Constitution and by Laws of Higher Education Institute Society

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the constitution and bye-laws of the Higher Education Institute Society for Govt. College Dhaliara in Himachal Pradesh. It establishes the aims, objectives, roles and responsibilities of the society and its governing bodies.

The aim of establishing the Higher Education Institute Society is to identify and introduce new vocational and professional courses at Govt. College Dhaliara and to strengthen existing courses in order to develop a skilled workforce in the area.

The roles and responsibilities of the Management Committee include constituting the governing body of the society, carrying out amendments in service bye-laws, and approving any alterations to the purposes for which the society is established.



Higher Education Institute Society – Govt. College , Dhaliara (Kangra) HP.

In the matter of Society registration act XXI of 1860 being an act for the registration of literacy
scientific and charitable societies.


In the matter of Higher Education Institute Society – Govt. College ,Dhaliara (Kangra) H.P.
(herein referred to as Society) pertaining to rules and regulation of Society for the strengthening
of existing and introduction of new as well as management of vocational and professional
courses and related areas there of at Govt. College, Dhaliara (Kangra) in the state of Himachal


The primary objective of the higher education institute Society (HEIS-
GC Dhaliara) is to establish, manage, operate, maintain, and control the imparting of education
in vocational, professional, and its related knowledge areas in the college / institute with an aim
to develop skilled/ professional work force in this area. The entire requisite infrastructure for
these courses in the college/ institute would be established, managed and run by Society on a
self- sustaining revenue model.

The Higher Education Institute Society is a college/ institute level body that would work under
the overall control of the Himachal Pradesh Government , in the department of Higher
Education .

It is considered expedient to provide the Society a legal entity by getting it registered under the
societies Registration Act. 1860.

a. Name:- The name of Society shall be Higher Education Institute Society – Govt.
College Dhaliara , (Kangra) H.P. (HEIS- GC Dhaliara) . For short.
b. Office:- The registered office of the Society will be located in the Govt. College ,
Dhaliara , (Kangra) Himachal Pradesh.

In the memorandum and Rules made there under the next otherwise
a. “The ‘Act’ means the Societies Registration Act 1860, (H.P. Act of 1973) as
applied to the state of HP or any statuary modification thereof for the time being in
b. “Management Committee” shall mean the body which is constituted as the
Management Committee of the Society”.
c. The “Chairperson” shall mean the “Chairperson” of the Management Committee.
d. Vocational Professional courses include course in Management, Education, Science
and technology (Biotechnology, ICT etc.) and law.
e. Member means:
i. The ex-offcio members as per the constitution of the Society or
ii. Such person(s)who may be accepted in future as member of the Society on
such terms and conditions as laid down by the Management Committee.
iii. Such person(s), institutes, organization, societies, corporate bodies who
may be accepted in future as the co-opted member of the Management
Committee on such terms and conditions as laid down by management
f. “Member secretary” means member secretary of the Management committee of
the Higher Education Institute Society – Govt. CollegeDhaliara (Kangra) as per
the recommendation of the Principal/ Chairperson shall be the Member Secretary.
g. “ Chairperson” means chairperson of the Higher Education Institute Society.
h. “The Society” means Higher Education Institute Society – Govt. College, Dhaliara
(Kangra) HP known by the name, style, and manner of HEIS- GC Dhaliara.
i. “ State Government” shall mean the government of Himachal Pradesh in the
Department of Higher Education or in any other way it is known.
j. “Subject area Expert” shall mean specialist in the field of humanities, social
sciences, commerce & Management, Education, Science & technology and Law
etc. with qualification as prescribed by the UGC/HP Govt./ NCTE/AICTE/BCI or
any other such statutory body who can contribute their expertise and experience to
achieve the objectives of the Society.


The Society will be an independent and autonomous
body in the state of Himachal Pradesh.

Whereas the existing infrastructure and staff (teaching,

Non-teaching, Material etc,) shall continue under the overall control of the government of
Himachal Pradesh Higher Education Department.

However the employees, teaching, non –teaching, adhoc, contractual etc. appointed,
engaged/called under self sustaining revenue model of the Society shall be governed by laws of


i. To identify and recommend the new courses which can be introduced in the
college/institute or changes/ modifications in the existing courses strengthen the
existing courses of Govt.College, Dhaliara and to introduce and run new courses
under different faculties and streams with different fee structures under self-
sustaining unit.
ii. To workout and implement the action plan for the implementation of education in
Information & communication (ICT), IT Enabled Services (ITES), Business
Process Outsourcing (BPO), Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) etc., and
other knowledge segments in the college/ institution.
iii To establish, upgrade, manage, operate, maintain and control the IT infrastructure in
the college for use by students, faculty and staff.
iv. To ensure and maintain the quality of IT education as per the defined policies and
programme of the H.P. Govt. Higher education Deptt.
v. To chalk out detailed procedures for the collection of fees for using IT services
provided by the Society and to transfer the fees into the accounts of the Society and
to H.P. Govt. Higher Education Deptt. as per its policy guidelines. To keep detailed
account of the fees collected from the students.
vi. To strengthen the existing courses of Govt. College Dhaliara and to introduced and
run new courses under different faculties and streams with different fee structures
under self sustaining revenue model.
vii. To provide for instructions and research in various branches of languages.
Humanities, pure & applied sciences etc. as the Society may think fit and to provide
for the advancement of learning /dissemination of knowledge in such branches.
viii. To arrange for practical training in industries on a cooperative education plan.
ix. To prescribe rules and regulations for the admission of students for various courses
with the approval of State government/ HPU.
x. To Institute an award(s), scholarships, prizes, stipends and medals in furtherance of
the objects of the Society in accordance with the rules and bye-laws
constituted/drawn for this purpose.
xi. To fix and demand such fees and other charges as may be laid down in the bye–laws,
made under the rules of the Society.
xii. To employ or engage teaching administrative, academic, technical, ministerial and
other supporting staff in accordance with the rules bye-laws.
xiii To function as an advisory body to the departments of Industries, Transport, Power,
Public, works, Irrigation, and Public Health, Town and Country Planning,
Information and Technology, Tourism, Welfare, Rural Development, Science and
Technology etc. in the improvements of their activities.

