Pakistan GTZ Power Sector Overview
Pakistan GTZ Power Sector Overview
Pakistan GTZ Power Sector Overview
in collaboration with
Edited by:
Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB)
B-344, Prime Minister’s Secretariat
Constitution Avenue
in collaboration with
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
GTZ Office, House No. 63 A, Street No. 5, F-8/3
Prepared on the occasion of the Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin. This paper is based on the
Study "Energy-policy framework conditions for electricity markets and renewable energies", which
was published within the GTZ-TERNA Wind Energy Programme in June 2004. We greatly ac-
knowledge the TERNA Wind Energy Programme for the co-operation.
2 Market Actors.................................................................................. 2
3 Legal Framework............................................................................. 3
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Contact Persons
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
Plants fuelled with natural gas, however, operate 1.5 Expansion of generating capacities
almost exclusively on domestic resources. This By reason of the projected increase in the de-
also applies to most of Pakistan’s few coal fired mand for electricity by some 10,000 MW by the
power plants 2 . year 2010, the Government of Pakistan has
launched a large-scale expansion programme.
Nevertheless, power shortages are anticipated,
1.3 Power transmission losses beginning in 2006. To keep that from happening,
or at least to minimise future supply deficits,
The safe and reliable transmission and distribu-
Pakistan has adopted a systematic development
tion of electricity remains a major problem in
plan called ‘Vision 2025’ that targets a long-term
Pakistan. Due to weak grid infrastructure and
capacity increase of around 35,000 MW by the
substantial theft of electricity, losses from the
year 2025. That would be nearly twice as much
transmission and distribution network totalled
power as was available at the end of 2002.
some 30% in 2003/04.
Around two thirds of the additional power
(22,563 MW) is slated to come from hydroelec-
tric power plants. New gas-fired power plants
1.4 Power consumption are supposed to contribute 13% (4,680 MW), the
With the sole exception of fiscal year 1998/99, same percentage as that to be generated by coal-
power consumption has grown steadily in recent fired power plants (4,350 MW). New nuclear
years. Between 1990/91 and 2003/04, total con- power plants with a total installed capacity of
sumption increased by more than 84%, from 31 1,800 MW (5%) are planned 3 . Finally, renewable
TWh to 57 TWh. Again, with a single exception sources of energy are supposed to account for
- fiscal year 1990/91 – the domestic sector was more than 4% (1,500 MW) of the overall newly
the consumer group with the largest proportion installed capacity. The planned expansion will
of consumption, followed by industry and agri- cost approximately US$ 30 billion. In view of
culture, for details see Annex-3. Pakistan's high national debt and persistent
budget deficit, the government is intensifying its
The demand for electricity will continue to rise efforts to attract private investors.
in the years to come. An average annual increase
of 7% has been postulated. The generation ca-
pacity and demand forecast is shown in the
graph. 2 Market Actors
The main public-sector actors in Pakistan’s elec-
tricity sector are WAPDA (Water and Power
Firm Supply (MW) 19080 Development Authority), KESC (Karachi Elec-
Demand (MW)
tric Supply Corporation) and the operators of
the two nuclear power plants KANUPP (Kara-
17500 16548
chi Nuclear Power Plant) and CHANUPP
15483 (Chashma Nuclear Power Plant). Beyond these, a
15046 15082
number of independent power producers (IPPs)
14500 15072 15091 15055 15055 15055
have become established in the power generating
sector since 1994.
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Source: PPIB, Ministry of Water and Power 2.1 Vertical unbundling of WAPDA
The vertical disintegration of WAPDA was be-
gun in the year 2000 as part of the country’s new
Pakistan’s commercially exploitable reserves were estimated at
approximately 28.3 billion cubic feet I April 2003. Additional re-
sources are expected in the province of Balochistan and in the
coastal waters. At the same time the demand for natural gas is
expected to double by 2006. Since some substantial new deposits 3 In early December 2003 the Government of Pakistan announce
of brown coal (lignite) in the Thar Desert in the Province of Sindh, plans to purchase a new nuclear power plant from China. With a
Pakistan is planning to increase the share of coal used for generat- rating of 600 MW, the facility will house the second nuclear reactor
ing electricity. at Chashma site, some 225 km north of the capital Islamabad.
