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2's Unit Plan - Ball Skills

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Unit Plan – Ball skills

Time: 7 lessons over 7 weeks

Years: R/ 1/ 2
Standard 1
Key Ideas Children explore movement and refine co-ordinated actions,
developing self-awareness and skills that facilitate ongoing
participation in physical activity.
Id KC5 KC6
Outcomes 1.1
Demonstrates self-awareness and confidence in co-ordination
and control of movement skills for widening involvement in
physical activities in different settings.
Id C
Broad Outcomes • Refines locomotion skills be revising and extending
• Bounces a ball continuously using preferred and non-
preferred hand.
• Throws underarm for accuracy.
• Throws over-arm using preferred and non-preferred
• Tracks and traps balls using hands and feet.
• Works co-operatively with partners and in small
• Practises safe behaviour and uses equipment safely.
• Practices positive sporting attitudes and behaviour
Assessment Checklist of criteria specific to basketball skills
Student self-evaluation through interviews

Lesson - Activities Teaching Points Equipment

Lesson 1: Warm up: Catching • Tennis Balls
Catching Whats the time mr. wolf 1. Always look at the for each
Tennis ball experimenting (bouncing, catching, ball child
throwing, tapping etc) 2. Get ready to catch • Larger balls/
Skill development ball i.e. don’t have Bean bags
Catching hands by sides
Activity 1:
Partner catching activity
Activity 2:
Throwing to teacher
Activity 3:
Bean bag relay-
Have hoola hoops set up in lines with students
standing in hoops across the courtand pass
beanbag down to each person and back up.
Warm down:
Exercises and if time left quick game of silent

Lesson 2: Warm up Underarm two hands: • 15 large

Underarm Octopus • Eyes focused on coloured
two hands Skill development target while balls
Underarm two hands throwing • Cones
Activity 1: • Face direction of
• With a parter throw, legs apart
• Down a line • Hold ball with two
• Between two lines hands
Activity 2: • Swing ball/ arms
Throw and catch down and then
Throw to partner, every successful throw move forward towards
back one step, every unsuccessful throw move in the target
one step.
Activity 3:
Throw and pass (pg 34 playing games)
Warm down
Magic circle pulse pass
Lesson 3: Warm up Underarm throwing: • 15
Underarm Traffic lights • Swing the ball medium
throw Skill development back with a sized balls
Underarm throwing straight arm • Beanbag
Activity 1: • Step forward onto s
In pairs practise underarm throw the foot on the • Hoop
Activity 2: Partner lob opposite side to • Cones
One partner has 5 beanbags and lobs beanbags your throwing
one by one until other partner has caught them arm
all, then swap. • Swing your arm
Activity 3: Eggs in a basket forcefully
First person in each team runs to centre to get a towards the target
beanbag that person then underarm passes • Follow through
beanbag back to their team. When teammate well beyond the
catches they run towards to get another beanbag, ball release
while first player runs to the back of their team.
When all beanbags are gone group count their
bean bags.
Warm down
Silent Ball
Lesson 4: Warm-up Chest Passing • 15 balls
Chest Stuck in the mud • Eyes on target. Ball • cones
Passing Skill Development held with both hands
Chest passing in front of chest.
Activity 1: Fingers spread with
Chest passing in pairs thumbs behind the
Activity 2: Around the circle Ball Game ball
Students make a circle with one student in • Step forward, extend
centre. Student in centre chest passes to person arms and fingers and
of circle that person has to catch ball put it down push ball in the
on ground. Run around the circle, come back to direction of the target
position, pick ball up and throw back to centre.
Then sit down. Accuracy is important
Centre person continues till all outside members Pull ball close to chest
are sitting down. Encourage push with
Warm down elbow and wrists as ball
Magic circle pulse pass is released
Always use two hands
Lesson 5: Warm- up Overarm throwing • 15 balls
Overarm Octopus 1. Use non-throwing • wall targets
Throwing Skill development arm to aim- this arm • cones
Overarm throwing should be straight out • beanbags
Activity 1: from shoulder • 2 buckets
Overarm passing in pairs. Step back with 3 2. Keep body straight to
successful throws, step in with unsuccessful avoid inaccurate
throws. throws
Activity 2: 3. Lift throwing arm
Overarm throwing at targets and bend at elbow
Activity 3:Beanbag Scramble 4. Ball should be held
Two groups of 10 are assembled in zigzag loosely between
pattern. 10 Beanbags are at first person and there thumb and first two
is a bucket at last person. One by one the fingers.
beanbags get passed down the line (using 5. Pull arm back and
overarm throws) until they reach the last person use shoulder to push
who drops it into the bucket. If a beanbag gets arm forward.
dropped it must start from the beginning again. 6. Keep eye on target
First team to get all their beanbags in the bucket Let ball go as soon as
wins. arm is straight (don’t
Warm down wait until arm is
Stretching and exercises heading downward)
Lesson 6: Warm-up Bouncing with two • 30 balls
Bouncing Stuck in the mud hands • 20 hoops
with two Skill Development • stand with feet
hands Bouncing stationary,
Large Ball skills (pg 29 playing games) shoulder width
Activity 1:Scatter Bounce apart holding the
Holding a ball move within space avoiding other ball at waist
children, when leader calls a number, students height
stop at a hoop and bounce ball that number of • push ball straight
times before moving off. down with both
Activity 2:Ball bounce change hands
Children stand by a hoop with a ball and bounce • catch bounced
ball in hoop until their music stops, then run to ball with fingers
bounce the ball in a different hoop. spread and pull
Activity 3:Base Dribbling with music the ball into the
Bounce the ball to music, when music stops pass body
the ball to the next person.
Warm down
Stretching and exercises
Lesson 7: Warm-up Dribbling • 1 ball per
Dribbling Here, there and where • Push the ball student
Skill Development downwards and • cones
Dribbling forward with
Allow students to find open space and explore fingertips of one hand
dribbling the ball in a straight line • Step forwards as the
Activity 1: Dribble in three ball bounces
Groups of 3 form a triangle formation. Student 1 • Contact the ball at
dribbles to student 2, who dribbles to students 3, hip height and use
who dribbles to student 1. Continue around fingertips to push the
triangle. ball downward again
Activity 2: Dribbling Relays • Look ahead while
In teams of 4 students have to one at a time dribbling the ball
dribble the ball up with their right hand to the
cone, dribble back with their left hand. At cone
pass the ball to next person who repeats, while
the first person goes to back of line and sits
Warm down
Stretching and exercises
Name of Activity: Ocean Rescue

