TCOM 509: TCP/IP - Internet Protocols: Instructor: Scott T. Tran

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TCOM 509:

TCP/IP - Internet Protocols

Instructor: Scott T. Tran

* Obtained permission to use Raj Jain’s technical material

Course Objectives
 Understand concept of datagram processing and
delivery (layering and encapsulation)
 Understand the client-server model as applied to
 Understand IP Addressing and Subnet Masking
Schemes (CIDR/VLSM)
 Understand IP routing (RIP, OSPF, IS-IS)
 Understand service (e.g., application) addressing
and access to services across an IP network
 Understand TCP performance parameters and
 Advanced topics (IP Multicast, IP Tunneling, NAT,
DHCP, IP Security, etc…)

On-Line Course Info

 Look at the website at least once per


IP Header

UDP Header

TCP Header

Communications Between LAN Hosts
(TCP/IP) Via Wide Area Networks (IP)

Chapter 1:
Concept of Peer Entities – Logical


A protocol is a set of rules and formats

that govern the communication between
communicating peers
 set
of valid messages
 meaning of each message

A protocol is necessary for any function

that requires cooperation between peers

What does a protocol tell us?

 Syntax of a message
 what fields does it contain?
 in what format?

 Semantics of a message
 what does a message mean?
 for example, not-OK message means receiver got a
corrupted file
 Actions to take on receipt of a message
 forexample, on receiving not-OK message, retransmit
the entire file

The Internet
 Standards-based – the TCP/IP protocol suite
 An Open System – not linked to a single vendor
 US Gov’t research resulted in quite and
extensible set of protocols
 Best spent tax money I know of 
 Evolution from gov’t-orientation to research-
orientation to business-orientation
 Why is it so good?
 Why did it beat out “OSI Networking”?
 Let’s start in on the details…

Getting Data from Here to There
 IP is a form of packet switching
 Data is broken up into discrete chucks and then sent toward
 Each packet has to find its own route to the destination. There is no
predetermined path; the decision as to which node to hop to in the
next step is taken only when a node is reached.
 Each packet finds its way using the information it carries, such as the
source and destination IP addresses.
 Network resources (routers, links) are shared between different data
streams - multiplexing
 The phone network: circuit switching
 Sender calls receiver and establishes a logical connection
 The connection is maintained for the duration of the data flow
 Two distinct paradigms
 Both have value
 The TCP part of TCP/IP provides a logical connection, when necessary

Motivation behind OSI Model

 Is a conceptual, reference model.

 Isthe primary architectural model for
inter-computer communications.
 Isthe only common language spoken by
different manufacturers.
 Mastery of the OSI model is mandatory

Motivation behind OSI Model
 The goal of an OSI layer is to communicate with its peer layer on
another host.

7 Application 7 Application
6 Presentation 6 Presentation
5 Session 5 Session
4 Transport 4 Transport
3 Network 3 Network
2 Data Link 2 Data Link
1 Physical 1 Physical

 The information exchanged is called a Protocol Data Unit (PDU).

7 Application Messages
6 Presentation Messages
5 Session Messages
4 Transport Segments
3 Network Packets or Datagrams
2 Data Link Frames
1 Physical Bits
Communication between OSI Layers

7 Application 7 Application
6 Presentation 6 Presentation
5 Session 5 Session
4 Transport 4 Transport
3 Network 3 Network
2 Data Link 2 Data Link
1 Physical 1 Physical

Motivation behind OSI Model – Protocol
 Fragmentation and Reassembly
 Breaking up data into pre-defined sized blocks
 Encapsulation
 Adding control info to data (address, error detection code, etc…)
 Connection Control
 Providing connection establishment, data transfer, connection termination
 Flow Control
 Throttling of data rate exchanged between source and destination
 Error Control
 Error detection
 Synchronization
 Timeouts, Send state, Receive state. Etc…
 Sequencing
 Numbering of data blocks (applicable only for connection-oriented mode)
 Addressing
 Has local and global significance,
 Used for routing purposes in IP
 Multiplexing
 Allowing multiple logical connections to use one physical connections
 Mapping of connections from one protocol layer to another
 Transmission Services
 Security, Priority, Grade of Service

The OSI Reference Model

Why seven layers?

 Need a top and a bottom -- 2

 Need to hide physical link, so need datalink -- 3
 Need both end-to-end and hop-by-hop actions; so
need at least the transport (TCP) and network
(IP) layers -- 5
 Session and presentation layers are not so
important, and are often ignored
 So, we need at least 5, and 7 seems to be
 Note that we can place functions in different

Physical layer

 Moves bits between physically connected end-systems

 Standard prescribes
 coding scheme to represent a bit
 shapes and sizes of connectors
 bit-level synchronization
 Supported transmission: electric voltages, radio frequencies, pulses of
infrared or ordinary light
 Postal network
 technology for moving letters from one point to another (trains, planes,
vans, bicycles, ships…)
 Internet
 technology to move bits on a wire, wireless link, satellite channel etc.