xiv To strengthen, upgrade and modernize the existing infrastructure for making the
Course more useful and purposeful.
xv. To make the college self-sustaining, independent, autonomous and to impart quality
education and to develop it as a centre of Excellence.

xvi. To co-operate with educational or other institutions in any part of the world having
Objects wholly or in part similar to those of the Society, by exchange of teachers,
Scholars and generally in such manner as may be conducive to their common objects.
xvii To impart, undertake, organize and /or assist in the organization of training and
courses in Languages, Humanities, pure & applied Sciences etc. in the college
and in other places and its extension centers in order to meet the demand of the
industries, business and Society.
xviii. To ensure a steady flow of skilled, professional, adequate and competent quality
manpower and to raise their quality and quantity.
xix. To work for the reduction of unemployment among the educated youth by
equipping them for suitable industrial employment/business employment and self-
xx. To establish centers for (a) Study and orientation (b) training and instruction (c) and
research and evaluations; and take such other steps as be may be necessary
to achieve to objects of the Society.
xxi. To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate training/research through colleges, and
others agencies established by or with the aid of the Government of Himachal
Pradesh or Government of India or Government of any other State.
xxii. To establish and maintain libraries, laboratories, workshops, maintenance cells,
placement cells, service centers and consultancy services.
xxiii To collaborate with other institutions, associations and societies in and outside the
State/Country to achieve similar objects.
xxiv To undertake and provide for publication of journals, research papers and books to
establish and maintain libraries and information services in furtherance of the
objects of Society.
xxv. to meet the expenses of the Society including expenses incurred in exercises of the
powers and discharge of functions.
xxvi. To establish and maintain superannuating schemes for the benefit of the employees
of the Society.
xxvii. To prepare and maintain accounts and other relevant records and prepare annual
statements of accounts in such forms as may be prescribed by the State
xxviii. To create incentives for better performance.
xxix. To reduce the financial burden of the State Government.
xxx. To do all such activities as the Society may consider necessary to its primary
objective for promoting vocational & professional education other allied activities
such as community development programs and transfer of technology to industry
xxxi. To take all publicity measures and campaigning through media like TV, radio,
newspaper, conferences, seminars, public meetings, banners, and posters etc. for
creating awareness about the programs for the benefit of the students.
xxxii To workout and implement in the college/ institution on a self sustaining revenue
model in collaboration with the private sector. NGOs or other innovative methods
as per the requirements of the specific areas.

xxxiii To create any depreciation fund, reserve fund, sinking fund, insurance fund or other
special other fund where for depreciation for repairing, improving, extending or
maintaining any of the other funds herein mentioned.
xxxiv. To maintain healthy interface with business and industrial establishments.Pursuant
to the aforesaid objects, the Society may use the assets created by the Government
of Himachal Pardesh as may be allowed by the government. It will also create
assets out of its own funds over which it will exercise full control. The Society in
order to fulfill the above aims and objectives may :-

a) Acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, and hire or otherwise any property,
movable or immovable, which may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of
Society and to build, construct, improve, alter, demolish and acquire such buildings,
works and construction as may be necessary for carrying out the objects of the

b) Borrow and raise moneys with or without security or on the security of mortgage,
charge or hypothecation or pledge of all or any of the movable or immovable
property belonging to the Society.
c) Sell, hire, assign, mortgage, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer or dispose of all
or any property, movable or immovable of the Society for the furtherance of its
d) Accept grants of money from the government and non government organizations as
well as securities or property of any kind and undertaken and accept the
management of any endowment, trust, fund of donation which is not inconsistent
with the objects of the Society, on such terms as may be prescribed by the Society
from tome to time.
e) Invest and deal with funds and moneys of the Society.
f) Impose and recover fees and charges for the training, services and consultancy
provided by the Society.
g) Draw, accept, make, endorse, discount and deposit Government and other promissory
notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments.
h) Create Corpus Fund, Staff Development Fund, Depreciation Fund, Maintenance
Fund, Reserve Fund, Sinking Fund, Insurance Fund or any other special fund whether
for depreciation, repairs, improvement , extension, maintenance of any of the
properties or rights of the Society and / or for recouping wasting assets and for any
other purpose for which the Society deems it expedient or proper to create or maintain
any such fund or funds.
i) Maintain a fund to which shall be credited:

i. All moneys, which may be received as, grant – in – aid or otherwise from the
Central/state government and other statutory bodies like UGC etc.
ii. All fees and other charges received by the Society.
iii. All moneys received by the Society by way of gifts, donations, benefactions,
bequests or transfers.
iv. All moneys received by the Society in any other manner or from any other sources
including consultancy charges.

5. The State Government may appoint one or more person to review the work and
progress of the Society and to hold inquiries into the affairs thereof and to report
thereon, in such manner as the State Government may stipulate. Upon receipt of any
such report, state Government may take such action and issue such directions as it
may consider necessary in respect of any of the matter dealt within the report and
Society, as the case may be, shall bound to comply with such directions.
6. The state Government may issue such directions to the Society as it may consider
necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Society and for ensuring its
proper and effective functioning.
Provided that all directions of the State Govt., shall be binding on the Society.
7. The income and the property of the Society howsoever derived shall be applied
towards the promotion of the objects thereof as set forth in this Memorandum of the
Association subject to such conditions or limitations the State Government may
from time to time, impose. No part of the income of the property of the Society
shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly by way of profit, to the persons
who are or at any time have been members of the Society or of the Government
body or to any of them or to any persons claiming through them or any of them
provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment, in good faith or
remuneration to any member thereof other persons in return for any any services,
rendered to the Society or for traveling allowance, halting, or other similar charges.
8. In case the Society is resolved for any reason /event all the assets of the Society
shall devolve and vest in the Government of H.P.

9. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: The names, designations and address of the
present numbers and office bearers of the Management Committee, to whom the
management of the affairs of the Society is entrusted as require under section 2 of the
registration of societies act, 1860(Act xxi of 1860) shall be as under.
Please form the constitution.
Sr.N Designation Name & Address Signature
Ex-Officio Members
1 Chairperson Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Member Vice Principal/Senior most Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
Lecturer of the college (Senior Associate
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Member Head of the Department Two 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
amongst senior most HOD’s of (Associate Professor in
Arts, Science & Commerce Zoology)
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 Member PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh Dadwal
V.P.O Sunhet, Tehsil
5 Member Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Member Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt (Associate
Secretary Chairperson/Principal Professor in Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Nominated Members
7 Member Director Of Higher Education Sh. P.C. Patial
Govt. of H.P.’s Nominee Principal, Govt. College
Nadaun (Hamirpur)
8 Member One Eminent educationist Sh. B.S. Pathania
Retd. Principal
9 Member One Subject Area expert Prof. Yuvraj
Professor in Physics)
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Co-opted Member
10 Co-opted Any other member which the Thakur Rashpal Singh
Member Management Committee decides Village Lower Sunhet
to Co-opt amongst Donors Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra

We, the several members whose names and address are given below, having associated ourselves
for the purpose prescribed in this memorandum of association do hereby, subscribe our names to
this Memorandum of Association and set our several and respective hands here unto and form
ourselves into a Society under Societies Registration Act,1860.

Sr.N Designation Name & Address Signature

Ex-Officio Members
1 Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Vice Principal/Senior most Lecturer of Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
the college (Senior Associate
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Head of the Department Two amongst 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
senior most HOD’s of Arts, Science & (Associate Professor in
Commerce Zoology)
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh
Dadwal V.P.O Sunhet,
Tehsil Dehra
5 Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt
Chairperson/Principal (Associate Professor in
As Member secretary Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara

Sr.N Designation Name & Address Signature
Ex-offcio Member
1 Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Vice Principal/Senior most Lecturer of the Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
college (Senior Associate
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Head of the Department Two amongst senior 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
most HOD’s of Arts, Science & Commerce (Associate Professor in
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh
Dadwal V.P.O Sunhet,
Tehsil Dehra
5 Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt
Chairperson/Principal (Associate Professor in
As Member secretary Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara


It is resolved that Higher Education Institute Society, (HEIS- GC Dhaliara) may be got registered as
Society under the Act XXI of 1860 and hereinafter may be referred to as the Society. (For Higher Education Institute
Society- Government College Dhaliara)
Sr.N Designation Name & Address Signature
Ex-Officio Members
1 Chairperson Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Member Vice Principal/Senior most Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
Lecturer of the college (Senior Associate
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Member Head of the Department Two 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
amongst senior most HOD’s of (Associate Professor in
Arts, Science & Commerce Zoology)
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 Member PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh Dadwal
V.P.O Sunhet, Tehsil
5 Member Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Member Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt (Associate
Secretary Chairperson/Principal Professor in Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Nominated Members
7 Member Director Of Higher Education Sh. P.C. Patial
Govt. of H.P.’s Nominee Principal, Govt. College
Nadaun (Hamirpur)
8 Member One Eminent educationist Sh. B.S. Pathania
Retd. Principal
9 Member One Subject Area expert Prof. Yuvraj Pathania
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Co-opted Member
10 Co-opted Any other member which the Thakur Rashpal Singh
Member Management Committee decides Village Lower Sunhet
to Co-opt amongst Donors Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra

Higher Education Institute Society- Govt. College Dhaliara (HIES-GC Dhaliara)

1. Registered Office: The registered office of Society shall be situated at Govt College
Dhaliara Himachal Pradesh.
2. Short title and commencement: These rules may be called “Rules of the Higher
Education Institute Society of Govt College Dhaliara.
These rules will come into force at once.
3. Definitions: In this Memorandum and the rules made there under.
Unless specifically provided otherwise in the rules:-
i. “Society” means the Higher Education Institute Society of Govt College
Dhaliara ,Distt. Kangra ,Himachal Pradesh.
ii. “Management committee” shall mean the body, which is constituted as the
“Management Committee” of the Society.
iii. “Executive Committee “ shall mean the Executive Committee of the Society.
iv. “Chairperson” shall mean the Chairperson of the Management Committee.
v. “President’ shall mean the President of Executive Committee of the Society.
vi. “Government ” shall mean the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
vii. “Principal Secretary” shall mean the Principal Secretary to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh Education Department,H.P. Sectt. Shimla 171002.
viii. “Director” shall mean the Director of Education , Himachal Pradesh Education
ix. “University Grants Commission “ shall mean University Grants Commission ,
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New delhi-110002 established by the law of the Parliament.
x. “University” shall mean Himachal Pradesh University Summer Hill,Shimla 171005,
Himachal Pradesh established by the ordinance of State Legislature.
xi. “Vice Chancellor” shall mean the Vice Chancellor of Himachal Pradesh University
xii. “Principal “ shall mean the Principal of Govt College Dhaliara ,Distt. Kangra
,Himachal Pradesh.
xiii. “Member” shall mean:
a. The ex-officio members as per the constitution of the Society.
b. Such person(s) who may be accepted in future as the Member(s) of the
Society on such terms and conditions as laid down by the Management
c. Such person(s), institutions, organizations, societies, corporate bodies who
may be accepted in future as the co-opted members of the Management
Committee on such terms and conditions as laid down by the Management

xiv. “Member Secretary” shall mean member secretary of Management Committee of

the Higher Education Institute Society of GC Dhaliara Kangra H.P.appointed as per the
recommendation of the Principal/Chairman.
xv. “Donor” shall mean – A person out of Donors who has donated a minimum of Rs
50000/- or more.
The formation of a Society shall be as follows;-
1. Management Committee.
2. Executive Committee.
3. Finance Committee.