Purpose of Activity: To provide students practice trials for

throwing and catching.

Prerequisites: Students should have prior experience with proper

throwing and catching techniques.

Suggested Grade Level: K-3

Materials Needed: Students should be provided appropriate self

space markers such as poly spots or hula hoops. Fleece balls, nerf
balls and cones are also needed to mark the throwing lines.

Description of Idea

The class is divided into two groups. One group is selected to be the
"sailors" and are instructed to spread out within the playing area.
The "sailors" are then to find a hoop or poly spot in which to stand
and assume the catching position (hands up at chest level fingers
pointing up). The other half of the class are "rescuers" and are
distributed equally along the throwing line.

The teacher then provides an introductory story about sailors who

are floating out on the sea and are in need of rescue. The poly
spot/hoop is designated as the "flotation device" for the "sailors"
and a fleece / nerf ball is designated as a "life ring" that the
"rescuers" are to throw to the "sailors" from a rescue ship (line on
the gym floor).

On a signal from the teacher, the "rescuers" begin throwing their

"life rings" (fleece or nerf balls) using an overhand throw to attempt
to rescue the "sailors." "Sailors" must catch the "life rings" while
standing in a hula hoop or on a poly spot. When a "sailor" catches a
ball the "rescuer" simulates pulling the "sailor" to the ship. The
sailors then join the rescuers by throwing to the remaining sailors. If
the throw is not caught the "rescuers" must retrieve and continue
throwing from behind the throwing line. Play continues until all
"sailors" are rescued or use a time limit. Students then switch roles
from "sailor" to "rescuer" and the activity can be repeated.


For younger students you could focus on the underhand throw and
use a large soft ball.

Adaptations for Students with Disabilities:

To modify the activity for inclusion of students with disabilities, the

throwing line distance can be modified or the utilization of a bounce
rule can be implemented.
Magic Circle Pulse Pass
- all sit down in circle holding hands.
- One child in middle.
- Secretly choose someone to start the 'pulse' (squeeze of hand).
- Middle child has to guess where the pulse is.

Traffic Lights
Leader call either
Green – move freely in space
Orange – jog/skip/ jump on spot
Red - Stop

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