Datalink layer
 Introduces the notion of a frame
 set of bits that belong together
 Idle markers tell us that a link is not carrying a frame
 Begin and end markers delimit a frame
 On a broadcast link (such as Ethernet)
 end-system must receive only bits meant for it
 need datalink-layer address
 also need to decide who gets to speak next
 these functions are provided by Medium Access sublayer (MAC)
 Some data links also retransmit corrupted packets and
pace the rate at which frames are placed on a link
 part of logical link control sublayer
 layered over MAC sublayer

Datalink layer (contd.)
 Datalink layer protocols are the first layer of software
 Very dependent on underlying physical link
 Usually bundle both physical and datalink layer on
host adaptor card
 example: Ethernet
 Postal service
 mail bag ‘frames’ letters
 Internet
 a variety of datalink layer protocols
 most common is Ethernet
 others are FDDI, SONET, HDLC

Network layer

 Logically concatenates a set of links to form the

abstraction of an end-to-end link
 Allows an end-system to communicate with any other
end-system by computing a route between them
 Hides idiosyncrasies of datalink layer
 Provides unique network-wide addresses
 Found both in end-systems and in intermediate
 At end-systems primarily hide details of datalink layer
 segmentation and reassembly
 error detection

Network layer (contd.)

 At intermediate systems
 participates in routing protocol to create routing
 responsible for forwarding packets
 scheduling the transmission order of packets
 choosing which packets to drop

Two types of network layers
 In datagram (connection-less) networks
 provides both routing and data forwarding
 Ex: Internet using IP protocol

 In connection-oriented networks
 we distinguish between data plane and control plane
 data plane only forwards and schedules data (touches every
 control plane responsible for routing, call-establishment,
call-teardown (doesn’t touch data bytes)
 Ex: TCP protocol running over IP

Network layer
 Postal network
 set up internal routing tables
 forward letters from source to destination
 static routing
 multiple qualities of service

 Internet
 network layer is provided by Internet Protocol
 found in all end-systems and intermediate systems
 segmentation and reassembly
 packet-forwarding, routing, scheduling
 unique IP addresses
 can be layered over anything, but only best-effort service

Transport layer - TCP

 Network provides a ‘raw’ end-to-end service

 Transport layer creates the abstraction of an
error-controlled, flow-controlled and
multiplexed end-to-end link
 Error control
 message will reach destination despite packet loss,
corruption and duplication
 retransmit lost packets; detect, discard, and retransmit
corrupted packets; detect and discard duplicated packets
 Flow control
 match transmission rat to rate currently sustainable on the
path to destination, and at the destination itself

Transport Layer - TCP

Transport Layer (TCP) – Relationships with
Other Layers Below

Process-to-process delivery

Transport Layer Addressing
•Data link layer  MAC address
•Network layer  IP address
•Transport layer  Port number (choose among multiple
processes running on destination host)

Transport layer (contd.)

 Multiplexes multiple applications to the same

end-to-end connection
 adds an application-specific identifier (port number)
so that receiving end-system can hand in incoming
packet to the correct application
 Some transport layers provide fewer services
 e.g. simple error detection, no flow control, and no
 lightweight transport layer

Transport layer (contd.)

 Postal system
 doesn’t have a transport layer
 implemented, if at all, by customers
 detect lost letters (how?) and retransmit
 Internet
 two popular protocols are TCP and UDP
 TCP provides error control, flow control,
 UDP provides only multiplexing

Session layer

 Not common
 Provides full-duplex service, expedited data
delivery, and session synchronization
 Duplex
 if transport layer is simplex, concatenates two transport
endpoints together
 Expedited data delivery
 allows some messages to skip ahead in end-system
queues, by using a separate low-delay transport layer
 Synchronization
 allows users to place marks in data stream and to roll back
to a pre-specified mark


 Postal network
 suppose a company has separate shipping and
receiving clerks
 chief clerk can manage both to provide abstraction of
a duplex service
 chief clerk may also send some messages using a
courier (expedited service)
 chief clerk can arrange to have a set of messages
either delivered all at once, or not at all
 Internet
 doesn’t have a standard session layer

Presentation layer
 Unlike other layers which deal with headers,
presentation layer touches the application data
 Hides data representation differences between
 e.g. endian-ness
 Can also encrypt data
 Usually ad hoc
 Postal network
 translator translates contents before giving it to chief clerk
 Internet
 no standard presentation layer
 only defines network byte order for 2- and 4-byte integers

