be outlined on each CT image with full 3D delineation
of the target volume. This is more time consuming but has advantages where more
advanced or inoperable tumours are visualised or when inverse planned IMRT is
used. The lung is contoured in its entirety for all 3D dose planning and DVHs.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 22.4 Virtual simulation of breast with clips in tumour bed showing (a) axial scan
with adjustment of beam border anteriorly from skin markers to avoid heart, (b) sagittal,
(c) coronal and (d) rendered image of tangential beams.
■ GTV breast
For inoperable tumours and following partial regression after primary systemic
therapy where surgery is still not feasible, the gross tumour is present. This can be
defined with the patient in the treatment position using palpation, CT or
ultrasound to design boost volumes.
■ Simulator
Conventionally, a simulator has been used to localise the breast with the
immobilisation system described above and the patient aligned with two laterals
and a sagittal laser light. Field borders rather than target volumes are defined by
palpating the entire breast and adding a 1.5 cm margin which includes penumbra.
The superior border covers as much of the breast as possible and lies at about the
level of the suprasternal notch medially, and just below the level of the abducted
arm laterally to allow beam entry. The inferior border lies 1.5 cm below the breast,
or more if the tumour bed is situated very inferiorly. The medial border is usually
in the midline and the lateral border 1.5 cm from the lateral border of the breast.
However, these borders should be modified, both to ensure good coverage of the
tumour bed and also to reduce heart (MHD 1 cm) and lung doses (CLD
2 cm), even if in some patients this means compromising coverage of peripheral
breast tissue sited away from the tumour bed (Fig. 22.5).
Using the simulator, an isocentric technique of medial and lateral tangential fields
is constructed. The anterior border of the field in free air should be at least 1.5 cm from
the skin surface to ensure a satisfactory dose distribution. The borders of the medial
and lateral fields are then marked on the skin. Two reference tattoos are made at
medial and lateral field centres over reproducible stable sites with a third one made
on the contralateral side of the body to align with lasers to prevent rotation. An
external contour of a transverse cross-section of the patient is taken in 2D through
the centre of the fields. Where a simulator CT is available, three CT outlines may be
taken at different levels for lung correction and superior–inferior dose compensation.
Target volume definition
Figure 22.5 Simulator film of left medial tangential field
with CLD, MHD and clips in the tumour bed.
Beam divergence into the lung at the posterior border of the field can be reduced by
using either independent collimators to block the posterior half of the beam, or an
appropriate gantry angle to align the opposing posterior field borders.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 22.6 (a) Axial CT scan with clips in the tumour bed (dark blue), boost CTV (cyan)
and whole breast PTV (red). (b) Sagittal view. (c) 3D image (lung in green). (d) Axial CT
scan with beams for whole breast EBRT (6 MV, gantry 221° and 47°, 9.5[W] 20[L]).
can be used to design a mono-isocentric technique for combined breast and lymph
node irradiation where a single isocentre is set up at depth on the match line of
the tangential and anterior nodal fields (Fig. 22.7).
Target volume
The lymphatic drainage to the axillary and supraclavicular nodes forms an irregular
volume with its upper border lying anteriorly in the supraclavicular fossa, and
extending more posteriorly at the lower border to include all groups of axillary
nodes (see Fig. 22.1, p. 268).
CT studies have shown that axillary nodes lie at a mean depth of 3–5 cm and are
anterior to the mid-axillary line. Supraclavicular nodes lie at a mean depth of 4 cm.
Dose solutions
Internal mammary lymph nodes lie 2–4 cm lateral and deep to the midline in the first
three intercostal spaces. CT scanning can be used to locate the internal mammary
arteries which are closely applied to the nodes to help delineate the target volume.
Studies show that level I axillary nodes may not be routinely included in the standard
breast CTV and great care must be used to delineate these nodes marked with
surgical clips in the axillary tail of the breast CTV when treatment is indicated.
The irregular target volume of the breast or chest wall and regional lymph nodes
makes it technically difficult to deliver an equal and adequate dose to all areas and
to spare the lungs, heart, brachial plexus and spinal cord.
■ Simulator
Immobilisation, patient positioning and alignment are as described for breast
radiotherapy. An anterior field is used to include level II and III axillary and
supraclavicular nodes in the target volume. The medial border is placed 1 cm lateral
to the midline or at the midline with a 10° gantry angle away from the larynx and
spinal cord. The lateral border lies at the outer edge of the head of the humerus.
The superior border extends at least 3 cm above the medial end of the clavicle, but
laterally leaves a 1–2 cm margin of skin clear superiorly to avoid excessive skin
reaction. Using a mono-isocentric technique to treat breast and lymph nodes, the
inferior border is on line with the superior border of the tangential fields through
the match line with the isocentre at depth. Shielding of the acromioclavicular joint
and humeral head is important to avoid fibrosis and maintain shoulder mobility.
Shielding to the apex of the lung should be applied with care as it may shield level
II and/or III nodes which may be part of the target volume. Where level III nodes
have been removed, an anterior field to the supraclavicular fossa nodes only is
used, with the lateral border altered to lie at the coracoid process (see Fig. 8.7,
p. 104). Placement of surgical clips may mark the level II and III axillary lymph
node areas and should be used to design the nodal field borders.
Dose solutions
■ Breast and reconstructed breast
For most patients, 6 MV (range 4–8 MV) photons are chosen as optimal.
However, with increased breast volume and separation, higher energies
(commonly 10 MV) may produce better homogeneity. Because of the increased
skin sparing of higher energy beams, care should be taken to check that superficial
cavity wall margins and scars of reconstructed breasts receive adequate dose.
■ Conformal or complex
Using virtual simulation, beams have been optimised and CT data are used to correct
for lung density. A significant number of plans fail to achieve a homogeneous 3D
dose distribution (–5 per cent, 7 per cent) when the 2D tangential technique is
calculated in 3D (Fig. 22.8). Forward planned 3D dose compensation can be
achieved using a variety of methods. A randomised clinical trial has shown that
patients treated with IMRT and improved 3D dose homogeneity have significantly
better breast cosmesis (Fig. 22.9). Inverse planned dose solutions aim at
optimisation to a set of dose volume constraints and may improve homogeneity still
further. This is particularly important for the reconstructed breast.
The position of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) can be seen
on CT to lie within the target volume for many patients having left sided breast
radiotherapy. Full dose to this segment of artery may be the cause of increased
cardiac mortality from left breast radiotherapy reported in the literature. Modern
planning techniques reduce dose to the heart and it is anticipated that in the future
this will translate into decreased cardiac mortality and increase in overall survival
with breast radiotherapy. With forward planned dose compensation, MLC leaves
can be used to shield the heart (Fig. 22.10) and left anterior descending coronary
artery for one or both beams, without shielding the tumour bed site which has
been marked with clips and is clearly seen in 3D with CT planning. Doses to the
contralateral breast may also be lower, reducing the risk of secondary malignancies.
Dose solutions
Figure 22.10 Sagittal DRR with
segmented fields for dose-compensated
IMRT with cardiac shielding. Clips seen in
the tumour bed and axilla (within shielding).
■ Conventional
A 2D outline with centres of field borders marked is used to prepare a dose
distribution with opposing medial and lateral tangential fields and wedges used as
missing tissue compensators. The presence of lung tissue increases dose to the
medial and lateral aspects of the breast and although the amount varies, it is
important to incorporate lung corrections. An estimation of lung tissue is marked
on the outline from the simulator film and a correction factor (range 0.2–0.3) is
applied and a dose solution produced, aiming at a homogeneous dose distribution
on a single slice of –5 per cent, 7 per cent (ICRU50). This does not give
information at superior or inferior levels of the target volume where dose
inhomogeneities of up to 10–15 per cent can occur, especially in large patients.
Ideally these patients should have at least three outlines taken through the centre,
superior and inferior levels of the volume using a simulator CT facility or camera
based outlining system. Dose distributions can then be produced at multiple levels
and tissue compensators used to improve homogeneity. Cardiac shielding using
blocks or MLC leaves can be used in both beams, although care must be taken
with inferior quadrant tumours where the tumour bed may overlie the heart. A risk
versus benefit analysis then has to be made, and the MHD reduced to less than
1 cm by altering the posterior field border or partial shielding if possible.
■ Chest wall
Conventional planning uses opposing tangential fields but dosimetry is rarely
optimal because of the thin target volume of the chest wall surrounded by air and
lung. Skin doses cannot be calculated or measured accurately and the role of bolus
to the skin remains controversial. Selective use of bolus in high risk disease after
■ Tumour bed
Electron beams are commonly used for tumour bed boost irradiation. The target
volume should be delineated and is usually 5–8 cm in diameter requiring an
electron applicator of 7–10 cm to allow for lateral penumbra. The electron energy
is chosen using CT, simulator-CT or ultrasound to measure depth of the target
volume, which should be encompassed by the 90 per cent isodose (ICRU71).
Electrons of 4–15 MeV may be required but exit doses to the heart should be
avoided. For larger volumes or where gross tumour is present, small tangential
beams with CT planning or interstitial brachytherapy may be preferable.
■ Breast, reconstructed breast and chest wall
40 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 2.67 Gy given in 3 weeks.
42.5 Gy in 16 daily fractions of 2.66 Gy given in 31⁄2 weeks.
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
All these regimens have been tested in randomised trials with good results. The
same fractionation regimens can be used treat to DCIS, as there is no evidence that
it has a different radiosensitivity from invasive disease.
■ Breast boost irradiation
Tumour bed
16 Gy in 8 daily fractions given in 11⁄2 weeks.
10 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
Doses are prescribed using electron therapy to Dmax or using photons to the
ICRU point at the centre of the target volume; 16 Gy in 8 daily fractions has been
shown in the EORTC trial 22881 to reduce local failure by a factor of 2 compared
with no boost. 10 Gy in 5 daily fractions may be used in patients with lower risk
of local recurrence.
Incomplete excision or residual primary tumour
20–26 Gy in 10–13 daily fractions given in 2–21⁄2 weeks.
Interstitial implantation may also be considered for tumour bed boost irradiation.
Lymph node irradiation
40 Gy in 15 daily fractions of 2.67 Gy given in 3 weeks.
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
Doses are prescribed at Dmax (e.g. at 1.5 cm for 6 MV photons).
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Patients with breast cancer often live many years with metastatic disease, especially
in bone. Care must be taken to check sites of previous irradiation and to match
fields carefully to avoid overdosage and unwanted toxicity.
8 Gy single fraction for most bone metastases for relief of pain.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week may be used for sites such as
cervical spine, meningeal disease, and nodal masses.
36 Gy in 6 fractions of 6 Gy once or twice weekly, given in 6 weeks for fungating
primary tumours, especially in frail patients.
The immobilisation device, room laser lights, set-up instructions and rendered
images are all used to ensure an identical patient position and accurate treatment
delivery. Portal imaging should be undertaken using locally agreed evidence-based
imaging protocols. This typically consists of imaging the first three daily fractions
and then weekly checks, with images being compared with the CT-generated DRR
or simulator films and a 5 mm tolerance accepted in the CLD/isocentre
position. Consideration should be given to any change in soft tissue contour where
forward planned IMRT is used to ensure the delivery of a homogeneous dose
distribution. In vivo dosimetry using a diode or TLD measurement is carried out
on day 1 in all patients to ensure delivery of the planned dose to each
field/segment. To ensure true readings, consideration should be given to the
positioning of the diode/TLD for the smaller dose compensation segments used
in forward planned techniques. IGRT can be used to match the position of
titanium clips in the tumour bed for pretreatment verification.
key trials
Information sources
Adlard JW, Bundred NJ (2006) Radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ. Clin Oncol 18: 179–84.
Antonini N, Jones H, Horiot JC et al. (2007) Effect of age and radiation dose on local control after
breast conserving treatment: EORTC trial 22881-10882. Radiother Oncol 82: 265–71.
Bowden SJ, Fernando IN, Burton A (2006) Delaying radiotherapy for the delivery of adjuvant
chemotherapy in the combined modality treatment of early breast cancer: is it disadvantageous
and could combined treatment be the answer? Clin Oncol 18: 247–56.
Dobbs HJ, Greener AJ, Driver D (2003) Geometric uncertainties in radiotherapy of breast cancer. In:
Geometric Uncertainties in Radiotherapy: Defining the Planning Target Volume. BIR Report, BIR
Publications Dept, London, UK.
Donovan E, Bleakley N, Denholm E et al. (2007) On behalf of the Breast Technology Group (UK)
Randomised trial of standard 2D radiotherapy versus intensity modulated radiotherapy in
patients prescribed breast radiotherapy. Radiother Oncol 82: 254–64.
Early Breast Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) (2005) Effects of radiotherapy and of
differences in the extent of surgery for early breast cancer on local recurrence and 15 year
survival: an overview of the randomised trials. Lancet 366: 2087–106.
Goodman RL, Grann A, Saracco P et al. (2001) The relationship between radiation fields and
regional lymph nodes in carcinoma of the breast. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 50: 99–105.
Hurkmans CW, Borger JH, Pieters BR et al. (2001) Variability in target volume delineation on CT
scans of the breast. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 50: 1366–72.
Lievens Y, Poortmans P, Van den Bogaert W (2001) A glance on quality assurance in EORTC study
22922 evaluating techniques for internal mammary and supraclavicular lymph node chain
irradiation in breast cancer. Radiother Oncol 60: 257–65.
Overgaard M, Nielsen HM, Overgaard J (2007) Is the benefit of postmastectomy irradiation limited to
patients with four or more positive nodes, as recommended in international consensus reports?
A subgroup analysis of the DBCG 82 b and c randomised trials. Radiother Oncol 82: 247–53.
Owen JR, Ashton A, Bliss JM et al. (2006) Effect of radiotherapy fraction size on tumour control in
patients with early breast cancer after local excision: long term results of a randomised trial.
Lancet Oncol 7: 467–71.
Ragaz J, Olivotto IA, Spinelli JJ et al. (2005) Loco regional radiation therapy in patients with high risk
breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy: 20 year results of the British Columbia
randomised trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 97: 116–26.
Recht A, Edge SB, Solin LJ et al. (2001) Post mastectomy radiotherapy: clinical practice guidelines
of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. J Clin Oncol 19: 1539–69.
Special Issue: Radiotherapy of breast cancer (2007). Radiother Oncol 82: 243–357.
The START Trialists’ Group (2008) The UK Standardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) Trial B
of radiotherapy hypofractionation for treatment of early breast cancer: a randomised trial.
Lancet 371: 1098–107.
The START Trialists’ Group (2008) The UK Standardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) Trial A
of radiotherapy hypofractionation for treatment of early breast cancer: a randomised trial.
Lancet Oncol 9: 331–41.
Whelan T, Mackenzie R, Julian J et al. (2002) Randomised trial of breast irradiation schedules after
lumpectomy for women with lymph node-negative breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 94:
Lymphomas 23
■ Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Low grade follicular lymphoma presents as localised stage I or II disease in
20–30 per cent of cases. INRT alone gives 50–60 per cent 15-year survival rates
and these results have not yet been improved by the addition of chemotherapy.
Stage IE and IIE MALT lymphomas of the stomach, which are Helicobacter
pylori negative or do not respond to antibiotic therapy, are treated with local
radiotherapy, with very high local control and cure rates. Other MALT sites
include thyroid, salivary glands, skin, breast, lung and orbit and, when
presenting as stage IE or IIE disease, are treated with local radiotherapy, with
70–80 per cent 10-year survival rates.
Patients with stage III and IV low grade follicular lymphoma may be
asymptomatic, so treatment with chemotherapy may be deferred until disease
progression. Response rates with conventional chemotherapy are around 60 per
cent but the disease is not curable, and more aggressive regimens with stem cell
support are considered at relapse for fit patients. The monoclonal antibody
rituximab, given in combination with chemotherapy or as maintenance after initial
treatment, has improved response rates and progression-free survival.
Diffuse aggressive B or T cell lymphomas are treated with initial chemotherapy,
combined if they are CD20 positive with monoclonal antibody therapy. This is
followed in early stage disease by radiotherapy localised to initial bulky sites of
involvement. Five-year survival rates for stage I and II disease are 80–90 per cent.
Patients with adverse prognostic factors such as increasing stage, high lactate
dehydrogenase, B symptoms and extensive or bulky disease are treated with more
intensive and prolonged chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is used for those with
residual nodal masses.
Extranodal lymphomas are usually diffuse large B cell lymphomas in type and
occur at a wide variety of sites such as the CNS including extradural tissue, head
and neck, breast, stomach, skin and bone. They are commonly treated with initial
chemotherapy followed by localised radiotherapy to the initial and/or bulky sites
of disease. When treating CNS lymphoma, care must be taken with whole brain
irradiation after chemotherapy and high-dose methotrexate. Radiotherapy may
then be omitted in older patients (60) because of the increased risk of
neurological toxicity, particularly dementia.
Splenic irradiation is rarely used now as involvement of the spleen usually
represents systemic disease, best treated by chemotherapy. Where hypersplenism
due to myelofibrosis cannot be treated by surgical splenectomy, radiotherapy may
be given.
Radiotherapy is also used sometimes in the following situations:
■ prophylactic cranial irradiation in lymphoblastic lymphoma and acute
lymphocytic leukaemia (Chapter 18)
■ total body irradiation (TBI) before allogeneic and selected autologous
transplants (Chapter 38)
■ post-transplant salvage for residual PET visualised disease
■ immune modulation with single fraction (2 Gy) for reduced intensity
■ irradiation for CSF/CNS involvement (Chapter 18)
■ prophylactic testicular irradiation in testicular lymphoma (Chapter 38).
Assessment of primary disease
Skin lymphomas and their management are discussed in Chapter 7. Palliative
local radiotherapy is useful for relieving symptoms in patients with large
uncontrolled nodal masses or in patients who are unfit for chemotherapy.
survival (Fig. 23.1). PET is more sensitive at detecting residual disease than CT,
which cannot differentiate post-treatment fibrotic mediastinal masses from active
disease. However, it should be used in combination with CT for target volume
delineation as PET – avid areas have been shown to represent only 25 per cent of
the total tumour mass seen on CT.
Data acquisition
To minimise toxicity to normal organs, and optimise dose distribution for the target
volume, 3D CT planning is used. Patients are scanned lying supine with appropriate
immobilisation devices for the anatomical site to be treated, with a system of skin
tattoos. For axillary radiotherapy, the arm is abducted and supported using an arm
pole or other restraint. For cervical nodal irradiation, a thermoplastic or vacuum
shell is used with reference marks on the shell for alignment with lasers.
As lymphomas occur at a wide variety of anatomical sites, general principles
should be applied and decisions made about the proposed treatment technique
before CT scanning to ensure that the most appropriate CT protocol is used. If
palpable masses are present, these are marked with radio-opaque material before
scanning with the patient in the treatment position. The scan should include the
whole volume of critical organs such as lung, liver, and kidneys for DVH
assessment. CT scans of 3 mm slice thickness are taken using intravenous contrast
to aid delineation of lymph nodes adjacent to vascular structures.
PET-CT and CT scans taken in the treatment position before chemotherapy are
co-registered with the post-chemotherapy CT planning scans for target volume
delineation. In addition, diagrams showing the initial lymph node measurements
at diagnosis are used.
Target volume definition
Target volume definition
Traditionally, wide or extended field radiotherapy treatments such as ‘Mantle’ and
‘Inverted Y’ were used as primary treatment for lymphomas with good cure rates
but late toxicity, particularly to the heart, lungs and breasts. With treatments now
combining chemotherapy and adjuvant radiotherapy, data have accumulated to
support the use of local radiotherapy instead of extended fields, to reduce toxicity
by sparing normal tissues.
There are three possible approaches to using smaller volume treatments. Since
lymphatic spread involves nodes adjacent to the primary site of disease first,
locoregional treatment that includes elective adjuvant irradiation of the first node
stations may be given (IFRT). The CTV includes the GTV, which is the primary
site, and adjacent nodes as CTV (a situation analogous to treatment of uninvolved
nodes in head and neck cancer). Alternatively, only the initial macroscopic volume
of disease (GTV), whether in lymph node (involved nodal INRT), or an organ
(sometimes called involved site ISRT) is treated with a GTV-CTV margin. Finally,
the residual GTV following chemotherapy, defined by PET-CT, could be the basis
of the target volume. In published reports the target volumes used may combine
aspects of these different conceptual approaches.
When primary radiotherapy without chemotherapy is given (e.g. stage I follicular
non-Hodgkin lymphoma or nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin
lymphoma), IFRT is used to include the uninvolved first node station in the CTV
as well as the macroscopically involved GTV (Fig. 23.2).
The CTV is designed using the initial volume of involved lymph nodes, i.e. the
initial GTV as shown on staging CT, MRI and FDG-PET-CT scans. These scans
need to be taken in the radiotherapy treatment position, whenever possible, for
accurate co-registration with subsequent CT planning scans which are taken after
chemotherapy. When primary radiotherapy is given, the GTV is present both
clinically and on imaging. After chemotherapy there may be a complete response
(PET and CT negative) with no GTV, or a partial response with a residual GTV.
The original GTV is outlined on the post-chemotherapy CT planning scan using
the co-registered initial CT and PET scans. The patient’s anatomy will have altered
with response to chemotherapy, and the principle is to cover the site of original
disease, but to reduce toxicity by excluding wherever possible normal tissues that
were displaced, but not involved by tumour. Anatomical planes act as boundaries
and the volume should not extend into adjacent bone, air or viscera.
For both IFRT and INRT of the mediastinum, the pre-chemotherapy volume is
used for the superior–inferior extension and the post-chemotherapy volume for the
axial to reduce dose to blood vessels, heart, coronary arteries and lung which may have
returned to their normal position (Fig. 23.3). Where there was definite tumour
infiltration into adjacent tissues at diagnosis, the whole volume should still be included.
The CTV for IFRT includes the clinically and radiologically involved lymph
nodes as imaged at presentation (GTV) with the adjacent lymphatics and
uninvolved first node station. CT outlining of lymph nodes uses the Ann Arbor
staging system and is aided by atlases such as those published by Gregoire for the
head and neck and Taylor for pelvic nodes.
(a) (b)
A CTV-PTV margin is added to allow for organ motion which will vary for different
sites, for example it should be 5 mm for mediastinal nodes. A further 5–10 mm margin
is used for daily variations in set-up, the exact value determined according to individual
departmental protocols, making a total CTV to PTV margin of 10–15 mm.
This target volume is based on initial macroscopic disease pre-chemotherapy (GTV),
rather than on lymph node region, and is defined using initial CT and PET scans
co-registered with subsequent CT planning scans. If the initially involved nodes
are no longer visible after a complete response, the CTV is the initial site of
For neck, mediastinum and para-aortic nodes, a GTV-CTV margin of 20 mm in
the cranio-caudal and 10 mm in other dimensions is used. For hilar, SCF and
common iliac nodes, a GTV-CTV margin of 10 mm in the anteroposterior (AP)
and 20 mm in other directions is used. For axillary, external and internal iliac,
inguinal and femoral nodes, a GTV-CTV margin of 20 mm is used in all directions.
These variable margins are based on observation and designed to exclude initially
displaced normal structures which have returned to their usual position.
A CTV-PTV margin of 5–10 mm in 3D is added according to anatomical site
and departmental set-up error measurements.
Target volume definition
(a) (b)
Figure 23.3 IFRT for a patient with stage IIA Hodgkin lymphoma (in complete remission
after chemotherapy) showing radiotherapy to the mediastinum, left SCF and left axilla.
(a) Coronal CT scan with target volumes. (b) 3D image. (c) Dose distribution using anterior
and posterior beams with MLC. Lungs green; heart yellow; spinal cord light yellow; (b) and
(c) are at different slice level to (a).
INRT may be used for adjuvant radiotherapy after chemotherapy (Fig. 23.4).
If only a partial remission is obtained, a residual GTV will be defined on
post-chemotherapy CT scans. This is used to create a boost CTV, which is the
GTV plus a 10–15 mm margin used to deliver extra irradiation to residual disease.
■ Extranodal sites
When primary radiotherapy is given for stage IE non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the GTV
is usually the whole of the involved organ such as stomach, orbit or breast with an
appropriate margin for microscopic disease to create the CTV. For a solid organ, the
volume is designed using the original GTV with a GTV-CTV margin of 15 mm in
the cranio-caudal dimension. In the AP and lateral dimensions the residual, not
initial, GTV are included with a 15 mm 3D margin to minimise normal tissue doses.
CTV-PTV margins vary according to the mobility of the organ, e.g. for stomach a
20 mm cranio-caudal margin may be used to allow for respiration (Fig. 23.5).
(a) (b)
Figure 23.4 INRT for patient with stage IA follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma showing
treatment to unilateral right inguinal lymph nodes, showing (a) axial CT scan with target
volume and (b) conformal dose plan. Uterus yellow, left; adnexa green.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 23.5 Patient with stage IE MALT non-Hodgkin lymphoma of stomach. (a) Axial CT
scan showing target volume. (b) 3D image. (c) Conformal plan. (d) DVH with liver (yellow),
kidneys (green) and spinal cord (light yellow).
There is no evidence yet to change the established practice of treating the whole
of Waldeyer’s ring, the parotid gland or whole brain after chemotherapy and large
margins may still be allowed (30 mm cranio-caudal) for bone lymphoma. For
splenic irradiation, CT scanning is used to localise the target volume (whole
spleen) and organs at risk which include the left kidney and stomach although
doses are below tolerance. No GTV-PTV margin is needed as even partial organ
radiotherapy is effective (Fig. 23.6).
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Gross disease (GTV) is delineated with as small a margin as possible to minimise
side effects.
Figure 23.6 DRR showing anterior BEV
with spleen outlined for splenic
radiotherapy showing relations to left
(green) and right (magenta) kidney.
Very occasionally extended field treatments may be used for palliation. Mantle
fields include all lymph node areas above the diaphragm and the inverted Y, infra-
diaphragmatic nodes. CT scans are performed with the patient immobilised in the
treatment position and palpable nodes marked with radio-opaque material.
Involved nodes may be contoured on each slice or virtual simulation used to design
beams to encompass disease. Shielding to the oral cavity, lungs, humeral heads,
spinal cord, breast, kidneys, bladder and bowel is obtained by appropriate MLC
configurations. A simple arrangement of anterior and posterior beams is used.
Normal organs such as lungs, heart, spinal cord, major blood vessels and breasts
should be outlined and PRVs created. DVH for critical organs are obtained and
tolerance restrictions applied to specific organs.
Dose solutions
Using 3D CT planning, the most appropriate conformal multi-beam plan can be
prepared. Less often anterior and posterior beams are used, sometimes unequally
weighted and shaped using MLC in 3D to spare normal tissues. Inhomogeneity
corrections are made to account for lung tissue in the mediastinum. IMRT may
have benefit at sites near the spinal cord but care must be taken to avoid increasing
dose to lungs, heart and breasts.
■ Hodgkin lymphoma
Early stage, after complete response to chemotherapy
20 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
Advanced stage, with residual disease after chemotherapy
30 Gy in 15 daily fractions given in 3 weeks, with additional 6 Gy in 3 fractions
depending on bulk of disease.
Palliative treatment
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
■ Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Primary radiotherapy for stage I, IE, II, IIE low grade disease
24–30 Gy in 12–15 daily fractions given in 21⁄2–3 weeks
(or 4 Gy in 2 daily fractions).
Palliative treatment
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
4 Gy in 2 daily fractions.
Splenic irradiation
10–12 Gy in fractions of 0.5–1.5 Gy given up to three times/week.
If blood counts are initially very low, treatment is started cautiously with low
doses given once a week with full blood count check before each treatment.
Information sources
Aleman BM, Raemaekers JM, Tirelli U et al. (2003) Involved-field radiotherapy for advanced
Hodgkin’s lymphoma. N Engl J Med 348: 2396–406.
Bonnadonna G, Bonfante V, Viviani S et al. (2004) ABVD plus subtotal nodal versus involved-field
radiotherapy in early-stage Hodgkin’s disease: long term results. J Clin Oncol 22: 2835–41.
Dobbs HJ, Barrett A, Rostom AY et al. (1981) Total-body irradiation in advanced non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma. Br J Radiol 54: 878–81.
Eich H, Mueller R, Engert A et al. (2005) Comparison of 30 Gy versus 20 Gy involved field
radiotherapy after two versus four cycles ABVD in early stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma: interim
analysis of the German Hodgkin’s Study Group Trial HD10. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 6: S1–2.
Engert A, Schiller P, Josting A et al. (2003) Involved-field radiotherapy is equally effective and less
toxic compared with extended-field radiotherapy after four cycles of chemotherapy in patients
with early stage unfavourable Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Results of the HD 8 trial of the German
Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Study Group. J Clin Oncol 21: 3601–8.
Girinsky T, van der Maazen R, Specht L et al. (2006) Involved-node radiotherapy (INRT) in patients
with early Hodgkin’s lymphoma: concepts and guidelines. Radiother Oncol 79: 270–7.
Girinsky T, Ghalibagian M, Bonniaud G et al. (2007) Is FDG-PET scan in patients with early stage
Hodgkin lymphoma of any value in the implementation of the involved-node radiotherapy
concept and dose painting? Radiother Oncol 85: 178–86.
Kaplan HS, Rosenberg SA (1966) The treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. Med Clin North Am 50: 1591–610.
Koontz B, Kirkpatrick J, Clough R et al. (2006) Combined modality therapy versus radiotherapy alone for
treatment of early-stage Hodgkin’s disease: cure versus complications. J Clin Oncol 24: 605–11.
Lee YK, Cook G, Flower MA et al. (2004) Addition of 18F-FDG PET scans to radiotherapy planning
of thoracic lymphoma. Radiother Oncol 73: 277–83.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (2008) Rituximab for the Treatment of Relapsed
or Refractory Stage III or IV Follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Technical appraisal no 137.
NICE, London.
Sawyer EJ, Timothy AR (1997) Low dose palliative radiotherapy in low grade non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma. Radiother Oncol 42: 49–51.
Shahidi M, Kamangari N, Ashley S et al. (2006) Site of relapse after chemotherapy alone in Stage I
and II Hodgkin’s disease. Radiother Oncol 78: 1–5.
Sutcliffe SB, Gospodarowicz MK, Bush RS et al. (1985) Role of radiation therapy in localised non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Radiother Oncol 4: 211–23.
Yahalom J, Mauch P (2002) The involved field is back: issues in delineating the radiation field in
Hodgkin’s disease. Ann Oncol 13: 79–83.
Yahalom J (2006) Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater: on optimizing cure and reducing
toxicity in Hodgkin’s lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 24: 544–8.
24 Oesophagus and
■ Oesophagus
Surgery is the principal curative therapy but only 40 per cent of patients survive for
2 years. Preoperative radiation does not improve cure rates but a meta-analysis has
shown that preoperative chemoradiation leads to a survival benefit of 13 per cent
at 2 years. However, individual phase III studies have often failed to show this
benefit and there is concern about perioperative morbidity and mortality.
Moreover, preoperative chemotherapy alone has shown a survival benefit in some
studies. The role of preoperative chemoradiation therefore remains unclear.
There is no good evidence to support adjuvant radiotherapy for any one group
of patients, but it should be considered in selected patients where the risk of local
recurrence is particularly high and exceeds that of distant metastases, e.g. with an
involved circumferential resection margin in node negative patients.
Non-surgical curative treatment has usually been used when patients are
medically inoperable or decline surgery or with T3N1 or T4 disease where surgical
cure is felt unlikely. Concomitant radiochemotherapy with cisplatin and
5-fluorouracil (5FU)-based chemotherapy improves survival compared to
radiation alone. Most regimens also include two cycles of chemotherapy either
before or after the radiochemotherapy. The 2-year survival with combined
chemotherapy and radiotherapy is very similar to that of surgery but there have
been no large trials comparing the two approaches. If the patient has small (5 cm
length) localised disease but is not able to tolerate surgery or radiochemotherapy,
radiation alone is used as potentially curative therapy.
Resection of a cervical oesophageal cancer would require a laryngo-
oesophagectomy so radiochemotherapy is the treatment of choice.
Clinical and radiological anatomy
Many patients with oesophageal cancer are elderly, of poor PS or have metastases
at presentation. Radiotherapy is useful to palliate dysphagia or pain but rarely
relieves complete dysphagia. Intraluminal brachytherapy is also used in palliation.
■ Stomach
Surgery is the treatment of choice for localised tumours. The extent of surgery is
important. A D2 resection (extensive lymphadenectomy including nodes along the
branches of the coeliac axis) produces better local control than a D1 resection
(lymphadenectomy of perigastric nodes) though with an increase in postoperative
complications and no clear survival benefit. Many patients have a local recurrence
after surgery. A large RCT has shown adjuvant radiochemotherapy improves
3-year survival from 41 per cent to 50 per cent but only 10 per cent of patients
in the trial had a D2 resection so adjuvant treatment may be compensating for
poor surgery. Combined pre- and postoperative chemotherapy has also been
shown to improve survival compared with surgery alone and the extra benefit of
conformal postoperative radiotherapy when added to chemotherapy is not
known. Radiotherapy can be used to palliate obstructive symptoms or persistent
spread to the superior mediastinum. The risk of nodal spread also increases with
T stage.
The stomach is divided arbitrarily into the fundus (cardia), body and pylorus
(antrum). As in the oesophagus there are extensive submucosal lymphatics that
facilitate intramural spread of tumour and make it difficult to predict the location
of involved nodes. Lymphatic drainage is initially to the perigastric nodes on the
greater and lesser curvatures and then to the nodes along the branches of the
coeliac axis (left gastric, hepatic, splenic and coeliac) (Fig. 24.1). Proximal
tumours can also spread to the para-oesophageal nodes.
