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Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0

Help Topic Collection

Parametric Technology Corporation

Copyright © 2008 Parametric Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA
Table of Contents

Using Part ..................................................................................................... 2

About Part .................................................................................................. 2

Design Concepts .......................................................................................... 2

Planning Your Design.................................................................................... 3

Design Approaches.................................................................................... 3

The Modeling Process ................................................................................... 4

Features and Parts ....................................................................................... 4

Parent-Child Relationships............................................................................. 4

Putting It All Together .................................................................................. 5

Starting Out in Part Mode.............................................................................. 5

Creating the Initial Solid Feature ................................................................. 5

Creating a User-Defined Feature as the First Feature ..................................... 5

Creating Features ........................................................................................ 6

Configuring Pro/ENGINEER for Using Part........................................................... 7

About Configuration Options for Part .............................................................. 7

To Set Configuration Options for Part.............................................................. 7

accuracy_lower_bound ................................................................................. 7

allow_anatomic_features .............................................................................. 7

allow_move_view_with_move ....................................................................... 8

allow_udf_style_cosm_threads ...................................................................... 8

angle_grid_interval ...................................................................................... 8

autohide_copied_group_af ............................................................................ 8

autoround_max_n_chains_per_feat................................................................ 8

blended_transparency .................................................................................. 9

centimeter_grid_interval............................................................................... 9

datum_point_symbol.................................................................................... 9

default_abs_accuracy ................................................................................... 9

default_dec_places ...................................................................................... 9

Table of Contents

dim_fraction_denominator ............................................................................ 9

display_coordinate_sys................................................................................. 9


dm_cache_mode ........................................................................................10

dm_cache_size ...........................................................................................10

dm_remember_server .................................................................................10

dm_upload_objects .....................................................................................10

enable_absolute_accuracy ...........................................................................10

fail_unattached_feature ...............................................................................10

feature_create_auto_begin ..........................................................................11


flip_arrow_scale .........................................................................................11

foot_grid_interval .......................................................................................11

group_repl_with_recycle ..............................................................................11

group_replace_rename ................................................................................11

hole_diameter_override ...............................................................................12

hole_parameter_file_path ............................................................................12

inch_grid_interval .......................................................................................12

info_output_format .....................................................................................12

keep_info_datums ......................................................................................12

mark_approximate_dims .............................................................................12

meter_grid_interval ....................................................................................13


new_parameter_ui ......................................................................................13

new_relation_ui ..........................................................................................13

pro_group_dir ............................................................................................13

ratio_grid_interval ......................................................................................13



show_axes_for_extr_arcs ............................................................................14


Table of Contents

show_geom_checks_on_creation ..................................................................14




web_browser_homepage .............................................................................15

web_enable_javascript ................................................................................15

Datum Features ............................................................................................16

Datum Planes .............................................................................................16

About Datum Planes .................................................................................16

About the Datum Planes User Interface .......................................................17

DATUM PLANE Dialog Box.......................................................................17

Shortcut Menus.....................................................................................19

Handles ...............................................................................................19

About Using Datum Planes with Legacy Data ...............................................19

Using Legacy Datum Planes with Size Adjusted to Specified Radius ..............20

Using Legacy Datum Planes with Datum Coordinate Systems or Point Features
as References .......................................................................................20

About Modifying the Size of the Datum Planes..............................................20

To Create a Datum Plane and Adjust Its Display by Size ................................21

To Adjust Datum Display by Reference........................................................22

To Create an Offset Datum Plane ...............................................................22

To Create a Datum Plane with an Angular Offset ..........................................23

Snapping and Unsnapping of Handles .........................................................23

About Creating a Datum Plane Using a Datum Coordinate System ..................24

To Create a Datum Plane Through a Datum Coordinate System......................25

About Creating a Datum Plane Tangent to a Surface .....................................25

To Preselect Datum References ..................................................................26

Datum Axes ...............................................................................................26

About Datum Axes ...................................................................................26

About the Datum Axes User Interface .........................................................27

DATUM AXIS Dialog Box .........................................................................27

Table of Contents

Placement .........................................................................................27



Shortcut Menus.....................................................................................28

To Create a Datum Axis and Adjust Its Size .................................................29

To Create a Datum Axis Normal to a Surface Using Two Offset References.......29

To Create a Datum Axis Selecting a Circular Curve or Edge............................30

To Preselect Datum Axis References ...........................................................30

Example: Using Datum Axes in Modeling .....................................................31

Datum Points .............................................................................................33

About the Datum Point Feature ..................................................................33

Different Types of Datum Points ..............................................................33

Accessing Datum Points .........................................................................33

Datum Points Display................................................................................34

Point (General) ........................................................................................34

About General Datum Points ...................................................................34

Accessing a General Datum Point..........................................................34

Using the Object-Action Workflow .........................................................35

Creating a Group of Datum Points on a Surface or Quilt ...........................35

About the General Point User Interface.....................................................35

Feature Icon ......................................................................................36

Datum Point Dialog Box.......................................................................36

Using the Placement Tab .....................................................................36

Shortcut Menus ..................................................................................37

To Work with the Points List in the Datum Points Dialog Box .......................37

To Create a Datum Point on a Curve, Edge, or Datum Axis..........................38

Tip: Creating a Datum Point at the Extension of a Straight Edge or Curve .....38

To Create a Datum Point at a Curve's Intersection .....................................39

To Create a Datum Point at the Center .....................................................39

To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Surface.................................39

Table of Contents

To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Coordinate System or Its Axis or

a Vertex...............................................................................................40

Creating Multiple Datum Points on the Same Surface or Quilt ......................41

To Create a Datum Point Offset from Another Point....................................42

To Create a Datum Point at the Intersection of Entities...............................42

To Create a Datum Point Using an Intent Chain .........................................43

Sketched ................................................................................................44

About Sketched Datum Points .................................................................44

Accessing a Sketched Datum Point........................................................44

About the Sketched Datum Points User Interface .......................................44

Feature Icon ......................................................................................45

Sketched Datum Point Dialog Box .........................................................45

To Create Sketched Datum Points............................................................45

Offset from a Coordinate System................................................................45

About Datum Points Offset from a Coordinate System ................................45

Accessing Points Offset from a Coordinate System ..................................46

About the Datum Point Offset Coordinate System User Interface .................46

Feature Icon ......................................................................................46

Offset CSys Datum Point Dialog Box......................................................46

To Create Datum Points Offset from the Coordinate System ........................47

To Import a Data File .............................................................................48

To Update Values of the Datum Point Offset Coordinate System ..................48


About Field Points..................................................................................49

Accessing a Field Point ........................................................................49

To Create a Field Point ...........................................................................49

Object/Action (Streamlined) Workflow ...................................................49

Action/Object Workflow .......................................................................49

Datum Curves ............................................................................................50

About Datum Curves ................................................................................50

About Sketched Datum Curves...................................................................50

Table of Contents

About the Sketched Datum Curves User Interface ........................................50

To Create a Sketched Datum Curve ............................................................51

About Imported Datum Curves...................................................................51

To Create a Datum Curve Using a Cross Section...........................................52

To Create a Datum Curve From Equations ...................................................52

Example: Importing a Datum Curve ...........................................................53

Datum Curves Through Points....................................................................54

To Create a Datum Curve Through Points .................................................54

Creating a Curve by Connecting Points .....................................................55

Using the CONNECT TYPE Menu ............................................................55

Using the DEF TAN Menu Options..........................................................56

To Create a Datum Curve Through Points that Lie on a Surface ...................56

Rules for Creating a Datum Curve with the On Surface Option .....................57

Coordinate Systems ....................................................................................57

About Coordinate Systems ........................................................................57

About Datum Coordinate System Names ..................................................58

Default Datum Coordinate Systems .........................................................58

About Coordinate Systems UI ....................................................................58

To Locate a Coordinate System ..................................................................59

To Create an Offset Coordinate System .......................................................60

To Orient a Coordinate System ..................................................................60

About Creating a Coordinate System from a File...........................................61

Coordinate System Transformation ..........................................................61

To Create a Coordinate System from a File ..................................................62

Example: Transformation File Format..........................................................62

Datum References ......................................................................................63

About Datum Reference Features ...............................................................63

About the Datum References User Interface ................................................63

Feature Icon .........................................................................................63

Datum Reference Dialog Box...................................................................63

Using the Placement Tab .....................................................................64

Table of Contents

Shortcut Menus.....................................................................................64

About Intent Objects ................................................................................64

About Intent Object Names .......................................................................65

Default Names for Intent Objects ...............................................................65

Defining Intent Sufaces and Chains ............................................................66

To Create an Intent Datum Using Datum Reference Features .........................66

To Create an Intent Chain Using a Datum Reference Feature .........................67

To Create an Intent Surface Using Datum Reference Features ........................68

To Display Intent Object Names in the Model Tree ........................................69

To Edit an Intent Object Name ...................................................................69

To Edit References of a Datum Reference Feature.........................................69

To Redefine a Datum Reference Feature......................................................69

To Automatically Place UDFs Using Datum Reference Features .......................70

Placing Features with Saved Queries...........................................................70

Asynchronous Datums .................................................................................71

About Creating Asynchronous Datum Features .............................................71

Model Tree Display of Asynchronous Datum Features ....................................72

Embedding Asynchronous Datums ..............................................................72

Display Order of Embedded Datums and other Sub-Nodes .............................73

Displaying Legacy Data ..........................................................................73

To Create a Feature with Embedded Datums................................................74

To Convert a Standalone Datum to an Embedded Datum...............................75

To Convert an Embedded Datum to a Standalone Datum...............................76

Dragging and Dropping Embedded Datums..................................................76

Editing and Redefining Features with Embedded Datums ...............................77

Editing References.................................................................................77

Editing Dimensions ................................................................................77

Redefining Features ...............................................................................77

Copying Features with Embedded Datums ...................................................77

About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with Embedded Datums .........78

About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with Asynchronous Datums ....79

Table of Contents

Patterning Features.............................................................................79

Creating a Pattern of a Pattern .............................................................80

About Deleting or Suppressing Features with Embedded Datums ....................80

To Delete a Feature while Retaining the Embedded Datums ...........................81

Base Features ...............................................................................................82

Extrude .....................................................................................................82

Basics of the Extruded Feature...................................................................82

About the Extruded Feature ....................................................................82

Creating a Two-Sided Feature ..............................................................82

Accessing the Extrude Tool ..................................................................82

About the Extrude User Interface ............................................................83

Feature Icon ......................................................................................83

Dialog Bar .........................................................................................83

Slide-up Panels ..................................................................................84

Shortcut Menus ..................................................................................84

Example: Different Types of Extrude Feature ............................................85

About Sections Used for Extrusions ..........................................................88

Sections for Solid Extrusions ................................................................88

Sections for Cuts and Thickened Extrusions............................................88

Sections for Surfaces ..........................................................................88

Using Sections with Multiple Contours ...................................................89

Preselecting a Sketching Plane ................................................................89

Using a Sketched Datum Curve as a Feature Section..................................89

Associativity between the Selected Curve and the Feature .......................89

About the Depth Options ........................................................................90

Rules for Terminating Features Using the Part Entities .............................90

Tips for Changing the Depth Options Using Snapping...............................91

About the Thicken Sketch Command ........................................................91

About an Extruded Cut ...........................................................................91

About an Extruded Surface .....................................................................91

Creating an Extruded Surface with an Open or Closed Volume ..................92

Table of Contents

About a Surface Trim Created with the Extrude Tool ..................................92

Depth Options for Trim Surface ............................................................92

Selecting the Portion of the Quilt to Keep...............................................92

Tips for Creating a Revolved Feature Using the Object/Action Workflow ........93

Tips for Creating an Extrusion Using the Object/Action Workflow .................93

Working with the Extruded Feature.............................................................93

To Create a Solid Protrusion....................................................................93

To Create a Thickened Extrusion .............................................................94

To Create a Cut.....................................................................................95

To Create an Extruded Surface................................................................96

To Create a Surface Trim........................................................................97

To Create an Internal Sketch ..................................................................98

Tip: Creating a Datum Curve While in the Feature Tool...............................99

Making Changes to an Extruded Feature ...................................................99

Using Direct Section Edit .....................................................................99

Redefining a Copied Feature............................................................... 100

Revolve ................................................................................................... 100

Basics of the Revolved Feature ................................................................ 100

About the Revolved Feature .................................................................. 100

Creating a Two-Sided Feature ............................................................ 100

Accessing the Revolve Tool ................................................................ 101

About the Revolve User Interface .......................................................... 101

Feature Icon .................................................................................... 101

Dialog Bar ....................................................................................... 101

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................ 102

Shortcut Menus ................................................................................ 103

Example: Different Types of Revolved Feature......................................... 104

About Sections Used for Revolved Features............................................. 105

About the Axis of Revolution ................................................................. 105

Using Model Geometry as an Axis of Revolution .................................... 105

Using a Sketcher Centerline as the Axis of Revolution............................ 106

Table of Contents

About the Angle of Revolution ............................................................... 106

Tips for Changing the Angle Option Using Snapping............................... 106

About a Revolved Cut .......................................................................... 106

About a Revolved Surface..................................................................... 107

Creating an Extruded Surface with an Open or Closed Volume ................ 107

Working with the Revolved Feature .......................................................... 107

To Define an Axis of Revolution ............................................................. 107

Using an external axis of revolution .................................................... 107

Using an internal centerline as an axis of revolution .............................. 108

To Create a Revolved Solid ................................................................... 108

To Create a Thickened Revolved Feature ................................................ 109

To Create a Revolved Cut ..................................................................... 110

To Create a Revolved Surface ............................................................... 111

To Create a Revolved Surface Trim ........................................................ 112

Making Changes to a Revolved Feature .................................................. 113

Using Direct Section Edit ................................................................... 113

Redefining a Copied Feature............................................................... 113

Variable Section Sweep ............................................................................. 113

About the Variable Section Sweep Feature................................................. 113

About the Variable Section Sweep User Interface ....................................... 114

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 114

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 114

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 115

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 116

To Create a Variable Section Sweep.......................................................... 117

About Tangent Trajectories...................................................................... 119

About Specifying the Variable Section Sweep Trajectories............................ 120

Workflow for Variable Section Sweeps....................................................... 120

Workflow for a Normal Trajectory ............................................................. 122

Workflow for Constant Section ................................................................. 122

Workflow for Section Plane at a Constant Normal Direction .......................... 122

Table of Contents

Workflow for Sweeping with Default Settings - X-Trajectory......................... 122

Workflow for the Section Plane Normal to the Trajectory Projection............... 123

To Create a Variable Section Sweep Using Relations ................................... 123

Example: Using Relations to Create a Variable Section Sweep ...................... 124

Section Plane Orientation ........................................................................ 124

Normal to Trajectory (Automatic) .......................................................... 124

Normal to Trajectory (Automatic): Start X Direction ................................. 125

Normal to Trajectory - Normal to Surface ............................................... 126

Normal to Trajectory - X Trajectory ....................................................... 126

Normal to Other Trajectory (Automatic) ................................................. 127

Normal to Projection ............................................................................ 127

Constant Normal (Automatic)................................................................ 128

Constant Normal (X Trajectory)............................................................. 128

Constant Normal (Automatic) - Start X Direction ..................................... 129

Constant Normal (Normal to Surface) .................................................... 129

Blends ..................................................................................................... 129

About Blends ......................................................................................... 129

Blend Types........................................................................................ 130

To Create a Blend (basic) ........................................................................ 130

Example: Different Blend Geometries........................................................ 131

Modifying Blends.................................................................................... 131

To Add a Blend Vertex ............................................................................ 132

Using a Blend Vertex .............................................................................. 132

Example: Adding a Blend Vertex .............................................................. 132

To Import a Blend .................................................................................. 132

Importing a Blend Feature....................................................................... 133

Notes on Creating Blends: .................................................................... 133

Modifying an Imported Blend ................................................................ 133

Creating a Blend from Imported Curves.................................................. 133

Blend File Format ................................................................................... 133

Example: Importing Blend File ................................................................. 135

Table of Contents

Sections in Sketch-Based Features................................................................. 136

About Sections in Sketch-based Features ..................................................... 136

Valid and Invalid Sections ....................................................................... 136

About the Section User Interface................................................................. 137

Section Icons......................................................................................... 137

Dialog Boxes ......................................................................................... 137

Dialog Bar ............................................................................................. 138

Slide-Up Panels...................................................................................... 138

Placement, Reference, or Options slide-up panels .................................... 138

Properties slide-up panel ...................................................................... 139

Shortcut Menus...................................................................................... 139

Sketch-based Features in the Model Tree ..................................................... 140

Customizing the Model Tree Display For Sketch-based Features ................... 140

To Create a Section................................................................................... 141

To Select a Sketch Feature......................................................................... 141

To Redefine a Section ................................................................................ 142

To Make a Dependent Section Independent .................................................. 144

To Delete a Section ................................................................................... 145

To Delete a Sketch Feature ........................................................................ 145

To Report Sketch-based Feature Information ................................................ 146

Edit Features .............................................................................................. 147

Copy and Paste ........................................................................................ 147

About Copying and Pasting ...................................................................... 147

Copying to the Clipboard ...................................................................... 147

Accessing Copy-Paste Commands .......................................................... 148

Two Methods for Pasting Features.......................................................... 148

About Dependent and Independent Copies ................................................ 148

Fully-Dependent Copies........................................................................ 148

Fully-Dependent Copies with Varying Dependency ................................ 149

Copies Dependent on Dimensions .......................................................... 149

Independent Copies ............................................................................. 149

Table of Contents

Using Paste ........................................................................................... 149

About the Paste User Interface for Features ............................................ 149

Pasting Multiple Features ................................................................... 150

To Paste Using the Object-Action Workflow ............................................. 150

Pasting Using the Same or New References............................................. 150

Using Same References ..................................................................... 150

Replacing References ........................................................................ 151

Missing References ........................................................................... 151

Using New References ....................................................................... 151

Skipping References.......................................................................... 151

Using Common References ................................................................ 152

Copying and Pasting Features ............................................................... 152

To Copy and Paste a Feature.............................................................. 152

To Copy and Paste Multiple Features ................................................... 152

To Copy and Paste Between two Different Sources ................................ 152

To Cancel a Paste Operation............................................................... 153

Copying and Pasting Surfaces and Curves............................................... 154

About Copying and Pasting Surfaces and Curves ................................... 154

About the Paste User Interface for Surfaces and Curves......................... 154

To Copy a Surface ............................................................................ 156

To Copy a Surface Excluding Patches and Holes .................................... 156

To Copy Surfaces Inside a Closed Sketched Curve................................. 157

To Convert a Copied Surface to an Inner Boundary Copy ....................... 157

To Copy Curves or Edges ................................................................... 157

Using Paste Special ................................................................................ 158

About Paste Special ............................................................................. 158

About Dimension Dependency and Copying Sketch-Based Features............ 159

Copying Sketched-Based Features ...................................................... 160

About Varying the Dependency of Pasted Features................................... 160

To Create a Dependent Copy in a Model with Paste Special ....................... 161

To Create a Fully-Dependent Feature and Vary Dependency...................... 162

Table of Contents

To Create an Independent Copy of a Feature or Feature Set...................... 163

To Break, Restore, or Remove Dependency............................................. 164

To Copy a Feature Across Models Using Paste Special............................... 165

To Create a Dependent Copy of Sketch-Based Features ............................ 166

Copying Features that Use an Internal Sketch ...................................... 166

Copying Features that Use an External Sketch ...................................... 166

To Create an Independent Copy of Sketch-Based Features........................ 166

Copying Features that Use an Internal Sketch ...................................... 166

Copying Features that Use an External Sketch ...................................... 167

About the Advanced Reference Configuration User Interface ..................... 167

To Copy Features Using the Advanced Reference Configuration ................. 168

To Verify the Availability of Original References ....................................... 169

default_dep_copy_option ..................................................................... 169

Mirror...................................................................................................... 169

About The Mirror Tool ............................................................................. 169

All Feature Method .............................................................................. 170

Selected Feature Method ...................................................................... 171

About the Mirror User Interface................................................................ 171

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 171

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 171

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 172

Shortcut Menu .................................................................................... 173

To Mirror Selected Features ..................................................................... 173

To Mirror All the Geometry in a Part.......................................................... 173

To Mirror Geometry ................................................................................ 174

Move....................................................................................................... 174

About the Move Tool............................................................................... 174

About the Move User Interface................................................................. 176

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 176

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 176

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 176

Table of Contents

Shortcut Menu .................................................................................... 177

To Move Geometry ................................................................................. 178

To Move Features................................................................................... 179

To Move All Features in a Part.................................................................. 180

To Create Multiple Moves ........................................................................ 181

Example: Different Move Techniques ........................................................ 182

Selected Feature Move ......................................................................... 182

All Features Move ................................................................................ 182

Geometry Move................................................................................... 183

About Redefining Legacy Data that Uses Coordinate System or Two Datum Points
as Direction Reference ............................................................................ 183

Redefining a Feature with Two Datum Points or Vertices as Direction Reference

........................................................................................................ 184

Redefining a Feature with a Datum Coordinate System as Direction Reference

........................................................................................................ 184

Merge ..................................................................................................... 184

About the Merged Feature ....................................................................... 184

Parental Hierarchy of Quilts .................................................................. 185

Accessing the Merge Tool ..................................................................... 185

Error Reporting ................................................................................... 186

Dynamic Preview................................................................................. 186

Undo and Redo ................................................................................... 186

About the Merged Feature User Interface .................................................. 186

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 187

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 187

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 187

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 187

To Create a Merged Feature .................................................................... 187

To Merge More Than Two Quilts ............................................................... 188

Example: Merging Two Quilts................................................................... 189

Trim........................................................................................................ 190

About the Trim Feature ........................................................................... 190

Table of Contents

About the Trim User Interface.................................................................. 191

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 191

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 191

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 191

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 192

To Trim a Curve or Quilt.......................................................................... 192

To Trim Surfaces with a Quilt................................................................... 193

To Trim Surfaces with Thin Trim............................................................... 193

About Silhouette Trim ............................................................................. 194

To Trim Using Silhouette Edges................................................................ 194

Pattern .................................................................................................... 194

About the Pattern Feature ....................................................................... 194

Pattern Types ..................................................................................... 195

About Dimension Patterns ....................................................................... 196

About Direction Patterns ......................................................................... 196

About Axis Patterns ................................................................................ 197

About Table Patterns .............................................................................. 198

About Reference Patterns ........................................................................ 198

About Fill Patterns .................................................................................. 198

About Curve Patterns.............................................................................. 200

About Pattern Regeneration Options ......................................................... 200

Identical Patterns ................................................................................ 201

Variable Patterns................................................................................. 201

General Patterns ................................................................................. 201

Example: Patterns.................................................................................. 202

Pattern Directions................................................................................ 202

Pattern Configurations ......................................................................... 203

About the Pattern User Interface .............................................................. 203

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 203

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 203

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 207

Table of Contents

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 210

To Create a Dimension Pattern................................................................. 210

Varying the Location and Size of Instances ................................................ 211

Using Negative Increment in a Dimension Pattern ...................................... 211

Using Relations in Dimension Patterns ...................................................... 212

Example: Creating a Unidirectional Linear Pattern ...................................... 213

Example: Creating a Bidirectional Linear Pattern ........................................ 214

Example: Creating a Rotational Pattern of Holes......................................... 216

Example: Creating a Rotational Pattern of Sketched Features....................... 218

Example: Creating a Dimension Pattern Using Relations .............................. 221

To Create a Direction Pattern................................................................... 223

Example: Creating a Direction Pattern ...................................................... 224

To Create an Axis Pattern........................................................................ 226

Example: Creating an Axis Pattern ........................................................... 228

Pattern Directions................................................................................ 228

Two Methods for Locating Members in the Angular Direction ..................... 229

Method 1: Using the number of members and increment ....................... 229

Method 2: Using the number of members and angular extent of the pattern
...................................................................................................... 229

Example: Creating a Spiral Pattern ........................................................... 230

To Create a Table Pattern........................................................................ 231

Example: Creating a Table Pattern ........................................................... 232

To Modify a Table Pattern by Editing its Tables ........................................... 234

To Redefine Various Pattern Types as a Table Pattern ................................. 235

To Create a Reference Pattern ................................................................. 236

Example: Creating a Reference Pattern ..................................................... 236

Example: Creating a Fill Pattern ............................................................... 237

To Create a Fill Pattern ........................................................................... 239

Example: Making Fill Pattern Members Follow a Surface Shape..................... 240

To Change the Origin of the Fill Pattern ..................................................... 242

To Create a Curve Pattern ....................................................................... 243

Table of Contents

Example: Patterning a Hole Using Curve Pattern ........................................ 244

To Create a Pattern of a Feature Pattern ................................................... 247

To Delete the Pattern of a Feature Pattern................................................. 247

To Unpattern the Pattern of a Feature Pattern ............................................ 247

Project .................................................................................................... 248

About the Project Feature........................................................................ 248

About the Project User Interface .............................................................. 248

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 248

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 248

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 249

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 249

To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Sketching ....................................... 250

To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Selecting Chains.............................. 250

Example: Creating a Projected Datum Curve.............................................. 251

Wrap....................................................................................................... 253

About the Wrap Feature .......................................................................... 253

Origin of Wrapped Datum Curve ............................................................ 253

Options Slide-up Panel ......................................................................... 254

About the Wrap User Interface................................................................. 254

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 254

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 254

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 254

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 255

To Create a Wrapped Datum Curve .......................................................... 256

Example: Creating a Wrapped Datum Curve .............................................. 256

Using the Options Panel .......................................................................... 258

Ignoring Intersection Surfaces .............................................................. 258

Trimming at Boundary ......................................................................... 259

Extend .................................................................................................... 260

About the Extend Feature........................................................................ 260

About the Extend User Interface .............................................................. 261

Table of Contents

Feature Icon — ................................................................................... 261

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 261

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 261

Shortcut Menu .................................................................................... 262

To Create a Same Surface Extension ........................................................ 263

To Create a Tangent Surface Extension ..................................................... 264

To Create an Approximate Surface Extension ............................................. 264

To Create a To Plane Surface Extension .................................................... 265

To Create a Multi-point Extension ............................................................. 265

Intersect.................................................................................................. 266

About the Intersect Feature ..................................................................... 266

About the Intersect User Interface............................................................ 266

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 267

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 267

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 267

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 267

To Intersect Sketches or Surfaces ............................................................ 267

To Redefine Intersecting Sketches or Surfaces ........................................... 268

To Unlink and Edit Sketches in the Intersect Feature................................... 268

Fill .......................................................................................................... 268

About the Fill Feature ............................................................................. 268

Fill Feature ...................................................................................... 269

About the Fill User Interface .................................................................... 269

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 269

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 269

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 269

To Create a Fill Feature ........................................................................... 270

To Create a Fill Feature by Using a Sketch Feature ..................................... 271

Redefining a Fill Feature.......................................................................... 271

Properties Slide-up Panel...................................................................... 272

Offset...................................................................................................... 272

Table of Contents

About the Offset Feature ......................................................................... 272

Offset Surface ....................................................................................... 272

About the Offset Surface User Interface ................................................. 272

Feature Icon .................................................................................... 273

Dialog Bar ....................................................................................... 273

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................ 273

Shortcut Menus ................................................................................ 274

To Create Standard Offset Surfaces ....................................................... 275

Example: Using Different Offset Methods ................................................ 276

Example: Creating an Offset Surface with Side Surfaces ........................... 279

To Create Offset Surfaces by Expansion ................................................. 281

To Constrain an Offset with a Sketch...................................................... 282

To Create Offset Surfaces with a Draft ................................................... 282

Working with Draft Offsets.................................................................... 283

Example: Normal Offset and Translate Offset .......................................... 284

To Create an Offset Using Replace ......................................................... 286

Using Replace Offsets .......................................................................... 286

Example: Creating an Offset Using Replace............................................. 286

Offset Curve .......................................................................................... 289

About the Offset Curve User Interface .................................................... 289

Feature Icon .................................................................................... 289

Dialog Bar ....................................................................................... 289

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................ 290

Shortcut Menus ................................................................................ 290

To Offset a Curve Normal to Surface ...................................................... 290

To Offset a Curve Along a Surface ......................................................... 291

Using Graphs to Offset a Curve ............................................................. 291

Example: Offsetting a Curve ................................................................. 293

Measurement Types for Offset Curves .................................................... 295

To Create a Fan Curve Offset ................................................................ 296

Offset Boundary Curves .......................................................................... 296

Table of Contents

About the Offset Boundary Curve User Interface...................................... 296

Feature Icon .................................................................................... 296

Dialog Bar ....................................................................................... 297

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................ 297

Shortcut Menu ................................................................................. 297

To Offset a Boundary Curve .................................................................. 298

To Create a Variable Offset Surface Boundary Curve ................................ 298

Using the Measurements Table.............................................................. 298

Thicken ................................................................................................... 300

About the Thicken Feature....................................................................... 300

About the Thicken Feature User Interface .................................................. 301

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 301

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 301

Slide-Up Panels ................................................................................... 302

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 303

To Create a Thicken Feature .................................................................... 303

To Create a Scaled Thicken Feature .......................................................... 304

Solidify .................................................................................................... 305

About the Solidify Feature ....................................................................... 305

About the Solidify Feature User Interface .................................................. 307

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 307

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 307

Slide-Up Panels ................................................................................... 307

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 308

To Create a Solidify (Protrusion) Feature ................................................... 308

To Create a Solidify (Cut) Feature ............................................................ 309

To Create a Solidify (Patch) Feature ......................................................... 309

Solidify (Patch) Feature Conditions ........................................................... 310

Remove ................................................................................................... 311

About the Remove Feature ...................................................................... 311

General Rules for Creating a Remove Feature.......................................... 311

Table of Contents

Accessing the Remove Surface tool........................................................ 311

Undo and Redo ................................................................................... 312

About the Remove Feature User Interface ................................................. 312

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 312

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 312

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 312

To Create a Remove Feature ................................................................... 314

Remove Surface Tutorial ......................................................................... 315

About the Remove Surface Tutorial ........................................................ 315

Removing a Surface from a Solid or Quilt ............................................... 315

Closing Gaps in a Quilt ......................................................................... 316

Selecting and Removing Multiple Surfaces or Gaps for Removal ................. 318

Querying for Additional Solutions........................................................... 320

Using Remove Twice to Remove an Overhang ......................................... 322

Using Remove Twice to Uncover an Extrude Feature ................................ 325

Using Remove Once to Attain the Required Result.................................... 327

Engineering Features ................................................................................... 329

Hole ........................................................................................................ 329

About the Hole Feature ........................................................................... 329

Hole Features vs Cut Features............................................................... 329

About the Hole Feature User Interface ...................................................... 330

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 330

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 330

Simple Holes.................................................................................... 330

Standard Holes................................................................................. 332

Slide-Up Panels ................................................................................... 334

Placement Slide-up Panel................................................................... 334

Shape Slide-up Panel ........................................................................ 336

Intersect Slide-up Panel .................................................................... 339

Note Slide-up Panel .......................................................................... 339

Properties Slide-up Panel ................................................................... 339

Table of Contents

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 339

Hole Placement References...................................................................... 342

Placement Reference ........................................................................... 342

Offset References ................................................................................ 342

Selecting the Axis of a Hole as Secondary Reference ............................. 342

Verifying and Modifying Hole Placement References ................................. 343

Hole Placement Types............................................................................. 344

To Create a Simple Hole.......................................................................... 346

To Define Simple Hole Depth by Snapping to a Reference ............................ 348

To Create a Linear Hole by Referencing an Axis .......................................... 349

To Create a Sketched Hole ...................................................................... 350

Sketched Hole Requirements ................................................................... 351

To Relocate a Hole by Snapping to a Reference .......................................... 351

To Create a Standard Hole ...................................................................... 352

To Create a Standard Coaxial Hole ........................................................... 354

To Create a Tapped Hole ......................................................................... 355

To Create a Tapered Hole ........................................................................ 356

To Create a Clearance Hole ..................................................................... 357

To Create a Drilled Hole .......................................................................... 358

Using Hole Charts .................................................................................. 359

Formatting Thread Notes......................................................................... 361

Shell ....................................................................................................... 364

About the Shell Feature .......................................................................... 364

About the Shell User Interface ................................................................. 364

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 364

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 365

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 365

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 366

To Create a Shell Feature ........................................................................ 366

To Create a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces ........................................ 367

Restrictions on Creating Shell Features ..................................................... 368

Table of Contents

Example: Shell and Feature Order ............................................................ 369

Example: Creating a Shell Feature............................................................ 370

Example: Creating a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces ............................ 372

Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Concave Corners ...................... 375

Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Convex Corners ........................ 377

Rib.......................................................................................................... 379

About the Rib Feature ............................................................................. 379

About the Rib Feature User Interface ........................................................ 380

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 380

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 380

Slide-Up Panels ................................................................................... 381

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 381

Sketching Rib Features ........................................................................... 382

Defining Rib Features ............................................................................. 383

To Create a Rib Feature by Creating an Internal Section .............................. 385

To Create a Rib Feature by Using a Sketch feature ..................................... 386

Draft ....................................................................................................... 387

About the Draft Feature .......................................................................... 387

About Split Draft .................................................................................... 388

About Variable Draft ............................................................................... 389

About the Draft User Interface ................................................................. 390

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 390

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 391

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 391

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 394

To Create a Draft Feature........................................................................ 395

Example: Creating a Basic Draft............................................................... 396

Example: Excluding Surface Loops ........................................................... 398

Example: Extending Intersect Surfaces ..................................................... 399

To Create a Variable Draft ....................................................................... 402

Example: Creating a Variable Draft........................................................... 404

Table of Contents

To Create a Split Draft ............................................................................ 407

Example: Creating a Split Draft................................................................ 408

Example: Creating a Split Draft Using Sketch............................................. 410

To Create a Split Draft with Two Hinges .................................................... 412

Example: Creating a Split Draft with Two Hinges ........................................ 413

Round ..................................................................................................... 415

About the Round Feature ........................................................................ 415

Anatomy of a Round ............................................................................ 415

Round Sets and Transitions................................................................ 416

About Round Types and References .......................................................... 416

Round Placement References ................................................................ 417

About Creation Methods and Cross-Section Shapes..................................... 420

Creation Methods ................................................................................ 420

Cross-Section Shapes .......................................................................... 420

About the Round User Interface ............................................................... 420

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 421

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 421

Set Mode......................................................................................... 421

Transition Mode................................................................................ 422

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 424

Sets Slide-up Panel ........................................................................... 424

Transitions Slide-up Panel.................................................................. 427

Pieces Slide-up Panel ........................................................................ 427

Options Slide-up Panel ...................................................................... 428

Properties Slide-up Panel ................................................................... 429

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 429

Set Mode: Collector Commands .......................................................... 429

Transition Mode: List and Collector Commands ..................................... 431

To Create a Constant Round .................................................................... 432

To Create a Variable Round ..................................................................... 433

To Relocate a Radius Using a Reference .................................................... 434

Table of Contents

To Create a Surface-to-Surface Variable Round .......................................... 435

To Define a Radius Using a Reference ....................................................... 437

To Create a Round Driven by a Curve ....................................................... 438

Example: Round Driven by a Curve .......................................................... 439

To Create a Full Round............................................................................ 439

To Create a Surface-to-Surface Full Round ................................................ 440

Rules for Creating a Full Round ................................................................ 441

To Create a Conic Round ......................................................................... 441

To Create a D1 x D2 Conic Round............................................................. 443

Setting Ratio Grid Interval for the Conic Parameter Handle .......................... 444

To Create a Normal to Spine Round .......................................................... 444

To Rename a Round Feature.................................................................... 445

To Retrieve Round Feature Information ..................................................... 445

Transitions ............................................................................................ 446

About Round Transitions ...................................................................... 446

Round Transitions ............................................................................. 446

Defining Round Transitions ................................................................... 458

To Define a Round Transition ................................................................ 458

To Define a Patch Transition ................................................................. 461

To Define a Stop at Reference Transition ................................................ 462

To Define a Stop Case Transition ........................................................... 464

To Define a Corner Sphere Transition ..................................................... 465

Example: Corner Transitions ................................................................. 467

About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition.................................. 468

To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition ........................................... 470

Advanced Topics .................................................................................... 471

Piece Management .............................................................................. 471

About Piece Management................................................................... 471

About Round Patches and Round Pieces ............................................... 471

About Excluding Round Pieces ............................................................ 472

To Exclude Round Pieces ................................................................... 473

Table of Contents

About Trimming Round Geometry ....................................................... 474

To Trim Round Geometry................................................................... 477

About Extending Round Geometry ...................................................... 477

To Extend Round Geometry ............................................................... 480

About Round Placement Ambiguity...................................................... 481

To Address Round Placement Ambiguity .............................................. 483

Attachments ....................................................................................... 484

About Round Attachment Types.......................................................... 484

To Define a Round Attachment Type ................................................... 485

To Resolve Failed Rounds Using End Surfaces....................................... 486

Round References and Attachment Types............................................. 487

Auto Round .............................................................................................. 489

About the Auto Round Feature ................................................................. 489

About the Auto Round User Interface ........................................................ 490

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 490

Dashboard.......................................................................................... 490

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 491

To Create an Auto Round Feature............................................................. 492

To Create an Auto Round Feature on Selected Edges .................................. 493

Example: Narrow Pair of Chains ............................................................... 494

Narrow pair of chains with same convexity........................................... 494

Narrow pair of chains with different convexity ...................................... 495

Edges of the same convexity but sharing a vertex that belongs to a narrow
pair of chains ................................................................................... 496

To Display Auto Round Members on the Model Tree .................................... 497

Using the Auto-Round Player ................................................................... 497

Considerations for Creating an Auto Round Feature .................................... 497

About Excluding Edges from an Auto Round............................................... 498

To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Graphics Window............. 499

To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Search Tool .................... 499

To Select Edges Using the Search Tool ...................................................... 500

Table of Contents

To Select Edges to Exclude Directly in the Graphics Window......................... 501

Example: Creating an Auto Round on Selected Holes Using a Datum Reference

Feature................................................................................................. 501

Example: Creating an Auto Round on Selected Holes Using the Search Tool ... 503

Example: Excluding Edges Where a Quilt Intersects a Part........................... 505

Chamfer .................................................................................................. 508

About the Chamfer Feature ..................................................................... 508

Corner Chamfers ................................................................................. 508

Edge Chamfers ................................................................................... 508

Anatomy of an Edge Chamfer................................................................ 508

Chamfer Sets and Transitions............................................................. 509

About Chamfer Types and References ....................................................... 509

About Chamfer Dimension Schemes ......................................................... 512

Example: Chamfer Dimension Schemes .................................................... 513

About the Chamfer User Interface ............................................................ 514

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 514

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 514

Set Mode......................................................................................... 515

Transition Mode................................................................................ 517

Patch Transition Options .................................................................... 518

Stop Transition Options ..................................................................... 518

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 518

Sets Slide-up Panel ........................................................................... 518

Transitions Slide-up Panel.................................................................. 519

Pieces Slide-up Panel ........................................................................ 520

Options Slide-up Panel ...................................................................... 521

Properties Slide-up Panel ................................................................... 521

Shortcut Menu .................................................................................... 522

Set Mode: Collector Commands .......................................................... 522

Transition Mode: List and Collector Commands ..................................... 523

To Create a D x D Chamfer...................................................................... 524

Table of Contents

To Create a 45 x D Chamfer .................................................................... 525

To Create an Angle x D Chamfer .............................................................. 526

To Create a D1 x D2 Chamfer .................................................................. 527

To Create a O x O Chamfer ..................................................................... 528

To Create a O1 x O2 Chamfer .................................................................. 529

To Define the Chamfer Distance Using a Reference ..................................... 531

About Chamfer Creation Methods ............................................................. 532

To Create a Corner Chamfer .................................................................... 532

Example: Corner Chamfer ....................................................................... 533

To Rename a Chamfer Feature................................................................. 533

To Retrieve Chamfer Feature Information .................................................. 533

Transitions ............................................................................................ 534

About Chamfer Transitions ................................................................... 534

Chamfer Transitions .......................................................................... 534

Defining Chamfer Transitions ................................................................ 542

To Define a Chamfer Transition ............................................................. 542

To Define a Patch Transition ................................................................. 545

To Define a Stop at Reference Transition ................................................ 546

To Define a Stop Case Transition ........................................................... 548

About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition.................................. 549

To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition ........................................... 551

Advanced Topics .................................................................................... 552

Piece Management .............................................................................. 552

About Piece Management................................................................... 552

About Chamfer Patches and Chamfer Pieces ......................................... 552

About Excluding Chamfer Pieces ......................................................... 553

To Exclude Chamfer Pieces ................................................................ 554

About Trimming Chamfer Geometry .................................................... 555

To Trim Chamfer Geometry................................................................ 557

About Extending Chamfer Geometry ................................................... 558

To Extend Chamfer Geometry ............................................................ 562

Table of Contents

About Chamfer Placement Ambiguity................................................... 562

To Address Chamfer Placement Ambiguity ........................................... 563

Attachments ....................................................................................... 564

About Chamfer Attachment Types....................................................... 564

To Define a Chamfer Attachment Type ................................................ 565

To Resolve Failed Chamfers Using End Surfaces.................................... 566

Chamfer References and Attachment Types.......................................... 567

Construction Features .................................................................................. 569

Features: Shaft, Neck, and Flange............................................................... 569

To Create a Shaft ................................................................................... 569

Example: Creating a Shaft....................................................................... 569

To Create a Neck ................................................................................... 569

Example: Neck Feature ........................................................................... 570

To Create a Flange ................................................................................. 571

Example: Creating a Flange ..................................................................... 571

Pipes....................................................................................................... 572

To Create a Pipe .................................................................................... 572

Pipes .................................................................................................... 574

Creating Pipes in Assembly Mode........................................................... 575

Creating a Part Consisting Only of a Pipe Feature..................................... 575

Creating Pipe Connections .................................................................... 575

How to Create Pipe Connections ............................................................ 575

Specifying Part Accuracy for Pipes ......................................................... 576

Creating Pipes with Multiple Radii .......................................................... 576

Example: Pipe ....................................................................................... 577

Creating a Pipe Feature in Assembly Mode .............................................. 577

Sketched Cosmetic Features....................................................................... 578

About Sketched Cosmetic Features ........................................................... 578

To Create a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature ........................................... 579

Regular Section Sketched Cosmetic Feature............................................... 579

Example: Creating a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature ............................... 579

Table of Contents

To Create a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature ......................................... 579

Example: Creating a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature............................. 580

Cosmetic Threads ..................................................................................... 580

About Cosmetic Threads ......................................................................... 580

Types of Cosmetic Threads ................................................................... 580

Cosmetic Thread Starting Surfaces ........................................................ 581

To Create Cosmetic Threads .................................................................... 581

Cosmetic Thread Parameters ................................................................... 582

Using the Parameter File to Define Cosmetic Threads .................................. 582

Example: Creating Cosmetic Threads ........................................................ 583

To Create Custom Cosmetic Threads......................................................... 584

Creating Custom Cosmetic Threads .......................................................... 586

Grooves................................................................................................... 586

To Create a Groove ................................................................................ 586

Example: Creating a Groove .................................................................... 587

User-Defined Cosmetic Features ......................................................... 587

Advanced Features ...................................................................................... 588

Sweeps ................................................................................................... 588

About Sweeps........................................................................................ 588

Rules for Defining a Trajectory .............................................................. 588

To Create a Swept Feature ...................................................................... 589

Sweep Geometry ................................................................................... 590

Non-Tangent Trajectory Segments......................................................... 590

Three-Dimensional Sweeps ................................................................... 591

Example: Sweeps................................................................................... 591

Solid Sweeps with Closed Trajectories .................................................... 591

Constant Section Sweep ....................................................................... 592

To Create a Three-Dimensional Sweep ...................................................... 593

Example: Three-Dimensional Sweep ......................................................... 593

Helical Sweeps ......................................................................................... 594

About Helical Sweeps.............................................................................. 594

Table of Contents

To Create a Helical Sweep with a Constant Pitch Value ................................ 594

Example: Creating a Helical Sweep........................................................... 595

Profile for a Helical Sweep.................................................................. 596

To Create a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch Value ................................. 596

Creating a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch Value ................................... 597

Example: Creating a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch ............................. 597

Types of Helical Sweep Features............................................................ 598

Boundary Blend ........................................................................................ 600

About the Boundary Blend Feature ........................................................... 600

About the Boundary Blend User Interface .................................................. 601

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 601

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 601

Slide-up Panels ................................................................................... 601

Shortcut Menus................................................................................... 603

About Boundary Blend Reference Entities .................................................. 603

To Create a Boundary Blend in One Direction ............................................. 604

To Create a Boundary Blend in Two Directions ........................................... 604

To Create a Boundary Blend .................................................................... 604

Example: Blended Surface....................................................................... 605

To Create a Boundary Blend Surface Using Approximate Curves ................... 606

About Defining Boundary Conditions ......................................................... 606

Setting Boundary Conditions.................................................................... 607

To Define Boundary Conditions ................................................................ 607

About Boundary Blend Control Points ........................................................ 608

Using Boundary Blend Control Points ........................................................ 608

To Specify Boundary Blend Control Points.................................................. 609

Example: Specifying Boundary Blend Control Points.................................... 610

About Side Curves and Boundary Blends ................................................... 611

One-Directional Blended Surface ........................................................... 611

Two-Directional Blended Surface ........................................................... 612

Tip: Working with Antitangent and Tangent Boundaries............................... 613

Table of Contents

Parallel Blends.......................................................................................... 614

About Parallel Blends .............................................................................. 614

Sections Used for Parallel Blends ........................................................... 614

Modifying Blend Sections ...................................................................... 615

Projected Section Blends ...................................................................... 615

To Create a Parallel Blend with a Regular Section ....................................... 615

To Create a Parallel Blend with a Projected Section ..................................... 616

Non-Parallel Blends ................................................................................... 616

About Non-Parallel Blends ....................................................................... 616

Sketched Versus Selected Sections ........................................................ 616

Open and Closed Blends ....................................................................... 617

Specifying Tangent Surfaces ................................................................. 617

To Specify Tangency Conditions for Non-Parallel Blends .............................. 617

Example: Specifying Tangency Conditions for Non-Parallel Blends................. 617

Before............................................................................................. 617

After ............................................................................................... 618

To Import a Section for a Non-Parallel Blend.............................................. 618

Creating Non-Parallel Blend with an Imported Section ................................. 618

To Cap a Blend ...................................................................................... 619

Capping a Blend..................................................................................... 619

To Create a Rotational Blend ................................................................... 619

Creating a Rotational Blend ..................................................................... 620

Example: Creating a Rotational Blend ....................................................... 621

To Create a General Blend....................................................................... 621

Example: Creating a General Blend .......................................................... 622

Swept Blends ........................................................................................... 623

About the Swept Blend User Interface....................................................... 623

Feature Icon ....................................................................................... 624

Slide Up Panels ................................................................................... 624

References ...................................................................................... 624

Sections .......................................................................................... 625

Table of Contents

Tangency ........................................................................................ 626

Options ........................................................................................... 626

Properties........................................................................................ 627

Dialog Bar .......................................................................................... 627

Shortcut Menu .................................................................................... 627

About Swept Blends ............................................................................... 629

Terminology ....................................................................................... 630

To Create a Swept Blend (basic) .............................................................. 630

Example: Creating a Swept Blend............................................................. 631

Completed Swept Blend..................................................................... 631

Section Definition ............................................................................. 632

To Modify a Swept Blend Using Area Control .............................................. 632

Example: Controlling the Perimeter of a Swept Blend .................................. 633

Using the Set Perimeter Option .......................................................... 633

About Blend Vertices .............................................................................. 633

Example: Creating a Blend Vertex ............................................................ 633

To Control the Perimeter of a Swept Blend ................................................ 634

Tweak Features ........................................................................................... 635

About Tweak Features ............................................................................... 635

Local Pushes ............................................................................................ 635

To Create a Local Push............................................................................ 635

Defining a Local Push.............................................................................. 635

Defining the Local Push Height .............................................................. 636

Example: Local Push............................................................................... 636

Radius Domes .......................................................................................... 637

To Create a Radius Dome ........................................................................ 637

Example: Radius Dome ........................................................................... 638

Original part .................................................................................... 638

Radius Dome feature......................................................................... 638

Section Domes ......................................................................................... 639

About Section Domes ............................................................................. 639

Table of Contents

To Create a Section Dome (basic) ............................................................ 639

To Create a Swept Section Dome ............................................................. 640

Example: Swept Section Dome ................................................................ 640

Original part .................................................................................... 640

Part with Swept Section Dome ........................................................... 641

To Create a Blended Section Dome with No Profile...................................... 641

Example: Blended Section Dome without a Profile ...................................... 642

Original Part .................................................................................... 642

Part with Blended Section Dome without a Profile ................................. 642

To Create a Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile .............................. 642

Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile ............................................... 643

Example: Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile ................................. 644

Original Part .................................................................................... 644

Part with Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile ............................ 644

Ears ........................................................................................................ 644

To Create an Ear Feature ........................................................................ 644

Sketching the Ear Section ....................................................................... 645

Example: Dimensioning an Ear Feature ..................................................... 645

Ear Feature...................................................................................... 645

Dimensioning an ear to a part ............................................................ 646

Bend dimensions of an ear feature ...................................................... 646

Lips......................................................................................................... 646

About a Lip Feature ................................................................................ 646

To Create a Lip Feature........................................................................... 647

Example: Lip Feature.............................................................................. 648

Toroidal Bends ......................................................................................... 649

About Toroidal Bends.............................................................................. 649

To Create a Toroidal Bend ....................................................................... 650

Example: Creating a Toroidal Bend ........................................................... 651

Spinal Bends ............................................................................................ 652

To Create a Spinal Bend.......................................................................... 652

Table of Contents

Example: Creating and Modifying a Spinal Bend ......................................... 654

Before Spinal Bend ........................................................................... 654

After Spinal Bend.............................................................................. 654

Cosmetic Mesh View of Linear Spinal Bend ........................................... 655

Modifying or Redefining a Spinal Bend ................................................. 655

To Redefine a Spinal Bend ....................................................................... 656

UDFs and Groups......................................................................................... 657

Creating a UDF ......................................................................................... 657

About User-Defined Features ................................................................... 657

Subordinate UDFs................................................................................ 657

Standalone UDFs................................................................................. 657

UDF Recommendations ........................................................................ 657

UDF Restrictions.................................................................................. 658

Dimension Types ................................................................................. 658

About Creating a UDF Library................................................................... 658

To Create a UDF (basic) .......................................................................... 658

To Define Variable Elements in a UDF ....................................................... 660

To Define Variable Dimensions in a UDF .................................................... 661

To Define Variable Parameters in a UDF .................................................... 662

To Activate Pro/PROGRAM in a UDF .......................................................... 662

To Use Database Commands on UDFs ....................................................... 663

About Variable Annotation Element Parameters in UDFs .............................. 664

Placing a UDF ........................................................................................... 665

About Placing a UDF in a Model ................................................................ 665

To Place a UDF Using Reference Mapping .................................................. 665

Preserving Feature Properties on UDF Placement ........................................ 666

Placing a UDF with Restricted Parameters.................................................. 666

To Alter Variable Values in a UDF ............................................................. 667

To Specify UDF Placement Options ........................................................... 667

To Specify UDF Placement Relations ......................................................... 668

To Rename a UDF .................................................................................. 669

Table of Contents

To Place a UDF by Redefining Features...................................................... 669

Previewing a UDF ................................................................................... 670

Browsing UDFs by Parameters............................................................... 670

Defining Skipped References.................................................................... 670

Redefining a Missing Reference Used by Several Features ......................... 671

Feature, Dimension, and Parameter Names in a Group ................................ 671

Renaming Annotation Elements in UDFs .................................................... 672

To Change the Group Type ...................................................................... 672

To Replace a UDF Group ......................................................................... 673

Replacing a UDF Group With Family Table Instances ................................... 673

To Resolve a Placement Failure ................................................................ 673

Creating a Local Group .............................................................................. 674

About Local Groups ................................................................................ 674

To Create a Local Group.......................................................................... 674

To Create a Local Group Using the Shortcut Menu.................................... 674

To Create a Local Group Using the Menu Manager.................................... 675

To Select a Local Group Feature from the Graphics Window ......................... 675

Operations on Groups................................................................................ 676

About Working with Groups ..................................................................... 676

Replacement Conditions .......................................................................... 676

Replacing a Group .................................................................................. 676

Deleting a Replacement Group .............................................................. 677

To Copy a Group .................................................................................... 677

To Copy a Group and Vary Dependency .................................................... 678

To Pattern a Group ................................................................................. 679

Tip: Patterning a Group........................................................................... 679

To Use Groups to Copy Features Quickly ................................................... 679

Rules for Patterning Groups ..................................................................... 680

About Deleting and Suppressing Members of a Group ................................. 680

To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member .................................... 680

To Delete or Suppress Individual Members.............................................. 680

Table of Contents

To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member with Children................. 680

Modifying the Part ....................................................................................... 682

About Editing Parts ................................................................................... 682

About States of Editing .............................................................................. 682

General Editing......................................................................................... 683

To Make Features Read-Only ................................................................... 683

To Rename a Feature ............................................................................. 683

To Rename a Feature from the Model Tree.............................................. 683

To Rename a Feature Name Using the Menu Manager .............................. 683

To Modify Features with Multiple Sections.................................................. 684

To Move the Text of Datum Planes and Coordinate Systems......................... 684

To Move the Text Using the Shortcut Menu in Part and Assembly ............... 684

To Move the Text Using the Menu Manager ............................................. 685

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties .............................................................. 685

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties Using the Shortcut Menu ........................ 685

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties Using the Menu Manager........................ 685

To Edit Datum Curve Line Style................................................................ 685

Editing Dimensions ................................................................................... 686

About Editing Dimensions........................................................................ 686

Negative Dimensions ........................................................................... 686

To Edit Dimension Properties, Text, or Text Style ....................................... 687

To Change Dimension Values ................................................................... 688

To Change Overall and Dimension Tolerances ............................................ 689

Using the Menu Manager to Edit ............................................................... 690

To Modify Dimension Values Using the Menu Manager .............................. 690

To Modify Dimension Cosmetics ............................................................ 690

To Modify the Dimension Format ........................................................... 691

Modifying the Dimension Format ........................................................... 691

To Add Text to a Dimension .................................................................. 692

To Modify a Dimension Symbol.............................................................. 692

Modifying a Dimension Symbol.............................................................. 692

Table of Contents

To Modify Dimension Locations.............................................................. 693

To Modify the Number of Decimal Places in a Dimension ........................... 693

To Move Dimension Text ...................................................................... 694

To Switch Dimension Arrowheads .......................................................... 694

To Make Copied Feature Dimensions Independent.................................... 694

Making Copied Feature Dimensions Independent ..................................... 694

Redefining Sections................................................................................... 695

Redefining Section Geometry ................................................................... 695

To Replace Section Entities...................................................................... 695

Example: Replacing Section Entities ......................................................... 696

Modification Example ........................................................................ 696

To Add or Remove a Section in a Blend ..................................................... 696

Removing a Section ............................................................................. 697

Adding a Section ................................................................................. 697

To Redefine a Section in a Parallel Blend ................................................... 698

To Add or Remove a Section in a Non-Parallel Blend ................................... 698

Removing a Section ............................................................................. 698

Adding a Section ................................................................................. 698

To Redefine a Dimensioning Scheme ........................................................ 699

Side Effects of Modifying a Dimensioning Scheme....................................... 699

To Create Incomplete Features ................................................................ 700

Redefining Features .................................................................................. 700

About Redefining Features....................................................................... 700

To Redefine Features with Elements ......................................................... 701

To Redefine Features with No Elements..................................................... 701

To Redefine a Merged Part ...................................................................... 702

Redefining Datum Curves From File ............................................................. 702

To Redefine Imported Datum Curves ........................................................ 702

Creating New Curves .............................................................................. 703

To Decrease the Number of Spline Points Using Deviation............................ 703

To Make a Spline Smoother ..................................................................... 704

Table of Contents

To Add Points to a Spline ........................................................................ 704

To Decrease the Number of Spline Points by Deleting Points ........................ 704

To Move Curve Points ............................................................................. 704

To Adjust a Curve .................................................................................. 705

Example: Adjusting the Curve.................................................................. 706

To Split a Curve ..................................................................................... 707

To Trim or Extend a Curve....................................................................... 707

To Merge Curves .................................................................................... 707

Example: Merging Curves........................................................................ 707

Inserting and Reordering Features .............................................................. 708

To Insert Features.................................................................................. 708

To Reorder Features ............................................................................... 709

Reordering Features ............................................................................... 709

Suppressing. Deleting, and Resuming Features ............................................. 710

About Suppressing and Resuming Features................................................ 710

About Deleting Features.......................................................................... 710

To Suppress or Delete Features................................................................ 710

To Delete or Suppress One or More Features........................................... 711

Side Affects of Features .......................................................................... 712

To Resume Features ............................................................................... 713

To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Model Tree ................................. 713

To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Search Tool ................................ 713

Rerouting Features.................................................................................... 714

About the Reroute Command ................................................................... 714

To Reroute Features ............................................................................... 714

Working with Simplified Representations ...................................................... 716

About Simplified Representations ............................................................. 716

To Create a Simplified Representation (basic) ............................................ 716

To Include or Exclude Features ................................................................ 717

To Edit a Simplified Representation Using the Model Tree ............................ 717

To Create a Work Region......................................................................... 718

Table of Contents

To Create a Simplified Representation from Part Surfaces............................ 718

To Update an Accelerated Simplified Representation ................................... 719

To Create a Geometric Snapshot .............................................................. 719

To Create an Accelerated Simplified Representation .................................... 720

To Erase a Simplified Representation ........................................................ 720

To Erase using the View Manager .......................................................... 720

To Erase Using the Menu Manager ......................................................... 721

Working with Part Accuracy ........................................................................ 721

About Changing Part Accuracy ................................................................. 721

Working with Absolute and Relative Accuracy .......................................... 722

To Specify Relative Accuracy ................................................................... 722

To Specify Absolute Accuracy................................................................... 723

Flexible Parts ........................................................................................... 723

About Flexible Parts................................................................................ 723

To Prepare Varied Items ......................................................................... 724

To Define a Flexible Part ......................................................................... 724

Copying Features ...................................................................................... 725

Copying Features ................................................................................... 725

About the Copy Command .................................................................... 725

Terms and Definitions ....................................................................... 725

Rules for Copying Features ................................................................ 726

Using the Copy Command in Assembly Mode........................................ 727

To Copy Features ................................................................................ 727

Using the COPY FEATURE Menu ............................................................. 727

Specifying the Placement Method........................................................ 728

Specifying Features to Copy ............................................................... 728

Specifying Dependent or Independent ................................................. 729

To Copy Features within the Same Model................................................ 729

Copying Features Using New References................................................. 730

To Copy Features with SameRefs, FromDifVers........................................ 730

To Copy Features by Mirror................................................................... 731

Table of Contents

To Copy Features with New Refs, FromDifModel or FromDivVers ................ 731

Copying Features by Mirror ................................................................... 732

To Copy Features by Moving ................................................................. 732

Copying Features by Translating............................................................ 733

To Redefine the Copied Element ............................................................ 733

To Make a Dependent Copy Independent ................................................ 734

Mirroring the Model ................................................................................ 734

To Mirror the Model ............................................................................. 734

Example: Mirroring the Model ............................................................... 734

Original part .................................................................................... 734

Original part mirrored once ................................................................ 735

Original part mirrored twice ............................................................... 735

Resolving Feature Failures ............................................................................ 735

About Resolving Feature Failures ................................................................ 735

About Backing Up the Model and References................................................. 736

Working with the Backup Model ............................................................... 736

Creating Backup References .................................................................... 736

To Troubleshoot a Feature Failure ............................................................... 737

To Diagnose and Resolve Feature Failures .................................................... 738

The INVESTIGATE Menu ............................................................................ 739

The FIX MODEL Menu ................................................................................ 740

Relation Constraint Violation .............................................................. 741

Reducing Regeneration Time ...................................................................... 741

To Step Through Feature Creation............................................................... 742

Using Geometry Checking .......................................................................... 744

What May Cause a Geometry Check Warning? ........................................... 744

To Use the FEAT FAILED Menu .................................................................... 744

Feature Relations......................................................................................... 745

About Feature Relations............................................................................. 745

Glossary ..................................................................................................... 746

Glossary for Part....................................................................................... 746

Table of Contents

Index ......................................................................................................... 749

Part Overview
The Part Modeling Help describes the design intent and the basic procedures of feature-based
modeling. Refer to these topics for high-level information on using the Part Modeling
environment, tools, and basic techniques for the first phase of designing, that is, part creation. For
a detailed overview, skim the Help contents. Using Part Modeling, you can start with the creation
of simple geometric features and progress to the creation of complex features and parts.