Application layer
 The set of applications that use the network
 Doesn’t provide services to any other layer
 Postal network
 the person who uses the postal system
 suppose manager wants to send a set of recall letters
 translator translates letters going abroad
 chief clerk sends some priority mail, and some by regular
 mail clerk sends a message, retransmits if not acked
 postal system computes a route and forwards the letters
 datalink layer: letters carried by planes, trains,
 physical layer: the letter itself

OSI Reference Model vs. TCP/IP
Protocol Stack

Application (Layer7)
Presentation (Layer6)
Session (Layer 5)
Transport (Layer 4) Transport
Network (Layer 3) Internet
Data Link (Layer 2)
Physical (Layer 1)

Layering and Encapsulation

Why Layering Required For Networking?
 A system that is too complex to comprehend in
its entirety.

 A system that is difficult to maintain.

 A system whose least stable elements are not


 A system whose most reusable elements are

difficult to identify.

 A system that is to be built by different teams,

possibly with different skills.

Why Need Encapsulation?

 Preservecontent of layers which is

private but allow interfacing between

 Allows
management of complexity and
change within layers

What is a Router?
A specialized computer
 Interconnects multiple physical
 Allows construction of a LOGICAL
network topology that is independent
from the PHYSICAL networks
 Notation
 Show-and-tell

How does a router's forwarding logic
differ from a bridge's forwarding logic?
1. Packet Filtering: A router examines only those data packets specifically addressed to it, as opposed to a
bridge, which reads the destination address of every data packet on the LAN to which it is attached.

2. Route Determination: A bridge checks the frame's data-link protocol for source as well as destination
address. It then checks its table of known local nodes. The destination address is compared with the contents
of the known local nodes in order to determine whether the frame should be allowed to cross the bridge or not
whether the destination is local or not). The bridge does not determine the path; it merely allows or disallows
the packet to cross. Destination routes must be obtained through other network devices, such as the
originating workstation for source routing bridges. Bridges are thus sometimes known as "forward if
not local" devices.
Routers actually maintain dynamic tables of "best routes", which depend on network conditions. Based the
latest traffic conditions, the router chooses the best path for the data packet to reach its destination, and
sends the data packet on its way. After reading the network layer destination address and the protocol of the
network layer data, the router consults its routing tables in order to determine the best path on which to
forward this data packet. Having found the best path, the router has the ability to repackage the data packet
as required for the chosen delivery route. For example, if the packet were to be sent out over an X.25 packet-
switched network, the router would encapsulate the packet in an X.25-compliant envelope.

3. Routing Logic: A bridge reads the destination address of each data frame on a LAN, decides whether the
address is local or remote (on the other side of the bridge), and only allows those data frames with non-local
destination addresses to cross the bridge. A router is more discriminating. The router first confirms the
existence of the destination address as well as the latest information on available network paths to reach that
destination. Unlike a bridge, which merely allows access to the internetwork (forward-if-not-local logic), a
router specifically addresses the data packet to a distant router. However, before a router actually releases a
data packet on to the internetwork, is confirms the existence of the destination address to which the data
packet is bound. Only once the router is satisfies with the viability of the destination address as well as with
the quality of the intended path, will it release the packaged packet. The router's meticulous processing is
known as "forward if proven remote" logic.

TCP/IP Protocol Suite Layers

TCP/IP Layering

Multiplexing and Demultiplexing

The Client-Server Model
 Two
hosts interact in a predefined
 One side is the client – it wants information
 One side is the server – it provides the
 EX: WWW – web browser is the client,
website is the server
A host is not “locked down” to be only a
client or only a server
 Multiple client and server programs can be
running on a single host at the same time

Client/Server on the same LAN

Client/Server on two different LANs

Service Addresses: Port Numbering
 Port numbers are “Layer 4” addresses
(TCP or UDP in the TCP/IP suite)
 They allow multiple services on a single
host to have unique addresses
 E.g.,one host can be running servers for
FTP, HTTP, and telnet
 Each service listens on it’s own port

 Thecombination of IP address plus

TCP/UDP can uniquely identify a
connection (a “socket”)

How Do You Get a Port Number?
Standards and Standards Processes
 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
most directly controls the development of
standards for the TCP/IP protocol suite
 Those standards are called Requests for
Comment (RFCs)
 Relatively collegial process
 Different from IEEE, ITU, ANSI, etc.
 See section 1.11, pp. 14-15
 Some of these RFCs have been updated

