Sample Portfolio (CO)

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the requirements and guidelines for student teachers during their internship, including their responsibilities and clearances they must complete.

The purpose of student teaching is for students to put into practice the skills and competencies learned in their teacher education program by gaining clinical experience teaching in an actual school setting under the guidance of cooperating teachers.

Student teachers have responsibilities such as participating actively in school activities, notifying cooperating teachers of absences, being prepared, respecting students, and returning borrowed materials.

University of Southeastern Philippines

Obrero Campus, Davao City


Of the Experience and Activities Off-Campus Training
San Roque Central Elementary School
Obrero, Davao City
In partial Fulfillment of the
Course Requirement for the Subject
Educ. 11 (Student Teaching)

Presented to:


Practicum Supervisor

Presented by:

BEEd 4-2 General Education
March 2010
University of Southeastern Philippines
Obrero Campus, Davao City


Of the Experience and Activities Off-Campus Training
San Roque Central Elementary School
Obrero, Davao City
In partial Fulfillment of the
Course Requirement for the Subject
Educ. 11 (Student Teaching)

Presented to:


Practicum Supervisor

Presented by:

BEEd 4-2 General Education

March 2010
Republic of the Philippines
University of Southeastern Philippines
College of Education
Obrero Campus, Davao City

This NARRATIVE REPORT in Practice Teaching has been approved and submitted by
MS. XANDERIA M. CO, in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Bachelor Of Elementary
Education has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval.

Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher Cooperating Teacher



Principal III
San Roque Central Elementary School


Accepted and approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Elementary Education with a rating of ______________.

BEEd 4-2 Supervising Professor
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX
San Roque Central Elementary School
Obrero St.,Davao City


This is to certify that MS. XANDERIA M. CO, a student teacher of the College of
Education in the University of Southeastern Philippines, rendered her services in San
Roque Central Elementary School during the school year 2009-2010.

Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher Cooperating Teacher



Principal III
San Roque Central Elementary School
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX
San Roque Central Elementary School
Obrero St.,Davao City


This is to certify that MS. XANDERIA M. CO, a student teacher of the University of
Southeastern Philippines has successfully completed her Off- Campus Activities at San
Roque Central Elementary School and she is cleared of the properties and accountabilities
of the said school, this school year 2009-2010.

Noted by:


Cooperating Teacher


Cooperating Teacher


Principal III
San Roque Central Elementary School

Education is more interested with the betterment of living in a

democratic atmosphere with the idea that life will be more secure and fuller through
the support of the community. To achieve this goal, it is important that every
member of the school staff effort to bring about harmonious relationship among
themselves and between the school and the public, which is served. There is a need
of functioning public relation program because the school will not achieve its goal,
unless it gets the full support of its administration, teachers, pupils, parents and the
whole community, in general.

As a teacher, he/she is the most important single factor in shaping

public confidence in the school. It will be the teacher’s advantage to become
familiar with the various aspects of public relation and the opportunities available
for him to interpret the school and the community. Teachers must understood
others, in their behavior and must respect its own idea and encourage their skills
and abilities.

There are number of reasons why youngster chooses teaching as a


Perhaps, it was a childhood dream as he went along in his educational

program. He came across an ideal teacher who made him realize that the teaching
profession is indeed a noble profession. He may naturally be fond of children and
enjoys their company. He may felt a great sense of fulfillment in his casual talk with
them; he saw the glow on their eyes while he explained to them the wonders of

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the people behind me to

give their warmest support, without them I have nothing. First and foremost to the
Almighty God the Father, for making all of these possible in spite of all the
hardships and sacrifices I had encountered in the past four years course. Since I was
educated, He did not let go of me, especially when my world seems to stumble, full
of pains and tears and felt alone. I am so thankful to Him for the strength, wisdom,
courage, guidance and blessings that He showered upon me and to my family.
Without Him, I am nothing.

Since I was born, they are the one who nurtured me with unconditional love.
From this time on, I am offering them all that I am now. All of my hardships and
perseverance are all because of them. To my mama, papa and my brothers, who
always supports me not only financially but also morally who never gets tired of
giving their best in helping me to all that I need. Every step of my success is all for
you. To my family, thanks a lot.

I dearly thank with gratitude our entire teachers, instructors and professors
for handling us with all their strength, understanding, support and courage. You are
our second parents who molded us and explaining in details how beautiful life is and
how we create our becoming to be a teacher.
I would also give thanks the principal and teachers in our cooperating school
during our internship for accepting us and treating us well. To my cooperating
teachers who shared a lot of things and learning about life especially of becoming a
teacher. Thanks for all the support you gave me during our final demonstration.

And last but not the least, I would also extend my deepest, sincerest and
warmest thanks to my relatives, friends and classmates. Through good and bad
times we are together helping each others needs.
Help me to remember the greatness of the work
Which has been given to me to do, that I work with the
most precious material in the world, the mind of youth.
Help me always to remember that I am making marks
upon that mind which time will never rub out.
Help me to be a fine teacher,
to keep peace in the classroom,
peace between my students and myself,
to be kind and gentle
to each and every one of my students.
Give me patience with those who are slow to learn
and even with those who refuse to learn.
When I have to exercise discipline,
help me to do so in sternness and yet in love.
Help me not to judge my students too harshly,
to be fair to all,
to be a good role model,
but most of all Lord help me
to show your love to all of my students.
Help me to help my students,
not only to store things in their memories,
but to be able to use their minds, and to think for themselves
and amidst all the worries and the frustrations of my job,
help me to remember that the future of the nation
and of the world is in my hands.

I’m a teacher, a purveyor of truth and light
I’m a teacher, I was born to improve mankind
It’s my duty to enlighten the world
And guide the young to the path of the Lord.

I’m a teacher, I must teach what is good and right

I’m a teacher, I must live what I preach in life
As a model citizen of the world
I must in thoughts, words and deeds be so good.

In the children, I write the future

In their learning, I find great joy
I may never sit on a throne
But I’m contented, my life is full

Yes, I’m a teacher

I must brave all the roaring waves
In the fury of the rivers and windy seas
I must climb on up the mountains and hills
Where children there wait for my love and care

In a mountain or in a city
On an island where I may be
I shall keep on bringing the light
And live as teacher until I die.
I’ll live as teacher until I die.
In today’s society a good, well rounded education is what every child needs
to succeed. The classroom environment, the curriculum, and the way the classroom
is managed are all important factors that contribute to the quality of education that
a child receives.

I truly believe that a teacher is the most important role a child comes across.
The impact that a teacher makes will last a life time.

Education is diverse. Due to the various natures of knowledge and students,

it is difficult to place my educational philosophy in one category. Each student is
unique; curriculums vary depending on many factors. I feel that many educational
philosophies are beneficial to education.

The nature of students reflects many things including heredity, home life, and
society as a whole. When teaching, one must always consider the aspects that may
affect the students’ nature along with the nature of knowledge.

Knowledge is both relative and absolute. Literature is an example of relative

knowledge. Interpretation of books or poetry depends on the person reading the
material, the place where the literature is read, and the time period in which the
person is living. Science and mathematics are absolute. One plus one equals two
regardless of the time, place, or person. Acquiring knowledge, whether absolute or
relative, is the purpose of education.

Public education is important to improving society and the future. Like Plato, I
feel education gives people the ability to think critically instead of being blindly led
by others. As a future teacher, I am idealistic in that I hope to encourage students
to challenge themselves, I also hope to encourage students to continue learning
throughout life, and prepare for college. To accomplish these goals, I will
incorporate pragmatic methods like hands on activities through laboratory
experiments and problem solving into my teaching. This also falls under
experimentalism. The Socratic method of small group discussions, lecturing, and
questioning will be used to help students acquire knowledge. Using many methods
will help all students to understand the material presented. Discipline will play an
important role in reaching my goals for the students. I plan to use pragmatic
methods also in establishing rules. Students will decide the rules and punishments
in a democratic method. I feel this will encourage obedience of rules. Public
education should remain a top priority for everyone and continuous support of
science is essential.

The responsibilities that educators have in the education field is to teach our
students the basic training skills needed to be successful in the future.

For myself, teaching provides an opportunity for continual learning and

growth. One of my hopes as an educator is to instill a love of learning in my
students, as I share my own passion for learning with them. I feel there is a need for
compassionate, strong, and dedicated individuals who are excited about working
with children. In our competitive society it is important for students to not only
receive a solid education, but to work with someone who is aware of and sensitive
to their individual needs. I am such a person and will always strive to be the best
educator that I can be.
Rites of Pre-Service Teachers

A. Pre- service teachers are invited guests in the

cooperating school and should therefore note the following

1) During
the practicum

period, pre- service teachers are expected to arrived cooperating school at a time

that is expected of the other staff at the site, e.g. before flag ceremony. Likewise,
departure times must consistent with what is expected of other staff. Attendance should
be reflected in the daily time record or attendance logbook.
2) Pre-service teachers must ensure that they are available for school related after hour’s
activities and commitments.
3) During the practicum period, absence is only allowable for valid reasons (e.g. illness) or
compassionate reasons. Pre-service teachers who are absent must notify the cooperating
teacher by 8:00 in the morning of absence and must also notify their TEI practicum
4) Appropriate professional behavior requires pre-service teachers to display a cooperative
attitude, be responsible, follow appropriate dress code, be punctual, respect
confidentiality of information, ask questions, return borrowed resources promptly and in
good condition, show initiative and generally be prepared to learn.
5) Use the cooperating school to observe, ask questions, gather data, and generally make
sense of the world of teaching.
6) Meet all specified requirements, e.g.
• Plan ahead for all teaching sessions and share written plans with cooperating
teachers for at least the amount of time indicated in the guide-lines provided.
• Make use of improvised or self- made materials preferably those prepared in
Educational Technology classes.
• Use appropriate strategies to assess record and report student learning.
• Complete written evaluations for all teaching.
• Employ a range of strategies for engaging in critical reflection.
• Compile a relevant and useful professional portfolio.
• Complete the entries of his/her reflection journal.
7) Become fully involved in the life of the setting and take on the full role or a teacher,
including the many non teaching responsibilities.
8) Make a classroom- based research.

B. TEI Requirements/ Guidelines

 On Attendance to the Practicum Program

1. Practice teaching is a six unit course which requires a pre-service teacher to stay in the
cooperating schools for the whole day. It is expected that the PSTs will teach a maximum of 3
hours per day for the first half of the placement, and a maximum of six hours for the second half
of the placement.

2. The first week of every fielding is spent on orientation at the TEI and DepEd Schools.
3. A BEED pre-service teacher must conduct actual teaching in any elementary subjects
while BSED student must teach in his/her chosen field of specialization. Pre-service teachers
should be exposed to ideal as well as adverse classroom situation.

4. Actual teaching is done eight (8) of the fourteen weeks. The remaining weeks are for
orientation, final evaluation and clearance or completion of requirements, attendance and job
placement program of the TEI, Post conferences and Completion and submission of Practicum

5. A Pre-service teacher should have the opportunity to teach in his/her major/minor or

field of specialization and in all other subjects and in all grade/year whenever possible.

6. Pre-service teachers are required to accomplish at least 12 actual lessons with

practicum supervisor during these lessons. The lesson plan must be made and submitted ahead of
time, at least two days before demonstration teaching. It should be discussed with the
cooperating teacher or the practicum supervisor before actual teaching.

7. Other teaching stints may take the form of remedial and substitute teaching.

8. Beside actual teaching, the pre-service teacher undergoes additional experiences in

other teaching related functions such as: structuring the classroom, preparing administering, and
interpreting test, computing grades, filling up pertinent school forms, make home visits,
attending curricular, and co-curricular activities, seminars and workshops.

9. The pre- service teachers is required to attend school functions and special meeting
required of him or her unless s/he is required to attend classes enrolled in the TEI. S/He must fill
in the daily time record regularly and correctly. In case of absences, the equivalent days are to be
made up.

10. A pre-service teachers should manifest mastery of the medium of instruction. S/He
has knowledge of effective verbal, non-verbal and media communication techniques to foster
active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom.

11. A student must complete all the entries in his/her reflective journals.
12. A student must maintain a Pre-service Teachers Portfolio. The portfolio is a
comprehensive and well organized record of contextual information, planning, teaching,
observation, samples of assessments, sample of progress and information, personal reflection,
research and resources. Many of these items are contextual so the pre-service teacher will need to
make decisions about what material is relevant and useful to the student’s development as a
beginning teacher.

 Dress Code and Deployment

1. Pre-service teachers should be dressed appropriately and modestly that projects
professionalism reflecting the values of a teacher and institution where they belong.

2. The Pre-service teacher is expected to behave properly and appropriately at all times,
in the presence of the learners, teachers, school personnel, administration, staff and parents.

3. Project the good image of the teacher by demonstrating personal qualities such as:
courtesy, respect, honesty and diligence, commitment and like that.

 Culmination of the Practicum Program

1. A pre-service teacher must submit all rating sheet and evaluation forms completely filled
in by the concerned school personnel.