4. Management Committee:-
I. The Society shall have its Management Committee as the supreme Authority
and source of all powers, functions and activities.
II. The general superintendence, direction and control of the affairs of the
Society and of its income and property shall be vested in the Management
Committee of the Society hereinafter referred to as “The committee” or “The
Management Committee”.

5. Constitution of The Management Committee:- (For Higher Education

Institute Society- Govt College Dhaliara ,Distt. Kangra ,Himachal Pradesh.

Sr.N Designation Name & Address Signature

Ex-Officio Members
1 Chairperson Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Member Vice Principal/Senior most Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
Lecturer of the college (Senior Associate
Professor )
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Member Head of the Department Two 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
amongst senior most HOD’s of (Associate Professor in
Arts, Science & Commerce Zoology)
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 Member PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh Dadwal
V.P.O Sunhet, Tehsil
5 Member Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Member Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt (Associate
Secretary Chairperson/Principal Professor in Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Nominated Members
7 Member Director Of Higher Education Sh. P.C. Patial
Govt. of H.P.’s Nominee Principal, Govt. College
Nadaun (Hamirpur)
8 Member One Eminent educationist Sh. B.S. Pathania
Retd. Principal
9 Member One Subject Area expert Prof. Yuvraj Pathania
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Co-opted Member
10 Co-opted Any other member which the Thakur Rashpal Singh
Member Management Committee decides Village Lower Sunhet
to Co-opt amongst Donors Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra

6. Members Of the Society:
a. The Society shall consist of following:
i. All the ex-officio members as per the provision at Sr. no. 1 to 06 of
Para 5 in the constitutions, of the management Committee.
ii. Other individuals, institutions, organizations and corporate bodies
to be accepted in future as Co-opted Members as per terms and
conditions of eligibility as may be laid down and approved by the
Management Committee from time to time as per the provision at
Sr. no.10 of Para 5 in the constitutions, by the management
b. The Society shall keep a register of nominated and co-opted Members and
every such member of the Society shall sign the roll and state there in his
name occupation and address.
c. If a nominated and co-opted member of the Society changes his address, he
shall inform his new address to the Member Secretary who shall there upon
enter his new address in the register of such Members. But if he fails to
inform his new address, the address in the register of Members shall be
deemed to be his address.

d. Termination of Membership :-

i. where a person becomes a member of the Society by reason of the office or

appointment, he holds his membership of the Society shall terminate when
he ceases to hold that office or appointment.
iii. Whenever a member other then the ex-officio member , desire to
resign from the membership or Society , he shall address his
resignation to the member Secretary of the Society and submit the
same to him . The membership of such person shall stand
terminated from the date of his resignation.
iv. A member of the Society shall cease to be a member, if
Management Committee so desire.

7. Term of office of the Members of the Society & Termination of Membership:

a. Term of office of non-official /nominated/co-opted members shall be for two

years or till the new member is nominated/co-opted after the expiry of term,
whichever is later. At the expiry of the period so fixed the Management
Committee may nominate the same person(s) or some other person in his/ her
place. In the case of any vacancy arising earlier than the stipulated period of two
years, the management committee may nominate any other person(s) a fresh.
b. Any nominated /co-opted member of the Management Committee may resign
his/her membership by a letter addressed to the Principal, Govt. College
,Dhaliara. The resignation shall take effect from the date of its acceptance by the
Chairperson or from the 30th day following the date of receipt of the letter by the
Principal whichever is earlier.
c. Any member of the Management Committee shall cease to be a member if he
becomes insolvent or of unsound mind or is convinced of a criminal offence
involving moral turpitude.

8. Meeting of Management Committee:

a. The Committee shall ordinarily meet in 2 times in a year but the gap between one
meeting and other shall not be more that 6 months.
b. Every meeting of the Management Committee shall be presided over by the
Chairperson of the Management committee and in his absence, the Vice Principal,
the ex-officio member, shall preside over the meeting.
c. The Chairperson may, whenever he thinks fit , and shall , on the written
requisition of not less than four members , call a special meeting of the
Management Committee.
d. Notice and quorum for the meetings of the Society:
i. Every notice calling a meeting of the Management Committee shall
state the date, time & place at which such meeting will be held and
shall be served upon every member not less than 48 hours before
the day & time appointed for the meeting.
ii. Provide that the Chairperson for reason to be recorded shall have
the authority to call a special meeting on such shorter notice as he
thinks fit.
iii. If the Chairperson of Management Committee is unable to attend
any meeting, then Vice-Principal, the ex-officio member shall
preside over the meeting
e. The Management Committee can further constitute committee and sub-committee
and delegate the necessary powers and authorizations to such committee for the
specific purposes.
f. Quorum: Five members, out of whom at least three must be official members,
shall constitute the Quorum.

