Chap 04
Chap 04
Chap 04
Managing Diversity
1. You are the HRM manager in a company with a highly diverse workforce. Over
lunch you are explaining to a Caucasian, middle-class, line manager that she needs
to use different training techniques with her Hispanic employees than with her
black employees because of the difference in their cognitive structures. By
“cognitive structures,” you mean:
a) their personality traits.
b) the way they perceive and respond to the world around them.
c) their social and economic grouping.
d) those individual characteristics over which they have little or no control.
e) their problem-solving abilities.
2. Fundamentally, diversity:
a) consists of those elements in our lives over which we have no control, but
which make us individuals.
b) is caused by the choices we make about our lifestyles, etc., that make us who
we are.
c) is all the human characteristics that make us who we are.
d) is simply another term for affirmative action in the workplace.
e) is another term for “stereotype”.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
8. The growing awareness of changing workforce demographic and the need to fully
integrate and work effectively with nontraditional and minority employees is
a) equal employment opportunity.
b) affirmative action.
c) diversity training.
d) diversity management.
e) valuing diversity.
9. The number of people over age 55 in the United States will grow by about ____
over the next decade.
a) 10%
b) 26%
c) 18%
d) 46%
e) 77%
10. By the year 2010, _____ of the U.S. workforce will be white Americans.
a) only 35%
b) almost 70%
c) about 50%
d) 85%
e) 90%
11. The fastest-growing minority group in the United States from 2000-2010 will be:
a) female Americans.
b) Asian-Americans.
c) Hispanic-Americans.
d) White Americans.
e) African-Americans.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
13. Changing workforce demographics is exemplified by the fact that, of the 20 million
jobs created over the next ten years, women and minorities will fill:
a) 12%.
b) 22%.
c) 36%.
d) 48%.
e) 75%.
14. The number of women in the work force is expected to continue to _______; the
number of men in the workforce is expected to _______.
a) increase / increase proportionally
b) decrease / increase overall
c) decrease / decrease proportionally
d) increase / decrease overall
e) none of the above
15. Between 1996 and 2006, the percentage of African-Americans in the workforce is
expected to:
a) double.
b) decrease by half.
c) decrease slightly.
d) increase slightly.
e) increase by 10%.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
20. During lunch with co-workers, Camille brings up the new focus that Moen and
Associates seems to place on diversity. She claims that rather than encouraging
differences in the workplace, it would be more effective to encourage a social
“sameness” for all company employees, regardless of the cultural and racial
differences that are represented at Moen. Her view is in line with which
a) Difference as better.
b) Difference as deficiency.
c) Integration over assimilation.
d) The cultural relativity perspective.
e) b and d
21. The question about whether to adapt management practices to fit the different sets
of workplace values, beliefs, and attitudes is the challenge of managing employee
diversity related to:
a) the international issues in management.
b) valuing employee diversity.
c) individual vs. group fairness.
d) organizations’ resistance to change.
e) group cohesiveness and interpersonal conflict.
22. The cultural relativity concept of management displays which of the following
a) A value placed on varying beliefs, attitudes, and patterns of behavior.
b) Standardized management practices.
c) A strong belief in universalism.
d) Flexible management practices that can be molded to different cultures.
e) a and d
23. The fact that most communication within an organization occurs between members
of the same sex and race demonstrates the diversity management challenge related
a) the resistance to change in organizations.
b) retention of minority and women employees.
c) group cohesiveness.
d) communication channel segmentation.
e) valuing employee diversity.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
24. Some managers and mainstream employees feel that organizations have
compromised their standards to comply with EEO requirements. This belief
exemplifies the challenge to managing diversity of:
a) resentment.
b) the retention of men who will likely quit in frustration.
c) competition for opportunities.
d) balancing individual versus group fairness.
e) backlash.
25. The best strategy to handle the various challenges to managing diversity is to:
a) assume an individual’s behavior is based on their ethnic grouping.
b) remember that women are always more conceptual and emotional than men,
regardless of ethnic background.
c) remember that the primary determinant of behavior is one’s group membership.
d) treat employees as individuals.
e) focus on the sources of diversity, not the diversity itself.