2. S/He must finalize contents of student portfolio.

3. S/He must completely and correctly fill in various forms.

4. S/He may produce and present and/or report classroom based research. This shall be
presented to a group of panelist which may include the school head. TEI, Practicum supervisor,
cooperating teacher and other grade/level or department heads. (optional)

-enroll or further studies -teach in

any learning institution (doctorate degree) probably
- promoted to higher position
outside the country
Year 2016
-enroll for further studies
June 2011 (Masteral Degree)

Septembe r
2010 -teach in any learning institution
-rest for a while and
find a part time job(tutoring)
-review for the LET exam

- Graduation

My goals for the education profession are very simple to define. After
graduation, I will apply as a teacher in any institution of education. To become a
better teacher, I plan to pursue a masters and doctorate degree. I feel furthering my
education will only improve my teaching abilities.

After 2 years, I want to teach in a government public school. As a teacher,

my largest goal is to be a good teacher. I want to treat each child equally. I never
want to forget what it was like to be in the shoes of my students, and use my
experiences in a way that helps me teach. I want to see the spark of understanding
in my student’s eyes as learning takes place. My goal is to know what I am teaching
so well that it comes naturally to me and I can convey the information to the
children in a way they can understand. I want to be creative and innovative.
I will be a good teacher as well as a good daughter and sister of my family. I
will give them a better living especially to my parents to pay back on how they
nurtured me. I will make sure that before I get married, they were satisfied of what I
am giving them. I will give my very best to make my mama, papa and my brothers
happy. If given a chance, I will also work abroad for an experience. I will tour my
family in other places of the world.

After 8 years, I will be with the man whom I loved and responsible enough to
support the needs of our own family. We will have our own family business. I will
give my child the right nurturing and let them grow with values just like on how I
was trained by my mother. I will work hard for them to give my best in supporting
their needs. And when they will have their success in life, it will already complete
my life living in this world.
Reflective Journal 1

Planning and Implementation of Learning Programs

Learning outcomes are statements that specify what learners will know or be able to do as
a result of a learning activity. Outcomes are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes.
Learning outcomes should flow from a needs assessment. The needs assessment should
determine the gap between an existing condition and a desired condition. I may know that the
learning outcomes achieved through the students responses in different assessments that I
implement. Learning outcomes should be related to the level of the learning, indicate the
intended gain in knowledge and skills that a typical student will achieve and should be capable of
being assessed.

Student motivation is a major problem in classrooms. Many children are bored,

inattentive, and unable to see much connection between schoolwork and their lives outside
classrooms. Their boredom diminishes attention, lowers achievement, and is a likely reason for
dropping out of school. A teacher needs to be creative and innovative to have the student’s
interest in the class. In my teaching, I really use different learning activities and I do make sure
that these activities are relevant to the lesson or topic. I do consider that learning activities should
be incorporated into every lesson plan at every level of schooling. Consider also that these
activities can arouse and maintain student’s interest in which they will enjoy at the same time
they are also learning. Creative teaching strategies can help all children succeed, even those who
may not have succeeded otherwise.

Yes, my lesson plans contain all essential elements. Essential components of a strong,
effective lesson plan and will be on my way in achieving every my goal which is measurable
student learning.

1. Objectives and Goals- The lesson's objectives must be clearly defined and in lined with
district and/or state educational standards.

2. Review, drill and motivation- Before you dig into the meat of your lesson's instruction, set
the stage for your students by tapping into their prior knowledge and giving the objectives a

3. Direct Instruction- When writing your lesson plan, this is the section where you explicitly
delineate how you will present the lesson's concepts to your students.

4. Guided Practice- Under your supervision, the students are given a chance to practice and
apply the skills you taught them through direct instruction.

5. Closure- In the Closure section, outline how you will wrap up the lesson by giving the lesson
concepts further meaning for your students.

6. Independent Practice- Through homework assignments or other independent assignments,

your students will demonstrate whether or not they absorbed the lesson's learning goals.

7. Required Materials and Equipment- Here, you determine what supplies are required to help
your students achieve the stated lesson objectives.
8. Assessment and Follow-Up- The lesson doesn't end after your students complete a
worksheet. The assessment section is one of the most important parts of all.

Teachers need to understand a subject enough to convey its essence to students. While
traditionally this has involved lecturing on the part of the teacher, new instructional strategies
such as team-based learning put the teacher more into the role of course designer, discussion
facilitator, and coach and the student more into the role of active learner, discovering the subject
of the course. In any case, the goal is to establish a sound knowledge base and skill set on which
students will be able to build as they are exposed to different life experiences. Good teachers can
translate information, good judgment, experience and wisdom into relevant knowledge that a
student can understand, retain and pass to others.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________
Reflective Journal 2

Using Instructional Materials

All through the period of my in internship at San Roque I really prepare instructional
materials for the lesson I will deliver. I usually use words in a strip, visual aids, drawings,
pictures, illustrations and real objects. I can say that I have use effectively because it supports the
pupils understand the lesson easily.

There is really a need to us instructional materials because it helps the pupil have a clear
view and supports the pupil in understanding what the lesson is. These are helpful materials in
which the children may not only keep on listening to their teacher but they can also have visual
materials that will let them easily understand what is being taught.
I always do make sure that my instructional materials can arouse and sustain the interest
of the learners. I also make sure that it is clear, visible and clean. Sometimes i use colored
cartolinas so that pupils will not get bored of always having visual aid written in a manila paper.

The importance of instructional materials in teaching are getting the attention of the
students, the class is more realistic, and it gives a view point on the topic and it helps teacher to
teach well as to make her lesson clear and understandable to the students. Instructional materials
guide us how to learn well, and it make the students more clearly and interesting.

Instructional Materials (IM) are considered to be forms of communication and must

therefore be delivered in a manner that is equally effective for persons with disabilities.
Communication is considered to be equally effective when it is:

• comparable in quality to those received by students without disabilities

• comparable in timeliness of delivery and availability

• provided in a manner and medium appropriate to the significance of the message and the
abilities of the person receiving the material.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________
Reflective Journal 3

Actual Teaching

In making my test items, I did make sure that the questions are all about the topics that
have been discussed to the class. I made sure that the test items were understandable and suited
to the level of my learners. I used simple words that can be easily understood by the learners’
level of understanding.

Some of the problems I have encountered during test preparation is on how to produce it
to all the students I am teaching since I am not yet earning money. I am also having doubts about
my test questions are challenging to those fast learner and if it is too hard to those slow learner.
In catering the needs of my learners, I really encourage them their lessons ahead of my
time. And before I am giving the test, I let them study the lessons even in a small time. And of
course I made the instructions readable and can easily be understood.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________

Reflective Journal 4

Test Preparation

The measures I took to make my test items clear is that I used words that can be easily
understood by the learners and I’m using the simple and right terms which of course relates to
the subject matter. And if the learners doesn’t have any doubts and questions about the test given
to them, then probably I can assure that my test items were clear and simple. But before I have
given the test to my learners, I let my cooperating teachers check the test I prepared so that they
will be able to give corrections. I did make sure that my test questions are focus on the level of
my learners.
The problems I have encountered during test preparation is that I’m quiet hesitant and
conscious about the words or grammars I used if it is suited to the understanding of my learners.
Another is that I also had the difficulty in making destructors in each item and how am I going to
deliver the test in oral or written way. Also if each item is appropriate for the level of
comprehension of the pupils.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________
Reflective Journal 5

Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results

The types of information that can be obtain about pupil’s progress by marking the test is
most importantly to know the student’s level of learning process and how they get intellectually
the way the teacher teach the learners.

In the case that if a lot of learners who did poorly in one subject area, basically I’m going
to recall my past lesson plans and the students’ performances during the discussion and how the
items implemented and how it was done. I will also do reviews every time I start and end my
lesson. And of course, this situation will help me improve and develop my future teaching.
Assessment for learning should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning. A
teacher's planning should provide opportunities for both learner and teacher to obtain and use
information about progress towards learning goals. It also has to be flexible to respond to initial
and emerging ideas and skills. Planning should include strategies to ensure that learners
understand the goals they are pursuing and the criteria that will be applied in assessing their
work. How learners will receive feedback, how they will take part in assessing their learning and
how they will be helped to make further progress should also be planned.

The process of learning has to be in the minds of both learner and teacher when
assessment is planned and when the evidence is interpreted. Learners should become as aware of
the 'how' of their learning as they are of the 'what'.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________

Reflective Journal 6

Self Evaluation

Practice teaching is considered as a climax of professional preparation of teachers. It is

the culminating internship that engages the pre-service teachers in an extensive practicum for the
actualization of the teaching-learning process equipped with the ethical standards and
professional competencies. This serves as also as an avenue for further developing student
teacher’s effective human relations and communication with the two significant factors in the
field of teaching.
In my internship, as the time pass by, I have encountered lots of challenges in teaching
especially with the attitudes of the learners. I can observe that at first they were very obedient
and quiet but then by and by they are becoming noisy and just putting me under. And I found the
problem is that I am too friendly and too kind with them that’s why sometimes they can
underestimate me.

In handling students behavioural problems, we teachers should be flexible enough in

understanding the differences and attitudes of each student. We should also be aware about the
different factors affecting the students’ personality. As a teacher, you should also show sympathy
and listen about the things they will tell on you.

Another is that i also had problem about dealing the students’ abilities. I really have
adjustments in handling them in terms of my teaching strategies that I will apply. Another is that
how will I be able to cater the needs of my students.

Moreover, I am very thankful that i have a good relationship with my cooperating

teachers in which they always keep on giving me reminders, suggestions and lesson about
teaching. It is very a big help that my mentors give me advices and with that I can learn with
them. Asking and accepting comments from the learners will also help me improve and become
a good teacher.

Good teaching is about not always having a fixed agenda and being rigid, but being
flexible, fluid, experimenting, and having the confidence to react and adjust to changing
circumstances. It's about getting only 10 percent of what you wanted to do in a class do and still
feeling good. It's about deviating from the course syllabus or lecture schedule easily when there
is more and better learning elsewhere. Good teaching is about the creative balance between being
an authoritarian dictator on the one hand and a pushover on the other.

Signature of the Pre-service Teacher:_______________________

TEI Practicum Supervisor’s Feedback:
Areas for Improvement: ____________________________________
Signature of the Practicum Supervisor: _________________________
November 26, 2009 (Thursday)

EXCITED!!!!!...Today was our deployment day in our assigned school and I

was assigned to have my internship at San Roque Central Elementary School which
is my alma mater. With us is a letter of confirmation for the deployment which
contains the list of names of the BEEd practice teachers assigned in their school.

Right after we are gathered, we went inside the principal’s office of SRCES to
meet Mrs. Belma D. Ebardo, the school principal. She introduced herself first before
giving us an orientation and overview about our internship in their school. We were
oriented about the rules and regulations of the school and everything important we
need to know. After being oriented, she then assigned us to our respective
cooperating teachers.

I was assigned to Mrs. Luz M. Macatangay, a grade 5 teacher. I’m so glad that
I was assigned to my former science teacher when I was in grade 5 also in San
Roque. She only teaches science subject in 6 sections of grade 5. We then talked
and she gave me inspirational thoughts about teaching. But the first thing that she
asked me is that why did I choose being a teacher? , and I answered her that I was
inspired by my teachers like her. Though I keep on hearing that nobody became rich
in teaching profession, but still for me it doesn’t matter how much a teacher earns
because I prefer with the quality not the quantity.

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

November 27, 2009 (Friday)

FIRST DAY!!!!!...

Today I came to school early because this was our first day of staying with
our assigned class. I attended the flag ceremony with the pupils of Grade V- Laurel,
the advisory class of my cooperating teacher. After the flag ceremony, we then
went inside our respective classroom and go on with the class.

Before Mrs. Macatangay started her lesson, she introduced me to the class
and told them that I was one of her former Grade V student in section I. I saw
gladness in the faces of the pupils because they were proud also that I was once
like them studying in San Roque.

For this day, Mrs. Macatangay let me go with her as she was having her class
with different sections. She told me to familiarize the pupils and observe their
attitudes and manner. My CT is teaching science in 6 sections in grade 5 and each
session is 1 hour. This tells me that I will also be teaching 5 sections in the morning
and 1 section in the afternoon in Grade 5.

In my observation, I found different personalities which tell that “No two men
ever had the same personality because each of us has its own uniqueness”.

November 30, 2009 (Monday)

We don’t have a class today because it is a national holiday in celebration of

Bonifacio Day. I took a rest at home and prepared materials that I may need in

December 1, 2009 (Tuesday)

I was already in school before 6:44 in the morning and when I came in the
classroom, my CT was already there. I attempted to sweep the floor but then
Mrs.Macatangay didn’t allow me. She told me that my students were already in
grade 5 and not in grade 1, so better let them do the things that they can do.

Today I have learned that if you were assigned in higher grades (grade 4-6),
you should not treat your pupils like a baby or a kid. Remember that these children
have already the ability to do things with their own. Don’t show them as if you were
serving them as what a servant does. Let them learn to do things with their own
effort like cleaning and classroom management. They may not only do this inside
the classroom but also they can apply it with the outside world especially in their
own home.

I thought I will still have the observation but then my CT let me teach on the
spot. I was not prepared and she let me teach in 2 sections. At first I was shocked
and felt nervousness. I did not study about the topic to be discuss, however, I was
able to deliver it through my prior knowledge. But then, later on, I was able to
overcome it in delivering the lesson with the use of my awareness and prior

“In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake, but by what you
finally accomplish”

My CT gave me a topic to prepare because I will be the one to have the class
discussion tomorrow.