9. Conduct of Business Of the Management Committee:
a. The Management Committee may function notwithstanding any vacancy
in its constitution provided however , that at no time the number of
vacancies shall be such that total number of members is less than the
quorum required for a meeting of the Management Committee.
b. Acts and processing not to be invalidated by vacancies etc: No act or
preceding of the management committee or any authority of the Society or
any committee constituted under this, shall be questioned on the ground
merely of the existence of any vacancy or defect in the election ,
nomination or appointment of a person acting as a member thereof or any
irregularity in its procedure not affecting the merits of the case.
c. Subject to the provisions herein contained, the Management Committee
may , with the previous approval of the HP Government, frame and vary
from time to time as it thinks fit, bye-laws for the conduct of its business
d. In case of difference of opinion amongst the members, the opinion of the
majority shall prevail.
e. Each member of the Management Committee, including the Chairperson,
shall have one vote & if there is an equal number of votes on any question
to be determined by the Management Committee, the Chairperson shall, in
addition, have and exercise a casting vote.
f. Any resolution, expect such as may be placed before the meeting of the
Management committee, may be adopted by circulation among all its
members and any resolution so circulated and adopted by a majority of the
Members who have been passed at meeting of the Committee provided
that in such case at least five members of committee shall have recorded
their approval to the resolution.

10. Powers, functions, duties and responsibilities of Management Committee:

Subject to the Memorandum of Association and those Rules, but without
prejudice to the generality of powers, the Management Committee shall
have the full functional autonomy and shall exercise the following powers
and carry out the following functions, duties and responsibilities inter-alia:
i. To exercise general control and issue such directions for the
efficient management and administration of the affairs of the collage as
may be necessary.
ii. To nominate members of the Executive Committee.
iii. To approve the annual budget as presented by the Executive Committee.
iv. To consider the annual report and audited annual accounts of the
Society for the immediately preceding financial year along with the audit
Certificate, the Audit Report, and replies of the Society to the observation
contained in the audit.
v. To add to, amend, vary for rescind, with the prior approval of the
Govt. of H.P., any of these rules.
vi. To frame bye-laws consistent with these rules and the
Memorandum of association, for the management, administration and
regulation of the business of the Society for the furtherance of it’s object.
vii. Perform such other functions as are entrusted to it under the rules.

Powers of the Management Committee:
1. Take decision on matter policy relating to the administration, working and
control of the Society.
2. Consider and approve programmes and plans of the Society in conformity
with the scope of the objectives of the Society and under the overall guidance
of Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. and to sanction expenditure for the
execution of the plan.
3. Workout and recommend to the Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. The
eligibility conditions, duration, selection process etc. for the programmes run
by the Society.
4. Workout and recommend to the Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. Rules
Regulation and Bye-laws for the Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. To add,
amend or repeal the rules and regulation from time to time.
5. Consider approve and authorize operation of the funds of the Society . Collect
fees on the behalf of Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. And other
departments and agencies and transfer or utilize the same in the manner
prescribed in the agreements.
6. Workout and recommend to the Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt. The
norms, guidelines and terms and conditions and agreements with stakeholder
to establish Resource Center and to add or amend them from time to time.
7. Appoint Committee or sub-Committee by whatever name called, comprising
member(s) of the Society and such outside experts and officers of the Society
as may be nominated by it for specific tasks, for the disposal of its business or
for tendering advice on any matter pertaining to the administration and
management of the Society.
8. Handle the work on job-work and /or outsourcing basis for the Society as per
the norms laid down by the Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt.
9. Delegate, to such extent, as it may deem necessary, any of its powers to any
officer or the committee constituted by the Management Committee.
10. Acquire by gift, purchase, exchange, lease, hire or otherwise any property
movable or immovable and to construct, improve, alter, demolish or repair
building, space, works and construction as may be necessary or convenient for
carrying on the activities of the Society.
11. Negotiate, enter into and make contracts and deeds on behalf of the Society
without any Govt. support. To enter into legal and corporate agreements for
and on behalf of Society and to sure and defend all legal matters of the
12. Institute and award, prizes and medals for innovative education practices.
13. Solicit and receive grants, gifts, donations, fees and funds in any other forms,
provided it is approved by the Executive Committee.
14. Do all such act things as are incidental or conductive to the discharge of the
functions and attainment of any of the objects of the Society.

Functions, duties and responsibilities of the Management Committee:
1. To prepare the budget estimates of the Society for each year and to sanction
expenditure within the limits of budget as approved by the management
2. To have custody and ensure proper utilization of the funds of the Society and
to manage all the resources of the Society.
3. To provide the required operation, administration, technical , ministerial and
manpower under the Society on job work, contract or outsourcing basis from
project to project for ensuring the efficient operation and management of the
projects and the affairs of the Society and to prescribe the conditions for
hiring and firing of such manpower by the other department and
organizations as and when required.
4. To co-ordinate with the Govt., of HP Higher Education Deptt., and college/
institute level department/organizations in the pursuit of its objectives of the
5 To consider and pass such resolutions on the annual report, the annual accounts
and the financial estimates if the Society as it thinks fit.

11. Assets and Funds of Society:-

a. The capital cost and corpus fund for the smooth functioning of the Society
may be contributed by government of HP, Government of India ,
contributions from public sector organizations and financial institutions
b. Sources of income of Society : The Society will
facilitate/execute/implement education in knowledge sector on behalf of
Department of Higher Education based on the availability of the funds .
Therefore, any receipts of Society will consist of the following:
Financial assistance from central ministries; financial institutions or any
national/international individuals or institutions or industry.
c. The recurring expenditure of all Society would be met out of the funds and
other income from the resources and business of the Society.
d. For expanding the scope and coverage of the programmes run by the
Society it may approach Government of India, Government of HP or any
financial institutions for funding this program depending upon the project
structuring requirement.
e. The Society may accept contributions from the statutory bodies created under
the Acts of Parliament or of the state Legislature, the national and
international organizations, NRIs industry. The contribution may also be
accepted from Private bodies and individuals subject to the approval of its
Management Committee.
f. The income and property of the Society howsoever derived shall be
applied towards the promotion of the object thereof as set-forth in this
Memorandum of Association.
g. No part of income and property of the Society shall be paid or transferred
directly or indirectly, by way of profit, to the persons/body who are, or, at
anytime, have been or shall be members of the Society or Management
Committee or to any of them or to any person claiming through them.