Figure 24.1 Lymphatic drainage of the stomach. (a) Perigastric nodes. (b) Stomach
removed to show nodes along the branches of the coeliac axis.
Target volume definition
A bronchoscopy or vocal cord assessment should be performed if invasion of the
tracheobronchial tree or recurrent laryngeal nerves is suspected.
Curative treatment volumes should ideally cover all lymph node sites at
significant risk of harbouring microscopic metastases and would necessarily be very
large. However, much of the evidence for lymphatic spread comes from relatively
old surgical series. Modern staging with EUS, which has high sensitivity, and with
PET-CT, which has high specificity, enables high risk nodes to be identified more
accurately. A combination of CT, EUS and PET-CT will perhaps produce the
most accurate nodal staging.
■ Stomach
The surgeon, oncologist and pathologist should meet to discuss the most likely sites
of recurrence if adjuvant radiotherapy is to be considered, in view of its complexity.
Data acquisition
■ Simulator
For palliation, treatment volumes can be defined in the simulator. The patient lies
supine with arms by their sides as lateral or oblique beams are not used. The GTV
is defined from endoscopic and CT information. Barium can be used to determine
the superior extent of the tumour on fluoroscopy. No CTV is defined. The PTV
is the GTV with a 2 cm superoinferior margin and a 1 cm axial margin. In effect,
the beam edges are defined as 2–3 cm proximal and distal to the GTV with a 2 cm
lateral margin.
A similar technique is used for palliative radiotherapy for stomach cancer with
barium and CT information used to define the position of the tumour.
■ Immobilisation
Patients undergoing conformal radiotherapy are planned and treated lying supine
with arms above the head, ideally immobilised with a vacuum-formed polystyrene
bag. For cervical oesophagus tumours, a thermoplastic or Perspex shell should
be created in the same way as for hypopharyngeal tumours.
■ CT scanning
CT slices 3–5 mm thick are obtained from the hyoid bone to the inferior border
of the kidneys with intravenous contrast if possible. For adjuvant stomach
radiation the volume scanned should extend from the carina to the iliac crests.
should encompass the greatest apparent extent of tumour superiorly and inferiorly
from all investigations. The axial extent of the GTV is defined using CT
information although EUS may help to indicate enlarged nodes that need to be
included. If the GTV is more than 10 cm long, a palliative approach should be
strongly considered.
A CTV is then produced by expanding the GTV by 2 cm longitudinally and
1 cm axially. This is edited in the axial plane to take account of possible routes of
spread (e.g. edited off the spinal column and aorta). The superior and inferior
slices are edited to ensure they reflect possible spread along the axis of the
The para-oesophageal nodes in the superior mediastinum are posterior to the
trachea and to the left and right of the oesophagus, and more inferiorly they
include nodes adjacent to the thoracic duct and aorta. In practice they will be
included in the CTV as defined above.
There is no consensus about the inclusion of clinically negative nodes in the
CTV although there are now data to support a low rate of recurrence in adjacent
nodes when there is no prophylactic nodal radiotherapy. Many centres still
recommend irradiating high risk nodal sites particularly in N1 disease and would
include nodes in the supraclavicular fossae bilaterally for cervical oesophageal
tumours, adjacent mediastinal nodes for mid-oesophageal tumours, and the left
gastric nodes (along the lesser curve of the stomach) and coeliac nodes for OGJ
The CTV is grown isotropically by 5 mm axially and 10 mm superoinferiorly to
produce the PTV, although these margins can be individualised in each centre if
the internal margin and set-up errors have been measured (Fig. 24.2).
(a) (b)
Figure 24.2 Volume definition for a T3N1 carcinoma of the thoracic oesophagus.
(a) GTV, CTV and PTV. (b) Superior axial slice to show the isotropically expanded CTV
(orange) which does not cover the oesophagus and the edited CTV (cyan) which does.
■ Stomach
For adjuvant treatment the CTV should include the tumour bed with a 2 cm margin
proximally and distally, and the perigastric nodes on the greater and lesser curvature.
The phase III trial which showed a survival advantage for chemoradiation included
the coeliac, local para-aortic, splenic, hepato-duodenal and pancreatico-duodenal
nodes and most authors therefore recommend these are treated. For tumours of the
Dose solutions
fundus, the lower para-oesophageal nodes should be included but the pancreatico-
duodenal nodes can be omitted. For antral tumours the splenic nodes can be
omitted. A 10 mm margin is added isotropically to produce the PTV.
The liver, kidneys and heart are contoured as OAR.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Thoracic oesophageal volumes are best treated with an anterior and two posterior
oblique beams or with four equispaced beams. Both these arrangements spare the
spinal cord but deliver more dose to the lung than opposing AP beams (Fig. 24.3).
Angles for the lateral beams are chosen to avoid dose to the spinal cord PRV. The
weight applied to each beam is altered until a plan is produced which adequately
covers the PTV while not exceeding tolerance doses to the spinal cord PRV, lungs
or heart. The plan can be individually tailored depending on comorbidity. For
example in a patient with respiratory disease it may be appropriate to choose a
solution that further minimises lung dose at the expense of being closer to (but
not exceeding) tolerance of spinal cord PRV and heart. A superoinferior wedge
may be required in the anterior and posterior beams when more proximal tumours
are being treated to compensate for the inclined plane of the oesophagus which is
closer to the anterior chest wall in the upper thorax.
In some patients a two-phase technique is used with opposing AP beams for half
to two-thirds of the treatment and a three- or four-beam arrangement for the
remainder. This reduces the mean lung dose and can be especially useful if surgery
is planned after chemoradiation because respiratory complications are common
with tri-modality therapy.
Tumours of the cervical oesophagus are much more anterior so the anterior
beam is supplemented by right and left anterior oblique beams. A superoinferior
wedge is again required.
The spinal cord PRV dose should be kept below 40 Gy in view of the likely length
of cord adjacent to the PTV and the use of concomitant chemotherapy. The heart
V40 should be less than 30 per cent and the lung V20 less than 25 per cent.
Anterior and posterior opposing beams were used to cover the target volume in the
Macdonald trial but more conformal volume-based techniques are now also described
using five coplanar or four non-coplanar beams. In addition to the critical organ doses
specified for oesophageal cancer, the liver V30 should be below 60 per cent and two-
thirds of one kidney (and ideally both) should be below 20 Gy.
■ Complex
IMRT has been used in both oesophageal and adjuvant stomach cancer. IMRT
with seven coplanar beams has significant theoretical advantages in sparing normal
tissues in stomach cancer but there is little published clinical data to support its use
compared with conformal radiotherapy for either tumour type.
(a) (b)
2000.0 A-P Beams
3 Beam plan
1600.0 4 Beam plan
Volume [cm3]
1400.0 V20
(d) Dose(Gy)
Figure 24.3 Conformal beam arrangements for a T3N1 carcinoma of the thoracic
oesophagus. (a) Plan with anterior and posterior beams – minimal lung dose but high
dose to the cord and heart. (b) Three-beam plan for the same volume – low cord dose,
higher lung dose than a four-beam solution. (c) Four-beam plan for the same volume.
(d) DVHs for both lungs minus PTV for each plan treated to 50 Gy in 25 fractions.
■ Oesophagus
Definitive radiochemotherapy
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions with cisplatin-5FU given in 5 weeks reduced to
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions if radiochemotherapy is given preoperatively.
Curative radiotherapy
55 Gy in 20 daily fractions of 2.75 Gy given in 4 weeks.
Palliative radiotherapy
30 Gy in 10 fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
or 20 Gy in 5 fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
■ Stomach
Adjuvant radiotherapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks with concomitant 5FU and
Ideally the treatment isocentre on a DRR from the CT simulation is compared
with portal images of the isocentre on the treatment machines using electronic
portal imaging. Off-line correction protocols are used for standard conformal
treatment. Images are taken on days 1–3 and weekly thereafter with a correction
made if the mean error in any one plane is 5 mm.
High dose rate brachytherapy can be used to palliate dysphagia although
expandable metal stents are the treatment of choice for this symptom. A single
fraction of 10–15 Gy is prescribed at 1 cm from the central axis of the source.
Brachytherapy has also been advocated in addition to curative radiation or for local
recurrence after definitive radiotherapy.
key trials
Information sources
Arnott SJ, Duncan W, Gignoux M et al. (2005) Oesophageal Cancer Collaborative Group.
Preoperative radiotherapy for oesophageal carcinoma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4):
Button MR, Morgan CA, Croydon ES et al. (2008) Study to determine adequate margins in
radiotherapy planning for esophageal carcinoma by detailing patterns of recurrence after
definitive chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 73: 818–23.
Cancer Care Ontario Gastrointestinal Cancer Evidence-based Series and Practice Guidelines.
Available at:
gastro-ebs/ [cited 2008 October 11] (accessed 28 July 2008).
Gebski V, Burmeister B, Smithers BM et al. (2007) Survival benefits from neoadjuvant
chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy in oesophageal carcinoma: a meta-analysis. Lancet Oncol
8: 226–34.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (2006) Management of Oesophageal and Gastric
Cancer. National Clinical Guideline no. 87. Available at:
(accessed 4 December 2008).
Smalley SR, Gunderson L, Tepper J et al. (2002) Gastric surgical adjuvant radiotherapy consensus
report: rationale and treatment implementation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 52: 283–93.
Wong RK, Malthaner RA, Zuraw L et al. (2003) Cancer care Ontario practice guidelines initiative
gastrointestinal cancer disease site group. Combined modality radiotherapy and chemotherapy
in nonsurgical management of localized carcinoma of the esophagus: a practice guideline. Int
J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 55: 930–42.
Pancreas and liver 25
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Cancer of the pancreas is the fifth (USA) or sixth (UK) commonest cause of cancer
death. With locally advanced disease (40 per cent), median survival is 6–10
months, and after successful complete resection (R0) alone for early stage disease,
11–15 months. After surgery, locoregional relapse occurs in 75 per cent. Forty
per cent of patients have metastases at presentation and untreated, median survival
is 3–6 months and at 1 year is only 1 per cent.
Most tumours are adenocarcinomas (90 per cent). They usually present late
because of an insidious and asymptomatic onset, especially those in the body
(15 per cent) or tail (10 per cent). Lesions in the head (75 per cent) may cause
obstruction of the bile ducts with jaundice but usual presenting symptoms are
anorexia, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and weight loss. CA19.9 is a useful
biochemical marker for monitoring treatment but it is not useful for screening as
it is negative in 10–15 per cent of cases.
Surgical resection is a prerequisite for long-term control but is only feasible in
about 20 per cent of patients, of whom only 30 per cent will actually have an
adequate R0 resection margin of 1 mm. Surgery can only be considered if there
is no evidence of metastatic disease (commonly in the liver or peritoneum), no
involvement of the coeliac, hepatic or superior mesenteric arteries, no obstruction
of the confluence of the superior mesenteric and portal veins, and minimal portal
vein involvement (180° involvement over 1 cm). The general PS of the patient
must be good.
Adjuvant chemotherapy with 5FU or gemcitabine after resection has been
shown to improve 5-year survival in this group by 10–20 per cent. The addition
of adjuvant radiotherapy has not yet improved outcomes.
For patients with borderline resectable tumours, neoadjuvant chemotherapy or
chemoradiotherapy are currently recommended to try to achieve resectability. For
locally advanced, unresectable tumours, initial chemotherapy with good evidence
of response may be followed by chemoradiotherapy.
For patients with metastatic or progressive disease in spite of adjuvant or
neoadjuvant treatment, palliation with gemcitabine and/or short course
radiotherapy is given. The evidence for these treatments is based on small
phase I and II trials with poor methodology and quality control (especially for
radiotherapy). New trials with neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment using complex
and conformal radiotherapy in combination with drugs with a radiosensitising
effect, such as 5FU, and new agents such as bevacizumab are underway.
Portal vein
Left suprarenal
Bile duct
Left colic flexure
Right suprarenal
Level of first
Head of pancreas lumbar vertebra
Right colic flexure
Uncinate process of pancreas
Superior mesenteric vein
■ Data acquisition
The patient lies supine in a vacuum moulded bag with arms above the head in arm rests.
CT scanning
CT scans are acquired as described above with a slice thickness of 5 mm at 2–5 mm
interslice intervals from the top of the liver or top of T11 to cover lymph nodes,
to the lower border of L3 and/or kidneys. Appropriate marks on the bag and the
patient’s skin are used to align lasers. CT images are usually used for planning
(Fig. 25.2) although CT-MRI fusion may be appropriate in some cases if
additional information is derived from an MR scan.
OAR include the spinal cord, kidneys, liver and small bowel. Dose-limiting small
bowel tolerance is reflected in the recommended dose-fractionation. These OAR
should be outlined on all slices for DVH assessment. A PRV may be added, but in the
transverse plane compromise may be needed to maintain these dose limits to OAR.
■ Dose solutions
Using 6–10 MV photons, CT forward planning with volumes shaped with MLC may
be used to minimise dose to kidneys, liver, spinal cord and small bowel (Fig. 25.3).
Complex plans may not be cost-effective at present outside trials because of poor
tumour outcomes, but full inverse planning using dose constraints to OAR and
IMRT with a five- (three anterior/two lateral) or seven-beam plan may be optimal
to reduce dose to the small bowel.
For palliative or simple low dose treatments, AP/PA beams may give a satisfactory dose
distribution, or a plan with an anterior and two lateral wedged beams may be used.
■ Dose-fractionation
Radical (in combination with chemotherapy with
gemcitabine or 5FU)
45–50.4 Gy in 25–28 fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5–512⁄ weeks.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions of 3 Gy given in 2 weeks.
This dose may be used to palliate pain or in association with more intensive
■ Verification
EPIs should be taken on the first 5 days of treatment, for comparison with DRR
images obtained after CT planning, and then repeated once weekly after any
necessary adjustments have been made. In vivo dosimetry with TLD or diodes
should be used to ensure treatment dose is delivered as planned.
Liver tumours
Radical removal of liver tumours, where feasible, is the treatment of choice. For
early small volume disease (3 cm), resection may be possible. More widespread
involvement by tumour may necessitate liver transplantation.
For inoperable disease, thermal ablation by various means or chemotherapy may
be used. Response rates of 25 per cent can be achieved but there is no
improvement in survival, although intrahepatic chemotherapy with embolisation
may produce a slightly higher response rate.
Conventional and conformal EBRT have shown some responses which increase
with dose given, but radiation hepatitis is a dose limiting factor. This may be
partially overcome with complex treatment planning and stereotactic delivery of
radiation, and leads to 5–10 per cent long-term control.
Treatment with iodine-131 labelled antiferritin antibodies or lipiodol has shown
no survival benefit. Yttrium-90 is being investigated.
Gall bladder cancer has also been treated with EBRT with or without intraoperative
radiotherapy (IORT) (15 Gy) and 5FU, with good outcomes for patients with
previous complete resection or microscopic residual disease (80 per cent 2-year
local control).
For inoperable disease, EBRT may be followed by a boost from IORT or
brachytherapy if feasible, with prolongation of time to recurrence of 4 months and
2-year survival of 21 per cent. There is conflicting evidence about whether
increasing dose improves outcomes. Stereotactic radiotherapy is now being studied
for localised inoperable disease.
Liver metastases
Whole liver irradiation doses must not exceed 30 Gy if radiation-induced liver
disease (radiation hepatitis) is to be avoided.
Advances in conformal EBRT and IMRT have made it possible to deliver focal
high dose radiotherapy treatments to individual metastases in patients with good
prognosis disease when surgical excision is not feasible. Response rates may exceed
50 per cent with high doses of EBRT (60 Gy) or stereotactic radiosurgery
(26 Gy) giving 80 per cent local control at 18 months.
The use of helical tomotherapy may make it possible to give highly focused
IMRT to metastases at the same time as the primary tumour.
GTV is determined by preoperative CT. CTV should include the gall bladder fossa
and adjacent liver and regional nodal areas. To allow for movement with
respiration, margins for CTV to PTV should be about 20 mm cranio-caudally,
8 mm AP and 9 mm left to right.
■ Dose solutions
These treatments require complex solutions with stereotaxis or tomotherapy
and should be carried out in centres with appropriate equipment and expertise.
■ Dose-fractionation
Inoperable disease
54 Gy in 30 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 6 weeks
15 Gy as IORT boost.
Liver and biliary tumours
EBRT 36–55 Gy + brachytherapy 15 Gy in 3 daily fractions of 5 Gy HDR or 25 Gy
at 1 cm LDR.
Stereotactic radiotherapy is now being studied for localised inoperable disease.
Liver metastases
20–30 Gy in 13–20 daily fractions of 1.5 Gy may occasionally be used to relieve
painful hepatomegaly.
Stereotactic radiosurgery of 26 Gy or tomotherapy delivering 40 Gy in 5 fractions
of 8 Gy are being investigated for single or few liver metastases and for treatment
of primary tumours.
■ Verification
DRRs derived from CT planning are compared with EPIs or on board imaging,
which is recommended for these complex treatments.
key trials
Neoptolemos JP, Stocken DD, Friess H et al. (2004) European Study Group for
Pancreatic Cancer. A randomised trial of chemoradiotherapy and chemotherapy
after resection of pancreatic cancer. N Eng J Med 350: 1200–10.
Neuhaus P, Riess H, Post S et al. (2008) CONKO-001: Final results of the
randomised, prospective, multicenter phase III trial of adjuvant chemotherapy
with gemcitabine versus observation in patients with resected pancreatic cancer
(PC). J Clin Oncol 26(20 suppl): abstract LBA4504.
Oettle H, Post S, Neuhaus P et al. (2007) Adjuvant chemotherapy with
gemcitabine vs. observation in patients undergoing curative-intent resection of
pancreatic cancer: a randomised controlled trial. JAMA 297: 267–77.
Regine WF, Winter KA, Abrams RA et al. (2008) Fluorouracil vs. gemcitabine
chemotherapy before and after fluorouracil-based chemoradiation following
resection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma: a randomised controlled trial. JAMA
299: 1019–26.
Information sources
■ Pancreas
Ghaneh P, Costello E, Neoptolemos JP (2007) Biology and management of pancreatic cancer. Gut
56: 1134–52.
Small W Jr, Berlin J, Freedman GM et al. (2008) Full-dose gemcitabine with concurrent radiation
therapy in patients with nonmetastatic pancreatic cancer: a multicenter phase II trial. J Clin
Oncol 20: 942–7.
Sultana A, Tudur-Smith C, Cunningham D et al. (2007) Meta-analyses of chemotherapy for locally
advanced and metastatic pancreatic cancer. J Clin Oncol 25: 2607–15.
Van Laethem J, Van Cutsem E, Hammel P et al. (2008) Adjuvant chemotherapy alone versus
chemoradiation after curative resection for pancreatic cancer: feasibility results of a randomised
EORTC/FFCD/GERCOR phase II/III study (40013/22012/0304). ASCO Meeting Abstracts: 4514.
Rectum 26
■ Curative radiotherapy
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment and gives 5-year overall survival rates of
93 per cent (stage I), 72–85 per cent (stage II), 44–83 per cent (stage III) and
8 per cent (stage IV). The 5-year survival in stage IV disease with resection of liver
metastases after primary treatment is 36 per cent. The most significant improvement
in treatment has been the widespread use of total mesorectal excision (TME)
which has reduced local recurrence rate to less than 10 per cent, compared with
30 per cent with older surgical techniques.
In selected T1,N0,M0 tumours 3 cm in diameter that are not poorly differen-
tiated, endocavitary local contact radiotherapy with the Papillon technique using a
low energy 50 kV machine has produced good results and new equipment for this
technique is being developed. HDR brachytherapy can also be used for small,
localised rectal tumours.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
Pre- and postoperative adjuvant therapies are used in high-risk cases to
improve resectability, reduce local recurrence, increase sphincter preservation,
and improve overall survival. Based on the same evidence, practices differ. In
North America, resectable cancers are treated with postoperative chemoradio-
therapy if they are found to be T3/4 or node positive. Some centres in Europe
advocate short course preoperative radiotherapy for all resectable rectal cancers as
it provides a quick, effective, practical and cheap method of delivering neo-
adjuvant radiotherapy. Alternatively long course preoperative chemoradiotherapy
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliation may be achieved for unresectable and locally advanced T4 tumours with
radiotherapy alone. Alternatively long course chemoradiotherapy may be given to
try to downstage the tumour for resection. Hypofractionated weekly radiotherapy
may be used to palliate local symptoms in patients unfit for longer
chemoradiotherapy schedules. Local recurrence is less of a problem with widespread
use of TME and preoperative radiotherapy. It may cause neuropathic sacral and
sciatic pain with bladder and bowel dysfunction. Chemoradiotherapy or radio-
therapy alone may offer effective short-term palliation for patients with local
recurrence who have not previously been irradiated. Patients who have received
radiotherapy previously may be considered for re-irradiation, but long-term
toxicity data are lacking and small bowel toxicity may occur.
An algorithm for the management of rectal cancer is shown in Figure 26.1. The
type of surgical resection needed depends on the site of the cancer. Upper third
rectal tumours can be removed by a high anterior resection and TME, mid and lower
third tumours can be removed by anterior resection with TME, and low rectal
tumours less than 5 cm from the anal verge or those with sphincter involvement
require an APER. TME and sphincter-preserving surgery can only be performed if
the surgical resection margin below the tumour is 1 cm away from the sphincter.
The main RCTs that have influenced practice are shown in Table 26.1.
Preoperative staging
T1 – T3a T1 – T3a,
T3 ( 5 mm from MRF) T1 surgery
T3b T3b T2
SCRT or ChemoRT SCRT or ChemoRT SCRT or ChemoRT
T3a,<5mm extramural tumour invasion
T3b, 5–10mm
T3c, >10mm
MRF, Mesorectal fascia
SCRT, Short course preop Radiotherapy
ChemoRT, Long course preop Chemoradiotherapy
Figure 26.1 Algorithm for management of rectal cancer.
Table 26.1 Main RCTs which have influenced management of rectal cancer
Trial Randomisation Results
Table 26.1 Continued
German Rectal Trial; Pre-op LCCRT S (TME) 5-year OS 76 per cent, LR 6 per cent*
N Engl J Med (2004) S (TME) POCRT 5-year OS 74 per cent, LR 13 per cent
CR07 Rectal Trial; Preop SCRT S (TME) 3-year OS 80.8 per cent, DFS 79.5 per cent,
ASCO 2006 LR 4.7 per cent*
S (TME) selective 3-year OS 78.7 per cent, DFS 74.5 per cent,
POCRT LR 11.1 per cent
Polish Study; Br Preop SCRT S(TME) 4-year OS 67.2 per cent, DFS 58.4 per cent,
J Surg (2006) LR 9 per cent
Preop LCCRT S(TME) 4-year OS 66.2 per cent, DFS 55.6 per cent,
LR 14.2 per cent
*p 0.05.
S, surgery; PORT, postoperative radiotherapy; POCRT, postoperative chemoradiotherapy; preop LCCRT, preoperative
long course chemoradiotherapy; preop SCRT, preoperative short course radiotherapy; TME, total mesorectal excision;
OS, overall survival; CSS, cause-specific survival; DFS, disease-free survival; LR, local recurrence.
Mesenteric nodes
iliac nodes
usefulness. In patients in whom an MRI predicts a clear CRM, 94 per cent will
have a clear margin at surgery. If it predicts probable involvement or shows tumour
less than 1 mm from the CRM, it is highly likely that there is involvement.
The AJCC and UICC 6th edition TNM staging system 2002 is currently used
for evaluating rectal cancer. Patients are staged clinically and radiologically before
surgery to define the need for neoadjuvant therapy, and pathologically staged
postoperatively to define the need for adjuvant therapy. Nodal involvement carries
a poorer prognosis but it is recognised in the staging system that patients with
T1–T2, N1 rectal cancer have a better prognosis than other stage III rectal
cancers. Disease staged N0 after surgery has a better prognosis when 12–14 lymph
nodes are identified. A close or positive CRM is a poor prognostic indicator.
Data acquisition
Patients lie in the prone position. The small bowel can be displaced anteriorly by
the use of devices such as a bellyboard, which allows it to fall forwards into the
bellyboard aperture (Fig. 26.4). Modern bellyboard devices are more comfortable,
improve immobilisation and reduce set-up errors in the prone position. A full
bladder protocol is used for planning and treatment as this displaces small bowel
superiorly. A radio-opaque marker is placed on the anal verge and a DRE performed
to determine the distance from the anal verge marker to the inferior edge of the
tumour. The anterior border of the vagina can be identified using a radio-opaque
tampon. Oral contrast may be used to help identify small bowel. Treatments are
planned using CT-based virtual simulation or conformal CT planning. A planning
CT scan is performed with 3 mm slices from the level of L5 to 2 cm below the anal
marker. Low rectal tumours are better defined on MRI than on CT. However at
present staging MRI is performed with the patient supine. In the future there may
be a role for co-registration of planning CT with prone MR scans. The use of FDG-
PET for rectal cancer planning is currently being investigated. If a simulator has to
be used, bony landmarks help to define the target volumes.
Figure 26.4 (a) Bellyboard for prone immobilisation. (b) CT plan with bellyboard.
(c) CT plan without bellyboard.
presacral space. The inferior pelvic subsite, including the anal perineum, anal
sphincter, perianal and ischiorectal space, is included if the tumour is 6 cm from
the anal margin or if the tumour invades the anal sphincter. The mesorectal and
lateral lymph nodes are included in all patients. The obturator nodes are included
when the tumour is 10 cm from the anal margin, and the external iliac lymph
nodes included if there is anterior organ involvement. The inguinal lymph nodes
may be included if tumour invades the lower third of the vagina, or if there is
major tumour extension into the internal and external anal sphincter.
Conventional planning
The following bony landmarks can be used to define field borders:
■ lateral: 1 cm outside bony pelvis
■ posterior: 1 cm behind sacrum to include sacral hollow and presacral lymph nodes
■ superior: sacral promontory, L5/S1 border as defined on lateral sagittal view
■ anterior: 2–3 cm anterior to sacral promontory and including the anterior
vaginal wall in females. Care must be taken to include the whole rectum which
may be more anteriorly placed. This can be seen on CT, at virtual simulation or
on diagnostic MR scans
■ inferior: 3 cm below the inferior edge of the tumour. For lower third tumours
the border should lie below the anal marker to cover the perineum.
■ Postoperative radiotherapy
Close collaboration with the surgical team and pathologists is essential to aid
planning with a full description of the extent of residual tumour, anatomical
location of clips demarcating the tumour bed, and sites of close margins. The target
for postoperative radiotherapy is the tumour bed, adjacent lymph nodes, presacral
region and any residual tumour. Clinical examination is used to localise the level of
the anastomosis in patients after anterior resection or the perineal scar following
APER. Surgical procedures such as reconstruction of the pelvic floor and absorbable
mesh slings can be used to reduce the amount of small bowel in the pelvis.
Because the GTV has been removed and the CTV is large, complex solutions
and conformal CT planning are used to minimise the amount of normal tissue
(especially small bowel) in the target volume, but the target volume is planned
with reference to standard bony landmarks:
■ lateral: 1 cm outside bony pelvis
■ posterior: 1 cm behind sacrum to include sacral hollow and presacral lymph
■ superior: sacral promontory, L5/S1 border as defined on lateral sagittal view
■ anterior: 2 cm anterior to sacral promontory and including the anterior vaginal
■ inferior: 3 cm below the inferior edge of the anastomosis or to the inferior
obturator foramen, whichever is lower. For patients who have had an APER the
perineal scar is marked to ensure it is covered.
An optional phase 2 volume is individualised to target the tumour bed and any
residual tumour with a 2 cm 3D margin. This is best defined on CT using all the
operative and pathological information available.
Dose solutions
Dose solutions
Dose distributions with high energy beams (10 MV) are often better than with
lower energies. A three- or four-beam arrangement includes a direct posterior
beam with reduced weighting, and either two lateral or posterior oblique wedged
beams depending on the shape of the patient (Fig. 26.5).
(a) (b)
Figure 26.5 Conformal plan using direct posterior and lateral beams shown on CT slice:
(a) axial, (b) coronal and (c) sagittal.
■ Preoperative radiotherapy
Short course
25 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 5 Gy given in 1 week.
Long course
Phase 1
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Phase 2 (optional)
5.4–9 Gy in 3–5 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy.
■ Postoperative radiotherapy
Phase 1
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Phase 2 (optional)
5.4–9 Gy in 3–5 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative long course chemoradiotherapy may be used for maximal local control
for inoperable rectal cancers where prolonged survival is possible.
Phase 1
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Phase 2 (optional)
5.4–14.4 Gy in 3–8 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy
or a hypofractionated regimen can be used
30–36 Gy in 5–6 fractions of 6 Gy once weekly given in 5–6 weeks.
Patients are set up daily, using sagittal and lateral tattoos (over the iliac crests) and
lasers to prevent lateral rotation.
Electronic portal imaging is used to verify the treatment set-up and the EPIs are
compared with the DRRs to ensure the isocentre, beams and MLC shielding
configuration are correct. Set-up can be monitored with EPIs according to local
protocols during treatment with correction for displacements outside tolerance
levels of 5–8 mm. With future advances, image guided radiotherapy with kV and
cone beam CT may play a greater role in rectal cancer radiotherapy planning.
Krook JE, Moertel CG, Gunderson LL et al. (1991) Effective surgical adjuvant
therapy for high-risk rectal carcinoma. Mayo NCCTG. N Engl J Med 324:
MERCURY Study Group (2006) Diagnostic accuracy of preoperative magnetic
resonance imaging in predicting curative resection of rectal cancer: prospective
observational study. BMJ 333: 779.
Sauer R, Becker H, Hohenberger W et al. (2004) German Rectal Cancer Study
Group. Preoperative versus postoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer.
N Engl J Med 351: 1731–40.
Sebag-Montefiore D, Quirke P, Steele RJ et al. (2006) CR07: Pre-operative
radiotherapy vs. selective post-operative chemo-radiotherapy for patients with
rectal cancer. ASCO abstract. Pro ASCO 24, 18S, abstract 3511.
Swedish Rectal Cancer Trial (1997) Improved survival with preoperative
radiotherapy in resectable rectal cancer. N Engl J Med 336: 980–7.
Information sources
Borger JH, van den Bogaard J, de Haas DF et al. (2008) Evaluation of three different CT simulation
and planning procedures for the preoperative irradiation of operable rectal cancer. Radiother
Oncol 87: 350–6.
Elective Clinical Target Volumes in Anorectal Cancer: An RTOG Consensus Panel Contouring Atlas.
Available at
Letschert JG, Lebesque JV, Aleman BM et al. (1994) The volume effect in radiation-related late small
bowel complications: results of a clinical study of the EORTC Radiotherapy Cooperative Group
in patients treated for rectal carcinoma. Radiother Oncol 32: 116–23.
MRC Clinical Trials Unit. Results of CR07. Available at
Myint AS (2007) Radiotherapy for early rectal cancer. Clin Oncol 19: 637–8.
Nagtegaal ID, Quirke P (2008) What is the role for the circumferential margin in the modern
treatment of rectal cancer? J Clin Oncol 26: 303–12.
National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference (1990) Adjuvant therapy for patients with colon
and rectal cancer. JAMA 264: 1444–50.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer.
Available at:
Nicholls J (2008) The multidisciplinary management of rectal cancer. Colorectal Dis 10: 311–13.
Roels S, Duthoy W, Haustermans K et al. (2006) Definition and delineation of the clinical target
volume for rectal cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 65: 1129–42.
Anus 27
■ Curative radiotherapy
The initial studies of Nigro demonstrated the curative potential of
chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer. Further studies confirmed the benefit of
adding mitomycin C (MMC) and 5FU to radiotherapy for anal cancer and three
large RCTs in the1990s confirmed benefits (Table 27.1).
Radical chemoradiotherapy can be considered for all patients with non-
metastatic anal cancer who are fit for radical treatment. It is associated with an
increased risk of toxicity in patients with HIV infection, inflammatory bowel
disease and after previous pelvic surgery or renal transplantation. Patients with
HIV and immunosuppression with a CD4 count 200 develop significant toxicity
and morbidity with chemoradiotherapy. The dose of radiotherapy and
chemotherapy may have to be modified but this reduces control rates. Patients
with inflammatory bowel disease tolerate pelvic radiotherapy poorly with a high
risk of late toxicity. Patients who have had previous pelvic surgery often have
adhesions and risk increased dose to small bowel and late complications. The
Table 27.1 RCTs of chemoradiotherapy for anal cancer
*p 0.05.
RT, radiotherapy; OS, overall survival; LC, local control; CSS, cause-specific survival; DFS, disease-free survival.
multidisciplinary team should carefully consider the risks and benefits of radical
surgical resection versus radical chemoradiotherapy.
■ Postoperative radiotherapy
Surgery is now most commonly performed for failure after chemoradiotherapy.
Local excision may be considered for node negative anal margin tumours less than
2 cm in diameter without anal canal involvement providing the tumour can be
completely excised without damage to the sphincter. After incomplete excision,
adjuvant chemoradiotherapy is advised.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative radiotherapy can be considered for patients who present with metastatic
disease or have such poor performance status that they will not tolerate radical
Dentate line
anal canal Internal
Anal margin
Figure 27.1 Anatomy of the anus.