Tasks for Part

Applying Design Concepts Replicating Features

Understanding Design Concepts Copying and Pasting Features

Planning Your Design Mirroring Geometry and Features
Establishing Parametric Relationships Patterning Features
Starting the Modeling Process

Creating Engineering Features

Using Elementary Tools Drilling a Hole
Working in Part Mode Hollowing Out a Solid
Using Datum Planes as References Drafting a Surface Feature
Adding Datum Axes to the Feature Defining Rounds
Defining Directions with Coordinate
Using User-Defined Features and Groups
Using Sections to Define Geometry
Creating User-Defined Features
Working with Groups
Defining Features

Extruding Sections
Modifying the Parts
Revolving Geometry
Editing Dimensions
Sweeping Variable Sections
Deleting Features
Blending Planar Sections Suppressing Features from Regeneration
Resolving Feature Failures
Editing Features Redefining Features and References

Moving Geometry and Features

Merging Quilts Simplifying Parts and Part Accuracy

Trimming Quilts, Curves, and Surfaces Simplifying Representations

Projecting Curves on Surfaces Changing Part Accuracy

Offsetting Curves and Surfaces

Part – Help Topic Collection

Using Part

About Part
Pro/ENGINEER Part enables you to design models as solids in a progressive three-
dimensional solid modeling environment. Solid models are geometric models that
offer mass properties such as volume, surface area, and inertia. If you manipulate
any model, the 3-D model remains solid.
Pro/ENGINEER provides a progressive environment in which you create and change
your models through direct graphical manipulation. You drive the design process for
your project by selecting an object (geometry) and then choose a tool to invoke an
action on that object. This object-action workflow provides greater control over the
design of your models while allowing you to express your creativity. The user
interface provides further support for this design process
As you work with your model, the context sensitive user interface guides you
through the design process. After you choose an object and an action, Pro/ENGINEER
interprets the current modeling context and presents requirements and optional
items to complete the task. This information is displayed in a non obtrusive user
interface called the dashboard that enhances your ability to directly work with your
models by assessing your actions and guiding you through the design process.
The Pro/ENGINEER progressive modeling environment streamlines the design
process enabling you to concentrate on product development and drive your designs
to new levels of creativity.

Design Concepts
You can design many different types of models in Pro/ENGINEER. However, before
you begin your design project, you need to understand a few basic design concepts:
• Design Intent—Before you design your model, you need to identify the design
intent. Design intent defines the purpose and function of the finished product
based on product specifications or requirements. Capturing design intent builds
value and longevity into your products. This key concept is at the core of the
Pro/ENGINEER feature-based modeling process.

• Feature-Based Modeling—Pro/ENGINEER part modeling begins with creating

individual geometric features one after another. These features become
interrelated to other features as you reference them during the design process.

• Parametric Design—The interrelationships between features allow the model to

become parametric. So, if you alter one feature and that change directly affects
other related (dependent) features, then Pro/ENGINEER dynamically changes
those related features. This parametric ability maintains the integrity of the part
and preserves your design intent.

• Associativity—Pro/ENGINEER maintains design intent outside Part mode

through associativity. As you continue to design the model, you can add parts,
assemblies, drawings, and other associated objects, such as piping, sheet metal,
or electrical wiring. All of these functions are fully associative within


Pro/ENGINEER. So, if you change your design at any level, your project will
dynamically reflect the changes at all levels, preserving design intent.

Planning Your Design

You can immediately begin designing models in Pro/ENGINEER, and with product
deadlines, it is tempting to jump-in and start creating models. However, to build
value in your designs, you need to create products that can keep up with the
constant design changes driven by market demands. You need to build flexibility in
your designs. Flexibility is the key to a friendly robust product design while
maintaining design intent, and you can accomplish it through planning.
To plan your design, you need to have a basic understanding of your model from a
broad perspective. In other words, understand the overall function, form, and fit of
the product. This understanding includes the following points:
• Overall Size

• Basic model characteristics

• The way in which the model can be assembled

• Approximate amount of components the assembly would contain

• The way in which the model can be manufactured

Design Approaches
Even the best plans are imperfect. However, you can eliminate many future
modeling issues if you think out your model before starting your design. The
following two design approaches can help you in determining your planning strategy:
• Top Down Design—You analyze your product from the finished product and
work down. So, you begin with the master assembly and break it down into
assemblies and subassemblies. Then, identify the main assembly components
and their key features. Finally, understand the relationships within and between
assemblies, and assess how the product will be assembled. With this information,
you can plan a design and leverage overall design intent into your models. Top
down design is the industry paradigm for companies that design products that
undergo frequent design modifications or for those companies that design diverse

• Bottom Up Design—You analyze your product from the component level and
work up to the master assembly. Note that successful bottom up design demands
a basic understanding of the master assembly. Designs based on the bottom up
approach do not fully leverage design intent. Even though the end result can be
the same as using top down design, you increase your risk for design conflicts
and errors that result in a less flexible design. Bottom up design remains the
most used paradigm in the design industry today. Companies that design similar
products or products that do not demand frequent modifications during their life
cycle use bottom up design approach.

Part – Help Topic Collection

The Modeling Process

The following graphic illustrates the modeling process and the role design intent

Features and Parts

All models that you build contain the following fundamental anatomical attributes:
• Features—Individual geometry created one at a time. Features include datums,
extrusions, holes, rounds, chamfers, surface features, cuts, patterns, sweeps,
etc. You can have multiple features in a part.

• Parts—Collection of geometric features that define the geometric entity called

the part. Parts are referred to as components in an assembly. You can have
multiple components in an assembly.

• Assemblies—Collection of components assembled together to create the model.

You can have multiple assemblies and subassemblies in a hierarchical order
according to their relationships with other assemblies and the master assembly.

Parent-Child Relationships
You can use various types of Pro/ENGINEER features as building blocks in the
progressive creation of solid parts. Certain features, by necessity, precede other


more dependent features in the design process. Those dependent features rely on
the previously defined features for dimensional and geometric references. This is
known as a parent-child relationship.
The parent-child relationship is one of the most powerful aspects of Pro/ENGINEER
and parametric modeling in general. This relationship plays an important role in
propagating changes across the model to maintain the design intent. After a parent
feature in a part is changed, all children are dynamically altered to reflect the
changes in the parent feature. If you suppress or delete a parent feature,
Pro/ENGINEER prompts you for an action pertaining to the related children. You can
also minimize the cases of unnecessary or unintended parent-child relationships.
It is therefore essential to reference feature dimensions so that Pro/ENGINEER can
correctly propagate design changes throughout the model. When working with
parent-child relationships, it can be helpful to remember that parent features can
exist without child features. However, child features cannot exist without their

Putting It All Together

Using the bottom up design approach, you incorporate features and parts of a
complex design into assemblies and subassemblies, and ultimately into the master
assembly. If you work in a top down direction, you break down a master assembly
into subassemblies, parts, and features.
Whichever design approach you use, your task is to properly capture the design
intent to provide some level of flexibility. The more flexibility that you built into your
models, the fewer issues that will arise as you change the design during the product
life cycle. Remember that each Pro/ENGINEER parametric model is a careful
synthesis of physical and intellectual design.

Starting Out in Part Mode

The first feature you create in the model can be a solid, datum, or a group of
features copied from your UDF (User-Defined Feature) library.

Creating the Initial Solid Feature

The first solid feature is the working block of material that is refined and modified
until the final design. The first feature extrusions are always extruded in the positive
direction (out of the screen towards you).

Creating a User-Defined Feature as the First Feature

You can create a group from your UDF library as the base feature as long as it has
no references to other features.
For example, you might have a UDF that is a solid feature that references two datum
planes, which reference the default coordinate system (created as the base feature).
All the features must then be included in the UDF to become the base feature for a
new part.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Creating Features
There are many kinds of features that you can create on a part. There are solid
features and surface features, and features specific to applications. Part modeling
refers to the creation of solid features and some user-defined features.
Some features add material and some remove material. The most basic way to add
material is through a protrusion. The most basic way to remove material is through a
Tip: A feature is the smallest building block in a Pro/ENGINEER part model. If you
build your models with simple features, your parts become more flexible.


Configuring Pro/ENGINEER for Using Part

About Configuration Options for Part

You can customize the way you model parts by entering configuration
file options and their values in the Options dialog box (Tools > Options).
Part Modeling Help provides a list of configuration options arranged in alphabetical
order. Each option contains the following information:
• Configuration option name.

• Default and available variables or values. All default values are in italic.

• Brief description and notes describing the configuration option.

To Set Configuration Options for Part

1. Click Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.

2. Click the Show only options loaded from file check box to see currently
loaded configuration options or clear this check box to see all configuration

3. Select the configuration option from the list or type the configuration option
name in the Option box.

4. In the Value box type or select a value.

Note: The default value is followed by an asterisk (*).

5. Click Add/Change. The configuration option and its value appear in the list. A
green status icon confirms the change.

6. When you finish configuring, click Apply or OK.

value (between 1.0e-6 and 1.0e-4)
Enter an accuracy value to override the default lower limit of 0.0001. The upper limit
is fixed at 0.01.

yes, no
Setting this configuration option to yes makes the following commands available
when you click Insert > Advanced:
• Local Push

• Radius Dome

• Section Dome

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Ear

• Lip

• Slot

• Shaft

• Flange

• Neck

Setting this configuration option to yes also makes Evaluate available when you
click Insert > Model Datum.

yes, no
Disallows the movement of drawing views with the mouse.

yes, no
Defines the Cosmetic Thread User Interface.
yes—Creates a Cosmetic Thread as a UDF.
no—Creates a Cosmetic Thread as a Cosmetic Thread feature.

Set angle_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in angular units for
handle movement.

yes, no
When set to yes, any annotation feature that is contained in the copied group, is
hidden in the new group. In the new group, the Annotation Feature will not be visible
in the Graphics window.

value (1 through 10, default is 5)
Specifies the maximum number of edge chains that each Auto Round Member (ARM)
of an Auto Round feature can contain.


yes, no
yes—Transparent colors will appear using alpha blending (if supported) when the
model is shaded.

0.100000, value
Set centimeter_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in centimeter
units for handle movement.

cross, dot (filled), circle, triangle, square
Modifies the display of datum point symbols in Part or Assembly mode.

Defines the default absolute part accuracy.

value (default = 2 for non-angular dimensions)
Sets the default number of decimal places (0-14) to be displayed in all model modes
for non-angular dimensions. It does not affect the displayed number of digits of
dimensions as modified using Num Digits. The number of decimal places of
dimensions created in Sketcher is controlled by the option sketcher_dec_places.

value (default = 32)
Sets the largest denominator to be used for fractional dimensions. If the fraction can
be reduced, then it converts to the lowest possible denominator (for example, 4/32
converts to 1/8).

yes, no
Sets the default for displaying or not displaying the coordinate systems.
yes—Coordinate systems display.
no—Coordinate systems do not display.

Part – Help Topic Collection

yes, no
yes—Parametric sketching constraints, such as V for vertical, are displayed when a
drawing object is selected.

none, modified, all
Indicates which objects are written to local cache when objects in Pro/ENGINEER
memory are saved.

Enter the amount of disk space (in megabytes) to allocate for local file storage.

yes, no
yes—You must set primary server and/or workspace for each Pro/ENGINEER session.

automatic, periodically, explicit
Indicates when modified Pro/ENGINEER objects are moved from the local cache to
the user workspace on the server.

yes, no
Controls the display of the ACCURACY menu, from which you can choose Relative
Accuracy or Absolute Accuracy.
yes—The ACCURACY menu always appears when you choose Accuracy from the
no—The menu appears only if the part is currently defined with absolute accuracy.

yes, no
Handles unattached protrusion and cuts, when retrieving pre-Release 15 models.
yes—When a part is retrieved, the system fails an unattached protrusion or cut.
no—When a part is retrieved, the system does not fail an unattached protrusion or


yes, no
In feature creation, determines whether or not Define is automatically activated
when you open the dialog box.
yes—Button is activated automatically.
no—You must click Define.

yes, no
In feature creation, determines whether or not the system activates OK
automatically when the last required element is defined.
yes—Button is automatically activated.
no—You must click OK.

1.000000, value
Sets a scale factor for enlarging the size of the flip arrow that appears for feature
creation direction (default = 1).

0.083333, value
Set foot_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in foot units for
handle movement.

yes, no
Controls the method of UDF replacement.
yes—Removes the group to be replaced from the model and performs group member
replacement. When the group is replaced by a Family Table instance, the children of
the old group are automatically mapped to the replacement Family Table instance.
no—Suppresses the group to be replaced, and then places the replacement group
using the same references.

yes, no
Controls the renaming of replaced groups.
yes—Changes the existing group name to that of the new group.

Part – Help Topic Collection

no—Preserves the existing group name, if it is a user-defined name.

yes, no
yes—In the Hole dashboard, you can change the diameter of a suggested default
diameter for standard tapped and clearance holes. Set this to yes if you are familiar
with available drills and need to change the system default value.
no⎯Pro/ENGINEER displays a diameter value (based on the table lookup function)
and grays out the value so you cannot change it.

Enables you to use a local hole table instead of the system hole table.

0.125000, value
Set inch_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in inch units for
handle movement.

text, html
Sets up the default format type for information output.
text⎯Information output is in text.
html⎯Information output is html.

yes, no
Sets the initial state of how the system treats datums and features created at run

yes, no
yes—Displays a tilde (~) in front of a dimension if that dimension:
• Is set to display as a fraction

• Has an actual value that has not been rounded to equate exactly to the displayed
fractional value (in other words, the fraction shows 7/32 but the actual value is
.22, not 0.21875)


Note: The second case is a general case that does not always require a relation in
order to occur.

0.001000, value
Set meter_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in meter units for
handle movement.

1.000000, value
Set millimeter_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in millimeter
units for handle movement.

yes, no
Enables the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire parameter editor and user interface

yes, no
Enables the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire relations editor and user interface.

<directory name>
Sets the default directory for the user-defined feature (UDF) library. If not specified,
your current working directory is the default. Use the full path name to avoid
problems. For example, /home/users/library/groups.

0.050000, value
Set ratio_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in percentage units
for handle movement.

yes, no
Determines whether an object from a Pro/INTRALINK database with blocking status
can be regenerated in a Pro/Engineer session.

Part – Help Topic Collection

all_modes, sketcher_only
A datum plane can be selected by picking on its visual boundary. If you have to
select frequently, you might want to set this option to sketcher_only so that the
selection mode is active only in Sketcher.

yes, no
Determines if axes are created for newly extruded arcs.

yes, no
Shows negative or positive values for dimensions.
no—Dimension values appear positive; if you enter a negative value, the system
creates the geometry to the opposite side.
yes—If the dimension you modify is negative, and if you enter a negative value, the
system creates the geometry to the same side (with the exception of dimensions
created with respect to coordinate systems and datum point offsets—these
dimensions display the negative/positive value even if this option is set to no).

yes, no
yes—The SHOW ERRORS menu appears at the end of feature creation when the
feature has geometry checks.

Specifies the default color of curve entities. The three decimal values specify (in
order) a percentage of red, green and blue in the resulting color. For example, 0 0
49 specifies a medium blue.

0.500000, value
Set user_defined_grid_interval when you want to modify grid space in user
defined length units for handle movement.

yes, no
yes—Use the old stroke-based PTC font as the default font.


no—Use a True Type font as the default font.

Enter the location of Pro/ENGINEER browser home page.

on, off
on—Enable the Javascript API for Pro/ENGINEER.
off—Disable the Javascript API for Pro/ENGINEER.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Datum Features

Datum Planes

About Datum Planes

Datum planes are used as a reference on a part where a datum plane does not
already exist. For example, you can sketch or place features on a datum plane when
there is no other appropriate planar surface.
You can also use a datum plane as a reference to place set datum tag annotations. If
no datum plane exists, selecting the planar surface to which the datum tag
annotations are associated, automatically creates an internal datum plane. The set
datum tags are placed on the reference datum plane or the coplanar surface
associated with the datum plane.
You can also dimension to a datum plane as if it were an edge. When you are
constructing an assembly, you can use datums with assembly commands.
Datum planes are infinite, but you can size them to fit a part, feature, surface, edge,
or axis, or specify values for the height and width of the display outlines of datum
planes. Alternatively, you can use the handles that are displayed to drag the
boundaries of datum planes to resize their display outline.
Note: The values that you specify as the height and width of the display outlines of
datum planes are not Pro/ENGINEER dimension values and are not displayed.
You can create a datum plane by specifying constraints that position it with respect
to existing geometry. The constraints you choose must position the datum plane
relative to the model without ambiguity.

Datum Plane Colors and Names

By default, datum planes have two sides: brown and gray. You use the colors when
you assemble components, orient views, and sketch references. Pro/ENGINEER
displays datum planes as brown or gray, depending on which side is facing the
When you create datum planes, the system assigns them names in sequential order
(DTM1, DTM2, and so on). If desired, you can set an initial name for a datum plane
during the creation process by using the Properties tab in the DATUM PLANE
dialog box. Or if you want to change the name of an existing datum plane, you can
right-click on the datum feature on the Model Tree and select Rename from the
shortcut menu or double-click the name of the datum plane on the Model Tree.

Selecting Datum Planes

To select a datum plane, you can pick on its name, select one of its boundaries or
select it on the Model Tree.
The visual boundaries of the datums sometimes get in the way of selecting surfaces
or edges of the model. If this happens, use Query Sel, or set the


select_on_dtm_edges configuration option to sketcher_only so that the visual

edges of the datum are selectable only when you dimension sketched sections.

Creating Datum Planes On the Fly

In the process of feature creation, the system lets you create a datum plane on-the-

fly by clicking on the Datum toolbar or Insert > Model Datum > Plane.

Datum planes are represented on the Model Tree by .

About the Datum Planes User Interface

The datum plane user interface consists of the following:
DATUM PLANE dialog box
Shortcut menus


The DATUM PLANE dialog box contains the following tabbed pages:
• Placement

• Display

• Properties

The Placement tabbed page contains the following:

• References collector—Allows you to place a new datum plane by referencing
existing planes, surfaces, edges, points, coordinate systems, axes, vertices,
sketch-based features, face facets, edge facets, vertex facets, curves, sketched
datum curves, and channels.

You can also select intent objects, datum coordinate systems, or noncylindrical
surfaces as placement references for the creation of datum planes. Additionally,
you can set a constraint for each of the selected references. The constraint types
available on the Constraint Type Options menu are as follows:

o Through—Places the new datum plane through the selected reference.

When you select a datum coordinate system as the placement reference,
the Planes Options menu appears with the following options:

XY—Places the datum plane through the XY plane

YZ—Places the datum plane through the YZ plane and is the default

ZX—Places the datum plane through the ZX plane

o Offset—Places the new datum plane at an offset from the selected

reference. It is the default constraint type when you select a datum
coordinate system as the placement reference. Depending on the

Part – Help Topic Collection

references you have selected, you can use the Constraint list box to enter
a transitional offset value or a rotational offset value for the new datum

o Parallel—Places the new datum parallel to the selected reference.

o Normal—Places the new datum plane normal to the selected reference.

o Tangent—Places the new datum plane tangent to the selected reference.

The Tangent constraint is added to the newly created datum plane when
the datum plane is tangent to a noncylindrical surface and passes through a
datum point, vertex, or an endpoint of an edge that is selected as a

• Section list—Allows you to specify the section of a sketch-based feature through

which the datum plane passes.

The Display tabbed page contains the following:

• Flip—Flips the normal direction of the datum plane.

• Adjust Outline check box—Allows you to adjust the size of the datum plane's
outline. When selected, the following options are available on the Outline Type
Options menu:

o Reference—Allows you to size the datum plane to the selected reference

such as a part, feature, edge, axis, or surface.

o Size—Allows you to size the datum plane or adjust its outline display size
to specified values of width and height and is the default. When selected,
the following options are available:

o Width—Allows you to specify a value as the width of the datum plane

outline display. Is available when you select the Adjust Outline check box
and Size.

o Height—Allows you to specify a value as the height of the datum plane

outline display. Is available when you select the Adjust Outline check box
and Size.

Note: When you redefine a legacy datum plane that uses the radius as the
outline dimension, the radius dimension is changed to the height and width
values of the displayed outline of the legacy datum plane. These values are
displayed in the Width and Height boxes when you select the Adjust
Outline check box and select Size in the Display tabbed page.

o Lock aspect ratio—Allows you to maintain the proportion between the

height and the width of the datum plane outline display. Is available when
you select the Adjust Outline check box and Size.

In the Properties tabbed page you can view information about the current datum
plane feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser. Additionally, you can use the
Properties tabbed page to rename the datum feature.


Shortcut Menus
When you right-click in the graphics window, the Feature menu appears with the
following options:
• Flip Normal direction—Flips the normal direction of the datum plane.

• Clear—Clears the active collector.

• Switch to Offset—Available when you snap an offset drag handle to a specific

location. Allows you to unsnap an already snapped handle and changes the
constraint from Parallel to Offset by removing the Through constraint. Maintains
the location of the datum plane and displays the offset handle.

When you select the Adjust Outline check box on the Display tabbed page, select
Reference, and right-click in the graphics window, a shortcut menu appears with
the following options:
• Placement References—Activates the Placement collector and allows you to
specify the placement references to which the datum plane is constrained.

• Fit Outline—Activates the Fit Outline collector and allows you to specify the
reference to which the datum plane display outline is sized.

When you right-click in the Reference collector, a shortcut menu appears with the
following options:
• Remove—Clears the reference that you select in the Reference collector.

• Information—Allows you to view information about the selected reference in the

Pro/ENGINEER embedded browser or the Information window.

The following are the types of handles that are displayed:
• Two-Dimension Outline Handle—Available when you specify the width and
height values to resize the display outline of a datum plane in the Display tabbed
page of the DATUM PLANE dialog box. The outline handle is located at each
corner of the preview of the current datum plane being created or redefined. You
can move any one of the handles to resize the datum plane outline display.

• Offset Handle—Displayed when you select datum planes or planar surfaces as

references for the creation of datum planes, and when the default constraint is
Offset. You can use the offset handle to manually translate the datum plane to
the required offset distance, snap the handle to a point, linear edge, axis, or
curve, and also unsnap the handle that is snapped to a location.

The offset handle is automatically locked when you add a relation to drive the
Offset dimension.

About Using Datum Planes with Legacy Data

For datum planes created in the earlier versions of Pro/ENGINEER, the datum plane
adjusts its boundaries as follows:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Radius values specified

• The size of the selected references, such as a part, feature, edge, axis, or surface

Using Legacy Datum Planes with Size Adjusted to Specified Radius

For legacy datum planes with radius dimensions that determine their size:
• The radius dimensions of the legacy datum planes are not retained if you have
redefined the datum planes in the current version of Pro/ENGINEER.

Note: When the radius, which is the outline dimension that drives a relation, is
not retained but is changed to the height and width values during redefinition,
the relevant relation is also no longer valid.

• The radius dimensions of the legacy datum planes are retained if you have not
redefined the legacy datum planes in the current version of Pro/ENGINEER.

When the radius dimensions of the legacy datum planes are retained, you can
redefine and change the radius dimension in the current version of Pro/ENGINEER.
The height and width values of the displayed outline of the legacy datum plane are
displayed in Width and Height boxes when you select the Adjust Outline checkbox
and select Size in the Display tabbed page of the DATUM PLANE dialog box. The
outline handle is displayed and you can use the handle to enlarge the boundaries of
the datum plane.

Using Legacy Datum Planes with Datum Coordinate Systems or

Point Features as References
If you redefine legacy datum planes with datum coordinate systems or datum point
features that include only single points, the current version of Pro/ENGINEER
displays the datum coordinate systems or the datum point features in the Fit
Outline collector as references to which the legacy datum planes adjust their size.
If the datum point features consist of more than single points, you can retain a
single point in each feature and delete the rest of the points. The datum planes
adjust their size to the reference datum point features with single points. During the
redefinition process, you can replace these datum point features with valid

About Modifying the Size of the Datum Planes

Datum planes, by default, are displayed scaled to the model size. You can resize the
boundaries of the datum planes or adjust them to selected references or specific
values. You can size datum planes to visually fit a selected reference which is a part,
feature, surface, edge, or axis. Alternatively, you can specify values for the height
and width of the datum planes to expand the display outlines of the datum planes
beyond the model outlines when you create or redefine datum planes. View the
display outlines of the datum planes in Drawing mode.
Note: You cannot change the values of width and height by editing the datum plane


The values that you specify as the height and width of the datum plane boundaries
are not Pro/ENGINEER dimension values and are not displayed. These values do not
affect the regeneration of the model. Use the default_dec_places configuration
option to set precise values.
Alternatively, you can also use the two-dimension outline handles to resize the
display outlines of datum planes. A handle is displayed at each corner of the
previewed datum plane when you specify the width and height values for the display
outline of a datum plane.
You can lock the aspect ratio between the values of width and height such that a
change in a value also changes the other value proportionally. When you drag one of
the handles to change the height or width of the previewed datum plane, the values
are automatically updated in the Width and Height boxes of the Display tabbed
page. The movement of the handle in the direction of the width or height is
correspondingly restricted and the location of the mirrored handle is maintained as
• When you move the top right handle, the bottom left handle is not moved

• When you move the top left handle, the bottom right handle is not moved

• When you move the bottom right handle, the top left handle is not moved

• When you move the bottom left handle, the top right handle is not moved

Note: The movement of the handle is restricted to a point when the value of the
width or height is equal to its upper limit.
Model accuracy is maintained when the datum plane display outline changes.
Pro/ENGINEER may refit the display outline, if required.

To Create a Datum Plane and Adjust Its Display by Size

1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum >

Plane. The DATUM PLANE dialog box opens.

2. In the graphics window, select placement references for the new datum plane.
Choose the required constraint option from the constraint list within the
References collector.

3. To add multiple references to your select list, press CTRL while you select. As you
select your references, they appear in the References collector in the DATUM
PLANE dialog box.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you have established the necessary constraints. If the
references are incomplete, the system will wait for additional references until the
datum is fully constrained.

5. Click the Display tab to adjust the size of the outline display of the datum plane.

6. Select the Adjust Outline check box.

7. Select Size to adjust the size of the outline display to the specified values.

Part – Help Topic Collection

8. Specify values in Width and Height for the width and height of the datum plane
outline display.

Note: The height and width values of the datum plane outline display are not
displayed in the graphics window. The two-dimension outline handles are
displayed at each corner of the datum plane preview. Alternatively, drag one of
the handles to change the width or height of the datum plane display outline.

9. Click Lock aspect ratio if you want to maintain the proportion of the height and
width of the outline display.

10. Click OK to create the datum plane with its outline display adjusted to the
specified height and width values.

To Adjust Datum Display by Reference

You can size all datum planes to visually fit a part, feature, surface, edge, axis, or
1. Right-click on the datum plane in the Model Tree and select Edit Definition from
the shortcut menu. Alternatively, select a datum plane in the graphics window
and click Edit > Definition. The DATUM PLANE dialog box opens.

Note: You can also adjust the size of the datum plane during the creation of the
datum plane.

2. Click the Display tab.

3. Select the Adjust Outline check box.

4. Select Reference in the list box to size the datum plane to the selected

Note: To select a feature as the reference, set up the selection filter to

exclusively select features and filter out datum coordinate systems and datum
point features that include single points.

5. Select a part, feature, edge, axis, or surface as a size reference.

6. Click OK to adjust the datum display.

To Create an Offset Datum Plane

1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar. The DATUM PLANE dialog box

opens. Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum > Plane.

2. Select an existing datum plane or planar surface from which to offset the new
datum plane. The reference you select appears in the References collector along
with its constraint type.

3. If Offset is not the default constraint for the selected reference, select Offset
from the constraints list in the References collector.


4. To adjust the offset distance, you can:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually translate the
datum plane to the required distance.

o In the DATUM PLANE dialog box, type a distance value in the Offset
Translation value box or select a value from a list of the most recently
used values.

5. Click OK to create the offset datum plane.

To Create a Datum Plane with an Angular Offset

1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar. The DATUM PLANE dialog box

opens. Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum > Plane.

2. Select an existing datum axis, straight edge, or straight curve. The reference you
select appears in the References collector in the DATUM PLANE dialog box.

3. If Through is not the default constraint, select Through from the constraints list
in the References collector.

4. Press CTRL and select a datum plane or planar surface that is normal to the
selected datum axis. By default Offset is selected as the constraint.

Note: You can also first select a planar surface to create the datum plane.

5. To adjust the angle of the datum plane:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually rotate the datum
plane to the required angle.

o In the DATUM PLANE dialog box, type an angular value in the Offset
Rotation value box or select a value from a list of the most recently used

6. Click OK to create the offset datum plane.

Snapping and Unsnapping of Handles

When you select datum planes or planar surfaces as references for the creation of
datum planes, and when the default constraint is Offset, a handle is displayed with
which you can manually drag the datum plane to the required offset distance.
You can also snap the offset handles to the following locations:
• A point

• A linear edge

• An axis

• A curve

Part – Help Topic Collection

These locations or references to which the handles are snapped have the constraint
type Through while the constraint of the datum planes or the datum reference is set
to Parallel.
You can also unsnap handles that are already snapped to these locations so that
references with the Through constraint, such as a vertex, datum point, straight edge,
curve, or datum axis, are removed while the location of the datum plane or planar
surface is maintained. To unsnap a handle, you must hold down the SHIFT key and
move the handle with the mouse located close to the handle.
Pro/ENGINEER displays the snapped handle when the Placement collector in the
DATUM PLANE dialog box displays one of the following selections:
• A datum plane or planar surface with the Parallel constraint and a vertex or
datum point with the Through constraint

• A vertex or a datum point with the Through constraint and a datum plane or
planar surface with the Parallel constraint

• A datum plane or planar surface with the Parallel constraint and a parallel
straight edge, curve, or datum axis with the Through constraint

• A parallel straight edge, curve, or datum axis with the Through constraint and a
parallel datum plane or planar surface with the Parallel constraint

The offset handle is automatically locked when you add a relation to drive the Offset

About Creating a Datum Plane Using a Datum Coordinate System

You can select a datum coordinate system as a placement reference and place the
datum plane along one of its axes, at an offset from the origin, or through one of the
virtual planes. The constraints that are available are Offset and Through. Offset is
the default.
When the constraint type is Offset, the datum plane is placed along one of the axes
of the datum coordinate system that is selected as a placement reference and is
offset from the origin.
If you set the show_dim_sign configuration option to no, the offset dimension is
displayed as an absolute or positive value even if you have entered a negative value,
and the datum plane flips to the opposite side of the reference datum coordinate
system. When you set show_dim_sign to yes with a negative value, the offset
dimension is displayed as the real value, and the datum plane retains its location on
the same side as the reference datum coordinate system.
When the constraint type is Through, you must select one of the following virtual
planes defined by the selected datum coordinate system:
• XY

• YZ

• ZX


The default virtual plane is YZ. The datum plane is defined through the specified axes
and placed through the selected virtual plane of the datum coordinate system. That
is, if you select the XY virtual plane, the datum plane is defined through the x- and
y-axes of the datum coordinate system.

To Create a Datum Plane Through a Datum Coordinate System

1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar. The DATUM PLANE dialog box

opens. Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum > Plane.

2. Select a datum coordinate system as the placement reference. The selected

datum coordinate system appears in the References collector along with its
constraint type.

3. Change the constraint type to Through in the References collector.

4. Select one of the following Plane options:

o XY—Places the datum plane through the XY plane and defined through the
x- and y-axes of the datum coordinate axis.

o YZ—Places the datum plane through the YZ plane and defined through the
y- and z-axes of the datum coordinate axis. This is the default.

o ZX—Places the datum plane through the XZ plane and defined through the
z- and x-axes of the datum coordinate axis.

5. Click OK to create the offset datum plane offset in the specified direction along
one of the axes of the datum coordinate system or through one of the virtual
planes of the datum coordinate system.

About Creating a Datum Plane Tangent to a Surface

You can create a datum plane that is tangent to a noncylindrical surface and passes
through one of the following references:
• A datum point

• A vertex

• An endpoint of an edge

The following depend on whether you first select a noncylindrical surface or a

• If you first select a surface, then select any datum point on the selected surface
or on an edge that is created by the selected surface. You can also select a
vertex or the endpoint of an edge instead of the datum point. However, the
vertex or the endpoint of an edge that you select must also belong to the
selected surface.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• If you first select or create the datum point and then select the noncylindrical
surface, you must have used the surface or one of its edges as the placement
reference to create the datum point.

• If you first select a vertex or an endpoint of an edge and then select the
noncylindrical surface, the surface must include the vertex or the endpoint of the

The Tangent constraint is added to the newly created datum plane.

To Preselect Datum References

As a time-saving measure you can select any of the following combinations of

references in the graphics window and click the button to define a fully
constrained datum plane. This feature allows you to quickly define datum planes
without using the DATUM PLANE dialog box.

References Results

Two coplanar edges or two axes (must Datum plane is created

be coplanar but not collinear) constrained through the

Three datum points or vertices (must Datum plane is created

not be collinear) constrained through each of the
datum points / vertices.

A datum plane or planar surface and Datum plane is created normal to

two datum points or vertices (points or plane through the selected points.
vertices must not be collinear with the
normal to the plane)

A datum point and an axis or straight Datum plane is created

edge/curve (point must not be collinear constrained through the datum
with the axis or edge) point and the axis / edge.

Datum Axes

About Datum Axes

Like datum planes, datum axes can be used as references for feature creation.
Datum axes are particularly useful for making datum planes, placing items
concentrically, and creating radial patterns.
You can use a datum axis as a reference to place set datum tag annotations. If no
datum axis exists, selecting the geometry to which the set datum tags are
associated, such as a circular curve or edge or the edge of a cylindrical surface,
automatically creates an internal datum axis. The set datum tags are placed normal
to the datum plane referencing the datum axis or the cylindrical surface associated
with the datum axis.


Datum axes, as opposed to feature axes, are individual features that can be
redefined, suppressed, blanked, or deleted. They can be previewed during their
creation. You can specify a value as the axis length or adjust the axis length to
visually fit to an edge, surface, datum axis, a feature in Part mode, or a part in
Assembly mode selected as a reference. The outline of the reference is used to
determine the length of the datum axis.

Datum Axes Names

Pro/ENGINEER names datum axes A_#, where # is the number of datum axes that
have been created.
You can set an initial name for a datum axis during the creation process by using the
Properties tab in the DATUM AXIS dialog box. Or, if you want to change the name
of an existing datum axis, you can right-click on the datum feature in the Model Tree
and select Rename from the shortcut menu.

About the Datum Axes User Interface

The datum axis user interface consists of the following:
DATUM AXIS dialog box
Shortcut menus


The DATUM AXIS dialog box contains the following tabbed pages:

The Placement tabbed page contains the following:
• References Collector—Places a new datum axis. Use this collector to select a
reference on which to place the new datum axis, then select the reference type.
To select additional references, hold down the CTRL key as you select. The
reference types are:

o Through—Indicates that the datum axis extends through the selected


o Normal—Places the datum axis normal to the selected reference. This type
of reference requires you to either define references in the Offset
References collector or add an additional point or vertex to fully constrain
the axis.

o Tangent—Places the datum axis tangent to the selected references. This

type of constraint requires you to add an additional point or vertex as

Part – Help Topic Collection

reference. An axis is created parallel to the tangent vector at the location of

the point or vertex.

o Center—Places the datum axis through the center of the selected planar
circular edge or curve and normal to the plane on which the selected curve
or edge lies.

• Offset References Collector—Activates the Offset References collector if

Normal is selected as a reference type in the References collector. Use this
collector to select offset references.

The Display tabbed page contains the Adjust Outline check box. Adjust Outline
allows you to adjust the length of the datum axis outline so that the datum axis
outline fits to a specified size or to a selected reference. When selected, the following
options are available on the DATUM AXIS dialog box:
o Size—Allows you to adjust the length of the datum axis to a specified
length. You can use the handle to manually adjust the length of the datum
axis to a desired value or specify a value in the Length value box.

o Reference—Allows you to adjust the length of the datum axis so that it fits
to the selected reference such as an edge, surface, datum axis, a feature in
the Part mode, or a part in the Assembly mode. The References collector
displays the selected reference type.

From the Properties tabbed page you can view information about the current datum
axis feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser. Additionally, you can use the Properties
tabbed page to rename the datum feature.

Shortcut Menus
When you right-click in the References collector, a shortcut menu appears with the
following options:
• Remove—Clears the reference that you select in the Reference collector.

• Information—Allows you to view information about the selected reference in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser or the Information window.

When you select a feature in the graphics window and right-click, a shortcut
menu appears with the following options:
• Placement References—Specifies the references through which the datum axis
is created.

• Offset References—Specifies the references from which the datum axis is


• Fit Outline—Specifies the reference to which the size of the datum axis outline
fits. It activates the collector that allows you to specify the reference for the


datum axis. This option is available only when you click the Adjust Outline
check box in the Display tabbed page of the DATUM AXIS dialog box and select

• Clear—Clears the active collector.

To Create a Datum Axis and Adjust Its Size

1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar. The DATUM AXIS dialog box opens.
Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum > Axis.

2. In the graphics window, select up to two placement references for the new datum
axis. You can select planes, surfaces, edges, vertices, curves, and datum points.
The references appear in the References collector in the DATUM AXIS dialog
box. You can preview the datum axis during creation, even though it is not fully

Note: To add multiple references to your select list press CTRL while you select.

3. Select the required constraint option from constraint list in the References
collector. The constraints are Through, Normal, and Tangent.

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until you have established the necessary constraints. If the
references are incomplete, the system waits for additional references until the
datum is fully constrained.

5. Click the Display tab.

6. To change the size of the datum axis, select the Adjust Outline check box and
then click one of the following options from the Outline Type Options menu:

o Size—Adjusts the size of the datum axis to a specified length. Type a value
in the Length value box. The length of the datum axis is the distance
between the two ends of the previewed datum axis.

o Reference—Adjusts the size of the datum axis to the selected reference.

Select an edge, surface, datum axis, feature in the Part mode, or Part in the
Assembly mode as the reference. The References collector displays the
selected reference type. You can also set up the selection filter.

7. Click OK to create the datum axis and adjust its length.

To Create a Datum Axis Normal to a Surface Using Two Offset


1. Click the button in the Datum toolbar. The DATUM AXIS dialog box opens.
Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum > Axis.

2. Select a surface in the graphics window. The selected surface with the constraint
type set to Normal appears in the References collector. You can preview the
datum axis normal to the selected surface. A handle appears on the surface. Two
offset reference handles also appear.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Drag the offset reference handles to select two references or graphically select
two references such as a plane and a planar surface or straight edges. The two
selected offset references appear in the Offset references collector.

4. Click OK to create the datum axis normal to the selected surface.

To Create a Datum Axis Selecting a Circular Curve or Edge

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Axis. The
DATUM AXIS dialog box opens.

2. Select a circular edge or curve, a datum curve, or the edge of a cylindrical

surface that is coplanar as the placement reference for the datum axis.

o The selected reference appears in the References collector in the DATUM

AXIS dialog box.

o The constraint type for the selected reference is Center, by default. A

preview of the datum axis is displayed.

Note: If you change the constraint type of the selected reference to Tangent,
you must select an additional reference, such as a vertex or datum point with
Through as its constraint.

3. Optionally, adjust the length of the datum axis outline so that it fits to a specified
size or to a selected reference using the Adjust Outline check box on the
Display tabbed page.

4. Click OK.

o If the constraint type is Center, the datum axis is created through the
center of the selected circular edge or curve and normal to the plane on
which the selected curve or edge lies.

o If the constraint type is Tangent, with Through as the constraint for the
vertex or datum point that is the additional reference, the datum axis that
is created is constrained tangent to the curve or edge and through the
vertex or the datum point.

To Preselect Datum Axis References

As a time-saving measure you can select any of the following combinations of

references in the graphics window and click to automatically define a fully

constrained datum axis. This feature allows you to quickly define datum axes without
using the DATUM AXIS dialog box.
The datum axis includes handles for specific sets of references, such as a datum
point and planar surface, or a vertex and a datum plane. Hold down the SHIFT key to
snap a handle.

References Results


References Results

One straight edge or A datum axis is created through the selected edge.

Two datum points or A datum axis is created constrained through each

vertices of the datum points or vertices.

A datum point or The datum axis is created through the datum point
vertex and a datum or vertex and perpendicular to the datum plane or
plane or planar surface planar surface. A handle is displayed at the
intersection of the datum axis and the datum
plane or planar surface.

Two nonparallel datum If the planes intersect, a datum axis is created

planes or planar through the line of intersection.

A curve or edge and A datum axis is created constrained through the

one of its end points or endpoint or the datum point and tangent to the
a datum point curve or edge.

A planar circular edge A datum axis is created through the center of the
or curve, a datum planar circular edge or curve and normal to the
curve, or the edge of a plane on which the selected curve or edge lies.
cylindrical surface
For the edge of a cylindrical surface, the datum
axis is created along the center-line of the
cylindrical surface.

A datum point and a If the datum point is on the selected surface, a

surface datum axis is created through the point and
normal to the surface. If the datum point is not on
the selected surface the DATUM AXIS dialog box

Example: Using Datum Axes in Modeling

Through edge

Part – Help Topic Collection

Through cylinder

Intersection of two planes

Through two points

Normal through point on surface (normal to surface)


Datum Points

About the Datum Point Feature

You can use datum points as a construction element when modeling geometry or as
a known point for conducting computations and model analyses. You can add points
to your model at any time—even while in the process of creating another feature.
To add datum points to your model, use the Datum Point feature. A Datum point
feature can contain multiple datum points that are created during the same
operation. Datum points that belong to the same feature behave as follows:
• In the Model Tree, all datum points appear under one feature node.

• All points in the Datum Point feature act as a group. Deleting a feature deletes all
points in that feature.

• To delete individual points in the Datum Point feature, you must edit its

Different Types of Datum Points

Pro/ENGINEER supports four types of datum point that vary depending on their
method of creation and use. Note that the first three types are used in regular
modeling. You can select from the following types of datum points:
• General point—A datum point created on an entity or at the intersection of
entities, or offset from an entity.

• Sketched—A datum point created in Sketcher.

• Offset from a coordinate system—A datum point created by offsetting from a

selected coordinate system.

• Field point—A point used in Behavioral Modeling for analysis purposes. A field
point identifies a geometric domain.

Accessing Datum Points

To access the Datum Point tool, do one of the following:
• Click Insert > Model Datum > Point and select the desired type.

• On the Datums toolbar, click an arrow next to to open the datum point

palette , which displays icons for different types of datum

point. Select an icon for the particular type of datum point that you want to

Part – Help Topic Collection

Datum Points Display

Each point is identified by a label PNT#, where # is the consecutive number of the
datum point.
By default, Pro/ENGINEER displays a datum point as a cross. You can change the
point symbol to appear as a dot, circle, triangle, or square using one of the following
• By using the Datum Display dialog box. Click View > Display Settings >
Datum Display and select an option from the Point Symbol list.

• By setting the configuration file option datum_point_symbol.

Point (General)

About General Datum Points

To create datum points that lie on or are offset from the model geometry, use the
general type of datum points. Depending on the existing geometry and your design
intent, you can use different methods for specifying the point's location.
Note: Within one Datum Point feature, you can add points using different placement
You can place a general datum point at the following locations:
• On a curve, edge, or axis

• At the center of a circular or elliptical entity

• On a surface or quilt, or offset from a surface or quilt

• On a vertex or offset from a vertex

• Offset from an existing datum point

• Offset from a coordinate system.

• At the intersection of entities. For example, you can place a point at the
intersection of three planes, at the intersection of a curve and a surface, or at the
intersection of two curves.

Note: You cannot place a datum point on the axis of a coordinate system. However,
you can use an axis of a coordinate system as the offset direction.

Accessing a General Datum Point

To access a general datum point, do one of the following:
• Click Insert > Model Datum > Point > Point.

• On the Datum Features toolbar, click .


Using the Object-Action Workflow

With certain types of datum points, you can first select feature references and then
activate the Datum Points tools.
You can select the following feature references before activating the tool:
• A vertex

• Multiple vertices

• A curve

• An edge

• A surface or quilt

• A datum axis

• A coordinate system

You can select the following combinations of entities after activating the tool:
• A datum point and a coordinate system or an axis of a coordinate system.

• A datum point and a straight curve, edge, or axis

• A datum point and a datum plane or planar surface

• A vertex and a straight curve, edge, or axis

• A vertex and a datum coordinate system or an axis of a coordinate system

• A vertex and datum plane or planar surface

• Two or three surfaces

• Two edges or curves

• Surface (or datum plane) and curve (or edge)

Creating a Group of Datum Points on a Surface or Quilt

You can create a group of datum points on a surface or quilt by placing multiple
points on the selected reference. All points created during one operation belong to
the same group.

About the General Point User Interface

The user interface for general datum points includes:
Feature icon
Datum Point dialog box
Shortcut menu

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Feature Icon

The icon for the general datum points is located on the Datums toolbar.

Datum Point Dialog Box

The Datum Point dialog box has two tabs:
• Placement—Defines a point's location.

• Properties—Lets you edit the feature name and access feature information in
the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Using the Placement Tab

The Placement tab of the Datum Point dialog box adapts to the particular
placement method that you chose by providing options and fields that are required
for constraining the point. Therefore, as you switch from one placement method (for
example, at the intersection of three datums) to another (for example, on curve),
the appropriate input fields become available. For details, refer to a specific datum
point creation procedure.
The Placement tab may include the following elements:
• Points list—Lists points that you have created within the current datum point

• References—Lists primary placement references. For example, if you are

creating a point at the intersection of three surface, the three selected surfaces
appear in the list.

You can remove or add references. Press CTRL while adding to the References
list. To remove a reference, right-click the reference and click Remove, or
unselect it from the graphics window.

If appropriate, a reference may have specific placement constraint listed. For

example, On or Offset, or On and At Center.

• Offset box—Lists an offset dimension for points placed at an offset distance.

• Offset references—Lists references that you select for dimensioning a point to

the model geometry. To start adding references, click within the list and select a
reference. To add another reference, press CTRL while selecting the next
reference. To remove a reference, do one of the following:

o Right-click the reference and click Remove.

o Unselect the reference from the graphics window.

o Use the offset reference handle.

For each selected reference, you can adjust the placement dimension (located to
the right of the reference) by clicking the dimension value and typing a new one.


Note: For points on a curve or edge, the Offset references section lists
additional elements. For details, see the procedure for adding points on a curve.

Shortcut Menus
The options on the shortcut menu depend on the datum point you are creating.
When you right-click a datum point, the shortcut menu may list the following
• Placement References—Specifies new placement references.

• Offset References—Specifies new offset references.

• Offset—Changes the On location constraint to Offset.

• Next Curve End—Lets you select the other endpoint of a curve or edge to use as
a reference.

• New Point—Lets you create a new point.

• Ratio—Lets you type a length ratio for placing a point on a curve or edge.

• Real—Lets you type a distance from the endpoint of a curve or edge.

• Duplicate—Create a datum point by applying the same placement constraints

and references.

• Unsnap—Unselect an entity that was prehighlighted by the system.

To Work with the Points List in the Datum Points Dialog Box
As you add a new point, the new point appears on the points list on the Placement
tab of the Datum Point dialog box.
You can right-click a point on the list to access the following commands on the
shortcut menu:
• Delete—Delete the selected point.

• Rename—Rename the selected point.

• Duplicate—Create a new point using the same placement method.

To add a new point, do one of the following:

• Click New Point in the point list in the Datum Point dialog box.

• Select a point and click Duplicate on the shortcut menu. This creates a new
point with the same references.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Create a Datum Point on a Curve, Edge, or Datum Axis

1. Select an edge, datum curve, or axis.

2. Click . A default point is added to the selected entity. The Datum Point
dialog box opens. Notice that the new point is added to the point list, and the
entity collected for the operation appears under References.

3. You can adjust the point's location manually by dragging the point's handle, or
you can position the point using the Placement tab.

When positioning a datum point using the Placement tab, you have two options:

o End of curve—Measure the distance from the selected end of a curve or

edge. To use another endpoint, click Next End. For a curve or edge, the
End of curve option is selected by default.

o Reference—Measure the distance from a selected entity. Select a

reference entity, for example, a solid surface.

There are two ways to specify the offset distance:

o By specifying the offset ratio—Type the offset ratio in the Offset dimension
box. The offset ratio is a fraction of the distance from the datum point to
the selected endpoint to the total length of the curve or edge. You can
enter a value between 0 and 1. For example, entering the offset ratio of
.25, places a datum point at 1/4 of the curve's length from the selected

o By specifying the actual length—Change Ratio to Real by selecting from

the pull-down list. In the Offset dimension box, type the actual curve
length from the datum point to the endpoint or reference.

4. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.

Tip: Creating a Datum Point at the Extension of a Straight Edge or

You can create a point on the invisible extension of a straight edge, straight curve, or
datum axis.
1. Select a linear reference.

2. Click . The Datum Point dialog box opens.

3. Under Offset references, select Reference.

4. Drag the handle along the invisible extension of the selected edge, curve, or
datum axis.

Tip: You can adjust the placement dimension by using the Datum Point dialog
box. Click a dimension value listed in Offset references and type a new one.

5. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.


To Create a Datum Point at a Curve's Intersection

You can use this procedure to create a datum point at the intersection of a curve,
edge, or axis with another entity such as a plane, surface, curve, edge, or axis.
1. Select a curve, edge, or axis.

2. Click . A default point is added to the selected entity. The Datum Point
dialog box opens, and the new point is added to the points list. The entity
collected for the operation appears under References.

3. To move the point to the intersection with another entity, press CTRL while
selecting the intersecting entity. When you click the intersecting entity, the
datum point snaps to the intersection.


o You can snap to the intersection with another entity by pressing the SHIFT
button while dragging the handle.

o You can unsnap the handle by right-clicking and selecting Unsnap on the
shortcut menu.

4. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.

To Create a Datum Point at the Center

You can create a datum point at the center of a circular or elliptical datum curve or
1. Select a circular or elliptical edge or datum curve.

