Power Distribution Program Brochure
Power Distribution Program Brochure
Power Distribution Program Brochure
This brochure was produced for the USAID Power Distribution Program (2010–2015), which is funded by the American people, delivered through the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents were developed by the International Resources Group of Engility Corporation,
implementer of the Program, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government or USAID.
October 2015
Program Overview .........................................................................................................1
Pakistan Power Distribution Companies and their Profiles
Summary / Overview of PDP Interventions and Projects
Strengthening Governance and Policy Reforms......................................................4
Support to Sector Oversight Institutions.................................................................4
Cost Reflective Tariff Determination.........................................................................5
Improving Financial Management.................................................................................7
9 Gender Facilitation.......................................................................................................................25
Pakistan’s Power Distribution Companies (DISCOs) and Their Profiles (Fiscal Year 2015)
Peshawar Electric Supply Company (PESCO) Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO)
Serves the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Serves central Punjab
2.9 million consumers 3.4 million consumers
Peak demand 2,718 MW (megawatt) Peak demand 3,062 MW
Security and law and order issues Consumer base: industrial, mostly textile
42.6% aggregate technical and commercial factories
(AT&C) loss, mainly due to high transmission 10.9% AT&C loss, 100%
and distribution losses (34.8%) revenue collection
Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO)
Serves northeastern Punjab
Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) 2.9 million consumers
Peak demand 2,335 MW
Serves Islamabad, northern Punjab, some of Consumer base: steel industry and small fan
Azad Jammu and Kashmir factories
2.4 million consumers 13.3% AT&C loss
Peak demand 2,206 MW
Consumer base: Mostly government consumers
17.6% AT&C loss.
Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO) Sukkur Electric Power Company (SEPCO)
Serves the province of Balochistan Serves northern part of Sindh
0.5 million consumers 0.7 million consumers
Peak demand 1,468 MW Peak demand is 1,252 MW
80% of load comes from tubewells Relatively new, licensed in 2011
Rural delivery and law and order issues Inherited highest loss areas from HESCO
75% AT&C loss, 33% revenue collection 64.3% AT&C loss
Summary / Overview of PDP Interventions and Projects
Area of Quantities
Intervention / Project
Performance (if applicable)
Governance Support (Multiple Activities)
Strengthening Strategic Business Planning
Governance and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Manual
Policy Reforms New Accounting and Internal Audit Manuals
and Financial
10-Year Financial Forecast Model
Improvement ERP Implementation
Cost of Service Study (CoSS)
Board Trainings
Load Data Monitoring and Control System 9,335 meters,
Improving Load 10 control centers
Management Modernization of Planning and Engineering Function
and Operations
Tools for Outage Reduction 10,000 devices
Introduction of Electronic Meter Reading Devices 1,450 devices
Distribution Company Others
Governance & Policy Reform Workshop
sector. Several of the recommendations have already been adopted by the
government of Pakistan; for example, payment for an adequate operating
subsidy to DISCOs, payment for the tariff differential subsidy on behalf of
the DISCOs, settlement of the cases on fuel prices by the court, and
timely fuel price adjustments. Additionally, generation companies now
receive funding to restore the capacity of their plants and use technical
studies to support their tariff applications.
PDP assisted the Ministry of Water and Power in setting up the Central
Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited (CPPA-G) to operate as an
independent wholesale power purchasing agent between power
generation companies (GENCOs) and DISCOs; to encourage the efficient,
effective, and transparent settlement of power pool payments; and to
promote a more competitive power market. PDP helped CPPA-G
develop a business transfer agreement with the National Transmission and
Dispatch Company (NTDC), market operator registration rules and
commercial code, power procurement and agency agreements, and
operating procedures. Similarly, PDP supported the development of a
market structure and franchise model for NEPRA and DISCOs.