26. Shakira, who is Latina, is concerned that Latinos seem to be receiving less
assistance and training than African-Americans in employment opportunities in
local businesses. Her concern is an example of:
a) competition for opportunities.
b) stereotyping.
c) discrimination.
d) a male-dominated social culture.
e) group-think.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
32. Nearly 43 million people in the United States today are disabled. Of that number,
about _____ are actively employed.
a) 6 million
b) 12 million
c) 14 million
d) 15 million
e) 18 million
34. Some employers’ experience with the disabled is similar to Pizza Hut’s, which
found the turnover rate of the disabled:
a) significantly higher than with non-disabled employees.
b) about 10 times less than turnover with non-disabled employees.
c) the same as with non-disabled employees.
d) 10 times higher than the turnover of non-disabled employees.
e) 20 times less than with non-disabled employees.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
36. Disabled employees tend to face several prejudices at work, such as the belief that:
a) they are viewed as devious and not trustworthy.
b) they work best alone at technical jobs and therefore are virtually ignored at
work by co-workers.
c) they are aloof or sensitive about their handicap and don’t want to interact with
“normal” people.
d) they can’t handle the pressure of responsible positions and will quit when work
pressures mount.
e) they don’t deserve special consideration because they haven’t been
discriminated against as much as minority, non-disabled workers.
39. Yashmi is from the United Arab Emerits, but has recently become an American
citizen. Very likely, she will:
a) be on public assistance within her first 5 years of becoming a citizen.
b) return to the U.A.E within the first 3 years of becoming a citizen.
c) face some resentment from whites and other minorities who feel that she will
take a job from American-born citizens.
d) earn more annually than American-born citizens.
e) c and d
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
40. Currently, the legal employment status of homosexuals can be described as:
a) one in which they have no legal protection.
b) rapidly changing through the extension of legal protection in many states.
c) mixed, with little legal protection, some overt hostility, and some companies
creating gay-friendly environments.
d) in decline as more states enact laws prohibiting legal protection for gays in the
e) comparable to other diverse groups, with legal protection but mixed
42. Harold, a homosexual man, believes that he has been rejected for a top-level
management job at an accounting firm based solely on his sexual preference. What
is Harold’s best legal recourse?
a) Harold should file a complaint with the EEOC.
b) Harold should file a complaint with the OFCCP.
c) Harold has little or no recourse. In many states, including the one in which he
lives, no legislation protects homosexuals from employment discrimination on
the basis of sexual preference.
d) Harold should never tell his sexual preference to a potential employer.
e) Either a or b
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
46. Latino workforce participation in U.S. companies will amount to ___ by the year
a) 12.7%
b) 7.3%
c) 10%
d) 8%
e) 9.1%
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
50. Thelma is an older worker who has been employed at Hair Stylist, Inc. for over 25
years. Recently, Tracy, a 23-year old college graduate, has been hired as her
assistant. Thelma feels slightly threatened by Tracy, who seems to be their
immediate supervisor’s favorite. Thelma believes that her job may be in danger
despite her excellent job performance appraisals. Tracy likes Thelma but believes
that her work methods need to change to keep up with the times. This situation is
an example of:
a) stereotyping.
b) discrimination.
c) generational conflict.
d) a segmented communication network.
e) hegemony.
51. One of the most visible and wide-ranging changes in U.S. demographics over the
last thirty years has been:
a) the influx of illegal immigrants taking low-paying, low-skill jobs.
b) the emergence of homosexuals as an identifiable subgroup in the workforce.
c) the rapid growth of the Asian-American population in the U.S. workforce.
d) the increase in foreign-born workers in the U.S. workforce.
e) the influx of women into the workforce.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
53. Which of the following may be a reason that accounts for the earnings differential
between women and men and women’s lack of upward mobility?
a) Sexual harassment.
b) A male-dominated corporate culture.
c) Women’s social roles.
d) Exclusionary networks.
e) All of the above
54. After work on Fridays, the male middle managers at Health Equipment, Inc. go to
the golf course to play a quick nine holes, and to talk over business for the
upcoming week. Sharon, who is an excellent woman golfer, has tried to join them
for several weeks but is always put off. Her boss says, “We have our foursome.”