h. Operations and management (O & M) of the Society:
a. The required operation, administrative, technical and other manpower may
be deployed on job work, contract or outsourcing basis from case-to-case
basis for ensuring the efficient operation and management of the projects
b. Thus the hiring of manpower for the work of the Society would not be the
liability of the Government and any expenditure on such account is proposed
to be met out of the funds available with the Society.
c. The private partners would hire mostly the operation staff and no
Government Expenditure would be involved. Also expenditure on any hiring
of staff by the Society would be met out the funds available with the Society.
d. The manpower for the functions of the Society would be taken on deputation
from the Government’s departments, corporations, agencies, institutions,
boards, public sector Undertakings, colleges etc. or job-work basis in
accordance with rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Society.
e. The manpower on job-work basis would not claim for permanent absorption
in the Society or in the State Government. The Society has full rights to
terminate the contract of manpower on job-work basis without giving any

I. Vesting of the assets and funds of the Society: The Assets and the funds
shall vest with the Society.
i. Assets register and accounts: The Society shall maintain Assets Register
(AR) and accounts as per the common practices in higher educational
ii. The Treasurer of fund: The Member Secretary or any other person
authorized by the BOG shall be the treasurer of funds.
iii. Operation of Bank Account: The bank accounts of the Society shall be kept
in the name of the Society and shall be operated upon by the Chairperson of
the Society or any other person authorized by the Management Committee.
J. If at any time Society is dissolved, the assets of the Society shall vest with the
Government of HP (Department of Higher Education) in the account of the
local college.
K. Objects for which the fund of the Society could be used:
i. The Objects of the fund shall be as approved by the Management Committee.
ii. All decisions for utilization of funds would be recorded in Executive Office
Order Register (EOOR).
iii. Some of the indicative objects for which the funds could be used are as
a. To impart special training, awareness and capacity building in the field
of vocational and professional studies at College/ Institute level.
b. For any other improvements in the field of higher education.
iv. Administrative expenses incurred by the Society or Committee such as salary,
allowances and traveling allowances and daily allowances of the staff can
be legitimate charges on the funds of the Society in accordance with the
provision of the rules of the Society as approved by the Government in the
Department of Higher Education.

12 Accounts and Audit:
The Society shall cause maintenance of regular accounts of all its money and
properties in such form as the Management Committee may prescribe. The
accounts shall be audited annually by an Agency nominated by the
Government. Any expenditure incurred in connection with such audit shall be
payable by the Society to the Party concerned. The result of the Audit shall be
communicated by the Auditor(s) to the management Committee.
i. The chairperson shall keep or cause to be kept proper account of the
receipts and payments, income and expenditure and of the property, assets
and liabilities of the Society. The annual Accounts shall be made by the end of
the financial year.
ii The Accounts of the Society shall be audited and certified by the Charter
Accountant appointed by the Management Committee or any other competent
13. Arbitration and Reconciliation:
Any dispute between two or more members of the Society, which has an
impact upon the activities of the Society, shall be referred to and resolved
amicably by the Chairperson or an arbitrator appointed by the Chairperson.

14. Alteration of the Rules and Regulation:

The Society may alter these rules at any time by a resolution passed by a
majority of the total membership of the Society and a majority of the members
present and voting at any meeting of the Society duly convened for the
purpose subject to the approval of the Govt. of HP. Higher Education Deptt.

15. Executive Committee cum Finance Committee of the Society:

The routine decision making of the Society and its funds shall be managed by
the following executive committee (For Higher Education Society, GC
Sr. Name & Designation Remarks
1 Principal of the College Chairperson
2 Vice Principal/Senior most Member
Lecturer of the College
3 President PTA Member
4 HOD same as Management Member
5 Associate Professor Member Secretary
6 Special Invitee Subject Area expert for the advice not
having a voting right

a. The Executive Committee will be empowered to take all administrative decision where no
creation of post is involved.
b. The Executive Committee will issue Financial Sanctions (FS) for all acquisition of movable
& immovable assets & disposal there of.
c. In case of urgency, the Executive Committee will take decision and get the same rectified
from the Management Committee in its next meeting.
d. The Executive Committee may also further delegate any of its power to Chairperson of the
e. The Executive Committee shall exercise such other powers as delegate to it by the
Management Committee.
f. The existence of any vacancy therein or any defect in the appointment or nomination of any
member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the meeting of the Executive Committee.
g. Every Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be presided over by its Chairperson and
his absence by the senior most member of the Executive Committee.
h. Three members of the Executive Committee present in person shall constitute quorum. No
quorum shall be required for an adjourned meeting.
i. For every meeting of the Executive Committee not less than 48 hours notice shall be given
to each member provided that the Chairman in special circumstances may call a meeting at
a shorter notice.
j. At least four meetings of Executive Committee shall be held every year and intervening
period between these meetings shall not be more than three months.
k. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee, including the presiding officer, shall have
one vote and in the case of any, tie, he shall, in addition, have a casting vote.
l. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee may invite any person other than a member to
attend a meeting of the Executive Committee. Such invitee shall not however, be entitled to
vote at the meeting.
m. Any business which it may be necessary for the Executive Committee to perform may be
carried out by circulation of paper among all its member and any resolution so circulated
and approved by a majority of members signing shall be effective and binding as if the
resolution had been passed at the meeting of the Executive Committee.