Composite Parts of the Power Tariff
Developed with PDP only part of the costs that DISCOs incur. To enable DISCOs to recover
their full cost of service, PDP facilitated the development of more effective
Guidelines for the methodologies for the determination of an Electricity End-User Tariff
Determination of
(both annual and multi-year) and the Cost of Service Study (CoSS). These
Single and Multi-Year
methodologies pursue the goals of the 2014 National Tariff and Subsidy
Electricity End-User
Tariffs Policy and serve to determine both single and multi-year consumer tariffs.
CoSS alone is expected to increase cost recovery at DISCOs by
approximately (USD) $63 million a year. CoSS tabulates the costs a utility
incurs and then allocates these costs to different Consumer categories. By
October 2015, CoSS was adopted by all DISCOs as a tool to develop
tariff petitions.
At the request of the Ministry of Water and Power, PDP developed
performance contracts for DISCOs in 2014. Key performance indicators
and monitoring mechanisms were established to track the overall
performance of DISCOs. By 2015, all government-owned DISCOs had
signed performance contracts with the Ministry. With PDP’s assistance,
DISCOs developed their five-year Integrated Generation, Transmission,
and Distribution Plans (IGTDPs) in 2014 and submitted them to NEPRA
for approval. Implementation of these plans will optimize resource
allocation and lead to savings in investments, loss reduction, and improved
Improving Financial Management
PDP introduced business planning as a standard management tool for all Developed with PDP
DISCOs. PDP involved NEPRA in the delivery of workshops to DISCOs. Such support:
collaboration ensured that NEPRA understands the role and process of business IGTDPs
planning in the regulation of DISCOs. As a result, NEPRA instructed DISCOs to 10-Year Financial Forecast
develop the Business Plan/Distribution Investment Plan (DIP) as the basis for
ERP Implementation
their Fiscal Year 2015 petitions for annual or multi-year tariff petitions and Internal Audit Manual and
budgets. PDP actively worked with MEPCO and PESCO to prepare a five-year Framework
strategic business plan for Fiscal Years 2016 to 2020. Earlier, PDP provided all Accounting Manual
the DISCOs with a 10-year financial forecast model to be integrated into the
business plan. PDP also worked with all the DISCOs to develop new accounting
manuals and new internal audit manuals to replace legacy manuals from the
1980s PDP also introduced risk-based audits.
US Ambassador at the Innugural of the Network Operations Centre Lahore
Automated Load Data Monitoring and Control System
To improve the management of the power flow within the distribution
system and reduce unscheduled load shedding, PDP modernized the
monitoring and control system in the country’s distribution network. The
intervention included the establishment of the Power Distribution Control million
Centers at the 10 DISCOs, establishment of the Network Operation in annual damages to
Pakistan’s economy
Center at WAPDA House in Lahore, and the creation of access to eliminated
real-time data on power flows for the National Power Control Center
(NPCC) and the Regional Control Centers for the northern and southern
parts of the country. Additionally, PDP installed 9,335 automatic meter
reading (AMR) / smart meters in all 762 grid substations country-wide to
transmit real-time data on loads in various parts of the power network to
the control centers. This initiative significantly improved load management
and helped eliminate as much as 85% of unscheduled load shedding since
July 2013.
Automation of control, July 7, 2013
Year 2012
Year 2013
Year 2014
Newly Eastablished P&E Computer Centre MEPCO
The first step in the activity was creating a Geographic Information System
(GIS) database for the entire distribution network to prepare an accurate
record of network configuration. To initiate the process, PDP helped
develop GIS maps for one area of each DISCO, established a computer
center at each DISCO, and supported processing of the data into a GIS
database. Currently, DISCOs are mapping their networks on their own. By
October 2015, over 38% of the country’s network was mapped using this
technology. Additionally, PDP purchased and installed specialized power
38% of flow analysis software for all DISCOs. This software has significantly
enhanced the ability of network planners to identify the most
distribution cost-effective ways to plan network expansions and upgrades based on
mapped This new technology saves operational costs, enables DISCOs to properly
manage loads on power lines and transformers, and improves the delivery
of power to consumers.