December 2, 2009 (Wednesday)

I punched in my bandy card at exactly 6:28 in the morning. And when I came
in the classroom, my CT told me to occupy the table beside her. She was writing her
lesson plan then and later on, she let me write some visual aids about the topic she
will be going to discuss. I really love writing so I gladly did her favor and then she
told me that she likes my handwriting. I was flattered especially when she said that
I will really be a teacher. And it struck ed me most when she said those words that I
was right with my decision of becoming a teacher. I was really encouraged to do
well about this profession. I told myself, “I love teaching! I will be a teacher!”

This day, Mrs. Macatangay only let me stay inside the classroom of her
advisory because she will only conduct an activity in her class. So I just stayed
inside the classroom and I had the chance to start knowing each of my students in
my advisory class. I got along with them and I let each of them introduce their self
to familiarize their faces as well as their names.
At first, they were kind of hesitant to get along with me, but later on, we felt
comfortable with each other.

I have learned that you should really get along with your learners to be able
to know some of their backgrounds and get their relationship with you.

December 3, 2009 (Thursday)

“Ability is nothing without opportunity”

Wheew! I thought I will come late in school because I felt butterflies in my

stomach. Better that I was able to overcome with it and I came in to school at 6:28
in the morning.

I presented my lesson plan to Mrs. Macatangay before I started my teaching.

I also did prepare instructional materials that will be used to support me about the
lesson. She checked my lesson plan and I was confident that I only have few
corrections. My lesson plan serves as a guide and to make my teaching with
direction. I only followed the flow of my lesson based from my lesson plan. My
instructional materials were also well-prepared and I also included learning

My CT let me teach consecutively in 6 classes that she handles. I’m running

out of saliva until with the 5th section in the morning session. She stayed at the back
while I was teaching to observe on how I deliver the lesson and to give comments or
suggestions about on how I presented the lesson that I presented.

Before I started my first actual teaching I prayed to the Lord to guide give me
courage and strength to have patience and self-confidence during the class.

My CT left alone in the afternoon because she has an important matter to do

outside the campus. And so I had also my teaching with the afternoon class. Before
she left me, I asked her of what will be my topic for tomorrow.

Today I have learned that it is really very important to have a lesson plan first
before implementing and presenting the lesson to the class. As well as instructional
materials to be used should also be well prepared and presentable this should of
course be related with the topic most especially with the activities that you will

December 4, 2009 (Friday)

“Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom.”

Before I left home, I made sure that I have prepared all the things I needed
for today’s discussion. I also checked my lesson plan and my instructional materials.

I arrived in school at 6:27 in the morning. I am now walking with confidence

and preparedness because I have all the armors for teaching.

I can now also present the lesson with a good communication with the pupils
because we are starting getting to know each other with my pupils in different
sections. I was relaxed in presenting and with the discussion to the class. We felt
comfortable between the learners and me.

Though there are times that the pupils are starting to be noisy, but as a
teacher I need to discipline them and they also obeyed.

December 7, 2009 (Monday)

Teachers Day!!!!!

In respect with the celebration for our teachers, I bought a present for
my cooperating teacher Mrs. Macatangay. And of course, we also have our gift for
our dear cooperating principal Mrs. Ebardo. There was a mass held before having
the teacher’s day program.

Right after the program, we gave our own presents to our respective
cooperating teachers. As well as with the other teachers of SRCES, we greeted them
with a smile. I was shocked when there are some students who gave me something
and greeted me happy teachers day. I never thought that students will treat me as
a teacher already. And then I came to realize that children were very thoughtful
especially to teachers.

The day ends with happiness and joyfulness in my heart.

December 8, 2009 (Tuesday)

While teaching, I’m also learning…

It’s a regular class again. I came so early today because I am practicing

myself to come early in school every day. The topic of my CT was all about “Lever”,
one of the simple machines. She was the one who did the teaching in all 5 sections.

While she was teaching, I was also sitting at the back and listens to the discussion. I
took down notes about the lesson because I was interested to learn again about it.
Later on, Mrs. Macatangay talked with me. She observed that I was also like the
pupils who listens and taking down notes about her discussion. The she asked me if
I have still remembered that we had also discussed it when I was once her student
in grade 5. The truth is that I have remembered the days when we had the
discussion about the topics and lessons like this one. I can remember that we made
projects, outputs and activities about it.

In our conversation, I can’t forget her lines that, “You know what Xan, in teaching
you are not only imparting and discuss the lessons found in the book but at the
same time you are also learning. You also need to teach that comes from the heart.
In teaching, you will not just rely on the book but you can mix up the conversation
with things out from the topic but not too much. You can also add about your
experiences which relates to the topic.”

And so today, I have learned that, “To teach is to learn twice.”

December 9, 2009 (Wednesday)

Early in the morning, I received a message from my cooperating teacher and

said that she will be absent today because she had a fever. So I hurried up, pack my
things and went to San Roque to manage the class advisory of my CT. I came in at
6:22 a.m and I immediately went to our classroom. I let the pupils join the flag
ceremony and let the cleaners stay inside the classroom to clean.

The lesson I have discussed this day was still all about levers. We have
tackled about the parts and classes of levers. I brought real objects of levers to be
used in presenting the lesson. My activity was all about choosing any of the objects
I brought the pupil will identify each part of the lever and classifying it. Students
were very interested about our activity. They were very active and participative
during our discussion.

I’m so happy that I have used an effective learning activity today in which I
saw that my pupils were able to understand the lesson clearly.
December 10, 2009 (Thursday)

I was still the class adviser today for the mean time since my CT was not
around again. Same as what I have observed of what Mrs. Macatangay does for her
students, I let them clean the classroom and told them to maintain the cleanliness
of their classroom to a have a place conducive for learning.

In teaching I always wear a smile so that pupils will not be bored in listening
and looking at me. I do make sure that sometime I can make them laugh with my
little jokes. but of course, I always make sure that they can really understand what
am I teaching and what was our discussion all about.

“Men are more mindful of wrongs than of benefits.” I was always conscious
about my grammars in speaking because if feels so bashful if pupils will correct me
especially about my grammar. I talk not too fast, not too slow. I always talk in a
gentle and kind way.

December 11, 2009 (Friday)

“Kind words are the music of the world.”

Eventhough I had a doubt about why my CT was absent again, still I enjoyed
having a class with the pupils. I was persuaded to have the lesson and discussion
because I came to realized that I now loved Science subject in which I am learning
again while I was preparing and studied the topic. I can also learn from the pupils by
their own different ideas.

Though there are some pupils who are really stubborn and hard-headed, still I
controlled myself not to show temper and stayed calm in telling them to keep quite.
They respected me and they cooperate during our discussion. I have prepared and
gave students learning activities and I found out that they were very interested in
having an activity because they only perform an activity often. That’s why they
were very excited and alert in doing the activity.

You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by
creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.
December 14, 2009 (Monday)

Finally my cooperating teacher was here! She had a lot of sharing of

experiences of what she and her daughter did with their out of town activity. This
was the time that she told me the truth of where she has been and why she was
absent for 2 days and a half. She told me that they went to Manila with the reason
that she promised her daughter to have a trip after graduation. She shared a lot of
exciting experiences and discoveries during their trip. I never knew that she was
absent because of it, I thought she had a very important matter to. But then, I had
no regrets that she left me all alone with my teaching because the experience that I
have was very big help in making me learn and realize what is teaching all about.

Teaching is not merely teaching. You have a lot of things to do with your
learners aside from teaching. With the experience also, I had many realizations and
conclusions of being a teacher. We must view young people not as empty bottles to
be filled, but as candles to be lit. I always get worried everytime I cannot measure
that the students understood our lesson. I always want to make sure that each of
them understand and of course learn of what was our lesson all about.

I never thought that last fridaty was already my last chance to teach in Grade 5.

December 15, 2009 (Tuesday)

This day was a break for me because Mrs. Macatangay was the one who hjad
all the teaching in all classes. I was just assisting her in bringing the materials for
her discussion. T he topic for today was all about the screw, the last kind of simple
machine. After the discussion of each class, she let the pupils take the chapter test
which was all about simple machines, my lesson when she was not around.

I was so nervous and worried for what will be the outcome and result of the
pupils’ scores in the chapter test.
Luckily, only few got low scores and many got high. But still I was not
contented with it because I wanted that all of them will get high score.

December 16, 2009 (Wednesday)

Early in the morning we practiced our dance number to be presented in the

School Christmas program.. We really made sure that our presentation will be
presented well so we really prepared for it.

The program starts at around 8:30 with a doxology presented by the selected
pupils of San Roque. The presentations were arranged by Grade level. We got
excited when it was already us who will present in the stage. It is quiet
overwhelming and flattering because students were cheering and yelling with us.
They seem to be happy seeing their student teachers on the stage. My former
teachers were also smiling at me in which I saw gladness in their faces and
remembering the days when I was once their student dancing on the stage in every
event in the school. I’m so happy for they can still remember who I am.

December 17, 2009 (Thursday)

Classroom Christmas Party!!!!

I was the assigned to organize the program for the Grade V-Laurel Christmas
party. I came early before the students will arrive because I was preparing for the
materials for the games and classroom arrangement. Mrs. Macatangay was the one
arranged and preparation of the food. We had a lot of games that I planned and I
made sure that all of them will enjoy. Though we don’t have really a lot of foods but
still we are happy because each of us enjoyed the party. I was also very happy
because I received Christmas gifts from my pupils. Those little things means a lot to
me. I will value all of those gifts I received. My cooperating teacher, Mrs.
Macatangay, also gave me a gift in which I was so shy to receive it but I accepted it.
I love what she gave to me. Its’s a t-shirt she bought from Tagaytay just for me.
I was so tired that morning. Right after the party, I helped in cleaning the
room and wave goodbye to my CT because in the afternoon was our schedule for
the pictorial for our yearbook.

December 18, 2009 (Friday)

San Roque’s Teachers Party!

We don’t have a class because the teachers of San Roque Central Elementary
School are having their teacher’s party. I took a rest at home and took a relaxation
for all the stress I have during classes.

Christmas vacation starts and classes will resume on January 4, 2010.

January 4, 2010 (Monday)

Happy New Year class!!!! Welcome 2010!!!

We started our new year’s first day class by having a general cleaning in our
classroom. It was very dusty and dirty.

With the pupils and my CT, we cleaned up the classroom. We swept and
scrubbed the floor, watered the plants and took away the Christmas decorations.

Though some of the teachers did not have their class in our section, still my
cooperating teachers roamed around and still have the class. all she did was to let
the students compute their scores of their quizzes, assignments and chapter test all
about simple machines.

My cooperating teacher gave me a topic to be discuss tomorrow which is all

about “Rocks”.
January 5, 2010 (Tuesday)

I was the one tasked to discuss the introduction of the lesson about rocks.
Before I introduced the new lesson, I conducted an activity as a review from their
past lesson. I wanted to know if they have still remembered what we talked about
last year. Then, it’s a good result because I can say that they have understood what
am I teaching.

I let the pupils do the activities I have prepared for them. The first one was a
group activity and the other one is an individual activity. I did make sure that the
students will get busy to minimize the noise in the class and to minimize also the
stress to myself.

January 6, 2010 (Wednesday)

Today, I have realized that I should always be ready with everything

especially in studying about the next lesson of the class. As what already happened,
my cooperating teacher texted me before I went to school that she will be absent
because she has to attend an important matter.

I was not really prepared for the nest lesson because I thought that she will
be the one to teach today. What I did is that I easily went to school very early and
used my time in reading and studying about the topic for today. I directly made a
lesson plan right after I have read the topic so that I can use it as my guide and to
have direction of my teaching.

I was thankful at the end of the day because I know that God has guided me
throughout the day in which I was able to handle the classes. Thanks God!

January 7, 2010 (Thursday)

This was my last day spending time and classes with my Grade 5 pupils. Mrs.
Macatangay let me stay in our classroom because it was very hot outside. She said
that I should take a rest and relax because I’m the one who do the teaching last
week. So I just stayed in the classroom and to keep me busy, I transferred my
lesson plan in a lesson plan notebook.

I felt sadness when I thought of waving goodbye to my pupils in grade 5. I

was touched when some of them were saying that they don’t want me to be
replaced. I was deeply touched by love and care to me. Some were very thoughtful
that they keep on embracing me and hugging me. Actually I was about to cry but
then I controlled myself on not to cry.

I told the students to keep up the good work and to keep on studying hard. I
told them that someday you will also be like me, preparing for a new chapter of life.
I encouraged my pupils to pursue their studies and to keep reaching their goals.

They told me that they will never forget me and the memories that we shared will
remain forever.

“Teaching is leaving a vestige of one self in the development of another.

And surely the student is a bank where you can deposit your most precious

January 8, 2010 (Friday)

Happy birthday Ma’am Bea!!!

The school had a mass early in the morning for the celebration of Mrs. Belma
D. Ebardo’s birthday. All the teachers and students of San Roque attended the mass
and the program. Teachers prepared something which surprised Ma’am Bea.