16. Functions and Powers of the Executive Committee:

i. Subject to general control and direction of the Management committee the
Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management and administration
of the affairs of the Society in accordance with these rules and Bye-Laws made
there under for the furtherance of its objectives and shall have all powers,
administrative and Financial, which may be necessary or expedient for the purpose.

ii. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing sub-rule, the Executive
Committee shall have the following powers and functions:
1.To frame bye-laws procedures or rules with regard to all staff, budget and
expenditure related matters. The Executive Committee shall also have the power
to further delegate these and other powers to the chairperson and to authorize
further delegation by the chairperson to the officer as deemed fit by the
2. To prepare and execute detailed plans and programs for the furtherance of the
3. To create, recruit and manage technical, administrative, managerial, academic,
consultancy and other posts in the Society other than those for whose appointment
specific provision has been made else where, as may be required for the efficient
management of the affairs of the Society and regulate the terms and conditions of
their service, and to make payment to such personnel in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Society.
4. To receive, have custody of, and deal with the funds and money of the Society.
5. To sell, hire, lease, exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any
property, movable or immovable, of the Society. Provided that for the sale, lease,
exchange or transfer of immovable property transferred to the Society on its
formation by the Govt. prior approval in writing of the government shall be
6. To execute contracts, collaboration, agreement, general/special instruments,
service agreements, agreements containing arbitration clauses, indemnity bonds,
deeds in respect of or connected with lease/license, mortgage, hypothecation or
other deeds of a legal character of whatever description: powers of attorney and to
enforce any other legal rights and incur legal expenses. Provided that these
powers are exercised for and on behalf of the Society.
7. To sue-defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Society.
8. To appoint committee, with or without the power of co-opt, for disposal of any
business of the Society or for advice in any matter pertaining to the Society,
provided that in case of emergency, the chairman of the executive committee shall
have the power to appoint such committee.
9. To accept the management of any endowment, trust, fund, subscription, or
donation provided that it is not attended by any condition inconsistent, or in
conflict, with the objective of the Society.
10. To prepare the annual budget estimates of the Society and to submit the same
before the management committee for approval.
11. To incur expenditure subject to the provisions of the approved budget provided
that where in the opinion of the Chairperson, an immediate decision on any matter
is essential, he/she may, within the ambit of the operational necessity and
efficiency or to meet an emergency, authorize the incurring of expenditures not
covered by provision of the budget provided that a report would be made to the
management Committee council at its next meeting and its ex-post-facto approval
obtained, wherever necessary.
12. To lay down term and conditions governing scholarships, deputations, grants –
in –aid, training and research schemes and projects

13. To frame, approve, amend and change R &P rules (Recruitment & promotion
Rules) for those who are appointed/engaged/called under the Society.
14. To approve annual training plan of the Society.
15. The EC may by resolution delegate to its Chairperson, to any Standing Committee
or to any other officer of the Society, such of its power for the conduct of
business as it may deem fit, subject, if deemed necessary to the condition that the
action taken by its own Chairperson, the Standing Committee, or other officers
under the powers so delegated shall be subject to confirmation of the next meeting
of Executive Committee.
16. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint the Chartered
Accountants/firms of Chartered Accountants as Auditors to certify the annual
income and expenditure statement and Balance Sheet of the Society. Provided that
the Govt. of H.P. shall have the overriding power to appoint auditors for getting
the accounts of Society audited.
17. With regard to all finance/staff related matters including creation, filling
up posts, setting up terms and conditions of services approving budgets of
expenditure change of rates charged for services etc. any decision of Executive
Committee shall be taken only with concurrence of Financial Committee.

17. Contracts:
All contracts and other assurance shall be executed in the name of the
Management Committee and signed on their behalf by the Chairperson of the
Society or any other person duly authorized by the Management committee.

18. Powers, Functions & Responsibilities of the Chairperson:

a. The Chairperson shall be the custodian of the record, the funds of Society & such
other property of the Society as the Committee may commit to his charge. The
Chairperson shall have the accounts maintained and also arrange for the annual
audit in accordance with the provisions in the Rules and bye-laws of the Society.
b. The chairperson shall have such other power & perform other duties as may be
delegated or assigned to him by the Committee. The Chairperson may delegate
any of his powers to any of the subordinate with the approval of the Executive
c. The Chairperson of management committee shall act as the Chairperson of the
Society and will record the proceedings of the meeting of the Society and of the
management committee and maintain a proper record of these meeting in
accordance with the provision of the Bye-laws of the Society.
d. The chairperson of Management Committee shall manage the project, properties
or the money under the fund, manage accounts, and execute all contracts on
behalf of the Society and receive funds for the Society through donations, grants-
in-aid, contribution and raising money whenever required.

e. The Chairperson of management Committee shall prepare the budget relating to

the administrative expenses of the Society and Committee such as expenditure on
TA/DA of the members, which shall be legitimate charge on the fund.

f. The Chairperson will have the authority to issue Financial Sanction (FS) and
Technical sanction for all the IT acquisitions of value less than Rs. 2 lac. Any
project more than Rs. 2 lac would require the approval of the Executive
Committee or the Management Committee, as the case may be.

g. In the event of the post of the Chairperson remaining vacant or the Chairperson
being absent or unable to perform his duties for any reason, it shall be open for
the Committee to direct any Officer or Officers in the service of the Society to
exercise temporarily such powers & perform such functions and duties of the
Chairperson as the Committee may deem fit.

h. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the proper day to day administration of
the Society .All other staff of the Society shall be subordinate to the Chairperson.
The Chairperson shall carry out the general correspondence in connection with
the work assigned to him/her by the Chairperson of Management Committee and
the Executive Committee from time to time.
i. The Chairperson of the Management Committee shall hire & fire the manpower for
the Society and other staff in accordance with rules, regulations and bye-laws of
the Society with the approval of Chairperson. Chairperson of Management
Committee shall represent the Society in all its legal matters jointly or through
any authorized representative.