Installation of Outage Reduction Devices
Installation of Smart Meter
In FY 2015, AT&C One of the major reasons for poor power supply is extensive losses in the
losses in the distribution distribution system. Approximately half of the distribution losses are
sector were 27%. In
developed countries, technical (i.e., losses incurred during the flow of power through the power
losses do not exceed lines and other infrastructure), while the remaining half are commercial
losses caused by incorrect billing, the inability to collect billed amounts
from consumers, and electricity theft. A 2012 study by PDP has suggested
that if relatively efficient DISCOs could keep their losses below 10% and
poor performing DISCOs to 15 %, the system would save approximately
$500 million a year.
(a) Reading with an HHU (b) RF enable three phase and single phase Meter Installations
electricity DISCOs, including 71,200 Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) meters that
meters send information from the consumer’s premises to the billing system
automatically, eliminating the need for any manual processing. AMRs were
installed for high-consumption consumers at MEPCO and PESCO.
In yet another effort, PDP helped MEPCO and PESCO design and install a
state-of-the-art billing system called the Customer Information System
4.6 million (CIS). This system streamlined billing processes for 1.7 million (33% of all)
MEPCO consumers and 2.9 million PESCO Consumers (100%). PDP
Consumers at MEPCO and
PESCO will be served by support included analysis of the consumer databases at the two DISCOs,
the new CIS
consumer registration, and transfer of the data into electronic databases,
purchase and configuration of the new computer-based systems, and
training of staff to operate these systems. By overhauling the way DISCOs
conduct their business, the new system reduced operating costs, enhanced
employee efficiency and productivity, and improved Consumer satisfaction.
$42 million PDP also helped DISCOs identify and address an error in electricity
charges for Time of Use consumers. These consumers were being
will be added to annual
revenues due to correction under-billed due to an erroneous billing formula. Annually, this correction
of tariff formula will add as much as (USD) $42 million to the DISCOs revenues
Installation of HT switched capacitor bank
Several activities focused on demand side management, which is
considered to be the most cost-effective option in improving energy
efficiency. PDP worked to improve the efficiency of two types of
equipment: tubewell pumps and industrial motors.
Tubewell pumps account for about 12% of the total energy consumption
128 MW in Pakistan. Due to low efficiency, these pumps cause huge technical losses,
of electricity will be saved creating unnecessary demand for power. PDP provided more than 89,000
by 89,000 capacitors capacitors for installation on agricultural tubewells for consumers of
installed on agricultural
This reduced electricity demand by approximately128 MW. Additionally,
210 inefficient municipal tubewell pumps were replaced in Islamabad and
Karachi in 2012 and 2013.
Industrial motors, on the other hand, are responsible for 60% to 80% of
12.5 MW the industrial power consumption in Pakistan. PDP replaced 1,539
inefficient motors and installed 749 variable speed drives on the industrial
saved by replacement of
1,539 inefficient industrial motors in the areas served by FESCO, IESCO, MEPCO, HESCO, LESCO,
PESCO, and SEPCO, reducing industrial power consumption by
approximately 12.5 MW.
Transmission and distribution losses ( % )
Revenue collection losses (%)
Aggregate commercial and technical losses (%)
Programming of
Automatic HT Voltage Regulator
Interactive training session for DISCOs
Types of Training Courses Provided and Number of Employees and Staff Trained
provided occasional advice and monitored performance. In addition to
training initiatives, PDP facilitated organizational restructuring at NEPRA,
MEPCO, and PESCO to help them meet their business requirements
and to promote organizational growth, staff retention, skills
development, and enhance employee morale.
Training Programs
Through PDP programs, DISCO employees received training in all of the
functional areas relevant to power distribution sector. Extensive attention
was paid to IT skills to facilitate the automation processes. Several courses
focused on the development of the female workforce, while internships
encouraged young professionals to work in the power distribution sector.
Training Facilities
PDP trained trainers, improved the curriculum, renovated premises, and
supplied training aids, tools, and equipment to upgrade a total of 10
training centers at PESCO and MEPCO along with several other DISCOs
training facilities. Additionally, eight computer labs were established at the
Regional Training Centers of MEPCO, PESCO, GEPCO, LESCO, HESCO,
and QESCO as well as at the headquarters of MEPCO and PESCO to
facilitate transition to automated processes at DISCOs.