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
electricity market restructuring and liberalisation the Pakistani electricity market began to exhibit
programme. WAPDA was broken down into intermittent overcapacities. The city of Karachi
twelve separate units: three generating compa- receives all its electricity from KESC, while
nies, eight distribution companies, and the na- WAPDA serves the rest of the country. In the
tional transmission and distribution company medium to long term, though, the sale of elec-
NTDC. However, the envisaged privatisation of tricity is also supposed to be liberalised.
these independent generating and distributing
companies is proving difficult, because they of-
ten operate at a loss due to unpaid bills and 3 Legal Framework
submarginal electricity tariffs. For the time being,
hydropower will continue to be excluded from The Ministry of Water and Power (MoW&P) is
the privatisation process and will therefore re- responsible for formulating Pakistani energy pol-
main in WAPDA’s possession. icy. Due mainly to the shortage of electricity in
the 1980s and early 1990s, a strategy plan geared
WAPDA, as Pakistan’s largest power producer
to restructuring the Pakistani electricity sector
by far, held more than 55% of the country’s
was adopted in 1992.
power generating capacities in March 2003.
Those capacities were split almost evenly be-
tween hydroelectric and thermal power plants.
At the same time, the government-owned KESC 3.1 Private-sector power law of 1994
controlled somewhat more than 10% of overall Full implementation of the strategy plan has suf-
capacity (almost exclusively thermal), while the fered multiple delays already – for example, it
two nuclear power plants contributed 3% and has not yet been possible to establish a wholesale
the independent power producers already owned market – but that goal is still being pursued. A
33% of the electricity generating capacities. new energy law adopted in 1994 (Policy Frame-
work and Package of Incentives for Private Sec-
tor Power Generation Projects in Pakistan) aims
2.2 Independent power producers primarily to attract private capital to the Paki-
stani power sector and to standardise the condi-
The 17 largest independent power producers in
tions of investment for independent power pro-
Pakistan all operate thermal generating plants
ducers. It covers the following measures in par-
only 4 . The two largest privately owned power
producers are the HUB Company (HUBCO)
and the Kot Addu Power Company (KAPCO). Standardisation of contracts with regard to
HUBCO belongs to a consortium formed by implementation agreements, contracts of
National Power (Great Britain), Xenal (Saudi supply for
Arabia) and Mitsui Corporation (Japan) and pos-
primary sources of energy and power con-
sesses just under 1,300 MW of generating capac-
sumption contracts.
ity. KAPCO, with more than 1,600 MW of
power generating capacity, was privatised in 1996 Remuneration for all electricity amounting to
and now belongs to the British enterprise Na- 5.7 US cents/kWh, coupled to the exchange
tional Power. Between 1994 and 1997, 19 IPP rate between the Pakistani rupee and the US
projects amounting to an overall capacity of dollar, including allowance for the US infla-
3,158 MW and a total investment volume of tion rate and potential fluctuations in raw-
some US$ 4 billion were awarded competitive- material prices 5
bidding contracts. By the end of March 2003,
Surrender of decision-making powers to the
2,728 MW of the total had already been installed.
project’s implementing institution with regard
The power-producing volume was so large that
to size, technology, energy source and siting
of the power plant
4 In addition to the 17 major IPPs, numerous small IPPs with total
installed capacity of 100 MW or less each have been active in Paki-
stan since 1994. By mid-2002, 15 small IPPs had received operating
lincences from NEPRA for capacities totalling approximately 240 5 In addition a bonus of 0.25 US cents/kWh was offered for power
MW (NEPRA 2002). plant projects commissioned by the end of 1997
Power-grid connection and supply guarantee and the NTDC, distribution companies and ma-
for the required primary energy sources jor customers. NEPRA also defines the licensing
requirements and can impose fines for non-
exemption of independent power producers
compliance with the relevant regulations.
from numerous forms of taxation
(capital-gains tax, income tax and turnover In the summer of 2003, all restructured power
tax) and duties companies and twelve of the 17 largest IPPs re-
ceived their requisite operating licences from
guaranteed acceptance of supplied power and
NEPRA, and the latter was poised to issue li-
delivery of required primary energy sources
cences to three additional existing IPPs.