2. Click . The Datum Point dialog box opens. By default, the system creates a
point that lies on the selected entity. The location constraint under References is
set to On.

3. To place the point at the center of the selected entity, you must switch the On
location constraint to At Center. In the Datum Point dialog box, click On in the
table cell and select At Center from the pull-down list. The point is placed at the

4. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.

To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Surface

You can add points to a surface or quilt. To place a point on a surface or quilt, you
must dimension it to two references. In Pro/ENGINEER, these dimensions are
considered offset reference dimensions. Each new point placed on a surface or quilt
has a placement handle displayed at the pick location and two offset reference
handles that you will use to dimension the point to the model geometry. Initially, the
offset reference handles are not attached to any reference.
Tip: To create an offset point, start by creating a point on a surface and then offset
it from the surface by changing the On location constraint to Offset.

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1. Select a surface or quilt.

2. Click . The Datum Point dialog box opens. A new point is added to the points
list, and the selected surface appears under References.

In the graphics window, the new point is added to the model at the selected

3. Dimension the point to two offset references. For each direction, drag the offset
reference handle to attach it to the appropriate reference entity (an edge,
surface, or plane). When you release the handle, the system adds a placement

Tip: Alternatively, you can click within the Offset references list in the Datum
Point dialog box and hold down CTRL while selecting a reference for each

4. To adjust placement dimensions, double-click a dimension value in the graphics

area and type a new one.

Tip: Alternatively, you can adjust dimensions by using the Datum Point dialog
box. Click a dimension value listed under Offset references and type a new

5. If you are creating an offset point, you must change the default On location
constraint to Offset. To do this, click On and select Offset from the list.

Tip: You can right-click the point's placement handle and select Offset from the
shortcut menu.

6. Type the offset value in the Offset dimension box or drag the offset handle to a
desired location.

7. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK.

To Create a Datum Point On or Offset from a Coordinate System or

Its Axis or a Vertex

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Point >
Point. The Datum Point dialog box opens.

Note: To create a datum point on a coordinate system, select the coordinate

system in the graphics window or on the Model Tree and click OK.

2. Select a coordinate system or a vertex in the model in the graphics window. The
selected coordinate system or vertex appears in the References collector of the
Datum Point dialog box.

3. Holding down the CTRL key, select a coordinate system or an axis of a coordinate
system in the graphics window. The selected coordinate system or the axis
appears in the References collector of the Datum Point dialog box, below the
selected coordinate system or vertex.

Note: You can also select a combination of any of the following:


o Two coordinate systems.

o A coordinate system and an axis of a coordinate system.

o A coordinate system and a straight curve, edge, or axis.

o A coordinate system and a datum plane or planar surface.

o A vertex and a coordinate system or an axis of a coordinate system.

o A datum point and a coordinate system or an axis of a coordinate system.

4. Select one of the following offset types in the Offset type box:

o Cartesian—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by specifying the X, Y,

and Z values.

o Cylindrical—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by specifying Radius,

Theta, and Z values.

o Spherical—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by specifying Radius,

Theta, and Phi values.

Note: Three-dimensional offset is available only if you select a coordinate system

as the second reference. If you select an axis of a coordinate system as the
second reference, then you can offset the datum point only along the selected

5. Double-click the offset dimension in the graphics window and type the required
offset value or type the value in the offset box in the Datum Point dialog box.
Alternatively, drag the offset handle to the required location.

6. Click OK to create the datum point offset from the coordinate system or at the
center of the coordinate system or offset from the vertex.

Creating Multiple Datum Points on the Same Surface or Quilt

When you create multiple points on the same surface or quilt, you create a group of
points that use the same offset references for all points in the group.
To create a group of points:
1. Select a surface or quilt.

2. Click .

3. Select the locations of the points on the surface or quilt.

4. When you finish placing points, specify the offset references for one point in the
group. The system dimensions all other points in the group to the same offset

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To Create a Datum Point Offset from Another Point

To define the offset direction, select the following geometry as a reference:
• Straight edge, straight curve, datum axis or a coordinate system—Drag the
point's handle parallel to the selected reference.

• Coordinate system—Select a coordinate system for a three-dimensional offset or

select an axis (x, y, or z) of a coordinate system along which to offset the point.

• Datum plane or planar surface—Drag the point's handle normal to the selected

1. Select a datum point or vertex in the model in the graphics window.

2. Click . The Datum Point dialog box opens. By default, Pro/ENGINEER adds a
new point at the selected location.

3. Press CTRL while selecting a direction reference.


o Three-dimensional offset is available only if you select a coordinate system

as the direction or second reference. Specify one of the offset types in the
Offset type box:

Cartesian—Allows you to offset from a coordinate system by specifying the

X, Y, and Z values.

Cylindrical—Allows you to offset from a coordinate system by specifying

Radius, Theta, and Z values.

Spherical—Allows you to offset from a coordinate system by specifying

Radius, Theta, and Phi values.

o If you select an axis of a coordinate system as the direction or second

reference, then you can offset the point only along the selected axis.

4. Drag the offset handle to the required location.

Tip: Alternatively, you can double-click the offset dimension in the graphics
window and type the required offset value or type the value in the offset box in
the Datum Point dialog box.

5. Click New Point to add more points, or click OK to quit the datum point tool.

To Create a Datum Point at the Intersection of Entities

1. Press CTRL while selecting intersecting entities. You can select one of the
following combinations:

o Three surfaces or datum planes

o A curve, datum axis, or edge, intersecting with a surface or datum plane

o Two intersecting curves, edges, or axes


Note: You can select two curves that do not intersect. In this case, the
system places a point on the first curve at the location that is at the
shortest distance to the second curve.

2. Click . The Datum Point dialog box opens. A new point is created at the
intersection of the selected entities.

3. Click New Point to continue with the point creation, or click OK.

To Create a Datum Point Using an Intent Chain

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Point >
Point. The DATUM POINT dialog box opens.

2. Select an intent chain in the model using one of the following methods:

• In the graphics window:

a. In the status bar, set the Smart filter type to Intent Chain.
b. In the graphics window, move your pointer over the model.
Pro/ENGINEER highlights the intent chains in the model.
c. Select the required intent chain. The selected intent chain is added under
References in the DATUM POINT dialog box.
• By querying:

a. In the graphics window, place your pointer near the required edge and
right-click. A shortcut menu appears.
b. Click Pick From List on the shortcut menu. The Pick From List dialog
box opens.
c. Select the required intent chain. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selected
intent chain in the graphics window.
d. Click OK. The selected intent chain is added under References in the
DATUM POINT dialog box and also appears selected in the graphics
• Using the Search Tool:

a. Click on the Edit toolbar. The Search Tool dialog box opens.
b. Under Look for, select Intent Chain.
c. Under Look by, select Edge.
d. In the Attributes tabbed page, under Rule select Type.
e. Under Criteria, set Comparison to is equal to and Value to Two-
f. Click Find Now. All the intent chains in the model are listed under the
list of items found in the Search Tool dialog box.

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g. Select the required intent chain under the list of items found and click

to transfer the selected intent chain to the selected items area.

h. Click Close in the Search Tool dialog box. The selected intent chain is
added under References in the DATUM POINT dialog box and also
appears selected in the graphics window.
3. To manually adjust the point's location, drag the point's handle in the graphics
window, or position the point using the Placement tabbed page. The following
options are available on the Placement tabbed page:

• End of curve—Measures the distance from the selected intent edge or intent
chain. To use another endpoint, click Next End. For an intent edge, End of
curve is selected by default.

• Reference—Measures the distance from a selected entity. Select a reference

entity, such as a surface, curve, edge, or point.

4. Click OK in the DATUM POINT dialog box to create the datum point using the
selected intent chain as the reference.


About Sketched Datum Points

Sketched datum points are created in Sketcher by selecting their location on a two-
dimensional sketching plane.
You can sketch multiple datum points at the same time. All sketched datum points
that you create during one operation belong to the same Datum Point feature and lie
on the same sketching plane.

Accessing a Sketched Datum Point

To access the Sketched Datum Point tool, do one of the following:
• Click Insert > Model Datum > Point > Sketched.

• On the Datums toolbar, click the arrow to open the datum point palette

. Then click .

About the Sketched Datum Points User Interface

The user interface for sketched datum points includes:
Feature icon
Sketched Datum Point dialog box


Feature Icon

The sketched datum point icon is located on the Datums toolbar.

Sketched Datum Point Dialog Box

The Sketched Datum Point dialog box has two tabs:
• Placement—In this dialog box, you can define the following:

o Sketching plane—Select a planar surface or a datum plane, or click Use


o Sketch viewing direction—Accept the default viewing direction as indicated

by the arrow, or click Flip.

o Sketch orientation—Specify how to orient the sketch by selecting an

orientation reference and orienting it as Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.

• Properties—Renames the feature and displays feature information in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser.

The Sketch button places you in Sketcher mode.

To Create Sketched Datum Points

1. Click on the datum point palette ( ). The Sketched

Datum Point dialog box opens.

2. Select a sketching plane and specify its orientation, or accept the default

3. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

4. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

5. Click and place a point. Add as many points as you need.

6. Click to exit Sketcher.

Offset from a Coordinate System

About Datum Points Offset from a Coordinate System

You can manually add points to a model by locating them with respect to a selected
coordinate system or by creating an array of points by importing one or more files,
or both. You can offset points using the Cartesian, Spherical, or Cylindrical
coordinate system.
To update the points table, you can do one or both of the following:

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• Manually change values in the table—You can click a point’s value in the table
and modify it, or drag the point’s handle in the graphics window to the required
location. Alternatively, click Update Values and add, modify, or delete the points
using a text editor.

• Import a file to add points—You can import a file with a .pts extension to add
one or more points. When you import such a file, the points are always appended
to the points table.

Accessing Points Offset from a Coordinate System

To access datum points that are offset from the coordinate system, do one of the
• Click Insert > Model Datum > Point > Offset Coordinate System.

• On the Datums toolbar, click adjacent to , to open the datum point

palette, . Click .

About the Datum Point Offset Coordinate System User Interface

The user interface for datum points that are offset from a coordinate system
Feature Icon
Offset CSys Datum Point dialog box

Feature Icon

The icon for the offset coordinate system datum point, , is located on the datum

point palette on the Datum toolbar.

Offset CSys Datum Point Dialog Box

The Offset CSys Datum Point dialog box has two tabs:
• Placement—You can define the point location by specifying the following:

o Reference coordinate system

o Type of the offset method for placing points

o Point's coordinates along the axes of the selected coordinate system

In addition, the Placement tab has the following buttons:

o Import—Imports a data file into the model.

o Update Values—Displays the values of all the points listed in the points
table, using the text editor. You can also add a new point, update the
existing values of a point, or delete points using the text editor. While


redefining the datum point offset coordinate system, if you click Update
Values and edit one or all of the point's values using the text editor,
Pro/ENGINEER assigns the new values to the original point.

o Save—Saves the point's coordinates to a file with a .pts extension.

o Use Non Parametric Array—Removes dimensions and converts point

data into a non-parametric array.

Note: You can add, delete or modify the points in a non-parametric array
using the points table or a text editor, but not through the Edit command
on the shortcut menu.

o OK—Accepts the points that you have created and quits the dialog box.

• Properties—Renames the feature and displays feature information in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser.

To Create Datum Points Offset from the Coordinate System

You can start creating points by activating the tool and then selecting a coordinate
system, or by first selecting a coordinate system and then activating the tool.

1. Click on the datum point palette ( ). The Offset CSys

Datum Point dialog box opens.

2. In the graphics window, select a coordinate system that you want to use for
points placement.

3. Select the type of coordinate system from the Type list. Choose from Cartesian,
Cylindrical, or Spherical.

4. To start adding points, click a cell in the points table. Type the point's coordinates
for each of the required axes. For example, for the Cartesian coordinate system,
you must specify distances in the x, y, and z directions.

After you have specified the point's coordinates, the new point appears in the
graphics window, with a drag handle attached (identified by a white rectangle).
The new point is dimensioned along the designated axes.


o You can add a point by positioning the pointer in the graphics window,
right-clicking, and selecting New Point on the shortcut menu. This adds
another row to the points table.

o You can manually adjust the point's location by dragging the point's handle
along each of the axes of the coordinate system.

5. To add another point, click the next row in the table and type the point's
coordinates. Alternatively, click Update Values and enter values in the text
editor, with each value separated by a space.

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Note: To add points using the text editor, the point’s table must have at least
one value.

6. When finished creating points, you can accept the points and quit by clicking OK,
or do the following:

o To save the points to a separate file, click Save. Specify the file name and

o To convert points to a non-parametric array by stripping dimensions, click

Convert to Non Parametric Array.

Note: You can convert a non-parametric array back to a parametric one by

editing the feature definition and selecting Convert to Parametric Array
from the Offset CSys Datum Point dialog box .

To Import a Data File

1. Click on the datum point palette ( ). The Offset CSys

Datum Point dialog box opens.

2. In the graphics window, select a coordinate system that you want to use for
points placement.

3. Select the offset method from the Type list. Choose from Cartesian,
Cylindrical, and Spherical.

4. Click Import.

5. Using the Open dialog box, select a *.pts file that you want to import. The
points that you have imported are added to the table. Each row contains a point.

6. Click OK to accept the points and exit the dialog box.

To Update Values of the Datum Point Offset Coordinate System

1. Select a datum point on the Model Tree or in the graphics window.

2. Right-click and select Edit Definition. Alternatively, click Edit > Definition. The
Offset CSys Datum Point dialog box opens.

3. Click Update Values. A text editor opens with all datum points listed.

4. To add a new point, specify values for the point in the text editor, with each
value separated by a space.

5. To delete a point, select the entire row for that point and delete it.

6. To modify a point, replace the point’s existing values with new ones.

7. Save and close the file to return to the Offset CSys Datum Point dialog box.

8. Click OK.



About Field Points

A field point is a type of datum point intended for use in conjunction with user-
defined analysis (UDA).
A field point defines a domain from which it was selected—curve, edge, surface, or
quilt. The field point does not require dimensions because it belongs to the entire
domain. To change the domain of the field point, you must edit the feature's
Note: You can use a field point only as a reference for features that are required to
define a user-defined analysis. Do not use a field point as a reference for regular
Field points have names FPNT# in parts and AFPNT# in assemblies.

Accessing a Field Point

To access a field point, do one of the following:
• Click Insert > Model Datum > Point > Field.

• On the Datums toolbar, click the arrow to open the datum point palette

. Then click .

To Create a Field Point

Object/Action (Streamlined) Workflow

1. In the graphics window, select a curve, edge, surface of a solid, or quilt where
you want to place a point.

2. On the Datums toolbar, click an arrow to open the datum point palette

3. Click . A point with a name FPNT# is added to the selected reference.

Action/Object Workflow
The following procedure presents an Action/Object workflow.
1. On the Datums toolbar, click an arrow to open the datum point palette

2. Click . The Field Datum Point dialog box opens.

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3. In the graphics window, select a curve, edge, surface of a solid, or quilt where
you want to place a point. A point is added to the selected reference.

4. To change the name of the field point, click the Properties tab on the dialog

5. Click OK.

Datum Curves

About Datum Curves

With the exception of imported geometry, the foundation of all 3d geometry in
Pro/ENGINEER starts with a 2-D section. Datum curves allow you to create a 2-D
section that can be used to create many other features such as an extrusion or a
revolve. Also Datum curves can be used to create a trajectory for swept features.

The Datum Curve tool can be accessed by clicking the button on the Datum

About Sketched Datum Curves

You can sketch datum curves in the same manner as any other features. Sketched
curves can consist of one or more sketched segments and of one or more open or
closed loops. However, using datum curves for other features is usually restricted to
a single curve (which can consist of many segments) of an open or closed loop.

To sketch a datum curve in a sketch window, click in the Datum toolbar.

About the Sketched Datum Curves User Interface

The Sketch dialog box consists of:
• The Placement tabbed page

• The Properties tabbed page

The Placement tabbed page contains the following sections:

• Sketch Plane—This section of the dialog box contains the sketch plane reference
collector. Click on the collector to select or redefine the sketch plane reference at
any time or click Use Previous to use a sketching plane that has already been

• Sketch Orientation—Before you start sketching, you must orient the sketching
plane to the screen normal axis. To do this you must set the following:

o Flip button—Click the Flip button to toggle the sketch orientation between
the two sides of the sketch plane.


o Reference collector—The reference plane is a plane normal to the sketch

plane that is used to orient your view of the sketch plane. Click on the
collector to select or redefine the reference plane at any time.

o Orientation list—Use this list to select an orientation for the reference

plane. You can choose to have the reference plane facing Right, Left, Top,
or Bottom.

In the Properties tabbed page you can view information about the current sketched
datum curve feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser. Additionally you can use the
Properties tabbed page to rename the datum feature, set cross hatch lines, and set
the spacing between cross hatch lines.

To Create a Sketched Datum Curve

1. Click Insert > Model Datum > Sketch... or click the button on the
Datum toolbar. The Sketch dialog box opens with the Placement tab active.

2. You can select from the following options on the Placement tab:

• Sketch Plane—This section of the dialog box contains the sketch plane
reference collector. Click on the collector to select or redefine the sketch plane
reference at any time.

• Sketch Orientation—Before you can sketch the datum curve you must orient
the sketching plane so that it is normal. This section of the dialog box
contains the Flip button, the Reference Plane collector and the Orientation

o Click the Flip button to toggle the sketch orientation between the two sides
of the sketch plane.

o Click on the Reference collector to select or redefine the sketch plane.

o Select an Orientation reference from the Orientation list.

Note: If you select a plane before clicking the button, the system will
attempt to find a default sketch orientation, which would allow you to skip step 2.

3. Click the Sketch button. The sketch window and the References dialog box

4. Click Close in the References dialog box if the Reference status shows Fully

5. Sketch the datum curve.

6. Click to exit Sketcher. The new sketched datum curve appears in the
graphics window and the Model Tree.

About Imported Datum Curves

An imported datum curve can consist of one or more segments. Multiple segments
are not necessarily connected.

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The From File option imports a datum curve from a Pro/ENGINEER ".ibl", IGES, SET,
or VDA file format. Pro/ENGINEER does not automatically combine the curves
imported using From File into a composite curve.
Pro/ENGINEER reads all the curves from an IGES or SET file, then converts them to
spline curves. When you import a VDA file, the system reads the VDA spline entities
The ".ibl" file format is very much like that of a blend file, except you should precede
the coordinates of each segment of the curve with both "begin section" and "begin
curve". Two points in a section define a line, while more than two define a spline.
To connect curve segments, make sure the coordinates of the first point are the
same as the last point in the previous section.
You can redefine datum curves that are created from a file and you can trim or split
them with other curves that are imported from a file.

To Create a Datum Curve Using a Cross Section

You can use the Use Xsec option to create a datum curve from a planar cross
section boundary (that is, the intersection of the planar cross section with the part

1. Click Insert > Model Datum > Curve or click the button on the Datum

2. In the menu manager, click Use Xsec and Done from the OPTIONS menu.

3. Select a planar cross section from the namelist menu of all the available cross

4. The cross-section boundary is used to create a datum curve. If a cross section

has more than one chain, each chain has a composite curve.

Note: You can not use a boundary from an offset cross section to create a datum

To Create a Datum Curve From Equations

You can create a datum curve from an equation using the option From Equation as
long as the curve does not intersect itself.

1. Click Insert > Model Datum > Curve or click the button on the Datum

2. Click From Equation and Done.

3. A curve creation dialog box open with the following elements:

o Csys—Defines the coordinate system.

o Csys Type—Specifies the type of the coordinate system.

o Equation—Enters an equation.


4. Use options in the GET COORD S menu to create or select a coordinate system.

5. Use options in the SET CSYS TYP menu to specify the type of the coordinate
system. The options are: Cartesian, Cylindrical, Spherical.

6. The system displays an editor window so that you can enter the curve equation
as a regular feature relation. The editor window header contains instructions for
specifying the equation, depending on the type of coordinate system you have

The equation is specified in terms of parameter t, which varies from 0 to 1, and

three coordinate system parameters: X, Y, and Z for Cartesian; r, theta, and Z
for cylindrical; and, r, theta, and phi for spherical.

Note: You cannot use the following statements in an equation that defines a datum
curve: abs, ceil, floor, else, extract, if, endif, itos, and search.

Example: Importing a Datum Curve

This example shows you how to import a datum curve from an .ibl file.
Sample .ibl file:

• You can create .ibl files using any text editor.

• The point numbering (the first column of numbers) in an .ibl file is optional.

Follow the steps below to import the .ibl file and create the datum curve as shown
in the following illustration.

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1 Datum Curve created from a .ibl file

1. Click on the Datum toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > Model Datum >
Curve. The CRV OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click From File > Done in the CRV OPTIONS menu. The GET COORD S menu

3. Select a coordinate system in the graphics window or on the Model Tree. The
Open dialog box appears.

4. Select the .ibl file and click Open.

Note: If the .ibl file is not in the current directory, browse to the directory where
the file is located and select the file.
Pro/ENGINEER creates the datum curve with the instructions provided in the .ibl

Datum Curves Through Points

To Create a Datum Curve Through Points

You can create a Thru Points datum curve as a spline, or a sequence of alternating
tangent lines and arcs.

1. Choose Insert > Model Datum > Curve or click the button on the Datum

2. In the menu manager, choose Thru Points, then Done.

3. Pro/ENGINEER displays the Datum Curve dialog box with the following elements:

o Attributes—Specifies whether the curve should lie on a selected surface.

o Curve Points—Selects points for the curve to connect.


o Tangency—(Optional) Sets up tangency conditions for the curve.

Note: The Tangency element can be defined only if at least one end
segment of the curve is a spline.

o Tweak—(Optional) Modifies the shape of the curve that goes through two
points by using the polyhedron manipulation.

4. Use the CONNECT TYPE menu options to select and connect points.

5. When finished, choose Done from the CONNECT TYPE menu to create the
curve, or Quit to abort the process.

6. To define tangency conditions, select the Tangency element and Define in the
dialog box. Use the options in the DEF TAN menu to define tangency at the ends
of the curve.

7. Specify the direction for the curve at this tangency location by choosing Flip or
Okay from the DIRECTION menu. The system displays an arrow at the end of
the curve.

8. If you created a datum curve through two points, you can "tweak" the curve in
3D space and dynamically update its shape. To manipulate the curve, choose the
Tweak element in the dialog box and click on Define.

Creating a Curve by Connecting Points

The CONNECT TYPE and DEF TAN menus are used to create a curve and define
tangency at the ends.

Using the CONNECT TYPE Menu

To create a curve, you select and connect points using options in the CONNECT
TYPE menu. The options are as follows:
• Spline—Constructs a curve using a three-dimensional spline that passes through
the selected datum points and vertices.

• Single Rad—Constructs a curve using the same radius through all the bends.

• Multiple Rad—Constructs a curve by specifying a radius for each bend.

Note: The Attributes element of the curve defined with either the Single Rad or
Multiple Rad option cannot be changed to On Surface.

• Single Point—Selects individual datum points and vertices. You could have
created these points individually or as a datum point array.

• Whole Array—Selects all the points in a Datum Point/Offset Csys feature, in

consecutive order.

• Add Point—Adds to the definition of the curve an existing point, vertex, or curve
end through which the curve will pass.

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• Delete Point—Deletes from the definition of the curve an existing point, vertex,
or curve end through which the curve currently passes.

• Insert Point—Inserts a point between already selected points, vertices, and

curve ends. This option modifies the curve definition to pass through the inserted
point. The system prompts you to select a point or vertex before which to insert
the point.

Note: You can add, delete, or insert points during the creation or redefinition of
the curve.

Using the DEF TAN Menu Options

Use the DEF TAN menu options to define tangency at the ends of the curve. The
options are as follows:
• Start—Applies tangency condition at the start point of the curve. The system
displays a red point or circle cross-hair at the start of the curve.

• End—Applies tangency condition at the end point of the curve. The system
displays a red circle cross-hair at the endpoint of the curve.

• Crv/Edge/Axis—Selects an edge, curve, or axis to specify tangency or normal

direction at the start or end point, as prompted.

• Create Axis—Creates an axis to specify tangency or normal direction at the start

or end point using the DATUM AXIS menu.

• Surface—Selects a surface or plane to specify the tangent or normal direction.

• Srf Nrm Edge—Selects a surface to which the curve will be tangent at its start
or end point. Select an edge of that surface to which the curve will be
perpendicular at its start or end point.

Note: The start or end point of the curve must lie on the surface edge used for
the normal reference.

• Clear—Removes the current tangency constraint at the selected end. To have no

tangency constraint at either end, choose Clear for both ends.

• Tangent—Makes the curve tangent to the reference at this end.

• Normal—Makes the curve normal to the reference at this end.

• Curvature—Sets continuous curvature for the curve end where the tangency
condition is specified. Activate this option by placing a checkmark in front of it.
This makes the curvature at the end of the curve equal to that of the connecting
end of the tangent entity.

To Create a Datum Curve Through Points that Lie on a Surface

To Create a Datum Curve Through Points that Lie on a Surface
1. To create a curve that lies on a specific surface, redefine the Attributes element
in the dialog box. Choose Attributes and click Define.


2. Choose the On Surface option from the CRV TYPE menu, followed by Done.
The options in the CRV TYPE menu are:

o Free—Connects the points without requiring the curve to lie on a surface.

This option is set by default.

o On Surface—Creates the curve so that it lies on a specific surface patch.

Specify the surface to which the curve will belong using options in the GET
SELECT menu. Select a surface or a datum plane.

Rules for Creating a Datum Curve with the On Surface Option

Consider the following rules for a curve through points:
• The On Surface attribute does not apply to a curve defined with the Single Rad
or Multiple Rad option.

• Setting the On Surface attribute may conflict with some of the previous
conditions that you defined for that curve. For example, the points selected to
define the curve lie on the surface, and the tangency conditions must be possible
for the selected surface. When the system detects a conflict, it prompts you to
resolve it by removing invalid references.

• When you change the attribute from Free to On Surface, any tweaking of the
curve is removed.

Coordinate Systems

About Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems are reference features that can be added to parts and
assemblies to do the following:
• Calculate mass properties.

• Assemble components.

• Place constraints for Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

• Provide manufacturing operation reference for tool paths.

• Use as a reference for locating other features (coordinate systems, datum points,
planes, imported geometry, and so on).

• For most common modeling tasks you can use coordinate systems as direction

Cartesian, Cylindrical, and Spherical Coordinate Systems

Pro/ENGINEER always displays coordinate systems with an X-, Y-, and Z-axis. When
referencing a coordinate system to make other features (for example, a datum point
array), the system can interpret the coordinate system in three ways:
• Cartesian—The system interprets the coordinate values as X, Y, and Z.

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• Cylindrical—The system interprets the coordinate values as radius, theta (q),

and Z.

• Spherical—The system interprets the coordinate values as radius, theta (q), and
phi (f).

The following figure illustrates how these values are applied to the standard X, Y,
and Z coordinate system.

Cartesian Cylindrical Spherical

About Datum Coordinate System Names

Pro/ENGINEER names datum coordinate systems CS#, where # is the number of
datum coordinate systems that have been created.
If desired, you can set an initial name for a datum coordinate system during the
creation process by using the Properties tab in the Coordinate System dialog box.
Or if you desire to change the name of an existing datum coordinate system, you can
right-click on the datum feature in the model tree and select Rename from the
shortcut menu.

Default Datum Coordinate Systems

The default datum coordinate system that you create using Insert > Model Datum
> Default Coordinate System is also named CS#, where # is the number of the
datum coordinate system that is created.
You can create multiple default datum coordinate systems. You cannot edit their
definition or their references. You can define their orientation with respect to the
default datum planes, if required.

About Coordinate Systems UI

The Coordinate System dialog box consists of:
• The Origin tabbed page

• The Orientation tabbed page

• The Properties tabbed page


The Origin tabbed page contains the following sections:

• References—This section of the dialog box contains the coordinate system
reference collector. Click on the collector to select or redefine the placement
references for the coordinate system at any time.

• Offset type—This list allows you to offset a coordinate system in the following

o Cartesian—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by setting X, Y and Z


o Cylindrical—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by setting Radius,

Theta and Z values.

o Spherical—Allows you to offset a coordinate system by setting Radius,

Theta and Phi values.

o From File—Allows you to import a coordinate system's location from a

transformation file.

In the Orientation tabbed page you can set the position of the coordinate system's
axes, it contains the following options:
• References selection—This option allows you to orient the coordinate system
by selecting direction references for any 2 of the coordinate system's axes.

• Selected CSYS axes—This option allows you to orient the coordinate system by
rotating it about the axes of the coordinate system that is used as a placement

• Set Z Normal To Screen—This button allows you to quickly orient the z axis to
be perpendicular to your view screen.

In the Properties tabbed page you can view information about the current datum
curve feature in the Pro/ENGINEER embedded browser. Additionally you can also use
the Properties tabbed page to rename the datum feature.

To Locate a Coordinate System

1. Click Insert > Model Datum > Coordinate System or click the button on
the Datum toolbar. The Coordinate System dialog box opens with the Origin
tab active.

2. Select up to 3 placement references in the graphics window. These references

can include planes, edges, axes, curves, datum points, vertices or a coordinate

3. Click the OK button to create the new coordinate system with the default
orientation or click on the Orientation tab to manually orient the new coordinate
system (see: To Orient a Coordinate System).

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Note: If you have select a vertex as an origin reference, the system will not be
able to provide you with a default orientation and you will have to manually
orient your coordinate system.

To Create an Offset Coordinate System

1. Click Insert > Model Datum > Coordinate System or click the button on
the Datum toolbar. The Coordinate System dialog box opens with the Origin
tab active.

2. Select a coordinate system in the graphics window.

3. In the Offset type list, select one of the following offset types:

o Cartesian—If you select a Cartesian offset, enter values for X, Y and Z.

o Cylindrical—If you select a Cylindrical offset, enter values for Radius,

Theta and Z.

o Spherical—If you select a Spherical offset, enter values for Radius, Theta
and Phi.

o From File—Allows you to import a coordinate system's location from a

transformation file.

4. To adjust the offset distance, you can:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually position the
coordinate system to your desired location.

Note: The drag handle at the center of the coordinate system allows you to
drag the coordinate system along each of the reference coordinate system's
axes. To change directions, hover the cursor over the drag handle and then
move the cursor toward one of the axes. As you move the cursor toward
the axes, the drag handle changes direction.

o In the Origin tab of the Coordinate System dialog box, type a distance
value in the Offset Translation value box or select a value from a list of
the most recently used values.

5. Click the OK button to create the offset coordinate system with the default
orientation or click on the Orientation tab to manually orient the new coordinate
system (see: To Orient a Coordinate System).

To Orient a Coordinate System

1. If you are currently creating a coordinate system and have the Coordinate
System dialog box open, then skip to step 2. Otherwise, in the Model Tree, right-
click on a coordinate system and select Edit Definition from the shortcut menu.
The Coordinate System dialog box opens with the Origin tab active.

2. Click the Orientation tab.

3. In the Orient by section, click one of the following options:


o References selection—This option allows you to orient the coordinate

system by selecting references for 2 of the axes.

For each of the direction collectors, select a reference and select a direction
name from the drop-down list.

Note: By default, the system assumes that the first direction of the
coordinate system will be parallel to the first origin reference. If the
reference is a straight edge, curve or axis then the coordinate system axis
will be oriented parallel to that reference. If a plane is selected then the
first direction of the coordinate system will be oriented normal to the plane.
The system calculates the second direction by projecting the second
reference to be orthogonal to the first direction.

o Selected CSYS axes—This option allows you to orient the coordinate

system by rotating it about the axes of the coordinate system that is used
as a placement reference.

For each of the axes, enter a desired degree value or right-click in the
graphics window and select Orient from the shortcut menu. Then use the
drag handle to manually position each axis.

Note: The drag handle at the center of the coordinate system allows you to
rotate the coordinate system about each of the reference coordinate
system's axes. To change directions, hover the cursor over the drag handle
and then move the cursor toward one of the axes. As you move the cursor
toward the axes, the drag handle changes direction.

o Set Z Normal To Screen—This button allows you to quickly orient the z

axis to be perpendicular to your view screen.

4. Click the OK button to finish orienting the coordinate system.

About Creating a Coordinate System from a File

A coordinate system that is created using a transformation matrix uses a data file to
construct a new coordinate system relative to an existing coordinate system. The file
data defines two vectors, as follows:
• The first vector specifies the X-axis direction.

• The second vector, which is in the XY-plane (in the general direction of the new
Y-axis), determines the new coordinate system origin. Pro/ENGINEER constructs
the Z-axis using the right-hand rule.

The following figure illustrates the transformation of the coordinate system.

Coordinate System Transformation

The X-axis direction is determined from the matrix file and is then translated to the
new coordinate system origin.
The XY-plane is constructed from the second vector in the file and translated to the
new coordinate system origin.

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To Create a Coordinate System from a File

1. In the graphics window, select an existing coordinate system.

2. Click Insert > Model Datum > Coordinate System or click the button on
the Datum toolbar. The Coordinate System dialog box opens with the Origin
tab active.

3. In the Offset type list, select From File. The Open dialog box opens.

4. Select the transformation file (.trf) that you want to load and click the Open. The
system shows you a preview of the new coordinate system at the location
specified in the transformation file.

5. Click the OK to create the new coordinate system.

Example: Transformation File Format

The transformation file, with the name filename.trf, has the following format:
Transformation File Format

a. Determines the X-axis direction.

b. Determines the vector that lies in the XY-plane and the general direction of
the Y-axis.
c. Can be anything, because the Z-axis is determined using the right hand rule.
d. Translation coordinate locates the origin of the new coordinate system.
For example, the following file creates a new coordinate system with the origin at
(200, 0, 150), as determined from the reference coordinate system. The new X-axis
is pointing in the negative X-direction and the new Y-axis is pointing in the positive
Z-direction, all relative to the reference coordinate system.
Sample Transformation File


Note: the coordinate system offset type is Cartesian.

Datum References

About Datum Reference Features

Datum reference features are user-defined surface sets, edge chains, datum planes,
datum axes, datum points, or datum coordinate systems. You can use datum
reference features to create intent objects and to place user-defined features.
When creating a datum reference feature, you can use the Search tool to find the
following types of queries and save them to the Reference collector:
• Intent surfaces or intent chains by the type of feature that creates them

• Edges that belong to or coincide with specific quilts

• Intent objects by intent name

After you have created the datum reference feature, you can edit the definition,
modify the references, and change the properties. You can redefine a datum
reference feature created in an earlier release of Pro/ENGINEER. However, you
cannot redefine the type of reference—surface, chain, or datum—it creates. You
cannot edit the references of a datum reference feature defined exclusively by saved

About the Datum References User Interface

The user interface for datum reference features includes:
Feature icon
Datum Reference dialog box
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

The icon for the datum references tool is located on the Datum toolbar.

Datum Reference Dialog Box

You can set the following properties using the Datum Reference dialog box:

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• Type—Specifies the type of intent datum: Intent Chain, Intent Surface,

Intent Datum Plane, Intent Datum Axis, Intent Datum Point, or Intent
Datum Coordinate System.

• Intent Name—Sets a name for the intent object. User-defined intent names can
be based on the design intent and instance for that object.

• Single Item—Limits the number of intent chain or intent surface references that
you can enter into the reference collector to one.

• Placement—Collects references to define the datum reference and intent object.

• Properties—Renames the datum reference feature.

Using the Placement Tab

Use the reference collector in the Placement tab to select or redefine edge chains or
surface sets and to designate the datum plane, datum axis, datum point, or datum
coordinate system that define an intent object. The reference collector displays the
type of selection, such as a one-by-one chain of edges, single surfaces, loop
surfaces, seed and boundary surfaces, and so on.
You can search for references using the Search tool while the reference collector is
open, and you can save the search queries in the reference collector.

Shortcut Menus
When you right-click the graphics window, the shortcut menu lists the following
• Next—Selects the next surface or edge.

• Previous—Selects the previous surface or edge.

• Pick From List—Lists surfaces or edges to select.

• Solid Surfaces—Selects solid surfaces.

• Clear—Clears all selected surfaces and chains from the Reference collector.

When you right-click the Reference collector, the shortcut menu lists the following
• Remove—Clears the selected reference.

• Remove All—Clears all references.

• Edit—Edits a saved query.

• Update—Updates a saved query.

About Intent Objects

An intent object is a datum, a chain, or a surface set with a descriptive name. Use
intent objects as references when creating the following Pro/ENGINEER features:


Type of Intent Object Use

Intent datum plane, point, axis, or Create datum points, datum axes,
coordinate system datum coordinate systems, or datum

Intent chains defined by datum Define the scope of an Auto-Round

references with saved queries feature (selected edges or excluded

Intent chains and intent surfaces Create several Pro/ENGINEER

features, including sweeps and
boundary blends

All intent objects Create datum reference features

About Intent Object Names

When you create and name an intent object, you add an explanatory note to a
model. You can use an intent object name to help you do the following:
• Annotate your design intent

• Search for intent objects with the Search tool

• Define saved queries

• Automatically place user-defined features (UDFs)

When you name an intent object, make the name of the object correspond to its
purpose—your design intent—and instance. For example, you might name an intent
datum plane for use as a sketch plane for a mounting boss
SKETCH_PLANE:MOUNTING_BOSS. Instances can also be letters and numbers, such as
Each intent object in a model must have a unique intent name, although intent
objects may share an intent or an instance. For example, several datum planes can
be used as sketch planes for different features of the model.
If you do not select the Intent Name box in the Datum Reference dialog box, the
intent object does not receive a descriptive name or a default name. On the
Properties tab of the Datum Reference dialog box, you can change the feature
name that appears in the Model Tree, but you cannot use this name to search for
intent objects or to automatically place UDFs.

Default Names for Intent Objects

The default names for intent objects follow:
• Intent Chain—INTENTEDG

• Intent Surface—INTENTSRF

• Intent Datum Point—INTENTPNT

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• Intent Datum Plane—INTENTPLN

• Intent Coordinate System—INTENTCSYS

• Intent Datum Axis—INTENTAXIS

They appear in the Datum Reference dialog box when you create an intent object if
the Intent Name box has been selected. The default names are not descriptive.
The instance numbers of the default intent object names are automatically generated
and start at 1 for each type of intent object.

Defining Intent Sufaces and Chains

You can define intent chains and surfaces by selecting one or more kinds of intent
objects and geometry. The following references are valid for creating these intent

Intent Valid Edge Valid Surface

Object Reference Reference

Intent chain Quilt edge

Solid edge

Other intent

Intent Edge chain Surface set

Quilt edge Quilt surface

Solid edge Solid surface

Intent chain Intent surface

You can define intent surfaces using one or more edges or intent chains. When you
create an intent surface defined only by edges or intent chains:
o Edges or chains must divide the quilt or surface into at least two regions.
The selections must reside on the same surface or quilt and must not

o Your selections may define multiple intent surfaces. If the automatically

selected surface is not the one you intended, click Flip in the reference
collector to toggle the selection.

To Create an Intent Datum Using Datum Reference Features

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Reference.
The Datum Reference dialog box opens.

2. Under Type, select one of the following options:

o Intent Datum Plane


o Intent Datum Point

o Intent Datum Axis

o Intent Datum Coordinate System

3. In the graphics window, select a datum plane, a datum axis, a datum point, or a
datum coordinate system to define the datum reference feature.

Note: You can also select geometry in the graphics window first, and then click

on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Reference to
open the Datum Reference dialog box. An intent object type appears in the
Type box, according to the type of datum you selected.

4. To name the intent datum, select the Intent Name box. The Intent and
Instance boxes become available.

Note: If you do not select it, the intent object does not receive a descriptive
name or a default name. On the Properties tab, you can change the name that
appears in the Model Tree, but you cannot use this name to search for intent
objects or to automatically place UDFs.

5. In the Intent box, accept the default name or type a descriptive name, for
example, SKETCH_PLANE.

6. In the Instance box, accept the instance number or type a descriptive name, for

7. Click OK.

To Create an Intent Chain Using a Datum Reference Feature

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum >

Reference. The Datum Reference dialog box opens.

2. Under Type, select Intent Chain.

3. In the graphics window or in the Model Tree, select one or more edges or intent
chains to define the datum reference feature. The selection appears in the
reference collector as an Edge Chain.

Note: You can also select edges or intent chains first, and then click on the
Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Reference to open the
Datum Reference dialog box. Intent Chain appears in the Type box.

4. To name the intent datum, select the Intent Name box. The Intent and
Instance boxes become available.

Note: If you do not select it, the intent object does not receive a descriptive
name or a default name. On the Properties tab, you can change the name that
appears in the Model Tree, but you cannot use this name to search for intent
objects or to automatically place UDFs.

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5. In the Intent box, type an intent name, for example, OUTER_EDGE.

6. In the Instance box, accept the instance number or type a descriptive name, for

7. To limit the references defining the intent object to one:

o Select the Single Item check box.

o Select an edge or intent chain to define the datum reference feature.

Note: When you select the Single Item check box, your previous reference
selection or selections is cleared.

8. Click OK.

To Create an Intent Surface Using Datum Reference Features

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum >

Reference. The Datum Reference dialog box opens.

2. Under Type, select Intent Surface.

3. Select one or more edges, intent chains, or surfaces to define the datum
reference feature. The selections appear in the reference collector as Surfaces
and Chains.

Note: You can also select geometry to define the datum reference feature first,

and then click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum >
Reference to open the Datum Reference dialog box. Intent Surface appears
in the Type box.

4. To name the intent surface, select the Intent Name box. The Intent and
Instance boxes become available.

Note: If you do not select it, the intent object does not receive a descriptive
name or a default name. On the Properties tab, you can change the name that
appears in the Model Tree, but you cannot use this name to search for intent
objects or to automatically place UDFs.

5. In the Intent box, type an intent name, for example, DRAFT_SURFACE.

6. In the Instance box, accept the instance number or type a descriptive name, for

7. To limit the references defining the intent object to one:

o Select the Single Item check box.

o Select a surface, an edge, or an intent chain to define the datum reference


Note: When you select the Single Item check box, your previous reference
selection or selections is cleared.


8. Click the Dynamic Preview box for a preview.

9. Click OK.

To Display Intent Object Names in the Model Tree

1. In the Model Tree, click Settings > Tree Columns. The Model Tree Columns
dialog box opens.

2. Under Not Displayed, select Info from the Type box.

3. Select Intent Name from the list.

4. Click , and then click OK.

To Edit an Intent Object Name

1. In the Model Tree, right-click the datum reference feature that defines the intent
object that you want to rename.

2. Select Edit from the shortcut menu. The intent object name is displayed.

3. Double-click the intent name (the first part of the name) or the instance (the
second part of the name) and type a new intent name or instance in the box.

To Edit References of a Datum Reference Feature

1. Select a datum reference feature in the Model Tree.

2. Click Edit > Reference. Alternatively, select the datum reference feature in the
Model Tree, right-click, and choose Edit References on the shortcut menu. The
REROUTE REFS menu appears. Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to roll back the

3. Click YES or NO. The REROUTE menu appears.

o Accept Alternate to select an alternate reference to reroute.

o Click Same Ref to keep the original references.

4. Click Done on the REROUTE menu.

To Redefine a Datum Reference Feature

Note: You cannot switch the feature type when redefining datum reference features.
1. Select a datum reference feature in the Model Tree.

2. Click Edit > Definition. Alternatively, select the datum reference feature in the
Model Tree, right-click, and select Edit Definition on the shortcut menu. The
Datum Reference dialog box opens.

3. Select objects to redefine or add references. The reference collector shows the
added reference type.

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Note: When redefining intent surfaces or intent chains, you can click Details in
the Reference collector. The Chain or Surface Sets dialog box opens displaying
the edge chains or the surface sets. Add or remove references or redefine the
properties of the selected edge chains or surface sets manipulating them in the
graphics window.

4. Click OK.

To Automatically Place UDFs Using Datum Reference Features

Repeat the steps below to create pairs of datum reference features that define intent
objects of the same type with the same intent names. When the UDF is placed, the
correct references are matched automatically.
1. In the source part, create a datum reference feature with a descriptive intent
name a the feature that will define the UDF: Intent Datum, Intent Chain, or
Intent Surface.

2. Click to create a datum reference feature in the part to be placed. The

Datum Reference dialog box opens.

3. On the Placement tab, click the reference collector.

4. Click to open the Search tool. Find the intent object created in step 1 and
save the query.

5. Create another feature of the same type as in step 1 using the saved query as a

Note: You must create all the intent objects before creating the corresponding

6. Create the UDF:

a. Click Tools > UDF Library > Create.

b. Type a name in the UDF Name box and click .

c. Select Stand Alone or Subordinate
d. Click Done.
e. Define the UDF using the datum reference feature created in step 1 and the
feature created in steps 2-5.
f. Click Done/Return.
g. Click OK.

Placing Features with Saved Queries

A saved query in the reference collector of a datum reference feature has no external
references. Because it has no references, when copying it or placing it as part of a
UDF, the following can occur:


• The query finds a single result. This result automatically replaces the original. The
datum reference feature is regenerated.

• The query finds no results. The number of references determines the outcome:

o If the datum reference feature has one reference, the Rule Editor dialog
box opens. Select a result and click OK.

o If the datum reference feature has more than one reference, a feature with
an empty query is created and the Geom. Check dialog box opens.

o The query finds more than one result:

o If one of the results' intent:instance name is an exact match, and its

instance is not a purely numerical value, it automatically accepts this intent
object. The datum reference feature is regenerated.

o If there are no exact matches, or if the exact match includes a purely

numerical instance, the Rule Editor dialog box opens. Select one of the
results and click OK. The datum reference feature is regenerated.

Asynchronous Datums

About Creating Asynchronous Datum Features

The creation or redefinition of features require datum features, such as planes,
points, axes, or coordinate systems, as geometric references. You can select existing
datum features of the model as the reference datum features or create these
reference datum features during the creation or redefinition of the feature. Use the
commands from Insert > Model Datum or the Datum toolbar and the relevant
geometry as references to create the reference datum features while the feature-
creation tool for the main feature is open.
The datum features that are created asynchronously during the creation or
redefinition of a feature may or may not be used as references by the feature that is
being created or redefined. The asynchronous datum features, when used as
references by the feature, are automatically embedded in the feature and are
displayed as sub-nodes of the feature on the Model Tree when the creation or the
redefinition of the feature is complete. They are automatically hidden after their
creation. To view them in the graphics window, you must use Unhide on the
shortcut menu or View > Visibility > Unhide or Unhide All.
Note: In addition to the asynchronous datum features, a feature can also consist of
regular internal datum features, such as datum axes and datum planes, as
references. Regular datum features are internally created during the creation of
certain features, such as a hole, extrude, revolve, or a sketch-based feature.
Pro/ENGINEER automatically creates them when the corresponding geometry is
referenced, but they are not embedded in the features that use them as references.
Asynchronous datums are not internal to a feature like some regular datum features
that are internal to a feature. You can, therefore, drag and drop asynchronous
datums outside the main feature in which they are embedded. You can also drag and
drop an existing datum feature that was created before the feature into the feature if

Part – Help Topic Collection

the feature references the datum features. Another embedded datum of the same
feature or a feature of another model too can reference the asynchronous datums
embedded in the main feature. Asynchronous datum features that are not used by a
feature, and asynchronous datum features that are used by several features, but are
not datums of the feature, are not embedded.
An asynchronous datum is not intrinsic to the feature. You can delete, edit, or
redefine its definition, references, dimensions, or constraints. Regular datum
features are intrinsic to the feature and you cannot delete or redefine the feature to
change its constraints though you can edit its dimensions and reroute its references.

Model Tree Display of Asynchronous Datum Features

The Model Tree displays the features in their collapsed state after their creation or
redefinition. The embedded datum features that are referenced by a feature are
displayed as sub-nodes of the feature when you expand the feature. They are
displayed in their order of creation with feature numbers that are lower than the
number of the main feature in which they are embedded. The asynchronous datum
features that are not referenced by the feature are displayed above the
corresponding feature on the Model Tree.
During the creation or the redefinition of the feature, the asynchronous datum
features are displayed as nodes above the main feature so that you can use them as
references for creating new asynchronous datums.
The patterned, mirrored, or moved features are automatically grouped when you
embed datum features in them. They are displayed in the Model Tree with labels that
include the tool names, such as Patterned Features, Mirrored Features, or Moved
Features. The embedded datum features are displayed as sub-nodes of the group
header, above all other group members.
If an embedded datum is used as a reference by another embedded datum in the
same feature, the Model Tree displays a flat structure of the feature. The second-
level embedded datum reference is also displayed as a sub-node of the feature.

Embedding Asynchronous Datums

The asynchronous datum features that are referenced by a feature are embedded in
the feature only after the creation or the redefinition of the main feature or after you
perform feature operations such as, reroute, feature copy, pattern, and so on.
Pro/ENGINEER validates the reference datum features before they are embedded as
sub-nodes in the feature based on the parent-child relationship.
A referenced datum feature that is embedded in a feature is not available for
referencing or embedding by other features of the same model. It is available to be
used as a reference by other embedded datums of the same feature or a feature of a
different model.
For a feature that is copied and pasted with transformations, the datum features
embedded in the original feature are copied, but not transformed, while the original
parent feature is copied with transformations. The duplicated datum features without
transformations retain their relevant embedded locations in the resultant copied and
transformed instances of the original feature. Their locations in the feature geometry


are similar to the datum features that are embedded in the original feature. The
copied and transformed instances reference their corresponding copied datums that
are embedded in them.
Similarly, for patterns of a patterned feature, the embedded datums of the patterned
feature are also patterned without transformations. The patterned datum features
retain their relevant embedded locations in the resultant patterns and are embedded
in the first member of each pattern. The patterned instances reference their relevant
and corresponding patterned datums.
The following types of asynchronous datums are not embedded in a feature:
• Datum features that are created asynchronously during the creation or definition
of the feature but are not referenced by the feature.

• Datum features that were previously referenced and embedded in the feature,
but are currently not referenced. An embedded datum feature that has lost its
reference to the main feature, because of an operation such as redefinition of the
main feature, is automatically converted to a standalone datum feature.

• An asynchronous datum feature that is used as a reference by two features of the

same model.

• Datum features that belong to a feature that is located in the footer of the Model
Tree. The datum features are not embedded any more when the main feature is
placed in the footer.

• Datum curves, including the sketched datum curves.

You cannot embed datum features in a feature while performing a manufacturing

operation. In addition, tail-end features of merge operations cannot have embedded
datum features.

Display Order of Embedded Datums and other Sub-Nodes

For a feature that consists of embedded datum features and other elements, the
order of display of the sub-nodes of the feature on the Model Tree is as follows:
• A feature sub-node, such as the sketch of a sketch-based feature, is the first sub-
node that is displayed.

• Annotation features, if any, are listed next as sub-nodes of the feature.

• The embedded datum features are listed next as sub-nodes in their order of

• The group of patterned, mirrored, or moved entities or components is last

displayed with labels that include the tool names.

Displaying Legacy Data

The Model Tree displays legacy data as it was created. The automatically grouped
datum features are displayed as members of a group.

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To Create a Feature with Embedded Datums

1. Click on the Datum toolbar or click Insert > Model Datum > Plane.
The DATUM PLANE dialog box opens. You are prompted to select placement
references, such as an existing plane, surface, edge, or point, for the datum
plane feature.

2. Instead of selecting an existing datum point as one of the placement references,

use on the Datum toolbar or Insert > Model Datum > Point > Point
and the relevant references to create a datum point.

Note: You can create second-level asynchronous datum features by again

creating the relevant references for the datum point.

o The References collector of the DATUM PLANE dialog box shows the
datum point as a placement reference for the datum plane feature that you
are creating.

o The datum point appears as a node on the Model Tree, above the datum
plane feature that you are creating and the Insert Here prompt.

Note: If you click Cancel on the DATUM POINT dialog box during the creation
of the asynchronous datum point, Pro/ENGINEER removes the corresponding
node for the datum point from the Model Tree without closing the creation tool of
the main feature, that is, the DATUM PLANE dialog box.

3. Create an additional placement reference for the datum plane feature, such as

another datum plane, using on the Datum toolbar or Insert > Model

Datum > Plane and the relevant references. You can again create second-
level asynchronous datum features as the relevant references for the datum

o The References collector of the DATUM PLANE dialog box shows the
newly-created datum plane as an additional reference for the datum plane
feature that you are creating.

o The reference datum plane appears as a node on the Model Tree, above the
datum plane that you want to create and the Insert Here prompt.

4. Click OK on the DATUM PLANE dialog box. The Model Tree displays the newly-
created datum plane feature in its collapsed state with a (+) sign adjacent to it.

Note: If you click Cancel on the DATUM PLANE dialog box, Pro/ENGINEER
removes the corresponding node of the main datum plane feature from the Model
Tree without deleting its asynchronous datum references. The datum point and
the plane that you had created as asynchronous datums or placement references
for the datum plane feature, in addition to second-level datums, if any, are not
deleted. Instead, they are displayed as nodes on the Model Tree.

5. Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the datum plane feature to expand the


o The datum point and the datum plane references are displayed as
embedded sub-nodes of the datum plane feature.

o Second-level asynchronous datums, if any, that you had created as

references for the asynchronous datum point and the datum plane
references, are also displayed as sub-nodes of the main datum plane.

o The embedded datum features have feature numbers that are lower than
the feature number of the main datum plane feature.

o The embedded datum features are hidden in the graphics window.

Note: You can also create an embedded datum reference or sub-node by

dragging a standalone datum into a feature on the Model Tree.

6. Select an embedded datum feature on the Model Tree, right-click, and click
Unhide to make the embedded datum feature visible in the graphics window.

To Convert a Standalone Datum to an Embedded Datum

1. Select a standalone datum feature on the Model Tree that is referenced by a
feature. Additionally, a datum feature of the feature into which the standalone
datum feature is to be embedded can also reference the standalone datum.

2. With the pointer placed over the selected datum feature on the Model Tree, press
the left mouse button, and drag the datum feature into the feature that
references it.

The target feature into which you want to drop the dragged datum, if found valid
for embedding, is highlighted when you pass the pointer over it.

3. Release the left mouse button over the feature.

4. Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to the feature or group on the Model Tree to view
the feature or group in the expanded state.

o The Model Tree displays the datum feature that you have dragged into the
feature or group.

Note: If the feature is not in a collapsed state, you can place the dragged
datum as a sub-node of the feature at a location of your choice within the
constraints of the parent-child relationship and following the order of
display of the feature elements.

o If the standalone datum feature that you converted into an embedded

datum feature includes embedded datum features, these embedded datum
features are also displayed as sub-nodes of the main feature in the Model
Tree after the drag-and-drop operation.

o The standalone datum feature that you converted into an embedded datum
is in a hidden state.

o The standalone datum feature that you converted into an embedded datum
has a feature number that is lower than the number of the main feature in
which it is embedded.

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5. Select an embedded datum of the feature on the Model Tree, right-click, and click
Unhide to make the embedded datum feature visible in the graphics window.
You can right-click again and click Hide to hide the embedded datum feature.

6. Reorder the embedded datums within the feature, if necessary, using the same
drag-and-drop method.

To Convert an Embedded Datum to a Standalone Datum

1. Click the plus sign (+) adjacent to a feature on the Model Tree to view the
embedded datum references of the feature in the expanded state.