PDP & FESCO jointly organized energy conservation walk in Faisalabad
PESCO was selected for more extensive PDP support in late 2012 due to
the large gap between the power delivered and the costs recovered. With
AT&C losses at 47.4% in 2012, PESCO incurred approximately $370 million
million in overall losses. added to annual
PESCO revenue
As a result of the collaboration with PDP, PESCO’s losses declined from
47.4% to 42.6%. This has enabled PESCO to add more than $100 million
in the annual revenue. Additionally, for the first time in its history, PESCO’s
revenue for the Fiscal Year 2014–2015 covered its operational costs.
Equipment provided and PDP’s work at PESCO focused on (1) improving the accuracy of consumer
installed in PESCO: bills and overall consumer services and (2) reducing theft and losses and
120,000 quality meters increasing revenue. PESCO received extensive technical support, training,
12,820 AMR meters and an infusion of equipment and tools to improve its operations. PDP has
Sets of lineman tools also significantly improved the accuracy of its metering and billing
100 linemen vehicles processes through the introduction of the AMR meters, electronic meter
2,400 capacitors for reading devices, and similar interventions, reducing consumer complaints
and increasing revenues.
3,200 outage reduction
devices To improve the overall functioning of the DISCO, PDP helped PESCO
78 completely undergo organizational restructuring, overhaul the load management
transformers system and P&E functions, and adopt a fully automated ERP system for the
400 km ABC financial, HR, and materials management functions. A state-of-the-art
system was introduced to manage billing and Consumer care services for
all of PESCO’s 2.9 million consumers. Additionally, PDP helped PESCO
adopt the Cost of Service Model and IGTDP, design a five-year business
plan, and revise tariff application processes. All these interventions will
enable the company to sustain and scale up the changes introduced with
PDP support.
Field activities were conducted in the high-loss areas of Peshawar City and
its surroundings and focused on the reduction of losses and improvements
in revenues.
To ensure the sustainability of the changes, PDP has trained more than
2,300 PESCO staff in key areas of work, renovated and upgraded
PESCO’s Regional Training Center and four circle-level training centers,
and conducted a wide number of other capacity-building activities.
US Ambassador at Regional Training Centre of MEPCO (June 2015)
To strengthen the overall operations of MEPCO, PDP introduced a Cost of
Service Model and the IGTDP, designed a five-year business plan, and revised
tariff application processes. All these interventions will enable MEPCO to
sustain and scale up the changes introduced with PDP’s support.
98% 102.3%
94.2% 97.2% 96%
100.0 91.8%
23.7% 20% 20.2% 24% 20.7%
20.0 14.9%
Wife of US Ambassador with DISCO females Trainees
In support of the government of Pakistan policies, PDP worked to increase gender awareness and equity in
DISCOs and encourage an increase in the female workforce in these DISCOs. PDP’s gender strategy
included Gender Equity Training for all managers and supervisors to facilitate the development of a DISCO
gender strategy to reduce recruitment disparities and facilitate women’s entry into the DISCOs.
PDP worked with DISCOs to improve workplace environments and to develop policies that mandate and
maintain basic requirements in all new facilities, such as at least one women-only washroom on work
premises and Consumer service centers that provide a culturally sensitive environment for women clients. A
model daycare center was established at MEPCO.
As a result of PDP efforts, gender equity courses became a permanent part of the training curriculum offered
by seven DISCOs. To support adoption of the 2010 Government of Pakistan’s Act on Protection Against
Harassment at the Workplace, PDP facilitated the formation of standing inquiry committees at all DISCOs
and trained committee members on handling sexual harassment cases.
PDP established three state of the art Data Centre at Multan Electric Power Company, Peshawar Electric
Supply Company and Power Information Technology Company, WAPDA House Lahore
USAID Power Distribution Program
House 23, Street 19, F 6/2
Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92-51-227-0911
Fax: +92-51-831-2997