Today was also our schedule of shifting and I was assigned in grade 4. My
new cooperating teacher was Mrs. Glenna M. Cadavas, a grade 4 section 1 adviser.
She was also my teacher and adviser in my grade 4. I already know her attitude, the
do’s and don’ts of Ma’am Glenna. She was my idol and inspiration especially when it
comes to discipline. She really trains her student to be responsible and a good
student, just like me. I really like her for she is not strict but she limits her
relationship between the students and parents. I really can’t forget the memories I
had with her and my classmates in grade 4. I said to myself that I’m lucky that I was
assigned to Ma’am Cadavas.
We did not have our formal shifting because of the program but instead we
used our day having our last bonding with my students in grade 5 and with my CT,
Ma’am Luz. I also thank Mrs. Macatangay for accepting me and treating me well
during my internship with her. I told her that I learned a lot from a short span of
time with her class and I now loved SCIENCE!!!!!.. =)

“Who dares to teach must never cease to learn”

January 11, 2010 (Monday)

It was my first day to meet the new grade level of pupils that I will handle the
grade 4. So I woke very early so that I can also be early in coming to school. As I
was about to leave the house, someone called me in my phone. I was shocked when
I knew it was Ma’am Glenna and she told me that she will be absent today. I got
tongue tied and all I said was yes ma’am!. She gave me all the instructions of what
am I going to do today with the pupils. She told me all the activities that I will be
giving to the pupils to keep them busy.

When I arrived in school at 6:10 a.m and I directly went to the Grade 4
section 1 classroom which is just beside the principal’s office. The pupils were
wondering and shocked when they saw me. They kept on asking if why Ma’am
Cadavas was not around . Then I told them that I am their adviser today.

I taught English subject in the first 4 sections in the morning. Then after that
4 classes, I have be with them again for their HeKaSi subject. I have 5 sessions in
the morning and 2 sessions in the afternoon.

I did felt nervousness anymore when I talked and approached the grade 4

At the end of the day, I learn how to be more responsible for the things
accounted to me. It’s a great accomplishment that I finished the day productively.

January 12, 2010 (Tuesday)

Late in the evening yesterday, my cooperating teacher called me at home

and told me that she will not be around until Friday for she has to take a rest
advised by the doctor. Today was supposed to be my actual demonstration to be
observed by her, but unfortunately she was not there to observe my teaching. We
discussed all about verb in the simple present tense.

I presented the lesson and I did the teaching without my cooperating teacher.
At first, the pupils were hesitant to approach me but then later on they had the
confidence to talk with me. I also talked with them kindly and gently.

January 13, 2010 (Wednesday)

We had our second day of discussion all about verbs in simple present tense.
We continued the lesson and had further explanation with it so that the pupils will
really understand the topic. I prepared activities for them in connection with our
lesson. They showed interest in doing the activity which made me happy.

It is really very important to prepare a lot of learning activities which of

course suits the level of your pupils and with connection with the lesson discussed.

A teacher really needs to be resourceful and flexible to cater the needs of the
pupils. Good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It's about not
only motivating students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a
manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. It's about caring for your
craft, having a passion for it, and conveying that passion to everyone, most
importantly to your students.

January 14, 2010 (Thursday)

I gave many activities to the pupils today. The first activity was done by
group. The students enjoyed in making it and in presenting it.

This is very important - good teaching is about humor. It's about being self-
deprecating and not taking yourself too seriously. It's often about making innocuous
jokes, mostly at your own expense, so that the ice breaks and students learn in a
more relaxed atmosphere where you, like them, are human with your own share of
faults and shortcomings.
January 15, 2010 (Friday)

This was my fifth day in teaching grade 4 classes of Mrs. Cadavas. Some were
starting to show off of who really they are. I slowly observed the different
personality and attitudes of my pupils. Some were becoming unruly in which they
really don’t want to listen to me instead they kept on playing during my time. They
were just underestimating me because I was not really their teacher instead I was
just a practice teacher. There were times that I seem of giving up but then I warned
myself that it is not the time to give up instead it’s the time to rise and stand up.
I’m always reminding myself that I can do anything in this world if I am prepared to
take the consequences.

January 18, 2010 (Monday)

Today I only gave activities to my students about the topic yesterday since
we are busy preparing for the PHIL IRRI tomorrow. The teachers’ were busy
preparing for the materials to be used for tomorrow activity. And for that reason we
interns were requested by our cooperating teachers to assist them.

Another thing that was talked about this day is the students’ performance
about last the 3rd periodical examination the teachers’ were also busy computing
the grades of the students. So what I did is follow what was instructed to me by Mrs.

The day is tiring for me but I learned things that will really help me to cope up
the profession I chose to walk through out my life. I learned how to be cooperative
and to listen not only to the favors that was asked by my cooperating teacher but
also to lend ear for the advices imparted to me.
January 19, 2010 (Tuesday)

Time and time, I find it hard when it comes in having discipline with my
students. There were becoming unruly but I don’t mind it. I am still optimistic in
handling them in a kind attitude.

"Life at any time can become difficult: life at any time can become easy. It all
depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life."

January 20, 2010 (Wednesday)

Today, we were busy preparing for the PHIL IRRI tomorrow. The teachers’
were busy preparing for the materials to be used for tomorrow’s activity. And for
that reason we interns were requested by our cooperating teachers to assist them.

Another thing that was talked about this day is the students’ performance
about last the 3rd periodical examination the teachers’ were also busy computing
the grades of the students.

The day is tiring for me but I learned things that will really help me to cope up
the profession I chose to walk through out my life. I learned how to be cooperative
and to listen not only to the favors that was asked by my cooperating teacher but
also to lend ear for the advices imparted to me.

"Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is

happiest who wisely turns them to the best account."

January 21, 2010 (Thursday)

The PHIL IRRI had started. The activities are silent reading and oral reading.
Mrs. Cadavas was the one who examined the performance of the pupil through
listening in the students’ way of reading if they are either fast reader or slow
reader. The tasked given to me by Maám Cadavas to make the work easier and
faster was she let me compute the performance and rate what she had examined
from the child.
I enjoyed the task given to me. With the hands helping and working together,
we were able to finish the oral activity in just one day. Some of the classes were
not able to finish it with just this day, but us, we did it.

At the end of the class, as what we always do, Mrs. Cadavas shared
experiences in life. She always gives me lessons in life which really struck me most.

January 22, 2010 (Friday)

For this day, we continued the PHIL IRRI activity which was the silent
reading. Fortunately, the class had a complete attendance which also made a good
factor in accomplishing the activity faster.

Out from the two days we conducted the PHIL IIRI , I learned how to
understand my students’ different skills in reading especially their weakness when it
comes to comprehension and retention of what they were reading.

We all then gathered the data and checked its corresponding rating with the
child’s performance. The submission of teachers report about PHIL IRRI was
scheduled on Monday, but Mrs. Cadavas submitted her report ahead of time to
avoid cramming.

"What was really needed was a fundamental change in our attitude toward
life. We had to learn ourselves and, furthermore, we had to teach the despairing
men, that it did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life
expected from us."

January 25, 2010 (Monday)

I really appreciate learners who are willing to learn and explore new things.
They were the one who inspired me in doing well my teaching career. Eventhough
there were hard-headed students, still I am not discouraged by it instead it
challenges me and teaches me on how to have a strong personality.
"If things are not going well with you, begin your effort at correcting the
situation by carefully examining the service you are rendering, and especially the
spirit in which you are rendering it."

January 26, 2010 (Tuesday)

The objective of today’s lesson is to let the students have more hands-
on experience or a kind of approached that is practical. And, for them to understand
more the lesson that has been discussed last meeting.

Experience really is the best teacher ever. It is very helpful in which we will
be able to share it to the class which is of course related with your lesson.

January 27, 2010 (Wednesday)

Today, I demonstrated a lesson in English about Using the Past Form of

Irregular Verbs. It has been a very good day for me because the teaching of the
lesson went out really fine. All sections in grade four under Mrs.Cadavas were very
participative and active. Though few were unruly, still I had made my lesson very

January 28, 2010 (Thursday)

I am now very enlightened of pursuing my career as a teacher because
everytime I do teaching, it seems to show that I am getting the momentum in my
lessons which are a good sign that I am prepared to become teacher. It is much
fulfilling if you can see your students willingness and the urge to really learn from

January 29, 2010 (Friday)

All the student teachers of the University of Southeastern Philippines had a

general assembly at USeP Social Hall. The discussion was all about the updates of
our internship. We also talked about on how to make the action research.

Moreover, with our internship at SRCES, we requested Mr. Rivera that we will
join their activity of Boy Scouts. It will be part of our extra-curricular exposure.

February 1, 2010 (Monday)

For today’s lesson, we discussed all about the Present tense of Regular Verbs.
I like it everytime Mrs. Cadavas let me teach or have the discussion. I prefer
teaching than just sitting at the back of the class doing nothing. I better do the
teaching which I know helped me in improving my skills especially talking in public
or facing different people.

I was so happy that we had this practice teaching or internship for it let me
have the exposure to in facing and communicating with children.
February 2, 2010 (Tuesday)

We continued the class discussion about Using Present Tense of Regular

Verbs and I just added new different learning activities in application of our lesson.

Good teaching is about listening, questioning, being responsive, and

remembering that each student and class is different. It's about eliciting responses
and developing the oral communication skills of the quiet students. It's about
pushing students to excel; at the same time, it's about being human, respecting
others, and being professional at all times.

February 3, 2010 (Wednesday)

Today, I demonstrated a lesson in English about Using the Past Form of

Irregular Verbs. It has been a very good day for me because the teaching of the
lesson went out really fine. All sections in grade four under Mrs.Cadavas were very
participative and active. Though few were unruly, still I had made my lesson very

My cooperating teacher was very busy these days because she had a lot of
tasks to do. So, I was the one who did all the teaching in all her classes. In my
advisory, we used or time in letting the pupils practice for their class presentation in

"“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than
anything else, will affect its successful outcome.”

February 4, 2010 (Thursday)

We, the student teachers of USeP attended the seminar about Career
symposium. There were guests speakers who presented some information to us and
shared or imparted us some knowledge in the world of working. It was a very good
seminar because it helps us to be aware in everything in the field that we will be
after graduating. There was also an open forum at the last part of the symposium in
which we were given the chance to raise questions about what do we want to know.
The part of the said symposium I liked was when the discussion all about job
application. There were tips informed to us on what to do if you apply for any job. It
was a successful one because we learned a lot from it.

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some
blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
cumbered with your old nonsense."

February 5, 2010 (Friday)

Today, there was a job fair held at USeP social hall. I was not able to attend or
got to chance to apply for the jobs being offered because I was conducting my class
at San Roque. I taught about Future Tense of the Verb in English. In HeKaSi, Mrs.
Cadavas was the one who took charge of the class.

"Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that
determines our success or failure. The way you thing about a fact may defeat you
before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you
think you are."

February 8, 2010 (Monday)

So excited!!!!

My instructional materials especially my lesson plan were already well

prepared and ready for my final demonstration. I’m so happy that my cooperating
teacher was very supportive who always keep on reminding me about the things I
needed for my demo.
She was the one who allowed me to have a pre-demo about my lesson, but I
did not conduct it to the class where I will have my final demo. I conducted it in 2
sections. The reason why Ma’am let me have a pre-demo so that she will be able to
know the flow of my lesson and on how do I deliver it.

There were comments and suggestions raised by my CT about my

presentation. I heartily and willingly accepted it because I know that it was also for
my goodness and benefit. It also helped me in improving to have a successful

February 9, 2010 (Tuesday)

This is it!!!!!!!!

Before I left home, I prayed and asked God to guide me through all the day
especially during the presentation of my final demo. I asked Him to bless me
strength, calmness, direction and patience.

Before the day, I took a rest and relaxation and made sure that all I needed
were already prepared.

I was so happy that the practicum supervisor who sits in with my demo is
Mrs. Valiente. I’m so confident that she will going to fail me.

During my final demonstration, I never felt any nervousness and shaking.

Usually when I am having an observe demo, I can feel butterflies in my stomach,
but then with this, I never felt any. I was armored by the courage, strength and
patience I asked from GOD.

Before the day, I took a rest and relaxation and made sure that all the I
needed were already prepared.

At the end of the day, I was contented and fulfilled with the achievement I
had this day. I thank all my students for all the support they gave to me. They
showed a good performance which was one of the points I considered of having a
successful final demonstration.

“Success, like happiness, is more than a destination – it is a venture; more

than an achievement it is an attitude.”
February 10, 2010 (Wednesday)

It was the day after final demonstration and feels so blessed because nobody
from Team San Roque required for a re-demonstration and I know that we don’t
deserve it for we really did our best in delivering our demonstration.

Moving on, we prepared for the letterings of the “King and Queen of Hearts,”
for the Valentines Celebration Program of San Roque Central Elementary School.

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it."

February 11, 2010 (Thursday)

Today, we just continued the preparation for the Valentines Celebration of

San Roque. But we did not miss the classes which was still regular.

February 12, 2010 (Friday)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today, we celebrated the Happy Hearts Day. In the afternoon, the school held
a program entitled “King and Queen of Hearts 2010.” The event was prestigious
because prominent people came since they were invited as the Guests of Honor.
One of those prominent people was none other than the City Mayor Rodrigo R.
Duterte. The crowned King and Queen were given the opportunity to have a
pictorial with our beloved Mayor Rody. The program was very beautiful and it ended
well and peacefully.

It was a successful one.