Sharon is experiencing:
a) a male-dominated corporate culture.
b) sexual harassment.
c) biological constraints.
d) exclusionary networks.
e) social roles.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
57. Women tend to see ____ as serious sexual harassment more than _____.
a) sexual remarks / suggestive looks
b) pressure for dates / deliberate touching
c) letters and calls / suggestive looks
d) deliberate touching / pressure for sexual favors
e) sexual remarks / deliberate touching
59. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an organization that would show
the business’ success in managing diversity?
a) The existence of corporate diversity training programs.
b) Segmented networking systems.
c) Top management’s support of and commitment to diversity.
d) Accommodation of family needs.
e) Mentoring programs.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
60. The most common reason for initiating diversity training in U.S. corporations is:
a) tapping diverse customers and markets.
b) pending litigation.
c) affirmation action plans forced on them by the EEOC.
d) using workforce strengths.
e) avoiding litigation.
61. Yan is the only Japanese employee at All American, Inc. (AAI), which has a small
minority of Asian employees. She wants to start a small weekly meeting for the
Asian employees of AAI in order to encourage a nurturing climate for others who
may feel alienated from the rest of the employees. In HR terms, Yan is hoping to
organize a(n):
a) segmented communication network.
b) old boys’ network.
c) support group.
d) diversity audit.
e) retention program.
63. The best diversity management strategy for helping women to keep their jobs after
starting a family is:
a) senior mentoring.
b) communication standards.
c) accommodating family needs.
d) diversity training.
e) support groups.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
64. When viewing HRM from a global perspective, U.S. efforts to create a family-
friendly workplace:
a) compare favorably to European nations.
b) are very weak in comparison to Germany, Sweden, and Denmark.
c) are actually quite advanced compared to any European country.
d) tend to focus on daycare, while European countries tend to focus on leaves and
flexible work hours.
e) tend to focus on telecommuting, while European countries tend to focus on
creative leave programs.
67. Jamie has been a manager at a large firm for nearly 10 years. After a recent hiring
period, he identifies a new employee named Carlos who shows potential for
administration and advancement in the company. During the next three years, he
coaches and encourages Carlos at his job, answers questions, and helps Carlos
develop a career strategy. This is an example of:
a) stereotyping.
b) development of communication standards.
c) an apprenticeship.
d) mentoring.
e) none of the above
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
69. The example of Betty Ford and City Boxers in the text shows that:
a) people are likely to send racial, sexist, and homophobic comments over e-mail
because it is an indirect mode of communication.
b) the anonymity of the Web can benefit small businesses.
c) running a business on the Web is more time consuming that running a
traditional business.
d) people like to see from whom they are buying products and are
hesitant to do so otherwise.
e) none of the above
70. With technology such as the Web and e-mail becoming so important in business,
what would be the best way to monitor such communications for good business
a) Companies should have clear policies prohibiting racial, sexist, or homophobic
jokes and comments on e-mail.
b) Companies should leave such questions to the individual
c) Companies should hold a “don’t ask, don’t tell” type of view
concerning these communications.
d) Companies should prohibit anything but business-related e-mails
to be accessed at work.
e) None of the above
71. When presenting non-majority groups in chapter 4, your text does so in alphabetical
order. This is probably a ______ used to present each group fairly without
appearing to present them in a preferential order.
a) communication standard
b) diversity presentation
c) preferential standard
d) discriminatory order
e) social order
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
74. One way to guarantee managers’ buy-in and reinforcement of diversity efforts is to:
a) put them through diversity training.
b) hold them accountable for the programs’ success.
c) create support groups with managers leading them.
d) conduct a diversity audit.
e) avoid white male bashing.