IP Protocol and Its Associated Upper
Layer: IP Protocol Numbers

unix-host% more /etc/protocols

# Internet protocols
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/protocols,v 2000/09/24 11:26:39 asmodai Exp $
# from: @(#)protocols 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89
# See also
ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number
#hopopt 0 HOPOPT # hop-by-hop options for ipv6
icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol
igmp 2 IGMP # internet group management protocol
ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol
ipencap 4 IP-ENCAP # IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'')
st2 5 ST2 # ST2 datagram mode (RFC 1819)
tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol
cbt 7 CBT # CBT, Tony Ballardie <>
egp 8 EGP # exterior gateway protocol
igp 9 IGP # any private interior gateway (Cisco: for IGRP)
udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol
ipv6 41 IPV6 # ipv6
sdrp 42 SDRP # Source Demand Routing Protocol
ipv6-route 43 IPV6-ROUTE # routing header for ipv6
ipv6-frag 44 IPV6-FRAG # fragment header for ipv6
idrp 45 IDRP # Inter-Domain Routing Protocol
rsvp 46 RSVP # Resource ReSerVation Protocol
gre 47 GRE # Generic Routing Encapsulation
Chapter 2:
Link Layer
Ethernet Encapsulations – 2 Types

Loopback Interfaces
 Special logical IP address (
 Any IP traffic sent to loopback interface must not appear on any network
 Used to allow a client and a server on the same host to communicate with
each other using TCP/IP

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)

Chapter 3:
IP: Internet Protocol
IP Header

IP Fragmentation & Reassembly

 network links have MTU

(max.transfer size) - largest
possible link-level frame. fragmentation:
 different link types, in: one large datagram
different MTUs out: 3 smaller datagrams
 large IP datagram divided
(“fragmented”) within net
 one datagram becomes
several datagrams reassembly
 “reassembled” only at
final destination
 IP header bits used to
identify, order related

IP Fragmentation and Reassembly

length ID fragflag offset

 IP header has
=4000 =x =0 =0
identification (x), flag,
and fragmentation One large datagram becomes
fields several smaller datagrams
 Example: 4000byte
d’gram (20byte header length ID fragflag offset
+ 3980 IP payload). =1500 =x =1 =0
 MTU = 1500bytes
length ID fragflag offset
 Frag 1: 1480bytes + =1500 =x =1 =1480
20byte header
 Frag 2: 1480bytes + length ID fragflag offset
20byte header =1040 =x =0 =2960
 Frag 3: 3980-2*1480
bytes + 20byte header
IP Fragmentation processing at a Router
 Fragmentation is performed when packet size is larger than MTU size of the outgoing

 To fragment/segment a long internet packet, an Intermediate System using the

Internet Protocol (for example, a router), creates two new IP packets and copies the
contents of the IP header fields from the long packet into BOTH new IP headers.

 The data of the long packet is divided into two portions on a 8 byte (64 bit) boundary.
All packets which have a more fragments (MF) flag set, must have an integral multiple
of 8 bytes, but those that do not have this flag set need not do.

 If we call the number of 8 byte blocks in the first portion NFB (for Number of Fragment
Blocks). The first portion of the data is placed in the first new IP packet, and the total
length field is set to the length of the FIRST IP packet. The more-fragments flag (MF)
is set to one.

 The second portion of the data is placed in the second new IP packet, and the total
length field is set to the length of the SECOND packet. The more-fragments flag (MF)
carries the same value as the long packet. The fragment offset field of the second new
IP is set to the value of that field in the long IP packet plus the NFB.

IP Addresses in TCP/IP Model

 Addresses provide UNIQUENESS

 Different from other types of address
 Layer 1 – physical address: hardware manufacturer
assigns, hardly ever changes; MAC addresses
 Layer 2 – logical address: you assign, and reassign as
changes are made in the network; IP addresses
 Layer 3 – “service” address: standards bodies assign,
software manufacturers must abide by them for
interoperability; TCP/UDP addresses
 Why 32 bits for IP?
 2^32 = 4+ billion – enough addresses (???)

Addressing, Numbering, and
 Computers care about BINARY
 On/off, hi/low, signal/no signal, etc.
 Humans care about DECIMAL
 IP addresses are truly 32-bit unsigned integers,
represented in dotted-decimal (a.k.a. dotted-quad) for
our convenience
 Electrical Engineers care about HEXADECIMAL
 Neither computer nor human? 
 Compact representation of binary info
 Often used for Layer 2 (hardware) addresses
 YOU need to care about ALL 3
 Discuss some examples here…

Bit Positions and Their Values

IP Address Classes

IP Address Class Ranges

Address Class Characteristics

Class Network Bits Host Bits Total Networks Total Addresses

A 8 24 127 16,777,216

B 16 16 16,384 65,536

C 24 8 2,097,152 256

IP addressing: the last word...

Q: How does an ISP get block of addresses?

A: ICANN: Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (guidelines in RFC 2050)
 allocates addresses
 manages DNS
 assigns domain names, resolves disputes

Subnetting -
 To divide the standard classful host-number field into two parts - the subnet-number
and the host-number on that subnet.