February 15, 2010 (Monday)

Today I was tasked to have the discussion all about comparing adjectives. I
prepared the instructional materials needed for the class discussion. I also prepared
activities in connection with the topic. And I’m so happy that the students enjoyed
our discussion especially during the activities they have done. They were
participative today and active which encouraged me to do well with the delivery of
the lesson.

You cannot tailor make the situations in life, but you can tailor make the
attitudes to fit those situations before they arise.

February 16, 2010 (Tuesday)

Ma’am Cadavas instructed me to just continue the discussion about

comparing adjectives. After the review and explanations, I let the pupils answer the
activities found in the book.

I have realized that I am improving with my teaching. I am now using more

strategies in teaching and most especially I do not anymore rush in preparing
instead I always make sure that I had prepared all the things I need ahead of time.

"Persistence gives confidence and continued right mental attitude followed by

consistent action will bring success. When you have that knowing inside of you, fear
has vanished and the obstruction to a life of all good removed."
February 17, 2010 (Wednesday)

There was a mass in the morning at San Roque because it was Ash
Wednesday. I was supposed to give seat works to my class. However, because of
the mass, it was pre-empted. After the mass, the class was also postponed because
of an Earthquake drill which was simulated by the pupils. It was in accordance with
the City’s Advocacy on Calamity awareness. It was assessed by the City Emergency
unit or 911. In the afternoon, the classes resumed.

February 18, 2010 (Thursday)

I punched in my bandy card at exactly 6:29 in the morning. I hurried up and

entered our classroom. I directly asked Ma’am Cadavas if I would be the one having
the class today. Then she said that for the first 3 sections, I will be the one to have
the discussion of the topic. She told me to call her if ever there are problems I will

February 19, 2010 (Friday)

Thanks God it’s Friday!!!!

I’m happy that today is the last day of the week where I can sleep early and
can wake up late the day after. Same with the routine yesterday, I was the one
tasked to do the teaching in the first 3 sections, then after, my ct took charge the

At the end of the day, good teaching is about having fun, experiencing
pleasure and intrinsic rewards ... like locking eyes with a student in the back row
and seeing the synapses and neurons connecting, thoughts being formed, the
person becoming better, and a smile cracking across a face as learning all of a
sudden happens. Good teachers practice their craft not for the money or because
they have to, but because they truly enjoy it and because they want to. Good
teachers couldn't imagine doing anything else.

February 22, 2010 (Monday)

Today is a special holiday since it was the day for every Filipinos in
celebrating from being freed from Martial law.

There are no classes today. But I still made sure that do something
meaningful despite the day’s break. I started compiling the components for our
professional portfolio.

February 23, 2010 (Tuesday)

Pupils were very hyperactive especially when I’m having a class. Some pupils
especially the boys and slow learners do not pay attention with my discussion. I feel
do annoyed and makes my temper high. It hurts too much everytime you give your
very best to something but still you fail. I had given all my best to discipline the
learners, yet it has no effect to them.

I therefore concluded that there is really a big difference between the

children nowadays and from the past. During my elementary year, I could
remember that once our teacher keeps quiet, it simply means that we should stop
talking. One word is enough for us. But now, even if you keep on scolding them,
they simply listens to your words but did not put it in their minds.

February 24, 2010\ (Wednesday)

I came in to school at exactly 6:26 in the morning. My CT was busy for she
has a lot of things to do. She was a teacher as well as the school photographer. She
was busy taking photos with all grade 6 pupils of San Roque who will be graduating
this school year.

She gave instructional materials about the topic adverbs then I was the one
who conducted the class discussion. I explained and reviewed the class about
adverbs then I gave them activities to be answered right after the discussions. In
HeKaSi I let them read the topic for the day and gave them an activity.

We also conducted our community outreach at barangay 18-B. We had our

outreach and feeding program to the children residing at Barangay 18-B. We
prepared a program and prizes for the games that we had for the children.

February 25, 2010 (Thursday)

Thank God it’s Friday!!!

I was then assisting my cooperating teacher in the things she needed. She
asked me to have the class in some sections as she was having things to do.
Instructional materials for the topic and all the instructions of the things I would do
for the class were all given to me.

February 26, 2010 (Friday)

Today, we the USeP interns were excused from our classes because we
were tasked to assist in the preparation for the Alumni Homecoming dubbed “A
WALK TO REMEMBER.” Mrs. Jean Leonar was the one who requested us to help in
the preparation of the big event which was the very first time to happen since then.
I will be also part of this event because I was one of the products and a graduate of
San Roque Central Elementary School.

It was a great honor for us since it was the first time that the school will be
having its reunion. We made sure that we really worked for it so that we will be also
part of the success of the event. We really did our very best in the first ever
homecoming to be prestigious. But the fun doesn’t stop here. Tomorrow is the big
day. We are so excited to meet the people and the alumni of San Roque. We were
assigned to assist everything to be needed for the said event. I was tasked in the
registration section.

Me, myself was even excited with the big event because I am very excited to
meet my former classmates in my alma mater, not only my classmates but also my
teachers and mentors who inspired me.

March 1, 2010 (Monday)

The San Roque team made a request from the school to excused in 3 days for
the making of our portfolio. Mrs. Ebardo, SRCES principal approved the letter that’s
why we were formally excused from the school. We requested a 3-days leave for
the completion of our portfolio. I had already told my cooperating teacher about it
so she already knew it in advance.

However I still went to school for pictorial purposes and for some important
matters that is still relevant for our final project. I let my CT signed some documents
to be included of the said project.

March 2, 2010 (Tuesday)

Today was our second day of being excused but still we reported at SRCES
for some unfinished business. Some of these businesses are taking photos. I and
one of my co-intern Reziel took a photo with the school principal which is also
helpful in accomplishing our project for our documentation.

It was so tiring today because we really had overtime for our portfolio making
but I know in a few weeks our agony will be lessened since the graduation day is
fast approaching. We can then take a rest after doing this one.

March 3, 2010(Wednesday)

It was our last day for being excused from SRCES, but still I wasn’t able to
finish my work. I found a hard time in finishing my portfolio because I don’t have
any technology to be used and I don’t also have enough money to have it in an
internet café. So I decided to double my energy and power to make it successfully
and also to sustain my strength. Fortunately, I have a friend, Reziel, who shared her
laptop to me and through it I was able to do my things.

I learned how to be more dedicated and do the things I need to do to

accomplish it ahead from the deadline.

March 4, 2010 (Thursday)

I reported to SRCES this day since our regular duties resumed. My

cooperating teacher only let me checked the formal themes of the pupils. And I’ve
realized that its not an easy task because you have to correct the words used and
grammar check. While Mrs. Cadavas was having her class to different sections, I just
stayed inside our classroom.

Mrs. Cadavas keeps on asking about what more do I need for my

requirements. So without hesitation, I told her everything I needed. I also asked
some information and suggestion of the things I should do. I’m So lucky that I was
assigned to a cooperating teacher like Maam Cadavas who is thoughtful and kind.
March 5, 2010 (Friday)

Today was the National Achievement Test of grade 6. The grade 4 section
one has no class because our room was used by the examiners.

However, I still reported in the school though Mrs. Cadavas was not around.
Actually she told me that it will be okay if I will not report in school, but I preferred
to stay I school rather than staying at home. What I did was I checked the formal
theme notebooks that were task for me to do.

The day ended successfully!!!

"To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's

Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits. Believe in yourself.
Consider things from every angle. Don't give up and don't give in. Enjoy life today,
yesterday is gone, and tomorrow may never come. Family and friends are hidden
treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches. Give more than you planned to.

Hang on to your dreams. Ignore those who try to discourage you. Just do it. Keep
trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier. Love yourself first and most.
Make it happen. Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal. Open your eyes
and see things as they really are. Practice makes perfect. Quitters never win and
winners never quit. Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

Stop procrastinating. Take control of your own destiny. Understand yourself in order
to better understand others. Visualize it. Want it more than anything. ‘Excellerate’
your efforts. You are unique of all God's creations, nothing can replace YOU. Zero in
on your target and go for it!"
Instructional materials are kind of tools or equipments can help
effectively the instructor in theory teaching classroom or in
practical assessment.
Experiential Learning
(C. Rogers)

Rogers distinguished two types of learning: cognitive (meaningless) and
experiential (significant). The former corresponds to academic knowledge such as
learning vocabulary or multiplication tables and the latter refers to applied
knowledge such as learning about engines in order to repair a car. The key to the
distinction is that experiential learning addresses the needs and wants of the
learner. Rogers lists these qualities of experiential learning: personal involvement,
self-initiated, evaluated by learner, and pervasive effects on learner.

To Rogers, experiential learning is equivalent to personal change and growth.

Rogers feels that all human beings have a natural propensity to learn; the role of
the teacher is to facilitate such learning. This includes: (1) setting a positive climate
for learning, (2) clarifying the purposes of the learner(s), (3) organizing and making
available learning resources, (4) balancing intellectual and emotional components
of learning, and (5) sharing feelings and thoughts with learners but not dominating.

According to Rogers, learning is facilitated when: (1) the student participates

completely in the learning process and has control over its nature and direction, (2)
it is primarily based upon direct confrontation with practical, social, personal or
research problems, and (3) self-evaluation is the principal method of assessing
progress or success. Rogers also emphasizes the importance of learning to learn
and an openness to change.

Roger's theory of learning evolved as part of the humanistic education movement

(e.g., Patterson, 1973; Valett, 1977).

Roger's theory of learning originates from his views about psychotherapy and
humanistic approach to psychology. It applies primarily to adult learners and has
influenced other theories of adult learning such as Knowles and Cross. Combs
(1982) examines the significance of Roger's work to education. Rogers & Frieberg
(1994) discuss applications of the experiential learning framework to the classroom.

A person interested in becoming rich might seek out books or classes on
ecomomics, investment, great financiers, banking, etc. Such an individual would
perceive (and learn) any information provided on this subject in a much different
fashion than a person who is assigned a reading or class.

1. Significant learning takes place when the subject matter is relevant to the
personal interests of the student

2. Learning which is threatening to the self (e.g., new attitudes or perspectives) are
more easily assimilated when external threats are at a minimum

3. Learning proceeds faster when the threat to the self is low

4. Self-initiated learning is the most lasting and pervasive.

Social Learning Theory
(A. Bandura)


The social learning theory of Bandura emphasizes the importance of observing and
modeling the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others. Bandura
(1977) states: "Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous,
if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what
to do. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through
modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are
performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for
action." (p22). Social learning theory explains human behavior in terms of
continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, an environmental
influences. The component processes underlying observational learning are: (1)
Attention, including modeled events (distinctiveness, affective valence, complexity,
prevalence, functional value) and observer characteristics (sensory capacities,
arousal level, perceptual set, past reinforcement), (2) Retention, including symbolic
coding, cognitive organization, symbolic rehearsal, motor rehearsal), (3) Motor
Reproduction, including physical capabilities, self-observation of reproduction,
accuracy of feedback, and (4) Motivation, including external, vicarious and self

Because it encompasses attention, memory and motivation, social learning theory

spans both cognitive and behavioral frameworks. Bandura's theory improves upon
the strictly behavioral interpretation of modeling provided by Miller & Dollard
(1941). Bandura’s work is related to the theories of Vygotsky and Lave which also
emphasize the central role of social learning.

Social learning theory has been applied extensively to the understanding of
aggression (Bandura, 1973) and psychological disorders, particularly in the context
of behavior modification (Bandura, 1969). It is also the theoretical foundation for the
technique of behavior modeling which is widely used in training programs. In recent
years, Bandura has focused his work on the concept of self-efficacy in a variety of
contexts (e.g., Bandura, 1997).


The most common (and pervasive) examples of social learning situations are
television commercials. Commercials suggest that drinking a certain beverage or
using a particular hair shampoo will make us popular and win the admiration of
attractive people. Depending upon the component processes involved (such as
attention or motivation), we may model the behavior shown in the commercial and
buy the product being advertised.


1. The highest level of observational learning is achieved by first organizing and

rehearsing the modeled behavior symbolically and then enacting it overtly. Coding
modeled behavior into words, labels or images results in better retention than
simply observing.

2. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if it results in outcomes

they value.

3. Individuals are more likely to adopt a modeled behavior if the model is similar to
the observer and has admired status and the behavior has functional value.
Children require guidance and
sympathy far more than instruction.

We had our feeding

program with the children
Nothing you do for children is of barangay 18-B in Obrero.
ever wasted. They seem not to
notice us, hovering, averting
our eyes, and they seldom offer
thanks, but what we do for
them is never wasted.
There is more happiness in giving than in

Reading is the process of getting meaning from printed word symbols. It is an active
attempt on the part of a reader, to understand a writer’s message. The reader interacts with and
tries to reconstruct what a writer wishes to communicate.

Why read? Book is the instrument for perpetuating the body of knowledge painfully and
slowly accumulated through ages of man. They are also the means of preserving and maintaining
the solid foundation of culture and learning.

Learning to read is an individual process. Proper reading instruction depends on the

diagnosis of each child weaknesses and needs. Reading problem should be detected early and
corrected before they deteriorate into failure frustration reaction cases.

The mentors of the primary level students have a very important role for the development
of each child. They should have a variety of approaches so that students belong in primary level
especially in the third grade level will be motivated to read and comprehend.
Background of the Study

Some children entering the third grade are not yet ready for formal instruction in reading.
Premature introduction in reading in the grade three students delay progress in learning other
abilities that are essential in developing balance in acquiring the initial reading skills.