Lymphatic drainage from the anal margin and perianal skin is to the superficial
inguinal and femoral lymph nodes, and thence to the external iliac nodes. The
lymphatic drainage of the anal canal, proximal to the dentate line, is to the superior
rectal, superior haemorrhoidal, hypogastric, obturator, internal iliac and presacral
lymph nodes (Fig. 27.2). Tumours distal to the dentate line drain to superficial
inguinal nodes as well as to pararectal nodes.
Node at origin of
inferior mesenteric
Inguinal nodes
Data acquisition
Patients are treated in the prone position, which displaces small bowel superiorly
to reduce toxicity and allows easy visualisation of the anal verge for the application
of radio-opaque markers and perianal bolus. The small bowel can also be displaced
anteriorly by the use of devices such as a bellyboard, which allows it to fall forwards
into the bellyboard aperture (Fig. 26.4, p. 317). Modern bellyboard devices are
more comfortable, improve immobilisation and reduce set-up errors in the prone
position. The AP separation is less in the prone position than supine.
Treatment is planned with CT scanning, virtual simulation or conventional
simulator films. Oral contrast is used to delineate small bowel on CT scans or
simulator films. Thin lead wire or a soft flexible catheter containing contrast delineates
the anal canal. All palpable disease in the anal margin or lymph nodes is marked with
radio-opaque material for identification on CT scans or simulator films. Surface
boundaries of the inguinal region are marked on the skin with wire for simulation.
■ Conventional planning
Phase 1 volume (all tumours):
■ Superior border: 2 cm above inferior aspect of the sacroiliac joints is the standard
border. However, the superior border should be enlarged to include a minimum
margin of 3 cm above the upper extent of GTV-T or GTV-N.
■ Lateral border: to include both inguinal nodal regions – in practice this border
lies lateral to the femoral head.
■ Inferior border: 3 cm below the anal margin (for disease confined to the anal
canal only) or 3 cm below the most inferior extent of tumour (for anal margin
2 cm
3 cm
Figure 27.3 Phase 1 treatment borders for all
anal tumours (from ACT II). Reproduced with
Marker on anal verge permission from Dr D Sebag-Montefiore on
(canal only tumour) behalf of the ACT II triallists.
Phase 2 volume
The volume depends on the presence or absence of positive nodes in the
inguinofemoral or pelvic regions and is defined from CT scanning. Lymph nodes
that are likely to contain tumour should be treated to the full phase 2 dose.
3 cm 3 cm
Figure 27.4 Phase 2 treatment borders for
N0 anal canal tumours (ACTII). Reproduced
3 cm 3 cm 3 cm 3 cm
with permission from Dr D Sebag-Montefiore
3 cm 3 cm
on behalf of the ACT II triallists.
3 cm
3 cm
Figure 27.6 Phase 2 treatment borders for
3 cm
N anal tumours (ACTII). Reproduced with
3 cm
permission from Dr D Sebag-Montefiore on
behalf of the ACT II triallists.
Dose solutions
Dose solutions
■ Primary radiotherapy
Phase 1
Beam arrangements are chosen to cover the PTV as defined above, but commonly
anterior and posterior opposing beams are used with MLC shielding to normal
tissues. With conventional planning, standard borders are used as described above.
High photon energies (10–20 MV) give more satisfactory dose distributions,
especially for large patients. Bolus is used between the buttocks and over the
perineum to ensure adequate dose to anal margin tumours and tumours within
2 cm of the anal verge. Superoinferior dose compensation may be needed to
improve dose homogeneity.
Phase 2 (node negative)
A planned volume with three or four beams is used for anal canal tumours with no
involved lymph nodes. A posterior and two wedged lateral beams are used to cover
the PTV with a fourth anterior beam added if it improves dose distribution. In the
future, with better definition of target volumes, IMRT with sparing of normal
tissues may be used.
For patients with disease confined to the anal margin only, a direct photon
beam, or electron therapy with energy chosen to encompass the CTV within the
90 per cent isodose, is used. Photons may give better coverage at depth with less
lateral scatter than with electrons.
This is best planned in the simulator under direct vision. Tumours that extend
onto the anal margin and anal canal tumours that extend to within 2 cm of the anal
verge require bolus to the perianal skin to ensure they are not underdosed. Small
bolus bags or a custom-made wax block can be used.
Phase 2 (node positive)
For anal canal tumours with involved lymph nodes, anterior and posterior opposing
beams are used in the same way as for phase 1 with MLC shielding to as much small
bowel and bladder as possible. CT virtual simulation can be used to create a 3 cm
margin around the GTV-T and involved lymph nodes (GTV-N) with MLC shaping.
■ Postoperative radiotherapy
As discussed above the need for postoperative treatment following surgery is now
In cases where there has been incomplete excision or involved circumferential
margins, the patient can be treated with chemoradiotherapy in a similar fashion to that
described above for lymph node negative cases. The phase 2 borders are based on the
site of the tumour bed, using information from the operation notes and preoperative
imaging. For small tumours less than 2 cm with close margins or incomplete excision,
single-phase conformal planning or interstitial brachytherapy may be used.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
In patients who present with metastatic disease the initial treatment is with
systemic chemotherapy if they are fit. If the volume of metastatic disease is small,
■ Interstitial brachytherapy
Both LDR iridium wire and HDR afterloading perineal implants can be used to treat
anal cancers. Brachytherapy alone can be used for small T1 tumours and as a boost
following radical chemoradiotherapy with local control rates of 80–90 per cent. It
can also be used for palliative treatment of recurrent or locally advanced tumours.
■ Curative or adjuvant chemoradiotherapy
Phase 1
30.6 Gy in 17 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 31⁄2 weeks.
Phase 2
19.8 Gy in 11 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks
Single phase
50.4 Gy in 28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 6 weeks.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
8 Gy single fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 4 Gy given in 1 week.
Ajani JA, Winter KA, Gunderson LL et al. (2008) Fluorouracil, mitomycin, and
radiotherapy vs fluorouracil, cisplatin, and radiotherapy for carcinoma of the anal
canal: a randomised controlled trial. JAMA 23: 299: 1914–21.
Bartelink H, Roelofsen F, Eschwege F et al. (1997) Concomitant radiotherapy
and chemotherapy is superior to radiotherapy alone in the treatment of
locally advanced anal cancer: results of a phase III randomised trial of
the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Radiotherapy and Gastrointestinal Cooperative Groups. J Clin Oncol
15: 2040–9.
Flam M, John M, Pajak TF et al. (1996) Role of mitomycin in combination with
fluorouracil and radiotherapy, and of salvage chemoradiation in the definitive
nonsurgical treatment of epidermoid carcinoma of the anal canal: results of a
phase III randomised intergroup study. J Clin Oncol 14: 2527–39.
Glynne-Jones R, Meadows H, Wan S et al. (2008) EXTRA—A multicenter phase
II study of chemoradiation using a 5 day per week oral regimen of capecitabine
and intravenous mitomycin C in anal cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 72:
James R, Meadows H, Wan S (2005) ACT II: the second UK phase III anal
cancer trial. Clin Oncol 17: 364–6.
Nigro ND, Vaitkevicius VK, Considine B Jr (1974) Combined therapy for cancer
of the anal canal: a preliminary report. Dis Colon Rectum 17: 354–6.
UKCCCR Anal Cancer Trial Working Party. UK Co-ordinating Committee on
Cancer Research (1996) Epidermoid anal cancer: results from the UKCCCR
randomised trial of radiotherapy alone versus radiotherapy, 5-fluorouracil, and
mitomycin. Lancet 348: 1049–54.
Information sources
ACT II Trial. Available at: (accessed 8 December 2008).
Brachytherapy (2005) In: Hoskin P, Coyle C (eds) Radiotherapy in Practice. Oxford University Press,
Charnley N, Choudhury A, Chesser P et al. (2005) Effective treatment of anal cancer in the elderly
with low-dose chemoradiotherapy. Br J Cancer 92: 1221–5.
Elective Clinical Target Volumes in Anorectal Cancer: An RTOG Consensus Panel Contouring Atlas.
Available at:
28 Prostate
■ Curative radiotherapy
EBRT, interstitial brachytherapy and surgery are options for the curative treatment
of localised prostate cancer with equivalent outcomes but different side effects.
Indications for radiotherapy
The options for treatment of low, intermediate and high risk prostate cancer are
listed in Box 28.1. Factors that influence the choice include PS, other medical
illnesses, likelihood of progression to symptomatic disease, life expectancy, morbidity
of treatment (particularly on sexual function) and patient preference.
■ Active surveillance
■ Prostate iodine-125 brachytherapy
■ Radical prostatectomy (open/laparoscopic/robotic)
■ Radical EBRT 6 months HT
■ Watchful waiting
■ Prostate125I brachytherapy (T2b GS 34 [in 50 per cent tumour sample] and
PSA 15)
■ Radical prostatectomy (open/laparoscopic/robotic)
■ Radical EBRT with 6 months HT (WPRT)
■ Watchful waiting
In general patients should have a life expectancy of greater than 10 years before
radical treatment is recommended. Men younger than 75 with other major illnesses
such as ischaemic heart disease and diabetes may not live 10 years and men over
75 with no other illnesses may live into their nineties. There is evidence that radical
radiotherapy in fit men over 75 is very well tolerated and just as effective. It is the
role of the multidisciplinary team to identify patients who will benefit from radical
treatment and counsel the patient on the different options available. Radical treatments
with surgery, EBRT or brachytherapy have similar outcomes and the patient
should be informed of the different side effects of each treatment. Factors that
influence the final choice for an individual patient include lower urinary tract
symptoms, sexual function, likelihood of infertility, and risks of anaesthesia and
surgery. The benefits and risks of surgery, EBRT and brachytherapy are shown in
Table 28.1.
The results of radiotherapy are assessed by monitoring the PSA, DRE and symptoms
and signs of metastases. A PSA nadir of 2 within 2 years is associated with long-
term control. Biochemical failure is defined by a rise in PSA by 2.0 ng/mL above the
nadir level following radiotherapy, according to the international RTOG-ASTRO
Table 28.1 Benefits and risks of radical treatment options for localised disease
Treatment Advantages Disadvantages
Indications for radiotherapy
Phoenix consensus. Published nomograms are very useful for assessing potential
benefits from treatment. The Memorial Sloane Kettering pretreatment nomogram
gives a 5-year progression-free probability following radical EBRT from 70–90 per cent
for low risk to 50–70 per cent for intermediate risk and 20–50 per cent for high
risk prostate cancer.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Prostate and pelvis
Patients with extensive local disease in the prostate and/or pelvis may benefit from
a course of palliative EBRT to relieve symptoms. Bleeding from the prostate may
also be alleviated by EBRT.
Radionuclide therapy
Patients with metastatic bone disease and multiple painful sites can be difficult to
treat with EBRT to localised areas. The radionucleotides strontium and samarium
have been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms from bone metastases.
This treatment is only considered for patients with good bone marrow reserve, no
imminent risk of cord compression and no nodal or visceral metastases.
Breast buds
Gynaecomastia is a major problem for patients on long-term anti-androgen and
oestrogen therapy. Superficial X-ray or electron therapy (9–12 MeV) to the breast
bud area using a 7–9 cm diameter circular field has been shown to reduce the
incidence significantly when used prophylactically. In established cases, radiotherapy
can reduce symptoms.
BSV, base of seminal vesicle; SV, seminal vesicle; WPRT, whole pelvic radiotherapy. The SV is included if the risk of
SV involvement is greater than 15 per cent using the Roach formula: SV risk PSA [(GS6) 10].
(a) (b)
Figure 28.1 Anatomy of prostate shown on T2-weighted MRI. (a) Axial (TZ transitional
zone, PZ peripheral zone). (b) Sagittal (pb, penile bulb; b, bladder; sp, symphysis pubis;
r, rectum; df, Denonvilliers’ fascia).
iliac nodes
iliac nodes External
iliac nodes
Seminal nodes
vesicles Prostate
Roach formulae:
Percentage risk of seminal vesicle involvement PSA [(GS 6) 10]
Percentage risk of LN involvement 2/3 PSA [(GS 6) 10]
Patients in the intermediate and high risk groups also need a bone scan
except those with a PSA 20.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
A planning CT scan is obtained in the treatment position. Patients are treated
supine rather than prone as this has been shown to produce less prostate motion,
reduce doses to normal organs at risk, and is more comfortable for the patient.
A bladder filling protocol should be used to maintain a constant bladder filling –
‘comfortably full’. Patients are asked to empty the bladder and drink 200 mL of
water 20 min before the scan and before treatment each day. A completely full
bladder has been shown to displace small bowel away from the treated volume, but
Data acquisition
it also leads to greater variation in prostate position and is not recommended. The
rectum should be empty for treatment as a full rectum also leads to greater
variation in prostate position. Patients should be advised on a low residue diet and
if they have a full rectum at the time of planning CT scan should receive further
dietary advice before repeating the scan. The use of laxatives, suppositories, enemas
and endorectal balloons during treatment continues to be investigated.
An immobilisation system using a head pad combined with individually
adjustable knee and ankle supports provides a high degree of accuracy without the
need for further pelvic immobilisation (Fig. 28.4).
■ CT scanning
With the patient immobilised in the treatment position following bladder and rectal
protocols, a radiotherapy planning CT scan is performed. Skin reference tattoos are
placed anteriorly on the midline of the symphysis pubis and laterally over the hips
and aligned with lasers to prevent lateral rotation. Radio-opaque markers are placed
on the skin to locate the tattoos on the CT scans. The CT scan is taken with 3–5 mm
slices from the mid sacroiliac joint to 1 cm below the anus/ischium to include the
prostate, seminal vesicles, rectum and bladder, and is extended superiorly to L3 if
the pelvic lymph nodes are to be treated. No oral or rectal contrast is used, but
intravenous contrast may aid delineation of the pelvic lymph nodes. At the time of
the planning CT scan, the size of the rectum and bladder should be assessed. If
the bladder is empty or the rectum is 4 cm in AP diameter at the level of the
prostate base, the scan should be repeated after implementing the bladder and
rectal protocols until the desired parameters are met. Inappropriately large rectal
volumes have been shown to reduce local control rates by moving the prostate out
of the planned PTV.
CT data are then transferred to a radiotherapy planning computer for outlining
and target volume definition. To improve target definition, MR scans of the pelvis
can be incorporated into radiotherapy planning protocols. Outlining studies have
shown that the size of the prostate is overestimated on CT compared with MRI,
which defines the apex of the prostate better and is associated with less image
degradation with fiducial markers. Solutions to overcome the geometrical distortion
and shift artefact seen with MRI are currently being investigated. CT-MRI image
registration (Fig. 28.5) is useful for defining the contour of the prostate especially
at the apex and for IGRT with fiducial markers.
Single phase
CTV 74 Prostate base of the seminal vesicles (SV) (or whole SV).
PTV 74 CTV74 10 mm sup/inf/right/left/ant and 5–10 mm post.
Two phase
Phase 1
CTV 56 Prostate base SV (or whole SV).
PTV 56 CTV56 10 mm sup/inf/right/left/ant and 5–10 mm post.
Phase 2
CTV 74 Prostate only.
PTV 74 CTV74 10 mm sup/inf/right/left/ant and 0–5 mm post.
Roach formula
Risk of lymph node involvement 2/3 PSA [(GS 6) 10]
Clinical target volume for these patients includes prostate, seminal vesicles and
the common, internal and external iliac, presacral, hypogastric and obturator lymph
nodes. The lymph node areas should be outlined according to published guidelines
and using contrast-enhanced vessels and a pelvic lymph node atlas (Fig. 28.6).
The prostate and seminal vesicles can be outlined as CTV-T and the lymph node
areas as CTV-N as follows.
Phase 2 Prostate SV
CTV T 56 Prostate SV.
PTV 56 CTV T 56 10 mm sup/inf/right/left/ant and 5–10 mm post.
Phase 3 Prostate
CTV T 74 Prostate only.
PTV 74 CTV T 74 10 mm sup/inf/right/left/ant and 2–5 mm post.
■ Prostate bed
After prostatectomy there is no GTV. The CTV is the prostate bed as best defined
on the CT planning scan. The histopathology report of the prostatectomy specimen
and preoperative MRI can be helpful. The CTV is based on an estimation of the
location of the prostate preoperatively and is centred on the vesico-urethral junction.
Surgical clips within the prostate bed are included in the CTV but those in the
anatomical position of vessels are not. The preoperative location of the seminal
vesicles is included if pathologically involved or the risk of seminal vesicle
involvement according to the Roach formula is 15 per cent.
Dose solutions
Inferior border
5 mm cranial to superior border of the penile bulb.
Anterior border
Posterior aspect of symphysis pubis (2 cm above the vesico-urethral anastomosis).
Posterior 1/3 of bladder wall (2 cm above anastomosis).
Posterior border
Anterior rectal wall.
Lateral border
Medial border of obturator internus and levator ani muscles.
Superior border
Base of SV if uninvolved and risk 15 per cent.
Distal ends of SV if involved or risk 15 per cent.
The PTV is the CTV 1 cm isotropically.
The OAR are the rectum, bladder, nerves of the prostatic plexus lying adjacent to the
penile bulb, small bowel and femoral heads. The rectum is outlined from the inferior
level of the ischial tuberosities and at least 1 cm below the PTV to the recto-sigmoid
junction above the PTV to give a length of approximately 12 cm. Consideration of
small bowel in the target volume is important when pelvic nodes are treated.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Using forward planning, an optimal dose distribution is calculated. Beams with
customised MLC shielding are chosen to include the PTV within the 95 per cent
isodose and minimise the dose to the OAR. The beams, dose weighting and
wedging are optimised. A standard approach is to use a technique with an anterior
and two wedged posterior oblique beams as shown in Fig. 28.7. In some cases,
wedged lateral beams may spare more normal rectum, and four or six coplanar
beam arrangements may reduce doses to the OAR further. When treating the
pelvic lymph nodes, an anterior and two wedged lateral beams are used, with a
posterior beam if necessary.
The dose to OAR is assessed by DVHs. Plans are reviewed to minimise hot-spots
in OAR. The acceptable dose constraints for OAR are shown in Table 4.1 (p. 49).
■ Complex
The increased conformity of IMRT using inverse planning techniques ensures
better coverage of the target volume, sparing of OAR, and safer dose escalation. It
has significant advantages when irradiating the pelvic lymph nodes with the ability
to conform to the nodes and spare normal bowel in the pelvis (Fig. 28.8).
Figure 28.7 (a) Axial and (b) sagittal dose distributions of conformal treatment for
prostate cancer. Bladder yellow; rectum brown.
Figure 28.8 Tomotherapy IMRT plan for treatment of (a) pelvic lymph nodes and (b)
prostate cancer.
There are many IMRT planning and delivery systems. Fixed delivery ‘step and
shoot’ techniques use five equally spaced coplanar fields with the MLC set in
various positions as defined by the inverse treatment plan to create the beam
modulation needed. Alternatively, dynamic therapy or tomotherapy may be used.
■ Conventional
Palliative treatment to the prostate may be given using opposing anterior and
posterior beams and MLC shielding, planned by CT virtual simulation or with a
conventional simulator.
■ Curative radiotherapy
Prostate SV
Single phase
74 Gy in 37 daily fractions given in 71⁄2 weeks.
Two phase
Phase 1: prostate SV 56 Gy in 28 daily fractions given in 51⁄2 weeks.
Phase 2: prostate 18 Gy in 9 daily fractions given in 11–13 days
With conformal planning and IMRT the dose to the prostate SV can be
increased to 64 Gy with a 10 Gy prostate boost, if OAR dose constraints are met.
Prostate SV pelvis
Phase 1: Pelvic nodes prostate SV 46 Gy in 23 daily fractions given in 41⁄2
Phase 2: Prostate SV 10 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
Phase 3: Prostate 18 Gy in 9 daily fractions given in 11–13 days.
Prostate bed
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Extensive symptomatic prostatic disease
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
36 Gy in 6 weekly fractions of 6 Gy given in 6 weeks.
Bone pain
8 Gy single fraction.
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions in 1 week.
Electronic portal images are taken for the first 3–5 days of treatment and compared
with DRRs from the planning CT scan, using bony landmarks, the beam edges and
centre. The set-up error is calculated from any differences and may be corrected
according to local protocol.
IGRT may improve accuracy of treatment delivery. The use of radio-opaque fiducial
markers within the prostate allows variations arising from prostate movement to be
identified and incorporated into the local protocol. Commercial systems such as
Acculoc are available and have been shown to improve targeting of dose. Less
invasive methods include the BATS ultrasound system and cone-beam CT scans
taken before treatment to localise the prostate.
Diodes or TLD measurements on the first treatment day are used to measure
dose delivered.
Prostate brachytherapy
Prostate brachytherapy
Prostate brachytherapy is an excellent option for patients with localised low risk
prostate cancer. Patients with intermediate risk prostate cancer can be treated with
brachytherapy alone, but as the risk of disease outside the prostate capsule increases,
EBRT alone or in combination with brachytherapy should be considered.
Indications for brachytherapy:
■ life expectancy 10 years
■ biopsy-confirmed adenocarcinoma prostate
■ low risk disease: T1–T2a, PSA 10, GS 6
■ intermediate risk disease: T1–T2a, PSA 15, GS 3 4 (low volume)
■ prostate volume 50 mL (dynamic techniques can treat up to 90 mL).
It is important to select patients with no significant urinary outflow obstruction since
they are at increased risk of urinary retention and morbidity following brachytherapy.
Ideally patients should have an international prostate symptom score (IPSS) of 12
and urine flow rate Qmax of 15 mL/s.
Figure 28.9 Technique for insertion of radioactive seeds into the prostate. Courtesy of
Prostate Cancer Charity.
prostate volume that has received the 100 per cent prescription dose and should
be 90 per cent. The D90 is the dose received by 90 per cent of the prostate
volume and should be at least 90 per cent of the prescribed dose. The prostate
V150 and V200 give a measure of the homogeneity of the dose distribution. The
maximum rectal dose should be kept as low as possible. If it is less than 140 per cent
of the treatment dose, the risk of proctitis is less than 1.2 per cent. The maximum
urethral dose should be kept as low as possible, and should be less than 150 per cent
of the treatment dose.
Using the same technique, LDR brachytherapy can be used for a boost treatment
following EBRT to the prostate and pelvis.
■ Dose-fractionation
LDR 145 Gy (I-125), 125 Gy (Pa-103).
HDR 34–36 Gy in 4 fractions.
Combination therapy
EBRT: prostate pelvis 45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Brachytherapy: 110 Gy (I-125), 90 Gy (Pa-103).
EBRT: prostate pelvis 45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Brachytherapy: 17 Gy (Ir-192) in 2 fractions given in 24 hours.
key trials
Information sources
de Crevoisier R, Tucker SL, Dong L et al. (2005) Increased risk of biochemical and local failure in
patients with distended rectum on the planning CT for prostate cancer radiotherapy. Int J
Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 62: 965–73.
Jackson ASN, Sohaiby SA, Staffurth JN et al. (2006) Distribution of lymph nodes in men with
prostatic adenocarcinoma and lymphadenopathy at presentation: a retrospective radiological
review and implications for prostate and pelvis radiotherapy. Clin Oncol 18: 109–16.
Kupelian PA, Langen KM, Willoughby TR et al. (2008) Image-guided radiotherapy for localized
prostate cancer: treating a moving target. Semin Radiat Oncol 18: 58–66.
Memorial Sloane Kettering Prostate Cancer Nomogram. Available at
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. (2008) Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and
Treatment. Clinical guidance 58. London, NICE. Available at (accessed
9 December 2008).
Prostate Brachytherapy Video. Available at
Prostate cancer risk management programme. Available at
(accessed 9 December 2008).
Roach M 3rd, Hanks G, Thames H Jr et al. (2006) Defining biochemical failure following radiotherapy
with or without hormonal therapy in men with clinically localised prostate cancer:
recommendations of the RTOG-ASTRO Phoenix Consensus Conference. Int J Radiat Oncol
Biol Phys 65: 965–74.
Taylor A, Rockall AG, Powell ME (2007) An atlas of the pelvic lymph node regions to aid
radiotherapy target volume definition. Clin Oncol 19: 542–50.
Bladder 29
and common iliac lymph nodes and thence to the para-aortic and inguinal nodes. The
risk of lymph node metastases relates to the depth of tumour invasion: 20 per cent for
T1, 30 per cent for T2a and 60 per cent for T2b. More than a third of patients treated
radically develop distant metastases within 18 months. Stage and grade of the tumour
are the most important prognostic factors. The presence of extravesical spread (T3b)
and lymph node involvement are poor prognostic factors. Nodal involvement is usually
considered as an indication for palliative treatment in the UK.
■ Curative radiotherapy
Radical radiotherapy is an option for patients with T2a–T3b bladder cancer alone
or in combination with chemotherapy. Good prognostic features are younger age,
lower tumour stage, no pelvic lymph node involvement, normal renal function, no
hydronephrosis, normal haemoglobin and complete transurethral resection of
bladder tumour (TURBT). Patients must have good bladder function, no history
of previous pelvic radiotherapy, surgery or infections and no inflammatory bowel
disease. Cystectomy is preferable in patients with poor bladder function, a tumour
within a bladder diverticulum, diffuse bladder involvement, multiple tumours,
extensive carcinoma in situ, hydronephrosis, large tumours 5 cm with
extravesical mass, and for SCC and adenocarcinoma. With good patient selection
and accurate staging, radical radiotherapy is a good non-surgical curative option
for invasive bladder cancer with bladder preservation.
Radical radiotherapy has been considered in the past for pT1 G3 high risk
superficial bladder cancer as an alternative to cystectomy. A recent RCT has shown
radiotherapy to be no better than conservative treatment in these patients.
There is no proven benefit to irradiating the pelvic lymph nodes, and chemotherapy,
which is being increasingly used, may be adequate to treat metastatic disease when
local radiotherapy is given.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
Studies of preoperative neoadjuvant radiotherapy have shown no benefit and there
is no evidence for postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy, which is avoided because
of the high risk of bowel toxicity.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative radiotherapy is useful for the relief of symptoms such as haematuria and
pain for patients with T4 bladder tumours, pelvic nodal disease, bone and other
distant metastases. Palliative short courses of pelvic radiotherapy may be appropriate
for elderly patients with T2 and T3 bladder cancer who have significant comorbidities
precluding radical treatment. They can be managed with repeated transurethral
resection of a bladder tumour (TURBT), and palliative radiotherapy to the
bladder and pelvis to control symptoms.
■ Adjuvant chemotherapy
Pathological staging is used to select patients for adjuvant chemotherapy after
surgery. However this sequencing delays the systemic treatment of micrometastatic
disease. There is no definite proof of benefit yet but studies are continuing.
Prostate Denonvilliers
Bulb of penis
Figure 29.1 Sagittal section though pelvis to show prostate and bladder anatomy.
Data acquisition
A CT scan is performed with the patient supine in the treatment position with arms
folded across the chest with ankle supports to stabilise the legs and pelvis, and a knee
support for comfort. The bladder should be emptied immediately before scanning
and treatment, to reduce the volume irradiated and doses to normal tissues. The
rectum should be empty to reduce organ motion and interfractional variations.
A small volume of oral contrast is given 1 h before the planning CT scan to show the
small bowel. The scan is performed with 3–5 mm slices from the lower border of L5
to the inferior border of the ischial tuberosities. An anterior tattoo is placed over the
pubic symphysis and two lateral tattoos over the iliac crests to prevent lateral rotation
with radio-opaque markers used for location on the scan. It is important to confirm
on the planning scan that the patient has been able to empty the bladder. If there is
a persistent large amount of residual urine on repeat CT scans, the patient requires
intervention, which may include medication, a transurethral resection of the prostate
(TURP) or as a last resort a urinary catheter. MRI is beneficial in planning partial but
not whole bladder treatments and MRI/CT fusion may be useful.
OAR should be outlined including rectum, femoral heads and small bowel.
Recommended dose constraints are: rectum V50 60 per cent, V60 50 per cent;
femoral heads V50 50 per cent; small bowel V45 250 cm3.
For palliation of T4 tumours and pelvic nodal disease, the PTV must encompass
the primary disease and its extension into the pelvis. If this volume is excessively
large it can be reduced to cover only the area causing symptoms.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
Forward planning is used to optimise a 3D conformal plan, usually with10–15 MV
photon beams, such as an anterior and two-wedged lateral or posterior oblique
beams. The angle between the posterior oblique beams should be chosen to
minimise dose to the rectum (Fig. 29.3).
(see above). This is assessed by DVH constraints as shown in Figure 29.4, and the
volume of small bowel receiving 45 Gy kept to a minimum.
(45.83 Gy)
Volume 100.00%
100.0 100.0
90.0 90.0
Ratio of total structure volume (%)
80.0 80.0
70.0 70.0
60.0 60.0
50.0 Rectum 50.0
40.0 40.0
30.0 30.0
20.0 20.0
10.0 10.0
0.0 0.0
Relative dose (%)
Figure 29.4 DVH for conformal plan for bladder cancer showing PTV, rectum and femoral
■ Complex
IMRT with inverse planning has the potential to reduce the dose to normal tissues,
allow the delivery of a synchronous boost needed for partial bladder irradiation
and permit dose escalation to the tumour. However, IMRT for this tumour site
requires excellent immobilisation, with IGRT to locate and minimise PTV at the
time of treatment. It has been shown that without IGRT an isotropic margin of
3 cm is required, but with IGRT this can be reduced to 12 mm.
■ Conventional
Where CT planning is not available, the treatment can be simulated conventionally
and the bladder visualised with contrast inserted into the bladder via an indwelling
urinary catheter.
■ Curative
Whole bladder
64 Gy in 32 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
■ Palliative
Whole bladder
21 Gy in 3 fractions given on alternate days in 1 week
36 Gy in 6 fractions of 6 Gy given once weekly for 6 weeks.
In most cases 21 Gy in 3 fractions on alternate days over 1 week is as effective
as longer schedules for palliation as shown by the MRC BA09 trial. A weekly
hypofractionated regimen of 6 Gy weekly for 6 fractions has been shown to
effectively palliate symptoms in patients unfit for radical treatment and may be
preferred by some patients.
The patient is immobilised as described above with an empty bladder and rectum
and aligned using an anterior laser to check the midline and two lateral lasers to
prevent rotation. The isocentre is marked with reference to the tattoo over the
pubic symphysis for set-up. If an isocentre shift has to be performed, this is verified
by comparison of EPI or simulator films with DRRs. TLD or diode measurement
of dose delivered is performed on the first day of treatment.
The bladder is mobile and can change shape as well as position during treatment.
Verification is therefore very important. The current standard is EPI comparing
bony anatomy with the AP and lateral DRRs daily for the first 3–5 days, and then
once weekly correcting for systematic errors. Verification that allows visualisation of
soft tissues at the time of treatment delivery, such as kV cone beam imaging, MV
imaging with tomotherapy and MV imaging of gold seed markers cystoscopically
implanted into the bladder, will significantly improve the accuracy of radiotherapy
to the bladder. ART, which modifies treatment plans to account for variations in
individual patients, or gated radiotherapy based on delivery of treatment only when
the bladder is in the correct position may be useful techniques.
key trials
Information sources
Alonzi R, Hoskin P (2005) Novel therapies in bladder cancer. Clin Oncol 17: 524–38.
Bladder Cancer WebCafé. Available at:
Harris SJ, Buchanan RB (1998) An audit and evaluation of bladder movements during radical
radiotherapy. Clin Oncol 10: 262–4.
Kotwal S, Choudhury A, Johnston C et al. (2008) Similar treatment outcomes for radical cystectomy
and radical radiotherapy in invasive bladder cancer treated at a United Kingdom specialist
treatment centre. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 70: 456–63.
Logue J, McBain CA (2005) Radiation therapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer: treatment
planning and delivery. Clin Oncol 17: 508–13.
McLaren DB, Morrey D, Mason MD (1997) Hypofractionated radiotherapy for muscle invasive
bladder cancer in the elderly. Radiother Oncol 43: 171–4.
NCRI Trials Portfolio. Available at:
Redpath AT, Muren LP (2006) CT-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy for bladder cancer:
isocentre shifts, margins and their impact on target dose. Radiother Oncol 81: 276–83.
Sengelov L, Von der Maase H (1999) Radiotherapy in bladder cancer. Radiother Oncol 52: 1–14.
Shipley WU, Kaufman DS, Tester WJ et al. (2003) Overview of bladder cancer trials in the Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group. Cancer 97(8 suppl): 2115–19.
Testis 30
■ Seminoma
In stage I seminoma there are now three standard options for management
following radical orchidectomy.
■ surveillance
■ para-aortic nodal radiotherapy (consider ‘dog leg’ radiotherapy to include the
ipsilateral iliac and inguinal nodes in patients who have had previous
inguinal/scrotal surgery or have distortion of lymphatic pathways)
■ single course of carboplatin chemotherapy.
Surveillance studies have shown that only 15–20 per cent of patients relapse.
Using the prognostic factors of rete testis involvement and tumour size 4 cm, the
relapse rate is 32 per cent in patients with both risk factors, 15 per cent in patients
with one risk factor and 12 per cent with no risk factors. Both adjuvant para-aortic
nodal radiotherapy and a single course of carboplatin reduce the risk of relapse to
3–4 per cent. Surveillance involves intensive and prolonged restaging investigations
over up to 10 years and is reliant on patient compliance, but may be useful where
immediate treatment is contraindicated.