2. Select an embedded datum of the feature.

3. Press the left-mouse button and drag the embedded datum feature to the Insert
Here prompt on the Model Tree.

4. Release the left-mouse button.

o The datum feature is placed as a standalone feature at the location where

you have released the left-mouse button.

o The Model Tree displays the datum feature as a node parallel to the main

o Pro/ENGINEER displays the datum feature in the graphics window.

Note: If you drag a datum sub-node outside and below the main feature, the
main feature and all its sub-nodes are selected, dragged, and located below other
feature nodes on the Model Tree.

Dragging and Dropping Embedded Datums

You can drag and drop a standalone datum into a feature if it is referenced by the
feature or by another embedded datum of the same feature and no other feature is
using the datum as a reference. Similarly, you can also convert an embedded datum
to a standalone datum using the drag-and-drop method and reorder the embedded
datums in a feature or group, if required.
If you drag and drop a standalone datum into a feature that is in its collapsed state,
the datum feature is embedded in the feature and is displayed as a feature sub-
node. If the feature also includes other feature elements, such as sketches,
annotation features, and groups of patterned, mirrored, or moved entities, as sub-
nodes, the dragged-and-dropped datum feature is displayed in the order of display of
sub-nodes that also includes the feature element sub-nodes.
If the feature is in its expanded state, you can place the dragged datum at a
specified location within the constraints of the parent-child relationships, considering
that the feature is a child or grand-child of the datum. All drag-and-drop, relocation,
and reorder operations are performed within the constraints of the parent-child
relationships that exist between the datum sub-nodes and the features and with
respect to other features in the model.


If you drag a datum sub-node outside and below the main feature, the main feature
and all its sub-nodes are selected, dragged, and located below other feature nodes
on the Model Tree.
Note: Because of the parent-child relationship constraints, you cannot drag the
embedded datums of patterned, mirrored, or moved group of features out of the
group, above the cosmetic group header.

Editing and Redefining Features with Embedded Datums

You can edit the references, dimensions, and definition of the feature with the
embedded datums as well as the references, dimensions, and definition of the
individual embedded datums. You can also delete the main feature or its embedded
datums and view information about the feature, the embedded datum, the model, or
the parent-child relationship. Select the feature or the embedded datums and right-
click to access the commands, such as Delete, Suppress, Edit Definition, Edit
References, Info, and Hide or Unhide, or use the same commands from the Edit,
View, and Info menus on the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar.

Editing References
While editing the references of the main feature, you can replace the embedded
datum references. The embedded datums that are not used as references by the
feature are converted to standalone datum features. While editing an embedded
datum, you can only replace the used references of the embedded datum that you
are editing.

Editing Dimensions
While editing the dimensions of a feature with embedded datums, the dimensions of
the embedded datums and the feature are visible. However, while editing the
dimensions of an embedded datum, only the dimensions of the embedded datum are
To view all dimensions of the group, you must edit the references, definition, or the
dimensions of the group header.

Redefining Features
While redefining a feature, the embedded datums are displayed as nodes above the
feature and the corresponding datum creation tools are available so that you can use
the embedded datums to create additional asynchronous datums as in the creation
of features. You can roll back the main feature, but you cannot roll back the
embedded datum features. The structure of the feature with the asynchronous
datums is maintained after the redefinition.

Copying Features with Embedded Datums

You can copy the feature with the embedded reference datums and paste the copied
feature and the embedded datums into the same model or a different model. You

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can select suitable references for the embedded datum features while pasting the
copied feature or retain the original references.
If you are pasting the copied feature in a different model, you can redefine the
references by selecting new references in the new model.
If you copy and paste a feature with transformations and if the feature includes
embedded datum features, the embedded datum features are also instanced or
duplicated during the copy and paste operation. The datum features embedded in
the original feature are not transformed whereas the original feature is copied with
The duplicated datum features without transformations retain their relevant
embedded locations in the resultant copied and transformed instances of the original
feature. Their locations in the feature geometry are similar to the datum features
that are embedded in the original feature. That is, the Model Tree displays the
duplicated embedded datums as sub-nodes of the copied and transformed instances
of the original feature. The copied and transformed instances of the original feature
reference their corresponding duplicated datums that are embedded in them.
A feature with embedded datums that is copied using the Fully Dependent with
options to vary option on the Paste Special dialog box creates fully dependent
copies of the main feature and the embedded datums. The new instances of the
embedded datums reference the original embedded datums.

About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with Embedded

You can pattern, mirror, or move features that include embedded datums. While
patterning, mirroring, or moving the feature:
• The main feature that includes the embedded datums is patterned, mirrored, or
moved to create instances with transformations.

• The datum features embedded in the main feature are also duplicated and their
instances created, but without transformations.

• The instances of the datum features without transformations retain their relevant
embedded locations in the resultant patterned, mirrored, or moved and
transformed instances of the main feature.

• The locations of the duplicated datum features in the feature geometry of the
instances of the main feature are similar to the locations of the datum features
that are embedded in the main feature.

• The Model Tree displays the duplicated embedded datums as sub-nodes of the
transformed instances of the main feature.

• The patterned, mirrored, and moved instances of the feature are not grouped to
form the cosmetic group, but are collectively represented by a group header.

After the pattern, mirror, or move operation, you can drag and drop the reference
standalone datum that you used for the pattern, mirror, or move operation into the
group header if found valid as reference for the group header. The patterned,


moved, or mirrored features are automatically grouped into a cosmetic group. The
reference datum that you dragged and dropped into the group is embedded in the
patterned, mirrored, or moved group header. The cosmetic group of the patterned,
mirrored, or moved features is displayed in the collapsed state as a node on the
Model Tree. The cosmetic group header uses the corresponding tool name, such as
Patterned Features, Mirrored Features, or Moved Features.
Note: You cannot drag the duplicated embedded datums of the patterned, mirrored,
or moved features out of the group, above the group header. The parent-child
constraints do not allow you to drag the embedded datum out of the group.
The cosmetic group is only a cosmetic folder that holds together the group members.
The cosmetic group header is not considered as a feature and is not identified by a
feature number.

About Patterning, Mirroring, or Moving Features with

Asynchronous Datums
You can create asynchronous datum features as references while patterning,
mirroring, or moving features. The asynchronous datums that are created are
embedded in the features that are patterned, mirrored, or moved. Additionally, the
features that are patterned, mirrored, or moved may also include embedded datum
While patterning, mirroring, or moving:
• Instances of the main feature are created with transformations.

• The datum features embedded in the main feature are also duplicated and their
instances created, but without transformations.

• The patterned, mirrored, or moved instances of the main feature form the
cosmetic group.

• The instances of the datum features without transformations retain their relevant
embedded locations in the resultant patterned, mirrored, or moved and
transformed instances of the main feature.

• The locations of the duplicated datum features in the instances of the main
feature are similar to the locations of the datum features that are embedded in
the main feature.

• The patterned, mirrored, or moved instances of the main feature reference their
relevant and corresponding duplicated datums in the cosmetic group header.

Note: If you drag these embedded datums outside the patterned, mirrored, or
moved group, the resultant patterned, mirrored, or moved instances lose the display
of the cosmetic group.

Patterning Features
While creating a pattern of a feature, you can select an existing datum feature as the
pattern reference. After patterning, you can drag and drop the reference datum
feature into the pattern header. You cannot drag or move the dragged and dropped

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datum feature that is embedded in the pattern header out of the pattern header. The
patterned instances form a cosmetic feature group and the Model Tree displays this
group as a feature node with the patterned instances as the sub-nodes.
Alternatively, you can asynchronously create a reference datum feature while
patterning a feature, especially for pattern types, such as direction and axis, that
require datum features as references. The patterned instances form the cosmetic
group referencing the datums embedded in the cosmetic pattern header.
Note: While redefining a patterned feature with embedded datums, if you use the
dimension of an embedded datum as the reference for patterning and if the
embedded datum is not referenced, then Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to confirm
whether you want to abort the redefinition process.

Creating a Pattern of a Pattern

If the original feature is a pattern and has a reference datum embedded in its
pattern header with datums embedded in its individual pattern members, and if you
are creating a pattern of a pattern:
• The first-level datums that are embedded in the pattern leader of the original
pattern are not instanced or duplicated.

• All intermediary or second-level embedded datums are duplicated without

transformations. The duplicated datums retain their relevant embedded locations.
You cannot drag the duplicated embedded datums out of their relevant cosmetic

About Deleting or Suppressing Features with Embedded Datums

When you delete or suppress a feature that has embedded datum features, you can
delete or suppress the embedded datums before deleting or suppressing the main
When you select a feature and select the Delete or Suppress commands, the
feature and all its children are selected. You must confirm the deletion or
suppression of the feature along with its children in the standard Delete or
Suppress confirmation dialog box. This confirmation dialog box displays the
additional Options button only when the feature that is being deleted or suppressed
or the automatically selected children include embedded datum features.
You can choose to retain the embedded datum features while deleting the main
feature. The retained embedded datums are converted to standalone datums after
the main feature is deleted. If you do not retain the embedded datums while deleting
the main feature, the following embedded datums of the feature are deleted:
• Datums that are embedded in the main feature selected for deletion.

• Datums that are embedded in a feature, but this main feature is a child of the
main feature selected for deletion.

Note: The option to retain the embedded datum features is available when deleting
a feature that has embedded datums or when deleting a feature whose children have


embedded datums. It is not available while suppressing a feature with embedded

When the feature selected for deletion or suppression includes embedded datum
features and is also a parent of another main feature with embedded datums, you
can selectively delete or suppress the embedded datum features in the Children
Handling dialog box that opens for such features. The Children Handling dialog
box does not list the embedded datums of the main feature that is a child of another
main feature although it lists this main feature that is a child of the other main
feature. The delete and suppress operations follow standard Pro/ENGINEER

To Delete a Feature while Retaining the Embedded Datums

1. Select the feature or its embedded datums from the Model Tree or the graphics

2. Right-click and click Delete on the shortcut menu or click Edit > Delete >

o The selected feature and the embedded datums that are its sub-nodes are

o The Delete confirmation dialog box opens prompting you to select the
advanced options that are available when you click Options.

o The Keep embedded datum features check-box is checked by default.

3. Click OK on the Delete confirmation dialog box. The main feature is deleted
while its embedded datums are retained and displayed as nodes in the Model

Note: If you clear the Keep embedded datum features check-box, and click
OK, the main feature and its embedded datum features are deleted. If you click
Options, the Children Handling dialog box opens. You can follow the standard
Pro/ENGINEER functionality to delete features with sub-nodes or children, that is,
reroute the child sub-nodes before deleting the main feature. You can also
similarly suppress features with embedded datums using the Children Handling
dialog box.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Base Features


Basics of the Extruded Feature

About the Extruded Feature

Extrusion is a method of defining three-dimensional geometry by projecting a two-
dimensional section at a specified distance normal to the sketching plane.

Use the Extrude tool as one of the basic creation methods that allows you to
create a solid or surface, and to add or remove material.
You can create the following extrusion types with the Extrude tool:
• Protrusion—Solid, Thickened

• Cut—Solid, Thickened

• Extruded surface

• Surface trim—Regular, Thickened

Typically, to create an extrusion, you select a sketched datum curve that you want to
use as a section and then activate the Extrude tool. Pro/ENGINEER shows you
preview of the feature. You can adjust the feature as needed by changing the
extrusion depth, switching between a solid or surface, protrusion or cut, or assigning
a thickness to the sketch to create a thickened feature.
Note: You can only create a solid cut, surface, or surface trim in Assembly mode.

Creating a Two-Sided Feature

You can create a two-sided feature that is constructed on both sides of the sketching
plane, with a depth option defined for each side.
To create a two-sided feature, start creating an extrusion with a depth option defined
for one side. Then click the Options slide-up panel and define the depth option for
the second side.

Accessing the Extrude Tool

To access the Extrude tool, click on the Base Features toolbar or click Insert
> Extrude.
There are several ways to activate the Extrude tool:

• (Preferred) Select an existing sketched datum curve and click . This method
is referred to as object-action.


• Click and create a sketch to extrude. This method is referred to as action-


• Select a datum plane or planar surface to use as the sketching plane and then

click .

About the Extrude User Interface

The user interface for the Extrude tool includes:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Extrude tool, click on the Base Features toolbar or click Insert >

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of the following elements:
Common Extrusion options

• —Creates a solid.

• —Creates a surface.

• Depth options—Constrains the depth of the feature.

• Depth box and Reference collector—Specifies a depth value for the extrusion
that is controlled by the depth dimension. If a depth reference is required, the
text box acts as a collector and lists the reference summary.

• —Flips the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane.

Options used for creating a cut

• —Creates a cut using the extruded volume.

• —Changes the side to be removed when creating a cut.

Options used with the Thicken Sketch option

• —Creates a feature by assigning a thickness to the section outline.

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• —Changes the side where a thickness is added, or adds a thickness to both


• Thickness box—Specifies a thickness value to apply to the section outline.

Options used for creating a Surface Trim

• —Trims a surface using a projected section.

• —Changes the side of the quilt to be removed, or keeps both sides.

• Quilt collector—If both sides of the quilt are kept, specifies the side to retain
the quilt id of the original quilt.

Slide-up Panels
The Extrude tool provides the following slide-up panels:
• Placement—Use this slide-up panel to redefine the feature section. Click Define
to create or change the section. Click Unlink to make the section independent of
the sketched datum curve.

• Options—Use this slide-up panel to do the following:

o Redefine the depth of the feature for each side of the sketching plane.

o Create a surface feature with capped ends by selecting the Capped Ends

• Properties—Use this slide-up panel to edit the feature name and open feature
information in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Shortcut Menus
When you right-click an extruded feature, the shortcut menu lists the following
feature options:
• Surface—Switches from solid geometry to surface.

• Solid—Switches from surface geometry to solid.

• Remove Material—Switches the extrusion between protrusion and cut.

• Thicken Sketch—Creates the extrusion by adding a thickness to the sketched


• Define Internal Sketch—Create a feature section or select a different section.

• Flip Depth Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation with

respect to the sketching plane.

• Flip Material Side—Switches the side of the sketch where material will be
removed when creating a cut or where material will be added when creating a
thickened feature.


• Clear—Clears the active collector.

When you right-click an extruded feature, you can access the following collectors:
• Placement collector—Selects another sketched datum curve to extrude.

• Depth side 1 collector—Changes a reference for the To Selected or Through

Until depth option for Side 1.

• Depth side 2 collector—Changes a reference for the To Selected or Through

Until depth option for Side 2.

• Trim Quilt collector—Selects another quilt to trim.

• Intersection Components Collector—In Assembly mode, defines the feature

visibility and select the components that the feature will intersect.

When you right-click a directional arrow, the shortcut menu lists Flip, allowing you
to switch the direction of feature creation.
When you right-click a drag handle, the shortcut menu lists the following depth
• Flip Depth Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation with
respect to the sketching plane.

• Blind—Extrudes a section from the sketching plane by the specified depth value.

• Symmetric—Extrudes a section on each side of the sketching plane by half of

the specified depth value.

• To Next—Extrudes a section up to the next surface. Use this option to terminate

a feature at the first surface it reaches.

• Through All—Extrudes a section to intersect with all surfaces. Use this option to
terminate a feature at the last surface it reaches.

• Through Until—Extrudes a section to intersect with a selected surface or plane.

• To Selected—Extrudes a section to a selected point, curve, plane, or surface.

Example: Different Types of Extrude Feature

The next table shows different types of geometry that you can create with the
Extrude tool.

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Extruded Solid Protrusion

Extruded Solid Protrusion

with an assigned
thickness (Thickened)

Extruded Cut, created

with Through Next

Extruded Surface


Extruded Surface Trim

A section is projected
onto quilt to cut out a
hole in the quilt.

Surface trim with an a) original

open section

A section is projected on
the quilt to create a trim
line and cut the quilt.

b) resulting

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About Sections Used for Extrusions

The Extrude tool requires you to define a section to extrude. You can define a section
using one of the following methods:
• Select a sketched datum curve before activating the Extrude tool.

• Activate the Extrude tool and sketch a section. To create a section, click the
Placement slide-up panel, and then click Edit.

• While in the Extrude tool, create a sketched datum curve for use as a section. To

create a datum curve, click on the Base Features toolbar.

• Activate the Extrude tool and select a sketched datum curve.

Sections for Solid Extrusions

Note: These rules do not apply to cuts, thickened features, and surfaces.
Consider the following rules for creating sections:
• Extruded sections can be open or closed.

• Open sections can have only one contour. All open ends must be aligned to the
part edges.

• Closed sections may consist of the following:

o Single or multiple closed loops that do not overlap.

o Nested loops, where the largest loop is used as an outside loop and each
other loop is considered to be a hole in the larger loop. The loops can not
intersect each other.

Sections for Cuts and Thickened Extrusions

Consider the following rules for creating sections:
• You can use an open or closed section.

• You can use an open section with ends that are not aligned.

• A section cannot have intersecting entities.

Sections for Surfaces

Consider the following rules for creating sections:
• You can use an open or closed section.

• A section can have intersecting entities.


Using Sections with Multiple Contours

When you add an extrusion to an existing part geometry, you can sketch several
contours on the same sketching plane. These contours may not overlap, but they can
be nested. All extruded contours share the same depth option and are always
selected together.
You can also sketch multiple loops within the section outline to create voids (islands)
inside a protrusion.

Preselecting a Sketching Plane

You can select a sketching plane before you enter the Extrude or Revolve tool.
When you select a datum plane or a planar surface and activate the Extrude or
Revolve tool, the selected planar reference is used as the default sketching plane.
Therefore, when you enter Sketcher, the Section dialog box opens with the
sketching plane defined. You can change the selected sketching plane if needed.
Note: If you select a planar reference and then select a sketched datum curve for
use as a feature section, only the datum curve selection is used by the feature tool.

Using a Sketched Datum Curve as a Feature Section

You can use an existing sketched datum curve as a section for the extruded or
revolved feature.
The default feature type depends on the selected geometry:
• If you select an open sketched datum curve, the Extrude or Revolve tool by
default creates a surface.

• If you select a closed sketched datum curve, the Extrude or Revolve tool by
default creates a solid protrusion. You can later change solid geometry to surface

Note: In Assembly mode, the default feature type is solid cut.

Consider the following rules on using an existing sketched datum curve as a feature
• You cannot select a copied sketched datum curve.

• If more than one valid sketched datum curve was selected or if the selected
geometry was invalid, the Extrude or Revolve tool opens with no geometry
collected. The system displays an error message and asks you to select new

Associativity between the Selected Curve and the Feature

By default, when you select a sketched datum curve to use as a feature section, the
section becomes associative with the original curve. You can break this associativity
and make the curve independent by clicking the Placement slide-up panel, and then

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clicking Unlink. When you unlink the section, the sketched datum curve is copied
into the feature and becomes and an internal sketch.
The Model Tree reflects whether the sketch used is internal or external. If you
selected a datum curve to use as the feature section, clicking on the feature node
shows the node for the sketched datum curve. If you redefine the feature and unlink
the datum curve, its node under the feature node changes to that of an internal
If you created a sketched datum curve while in the Extrude or Revolve tool,
Pro/ENGINEER creates a group that includes the curve and the feature.

About the Depth Options

You can specify the depth of an extruded feature by selecting one of the following
depth options:

Blind—Extrudes a section from the sketching plane by the specified depth value.
Note: Specifying a negative depth value flips the depth direction.

Symmetric—Extrudes a section on each side of the sketching plane by half of

the specified depth value.

Through Until—Extrudes a section to intersect with a selected surface or plane.

For a terminating surface, you can select the following:
o A part surface, which is not required to be planar

o A datum plane, which is not required to be parallel to the sketching plane

o A quilt composed of one or several surfaces

o In an assembly, you can select geometry of another component.

To Next—Extrudes a section to the next surface. Use this option to terminate a

feature at the first surface it reaches.
Note: You cannot use a datum plane as a terminating surface.

Through All—Extrudes a section to intersect with all surfaces. Use this option to
terminate a feature at the last surface it reaches.

To Selected—Extrudes a section to a selected point, curve, plane, or surface.

Rules for Terminating Features Using the Part Entities

• For Through Until and To Next depth options, the outline of the extrusion must
lie within the boundaries of the terminating surface.

• Features that terminate at the intersection with another entity do not have a
depth parameter associated with them. Modifying the terminating surface alters
the depth of the feature.


Tips for Changing the Depth Options Using Snapping

You can use snapping to the nearest reference to change the depth option from
Blind to To Selected. Hold down SHIFT and drag the depth handle to a reference
that you want to use to terminate the feature.
You can change the depth option back to Blind by holding down SHIFT and dragging
the depth handle. As you drag the handle, the depth dimension is displayed.

About the Thicken Sketch Command

Use the Thicken Sketch command to create a thin solid by applying a specified
thickness to the section outline. The Thicken Sketch command is useful when
creating simplified features with a uniform thickness.
Consider these rules for adding a thickness:
• You can apply the thickness value to either side of the sketch or to both sides.

• For the thickness dimension, you can specify only a positive value.

Note: You cannot include text in a section sketch.

About an Extruded Cut

You can use the Extrude tool to remove material by projecting a sketched section
normal to the sketching plane.
You can use open or closed sections to create a cut. Removing material using a
closed section creates a slot. To create a cut, use the same depth options as for
extruded protrusions.
While defining a cut, you can switch between the following feature attributes:

• Cut and protrusion by clicking Remove Material

• The side where material is removed by clicking Flip Material Side

• Solid and thin cut by clicking Thicken Sketch

About an Extruded Surface

With the Extrude tool, you can create an extruded surface by extruding a sketched
section to a specified depth in the direction normal to the sketching plane.
To define the depth of the extruded surface, use one of these depth options:

Blind—Extrudes a section from the sketching plane by the specified depth value.

Symmetric—Extrudes a section on both sides of the sketching plane by half of

the specified depth value.

To Selected—Extrudes a section to a selected point, curve, plane, or surface.

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Creating an Extruded Surface with an Open or Closed Volume

An extruded surface can have open or closed ends. To create an extruded surface
with a closed volume, select the Capped Ends option in the Options slide-up panel
to create an additional surface to close off the feature.
Note: The Capped Ends option requires a closed section.

About a Surface Trim Created with the Extrude Tool

You can use the Extrude tool to trim a quilt by projecting a sketched section onto a
quilt normal to the sketching plane.
Note: To create a surface trim, you must have a quilt in your model.
A section outline defines the trim boundary in a quilt. A section can be open or
closed. Consider the following rules about sections:
• A closed section can lie within or intersect the quilt boundaries.

• An open section must intersect the quilt boundaries.

Depth Options for Trim Surface

To define the depth of the extruded surface trim, use one of these depth options:

• Blind—Extrudes a section from the sketching plane by the specified depth


• Symmetric—Extrudes a section on each side of the sketching plane by half

of the specified depth value.

• To Next—Extrudes a section to the next surface. Use this option to terminate

a feature at the first surface it reaches. Note: You cannot use a datum plane as a
terminating surface.

• Through All—Extrudes a section to intersect with all surfaces. Use this

option to terminate a feature at the last surface it reaches.

• To Selected—Extrudes a section to a selected point, curve, plane, or

surface. Note: The terminating plane must be parallel to the sketching plane.

Selecting the Portion of the Quilt to Keep

When you trim a quilt with a projected section, you can choose which portion of the
quilt to keep, or you can keep both portions of the quilt.
Note: If you keep both sides of the quilt, you must select which portion of the
trimmed quilt inherits the quilt ID.


Tips for Creating a Revolved Feature Using the Object/Action

With this method, you first create a section and then activate the Revolve tool

( ). When you use an existing datum curve as a feature section, the selected
datum curve is copied into the feature section. A warning dialog box informs you that
the feature section will not be associative with the original datum curve. The Revolve
tool analyzes the selected geometry and creates default geometry. The default
feature type depends on the selected geometry (for example, an open sketched
datum curve produces a surface).
To create a revolved feature using the Object/Action method:

1. Click on the Datums toolbar, define references, and sketch a datum curve.

2. To define an axis of revolution, click on the Sketcher the toolbar, and sketch
an axis.

3. Click OK to complete the datum curve creation.

4. Click to activate the Revolve tool. A warning dialog box informs you that the
feature section will not be associative with the original datum curve. The
sketched datum curve that you have created is collected as a section. The
Revolve tool constructs a default revolved feature.

Tips for Creating an Extrusion Using the Object/Action Workflow

With this method, you first select a sketched datum curve and then activate the

Extrude tool ( ). The selected datum curve is copied into the feature section. A
warning dialog box informs you that the feature section will not be associative with
the original datum curve. The Extrude tool analyzes the selected geometry and
creates a default extrusion. The default feature type depends on the selected
geometry (for example, an open sketched datum curve produces a surface). You can
then change the feature type and options as needed.

Working with the Extruded Feature

To Create a Solid Protrusion

1. Select a sketched datum curve to use for extrusion.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar. The system creates a default solid
extrusion using the Blind depth option. Spin the model to see it in a 3D view.

3. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

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o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Depth
Direction on the shortcut menu.

o To change the depth dimension, double-click the depth dimension in the

graphics area and type a new one in the dimension box.

Tip: To manually adjust the feature depth, click and hold the depth handle
and drag it up to the desired depth.

o To change the depth option from the default Blind option, click the
appropriate depth icon on the dialog bar. For example, to switch to To

Selected, click and select a point, curve, plane, or surface that will
intersect the feature.


Alternatively, you can right-click the depth handle and select a different
depth option form the shortcut menu.

You can use snapping to any valid entity with the To Selected option. Hold
down the SHIFT key and drag the depth handle until you reach a reference
that you want to use to terminate the feature. When the system highlights
the desired reference, you can release the handle.

4. (Optional) The section used for the extrusion is associative with the sketched
datum curve you selected. If you want to break this associativity and copy the
section into the extrusion, click the Placement slide-up panel and then click

5. To verify the feature, click .

6. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create a Thickened Extrusion

Note: If you want to use an open section to create a thin extrusion that is the first

feature in the model, click before you start sketching the section. Otherwise,
Sketcher will consider the open section invalid.
1. Select a sketched datum curve to use for extrusion.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar. The system creates a default extrusion
using the Blind depth option. Spin the model to see it in a 3D view.


3. To add thickness to the sketch, click on the dialog bar or right-click the
feature and select Thicken Sketch on the shortcut menu. Type the thickness

value in the dimension box to the right of the icon.

4. To change the side where the thickness is added, click to the right of the
thickness dimension box. You can toggle between three modes:

o Add thickness to Side 1

o Add thickness to Side 2

o Add thickness to both sides

5. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Depth
Direction on the shortcut menu.

o To change the depth dimension, double-click the depth dimension in the

graphics area and type a new one in the dimension box.

Tip: To manually adjust the feature depth, click and hold the depth handle
and drag it up to the desired depth.

o To change the depth option from the default Blind option, click the
appropriate depth icon on the dialog bar. For example, to switch to To

Selected, click and select a point, curve, plane, or surface that will
intersect the feature.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the depth handle and select a
different depth option form the shortcut menu.

Tip: You can use snapping to the nearest entity with the To Selected
option. Hold down the SHIFT key and drag the depth handle until you reach
a reference that you want to use to terminate the feature. When the system
highlights the desired reference, you can release the handle.

6. To verify the feature, click .

7. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create a Cut
1. Select a sketched datum curve to use for extrusion.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

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3. Click on the dialog bar.

4. The system creates a default solid cut using the Blind depth option. Spin the
model to see it in a 3D view.

5. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Depth
Direction on the shortcut menu.

o To flip the side where material is removed, click on the dialog bar to

the right of .

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Material
Side on the shortcut menu.

o To change the depth dimension, double-click the depth dimension in the

graphics area and type a new one in the dimension box.

o To change the depth option from the default Blind option, click the
appropriate depth icon on the dashboard.

Tip: You can use snapping to the nearest entity with the To Selected
option. Hold down the SHIFT key and drag the depth handle until you reach
a reference that you want to use to terminate the feature. When the system
highlights the desired reference, you can release the handle.

6. (Optional) The section used for the cut is associative with the sketched datum
curve you selected. If you want to break this associativity and copy the section
into the extrusion, click the Placement slide-up panel and then click Unlink.

7. (Optional) The section used for the extrusion is associative with the sketched
datum curve you selected. If you want to break this associativity and copy the
section into the extrusion, click the Placement slide-up panel and then click

8. To verify the feature, click .

9. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create an Extruded Surface

1. Select a sketched datum curve to use for extrusion.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

3. Click on the dialog bar.


4. The system creates a default surface extrusion using the Blind depth option.
Spin the model to see it in a 3D view.

5. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Depth
Direction on the shortcut menu.

o To change the depth dimension, double-click the depth dimension in the

graphics area and type a new one in the dimension box.

o To create a double-sided feature, click the Options slide-up panel on the

dialog bar and define the depth for the second side. To do this, select the
depth option for Side 2 and select an intersecting reference, if needed.

6. If you used a closed section for the extrude feature, you can close the ends of the
extruded surface. Click the Options slide-up panel on the dialog bar and select
Capped Ends.

7. (Optional) The section used for the extrusion is associative with the sketched
datum curve you selected. If you want to break this associativity and copy the
section into the extrusion, click the Placement slide-up panel and then click

8. To verify the feature, click .

9. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create a Surface Trim

Note: To create a surface trim, you must have a quilt present in your model.
1. Select a sketched datum curve to use for extrusion.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

3. Click on the dialog bar or click Surface on the shortcut menu.

4. Click to create a surface trim or click Remove Material on the shortcut


5. To define a trim boundary, create a section to extrude. Click on the dialog

bar or on the Placement slide-up panel.

6. Select a sketching plane and specify its orientation or accept the default

7. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

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8. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

9. Sketch a section. Click to exit Sketcher.

10. Select a quilt to trim.

11. The system extrudes a section to intersect the selected quilt. Spin the model to
see the feature in a 3D view.

12. To preview how the quilt will be trimmed, click .

13. To change the depth option from the default Blind option, click the appropriate
depth icon on the dialog bar.

14. To change the portion of the quilt to be removed, click on the dialog bar to
the left of the Quilt collector. Notice that the arrow that lies within the sketching

plane points to the side that will be removed. Click to toggle between three

o Remove Side 1

o Remove Side 2

o Keep both sides

Tip: Alternatively, you can change the portion of the quilt to be removed by
right-clicking the feature and clicking Flip Material Side on the shortcut menu.

15. If both sides are kept, you must select the side that will inherit the original quilt

ID by clicking (located to the right of the Quilt collector).

16. (Optional) The section used for the extrusion is associative with the sketched
datum curve you selected. If you want to break this associativity and copy the
section into the extrusion, click the Placement slide-up panel, and then click

17. To verify the feature, click .

18. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create an Internal Sketch

Follow this procedure to create an internal sketch while you are in the Extrude or
Revolve tool.
1. Activate the tool.

2. Click the Placement slide-up panel.

3. Click Define.


4. Select the sketching plane and specify its orientation, or accept the default

5. Click Sketch on the Sketch dialog box. You are now in Sketcher.

6. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

7. Sketch a section. For the revolved feature, sketch a centerline.

8. Click to exit Sketcher. A preview of the feature geometry appears.

9. Adjust the feature geometry as needed.

Tip: Creating a Datum Curve While in the Feature Tool

Occasionally, you may need to create a sketched datum curve to use as a feature
section after you have already activated the Extrude or Revolve tool.

1. With the feature tool active, click on the Datums toolbar.

2. Create a sketched datum curve.

3. When finished sketching, click to exit Sketcher.

4. To reactivate the Extrude or Revolve tool, click at the bottom-right corner of

the graphics window. Pro/ENGINEER uses newly created sketched datum curve
as the feature section and creates default geometry.

5. Adjust the feature as needed.

Making Changes to an Extruded Feature

With the Extrude tool, you can switch between different feature options while
creating an extrusion. You can also edit the feature after it has been created using
one of the editing tools:
• Edit Definition—Redefine the feature.

• Edit References—Change the existing references by replacing them with new.

• Edit—Modify feature dimensions.

Note: When you redefine the feature type from solid to surface or vice versa, these
changes are not propagated to the dependent copies of that feature.

Using Direct Section Edit

You can access a feature section in the Model Tree and make changes to the section
without entering the feature Edit mode. This lets you work directly with the section
and its placement references without opening the Extrude tool.
To edit a section from the Model Tree:

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1. Click the feature icon in the Model Tree. The section subnode ( ) appears
in the Model Tree.

2. Right-click the section subnode and choose one of the options:

o Edit—Modify the section dimensions.

o Edit Definition—Modify the section placement and the section geometry.

Redefining a Copied Feature

If you edit a section while redefining a copied extruded feature, the redefined feature
is no longer associative with the original feature.


Basics of the Revolved Feature

About the Revolved Feature

The Revolve tool creates a feature by revolving a sketched section around a

centerline. Use the Revolve tool as one of the basic creation methods that allows you
to create a revolved geometry as a solid or surface, and to add or remove material.
You can create different types of revolved feature with the Revolve tool:
• Revolved protrusion—Solid, Thickened

• Revolved cut—Solid, Thickened

• Revolved surface

• Revolved surface trim—Regular, Thickened

Typically, to create a revolved feature, you activate the Revolve tool and specify the
feature type, solid or surface. Then you select or create a sketch. A revolved section
requires an axis of revolution that can be created either with the section or defined
by selecting model geometry. After the Revolve tool shows you preview of the
feature geometry, you can change the angle of revolution, switch between a solid or
surface, protrusion or cut, or assign a thickness to the sketch to create a thickened
Note: Legacy revolved features that were defined using the Constant angle option
are automatically converted to Variable.

Creating a Two-Sided Feature

You can create a two-sided feature that is constructed on both sides of the sketching
plane, with a depth option defined for each side.


To create a two-sided feature, start creating a revolved feature with an angle option
defined for one side. Then select the Options slide-up panel and define the angle of
revolution for the second side.

Accessing the Revolve Tool

To access the Revolve tool, click on the Base Features toolbar or click Insert >
There are several ways to activate the Revolve tool:

• (Preferred) Preselect a section—Create a section to use and then click . This

method is referred to as object-action.

• Click and create a sketch to revolve. This method is referred to as


• Preselect a datum plane—Select a datum plane or planar surface to use as the

sketching plane and then click .

About the Revolve User Interface

The user interface for the Revolve tool includes:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Revolve tool, click on the Base Features toolbar, or click Insert
> Revolve.

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of the following elements:
Common Revolve options

• —Creates a solid feature.

• —Creates a surface feature.

• Angle options—Lists options to constrain the angle of revolution for the feature.

Choose one of these options: Variable, Symmetric, or To


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• Angle box/Reference collector—Specifies an angle value for the revolved feature.

If a reference is required, the text box acts as a collector and lists the reference

• —Flips the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane.

Options used for creating a cut

• —Creates a cut using the revolved feature volume.

• —Changes the side to be removed when creating a cut.

Options used with the Thicken Sketch option

• —Creates a feature by assigning a thickness to the section outline.

• —Changes the side where a thickness is added or adds a thickness to both


• Thickness box—Specifies a thickness value to apply to the section outline.

Options used for creating a Revolved Surface Trim

• —Trims a surface using a revolved section.

• —Changes the side of the quilt to be removed, or keeps both sides.

• Quilt collector—If both sides of the quilt are kept, select the side to retain the
quilt id of the original quilt.

Slide-up Panels
The Revolve tool provides the following slide-up panels:
• Placement—Use this slide-up panel to redefine the feature section and specify
the axis of revolution. Click Define to create or change the section. Click inside
the Axis collector to define the axis of revolution. Click Unlink to make the
section independent of the sketched datum curve.

• Options—Use this slide-up panel to do the following:

o Redefine the angle of revolution for one or both sides of the sketch.

o Create a surface feature with capped ends by selecting the Capped Ends

• Properties—Use this slide-up panel to edit the feature name and open feature
information in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.


Shortcut Menus
When you right-click a revolved feature, the shortcut menu lists the following feature
• Surface—Switches from solid geometry to surface.

• Solid—Switches from surface geometry to solid.

• Remove Material—Switches the feature between protrusion and cut.

• Thicken Sketch—Applies a thickness to the sketch.

• Define Internal Sketch—Create a feature section or select a different section.

• Flip Angle Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation with respect
to the sketching plane.

• Flip Material Side—Switches the side of the sketch where material will be
removed when creating a cut, or adds material when creating a thickened

• Clear—Clears the active collector.

When you right-click an extruded feature, you can access the following collectors:
• Placement collector—Selects another sketched datum curve to use as a

• Angle side 1 collector—Changes a reference for the To Selected option for

Side 1.

• Angle side 2 collector—Changes a reference for the To Selected option for

Side 2.

• Trim Quilt collector—Selects another quilt to trim.

• Intersection Components Collector—In Assembly mode, defines the feature

visibility and select the components that the feature will intersect.

When you right-click a drag handle, the shortcut menu lists the following angle
• Flip Angle Direction—Switches the direction of the feature creation with respect
to the sketching plane.

• Variable—Revolves the section from the sketching plane by the specified angle
value. Type the angle value in the text box, or select one of predefined angles
(90, 180, 270, and 360).

• Symmetric—Revolves the section on each side of the sketching plane by half of

the specified angle value.

• To Selected—Revolves the section up to a selected point, curve, plane, or


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Example: Different Types of Revolved Feature

The next table shows different types of geometry that you can create with the
Revolve tool.

Revolved Solid Protrusion

Revolved Protrusion with

an assigned thickness
(created using a closed

Revolved Protrusion with

an assigned thickness
(created using an open

Revolved Cut


Revolved Surface

About Sections Used for Revolved Features

Creating a revolved feature requires you to define a section that you want to revolve
and the axis of revolution. The axis can be a linear reference or a Sketcher
Consider the following rules for defining revolved sections:
• You can use open or closed sections to create revolved surfaces.

• Geometry must be sketched only on one side of the axis of revolution.

About the Axis of Revolution

To define an axis of revolution for a revolved feature, you can use one of the
• External reference—Use an existing part geometry of a valid type.

• Internal centerline—Use a centerline created in Sketcher.

While defining a revolved feature, you can change the axis of revolution, for
example, select an external axis instead of the centerline.
Consider these rules for defining the axis of revolution:
• Geometry must be sketched only on one side of the axis of revolution.

• The axis of revolution (a geometric reference or a centerline) must lie in the

sketching plane of the section.

Using Model Geometry as an Axis of Revolution

You can select an existing linear geometry as an axis of revolution. You can use the
following entities as a reference:
• Datum axis

• Straight edge

• Straight curve

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• An axis of a coordinate system

Using a Sketcher Centerline as the Axis of Revolution

In Sketcher, you can draw a centerline to use as the axis of revolution. Consider the
following information about a centerline:
• If a section contains one centerline, the centerline is used as the axis of

• If a section contains more than one centerline, the system uses the first
centerline as the axis of revolution. You can declare any centerline as the axis of

About the Angle of Revolution

In a revolved feature, a section is revolved around an axis of revolution to a specified
angle. You can define the angle of revolution by selecting one of the following angle

Variable —Revolves a section from the sketching plane by the specified angle
value. Type the angle value in the text box, or select one of predefined angles (90,
180, 270, 360). If you select one of the predefined angle values, the system creates
an angle dimension.

Symmetric—Revolves a section on each side of the sketching plane by half of

the specified angle value.

To Selected—Revolves a section up to a selected datum point, vertex, plane, or

surface. Note: The terminating plane or surface must contain the axis of revolution.

Tips for Changing the Angle Option Using Snapping

You can use snapping to the nearest reference to change the angle option from
Variable to To Selected. Hold down SHIFT and drag the handle to a reference that
you want to use to terminate the feature.
You can change the angle option back to Variable by holding down SHIFT and
dragging the handle. As you drag the handle, the angle dimension is displayed.

About a Revolved Cut

You can use the Revolve tool to remove material by revolving a sketched section
about a centerline.
To create a cut, use the same angle options as for protrusions. For solid cuts, use
closed sections. For cuts created with Thicken Sketch, you can use both closed and
open sections.
While defining a cut, you can switch between the following feature attributes:

• Cut and protrusion by clicking Remove Material


• The side where material is removed by clicking Flip Material Side

• Solid and thin cut by clicking Thicken Sketch

About a Revolved Surface

With the Revolve tool, you can create an extruded surface by revolving a sketched
section about a centerline.
To define the depth of the extruded surface, use one of these depth options:

Blind—Extrude a section from the sketching plane by the specified depth value.

Symmetric—Extrude a section on both sides of the sketching plane by half of

the specified depth value.

To Selected—Extrude a section to a selected point, curve, plane, or surface.

Creating an Extruded Surface with an Open or Closed Volume

An extruded surface can have open or closed ends. To create an extruded surface
with a closed volume, select the Capped Ends option in the Options slide-up panel.
The system creates an additional surface to close off the feature.

Working with the Revolved Feature

To Define an Axis of Revolution

You can use one of the following methods to define an axis of revolution:
Select model geometry to use as an external axis of revolution
Sketch a centerline when you sketch a section

Using an external axis of revolution

1. Make sure the model contains geometry that you want to use as an axis of

2. Create a section that you want to revolve.

3. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

4. Click the Axis collector .

5. Select a feature or geometric reference to use as an axis of revolution.

6. Continue defining the revolved feature.

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Using an internal centerline as an axis of revolution

1. Create a sketch that includes a section and a sketched centerline.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

3. Continue defining the revolved feature.

To Create a Revolved Solid

Use this procedure when you want to create a revolved solid using an existing
sketched datum curve as a feature section and a linear reference as an axis of
1. Select a sketched datum curve to use as a revolved section.

2. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

3. If the section did not contain a centerline, click the Axis collector .

4. Select a linear reference to use as the axis of revolution.

5. The system by default creates a solid feature that is revolved by 360°. Spin the
model to see it in a 3D view. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o You can create a solid feature from an open section by using the Thicken

Sketch ( ) option.

o To adjust the angle of revolution, double-click the angle dimension on the

model and type a new one in the dimension box.

Tip: To manually adjust the feature depth, click the angle handle and drag
it up to the desired angle.

o To change the angle option, click the appropriate angle icon on the

dashboard. For example, to switch to To Selected, click and select a

point, curve, plane, or surface that will intersect the feature.

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

6. To verify the feature, click .

7. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .


To Create a Thickened Revolved Feature

Note: To create a thin solid using an open section, click before you start
sketching the section. Otherwise, Sketcher will consider the open section invalid.

1. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

2. To create a section to revolve, click the Placement slide-up panel on the

dashboard. Then click Define. The Sketch dialog box opens.

3. Select a sketching plane, specify its orientation, or accept the default orientation.

4. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

5. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

6. Sketch an open or closed section. Sketch a centerline to use as an axis of


7. Click to exit Sketcher. The system creates default geometry using the Blind
depth option. Spin the model to see it in a 3D view.

8. To add thickness to the sketch, click on the dialog bar or right-click the
feature and select Thicken Sketch on the shortcut menu. Type the thickness

value in the dimension box to the right of the icon.

9. To change the side where the thickness is added, click to the right of the
thickness dimension box. You can toggle between three modes:

o Add thickness to Side 1

o Add thickness to Side 2

o Add thickness to both sides

10. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To adjust the angle of revolution, double-click the angle dimension on the

model and type a new one in the dimension box.

Tip: To manually adjust the feature depth, click the angle handle and drag
it up to the desired angle.

o To change the angle option, click the appropriate angle icon on the

dashboard. For example, to switch to To Selected, click and select a

point, curve, plane, or surface that will intersect the feature.

o To change the thickness, double-click the thickness dimension in the

graphics area and type a new value.

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o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

11. To verify the feature, click .

12. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

To Create a Revolved Cut

1. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

2. Click on the dialog bar.

3. To create a section to revolve, click the Placement slide-up panel, and then click

4. Select a sketching plane and specify its orientation, or accept the default

5. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

6. Accept the default references, or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

7. Sketch a closed section that you want to revolve.

8. Using on the Sketcher toolbar, sketch a centerline to use as the axis of


9. Click to exit Sketcher. The system creates a default solid cut using the
Variable angle option. Spin the model to see it in a 3D view.

10. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dashboard.

o To flip the side where material is removed, click on the dialog bar.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the feature and click Flip Material
Side on the shortcut menu.

o To change the angle dimension, double-click the angle dimension in the

graphics area and type a new one in the dimension box.

11. To verify the feature, click .

12. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .


To Create a Revolved Surface

Note: A revolved section must contain an axis of revolution.

1. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

2. Click on the dialog bar.

3. To create a section to revolve, click the Placement slide-up panel, and then click

4. Select a sketching plane and specify its orientation, or accept the default

5. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

6. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

7. Sketch an open or a closed section that you want to revolve.

8. Using on the Sketcher toolbar, sketch a centerline to be used as the axis of


9. When you finish creating both the section and the centerline, click to exit
Sketcher. The system creates a surface feature that is revolved by 360°. Spin the
model to see it in a 3D view. You can now adjust the geometry as needed:

o To flip the direction of feature creation with respect to the sketching plane,

click on the dialog bar.

o To adjust the angle dimension, double-click the angle dimension on the

model and type a new one in the dimension box.

o To create a double-sided feature, click the Options slide-up panel on the

dialog bar and define the angle for the second side. To do this, select the
angle option for Side 2 and select an intersecting reference, if needed.

o If you used a closed section for the revolved feature, you can close the
ends of the revolved surface. Click the Options slide-up panel on the
dashboard and select Capped Ends.

10. To verify the feature, click .

11. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

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To Create a Revolved Surface Trim

Note: To create a surface trim, you must have a quilt present in your model.

1. Click on the Base Features toolbar.

2. Click on the dialog bar or click Surface on the shortcut menu.

3. Click to create a surface trim or click Remove Material on the shortcut


4. To define a trim boundary, create a section to revolve. Click the Placement

slide-up panel, and then click Edit.

5. Select a sketching plane and specify its orientation or accept the default

6. Click Sketch. You are now placed in Sketcher.

7. Accept the default references or select different references for dimensioning the
section. When finished, click Close on the References dialog box.

8. Sketch a section and centerline. Click to exit Sketcher.

9. Select a quilt to trim.

10. The system revolves a section to intersect the selected quilt. Spin the model to
see the feature in a 3D view.

11. To verify how the quilt will be trimmed, click .

12. To change the default angle option, click the appropriate angle icon on the dialog

13. To change the portion of the quilt to be removed, click on the dialog bar to
the left of the Quilt collector. Notice that the arrow that lies within the sketching

plane points to the side that will be removed. Click to toggle between three

o Remove Side 1

o Remove Side 2

o Keep both sides

Tip: Alternatively, you can change the portion of the quilt to be removed by
right-clicking the feature and clicking Flip Material Side on the shortcut menu.

14. If both sides are kept, you must select the side that will inherit the original quilt

id by clicking (located to the right of the Quilt collector).


15. To verify the feature, click .

16. If you are satisfied with the geometry you created, click .

Making Changes to a Revolved Feature

With the Revolve tool, you can switch between different feature options while
creating the feature. You can also edit the feature after it has been created using one
of the editing tools:
• Edit Definition—Redefine the feature.

• Edit References—Change the existing references by replacing them with new.

• Edit—Modify feature dimensions.

Note: When you redefine the feature type from solid to surface or vice versa, these
changes are not propagated to the dependent copies of that feature.

Using Direct Section Edit

You can access a feature section in the Model Tree and make changes to the section
without entering the feature Edit mode. This lets you work directly with the section
and placement references without opening the Revolve tool.
To edit a section from the Model Tree:

1. Click the feature icon in the Model Tree. The section subnode ( ) appears
in the Model Tree.

2. Right-click the section subnode and choose one of the options:

o Edit—Modify the section dimensions.

o Edit Definition—Modify the section placement and the section geometry.

Redefining a Copied Feature

If you edit a section while redefining a copied revolved feature, the redefined feature
is no longer associative with the original feature.

Variable Section Sweep

About the Variable Section Sweep Feature

With the Variable Section Sweep feature, you can create a solid or surface feature.
You add or remove material while sweeping a section along one or more selected
trajectories by controlling the section’s orientation, rotation, and geometry. You can
create a sweep using a constant section or a variable section.
• Variable Section—Constrains the sketch entities to other trajectories (pivot
plane or existing geometry) or use section relations with the “trajpar” parameter

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to make the sketch variable. The references to which the sketch is constrained
changes the shape of the section. Also, defining the dimensioning scheme by a
graph or relations (with trajpar) makes the sketch variable. Sketch regenerates
at points along the trajectory and updates its shape accordingly.

• Constant Section—Sketch does not change its shape as its being swept along
the trajectories. Only orientation of the frame on which the section lies changes.

The main components of the variable section sweep tool are the section trajectories.
The sketched section sits on a frame that is attached to the Origin trajectory and
moves along its length to create geometry. The Origin trajectory, along with the
other trajectories and other references such as the planes, axes, edges, or an axis of
the coordinate system define the orientation of the section along the sweep.
The frame is essentially a coordinate system that slides along the origin trajectory
and carries with itself the section to be swept. Axes of the coordinate system are
defined by auxiliary trajectories and other references. The Frame is important
because it determines the orientation of the sketch as it is being moved along the
origin trajectory. The Frame is oriented by additional constraints and references such
as the Normal to Trajectory, Normal to Projection, and the Constant Normal Direction
(along an axis, edge, or plane).
Pro/ENGINEER places the sketched section in a certain orientation with respect to
these references and attaches it to a coordinate system that moves along the Origin
trajectory and sweeps the section.
When creating cut, trim, or thin features, use the arrows in the graphic window to
indicate the direction of the tool operation.

About the Variable Section Sweep User Interface

The Variable Section Sweep user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Variable Section Sweep tool, click in the Feature toolbar or click
Insert > Variable Section Sweep.

Dialog Bar
The Variable Section Sweep dialog bar consists of the following elements:

Solid—Sweep as solid.

Surface—Sweep as a surface.


Open the internal section sketcher to create or edit sweep section.

Solid or Surface Cut.

Thin Protrusion, Thin Solid or Surface Cut.

Change the direction of the operation to add or remove material.

Most recently used value box—Type or select a thickness value.
Trim quilt box—Contains quilt references you selected to be trimmed.
Note: A flip button appears after the trim quilt collector if you decide to keep both
sides of the quilt after the trim operation. Use the flip button to specify which side
retains or inherits the quilt ID from the trim quilt in the collector.

Slide-up Panels
The Variable Section Sweep dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References

o Trajectories Collector—Displays the trajectory that you selected as the

origin and allows you to specify types of trajectories.

Details—Opens the Chain dialog box so you can modify the chain properties.

o Section Plane Control—Determines how the section plane is oriented.

Normal to Trajectory—Moving frame is always normal to a specified trajectory.

Normal to Projection—Y axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified direction

and Z axis is tangent to the projection of the original trajectory along the
specified direction. The direction reference collector allows you to add or delete

Constant Normal Direction—Z axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified

direction. The direction reference collector allows you to add or delete references.

o Horizontal/Vertical Control—Determines how the frame rotation around

the sketch plane's normal is controlled along the variable section sweep.

Automatic—The section plane is automatically oriented in the XY direction.

Pro/ENGINEER calculates the direction of the x-vector such that the swept
geometry is minimally twisted. Automatic is the default for an origin trajectory
without any referenced surfaces. The direction reference collector allows you to
define the initial section or frame x-axis orientation at the start of the sweep.
Sometimes it is necessary to specify the X-axis direction, for example, for
straight line trajectories or trajectories that have a straight segment at the start.

Normal to Surface—Y-axis of the section plane is normal to the surface on

which the Origin trajectory lies. This is the default option when the Origin
trajectory reference is a curve on surface, one sided edge of a surface, two sided

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edge of surface or solid edge, curve created though intersection of surfaces, or

two projection curves. Next allows you to move to the next normal surface.

X-Trajectory—X-axis of the section plane passes through the intersection point

of the specified X-trajectory and the section plane along the sweep.

• Options—Select variable or constant sweeps.

Variable Section—Constrains the sketch entities to other trajectories (pivot

plane or existing geometry) or use section relations with the “trajpar” parameter
to make the sketch variable. The references to which the sketch is constrained
changes the shape of the section. Also, defining the dimensioning scheme by a
graph or relations (with trajpar) makes the sketch variable. Sketch regenerates
at points along the trajectory and updates its shape accordingly.

Constant Section—Sketch does not change its shape as its being swept along
the trajectories. Only orientation of the frame on which the section lies changes.

Cap ends check box—Add capped ends to the sweep. Note that you must select
a surface reference with a closed section to use this option.

Merge ends check box—Merge the ends of the sweep. There must be a solid
surface at the ends of the sweep in order to perform a merge. Additionally, the
sweep must have Constant Section selected with a single planar trajectory.

Sketch placement point—Specify the point on the Origin Trajectory where you
want to sketch the section. The start point of the sweep is not affected. The start
point of the sweep is used as the default location where you sketch the section if
Sketch placement point is empty.

• Tangency—Selection and control of surfaces with tangent trajectories.

None—Disable the tangent trajectory.

Side 1—Sweep section contains a center line tangent to surfaces on side 1 of the

Side 2—Sweep section a contains center line tangent to surfaces on side 2 of

the trajectory.

Selected—Manually specify surfaces for tangent center lines in the sweep


• Properties—Rename the sweep feature or view information about the sweep

feature in the Pro/ENGINEER embedded browser.

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, right-click for the Variable Section Sweep shortcut menu
• Trajectory—Show and select the trajectory use for the variable section sweep.

• Start X Direction—Select a reference to define the initial section x-axis



• Placement Point—Select a datum point along the origin trajectory for sketch

• Clear—Clear any active collector. You cannot clear the Origin Trajectory
reference or Normal, X, and Tangent trajectories.

• Normal to Trajectory—Moving frame is always normal to a specified trajectory.

• Normal to Projection—Y axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified direction

and Z axis is tangent to the projection of the original trajectory along the
specified direction.

• Constant Normal Direction—Z axis of moving frame is parallel to a specified


• Automatic—The section plane is automatically oriented in the XY direction.

• Sketch—Open the internal section sketcher.

• Variable Section—Specify that the shape of the section can be changed as it is

swept along the trajectory.

• Constant Section—Specify that the section shape does not change as it is swept
along the trajectory.

• Remove—Remove a reference for the selected Trajectories collector. You cannot

remove the Origin Trajectory reference. However, you can replace it by selecting
a new Origin Trajectory reference in the graphics window.

• Next Surface—Move to the next normal surface.

To Create a Variable Section Sweep

1. Click or Insert > Variable Section Sweep. The dashboard appears.

2. Click one of the following using the variable section sweep to create a:

o (default) surface

o solid

3. Click to use the Thin Trim options. These options are only available when
trimming a quilt or creating a solid protrusion and cut.

4. Select a trajectory to be used for the variable section sweep.

Note: You can also select the trajectory or trajectories before using Insert >
Variable Section Sweep. Use CTRL to select multiple trajectories. Use SHIFT to
select multiple entities in a chain.
5. Click Options and specify the following:

• Click Variable Section to specify that the shape of the section can be
changed as it is swept along the trajectory

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• Click Constant Section to specify that the section shape does not change as
it is swept along the trajectory.

• Click the Cap ends check box to create the swept geometry with a capped
ended surface.

• Click the Merge ends check box to merge geometry with the solid surface at
the ends of the sweep. Note that there must be a solid surface at the ends of
the sweep in order to perform a merge. There must be a solid surface at the
ends of the sweep in order to perform a merge. Additionally, the sweep must
have Constant Section selected with a single planar trajectory.

• Click inside the Sketch placement point box and select a point on the Origin
Trajectory where you want to sketch the section. The start point of the sweep
is not affected. The start point of the sweep is used as the default location
where you sketch the section if Sketch placement point is empty.