75. While diversity programs offer companies a number of benefits, some potential
pitfalls also arise, such as:
a) promoting of competition for opportunities.
b) generating reverse discrimination suits.
c) promoting stereotypes.
d) creating communication barriers.
e) segmenting communication networks.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
76. Some assume that one can infer an individual’s motivations, interests, values,
behavioral traits, etc., based on the individual’s group membership. This practice is
a) cultural determinism.
b) recognizing one’s cognitive structure.
c) seeing one’s cognitive perception.
d) discrimination.
e) cultural awareness.
77. Diversity training and cultural awareness programs, in general, tend to:
a) cause “white male bashing.”
b) improve employee and management relations in all sections of society.
c) overdramatize diversity and unintentionally help people form incorrect
assumptions about members of other groups.
d) encourage diversity programs and employee interaction, but produce very few
long-term results.
e) none of the above
Case 4.1
As the Director of HR, you are leading a management discussion to plan and implement a
management of diversity program.. You are concerned that management, while tolerant,
tends to stereotype minorities and this will eventually lead to trouble. Your company’s
top three markets are in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami. All three are heavily Latino
in make-up. The senior management team is all male. The youngest member is 58 years
of age.
Martinez, the VP of Operations, feels that people should blend together and that focusing
on differences merely creates divisions. He thinks that you should have a common
training program to create a unified “American” company culture. Patrick, VP of
Finance, doesn’t see the need for a program. He respects that people are different but he
feels that once you get to know a Hispanic, African-American, or Asian-American, you
know how to work with any Hispanic, African-American, or Asian-American. Besides,
Patrick doesn’t believe the company should get into affirmative action programs. They
tried it ten years ago and it created all kinds of problems.
Simon, the CEO, thinks a diversity management program is important. He believes the
company is missing some important talent without such a program. Simon feels that the
company can create a competitive advantage by being in the lead on this issue and also
believes the changing workforce is going to force such adjustments at some time in the
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
79. Refer to Case 4.1. John, on the other hand, seems to be directed by:
a) his belief that people can control the factors that make them diverse.
b) the fact that demographic trends are forcing the company to recognize diversity.
c) the legal responsibilities the company has to develop opportunities for
d) his own cognitive structure.
e) the competition for opportunities among minority groups.
81. Refer to Case 4.1. What other management concern is Simon apparently
considering when he says that the company needs to create a diversity management
a) That it is legally mandated.
b) Their past negative experience with affirmative action.
c) The concept of the melting pot in American culture.
d) That the company make-up should reflect their markets to gain a competitive
e) The apparent racism of his two top managers.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
82. Refer to Case 4.1. The best place for this increase-in-diversity awareness and
training to begin is with:
a) top management learning to value diversity.
b) support groups.
c) accommodation of family needs.
d) senior mentoring programs.
e) communication standards.
Case 4.2
MGN, Inc. is a Fortune 500 company that has just come to realize its need for managing
diversity. HR is facilitating meetings among middle managers to both communicate this
idea and to get input from the managers about how best to carry out this goal.
Mercedes, a Latina manager, suggests that the company ought not to do more than what
is already being done. She cites the company’s previous affirmative action plan. “Also,”
she argues, “we’ve given African-Americans and Asian-Americans more than enough
opportunity. I tried to promote a Latino to supervisor and you guys (HR dept.) told me I
really needed to give Kym, an African-American, the opportunity.”
Ana, a relatively new middle-manager, is a bit more positive about the idea but has
significant reservations. She feels, however, that the company really needs to give
women and minorities access to the “old boy network.” If all the company does is
conduct training and devise slogans, nothing will happen.
Finally, Rahkim, an African-American supervisor, says he doesn’t care what they do.
He’s giving notice because he’s joining some other African-Americans in starting their
own company. He’s been a supervisor for five years and has been passed over for
promotion twice. He feels that he has experienced discrimination because he’s African-
83. Refer to Case 4.2. The above shows a number of challenges to implementing a
managing diversity program. Mercedes’ concerns represent which of the following
a) Valuing diversity.
b) Individual vs. group fairness.
c) Segmented communication networks.
d) Focusing on performance.
e) Competition for opportunities.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
84. Refer to Case 4.2. The manager(s) in this discussion who would most likely agree
with the universal concept of management is(are):
a) Mercedes.
b) Paul.
c) Ana.
d) Rahkim.
e) Mercedes and Ana.