The following trials have influenced practice:
■ MRC TE10: this trial randomised patients between treatment with para-aortic
nodal radiotherapy or a dog leg field to a dose of 30 Gy in 15 fractions with no
significant differences in outcome.
■ MRC TE18: this trial randomised patients undergoing para-aortic nodal
radiotherapy to receive 30 Gy in 15 fractions or 2 Gy in 10 fractions with no
significant differences in outcome, but less toxicity with the lower dose.
■ MRC TE19: this trial randomised patients to receive one cycle of carboplatin
(AUC 7) or para-aortic nodal radiotherapy. At 7 years’ follow-up, there was no
difference in outcome.
In stage IIA seminoma, radiotherapy offers a high cure rate of 85–90 per cent.
The current guidelines recommend radiotherapy to the para-aortic and ipsilateral
iliac nodes to a dose of 30 Gy. In stage IIB seminoma, most patients receive
chemotherapy, but current guidelines still consider an option of radiotherapy to
the para-aortic and ipsilateral iliac nodes to a dose of 36 Gy.
Patients who relapse after initial treatment should be managed by experienced
teams and entered into prospective randomised trials. The incidence of relapse
after chemotherapy alone is low and radiotherapy may have a role for some
patients with small and localised relapses. Radiotherapy may be used palliatively in
patients with chemo-resistant disease.
Patients with testicular intraepithelial neoplasia (TIN) are treated with a
surveillance strategy or orchidectomy in the UK. In Europe, radiotherapy to the
testis of 20 Gy in 10 fractions over 2 weeks is also used.
Stage I patients are currently managed by orchidectomy and surveillance. Patients
with more advanced or relapsed disease are treated with chemotherapy.
Radiotherapy can have a palliative role in chemo-resistant disease for bulky
inoperable disease, or cerebral, lymph node or bone metastases.
Target volume definition
Renal hilar
Iliac nodes
Data acquisition
A CT scan of the abdomen is taken with the patient lying supine in the treatment
position with arms by his sides. The head and legs are restrained with head rest,
ankle and knee supports. Midline and lateral tattoos are used with laser lights to
align the patient and prevent lateral rotation. Patients can be planned
conventionally in a simulator, or using a CT scan for virtual simulation of the fields,
which gives information on the soft tissue anatomy, and position of the renal pelvis.
For stage II disease, GTV is defined by outlining enlarged (1 cm) lymph
nodes. CTV includes the nodal areas as for stage I, ensuring an adequate margin
around the GTV. Both kidneys must be identified and outlined as critical normal
organs, taking care to exclude a horseshoe kidney. Fig. 30.2 shows how virtual CT
simulation can be used for accurate targeting of lymph nodes and design and
shaping of fields to avoid normal kidneys.
(a) (b)
Figure 30.2 Virtual simulation for para-aortic nodal irradiation for seminoma of left testis.
(a) Anterior DRR with kidneys outlined. (b) Coronal multiplanar reconstruction with MLC
shielding to the kidneys.
■ Conventional simulation
Conventionally, the target volume for para-aortic nodal radiotherapy is defined by
standard field sizes on a simulator:
■ superior: lower border of T10
Dose solutions
Conformal CT planning is being developed. CT based fields tend to be wider than
traditional fields and provide improved dosimetry to vessel-based target volumes.
A high proportion of failures are marginal relapses which may be avoided by
individualised CT-based planning. In practice, opposing anterior and posterior
beams with individual shielding of renal parenchyma by MLC may give the best
target volume coverage with lowest integral dose for this low dose treatment.
Conventionally, anterior and posterior fields are treated isocentrically on a linear
accelerator. Perspex templates are used to define shielding to critical structures
when extended dog leg fields are used. Calculations of the dose distributions for
dog leg fields are made as for other irregular fields.
Low dose radiotherapy may give good palliation for metastases in sites such as
brain and bone where chemotherapy is not appropriate.
■ Seminoma stage I
20 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
20 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
■ Palliative
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 fractions given in 2 weeks.
Treatment verification is carried out with EPI taken daily for the first 3 days and
any systematic errors corrected. Diodes or TLD are used on the first treatment to
check dose to isocentre and remaining testis.
key trials
Fosså SD, Horwich A, Russell JM et al. (1999) Optimal planning target volume for
stage I testicular seminoma: a Medical Research Council randomised trial. Medical
Research Council Testicular Tumour Working Group, TE10. J Clin Oncol 17: 1146.
Jones WG, Fosså SD, Mead GM et al. (2005) Randomised trial of 30 versus 20 Gy
in the adjuvant treatment of stage I testicular seminoma: a report on Medical
Research Council Trial TE18, European Organisation for the Research and
Treatment of Cancer Trial 30942 (ISRCTN18525328). J Clin Oncol 23: 1200–8.
Oliver RT, Mason MD, Mead GM et al. (2005) MRC TE19 collaborators and the
EORTC 30982 collaborators. Radiotherapy versus single-dose carboplatin in
adjuvant treatment of stage I seminoma: a randomised trial. Lancet 366: 293–300.
Information sources
Aparicio J, Germà JR, García del Muro X et al. (2005) Risk-adapted management for patients with
clinical stage I seminoma: the second Spanish Germ Cell Cancer Cooperative Group study.
J Clin Oncol 23: 8717–23.
Huddart R, Kataja V (2008) ESMO Guidelines Working Group. Testicular seminoma: ESMO clinical
recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Ann Oncol 19(suppl 2): ii49–51.
Krege S, Beyer J, Souchon R et al. (2008) European consensus conference on diagnosis and
treatment of germ cell cancer: a report of the second meeting of the European Germ Cell
Cancer Consensus Group (EGCCCG): part II. Eur Urol 53: 497–513.
Martin JM, Joon DL, Ng N et al. (2005) Towards individualised radiotherapy for Stage I seminoma.
Radiother Oncol 76: 251–6.
The Testicular Cancer Resource Centre. Available at: (accessed 10 December
Warde P, Specht L, Horwich A et al. (2002) Prognostic factors for relapse in stage I seminoma
managed by surveillance: a pooled analysis. J Clin Oncol 20: 4448–52.
Penis 31
Stage Characteristics
*From: Jackson SM (1966) The treatment of carcinoma of the penis. Br J Surg 53: 33–5. Reprinted with permission
from Blackwell.
With advances in reconstructive surgical techniques, most patients (85 per cent)
are now treated with penile preserving surgery. The overall 5-year survival is
52 per cent, ranging from 66 per cent to 29 per cent in lymph node negative
and positive disease, respectively. The local control rate with radical surgery is
90 per cent, and with brachytherapy or EBRT it is 65–85 per cent. Radiotherapy
has a role in small early tumours as an alternative to penile preserving surgery
in highly selected cases and is used palliatively in advanced inoperable cases.
Palpable mobile inguinal nodes are found in 30–50 per cent of patients at
presentation, but half of these are due to infection rather than tumour. If tumour is
confirmed by cytology or histology, an ipsilateral modified radical inguinal node
dissection is performed with a dynamic sentinel node study on the contralateral side.
■ Curative radiotherapy
Electron beam radiotherapy can be used for very small stage I superficial tumours.
Selected early stage I and II tumours 4 cm in size, and where there is invasion of
the corpora cavernosa 1 cm, can be treated with interstitial brachytherapy.
EBRT can be used for selected stage II and III tumours in patients unfit for or
refusing surgery.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
Adjuvant nodal radiotherapy can be used to reduce the risk of local recurrence
after nodal dissection. Patients with a single positive node with extracapsular
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Palliative radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be used for advanced inoperable
primary tumours or to treat fixed or fungating inguinal nodes or distant metastases.
Data acquisition
Patients are treated supine with arms folded comfortably across the chest.
Treatment is planned with the box technique as described below, or using a
planning CT scan with intravenous contrast of the inguinal and pelvic lymph node
regions. Scans are taken from the lower border of L5 to 5 cm inferior to the ischial
tuberosities using 3–5 mm slices.
Target volume definition and dose solutions
Target volume definition and dose solutions
Very small superficial stage I tumours on the prepuce or glans, unsuitable for
surgery or brachytherapy, can be treated with electron therapy as for SCC on the
skin. A lead cut-out is made to treat the tumour with a 2 cm margin. An appropriate
electron energy and thickness of bolus are chosen to give a skin dose of 100 per cent
and ensure the tumour is covered at depth by the 90 per cent isodose.
For larger tumours, the CTV is the clinical and radiological GTV with a 2 cm
margin proximally and distally, which in practice gives a PTV that covers the entire
penis. To immobilise the penis, it is covered with a gauze Tubigrip and placed in a
central cavity of a wax block within a hinged Perspex box. The box is closed, the gauze
drawn up through a hole in the top and a wax plug is inserted to maintain the penis
in position. The wax block allows even build up, and a homogeneous dose is obtained
using opposing lateral fields treating isocentrically with 4 MV or 6 MV photons. The
testes and groins are shielded from scattered irradiation by a lead sheet (Fig. 31.2).
Where the penis is short or retracted and cannot be treated with this technique,
a CT planned volume is used to treat it with wax bolus and shielding to the testes.
The typical arrangement is two anterolateral oblique 6 MV photon beams.
For inguinal and pelvic node adjuvant radiotherapy, pelvic blood vessels shown
on a contrast-enhanced planning CT scan are used to define the nodal CTV and a
3D margin of 7–10 mm added to form a PTV (see Fig. 35.2, p. 405).
Conventionally, radiotherapy of the inguinal regions is defined by a field that
extends laterally to the midpoint of the femoral neck, medially to the midline,
inferiorly 2 cm below the inferior border of the ischial tuberosity and superiorly to a
line joining the top of the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic symphysis. Direct
anterior or opposing anterior and posterior beams are used, with central shielding to
cover the bladder and MLC shaping. If an anterior electron field is used, an
additional margin will be needed to account for the wider penumbra of electrons.
In advanced cases, radiotherapy can be used to palliate pain and bleeding with
a simple beam arrangement to the affected area.
■ Interstitial brachytherapy
Circumcision must be performed before implantation. The implant is performed
under general anaesthesia following insertion of a urinary catheter. The planning
target volume is defined as the GTV (palpable and visible tumour) with a margin
of 1–2 cm. For small superficial tumours, a single plane implant may be
considered, but for the majority, the entire circumference of the penis is enclosed
in a two-plane implant. It is usual to use two or three sources in each plane and to
maintain parallelism by the use of a small template (Fig. 31.3a). The separation
between sources is usually 12–15 mm, but it may sometimes be up to 18 mm as
determined by the thickness of the shaft of the penis.
(a) (b)
Figure 31.3 Technique for implantation of carcinoma of shaft of penis with iridium wires.
(a) Rigid needles inserted through template. (b) Iridium wires held in position by template.
c, catheter.
The implant is usually performed with the axis of implantation at right angles to the
axis of the penis. Only a small part of the needle track is within the penis, and at the
apex of the glans one or more needles may be entirely free in air but held in position
by the template. The active length of iridium wire is usually 4–5 cm, which means that
there is active wire extending through the skin on either side of the lesion (Fig. 31.3b).
Care must be taken not to pass the wires through the urethra, which can normally
be avoided by making sure the catheter moves freely. In order to prevent radioactive
material from coming into contact with the skin of the thigh or testes, the shaft of the
penis is supported erect in a foam block. For those patients in whom it is important
to preserve fertility, a 2 mm thick sheet of lead is placed over the thighs and testes.
■ Primary tumour
Radical EBRT or electrons
64 Gy in 32 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
65 Gy to the 85 per cent reference isodose in 6–7 days.
Information sources
■ Lymph nodes
EBRT or electrons
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
■ Palliative
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
With the block technique, treatment verification is done daily by ensuring
adequate inclusion of the penis within the block and coverage by the treatment
beams. EPI is used to verify other pelvic EBRT treatments with TLD or diode
measurements. The anterior oblique field technique is checked using orthogonal
EPI to verify the isocentre.
Information sources
Hadway P, Smith YC, Corbishley C et al. (2007) Evaluation of dynamic lymphoscintigraphy and
sentinel lymph-node biopsy for detecting occult metastases in patients with penile squamous
cell carcinoma. BJU Int 100: 561–5.
Jackson SM (1966) The treatment of carcinoma of the penis. Br J Surg 53: 33–5.
Mistry T, Jones RWA, Dannatt E et al. (2007) A 10-year retrospective audit of penile cancer
management in the UK. BJU Int 100: 1277–81.
Radiographics. Imaging of penile neoplasms. Available at:
cgi/content/full/25/6/1629 (accessed 15 December 2008).
Sarin R, Norman AR, Steel GG et al. (1997) Treatment results and prognostic factors in 101 men
treated for squamous carcinoma of the penis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 38: 713–22.
Smith Y, Hadway P, Biedrzycki O et al. (2007) Reconstructive surgery for invasive squamous
carcinoma of the glans penis. Eur Urol 52: 1179–85.
Solsona E, Algaba F, Horenblas S et al. (2004) European Association of Urology Guidelines.
Available at: (search via Google and click on
[pdf] Erectile Dysfunction; accessed 15 December 2008).
St Georges Specialist Network Penis Cancer Guidelines (2007) Available at: www.sussexcancer.
net/professionals/clinicalgroups/tumourgroups/urology/guidelines.asp (accessed 11 December
32 Cervix
■ Occult disease
Patients who have cervical cancer detected as an incidental finding at simple
hysterectomy for other reasons are usually treated postoperatively with chemo-
radiation and vault brachytherapy as appropriate.
(a) (b)
Figure 32.1 Sagittal MR scans of stage IVa SCC cervix with bladder invasion,
biopsy-proven mucosal disease at cystoscopy, (a) before and (b) after radical EBRT
and brachytherapy.
iliac node Internal
iliac node
iliac node Presacral
Bladder Rectum
Figure 32.2 Lymphatic drainage of the cervix. Reproduced with permission from
Johnston TB, Davies DV, Davies F (1958) Grays Anatomy, 32nd edn. Edinburgh:
Churchill Livingstone.
Data acquisition
■ CT scanning
With the change from 2D to 3D planning, CT scanning is now recommended for
data acquisition. Patients are scanned supine with arms on the chest, knees and lower
legs immobilised, and anterior and lateral tattoos marked with radio-opaque material
aligned with lasers to prevent lateral rotation. For obese patients, a prone bellyboard
immobilisation system may be used to allow small bowel to fall anteriorly away from
the target volume. Clinical examination is made in the treatment position and
inferior extent of tumour in the vagina marked with radio-opaque material. A protocol
is used to maintain a constant bladder filling – ‘comfortably full’ – as variations in
bladder volume have been shown to influence mobility and position of the uterus
and cervix. For example, patients are asked to empty the bladder and drink 200 mL
water 20 min before the scan and treatment each day.
CT scans are taken from the first lumbar vertebra to 5 cm beyond the vaginal
introitus. Intravenous contrast is used to outline pelvic blood vessels to be used as
surrogates for pelvic nodes in CTV delineation. It may also enhance the GTV-T.
Oral contrast may be given to outline small bowel if IMRT is to be given.
EUA findings are used to optimise localisation of tumour margins along with
diagnostic MRI and/or PET-CT scans co-registered with planning CT scans to
define the AP part of the volume in particular (Fig. 32.3).
■ Conventional
Conventionally, the simulator is used to acquire patient data with the patient
supine with arms on the chest, knee and lower leg immobilisation or alpha cradles
to prevent pelvic rotation, and aligned using orthogonal laser beams with anterior
and lateral tattoos marked with radio-opaque material. For obese patients, a prone
bellyboard immobilisation system may be used to allow small bowel to fall
anteriorly away from the target volume. Palpation of the primary tumour is carried
out with the patient in the treatment position and the inferior border marked with
radio-opaque material.
A protocol is used to maintain a constant bladder filling – ‘comfortably full’ – as
variations in bladder volume have been shown to influence mobility and position
of the uterus and cervix.
(a) (b)
Figure 32.3 (a) CT, (b) MRI and (c) CT/MRI fusion showing GTV for carcinoma of the
cervix. Courtesy of Professor R Reznek, Institute of Cancer, Barts and the London School
of Medicine and Dentistry.
AP and lateral simulator films are taken. All clinical, surgical and histological
data must be used as appropriate, along with any diagnostic CT or MRI information,
showing tumour extent and the position of the kidneys, to define individualised
treatment beams. Standard field borders using bony anatomical landmarks have
been shown to include unnecessary normal tissue and may miss primary tumour or
lymph nodes.
The upper border of the individualised treatment beam is at the lower margin of
L4 to include distal common iliac nodes. The inferior border is 3 cm below the most
inferior disease in the vagina as palpated or seen on MRI. Lateral borders are 2 cm
outside the bony pelvic sidewalls. The anterior border must encompass the GTV-T
as well as the common iliac nodes and is usually placed through the anterior third of
the symphysis pubis. The posterior border is 2 cm from the GTV-T including
posterior extension of tumour, utero-sacral ligaments and upper presacral nodes and
is commonly situated 0.5 cm posterior to the anterior border of the S2/3 vertebral
junction. Individualised shielding is employed in the anterior beam to the superior
corners to exclude small bowel. Shielding to the inferior corners to protect femoral
heads may mask the external iliac nodes and should be used sparingly. Lateral beams
Target volume definition
have shielding to sacral nerve roots posteriorly. For simulation of para-aortic nodal
beams, intravenous contrast is required to localise kidneys for shielding.
A typical CTV to PTV margin of 15–20 mm is used around the CTV-T to allow
for organ motion of cervix and uterus and measured set-up uncertainties. For
CTV-N organ motion occurs to a lesser extent and a 7–10 mm CTV to PTV
margin is typically sufficient for set-up variations (Fig. 32.5).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 32.5 T2b carcinoma of the cervix: (a) sagittal T2-weighted MRI, (b) sagittal,
(c) axial and (d) coronal CT scans with CTV and PTV for primary tumour and nodes
(CTV-N in purple, PTV-N in green).
Virtual simulation can be used to define beams and shielding, using 3D tumour
and normal organ information (Fig. 32.6). For 3D conformal radiotherapy and
IMRT, tumour and normal organs are also outlined in 3D. Normal tissues to be
contoured include bladder, rectum, small and large bowel, and the femoral heads.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
The GTV has been resected at surgery so the CTV-T comprises the surgical
tumour bed including the vaginal vault and parametrial tissues. CTV-N contains
obturator, internal, external and common iliac nodes. CTV-T is delineated using
preoperative CT and MRI, operative diagrams and histological findings to include
sites at high risk of recurrence. Pelvic lymph nodes (CTV-N) are delineated using
CT contrast-enhanced blood vessels with a 7 mm margin. A CTV-PTV margin of
10–15 mm is used for CTV-T and a 7–10 mm margin for CTV-N to allow for
organ motion and set-up errors.
Normal tissues to be contoured include bladder, rectum, small and large bowel,
and the femoral heads.
Target volume definition
(a) (b)
Figure 32.6 Virtual simulation of pelvic beams: (a) anterior BEV and (b) lateral BEV
showing MLC shielding to sacral nerve roots.
■ Para-aortic radiotherapy
CT scanning is performed from the diaphragm to pelvis with intravenous contrast
given to enhance blood vessels and kidneys and to locate the para-aortic nodes.
Virtual simulation is used to design anterior and posterior beams, from the upper
border of L1 to the L5/S1 junction, avoiding the kidneys laterally with MLC
shielding and in continuity with pelvic beams when common iliac nodes are
involved (Fig. 32.7). 3D volume outlining permits the use of IMRT.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
Symptoms of bleeding or pain from locally advanced cervical cancer can be
alleviated with small volume, short-course radiotherapy. CT planning is used as
described above, to localise the GTV alone with a 1.5–2 cm margin for the PTV.
An arrangement of three to four beams is used to reduce toxicity as much as
possible and can be produced after virtual simulation using 3D CT data.
Dose solutions
All patients selected for primary radiotherapy are treated by EBRT first to the
primary tumour and pelvic lymph nodes. Shrinkage of the GTV leads to better
geometry and closer application of the intracavitary sources, which deliver higher
radiation doses to the tumour. The balance of dose from EBRT and intracavitary
radiation is modified according to the stage and bulk of disease, and the risk or
presence of pelvic lymph node involvement.
■ Conventional
High-energy photons (10–16 MV) are used for EBRT to spare superficial tissues
and improve dose distributions. Conventionally, anterior, posterior and two lateral
beams are usually used to spare the rectum with decreased weighting of the
posterior beam (see Fig. 33.4, p. 389).
■ Conformal
Using 3D dose planning, MLC shaping is designed to spare normal tissues, where
possible. Similarly, standard shielding can be used on simulated anterior, posterior
and lateral beams to reduce dose to small bowel and sacral nerve roots.
■ Complex
IMRT techniques using five or seven photon beams may reduce dose to small
bowel, rectum and bladder by shaping treatment to the pelvis. IMRT may also
help to limit dose to pelvic bone marrow in patients undergoing chemoradiation.
Organ motion studies have shown that the cervix and uterus position varies with
both bladder and rectal filling by up to 20 mm. IGRT may be used to localise the
target volume on a daily basis with a full IMRT implementation programme to
ensure that it is delivered accurately and safely.
The principles of brachytherapy, differences between LDR, MDR and HDR, and
ICRU Report No. 38 are described in detail in Chapter 5. Brachytherapy allows
delivery of a very high dose to the central tumour volume to obtain maximal local
control without exceeding the tolerance of surrounding normal tissues. It is feasible
because the normal uterus and vaginal vault are relatively radio-resistant and there
is rapid fall-off of dose at a distance from the cervix, protecting the adjacent rectum,
bladder and small bowel. Gynaecological brachytherapy can be delivered at low,
medium or high dose rate, or with pulsed brachytherapy, which uses many, closely
spaced radiation fractions or pulses to mimic continuous LDR treatment.
■ Primary radiotherapy
Stage IB2 and IIA
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks followed by intracavitary
Intracavitary brachytherapy
27 Gy to point A single insertion.
14 Gy in 2 fractions given in 5–8 days to point A.
Stage IIB or above
50.4 Gy in 28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 51⁄2 weeks followed by intracavitary
Intracavitary brachytherapy
22.5–25 Gy to point A single insertion.
21 Gy in 3 fractions over 5–8 days to point A.
Concurrent chemotherapy (weekly cisplatin 40 mg/m2) is given for both high risk
early stage disease and locally advanced tumours unless patients are medically unfit
for chemotherapy or have a GFR 50 mL/min. Overall treatment time should not
exceed 56 days including brachytherapy and should ideally be 49 days or less.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
50.4 Gy in 28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy in 51⁄2 weeks if macroscopic residual disease.
Concurrent chemotherapy is administered if there are positive surgical margins,
positive pelvic nodes or parametrial involvement and treatment time should not
exceed 56 days.
■ Palliative treatment
Whole pelvis or para-aortic nodes
20–30 Gy in 5–10 daily fractions given in 1–2 weeks.
8–10 Gy in 1 fraction for haemostasis.
Portal films or EPIs are taken on the first 3–5 treatment days and compared with
DRRs or simulator images within a verification strategy protocol. Any systematic
errors of 5 mm are identified and corrected and weekly EPIs then taken. Exit
dosimetry using diodes is performed on the first day in all patients.
Information sources
Key trials
Keys HM, Bundy BN, Stehman FB et al. (1999) Cisplatin, radiation and adjuvant
hysterectomy compared with radiation and adjuvant hysterectomy for bulky
stage IB cervical carcinoma. N Engl J Med 340: 1154–61.
Morris M, Eifel PJ, Lu J et al. (1999) Pelvic radiation with concurrent
chemotherapy compared with pelvic and para-aortic radiation for high-risk
cervical cancer. N Engl J Med 340: 1137–43.
Peters WA, Liu PY, Barrett RGW et al. (1999) Cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil plus radiation
therapy are superior to radiation therapy as adjunctive therapy in high risk, early
stage carcinoma of the cervix after radical hysterectomy and pelvic
lymphadenectomy: report of a phase III inter group study. Gynecol Oncol 72: 443.
Rose PG, Bundy BN, Watkins EB et al. (1999) Concurrent cisplatin-based
radiotherapy and chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer. N Engl J
Med 340: 1144–53.
Whitney CW, Sause W, Bundy BN et al. (1999) Randomised comparison of
fluorouracil plus cisplatin versus hydroxyurea as an adjunct to radiation therapy
in stage IIB-IVA carcinoma of the cervix with negative para-aortic lymph nodes:
a Gynecologic Oncology Group and Southwest Oncology Group study. J Clin
Oncol 17: 1339–48.
Information sources
Cancer Backup (2007) Pelvic radiotherapy in women: possible late effects. Available at:
Green J, Kirwan J, Tierney J et al. (2005) Concomitant chemotherapy and radiation therapy for
cancer of the uterine cervix. Cochrane Database Syst Rev CD002225.
Haie-Meder C, Pötter R, Van Limbergen E et al. (2005) Recommendations from Gynaecological
(GYN) GEC-ESTRO Working Group (I): concepts and terms in 3D image based 3D treatment
planning in cervix cancer brachytherapy with emphasis on MRI assessment of GTV and CTV.
Radiother Oncol 74: 235–45.
Pötter R, Haie-Meder C, Van Limbergen E et al. (2006) Recommendations from Gynaecological
(GYN) GEC ESTRO Working Group (II): concepts and terms in 3D image based treatment
planning in cervix cancer brachytherapy: aspects of 3D imaging, radiation physics, radiobiology,
and 3D dose volume parameters. Radiother Oncol 78: 67–77.
Sedlis A, Bundy BN, Rotman MZ et al. (1999) A randomised trial of pelvic radiation therapy versus no
further therapy in selected patients with stage IB carcinoma of the cervix after radical hysterectomy
and pelvic lymphadenectomy: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol 73: 177–83.
Taylor A, Rockall AG, Reznek RH et al. (2005) Mapping pelvic lymph nodes: guidelines for
delineation in intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 63: 1604–12.
Taylor A, Rockall AG, Powell ME (2007) An atlas of the pelvic lymph node regions to aid
radiotherapy target volume definition. Clin Oncol 19: 542–50.
33 Uterus
Pouch of
Symphysis Rectum
Presacral Para-aortic
nodes nodes
Obturator External
node iliac nodes
Data acquisition
■ CT scanning
Most patients referred for radiotherapy require adjuvant pelvic EBRT following
surgery. With the change from 2D to 3D planning, CT scanning is now recommended
for data acquisition. Patients are scanned in the treatment position supine with arms
on the chest, knees and lower legs immobilised. Anterior and lateral tattoos are aligned
with lasers to prevent lateral rotation and marked with radio-opaque material. For
obese patients, the prone bellyboard may be used to allow small bowel to fall anteriorly
away from the target volume. A protocol is used to maintain a constant bladder filling
‘comfortably full’ to push the small bowel superiorly. For example, patients are asked
to empty the bladder and drink 200 mL water 20 minutes before the scan and
treatment each day. The introitus is marked with radio-opaque material.
CT scans are taken from the superior border of L3 to 5 cm beyond the vaginal
introitus. Intravenous contrast can be used to visualise primary tumour and uterus
if still in situ and pelvic blood vessels, and thereby design target volumes for pelvic
nodes most accurately. In this situation image registration with diagnostic MRI is
especially useful to localise gross tumour in the uterus and/or nodes. Oral contrast
is given to outline small bowel if IMRT is to be given.
■ Conventional
Conventionally the simulator is used to acquire data with the patient supine with
arms on the chest, knee and lower leg immobilisation or alpha cradles to prevent
pelvic rotation. The patient is aligned using orthogonal laser beams with anterior
and lateral tattoos marked with radio-opaque material. For obese patients, a prone
bellyboard immobilisation system may be used to allow small bowel to fall
anteriorly away from the target volume. A protocol is used to maintain constant
bladder filling ‘comfortably full’ as described above.
The vaginal vault is marked with a radio-opaque tampon for adjuvant treatment.
In the rare cases where surgery has not been feasible, palpation of the primary
tumour is carried out with the patient in the treatment position and the inferior
border marked with radio-opaque material.
AP and lateral simulator films are taken. All clinical, surgical and histological
data must be used, with any diagnostic CT or MRI information showing tumour
extent, to design individually placed beam borders. The use of standard borders
using bony anatomical landmarks has been shown to include unnecessary normal
tissue and may miss primary tumour or lymph nodes.
The superior border is usually at the L5/S1 junction to include external and internal
iliac nodes. If these nodes are positive, the border is at the lower margin of L4,
individualised to include distal common iliac nodes. The inferior border is placed to
include the upper half of the vagina for adjuvant treatment, or 3 cm below the most
inferior disease in the vagina as palpated or seen on MRI. Lateral borders are 2 cm
outside the bony pelvic sidewalls. The anterior border must encompass the CTV-N
as well as GTV-T (if present) and is placed through the anterior third of the
symphysis pubis. The posterior border is commonly situated 0.5 cm posterior to the
anterior border of the S2/3 vertebral junction, but this is varied according to surgical
and histological findings. Individualised shielding is employed in the anterior beam
to the superior corners to exclude small bowel. Shielding to the inferior corners to
protect femoral heads may mask the external iliac nodes and should be used sparingly.
Lateral beams have shielding to sacral nerve roots posteriorly (Fig. 32.6b, p. 377).
A tattoo is placed at the centre of the volume with two lateral pelvic tattoos to
aid alignment and reproducibility of the patient position.
■ Primary radiotherapy
Non-surgical patients with stage I and II disease may have multiple comorbidities
which limit the volume that can be treated radically. The GTV for uterine tumours
is defined on clinical examination and with MRI. The CTV-T includes the whole
uterus, cervix, ovaries, parametrium and upper half of vagina. Involved nodes are
detected by CT, MRI or MRI with USPIO. If the whole vagina is involved, the
Target volume definition
inguinal nodes may need to be included in the CTV-N. A CTV-PTV margin of
10–15 mm is commonly used to allow for set-up uncertainty and physiological
movement of the corpus and bladder.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
For patients with locally advanced inoperable stage III/IV disease, the treatment
intent is often palliative. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be considered followed
by EBRT individualised to the gross extent of tumour in uterus, cervix, parametrial
tissues, any vaginal extension and involved lymph nodes with a 2 cm margin.
The bladder, rectum, femoral heads and small bowel are delineated, and the
sigmoid colon if utero-vaginal brachytherapy is used.
Intracavitary brachytherapy
Vault brachytherapy can be delivered using either a vaginal cylindrical applicator
(Fig. 33.4) or vaginal ovoids. Both are available in varying diameters/sizes. Ovoids
will treat the upper third of the vagina in most patients whereas cylindrical
applicators can be loaded to treat any length of vagina required.
■ Para-aortic radiotherapy
See Chapter 32.
Dose solutions
■ Conventional
A ‘brick’ arrangement with four beams is commonly chosen (anterior, posterior and
lateral opposing wedged beams), or where possible the posterior beam is omitted
to reduce rectal dose. Higher energy photons (8–16 MV) are commonly employed
and individual shielding used in superior corners of the anterior beam to exclude
small bowel and reduce normal tissue dose. Care should be taken that any shielding
of inferior corners to exclude femoral heads does not also shield external iliac nodes.
Shielding to the sacral nerve roots may be used posteriorly in the lateral beams.
■ Conformal
With 3D target volume localisation, 3D dose planning can be used with individual
shaping of each beam using MLC or shielding blocks to spare normal tissues. One
anterior, two lateral opposing and one partially weighted posterior beam are
commonly used (Fig. 33.5). Conformal radiotherapy and systematic target volume
definition significantly reduces dose to the rectum and bladder compared with
conventional solutions, as well as avoiding geographical miss.
(a) (b)
Figure 33.5 Postoperative radiotherapy for endometrial carcinoma. (a) DRR with anterior
BEV. (b) Axial slice colourwash of the dose distribution using four-beam arrangement.
■ Complex
Pelvic IMRT (Fig. 33.6) has been shown to reduce the dose to bladder, rectum
and small bowel by 20–50 per cent. This is especially important in the
Figure 33.6 Stage IIIc carcinoma
of endometrium with inoperable
pelvic nodes – IMRT plan for
postoperative EBRT.
postoperative situation, with reduction in acute and late morbidity. It may help to
limit dose to pelvic bone marrow in patients undergoing chemoradiation.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy
External beam irradiation
45–50.4 Gy in 25–28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5–51⁄2 weeks.
22 Gy in 4 fractions at 0.5 cm from the surface of the applicator given at least
2 days apart.
■ Primary radiotherapy
Unoperated stage I and II disease
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks followed by intracavitary
Intracavitary irradiation
LDR 20 Gy to point A single insertion
HDR 12 Gy in 3 fractions.
■ Para-aortic radiotherapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
■ Palliative radiotherapy
20 Gy in 5 fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 fractions given in 2 weeks.
8–10 Gy as a single fraction for haemostasis.
Portal images are taken on the first 3 days of treatment using EPIs or portal films
and compared with simulator or DRR images with a verification strategy protocol.
Any systematic errors of 5 mm are identified and corrected, and weekly EPIs
then taken. Exit dosimetry using diodes is performed on the first day in all patients.
Treatments in large patients may show a high random error and then daily portal
imaging may be necessary.
key trials
Information sources
Churn M, Jones B (1999) Primary radiotherapy for carcinoma of the endometrium using external
beam radiotherapy and single line source brachytherapy. Clin Oncol 11: 255–62.
Kong A, Johnson N, Cornes P et al. (2007) Adjuvant radiotherapy for stage I endometrial cancer.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev (2): CD003916.