6. Click References.

7. Under Trajectories, Pro/ENGINEER displays the trajectory that you selected as

the origin trajectory. The selected trajectory is highlighted in red in the graphics
window. Select another trajectory or select multiple trajectories using the CTRL

Note: Right-click and select Remove to remove the trajectories for creating a
variable section sweep. This is valid for all the trajectories except the Origin
trajectory. Also, to remove trajectories selected as X-trajectory or Normal
trajectory, clear the check boxes to remove the attributes for these and then
remove the trajectory. You cannot replace or remove trajectories where tangent
references exist.
8. Under Section plane control, the option that you select determines how the
section plane is oriented, that is the Z direction of the sweeping coordinate
system. Select one of the following from the list:

• Normal to trajectory—Section plane is normal to the selected trajectory.

This is the default for variable section sweep. If you select this option and
Automatic horizontal and vertical control, specify XDirection reference at
Start. You can select any datum plane or a datum curve, linear edges, or an
individual axis of a coordinate system.

• Normal to projection—Section plane is normal to the projection of the

Origin trajectory along a specified direction reference.

• If you select this option, select a Direction reference for the projection. To

reverse the direction of the reference, click . If you selected an axis of the
coordinate system as the reference, to select the next axis, click Next.

• Constant normal direction—Section plane normal vector is parallel to the

direction reference that you select.


• If you select this option, select Direction reference for the projection. To

reverse the direction of the reference, click .

• An arrow at the sketch placement point indicates the current direction for
section plane control.

• The Horizontal direction for the section is decided by “Automatic“ orientation

or the X Direction reference at Start. You can select any datum plane or a
datum curve, linear edges, or an individual axis of a coordinate system.

9. Under Horizontal/Vertical control the option that you select determines how
the section plane (the XY axis of the sweeping coordinate system) is oriented
along the variable section sweep. Select one of the following from the list:

• Normal to surface—Y-axis of the section plane is normal to the surface on

which the Origin trajectory lies. This is the default option when the Origin
trajectory reference is a curve on surface, one sided edge of a surface, two
sided edge of surface or solid edge, curve created though intersection of
surfaces, or two projection curves.

• Automatic—The section plane is automatically oriented in the XY direction.

SURFACE calculates the direction of the x-vector such that the swept
geometry is minimally twisted. For an Origin trajectory without any
referenced surfaces, Automatic is the default.

Note: You cannot orient the sketched section for Automatic for straight edges
unless they are sketched and X Direction reference at Start is specified.
• X-Trajectory—X-axis of the section plane passes through the intersection
point of the specified X-trajectory and the section plane along the sweep.

10. Click to open Sketcher and sketch the section for sweeping along the

selected trajectories. Click to exit sketcher.

Note: If Pro/ENGINEER does not start Sketcher, it means that the references
chosen cannot successfully orient the sketch plane.

11. Click to preview geometry or click to complete the feature.

Note: If Pro/ENGINEER does not display the preview geometry, it means that the
geometry cannot be constructed.

About Tangent Trajectories

When you assign a trajectory to be a tangent trajectory, Pro/ENGINEER adds a
centerline to the sweep section's sketch. This centerline is tangent to the neighboring
surfaces at the intersection point of the trajectory and the sketch plane.
The tangency is maintained as you sweep the section. Hence, the angle of the
centerline changes depending on the location of the section and the neighboring

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When you select a sketch entity to be tangent to the centerline, you can make the
resultant sweep geometry to be tangent to the surfaces adjacent to the trajectory.

About Specifying the Variable Section Sweep Trajectories

The Variable Section Sweep tool can have various types of trajectories such as:
• Origin trajectory

• Normal trajectory

• X-Trajectory

• Tangent Trajectory

To select and change the type of a trajectory, click References from the dashboard.
Under Trajectories, the selected trajectories are listed.
You can change the type of the selected trajectories as follows:
• Click the X check box next to a trajectory to make that trajectory an X-
Trajectory. The trajectory that you select first cannot be the X-trajectory.

• Click the N check box next to a trajectory to make that trajectory a normal

• Click the T check box next to a trajectory to make that trajectory a tangent

Note: It is a good practice to keep the origin trajectory as the Normal trajectory. In
some cases if the normal trajectory geometry conflicts with the flow of the sweep
frame along the original trajectory, the section plane does not get oriented.
• When one or more tangent surfaces exist for the trajectory, the T check box is
selected. When there are two tangent surfaces, change the tangency condition
for the trajectory, click Next.

• All trajectories other than the Origin trajectory are auxiliary trajectories by
default until you click the T, N, or X check boxes.

• Only one trajectory can be an X-Trajectory

• Only one trajectory can be a Normal trajectory.

• The same trajectory can be Normal and X-Trajectory at the same time.

• Any trajectory with a neighbouring surface can be a Tangent trajectory.

• You cannot remove the Origin trajectory. However, you can replace the Origin

Workflow for Variable Section Sweeps

The following is the basic workflow for using using the Variable Section Sweep Tool:
1. Select the origin trajectory.


2. Open the Variable Section Sweep tool.

3. Add trajectories as required.

4. Specify the section plane and the horizontal and vertical direction controls.

5. Sketch a section for sweeping.

6. Preview geometry and complete the feature.

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Workflow for a Normal Trajectory

1. Select the origin trajectory.

2. Enter the Variable Section Sweep tool.

3. Select additional trajectory.

4. Make the additional trajectory a normal trajectory.

5. Preview updates to the geometry as the frame changes.

6. Sketch a section for sweeping.

Note: It is good practice to keep the origin trajectory as the normal trajectory. In
some cases, if normal trajectory geometry conflicts with the flow of the sweep frame
along the original trajectory, the section plane does not get oriented.

Workflow for Constant Section

1. Select the origin trajectory.

2. Open the Variable Section Sweep tool. The origin trajectory is in the first row
of the Trajectories collector and the N checkbox is selected.

3. Assuming the trajectory has a neighboring surface, Normal to trajectory and

Normal to Surface are selected. If the trajectory has no neighboring surface,
Automatic is selected.

4. Set the Constant section in the Options slide-up panel.

5. Sketch a section for sweeping.

6. Preview geometry and complete the feature.

Workflow for Section Plane at a Constant Normal Direction

1. Select the origin trajectory.

2. Open the Variable Section Sweep tool.

3. Change the Section Plane Control to Constant Normal Direction and select a
direction reference.

4. Sketch a section for sweeping.

5. Preview geometry and complete the feature.

Workflow for Sweeping with Default Settings - X-Trajectory

1. Select the origin trajectory.

2. Enter the Variable Section Sweep tool.

3. Preview geometry.


4. Select additional trajectory

5. Make the additional trajectory an x-trajectory

6. Change the Horizontal/Vertical control to x-trajectory.

7. Sketch a section for sweeping.

8. Preview geometry and complete the feature.

Note: If the section plane's horizontal direction is changed drastically and the
section is too constrained (for example, section entities aligned to some trajectory
intersection point), this might cause a loss of references. Start Sketcher to resolve
the references.

Workflow for the Section Plane Normal to the Trajectory

1. Sketch or select the origin trajectory.

2. Enter the Variable Section Sweep tool.

3. Change the Section plane control to Normal to projection and select a direction

4. Sketch a section for sweeping.

5. Preview geometry and complete the feature.

To Create a Variable Section Sweep Using Relations

You can use section relations with the trajpar parameter to make the sketch
variable. The references to which the sketch is constrained changes the shape of the
section. Also, defining the dimensioning scheme by a graph or relations (with
trajpar) makes the sketch variable. Sketch regenerates at points along the trajectory
and updates its shape accordingly.

1. Click or Insert > Variable Section Sweep. The dashboard appears.

2. Click (default) to create a surface or to create a solid using a variable

section sweep.

3. Select a trajectory to be used for the variable section sweep.

Note: You can also select the trajectory or trajectories before using Insert >
Variable Section Sweep. Press CTRL to select multiple trajectories. Use SHIFT
to select multiple entities in a chain.
4. Specify the variable section option (default).

5. Specify variable section sweep references.

6. Click to open Sketcher and sketch the section for sweeping along the
selected trajectories.

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7. Click Tools > Relations. The Relations dialog box opens.

8. Type section relations with the trajpar parameter to make the sketch variable.

9. Click to exit sketcher.

Example: Using Relations to Create a Variable Section Sweep

1. Click or Insert > Variable Section Sweep. The dashboard appears.

2. Click (default) to create a surface or to create a solid using a variable

section sweep.

3. Select a trajectory to be used for the variable section sweep.

Note: You can also select the trajectory or trajectories before using Insert >
Variable Section Sweep. Use CTRL to select multiple trajectories. Use SHIFT to
select multiple entities in a chain.
4. Specify a variable section option.

5. Specify variable section sweep references.

6. Click to open Sketcher and sketch a circle for sweeping along the selected

7. Click Tools > Relations. The Relations dialog box opens.

8. Type the following section relations with the trajpar parameter to make the
sketch variable:

Note: sd3 is an example of the name assigned to the circle by Pro/ENGINEER.
9. Click OK to close the Relations dialog box.

10. Click to exit sketcher. The sweep contains the characteristics specified by the
established options and relations.

Section Plane Orientation

Normal to Trajectory (Automatic)

The Z axis is tangent at all points to the trajectory. X and Y are calculated by
Pro/ENGINEER along the trajectory. Note that you can orient the X direction at the
start as an option.


Normal to Trajectory (Automatic): Start X Direction

The Z axis is tangent at all points to the origin trajectory. You can select the X
direction at the start to sketch the section in a preferred orientation. For some
trajectories, for example, some straight lines (or non sketched lines), there is no
intrinsic default orientation. Therefore, you must select an X direction at the start.
Pro/ENGINEER cannot automatically set the initial X axis position.
The X-Y direction is determined by the projection of the direction defined by the
reference along the Z axis.

1. Straight datum curve selected as an X direction reference and projected on the

sketch plane along the Z axis.

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Normal to Trajectory - Normal to Surface

The Z axis is tangent at all points to the origin trajectory. The Y direction is set by
the surface normal direction. Therefore, the X axis is determined by the intersection
of the section plane and the surface tangent plane at each point.

Normal to Trajectory - X Trajectory

The positive X axis goes through the intersection of the section plane (normal to the
tangent at the point) and the X trajectory.

1. Origin Trajectory

2. X Trajectory


Normal to Other Trajectory (Automatic)

The normal direction is set to a trajectory other than the origin trajectory. The Z axis
is parallel to the tangent of the normal trajectory. The X-Y axis is calculated by the
system along the trajectory. You can select the X direction at the start to sketch the
section in a preferred orientation.

1. Origin Trajectory

2. Other Trajectory

Normal to Projection
The Z axis is tangent at all points to the projected curve along the projection
direction. The Y axis of the section plane is always normal to the defined referenced

1. Projection Direction Reference

2. Projected Curve

3. Origin Trajectory

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Constant Normal (Automatic)

The Z axis is along the direction defined by the constant normal reference. X and Y
are calculated by Pro/ENGINEER along the trajectory. For some trajectories, for
example, some straight lines (or non sketched lines), there is no intrinsic default
orientation. Therefore, you must select an X direction at the start. Pro/ENGINEER
cannot automatically set the X axis.

1. Constant Normal Reference

2. Origin Trajectory

Constant Normal (X Trajectory)

The Z axis is along the direction defined by the constant normal reference. The X
axis goes through the intersection of the section plane (normal to the tangent at the
point) and the X trajectory.

1. Constant Normal Reference

2. Origin Trajectory


Constant Normal (Automatic) - Start X Direction

The Z axis is along the direction defined by the constant normal reference. The X
and Y orientation is determined by the projection of the direction defined by the
reference along the Z axis.
1. Constant Normal Reference

2. Origin Trajectory

3. Straight datum curve selected as an X direction reference. Projected on a sketch

plane along the Z axis.

Constant Normal (Normal to Surface)

The Z axis is along the direction defined by the constant normal reference. The Y
direction is set by the projection of the surface normal in the constant normal

1. Constant Normal Plane

2. Projected surface is normal along the constant normal reference.

3. Actual surface normal direction.

4. Origin Trajectory


About Blends
A blended feature consists of a series of at least two planar sections that
Pro/ENGINEER joins together at their edges with transitional surfaces to form a
continuous feature.

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Blend Types
• Parallel—All blend sections lie on parallel planes in one section sketch.

• Rotational—Blend sections are rotated about the Y-axis, up to a maximum of

120 degrees. Each section is sketched individually and aligned using the
coordinate system of the section.

• General—Sections of a general blend can be rotated about and translated along

the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. Each section is sketched individually, and aligned using
the coordinate system of the section.

To Create a Blend (basic)

1. Click Insert > Blend and then click the type of blend you want. The BLEND
OPTS menu appears.

2. Click one of the following commands from the BLEND OPTS menu, then click

o Parallel—All blend sections lie on parallel planes in one section sketch.

o Rotational—The blend sections are rotated about the Y-axis, up to a

maximum of 120°. Each section is sketched individually and aligned using
the coordinate system of the section.

o General—The sections of a general blend can be rotated about and

translated along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes. Each section is sketched
individually and aligned using the coordinate system of the section.

o Regular Sec—The feature uses the sketching plane.

o Project Sec—The feature uses the projection of the section on the selected
surface. This option is used for parallel blends only.

o Select Sec—Select section entities. This option is not available for parallel

o Sketch Sec—Sketch section entities.


Example: Different Blend Geometries

Starting Points and Blend Shape

1 Start points

Smooth Blend

Straight Blend

Modifying Blends
Consider the following when modifying blends:
• Pro/ENGINEER displays general blend sections, other than the first section, in a

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• You can modify rotation angles for all blend sections except the first. The first
section is fixed in the sketching plane.

• To move the complete blend feature at one time, modify the location of the
coordinate system relative to the part. If you did not use the coordinate system
to locate the dimensions, use Redefine > Scheme to change the dimensioning
scheme of the coordinate system.

To Add a Blend Vertex

1. Choose Adv Geometry from the GEOMETRY menu in Sketcher.

2. Choose Blend Vertex from the ADV GEOMETRY menu.

3. Select the vertex of an existing geometry entity. A circle will be placed there.
More than one blend vertex can be created at the same point. Each additional
vertex will create a concentric circle of increasing diameter.

Using a Blend Vertex

With the exception of capping a blend, each section of a blend must always contain
the same number of entities.
For sections that do not have enough geometric entities, you can add blend vertices.
Each blend vertex adds one entity to the section. However, a blend surface can be
made to disappear using a blend vertex on a sketched or selected section.
A blend vertex acts as a terminator for the corresponding surface of the blend, but is
counted in the total number of entities for a section.
You can use a blend vertex in either a straight or smooth blend (including parallel
smooth blends), but only in the first or last section.

Example: Adding a Blend Vertex

To Import a Blend
1. Click ADV FEAT OPT > From File.

2. Select or create a coordinate system to locate the imported blend data.

3. Enter the file name. The file's extension must be .ibl.


Importing a Blend Feature

Blends can be created by reading in data points from an ASCII file. The data file
defines the type of blend, as well as the Cartesian coordinates of all the blend section
points. All blend section points are located relative to a single coordinate system.

Notes on Creating Blends:

• Two points in a curve define a line; more than two points define a spline.

• The endpoint of one curve and the start point of the next curve must be
coincident. For closed sections, this is true for the last point of the last curve and
the first point of the first curve. There can be only one closed curve for each
section, and that curve must consist of at least two segments.

• When the points that are used to create a blend section from a file do not all lie
on a plane, the system creates the best fit plane and projects the points down
onto the plane.

Modifying an Imported Blend

To modify the blend created from the imported data, choose Modify and edit the
blend data file. This creates a new file, feat_#.ibl, in your current working
directory. Modifications of a blend feature do not affect the original file from which it
was created.

Creating a Blend from Imported Curves

If you are importing data points from a measuring device, you should import them as
curves first to insure smoothness.
You can then make the imported curves smooth and create a blended surface from
the smoothed curves.

Blend File Format

The imported blend data file, with the file extension .ibl, is in the following format.
Comments are contained between /* and */

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Example: Importing Blend File

Sample Blend File

The following figure shows the resulting imported blend.

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Sections in Sketch-Based Features

About Sections in Sketch-based Features

Sketch-based features use a Sketch feature (sketched datum curve) to define their
shape, dimensions, and general placement. You use a Sketch feature to create
sketch-based features in the following ways:
• Create an Internal Section—You can create an internal section (also known as
a section) while the sketch-based feature tool is open. Using the Sketch dialog
box, you use Sketcher to sketch the datum curve, thus defining the internal
section. This internal section is independent and is not associative with any
Sketch features. So, the changes that you make to an independent internal
section affect only the sketch-based feature using that internal section. This
independence is further indicated by a unique name that is assigned to each
independent internal section.

• Select a Sketch Feature—You can select an existing Sketch feature (sketched

datum curve) to create a sketch-based feature. The Sketch feature can reside in
the current model or in a different model. You can also use a Sketch feature that
has already been used as a reference for a different sketch-based feature.
After you create a sketch-based feature by selecting a Sketch feature,
Pro/ENGINEER uses the Sketch feature placement, orientation, and sketch
references to create a dependent internal section for the sketch-based feature.
This dependent internal section is fully associative with the parent (referenced)
Sketch feature. It also shares its name with the parent. So, if you redefine the
parent Sketch feature, all dependent internal sections (children) that reference
this Sketch feature will dynamically change. This changes the respective sketch-
based features. Conversely, if you redefine a dependent internal section,
Pro/ENGINEER automatically rolls back to the parent Sketch feature enabling you
to redefine it.

Valid and Invalid Sections

Sketch-based features may have requirements such as a closed loop section
(sketched datum curve), a vertical axis, or a coordinate system. Pro/ENGINEER
tracks these feature-specific requirements against the section that you are using. If
the section does not satisfy these requirements, Pro/ENGINEER does one of the
• If you are creating an independent section, Pro/ENGINEER warns you that the
section is invalid.

• If you are creating a dependent section by attempting to select an invalid Sketch

feature, the Pro/ENGINEER selection filters will prohibit the Sketch feature from
being selected.

• If you delete a parent Sketch feature (one that is being used as a reference for a
dependent section), Pro/ENGINEER displays a warning and provides options for


you to resolve the broken parent-child relationships resulting from deleting a

parent feature.

• You can use sketch-based features from previous Pro/ENGINEER releases.

However, if an older sketch-based feature cannot be fully referenced, the
Section Selection dialog box opens warning you that Use Edge technology will
be used to acquire the necessary sketch geometry for the internal section.

About the Section User Interface

The Section user interface consists of:
Section Icons
Dialog boxes
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Section Icons
Sections for sketch-based features use the following Model Tree icons:

• —Indicates a Sketch feature (sketched datum curve) that has not being
referenced by a section.

• —Indicates a Sketch feature that is being referenced by a section.

• —Indicates a section for a sketched-based feature. Note that the section is

always (indented) within the sketch-based feature. You may need to expand the
sketch-based feature to view the section.

Dialog Boxes
Pro/ENGINEER uses the following dialog boxes that inform you about a section or
enable you to create or redefine a section for a sketch-based feature:
• Sketch—Enables you to use Sketcher to create an independent section or to
redefine an independent or a dependent section. Refer to About Sketched Datum
Curves UI topic in the Datum Curves book for UI descriptions.

• Section Selection—Opens if you are using a Sketch feature to create a sketch-

based feature. The following two types of Section Selection dialog boxes can

o Warns that you have selected a Sketch feature that will replace the existing
section. If you click OK, Pro/ENGINEER deletes the existing section and
creates a new section based on the data from the selected Sketch feature.
Note that this warning displays only if you are working with a sketch-based
feature that uses an independent section and you select a (parent) Sketch
feature (in the Model Tree) to use as the new reference for the section. This
results in a dependent section.

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o Warns that you have selected a Sketch feature that cannot be referenced
fully. In this case, Pro/ENGINEER uses Use Edge technology to acquire the
necessary sketch geometry for the section. This situation may occur if you
are using sketch-based features from previous Pro/ENGINEER releases.

• Unlink—Informs that you are about to break the association between the
dependent section and the parent Sketch feature. After you click OK,
Pro/ENGINEER copies the references from the parent Sketch feature and creates
an independent section. You can then change this section without changing the
Sketch feature. You must click Unlink from the slide-up panel to display this
dialog box.

Dialog Bar
In some sketch-based feature tools such as Fill, Pattern, and Intersect,
Pro/ENGINEER displays the following section UI element on the dialog bar:
Sketch collector—Indicates that a valid Sketch feature has been selected for
the sketch-based feature. You can use Remove from the shortcut menu (pointer
in the collector) to remove the indicator. The corresponding section reference in
the slide-up panel collector is also removed.

Slide-Up Panels
You can use the following sketch-based feature slide-up panels to redefine sections
or to obtain section and parent Sketch feature information. Remember that the
sketch-based feature tool must be open to access slide-up panels.

Placement, Reference, or Options slide-up panels

• Sketch collector—Contains the section references for the sketch-based feature.
The collector can contain dependent or independent sections. Note that
dependent sections have the same name as its parent Sketch feature.
Pro/ENGINEER assigns unique names to independent sections. The No Items
label in the collector indicates that the sketch-based feature tool was opened
without defining a section.

You can use the following shortcut menu command from within the Sketch

Remove—Removes the section from the collector and removes the

corresponding indicator from the dialog bar collector in tools that display
this dialog bar collector.

The following options are available only under certain conditions:

• Define button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher to
define an independent section. Note that Define is available only if the Sketch
collector is empty (no section defined or sketch selected). You can also use the
Define Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the graphics window.


• Edit button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher to
redefine the independent section. Note that Edit is available only for sketch-
based features that use an independent section. If you want to edit a dependent
section, you can either edit the parent sketch or break the section dependency by
using Unlink. You can also use the Edit Internal Sketch shortcut menu
command from the graphics window.

• Unlink button—Breaks the association between the dependent section and the
parent Sketch feature. Pro/ENGINEER copies the Sketch feature references to the
new independent section. Note that Unlink is available only if the sketch-based
feature uses a dependent section.

Properties slide-up panel

—Provides detailed sketch-based feature information in the Pro/ENGINEER

browser. The following tables pertain to sections:
o Parents—Contains the parent Sketch feature name. Note that a parent
Sketch feature is listed only for sketch-based features that use dependent
sections. If you open a sketch-based feature tool and create an
independent section, this table will not list a parent Sketch feature because
one simply does not exist.

o Children—Lists the child features. This includes child sketch-based

features. Dependent sections are not listed here.

o Feature Element Data—Indicates if the section is defined or not.

o Section Data—Lists the dependent or independent section name.

Shortcut Menus
You can use shortcut menu commands to quickly perform an action. Different
sketch-based feature section shortcut menu commands appear depending on the
following conditions:
• A sketch-based feature tool is open and you place your pointer anywhere in the
graphics window except over a handle, and right-click. Pro/ENGINEER provides
the following section shortcut menu command:

o Define Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to

use Sketcher to define an independent section.

o Edit Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use
Sketcher to redefine an independent section. Note that the sketch-based
feature tool must be open and you must be working with an independent

o A sketch-based feature tool is closed and you select a section from the Model
Tree and right-click. Pro/ENGINEER provides the following section shortcut menu

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o Edit—Changes only the section dimensions for the sketch based feature.
Note that for dependent sections, the parent Sketch feature dimensions
also changed.

o Edit Definition—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to redefine the
section. Note that for dependent sections, Pro/ENGINEER rolls back to the
parent Sketch feature. So, all changes are applied to the parent Sketch
feature and then copied to the dependent section.

Sketch-based Features in the Model Tree

If you create a section or select a parent Sketch feature, the resulting independent
or dependent section resides within its respective sketch-based feature. This is
illustrated in the table below:

Model Tree Description

Sketch 2 is the parent Sketch feature to the Fill

feature, Fill 1. Notice that the different sketch
icon indicating a parent (referenced) Sketch

Sketch 1 is not being referenced by a sketch-

based feature.

Protrusion id 39 uses an independent section

(S2D0012). Notice the section name is different.

Fill 1 (Fill feature) uses a dependent section

(Sketch 2) copied from the parent Sketch
feature having the same name.

Customizing the Model Tree Display For Sketch-based Features

As you work with sketch-based features, you may want to view only certain types of
Sketch features in the Model Tree. In the Model Tree Items dialog box (in the
Model Tree pane, click Settings > Tree Filters) click the General tab.
Pro/ENGINEER provides the following Sketch feature check boxes:
• Sketch—Displays or hides all Sketch features that have not been referenced by
sketch-based features.

• Used Sketch—Displays or hides all parent Sketch features. Those Sketch

features that have been referenced by sketch-based features.


To Create a Section
Using this topic, you can create a sketch-based feature that uses an independent
section. This section is not associative with any Sketch feature. If you want to create
a dependent (associative) section, refer to To Select a Sketch Feature.
1. Open the sketch-based feature tool. The Dashboard appears.

2. Place your pointer in the graphics window, right-click, and select Define
Internal Sketch from the shortcut menu. The Sketch dialog box opens. Note
that you can also use Define from either the Placement or Reference slide-up
panel, depending on the tool used.

3. In the dialog box, define the sketch plane and the sketch orientation, and click
Sketch. Sketcher activates and the model orients.

4. In Sketcher, sketch and constrain the desired section. Make sure you include any
feature specific requirements, such as a closed loop, vertical axis, or a coordinate

5. After the sketch is complete, click on the Sketcher toolbar. The sketched-
based feature tool resumes and preview geometry appears in the graphics
window. Notice that an independent section is created and placed in the Sketch
collector on the slide-up panel and on the Model Tree (under the new sketched
based feature).

6. Continue designing the sketch-based feature as necessary.

7. After you finish, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the sketch-based feature and
the section, and closes the tool. Remember that this section is not associative
with any Sketch feature.

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• You can always identify the section type from the Model Tree. Dependent sections
share the same name of the parent Sketch feature. Independent sections have
unique names.

To Select a Sketch Feature

Using this topic, you can create a sketch-based feature that uses a dependent
section. This section is fully associative with the parent Sketch feature.
1. If you want to select an existing Sketch feature to use as a reference, select one
of the following Sketch feature types and then proceed to step 3.
Note: The Sketch feature must be valid for the type of sketch-based feature that
you want to create. You can use the following types of Sketch features:

o Non-parent Sketch feature that is currently in your model (displays in the

Model Tree) or that resides in a different model.

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o Parent Sketch feature that is currently in your model or that resides in a

different model.

2. If you want to create a new Sketch feature, you need to use the Sketch tool
( ). Refer to To Create a Sketched Datum Curve in the Datum Curves book for
more information on creating a Sketch feature. Remember that you need to
select the new Sketch feature before open the sketch-based feature tool.

3. Open a sketch-based feature tool. Pro/ENGINEER immediately displays preview

geometry of the feature and displays the feature in the Model Tree.

4. Continue to define the sketch-based feature.

5. After you finish, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the sketch-based feature and
the section, and closes the tool. This section is dependent and fully associative
with the parent Sketch feature. So, if you redefine the section, Pro/ENGINEER
rolls back to the parent Sketch feature enabling you to redefine it.

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• If you want to select a different Sketch feature on-the-fly while working in a

sketch-based feature tool, simply select the new Sketch feature from the Model
Tree. Pro/ENGINEER dynamically displays preview geometry for the feature.

• You can always identify the section type from the Model Tree. Dependent sections
share the same name of the parent Sketch feature. Independent sections have
unique names.

• You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom
of the Pro/ENGINEER interface.

To Redefine a Section
A sketch-based feature tool must be closed to redefine a section using this topic. If
you want to work within a sketch-based feature tool, see Tip below.
1. With a sketch-based feature tool closed, select the section to redefine in the
Model Tree and right-click. The shortcut menu appears.

2. If you want to change only the section dimensions, follow the steps below:

o Click Edit. Pro/ENGINEER displays the section dimensions in the graphic


o Double-click the dimension to redefine and type a new dimension in the box
or select a recently used dimension from the list. Pro/ENGINEER
dynamically redefines the section to the new dimensions.

3. If you want to redefine the section, follow the steps below:


o Click Edit Definition. Pro/ENGINEER opens the Sketch dialog box. Notice
that for dependent sections, Pro/ENGINEER rolls back to the parent Sketch
feature in the Model Tree enabling you to redefine the parent feature.

o In the Sketch dialog box, select the sketch plane and the sketch
orientation, and click Sketch. Sketcher opens and orients the model.

o Using Sketcher, redefine the section. After you finish, click on the
Sketcher toolbar. Sketcher closes and the new section is highlighted.

o Click OK in the Sketch dialog box. Pro/ENGINEER closes the dialog box and
displays the feature geometry in the graphics window. The section is also
displayed in the Model Tree.


• If you want to redefine a dependent section by redefining the parent Sketch

feature, refer to To Create a Sketched Datum Curve in the Datum Curves book.

• When redefining a dependent section, all changes are applied to the parent
Sketch feature and then copied to the dependent section.


• You can redefine the section as you work within a sketch-based feature tool.
Simply, click Edit from the References slide-up panel to use Sketcher. You can
also use Edit Internal Sketch from the shortcut menu. Remember that if you
are redefining a dependent section, you must click Unlink from the slide-up
panel to break the association with the parent Sketch feature. Otherwise, Edit
will not be available and you must exit the tool to redefine the section.

• You can use sketch-based features from previous Pro/ENGINEER releases.

However, if an older sketch-based feature cannot be fully referenced, the
Section Selection dialog box opens warning you that Use Edge technology will
be used to acquire the necessary sketch geometry for the section.

• To apply the new dimensions to the feature geometry, simply regenerate the
feature (Edit > Regenerate).

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• You can double-click a section (in the graphics window) to quickly display its

• You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom
of the Pro/ENGINEER interface.

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To Make a Dependent Section Independent

Dependent sections are fully associative with their parent Sketch feature. If you
redefine a dependent section, Pro/ENGINEER rolls back enabling you to make all
changes to the parent Sketch feature. Pro/ENGINEER then links the dependent
section to the parent Sketch feature. Because you can use previously referenced
Sketch features as references for other sketch-based features, you may not want to
change the parent Sketch feature. If this case arises, you need to make the
dependent section independent in order to redefine your sketch-based feature.
1. From the graphics window or from the Model Tree, select a sketch-based feature
that uses a dependent section, and right-click.

2. Click Edit Definition from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER opens the sketch-
based feature tool and highlights the feature.

3. In the slide-up panel, click Unlink. The Unlink dialog box opens informing you
that you are about to break the association between the dependent section and
the parent Sketch feature.

4. Click OK. Pro/ENGINEER breaks that association and copies the Sketch feature
references to the new independent section. This enables you to use the
references as the basis for further redefinition. Notice that the Edit replaces
Unlink in the slide-up panel.
Note: If you select a Sketch feature as the parent feature to the independent
section, the Section Selection dialog box opens to inform you that the selected
Sketch feature will replace the independent section. If this occurs, click Cancel.

5. In the slide-up panel, click Edit. The Sketch dialog box opens containing the
section references. You can change these references if needed. You can also use
the Edit Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

6. Click Sketch. After Sketcher opens, redefine the section as needed. After you
finish, click on the Sketcher toolbar. Sketcher closes and the new section is

7. Click OK in the Sketch dialog box. Pro/ENGINEER closes the dialog box and
displays the feature preview geometry in the graphics window.

8. Continue to redefine the sketch-based feature as needed.

9. When finished, click . Pro/ENGINEER redefines the sketch-based feature using

the new independent section, and closes the tool. Notice that the new
independent section is displayed in the Model Tree with a unique name.

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• You can always identify the section type from the Model Tree. Dependent sections
share the same name of the parent Sketch feature. Independent sections have
unique names.


• You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom
of the Pro/ENGINEER interface.

To Delete a Section
Both dependent and independent sections function as the blueprint for a sketch-
based feature. The sketch-based feature cannot exist without the section. So, in
order to delete the section, you must delete the sketch-based feature.
1. From the graphics window or the Model Tree, select the sketch-based feature to

2. Right-click and select Delete from the shortcut menu. The Delete dialog box

3. If child features exist for the sketch-based feature, click Options. In the
Children Handling dialog box, resolve the child feature dependencies.

4. Click OK. Pro/ENGINEER deletes the selected sketch-based feature and its

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom
of the Pro/ENGINEER interface.

To Delete a Sketch Feature

1. From the graphics window or the Model Tree, select the Sketch feature to delete.

2. Right-click and select Delete from the shortcut menu. The Delete dialog box

3. If the selected Sketch feature is a parent feature to one or more sketch-based

features, click Options. In the Children Handling dialog box, resolve the child
feature dependencies.

4. Click OK. Pro/ENGINEER deletes the selected Sketch feature.

• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, simply press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y

• You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom
of the Pro/ENGINEER interface.

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To Report Sketch-based Feature Information

1. If you are not working in a sketch-based feature tool, select a sketch-based
feature (not a section) from the graphics window or from the Model Tree. Right-
click and select Info > Feature. Proceed to step 3.

2. If you working in a sketch-based tool, click the Properties tab. After the
Properties slide-up panel appears, click .

3. The Pro/ENGINEER browser opens providing many tables including the following
that pertain to sections:

o Parents—Contains the parent Sketch feature name. Note that a parent

Sketch feature is listed only for sketch-based features that use dependent
sections. If you open a sketch-based feature tool and create an
independent section, this table will not list a parent Sketch feature because
one simply does not exist..

o Children—Lists the children (dependent) features including child sketch-

based features. Note that dependent sections are not listed.

o Feature Element Data—Indicates if the section is defined or is undefined.

o Section Data—Lists the dependent or independent section name.

Tip: You can quickly select geometry and references from the graphics window by
using the selection filters. These filters are located in the Filter box at the bottom of
the Pro/ENGINEER interface.


Edit Features

Copy and Paste

About Copying and Pasting

You can use the Copy, Paste, and Paste Special commands to duplicate and place
features or sets of features, geometry, curves, and edge chains within the same
model or across models. Using this functionality, you can:
• Create many instances of a feature, a set of features, or geometry, without
copying the feature or geometry after each paste operation, as long as the copied
feature, feature set, or geometry is available on the clipboard.

• Copy and paste features between two different models or between two different
versions of the same part.

• Create independent, partially dependent, or fully dependent instances of the

original feature or the set of features.

• Retain or change the references, settings, and dimensions of the original feature
in one or all instances of its copy.

• Create dependent copies and vary the dependency of attributes and elements,
such as dimensions, sketches, annotations, references, and parameters.

If the original set of features is grouped, the copied instances are also automatically
grouped, but features that were not grouped previously are not automatically
grouped after a copy-paste operation.

Copying to the Clipboard

When you copy a feature or geometry, it is copied to the clipboard and is available
for pasting with its references, settings, and dimensions, by default, until another
feature is copied to the clipboard. The features in the clipboard retain their original
references, settings, and dimensions when you change the references, settings, and
dimensions of any one of the instances or all the instances during a multiple paste
operation, without the intermittent copy of the feature. Pasting the feature in a
different model also does not affect the references, settings, and dimensions of the
copied features in the clipboard.
Repeated pasting of a copied feature or the cancellation of a paste operation does
not clear the copied feature from the clipboard. The copied feature is cleared from
the clipboard when a feature operation, such as delete, move, or edit, changes the
model. The copied feature is also cleared from the clipboard when the model with the
copied feature fails regeneration because of invalid or missing references, enters the
Resolve Mode, and you then use the Fix Model option on the RESOLVE FEAT menu
to replace references.

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Accessing Copy-Paste Commands

The Copy, Paste, and Paste Special commands are accessible from the Edit menu
in the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar. Paste and Paste Special are available only if
features are available for pasting in the clipboard. You can also use the tool bar icons

for Copy ( ), Paste ( ), and Paste Special ( ). Alternatively, you can

invoke the copy and paste functions by using the keyboard shortcuts:
• CTRL+ C—Copies the selected items onto the clipboard.

• CTRL+ V—Pastes the selected items. The paste user interface depends on
whether you are attempting to paste features, geometry, or a chain.

Note: Copy is not available when you select a pattern member. Copy is available
only when the pattern header is selected.

Two Methods for Pasting Features

The following are the two workflows for pasting:
When you use Edit > Paste, the feature-creation tool opens and allows you to
redefine the copied feature.
When you use Edit > Paste Special, you can:
o Create fully-dependent copies of a feature with their dependency varying on
specific elements or attributes of the original feature, such as dimensions,
sketch, annotation elements, references, and parameters.

o Create copies of a feature that are only dependent on the dimensions or the
sketch, or both, and the annotation elements.

o Retain the references of the original feature or replace the original

references with new references in the copied instances.

o Apply move or rotational transformations to the pasted instances.

About Dependent and Independent Copies

You can create a copy of a feature or a set of features that is dependent or
independent from the original feature or feature set. A copied feature that is
dependent on the original feature is only dependent on the dimensions and sketch,
or both, or is fully dependent on all elements and attributes of the original feature.

Fully-Dependent Copies
When you create a dependent copy within the same model or across models, the
references, settings such as constraints, and the dimensions of the copied feature,
depend on the original feature or a set of features. The copied instances and the
original feature or feature-set are associative with respect to the attributes,
parameters, and feature-elements and changes in the instances or the original


feature or feature-set are associatively reflected in the original feature or feature-set

or the copied instances, respectively.
When the original feature or feature set is in a different model, the original source
model must also be in session for the associative propagation of the changes in the
original feature or the copied instances.

Fully-Dependent Copies with Varying Dependency

You can vary the dependency of certain feature attributes, elements, and parameters
of fully-dependent copies. Use the Fully Dependent with options to vary option
on the Paste Special dialog box to create fully-dependent copies of the original
feature. In addition, you can vary the dependency of the copied features on the
feature attributes and elements such as sketches, dimensions, annotations,
references, and parameters after pasting the copied features.
Note: You cannot redefine a fully-dependent feature.

Copies Dependent on Dimensions

Copied features that are dependent on the original feature can be only dependent on
the dimensions or sketch, or both, unlike fully-dependent copies that are dependent
on all attributes and elements of the feature, such as the references, parameters,
and annotations too. Dimension dependency remains whether the copied is fully
dependent on all attributes, elements, and parameters or only on the dimensions or
Use the Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only option on the Paste
Special dialog box to create copied features that are dependent only on the
dimensions or the sketch, or both, or the annotation elements of the original

Independent Copies
When you create an independent copy, the copied feature is not associative with the
original feature. If the original feature is sketch-based, the copied feature also loses
its association with the original sketch.

Using Paste

About the Paste User Interface for Features

The Paste and Paste Special commands are available only if there are features
available for pasting in the clipboard. Using the Edit > Paste command after copying
a feature invokes the creation tool of the feature-type that you are trying to paste.
For example, if you are trying to paste an extrusion, the extrusion-creation tool
opens. If you are pasting a datum feature, the appropriate datum-creation dialog
box opens. The dashboard of each feature-creation tool contains a slide-up panel
highlighted in red. You must modify the settings of the highlighted slide-up panel to
place the pasted feature. You can use the object-action or the action-object method
for the paste.

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Pasting Multiple Features

When copying multiple features, the first feature in the group determines the user
interface that opens:
• If the first feature is a dashboard feature, then the feature tool opens for each
feature in the group sequentially, so that you can paste the copied feature.

• If the first feature is a non-dashboard, old style feature, then the Group
Elements dialog box opens and you can define all placement references of the
copied features on the WHICH REF menu selecting Alternate or Same

The copied instances, by default, retain the references, settings, and dimensions of
the original feature. While pasting, you can change the references, settings, and
dimensions of any one of the copied features or all the copied features in the
corresponding feature-creation tool.

To Paste Using the Object-Action Workflow

1. Select a feature to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy.

3. Select a primary reference, for example, for a hole, select a placement surface.

4. Click Edit > Paste.

Note: You must only preselect the primary reference. If you preselect all the
references, the feature is pasted with references that are missing.

If you have selected the same primary reference as the one used by the original
feature, the system places the feature using the same references as the original
feature. If you have selected a different primary reference, the system lets you
place the feature using new references if the references are valid for the first
instance of the paste operation.

Pasting Using the Same or New References

Consider these rules for pasting using the same or new references for the object-
action method of copy and paste.

Using Same References

The original feature references are used in the following instances:
• When you select the same primary reference as the one used for the original
feature, the feature is placed using the same references and the pasted instances
are identical to the original feature. You can then adjust the placement
dimensions as needed.

• When the references of the copied feature are the same as that of the first
pasted instance of the feature, the remaining copied instances are pasted with


the same references. The references of the copied feature are included in the
selection buffer and are displayed in the relevant default active collector.

• While pasting features between models too, the original references are used if
the pasted features find references in the target model that are the same as the
references in the source model.

Replacing References
When the original references are replaced by the selected references, the original
settings are retained in the following instances:
• The number of references in the selection buffer is the same as the number of
references in the original feature.

• The selected references are of the same type as the references of the original

Missing References
The feature is pasted without any references in the following instances:
• The number of references in the selection buffer is not the same as the number
of references in the original feature

• The selected references are not of the same type as the original feature

• Any of the selected references are not valid and the selection buffer is empty

The missing references are marked by a red dot in the collector.

If you select a different valid primary reference, the system uses the new reference,
but other references will be missing.

Using New References

New references are used when the references of the copied feature are not the same
as the references of the first pasted instance of the feature, as displayed in the
selection buffer and the relevant default active collector of the feature-creation tool.
If references for the first instance that is pasted are found valid, then these
references which are new, are used for the first instance and all other instances.
If the references are not valid for the first instance, then all the references are
cleared, and the instances are pasted without any references.
Note: When pasting, if you change a reference, and other features are using it, then
the new reference is propagated to all features that depend on it. If you change the
reference for the second or subsequent instances, then only the instance for which
you changed the reference is updated, while other instances are not affected.

Skipping References
For an action-object method of paste, if you select a reference and the selection
buffer is empty, then the new reference is used by the first instance and is skipped
by all other instances.

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Using Common References

If you select a reference that is used by other pasted features, all features that are
using this common reference are updated when you paste the feature. Any changes
to the common reference is a local change and is not propagated across features.

Copying and Pasting Features

To Copy and Paste a Feature

1. Select the feature that you want to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature is copied to the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste. The feature creation tool of the original feature opens.

4. Edit the placement settings as required.

5. Click on the dashboard or OK on the dialog box if the paste item is a datum
feature. Pro/ENGINEER places the copied feature according to the references

6. Clear the selection buffer, if required.

7. Click Edit > Paste to copy the feature again.

8. Edit the placement references in the feature-creation tool that opens to place the
copied instance of the feature.

9. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to paste the copied feature a number of times and
create multiple copies of it.

To Copy and Paste Multiple Features

1. Select a set of features you want to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The features are copied to the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste. The feature-creation tool of the original feature opens.

4. Edit the placement settings as you see fit.

5. Click on the dashboard.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each of the features that you are pasting.

7. When finished with the final feature, click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER
places the copied features according to the references specified.

To Copy and Paste Between two Different Sources

When copying and pasting between two different parts you may encounter a
situation where the two different parts use two different systems of measurement


units (one part may be in inches the other in centimeters). Pro/ENGINEER takes this
into account when pasting a feature and provides you with several different scaling
1. Select the feature you want to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature is copied into the clipboard.

3. Open the target model or activate the window with a model in which you want to
paste the copied features.

4. Click Edit > Paste. The Scale dialog box opens.

5. Select one of the following options in the Scale dialog box:

o Keep dimension values—select to keep the dimension values of the

copied feature. For example, a dimension value of 1 will remain 1
regardless of the differing measurement systems. This is the default.

o Keep feature sizes—select to convert the dimension values of the copied

feature to the measurement system used in the window in which you are
pasting. For example if the copied feature uses inches as units and the
paste window uses centimeters, a dimension value of 1 inch is converted to
2.54 centimeters.

o Scale by value—select to scale the paste item by a specified value. Type a

value in Scaling factor.

6. Click OK in the Scale dialog box. The feature-creation tool of the feature type
you are trying to paste opens.

7. Edit the placement settings as you see fit.

8. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the original feature and places
it according to the references specified.

To Cancel a Paste Operation

You can cancel the paste operation any time during the paste process by clicking

or the Cancel button on the feature-creation tool.

The Cancel Paste dialog box that opens displays the following options that are
specific to your requirements, depending on the number of copied instances pasted
and the number of features that are available on the clipboard for pasting at the time
of the cancellation of the current paste operation:
• If the paste operation being canceled is that of a feature that is the only one
being pasted, then the Cancel Paste dialog box only asks for the confirmation of
the cancel operation.

• Quit pasting this feature and continue—Cancels the pasting of the current
feature and continues with the pasting of the next feature on the clipboard.
Select this option when you are pasting two or more features.

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This option is not available when the current feature is the last one to be pasted.

• Keep already pasted feature and quit the Paste operation—Keeps the
feature that is already pasted and cancels the paste of the current feature or the
remaining features on the clipboard. Select this option when you are pasting
multiple features or if the current feature is the last one to be pasted.

This option is not available when the current feature being pasted is the first one
to be pasted.

• Remove already pasted features and continue—Cancels the pasting of all

features that are pasted so far and continues pasting the remaining features on
the clipboard. Select this option when you are pasting multiple features.

This option is not available when the current feature is the first or the last feature
to be pasted.

• Cancel the Paste operation—Cancels the pasting of all features.

Copying and Pasting Surfaces and Curves

About Copying and Pasting Surfaces and Curves

Geometry, such as quilts and chains, when copied and pasted, results in the creation
of features. You can either use the object-action or the action-object workflow.
While pasting the copied geometry, the user interface relevant to the geometry type
opens, for example, if you have copied quilts, the dashboard for quilt opens.
The paste user interface is slightly different depending on whether you are pasting a
surface or a curve.
In Copy Surface mode, you can create a quilt directly on top of selected surfaces.
The resulting quilt contains surfaces that are the same shape and size as their parent
In Copy Curve mode, you can create an exact or approximate copy of a selected
datum curve.

About the Paste User Interface for Surfaces and Curves

The Copy Surface and Curve user interface consists of the following:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menu

Feature Icon

All copied surfaces and curves are represented in the Model Tree by the icon.


Dialog Bar
• In Copy Surface mode, the dialog bar consists of one collector that contains the
Copy reference. You can click the collector to select or replace the Copy reference
at any time.

• In Copy Curve mode, the dialog bar contains the Curve type list. You can select
one of the following options:

o Exact—Creates an exact copy of the selected datum curve.

o Approximate—Creates a datum curve that approximates a chain of

tangent curves by a single continuous curvature spline.

Note: Approximate curves cannot be created on joint angles greater then 5


Slide-up Panels
In Copy Surface mode, the dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—In the References slide-up panel you can change the copy
reference. Click Details to review and modify the surface properties in the
Surface Sets dialog box.

• Options—In the Options slide-up panel you can change the following settings:

o Copy all surfaces as is—Creates an exact copy of the selected surfaces.

This is the default.

o Exclude surfaces and Fill holes—When this command is selected, the

following two collectors become active:

Exclude surfaces collector—Selects surfaces to exclude from the current

copy feature.

Fill holes/surfaces collector—Selects holes to fill on the selected surfaces.

o Copy Inside boundary—When this command is selected, the Boundary

curve collector becomes active. Use this collector to define a boundary
containing the surfaces to copy.

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can

o View information about the current Copy Surface feature in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser

o Rename the Copy Surface feature

In Copy Datum Curve mode, the dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—In the References slide-up panel, you can change the copy
reference. Click Details to review and modify the chain properties in the Chain
dialog box that opens.

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can

Part – Help Topic Collection

o View information about the current Copy Curve feature in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser

o Rename the Copy Curve feature

Shortcut Menu
Right-click to access the shortcut menu with the following commands:
Copy Surface Mode
• Solid Surfaces—Selects individual surfaces to copy on the model. Use the Solid
Surfaces command to select all surfaces of a solid object at once.

• Copy all surfaces as is—Creates an exact copy of the selected surfaces.

• Exclude surfaces and Fill holes—Copies some of the selected surfaces with an
option to fill holes within the surface. This option is useful if you need a refined
version of the original surface.

• Copy Inside boundary—Copies only the surfaces that lie within a boundary.
This option is useful if you need to copy only a portion of the original surfaces.

Copy Datum Curve Mode

• Exact—Creates an exact copy of the selected datum curve.

• Approximate—Creates a datum curve that approximates a chain of tangent

curves by a single continuous curvature spline.

To Copy a Surface
1. In the graphics window, select the surface or surfaces to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The selected surfaces are copied to the clipboard.
Note: You can also copy the surface by pressing CTRL+C.

3. Click Edit > Paste. The copy surface dashboard opens.

Note: You can also paste the surfaces by pressing CTRL+V.

4. Click the button on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates an exact copy of

the selected surfaces.

To Copy a Surface Excluding Patches and Holes

1. In the graphics window, select the surface or surfaces to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The selected surfaces are copied to the clipboard.
Note: You can also copy the surface by pressing CTRL+C.

3. Click Edit > Paste. The copy surface dashboard opens.

Note: You can also paste the surfaces by pressing CTRL+V.


4. Right-click in the graphics window, and select Exclude surfaces and Fill holes
from the shortcut menu.

Note: You can also select this command from the Options slide-up panel in the

5. Select a closed loop of edges surrounding the hole you want to exclude.

6. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the selected surface or

surfaces and excludes the specified holes.

To Copy Surfaces Inside a Closed Sketched Curve

1. In the graphics window, select the surface or surfaces to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The selected surfaces are copied to the clipboard.

Note: You can also copy the surface by pressing CTRL+C.

3. Click Edit > Paste. The copy surface dashboard opens.

Note: You can also paste the surfaces by pressing CTRL+V.

4. Right-click in the graphics window, and click Copy Inside boundary from the
shortcut menu.

Note: Alternatively, you can select this command from the Options slide-up
panel in the dashboard.

5. Select a closed curve, or set of curves that will close, that lies on a quilt.

6. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the specified inside boundary.

To Convert a Copied Surface to an Inner Boundary Copy

1. Select an existing copied surface in the Model Tree.

2. Right-click the Copy Surface and Curve feature, and click Edit Definition from
the shortcut menu. The Copy Surface and Curve tool opens.

3. Click the Options slide-up panel in the dashboard, and click Copy Inside

4. Select a closed curve, or set of curves that will close, that lies on a quilt.

5. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the specified inside boundary.

To Copy Curves or Edges

1. In the graphics window, select the curves or edges to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The selected items are copied to the clipboard.

Note: You can also copy the items by pressing CTRL+C.

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3. Click Edit > Paste. The copy curves dashboard opens.

Note: You can also paste the items by pressing CTRL+V.

4. By default, the curve type is set to Exact. To change the curve type to
Approximate, right-click in the graphics window, and click Approximate from
the shortcut menu. Alternatively, you can click Approximate from the Curve
type list in the dashboard.

5. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the specified curve or edge.

Using Paste Special

About Paste Special

Using Paste Special provides options that are not possible through Paste for
pasting features. To access Paste Special, select a feature and click Edit > Copy
and Edit > Paste Special.
Clicking Edit > Paste Special opens the Paste Special dialog box with the
following options:
• Dependent copy—Creates dependent copies of the original feature. The copied
features are dependent on the dimensions or the sketch of the original feature or
are fully dependent on all attributes, elements, and parameters of the original
feature. This option is selected by default.

Note: You can create independent copies of the original feature or the feature set
if you clear the Dependent copy check box.

The following two options of Dependent copy are mutually exclusive:

o Fully Dependent with options to vary—Creates copies of the original

feature that are fully dependent on all attributes, elements, and parameters
of the original feature, but allows you to vary the dependency of
dimensions, annotations, parameters, sketches, and references. Set the
default_dep_copy_option configuration option to full_dep to make this
the default copy option of Dependent copy.

When you copy features across models, the Make Fully Dependent
copies with options to vary option is available on the Paste Special
dialog box instead of Fully Dependent with options to vary.

Copied and pasted instances of a feature that are fully dependent on the
original feature are identified in the Model Tree by their corresponding
labels, for example, Copied Hole 2.

o Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only—Creates copies of

the original feature that are dependent on the dimensions or the sketch, or
both, or the annotation elements of the original feature. It is the default
Dependent copy option.


Use Make copies dependent on dimensions of original when

Dependent copy and its options are not available for some features, such
as patterns.

Note: Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only is not

available When you copy features across models.

• Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies—Moves the copy by

translation or rotation, or both. You can create a fully dependent moved copy of a
feature. This option is not available when pasting features across models. This
option is valid for all pattern types, including curve patterns and transform
patterns, such as direction, axis or fill, but not for group patterns or pattern of

• Advanced reference configuration—Pastes the copied features using the

original or new references within the same model or across models. Lists
references of the original feature and allows you to retain these references or
replace them with new references in the pasted feature. It allows you to reroute
and replace references while pasting the copied features instead of separately
rerouting the references after the copy-paste.

Note: Advanced reference configuration is not available for a style feature

that is being copied using the Paste Special dialog box.

About Dimension Dependency and Copying Sketch-Based Features

Copied features that are dependent on the original feature may be dependent only
on the dimensions or the sketch, or both, of the original feature. You can use the
Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only option on the Paste Special
dialog box to set the dependency of the copied features on the dimensions or the
sketch. Selecting Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only makes
copied features dependent only with respect to dimensions or the sketch, or both, or
the annotation elements of the copied and the original features. All other feature
attributes, elements, and parameters of the copied feature are independent whereas
fully-dependent copies are also dependent on other attributes and elements of the
feature, such as the references, parameters, and annotations, in addition to the
Alternatively, use Make copies dependent on dimensions of original when
Dependent copy and its options are not available for some features, such as
Dimension dependency remains regardless of whether you create fully-dependent
instances of the original feature or instances that are dependent only on the
dimensions or the sketch of the original feature or whether you copy the feature in
the same model or across models.
Copied features that are dimension-dependent do not have Copied as part of their
corresponding labels in the Model Tree unlike fully-dependent copied features that
are identified in the Model Tree by their labels, for example, Copied Hole 2. Like
independent copied features and unlike fully-dependent copied features, if you select
a dimension-dependent copied feature, and right-click, Copied feature and its

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options are not available because you cannot break the dimension-dependency of the
copied feature.

Copying Sketched-Based Features

When copying sketched-based features, such as extrusions or revolved features, if
you create a dependent copy, the copied feature preserves its association with the
original sketch. Modifying the sketch dimensions of the copied features with
Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only selected changes the
dimensions of the original feature, and vice-versa. That is, modifications made to the
original or the copied feature are propagated to the copied or original feature,
respectively. You can change or replace the sketches of section-based features in the
source model. This change, along with the new dimensions of the replaced sketch, is
associatively propagated to the dependent copied features.
Note: You can create dependent copies of features with external sketches. But you
cannot vary the dependency of the dimensions of the external sketch.