 Motivation:
 Efficient use of available network addresses
 Flexibility in planning network growth and design
 Capability to contain broadcast traffic (ARP, RARP, etc…)
 Subnets under local administrative control

 Mechanism:
 Define/assign a subnet mask for addresses in a network that has been sub-netted
 Subnet mask tells router which octets of an IP address to pay attention to when comparing the
destination address of a packet to its routing table entries
 A subnet mask identifies the subnet field of network addresses
 Correct routing requires that all subnets of a network be physically contiguous. In other words,
the network must be set up such that it does not require traffic between any two subnets to
cross another network
 Most implementations require that all subnets of a network have the same number of subnet

 Example

Arrangement of Subnets

How To Calculate Subnet Address with a Given
Subnet Mask

Resulting subnet address is

Example Subnet Masks

Using Subnet Masks

Supernetting – CIDR and VLSM
 Motivation: Address issues with current IP Address Depletion

 Subnetting allows you to take a (classful) block of addresses and

break it up into usable portions
 Subnetting >>> Segregation

 Supernetting allows you to implement classless addressing

scheme and combine address blocks for the purposes of efficiency
in routing updates
 Supernetting >>> Aggregation
 Rationale: More flexible use of IP addresses and reduces
entries in the routing table

 Two ways to implement Supernetting

 Organizations need Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) to
provide flexibility and address efficiency
 The Internet needs Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) for

Requirements for Deploying CIDR or
 Thesuccessful deployment of VLSM has three
 The routing protocols must carry extended network
prefix information with each route advertisement.

 Allrouters must implement a consistent forwarding

algorithm based on the “longest match.”

 For route aggregation to occur, addresses must be

assigned so that they have topological significance

Comparing CIDR to VLSM

 CIDR and VLSM both allow a portion of the IP address

space to be recursively divided into subsequently smaller
pieces. The difference is that with VLSM, the recursion is
performed on the address space previously assigned to
an organization and is invisible to the global Internet.

 CIDR, on the other hand, permits the recursive

allocation of an address block by an Internet Registry to
a high-level ISP, a mid-level ISP, a low level ISP, and a
private organization’s network.

Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)
 With subnet addressing, we can have higher flexibility
within a domain/AS

 However, the rigidity of classful IP addresses is still very

inflexible (e.g. HostIDs in a domain is limited to 256, 66048,

 CIDR – use arbitrary prefix length of Network ID

 E.g. means that network ID length is 22 bits,
i.e. netmask is

 Also allows RECURSION allocation of an address block

provided by the Internet Registry to a high-level ISP, to a
mid-level ISP, to a low-level ISP, and finally to a private
organization’s network

Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)
 Changes to routing table
 Each entry must specify a 32-bit mask together with the 32-bit
IP address
 Use longest prefix match to find a suitable entry
 E.g. a packet with destination IP addr:, and the routing
has two entries as and
Both entries match the destination IP addr, which one should be
chosen? Ans: Choose the one with longest matched bits
 = 11001101.01100100.00000000.00000000
 = 11001101.01100100.00000000.00000000
 = 11001101.01100100.00000001.00000010

Longest match

Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)

 Advantages:
 An organization can “buy” the number of IPs
according to its needs (not confined to 256,
66048, 16908288)
 Reduce routing table size significantly as multiple
“continuous” networks following the same route
can be combined to form a single routing entry
 E.g.original 4 entries for destinations as
 Now, we can combine them into one entry of

An Example of How CIDR Is Used


CIDR Reduces the Size of Internet Routing Tables

CIDR: Partitioning of IP addresses

 Q: How does network get network part of

IP addr?
 A: gets allocated portion of its provider
ISP’s address space

ISP's block 11001000 00010111 00010000 00000000

(allocated to ISP). It is divided into 8 equal sized blocks.
Organization 0 11001000 00010111 00010000 00000000
Organization 1 11001000 00010111 00010010 00000000
Organization 2 11001000 00010111 00010100 00000000
... ….. …. ….
Organization 7 11001000 00010111 00011110 00000000

CIDR Hierarchical addressing: route
Hierarchical addressing allows efficient advertisement of routing
information: “Fly-by-night-ISP requests that all datagrams whose first
20 address bits match The world doesn’t know that
within this there are 8 other orgs. each with their own networks.