Small W Jr, Mell LK, Anderson P et al. (2008) Consensus guidelines for delineation of clinical target
volume for intensity-modulated pelvic radiotherapy in postoperative treatment of endometrial
and cervical cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 71: 428–34.
34 Vagina
Assessment of primary disease
Clinical and radiological anatomy
More than 50 per cent of vaginal tumours arise in the upper third of the vagina
and from the posterior vaginal wall and spread laterally into paravaginal tissues
(Fig. 34.1). They invade directly into the adjacent bladder and rectum. Lymphatic
spread from the upper part of the vagina is to the lower cervix, obturator and
hypogastric nodes, from the posterior wall to presacral and para-rectal deep pelvic
nodes and from the anterior wall to the lateral pelvic wall nodes. The lymphatics
of the lower third of the vagina drain by vulval lymphatics to the inguino-femoral
and iliac nodes. Lower third tumours can also directly invade the urethra or anus.
Of patients with stage II disease, 25–30 per cent have positive pelvic nodes,
necessitating EBRT as well as brachytherapy.
(a) (b)
Figure 34.1 T2-weighted MR images of a patient with stage II clear cell adenocarcinoma
of the vagina arising in the right posterior wall of the upper third. (a) Axial and (b) sagittal
Data acquisition
■ CT scanning
Patients are scanned supine with legs abducted where appropriate to reduce
perineal skin reactions. Movement is limited by leg immobilisation with anterior
and lateral tattoos used to prevent lateral rotation. Radio-opaque markers are
placed by clinical examination in the treatment position at the inferior extent of
vaginal tumour to define the inferior GTV margin and at the introitus (Fig. 34.2).
Variations in bladder volume have been shown to influence mobility and position
of the uterus, cervix and vagina and a protocol should therefore be used to
maintain a constant bladder filling – ‘comfortably full’. Patients are asked to empty
the bladder and drink 200 mL water 20 min before the scan and before treatment
each day. Patients should be encouraged to empty their bowels regularly before
CT scanning and daily treatment. Intravenous contrast is used to enhance pelvic
blood vessels, which are used as surrogates for pelvic lymph nodes when designing
the CTV-N. CT scans are acquired from L3 to 5 cm below the introitus.
■ Conventional
Patient positioning, immobilisation and bladder protocol are used as described
above. Where CT is not available for planning, all clinical, surgical, histological
and radiological data must be used to define tumour extent before locating the
beam borders using a simulator. Palpation of the primary tumour is carried out with
the patient in the treatment position and the inferior tumour extent and introitus
marked with radio-opaque material. AP and lateral simulator films are taken.
For tumours of the upper two-thirds of the vagina, the CTV includes the whole
vagina, cervix and obturator, external and internal iliac, presacral and para-rectal
lymph nodes. The superior border of the beam is at the L5/S1 junction, lateral
borders are 20 mm lateral to the bony pelvic sidewall and the inferior border is at
the introitus. The anterior border should encompass the GTV-T and iliac nodes
superiorly and is usually at the anterior one-third of the symphysis pubis. The
posterior border is 20 mm from the GTV-T including posterior extension of
tumour and internal iliac nodes and is commonly situated 5 mm posterior to the
anterior border of the S2/3 vertebral junction. When tumours involve the
posterior wall of the vagina, presacral and para-rectal deep pelvic nodes are
included, and the border should be placed posterior to these nodes and the GTV.
For tumours of the lower third of the vagina the volume includes the whole
vagina, introitus, para-vaginal tissues, inguino-femoral and distal external iliac
nodes. The superior border is at the upper acetabulum to include inguinal nodes,
inferior border 30 mm below the introitus and lateral borders cover the femoral
heads to include femoral nodes.
Dose solutions
For all tumours of the vagina, a conformal plan is used (Fig. 34.3) with MLC or
standard shielding to avoid normal organs, especially small bowel and posterior
rectum. IMRT may provide the best solution for pelvic nodal treatments.
■ Brachytherapy
Cylindrical vaginal applicators can be used to deliver intracavitary brachytherapy
for VAIN or superficial tumours that are less than 5 mm deep, either at diagnosis
or after EBRT. Where tumours are more than 5 mm deep, either at diagnosis or
after EBRT, interstitial brachytherapy is required. Interstitial implants using the
Paris system are described in Chapter 5. Brachytherapy for tumours of the upper
third of the vagina is delivered with the same technique as for cervical carcinomas,
with a central intrauterine tube and vaginal applicators, as discussed in Chapter 32.
A brachytherapy boost to tumours of the middle and lower third of the vagina,
limited to the posterior wall, can be delivered using cylindrical applicators in both
the vagina and rectum.
■ Palliation
For palliation of locally advanced fixed and fungating vaginal tumours, either
EBRT or, when technically feasible, brachytherapy can be given. Radiotherapy is
limited to the GTV with a 15 mm CTV margin to reduce toxicity using a
conformal plan where possible or CT-simulated opposing beams.
Primary tumour and lymph nodes
45–50.4 Gy in 25–28 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5–51⁄2 weeks .
33 Gy in 6 fractions given in 10–19 days.
Using intracavitary technique, prescribed at 5 mm from the surface of applicator.
Using interstitial technique, prescribed to 85 per cent isodose using Paris system.
11 Gy in 2 fractions or 16.5 Gy in 3 fractions using either intracavitary or
interstitial techniques.
■ Palliative treatment
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
8–10 Gy as a single fraction for haemostasis.
LDR brachytherapy 20–30 Gy.
HDR brachytherapy 18–24 Gy in 3–4 fractions.
and rectal bleeding may occur. Infections are excluded, loperamide hydrochloride
prescribed and a low residue diet advised, as appropriate. Patients should be
warned in advance of the 4–10 per cent risk of vesico-vaginal or recto-vaginal
fistulae, which may occur particularly with more advanced tumours invading
bladder or rectal wall. Patients should be encouraged to use vaginal rehydration
gels and dilators to maintain vaginal function once treatment is completed
as vaginal fibrosis can lead to narrowing and shortening of the vagina. There is an
11 per cent risk of necrosis of the femoral heads at 5 years when opposing anterior
and posterior beams are used in an elderly population to treat inguinal nodes.
Portal films or EPIs are taken daily for the first 3–5 days to calculate any systematic
errors. Corrections are made to reduce the systematic error to 1 mm and a
weekly imaging protocol is then followed. Exit dosimetry is carried out using
silicon diodes on the first treatment day to verify dose delivered.
Information sources
Chyle V, Zagars GK, Wheeler JA et al. (1996) Definitive radiotherapy for carcinoma of the vagina:
outcome and prognostic factors. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 35: 891–905.
Mock U, Kucera H, Fellner C et al. (2003) High-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy with or without
external beam radiotherapy in the treatment of primary vaginal carcinoma: long term results and
side-effects. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 56: 950–7.
Perez CA, Grigsby PW, Garipagaoglu M et al. (1999) Factors affecting long term outcome of
irradiation in carcinoma of the vagina. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 44: 37–45.
Pingley S, Shrivastava SK, Sarin R et al. (2000) Primary carcinoma of the vagina: Tata Memorial
Hospital experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 46: 101–8.
Vulva 35
■ Node negative
Adjuvant radiotherapy to the vulva alone is given to improve local control in
patients undergoing WLE where the tumour shows a histological margin of less
than 5 mm, re-excision is not possible and nodes are negative. If macroscopic
residual disease is shown in the vulva in node negative patients after WLE, a radical
local excision or vulvectomy is performed to obtain complete clearance. If this is
not possible, radiotherapy is given with or without chemotherapy.
■ Node positive
Postoperatively, adjuvant EBRT is given to inguino-femoral and pelvic lymph
nodes when there are one or more macroscopically involved nodes, two or more
microscopically involved nodes, or evidence of extracapsular spread.
Primary radiotherapy chemotherapy may be used for patients who are unfit
for surgery or with locally advanced disease, with or without subsequent surgery.
Studies are examining the role of more conservative surgery combined with
irradiation in selected patients with good prognosis in order to preserve bladder
and/or rectal function and improve quality of life.
Palliative radiotherapy is given for fungating disease, pain or bleeding at the
primary site or to the inguino-femoral regions. There is no role for radiotherapy in
patients with vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN), which represents a field change
and is treated with surgery.
Data acquisition
Patients are immobilised supine with legs abducted as much as possible, on a CT
scanner or simulator using lateral tattoos to prevent pelvic rotation. Where CT is
Target volume defination
(a) (b)
Figure 35.1 Stage III carcinoma of the vulva showing disease around the urethral catheter
suggestive of urethral involvement. (a) Axial and (b) sagittal T2-weighted MR scans.
For locally advanced disease, the GTV of the primary tumour and lymph nodes
are outlined with a 2 cm margin for the CTV-TN. The CTV for elective nodal
irradiation is delineated as described above.
Dose solutions
Radiotherapy to the vulva alone is delivered with the patient in the lithotomy
position, using electron therapy with good apposition of the applicator and bolus
to ensure adequate skin dose to macroscopic disease.
For photon therapy to the vulva and lymph nodes, the patient lies supine. The
target volume is irregular, lying anteriorly at the vulva and inguinal nodes, with
deep extension to the femoral and pelvic lymph nodes. Treatment is usually given
with conformal radiotherapy using four beams (Fig. 35.2) as this reduces toxicity
compared with anterior and posterior opposing photon beams since bowel and
rectum can be shielded. If opposing fields are used, unequal weighting, such as 2:1
anterior to posterior, may be used to increase dose to the anterior structures but
this arrangement may give unacceptable hot-spots. Bolus may be needed to ensure
adequate dose to gross primary tumour or positive surgical margins, particularly
with the skin sparing effect of higher energy beams.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 35.2 Treatment of T3N2G2 locally invasive carcinoma of the vulva and
inguino-femoral and pelvic nodes showing GTV, CTV and PTV with bolus (pink), on
(a) lateral and (b) anterior DDRs and (c) sagittal and (d) axial CT scans with 4 beam
configuration. Courtesy of Dr Frances Calman and Marium Naeem.
For locally advanced disease, additional treatment is given to the primary tumour
and palpable lymph nodes with a 2 cm margin. This can be done with reduced
anterior and posterior opposing photon beams or a perineal electron beam
localised to the primary vulval site and delivered in the lithotomy position.
Inguino-femoral nodes lie at a depth of 5–8 cm and a direct electron beam can be
used for this boost treatment with energy chosen using CT planning. Electron
therapy may be optimally combined with photons to ensure adequate treatment at
depth. Care should be taken to avoid overlap between electron beams used to treat
the vulva and boost treatment to the groin nodes.
Interstitial radiotherapy may be useful as a boost treatment in selected patients,
particularly if the lower vagina is involved by tumour.
■ Adjuvant radiotherapy to vulva alone, node negative,
surgical margin 5 mm
Electron therapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Total dose
60 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
Electron therapy
Boost to inguinal nodes if multiple positive nodes or extracapsular spread:
15 Gy in 8 fractions of 1.875 Gy in 11⁄2 weeks.
Total dose
60–65.4 Gy in 33–36 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
Electron therapy
Boost to primary tumour and palpable nodes:
15–20 Gy in 8–11 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks
interstitial therapy to give a boost dose of 20 Gy to primary tumour.
Total dose
60–65.4 Gy in 33–36 daily fractions.
■ Recurrent disease
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Electron therapy
Individualised boost:
15–20 Gy in 8–11 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy
interstitial therapy to give a boost dose of 20 Gy to primary tumour.
Total dose
60–65 Gy in 33–36 daily fractions.
Recurrent disease in the inguinal region only, if patient not fit for pelvic
50 Gy in 20 fractions using an individualised combination of photons and
■ Palliative treatment
Photon or electron therapy
20 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 1 week.
30 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
8–10 Gy in a single fraction for haemostasis.
Information sources
Treatment delivery and patient care
Care must be taken in aligning the patient, using immobilisation of the lower
limbs and lateral tattoos to prevent pelvic rotation.
Acute reactions of the vulval skin are common and can be severe. They should be
treated with 1 per cent hydrocortisone cream. If moist desquamation occurs,
treatment may need to be suspended and Intrasite gel used to promote healing with
diamorphine given for pain relief. Urinary frequency and dysuria, and proctitis and
diarrhoea are other possible side effects, which should be treated symptomatically.
Late vulval fibrosis and atrophy may occur and vaginal rehydrating gel can be
helpful. Lymphoedema can occur in up to 30 per cent of patients when inguino-
femoral surgery and radiotherapy are combined. Urethral stenosis can also occur as
a late effect. Limiting the total vulval dose to 65 Gy or less reduces the risk of skin
necrosis. There is an 11 per cent risk of necrosis of the femoral heads at 5 years, if
opposing anterior and posterior beams are used in an elderly population. This is
reduced by conformal planning.
A series of daily portal or EPI films is taken to assess the systematic and random
error rates and a correction strategy agreed. Checks must be made that all visible
and palpable disease is encompassed as planned by the dose solution chosen. Exit
dosimetry is carried out using silicon diodes or TLD on the first day of treatment
to verify dose delivered.
Information sources
Barnes EA, Thomas G (2006) Integrating radiation into management of vulva cancer. Semin Radiat
Oncol 16: 168–76.
Busch M, Wagener B, Schaffer M et al. (2000) Long term impact of post operative radiotherapy in
carcinoma of the vulva FIGO I/II. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 48: 213–18.
de Hullu JA, van der Avoort IAM, Oonk MHM et al. (2006) Management of vulvar cancers. Eur J
Surg Oncol 32: 825–31.
Homesley HD, Bundy BN, Sedlis A et al. (1986) Radiation therapy versus pelvic node resection for
carcinoma of the vulva with positive groin nodes. Obstet Gynecol 68: 733–40.
IGCS. Guidelines for Vulva Cancer. Available at: (accessed
12 December 2008).
Montana GS, Thomas, GM, Moore DH et al. (2000) Preoperative chemo-radiation for carcinoma of
the vulva with N2/N3 nodes: a Gynaecologic Oncology Group study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol
Phys 48: 1007–13.
Pecorelli S, Ngan HYS, Hacker NF (2006) Staging classifications and clinical practice guidelines of
gynaecologic cancers. Suppl Int J Gynecol Obstet 70: 207–312.
Tyring SK (2003) Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma: guidelines for early diagnosis and treatment. Am
J Obstet Gynecol 189: S17–23.
36 Sarcoma
Grading takes into account mitotic count (3, 3–20 or 20 mitoses /10 high
power fields), necrosis and size.
(a) (b)
Figure 36.1 Preoperative MR scan of pleomorphic sarcoma in left vastus lateralis in
(a) coronal and (b) axial views.
Data acquisition
■ Immobilisation
Immobilisation techniques will vary with different tumour sites, but for the common
tumours in upper or lower limbs, individually prepared vacuum bags or Perspex
shells are used. Laser lights are used to minimise rotational movement, and cranio-
caudal movement should be prevented by appropriate foot or hand restraints.
Target volume definition
■ CT planning
If possible, preoperative and pre-radiotherapy CT scans should be taken with the
limb in the same position, and pre- and postoperative CT and/or MRI co-registered
for planning. However, changes in muscle configuration following surgery and the
position of the scar will alter appearances significantly and it is essential for surgeon
and radiation oncologist to plan jointly all treatments for optimal local control and
functional outcome.
Dose solutions
■ Conformal
As long as 3D imaging and planning are available, all treatments should be planned
conformally, even though in some cases, beam arrangements may still be simple
(Fig. 36.3).
Figure 36.3 (a) Axial and (b) sagittal dose distribution for treatment of tumour.
■ Complex
IMRT is particularly useful for soft tissue sarcomas arising in sites such as the
retroperitoneum where a steep dose gradient (for example between tumour and
kidney) is needed or where a concave or convex dose distribution will spare vital
tissues such as spinal cord. If respiratory movement is significant, a method of
gating should be considered (see Chapter 2).
■ Conventional
Treatment plans will need to be individualised although simple arrangements of
opposing or wedged pairs of beams may be used for limb lesions. Care should be
taken in this case to leave a strip of normal tissue unirradiated on one or both sides
of the limb to prevent late lymphoedema from fibrosis of lymphatic channels.
Radiation to a joint should be avoided if possible.
■ Brachytherapy
Catheters are inserted into the tumour bed at the time of surgery, thus ensuring
that they are correctly placed using the Paris rules (Chapter 5). They are not
loaded until the sixth postoperative day to permit wound healing. With low dose
rate iridium wire, 45 Gy are given over 4–6 days as the only radiotherapy, or as a
boost of 15–20 Gy before 45–50 Gy EBRT. This approach may be particularly
useful for re-irradiation treatments.
■ Postoperatively
66 Gy in 33 daily fractions given in 61⁄2 weeks.
This dose is recommended for maximal tumour control although it will be
associated with a risk of functional impairment from fibrosis. Delivery of some of
this dose by brachytherapy may be beneficial (15–20 Gy).
■ Preoperatively
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
10–16 Gy in 5–8 daily fractions given in 5–10 days as a postoperative boost if the
surgical margins are positive.
50 Gy in 25 daily fractions given in 5 weeks.
Doses may have to be adjusted to give as high a dose as is compatible with
surrounding normal tissue tolerance.
■ Palliative treatments
40–45 Gy in 15–17 daily fractions of 2.67 Gy given in 3–31⁄2 weeks if normal tissue
tolerance permits.
Simulator films or DRRs are compared with port films or EPIs and doses are
verified with lithium fluoride dosimeters or diodes.
Information sources
Pervais N, Colterjohn N, Farrokhyar F et al. (2008) A systematic meta-analysis of randomised controlled
trials of adjuvant chemotherapy for localised soft tissue sarcoma. Cancer 113: 573–81.
Sarcoma Meta-analysis Collaboration (1997) Adjuvant chemotherapy for localised resectable soft-
tissue sarcoma of adults: meta-analysis of individual data. Lancet 350: 1647–54.
Weiss SW, Goldblum JR (2007) Enzinger and Weiss’s Soft Tissue Tumors. Edinburgh: Elsevier.
Paediatric tumours 37
General considerations
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Children who are cured of cancer have a long life expectancy and treatment-related
complications may be more severe than in adults. Although many paediatric
tumours are very radio-sensitive, current protocols of treatment are designed to try
to reduce toxicity of treatment for those who can be cured and to increase intensity
of chemotherapy for those with poor outcome. Radiotherapy is therefore only used
where it cannot effectively be replaced by surgery and chemotherapy. In very young
children, even when radiotherapy will improve cure rates, it is often now deferred
until the child is older and toxicity will be reduced because of greater maturity of
organs and tissues.
Normal tissues in the period of development are more radio-sensitive than adult
normal tissues, and the relative sparing effect of low dose per fraction for late
morbidity is therefore exploited using doses per fraction of 1.2–1.8 Gy. Sequential
studies in various tumour types have led to reductions in total dose and target
volumes. Nevertheless, radiotherapy is still an important component of curative
therapy for many tumour types and remains a valuable tool for easy and effective
■ Data acquisition
Play therapists and specially trained nurses and radiographers are essential for
preparation of all children for radiotherapy. Close collaboration is needed between
paediatric and radiation oncologists. For very young children, adequate
CT scanning
With the patient immobilised in the treatment position, CT scans are acquired
through the region of interest with 3–5 mm slice thickness. Diagnostic images may
be co-registered with planning scans, which should include not only the whole
tumour but the whole of any relevant OAR.
■ Dose solutions
Treatment should always be as conformal as possible using CT and MRI as
appropriate if available. However, other considerations such as maintaining
symmetry and minimising dose outside the treatment volume may lead to simple
beam arrangements. IMRT solutions may produce better dose distributions for
some tumours, and better sparing of OAR (for example in the head and neck where
parameningeal sarcomas may be very close to the visual apparatus). However, they
may result in increased low doses to larger volumes. There is concern about the
potential risk of further increasing incidence of second malignancies.
It is important to maintain symmetry of growth of the musculoskeletal system
by treating vertebrae across their whole width including the transverse processes
and avoiding unfused epiphyses wherever possible. Treatment to one side of the
neck only may result in asymmetry of muscle growth. Sometimes, taking all these
factors into account, treatment with simple opposing MLC shaped beams may
remain the best choice. Full DVHs of OAR must be obtained (see Chapter 4).
■ Dose-fractionation
Children should be treated by specialist teams working in collaboration with larger
international and national groups. Details of treatment prescriptions are given in
constantly revised protocols of the UK, European and American collaborative
groups, which should always be consulted.
■ Treatment delivery and patient care
If anaesthesia is needed, treatment should be given early in the morning to ensure
that the necessary period of fasting before general anaesthesia happens during the
night to avoid mealtimes. Attention must be paid to maintaining good nutritional
status especially if treatment causes anorexia, nausea or vomiting. Central line
access is needed. Medication for specific side effects for each tumour site is detailed
in relevant chapters. Appropriate adjustments in dosage are made according to the
weight of the child. The radiation oncologist should be involved in the follow-up
of any child treated with radiotherapy to document late toxicity, the expression of
which may be modified by continuing changes in chemotherapy practice.
Wilms’ tumour
■ Verification
EPIs are taken on the first day of treatment and for 3 days and sometimes weekly
throughout treatment to ensure reproducibility, especially if the child is awake
during treatment. Diodes or TLDs are used to verify doses delivered.
Wilms’ tumour
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Wilms’ tumour occurs in about 8 per million children (80–90 cases per year in the
UK), 70 per cent before the age of 4 and 90 per cent before age 7. The majority of
Wilms’ cases are sporadic but there is a strong association between Wilms’, aniridia,
genitourinary malformation and mental retardation in the WAGR (Wilms’ tumour,
aniridia, genitourinary abnormalities and mental retardation) syndrome, and in
overgrowth syndromes such as Beckwith–Weidemann and hemihypertrophy.
Results of a series of randomised studies in Europe and the USA confirmed that:
■ Dose solutions
With virtual simulation or 3D definition of the GTV, AP/PA beam arrangements
with MLC shaping are often still appropriate to produce symmetrical irradiation of the
vertebrae, avoid the contralateral kidney and minimise whole body doses (Fig. 37.2).
IMRT is rarely needed and conformal treatment is often adequate.
■ Dose-fractionation
Stage III favourable
10.8 Gy in 6 fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 11⁄2 weeks.
10.8 Gy in 6 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy if node positive or macroscopic residual disease.
Partial liver
21 Gy in 14 daily fractions of 1.5 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks.
(a) (b)
Figure 37.3 Whole lung irradiation. (a) Coronal DRR. (b) Axial CT scan showing AP/PA
beam arrangement. All images courtesy of Dr M Gaze.
Neuroblastoma is the most common extracranial solid tumour in children, with
80 per cent presenting before the age of 4 and 90 per cent before age 10 with a
median of 22 months.
Radiotherapy No radiotherapy
Age 18 months ? Stage IV MYCN 10 Localised disease MYCN 10; stage IV
Age 18 months Localised disease ? Localised disease MYCN 10
MYCN 10; stage IV
■ Sequencing of multimodality treatment
Multimodality treatment includes initial chemotherapy followed by surgery, often
high dose chemotherapy and consideration of radiotherapy by EBRT, finishing
with immunotherapy with retinoic acid.
Studies are now looking at combinations of chemotherapy (topotecan),
MIBG (meta-iodobenzylguanidine) and EBRT and patients are referred to
specialised centres for these combinations. High dose chemotherapy is now
preferred to TBI for stage 4 (International Neuroblastoma Staging System, INSS)
or stage M (International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging System, INRGSS)
■ Assessment of disease
Thirty-five per cent of neuroblastomas arise in the adrenal gland, 30 per cent from
paraspinal ganglia, 19 per cent from the posterior mediastinal sympathetic chain
and the rest in the neck or other sites. They originate from the primitive adrenergic
neuroblast of neural crest tissues. Prognosis depends on histological type and
differentiation and measurement of MYCN amplification and loss of heterozygosity
(LOH) on chromosome 1p and 11q. Diagnosis is made on the basis of tumour
imaging and measurement of urinary catecholamines, with biopsy to confirm
histological subtype and for estimation of molecular markers of prognosis. MYCN
is not just a marker of prognosis but also determines risk stratification and
therefore influences the selection of treatment.
■ Dose solutions
Simple opposing beam arrangements may give adequate tumour coverage and
minimal normal tissue dose, but shaping should be achieved with MLC if available.
Because of multiple constraints and the proximity of vital organs, inverse planning
and use of IMRT may be necessary to achieve an optimal plan.
■ Dose-fractionation
21 Gy in 14 daily fractions of 1.5 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks.
Radioactive labelled MIBG can be a useful treatment if scanning shows good
uptake in tumour; 4 Gy to the whole body is given in two doses, the first
determined by body weight (444 MBq/kg). The actual whole body dose (WBD)
achieved is then measured and the second dose adjusted to achieve the final
desired WBD of 4 Gy.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Seventy per cent of rhabdomyosarcomas occur before the age of 10 with the peak
incidence at 2–5 years of age. Radiotherapy improves local control rates compared
with chemotherapy alone and is still necessary for cure in many patients.
Concern about the late effects of radiotherapy has led to much reduced use,
although it is still important for local control for tumours of unfavourable
histology or site or those larger than 5 cm. Primary chemotherapy after initial
biopsy is tailored to known prognostic factors and many combinations of drugs
and alternating regimens are used. Surgery may be used for residual easily
resectable macroscopic disease. Where complete remission of disease is obtained
with chemotherapy, radiotherapy is deferred until relapse. If complete remission
cannot be achieved by cosmetically and functionally satisfactory surgical excision
after chemotherapy, radiotherapy may be given as part of the initial treatment.
Treatment decisions are always influenced by the need to minimise effects on
normal tissues and studies are still underway to refine the indications for each
component of the multimodality treatment.
■ Dose-fractionation
Treatment of primary disease residual after chemotherapy
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
Boost if indicated for bulky residual disease after chemotherapy/surgery.
9 Gy in 5 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 1 week to macroscopic residuum.
Ewing’s sarcoma
■ Indications for radiotherapy
Chemotherapy is essential for control of systemic disease which is the commonest
cause of failure. All patients are treated within national or international protocols
which use primary multi-agent chemotherapy, followed wherever possible by surgical
excision. Radiotherapy is an effective agent, which has produced similar local control
rates to surgery in randomised trials. Surgery is preferred for selected sites where
complete excision is feasible. Radiotherapy may be added after incomplete excision
and is a useful treatment for palliation of local disease when a child presents with
metastases or after failure of chemotherapy. Longer-term trials are needed to
determine optimal combinations of local treatment. Local radiotherapy to the
tumour site gives results equivalent to irradiation of the whole bone.
■ Assessment of disease
Ewing’s sarcoma in bone and its soft tissue variant, peripheral primitive
neuroectodermal tumour, are characterised by a diagnostic (t11; 22) (q24; q12)
chromosomal translocation. They occur commonly in the limbs or chest wall
(formerly known as Askin tumours) and pelvis, and present with pain, swelling and
sometimes systemic symptoms of fever and weight loss. They are diagnosed, as
other sarcomas, by MRI (which clearly demonstrates the extent of soft tissue
involvement which is a common finding), CT scanning and biopsy. Staging
investigations must rule out metastases in bone, lungs, bone marrow, lymph nodes
and other soft tissues. Lesions at a distance from the primary tumour may be found
(skip lesions). Volume of tumour and site are important prognostic factors, with
bulky pelvic lesions carrying the worst prognosis.
■ Dose-fractionation
Radiotherapy alone for local control
45 Gy in 25 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 5 weeks.
10.8 Gy in 6 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy.
■ Indications for radiotherapy
There has been a gradual reduction in use of radiotherapy for lymphomas in
childhood with the development of new effective chemotherapy combinations and
increasing sophistication in diagnosis on the basis of molecular markers. In
Hodgkin lymphoma, benefit has been shown in the DHL-HD studies for IFRT of
20–25 Gy in some groups. The UK HD3 study compared chemotherapy and
radiotherapy in stage 1 disease and showed equivalence in terms of tumour
control. In view of the high risk of second tumours after radiotherapy,
chemotherapy is now preferred. Radiotherapy is used to treat PET positive residual
disease after chemotherapy; it may be given for palliation or as salvage therapy after
chemotherapy failure.
■ Dose-fractionation
19.8 Gy in 11 daily fractions of 1.8 Gy given in 21⁄2 weeks.
(1.5 Gy fractions may be used for very young children or very large volumes).
10 Gy in 5 daily fractions given in 2 weeks.
The testes should always be shielded during treatment of infra-diaphragmatic
Information sources
Websites of various international and national collaborative groups are recommended for up-to-date
details of treatment protocols:
Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) (UK) –
Children’s Oncology Group (COG) –
International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) –
National Cancer Institute (NCI) – trials; clinical trials home page of the
National Cancer Institute (accessed 15 December 2008).
Pinkerton R, Matthay K, Shankar AG (eds) (2007) Evidence-based Pediatric Oncology, 2nd edn.
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
38 Systemic irradiation
The aim of treatment is to reduce the number of any residual malignant cells and
to permit engraftment of the re-infused donor marrow or stem cells. For tumour
control, the total dose of radiation should be as high as possible within the limits
of normal tissue tolerance. Ease of engraftment is related to the type of marrow or
stem cells infused. Less immune suppression is needed when the patient’s own cells
are re-infused than when fully compatible donor cells are used. High doses of TBI
appear to facilitate engraftment of cells that are not fully compatible, although this
type of procedure is less commonly used now.
Data acquisition
■ Conventional
A vacuum bag is prepared in which the patient can lie comfortably on their side
during treatment. The patient’s height and the required beam dimensions are
determined and measurements of body thickness (separation) are taken at multiple
sites (head, neck, upper and lower lung, mediastinum, abdomen, pelvis, thigh,
ankle) to calculate dose distribution and define dose prescription point at the
maximum lung dose.
The patient lies in the supine position with head supported on a comfortable head
rest. Beams extend from the head or the feet to cover the upper or lower half of
the body. The other border of the field is determined by the site of any disease,
but is usually at the level of the iliac crests. Lateral tattoos are placed over the iliac
crests and used to match beams if necessary.
■ Complex
If treatment is to be given with IMRT or tomotherapy techniques, CT scans of the
whole or half body should be obtained.
Dose solutions
■ TBI – conventional
For treatment, the patient lies on one side facing a linear accelerator placed at an
extended distance to allow an adequate single beam to cover the whole body. The
collimator is rotated so that the maximum size of the diagonal of the beam (usually
about 140 cm) can be obtained. A Perspex shield placed at the edge of the treatment
couch between the patient and the machine provides skin build up (Fig. 38.1). As
leukaemic cells may infiltrate the skin, skin sparing is undesirable. The arms may
be positioned across the chest to act as bolus and help reduce lung doses. AP–PA
opposing beams are used to achieve an adequate MPD.
A number of different TBI regimens have been shown to be safe and effective,
using the endpoints of engraftment, tumour control and incidence of
pneumonitis, the most common dose-limiting toxicity. From radiobiological first
principles, a TBI regimen should use the highest tolerable dose to control tumour,
and an LDR or fraction size to minimise normal tissue damage. Variability in
parameters of the tumour, growth characteristics, radio-sensitivity and differences
in the number of occult residual cells at the time of TBI make it difficult to
determine the best schedule for any individual patient. However, study data from
Seattle, and the UK Medical Research Council protocols, suggest that doses of
12–14.4 Gy are safe and effective. Beam arrangements are not critical although it
is desirable to treat the whole body as a single volume.
Opinion is divided about the need to achieve a homogeneous dose distribution.
Some centres attempt to obtain homogeneity using tissue compensators for areas
such as the feet, between the legs, and neck where doses will otherwise be high.
There are, however, usually no consequences of these higher doses, which are
within tolerance of the relevant areas of the body. Some groups attempt to shield
lungs and kidneys as pneumonitis is a common and severe complication, and renal
function needs to be preserved as much as possible since many nephrotoxic drugs
are used in these patients. However, shielding at extended FSD in a patient who is
not well immobilised may lead to undesired shielding of potential sites of leukaemic
cell infiltration and has not been shown to reduce rates of lung complications.
■ TBI – complex
With more modern linear accelerators, field in field compensation, using open
fields with segmentation of the beam to give higher or lower doses where required,
and full IMRT (as for example may be delivered with tomotherapy) may permit an
optimised whole body dose distribution with relative shielding of some organs. CT
planning is then needed for adequate dosimetry and to determine how much dose
attenuation is needed for specific areas. However, leukaemic cells may involve any
organs of the body and doses need to be as high as tolerable to afford maximal
leukaemic cell kill. There is so far no clear evidence that these more sophisticated
techniques have led to improvements in outcome.
Using a 6–10 MV linear accelerator beam at extended FSD, or rotational therapy:
■ Children
14.4 Gy in 8 fractions of 1.8 Gy specified as the maximum lung dose, treating
twice daily over 4 days with as long an interval as possible between fractions
(minimum 6 h).
■ Adults
12 Gy in 6 fractions of 2 Gy specified as the maximum lung dose, treating twice daily
for 3 days with as long an interval as possible between fractions (minimum 6 h).
Where there has been no previous cranial or testicular irradiation and a full
prophylactic dose is indicated, a boost may be given in the 3 days preceding total
body irradiation:
■ Cranial boost
Opposing lateral beams are used without immobilisation or shielding, using Reid’s
baseline (external outer canthus of eye to external auditory meatus) since
subsequent cataract is likely anyway from TBI.
5.4–6 Gy in 3 daily fractions.
■ Testicular boost
A single direct beam of orthovoltage radiation or electrons is used with the penis
taped as far out of the field as possible and the legs apart to avoid the skin of the
5.4–6 Gy in 3 daily fractions.