About Varying the Dependency of Pasted Features

You can create dependent copies of features or a set of features and vary their
dependency on the original feature or feature set with respect to specific attributes,
such as annotations, references, and parameters. After copying the feature or
feature set into the same model or across models, you can make these specific
feature attributes, elements, and parameters independent of the original feature or
source while the copied feature remains dependent.
Select Fully Dependent with options to vary on the Paste Special dialog box to
set this varying degree of dependency between the copied features and the original
feature or source model on attributes such as dimensions, annotations, parameters,
and references. After individually editing the dimensions, parameters, references,
and annotations, you can store their changed values in the corresponding varied
items tables, access the Varied Items dialog box, and use the changed values to
make these attributes independent. While editing the references of the dependent
copy, you can reroute or change references. If you select annotation features,
annotation elements such as geometric tolerances, notes, symbols, and surface
finish are added to the varied items table in addition to references, parameters, and
dimensions. The changes that you make through the Varied Items dialog box are
not associatively propagated to the source.
When you copy features from the regeneration footer section of the Model Tree with
Fully Dependent with options to vary, the copied features are placed
immediately after the parent feature in the footer section. Features such as zones,
publish geometry, annotation and datum reference features, and component
interfaces are regenerated at the end of the feature list and are placed in the footer
of the Model Tree. The Fully Dependent with options to vary option is not
available when you select a combination of footer and Model Tree features.
Note: You cannot pattern fully-dependent copies of features. You cannot create
fully-dependent instances of transformed groups and sets of features, assembly
features, flexible components, manufacturing features, and anatomic features.


Deleting a feature in the source model makes the corresponding copied feature in
the target model independent. Suppressing the original feature or the source model
does not break the dependency of the copies. The copies remain dependent and they
update according to the status of the local references because the original feature or
source references are not available. They remain dependent even after resuming
them because of the local references.
A copy of an already copied instance can be dependent or independent, irrespective
of whether the source copy is dependent or independent.

To Create a Dependent Copy in a Model with Paste Special

1. Select a feature or a set of features.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature or the feature set is copied to the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens with
Dependent copy selected by default.

Note: Although you can create copies of the original feature with Edit > Paste,
the Paste Special command offers additional options.

o The Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only option is the

default copy option and is mutually exclusive with the Fully Dependent
with options to vary option.

o The Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies and the Advanced

reference configuration options are also mutually exclusive.

4. Retain the default selection of Dimensions and Annotation Element Details

Only or switch to Fully Dependent with options to vary.

o Retaining the selection of Dimensions and Annotation Element Details

Only creates a copy that is dependent only on the dimensions or the
sketch, or both, or the annotation elements, and no other feature-attribute
or parameters.

o Selecting Fully Dependent with options to vary creates a fully-

dependent copy and you can vary its dependency with respect to its
sketches, annotations, dimensions, parameters, and references after
pasting the copied feature.

5. Select Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies to move the copied

feature by translation or rotation, or both, or the Advanced reference
configuration to retain or change the references of the copied feature.

6. Click OK.

o If you select Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies, the Move

dashboard opens and you must select the direction reference for the move
or rotate translation.

o If you select Advanced reference configuration, the Advanced

Reference Configuration dialog box opens. Replace the original

Part – Help Topic Collection

references from the list of References of Original Features with new

ones, or select Use Original Reference to keep the original references.

o You can identify a fully-dependent copy of the feature or feature set in the
Model Tree by its corresponding label, for example, Copied Hole 2.

o The Copied feature and its options, Varied items, Break dependence,
and Remove dependence,are not available for a copied feature that is
only dependent on the dimensions or the sketch, or both, or the annotation

To Create a Fully-Dependent Feature and Vary Dependency

1. Select a feature or a set of features.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature or the feature set is copied to the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens. Dependent
copy and Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only are selected by

4. Switch to Fully Dependent with options to vary from Dimensions and

Annotation Element Details Only.

Note: If you set the default_dep_copy_option configuration option to

full_dep, Fully Dependent with options to vary is the default option of
Dependent copy.

You can optionally click Advanced reference configuration and change the
references of the copied feature or select new references which are automatically
added to the varied items table.

5. Click OK. The fully-dependent copied feature is created and is identified by its
corresponding label in the Model Tree, for example, Copied Hole 7.

6. Select the copied feature on the Model Tree and right-click.

7. Click Edit. Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to select dimensions, sections,

trajectories, tolerances, surface finish, or other attributes of the copied feature.

8. Select one of the dimensions in the graphics window, double-click or right-click

and click Value. A warning dialog box prompts you to confirm whether you want
to add the dimension being modified to the varied items table of the copied

9. Click Yes on the warning dialog box.

10. Change the dimension value in the graphics window.

11. Select the copied feature, right-click, and click Copied feature > Varied items.
The Varied Items dialog box opens. The edited dimension is listed under the
Dimension tab with its original and edited values displayed under Orig Value
and New Value.


Note: If you delete a varied dimension value under New Value in the Varied
Items dialog box, you must type the asterisk sign (*) in place of the deleted
value in the Dimension tab before closing the Varied Items dialog box. This is
to ensure that the Varied Items dialog box reverts to the original dimension
value the next time you open the Varied Items dialog box.

For an annotation feature, the Varied Items dialog box displays tabs specific to
annotation elements such as 3D Notes, 3D Symbols, Surf.Finish, and Geom
Tols, in addition to Dimensions, References, and Parameters.

Note: For fully-dependent copies of annotation features with varied annotations,

if you set the status of the varied annotations to No Copy, the varied annotations
are not copied, but are deleted along with their references, if any. The references
are not locked when the status is set to No Copy. They are also not resumed
when you again set the status of the annotations to Copy. Instead, the original
references are used in place of the deleted references.

12. Select a feature attribute or element tab in the Varied Items dialog box and

click to add items to the relevant varied items table.

13. Select the relevant feature attribute, dimension, or element in the graphics
window. The selected item with its value is added to the varied items table and is
listed in the Varied Items dialog box.

Note: When you add references to the varied items table you can choose to
reroute references through the REROUTE REFS menu.

14. Select an item in the Varied Items dialog box and click to remove the item
from the relevant varied items table.

15. Edit the value of an item listed in the Varied Items dialog box.

16. Select a feature attribute tab and select All, Modified, or Unchanged from the
Filter list to list all the corresponding feature attribute items or only the changed
or original items.

17. Click OK on the Varied Items dialog box.

To Create an Independent Copy of a Feature or Feature Set

1. Select a feature or a set of features.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature or the feature set is copied to the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens. Dependent
copy and Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only are selected by

Note: Although you can create an independent copy with Edit > Paste, the
Paste Special command offers you more flexibility because of additional options.

4. Clear the Dependent copy check box.

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o The Fully Dependent with options to vary and the Dimensions and
Annotation Element Details Only options become unavailable.

o The Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies and the Advanced

reference configuration options are available and are mutually exclusive.

5. Click Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies to move the copied

feature by translation or rotation, or both, or the Advanced reference
configuration to retain or change the references of the copied feature.

6. Click OK.

7. Select the copied feature on the Model Tree and right-click to verify if the copy of
the feature or feature set is independent.

Note: Copied feature and its options, Varied items, Break dependence, and
Remove dependence, are not available on the resultant menu because the
copied feature is independent.

8. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to create many more independent copies of the feature
or feature set.

Note: Alternatively, you can select a fully-dependent feature, right-click the

selected feature, and select Copied feature > Remove dependence to
permanently break the dependence of the selected copied feature on the original
feature. The Copied feature and its options, Varied items, Break
dependence, and Remove dependence, are only available when the copied
feature is fully dependent on the original feature.

To Break, Restore, or Remove Dependency

1. On the Model Tree, select a copied feature that is fully dependent on the original
feature. You can identify copied features that are fully dependent on the original
feature by their corresponding labels, for example, Copied Hole 2.

2. You can break, restore, or remove dependency as follows:

o Right-click the selected fully-dependent feature and click Copied feature >
Break dependence to temporarily switch off the dependency of the
selected feature on the original feature.

Note: Copied feature and its options, Varied items, Break

dependence, and Remove dependence, are only available when the
copied feature is fully dependent on the original feature. Copied feature
and its options are not available for features that are dimension-dependent
because you cannot break the dependency on dimensions. Copied feature
and its options are also not available for copied features that are
independent from the original feature.

o Right-click the feature again. The options that are available on the resultant
menu are Restore dependence and Remove dependence.


o Click Restore dependence to restore the dependency of the feature that

was temporarily broken. The feature whose dependency is restored is
automatically regenerated.

o Right-click the fully-dependent copied feature and click Copied feature >
Remove dependence to permanently break the dependence of the
selected copied feature on the original feature.

Click Yes on the warning dialog box that prompts you to confirm whether
you want to permanently remove the dependence of the selected copied
feature on the original feature.

Note: You cannot restore the dependency of a feature that you have
permanently removed. Copied feature and its options, including Restore
dependence, are not available for a copied feature that has been
permanently made independent with Copied feature > Remove

To Copy a Feature Across Models Using Paste Special

1. Select the feature that you want to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The feature is copied onto the clipboard.

3. Open the target model in another Pro/ENGINEER window.

4. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens with the Make
Fully Dependent copies with options to vary and the Advanced reference
configuration options available.

Note: To create independent instances of the copied feature, clear the Make
Fully Dependent copies with options to vary check box.

5. Click OK. The Scale dialog box opens.

6. Select one of the following options in the Scale dialog box:

o Keep dimension values—Retains the dimension values of the copied

feature, irrespective of the different measurement systems. This is the

o Keep feature sizes—Converts the dimension values of the copied feature

to the measurement system used in the target model.

o Scale by value—Scales the paste feature by a specified value. Type a

value in Scaling factor.

7. Click OK in the Scale dialog box. The Advanced Reference Configuration

dialog box opens listing the placement references of the original feature.

8. Select and replace all references for the copied feature in the Advanced
Reference Configuration dialog box.

Note: If you are pasting more than one feature, the second feature can use the
references of the first feature.

Part – Help Topic Collection

9. Click . Pro/ENGINEER places the copied feature according to the references


To Create a Dependent Copy of Sketch-Based Features

Copying a sketched-based feature using Paste Special creates a dependent copy
that preserves the dependency of the section dimensions.

Copying Features that Use an Internal Sketch

1. Select a sketch-based feature to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens with
Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only as the default option.

4. Select Advanced reference configuration.

5. In the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box, replace the original

references with new as needed or keep original references.

Note: You must specify the sketching plane, view orientation, and sketch
dimensional references using the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog
box. If not, the dimension dependency of the section is not preserved.

Copying Features that Use an External Sketch

1. Select a sketch-based feature to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens with
Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only as the default option.

4. In the Paste Special dialog box, select Advanced reference configuration.

5. In the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box, select the sketch in the
References of Original Features, and then select the Use Original Reference

Note: You cannot vary the dimension dependency of the external sketch.

To Create an Independent Copy of Sketch-Based Features

Copying a sketched-based feature using Paste creates an independent copy that is
no longer associative with the original sketch.

Copying Features that Use an Internal Sketch

1. Select a sketch-based feature to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy.


3. Click Paste. The feature creation tool of the feature being copied opens.

4. In the dashboard, click the Placement slide-up panel.

5. Click Edit. The Sketch dialog box opens.

6. Specify the sketching plane and the view orientation reference.

7. Click Sketch.

8. Drag the section to new location or create a new section.

9. Click to exit Sketcher.

Copying Features that Use an External Sketch

1. Select a sketch-based feature to copy.

2. Click Edit > Copy.

3. Click Paste. The feature creation tool of the feature being copied opens.

4. Select a new sketch.

5. Click to complete the copy.

About the Advanced Reference Configuration User Interface

The Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box that opens when you click
Advanced reference configuration on the Paste Special dialog box allows you to
paste a feature by mapping references of the original feature to the new references.
It allows you to use the original or new references within the same model or use new
references when the copied feature is pasted across models. You can only retain or
change the references of the copied instances and not their settings or dimensions
through the Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box.
The Advanced Reference Configuration dialog box has the following options:
• References of Original Features—Lists external references of the original
feature. You can select a reference to replace it with a new one. You can also
choose to preserve an original reference.

• Use Original Reference—Indicates whether you want to keep an original

reference or select a new reference. Clear this option if you want to replace an
original reference with a new one. By default, this option is not selected. The
selected reference is listed in the collector below the Use Original Reference
option. To remove the listed item, right-click in the collector and click Remove.
To obtain information about the selected item, right-click in the collector and click

Note: If you leave this collector empty, then the pasted feature that uses this
reference fails, and the feature-creation tool opens to resolve the reference.

• Used By—Lists the features that use the selected reference.

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For a set of features that is copied and pasted across models, the Advanced
Reference Configuration dialog box opens for individual external references. You
must specify the external references of each copied feature in the feature set.
For multiple features that are dimension-dependent, the Advanced Reference
Configuration dialog box lists all the references.
You are not prompted to specify references that are internal to the set of features.
For example, when an extruded feature with embedded datums is copied and pasted
across models, you can only specify the references of the embedded datums and not
the references of the extrude feature.

To Copy Features Using the Advanced Reference Configuration

Use this technique to copy features by changing the placement references of the
original feature.
1. Select a feature to copy or move.

2. Click Edit > Copy, the entire feature is copied into the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens.

4. Click Advanced reference configuration and click OK. The Advanced

Reference Configuration dialog box opens. The placement references of the
original feature are listed in a table.

5. You can now replace the original placement references with the new ones, or
keep some of the original references. To replace a reference, select a row from a
list of References of Original Features, clear the checkmark for the option Use
Original Reference, and select a new reference in the graphics window.

Note: If you are pasting more than one feature, the second feature can use the
references of the first feature.

6. Click . When there are alternative orientation options to place the copied
feature, the Preview dialog box opens. Specify datum plane directions,
silhouette edges, and hole location as relevant:

a. Select the features orientation direction and click Flip or Next to change
the feature placement orientation.

b. Click to update the preview of the feature in the new orientation.

c. Click to accept the orientation and place the feature or to

cancel the operation.
Note: If the regeneration fails during the initial preview, only the successfully
regenerated features are displayed. You can change feature orientations and update
the preview display to attempt resolving the failure. Alternatively, you can redefine
the failed feature.


To Verify the Availability of Original References

1. Select a copied feature on the Model Tree.

2. Click Settings > Tree Columns. The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.

3. Under Not Displayed, select Copied Refs and move the selected item to
Column Name under Displayed.

4. Click OK. The Status column added to the Model Tree displays the following
status of the copied references:

o MISSING when the references are deleted. This status is also displayed
when the feature is copied across models and the source is in session.

o FROZEN when the feature is copied across models and the source is not in

o SUPPRESSED when the source feature is suppressed.

o EXCLUDED when the source feature is excluded in a simplified representation

of a part.

dep_dim, full_dep
Sets Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only or Fully Dependent
with options to vary as the default option of Dependent copy in the Paste
Special dialog box. Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only and Fully
Dependent with options to vary are mutually exclusive.
• dep_dim—Sets Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only as the
default Dependent copy option in the Paste Special dialog box. This option is
the default. It allows you to create copies of the original feature that are only
dependent on the dimensions or the sketch, or both, or the annotation elements.

• full_dep—Allows you to switch to the Fully Dependent with options to vary

option from the default Dimensions and Annotation Element Details Only
option on the Paste Special dialog box. Dependent copy with Fully
Dependent with options to vary allows you to create copies of the original
feature that are fully dependent on all elements and attributes of the original
feature. After pasting the copied features, you can vary the dependency of
certain feature elements and attributes of the copied features, such as
dimensions, sketches, annotations, references, and parameters.


About The Mirror Tool

The Mirror tool enables you to create copies of features and geometry that are
mirrored about a planar surface. You can use this tool to save time by mirroring

Part – Help Topic Collection

simple parts into more complex designs. In addition to part geometry, the Mirror tool
allows you to copy surfaces, curves, patterns, and datum features about a mirror
Note: You can also mirror curve patterns and transform patterns, such as direction,
axis, or fill, but you cannot mirror group patterns or a pattern of a pattern.
There are several methods of creating a mirror:
• Feature Mirror—Allows you to mirror features using two methods:

o All Features—This method duplicates features and creates a merged

feature that contains the geometry of all features of the model. To use this
method, you must select all features and the part node on the Model Tree.

o Selected Features—This method duplicates only the selected feature.

• Geometry Mirror—Allows you to mirror geometry items such as datums, quilts,

and surfaces. You can also mirror an entire part by selecting its node on the
Model Tree.

The following examples show how you can use the Mirror tool to create a complex
design from a relatively small amount of geometry:

All Feature Method

Original part Original Part Mirrored using
the All Feature method

1. Mirror plane


Selected Feature Method

Original part with a single feature Single feature mirrored using the
selected selected Feature method

1. Original feature

2. Mirror plane

3. Mirrored feature

About the Mirror User Interface

The Mirror user interface consists of the following:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menu

Feature Icon
All Mirrored features are represented in the Model Tree by . Additionally, the

Mirror tool is represented by in the Edit Features toolbar.

Dialog Bar
The Mirror dialog bar consists of the Mirror plane collector. You can click the
collector to select or replace the mirror plane reference at any time.

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Slide-up Panels
The slide-up panels available on the Mirror dashboard vary depending on the type of
object selected and the method in which it was selected.
If you are mirroring a feature or a group of features the dashboard contains the
• References—Use this panel to change the Mirror plane reference.

• Options—Use this panel to make the mirror feature's dimensions independent of

the original item by clearing the checkmark from the Copy as dependent

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can:

o View information about the Mirror feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

o Rename the feature.

If you are mirroring geometry the dashboard contains the following:

• References—In the References slide-up panel, you can:

o Change the Mirror items reference.

o Change the Mirror plane reference.

• Options—Use this panel to select Hide original geometry. If it is selected,

upon completion of the mirror feature, the system shows only the new mirrored
geometry and hides the original geometry.

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can:

o View information about the Mirror feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

o Rename the feature.

If you are mirroring all the geometry in the part, the dashboard contains the
• References—In the References slide-up panel, you can:

o Change the Mirror items reference.

o Change the Mirror plane reference.

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can:

o View information about the Mirror feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

o Rename the feature.

Note: The Options slide-up panel is not available for this operation.


Shortcut Menu
If you are mirroring all the geometry in a part you can right-click in the graphics
window to access the following commands:
• Mirror Items Collector—Selects or redefines an item to be mirrored. You can
select a part, surface, axis, or datum curve.

• Mirror Plane Collector—Selects or redefines the mirror plane about which the
mirror item is copied.

To Mirror Selected Features

Note: You must select the items you wish to mirror before you can invoke the Mirror
1. Select one or more features to mirror. Pro/ENGINEER highlights each feature in
the graphics window.

Note: To mirror a pattern, select the pattern header and not a pattern member
because the Mirror tool is not available if you select a pattern member.

2. Click in the Edit Features toolbar or click Edit > Mirror. The Mirror tool

3. Select a mirror plane.

Tip: You can redefine the Mirror plane by clicking on any other plane in the
graphics window.

4. Open the Options slide-up panel and clear Copy as dependent if you want to
make the mirrored features independent of the original.

5. Click on the dashboard to accept and create the new mirror feature.

The number of members in a mirrored pattern is the same as in the original pattern
feature. If you vary the number of members in the mirrored pattern that is created
with Copy as dependent selected, the change is associatively propagated to the
original pattern feature. The dependency is only on the dimensions.
Note: To redefine the mirror item, you must cancel the current mirror operation.
Select alternate items to mirror and then restart the mirror tool.

To Mirror All the Geometry in a Part

Note: You must select the items you wish to mirror before you can invoke the Mirror
1. Select the part name at the top of the Model Tree.

2. Click in the Edit Features toolbar.

Note: You can also click Edit > Mirror to invoke the Mirror tool.

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3. Select a mirror plane. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the new

Mirror feature in the graphics window.

Note: You can redefine the Mirror plane by clicking on any other plane in the
graphics window.

4. Click in the dashboard to accept and create the new mirror feature.

Tip: To switch the mirror item from part geometry to a surface, plane, or axis, you
must first open the References slide-up panel in the dashboard, right-click the part
reference in the Mirror items table, and click Remove from the shortcut menu.
After the Mirrored Item reference is removed, you can select a plane, surface, or axis
to mirror. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut menu and activate the Mirror
Items Collector. Then you can open the shortcut menu again and click Clear.

To Mirror Geometry
Note: You must select the items you wish to mirror before you can invoke the Mirror
1. Select either Geometry or Datums from the selection filter in the bottom right
of the Pro/ENGINEER window.

2. Select any geometry or datum.

3. Click in the Edit Features toolbar. The mirror tool opens.

Note: You can also click Edit > Mirror to invoke the Mirror tool.

4. Select a mirror plane. Pro/ENGINEER displays a preview of the new Mirror feature
in the graphics window.

Note: You can redefine Mirror plane by clicking on any other plane in the
graphics window.

5. (Optional) In the Options slide-up panel check the Hide original geometry
box. If selected, upon completion of the mirror feature, the system shows only
the new mirrored geometry and hides the original geometry.

6. Click in the dashboard to accept and create the new Mirror feature.

Note: To redefine the mirror item, use the Mirror items collector in the
References slide-up panel. Select alternate items to mirror and then restart the
mirror tool.


About the Move Tool

The Move tool is only accessed through the Copy and Paste Special functions. With
the Move tool, you can:


• Translate features, surfaces, quilts, datum curves, and axes in a direction

specified by a reference. You can translate along a linear edge or curve, axis,
perpendicular to a plane or planar surface, or along one of the axes of the
coordinate system.

• Rotate features, surfaces, quilts, datum curves, and axes about an existing axis,
linear edge, curve, or about one of the axes of the coordinate system.

• Apply multiple translation and rotation transformations in a single move feature.

You can also use the Move tool to create and move a copy of an existing surface or
curve rather than moving the original.
You can also move curve patterns and transform patterns, such as direction, axis, or
fill, in addition to most pattern types, but you cannot move group patterns or
patterns of patterns. For patterns, you must select the pattern header instead of the
pattern member.
To move an item relative to its original position, you must first select the item to
move, activate the Move tool, and then select the direction reference. You can also
use asynchronous datums as direction references. When translating an object, the
direction reference is typically a plane or edge that determines the direction in which
you want to translate the moved feature. When rotating an object, the direction
reference is typically an axis or edge about which you want to rotate the moved
feature. The following items can be used as direction references:
• In Translate mode you can choose:

o Linear curve

o Linear edge

o Planar surface

o Datum axis

o Datum plane

o Axis of datum coordinate system

• In Rotate mode you can choose:

o Linear curve

o Linear edge

o Datum axis

o Axis of datum coordinate system

Note: You cannot select a coordinate system or two datum points or vertices as
direction references. Instead, you can directly select an axis of the datum coordinate
system as the direction reference or create an asynchronous datum axis that passes
through these two datum points or vertices.

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About the Move User Interface

The Move user interface consists of the following:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menu

Feature Icon
Moved features are represented in the Model Tree by .

Dialog Bar
The Move dialog bar consists of the following elements:

• (Translate)—Switches the Move tool from the Rotate mode to the Translate

• (Rotate)—Switches the Move tool from Translate mode to Rotate mode.

• Direction reference collector—Specifies the direction reference at any time

during creation or redefinition. You can select the x-, y-, or z-axis of the datum
coordinate system in the graphics window to specify the direction of translation
or rotation. The Direction reference collector shows which of the axes is used.

For a feature created in an earlier release of Pro/ENGINEER, that uses a

coordinate system as the reference direction, the Direction reference collector
shows the used axis of that coordinate system.

For a legacy feature that uses two datum points or vertices as the direction
reference, if you remove one of the datum points or vertices, Pro/ENGINEER
removes both the datum points or vertices and clears the Direction reference
collector. If you choose to retain the datum points or vertices, the Direction
reference collector shows both the datum points or vertices as the direction

• Value list—Specifies the move value. In Translate mode the value represents
the distance you wish to translate the moved feature. In Rotate mode, the value
represents the angle in degrees that you wish to rotate the moved feature about
the move reference.

Slide-up Panels
The Move dashboard has two modes, a Geometry mode and a Features mode. When
moving geometry the Move dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—In the References slide-up panel, you can select or change the
items you wish to move.


• Transformations—In the Transformations slide-up panel, you can:

o Create additional translations and rotations

o Create or change the direction reference

o Switch between Translate and Rotate mode

o Enter values for each translation or rotation movement

• Options—In the Options slide-up panel, you can choose whether to hide or
display the original geometry.

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can:

o View information about the current moved feature in the Pro/ENGINEER

browser or the Information Window.

o Rename the moved feature.

When moving entire features, the Move dashboard displays the following slide-up
• Transformations—In the Transformations slide-up panel, you can:

o Create additional translations and rotations

o Create or change the direction reference

o Switch between Translate and Rotate mode

o Enter values for each translation or rotation movement

• Properties—In the Properties slide-up panel, you can:

o View information about the current moved feature in the Pro/ENGINEER


o Rename the moved feature

Shortcut Menu
In the graphics window, right-click to access the Move shortcut menu. The following
options are available on the Move shortcut menu in the Geometry mode:
• Move Items—Activates the Reference collector and specifies the selection of
one or more items as references to move or rotate.

• Direction Reference—Activates the Direction reference collector and specifies

the direction reference that is an edge, curve, surface, plane, axis, or axis of a
datum coordinate system.

• Clear—Deletes the references in the active Direction reference collector.

• Move—Translates the move item perpendicular or parallel to the direction


• Rotate—Rotates the move item about the direction reference.

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• New Move—Applies another translation or rotation move to the move item.

The following options are available on the Move shortcut menu in the Features
• Clear—Deletes the references in the active Direction reference collector.

• Move—Translates the move item perpendicular or parallel to the direction


• Rotate—Rotates the move item about the direction reference.

• New Move—Applies another translation or rotation move to the move item.

To Move Geometry
1. Set the selection filter to Geometry.

2. Select the following geometry:

o Datum planes

o Datum points

o Datum axes

o Datum coordinate systems

o Datum curves

o Quilts or surfaces

3. Click Edit > Copy. The selected geometry is copied to the clipboard.

4. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens.

5. Click Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies.

6. Click OK. The Move dashboard opens.

7. Click to translate the move item or click to rotate the move item.

8. Select a direction reference:

o Datum axis

o Linear edge

o Plane or flat surface

o Straight curve

o Datum plane

o Axis of datum coordinate system

Note: When translating, the direction reference is perpendicular to the direction

in which you want to move when you specify a plane or flat surface as the
direction reference. If you select an edge, curve, or axis, the direction reference


is parallel to the selected edge, curve, or axis. When rotating, the direction
reference is usually an axis or straight edge about which the move item pivots.

9. To move the selected item:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually translate/rotate

the move item to the desired distance.

o In the Move dashboard, type a distance or angle value in the value box, or
select a value from a list of the most recently used values.

10. If you want to create additional translation or rotation transformations, see To

Create Multiple Moves. Otherwise, click to complete the move feature.

To Move Features
1. In the Model Tree, select the items that you want to move.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The entire feature is copied onto the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens.

4. Click Apply Move/Rotate transformation to copies.

5. Click OK. The Move dashboard opens.

6. Click to translate the move item or click to rotate the move item.

7. Select a direction reference:

o Datum axis

o Edge

o Plane or flat surface

o Straight curve

o Axis of datum coordinate system

Note: When translating, the direction reference is perpendicular to the direction

in which you want to move when you specify a plane or flat surface as the
direction reference. If you select an edge, curve, or axis, the direction reference
is parallel to the selected edge, curve, or axis. When rotating, the direction
reference is usually an axis or straight edge about which the move item pivots.

8. To move the selected item:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually translate or rotate
the move item to the desired distance or angle.

o On the Move dashboard, type a distance or angle value in the value box, or
select a value from a list of the most recently used values.

Part – Help Topic Collection

9. If you want to create additional translation or rotation transformations, see To

Create Multiple Moves. Otherwise, click to complete the move feature.

To Move All Features in a Part

Note: Moving with this method creates a duplication of the entire part and also a
merge feature that contains all the geometry of the features of the part.
1. In the Model Tree, select all features in the part and the part header.

2. Click Edit > Copy. The entire feature is copied into the clipboard.

3. Click Edit > Paste Special. The Paste Special dialog box opens.

4. Click Apply Move/Rotate transformations to copies. You can choose whether

to make the copy dependent or not.

5. Click OK. The Move dashboard opens.

6. Click to translate the move item or click to rotate the move item.

7. Select a direction reference:

o Datum axis

o Edge

o Plane or flat surface

o Straight curve

o Axis of datum coordinate system

Note: You cannot select a plane or flat surface if you are rotating the selected

When translating, the direction reference is perpendicular to the direction in

which you want to move when you specify a plane or flat surface as the direction
reference. If you select an edge, curve, or axis, the direction reference is parallel
to the selected edge, curve, or axis. When rotating, the direction reference is
usually an axis or straight edge about which the move item pivots.

8. To move the selected item:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually translate/rotate

the move item to the desired distance or angle.

o In the Move dashboard, type a distance or angle value in the value box, or
select a value from a list of the most recently used values.

9. If you want to create additional translation or rotation transformations see To

Create Multiple Moves. Otherwise, click to complete the move feature.


To Create Multiple Moves

The Move tool allows you to create multiple translation and rotation transformations
in a single move feature. To create multiple moves:
1. Click the Transformations tab on the Move dashboard. The Transformations
slide-up panel appears.

2. Click New Move in the Move list. A new move is added to the Move list.

3. Select a transformation type from the Type list, either Move (to translate) or

4. Select a direction reference:

o Datum axis

o Edge

o Plane or flat surface

o Straight curve

o Axis of datum coordinate system

Note: You cannot select a plane or flat surface if you are rotating the selected

5. Use the drag handle in the graphics window to manually translate or rotate the
move item or enter a distance or angle value in the value box.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 to create additional transformations.

7. Click to complete the move feature.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Example: Different Move Techniques

Selected Feature Move

1. Move Items consisting of a 1. Original Move Items

single protrusion and a hole
2. Datum axis used as direction
2. Datum axis used as Reference
direction Reference
3. Resulting moved Items rotated
about the direction reference 90

All Features Move


1. Move item consisting of all 1. Original Move Item

features in the part.
2. Datum plane used as direction
2. Datum plane used as direction Reference
3. Resulting moved item

Geometry Move

1. Move item consisting of section 1. Original move item

2. Datum plane used as direction
2. Datum plane used as direction reference
3. Resulting moved item.

About Redefining Legacy Data that Uses Coordinate System or

Two Datum Points as Direction Reference
Features created in an earlier release of Pro/ENGINEER can have the following as
direction references:
• Two datum points or vertices

• Datum coordinate system

Legacy parts with such features are redefined when opened in the current release of

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Redefining a Feature with Two Datum Points or Vertices as

Direction Reference
When you open a part with a feature that uses two datum points or vertices as the
direction reference in the current version of Pro/ENGINEER, the Reference
Selection dialog box opens stating that the use of two datum points or vertices as
references is not supported. If you have deleted one of the datum points, it warns
you that you have deleted one of the datum points.
If you click OK in the Reference Selection dialog box to remove one of the datum
points or vertices, Pro/ENGINEER removes both the datum points or vertices and
clears the Direction reference collector. You can directly select a datum axis that
passes through these two datum points or vertices.
If you click Cancel in the Reference Selection dialog box, Pro/ENGINEER analyzes
if either the datum points or vertices are used or both, datum points and vertices are
used as the direction reference. The Direction reference collector displays the two
datum points or vertices as the direction reference. Both the datum points or vertices
are redefined such that the direction reference passes through these two datum
points or vertices.

Redefining a Feature with a Datum Coordinate System as Direction

When you open a part with a feature that uses the datum coordinate system as the
direction reference in the current version of Pro/ENGINEER, the Direction
reference collector displays the used axis of that datum coordinate system as the
direction reference. You can also set the Direction reference collector to define an
axis of a coordinate system as the direction reference.


About the Merged Feature

You can use the Merge tool to merge two quilts by intersecting or joining them or
merge more than two quilts by joining them. The resultant quilt becomes the
primary quilt and inherits the ID of the primary quilt. If you delete the merged
feature, the original quilts remain.
You can use one of the following methods on the Merge dashboard to merge two
• Use Intersect to create a quilt that consists of the trimmed portions of two
intersecting quilts and for quilts with coincident one-sided edges.

• Use Join if the edges of one quilt lie on the surfaces of the other quilt.

o In Assembly mode, you can merge only assembly-level quilts. If you want
to create component-level merged features, you must first activate the
component, and then merge the quilts in that component.


o To select more that two quilts to be merged, the quilts should have
adjacent one-sided edges.

o You cannot select intersecting quilts if you merge more than two quilts.

o You can merge more than two quilts only if all the edges of the selected
quilts are adjacent to each other and do not overlap.

Parental Hierarchy of Quilts

When you merge two quilts, both these reference quilts become the parents of the
merged feature. By default, the first quilt you select becomes the primary reference
quilt, which determines the ID of the merged quilt. This ID of the primary quilt is
important for dependents of the primary quilt and for operations such as suppress
and resume or layer blanking. For example, if you suppress the primary reference
quilt by selecting it on the Model Tree, the merged quilt is also suppressed.
You can set any quilt in the quilt collector to be the primary quilt by selecting that

quilt and clicking .

Note: The primary quilt is the first quilt listed under Quilts in the References
If you select more than two quilts to be merged, the Merge tool merges the quilts in
their order of appearance in the quilt collector. For example, the primary quilt, that
is, the first quilt in the quilt collector is merged with the second quilt and forms the
primary quilt. The third quilt is then merged with the primary quilt and so on until all
the quilts are merged.
The order in which the quilts appear in the quilt collector is important to perform a
successful merge operation, that is, the quilts in the quilt collector must be
sequentially arranged based on their adjacency. For example, if the quilt collector
has five quilts, the merge result of quilts one and two should be adjacent to quilt
three and the merge result of quilts one, two, and three should be adjacent to quilt
four and so on.

Accessing the Merge Tool

To access the Merge tool, select two or more quilts and click on the Edit
Features toolbar or click Edit > Merge.
You can use one of the following methods to select the quilts:
• Select the quilts in the graphics window.

• Click in an empty area in the graphics window and drag the pointer over the
required quilts to select them. This operation is called region selection. When you
use region selection, the required quilts must be completely inside the region to
be selected. The selected quilts are sorted in the quilt collector based on their
feature number on the Model Tree.

Note: You can use region selection only when you are within the Merge tool.

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• You can also use the Search Tool to select the quilts. To access the search tool,
click Edit > Find. When you use the Search Tool to select quilts, the quilts are
added to the quilt collector based on their chronological order on the Model Tree.

Error Reporting
The quilts in the quilt collector are merged sequentially. However, the first quilt that
fails to merge with the previous quilt is marked with a red dot in the quilt collector,
for example, . Subsequent quilts are not merged. If the Merge tool
encounters an error, the error messages are displayed in the Troubleshooter dialog
box and in the message area. To know why a particular quilt failed the merge
operation, right-click the failed quilt and click What's wrong on the shortcut menu
that appears. The Troubleshooter dialog box appears and displays the reason why
that quilt could not be merged. You can remove the failed quilt from the quilt
collector or reorder the quilt in the quilt collector and continue with the merge
The merge feature could fail for one of the following reasons:
• Selected quilts do not have adjacent edges.

• Selected quilts are intersecting or overlapping.

Dynamic Preview
When you enter the Merge tool with more than two quilts selected, Pro/ENGINEER
switches off dynamic preview. To switch on dynamic preview, click the checkbox
adjacent to on the Merge dashboard. If you switch on dynamic preview, the
graphics window is updated when you add or remove quilts to or from the merge
feature. If the Merge tool encounters an error, Pro/ENGINEER displays a preview of
the already merged quilts. For example, if the quilt collector has five quilts and the
third one fails the merge operation, then Pro/ENGINEER displays a preview of the
first and second quilts in the graphics window.

Undo and Redo

Undo and redo operations are available for all operations that you perform within the
Merge tool, while the Merge dashboard is active. However, if you quit the Merge tool,
you can only undo the merge operation as a whole and not operations performed
within the Merge tool. For example, if you select a quilt to be added to the quilt
collector, you can undo this operation within the Merge tool. After you quit the Merge
tool, you cannot use the undo operation to remove the quilt from the quilt collector.

About the Merged Feature User Interface

The user interface for the Merge tool includes:
Feature icon
Slide-up panels


Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Merge tool, select two or more quilts and click on the Edit
Features toolbar or click Edit > Merge.

The dashboard consists of the following elements:

—For the first quilt, changes the side to be included in the merge.

—For the second quilt, changes the side to be included in the merge.
The above options are available only if you select two intersecting quilts.

Slide-up Panels
The Merge tool provides the following slide-up panels:
• References—Lists quilts selected for the merge operation in the quilt collector.
The quilt collector can collect an unlimited number of quilts but displays only 15
without a scroll bar.

• Options—Select Intersect or Join to specify the method of merging quilts. This

option is not available for merging more than two quilts.

• Properties—Lets you edit the feature name and provides detailed information on
the merged feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Shortcut Menus
When you right-click a merged feature, click one of the following commands on the
shortcut menu to specify the method of merging quilts:
• Intersect—Merges two quilts at their intersection point.

• Join—Joins two quilts.

These commands are available only if you select two intersecting quilts.

To Create a Merged Feature

Note: To access the Merge tool, you must first select two quilts to merge.

1. Select two quilts and click on the Edit Features toolbar. The first quilt
selected becomes the default primary quilt, which provides the quilt ID for the
merged quilt.

2. To select the method for merging, click the Options slide-up panel. Click
Intersect or Join.

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Note: To be joined, the one-sided edges of one quilt must lie on the other quilt.

3. The arrows at the intersection of two quilts point to the sides of the quilts that
will be included in the merged quilt. You can change the sides of the quilts to
include in the resulting feature by doing the following:

o When merging by intersecting—For each quilt, you can change the side of

the quilt to include by clicking . Notice how the arrows flip as you
change the sides to keep.

o When merging by joining— If one quilt extends beyond the other one, you

can specify which side of the quilt is included by clicking .

4. (Optional) To change the primary quilt, click the References slide-up panel and
click Swap. The two quilts under Quilts switch places. The top quilt is the
primary quilt.

5. To verify the feature, click .

6. Click .

To Merge More Than Two Quilts

1. Select two or more quilts to be merged in the graphics window and click on
the Edit Features toolbar or click Edit > Merge. Alternatively, select the quilts
using the Search Tool or by region selection.

• All the edges of the selected quilts must be adjacent to each other and must
not overlap.

• The quilts are placed in the collector in the order of selection. However, if you
use region selection, the quilts are sorted in the quilt collector based on their
feature number on the Model Tree.

• Intersecting quilts cannot be merged. If the model contains intersecting quilts,

trim them before the merge operation.

• The quilts in the quilt collector must be sequentially arranged based on their

2. Optionally, click the checkbox adjacent to on the Merge dashboard to switch

on dynamic preview. However, Pro/ENGINEER switches off dynamic preview if
you are performing a merge with more than two quilts.

3. To reorder the quilts in the quilt collector, click References on the dashboard,
select the quilt from the quilt collector, and click one of the following:

• —Moves the selected quilt to the top of the quilt collector. When you
move a quilt to the top of the list, it becomes the primary quilt.


• —Moves the selected quilt one level up in the quilt collector.

• —Moves the selected quilt one level down in the quilt collector.


• You can also reorder the quilts by dragging them in the quilt collector.

• and are not available if the selected quilt is the first quilt in the list.

• is not available if the selected quilt is the last quilt in the list.

4. To remove a quilt, right-click the quilt in the quilt collector and click Remove on
the shortcut menu that appears.

5. Click on the Merge dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER merges the selected quilts.

Example: Merging Two Quilts

The next example illustrates merging two intersecting quilts.

1 Select these two quilts

The next figure illustrates how to define which portion of the quilt to keep.

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1 Keep this surface

The next figure shows the resulting merged quilt.


About the Trim Feature

With the Trim tool you can cut or split a quilt or curve. A quilt is a collection of
surfaces. Use the Trim tool to remove material from quilts or curves to create a
certain shape or to split material. You can trim quilts by:
• Trimming at an intersection with another quilt or datum plane

• Using a datum curve that lies on a quilt

You can trim a curve by clipping or splitting the curve at the point of an intersection
with a surface, another curve, or datum plane.
To trim a quilt or curve, select the quilt or curve to trim, activate the Trim tool, and
then specify the trimming object. You can specify and change the trimming object
during creation or redefinition.
During the trimming process, you can specify what part of the trimmed surface or
curve you want to keep. In addition, you can use the Thin Trim when you trim a
quilt with another quilt. Thin Trim allows you to specify trim thickness dimensions
and control fitting requirements for surfaces.


To access the Trim tool, select the surface or curve to trim, then click or click
Edit > Trim.

About the Trim User Interface

The Trim user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Trim tool, click .on the Feature toolbar or click Edit > Trim.

Dialog Bar
The Trim dialog bar consists of three elements:
• Trimming Object Collector—Adds, removes, or redefines the trimming object

• —Flips between one side, other side, or both sides of the trimmed surface to

• —Switches the Silhouette Trim option on or off.

Slide-up Panels
The Trim dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—Adds or replaces the trimming objects references.

o Swap—Selects which side of the result quilt takes the trimmed quilt ID.
This button is enabled when the trimming directions are on both sides.

o Details—Opens the Chain dialog box so you can modify the chain set

o Options—Specifies trim thickness dimensions, surfaces to exclude from thin

trim, and controlled fitting requirements for surfaces:

o Normal to Surface—Thickens the surface in a direction normal to surface.

Automatic Fit—Determines the scaling coordinate system and fit along all
three axes.

o Controlled Fit—Thickens the surface by a specific scaling coordinate

system and controlled fitting motion.

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• Properties—Renames the feature or displays information about the feature in

the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Note: Thin Trim options are only available if you use a surface as your trimming
Exclude Surface—Lists surfaces from the original quilt excluded from the Thin Trim
Auto—Automatically excludes surfaces to result in a successful implementation of
the trim feature.
Original Quilt Side (Side 1 or 2)—Selects the primary quilt when both sides of the
surface are kept after trimming.

Shortcut Menus
The Trim tool has shortcut menus for collectors and for direction arrows. For the
collector shortcut menu, right-click in the graphics window for the following
• Trimmed Quilt—Activates the collector to specify the quilt to be trimmed.

• Trimming Object—Activates the collector to specify the object used as the


• Clear—Clears the current active collector to make another choice.

• Flip—Specifies the direction of the arrow to indicate the portion of the surface to
keep or where to apply the thickness value.

• Thin Trim—Selects the Thin Trim options. These options are only available when
trimming a quilt.

Note: When Thin Trim is selected, use the drag handles and the most recently
used dimension box to:

o Resize the thickness of the trim surface

o Change a value. Changes are displayed in the graphics window and in the
dialog bar.

For the direction-arrow shortcut menu, right-click the direction arrow for the
following commands:
• Flip—Redirects the direction of the arrow to indicate the side of the surface to
keep after trimming.

• Both sides—Adds another arrow and keeps both sides of the trimmed surface or
applies the thickness value to both sides.

To Trim a Curve or Quilt

1. Select the curve or quilt to trim.

2. Click or Edit > Trim. The Trim dashboard appears.


3. Select any curve, plane, or quilt to use as the trimming object.

Note: You can trim a curve with a datum point sitting on that particular curve.

4. Click or the direction arrow located in the graphics window to specify the side
of the trimmed surface to keep. You can keep a specific side or both sides of the
trimmed surface.

5. Click to preview the trim geometry or click to accept and save


To Trim Surfaces with a Quilt

1. Select the surface to trim.

2. Click or Edit > Trim. The Trim dashboard appears.

3. Select the quilt to use as the trimming object. The Trim dashboard appears.

Note: Thin Trim options are available only if you use a quilt as your trimming

4. Click Options.

5. Select the Thin Trim checkbox.

6. Specify the trim thickness dimensions and controlled fitting requirements.

Alternatively, use the drag handles and the most recently used dimension box to
specify the trim thickness.

7. Click or in the graphics window, click the direction arrow to indicate which
side to apply the thickness value.

8. Click to preview the trim geometry or click to accept and save


To Trim Surfaces with Thin Trim

1. Right-click the feature to redefine in the Model Tree.

2. Click Redefine.

3. The Trim dashboard appears with the trimming object collector as the active

4. Select the quilt to use as the trimming object.

Note: You can click References in the Dashboard dialog bar to see the trimming
object change.

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About Silhouette Trim

The silhouette command allows you to view the outline edge of a curved surface in a
particular view. You can use the silhouette command when selecting one of the
following as a trimming object:
• Datum plane

• Planar surface

To Trim Using Silhouette Edges

1. Select the curved surface to trim.

2. Click or Edit > Trim. The Trim Dashboard appears.

3. Select any datum plane or planar surface to use as the trimming object.

4. Click . The silhouette of the curved surface appears.

5. Click to preview the trim geometry or click to accept and save



About the Pattern Feature

When you create a pattern, you create instances of the selected feature by varying
some specified dimensions. When you pattern a feature, the result is a feature
pattern. When you pattern this feature pattern, the result is a feature pattern
pattern. You cannot pattern either a group pattern or a feature pattern pattern.
The feature or feature pattern selected for patterning is called the pattern leader.
After you pattern the selected feature or feature pattern, the pattern leader that you
selected is the pattern header while the instances are pattern members. To copy,
mirror, and move patterns, you must select the pattern header instead of the pattern
members. You can mirror transform patterns such as direction, axis, or fill patterns,
and curve patterns but you cannot mirror group patterns or a pattern of a pattern.
The Mirror and Copy tools are not available if you select the pattern members
instead of the pattern header. You can also apply move or rotational transformations
to curve patterns and transform patterns.
Patterns offer the following benefits:
• Creating a pattern is a quick way to reproduce a feature.

• A pattern is parametrically controlled. Therefore, you can modify a pattern by

changing pattern parameters, such as the number of instances, spacing between
instances, and original feature dimensions.


• Modifying patterns is more efficient than modifying individual features. In a

pattern, when you change dimensions of the original feature, Pro/ENGINEER
automatically updates the whole pattern.

• It may be easier or more effective to perform operations once on the multiple

features contained in a pattern, rather than on the individual features. For
example, you can easily suppress a pattern or add it to a layer.

Pro/ENGINEER allows you to pattern a single feature only. To pattern several

features, create a "local group" and pattern this group. After you create this group
pattern, you can ungroup the instances to modify them individually.
When a feature pattern pattern is a dimension pattern or a table pattern, you can
use Unpattern on the shortcut menu to modify the pattern members individually.
When you unpattern a feature pattern pattern, the result is a set of feature patterns.
If you delete a feature pattern pattern, then the result is a feature pattern.
• Pro/ENGINEER does not transfer the line style attributes of a datum curve to its

• A thin feature "remembers" the surface to which it is attached and patterns to

this surface.

Pattern Types
There are several ways to pattern a feature:
• Dimension—Control the pattern by using driving dimensions and specifying the
incremental changes to the pattern. Dimensional patterns can be unidirectional
and bidirectional.

• Direction—Create a free-form pattern by specifying direction and using drag

handles to set the orientation and increment of pattern growth. Direction patterns
can be unidirectional and bidirectional.

• Axis—Create a free-form radial pattern by using drag handles to set the angular
and radial increments of the pattern. The pattern can also be dragged into a

• Table—Control the pattern by using a pattern table and specifying the dimension
values for every pattern instance.

• Reference—Control the pattern by referencing another pattern.

• Fill—Control the pattern by filling an area with instances according to a selected


• Curve—Control the pattern by specifying either the distance between the pattern
members or by specifying the number of pattern members along the curve.

Pattern creation methods are different, depending on the pattern type.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To access the Pattern functionality, select the feature or feature pattern that you

want to pattern and click on the Edit Features toolbar or click Edit > Pattern,
or right-click the feature name or feature pattern name on the Model Tree and click
Pattern on the shortcut menu.

About Dimension Patterns

When you create a Dimension pattern, you select feature dimensions and specify the
incremental changes to these dimensions and the number of instances of the feature
in the pattern.
Dimension patterns can be unidirectional (such as a linear pattern of holes) or
bidirectional (such as a rectangular array of holes). In other words, bidirectional
patterns place instances in rows and columns.
Depending on what dimensions are chosen to vary, patterns can be linear or angular.
When you create Dimension patterns, remember these tips:
• You can use a feature as a pattern leader for a single pattern only. After you
create the pattern, the leader becomes part of the pattern and can no longer act

• When you create a pattern leader, think of the dimensions you may need to
specify the location of the increments. Keep in mind that for rotational patterns, a
feature must have a built-in angular dimension. For other patterns, create a
pattern leader with meaningful dimensions that will be used later to control the
location and size of the increments.

• An angular dimension controlling a centerline of a sketched feature should not be

used to establish an angular reference. Use an asynchronously created datum
plane to set an angular dimension of the feature. Asynchronous datum features
are automatically grouped with the feature. You can then create the angular
pattern of this group.

• When you select the pattern type, consider the regeneration time. For simple
patterns, use the Identical or Variable options to speed up the regeneration of
the model.

• Use relations to control the location of instances when you expect the number of
instances to vary. In this case, whenever you modify the number of instances,
the system calculates the spacing according to the formula you entered.

About Direction Patterns

Use the Direction pattern to add pattern members in one or two selected directions.
In the Direction pattern, you can drag the placement handle in each direction to
adjust the distance between pattern members or to flip the pattern in the opposite
While creating or redefining the Direction pattern, you can vary the following items:


• Spacing in each direction—Drag each placement handle to adjust spacing, or type

the increment in the dashboard text box.

• Number of pattern members in each direction—Type the number of members in

the dashboard text box or edit it by double-clicking in the graphics window.

• Feature dimensions—You can vary dimensions of the patterned feature by using

the Dimension slide-up panel on the dashboard. For example, you can vary the
hole diameter or depth.

• Skip pattern members—To skip a pattern member, click the black dot identifying
that pattern member. The black dot turns white. To restore the member, click the
white dot.

• Direction of pattern members—To change the direction of the pattern, drag the

placement handle in the opposite direction, click , or type a negative number

for the increment in the dashboard text box.

About Axis Patterns

Use the Axis pattern to create a pattern by revolving a feature around a selected
axis. An axis pattern allows you to place members in two directions:
• Angular—(First direction) Pattern members are revolved around the axis. The
default Axis pattern places members equally spaced in the counterclockwise

• Radial—(Second direction) Pattern members are added in the radial direction.

There are two ways to place pattern members in the angular direction:
• Specify the number of members, including the first member, and the distance
between the members (increment).

• Specify the angular extent and the number of members, including the first
member. The range for the angular extent is from –360 to +360 degrees. Pattern
members are equally spaced within the specified angular extent.

While creating or redefining the Axis pattern, you can vary the following items:
• Spacing in the angular direction—Drag the placement handle in the angular
direction or type the increment in the dashboard text box.

• Spacing in the radial direction—Drag the placement handle in the radial direction
or type the increment in the dashboard text box.

• Number of pattern members in each direction—Type the number of members in

the dashboard text box or edit it by double-clicking in the graphics window.

• The angular extent of the members—Type the angular extent in the text box.

• Feature dimensions—You can vary dimensions of the patterned feature by using

the Dimension slide-up panel. For example, you can vary the hole diameter or
depth. Tip: You can create a spiral pattern by varying the radial placement

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• Skip pattern members—To skip a pattern member, click the black dot identifying
that pattern member. The black dot turns white. To restore the member, click the
white dot.

• Direction of pattern members—To change the direction of the pattern, drag the

placement handle in the opposite direction, click , or type a negative number

for the increment in the dashboard text box.

About Table Patterns

You can pattern features using a table pattern.
Pattern tables allow you to create complicated or irregular patterns of features or
groups by letting you specify unique dimensions for each instance in the pattern
through an editable table.
Multiple tables can be established for a pattern, so you can change the pattern by
switching the table that drives it.
You can modify a pattern table at any time after you create the pattern. Suppressing
or deleting a table-driven pattern suppresses or deletes the pattern leader as well.
If you redefine dimension, direction, or axis pattern types as a table pattern, the
table in the table pattern displays values only if the selected pattern has a secondary
dimension. The table is empty if you select a fill pattern, curve pattern, direction
pattern without a secondary dimension, or an axis pattern without a secondary
You can use pattern tables in Assembly mode to pattern assembly features and
Pattern tables are not family tables. Pattern tables can only drive pattern
dimensions, and unless they are unpatterned, pattern instances cannot be made
You can also include pattern tables in family tables so a particular family instance
can use a specified pattern table.

About Reference Patterns

A reference pattern patterns a feature "on top of" any other patterned feature.
Some references to locate the new reference pattern feature must be to the original
patterned feature only.
The instance number is always the same as the original pattern; therefore, the
pattern parameter is not used to control this pattern.
If you add a feature that does not use the originally patterned feature to get its
geometry references, you can not use reference patterning for the new feature.

About Fill Patterns

When you create a Fill pattern, you fill an entire area with instances of the feature,
positioned in a grid. You can select one of several grid templates (such as


rectangular, circular, triangular) and specify the grid parameters, such as the
spacing between pattern member centers, radial spacing for circular and spiral grids,
the minimum distance between the pattern member centers and the area boundary,
and the rotation of the grid about its origin.
To define the area to be filled by the pattern, you can either sketch it or select a
sketched curve.
Instead of filling the whole area with the pattern instances, you can also select the
Curve grid to locate the pattern members along the border of the area.
Fill patterns are created by transforming the member locations out from the origin
according to the grid, the grid orientation, and the spacing between members. The
sketched area and the border allowance determine which members are created. Any
member whose center is within the sketch boundary will be created. The border
allowance does not change the position of the members.
You can change the origin of the fill pattern by specifying an alternative origin. This
helps you to move certain pattern members into or outside the fill boundary. If the
origin of the pattern members lies outside the fill area after you change the origin of
the pattern, then those members are excluded from the pattern. Changing the origin
of the pattern does not affect the pattern distribution except if you select Curve as
the grid type on the pattern dashboard.
You can also make pattern members follow the shape of a selected surface. The
pattern members can either follow the selected surface or maintain constant
orientation similar to the pattern leader. For pattern members to follow the shape of
a selected surface, the pattern leader and the sketch plane must be tangent to the
surface selected. If the sketch plane and pattern leader are tangent to the selected
surface, then pattern members follow the selected surface according to the selected
orientation type.
While creating or redefining a fill pattern, you can change the following items:
• Spacing—Specify a value for the spacing between the pattern members.

• Minimum Distance—Specify the minimum distance between the pattern

member centers and the sketch boundary.

• Rotation Angle—Specify the rotation angle of the grid about the origin.

• Radial Spacing—Specify the radial spacing for circular and spiral grids.

• Skip pattern members—To skip a pattern member, click the black dot that
identifies the pattern member. The black dot turns white. To restore the pattern
member, click the white dot.

If you create a fill pattern by specifying values for these items, these values become
a dimension after the pattern is created. You can edit these dimensions to modify the
pattern. You can also use these dimensions in a relation. A relation controls a
dimension when you use an expression instead of a dimension value while creating
or redefining features.

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About Curve Patterns

A curve pattern creates instances of a feature along a sketched curve. When you
create a curve pattern, you select a feature and pattern it along a sketched curve by
specifying either the distance between the pattern members or the number of
members and orientation.
A curve pattern allows you to create complicated or irregular patterns of features.
You can create a curve pattern only along a sketched curve. To create a curve
pattern, you can either sketch a curve or select a sketched datum curve. The start
point of curve pattern is always at the start of the curve. The direction of the curve
pattern is always from the start of the curve towards the end of the curve. To
accurately align the pattern members along the curve, the pattern leader should be
placed at the start of the curve. A yellow direction arrow identifies the start point and
direction of the curve pattern.
You can create a curve pattern by:
• Specifying the distance between the pattern members along the sketched curve.

• Specifying the number of pattern members, including the pattern leader along
the curve.