Organization 0
Organization 1
“Send me anything with addresses
Organization 2 beginning . Fly-By-Night-ISP”
. . Internet
Organization 7 .
“Send me anything
with addresses

Hierarchical addressing: more specific
Suppose Org. 1 dislikes Fly-by-night-ISP’s service and wants to move to
ISPs-R-Us? Org.1 keeps its addresses in but now
ISPs-R-Us advertises

When other routers see &

Organization 0 and want to route to They will use the longest prefix matching rule

and send to ISPs-R-Us

“Send me anything
Organization 2
with addresses . Fly-By-Night-ISP
. beginning
. .” Internet
Organization 7 .
ISPs-R-Us “Send me anything
with addresses
Organization 1
Supernetting – VLSM
 In 1987, RFC 1009 specified how a subnetted network could
use more than one subnet mask. When an IP network is
assigned more than one subnet mask, it is considered a network
with (VLSM) since the extended network prefixes have different
 Allows RECURSIVE division of a network prefix (subnets of
 Allows detailed structure of routing info for one subnet group to
be hidden from routers in another subnet group
 VLSM is different than CIDR because the recursion is performed
on the address space previously assigned to an org. and is
INVISIBLE to the global Internet

VLSM Design Considerations

 When developing a VLSM design, the network designer

must recursively ask the same set of questions as for a
traditional subnet design. The same set of design
decisions must be made at each level of the hierarchy:

1 How many total subnets does this level need today?

2 How many total subnets will this level need in the
3 How many hosts are on this level’s largest subnet
4 How many hosts will be on this level’s largest subnet
be in the future?

An Example of How VLSM Is Used

Recursive Division


VLSM Permits Route Aggregation - Reducing Routing Table Size

Detailed Structure
Of Recursion is hidden

IP Design Considerations

 Addressing (Impact of Subnetting)

 Routing (Topology dependent)
 Fragmentation and reassembly (MTU
size for different layers)
 Datagram lifetime (impact of TTL
 Error control (Related to MTU size)
 Flow control (limited via ICMP)

IP Futures
 In addition to Stevens’ observations:
 IP version 6
 IPSec
 IP Multicast
 These aren’t really futures anymore; they’re
here today
 Thinkabout what you’d like to cover in
last week
 Time permitting
 I’m leaning toward IPSec

IPv4 addressing - Summary

 Thereare three types of IPv4 addressing

 Original Classful.
 Classful and subnet mask (RFC 950).
 Classless.

 Aninternetwork can be a mix of several


Chapter 4:
ARP: Address Resolution

To ARP or Not to ARP?

That is the question.
TCP/IP Layering

Multiplexing and Demultiplexing

TCP/IP suite: ARP
 Maps IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses.
 An ARP request is a local broadcast.
 ARP broadcasts are not propagated through
 Entries in the ARP table are deleted when a
timeout expires.
 Several scenarios exist:
 You know the IP address to send to and you need the
corresponding MAC address (ARP)
 You know your MAC address and you need to know your IP
address (RARP)
 You’re hiding physical networks (Proxy ARP)
 You need to verify that your IP address isn’t being used by
another host (Gratuitous ARP)

Packet Delivery on a single LAN

Use of ARP - Packet Delivery across
multiple LANs

The Purpose of ARP

An Example:

ARP Frame Format

ARP Notes
 ARPgenerally only occurs on a single
physical network
 ARPrequest is a layer 2 broadcast, and
routers block these broadcasts by default
 ARPis designed to work for protocols
other than IP
A generic solution
 Some other protocols (e.g., IPX) were
designed such that they don’t need ARP

More ARP Notes
 Dynamic nature of ARP is very flexible
 MAC addresses tend to stay the same, but
IP addresses can change (e.g., DHCP,
change in logical structure of IP network)
 Sometimes MAC addresses can change (e.g.,
change a broken NIC, administratively
change MAC address)
 ARP allows for dynamic (re-)mapping

 What happens if you ARP every time?

 Lotsof overhead
 Use a cache mechanism with timeouts

Notes on Proxy ARP
 Also known as “promiscuous ARP”
 Accommodates older TCP/IP stacks. A technique by which a router replies to an
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request from a host on behalf of the ARP
target host.
 Proxy ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a technique by which a network host
answers to the ARP queries for the network address that it does not have
configured on the receiving interface. Proxying ARP requests on behalf of another
host effectively directs all LAN traffic destined for that host to the proxying
host/router. The "captured" traffic is then typically routed to the destination host
via another interface or via a tunnel.
 When you see same MAC address in ARP cache for 2 different IP addresses,
that’s a hint that Proxy ARP is being used
 Proxy ARP can create DoS attacks on networks if misconfigured. For example a
misconfigured router with proxy ARP has the ability to receive packets destined
for other hosts (as it gives its own MAC address in response to ARP requests for
other hosts/routers), but may not have the ability to correctly forward these
packets on to their final destination, thus blackholing the traffic.