■ Mediastinal boost (bulk disease with residuum after chemotherapy – no previous
10–10.8 Gy in 5–6 daily fractions.
■ Fractionated HBI
3 Gy in 10 daily fractions given in 2 weeks (0.3 Gy/fraction).
If treatment to the other half of the body is to be given subsequently, an interval
of 6–8 weeks should elapse to allow time for bone marrow recovery.
Doses to this irregular volume are measured by placing lithium fluoride
dosemeters or diodes in anterior and posterior pairs in various parts of the body
and checking dose distributions in the first fraction of the treatment. Cover of the
body is assured by checking the light beam on the wall behind the patient.
key trials
Thomas ED, Clift RA, Hersman J et al. (1982) Marrow transplantation for acute
nonlymphoblastic leukemia in first remission using fractionated or single-dose
irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 8: 817–21.
Information sources
Aristeia C, Tabiliob A (1999) Total-body irradiation in the conditioning regimens for autologous stem
cell transplantation in lymphoproliferative diseases. Oncologist 4: 386–97.
Kim TH, Khan FM, Galvin JM (1980) A report of the work party: comparison of total body irradiation
techniques for bone marrow transplantation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 6: 779–84.
Leiper AD (1995) Late effects of total body irradiation. Arch Dis Child 72: 382–5.
Soule BP, Simone NL, Savani BN (2007) Post-transplant events – pulmonary function following total
body irradiation (with or without lung shielding) and allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell
transplant. Bone Marrow Transplant 40: 573–8.
Wheldon TE, Barrett A (2001) Radiobiological modelling of the treatment of leukaemia by total body
irradiation. Radiother Oncol 58: 227–33.
List of abbreviations
5FU 5-fluorouracil EORTC European Organisation for
5-HT 5-hydroxytryptamine Research and Treatment of
ABC active breathing control Cancer
-fetoprotein EPID/EPI electronic portal imaging device/
AP/PA anteroposterior/posteroanterior image
APER abdomino-perineal resection of EUA examination under anaesthesia
rectum EUS examination under ultrasound
ART adaptive radiotherapy control
BED biological effective dose FDG [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose
-hCG subunit of human chorionic FIGO Federation Internationale de
gonadotrophin Gynecologie et d’Obstetrique
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen FNA fine needle aspiration/aspirate
CFRT conformal radiotherapy FSD focus skin distance
CLD central lung distance GEC-ESTRO Groupe Européenne de
CLND completion lymph node Curiétherapie – European
dissection Society of Therapeutic
CNS central nervous system Radiation Oncology
CSF cerebrospinal fluid GFR glomerular filtration rate
CSRT craniospinal radiotherapy GTV gross tumour volume
CT computed tomography Gy gray
CTV clinical target volume HBI half body irradiation
DAHANCA Danish head and neck cancer HDR high dose rate
group HER2 antigen expressed in some
DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ breast cancers, of prognostic
Dmax dose at the depth of maximum significance in determining
build up response to Herceptin
DMSA dimercaptosuccinic acid–kidney HNPCC hereditary non-polyposis
scan colorectal carcinoma
DRE digital rectal examination HVL half value layer
DRR digitally reconstructed ICRU International Commission on
radiograph Radiation Units
DVH dose–volume histogram IFRT involved field radiotherapy
EBRT external beam radiotherapy IGRT image-guided radiotherapy
EBV Epstein–Barr virus IMRT intensity-modulated
EGFR epithelial growth factor receptor radiotherapy
ENT ear, nose and throat INRT involved node radiotherapy
IORT intraoperative radiotherapy % DD percentage depth dose
IVU intravenous urogram PET positron emission tomography
kV kilovolts PRV planning organ at risk volume
LDR low dose rate PS performance status
LENT-SOMA Late Effects on Normal PTV planning target volume
tissues – Subjective, Objective, RCT randomised controlled trial
Management and Analytic RPA recursive partition analysis
scales RTOG Radiation Therapy Oncology
LOH loss of heterozygosity Group
LVSI lymphovascular space invasion SCC squamous cell carcinoma or
MALT mucosa-associated lymphoid spinal cord compression
tissue SF surviving fraction
MeV mega electron volts SPECT single photon emission
MIBG meta-iodobenzylguanidine computed tomography
MLC multi-leaf collimation/collimator SSD source skin distance
MPD midplane dose TBI total body irradiation
MRI magnetic resonance imaging TLD thermo-luminescent
MRS magnetic resonance dosemeters/dosimetry
spectroscopy TNM Tumour, Nodes, Metastases
MV mega volts TPS treatment planning system
MYCN antigen expressed in TSEBT total skin electron beam
neuroblastoma therapy
NCI-CTC National Cancer Institute – UICC Union Internationale Contre le
Common Toxicity Criteria Cancer
NTCP normal tissue complication USPIO ultra-small particles of iron
probability oxide
OAR organs at risk WBD whole body dose
OPG orthopantogram WHO World Health Organization
PCI prophylactic cranial irradiation WLE wide local excision
PEG percutaneous endoscopic
BCC – basal cell carcinoma
PNET – primary neuroepithelial tumour
SCC – squamous cell carcinoma
SVCO – superior vena caval obstruction
Other abbreviations included in the index are explained on pages 433–434.
Page numbers in bold refer to figures; those in italics refer to tables
anal cancer (continued) assessment and subtypes opposing (parallel) 19
target volume definition 72 single 19, 26
326–8 contraindications to wedged 19, 201, 203,
treatment delivery and radiotherapy 72 252, 253
patient care 330 data acquisition 72 see also individual tumour
verification of dose 331 dose-fractionation 78 types
analgesia 108, 236 dose solutions 75, 75–8 beam divergence 20, 21,
anal intraepithelial neoplasia electron therapy 73, 74, 105, 273
(AIN) 323 77–8 beam junctions 20, 20–1
anal margin 324, 325 eyelids 197 bellyboard devices 316, 316,
tumours 323, 324, 325, indications for radiotherapy 326, 330, 373
326, 329 71–2 benign prostatic hypertrophy
anatomy, clinical 6 low and high risk types 71, (BPH) 332
androgen deprivation, prostate 73 benzydamine hydrochloride
cancer 336, 336 patient immobilisation 73 (Difflam) 108
angiosarcoma 410 shielding 73, 73–4, 74 bicalutamide 336
cutaneous 85 superficial radiotherapy 73, bilateral pelvic lymph node
antiemetics 211, 301, 306, 309 75–7 dissection (BPLND)
testicular cancer calculation (sample) 384, 393
radiotherapy 364 76–7 biliary tumours 307–9
total body irradiation 431 dose-fractionation 78 see also
antioxidants 5, 52 dose solutions 75, 75–7 cholangiocarcinoma
anus stand-off and correction biological effective dose (BED)
anatomy/lymphatic drainage factors 76, 76 35
324–5, 325 surface dose rate and SSD calculation 48
tumours see anal cancer applicators 76, 77, 77 bladder
anxiety in patients 95 target volume definition 73 anatomy 353, 353
Argon plasma coagulation treatment delivery and cervical cancer spread
(APC) 346 patient care 78–9 371, 372
arm exercises 281 basal dose rate 58, 58 empty, bladder cancer
arteriovenous malformations BATS ultrasound system 346 radiotherapy 354
25 B cell lymphomas 84, 284 mobile organ 357
Askin tumour 423 beam, mixed (photons and size assessment in prostate
aspirin 6 electrons) 23, 262 cancer therapy 339
astrocytoma 205 beam arrangements telangiectasia 357
see also glioma anterior neck field 103, tolerance dose 50
ataxia telangiectasia 45 104, 105 bladder cancer 351–8
axillary lymph nodes 267, 268 co-axial opposing lateral adjuvant radiotherapy 352
breast cancer see breast 28 assessment of primary
cancer direct anterior beam, orbital disease 353–4
depth 274 tumours 198, 199 beam arrangements 355,
levels I-III 267, 268, 275 dual field, cutaneous 355–6
in lymphoma 286 lymphoma 84 carcinoma in situ 351
gaps between 20, 20 clinical/radiological anatomy
back scatter factor (BSF) 76, IMRT 23–4 353, 353
77 matching techniques conformal therapy 355,
basal cell carcinoma (BCC) 103–5, 129 355–6
71–9 multiple beams 19 conventional therapy 357
curative radiotherapy 352 dose specification 26 dose-fractionation 380,
data acquisition 354 spine see vertebrae, 381
dose-fractionation 357 metastatic tumour Manchester system 56,
dose solutions 355–7 tumours with 68, 335 57, 379
dose–volume histograms pain see bone pain head and neck cancers 95
356, 356 sarcoma see sarcomas, soft high dose rate (HDR) 54
grade and staging 351 tissue and bone interstitial 54–5
immobilisation and bone marrow anal cancer 56, 330
preparation 354, 357 conditioning 426, 427 Manchester system 56,
IMRT/complex therapy suppression 292 57, 379
356 transplantation 426, 431 penile cancer 367–8,
incidence 351 bone pain 68–70 368
indications for radiotherapy data acquisition 69 intracavitary 55
351–2 dose-fractionation 70, cervical cancer 378–80
key trials 358 335, 345 dose reporting 59–60
muscle invasive, and dose solutions 69–70 intraocular tumours 196
lymphatic spread indications for radiotherapy iridium-192 see iridium-192
351–2 68–79 wire implants
organs at risk (OAR) 355, palliation in prostate cancer IR(ME)R practitioner,
355 335, 345 authorisation 61
palliative radiotherapy 352, target volume definition 69 isotopes 55
357 bone scans 212 legislation 60–1
prognostic factors 352 bowel management 339, lip cancers 113, 113
sequencing of multimodality 396 low dose rate (LDR) 54
therapy 351, 352–3 brachytherapy 54–61 LQ model application 35
survival 351 3D image-based, cervical Manchester system 56,
target volume definition cancer 378–9 57, 379
354–5 advantages 54 medium dose rate (MDR)
treatment delivery and afterloading technique 55, 54
patient care 357 57–9 mould 55
verification of dose 357–8 prostate cancer 348–9 nasopharyngeal cancer 156
virtual simulation 356, 356 SCC of hand 80 non-small cell lung cancer
bladder filling protocol, basal dose rate 58, 58 256
radiotherapy cervical cancer see cervical oesophageal cancer 301–2
cervical cancer 373, 382 cancer oral cavity tumours see oral
prostate cancer 338–9 clinical uses and sites 55, cavity tumours
uterine tumours 387 56 Paris system 56, 57–9, 413
vaginal tumours 396 contraindications 54 prostate cancer see prostate
blindness prevention 46 definition 54 cancer
blood tests 28 delivery systems 54–5 rectal cancer 311
Bloom’s syndrome 45 disadvantages 54, 132 ‘remote afterloading’ 55
bone dose reporting 59–60 sarcomas 409, 413
Ewing’s sarcoma 423–4 dosimetry 56–7 seed implantation into
giant cell tumours 409, EBRT with, oral cavity prostate 347–8, 348
414 tumours 124 squamous cell carcinoma
lymphoma 285, 289, 409 gynaecological 378–80 80
metastases applicators used uterine tumours 389, 389,
dose solutions 19 379–80, 389, 389–90 389–90, 391, 392
brachytherapy (continued) breast, lymphatic drainage electron therapy 273, 278
vaginal boost 384 267, 268, 274 field borders of breast 272
vaginal tumours see vaginal breast bud radiotherapy, immobilisation 269,
tumours prostate cancer 336, 269–70, 272
vaginal vault 380, 381, 394 346 indications for radiotherapy
dose-fractionation 391 breast cancer 265–82 265–7
endometrial α/β ratio values 34 inoperable (T3/T4) 266,
adenocarcinoma 384, adjuvant radiotherapy 265, 268, 272
389–90, 391 278 internal mammary nodes
vulval tumours 56, 405 assessment of primary 278–9
brain disease 268–9 key trials 266, 281
metastases see cerebral axillary node involvement large breasts 269–70, 275
metastases 266, 268 locally advanced 272
tolerance doses 48, 49, 50 CT scanning 273–4, lung shielding 275, 279
whole, irradiation see whole 274 lymph node irradiation
brain radiotherapy dose-fractionation 280 266, 275, 278–9
brainstem, tolerance dose dose solutions 278 target volume definition
49, 50 target volume 274–5 274–5
brain tumours beam divergence, reduction lymphoma (primary) 265
beam junctions 20 273 mono-isocentric technique
choroid plexus carcinoma beam junctions 20 for breast/lymph node
211 bilateral tumours 265, 279 irradiation 20, 274,
craniopharyngioma 222–4 brachytherapy 56 274, 275, 279
ependymoma 217–18 implant calculation 59 organs at risk (OAR) 270
germ cell tumours see germ cardiac shielding 270–1, palliative radiotherapy 267,
cell tumours, intracranial 276, 277, 277, 279 280
germinomas 224–7 chest wall dose solution partial breast irradiation
gliomas see glioma 277–8 273, 279
infratentorial PNET see clinical/radiological anatomy post-mastectomy
infratentorial PNET 267, 268 radiotherapy 266
key trials 229 complex therapy and IMRT radiotherapy
lymphoma 220–1 275–7, 276, 280, 281 contraindications 269
medulloblastoma see conformal therapy 275–7 reconstruction after 272
medulloblastoma conservative surgery 265 dose solution/fractionation
meningioma 218–20 contralateral breast therapy 275, 280
metastatic 205, 212, 276–7 immediate,
227–9 conventional therapy/2D conformal/IMRT 278
see also cerebral outlines 272, 277 respiratory motion and 277
metastases CT scanning see computed sequencing of multimodality
oligodendroglioma 211 tomography (CT) treatment 267
sellar region 222–4 data acquisition 269–71 side effects of radiotherapy
stereotactic radiotherapy 25 whole breast, CT 281
suprasellar region 225 270–1, 271 simulator use 269, 272–3,
supratentorial 217–18 dose-fractionation 280 273, 275
WHO classification 205, dose solutions 275–9 isocentric technique 272
205 10MV 275, 278 lymph node treatment
whole brain irradiation see ductal carcinoma in situ 275
whole brain radiotherapy (DCIS) 265, 269, 280 spread 267
supraclavicular lymph nodes repopulation 33, 35, 39, 40 applicators/insertion
273–5, 278 sterilisation 32, 36 379–80
target volume definition turnover 33 dose-fractionation 380,
272–5 see also normal tissue 381
treatment delivery and cell killing, radiation-induced fractionated HDR delivery
patient care 280–1 32, 36 380
tumour bed linear quadratic (LQ) model image-based 3D
dose solution/fractionation 26 (GEC-ESTRO) 378–9
278, 280 cell survival curves 32, 33 Manchester system 379
target volume 273 LQ model and 34–5 clinical/radiological anatomy
tumour bed boost melanoma cells 80 371, 372
radiotherapy 265–6, ratio α/β 32, 33, 34, 40 conformal therapy 378
273, 280 central lung distance (CLD) conventional planning/
verification of dose 281 19, 270, 272 simulator 373–5
virtual simulation 270–1, central nervous system (CNS) CT scanning 373
271, 275 in acute leukaemia 221–2 data acquisition 373–5
wide local excision (WLE) brain tumours see brain dose-fractionation 380–2
265 tumours dose solutions 378
breath-holding 11, 24, 250, key trials 229 early stage disease (stage Ia
305 lymphoma 211, 220–1, to IIa) 370, 371, 380
buccal mucosa 284 high-energy (10–16 MV)
brachytherapy 56, 132, spinal tumours see spine conventional therapy
132, 133 cerebral metastases 205, 378
tumours 124, 131, 132, 212, 227–9 immobilisation 373
133 assessment and data IMRT/complex therapy
acquisition 228, 228 378
CA19.9 303 dose solutions and indications for radiotherapy
caesium-137 55, 55 fractionation 229 370–1
calibration data 29 indications for radiotherapy key trials 383
Candida infections 108 227–8 locally advanced (stage IIb
carboplatin 93, 359, 360 lung tumours with 241, to IVa) 371
carcinoembryonic antigen 242 microinvasive (stage Ia1)
(CEA) 4, 315 malignant melanoma 81 370
cardiac shielding 270–1, target volume definition occult disease 371
276, 277, 277, 279 228–9 organs at risk (OAR) 379
cataract, induction 201 cervical cancer 370–83 palliative radiotherapy 371,
‘catch-up’ treatments 40 adenocarcinoma 370 377, 382
cauda equina syndrome 62 adjuvant radiotherapy 376, para-aortic radiotherapy
cell(s) 381 377, 377, 381–2
density, dose–cure anaplastic small cell tumours primary radiotherapy
relationship 37 370 375–6, 380
doubling times 40 assessment of primary shielding 374
number and treatment disease 372–3 spread 371, 372, 372
number relationship beam arrangements and stage IVb metastatic disease
36–7, 38 borders 374 371
proliferative sterilisation 32 boost EBRT 375, 381 survival rates 371
redistribution (proliferative brachytherapy 56, 371, target volume definition
cycle) 39 378–80 374, 375–7, 376
cervical cancer (continued) cervix target volume in breast
brachytherapy 379 anatomy/lymphatic drainage cancer 272
primary radiotherapy 371, 372 chest X-ray 285
375, 375–6 tumours see cervical cancer children see paediatric
treatment delivery and cetuximab 94 tumours
patient care 382 CFRT (conformal radiotherapy) cholangiocarcinoma
treatment time 382 see conformal dose solutions and dose-
verification of dose 382 treatment fractionation 308–9
virtual simulation 376, 377, CHART fractionation schema indications for radiotherapy
377 42, 241 307
cervical cord compression chemoradiotherapy 5 target volume definition
62, 65 anal cancer 323, 324, 330 308
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia bladder cancer 353 chondrosarcoma 408
(CIN) 370 head and neck cancers choroid 197
cervical nodes, in head and 93–4 melanoma 196, 203
neck cancers laryngeal cancer 165, 166 metastases 196, 198, 203
adjuvant therapy 90, 123, oral cavity tumours 124 choroid plexus carcinoma
128 oropharyngeal cancers 211
curative therapy 90 134 circumcision 367, 369
delineation 99–102, 100, lung tumours 244, 251 cirrhosis 308
101, 102, 102 oesophageal cancer 294 cisplatin
extracapsular spread 99, pancreatic cancer 303 head and neck cancers
102 prostate cancer 337 92, 93–4, 158, 186,
laryngeal cancers 165, rectal cancers 311–12 294
170, 170 vulval tumours 401 vaginal/cervical carcinomas
levels 99, 101, 102 chemotherapy 5 371, 394
N1, N2 or N3 disease 90, adjuvant, bladder cancer classification systems 1–2
99 353 claustrophobia 95
nasopharyngeal cancer breast cancer 265, 267 clinical evaluation 1
158, 162 cervical cancer 371, 382 clinical target volume see CTV
node-negative (N0) 89, 99, lymphomas 220, 283, 284 (clinical target volume)
123, 128, 134–5, 139 nasopharyngeal cancer clips, surgical see radio-
oral cavity tumours 123, 156, 158 opaque clips
128 neoadjuvant, bladder cancer cobalt-60 isotope 55
oropharyngeal cancers 352–3 cobalt-60 machine, dose
134–5, 139 neuroblastoma 421 planning 18
paranasal sinus tumours radiotherapy with see cochlea, tolerance dose 49
187 chemoradiotherapy ‘cold’ schedule 34
prophylactic therapy 89, spinal cord compression cold triangle 20, 21
90, 91, 128 therapy 64 colorectal cancer 311
salivary gland tumours SVCO 67 see also rectal cancers
177, 183 see also induction columella, tumours 117, 118
see also individual tumour chemotherapy commissure tumours 111
sites chest wall completion lymph node
cervical nodes, in lymphomas convexity, standoff with 278 dissection (CLND) 86
286 dose-fractionation 280 complex treatment 19, 23–4
cervical spine lesions, dose planning in breast ‘field in field’ arrangement
immobilisation 69 cancer 277–8, 279 209
see also IMRT medulloblastoma 212, 213 thyroid cancer 232, 233,
Compton scattering 15 meningioma 218, 219 237
computed tomography (CT) mesothelioma 259, 260 uterine tumours 386, 387,
15–16 MRI images co-registration 388
3D see three-dimensional 16 vaginal tumours 396, 397,
(3D) planning multi-slice scanners 16 398
4D scan, lung cancer 250 nasal tumours 118 virtual simulation 17
anal cancer 326–7, 327 nasopharyngeal cancer 160 vulval tumours 402, 403
bladder cancer 354 oesophageal cancer 296, whole brain 207
breast cancer 15, 268 297 see also three-dimensional
axillary/supraclavicular oral cavity tumours 125, (3D) planning
lymph nodes 273–4, 126 concomitant boost schedule,
274 oral contrast, bladder cancer head and neck cancers
immobilisation 269, 269 354 91–2, 92
whole beast treatment orbital tumours 199–200 conformal treatment 18,
270–1 organ motion reduction 21–3
cervical cancer 373, 374, protocols 16 anal cancer 329
375 oropharyngeal cancer 137, bladder cancer 355,
cone-beams, prostate 138 355–6
cancer 346 paediatric tumours 416 breast cancer 275–7
contouring 16–17 pancreatic cancer 304, cervical cancer 378
contrast media 15–16 305, 305 coplanar non-standard
conversion into relative paranasal sinus tumours configurations 22–3
electron densities 19 187, 188 definition/description 21–2
data transfer network 16, penile cancer 366 dose calculations 18, 19
17 PET with see under positron dose planning/solutions
diagnostic aperture 15 emission tomography 18, 21–3
ear tumours 115 (PET) glioma 209, 210
Ewing’s sarcoma 423 prostate cancer 338, head and neck tumours
fine needle biopsies 258, 339–40, 340 88, 103–5, 104, 105
268 brachytherapy 347 high/low beam energies
gliomas 207, 208 protocols 16 23
head and neck cancer 96, for radiotherapy planning hypopharyngeal cancers
97, 107 14, 15–16 152–3, 153
nodal volume delineation rectal cancer 315, 316 intracranial germ cell
99–102, 100, 101, 102, salivary gland tumours tumours 226
102 179, 180 laryngeal cancer 171–3
hypopharyngeal cancers sarcoma 410, 411 liver tumours, primary 307
149, 149 simulator 18 lung cancer see lung cancer
immobilisation for 14, 14 ‘slow scan’, lung cancer and medulloblastoma 213,
infratentorial PNET 212, lung motion 249–50 214–15
213 spinal 207 mesothelioma 261, 261
intracranial germ cell tumours spinal cord compression mixed beams 23
225, 225, 226 64, 65, 65 nasopharyngeal cancer
laryngeal cancer 169, 169 SVCO 67 162–3
lung tumours 241, 246, target localisation 14–15 oral cavity tumours 128–9
248, 248, 249, 250 testicular cancer 361 orbital tumours/disease
lymphoma 285, 286 thymic tumours 238 201
conformal treatment Cotswolds’ modification of Ann dose-fractionation 83
(continued) Arbour classification dual field arrangement 84
oropharyngeal cancer 141, 285 total skin electron beam
141–2 couch, rotation, minimising therapy 82–3, 83
pancreatic cancer 306, 306 dose heterogeneity cyclophosphamide 427
paranasal sinus tumours 20, 430 cyproterone acetate 336, 336
191, 191–2 cough 292 cystectomy, radical 351, 352
parotid gland tumours management 263 cystitis, radiation 346, 357
182–3, 183 cranial boost 430 cystoscopy 373
pituitary adenoma 223–4 cranial nerve palsy 116, 158
planning see computed cranial radiotherapy DAHANCA 5–85 trial 94, 109
tomography (CT); three- prophylactic, small cell lung DAHANCA accelerated
dimensional (3D) cancer 242, 256 radiotherapy, head and
planning whole brain see whole brain neck tumours 91–2,
prostate cancer 343, 344 radiotherapy 92
rectal cancers 319, 319, craniopharyngioma 222–4 Danish Breast Cancer Trials
320 cystic recurrences 224 Group (DBCG) 266,
salivary gland tumours data acquisition and dose 278
182–3, 183 solutions 223–4 data acquisition 15–18
sarcomas, soft tissue and dose-fractionation 224 3D planning see three-
bone 412, 412 craniospinal radiotherapy dimensional (3D)
thyroid gland 235 (CSRT) 211 planning
tonsillar cancer 141, 141–2 ependymoma 218 contouring 16–17
uterine tumours 390 intracranial germ cell simulator use 17–18
vaginal tumours 397 tumours 224 virtual simulation see virtual
vulval tumours 404, 404 medulloblastoma and simulation
Wilms’ tumour 418, 419 infratentorial PNET 211 see also specific imaging
conformity index 13 cricoid cartilage 100 modalities
conjunctiva 198 CTV (clinical target volume) deafness 215, 216
lymphoma 196, 198, 199, 5, 9, 10 conductive hearing loss
203 consensus guidelines 10 184
contact lenses, lead 74, 74 CTV-N 10, 11, 99 decision-making 1
contouring 16–17 CTV-N50 10 Denonvilliers’ fascia 325,
contraindications to CTV-T 10, 11 337, 338
radiotherapy 72, CTV-T50 10 dental assessment, head and
79–80, 269 CTV-TN 10, 11 neck cancers 107
brachytherapy 54 see also individual tumours depth dose (DD), percentage
contrast media, CT 15–16 CTV-PTV margin 11, 12 18
conventional simulators calculation/formula 12 basal cell carcinoma 75, 75
17–18 CT for 14 electron therapy 21, 22
conventional treatment, dose population-derived standard desmoid tumours 409
planning 18, 19–21 12 diarrhoea, management 321,
cornea cure, dose relationship see 346, 382, 392
tolerance dose 49 dose–cure relationship TBI 431
ulceration 201 cutaneous lymphoma 82–4 DICOM 3 and DICOM RT
corpora cavernosa 366 B cell 84 protocols 16, 17
corpus spongiosum 366 dose-fractionation 84 diets/dietician role
corticosteroids see steroids T cell 82–3, 83 ear tumours 116
esophageal cancer 301 minimising 20–1 complex treatment 19,
head and neck cancer 108 normal tissue see normal 23–4
mesothelioma 263 tissue see also IMRT
prostate cancer therapy optimal 18 conformal treatment 18,
planning 339 prostate cancer 27 21–3
thyroid cancer 236 proton therapy 25 conventional treatment 18,
digitally reconstructed verification 23, 28 19
radiograph (DRR) 16, dose-fractionation 25–6, 42 levels 18–19
28 2Gy 25, 34, 35, 36, 37 see also individual tumour
digital rectal examination (DRE) head and neck cancers types
315, 316 88, 91, 92 dose–volume histograms
anal cancer 326 accelerated 25, 42 (DVHs) 13, 43, 46–8,
Dmax 18, 26 altered (hyperfractionation 47
DNA damage 32 and acceleration) 42, bladder cancer 356, 356
repair 39, 45 92, 93, 94 brachytherapy 56
doctor’s delineation error 10, comparisons, LQ model see ear tumours 116
16 linear quadratic (LQ) IMRT/complex therapy
‘dog leg’ radiotherapy 359 model 343, 344, 345
testicular cancer 362, 363, effects on tumour and lung cancer 47, 47, 253,
364 acute/late effects 42 254
dose future directions 43 oesophageal, in lung cancer
specification 26–8 paediatric tumours 416 therapy 254–5
total 34, 40 tissue sparing by 35 oesophageal cancer 300
variations 41 see also accelerated oropharyngeal cancers
dose–cure relationship 36–8, fractionation; 143
37, 38 hyperfractionation; paranasal sinus tumours
cure probability, calculation hypofractionation; 194
36–7, 37 individual tumours prostate cancer 27, 343
increased dose, limitations dose-limiting effects 33, 34, rectal cancer 320
44 40 specific organs at risk
radiosensitivity and cell dosemeters, total body 49–50
number effects 37–8, irradiation 428, 429, dosimetry
38 430–1 brachytherapy 56–7
dose distribution dose planning see dose Manchester system 56, 57
brachytherapy 56 solutions/planning Paris system 56, 57–9
DVHs see dose–volume dose prescription point 26 protocols 30
histograms bone pain management 70 ‘double trouble’ 41, 43
electron therapy 21, 22 spinal cord compression 65 Douglas, pouch of 385
homogeneity, IMRT for 41 dose prescriptions see doxorubicin 417
ICRU reference point 26 dose-fractionation; dose dry mouth 292
maximum/minimum target solutions/planning; Dukes’ classification 3
doses 26 individual tumour types dysphagia 142, 256
non-uniformity/ dose reporting, brachytherapy brachytherapy for 301–2
inhomogeneous 26 59–60
beam junctions 20, 20–1 dose–response relationship ear tumours 114–17
brachytherapy 56 33 3D conformal planning 115
corrections 19 dose solutions/planning assessment of primary
electron therapy 21, 22 18–24 disease 114
ear tumours (continued) bone pain 70 epiphyses, tolerance dose 49
beam arrangements breast cancer 273, 278 epithelial tissues,
115–16, 116 dose distribution 21, 22 dose–response
clinical/radiological anatomy effective treatment depth relationship 33
114 21, 22 epithelioid sarcoma 410
CT scanning 115 head and neck cancers equivalent uniform dose (EUD)
data acquisition 114–15 105, 106 48
dose-fractionation 116 intraoperative, sarcomas errors, systematic and random
dose solutions 115–16 409 12, 28
dose–volume histograms lip cancers 112 erythema
116 mesothelioma 258, 259, acute 79
immobilisation 114 261, 262 basal cell carcinoma
indications for radiotherapy nose/nasal tumours 118 treatment 79
114 penile cancer 365 breast cancer, reduction
organs at risk (OAR) 115 percentage depth dose 269–70
recurrence risk 115 21, 22 see also skin reactions
sequencing of multimodality photon beams with 23, ethmoid bone 198
therapy 114 262 ethmoid sinuses, tumour 97,
target volume definition 115 squamous cell carcinoma 188, 190
treatment delivery and 80 European LENT-SOMA
patient care 116–17 total skin see total skin classification 6
tumour spread and lymph electron beam therapy European Organisation for
nodes 114, 119 (TSEBT) Research and
verification of dose 117 vaginal tumours 405, 406 Treatment of Cancer
effective treatment depth, emergency radiotherapy (EORTC) 6, 266
electron beam therapy 62–70 Ewing’s sarcoma 423–4
of BCC 78 haemorrhage 70 external auditory canal
elderly indications 62 tumours 114, 115
basal cell carcinoma therapy spinal cord compression eye(s)
72 62–6 anatomy 197, 197–8
cutaneous angiosarcoma superior vena caval care, head and neck
85 obstruction 67–8 cancers 108
glioblastoma multiforme 206 endocavitary local contact shielding 74, 74
lip cancers 111 radiotherapy, rectal eye drops, lubricating 194,
electron beam radiotherapy cancers 311 204
see electron therapy endometrium 385 eyelids
electronic portal images (EPIs) carcinoma see uterine basal cell carcinoma 197
16, 28, 292 tumours squamous cell carcinoma
anal cancer 331 endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) 197
bladder cancer 357–8 296 eye shield, spade-shaped
prostate cancer 346 anal cancer 326 74, 74
rectal cancer 321 cervical cancer 373
uterine tumours 393 pancreatic cancer 304 face
electron therapy 21 endothelial cell proliferation 45 basal cell carcinoma 71,
anal cancer 329 enteral feeding 236 72, 73
applications 21 ependymoma 217–18 cutaneous angiosarcoma
BCC see basal cell epidermal growth factor 85
carcinoma (BCC) receptor (EGFR) 94 Fanconi’s anaemia 45
femoral head clinical/radiological treatment delivery and
necrosis 400, 407 anatomy 225, 225 patient care 211
shielding 388 data acquisition 225 verification of dose 211
tolerance dose 49 dose-fractionation 227 gliomatosis cerebri 211
fibroblastic proliferation 45 dose solutions 226–7 glottic larynx, tumours
fibrosis 45 indications for anatomy 166, 167
‘field in field’ arrangement, radiotherapy 224 squamous cell carcinoma
glioma 209 metastatic 227 165, 166, 168
FIGO (Federation Internationale target volume definition dose solutions 171,
de Gynecologie et 226, 226 172, 174
d’Obstetrique) 2, 3, non-germinomatous 211, TNM staging 166, 167
372, 395 227 see also laryngeal cancer
‘five R’s’, radiobiology 39, testicular see testicular GORTEC very accelerated
39–40 cancer regimen 92, 92
floor of mouth, tumours 123, germinomas 224, 227 grading of tumours 3–4
124, 125 giant cell tumours of bone Graves’ disease 197, 199,
adjuvant radiotherapy 130 409, 414 200, 203
brachytherapy 132 gingko biloba 6 GTV (gross tumour volume)
fluoroscopy, lung cancer 249 glial tumours 211 5, 9, 9
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) 294, see also glioma defining/contouring 16–17
324, 371 glioblastoma, radioresistance GTV-M 9
focus skin distance (FSD) 21, 38 GTV-N 9, 11
216, 429 glioblastoma multiforme 206 GVT-T 9
forced expiratory volume in one glioma 205–11 GTV-CTV margin 10, 11
second (FEV1) 241 assessment of primary guidelines 6–7
fractionation of doses see disease 207 gums, shielding 74