If you create a curve pattern by specifying the distance between the pattern
members or the number of pattern members, this distance or number becomes a
dimension, respectively, after the pattern is created. You can edit this dimension to
modify the space between the members or the number of members. You can also
use this dimension in a relation. A relation controls a dimension when you use an
expression instead of a dimension value while creating or redefining features.
While creating or redefining a curve pattern, you can change the following:
• Spacing—Type the increment value between the pattern members, in the
dashboard text box.

• Number of pattern members—Type the number of pattern members to be

created, in the dashboard text box.

• Skip pattern members—To skip a pattern member, click the black dot that
identifies the pattern member. The black dot turns white. To restore the pattern
member, click the white dot.

About Pattern Regeneration Options

Pro/ENGINEER defines patterns based on the complexity of features and surfaces
involved in the pattern creation. Moreover, the system makes certain assumptions
for each type of pattern.
The less complex the pattern is, the more assumptions Pro/ENGINEER can make and
the faster it creates the pattern. Pro/ENGINEER categorizes patterns into three
types, using the options Identical, Variable, and General (available in the
Options slide-up panel).


Identical Patterns
Identical patterns, the most simple, have the following restrictions:
• All instances are identical in size.

• All instances are placed on the same surface.

• No instance intersects the edges of the placement surface, any other instance, or
any feature other than the placement surface.

Identical patterns regenerate the fastest of the three options. For an identical
pattern, the system generates the first feature, then copies it exactly, including all
the intersections.
Note: In identical patterns, the system does not check to make sure that there will
be no overlap among the instances of the pattern. This kind of check would slow the
regeneration of the pattern and defeat the advantage of using an identical pattern.
You must check for overlaps yourself. To avoid having to check yourself, use a
general pattern.

Variable Patterns
Variable patterns are more complicated than identical patterns. The system makes
the following assumptions about variable patterns:
• Instances can vary in size.

• Instances can be placed on different surfaces.

• No instance intersects any other instance.

For variable patterns, Pro/ENGINEER generates geometry for each feature

individually, then generates all the intersections at one time.
A variable pattern intersects part geometry as a whole group. As a result, if you were
to use a varying pattern on a feature extruded up to the next surface, there would
be only one creation direction for determining which is the next surface and you
could get undesired results. To avoid this, use only general or identical patterns with
features extruded up to the next surface.

General Patterns
General patterns allow you to create the most complex patterns.
The system makes no assumptions about the instances of general patterns.
Therefore, Pro/ENGINEER calculates the geometry of each individual instance and
intersects each feature separately.
Use this option when you expect the feature to touch other instances, intersect itself,
or cross surface boundaries as it gets patterned. General patterns are required even
if instances intersect inside the base feature and the intersection is not visible.

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Example: Patterns

Pattern Directions

1. direction 1


1. direction 1

2. direction 2


Pattern Configurations


About the Pattern User Interface

The Pattern user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

Patterns are identified by the icon in the Edit Features toolbar and by the
icon in the model tree.

The Pattern dashboard contains a drop-down list box of pattern types:

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• Dimension—Create the pattern by using driving dimensions and specifying the

incremental changes to the pattern. Dimensional patterns can be unidirectional
and bidirectional.

• Direction—Create the pattern by specifying direction and using drag handles to

set the orientation and increment of pattern growth. Direction patterns can be
unidirectional and bidirectional.

• Axis—Create the radial pattern by using drag handles to set the angular and
radial increments of the pattern. The pattern can also be dragged into a spiral.

• Table—Create the pattern by using a pattern table and specifying the dimension
values for every pattern instance.

• Reference—Create the pattern by referencing another pattern.

• Fill—Create the pattern by filling an area with instances according to a selected


• Curve—Create the pattern along the sketched curve by specifying either the
number of pattern members or the distance between the pattern members.

The rest of the dashboard contents depends on the type of pattern selected.
For Dimension patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:
• User interface for patterning in the first direction, indicated by number 1:

o A text box with a number of pattern members in the first direction,

including the pattern leader. The default is 2. You can type any number.
This text box becomes available after you select at least one dimension for
patterning in this direction.

o A collector of dimensions for patterning in the first direction. Click the

collector to activate it, then select the dimensions.

o Similarly, user interface for patterning in the second direction (optional),

indicated by number 2:

o A text box with a number of pattern members in the second direction.

o A collector of dimensions for patterning in the second direction.

For Direction patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:

• User interface for patterning in the first direction, indicated by number 1:

o The first direction reference collector. Click the collector to activate it, then
select the reference. You can select a plane (in which case the direction is
normal to the plane), a straight edge, a datum axis, or an axis of the
coordinate system.

o The icon, which flips the direction of pattern increment in the first


o A text box with a number of pattern members in the first direction,

including the pattern leader. The default is 2. You can type any number.
This text box becomes available after you specify the direction.

o A combo box for specifying the first direction increment value. This box also
becomes available after you specify the direction.

o Similarly, user interface for patterning in the second direction (optional),

indicated by number 2:

o The second direction reference collector. Click the collector to activate it,
then select the reference.

o The icon, which flips the direction of pattern increment in the second

o A text box with a number of pattern members in the second direction.

o A combo box for specifying the second direction increment value.

For Axis patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:

• User interface for patterning in the first direction, indicated by number 1:

o The first direction reference collector. Click the collector to activate it, then
select an axis to be the center of the pattern.

o The icon, which flips the direction of pattern increment in the first

o A text box with a number of pattern members in the first direction,

including the pattern leader. The default is 4. You can type any number.
This text box becomes available after you specify the axis.

o A combo box for specifying the first direction increment value. This box also
becomes available after you specify the direction.

o The icon, which allows you to switch between two methods for
specifying the placement in the angular direction.

o Similarly, user interface for patterning in the second direction (optional),

indicated by number 2:

o The second direction reference collector. Click the collector to activate it,
then select the reference.

o The icon, which flips the direction of pattern increment in the second

o A text box with a number of pattern members in the second direction.

o A combo box for specifying the second direction increment value.

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For Table patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:

• A collector of dimensions to be included in the pattern table. Click the collector to
activate it, then select the dimensions.

• The Active table list—Lets you select the active table. The active table is the
table that drives the pattern. Initially this list contains only one table. Use the
Tables slide-up panel to create additional tables.

• The Edit command—Lets you edit the active table.

For reference patterns, the pattern dashboard consists of the Reference type list.
The options in the list allow you to reference the feature pattern, the group pattern,
or both. This list is available only if:
• The pattern is part of a group that is also patterned.

• A reference pattern has references to a pattern or a group.

However, this list is not available if the reference pattern has references to more
than one pattern or group.

For Fill patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:

• —A collector of sketched sections indicating the area to be filled by the

pattern. Can contain only one sketch.

• —Lets you select the grid template for the pattern:

o Square—Space the member in a square pattern.

o Diamond—Space the member in a diamond pattern.

o Triangle—Space the member in a triangular pattern.

o Circle—Space the member in a circular pattern.

o Curve—Space the member along the fill area boundary.

o Spiral—Space the member in a spiral pattern.

o —Sets the spacing between pattern member centers.

o —Sets the minimum distance between the pattern member centers and the
sketch boundary. Negative value allows centers to lie outside the sketch.

o —Sets the rotation of the grid about the origin.

o —Sets the radial spacing for circular and spiral grids.


For Curve patterns, the Pattern dashboard consists of the following:

• —A sketch collector indicating the curve along which the pattern will be
created. It can contain only one sketch.

• —Lets you specify the distance between the pattern member centers along
the curve.

• —Lets you specify the number of pattern members along the curve.

Slide-up Panels
The Pattern dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• Dimensions—Contains the collectors of dimensions used for patterning in the
first and second direction. This slide-up panel is available only for Dimension

• Table Dimensions—Contains the collector of dimensions included in the pattern

table. This slide-up panel is available only for Table patterns.

• References—Contains the name of the sketch used in the pattern and the
Define button, which lets you sketch the area to be filled by the pattern. This
slide-up panel is available only for Fill and curve patterns.

• Tables—Contains the collector of tables used for patterning. This slide-up panel
is available only for Table patterns.

• Options—Contains the pattern regeneration options.

• Properties—Contains the feature name and an icon to access feature


The Dimensions slide-up panel contains the following elements:

• The Direction 1 collector—Contains the dimensions and increments used to
pattern in the first direction. You have to include at least one dimension and
specify the increment to create a pattern. You can also use the following to
control dimension increments:

o The Define increment by relation checkbox—Lets you define the

dimension increment by using a relation instead of a constant value.

o The Edit button—Lets you edit the relation driving the increment of
selected dimension. This button is available only if the Define increment
by relation checkbox is selected.

o The Direction 2 collector—Contains the dimensions and increments used to

pattern in the second direction. Use this collector if you want to create a
bidirectional pattern. This collector also has associated controls for specifying
dimension increments by using relations, similar to the Direction 1 collector. To

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activate the Direction 2 collector, use the Direction 2 Dimensions option on

the shortcut (right-click) menu.

The Table Dimensions slide-up panel contains the collector of dimensions to be

included in the pattern table.
The References slide-up panel contains the collector for the sketch used to define
the Fill area of the pattern. It also contains the Define button that lets you sketch
the area to be filled by the pattern.
The Tables slide-up panel contains the collector of tables used for patterning. Each
line contains a table index entry (starting with 1) and an associated table name. You
can change the table name by typing a new one. If you right-click on a table index
entry in the collector, the shortcut menu contains the following commands:
• Add—Lets you edit another table for the pattern. When you exit the editor, the
new table is added at the bottom of the collector list.

• Remove—Removes the selected table from the collector.

• Apply—Activates the selected table. The active table is the table that drives the

• Edit—Lets you edit the selected table. While you are editing the table, you can
save it on disk in a .ptb file, or read a previously saved .ptb file into it, by using
the appropriate options under File. When you are done editing the table, click
File > Exit. The table is then saved in the pattern.

• Read—Lets you read in a previously saved pattern table (a .ptb file).

• Write—Lets you save the selected pattern table. The table is saved in the current
working directory in a file named <TableName>.ptb, where <TableName> is the
name of the pattern table.

The Options slide-up panel contains the pattern regeneration options:

• Identical—Pro/ENGINEER assumes that all the pattern members are identical in
size, are placed on the same surface, and do not intersect each other or part

• Variable—Pro/ENGINEER assumes that the pattern members can vary in size, or

be placed on different surfaces, but they can not intersect each other or part

• General—This is the default. Pro/ENGINEER does not make any assumptions

about the pattern members.

The Options slide-up panel for the Curve pattern has the following additional
• Member orientation on sketch plane—Select one of the following to specify
how the pattern members are to be oriented on the sketch plane.

o Follow curve—This is the default. Specifies that each pattern member be

oriented to follow the curve on the sketch plane, such that the relationship
between the pattern leader and curve is maintained between each pattern


member and the curve. For example, if the pattern leader is tangent to the
curve, then the pattern members are also tangent to the curve.

o Constant—Specifies that all the pattern members will have a constant

orientation along the curve on the sketch plane. This orientation is similar
to the pattern leader.

o Project members on surface—Specifies that pattern members are to be

projected onto the selected surface. Select one of the following to specify how
pattern members are projected with respect to the selected surface. Pattern
members that cannot be projected onto the selected surface are removed from
the pattern. To accurately align the pattern members when they are projected
onto the selected surface, the pattern leader and the sketch plane should be
tangent to the projection surface. If the sketch plane and pattern leader are not
tangent to the selected surface, then pattern members will follow the selected
surface and curve according to the selected orientation type.

o Follow surface—This is the default. Specifies that each pattern member

be oriented to follow the surface such that the orientation relationship
between the pattern leader and the surface is maintained between each
pattern member and the surface.

o Constant—Specifies that all the pattern members will have a constant

orientation on the selected surface. This orientation is similar to the pattern

In addition to the Follow surface and Constant options under Project members
on surface, the Options slide-up panel for Fill pattern also has the following
additional options:
• Use alternate origin—Use this option to specify that an alternative origin be
used for the Fill pattern. This option is not selected by default.

• Alternate origin collector—Use this collector to specify an alternative origin for

the Fill pattern. This collector is available only if you have selected Use
alternate origin.

The Options slide-up panel for the Axis pattern has the following additional options:
• Member orientation on rotation plane—Select one of the following to specify
how the pattern members are to be oriented on the rotation plane.

o Follow rotation—This is the default. Pattern members are oriented

following the rotation such that the relationship between the pattern leader
and the axis is maintained for each pattern member.

o Constant—Specifies that all the pattern members will have a constant

orientation same as the pattern leader.

The Properties slide-up panel contains the Name text box, where you can type a
custom name for the pattern feature, to replace the automatically generated name.

It also contains the icon that you can click to display information about the

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Shortcut Menus
Right-click anywhere in the graphics window to access the Pattern shortcut menu,
which contains the following commands:
• Direction 1 Dimensions—Activates the collector of dimensions used for
patterning in the first direction. Available only for Dimension and Direction

• Direction 2 Dimensions—Activates the collector of dimensions used for

patterning in the second direction. Available only for Dimension and Direction

• Direction 1 Reference—Activates the collector for selecting a direction

reference in the first direction. Available only for Direction patterns.

• Direction 2 Reference—Activates the collector for selecting a direction

reference in the second direction. Available only for Direction patterns.

• Axis Reference—Activates the collector for selecting an axis. Available only for
Axis patterns.

• Clear—Remove all references from the collector that is currently active.

• Show Dimensions—Displays dimensions of the feature being patterned (for

example, after repainting the screen).

To Create a Dimension Pattern

This procedure describes how to pattern a feature by using driving dimensions and
specifying the incremental changes to the pattern. Dimensional patterns can be
unidirectional and bidirectional.

1. Select the feature you want to pattern and click on the Edit Features toolbar.
The Pattern Dashboard appears, with the default pattern type set to Dimension.
The collector of dimensions for patterning in the first direction is active.

2. Select a dimension for patterning in the first direction. A combo box opens in the
graphic window, with the dimension increment initially equal to the dimension
value. Type or select a value for the dimension increment.

Note: Only the first time, you can specify the dimension increment in the
graphics window. To modify it, use the appropriate Increment field in the
Dimensions slide-up panel.

3. To select more dimensions for patterning in the first direction, hold the control
key. Specify the increment for each selected dimension.

4. Type the number of pattern members in the first direction (including the pattern
leader) in the text box adjacent to label 1 on the dashboard. The default number
of pattern members is 2.

5. To create a bidirectional pattern, click on the collector of dimensions for

patterning in the second direction to activate it, select the dimensions, specify


the dimension increments, and type the number of pattern members in the
second direction in the text box located between the label 2 and the collector of
dimensions for patterning in the second direction.

6. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature.

Varying the Location and Size of Instances

The following diagram shows how to vary both the location and size of instances
when creating a Dimension pattern of holes:
• To locate the holes horizontally, select d5 as the driving dimension and enter the
value for d6 (the incremental dimension).

• To locate the holes vertically, select d4 as the driving dimension and enter the
value for d7 (the incremental dimension).

• To vary the diameter, select d3 as the driving dimension and enter the value for
the increment in the diameter (d8 - d3).

• Enter the total number of instances (including the original) in this direction.

Use a bidirectional pattern to locate instances in rows and columns.

Using Negative Increment in a Dimension Pattern

A positive or negative value for the increment determines the direction in which
pattern instances are added:
• A positive increment causes the system to place instances in the same direction
as the initial feature was placed.

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• A negative increment reverses this direction.

You can reverse the direction in which instances are added to the pattern leader by
specifying a negative increment.

Using Relations in Dimension Patterns

You can use relations to drive pattern increments. At the time you select a dimension
to drive the pattern in a specific direction and specify the dimension increment, you
can add a relation for that increment. This allows the incremental value to vary for
each instance of the pattern.
You can use the following pattern parameters inside a pattern relation:
• LEAD_V—Parameter symbol for the leader value (the dimension you just selected
to determine the direction)


• MEMB_V—Parameter symbol to locate the instances with respect to the reference

entity of the pattern leader

• MEMB_I—Parameter symbol to locate an instance with respect to the previous


• IDX1 and IDX2 —Pattern instance index values, which are incremented for each
calculated pattern instance.

Note: MEMB_V and MEMB_I are mutually exclusive—they cannot appear in the
same pattern relation together.

Example: Creating a Unidirectional Linear Pattern

This example shows creating a unidirectional pattern of holes. The original part is
shown in the following illustration.

1. Select the Hole feature and click in the Edit Features toolbar. The system
displays dimensions that control the Hole feature.

2. Select dimension (1), which controls the distance from the hole axis to the left
edge of the part, as shown in the next illustration.

3. A combo box opens in the graphic window, with the dimension increment initially
equal to 3.00 (the dimension value). Type 7 for the dimension increment.

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4. To specify the number of pattern members in the first direction, type 3 in the text
box in the dialog bar that is located between the label 1 and the collector of
dimensions for patterning in the first direction.

5. Click in the dialog bar. The system patterns the hole, as shown in the
following illustration.

Example: Creating a Bidirectional Linear Pattern

This example shows creating a bidirectional pattern. The original part is shown in the
following illustration.

1. Select the protrusion (1) and click in the Edit Features toolbar. The system
displays dimensions that control the selected feature.

2. For the first direction, select dimension (1), which controls the distance from the
protrusion to the left edge of the part, as shown in the next illustration.


3. A combo box opens in the graphic window, with the dimension increment initially
equal to 1.50 (the dimension value). Type 3.1 for the dimension increment.

4. To specify the number of pattern members in the first direction, type 6 in the text
box in the dialog bar that is located between the label 1 and the collector of
dimensions for patterning in the first direction.

5. Click the collector of dimensions for patterning in the second direction. Select
dimension (2), which controls the distance from the protrusion to the front edge
of the part. Type 3.5 for the dimension increment.

6. Hold down the CTRL key and select dimension (3), which controls the height of
the protrusion. Type 1 for the dimension increment.

7. To specify the number of pattern members in the second direction, type 3 in the
text box in the dialog bar that is located between the label 2 and the collector of
dimensions for patterning in the second direction.

8. Click in the dialog bar. The system creates the pattern, as shown in the
following illustration.

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Example: Creating a Rotational Pattern of Holes

To create a rotational pattern of holes, place the hole using the Radial placement
option. This way, the hole has an angular dimension controlling its location, and you
can use this dimension for patterning, as shown in this example.
1. Create the first hole. Select the top surface of the disk as the primary reference
for hole placement. Open the Placement slide-up panel, select Radial as the
placement option, click the Secondary references collector, and select the
central axis and the FRONT datum plane as secondary references, as shown in
the following illustration.

2. Select the Hole feature and click in the Edit Features toolbar. The system
displays dimensions that control the Hole feature.


3. Select the angular dimension (30.00 degrees) and type 60 for the dimension

4. To specify the number of pattern members, type 6 in the text box in the dialog
bar that is located between the label 1 and the collector of dimensions for
patterning in the first direction.

5. Click in the dialog bar. The system patterns the hole, as shown in the
following illustration.

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Example: Creating a Rotational Pattern of Sketched Features

To create a rotational pattern of a feature, the feature must have an angular
placement dimension. Use a datum plane located at an angle as a sketching or
reference plane for creating the sketched feature. Then use the angular dimension of
the datum plane to create the rotational pattern.
This example shows creating a rotational pattern of a sketched protrusion by pausing
the Extrude tool to create the angular datum plane, then patterning the resulting
group of features. The original part is shown in the following illustration.

1. Click to start creating the protrusion.


2. Pause the tool to create a datum plane. Click in the Datum toolbar. Select
the datum axis A_2 as the first reference. Hold the CTRL key and select the
FRONT datum plane as the second reference. The system creates the datum
plane DTM1 at a default angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the next illustration.
Click OK.

3. Resume the paused tool. Click . Select the datum plane DTM1 as the
sketching plane and the datum plane TOP as the reference plane, and sketch a
circle, as shown in the following illustration. Exit Sketcher.

4. Adjust the depth of protrusion, as shown in the next illustration.

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5. Click . The system groups the protrusion and the datum plane, and blanks
the datum plane from display.

6. Select the group PROTRUSION in the model tree and click . The system
displays the dimensions of all the features in the group, as shown in the following

7. Select the angular dimension (45.00 degrees) and accept the value 45 for the
dimension increment.

8. To specify the number of pattern members, type 8 in the text box in the dialog
bar that is located between the label 1 and the collector of dimensions for
patterning in the first direction.


9. Click in the dialog bar. The system patterns the protrusion group. The final
part geometry is shown in the next illustration.

Note: Another way to create this rotational pattern is to create the angular datum
plane prior to creating the protrusion. Use this datum plane as a sketching plane for
the protrusion. Pattern the datum plane by selecting the angular dimension and
specifying the dimension increment. Then create a reference pattern of protrusion by
referencing the datum plane pattern.

Example: Creating a Dimension Pattern Using Relations

This example shows using pattern parameters, such as MEMB_V and MEMB_I, to
control the location of pattern members. When you are including other pattern
parameters, such as the number of instances (p#) in the relation, you must build the
relation in two steps. When you first define the pattern, you do not know the symbol
that the system is going to assign to the number of pattern instances (in this
example, p9). You can include the p9 parameter in the relation only after the pattern
is created. Therefore, you can use a placeholder, such as 10 in the example below,
and then redefine the pattern and change the relation to include p9.
The original part, with all dimension symbols, is shown in the following illustration.

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1. Select the Hole feature and click in the Edit Features toolbar.

2. Select dimension d5 in the graphics window, which controls the distance from the
hole axis to the left edge of the part. Accept the default value of the dimension

3. Open the Dimension slide-up panel and click the increment cell for the

4. Click Define increment by relation option below the collector. The dimension
increment value changes to Relation.

5. Click Edit. The Relations window opens.

6. Add the following relation:

memb_i = (d1-(2*d5))/10

7. Click Ok in the Relations window to quit the relations editor.

8. Hold the CTRL key and select dimension d4, which controls the distance from the
hole axis to the front edge of the part. Repeat the steps to define the dimension
increment by relation. Add the following relations:

memb_v = lead_v + 5 * sin(incr*idx1)

9. Click on the dashboard to create the pattern.

10. To view the pattern dimensions, place your cursor over the dimension that
controls the number of pattern members (2 HOLES), the dimension symbol
appears in the pop-up balloon. In this example, it is p9.

11. Edit the pattern definition and modify the relation for d5 as follows:

memb_i = (d1-(2*d5))/(p9-1)

Modify the first line of the relation for d4 as follows:


incr = 180/(p9-1)

12. Change the number of pattern members to 10.

13. Click on the pattern dashboard. The resulting pattern for these relations is
shown in the next illustration.

The pattern maintains the same relationship to the part, regardless of the change in
the length d1, or the change to the number of instances in the pattern. If you modify
the number of pattern members to 5, the resulting pattern is shown in the following

To Create a Direction Pattern

You can pattern a feature by using directional references and dragging the patterned
features. Directional patterns can be unidirectional and bidirectional.

1. Select the feature you want to pattern and click in the Edit Features toolbar.
The Pattern dashboard opens.

2. To set the pattern type to Direction, select Direction from the list box of pattern
types in the dialog bar. The layout of the dialog bar changes. The collector of first
direction becomes active.

3. Select one of the following entities to use as a direction reference:

• Straight edge

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Plane or planar surface

• Linear curve

• Axis of Coordinate system

• Datum axis

The system creates a default pattern of two members, indicated by a black dot,
in the selected direction.

4. Type the number of pattern members in the first direction.

5. To change the distance between the pattern members, drag the placement
handle. Tip: You can also type the distance between the pattern members in the
increment text box.

6. To add pattern members in another direction, click the second direction collector
and select the second direction reference. Tip: You can select a collector by right-
clicking in the in the graphics window and selecting from the shortcut

7. Type the number of pattern members in the second direction in the box,
preceded by the label 2.

8. Adjust the distance between the members in the second direction by dragging
the placement handle in the second direction or by typing the increment.

9. To reverse the direction of the pattern, click for each direction, or enter a
negative increment value.

10. (Optional) To create a variable pattern, add dimensions to vary in the

Dimension slide-up panel.

11. Click in the dialog bar. The system patterns the selected feature.

Example: Creating a Direction Pattern

Use the Direction pattern to create the hole pattern shown in the next figure.


1. When patterning the hole in the first direction, select the highlighted edge as the
pattern direction.

2. Specify the number of members and adjust the distance between the members
by dragging the placement handle along the selected edge.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. To add members in the second direction, select another edge to use as the
pattern direction. Specify the number of edges and adjust the distance between
members by dragging the handle along the second direction. Note: You can flip
the direction of the pattern by entering a negative value for the increment, or by
dragging the placement handle in the opposite direction.

To Create an Axis Pattern

You can create a pattern by revolving a feature around an axis. Tip: You can create

a datum axis while inside the Pattern tool by selecting from the Datum Features

1. Select the feature you want to pattern and click in the Edit Features toolbar.
The Pattern dashboard opens.


2. To set the pattern type to Axis, select Axis from the list of pattern types in the
dialog bar. The layout of the dialog bar changes.

3. Select or create a datum axis to be the center of the pattern. The system creates
a default pattern in the angular direction. The pattern members are indicated by
black dots.

4. You can adjust the pattern according to your design. To specify the number of
pattern members in the angular direction, type the number in the text box on the

5. Use one of these methods to space pattern members in the angular direction:

o To specify the angle between pattern members, type the angle in the
number box, or select from the list or predefined angles.

o To specify the angular extent within which all pattern members are equally

spaced, click and type the angle extent in the text box, or choose from
a list of predefined angles.

6. To add pattern members in the radial (second) direction, type the number of
members in the text box, preceded by the label 2.

7. To space members in the radial direction, type the distance between members in
the text box.

8. To reverse the direction of the pattern, click for each direction, or enter a
negative increment value.

9. (Optional) To create a variable pattern, add dimensions to vary in the

Dimension slide-up panel.

10. To orient the pattern members perpendicular to the radial direction, click .

11. Click in the dialog bar. The system creates the pattern.

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Example: Creating an Axis Pattern

Pattern Directions
The next figure shows an axis pattern created in the angular (first direction). The
axis A-4 was selected as the central axis for the pattern.

The next figure shows how the previous pattern was modified to add holes in the
radial (second) direction.


Two Methods for Locating Members in the Angular Direction

Method 1: Using the number of members and increment

The next figure shows how a hole is patterned by specifying the number of members
(8) and the angle between two members (increment of 30 degrees).

Method 2: Using the number of members and angular extent of the

The next figure shows how a hole is patterned by specifying the number of members
(8) and the angular extent (270 degrees). The 8 pattern members are equally
spaced within 270 degrees.

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Example: Creating a Spiral Pattern

To create a spiral pattern, use the Axis pattern and vary the radial placement
dimension of each member (the distance between the member and the central axis
of the pattern).
1. Define the pattern as usual by specifying the number of members and the
increment between the members.

2. Click the Dimension slide-up panel.

3. On the panel, click the cell under Dimension to activate the selection.

4. On the model, select the radial placement dimension that you want to vary. In
this case, it is R100.09.

5. Type the increment that will be used to increase the radial dimension for each
member. In this example, enter 15. The resulting pattern appears as in the next


To Create a Table Pattern

This procedure describes how to pattern a feature by using a pattern table and
specifying the dimension values for every pattern instance.

1. Select the feature you want to pattern and click in the Edit Features toolbar.
The Pattern Dashboard opens, with the default pattern type set to Dimension.

2. To set the pattern type to Table, select Table from the drop-down list box of
pattern types in the dialog bar. The layout of the dialog bar changes. The
collector of dimensions to be included in the pattern table becomes active.

3. Select dimensions to be included in the pattern table. Hold down the CTRL key to
select multiple dimensions.

4. Click Edit in the dialog bar. The table editor window opens. The table contains an
index column, for specifying the index for each pattern member, and a column
for each dimension selected in Step 3. The header for a dimension column
contains the dimension symbol, with the default value, equal to the dimension
value of the pattern leader, next to the symbol in parenthesis.

5. For each pattern member, add a row in the table, starting with the index number,
and specify the dimension values for this pattern member. Use an asterisk (*) to
retain the default dimension value. The pattern indices start from 1. They must
be unique, but do not have to be sequential.
You can import a previously saved pattern table by clicking File > Read in the
top menu bar in the table editor window and typing the name of the table file.

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You can also save the current table for future use by clicking File > Save or by
clicking File > Save As and typing the file name.

6. When finished editing the pattern table, click File > Exit in the top menu bar in
the table editor window.

7. To create additional pattern tables, open the Tables slide-up panel, right-click in
it, and select Add from the shortcut menu. The table editor window opens to let
you edit the new table. When finished editing the pattern table, click File > Exit.

8. If you have more than one pattern table defined, select the active table from the
Active table drop-down list in the dialog bar.

9. Click in the dialog bar. The system patterns the selected feature.

Example: Creating a Table Pattern

This example shows creating a table pattern. The original part is shown in the
following illustration.

1. Select the protrusion (1) and click in the Edit Features toolbar. The system
displays dimensions that control the selected feature.

2. Select Table from the drop-down list box of pattern types in the dialog bar.

3. Select dimensions to be included in the pattern table, as shown in the next

illustration. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple dimensions.


4. Click Edit in the dialog bar. The table editor window opens.

5. For each pattern member, add a row in the table, specifying its dimension values.
The finished pattern table is shown in the following illustration.

6. Click File > Exit in the top menu bar in the table editor window.

7. Click in the dialog bar. The system creates the pattern, as shown in the
following illustration.

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To Modify a Table Pattern by Editing its Tables

1. Click Edit > Pattern Table. The TABLES dialog box opens. The TABLES dialog
box shows all of the modifiable pattern tables in the current active object. The
active object can be the top-level assembly, a subassembly, a part, or a feature.
You can change the active object by using the active object menu. Depending on
the active object selected, you may be required to make a selection on the
screen (for example, in a part, if the active object is feature, you must select a
feature that belongs to a table driven pattern).

2. Use icons at the bottom of the dialog box to modify the table pattern as follows:

o To add another table to the pattern, select the pattern or one of its tables in

the Pattern Table Tree, and click .

o To activate a table, select its name in the Pattern Table Tree and click

o To edit a table, select its name and click . You can also select a table by
double-clicking on its name in the Pattern Table Tree.

o To delete a table, select its name and click .

o To rename a table, select its name and click .

o To save a table to disk in a separate file, select its name and click .

o To retrieve a table from disk, select a pattern or one of its tables in the

Pattern Table Tree, click , and then select a .ptb file from the Open
dialog box.

3. If you want to save the changes and continue working with the TABLES dialog
box, click Apply. To finish and save changes to the pattern tables, click OK. To
cancel and remove any changes press Cancel.


To Redefine Various Pattern Types as a Table Pattern

1. Select one of the following patterns on the Model Tree or in the graphics window.

o Dimension

o Fill Pattern

o Direction Pattern

o Axis Pattern or

o Curve Pattern

2. Right-click the selected pattern on the Model Tree or in the graphics window and
click Edit Definition on the shortcut menu. Alternatively, click Edit >
Definition. The pattern dashboard opens.

3. Set the pattern type to Table by selecting Table from the list of pattern types on
the pattern dashboard.

4. Click Yes in the Confirm dialog box to convert the selected pattern type to a
table pattern.


o The table in the table pattern displays values only if you select one of the
following pattern types with a secondary dimension.

Dimension pattern

Direction pattern

Axis pattern

o The table is empty if you select one of the following pattern types:

Fill pattern

Curve pattern

Direction pattern without a secondary dimension

Axis pattern without a secondary dimension

5. Select a dimension in the graphics window to be included in the table pattern. To

select multiple dimensions, hold down the CTRL key and select the dimensions.

6. Click Edit on the dashboard. The Pro/TABLE window opens.

7. Modify the table dimensions as required.

8. Save and quit the Pro/TABLE window to return to the pattern dashboard.

9. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER redefines the selected pattern to

table pattern.

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To Create a Reference Pattern

This procedure describes how to pattern a feature by referencing another pattern.

1. Select the feature you want to pattern and click on the Edit Features toolbar.
The pattern dashboard appears.


o The selected feature must reference another patterned feature.

o If the selected feature is of a type that cannot be patterned any other way,
such as a round or chamfer, Pro/ENGINEER creates a reference pattern of
this feature.

2. If the selected feature can be patterned independently, such as a coaxial hole,

the Pattern dashboard opens, with the default pattern type set to Reference.
The pattern leader is identified by and the pattern members are identified by

3. To exclude a pattern member at a certain location, click the corresponding black

dot. The black dot changes to white ( ) to show that the pattern member has
been excluded. To restore the pattern member, click the white dot again at any
time while redefining the pattern.

4. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature.

Example: Creating a Reference Pattern

This example shows chamfering the edges of a pattern of holes by creating a
reference pattern. The original part, containing a pattern of holes, is shown in the
following illustration.

1. Create a Chamfer feature and select one of the hole edges. The system chamfers
the selected hole, as shown in the next illustration.


2. Select the Chamfer feature and click in the Edit Features toolbar. The
system creates a reference pattern of the Chamfer feature based on the Hole
pattern and, as a result, chamfers all the holes in the pattern, as shown in the
following illustration.

Example: Creating a Fill Pattern

This example shows creating a fill pattern to drill a pattern of holes in a plate. The
original part is shown in the following illustration.

1. Select the hole and click in the Edit Features toolbar.

2. Select Fill from the drop-down list box of pattern types in the dialog bar.

3. Click References > Define to sketch the fill area.

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4. Select the top surface of the part as the sketching plane.

5. Use the edges of the part to create the sketch. If you are using the Intent
Manager in Sketcher, click Sketch > Edge > Use > Loop and select an edge of
the part. This way, the fill area includes the whole part. When you exit Sketcher,
the system displays the default grid, as shown in the next illustration.

6. Select Diamond from the drop-down list box of grid types in the dialog bar.
Modify the value that sets the spacing between pattern member centers, if
needed. Specify the minimum distance between the pattern member centers and
the sketch boundary, equal to the distance of the original hole feature from the
part edges. The system updates the pattern grid, as shown in the following

7. Click in the dialog bar. The system creates the pattern, as shown in the next


To Create a Fill Pattern

This procedure describes how to pattern a feature by filling an area with pattern
members according to a selected grid.

1. Select the feature that you want to pattern and click on the Edit Features
toolbar. The Pattern Dashboard appears, with the default pattern type set to

2. To set the pattern type to fill, select Fill from the list of pattern types on the
dashboard. The layout of the dashboard changes.

3. Select an existing sketched curve, or click References > Define and sketch the
area to be filled by the pattern.

Note: When you enter Sketcher, you cannot see the pattern leader. If you want
to use the pattern leader location to dimension the sketch, make sure that you
locate the leader to references, such as datum planes. You can then use these
references to create the sketch.

As soon as you select a curve or quit Sketcher, Pro/ENGINEER displays a preview

of the pattern grid, based on the default values. Each pattern member is
identified by a black dot ( ).

4. The default grid type is set to Square. If you want to use another grid type,

select it from the box adjacent to on the dashboard.

5. To change the spacing between pattern member centers, type or select a value in
the box adjacent to on the dashboard. Alternatively, in the graphics window,
drag the handle or double-click the value associated with the Space label and
type a new value.

6. To change the minimum distance between the pattern member centers and the

sketch boundary, type or select a value in the box adjacent to on the

dashboard. A negative value makes the center lie outside the sketch.
Alternatively, in the graphics window, drag the handle or double-click the value
associated with the handle and type a new value.

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7. To specify the rotation angle of the grid about the origin, type or select a value in

the box adjacent to on the dashboard. Alternatively, in the graphics window,

drag the handle or double-click the value associated with the handle and type a

8. To change the radial spacing for circular and spiral grids, type or select a value in

the box adjacent to on the dashboard. Alternatively, in the graphics window,

drag the handle or double-click the value associated with the handle and type a
new value.

9. To project pattern members onto a surface and orient the members, click
Options on the dashboard and select Follow surface shape. The surface
collector becomes active.

10. Select a surface in the model along which the pattern members are to be

11. Click Follow surface to specify that each pattern member is oriented to follow
the surface or click Constant to specify that all the pattern members will have a
constant orientation similar to the orientation of the pattern leader.

12. To exclude a pattern member at a certain location, click the corresponding black
dot that identifies the pattern member, in the graphics window. The black dot
changes to white ( ) to show that the pattern member has been excluded. You
can click the white dot again at any time while redefining the pattern to restore
the pattern member at the corresponding location.

13. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature.

Example: Making Fill Pattern Members Follow a Surface Shape

This example shows you how to make pattern members follow the shape of a
selected surface.
Create a Fill Pattern as described in another example. Follow the steps below to
make the pattern members follow the shape of a selected surface as shown in the
following illustration.


Note: For pattern members to follow the shape of a selected surface, make the
pattern leader and the sketch plane tangent to the selected surface. However, it is
not essential that the sketch plane and the pattern leader be tangent to the selected
1. On the Pattern dashboard, click Options and select Follow surface shape. The
surface collector becomes active.

2. Select a surface in the model along which the pattern members are to be

1 Minimum distance between the pattern member center and the sketch boundary

2 Reference sketch

3 Pattern leader

4 Surface selected for the pattern members to follow

5 Spacing between pattern members

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3. Click Follow surface to specify that each pattern member is oriented to follow
the shape of the surface.

4. If required, change the spacing between pattern member centers, by typing a

new value in the box adjacent to on the dashboard. Alternatively, in the
graphics window, drag the handle or double-click the value for Space and type a
new value.

5. If required, change the minimum distance between the pattern member centers

and the sketch boundary, by typing a new value in the box adjacent to on
the dashboard. A negative value makes the center lie outside the sketch.
Alternatively, in the graphics window, drag the handle or double-click the value
associated with the handle and type a new value.

6. If required, exclude a pattern member at a certain location by clicking the

corresponding black dot. The black dot changes to white to show that the pattern
member has been excluded.

7. Click on the Pattern dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER projects the pattern

members onto the selected surface, orients the pattern members to follow the
selected surface, and patterns the selected feature.

To Change the Origin of the Fill Pattern

1. Select the feature that you want to pattern and click on the Edit Features
toolbar. The pattern dashboard appears, with the default pattern type set to

2. Set the pattern type to Fill by selecting Fill from the list of pattern types on the
pattern dashboard. The layout of the pattern dashboard changes.

3. Click References > Define on the pattern dashboard and sketch the area to be
filled by the pattern. Alternatively, select an existing sketch.

4. Select the required grid type from the Grid box. The default grid type is Square.

Note: You can select a grid from the Grid box only after you select or sketch the
area to be filled by the pattern.

5. Click Options > Use alternative origin on the pattern dashboard. The origin
collector becomes active.

6. Select a datum point in the graphics window to be included as the alternative


You can select any one of the following as the alternative origin:

o Datum point

o Coordinate system

o A vertex


o Sketched curve end

Note: You can only select features created before the pattern leader as the
alternative origin.

7. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature based

on the alternative origin specified.

To Create a Curve Pattern

1. Select the feature that you want to pattern and click on the edit features
toolbar. The pattern dashboard appears, with the default pattern type set to

2. Set the pattern type to Curve, by selecting Curve from the list of pattern types
on the pattern dashboard. The layout of the pattern dashboard changes and the
sketch collector becomes active.

3. Select a sketched curve to be included in the Curve pattern. Alternatively, you

can also sketch a curve along which the pattern will be created. To sketch a
curve, click References > Define on the dashboard.


o You can also create a Curve pattern with more than one sketch curve
section. To create successive sections, click Sketch > Feature Tools >
Toggle Section in the Sketcher window.

o A Curve pattern can have all closed sections or all open sections, but not a
combination of closed and open sections.

o As soon as you select a curve or sketch a curve, Pro/ENGINEER displays a

preview of the pattern along the curve, based on default values. Each
pattern member is identified by a black dot.

4. To change the distance between the pattern members, type or select a value in

the box adjacent to .

Note: By default the Curve pattern with specified member spacing ( ) is

selected. If you want to specify the number of pattern members instead of

specified member spacing, click and type the number of pattern members in
the box.

5. To change the start point and direction of the curve, click References > Edit on
the dashboard to enter the sketcher mode.

6. Select a curve end from the sketch as the start point for open sketches or select
any vertex from the sketch for a closed sketch and click Sketch > Feature
Tools > Start Point. The selected curve end or vertex is set as the start point.

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o For open sketches, the direction of the pattern is always from the start
point of the curve towards the end point of the curve.

o For closed sketches, the direction of the pattern can be from either side of
the selected vertex.

o For single entity closed sketches, divide the sketch to select the start point.

7. Click to quit the sketcher mode.

8. To exclude a pattern member at a certain location, click the corresponding black

dot ( ). The black dot changes to white ( ) to show that the pattern member
has been excluded. To restore the pattern member, click the white dot again at
any time while redefining the pattern. The pattern leader is identified by .

9. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature.

Example: Patterning a Hole Using Curve Pattern

This example shows you how to pattern a hole along a curve using Curve Pattern, as
shown in the following figure:

1. While patterning a hole, select the highlighted curve as the pattern reference
along which the pattern is to be created.


2. On the dashboard specify either the number of pattern members or the distance
between the pattern members to be created along the selected curve.

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3. To exclude a pattern member at a certain location, click the corresponding black

dot. The black dot changes to white to show that the pattern member has been

1 Pattern leader

2 Excluded pattern members

4. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the hole as shown in the following figure:


To Create a Pattern of a Feature Pattern

1. Select the feature pattern that you want to pattern and click on the edit
features toolbar or click Edit > Pattern. Alternatively, right-click the feature
pattern and click Pattern on the shortcut menu. The pattern dashboard appears,
with the default pattern type set to Dimension.

2. Set the required pattern type by selecting it from the list of pattern types on the
pattern dashboard.

3. Perform the steps required to pattern the selected feature pattern.

4. To exclude a pattern member at a certain location, click the corresponding black

dot ( ). The black dot changes to white ( ) to show that the pattern member
has been excluded. To restore the pattern member, click the white dot again at
any time while redefining the pattern. The pattern leader is identified by .

5. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER patterns the selected feature


To Delete the Pattern of a Feature Pattern

1. Select the pattern of a feature pattern, that is, the feature pattern pattern that
you want to delete, on the Model Tree and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Delete Pattern. The selected pattern of a feature pattern is deleted from
the model.


o If you click Delete instead of Delete Pattern on the shortcut menu, then
the feature pattern and the feature that was used to create the pattern are

o Deleting the pattern of a feature pattern permanently removes the pattern

from the model.

To Unpattern the Pattern of a Feature Pattern

1. Select the pattern of a feature pattern, that is, the feature pattern pattern that
you want to unpattern on the Model Tree and right-click. A shortcut menu

2. Click Unpattern. The selected pattern of a feature pattern is unpatterned and

the result is a set of feature patterns.

Note: You can unpattern the pattern of a feature pattern only if the pattern is
either a dimension pattern or a table pattern.

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About the Project Feature

You can use the Project tool to create a projected datum curve on solid and nonsolid
surfaces, quilts, or datum planes. You can then use the projected datum curve to
trim a surface, to contour a sweep trajectory, or to create a cut in Sheetmetal
Design. If you create a curve by sketching on a plane, it can be patterned.
Projected curves cannot be crosshatched. If you select a crosshatched datum curve
for projection, the system ignores the cross-hatching.
There are two methods of projecting a curve:
• Project a Sketch—Creates a sketch or copies an existing sketch into the model
to project.

• Project Chains—Selects a curve or chain to project.

To access the Project tool, click or click Edit > Project.

About the Project User Interface

The Project user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
All Project features are represented on the Model Tree by .

Additionally, identifies the Project tool in the Edit toolbar.

You can also click Edit > Project to start the Project tool.

Dialog Bar
The Project dialog bar consists of the following elements:
• Surfaces collector—Specifies the destination of the projection.

• Direction options—Sets the direction type to be in a specified direction or normal

to the target surfaces.

• Direction reference summary collector—Specifies the direction reference.

• —Flips the direction of the projection.


Slide-up Panels
The Project dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• In the References panel, you can:

o Choose whether you select a chain or create a sketch to project.

o When Project chains is selected, use Define to open the Sketch dialog
box to create a sketch to project, or copy one into the feature by selecting
an existing sketched curve feature. You can also use Define Internal
Sketch from the shortcut menu.

o Use Edit (after defining a sketch) to open the Sketch dialog box so you
can edit the internal sketch. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch from
the shortcut menu.

o Use Details to open the Surface Sets dialog box or Chain dialog box, so
you can modify the surface set properties or chain properties.

o Specify the direction reference of the projected datum curve feature.

o Flip the direction of the projected datum curve.

• In the Properties panel, you can view information about the Project feature in
the Pro/ENGINEER browser and enter a user-defined name for the feature.

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, you can use the shortcut menu to access the following
• Select Sketch—Activates the sketch collector if Project a Sketch is selected in
the References slide-up panel.

• Select Chain—Activates the chain collector to select the chain or chains to


• Select Surfaces—Activates the surface collector to select the surfaces or datum

planes on which to project the curve.

• Select Direction Reference—Selects the reference for the direction of the


• Clear—Clears the contents of the active collector.

• Define Internal Sketch—When Project a Sketch is selected, opens the

Sketch dialog box so you can define an internal sketch.

• Edit Internal Sketch—When Project a Sketch is selected, opens the Sketch

dialog box so you can edit an internal sketch.

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• Along direction—Projects the selected chains or sketch in a specified direction.

• Normal to surface—Projects the selected chains or sketch normal to the target


To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Sketching

1. With a model open, click Edit > Project. The Project dashboard appears.

2. Click the References tab. The Reference panel appears.

3. Select Project a sketch from the list.

4. Click the Sketch collector and either select a sketched curve in the graphics
window or click Define and use the Sketch dialog box that opens to create a
sketched curve to project.

Note: If you are using an internal sketch and want to modify it, click Edit on the
References slide-up panel and use the Sketch dialog box or click Edit Internal
Sketch on the shortcut menu.

5. Click the Surfaces collector and click a surface in the graphics window on which
to project the sketched curve.

6. The sketch plane is selected as the direction reference by default. To change the
direction reference, click the Direction Reference collector and select a plane,
an axis, an axis of a coordinate system, or a straight entity to use as the
projection direction reference.

7. Click . The sketched curve is projected onto the selected surface.

Note: You can also start the Project tool by selecting a sketch and clicking or
Edit > Project.

To Create a Projected Datum Curve by Selecting Chains

1. In the graphics window, select one or more curves or chains that you want to

2. Click Edit > Project. The Project dashboard appears.

3. Click the References tab. The References panel appears.

4. Select Project chains from the list.

5. Click a surface in the graphics window on which to project the curve or chain.

6. Click the Direction Reference collector and select a plane, an axis, an axis of a
coordinate system, or a straight entity to use as the projection direction

7. In the Direction box on the dialog bar, select the projection direction:


o Along direction—Projects the curve along a specified direction.

o Normal to Surface—Projects the curve normal to the curve plane or a

specified plane or surface.

8. Click . The sketched curve is projected onto the selected surface.

Example: Creating a Projected Datum Curve

The next figure shows a sketched datum curve and an extruded surface:

1 Surface

2 Datum curve

In the next figure, the datum curve has been selected to be projected onto the
extruded surface:

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1 Surface

2 Original datum curve

3 Preview of projected datum curve

The next figure shows the projected datum curve on the extruded surface:


1 Surface

2 Original datum curve

3 Projected datum curve


About the Wrap Feature

You can use the Wrap tool to create formed datum curves on destinations. You can
then use the formed datum curves to simulate items such as labels or screw threads.
The formed datum curve preserves the length of the original sketched curve, when

Origin of Wrapped Datum Curve

The origin of a wrapped datum curve is the reference point around which the sketch
is wrapped onto a destination. This point must be able to be projected onto the
destination. Otherwise, the Wrap feature fails. You can select either the geometric
center of the sketch or any coordinate system in the sketch as the origin. When you
select the origin, one of the following symbols is displayed at the selected origin:
• Yellow arrow—Indicates that the Wrap feature can be created only in one

• Handle—Indicates that the Wrap feature can be created in either the selected
direction or in the opposite direction.

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The destination of the wrapped curve must be developable, that is, some type of
ruled surface. Pro/ENGINEER automatically selects the first available destination. You
can select another destination, if desired.

Options Slide-up Panel

When creating a new Wrap feature, you can define whether the wrapped curve
should ignore any intersection surface by clicking Ignore intersection surface in
the Options panel. If you do not select this option, separated curves will be wrapped
on the intersecting surface.
Also when creating a new Wrap feature, you can trim the portion of the curve that
cannot be wrapped by clicking Trim at boundary in the Options panel.

To access the Wrap tool, click or click Edit > Wrap.

About the Wrap User Interface

The Wrap user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
All Wrap features are represented on the Model Tree by .

Additionally, identifies the Wrap tool in the Edit toolbar.

You can also click Edit > Wrap to start the Wrap tool.

Dialog Bar
The Wrap dialog bar consists of the following elements:

• —Specifies the destination of the wrap.

• —Sets the origin of the wrap.

• —Reverses the direction of the wrap.

Slide-up Panels
The Wrap dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• In the References panel, you can:

o Create or select a sketch to wrap.


o Specify the destination of the wrap.

o Break the association between the feature and a sketch.

o Use Edit to open the Sketch dialog box so you can edit an internal sketch.
This is available only if you first break (unlink) the association between the
feature and the external sketch. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch
from the shortcut menu.

• In the Options panel, you can specify the following characteristics:

• Whether to ignore any intersection surface.

• Whether to trim a curve when the curve is too large to wrap on the
destination object.

Note: This panel is unavailable when you redefine features created in

Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire and earlier versions.

• In the Properties panel, you can view information about the Wrap feature in the
Pro/ENGINEER browser and enter a user-defined name for the feature.

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, you can use the Wrap shortcut menu to access the following
• Select Sketch—Activates the sketch collector to select the sketch to wrap.

• Select Destination—Activates the destination collector to select the surface on

which to wrap.

• Edit Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box so you can edit an internal

• Clear—Clears the active collector.

List of Possible Origins (Center is the default if there are no coordinate systems in
the sketch. Otherwise, a list of Sketcher coordinate systems is present.)
• Center—Specifies the center of the sketch as the origin.

In the graphics window, you can use the handle shortcut menu to access the
following option:
• Flip—Reverses the direction of the wrap.

In filled collectors on the dashboard, you can use the Wrap shortcut menu to access
the following options:
• Remove—Clears the active collector.

• Information—Displays a window with information about the item that you right-

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To Create a Wrapped Datum Curve

1. Select the sketched datum curve that you want to wrap onto another surface.

2. Click Edit > Wrap. The Wrap dashboard appears.

3. Preview geometry shows the wrapped datum curve on the first solid or quilt the
tool finds in the default wrapping direction. Click Select Destination from the
shortcut menu and select a different surface, if desired. The Wrap feature is
displayed in preview geometry.

4. Click . The sketched datum curve is wrapped on the surface that you selected.

Tip: If you click Unlink on the References slide-up panel, the association between
the feature and the sketch is broken, and an internal sketch is created. To modify
the internal sketch, click Edit and use the Sketch dialog box. You can also use Edit
Internal Sketch from the shortcut menu.

Example: Creating a Wrapped Datum Curve

The next figure shows a sketched datum curve and a solid surface:

1 Datum curve

2 Solid surface

In the next figure, the datum curve has been selected to be wrapped onto the solid


1 Original datum curve

2 Preview of wrapped datum curve

3 Solid surface

The next figure shows the wrapped datum curve on the solid surface:

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1 Original datum curve

2 Wrapped datum curve

Using the Options Panel

Note: This panel is unavailable when you redefine features created in Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire and earlier versions.

When you create a Wrap feature, you can use the Options panel to specify whether
or not to ignore intersection surfaces and to trim a curve at a boundary.

Ignoring Intersection Surfaces

When wrapping separated curves, select the Ignore intersection surface check
box to ignore any intersecting surface, if possible. If you do not select this check
box, separated curves will be wrapped onto the intersecting surface. This check box
is selected by default.
The following figures show the results of selecting and not selecting the Ignore
intersection surface check box.


Ignore intersection surface check box selected

Ignore intersection surface check box not selected

Trimming at Boundary
Select the Trim at boundary check box to trim the portion of a curve that cannot
be wrapped.
The following figure shows the result of selecting the Trim at boundary check box:

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1 Wrapped curve with portions of original curve trimmed at boundaries

2 Datum curve


About the Extend Feature

To activate the Extend tool, you must first select the boundary edge chain to be
extended and then click Edit > Extend.
You can extend a quilt by at a specified distance or up to a plane. Specify the desired
method by selecting from the Extend dashboard:

Along Surface ( )—Extends the surface boundary edge chain along the original

• To Plane ( )—Extends the boundary edge chain up to a specified plane in the

direction normal to this plane.

When Along Surface is used to create an Extend feature, choose one of the
following options to determine how the extension is done:
• Same—(Default) Creates the extension of the same type as the original surface
(for example, plane, cylinder, cone, or spline surface). The original surface is
extended past its selected boundary edge chain.

• Tangent—Creates the extension as a ruled surface that is tangent to the original


• Approximate—Creates the extension as a boundary blend between the

boundary edges of the original surface and the edges of the extension. This
method is useful when extending the surface up to a vertex that does not lie
along a straight edge.

When extending quilts, consider the following information:

• You can indicate whether you want to measure the extension distance along the
extended surface or along a selected datum plane.


• You can add measurement points to the selected edge so you can vary the
extension distance at different points along the boundary edge.

• You can enter a positive or negative value for extension distance. If the
configuration option show_dim_sign is set to no, entering a negative value flips
the extension direction. Otherwise, entering a negative value sets the extension
direction pointing to the inner side of the boundary edge chain.

• Entering a negative value causes a surface to be trimmed.

About the Extend User Interface

The Extend user interface consists of the following:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menu

Feature Icon —
All Extend features are represented in the Model Tree by .

Dialog Bar
The Extend dialog bar consists of the following elements:

• —Extends along the original surface. When selected, you can specify the
extension distance in the text box for a constant extension. This is not available
for variable extension.

• —Extends to a reference plane. When selected, you can select a reference

plane using the reference plane collector.

• —Flips the direction of the extension relative to the boundary edge chain.
This is not available for variable extensions.

Slide-up Panels
The Extend dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—Lets you change the edge/chain reference. To redefine the
selection options, click Details.

• Measurements—This slide-up panel is enabled when Along Surface is selected.

Lets you create a variable extension by adding and adjusting measurement
points along the selected edge chain. By default, the system adds only one
measurement point, which extends the entire chain by the same distance to
create a constant extension.

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In addition, use this panel to specify how you want to measure the extension:

o —Measure the extension distance along the extended surface.

o —Measure the extension distance in the selected datum plane.

• Options—This slide-up panel is enabled when Along Surface is selected. Lets

you do the following:

o Under Method, select the extension method by choosing Same, Tangent,

or Approximate from a list.

o Under Extension side 1 or Extension side 2, for each side of the

extension define the extension side by choosing from a list:

Along—Choose this option to create the extension side along the selected
side edge. If more than one side edges are available, use the next collector
to select one.

Normal to—Choose this option to create the extension side normal to the
connected boundary edge.

• Properties—Lets you do the following:

o View information about the current Extend feature in the Pro/ENGINEER


o Rename the Extend feature.

Shortcut Menu
Right-click to access the Extend shortcut menu with the following commands:
• Boundary Edge —Activate the boundary edge collector for Along Surface or To
Plane extension.

• Measurement Point—Activate the measurement point collector for the Along

Surface extension. If there are more than one measurement point collectors, the
last active measurement point collector is activated. This menu item is available
only when the Measurements panel is open.