Children progress at different rated. Some are fast learners and others are very slow in
their developments in reading. Parents are concerned with the rapid educational advancement of
their children, but our experience shows that some parents are impatient and anxious to see the
progress. There are also parents that did not give time to their children in reading. A child must
get a good start at home and in the school in learning to read. This is the foundation for all
academic learning.

Problem Analysis

On the basis of observation, it was found out that there are competences, which children
must acquire prior to receiving formal instruction in reading. The following are:

1. Adequate reading readiness activities given to the students in grade three. This
pertains to the capacity/capability of the child to perform independence in any given

2. Adequate auditory discrimination. Students must be able to detect the difference

between the initial, medial, and final sounds.

3. Adequate ability to articulate sounds of the letter in alphabets. Students should be

able to say the letters sounds distinctly to blend with another letters to be able to read
the words.
4. Adequate ability in visual discriminations. Students should be able to see the
similarities and differences among letters and letter combinations.

Formulating Hypothesis

The causes why other pupils in primary level especially in Grade I- Mangga are slow

a. Students did not undergo pre-school.

b. Students came from lower class families. Parents cannot provide reading
materials at home.

c. Students with emotional problems sufficiently serious to make them disrupt their
learning process.

d. Teachers are lack of reading materials, textbooks and references. Materials serve
as the tools for teaching reading.


After knowing the causes, the pupils of Grade I- Mangga must be first introduce to
“Reading Readiness” so that children will be prepared for the reading readability. This pertains
to the materials/text to read.

Identifying the similarities and differences of objects and letters, are lesson activities in
Reading Readiness. Here are some exercises:

Direction: A. Ring the object or letter that is similar to the left.

R S t R
B. Check the object or letter that is different from the left.


Beginning Reading follows. Here is the letter sound of the alphabets that were introduced
and writing will be included in the activities. Here are the sequences of letter sounds:

a s m l e I ss f t n o

r g oo ee th b c p h y d

v x ea u ll w x d j x ai

There should be a mastery of blending of letter sounds. Let children read word, then
phrases and sentences. Almost all of the pupils in section Mangga can read and write simple
words as;

Words: cat dog rain seed

Phrases: a bag of fan hen and net

Sentences: The van has a mat. Ben’s hen is red.

At this time, the pupils are beginning the reading stage. The mentors at this stage in
learning gave emphasis to reading with comprehension. Pupils should be given with more
exercises in reading and writing. Each pupil is required to stand in the class and read everyday.
Strategies must also be created for every lesson in reading start with story telling or poem. With
this, activity, the children will have the desire to learn to read fast and can be exposed to the
natural language and correct language structure. The target of a teacher is 85% reading

V. Evaluation

Varied activities like book reading and adopted remedial instruction develop speed and
accuracy in reading. A record must also be kept in any test given to students, oral and written and
the chance that took place.

With the help of Phil IRI materials and Reading Proficiency test the teacher, reading
progress of students will be checked individually. From the said test, slow-reader and fast readers
were identified.

Slow readers were given special attention, and only them will be given remedial
instruction and were limited in number to ensure that all were given proper attention. If there
were many slow readers in class, they were scheduled alternately.

Two weeks later, another reading proficiency test is conducted. There was a great
improvement. The 19 slow readers can read better than their performance before.

VI. Conclusion and Generalization

Reading is important and should be given more attention by the teacher especially in the
first grader. It is essential in learning other abilities.

The teacher should consider individual differences. Student’s progresses are at different
rate. It is up for the teachers to find out the importance of letting the child read in front of the
class everyday, remedial instruction, uses of chart, informing the parents of their child’s reading

If the child had not attended kindergarten class, reading readiness should be introduced
before Beginning Reading. If this stage is introduced before formal reading, the teacher will be
very sure of 98% to 100% of the class can read and are prepared to go to the next higher grade.
• Detailed
• Semi-
• Brief
February 9, 2010
Lesson Plan
English IV

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson 75% of the class should be able to:
a. identify adjectives;
b. describe a picture of a person, place, animal or a thing; and
c. build up cooperation and participation in accomplishing a task.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjective
Reference: English For You and Me
Language Textbook Grade Four pp. 147-152
Materials: visual aids, pictures, real objects, words in a strip
Values Integration: Cooperation and Participation

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
Teacher Tasks Pupils Response
1. Prayer
-(sign of the cross) Angel of God my - (sign of the cross) Angel of God my
guardian dear to whom God’s love guardian dear to whom God’s love
commits me here. Ever this day be at my commits me here. Ever this day be
side to light and guide to rule and guard. at my side to light and guide to rule
Amen. (sign of the cross) and guard. Amen. (sign of the cross)
2. Greetings
-Good morning class - Good morning Ma’am Xandy good
morning classmates we’re glad to see
you Mabuhay!!!
Checking of Attendance
- Raise your hand and say present - Present ma’am
as I call your name. - absent ma’am
Submission of Assignments
-pass your assignments infront by - Pass the assignments by row
-Sing the song “I’m a little teapot” - I’m a little teapot, short and stout.
I’m a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle and here is my
Here is my handle and here is my spout.
spout. When the water’s boiling, here me
When the water’s boiling, here me shout
shout “Lift me up and pour me out.”
“Lift me up and pour me out.”

6. Review
- Ask questions that will let them
answer using the statement
“I will/shall……” 1. I will listen and keep quite.
1. What will you do if the teacher is I will sit properly and participate in
talking in front of the class? the class discussion.
2. What will you wear if it is a 2. I will wear thick clothes.
rainy day?
3. What will do if you are inside the 3. I will listen to the priest and behave.

Vocabulary Development
- Present the group of words. Use - Post the correct meaning with
each word in a sentence so that the corresponding word.
the pupils will be able to define
the word easily. a)parlor- a room used for business
b)winding- turning; twisting
a) parlor- c)gentle- kind; courteous; generous
b) winding-
c) gentle-

a. Show a picture of a fly and a
spider. - Have you already seen
these insects? Yes ma’am!
- Now you are going to read a
dialog between a spider and a
- But before that let’s read
first the questions to be answered
right after reading the dialog.
- What do you think the fly - What do you think the fly did?
did? What happened to her?
What happened to her? Why did the spider laugh?
- Why did the spider laugh?
- Okay let’s start reading the dialog. - (Pupils of group 1 & 2 reads the
lines of the spider.)
The group 1 & 2 will read the lines
- (Pupils of group 3 & 4 reads the
of the spider. The group 3 & 4 will
lines of the fly.)
read the lines of the fly.

B. Developmental Activities

Teachers Tasks Students Response

1. Presentation
- Class I have here 2 pictures of
insects. Do you know these insects? Yes ma’am!
- What are these insects?
- That is a picture of a fly and
- Very Good! This one is a a spider ma’am!
picture of a spider and the other
picture is a fly.
- From the dialog we read let’s
describe them.
- Let’s describe the fly first. What
kind of eyes does the fly have?
The eyes of the fly are shiny.

- Very good! And how about the kind

of wings it has? The wings of the fly are bright.

- Very good! Now let’s The parlor of the spider is pretty and little.
describe the kind of parlor the
spider have?
- Perfect! The words bright,
shiny, pretty and little are
descriptive words. - These words give us a clear
picture of the things being
- What have you observe about these

- Excellent! And do you know how

do we call these words? Words
that give a description or a clear
picture of a person, animals, places
or things are called Adjectives.

2. Activity
- Are you excited of what will be our -Yes ma’am!
activity today?
- Okay! I have prepared different
kinds of activities. But before
having it let’s remind ourselves -In having a group activity each member of
first about the things to do in the group should work and participate.
having a group activity. Now who -The group should work properly serious
can tell me some standards about and cooperatively.
group activity? -Follow the instructions of the activity.

-Very good! Group 1

-So now the class will be divided (Red Box-Look and Touch Me)
into 4 groups. I have here 4 boxes -There are 5 real objects inside the box.
with different colors in which these The group will describe each object
boxes has its own corresponding according to its texture, size or color.
challenge placed inside. Choose a
leader from your group to select Group 2
one box here for your group. (Yellow Box- What Word Am I?)
-When you have the boxes open it -Provided with 4 pictures (person animal
and read the task card. You will do place and a thing) the group will arrange
that in 15 minutes. jumbled letters and guess the word that
describes the picture.

Group 3
(Blue Box- Form and Describe Me)
-A puzzle is placed inside the box. The
group needs to form the puzzle to have the
picture. Among forming it they will select
5 things found in the picture and describe
Group 4
(Orange Box- How Do I Look?)
-With the picture found inside the box the
group will write descriptive words to the
picture by answering the given questions.
3. Generalization
- What do we call the words used to -Ma’am the words used to describe a
describe a person, place, animal or a person, place, animal or a thing are

4. Application
-I will call one of you to come in -She is short and beautiful.
front. What you’re going to do is to -Nicole is kind and sexy.
describe them according to their -Joshua is a fat boy.
height, size of the body, hair etc. -Melly wears a red hairclip and she is a
bright girl.
-Present a box to the class. Inside
the box are different pictures and -The fish have big eyes.
objects. Call pupils and them pick -Peoples park is a very nice place.
something inside the box. The pupil -Davao City is a clean and green city.
will describe the object or the -The girl is so cute.
picture he/she have. -The ball is big and round.

IV. Evaluation
(Each student will be given an activity sheet)

DIRECTION: Underline the adjectives in each sentence. Some sentences have more than
one adjective.

Teachers Tasks Students Response

1. Baguio has a cool climate. 1. cool
2. She sells green bananas. 2. green
3. Tall pine trees are seen along the 3. tall , winding
winding roadside.
4. Fresh vegetables are sold in the 4. fresh , clean
clean market.
5. Green bananas are sweet as the 5. green , sweet , yellow
yellow bananas.
V. Assignment
Pick out the adjective and the noun being described in each sentence. Write you
answer in a sheet of paper.

Example: We watched the wonderful sunset at Manila Bay.

Answer: wonderful- sunset

1. Most of the people wear thick clothed in Baguio.

2. Tourists usually buy sweet strawberries before they go home.
3. Aling Ana sells fresh fruits at a low price.
4. The industrious forefathers of the Igorots made the magnificent rice terraces.
5. The amazing Banaue Rice Terraces is another well-known attraction.


February 9, 2010
Lesson Plan
English IV

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson 75% of the class should be able to:
a. identify adjectives;
b. describe a picture of a person, place, animal or a thing; and
c. build up cooperation and participation in accomplishing a task.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjective
Reference: English For You and Me
Language Textbook Grade Four pp. 147-152
Materials: visual aids, pictures, real objects, words in a strip
Values Integration: Cooperation and Participation

III. Learning Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Submission of Assignments
5. Unfreezing
Sing the song “I’m a little teapot”
I’m a little teapot, short and stout.
Here is my handle and here is my spout.
When the water’s boiling, here me shout
“Lift me up and pour me out.”
6. Review
Ask questions that will let them answer using the statement
“I will/shall……”
1. What will you do if the teacher is talking in front of the class?
2. What will you wear if it is a rainy day?
3. What will do if you are inside the church?

7. Vocabulary Development
Present the group of words. Use each word in a sentence so that the pupils
will be able to define the word easily.
a) parlor- a room used for business
b) winding- turning; twisting
c) gentle- kind; courteous; generous

8. Motivation
a. Show a picture of a fly and a spider. Ask the students if they have
already seen these insects.
b. Tell the students that they are going to read a dialog between a
spider and a fly.
c. Motive Questions
- What do you think the fly did?
- What happened to her?
- Why did the spider laugh?
d. Dialog reading between a spider and a fly.
(Group 1 & 2 will read the lines of the spider; Group 3 & 4 will read the
lines of the fly)
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Using the pictures presented before reading the dialog ask questions that
will describe it based from the dialog read.

(Picture of a fly) 1. What kind of eyes does the fly have?

2. What kind of wings does it have?

(Picture of a spider) 1. What kind of parlor does the spider have?

• Bright, shiny, pretty and little are descriptive words. They give us a
clear picture of the things being described.

• Words that give a description or a clear picture of a person, animals,

places or things are called Adjectives.

2. Activity
a. Set the standards of having a group activity. Present a rubric.

b. Divide the class into four (4) groups. Show 4 boxes with different
colors. Each box has its own corresponding challenge placed inside. Let
each leader choose one box for his/her group. Let the groups do their
challenges for 10 minutes.

• Red Box (Look and Touch Me!)

There are 5 real objects inside the box. The group will describe each
object according to its texture, size or color.
• Yellow Box (What word am I?)
Provided with 4 pictures (person animal place and a thing) the group will
arrange jumbled letters and guess the word that describes the picture.
• Blue Box (Form and Describe Me!)
A puzzle is placed inside the box. The group needs to form the puzzle to
have the picture. Among forming it they will select 5 things found in the
picture and describe each.
• Orange Box (How do I look?)
With the picture found inside the box the group will write descriptive
words to the picture by answering the given questions.

3. Generalization
 What do we call the words used to describe a person, place, animal or
a thing?
 What is an adjective?

4. Application
• Call pupils to come in front. Let their classmates describe them
according to their height, size of the body, hair etc.

• Present a box to the class. Inside the box are different pictures and
objects. Call pupils and them pick something inside the box. The pupil will
describe the object or the picture he/she have.