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
policy for renewable energy sources. In addition, A wind corridor at Gharo-Keti Bandar, Sindh
its functions include the coordination of joint has been identified with an actual potential of
ventures with the aim of having foreign tech- 50,000 MW. The pre-feasibility study of the site
nologies in the field of alternative energies fabri- has been done by AEDB. AEDB drafted the
cated in Pakistan. The AEDB is located in Prime Power Purchase Agreement and the Implemen-
Minister Secretariat and answers directly the tation Agreement and submitted to NTDC for
cabinet division and the Prime Minister. The review on 22nd March 2005. AEDB has submit-
AEDB has a mandate of !0% of the total in- ted the 4th Draft of PPA to NTDC for further
stalled capacity in the country from Renewable review. Views of both NTDC and the private
Energy sources by 2015. investors have been incorporated in the revised
draft. NTDC has forwarded this revised draft to
their Finance, Planning & Technical Sections for
4.4.1 AEDB Ordinance further comments.
The President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 8 companies with financial and technical vi-
on 30th April 2005, promulgated an Ordinance to ability have been short-listed.
provide for the establishment of Alternative En-
ergy Development Board as an autonomous Three companies have submitted applications
body for the purpose of implementation of vari- to NEPRA for obtaining Generation License.
ous policies, programs and projects in the field OEMs / Suppliers like GE, VESTAS and
of Alternative or Renewable Energy Technolo- GAMESA have been short-listed for the pro-
gies. ject.
The objective of AEDB as stated in the Ordi- HESCO has agreed to purchase the initial
nance, is to assist and facilitate development and 100 MW Wind Power generated through this
generation of Alternative or renewable Energy in project.
order to achieve sustainable economic growth
with transfer of technology for development of Private investors have entered the PPA nego-
an indigenous technological base through a di- tiations with NTDC / WAPDA.
versified energy generation. Sindh Government has leased out 3460 Acres
of land for the project. Land for balance of
13 investors has also been sanctioned by the
4.4.2 Renewable Energy Policy
Sindh Chief Minister.
Policy for Promotion of Alternative Renewable
Energy in Pakistan has been prepared by AEDB New Transmission Network from Mirpur
and submitted to the Cabinet Division after in- Sakro to Thatta is to be constructed by
corporating the inputs of all the involved stake- NTDC in order to sustain the load generated
holders. The Policy will soon be submitted to the by 100 MW Wind Power.
Cabinet for approval. Wind Turbine Manufacturing Consortium
(WTMC) has been formed for the indigenous
4.4.3 100 MW Wind Power Generation Project at production of various components of wind
Gharo – Keti Bandar, Sindh turbines in Pakistan.
On commercial grid connected electricity gen- Once the initial target of generating 100 Mega
eration programme, the Government of Pakistan Watt through Wind Energy is achieved, it will
has decided to install 100 MW Wind Power be upgraded to 700 MW by the year 2010 and
Farm during the year 2005. This programme ini- 9700 MW by the year 2030.
tiated by the AEDB involves financing through
private sector, land from Government of Sindh
and power purchase by NTDC for 4.4.4 Resource Mobilization
HESCO/KESC. The Government of Pakistan AEDB has mobilized different sources of funds
guarantees are backed through NEPRA. The from the international donor organizations i.e.,
Board has issued LOIs to 22 national and inter- ADB, GEF, USAID, GTZ and UNDP for the
national companies for generation of 1100 MW promotion, execution and implementation of
power through wind energy. Alternative Renewable Energy Projects in
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
coverage and seminars. GTZ does see Renew- Allai Khwar (121 MW), Khan Khwar (72 MW)
able Energy and Energy Efficiency as an inte- and Duber Khwar (130 MW) – have been pre-
grated approach. pared with GTZ assistance in recent years. The
GTZ conducted the feasibility studies and gener-
ated the tendering documents for all three pro-
5 Status of Renewable Energy jects. The Abu Dhabi Development Fund is
providing credit to the amount of US$ 150 mil-
Sources lion for implementing the projects. Pakistan it-
self is raised additional funds and all the projects
5.1 Hydropower
are under construction.
Pakistan’s total hydropower potential has been
estimated over 40,000 MW, some 24,000 MW of
which could be beasily harnessed, and approxi- 5.1.3 Micro hydropower potential
mately 6400 MW of which is actually being ex- In northern Pakistan alone there is an estimated
ploited. More than 1000 MW micro/mini hy- potential of 300 MW for micro hydropower
dropower potential is available in northern plants with installed capacities below 100 kW
mountainous region of the country, of which less each. As of today, only about 10 MW of that
than 1% is being developed. Due to anticipated potential had been tapped by a total of some
growth in demand and of the fact that only more than 300 projects co-financed by Aga
about 20% of the available hydropower potential Khan Rural Supprt Programme (AKRSP)
is being utilised, the ‘Vision 2025’ development PCRET, European Union (EU) and private de-
plan provides first and foremost for the vigorous, velopers. Now, with the assistance of the Asian
multi-stage development of hydroelectric power. Development Bank and within the scope of
Malakand Rural Development Project, 100 micro
hydropower plants with ratings ranging from 5
5.1.1 Run-of-river Ghazi-Barotha power plant
to 50 kW are under implementation with in and
Ghazi-Barotha Power Plant, a run-of-river plant around Malakand Division of the North-West
that is presently being commissioned in succes- Frontier province (NWFP).