j. The Chairperson shall be responsible for the execution of all IT acquisition as

approved by the Management Committee and the Executive Committee.

k. To do all acts, deeds and things necessary for carrying out his functions as the
19. Funds of the Society:

The funds of the Society shall consist of the following:

a.Grant-in –aid received from Central or State Govt.
b. Donations and contributions from other sources.
c.Fees to be collected from the students and charges imposed by the Society for
services rendered by it.
d. Income form investment.
e.Income from interest.
f. Income from consultancy services.
g. Income from Receipts from other sources.
h. All grants received from University Grant Commission.
i. All funds and amounts charged by the Society.
j. Grants from individuals, institutions, gifts, charity, any assistance, amount
received out of will of any person and all receipts
The funds of the Society shall be kept/deposited in the scheduled bank defined
under Reserve bank of India Act 1934 (Act 2 of 1934) and it will be expended on
the substainance and development of the college as per the budget formed by the
governing council and abetment of the finance committee as per the rules &
regulations formulated for the purpose.
The Society may increase the fee determined from time to time, can also increase
search for the opportunities/alternatives to increase its income. All these addition
Fee & funds shall be included in the funds of the Society.

20. Withdrawal of Funds:

1. Withdrawal of funds from the accounts of the Society shall be regulated in a
manner to be determined by the Management Committee or under its authority by
the Executive committee.
2. Such withdrawals shall be made by cheques on requisition (as the case may be)
signed by Chairperson and Member Secretary of the Executive Committee.
21. Suit by and Against the Society:
The Society may sue or be sued in the name of the Society and the Chairperson shall
have all powers to defend any suits and sue in the name of the Society either by himself
or acting through agents/officials duly appointed by the Chairperson.

22. Annual Report:

Annual Report of the proceedings of the Society including all works undertaken and
various achievements made, during the year, together with the Audited Annual Accounts
for the year, the Audit Certificate,the Audit Report and the replies of the Society to the
observations contained in the Audit Report shall be placed before the Management
Committee at its next meeting through the Executive Committee. The Management
Committee shall cause a copy of the Audit Report along with the observations thereon to
be submitted to the Government of H.P after annual general meeting.
23. Service of Notice:
A notice may be served upon any member of the Society or its Executive Committee
either personally or by post at the address mentioned in the roll of members. Any notice
so served by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day following that on
which it is posted.
24. Alteration of Extension of the Purpose of the Society:
Subject to the provision of the Registration of Societies Act 1860, the Management
Committee may alter, extend or abridge any purpose or purposes for which the Society is

25. Amendment of the Rules:

The Management Committee shall be competent to amend, repeal, rescind any of the
provisions of Memorandum of Association, and Rules of the Society. The Executive
Committee shall be competent to carryout amendments in the Service Bye-laws as it may
think fit from time to time.
26. Repeal and Savings:
i. Subject to the prior approval of the Management Committee, the Society
may alter, extend or abridge any purpose for which it is established by following
the procedure prescribed under these rules.
ii. These Rules may be altered by the Society with the consent of the Management
Committee at any time by a resolution passed by a majority of 2/3rd of the total
members present at any meeting of the Society which shall have been convened
for the purpose after giving due notice of such resolution to the members of the
Society subject to the approval of Govt. of HP Higher Education Deptt.
27. Staff and Establishment issues:
i. Existing staff of the college will continue to be borne on government rolls
and all staff, office and establishment related expenditure bills will continue
to be drawn from treasury as per budget provision as heretofore.
ii. Any fresh recruitment in the college for any purpose including replacement
for vacancies in regular establishment will be done by the Society and
expenditure will be met out of its own resources. Such recruitment will be
based on need/justification and preferably for a limited period on contact
basis on consolidated amount. There will be no liability/binding on the
Society or the Government for regularization/appointment of such staff on

Iii the expiry of period of contact. The contact shall be on year to year basis and

terms and conditions as decided by the Society.

28. Societies Registration ACT to Apply: All clauses of Societies Registration Act, 1860
(HP, Amendment Act) as applied to the State Of Himachal Pradesh shall apply to this Society
save as appropriately and expressly amended and altered or amended by these presents and such
amendments are not inconsistent with the aforesaid act.
29. We the following members of the Management Committee certify that the Rules of
the Society given above are correct:- (Higher Educating Institute Society – Govt.
College Dhaliara)

Sr.No Designation Name & Address Signature

Ex-Officio Members
1 Chairperson Principal Dr. Raksh Paul Jindal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
2 Member Vice Principal/Senior most Prof. Abhilasha Sharda
Lecturer of the college (Senior Associate
Professor )
Govt. College, Dhaliara
3 Member Head of the Department Two 1. Sh. S.C. Chaudhary
amongst senior most HOD’s of (Associate Professor in
Arts, Science & Commerce Zoology)
2. Dr. N.N. Sharma
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
4 Member PTA Head Sh. Jagdeep Singh Dadwal
V.P.O Sunhet, Tehsil
5 Member Associate Prof. Dr.S.S.Jaswal
Govt. College, Dhaliara
6 Member Any Lecturer nominated by the Dr. Umesh Dutt (Associate
Secretary Chairperson/Principal Professor in Maths)
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Nominated Members
7 Member Director Of Higher Education Sh. P.C. Patial
Govt. of H.P.’s Nominee Principal, Govt. College
Nadaun (Hamirpur)
8 Member One Eminent educationist Sh. B.S. Pathania
Retd. Principal
9 Member One Subject Area expert Prof. Yuvraj Pathania
(Associate Professor in
Govt. College, Dhaliara
Co-opted Member
10 Co-opted Any other member which the Thakur Rashpal Singh
Member Management Committee decides Village Lower Sunhet
to Co-opt amongst Donors Tehsil Dehra Distt. Kangra


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