dose-fractionation clinical/radiological anatomy gynaecomastia 336
‘functional reserve’ 35 206
fungal infections 108, 132 complex radiotherapy 209 HADS (Hospital Anxiety and
conformal therapy 209, 210 Depression Scale) 4
ganglioneuroma 420 data acquisition 207 haematuria 357
gaps, in treatment, avoidance dose comparisons 206 haemoglobin, low 107, 382
40, 106, 382 dose-fractionation 210–11 haemopoietic tissues,
gastric cancer see stomach dose solutions 209, 210 dose–response
cancer early vs delayed relationship 33
GEC-ESTRO group 56 radiotherapy 206 haemorrhage 70
gemcitabine 303 high grade (stage III–IV) dose-fractionation for 70
gene expression profiling 267 206, 208, 208, 210 hair loss 227
genetic profiles, prognostic immobilisation 207 permanent 211, 216,
factor 5 low grade (stage I-II) 227
genetic susceptibility, normal 205–6, 207, 208, 210 tolerance dose 49
tissue damage 45 organs at risk (OAR) 209 reversible 431
geniohyoid muscle 100 palliative radiotherapy 209, half beam blocking 20
germ cell tumours 211 half body irradiation (HBI) 426
germinomas 224, 227 prognosis/survival 205–6 bone pain 70
intracranial 224–7 spinal cord 207 data acquisition 427
assessment of disease target volume definition dose-fractionation 430
225 207–9, 208 dose solution 429
half body irradiation (HBI) opposing beams 103, PTV 102–3, 105
(continued) 104, 106 treatment delivery and gaps
hand, squamous cell tissue equivalent bolus 106
carcinoma 80 105 tumour shrinkage, effects
hard palate, tumours 123, electron therapy 105, 106 107
124, 178 immobilisation 95–6, 96, unknown primary tumour
head and neck cancers 107 sites, nodal involvement
88–110 IMRT 24, 106 135, 137, 140
3D data acquisition 95–6 indications for radiotherapy verification of dose 106–7
altered fractionated 89–91 see also individual cancer
regimens 88, 91 induction chemotherapy 94 sites
beam arrangements initial patient assessment hearing loss, conductive 184
103–5, 104, 105 88 heart
beam junctions 20 inter-fractional motion 107 shielding 270–1, 276, 277,
brachytherapy 95 key trials 109, 120 277, 279
cervical node involvement outcome predictive factors tolerance dose 49
see cervical nodes 107 hemithorax, irradiation 258
concomitant chemotherapy palliative therapy 90–1, 92, hepatitis, radiation 309
92, 93–4 93 high-dose point 41
conformal therapy 88, patient care 107–9 hilar nodes, lung cancer
103–5, 104, 105 posterior node treatment 245–6
CT and MRI scanning 96, 105, 106 histiocytosis, Langerhans’ cell
97, 107 postoperative radiotherapy 409, 413, 425
dose–cure relationship 38 102, 119–20, 120 histological tumour types,
dose-fractionation 91–2, primary, curative or adjuvant prognostic factor 4
91–3, 92 therapy 89 HIV infection 323, 326
2Gy fraction standard recurrent, neck, Hodgkin lymphoma 283
88, 91, 92 brachytherapy 56 assessment 285
accelerated and re-irradiation 95 children 424–5
concomitant boost side effects of radiotherapy dose-fractionation 291–2
91–2, 92 107–9 indications for radiotherapy
altered (hyperfractionation squamous cell carcinoma 283
and accelerated) 92, 79, 106, 119 involved field radiotherapy
93, 94 dose solutions and (IFRT) 283, 287–8,
hyperfractionation 92, 93 fractionation 120, 120 288, 289
hypofractionation 92, 93 postoperative neck palliative radiotherapy 283
very accelerated irradiation 119–20, 120 PET scanning 285, 286
(GORTEC) 92, 92 target volume definition prognostic factors 283
dose solutions 103–6 96–103 second malignancies 44,
anterior neck field 103, cervical lymph node CTV 51
104, 105 99 staging 285
complex/IMRT 106 CTV 97, 98 target volume definition
conventional/conformal GTV 96–7 287–9
103–5, 104, 105 lymph node delineation see also lymphoma
low neck 103, 104, 99–102, 100, 101, 102, hormone replacement therapy
105 102 382
matching techniques OAR and PVR 103 hormone therapy, prostate
103–5 postoperative CTV 97, 99 cancer 336, 336
Ho’s staging, nasopharyngeal dose-fractionation 154–5 Improving Outcomes Guidance
cancer 156, 157 dose solutions 152–4 (IOG) 6–7
Ho’s technique, immobilisation 149 IMRT (intensity-modulated
nasopharyngeal cancer IMRT 154, 155 radiotherapy) 19, 21
160 indications for radiotherapy disadvantages 262
‘hot’ schedule 34 146–7 dose planning 23–4
β-human chorionic key trials 155 dose–volume histograms
gonadotrophin (β-HCG) palliative radiotherapy 147, 343, 344, 345
4, 67, 225, 361 155 ‘double trouble’ and 41,
hydrocephalus 222 CTV 152 43
hyoid bone 100, 136 PTVs 152 forward planned/segmental
hyperfractionation 25, 42 sequencing of multimodality 23, 275–6, 276
accelerated 42 therapy 147 inverse planning 23, 276,
head and neck tumours simulator use 150 276, 343, 344, 345
92, 93 spread of tumours 147–8 photon and electron beam
extreme, low dose rate target volume definition combination 262
brachytherapy 54 150–2 plan verification 23
head and neck tumours TNM staging 146 rotational 24
92, 93 treatment delivery and second malignancy risk after
lung tumours 241 patient care 155 51
hypersplenism 284 hypopharynx, anatomy 136, seven-beam coplanar
hypofractionation 25, 42 144–8, 148 technique 154
bladder cancer palliation hypoxic cells, reoxygenation specific tumours
357 39, 41 bladder cancer 356
head and neck tumours hypoxic sensitisers, breast cancer 275–7,
92, 93 radiotherapy with 94 276, 280, 281
melanoma 80 hysterectomy, abdominal cervical cancer 378
hypopharyngeal cancers 384 glioma 209
146–55 head and neck cancers
adjuvant radiotherapy 147, ICRU reference point 26 106
155 IGRT (image-guided hypopharyngeal cancers
CTV 151–2 radiotherapy) 15, 24 154, 155
assessment of primary bladder cancer 356 intracranial germ cell
disease 148–9, 149 cervical cancer 378 tumours 226–7
clinical/radiological anatomy prostate cancer 346 laryngeal cancer 173
147–8, 148 iliac lymph nodes 362, 366 lung cancer 255
conformal therapy 152–3, illustration, scheme for vii medulloblastoma and
153 imaging see individual infratentorial PNET
conventional radiotherapy modalities 214
154 immobilisation of patient mesothelioma 262
CT 149, 149 13–15 nasopharyngeal cancer
curative for T1T2 N0 for thoracic radiotherapy 163
tumours 146, 154 248–9, 249 oesophageal cancer
CTV for 150, 151 see also patient positioning; 299
curative for T3–4 N+ individual tumours oral cavity tumours 129
tumours 146–7, 154 immobilisation systems orbital tumours 203
CTV 150–1, 151 13–14 oropharyngeal cancers
data acquisition 149–50 impotence 346 142–4, 144, 144
IMRT (intensity-modulated vulval carcinoma 401 intraoperative
radiotherapy) inguinal tissue, radiosensitivity radiotherapy (IORT),
(continued) 330 cholangiocarcinoma
pancreatic cancer 306 inguinofemoral lymph nodes 307
paranasal sinus tumours anal cancer 326 intraparotid nodes 178, 179
192, 192, 193 vaginal tumours 395, 397, nasal vestibule tumour
parotid sparing 47, 106, 405–6 spread 119, 120
129, 142 vulval carcinoma 401, 402, paranasal sinus tumour
prostate cancer 343, 404 spread 190
344, 345 inhomogeneity, dose see intravenous urethrogram (IVU)
rectal cancer 320 under dose distribution 353–4
salivary gland tumours inner canthus, BCC ‘inverted Y’ technique,
183 penetration 72 lymphoma 287, 291
stomach cancer 299 inner ear, as OAR 182 involved field radiotherapy
thyroid gland 236 intensity-modulated (IFRT), lymphoma
uterine tumours 390–1, radiotherapy (IMRT) see 283, 287–8, 288, 289
391 IMRT children 424
vaginal tumours 397 internal mammary artery involved node radiotherapy
Wilms’ tumour 418 267, 268, 275 (INRT), lymphomas
total body irradiation and internal mammary nodes 287, 288–9
429 267, 268 Hodgkin lymphoma 283,
induction chemotherapy breast cancer involvement 287–8, 289
head and neck cancers 94 266 non-Hodgkin lymphoma
hypopharyngeal cancers 147 depth 275 284
laryngeal cancer 166 dose solutions 278–9 iodine-125 55, 55
inferior pelvic subsite, rectal internal margin 10–12 prostate cancer
cancer 317 International Classification of brachytherapy 347
inflammation, acute, Disease for Oncology iodine-131 307
management 52 version 3 (ICD-O-3) 2 iridium-192 wire implants
inflammatory bowel disease International Classification of 54–5, 55, 57–9
323 Disease (ICD) version breast implant calculation
infratentorial PNET 211–17 10 2 59
assessment of disease and International Commission on HDR afterloading prostate
anatomy 212–13 Radiation Units (ICRU) brachytherapy 348–9
conformal therapy 213 9, 9, 26 implantation technique
data acquisition 213 intestine, chronic sequelae of 57–9, 132, 132–3
dose-fractionation 216 radiotherapy 346 oral cavity tumours 132,
dose solutions 214–16 intracranial pressure, raised 132–3
indications for radiotherapy 207, 216 penile cancer 368, 368
212 intraocular tumours Paris system 57–9, 58
target volume definition brachytherapy 196 volume treatment and
213–14 dose solutions 201 separation of source
treatment delivery and enucleation 196, 201 58
patient care 216 indications for radiotherapy iris 197
inguinal lymph nodes 315, 196 irradiated volume 13
317, 360, 362, 366 target volume definition isocentre technique 20
penile cancer 365, 367, 369 200 breast cancer 20, 274,
vaginal tumours 395 see also orbital tumours 274, 275, 279
head and neck cancers data acquisition 168–9 see also shielding
105 dose-fractionation 175 left anterior descending
isodose distributions 13, 18, dose solutions 171–5 coronary artery (LAD)
19 early (T1–2, N0) 165, 168, 276
curves 43 170, 171, 175 legislation, brachytherapy
electron therapy 21 immobilisation 168 60–1
isodoses, computer-derived, IMRT/complex therapy 173 lens, tolerance dose 49, 51
brachytherapy 58–9 indications for radiotherapy lentigo maligna 81
isoeffective schedules 34 165–6 in situ 80, 81
isotopes, brachytherapy 55 key trials 175 lentigo maligna melanoma
nodal CTVs 170, 170 81
Kallman-relative seriality model nodal involvement 165, leptomeningeal tumours 205,
46 167, 170, 170, 171 212
Kaposi’s sarcoma 85 palliative therapy 166 leukaemia
keloids 86 sequencing of multimodality acute, CNS irradiation
kidney therapy 166 221–2
avoidance 362 simulator use 168–9 total body irradiation 426,
tolerance dose 49, 51 target volume definition 429
170–1 Leydig cell tumours 359
labia majora, tumours 402 TNM staging 166, 167 Lhermitte’s syndrome 292
lacrimal fossa 197 treatment delivery and LH-releasing hormone
lacrimal gland 197 patient care 175 agonist/antagonist
carcinoma 196, 203 tumour spread 166–7, (LHRHa) 336
damage 201 169, 170 lidocaine, head and neck
tolerance dose 49, 51 see also glottic larynx, cancers 108
lactate dehydrogenase 67, tumours lifestyle factors, affecting
361 larynx radiotherapy 6
lamina papyracea 198 anatomy 166, 167 linear accelerator, dose
Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis nasendoscopy 168, 168 planning 18
409, 413, 425 late effects, of radiotherapy on linear quadratic (LQ) model
language therapy 108, 116 tissues 33, 44, 45 26, 34–5
laryngeal cancer 165–76 dose limiting effects 34, 40 dose–volume histograms
adjuvant radiotherapy 165, ‘double trouble’ and 41, 43
171, 173, 173, 175 43 equations, cell survival 32,
advanced (T3–4, N) 165, DVHs 47, 47 33
173, 174, 175 low α/β ratio values 33, lip cancer 111–13
assessment of primary 34, 40 assessment of primary
disease 168, 168 measurement and scales for disease 112
beam arrangements 52 brachytherapy 56, 113,
168–9, 171–3, 172, reduction by dose reduction 113
173 44 clinical/radiological anatomy
clinical/radiological anatomy tissue type effect 45 111, 112
166–7 treatment 52 dose-fractionation 113
conformal therapy 171–3 lead masks 73, 73 dose solutions/planning
conventional radiotherapy lip cancers 113 112
171, 175 lead shielding electron therapy 112
CT scanning 169, 169 basal cell carcinoma 73, indications for radiotherapy
curative 170, 175 73–4 111
lip cancer (continued) tolerance dose 49, 51 non-small cell (NSCLC)
sequencing of multimodality whole lung radiotherapy 241–2, 243–4, 248,
therapy 111 417, 419, 420 253
squamous cell 111, 113 lung cancer 241–57 dose-fractionation
target volume definition adjuvant radiotherapy 241, HDR brachytherapy 256
112 244, 251, 255 OAR volume 45
treatment delivery and assessment of primary organ motion 249–50
patient care 113 disease 246–8 CTV-PTV margin 11,
verification of dose 113 cerebral metastases 241, 251–2
lithium fluoride TLDs 221 242 see also respiratory
liver clinical/radiological anatomy motion
partial irradiation in Wilms’ 245–7 palliative radiotherapy 241,
tumour 419 complex therapy 255 242, 244, 252, 255,
tolerance dose 50, 51 conformal therapy 252–5 256
whole liver irradiation 308, contralateral beam prophylactic cranial
309 253 irradiation 242, 256
liver metastases three-field plan 252, sequencing of multimodality
dose-fractionation 309 253, 253 therapy 243–5, 251
target volume definition two-phase technique simulator use 249
308 253, 254 skip metastases 246
treatment delivery and CT and CT-PET 241, 246, small cell (SCLC) 242,
patient care 309 248, 248, 249, 250 245, 253
whole liver irradiation 308, curative radiotherapy dose-fractionation 255
309 241–2, 252, 255 spread and satellite tumour
Wilms’ tumour 417 GTV, CTV and PVT nodules 245
liver tumours, primary 307–9 250–2, 251 target volume definition
assessment and data acquisition 248–50 250–2
classification 308 distal collapse/consolidation TNM staging system 246,
conformal therapy 307 vs 245, 245, 250 247
dose solutions and dose- dose-fractionation 255–9 treatment delivery and
fractionation 308, 309 dose solutions 19, 252–5 patient care 256
indications for radiotherapy dose–volume histograms verification of dose 256
307 47, 47, 48, 253, 254 Lyman-probit model 46
target volume definition 308 electron density 19 lymphadenopathy
treatment delivery and hyperfractionated (CHART) floor of mouth tumours with
patient care 309 protocol 241 125
loperamide hydrochloride immobilisation 248–9, 249 nasopharyngeal cancer
346, 382, 392, 400, indications for radiotherapy 158
414 241–3 oropharyngeal cancers
lumbar cord compression key trials 241, 256 134
62, 65 left lower node 246 see also individual lymph
lung lymph node involvement nodes
anatomy 245, 246 245–6, 246, 248, 248 lymphatic drainage
fibrosis 47, 51 metastases 245–6, 246, anus 325, 325
metastases 410, 417 248, 248 breast 267, 268, 274
normal, OAR volume 45 MLC shielding 252 cervix 371, 372
shielding, in breast cancer neoadjuvant radiotherapy floor of mouth and tongue
treatment 275, 279 241 124
oesophagus 295 dose solutions 291 anal cancer 326, 327
penis 366, 366 extranodal 284, 285 bladder cancer 354
prostate gland 337, 337 target volume definition breast cancer 268
rectum 315, 315 289–90, 290 cervical cancer 373, 374
stomach 296, 296 Hodgkin’s see Hodgkin data transfer and contouring
testis 360, 361 lymphoma 16
thyroid gland 232, 233 IFRT 283, 287–8, 289 Ewing’s sarcoma 423
uterus 385, 386 opposing fields 287, gliomas 207, 208
lymph node(s) 288 head and neck cancers
delineation, head and neck indications for radiotherapy 96, 97
cancers 99–102, 100, 283–5 hypopharyngeal cancers
101 INRT/ISRT 283, 284, 287, 149, 150
excision biopsy 285 288–9, 290 intracranial germ cell
T cell cutaneous lymphoma ‘inverted Y’ technique 287, tumours 225, 225,
83 291 226
see also individual nodes key trials 293 lymphoma 285
lymph node metastases low grade follicular 284 medulloblastoma 212
bladder cancer 351–2 MALT 196, 284, 290 meningioma 218, 219
ear tumours 114, 119 ‘Mantle’ technique 287, nasopharyngeal cancer
head and neck tumours 291, 292 160
80, 119, 120 orbital 196, 202 oral cavity tumours 125
hypopharyngeal cancers organs at risk (OAR) 291 oropharyngeal cancers
148 oropharyngeal 135 137
lip cancers 111, 112 paediatric 424–5 pancreatic cancer 304
nasal tumours 117 palliative radiotherapy 283, paranasal sinus tumours
prostate cancer 335 285, 290–1, 292 187, 188
squamous cell carcinoma side effects of radiotherapy prostate cancer 338, 339,
80, 119, 120 292 340
see also individual nodes spinal cord compression rectal cancer 314, 315,
and tumours therapy 66 316
lymphoedema 393, 407 staging systems 285 salivary gland tumours
lymphoma 283–93 systemic irradiation 426, 179, 180
assessment of primary 427 sarcoma 410, 410
disease 285–6 target volume definition spinal cord compression
B cell cutaneous 84 287–91, 289, 290 63, 63
bone 285, 289, 409 T cell cutaneous 82–3 thyroid cancer 232
breast 265 testicular 359 uterine tumours 386, 387,
clinical/radiological anatomy treatment delivery and 387
285 patient care 292 malignant melanoma see
CNS 211, 220–1, 284 WHO classification 285 melanoma, malignant
conjunctival 196, 198, see also non-Hodgkin MALT lymphoma 284, 290
199, 203 lymphoma conjunctival 196
cutaneous see cutaneous lymphovascular space invasion mammography 268
lymphoma (LVSI) 370, 384 Manchester system,
data acquisition 286 gynaecological
diffuse large B cell 84, machine checking 29–30 brachytherapy 56, 57,
220–1, 284 magnetic resonance imaging 379
dose-fractionation 291–2 (MRI) 15 mandible, hotspots in 182
‘mantle’ technique, lymphoma verification of dose 217 prophylactic radiotherapy
287, 291, 292 megavoltage (MV) imaging 258, 259, 261, 262,
Masaoka clinical staging 14, 15, 358 263
system, thymic tumours megavoltage (MV) radiotherapy sequencing of multimodality
237 21, 23, 26 therapy 259
mastectomy 266, 269 see also electron therapy simulator use 260
matching techniques, head melanoma, malignant 80–1 target volume definition
and neck cancers choroidal 196, 203 260–1
103–5 dose-fractionation 81 treatment delivery and
maxillary sinus tumours 185, recurrence rates 81 patient care 263
187 sinonasal 186 verification of dose 263
target volume definition skin 80–1 methotrexate, high dose
189, 189, 190 vaginal 394 (intrathecal) 220,
see also paranasal sinus meningioma 218–20 284
tumours conformal and complex MIBG, radioactive 421
maximum heart distance therapy 218 micrometastases, TNM staging
(MHD), breast cancer menopausal symptoms 382 system 3
270, 272 MERCURY study, MRI in rectal microscopic tumour spread,
maximum target dose 26 cancer 315 dose–cure relationship
medial pterygoid muscle 126 Merkel cell carcinoma 86 37
mediastinal boost, TBI 430 mesorectum 314 middle ear tumours 114
mediastinal lymphadenopathy mesothelioma 258–64 midplane dose (MPD) 28
67 adjuvant radiotherapy 258, minimum target dose 26
assessment, CT 248 260, 263 MLC shielding 13, 23
lung cancer 245, 246, 246 complex therapy 262 anal cancer 329
lymphomas 285 conformal therapy 261, bladder cancer 355–6
mediastinal lymph nodes 261 breast cancer 276
246, 246, 295 assessment of primary cervical cancer 377, 377
mediastinal tumours, lung disease 259 laryngeal cancer 171,
cancer 241 clinical/radiological anatomy 172
medulloblastoma 211–17 259 lung cancer 252
assessment of disease and conformal therapy 261, mesothelioma 261
anatomy 212–13 261 oral cavity tumours 129
beam arrangements 214, CT scanning 259, 260 paranasal sinus tumours
214, 215 data acquisition 260 191
beam junctions 20 dose-fractionation 263 prostate cancer 343
complex radiotherapy 214 dose solutions 261, 261–3 see also shielding
conformal therapy 213, immobilisation 260 Mohs’ micrographic surgery
214–15 indications for radiotherapy 72
data acquisition 213 258–9 mould brachytherapy 55
dose-fractionation 216 key trials 264 mouth, floor, tumours see floor
dose solutions 214–16 MLC shielding 261 of mouth, tumours
indications for radiotherapy organs at risk (OAR) 260 mouth bite 95, 139, 160
212 tolerance doses 261, paranasal sinus tumours
target volume definition 262 188
213–14 pain, sites of 258, 259 MRC TE10, TE18 and TE19
treatment delivery and palliative radiotherapy trials 360, 364
patient care 216 258–9, 261, 262–3 mucosa, tolerance dose 51
mucosal associated lymphoid curative radiotherapy 156 irradiation, postoperative
tissue (MALT) data acquisition 160 119–20
lymphomas see MALT dose-fractionation 163 tumours see head and neck
lymphoma dose solutions 162–3 cancers
mucosal reactions, head and immobilisation 160 neoadjuvant, concurrent and
neck cancers 108 IMRT/complex therapy adjuvant androgen
mucositis 163 deprivation (NCAD)
head and neck cancers indications for radiotherapy 336, 336
94, 107, 108 156–8 nerve roots, irritation 63
oesophageal cancer 301 key trials 163 neuroblastoma 420
oral cavity tumours 132 late effects of radiotherapy children 420–1
pancreatic cancer 307 158, 164 olfactory 186, 190
salivary gland tumours 184 metastases 159 neuroblasts, radiosensitivity
thyroid cancers 236 nodal involvement 158, 420
multi-leaf collimation (MLC) 162 neutron therapy, salivary gland
in IMRT 23–4 organs at risk (OAR) 161 tumours 183
see also MLC shielding recurrent disease nimorazole 94
muscle fibrosis 414 radiotherapy 156, 158 non-Hodgkin lymphoma 284
muscle growth, asymmetrical sequencing of multimodality dose-fractionation 292
416 therapy 158 half body irradiation 426
mutism syndrome 216 simulator use 160 indications for radiotherapy
mycosis fungoides (MF) 82–3 staging systems 156, 157 284–5
myelofibrosis 284 survival rates 156 involved lymph node
mylohyoid muscle 100 target volume definition radiotherapy 284,
160–1 288, 289, 290
nasal cavity, tumours 117, treatment delivery and target volume definition
190 patient care 163 287–91
TNM staging 185 tumour spread 158, 159 see also lymphoma
nasal vestibule, cancer 117 WHO classification (types) non-small cell lung cancer see
see also nose/nasal tumours 156 lung cancer, non-small
nasendoscopy nasopharynx cell (NSCLC)
larynx 168, 168, 170 anatomy 135–6, 158–9, normal tissue
paranasal sinus tumours 159 children, development and
188 shielding in acute leukaemia 415
nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) 221 damage 44
156–64 sinus tumours invading dose–response relationship
aetiological factors 156 190 33
assessment of primary natal cleft skin reactions 382, radiotherapy effects 44, 45
disease 160 392, 399 volume effects on response
brachytherapy 56, 156 National Institute for Health 35–6
chemosensitivity 158 and Clinical Excellence normal tissue complication
chemotherapy 156, 158 (NICE) 7 probability (NTCP)
clinical/radiological anatomy NCI-CTC 3 (Common Toxicity 35–6, 44
158–9, 159 Criteria version 3) 6 nose/nasal tumours 117–19
conformal therapy 162–3 neck assessment of primary
conventional radiotherapy contour, conformal therapy disease 117
163 and 152 clinical/radiological anatomy
CT scanning 160 dissection 90, 123, 135 117
nose/nasal tumours treatment delivery and data acquisition 126
(continued) patient care 301 dose-fractionation 131
data acquisition 117–18 two-phase technique 299 dose solutions 128–30
dose-fractionation 118 verification of dose 301 immobilisation 126
dose solutions 118, 118 oesophago-gastric junction IMRT 129
electron therapy 118 (OGJ) cancer 294 indications for radiotherapy
immobilisation 117 oesophagus 122–4
indications for radiotherapy anatomy 294, 295 in situ carcinoma 123
117 strictures, lung cancer N0 neck radiotherapy 123,
sequencing of multimodality therapy 254–5 128
therapy 117 tolerance dose 50 N+ neck radiotherapy
target volume definition 118 olfactory neuroblastoma 186, 123, 128, 129
treatment delivery and 190 nodal levels,
patient care 119 oligodendroglioma 211 recommendations for
verification of dose 119 optic chiasm 197 127
nostril, vaseline use for 79 dose limit for 191, 201 palliative radiotherapy (T3,
pituitary adenoma T4 tumours) 124,
obturator nodes 315, 317 relationship 222, 223 126, 128, 131
oesophageal cancer 294–302 tolerance dose 49, 51 sequencing of multimodality
adjuvant radiotherapy 294 optic nerve 197 therapy 124
assessment of primary blindness prevention 46 shielding (MLC) 129
disease 296–7 dose limit for 191, 201 simulator use 126
brachytherapy 301–2 paranasal sinus tumour target volume definition
cervical 294, 295, 299 conformal therapy 191 126–8, 127
clinical/radiological anatomy tolerance dose 49, 50 TNM staging 125
295–6 oral cavity tumours 122, treatment delivery and
conformal therapy and beam 122–33 patient care 132
arrangements 299, 300 adjuvant radiotherapy for oral hygiene 108–9, 193
CT scanning 296, 297 local disease 123, orbit, anatomy 197, 197–8
data acquisition 297 128, 131 orbital tumours 196–204
dose-fractionation 301 assessment of primary anterior, shielding in acute
dose solutions 299, 300 disease 125 leukaemia 221
dose–volume histograms beam arrangements 129 assessment of primary
300 brachytherapy 122, 123, disease 198
immobilisation 297 124, 131 beam arrangements 198,
indications for radiotherapy indications/disadvantages 199, 201, 201, 202
294–5 132, 133 benign disease affecting
key trials 302 iridium-192 hairpins 197, 199, 200, 203
lymphatic spread 295, 297 132, 132–3 conformal planning 201
multimodality therapy 294 clinical/radiological anatomy CT scanning 199–200
palliative radiotherapy 295, 122, 124–5, 125 data acquisition 198–200,
297, 301 conformal therapy 128–9 199
simulator use 297 conventional techniques for dose-fractionation 201,
skip metastases 295 129 203
target volume definition CT scanning 125, 126 dose solutions 201, 201–3
297–8, 298 curative, for local disease extraocular tumours
thoracic 294, 295, 299, (T1/early T2) 122–3, involving 196–7, 200,
300 126–7, 131 201–3
immobilisation 198 tolerance doses see simulator use 138
IMRT 203 tolerance doses sites 136
indications for radiotherapy see also under individual squamous cell carcinoma
196–7 tumours 134, 137
intraocular tumours involving oropharyngeal cancer 134–45 target volume definition
196, 200, 201 adjuvant radiotherapy 144 138, 139–41
key trials 204 CTV 140 PTV 141, 142, 143, 144
lymphoma 196, 202 assessment of primary treatment delivery and
organs at risk (OAR) 200 disease 137–8 patient care 145
palliative radiotherapy 198, clinical/radiological anatomy unknown primary tumour
199 135–7 sites, nodal involvement
paranasal sinus tumours conformal therapy 141, 135, 137, 140
extending 187 141–2 CTV for 140, 140–1
posterior, in irradiation for CT scanning 137, 138 oropharynx, anatomy 135–6,
acute leukaemia 221 curative radiotherapy 135, 136
postoperative radiotherapy 139–40, 144 orthopantomogram (OPG)
196, 201, 201, 203 data acquisition 138 107, 125, 160
proton and plaque therapy dose-fractionation 144–5 osteosarcoma 408
204 dose solutions 141–4 outcomes
pseudotumour 197 dose–volume histograms adverse, measurement and
sarcoma 196, 203 (DVHs) 143 scales for 52
simulator use 198–9, 199 immobilisation 138 recording systems 6
target volume definition IMRT 142–4, 144 ovarian transposition 394
200 indications for radiotherapy ovary, tolerance dose 50,
PTV 201–3, 202 134–5 51
tolerance dose of tissues key trials 145 ovoids, vaginal 380, 389
49, 50 lateral wall tumours 136,
treatment delivery and 139 paediatric tumours 415–25
patient care 204 lymphoma 135 assessment of primary
verification of dose 204 multimodality therapy 134 disease 415
orchidectomy 359 N0 tumours 134, 139 CT scanning 416
organ motion 10–12 N1 tumours 134–5 data acquisition 415–16
IGRT to reduce 24 N2/3 tumours 135 dose and late effects 44
larger PTVs and PRVs 45 neck radiation 134–5 dose-fractionation 416
PTV and 10, 24, 45 nodal involvement 135, dose solutions 416
reduction, CT protocols 16 137, 139 Ewing’s sarcoma 423–4
respiratory/lung see CTVs 139, 139–40 glioma 206, 209
respiratory motion organs at risk (OAR) 142, immobilisation 415–16
vocal cords and 170 144 indications for radiotherapy
organs at risk (OAR) 13, palliative radiotherapy 135, 415
44–53 145 Langerhans’ cell
children 416 posterior wall tumours histiocytosis 425
conformal therapy 22 136, 139 lymphomas 424–5
CT outlining 15–16 primary tumour radiation medulloblastoma and
definition 45 134 infratentorial PNET
doses limited by, in Wilms’ prognostic features 135 212, 214, 216
tumour 419 prophylactic radiotherapy neuroblastoma 420–1
systemic irradiation 428 134 organs at risk (OAR) 416
paediatric tumours non-Hodgkin lymphoma key trials 309
(continued) 285 multimodality therapy 303,
rhabdomyosarcoma 422–3 oesophageal cancer 295, 304
sequelae of radiotherapy 297, 301 neoadjuvant radiotherapy
415, 416 oral cavity tumours 124, 303
sequencing of multimodality 126, 128, 131 organs at risk (OAR) 306
therapy 415 oropharyngeal cancer 135, palliative radiotherapy 303,
total body irradiation (TBI) 145 306
429 pancreatic cancer 303, risk and prognostic factors
treatment delivery and 306 304
patient care 416 paranasal sinus tumours survival rates 303
verification of dose 417 186, 192 target volume definition
Wilms’ tumour see Wilms’ penile cancer 366, 367, 305–6
tumour 369 treatment delivery and
pain rectal cancers 312, 320–1 patient care 306–7
abdominal 321, 382, 392 sarcomas 409 verification of dose 307
bone see bone pain spinal cord compression Papillon technique 311
head and neck cancers 108 48 para-aortic nodal radiotherapy
pelvic, cervical cancer 371 squamous cell carcinoma 359
palate 80 cervical cancer 371, 377,
hard, tumours 123, 124, superior vena caval 377, 381–2
178 obstruction 67–8 patient care after and side
soft, tumours 136 testicular cancer 360, 363 effects 382
palladium-103 55, 347 thyroid gland 234, 235, testicular cancer 360, 362,
palliative radiotherapy 62–70 236 362–3
anal cancer 324, 329–30 uterine tumours 389 uterine tumours 385, 392
bladder cancer 352, 357 vaginal tumours 394, 399 para-aortic nodes, anatomy
bone pain 68–70 vulval carcinoma 406 360, 361, 385, 386
breast cancer 267, 280 see also emergency parallel opposing beams, dose
cervical cancer 371, 377, radiotherapy planning 19
382 Pancoast tumour 244 paralysis 45, 46, 48
conventional simulators pancreas, anatomy 304, 304 paranasal sinuses, anatomy
17–18 pancreatic cancer 303–7 187, 187
glioma 209, 211 assessment of primary paranasal sinus tumours
haemorrhage 70 disease 304–5 185–95
half body irradiation 426 clinical/radiological anatomy adenoid cystic cancer 186
head and neck tumours 304, 304 adjuvant radiotherapy 97,
90–1 conformal therapy 306, 186, 192
Hodgkin lymphoma 283 306 assessment of primary
hypopharyngeal cancers CT scanning 304, 305, disease 188
147, 152, 155 305 beam arrangements 191,
laryngeal cancer 166 data acquisition 305 191–2
lung cancer 241, 242, dose-fractionation 306 clinical/radiological anatomy
244, 252, 255, 256 dose solutions 306 187, 187
lymphoma 290–1, 292 immobilisation 305 conformal therapy 191,
malignant melanoma 81 IMRT 306 191–2
mesothelioma 258–9, 261, indications for radiotherapy conventional radiotherapy
262–3 303 192
data acquisition 188–9 see also salivary gland assessment of primary
dose-fractionation 192 tumours disease 366
dose solutions 191, 191–2 parotid nodes, ear tumour clinical/radiological anatomy
dose–volume histograms spread 114 366, 366
194 Paterson–Parker tables 56, 57 curative radiotherapy 365
immobilisation 188 pathological classification 2 data acquisition 366
IMRT 192, 192, 193 pathological fractures 414 dose-fractionation 368–9