sive stages, constitutes an initial large-scale pro-
ject in this sector. Located on the upper reaches
of the Indus and built for a total output of 1,450
MW, its first stage (290 MW) went into service 5.2 Wind Energy
last July. The power station was fully commis- By the end of 2003 not a single wind energy
sioned in mid-2004. The project is being imple- conversion system with a generating capacity
mented under the auspices of state-owned above 500 W had been installed in Pakistan.
WAPDA. The total cost of the project stands at There are only a small number of micro-plants
roughly US$ 2.1 billion. The project is being fi- (300–500 W) for generating electricity, and
nanced by the World Bank, the Asian Develop- roughly 30 wind power installations are in use
ment Bank, the Japan Bank for International for pumping water in the coastal regions of Ba-
Cooperation (JBIC), the European Investment lochistan and Sindh provinces 6 . Most notably
Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, and re- along its 900 km coastline and in a number of
sources from German Financial Cooperation North-West Frontier valleys, Pakistan possesses
(KfW). WAPDA is contributing approximately about 50,000 MW of economically exploitable
US$ 1 billion, or nearly half of the overall cost. wind-power potential. On commercial grid con-
Fully utilised, the power plant is supposed to nected electricity generation programme, the
lower CO2 emissions by approximately 5.5 mil- Government of Pakistan has decided to install
lion tons annually. 100 MW Wind Power Farm during the year
5.1.2 GTZ assistance for medium-size hydro- 6 The installation of initially, 100 small wind turbines in Pakistan’s
power projects coastal regions by mid 2004 is envisaged as the next step as the
form of cooperation project between PCRET and the Chinese
In addition to the aforementioned large-scale Academy of Agriculture Science. With exception of generators,
project, three additional hydroelectric power which are to be imported from China, all plant components were
plants of medium size – the high-pressure plants supposed to manufactured in Pakistan.
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
2005. This programme initiated by the AEDB 5.2.3 Phase-1 of UNDP/GEF ‘Commercialization
involves financing through private sector, land of Wind Power Potential in Pakistan’
from Government of Sindh and power purchase 1. The Phase-1 of the Project stems from a de-
by NTDC for HESCO/KESC. The Govern- tailed set of background and site specific studies
ment of Pakistan guarantees are backed through carried out in PDF ‘B’, initiated in April, 2001
NEPRA. The Board has issued LOIs to 22 na- under the GEF Operational Programme OP6,
tional and international companies for genera- with co-financing from UNDP and the Nordic
tion of 1100 MW power through wind energy. Trust. The detailed studies included an assess-
With the help of AEDB Pakistan also plans to ment of the regional power supply and demand
install an additional 300 micro-wind turbiness situation detailed wind measurements and analy-
with a high domestic content by 2003/2004. sis at the initially proposed wind farm site near
Pasni, complete environmental impact assess-
ment of the proposed plant site, technical speci-
5.2.1 Unimplemented wind farms fication of plant equipment, as well as detailed
There have been numerous past attempts to har- financial and economic analysis, including calcu-
ness wind power on a large scale: In response to lation of costs of wind power generation,
investment incentives provided by the 1994 avoided diesel generation, and incremental pro-
Electricity Act, two American investors planned ject activities.
to build two large wind farms in cooperation 2. The project aims to reduce GHG emission
with Pakistani contractors. However, those two through the facilitation of commercial scale ex-
projects – the 100MW Kenetech wind power ploitation of renewable wind energy for power
project in Balochistan Province and the 150MW production in Pakistan. It focuses on establishing
Omega-Zond wind farm in Sindh province – a wind power industry in the country based on
have not yet been implemented. internationally proven technology as an eco-
nomically viable and sustainable option by re-
moving policy, institutional, regulatory, fiscal and
5.2.2 UNDP/GEF project ‘Commercialization of
Wind Power Potential in Pakistan
technical barriers to private investments in wind
farms and their integration in the power grid.