IV. Evaluation
(Each student will be given an activity sheet)

DIRECTION: Underline the adjectives in each sentence. Some

sentences have more than one adjective.

1. Baguio has a cool climate.

2. She sells green bananas.

3. Tall pine trees are seen along the winding roadside.

4. Fresh vegetables are sold in the clean market.

5. Green bananas are sweet as the yellow bananas.

V. Assignment
Pick out the adjective and the noun being described in each sentence.
Write you answer in a sheet of paper.
Example: We watched the wonderful sunset at Manila Bay.
Answer: wonderful- sunset

1. Most of the people wear thick clothed in Baguio.

2. Tourists usually buy sweet strawberries before they go home.
3. Aling Ana sells fresh fruits at a low price.
4. The industrious forefathers of the Igorots made the magnificent rice
5. The amazing Banaue Rice Terraces is another well-known attraction.

February 9, 2010

Brief Lesson Plan

English IV

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson 75% of the class should be able to:
a. identify adjectives;
b. describe a picture of a person, place, animal or a thing; and
c. build up cooperation and participation in accomplishing a task.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Adjective

III. Learning Procedure

A.Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Submission of Assignments
5. Unfreezing
6. Review
7. Vocabulary Development
8. Motivation

B.Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
Using the pictures presented before reading the dialog ask
questions that will describe it based from the dialog read.

• Words that give a description or a clear picture of a person,

animals, places or things are called Adjectives.

2. Activity
3. Generalization
4. Application

IV. Evaluation
(Each student will be given an activity sheet)

V. Assignment
Pick out the adjective and the noun being described in each sentence.
Write you answer in a sheet of paper.

Example: We watched the wonderful sunset at Manila Bay.

Answer: wonderful- sunset

6. Most of the people wear thick clothed in Baguio.

7. Tourists usually buy sweet strawberries before they go home.

8. Aling Ana sells fresh fruits at a low price.

9. The industrious forefathers of the Igorots made the magnificent rice


10. The amazing Banaue Rice Terraces is another well-known attraction.

Mission Statement
The Mentoring The Student Teachers (MTST) Program is
designed to assist and guide the Student-Teachers as they go
about the last and the most important aspect of their education to
become full-pledge teachers along with the other stakeholders.
The purpose of this program is to provide support, encourage
professional development and enhance teaching performance.

Aims and Goals

The goals of the MTST Program are the following:

1. To promote personal and professional growth through dialogue and

2. To increase learners achievement through the improvement of
quality teaching.
3. To forge healthy working relationship with social officials, teachers
and other members of the staff.
4. To foster positive relationship among the learners, the teachers, the
administration, the parents and the community.
5. To encourage collaboration in order to meet the needs of diverse
6. To develop leadership capabilities.
MTST Basic Teaching-Learning Principles
The eight teaching-learning are the guidelines to both the student
teacher and the mentor as they go about their task and functions. This
makes up the bulk of the MTST manual culled from the various principles of
teaching and learning, the authors strongly believe that proper assimilation
and application o these principles will bring out the best not only of he
student teacher but of the mentor as well. Likewise, these principles will aid
the teacher to focus on the essential day-to-day activities.

There are important dimensions included in each principle. The authors

believe that the inclusion of these dimensions will enlighten the teacher in
dealing with his/her lessons appropriately and effectively are knowledge
dimension enables the teacher to identify the central concepts in particular
disciplines/subjects being taught. The disposition provides ways of making
appropriate decisions and plans on how the central concepts can be
effectively transferred and developed. The performance dimension guides
the teacher in the proper execution on plan.

Principle 1. On making content meaning and planning for instruction

On making content meaning the teacher understands the central concepts, tools of
inquiry and structure of the subject he/she teaches and can create learning
experiences that makes these aspects of subject matter meaningful for learners.

A. Knowledge
The teacher understands major concepts, assumptions, debates, processes of
inquiry, and ways of knowing that are central to subject he teaches.

The teacher understands how learner’s conceptual framework and their

misconceptions for an area of knowledge can influence learning.

The teacher can relate his major field to other subjects.

B. Disposition
The teacher realizes that subject matter knowledge is not fixed body of facts
but is complex and ever evolving. He seeks to keep abreast of new ideas and
understanding in the field.

On Planning for Instruction

The teacher sets the objectives and plans instruction based upon knowledge of
subject matter, students, and curriculum goals.

A. Knowledge
The teacher understands learning theory, subject matter, curriculum
development and learner development knows how to use this knowledge in
planning instruction to meet curriculum.

The teacher knows how to take contextual considerations such as

instructional materials, individual learners’ interest and community

The teacher knows when and how to adjust plans based on learners
responses and other contingencies.

B. Disposition
The teacher values both long and short term planning.

The teacher believes that plans must always be open to adjustment and
revision based on learners’ need and changing circumstances.

The teacher values planning as collegian activity.

C. Performance
As an individual and member of a team, the teacher selects and creates
learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals, relevant to
the learners and based upon principles of effective instruction.

The teacher creates lesson and activities that are operate at multiple levels
to meet the developmental and individuals needs of diverse learners and
help each progress.

The teacher assumes responsibility for professional growth through various


Principle 2. On Classroom Management, Instructional Strategies and Motivation

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional and motivational
strategies and techniques to create a learning environment that encourages the
development of critical thinking positive social interaction and active participation in
the learning activity.

A. Knowledge
The teacher understands the basic principles in the use of instructional
strategies and is able to use these in the conduct of the teaching learning

The teacher knows how to enhance learning through the use of a wide variety
of materials as well as human and technological resources.
The teacher can use a range of strategies to promote positive relationship,
cooperation and purposeful learning in the classroom.

B. Disposition
The teacher values the development of students’ critical thinking
independent problem-solving and performance capabilities.

The teacher takes responsibility for establishing a positive climate in the

classroom and participates in maintaining such climate.

The teacher values flexibility and reciprocity in the learning process as

necessary for adapting instruction to learners’ responses, ideas and needs.

The teacher values the role of learners in promoting each other’s learning
and recognizes the importance of peer relationships in establishing a climate
for learning.

C. Performance
The teacher uses classroom observation, information about students and the
research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and learning and
as basis for experimenting with, reflecting on, and revising practice.

The teacher engages learners in generating knowledge and testing

hypotheses according to the different methods of inquiry.
The teacher develops and uses the curricular that encourages learners to
see, question and interpret from diverse perspectives.

The teacher helps learners integrate knowledge, skills, and methods of

inquiry from several subject areas.

Principle 3. On Learning Styles and Appropriateness of Content and Materials

The teacher understands different learning styles. He also creates appropriate
learning materials in accordance with the objectives of the curriculum and students’

Principle 4. On Communication and Questioning Skills

The teacher expresses thoughts fluently and speaks at an appropriate rate. Uses
acceptable voice and pitch projection and uses appropriate vocabulary. Listens
attentively and responds appropriately to verbal and non- verbal messages.
The teacher employs types of questions appropriate to the concepts taught and
learning level of students. Presents questions logically as well as ask questions
clearly and encourages students’ questions.
Principle 5. On Assessment and Evaluation
The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to
evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development
of the learner.

Principle 6. On Professional Growth and Interpersonal Relationships Knowledge

The teacher understands schools as organizations within the larger community
context and understands the operations of the relevant aspects of the system(s)
within which he woks.

A. Knowledge
The teacher understands how factors in the students’ environment outside of
school may influence students’ life and learning.

The teacher appreciates multiple perspectives and conveys to the learners

how knowledge is developed from the vintage point of the learner.

The teacher has enthusiasm for the subject he teaches and sees connection
to everyday life.

The teacher is committed to continuous learning and engages in professional

discourse about subject matter.

The teacher initiates his competencies of planning and the operational level
of the understanding of the use of democratic principles.

B. Disposition
The teacher effectively uses varied examples and explanations of concepts
that capture key ideas and kink them to learners’ prior understanding.

The teacher can represent and use differing viewpoints, theories, and ways of
knowing and methods of inquiry in his teaching subject.

The teacher responds to unanticipated sources of inputs, evaluates plans in

relation to short and long range goals and systematically adjusts plans to
meet learners’ needs and enhance learning.

The teacher values and appreciates the importance and all aspects of

The teacher is willing to consult with other adults regarding the education
and well-being of his students.

The teacher respects the privacy of students and confidentiality of

C. Performance
The teacher participates in collegian activities designed to make the entire
school and productive learning environment.

The teacher attends and participates in conference and seminars organized

by the school.

The teacher establishes respectful and productive relationships with parents

and guardians from diverse home, and community situations, and seeks to
develop cooperative partnerships in support of student learning and well-

The teacher talks with and listens to students and must be sensitive and
responsive to clues of distress, investigates situations and seeks outside help
as need and appropriate to remedy problems.

Principle 7. On Community Involvement/Project

The teacher understands the basic principles of Peace and Development and Non-
formal Education.

A. Knowledge
The teacher recognizes the importance of community involvement.

The teacher understands that community extension/project is necessary

component of teaching and learning.

B. Disposition
The teacher appreciates the importance of community involvement and is
willing to get them.

The teacher is an involvement and committed person.

C. Performance
The teacher applies the principles of Peace education in its different
The teacher initiates and completes community project.
The teacher is an active member of the community.
Principle 8. On Cura Personalis

Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e), Article 11, of R. A., No.

7836, otherwise known as the Philippines Professionalization Act of 1994
and Paragraph (a), section 6, P.D. No. 223, as amended, the Board for
Professional Teachers hereby adopts the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.


Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation
with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the
practice of their noble profession, they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this
set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values.


Section 1. The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational institution

shall offer quality education for all competent teachers committed of its full
realization The provision of this Code shall apply, therefore, to all teachers in
schools in the Philippines.

Section 2. This Code covers all public and private school teachers in all
educational institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary, and secondary levels
whether academic, vocational, special, technical, or non-formal. The term
“teacher” shall include industrial arts or vocational teachers and all other persons
performing supervisory and /or administrative functions in all school at the aforesaid
levels, whether on full time or part-time basis.

Section 1. The schools are the nurseries of the future citizens of the state;
each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and
is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage as well as to elevate
national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of country, instill allegiance
to the constitution and for all duly constituted authorities, and promote obedience
to the laws of the state.

Section 2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carryout the
declared policies of the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.

Section 3. In the interest of the State and of the Filipino people as much as of
his own, every teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.
Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize a full commitment and
devotion to duty.

Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political,

religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit,
require, collect, or receive any money or service or other valuable material from any
person or entity for such purposes

Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional
rights and responsibility.

Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position or facial authority or influence
to coerce any other person to follow any political course of action.
Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have
privilege of expounding the product of his researches and investigations; provided
that, if the results are inimical to the declared policies of the State, they shall be
brought to the proper authorities for appropriate remedial action.


Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the

youth; he shall, therefore, render the best service by providing an environment
conducive to such learning and growth.

Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively

participate in community movements for moral, social, educational, economic and
civic betterment.

Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which
purpose he shall behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain for such
activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much less illicit

Section 4. Every teacher shall live for and with the community and shall,
therefore, study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have
sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from disparaging the community.

Section 5. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the
community informed about the school’s work and accomplishments as well as its
needs and problems.

Section 6. Every teacher is intellectual leader in the community, especially in

the barangay, and shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when
needed, to extend counseling services, as appropriate, and to actively be involved
in matters affecting the welfare of the people.
Section 7. Every teacher shall maintain harmonious and pleasant personal
and official relations with other professionals, with government officials, and with
the people, individually or collectively.
Section 8. A teacher posses freedom to attend church and worships as
appropriate, but shall not use his positions and influence to proselyte others.

Section 1. Every teacher shall actively insure that teaching is the noblest
profession, and shall manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble

Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of

quality education, shall make the best preparations for the career of teaching, and
shall be at his best at all times and in the practice of his profession.

Section 3. Every teacher shall participate in the Continuing Professional

Education (CPE) program of the Professional Regulation Commission, and shall
pursue such other studies as will improve his efficiency, enhance the prestige of the
profession, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and productivity in order to be
nationally and internationally competitive.

Section 4. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support from
the school, but shall not make improper misrepresentations through personal
advertisements and other questionable means.
Section 5. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that
makes it dignified means for earning a descent living.


Section 1. Teacher shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional
loyalty, mutual confidence, and faith in one another, self sacrifice for the common
good, and full cooperation with colleagues. When the best interest of the learners,
the school, or the profession is at stake in any controversy, teacher shall support
one another.

Section2. A teacher is not entitled to claim credit or work not of his own, and
shall give due credit for the work of others which he may use.

Section3. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize for whoever
assumes the position such records and other data as are necessary to carry on the

Section 4. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information

concerning associates and the school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents
which has not been officially released, or remove records from the files without

Section 5. It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for

what he may appear to be an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any
associates. However, this may be done only if there is incontrovertible evidence for
such conduct.

Section 6. A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable

criticism against an associate, preferably in writing, without violating the right of the
individual concerned.
Section 7. A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he is qualified;
provided that he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and
competence; provided, further, that all qualified candidates are given the
opportunity to be considered.

Section 1. Every teacher shall make it his duties to make an honest effort to
understand and support the legitimate policies of the school and the administration
regardless of personal feeling or private opinion and shall faithfully carry them out.