85. Refer to Case 4.2. Ana’s concerns reflect the reality of the experiences of women
and minorities with:
a) individual versus group fairness.
b) the resistance to change.
c) segmented communication networks.
d) resentment.
e) retention.
86. Refer to Case 4.2. Rahkim’s lack of concern with this issue and his announcement
symbolize the organization’s general problem with:
a) valuing diversity.
b) interpersonal conflict.
c) resentment.
d) retention.
e) competition for opportunities.
87. Refer to Case 4.2. As you review the comments and thoughts of these various
managers, what challenge to managing diversity seems to be expressed by all?
a) Valuing diversity.
b) Individual vs. group fairness.
c) Resistance to change.
d) Segmented communication networks.
e) Competition for opportunities.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
Case 4.3
Your retail company has 80% of its stores located in downtown metropolitan areas. Your
biggest stores are in communities where minorities represent 60% of your customers.
Your middle-management team has been changing over time so that 50% of your
managers are women and about 30% are ethnic minorities. A significant number of your
hourly employees, about 35%, have served over 20 years in their respective stores and
many are over 40 years of age. Top management feels that African-Americans are
underrepresented in the hourly workforce and in middle management. They want HR to
initiate an aggressive recruitment process to address the situation.
Hispanics are the biggest minority group, besides women, in your workforce. In a
discussion about where the company should target its diversity program, the CEO
explains she wants to implement a training program for managers to raise their sensitivity
to minorities, especially Hispanics. She also notes that there are no disabled persons in
the workforce and very few Asian-Americans. Carlos, the VP of facilities, notes that he
has accommodated all the Asian-American employees he can in his MIS and facility
support services. He also argues that he only has about $10,000 in his budget for
reorganizing display space, etc., in the stores to accommodate disabled employees and
that this amount probably isn’t sufficient to adequately accommodate a disabled
88. Refer to Case 4.3. Given the major problems African-Americans face in the work
place, what complementary program should HR initiate at the same time as their
recruiting effort?
a) Diversity training.
b) Senior mentoring.
c) Flextime or job sharing.
d) Interpersonal skills and management training.
e) Education and technical education training.
89. Refer to Case 4.3. Carlos’ comments about accommodating disabled employees:
a) show that he doesn't value diversity.
b) reveal the common misconception of accommodation costs.
c) show that he is inherently prejudiced against the disabled.
d) demonstrate that he is considering what is best for the company.
e) are an example of the competition for opportunities among the various minority
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
90. Refer to Case 4.3. What is a key issue for the CEO in implementing diversity
training that would focus on understanding Hispanic culture?
a) That some will wonder why the program focuses on this group since most
people view Hispanics as advantaged because of their academic achievements.
b) That it may be expensive to provide Hispanics access to the physical plant.
c) That poverty is a key issue and consequently Hispanics tend to need additional
educational assistance to be competitive.
d) That Hispanic is a misnomer, since there are actually very diverse subgroupings
of Latinos.
e) That there are no special considerations or issues to worry about.
91. Refer to Case 4.3. What special issues does management need to consider with
regard to older workers?
a) They tend to be less motivated as they get older and therefore need more
training and supervision than younger workers.
b) Older workers should be treated as individuals. Most function as well as they
did 20 years earlier.
c) They will tend to get into conflicts with younger employees and therefore
should work more with their peers than younger employees.
d) Older workers tend to have poorer health.
e) They don’t learn well and resist changing processes they’ve done for years.
92. Refer to Case 4.3. Given the barriers to women’s advancement in the workplace,
which of the following efforts would be most effective in helping women advance?
a) Affirmative action quotas.
b) Education programs raising their technical skills.
c) Senior mentoring.
d) Apprenticeships.
e) Communication standards.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
Case 4.4
Xavier has just become the head of HR at Hot Rods, Inc. He notices that the company is
very homogenous, especially in light of the very diverse community in which it is
located. He is surprised to find that the number of women and other minorities is quite
low in all positions. As one of his first responsibilities, Xavier wants to implement a
diversity program at Hot Rods.