indications for radiotherapy patient care, during treatment dose solutions 367, 367–8
185–6 28 electron beam radiotherapy
lymphatic spread and see also individual tumours 365
metastases 185, 187, patient contouring 16–17 indications for radiotherapy
190 patient documentation 30 365–6
melanomas 186 patient positioning 13–15, 14 interstitial brachytherapy
organs at risk (OAR) 189, organ motion prevention 367–8, 368
190–1 24 palliative radiotherapy 366,
palliative radiotherapy 186, recording/documenting 14 367, 369
192 see also immobilisation of stage I tumours 367
primary radiotherapy 186 patient staging 365, 365
sequencing of multimodality patients’ wellbeing 4 target volume definition
therapy 186–7 pelvic exenteration 394 367–8
simulator use 189 pelvic lymphadenectomy, treatment delivery and
squamous cell carcinoma bilateral 394 patient care 369
186 pelvic lymph node(s) verification of dose 369
target volume definition bilateral dissection (BPLND) wax block technique 367,
189–91 384, 393 367, 369
treatment delivery and in cervical cancer 373 penile preserving surgery 365
patient care 193–4 in vulval carcinoma 401, penis, anatomy/lymphatic
verification of dose 194 404 drainage 366, 366
parapharyngeal space, pelvic lymph node peptic ulceration 364
tumours 158 radiotherapy performance status 4
Paris system, dosimetry 56, penile cancer 367 perigastric nodes 296, 296
57–9, 413 prostate cancer 335, 343 perineal tissue
parotid gland dose-fractionation 346 radiosensitivity 330
anatomy 178 target volume definition skin reaction 382, 392,
sparing, IMRT 47, 106, 341–2, 342 399
129, 142 pelvic pain, cervical cancer peripheral nerves, tolerance
swelling, in TBI 431 371 doses 48, 49, 50
tolerance dose 49 pelvic radiotherapy Perspex screen 82
parotid gland tumours anal cancer 323 Perspex shell 13–14
177–84 cervical cancer palliation construction method and
conformal therapy 182–3, 382 materials 95
183 prostate cancer 335, gliomas 207
sites 178 341–2 head and neck cancers
spread and nodal vulval carcinoma 401 95, 96, 126
involvement 178, Wilms’ tumour 419 laryngeal cancer 168
179 penile cancer 365–9 medulloblastoma and
target volume definition adjuvant radiotherapy infratentorial PNET
180, 180–2, 181 365–6 213
Perspex shell (continued) pneumonitis, radiation 253, primary cutaneous follicle centre
nasopharyngeal cancer 160 429, 431 lymphoma (PCFCL) 84
paranasal sinus tumours Poisson statistics 36 primary cutaneous marginal
188 PORTEC-2 trial 384, 393 zone lymphoma
Perspex shield, total body positioning of patient see (PCMZL) 84
irradiation (TBI) 428 patient positioning primitive neuroepithelial tumour
phantom measurements 29 positron emission tomography (PNET) see infratentorial
pharyngeal wall, posterior (PET) 15 PNET
147 cervical cancer 373 principles of planning 9–31
tumours 147, 148, 153 cervical node involvement in data acquisition 15–18
photons, in mixed beams 23, head/neck cancer 90 dose-fractionation 25–6
262 Hodgkin lymphoma 285, dose solutions 18–24
picture archiving and 286 dose specification 26–8
conservation systems hypopharyngeal cancers immobilisation 13–15
(PACS) 6 150 patient care during
pineal gland tumours 225 lymphomas 285 treatment 28
pituitary adenoma 222–4 PET-CT quality assurance 29–30
conformal and complex lung tumours 241, 248, target volumes 9–13
therapies 223–4 248, 249, 250 verification of dose 28
data acquisition and dose lymphomas 285, 286 see also specific topics
solutions 223–4 oropharyngeal cancers proctitis 346, 357
dose-fractionation 224 137, 137 prognostic factors 4–5
pituitary function tests 194 pancreatic cancer 305 prostate cancer 332–50
pituitary gland, tolerance dose uterine tumours 386 active surveillance, benefits
49 postcricoid mucosa, tumours and risks 334
planning 147, 148 adenocarcinoma 332
3D see three-dimensional posterior fossa, radiotherapy adjuvant radiotherapy 335
(3D) planning 214, 215, 216 assessment of primary
checks/checking 30 posterior fossa syndrome 212 disease 338
information required before ‘post-gap acceleration’ 40 brachytherapy 55, 56,
1–8 postoperative neck irradiation 347–9
principles see principles of 119–20 benefits and risks 334
planning postoperative radiotherapy boost, EBRT with 336,
radiobiology and see cell optic nerve region 46 348
killing, radiation-induced; see also specific tumours dose-fractionation 349
radiobiology Pötter technique, dynamic dose calculation
planning organ at risk volume brachytherapy 347 347
(PRV) 13, 45 predictive indicators 5 HDR afterloading 348–9
planning target volume see predictive tools 5 indications 347
PTV (planning target prelaryngeal (Delphian) node LDR permanent seed
volume) 167 347–8, 348
plaque therapy, orbital pre-planning 1–8 Pötter technique 347
tumours 204 primary cutaneous B cell Seattle technique 347
plasmacytoma, spinal cord lymphoma (PCBCL) 84 single stage inverse
compression 66, 66 primary cutaneous diffuse planned procedure
pleomorphic adenoma 178, large B cell lymphoma 347
180, 184 leg type (PCLBCL LT) V100, V150 and V200
pleural effusions 258 84 347–8
clinical/radiological anatomy radical treatment, indications IGRT to reduce organ
337, 337 333 motion and 24
conformal therapy 343, Roach formulae 338, 341 organ motion increasing
344 salvage radiotherapy 335 10, 45
conventional therapy 345 seminal vesicle involvement see also individual cancers
CT scanning 338, 339–40, 335, 340–1, 345 PUVA, total skin electron beam
340 sequencing of multimodality therapy with 82
curative radiotherapy therapy 336–7 pyriform fossa
332–5, 345 single phase radiotherapy anatomy 147, 148, 148
results, assessment 341 tumours 146, 147, 148,
333, 335 surgery, benefits and risks 149, 149, 154
data acquisition 338–40 334
dose distribution 27 target volume definition quality assurance 29–30
dose-fractionation 345–6 340–3 dosimetry protocols 30
dose solutions 27, 343–5 pelvic lymph nodes machine checks 29–30
dose–volume histograms 341–2, 342 patient documentation 30
27, 343 prostate and seminal planning checks 30
EBRT, benefits and risks vesicles 340–1 staffing 30
334 prostate bed 342–3 quality control, machines 29
EBRT and hormone therapy treatment delivery and quality of life measures 6
336, 336 patient care 346
EBRT with brachytherapy two phase radiotherapy radiation dose see entries
boost 336, 348 341 beginning dose
EBRT with chemotherapy verification of dose 346 radiation hepatitis 309
337 prostatectomy 334, 342 radiation injury 45
extraprostatic extension prostate gland radiation pneumonitis 253,
338 anatomy/lymphatic drainage 429, 431
grades and staging 332 337, 337, 353, 353 Radiation Therapy Oncology
immobilisation 338–9, 339, outlining, target volume Group (RTOG) 6
346 definition 340 ‘radiobiological dose’ 43
incidence, prognosis and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) radiobiology 32–43
early detection 332, 67, 332, 333 acute/late effects on tissues
333 protocols and guidelines 6–7 33
indications for radiotherapy proton therapy 25 ‘double trouble’ and 41, 43
332–6 meningioma 218 ‘five R’s’ 39, 39–40
key trials 349 orbital tumours 204 future directions for 43
localised PRV 13, 45 linear quadratic (LQ) model
low/intermediate/high risk psychosexual counselling 34–5
types 333, 340 382, 393 target volume effects 35–6
treatment options 333, pterygopalatine fossa, tumours see also cell killing,
333, 334 extending into 188, radiation-induced
organs at risk (OAR) 343 198 radiochondritis 79
palliative radiotherapy PTV (planning target volume) radionecrosis, treatment 52
335–6, 345 9, 10 radionuclide therapy, prostate
dose-fractionation conformal therapy 21 cancer 336
345–6 CTV-PTV margin see radio-opaque clips, target
pelvic lymph node CTV-PTV margin volume definition 99
radiotherapy 335 DVHs for evaluating 47, 47 lung cancer 250
radio-opaque clips, target curative radiotherapy 311 renal hilar lymph nodes 360,
volume definition data acquisition 316 361
(continued) dose-fractionation 320–1 reoxygenation 39, 41
mesothelioma 260 dose solutions 319–20 repair, DNA damage 39, 45
radio-opaque markers 12, endocavitary local contact repopulation, cell 39, 40
15, 24, 28 radiotherapy 311 resection, residual tumour
cervical cancer 372–3 HDR brachytherapy 311 after, classification 3
prostate cancer 339 key trials 313–14, 321–2 resistant tumours, dose–cure
vaginal tumours 396 local recurrence, risk factors relationship 38, 38
radioresistance, dose–cure 312 respiratory gating 250
relationship 38, 38 location 314 respiratory motion
radiosensitising drugs 303, lower third, tumours 312 breast cancer treatment and
417 management, algorithm 277
radiosensitivity 39, 39–40 312, 313 lung cancer
abnormal, conditions with palliative radiotherapy 312, CTV-PTV margin 11,
45 320–1 251–2
dose–cure relationship postoperative radiotherapy data acquisition and
37–8, 38 311, 318, 319, 320 249–50
radiotherapy, influence of other phase 2 volume 318 reduction 24, 250
treatments on 5–6 preoperative radiotherapy Response Evaluation Criteria in
radium-228 55 311, 316–18, 320 Solid Tumours (RECIST)
random errors 12, 28 re-irradiation 312 6
randomised controlled trials sequencing of multimodality retina, tolerance dose 49, 51
(RCT) 7 therapy 312, 314 retinoblastoma 196
IMRT 24 target volume definition retinopathy 201
rectal cancers 313–14 316–18 retro-crural lymph nodes 360
see also trials TNM staging 316 retromolar trigone, cancers
ratio α/β 32, 33, 34, 40 total mesorectal excision 123, 124
recording/documenting (TME) 311, 312 retroperitoneal tumours
checking/quality assurance treatment delivery and (sarcomas) 409, 412,
30 patient care 321 414
patient position 14 verification of dose 321 retropharyngeal nodes 99,
treatment outcomes 6 recto-vaginal fistula 371, 400 158
rectal bleeding 382 rectum rhabdomyosarcoma 422–3
rectal cancers 311–22 anatomy/lymphatic drainage rhenium 55
adjuvant radiotherapy 314, 314–15, 315 rhinotomy, lateral 188
311–12 OAR in prostate cancer Roach formulae, prostate
assessment of primary 343 cancer 338, 341
disease 315–16 size assessment in prostate RTOG 0529 trial 324, 326
beam arrangements 319, cancer 339 RTOG 9003 schedule,
319 tolerance dose 50 hyperfractionation, head
bony landmarks and field recursive partitioning analysis and neck tumours 92,
borders 318 (RPA) classification, 93
boost radiotherapy 318 melanoma 81 ‘rules of thumb’ 34, 36
clinical/radiological anatomy redistribution, of cells 39 ruthenium-106/106 55
314, 314–15, 315 regression of tumours 32
conformal therapy 319, Reid’s baseline 430 saliva, head and neck cancers
319, 320 remission, clinical 32 108–9
salivary gland, sparing, IMRT clinical/radiological anatomy standard vs unfamiliar, LQ
24 410 model 35
salivary gland tumours 177–84 conformal therapy 412, total time between 35
adenoid cystic carcinoma 412 see also dose-fractionation
178, 180, 181 conventional therapy 413 schistosomiasis 351
adjuvant radiotherapy 177, CT planning 411 Schmidt’s sleeve 380
181, 183, 183 data acquisition 410–11 scrotum
assessment of primary dose-fractionation 413–14 irradiation 362, 364
disease 179 dose solutions 412, lymphatics 360
clinical/radiological anatomy 412–13 Seattle technique,
178 Ewing’s sarcoma 423–4 brachytherapy 347
conformal therapy 182–3, immobilisation 410 second malignancies after
183 IMRT/complex therapy radiotherapy 44, 51
conventional radiotherapy 412 after paediatric tumours
183 indications for radiotherapy 416
CT scanning 179, 180 408–9 lymphomas 292
data acquisition 179–80 inoperable tumours 409, squamous cell carcinoma
dose-fractionation 183–4 413 79, 80
dose solutions 182–3 intraoperative electron total body irradiation 431
high grade tumours 177, therapy 409 SECRAB trial 267, 281
180 key trials 411, 414 sellar region tumours
immobilisation 179 organs at risk and PRVs 222–4
IMRT 183 411 seminal vesicles, in prostate
indications for radiotherapy palliative radiotherapy 409, cancer 335, 345
177–8 413 target volume definition
key trials 184 postoperative radiotherapy 340–1
local/metastatic spread 409, 413 seminoma
177, 178, 183 preoperative therapy 409, ‘dog leg’ radiotherapy
low grade tumours 177 413 359, 362, 363, 364
neutron therapy 183 radiation-induced 409 dose-fractionation 363
organs at risk (OAR) 182 recurrent (local) 409 dose solutions 363
pleomorphic adenoma sequencing of multimodality indication for radiotherapy
178, 180, 184 therapy 409 359–60
sequencing of multimodality staging 408, 408 key trials 360
therapy 178 surgery 408–9 palliative radiotherapy 360,
simulator use 180 target volume definition 363
target volume definition 411, 411 radiosensitivity 38
180, 180–2, 181 treatment delivery and risk factors for recurrence
treatment delivery and patient care 414 359
patient care 184 verification of dose 414 stage I 359–60
verification of dose 184 scalp, cutaneous stage IIA/IIB 360
samarium 336 angiosarcoma 85 treatment delivery and
sarcomas, soft tissue and scars, keloids, radiotherapy for patient care 364
bone 408–14 86 virtual simulation, para-aortic
assessment of primary schedule, treatment 34, 40–1 nodal irradiation 362,
disease 410 cervical cancer 382 362
brachytherapy boost 409, ‘double trouble’ and 41, 43 sensory neuropathy, acute
413 ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ 34 321
sentinel node biopsy, breast sinonasal tumours see small cell lung cancer see lung
cancer 266 paranasal sinus cancer, small cell
Sertoli cell tumours 359 tumours (SCLC)
serum markers 3 sinuses, tumours see smoking 88, 107, 242
set-up margin 12 paranasal sinus soft palate, tumours 136
set-up variations 12 tumours soft tissue sarcomas see
SF-36 4 skin sarcomas, soft tissue
shielding 20 conformal therapy, dose and bone
basal cell carcinoma 73, optimisation 23 solitary plasmacytoma 66
73–4, 74 tattoos see tattoo, skin somnolence 216, 222, 431
cardiac, breast cancer skin care source skin distance (SSD)
treatment 270–1, 276, breast cancer radiotherapy 76, 77
277, 277, 279 281 speech and language therapy
cervical cancer 374 mesothelioma radiotherapy 108, 116
eyes 74, 74 263 spermatogenesis, tolerance
IFRT in lymphomas 288 skin dermatomes 64 dose 50
medulloblastoma and skin reactions sperm storage 364
infratentorial PNET lymphomas 292 sphenoid sinus, tumours 190
214 management in head and spinal cord 62
oral cavity tumours 129 neck cancers 109 glioma 207
squamous cell carcinoma prostate cancer 346 late effects of radiotherapy
73 sarcomas 414 45, 46, 48
testes and groins 367, 369 see also erythema head and neck irradiation
testicular cancer skin tumours 71–87 103
radiotherapy 362 BCC see basal cell lung cancer radiotherapy
total body irradiation and carcinoma (BCC) and 252
428, 429 cutaneous angiosarcoma mesothelioma radiotherapy
see also MLC shielding 85 and 260
short-distance therapy see dose specification 26 PRV 45, 48, 299
brachytherapy Kaposi’s sarcoma 85 tolerance dose 46, 48, 49
side effects lymphoma see cutaneous spinal cord compression
acute, recording system lymphoma 62–6
6 melanoma 80–1 3D CT planning 65, 66
monitoring 28 Merkel cell carcinoma 86 clinical features 62–3
scoring systems 28 non-melanoma 71–80 clinical/radiological anatomy
see also acute effects; late SCC see squamous cell 64
effects carcinoma (SCC) data acquisition 64
simulator-CT 18 skip metastases dose-fractionation 66
simulators lung cancer 246 dose solutions 65, 65–6
3D see three-dimensional oesophageal cancer 295 investigations 63, 63
(3D) planning; virtual skull, base, nodal volume multimodality treatment
simulation delineation guidelines sequence 63–4
conventional 17–18 100 outcome determinants and
single-field treatment, dose small bowel prognosis 62
planning 19 acute radiation toxicity 321 palliative therapy, dose 48,
single photon emission displacement, anal cancer 66
computed tomography radiotherapy 326 surgical decompression
(SPECT) 15 tolerance dose 50 63–4
target volume definition positive and negative 76, verification of dose 301
64–5 76 straight leg raising, limitations
treatment delivery and Stanford technique, modified 63
patient care 66 82, 83 strontium-90 55, 55, 336
tumours causing 62, 64 stem cells submandibular salivary gland
spinal radiotherapy, dose–response relationship tumours 178, 182
medulloblastoma and 33 subparotid glands 179
infratentorial PNET repopulation 33 superficial radiotherapy
213 survival/survival curves 33, BCC see basal cell
spine 34 carcinoma (BCC)
bone metastases see stereotactic frames 13, 218 keloids 86
vertebrae, metastatic stereotactic radiosurgery, liver superior mediastinal nodes
tumour tumours 309 232, 233
ependymoma 217–18 stereotactic radiotherapy 25 superior sulcus (Pancoast)
glioma 206 cerebral metastases tumours 244
tolerance dose 46, 48, 49 227–8 superior vena cava, stenting
splenic irradiation 284, 290, sterility 431 67, 241
291 sternocleidomastoid muscle, superior vena caval obstruction
dose-fractionation 292 spread into 99, 102 (SVCO) 67–8, 241
squamous cell carcinoma steroids clinical features 67
(SCC) 79–80 breast cancer skin care data acquisition 67
anaplastic 79 281 dose-fractionation 68
bladder 351 head and neck cancers dose solutions 68
contraindications for 108 indications for radiotherapy
radiotherapy 79–80 high dose 67
cutaneous 79–80 spinal cord compression multimodality treatment
dose-fractionation 80 63 sequencing 67
epidermoid, of anus 323 SVCO 67 target volume definition
eyelids 197 thyroid cancer 236 68, 68
glottic larynx 165 St John’s wort 5–6 supraclavicular fossa (SCF),
head and neck cancers see stomach breast cancer
head and neck cancers lymphatic drainage 296, recurrence 266
indications for radiotherapy 296 supraclavicular lymph nodes
79–80 target volume definition 274, 275
lip 111, 113 298–9 CT scanning, in breast
lung 245 stomach cancer 294–302 cancer 273–4
metastases 79, 80 assessment of primary depth 274
oropharyngeal 134, 137 disease 297 supraglottic larynx, tumours
paranasal sinuses 186 clinical/radiological anatomy 167
rectal 311 296, 296 squamous cell carcinoma
shielding 73 data acquisition 297 165
supraglottic larynx 165 dose-fractionation 301 dose solutions 171
vulval 402 dose solutions 299 TNM staging 166
staffing, quality assurance 30 indications for radiotherapy see also laryngeal cancer
staging of tumours 2–4 295 surgery, influence on
stand-off key trials 302 radiotherapy 5
convex chest wall and 278 treatment delivery and surgical decompression, spinal
correction factors 76, 76 patient care 301 cord 63–4
survival curve 32, 33 cervical cancer 373, 382 indications for radiotherapy
survival probability 36 prostate cancer 339, 346 359–60
surviving fraction (SF) 32, 36 testicular cancer 361, 364 key trials 360, 364
SF2 36, 39–40 uterine tumours 387, 388 lymphatic spread 360, 361
swallowing problems 108 T-bar device 248, 249 lymphoma 359
systematic errors 12 T cells, cutaneous lymphoma palliative radiotherapy 363
systematic target volume (STV) 82–3, 83 stage I disease 359, 361
12 TD5/5 tables 46, 49–50, 320 stage II disease 360
systemic irradiation 426–32 TD50/5 tables 46, 49–50 staging 359
assessment of disease for tears, drainage 197–8 target volume definition
427 temozolomide 206, 211 361–3
data acquisition 427 temporal bone, resection treatment delivery and
dose-fractionation 429–30 114, 116 patient care 364
dose solutions 428–9 temporomandibular joint (TMJ), verification of dose 364
half body see half body excessive doses virtual simulation 362, 362,
irradiation (HBI) 182–3 363
indications 426 tenesmus 346 testicular intraepithelial
target volume definition teratoma, malignant 360 neoplasia (TIN) 360,
428 testes 363
total body see total body hormone production, TG43 (Task group 43) 56
irradiation (TBI) tolerance dose 50 therapeutic ratio 44–5
treatment delivery and lymphatic drainage 360, thermo-luminescent dosimetry
patient care 428, 429, 361 (TLD) 28
430–1 prophylactic irradiation 284 breast cancer therapy 281
verification of dose 431 shielding 362, 364, 367, CNS irradiation for acute
369 leukaemia 221
tampon, radio-opaque 316, tolerance dose 50, 51 medulloblastoma and
387 testicular boost, total body infratentorial PNET 217
target volumes 9–13 irradiation 430 prostate cancer 346
CT protocols for delineating testicular cancer 359–64 thermoplastic shell 14, 221
16 assessment of primary thoracic radiotherapy
CTV see CTV (clinical target disease 361 curative and palliative 242
volume) clinical/radiological anatomy immobilisation for 248–9,
defining 9–13 360, 361 249
effects on tissue response conventional simulation three-dimensional (3D)
35–6 362–3 conformal therapy see
GTV see GTV (gross tumour data acquisition 361 conformal treatment
volume) ‘dog leg’ radiotherapy three-dimensional (3D)
PTV see PTV (planning 362, 363, 364 planning
target volume) dose-fractionation 363 bladder cancer 355,
see also individual tumours dose solutions 363 355–6
taste problems, head and neck EGCCCG guidelines 359, DVHs 46–8, 47
cancers 108–9 360 ear tumours 115
tattoo, skin 15 germ cell tumours 359 head and neck cancers
anal cancer 331 non-seminomatous 359, 95–6
bladder cancer 354, 357 360 nasal tumours 118
breast cancer 269, 270, seminomas see nasopharyngeal cancer
272 seminoma 160
oropharyngeal cancer 138 CT scanning 232, 233, clinical (cTNM) 2–3
rectal cancer 318, 319, 237 GTV classification by 9
320 data acquisition 233 head and neck cancer,
spinal cord compression dose-fractionation 236 nodal staging 89, 90
treatment 65, 65 dose solutions 235–6 hypopharyngeal cancers
SVCO therapy 67 Hürthle cell 231 146
uterine tumours 387, 390 immobilisation 233 laryngeal cancer 166, 167
see also computed IMRT 236 lung tumours 246, 247
tomography (CT); indications for radiotherapy nasal cavity tumours 185
conformal treatment 231 nasopharyngeal cancer
thymic tumours 237–40 medullary cancer 231, 156, 157
adjuvant radiotherapy 237, 232, 236 oral cavity tumours 125
239, 239 palliative radiotherapy 234, paranasal sinus tumours
clinical/radiological anatomy 235, 236 185
238 sequencing of multimodality pathological (pTNM) 2–3
data acquisition and therapy 232 penile cancer 365, 365
assessment 238 simulator use 233 rectal cancers 316
dose-fractionation 239 target volume definition 234 T0, T1–4 classification 3
dose solutions 238 treatment delivery and tolerance, factors affecting
indications for radiotherapy patient care 236 36
237 verification of dose 236–7 tolerance doses 36, 46–8
Masaoka clinical staging well-differentiated specific organs 48–51,
system 237 (papillary/follicular) 49–50
preoperative radiotherapy 231, 232 mesothelioma therapy
237, 239 dose-fractionation 236 261, 262
sequencing of multimodality dose solutions 235 tomotherapy 24
therapy 237 GTV, CTV and PTV 234, helical, liver metastases
target volume definition 235 308
238 multimodality therapy medulloblastoma and
treatment delivery and 232 infratentorial PNET
patient care 240 recurrence and spread 214
thymus, anatomy 238 231, 232, 234 see also IMRT (intensity-
thyroid cancer 231–7 thyroid cartilage 100 modulated
adjuvant radiotherapy 231, thyroidectomy 232 radiotherapy)
235, 235 thyroid eye disease (Graves’ tongue tumours 124, 125
anaplastic cancer 231, disease) 197, 199, anterior tumours 124, 132
232, 235 200, 203 base tumours 136
dose-fractionation 236 thyroid gland, lymphatic brachytherapy 56
dose solutions 235, drainage 232, 233 IMRT 142, 142
235, 236 tissue target volume definition
GTV, CTV 234 normal see normal tissue 139
multimodality therapy regeneration 35 brachytherapy 56, 132
232 see also cell(s) hairpin technique 54–5
assessment of primary tissue equivalent bolus, head lateral tumours 124
disease 232 and neck cancers 105 tonsillar cancer 98, 136
clinical/radiological anatomy TNM (tumours, nodes, conformal therapy 141,
232 metastases) staging 141–2
conformal therapy 235 system 2–4 MRI 138
total body irradiation (TBI) schedule see schedule, tumour markers 3
children 429 treatment intracranial germ cell
complex therapy 429 treatment plan 41, 43 tumours 225
data acquisition 427 treatment planning system prognostic factor 4
dose distribution (TPS) 19, 43, 270 superior vena caval
homogeneity 429 trials obstruction 67
dose-fractionation 429–30 anal cancer 324, 326, 331 two-dimensional therapy
dosemeters 428, 429, bladder cancer 358 planning
430–1 breast cancer 266, 281 dose calculations 18, 19,
dose solutions 428–9 cervical cancer 383 45, 46
indications 426, 427 CNS/brain tumours 229 tolerance doses 46
patient positioning 428, head and neck squamous
428 cell carcinoma 109, UICC (Union Internationale
total reference air kerma 120 Contre le Cancer) 2
(TRAK) 60 hypopharyngeal cancers ultra-small particles of iron
total skin electron beam 155 oxide (USPIO) 373,
therapy (TSEBT) laryngeal cancer 175 375, 386, 402
82–3, 83 lung cancer 241, 256 ultrasound
adverse effects 82 lymphoma 293 breast cancer 268
dose-fractionation 83 mesothelioma 264 endoscopic see endoscopic
T cell cutaneous lymphoma nasopharyngeal cancer 163 ultrasound (EUS)
82, 83 oesophageal/stomach transabdominal, pancreatic
tracheitis 175 cancer 302 cancer 304–5
tracheostomy 175 orbital tumours 204 transrectal 347
training/teaching, clinical oropharyngeal cancer 145 urethra, iridium wire avoidance
anatomy 6 pancreatic cancer 309 368
transabdominal ultrasound, prostate cancer 349 urinary diversion 371
pancreatic cancer rectal cancers 313–14, urinary tract obstruction 346,
304–5 321–2 347
transitional cell carcinoma 351 salivary gland tumours 184 uterine tumours 384–93
transnasal oesophagoscopy sarcomas, soft tissue and 3D dose planning 387, 390
148, 149 bone 411, 414 adjuvant radiotherapy 388,
transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) seminoma 360 391
347 TBI and bone marrow assessment of primary
transurethral resection of transplantation 431 diseases 386, 387
bladder tumour testicular cancer 360, 364 beam arrangements 387
(TURBT) 352 uterine tumours 393 ‘brick’ 390, 390
treated volume (TrV) 13 trismus, reduction 193 brachytherapy 56, 389–90
treatment tumour applicators 389, 389–90
availability, as prognostic shrinkage, radiotherapy boost therapy 391
factor 4–5 causing 5 dose-fractionation 391
avoidance of gaps 40, stasis 32 vaginal vault 384,
106, 382 tumour cells see cell(s) 389–90, 391
influence of other modalities tumour control probability clinical/radiological anatomy
on radiotherapy 5–6 (TCP) 44 385, 385–6
number, tumour cell number tumour cure, dose relationship conformal therapy 390
relationship 36–7 see dose–cure conventional high energy
objective 36 relationship photon therapy 390
conventional planning/ fibrosis 400 vaginectomy 394
simulator use 387–8 rehydration 382, 400 valleculae (glossoepiglottic
CT scanning 386, 387, vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia fossae) 136, 136
388 (VAIN) 394, 397 Van Herk’s formula, CTV-PTV
data acquisition 387–8 vaginal trachelectomy 370 margin 12
dose-fractionation 391–2 vaginal tumours 394–400 vascular-directed therapy, for
dose solutions 390–1 assessment of primary late effects 52
immobilisation 387 disease 395 veno-occlusive disease 309
IMRT/complex therapy brachytherapy 56, 398 verification (dose) 28
390–1, 391 after EBRT 399 vertebrae, metastatic tumour
indications for radiotherapy interstitial 394, 398 62, 64
384–5 intracavitary 394, 398 beam junctions and 20, 21
infiltration and spread 385 target volume definition see also spinal cord
key trials 393 397 compression
organs at risk (OAR) 389 clear cell adenocarcinoma vesico-vaginal fistula 371, 400
palliative radiotherapy 389, 394, 395 virtual simulation 17
392 clinical/radiological anatomy bladder cancer 356, 356
para-aortic nodal 395, 395 breast cancer 270–1, 271,
radiotherapy 385, 392 conformal therapy 397 275
primary radiotherapy conventional planning/ cervical cancer 376, 377,
388–9, 391–2 simulator use 397 377
rare tumours 385 CT planning/scanning spinal cord compression
risk factors and prognostic 396–7, 398 treatment 65, 65
factors 384 data acquisition 396 testicular cancer 362, 362,
sarcomas 386 dose-fractionation 398–9 363
sequencing of multimodality dose solutions 397–8 vocal cords 168
therapy 385 immobilisation 396 paralysis 148
serous tumours 384, 386 IMRT 397 squamous cell cancer
survival 384 indications for radiotherapy 168, 170
target volume definition 394 see also glottic larynx,
388–90 lower third of vagina 395, tumours
treatment delivery and 397 VORTEX trial 411, 414
patient care 392–3 lymphatic spread 395 vulval fibrosis 407
verification of dose 393 melanoma 394 vulval intraepithelial neoplasia
uterus, anatomy/lymphatic MV beams 398 (VIN) 402
drainage 385, 385–6, organs at risk (OAR) 397 vulval skin reactions 407
386 palliative radiotherapy 394, vulval tumours 401–7
uvea 197 399 adjuvant radiotherapy 401,
metastases 196 target volume definition 405–6
uvula, tumours 136 396–7 assessment of primary
treatment delivery and disease 402
V20 concept 47, 47, 48 patient care 399–400 brachytherapy 56, 405
vacuum moulded bags 14 upper third of vagina 395, boost therapy 398, 405,
vagina 397 406
care, in cervical cancer verification of dose 400 clinical/radiological anatomy
radiotherapy 382 vaginal vault, brachytherapy 402
cervical cancer spread see under conformal therapy (4 beams)
372 brachytherapy 404, 404
vulval tumours (continued) wax compensator 214 medulloblastoma 214–15,
data acquisition 402–3 wax nostril plugs 117, 118, 215, 216
dose-fractionation 405–6 188 whole ventricular radiotherapy
dose solutions 404–5 weight loss, head and neck (WVRT), intracranial
electron therapy 405, 406 cancers 108 germ cell tumours
immobilisation and position whole abdomen irradiation, 226, 226
402–3 Wilms’ tumour 419 Wilms’ tumour 417–19
indications for radiotherapy whole body dose (WBD), conformal therapy 418,
401–2 neuroblastoma 421 419
locally advanced 405 whole body fixation frames dose solutions and
node negative disease 401 14 dose-fractionation
node positive disease whole brain radiotherapy 216 418–19
401–2 acute leukaemia 221, indications for radiotherapy
palliative radiotherapy 221–2 417–18
401–2, 406 cerebral metastases 227, organs at risk (OAR) 418,
recurrent disease 406 228, 228, 229 419, 419
sequencing of multimodality CNS lymphoma 221 target volume definition
therapy 402 dose-fractionation 229 418, 418
simulator use 403 medulloblastoma and World Health Organization
survival rates 401 infratentorial PNET (WHO)
target volume definition 214–15, 215, 216 brain tumour classification
403–4 metastatic malignant 205, 205
total vulval dose 407 melanoma 81 lymphoma classification
treatment delivery and side effects 227 285
patient care 407 whole liver irradiation, liver nasopharyngeal cancer
urethral involvement metastases 308, classification 156
(stage III) 402, 403 309 thymic tumours classification
verification of dose 407 whole lung radiotherapy, 237
Wilms’ tumour 417,
WAGR syndrome 417 419, 420 xerostomia 129, 142, 160,
wax block, penile cancers whole spine radiotherapy 163
367, 367, 369 216 X-ray beam attenuation 19