Section 2. A teacher shall not make any false accusations or charges against
superiors, especially under anonymity. However, if there are valid charges, he
should present such under oath to competent authority.

Section 3. A teacher shall transact all official business through channels

except when special conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when special
conditions are advocated but are opposed by immediate superiors, in which case,
the teacher shall appeal directly to the appropriate higher authority..

Section 4. Every teacher, individually or as part of a group, has a right to seek

redress against injustice to the administration and to extent possible, shall raise
grievances within acceptable democratic possesses. In doing so, they shall avoid
jeopardizing the interest and the welfare of learners whose right to learn must be

Section 5. Every teacher has a right to invoke the principle that

appointments, promotions, and transfer of teachers are made only on the basis of
merit and needed in the interest of the service.

Section 6. A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation

to live up to his contract, assuming full knowledge of employment terms and


Section 1. All school officials shall at all times show professional courtesy,
helpfulness and sympathy towards teachers and other personnel, such practices
being standards of effective school supervision, dignified administration, responsible
leadership and enlighten directions.
Section 2. School officials, teachers, and other school personnel shall
consider it their cooperative responsibility to formulate policies or introduce
important changes in the system at all levels.

Section 3. School officials shall encourage and attend the professional growth
of all teachers under them such as recommending them for promotion, giving them
due recognition for meritorious performance, and allowing them to participate in
conferences in training programs.

Section 4. No school officials shall dismiss or recommend for dismissal a

teacher or other subordinates except for cause.

Section 5. School authorities concern shall ensure that public school teachers
are employed in accordance with pertinent civil service rules, and private school
teachers are issued contracts specifying the terms and conditions of their work;
provided that they are given, if qualified, subsequent permanent tenure, in
accordance with existing laws.


Section 1. A teacher has a right and duty to determine the academic marks
and the promotions of learners in the subject or grades he handles, such
determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted procedures of
evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers concerned shall
immediately take appropriate actions, of serving due process.

Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners
are of first and foremost concerns, and shall deal justifiably and impartially with
each of them.

Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor

discriminated against by the learner.
Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their
parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if

Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration

from tutorials other what is authorized for such service.

Section 6. A teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work only in
merit and quality of academic performance.

Section 7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love

develop between teacher and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost
professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip and preferential treatment of the

Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending

learners nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts
which are clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship.

Section 9. A teacher shall ensure that conditions contribute to the maximum

development of learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in
preventing or solving learner’s problems and difficulties.


Section 1. Every teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with
parents, and shall conduct himself to merit their confidence and respect.
Section 2. Every teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of
the progress and deficiencies of learner under him, exercising utmost candor and
tact in pointing out learners deficiencies and in seeking parent’s cooperation for the
proper guidance and improvement of the learners.
Section 3. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and
understanding, and shall discourage unfair criticism.


Section 1. A teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly, in

legitimate income generation; provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect
his work as a teacher.

Section 2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to the

financial matters such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging
satisfactorily his private financial affairs.

Section 3. No teacher shall act, directly or indirectly, as agent of, or be

financially interested in, any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other
school commodities in the purchase and disposal of which he can exercise official
influence, except only when his assignment is inherently, related to such purchase
and disposal; provided they shall be in accordance with the existing regulations;
provided, further, that members of duly recognized teachers cooperatives may
participate in the distribution and sale of such commodities.


Section 1. A teacher is, above all, a human being endowed with life for which
it is the highest obligation to live with dignity at all times whether in school, in the
home, or elsewhere.

Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-discipline as the primary

principles of personal behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.

Section 3. A teacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which

could serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers and all others.
Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the Almighty God as guide of his
own destiny and of the destinies of men and nations.

Section 1. Any violation of any provisions of this code shall be sufficient

ground for the imposition against the erring teacher of the disciplinary action
consisting of revocation of his Certification of Registration and License as a
Professional Teacher, suspension from the practice of teaching profession,
reprimand or cancellation of his temporary/special permit under causes specified in
Sec. 23, Article III or R.A. No. 7836, and under Rule 31, Article VIII, of the Rules and
Regulations Implementing R.A. 7836.


Section 1. This Code shall take effect upon approval by the Professional
Regulation Commission and after sixty (60) days following it’s publication in the
official Gazette or any newspaper of general circulation, whichever is earlier.

The Faculty Manual Task Force (1st Edition)

Chairman…………… Dr. Arnoldo U. Racadio (+)

Co-Chairman………...Prof. Carmelo F. Beria
Members…………….Mrs. Amelita Canosa
Mr. Pedro P. Lazo
Mr. Jerry P. Manzano
Mrs. Yolanda Sered
Mr. Pepe V. Gorospe

The Faculty Manual Task Force (Revised Edition)

Co-Chairmen………..Dr. Arnoldo U. Racadio (+)
Dr. Rafael B. Querubin
Members…………….Dr. Wilma M. Ponce
Mrs. Erlinda A. Valido
Prof. Carmelo F. Beria

Consultant…………..President Alejandro V. Directo

We have two lives - the one we learn with and the life
we live after that.
The world is your

BEEd 4-1 and BEEd 4-2

Pre-Service Teachers
Distribution of materials for the
group activity.

Post Conference with the
Practicum Supervisor, Prof. Teresita
Valiente, right afterAssisting
my final thedemo.
students in posting Group Reporting
their group works
Class Picture with the Grade IV-I


advisory class and my students during my final demo. They were very supportive and really
helped a lot in making my final demo a successful one. My internship at SRCES is a very
good experience especially handling this kind of pupils.

I’m very happy and thankful having a good relationship with you guys. I thank you
for accepting me and treating me well as a teacher. I will never forget you and I will
cherish you. You’ll be part of my success.
To teach is to learn twice

Good teaching is as much about passion as it is

about reason. It's about not only motivating
With the SRCES
students to learn, but teaching them Principal
how to learn,
and doing so in a manner that is relevant,
Mrs. Belma D.
meaningful, and memorable. It's about caring for
your craft, having a passion for it, and conveying
that Good teaching
passion is one-fourth
to everyone, preparationtoand
most importantly your
three-fourths pure theatre.

Good teaching is as much about passion as it is

Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is
about reason. It's about not
more than only motivating
absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.
students to learn, but teaching them how to learn,
With and
Glenna soCadavas
in a manner that is relevant,
M. Macatangay
meaningful, and memorable. It's about caring for
(My 12stndCooperating
(My CooperatingTeacher)
your craft, having a passion for it, and conveying
that passion to everyone, most importantly to your
BSP San Roque District
Theme: “Scouts Creating a Better
January 29-30, SRCES
2010 Teachers Day
SRCES Covered Court
December 7, 2009

School Christmas Program

December 17, 2009
SRCES 60th Birthday of the SRCES Principal,
King and Queen of Hearts Mrs. Belma D. Ebardo

“Happiness is not based

on possessions, power
or prestige but on
relationships with people
we love and respect.”

We were part of the

preparation and the
success of this big

To teach another thoroughly is the best way to learn

for yourself.
The graduates of San Roque Central Elementary School and I’m one of them.
Are you one of us?
Group activity:
Each group was given
different task to do.

Students’ outputs when I let

March 3, 2010
them draw a picture showing
about the Life of Rizal.
Mrs. Belma D. Ebardo
Pricipal III
San Roque Central Elementary School
Obrero, Davao City


I have the honor to apply to your good office for a teaching position that may fit my

I am flexible and well rounded person who is willing to be trained and to undertake
different roles and tasks that will be required in order for me to be efficient. I am
also mature and ready to handle responsibility to handle topics in line with my

I am a graduate from University of Southeastern Philippines with a degree of

Bachelor in Elementary Education.

My eagerness to be a part of the faculty prompted me to apply for the job and in the
process will surely endeavour to take responsibilities bestowed upon me.

Enclosed herewith is my resume for your perusal.

Should my qualifications meet your expectations, I am willing to come for an

interview anytime at your convenience. My contact number is 09108077056.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,

49-5 N. Torres 5th St. Bo. Obrero, Davao City
Email Address: [email protected]

Career Objectives: To take up a challenging and rewarding roles which

provide a stimulating environment and ample opportunity to learn, to grow and
develop both professionally and personally.
Education: Bachelor of Elementary Education
University of Southeastern Philippines


Date of Birth: April 8, 1990

Place of Birth: Davao City
Age: 19
Status: Single
Height: 5’3
Weight: 45 kls.
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Language/Dialects: English, Filipino, Vernacular


Tertiary Education: University of Southeastern Philippines

Bachelor of Elementary Education
Secondary Education: Davao City National High School
Elementary Education: San Roque Central Elementary School


Pre-service Teacher Porras Elementary School 2007
Pre-service Teacher San Roque Central Elementary 2008
Pre-service Teacher Teodoro Palma Gil Elementary 2008
Pre-service Teacher Sta. Ana Central Elementary 2009
Pre-service Teacher Buhangin Central Elementary 2009
Practice Teacher San Roque Central Elementary 2009-2010


• Seminar on Energy Conservation Education, February 2010

• Pre-Employment Seminar for Local Applicants(PESLA), February 2010
• Boy Scout of the Philippines San Roque District-Wide Camporal,
January 2010
• Boy Scout of the Philippines Buhangin District Patrol Training Course,
August 2009
• Two-day Seminar-Workshop on “ Teaching for a Meaningful Learning”
(PAFTE XI) , August 2009
• Seminar-Workshop on Planning and Budgeting Process for the
Chairperson and Council Members of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK),
August 2009
• The CEd-LC Leadership Training Seminar “SOLIDARITY and INTEGRITY
in LEADERSHIP” , November 2008
• Workshop on Excel Operations, October 2008
• Parliamentary Rules and Procedures (PRP) Seminar, September 2008
• Training of Newly-elected Barangay Officials on Child protection Laws,
September 2008
• Seminar-Workshop on “Life at BPO” (Business Process Outsourcing),
September 2008
• Training on “Serbisyo Publiko Panindigan, Karapatan Pahalagahan” ,
July 2008
• Katarungang Pambarangay Specialization Course, July 2008
• Society of language Educators Workshop for Literary Arts, 2006

• Member, Society of Language Educators, SY 2006-2007

• Member, Society of Elementary Education Students, SY 2007-2010
• Class Mayor, 3rd Year College BEEd, SY 2008-2009
• Member, University League of Class Mayors, SY 2008-2009
• Member, College of Education Literary Arts, SY 2006-2010
• Member, Senior Student Organization, SY 2009-2010
• Student Movement for Christ
• Barangay SK (Sangguniang Kabataan) Kagawad, 2007-2010


• Valedictorian, Kinder
• With Honor, Grade I- IV
• MatSciKa (Math, Science, Sibika) Contestant, Inter-School
• Champion, Intramurals CEd Literary Arts Contest
• Champion, Quiz Bowl CEd Festival
• Dean’s Lister, 4th Year 1st semester


• Computer Skills
• Dancing
• Singing
• Playing Musical Instruments ( Guitar, Piano, Flute, Organ)
• Drawing



1. Whelma L. Barangay Barangay 18-B 09196329893
Lozada Captain
2. Ma. Glenna M. Master Teacher II San Roque Central 09175488743
Cadavas Elementary School
3. Gloria O. Acebron Professor Holy Cross Of 09192848489
Davao City
4. Julius Limbo Brgy. Kagawad Barangay 18-B 09195830611

Student teaching or Teaching Internship is one of the most important and crucial phases
in Teaching Education. It is in this culminating stage where the student teachers put into practice
the learning competencies they acquired in the teacher education program and at the same time
harness their teaching competencies. This stage bridges theory and practice since it provides the
student teachers the clinical experiences in an actual school setting. This is a preparation for
them to assume and carry out effectively all the duties and responsibilities of a teacher.

All those directly involved in administering the internship or clinical practice in the
teacher education institutions and in the cooperating schools influence the quality of the student
teaching experience. For this reason, all concerned TEI officials and cooperating teachers both in
the public and private schools shall ensure that the students’ teachers are well prepared for their
eventual assumption as teachers. The support system shall come from the collaborative efforts of
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) through the teacher education institutions {TEIs)
and the Department of Education (DepEd) through the regions, division offices and cooperating
public private schools.

1. Guidelines have been formulated to ensure that the student teachers get
maximum benefits from their student-teaching experience

2. The roles and responsibilities of the teacher institutions (TEIs), teaching

interns, college supervisors, and School Division Superintendents (SDS),
principals’ /head teachers are likewise provided in the same Enclosure.
3. The SDS, in coordination with the school, shall forge a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) with the TEIs which should stipulate the administrative and
financial arrangement effective SY 2005-2006.

4. Immediate and wide dissemination of his Joint Memorandum is desired.



As the final phase of teacher pre-service, internship provides the teaching intern
the necessary experience to gradually assume the role of teacher under the guidance of
cooperating teacher. The student teacher shall be trained to develop the habit of reflecting on and
process one’s experience and learn from it.

Student teachers shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

1. participate actively in all school activities

2. notify the cooperating teacher in case of absences

3. consider or be open to constructive criticism

4. respect the rights and dignity of the children

5. come prepared at all times

6. return all borrowed books and materials to the cooperating

school before the term ends, accomplish clearance from the
cooperating school;

7. accomplish the internship portfolio;

8. project a good image as a teacher at all times by observing;

8.1 the Code of Ethics

8.2 proper dress code

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