93. Refer to Case 4.4. Xavier realizes that one of the important reasons why there may
be more men in leadership positions at Hot Rods is that:
a) men are more likely to exhibit traits that are believed to be ideal with positions
of authority.
b) women are incapable of maintaining leadership in a company.
c) the old boys’ network excludes any women from attaining leadership.
d) men are capable of maintaining leadership for longer periods than women, and
are therefore better candidates for such positions.
e) women who are advancing toward leadership are often discouraged and
intimidated by explicit discrimination by top-level men.
94. Refer to Case 4.4. Xavier finds that there is relatively little communication between
men and women, and minorities and non-protected class members at Hot Rods.
These are clear examples of:
a) segmented communication networks.
b) the effects of the glass ceiling.
c) resistance to change.
d) competition for opportunities.
e) all of the above
95. Refer to Case 4.4. In order to determine where biases are coming from, Xavier
should consider which of the following?
a) Having all new employees attend a diversity seminar.
b) Developing an affirmative action strategy.
c) Instituting an old boys’ network.
d) Performing a diversity audit.
e) None of the above
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
96. Refer to Case 4.4. Which of the following is an important step for Xavier as he
institutes a diversity program at Hot Rods?
a) Adopting a narrow definition of diversity in order not to let the term become
b) Creating a two-day training program which all employees must attend.
c) Involving everyone, including members of non-protected classes, in
designing the program.
d) Focusing the program solely on top management.
e) Clearly defining a culprit group.
97. Refer to Case 4.4. Xavier institutes a diversity program at Hot Rods and, despite his
best efforts, people make critical comments about it. Some men are complaining
that more women have been hired simply because of their gender and that they lack
the necessary skills to perform their jobs. This is a manifestation of:
a) backlash.
b) poor worker retention.
c) an exclusionary network.
d) resentment.
e) cultural determinism.
99. Diversity, the human characteristics that make people different from one another,
consists solely of characteristics that cannot be controlled by the individual.
100. The concept of “management of diversity” is simply a new label for “affirmative
101. The percentage of managers who are minorities has declined 50% over the last ten
years, while the number of women managers has grown by 75%.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
102. The percentage of women in the workforce is increasing, while the number of men
in the workforce is decreasing.
106. One side effect of EEO law enforcement is the belief among managers and
mainstream employees that organizations have had to compromise their standards
to comply.
107. The “glass ceiling” is an intangible barrier within an organization that prevents
members of non-protected classes from filling positions above a certain level.
109. In general, African-Americans and people of Hispanic origin have less educational
preparation for the workplace than whites do.
110. Asian-Americans have largely overcome their stereotypes and are highly
represented in top corporate positions to the degree that in some technical industries
they are over-represented.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
111. Stereotypes of minority behavior are as true among minorities as they are among
112. Most managers accurately estimate the cost of accommodating for disabled
113. Most immigrants entering the United States today are better educated and less
likely to end up on welfare than in the past.
114. Homosexuals are extended the same employment discrimination rights as other
protected-class groups under the Civil Rights Act of 1991.
115. Language is a bigger problem for Latinos than for any other group.
116. Latinos are always individuals who are from Latin American descent.
117. One place where diversity has grown with little difficulty is in the aging of the
workforce, in that managers do not hold negative assumptions about older workers
as they do with other protected classes.
119. Most male top managers are married and have children, while most women who are
in similar positions are single and childless.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
120. Men and women have very different perceptions of what constitutes sexual
harassment by a coworker, but they largely agree on what constitutes sexual
harassment by a supervisor.
121. Most companies conduct diversity training in order to tap into diverse customers
and markets, rather than to avoid litigation.
122. Senior mentoring and apprenticeships are two tools used by corporations to
improve diversity and understanding of diversity.
124. In order for diversity management to be a high priority in business, managers and
supervisors must be held responsible for implementing diversity management and
rewarded for doing so successfully.