The first official initiative to stimulate the use of
wind power in Pakistan was launched in No- 3. The project will be implemented using a
vember 2002. phased approach where phase 1 (2 years) will
focus on removing barriers linked to a currently
With the financial support of UNDP and GEF,
weak or non existent enabling environment for
the Pakistani Environment Ministry initiated a
on grid renewable energy and specifically for
project entitled ‘Commercialization of Wind
wind energy, together with creating government,
Power Potential in Pakistan’. That project in-
private sector and academic awareness and capa-
cluded a study aiming to identify the existing
bilities so as to facilitate its effective commercial
impediments to the use of renewable energy
deployment throughout the country. Towards
sources in Pakistan, probing suggestions on how
the end of phase 1 the project will also start the
to overcome them 7 and conducting the requisite
required steps of a procurement process (expres-
planning for an initial demonstration project.
sion of interest) related to piloting the first
commercial on grid wind energy installation in
Pakistan. This barrier removing exercise will then
create the necessary conditions for phase 2 (3
years) to be presented to the GEF for final ap-
proval with adjusted and confirmed estimates of
funding from different sources and the condi-
7 The most important recommendations covered a technology-
tions attached. Phase 2 will then consist of the
specific system of remuneration, assumption of the grid connection
costs by the responsible power utility in each case, the creation of initial implementation of the specific enabling
coherent political framework conditions at the national level for the environment including contractual and financial
projects involving renewable energy sources on a scale upto 50
MW, consideration of the environmental benefits of renewable
conditions to sustain the first commercial on
energy sources in the planning of additional wind farms, and grid wind energy operations on a continued basis
streamlining of the licensing procedures for projects based on (currently the assumption and the costing for
renewable energy sources.
this phase was based upon the PDF ‘B’ defined 5.4.1 AEDB Programme of 100 Solar Homes per
15 MV, however this will change as a result of Province
the implementation of phase 1 of this project Aim of the Project
and it will be resubmitted for GEF approval). Presently a large number of households in remo-
te/rural areas do not have access to basic ameni-
ties like electricity, gas, potable water etc. There-
5.3 Biomass fore these households are forced to use kerosene
In Pakistan, where, according to the last census oil and firewood for lighting and cooking. This
from 1998, approximately two out of three peo- solar energy demonstration project aims to
ple live in rural areas, the rural residents in par- change the current status quo by providing local
ticular rely almost exclusively on biomass in the communities with comforts of lighting, cooking
form of fuel wood or charcoal for cooking and and clean drinking water. This demonstration
heating. Indeed, the majority of Pakistan’s urban project will assist in the alleviation of poverty,
population (58%) also takes recourse to those social uplift and rural development. Moreover, it
traditional sources of energy. According to offi- will also aim at mitigating greenhouse gas emis-
cial data, the country’s total wooded area ex- sions.
panded from 34,600 km2 to 38,100 km2 (i.e. by Furthermore, the project will serve the following
about 10%) between 1990/91 and 2001/02, but purposes:
each year local residents remove some 1.2 mil-
lion m2 of wood from the country’s forests for a) To increase awareness in the use of renew-
use as fuel. In Balochistan, this practice has re- able energy.
duced the total area of standing forest by 70%. b) To provide basic necessities of lighting to
remote locations.
c) To establish a model project in order to as-
certain maintainability and sustainability pa-
5.4 Solar Energy rameters.
Pakistan has a very good overall solar-energy d) To develop a commercial model to encourage
potential. The average daily insolation rate the private sector for replication.
amounts to approximately 5.3 kWh/m2. Espe- e) To develop a solar technological base.
cially the south-western province of Balochistan
offers excellent conditions for harnessing solar
Results Achieved
energy. There, the sun shines between 8 and 8.5
hours daily, or approximately 3,000 hours per The project was executed and implemented in
annum. the following villages:
Despite these favourable prerequisites, the use of 1. Allah Baksh Bazar Dandar, District Kech,
solar energy for generating electricity or for heat- Balochistan
ing is still in its beginnings. Photovoltaic systems 2. Bharo Mal, District Thar, Sindh
are used primarily for producing electricity in 3. Janak, District Kohat, N.W.F.P.
rural areas. As far back as the early 1980s, the 4. Lakhi Bher, Distrcit D.G. Khan, Punjab
Government of Pakistan had 18 PV systems Each of the 100 households in each village has
with a composite output of 440 kW installed in been provided with 88 Watt Solar Panels, 4 LED
various parts of the country. Due to the lack of lights, a 12 Volt DC fan and a TV socket. In ad-
technical know-how about their operation and dition, a Solar Disinfecting Unit and a Solar
maintenance, though, no further systems were Cooker have also been provided to each house-
installed. For the same reason, seven other PV hold.
systems with a total output of 234 kW, which
were installed in the Pakistani part of the Hindu Two solar-powered seawater desalination facili-
Kush in the late 1980s, are no longer in opera- ties with a daily throughput of 22,710 l are in use
tion. However, with the establishment of AEDB, in the province of Balochistan.
this time round will ensure sustainability of such
projects by providing a workable model on
commercial lines.