Uses of Gratuitous ARP

 When a computer starts, a packet is broadcast on the network

containing the computer's TCP/IP address to prevent the use
of duplicate addresses on the same network

 When a computer starts and its Ethernet hardware address has

changed due to interface card replacement, a packet is
broadcast to other host to signal an update to the IP-to-MAC
address mapping

Issues With ARP

 Weak Security
a bogus host can issue a gratuitous ARP and
change cache entries on other router’s
cache table
 a bogus host can send replies giving its own
hardware address (instead of the target) –
re-directing traffic
 Broadcasting can be expensive
 excessive use of bandwidth
 CPU costs

Chapter 5:
RARP: Reverse Address
Resolution Protocol
What is RARP For?
A workstation without a hard drive
(e.g., diskless workstation, X-terminal,
“thin client”) may have no means to
“remember” an IP address
 However, it will have a NIC that has a
MAC address burned-in on an EEPROM
 RARP allows this host to broadcast and
request it’s IP address
A RARP Server must be configured on the
local subnet to assign this particular MAC
address with a unique IP address

Issues with RARP
 More difficult to implement than ARP
 ARP is needed for basic IP communications
and requires no configuration (mostly)
 RARP config normally resides in a static text
 Coordination between multiple RARP
servers requires that those text files are
always in sync
 Improvements over RARP
 DHCP – most commonly used today

TCP/IP suite: DHCP vs. RARP

 RARP is based on a table that needs to be

configured in the RARP server.
 Static, one-to-one address mapping: The
same MAC address will always acquire the
same IP address.
 RARP does provide IP addresses to
devices, but there is no much gain in
administrative overhead.

TCP/IP suite: DHCP vs. RARP

 RARP is obsolete and almost never seen.

 DHCP is implemented in many devices
such as Windows NT servers, Novell
servers, Cisco routers, NAT boxes…
 Although there are plans for DHCPv6, IPv6
has some auto-configuration mechanisms
that will probably make DHCP obsolete in
the long run.

TCP/IP suite: DHCP

 This reservation mechanism provides a

functionality similar to RARP: the IP
address is obtained from the server and is
always the same.
 A typical IP set is a combination of static,
reservations, and dynamic DHCP

TCP/IP suite: DHCP

 DHCP is an evolution of BOOTP

 Provides the same basic functionality as
RARP, but the underlying mechanism is
not the same.
 Can provide additional functionality such
as the address of the WINS server or the

TCP/IP suite: DHCP vs. RARP

 Unless a reservation is made, there is no

guarantee that a device will obtain the
same IP address each time.
 Servers are typically configured with static
IP addresses.
 DHCP does take some of the
administrative burden out (for

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Goal: allow host to dynamically obtain its IP address

from network server when it joins network
Can renew its lease on address in use
Allows reuse of addresses (only hold address while
connected an “on”
Support for mobile users who want to join network

DHCP overview:
 host broadcasts “DHCP discover” msg
 DHCP server responds with “DHCP offer” msg
 host requests IP address: “DHCP request” msg
 DHCP server sends address: “DHCP ack” msg

DHCP client-server scenario


B arriving DHCP E client needs
address in this

TCP/IP suite: DHCP vs. RARP

 Thereare some circumstances where the

use of DHCP would be nice, but the devices
needs a fixed IP address. Example: Print

 TheDHCP solution is called reservation.

The MAC address of the device is
configured in the DHCP server.

Chapter 6:
ICMP: Internet Control
Message Protocol
Where ICMP in The TCP/IP Layering

What is ICMP?
 Everyprotocol suite needs mechanisms
for control and error messaging
 Phone network to end user: dial tone,
ringing tone, etc. (note: in-band)
 Phone network between switches: SS7
network for call management (note: out-of-
 ICMP is the set of messages that handle
basic control and error messaging for
the TCP/IP protocol suite

ICMP Message Types

Key ICMP Uses

 Time Stamp
 Ping
 Traceroute
 Source Quench
 Indication that flow control needs to be activated at
the source
 MTU size determination
 ICMP Destination Unreachability
 Can be used to detect malicious port scanning

ICMP Message Transport in IP

ICMP Message Format

ICMP Timestamp

Round Trip Time (RTT) Concept

Chapter 7:
What is ping?
 Uses ICMP Echo Request and Reply

 Tests
reachability – make sure that the
network connection is in tact

 Don’t
use it for fine-grained
measurements of network performance

ICMP packets used for ping

Ping output

Ping with IP Options: Record Route

ping with Record Route

ICMP Source Quench

 When to send an ICMP Source Quench

 Standards says: when a packet is dropped inside a router
due to depleted buffer space
 Real life: when ½ of the buffer space is used up
 What to do when an ICMP Source Quench is
 Implementation dependent
 Ex: Reset the window size to 0 for n number of ACKS have
been received
 Security Concern: Source Quench messages are
used by attackers in ICMP flood attacks

MTU Size Determination

ICMP Destination Unreachability

 16 different categories of Destination Unreachable ICMP


 Ex: ‘port unreachable’ (type 3, code 3) where a local host requests

information from a remote host using TCP or UDP, and the remote host
doesn’t have an application listening on the required port. The remote
host replies with the type 3, code 3, ICMP messages declaring the

 Security Concern: These messages outbound will enable an attacker

the ability to easily map network topology

ICMP Port Unreachable – Example msg

ICMP Port Unreachable - Format

Chapter 8:
IP Routing Processes
 The IP routing processes on all nodes involved in the delivery of an IP packet includes: the sending host, the intermediate routers, and the
destination host.