125. Cultural awareness and other types of diversity programs are generally well-
received and balance awareness with sensitivity toward current organizational
126. _______ is human characteristics that make people different from one another.
127. The set of activities involved in integrating nontraditional employees into the
workforce and using their diversity to the firm’s competitive advantage is referred
to as _______.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
128. The management concept holding that all management practices should be
standardized is called the _______.
129. _______ is the management concept holding that management practices should be
molded to the different sets of values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors exhibited by
a diverse workforce.
130. A(n) _______ is the intangible barrier in an organization that prevents female and
minority employees from rising to positions above a certain level.
131. An informal social and business network of high-level male executives that
typically excludes women and minorities is called a(n) _______.
132. Programs that provide diversity awareness training and educate employees on
specific cultural and sex differences, and how to respond to these in the workplace
are referred to as _______.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
134. A support program in which senior managers identify promising women and
minority employees and play an important role in nurturing their career progress is
referred to as a(n) _______.
135. A(n) _______ is a program in which promising prospective employees are groomed
before they are actually hired on a permanent basis.
Answer: apprenticeship
137. The idea that one can successfully infer an individual’s motivations, interests,
values, and behavioral traits based on that individual’s group membership is
referred to as _______.
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
138. Managing diversity is more of a business necessity than ever before. Discuss the
challenges a company faces in managing employee diversity.
Summary of suggested answer – Students’ elaboration will vary, but the challenges
• valuing diversity
• striving for individual vs. group fairness
• resistance to change by existing organizational cultures
• group cohesiveness vs. interpersonal conflict
• segmenting of communication channels, resentment by the existing majority
• backlash by the same majority, retention of talented minorities and women
• competition for opportunities among minority groups.
Summary of suggested answer - African-Americans constitute 12% of the
workforce. There are significant barriers to their advancement. Their representation
in management has tripled, and in professional clerical positions it has quadrupled.
Yet 15% remain among the hard core unemployed. Their two major problems are
intentional racism and lack of educational preparation.
Summary of suggested answer - Nearly 43 million Americans have disabilities, 15
million are actively employed. They tend to face four problems. 1) Social
acceptance of disabilities, 2) Perception that they are less capable because of the
disability, 3) Employers fear they will quit more often when under pressure, 4)
Employers tend to overestimate the costs of accommodation of the disabled in the
work place.
Part II The Contexts of Human Resource Management
Summary of suggested answer – “Hispanic” is the official government label, but
they prefer “Latino” because their backgrounds are so diverse. Unlike some
minority groups, race doesn’t fit as a descriptor, as Latinos are of European,
African, Indian, Asian, and Caribbean descent. There are 35 million Latinos in the
United States. There is a wide divergence of economic and educational levels.
Their number one problem is the language barrier. They also face a cultural clash
and racial discrimination for those of Indian descent. They have made significant
progress as there are 181 board seats occupied by Latinos and 70 more serving as
executive officer.
142. Women face particular challenges and problems in the workplace. Discuss and give
examples of how some employers are trying to make their workplaces more
“friendly” to women.
Summary of suggested answer – There are many possible answers to this question-
the possibilities given are particular to women. Others may be acceptable. Women
face sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as special challenges due to
pregnancy and family responsibilities. Re: sexual harassment - Some companies are
encouraged to develop no-tolerance policies in regard to sexual harassment, they
are protected from sexual harassment by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Some companies have internal complaint resolution where the sexual harassment
can be reported. Re: pregnancy and family responsibilities - U.S. companies have
been slow to institute family-friendly policies, though more companies are
beginning to do so. The United States also has a “hands-off” policy on day care.
6% of U.S. companies have day-care centers at the workplace. Some companies
offer extended leave or other alternative work patterns, e.g. mommy and/or daddy
Chapter 4 – Managing Diversity
Summary of suggested answer- Students should choose from the following. 1) Top
management’s commitment to valuing diversity, 2) Diversity training programs, 3)
Support groups, 4) Accommodation of family needs, 5) Senior mentoring programs,
6) Apprenticeships, 7) Communication standards, 8) Diversity audits, 9)
Management responsibility and accountability.