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
6 Rural Electrification
Pakistan’s increasing demand for energy is due in
part to efforts designed to promote the process
of rural electrification. Until 1995/96, the num-
ber of villages with access to grid power grew by
9 to 11% annually. Since then, however, the in-
creasing connection costs have driven the
growth rate down to about 2% per year. As of
March 2003, approximately 73,000 (59%) of
Pakistan’s roughly 125,000 villages were receiv-
ing electricity (compared with approximately
46,000 villages, or 37%, in mid-1993. Recently
the Government of Pakistan has publicly an-
nounced an ambitious plan to provide basic
power to all the citizens through out the country
by the end of 2007.
Pakistan Energy Business Day, Berlin
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Bulk Supply +
Sale b/w
Domestic Commercial Industrial Agriculture Public Lighting WAPDA &
Year KESC Total TWh
TWh % TWh % TWh % TWh % TWh % TWh %
1984 4.6 26.1 1.3 7.4 4.7 27.0 3.9 22.1 0.1 0.6 2.9 16.8 17.47
1985 5.1 27.5 1.4 7.4 5.1 27.4 4.0 21.8 0.1 0.6 2.9 15.4 18.55
1986 5.9 28.1 1.5 7.3 5.9 28.3 4.3 20.5 0.1 0.6 3.2 15.1 20.89
1987 6.8 28.9 1.7 7.2 6.5 27.2 5.0 21.1 0.1 0.6 3.5 14.9 23.70
1988 7.7 28.7 1.9 6.9 7.3 26.9 6.1 22.6 0.2 0.6 3.9 14.3 27.01
1989 8.7 30.3 1.9 6.7 7.6 26.6 6.2 21.7 0.2 0.7 4.0 14.0 28.61
1990 9.4 29.3 2.0 6.1 8.4 26.2 7.0 21.8 0.2 0.7 5.1 15.9 32.06
1991 10.4 30.0 2.1 6.0 9.1 26.4 7.6 21.9 0.3 0.8 5.2 15.0 34.68
1992 11.5 30.8 1.6 4.3 10.2 27.5 7.9 21.2 0.3 0.8 5.7 15.3 37.21
1993 13.2 33.1 1.7 4.3 10.9 27.4 7.7 19.3 0.3 0.7 6.1 15.2 39.95
1994 14.1 34.1 1.8 4.3 10.6 25.5 7.8 18.9 0.3 0.7 6.8 16.3 41.39
1995 15.6 35.1 1.9 4.4 10.6 24.0 8.1 18.4 0.3 0.7 7.8 17.5 44.38
1996 17.1 36.8 2.2 4.7 10.4 22.3 8.5 18.3 0.4 0.8 8.0 17.2 46.57
1997 17.7 36.6 2.2 4.6 10.2 21.0 8.9 18.3 0.4 0.8 9.1 18.7 48.51
1998 18.7 37.5 2.3 4.7 10.3 20.6 9.0 18.0 0.6 1.2 9.0 18.0 49.95
1999 19.3 38.9 2.4 4.8 10.0 20.2 7.8 15.8 0.2 0.5 9.8 19.8 49.48
2000 21.4 41.7 2.5 5.0 10.8 21.1 6.9 13.5 0.2 0.5 9.4 18.3 51.30
2001 22.7 41.6 2.8 5.1 11.8 21.6 7.5 13.7 0.2 0.4 9.6 17.6 54.57
2002 23.2 41.6 3.0 5.3 12.7 22.7 8.1 14.5 0.2 0.4 8.7 15.5 55.73
2003 23.6 43.9 3.2 6.0 13.5 25.1 8.7 16.2 0.2 0.5 4.4 8.3 53.68
*2004 25.8 45.0 3.7 6.4 17.4 30.2 6.7 11.6 0.3 0.5 3.7 6.4 57.49
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