 IP on the Sending Host

 When a packet is sent by a sending host, the packet is handed from an upper layer protocol (TCP, UDP, or ICMP) to IP. IP on the sending host does the
 Sets the Time-to-Live (TTL) value to either a default or application-specified value.
 IP checks its routing table for the best route to the destination IP address.
If no route is found, IP indicates a routing error to the upper layer protocol (TCP, UDP, or ICMP).
 Based on the most specific route, IP determines the forwarding IP address and the interface to be used for forwarding the packet.
 IP hands the packet, the forwarding IP address, and the interface to Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and then ARP resolves the forwarding IP address to its
media access control (MAC) address and forwards the packet.

 IP on the Router - When a packet is received at a router, the packet is passed to IP. IP on the router does the following:
 IP verifies the IP header checksum.
If the IP header checksum fails, the IP packet is discarded without notification to the user. This is known as a silent discard .
 IP verifies whether the destination IP address in the IP datagram corresponds to an IP address assigned to a router interface.
If so, the router processes the IP datagram as the destination host (see step 3 in the following "IP on the Destination Host" section).
 If the destination IP address is not the router, IP decreases the time-to-live (TTL) by 1.
If the TTL is 0, the router discards the packet and sends an ICMP Time Expired-TTL Expired message to the sender.
 If the TTL is 1 or greater, IP updates the TTL field and calculates a new IP header checksum.
 IP checks its routing table for the best route to the destination IP address in the IP datagram.
If no route is found, the router discards the packet and sends an ICMP Destination Unreachable-Network Unreachable message to the sender.
 Based on the best route found, IP determines the forwarding IP address and the interface to be used for forwarding the packet.
 IP hands the packet, the forwarding IP address, and the interface to ARP, and then ARP forwards the packet to the appropriate MAC address.
 This entire process is repeated at each router in the path between the source and destination host.

 IP on the Destination Host - When a packet is received at the destination host, it is passed up to IP. IP on the destination host does the following:
 IP verifies the IP header checksum.
If the IP header checksum fails, the IP packet is silently discarded.
 IP verifies that the destination IP address in the IP datagram corresponds to an IP address assigned to the host.
If the destination IP address is not assigned to the host, the IP packet is silently discarded.
 Based on the IP protocol field, IP passes the IP datagram without the IP header to the appropriate upper-level protocol.
If the protocol does not exist, ICMP sends a Destination Unreachable-Protocol Unreachable message back to the sender.
 For TCP and UDP packets, the destination port is checked and the TCP segment or UDP header is processed.
If no application exists for the UDP port number, ICMP sends a Destination Unreachable-Port Unreachable message back to the sender. If no application exists
for the TCP port number, TCP sends a Connection Reset segment back to the sender.

What is traceroute?
A program ported to just about anything
with a TCP/IP stack
 Shows the path packets take across the
 Takes advantage of the ICMP “time
exceeded” message
 “tracert” in Windows products

How Traceroute Works
 Traceroute creates an UDP packet with the time to live (TTL) in the IP Header set to 1 and
addresses the packets set to the destination computer's IP address

 Traceroute process waits for a response. This response will be:

 An ICMP Time Exceeded message - this means the host responding is not the destination.
 An ICMP Port Unreachable - this means the UDP layer at the destination host responding doesn't not
recognize the UDP port info in the received UDP packet.

 The computer on which the messages die because the time to live expired (somewhere
between the Source and Destination hosts ) sends back ICMP Time Exceeded (ICMP Type
'11') responses. These messages indicate to the soure that the traceroute messages have
not yet reached the destination host

 The source increments the TTL in the IP Header by one, then repeats steps the previous six
steps (creates 3 packets, sets the Time to Live to the next highest number, starts a timer,
transmits the packets, waits for a response). This process is repeated until the packets reach
the destination computer which the source host is tracing the route to.

 When the ICMP message reaches the destination computer, the UDP layer will get to
process it and will find out that the UDP port specified is invalid which will trigger an ICMP
Port Unreachable message back to the source host.

 The Port Unreachable error message indicates to traceroute that the destination has been

ICMP time exceeded message

How to read traceroute output


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