• Measurement Edge—Activate the measurement edge collector for the Along

Surface extension. If there are more than one measurement edge collectors, the
last active measurement edge collector will be activated. This menu item is
available only when the Measurements panel is open and one or more
measurement edge collectors are present.

• Measurement Plane—Activate the measurement plane collector for Along

Surface extension. This menu item is available only when extension distance is
measured in the measurement plane.

• Side Edge 1—Activate the side edge one collector for the Along Surface
extension. This menu item is available only when more than one side edges exist
for extension Side 1.


• Side Edge 2—Activate the side edge two collector for the Along Surface
extension. This menu item is available only when more than one side edges exist
for extension Side 2.

• Reference Plane—Activate the reference plane collector for To Plane extension.

• Clear—Empty the active collector.

• Normal to Edge—Extend the surface normal to the selected edge.

• Along Edge—Extend the surface along the side edge.

• To Vertex Parallel—Extend the surface at the vertex and parallel to the

boundary edge.

• To Vertex Tangent—Extend the surface at the vertex and tangent to the next
one-sided edge.

• Flip—Change the direction of the extension.

To Create a Same Surface Extension

Use this procedure to create an Along Surface extension using the Same option.
1. Select the boundary edge chain of the surface that you want to extend.

2. Click Edit > Extend. The Extend dashboard opens.

3. Using the Options slide-up panel, you can specify whether you want the
extension side along the side edge or normal to the boundary edge. Select Along
or Normal to for each extension side.

4. To extend the surface, you can:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually extend the
selected boundary chain to the desired distance.

o In the dashboard, type a distance value in the value box or select a value
from a list of the most recently used values.

Note: You can click at any time to toggle between extending or trimming
the original surface.

5. To add measurement points, click the Measurements slide-up panel. Right-click

inside the panel and click Add. Define the point's location and use the point to
drag the extension in the graphics window or set the location and extension in
the Measurements panel. You can add multiple points for finer control. Tip: You
can also do it using the shortcut menu by right-clicking the handle.

6. Click to complete the Extend feature.

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To Create a Tangent Surface Extension

Use this procedure to create an Along Surface extension using the Tangent option.
1. Select the boundary edge chain of the surface that you want to extend.

2. Click Edit > Extend. The Extend dashboard opens.

3. Click the Options slide-up panel, and then select Tangent from a list under

4. Using the same slide-up panel, you can specify whether you want the extension
side along the side edge or normal to the boundary edge. Select Along or
Normal to for each side.

5. To extend the surface you can:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually extend the
selected boundary edge chain to the desired distance.

o In the dashboard, type a distance value in the value box or select a value
from a list of the most recently used values.

Note: You can click at any time to toggle between extending or trimming
the original surface.

6. To add measurement points, click the Measurements slide-up panel. Right-click

inside the panel and click Add. Define the point's location and use the point to
drag the extension in the graphics window or set the location and extension in
the Measurements panel. You can add multiple points for finer control. Tip: You
can also do it using the shortcut menu by right-clicking the handle.

7. Click to complete the Extend feature.

To Create an Approximate Surface Extension

Use this procedure to create an Along Surface extension using the Approximate
1. Select the boundary edge chain of the surface that you want to extend.

2. Click Edit > Extend. The Extend dashboard opens.

3. Click the Options slide-up panel, and then select Approximate from a list under

4. Using the same slide-up panel, you can specify whether you want the extension
side along the side edge or normal to the boundary edge. Select Along or
Normal to for each side.

5. To extend the surface you can:

o In the graphics window, use the drag handle to manually extend the
selected boundary edge chain to the desired distance.


o In the dashboard, type a distance value in the value box or select a value
from a list of the most recently used values.

Note: You can click at any time to toggle between extending or

trimming the original surface.

6. To add measurement points, click the Measurements slide-up panel. Right-click

inside the panel and click Add. Define the point's location and use the point to
drag the extension in the graphics window or set the location and extension in
the Measurements panel. You can add multiple points for finer control.

Tip: You can also do it using the shortcut menu by right-clicking the handle.

7. Click to complete the Extend feature.

To Create a To Plane Surface Extension

Use this procedure to extend a surface to a reference plane.
1. Select the boundary edge chain of the surface that you want to extend.

2. Click Edit > Extend.

3. Click .

4. Select a plane to which to extend the surface.

5. Click to complete the Extend feature.

To Create a Multi-point Extension

You can use multiple measurement points to create a variable distance extension.
1. Select the boundary edge chain of the surface that you want to extend.

2. Click Edit > Extend. The Extend dashboard opens.

3. Click the Options slide-up panel, select the extension method.

4. Drag the edge to create the extension.

5. To add measurement points, click the Measurements slide-up panel. Initially,

the system adds only one measurement point, which extends the entire chain by
the same distance to create a constant extension.

6. Right-click inside the panel and click Add.

7. Specify the points's location by typing a distance along the edge (from the first
point to the point being added) under Location.

8. Type the extension distance under Distance or drag the point.

9. From the Distance Type list, select one of the extension options:

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o Normal to Edge—Extend the surface normal to the selected edge.

o Along Edge—Extend the surface along the side edge.

o To Vertex Parallel—Extend the surface at the vertex and parallel to the

boundary edge.

o To Vertex Tangent—Extend the surface at the vertex and tangent to the

next one-sided edge.

10. To continue adding points, right-click again and select Add. To delete one of the
measurement points, right-click that row, and then click Delete.


About the Intersect Feature

With the Intersect tool you can create a curve where a surface intersects with other
surfaces or a datum plane. You can also create a curve at the intersection of two
sketches or sketched datum curves that become surfaces after they are extruded.
You can use the Intersect feature in the following ways:
• Create three-dimensional curves that can be used for other features such as
sweep trajectories.

• Show if two surfaces are intersecting to avoid possible gaps.

• Diagnose unsuccessful cross sections and cuts.

Surfaces can only be intersected with other surfaces or datum planes and the same
rule applies to two sketches. The option to specify or change the intersection object
or reference is only available during redefinition. However, you should select the first
intersection reference prior to activating the Intersect tool.
The Intersect feature automatically completes after the steps are performed without
opening the Intersect dashboard. Automatic completion occurs because the Intersect
process is fully defined by preselecting references, and no tool progression or
optional settings are possible.

About the Intersect User Interface

The Intersect user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus


Feature Icon

To access the Intersect tool, click in the Feature toolbar or select the surface to
intersect, then click Edit > Intersect.

Dialog Bar
The Intersect dialog bar consists of a message area.

Slide-up Panels
The Intersect dashboard displays the following Intersect slide-up panels:
• References—Activates the References collector.

o For Sketches—Selects an existing sketch to be copied into the feature.

Unlink breaks the association with the sketch and allows you to make a
copy as an internal sketch.

o For Surfaces—Selects surfaces or datum planes to intersect. To produce a

curve, the surfaces must come from two different quilts that are
intersecting, a quilt and a solid, or a datum plane with surfaces from a quilt
or solid.

You must query and select SolidGeom in the smart filter to intersect all solid
geometry with a datum plane, quilt, or specific surfaces of a quilt.
• Properties—Displays or renames the intersect feature in the Pro/ENGINEER

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, right-click to use the Intersect shortcut menu to quickly
perform actions:
• Select sketches in the collector

• Clear selections in the collector

To Intersect Sketches or Surfaces

1. Select the sketch or surface.

2. Select the other sketch or surface to intersect while keeping both in selection.

Note: Press Ctrl to select more than one sketch or surface.

3. Click Edit > Intersect.

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To Redefine Intersecting Sketches or Surfaces

1. Click Edit > Definition to redefine the feature. The Intersect Dashboard

2. Collect the new sketch or surface. The new sketch or surface is used for the
intersection, generating new preview geometry.

3. Click to accept and save changes.

To Unlink and Edit Sketches in the Intersect Feature

You can unlink reference sketches and edit internal sketches in the intersect feature.
1. Click Edit > Definition to redefine the feature. The Intersect Dashboard

2. Click References. The collector appears with the two intersected sketches.

3. Click Unlink to break the association with the sketch and make a copy as an
internal sketch. Unlink changes to Edit.

4. Click Edit. The Sketch dialog box opens.

5. Click Sketch. Sketcher opens allowing you to edit the internal sketch.


About the Fill Feature

You can create and redefine flat surface features called Fill features using the Fill tool
(Edit > Fill). A Fill feature is simply a flat surface, closed-loop feature that is defined
by its boundaries and is used to thicken surfaces.
You create a Fill feature by doing one of the following:
• Select an existing Sketch feature (sketched datum curve). You can select a
Sketch feature from the current model or from another model. The resulting Fill
feature uses a dependent section as a reference. This section is fully associative
with the parent Sketch feature.

• Create an independent section for the Fill feature by Using Sketcher. You create
this section while the Fill tool remains open.

For more information about sections, refer to About Sections in Sketch-based

Features in the Sections in Sketch-Based Features book.
Note: All Fill features must be based on a flat, closed-loop sketched section.


Fill Feature
1 Closed-loop section (sketched datum curve)

2 Fill feature

About the Fill User Interface

The Fill user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels

Feature Icon
The Fill tool uses the following icon:
• —Indicates a Fill feature in the Model Tree. This icon also identifies the Fill tool
in the menu bar and the Fill mode in the dashboard.

• —Indicates a sketched section. Note that the section is always (indented)

within the Fill feature. You may need to expand the Fill feature to view the

Dialog Bar
The Fill dialog bar consists of the following:
Sketch collector—Indicates that a valid sketched section has been selected for the
Fill feature.

Slide-up Panels
The Fill dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—The References slide-up panel contains the following:

o Sketch collector—Contains the section references for the sketch-based

feature. The collector can contain dependent or independent sections. Note
that dependent sections have the same name as its parent sketch feature.
Pro/ENGINEER assigns unique names to independent sections.

The following options are available only under certain conditions:

o Define button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher
to define an independent section. Note that Define is available only if the
Sketch collector is empty (no section defined or sketch selected). You can
also use Define Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the
graphics window.

o Edit button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher to
redefine the independent section. Note that Edit is available only if the Fill

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features use independent sections. If you want to edit a dependent section,

you can either edit the parent sketch or break the section dependency by
using Unlink. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch shortcut menu
command from the graphics window.

o Unlink button—Breaks the association between the dependent section and

the parent Sketch feature. Pro/ENGINEER copies the Sketch feature
references to the new independent section. Note that Unlink is available
only if the Fill features use dependent sections.

• Properties—The Properties slide-up panel contains the following:

• Name box—Displays the current Fill feature name. You can type a new
name to modify it.

• —Provides detailed Fill feature information in the Pro/ENGINEER


To Create a Fill Feature

Using this topic, you can create a Fill feature that uses an independent section. This
section is not associative with any Sketch feature. If you want to Fill feature that
references a parent Sketch feature, refer to To Create a Fill Feature by using a
Sketch Feature.
1. Click Edit > Fill from the menu bar. The Fill tool opens and dashboard appears.

2. Click the References tab. The References slide-up panel appears.

3. Click Define. The Sketch dialog box opens. Notice that you can also use the
Define Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

4. In the Sketch dialog box, define the sketch plane and the sketch orientation, and
click Sketch. Sketcher activates and the model orients.

5. In Sketcher, sketch a flat, closed-loop section. Note that the section must be a
flat, closed-loop section.

6. Click on the Sketcher toolbar. Preview geometry appears in the graphics

window and Pro/ENGINEER displays the independent section in the Model Tree.

7. You can use the Properties slide-up panel to do the following:

o Review and modify the Fill feature name—The Name box displays the
current Fill feature name. You can type a new feature name to modify it.

o Display detailed Fill feature information—You can click and

detailed information displays in the Pro/ENGINEER browser for the selected
Fill feature.

8. Click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the Fill feature including the section, and closes
the tool. Remember that this section is not associative with any Sketch feature.


• If you want to undo or redo any or all changes, press CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y,

• You can always identify the section type from the Model Tree. Dependent sections
share the same name of the parent Sketch feature. Independent sections have
unique names.

To Create a Fill Feature by Using a Sketch Feature

You can create a Fill feature that references a parent Sketch feature. The resulting
Fill feature uses a dependent (associative) section. If you want to create a Fill
feature that uses an independent section, refer to To Create a Fill Feature.
1. Select a flat, closed loop Sketch feature (sketched datum curve from the graphics
window or from the Model Tree. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection. If a valid
Sketch feature is not available, you can create one using Sketcher.

2. Click Edit > Fill from the menu bar. Pro/ENGINEER creates the Fill feature. Note
that if the Fill tool opens and No Items displays in the Sketch collector, you
selected an invalid Sketch feature. Make certain that you select a flat, closed-loop

Note: If you opened the Fill tool using Edit > Fill before selecting a Sketch
feature, or did not select a valid Sketch feature, select a valid Sketch feature in

the graphics window and click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the Fill feature.

Redefining a Fill Feature

You can redefine a Fill feature in the following ways:
• Redefine the section while the Fill tool is closed—This includes changing the
section geometry and making a dependent section independent. Refer to To
Redefine a Section in the Sections in Sketch Based Features book for more
information. This is the recommended method.

• Redefine the section while the Fill tool is open—Simply, click Edit from the
References slide-up panel to use Sketcher. You can also use the Edit Internal
Sketch shortcut menu command from the graphics window. Remember that if
you are redefining a dependent section, you must click Unlink on the slide-up
panel to break the association with the parent Sketch feature. Otherwise, Edit
will not be available and you must exit the tool to redefine the section.

• Redefine the parent Sketch feature (sketched datum curve)—This method

can be used only for Fill features that use a dependent section. Refer to To
Create a Sketched Datum Curve in the Datum Curves book for more information.
Note that after you redefine the parent Sketch feature, Pro/ENGINEER
automatically redefines all other features that reference the parent Sketch

Note: You cannot redefine the Fill feature. Because Fill features are sketch-based
features, Pro/ENGINEER always redefines the section.

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Properties Slide-up Panel

During redefinition, you can use the Properties slide-up panel to do the following:
• Review and modify the Fill feature name—The Name box displays the
current Fill feature name. You can type a new feature name to modify it.

• Display detailed Fill feature information—You can click and detailed

information displays in the Pro/ENGINEER browser for the selected Fill feature.


About the Offset Feature

You can use the Offset tool to create a new feature by offsetting either a surface or a
curve with a constant or variable distance. You can then use offset surfaces to build
up geometry or to create patterned geometry, or you can use offset curves to build
up a set of curves that you can then use to build a surface. Various options are
available from within the Offset tool, such as adding drafts to offset surfaces and
offsetting curves within a surface.
You can create the following types of Offset features using the Offset tool:
• Standard—Offsets a single quilt, surface, or solid face.

• Expand—Creates a continuous volume between the selected faces of a closed

quilt or solid sketch or, when using the Sketched region option, of an open quilt
or solid surface.

• With Draft—Offsets the region of the quilt or surface that is included inside a
sketch, and drafts the side surfaces. You can also create straight or tangent side
surface profiles with this option.

• Replace—Replaces a solid face with a quilt or datum plane.

• Curve—Offsets a curve or the one-sided edge of a surface in a specified


Offset Surface

About the Offset Surface User Interface

The Offset Surface user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus


Feature Icon
Offset Surface features are represented on the Model Tree by the following icons:

—Offset (Standard)

—Offset (With Draft)

—Offset (Expand)

—Offset (Replace)

Additionally, identifies the Offset tool in the Edit toolbar.

Select a surface and click either or Edit > Offset to start the Offset tool.

Dialog Bar
The Offset Surface dialog bar consists of the following elements:

—Lists the types of offset feature you can create:

• —Standard

• —Expand

• —With Draft

• —Replace

—Specifies the offset value and provides a list of recently used values
(Standard, Expand, and With Draft).

—Flips the direction of the offset (Standard, Expand, and With Draft).

—Activates the sketch collector (Expand and With Draft).

—Activates the Replace quilt collector (Replace).

—Specifies the angle for the offset (With Draft).

Slide-up Panels
The Offset Surface dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• In the References panel, you can

o Use Details (Expand and With Draft) to open the Surface Sets dialog
box so you can modify the surface set properties.

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o Use Define (With Draft) to open the Sketch dialog box so you can define
an internal sketch. You an also use Define Internal Sketch from the
shortcut menu.

o After defining an internal sketch, use EDIT (With Draft) to open the
Sketch dialog box so you can edit the internal sketch. You can also use
Edit Internal Sketch from the shortcut menu.

o Specify the surface to offset and the loops or patches to exclude from the
offset (Expand).

o Specify the replacement quilt (Replace) in this slide-up panel.

• In the Options panel, you can:

o Specify that the offset be normal to the reference surface.

o Use Define (Expand, with Sketched Region selected) to open the

Sketch dialog box so you can define an internal sketch. You an also use
Define Internal Sketch from the shortcut menu.

o After defining an internal sketch, use EDIT (Expand, with Sketched

Region selected) to open the Sketch dialog box so you can edit the
internal sketch. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch from the shortcut

o Create side surfaces between the reference surface and the offset surface

o Offset a specified region of a sketch (Expand and With Draft).

o Specify the side surface type and profile (With Draft).

o Specify the method of transformation for the offset surface.

o Keep a quilt as a separate feature from the offset feature (Replace).

o In the Properties panel, you can view information about the Offset feature in
the Pro/ENGINEER browser and enter a user-defined name for the feature.

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, you can use the Offset Surface shortcut menu to access the
following options:
• Offset Reference—Activates the primary surface collector to select the surface
to offset (Expand, With Draft, Replace).

• Surface Collection—Activates the surface collector (Expand, With Draft).

• Sketch Reference—Specifies a sketch to contain the offset area (Expand, With


• Replace Reference—Activates the Replace quilt collector.


• Clear—Clears the contents of the active collector.

• Define Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box so you can define an
internal sketch (Expand and With Draft).

• Edit Internal Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box so you can edit an internal
sketch (Expand and With Draft).

To Create Standard Offset Surfaces

1. Select a surface, and click Edit > Offset. The default offset value is displayed in
preview geometry, and the Offset dashboard appears.

2. Select as the type of offset. This is the default offset type.

3. Enter the required offset value in the offset value box. An offset surface is shown
in preview geometry parallel to the referenced surface.

4. Adjust the offset distance and direction by dragging the handle or by double-
clicking the dimension and entering a new dimension in the box.

5. To reverse the direction of the offset, right-click and click Flip from the shortcut

6. To define the direction in which to offset the surface, select one of the following
options from the Options tab:

o Normal to Surface—Offsets surface normal to the reference surface or


o Automatic Fit—Automatically determines a coordinate system and offsets

the surface along its axes.

o Controlled Fit—Creates an “offset” that bests fits the normal offset by

scaling the original surface about the specified coordinate system and
translating the surface along the specified axes.

7. If you want to create the offset surface with side quilts, click the Create side
surface check box in the Options panel.

8. Click to finish the feature.

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Example: Using Different Offset Methods

The following figure illustrates the difference in the offset geometry created through
the Normal To Surf, Controlled Fit, and Auto Fit methods. In this example, the
Controlled Fit method allows you to select the coordinate system for translation
and restrict the translation of the scaled geometry along the Y-axis such that the
resulting quilt terminates at the same level as the original quilt. Note that the
resulting radius of curvature differs depending on the offset type used.
Using different offset methods

1 Original quilt

2 Offsets from the original quilt

3 Using Normal to Surf

4 Using Controlled Fit

5 Using Auto Fit


6 Using Controlled Fit

7 Using Normal to Surf

8 Using Auto Fit

Recommendations for using the offset methods:

• If Norm To Surf fails, use Auto Fit. The Auto Fit method automatically
calculates the best directions to translate the surfaces such that they appear as
original ones. However, this method does not guarantee a uniform offset normal
to surfaces. If the results of Auto Fit are not satisfactory, use Controlled Fit to
aid in calculation.

• It is recommended that you use Auto Fit and Controlled Fit with convex
geometry only. These methods involve scaling of geometry. For non-convex
geometry, the offset distance may vary, as shown in the following figure.

Offsetting Complex Surface Shapes

1 Original surface

2 Resulting surface using Auto Fit

3 Resulting surface using Normal To Surf

• When you use Auto Fit or Controlled Fit to create an offset, Pro/ENGINEER
attempts to make the distance between the original and the offset quilt no less
than the input value.

• The location of the coordinate system that you select when using Controlled Fit
affects how the quilt is scaled. In the following illustration, the offset quilt is
created using Controlled Fit with the translation restricted along the X- and Y-
axes. In illustration a, scaling is with respect to the CS0 coordinate system, while
scaling is with respect to the CS3 coordinate system in illustration b. Note that
the location of the coordinate system determines which edges remain coplanar.

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a. Offset created using CS0

1 Original quilt

2 Offset quilt

3 Coplanar vertices. Translation is not allowed along the X-axis

4 Original quilt

5 Coplanar vertices. Translation is not allowed along the Y-axis

The edges and vertices on the plane that passes through the origin of the CS0
coordinate system (the YZ- and XZ-planes, respectively) remain fixed. This is
because translation is not allowed along the X- and Y-axes.


b. Offset created using CS3

1 Coplanar vertices. Translation is not allowed along the X-axis.

2 Original quilt

3 Coplanar vertices. Translation is not allowed along the Y-axis.

The edges and vertices on the plane that passes through the origin of the CS3
coordinate system (the YZ- and XZ-planes, respectively) remain fixed. This is
because translation is not allowed along the X- and Y-axes.

Example: Creating an Offset Surface with Side Surfaces

The next figure shows a part whose top surface is selected for the offset operation:

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The next figure shows the offset feature without side surfaces:

The next figure shows the offset feature with side surfaces:


To Create Offset Surfaces by Expansion

Use the Expand option to create a continuous volume between the selected faces of
a closed quilt or surface. You can also constrain the offset area of an open quilt or
solid surface with a sketch.
1. Select a surface, and click Edit > Offset. The Offset dashboard appears.

2. Select as the type of offset.

3. Type the required offset value in the offset value box. An offset surface is created
parallel to the reference surface.

4. Click the Options tab to specify the offset method:

o Normal to Surface—(default) Offsets the surface normal to the original


o Translate—Translates the surface along the specified direction. Click the

direction reference collector and select a plane, a flat face, a linear curve or
edge, an axis, or a coordinate system as the reference.

Note: Changing the offset type from Normal to Surface to Translate, and vice
versa, causes all children of the offset feature to fail.

5. Click to finish the offset.

• You can also open the Expand dashboard by selecting multiple surfaces and
clicking Edit > Offset. If you select solid surfaces and closed quilt surfaces, the

Part – Help Topic Collection

default Expand area type is Whole Surface. If you select open quilt surfaces,
the default Expand area type is Sketched Region.

• If Sketched Region is selected, you can click Define on the Options slide-up
panel and use the Sketch dialog box. After defining an internal sketch, click
EDIT (With Draft) to open the Sketch dialog box so you can edit the internal
sketch. You can also use Define Internal Sketch and Edit Internal Sketch
from the shortcut menu.

• If you are using a surface set as a reference and you want to modify it, click
Details on the References slide-up panel and use the Surface Sets dialog box.

To Constrain an Offset with a Sketch

1. Select a surface, and click Edit > Offset. The Offset dashboard appears, and the
surface is highlighted.

2. Select as the type of offset.

3. Type the required offset value in the offset value box. An offset surface is created
parallel to the reference surface.

4. Click the Options tab to specify the offset method:

o Normal to Surface—(default) Offset the surface normal to the reference


o Translate—Translates the surface along the specified direction. Click the

direction reference collector and select a plane, a flat face, a linear curve or
edge, an axis, or a coordinate system as the reference.

5. Also on the Options panel, specify the Expand area type:

o Sketched Region—Offsets only the region inside the sketched boundary.

Click Define to enter Sketcher or use Define Internal Sketch from the
shortcut menu, and sketch a closed section for offsetting. You can also
select an existing sketched datum curve.

o Whole Surface—Offsets the entire surface. This option is applicable only to

a closed quilt surface or a solid surface.

6. To specify the Side surface type:

o Surface—Offsets the side surface normal to the surface.

o Sketch—Offsets the side surface normal to the sketching plane of the


7. Click to finish the offset.

To Create Offset Surfaces with a Draft

1. Select a surface, and click Edit > Offset. The Offset dashboard appears.


2. Select as the type of offset.

3. Select an existing sketch or click Define on the References slide-up panel and
use the Sketch dialog box. You can also use Define Internal Sketch from the
shortcut menu.

4. Enter the required offset value in the offset value box. An offset surface is shown
in preview geometry parallel to the referenced surface.

5. Specify the offset method in the Options panel:

o Normal to Surface—(default) Offsets the surface normal to the reference


o Translate—Offsets the surface and retains the shape and size of the
reference surface.

6. Also in the Options panel, specify the side surface type:

o Surface—Offsets the side surface normal to the surface.

o Sketch—Offsets the side surface normal to the sketch.

7. Specify the side profile type

o Straight—Creates straight side surfaces.

o Tangent—Creates fillets for the side surfaces and neighboring surfaces.

8. Enter a value for the draft angle in the Draft Angle box, or drag the handle in
the graphics window.

9. Adjust the dimensions and options, and click to finish the offset.

Note: You can also open the With draft dashboard by selecting a collection of
surfaces and clicking Edit > Offset. The surface collection can include single
surfaces, loop surfaces, boundary surfaces, intent surfaces, or any combination of
these surfaces.

• If you are using a surface set as a reference and you want to modify it, click
Details on the References slide-up panel and use the Surface Sets dialog box.

• If you want to modify an internal sketch click Edit on the References slide-up
panel and use the Sketch dialog box. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch
from the shortcut menu.

Working with Draft Offsets

Use the With Draft option to create an area offset with drafted side surfaces.
The With Draft option is available for solid surfaces and quilts.

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You can apply a bevel angle to the side surfaces of the draft offset. Pro/ENGINEER
uses the specified angle to draft all side surfaces relative to their default position,
defined by either Surface or Sketch. The range for the draft angle is from 0 to 60
Several closed loops can be selected for the With Draft option, as shown in the next

When creating a With Draft offset, consider these recommendations:

• When a With Draft offset spans several surfaces, the surfaces should be tangent.
Otherwise, the top surface of the draft will be split by an edge.

• When you draft a section that has rounds, consider the height of the offset in
relation to the draft angle. If the angle is too small, the drafted surfaces may
overlap at corners and cause the feature to fail.

Example: Normal Offset and Translate Offset

When you offset a surface either with a draft or by expansion, you can specify the
offset method as Normal to Surface or Translate. These options are available in
the Options slide-up panel. Choosing Normal to Surface creates an offset surface
that is normal to the reference surface. Choosing Translate creates an offset surface
in that specific direction while retaining the size and shape of the reference surface
The next figure shows an offset surface with Normal to Surface selected:


1 Reference surface

2 Resulting surface

The next figure shows an offset surface with Translate selected:

1 Reference surface

2 Resulting surface

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To Create an Offset Using Replace

1. Select a solid surface, and click Edit > Offset. The Offset dashboard appears.

2. Select as the type of offset.

3. Select a quilt or datum plane in the model.

4. If you want to keep the selected quilt in the model, click the Keep replace quilt
check box on the Options panel.

Note: If you select a datum plane as the replace quilt, the Keep replace quilt
check box is unavailable.

5. Click . The offset is created by replacing the solid surface with the quilt.

Using Replace Offsets

Use the Replace option to replace a specified surface on a solid with a datum
plane or quilt. A surface replacement differs from an extrusion or a cut because it
can add material in some places and remove it in others.
Quilts used to replace surfaces are consumed by the replacement feature unless you
click the Keep replace quilt check box on the Options panel. The Keep replace
quilt check box is not available when you select a datum plane for the replacement
A quilt that has replaced a feature's surface cannot in turn be replaced by another
quilt. The replacement surface must be deleted first.

Example: Creating an Offset Using Replace

The next figure shows a solid part and a quilt:


The next figure shows the quilt selected for the replace offset:

The next figure shows the replaced surface with the quilt consumed by the offset:

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The next figure shows the Replace Offset feature with the Keep replace quilt check
box selected:


Offset Curve

About the Offset Curve User Interface

The Offset Curve user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

Offset Curve features are represented on the Model Tree by .

Additionally, identifies the Offset tool in the Edit toolbar.

Select a curve and click Edit > Offset to start the Offset tool.

Dialog Bar
The Offset Curve dialog bar consists of the following elements:

—Specifies whether the curve is offset along the reference surface or normal
to the reference surface.
Note: The option for the fan type curve is available only if you have set the
enable_offset_fan_curve configuration option to yes. By default,
enable_offset_fan_curve is set to no.

collector—Indicates that a valid reference was selected.

box—Contains the graph scale values. You can select a most recently used value
from the list or type a new value and press ENTER.

—Flips the direction of the offset (Along Surface) or flips the start point of the
graph (Normal to Surface).
Note: The following options of the fan type curve are available only if you have set
the enable_offset_fan_curve configuration option to yes.

—Activates the second reference curve collector (Fan curve)

—Activates the measure plane collector (Fan curve)

—Activates the value box for the number of curves (Fan curve)

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Slide-up Panels
The Offset Curve dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• In the References panel, you can specify the curve or curve chain to offset as
well as the reference plane for the offset. You can also click Details (Along
Surface, and Fan Curve) to open the Chain dialog box so you can modify the
chain properties.

• In the Measurements panel, you can specify the offset distance in a direction
normal to the curve or parallel to a selected plane. You can also add, edit, or
delete reference points on the curve (Along Surface).

• In the Options panel, you can specify a graph and offset value (Normal to

• In the Properties panel, you can view information about the Offset feature in
the Pro/ENGINEER browser and enter a user-defined name for the feature.

Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, you can use the Offset shortcut menu to access the
following options.
• Offset Curve—Activates the curve collector to select the curve to offset.

• Reference Quilt—Activates the surface collector to select a reference quilt,

plane, or surface.

• Measurement Point—Edits the distances and locations of reference points.

• Graph—Activates the graph collector for normal to surface offset curves.

• Second Offset Curve—Activates the curve collector to select a second curve

(Fan curve).

• Measurement Plane—Activates the surface collector to select a reference plane

(Fan curve).

• Clear—Clears the contents of the active collector.

• Flip—Flips the direction of the offset when there is more than one valid direction

To Offset a Curve Normal to Surface

1. Select a curve and click Edit > Offset. The curve is highlighted, and the Offset
dashboard appears. The selected curve appears in the Offset curve collector on
the References panel.

2. Select to offset the curve in a direction normal to the reference surface.


3. Select a quilt or surface to act as a reference for the offset curve. By default, the
quilt or surface on which the offset curve is located is selected as the reference.

4. Enter an offset value in the box.

5. Click to flip the direction of the offset.

6. Click to complete the offset curve.

To Offset a Curve Along a Surface

1. Select a curve and click Edit > Offset. The surface is highlighted, and the Offset
dashboard appears. The selected curve appears in the Offset curve collector on
the References panel.

2. Select to offset the curve in the direction along the reference surface.

3. Select a quilt or surface to act as a reference for the offset curve. By default, the
quilt or surface on which the offset curve is located is selected as the reference.

4. Enter an offset value in the box.

5. Click to flip the direction of the offset, if necessary.

6. In the Measurements panel, specify the measurement type as either

(normal to curve) or (parallel to plane). If you select , you must

select a reference plane.

7. Click to complete the offset curve.

Tip: If you are using a chain set as a reference and you want to modify it, click
Details on the References slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

Using Graphs to Offset a Curve

When you offset a curve normal to the reference surface, you can select a graph as a
reference for the offset. On the Options panel, activate the Graph collector and
either select a graph or pause the Offset Curve tool and create a graph. The default
graph, the unit graph, is a constant line with a value of 1.

After you select or create a graph, enter a value in the Scale box. Click to
reverse the direction of the graph, if necessary. The following figure shows a curve
offset using the unit graph as a reference:

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1 Reference curve

2 Offset curve

You can also create a graph to use as a reference for the offset curve. The graph,
which you create by pausing the Offset tool and entering Sketcher, does not appear
in the graphics window but is represented in the Model Tree as a group ( ) with the
offset curve.
The following figure shows a user-defined graph:


The following figure shows a curve offset using a custom graph as a reference:

1 Reference curve

2 Offset curve

Example: Offsetting a Curve

You can offset a curve in two directions, normal to a surface and along a surface.
The following figure shows a curve offset normal to a surface:

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1 Offset curve

2 Original curve

The following figure shows a curve offset along a surface:

1 Original curve

2 Offset curve


Measurement Types for Offset Curves

You can measure the distance that a curve is offset either normal to the curve or
parallel to a selected plane.
The next figure shows a curve offset normal to the curve (the default setting):

1 Reference curve

2 Offset curve

The next figure shows a curve offset parallel to a selected plane:

1 Reference curve

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2 Offset curve

To Create a Fan Curve Offset

Note: To create a fan curve offset, you must first set the configuration option
enable_offset_fan_curve to yes. It is set to no by default.

1. Select a curve and click Edit > Offset. The curve is highlighted, and the Offset
dashboard appears. The selected curve appears in the Offset curve collector on
the References panel.

2. Click to create a fan curve offset.

3. Select a quilt or surface to act as a reference for the offset curve.

4. Select a second curve as a reference.

Note: To create another curve, pause the Offset Curve tool by pressing .

Create another curve and press to resume the Offset Curve tool.

5. Select a measurement plane.

6. Type the number of curves you want to create in the box.

7. Click to complete the offset curve.

Tip: If you are using a chain set as a reference and you want to modify it, click
Details on the References slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

Offset Boundary Curves

About the Offset Boundary Curve User Interface

The Offset Boundary Curve user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

Offset features are represented on the Model Tree by .

Additionally, identifies the Offset tool in the Edit toolbar.

You can also click Edit > Offset to start the Offset tool.


Dialog Bar
The Offset Boundary Curve dialog bar consists of the following elements:

—Specifies the offset value and provides a list of recently used values.

—Flips the direction of the offset.

Note: Neither element is available for a variable boundary curve offset.

Slide-up Panels
The Offset dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• In the References panel, you can specify the boundary edge chain to offset.

• In the Measurements panel, you can specify measurement points and

references for the points of variable offsets. The choices for Distance type follow:

o Normal to Edge—Measures the offset distance in the direction normal to

the boundary edge.

o Along Edge—Measures the offset distance in the direction along the

measurement edge.

o To Vertex—Creates an offset to the vertex, parallel to the boundary edge.

A shortcut menu in the Measurements table allows you to add or delete

measurement points from the table.

• In the Properties panel, you can view information about the Offset feature in
the Pro/ENGINEER browser and enter a user-defined name for the feature.

Shortcut Menu
In the graphics window, you can use the Offset shortcut menu to access the
following options:
• Boundary Edge—Activates the boundary edge chain collector.

• Measurement Edge—Activates the measurement edge collector.

• Measurement Point—Activates the Measurement Point collector.

• Clear—Clears the contents of the active collector.

Shortcut Menu on the Handle of a Measurement Point

• Flip—Flips the direction of the offset.

• Normal to Edge—Changes the distance type to Normal to Boundary Edge.

• Along Edge—Changes the distance type to Along Measurement Edge.

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• To Vertex—Specifies the distance between points or vertices on a boundary

curve offset.

• Next Edge—Selects the next available boundary edge or measurement edge.

Shortcut Menu on the Dragger of a Measurement Point

• Add—Adds a new measurement point with reference to the current measurement

• Delete—Deletes the current measurement point.

To Offset a Boundary Curve

1. Select a one-sided edge, such as the edge of a quilt, and click Edit > Offset. The
edge is highlighted, and the Offset dashboard appears. The selected curve
appears in the Boundary edge collector on the References panel.

2. Drag the handle to change the offset distance You can also enter a value in the
value box or double-click the dimension and enter a new value.

3. Click to flip the direction of the offset.

4. Click to complete the boundary offset curve.

To Create a Variable Offset Surface Boundary Curve

1. Select a one-sided edge, such as the edge of a quilt, and click Edit > Offset. The
Offset dashboard appears. The selected curve appears in the Boundary Edge
collector on the References panel.

2. Click the Measurements tab. The Measurements panel opens.

3. Right-click inside the table, and click Add from the shortcut menu to add a point
or vertex to the selected edge chain. A point appears on the selected edge chain.

4. Drag the point to the desired position. You can also enter a value for the point in
the Location cell, if the handle is not located on a vertex.

5. Drag the handles for a point to change the offset distance. You can also enter the
offset distance for a point in the Distance cell.

6. Click to complete the offset surface boundary curve.

Using the Measurements Table

The table is available on the Measurements panel when you select an edge chain
for offsetting. Use this table to create, modify, and view information about a
boundary offset. The table contains six columns:
• Point—Lists the points used in the boundary offset. Right-click and click Add or
Delete to add or delete a point.


• Distance—Specifies the offset distance. You can either drag the handle in the
graphics window or click the Distance cell to enter a new value. If you select To
Vertex as the Distance Type, this cell is unavailable.

• Distance Type—Specifies the type of offset:

o Normal to Edge—Measures the offset distance in the direction normal to

the boundary edge.

o Along Edge—Measures the offset distance in the direction of along the

measurement edge.

o To Vertex—Creates an offset to the vertex, parallel to the boundary edge.

Click the Distance Type cell to change the value.

• Edge—Displays the boundary edge for this point.

• Reference—Activates the reference collector for this point.

• Location—Specifies the length ratio of the point or snapped object. This cell can
contain three types of value:

o When a point is not snapped to a reference, the numerical value of the

length ratio is displayed in the cell.

o If the point is at a vertex, no value is shown in this cell.

o If the point is at the beginning of the boundary edge chain, "End 1" is
shown in this cell. If the point is at the end of the boundary edge chain,
"End 2" is shown in this cell.

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About the Thicken Feature

Thicken features use predetermined surface features or quilt geometry to either add
or remove thin material sections in your designs. The surface features or quilt
geometry provide you with greater flexibility within your design and enable you to
transform that geometry to better meet your design needs.
Typically, Thicken features are used to create complex thin geometry that would be
more difficult, if not impossible, to create using regular solid features.
Designing Thicken features requires you to:
• Select an open or closed quilt as a reference.

• Determine how you want to use the reference geometry: to add or remove thin
sections of material.

• Define the thickness direction for the thicken feature geometry

You can enter the Thicken tool either by clicking on the Feature toolbar or by
clicking Edit > Thicken on the main menu.
In order to enter the Thicken tool, you must have a surface feature or quilt selected.
Only valid geometry can be selected before entering the Thicken tool. As you enter
the tool, your surface feature selection is examined and, if it satisfies one of the
Thicken feature conditions, it is placed in the Quilt collector. While the tool is active
you can select a new surface or quilt reference. The Quilt collector only accepts one
valid surface or quilt reference at a time.
After you specify a valid surface or quilt for the Solidify feature, the resulting
geometry is previewed in the graphics window. You can modify attributes of the
Thicken feature by using shortcut menus in the graphics window, the dashboard, or a
combination of the two. You can also directly control the material direction using the
direction arrow. The preview geometry automatically updates, reflecting any
You can toggle between and create the following Thicken feature types:


Add a thin section of solid

material using the surface
feature or quilt geometry as
the boundary.



Remove a thin section of

solid material using the
surface feature or quilt
geometry as the boundary.

As you are defining your Thicken feature you can alter the resulting geometry by
excluding surfaces from the intended protrusion or cut operation. You can also add
controls to drive the thickness direction with respect to coordinate systems, axes,
and surfaces.
Thicken features are subject to normal feature operations, including patterning,
modifying, rerouting, and redefining.

• You can place on the Feature toolbar by customizing your screen (Tools >
Customize Screen).

• If model changes cause the selected surface feature or quilt geometry to become
invalid, the Thicken feature fails during regeneration of model.

• While in Assembly mode you can only create Thicken features that remove

About the Thicken Feature User Interface

The Thicken feature user interface consists of:
Feature Icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
You can enter the Thicken tool by either:

• Clicking on the feature toolbar.

• Clicking Edit > Thicken on the top-level menu.

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of commands positioned from left to right guiding you
through the design process. Depending on your design situation, options that are not
valid are made unavailable. The dialog bar consists of:

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• —Creates solid volume using the selected surface or quilt

• —Removes material using the selected surface or quilt

• —Changes the material direction of the thicken feature. Clicking the button
cycles the material side from one side to the other, and then both sides.

• Dimension box—Controls the material thickness of the thickness feature. The

dimension box contains the most recently used dimension values.

Slide-Up Panels
Slide-up panels contain information about your Thicken feature references and
properties, and also enable you to apply controls to the feature behavior. Thicken
features use the following slide-up panels:
• References—Contains information about and enables you to modify the
references for your Thicken feature. The slide-up panel consists of:

o Quilt collector—Indicates the name of the surface or quilt reference used

to define the Thicken feature. The quilt box (primary collector) can only
contain one Thicken feature reference at a time. While the tool is active you
have the ability to select a new valid surface or quilt reference.

o Control—Contains controls for creating and scaling your Thicken features with
respect to coordinate systems, axes, and surfaces. The slide-up panel consists of:

o Normal to Surface—(Default) Offsets the Thickened surface normal to the

original surface. You can select individual or multiple surfaces to exclude
from the Thicken operation. The surfaces to exclude appear in the Exclude

Note: The Exclude list is not available for design situations involving quilts
made of unique surfaces and quilts where all but one of the quilt surfaces
have been excluded (You cannot exclude the last remaining quilt surface).

o Auto Fit—Scales and translates the thickened surface with respect to an

automatically determined coordinate system.

o Control Fit—Creates a "best fit" scenario by scaling the original surface

about a selected coordinate system and then translating it along a specified
axis. The Control Fit option consists of:

Cys reference—Indicates the name of the coordinate system reference for

the Thicken feature. The coordinate system box (collector) can only contain
one coordinate system reference at a time. While the tool is active you have
the ability to select a new valid coordinate system reference.

Axis—Indicates the axes used to control the scaling and behavior of

material for the Thicken feature. By default the x, y, and z-axes are
selected as the translation axes. If you do not want to allow translation
along a certain axis clear the appropriate check box.


• Properties—Contains the property name for and enables you to obtain

information about your Thicken feature. The slide-up panel consists of:

o Name box—Enables you to customize the solidify feature name by typing a

new name in the box.

o —Opens a browser window containing solidify feature information.

Note: The Intersection slide-up panel is available while in Assembly mode. See
<topic title>for more information.

Shortcut Menus
The following shortcut menu appears when you right-click anywhere in the graphics
window while defining, redefining, or modifying a Thicken feature:

Context Menu Commands

Define the • Quilt Reference—Enables the collector for the surface

Thicken feature or quilt reference.
• Exclude Surfaces—Enables the collector for the
surfaces to exclude from the Thicken feature.

• Flip Direction—Changes the material direction of the

Thicken feature.

• Remove Material—Removes material using the surface

or quilt geometry as the boundary.

• Add Material—Adds material using the surface or quilt

geometry as the boundary.

The following shortcut menu appears when you right-click on the direction arrow
while defining, redefining, or modifying a Thicken feature:

Context Menu Commands

Set the Material • Flip—Changes the material direction of the Thicken

Side feature.

• Both Sides—Creates the Thicken feature symmetrically

about the quilt reference.

To Create a Thicken Feature

Before continuing with the following steps, make sure an appropriate surface or quilt
is available in your design.
1. Select the quilt or surface geometry you want to thicken.

2. On the Edit menu, click Thicken. The Dashboard opens and default preview
geometry appears in the graphics window.

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3. Define what type of geometry to create. The default option is to add a thin
section of solid material. If you want to remove a thin section of material, click
on the Dashboard.

4. Define the quilt or surface geometry side to thicken: one side or symmetric about
both sides. To change the material side, right-click on the preview geometry and
click Flip Direction. You cycle from one side, to symmetrical, to the other side.

5. Set the thicken feature thickness by dragging the thickness handle. You can also
enter the thickness in the dimension box on the Dashboard or directly in the
graphics window.

6. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the thicken feature.

Note: If you create Thicken features often, consider adding to the engineering
feature toolbar (Tools > Customize Screen).

To Create a Scaled Thicken Feature

Scaling your thicken feature enables you to further control the direction and behavior
of the resulting geometry. You can scale the geometry with respect to coordinate
systems, axes, and surfaces.
1. Select the quilt or surface geometry you want to thicken.

2. On the Edit menu, click Thicken. The Dashboard opens and default preview
geometry appears in the graphics window.

3. Define what type of geometry to create. The default option is to add a thin
section of solid material. If you want to remove a thin section of material, right-
click on the preview geometry and click Remove Material.

4. Define the quilt or surface geometry side to thicken: one side or symmetric about
both sides. To change the material side, click on the Dashboard. You cycle
from one side, to symmetrical, to the other side.

5. Set the thickness of the thicken feature by dragging the thickness handle. You
can also enter the thickness in the dimension box on the dashboard or directly in
the graphics window.

6. Open the Control slide-up panel to scale the direction of the thicken feature.
Depending on the type of scale you need, do one of the following:

• Normal to Surface—(Default) Offsets the Thickened surface normal to the

original surface. You can select individual or multiple surfaces to exclude from
the Thicken operation. The surfaces to exclude appear in the Exclude list.

Note: The Exclude list is not available for design situations involving quilts
made of unique surfaces and quilts where all but one of the quilt surfaces
have been excluded (You cannot exclude the last remaining quilt surface).


• Auto Fit—Scales and translates the thickened surface with respect to an

automatically determined coordinate system.

• Control Fit—Creates a "best fit" scenario by scaling the original surface about
a selected coordinate system and then translating it along a specified axis.
The Control Fit option consists of:

o Cys reference—Indicates the name of the coordinate system reference

for the Thicken feature. The coordinate system box (collector) can only
contain one coordinate system reference at a time. While the tool is active
you have the ability to select a new valid coordinate system reference.

o Axis—Indicates the axes used to control the scaling and behavior of

material for the Thicken feature. By default the x, y, and z-axes are
selected as the translation axes. If you do not want to allow translation
along a certain axis clear the appropriate check box.

7. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the thicken feature.


About the Solidify Feature

Solidify features use predetermined surface features or quilt geometry and convert
them into solid geometry. You can use Solidify features to add, remove, or replace
solid material in your designs. The quilt geometry provides you with greater
flexibility within your design, and the Solidify feature enables you to transform that
geometry to meet your design needs.
Typically, Solidify features are used to create complex geometry that would be more
difficult, if not impossible, to create using regular solid features.
Designing Solidify features requires you to:
• Select a surface feature or quilt as a reference

• Determine how you want to use the reference geometry: add solid material,
remove solid material, or patch a surface

• Define the material direction for the geometry

You can enter the solidify tool either by clicking on the Feature toolbar or by
clicking Edit > Solidify on the main menu.
To enter the Solidify tool, you must have a surface feature or quilt selected. Only
valid geometry can be selected before entering the Solidify tool. As you enter the
tool your surface feature or quilt selection is automatically placed in the collector.
While the tool is active you can select a new reference. The reference collector only
accepts one valid surface feature or quilt reference at a time.
After you specify a valid surface feature or quilt for the Solidify feature, if the
resulting geometry is possible, preview geometry is displayed in the graphics
window. You can modify attributes for the Solidify feature by using shortcut menus

Part – Help Topic Collection

directly in the graphics window, the dashboard, or a combination of the two. You can
also directly control the material direction using the direction arrow. The preview
geometry automatically updates, reflecting any modifications.
The following Solidify feature types are available:


Add solid material

using the surface
feature or quilt
geometry as the


Remove solid
material using the
surface feature or
quilt geometry as
the boundary.


Replace a
specified portion
of a surface using
surface feature or
quilt geometry.
(Only available if
the selected
surface or quilt
boundaries lie on
solid geometry.)

Solidify features are subject to normal feature operations, including patterning,

modifying, rerouting, and redefining.

• If you create Solidify features often, consider adding to the Engineering

Feature toolbar (Tools > Customize Screen).

• If model changes cause the selected surface feature or quilt to become invalid,
the Solidify feature fails during regeneration of model.

• While in Assembly mode you can only create solidify features that remove


About the Solidify Feature User Interface

The solidify feature user interface consists of:
Feature Icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
You can enter the solidify tool by either:

• Clicking on the feature toolbar.

• Clicking Edit > Solidify on the top-level menu.

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of commands positioned from left to right guiding you
through the design process. Depending on your design situation, invalid options are
not available. The dialog bar consists of:

• —Creates solid volume using the selected surface or quilt

• —Removes material using the selected surface or quilt

• —Patches the selected surface or quilt to a solid

• —Changes the material direction of the solidify feature

Slide-Up Panels
Slide-up panels contain information about your solidify feature references and
properties. Solidify features use the following slide-up panels:
• References—Contains information about and enables you to modify the
references for your solidify feature. The slide-up panel consists of:

o Quilt box—Indicates the name of the quilt reference used to define the
solidify feature. The quilt box (primary collector) can only contain one
solidify feature reference at a time. While the tool is active you have the
ability to select a new valid quilt reference.

o Properties—Contains the property name for and enables you to obtain

information about your solidify feature. The slide-up panel consists of:

o Name box—Enables you to customize the solidify feature name by typing a

new name in the box.

o —Opens a browser window containing solidify feature information.

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Note: The Intersect slide-up panel is available only in Assembly. Refer to the About
Intersect from the Subtractive Feature Dashboard topic in the Intersected
Components book under Assembly Operations (Assembly documentation) for more

Shortcut Menus
The following shortcut menu appears when you right-click anywhere in the graphics
window while defining, redefining, or modifying a solidify feature:

Context Menu Commands

Define Solidify • Add Material—Adds material using the surface

Attributes feature or quilt geometry as the boundary

• Remove Material—Removes material using the

surface feature or quilt geometry as the boundary

• Patch—Replaces a specified portion of a surface with

a quilt

• Clear—Clears the selected reference from the active


Note: At any given time only one of the Add Material,

Remove Material, and Patch commands can be

The following shortcut menu appears when you right-click on the direction arrow in
the graphics window while defining, redefining, or modifying a solidify feature:

Context Menu Commands

Set the Material • Flip—Change the material direction of the solidify

Side feature.

To Create a Solidify (Protrusion) Feature

Before continuing with the following steps, make sure an appropriate surface or quilt
is available in your design.
1. Select the quilt or surface geometry you want to create a solid protrusion with.

2. On the Edit menu, click Solidify. The Dashboard opens and default preview
geometry highlights in the graphics window.

3. The solidify (protrusion) option is the default. Make sure is selected on the

4. Determine the quilt or surface material side to create the geometry. To change
the material side, click the direction arrow on the preview geometry. The material


side dynamically highlights. You can also change the direction by clicking on
the Dashboard.

5. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the solidify
(protrusion) feature.

Note: If you create Solidify features often, consider adding to the engineering
feature toolbar (Tools > Customize Screen).

To Create a Solidify (Cut) Feature

Before continuing with the following steps, make sure an appropriate surface or quilt
is available in your design.
1. Select the quilt or surface geometry you want to create a cut with.

2. On the Edit menu, click Solidify. The Dashboard opens and default preview
geometry highlights in the graphics window.

3. The solidify (protrusion) option is the default. Right-click on the preview

geometry and click Remove Material from the shortcut menu. You can also click
on the Dashboard.

4. Determine the quilt or surface material side to create the geometry. To change
the material side, click the direction arrow on the preview geometry. The material
side dynamically highlights.

5. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the solidify (cut)

Note: If you create Solidify features often, consider adding to the engineering
feature toolbar (Tools > Customize Screen).

To Create a Solidify (Patch) Feature

In order for the patch option to become available, your design must have a quilt or
surface that meets the solidify (patch) feature conditions.
1. Select the quilt or surface geometry you want to create a patch with.

2. On the Edit menu, click Solidify. The Dashboard opens and default preview
geometry highlights in the graphics window.

3. If the quilt or surface meets the patch feature conditions, the solidify (patch)
option is the default. Make sure is selected on the Dashboard.

4. Determine the quilt or surface material side to create the geometry. To change
the material side, click the direction arrow on the preview geometry. The material
side dynamically highlights.

Part – Help Topic Collection

5. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the solidify (patch)

Solidify (Patch) Feature Conditions

Because the solidify (patch) feature will often simultaneously add and remove
material, additional conditions are required to create the feature. To define a solidify
patch feature your quilt selection must satisfy one of the following conditions,
otherwise the patch option is not available.

Condition Example

• Open Quilt

• All boundaries lie on solid surfaces

• Solid geometry does not intersect


• Quilt is totally outside solid


• Open Quilt

• All boundaries lie on solid surfaces

• Quilt is totally inside solid geometry

• All boundaries lie on solid surfaces

• Solid geometry intersects quilt



About the Remove Feature

The Remove feature enables you to remove geometry without the need to alter
feature history, reroute, or redefine a number of other features. When you remove
geometry, the neighboring surfaces are extended or trimmed to converge and close
the empty area.
Pro/ENGINEER provides different solutions to create the Remove feature. Within the
Remove tool you can switch through the available solutions using Previous and
Next on the Options slide-up panel and select the solution that best fits your
Note: When you click Next Pro/ENGINEER may cease to respond while trying to find
the best possible solution. This is because Pro/ENGINEER checks for all possible
combinations for the solution. At this point, to interrupt the check and continue

working in Pro/ENGINEER, click adjacent to in the status bar.

Pro/ENGINEER may also cease to respond if a solution does not exist.
You can also select a different solution when you redefine the Remove feature. If
Pro/ENGINEER is unable to find more than one solution to create the Remove
feature, the Previous and Next options are not available.
For multi-contour surfaces you can select contours to be excluded from the Remove
feature. Pro/ENGINEER provides a default name for each Remove feature as you
create it. The default name includes Remove and a sequentially incremented number,
for example, Remove 1. You can perform feature operations such as suppress,
resume, group, and so on, on the Remove feature.

General Rules for Creating a Remove Feature

• All surfaces that are to be extended or trimmed must be adjacent to the
boundary defined by the references.

• Surfaces that are to be extended must be extendable.

• Extended surfaces must converge to form a defined volume.

• New patches are not created when surfaces are extended.

Accessing the Remove Surface tool

To access the Remove Surface tool, select a surface, surface set, or single closed-
loop chain and click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface tool is object-action
oriented, that is, the tool is available only if the selection buffer contains one of:
• A single closed-loop chain

• A surface or surface sets

Part – Help Topic Collection

The display of collectors on the dashboard depends on your selection. If you select
surfaces, the dashboard displays the Surfaces to remove collector. If you select a
closed-loop chain, the dashboard displays the Edges to remove collector.

Undo and Redo

Undo and redo operations are available for all operations that you perform within the
Remove Surface tool, while the Remove Surface dashboard is active. However, if you
quit the Remove Surface tool, you can only undo the remove operation as a whole
and not operations performed within the Remove Surface tool. For example, if you
select a surface to be added to the Surfaces to remove collector, you can undo this
operation within the Remove Surface tool. After you quit the Remove Surface tool,
you cannot use the undo operation to remove the surface from the Surfaces to
remove collector.

About the Remove Feature User Interface

The user interface for the Remove feature consists of:
Feature icon
Slide-up panels

Feature Icon

The Remove feature is identified by a on the Model Tree. Select a surface,

surface sets, or intent chains and click Edit > Remove.

If you select surfaces, the dashboard displays the Surfaces to remove collector. If
you select a closed-loop chain, the dashboard displays the Edges to remove

Slide-up Panels
The Remove Surface dashboard consists of the following slide-up panels:
• References

o Surfaces to remove collector—Lets you add surfaces to be used for the

remove operation.

o Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box that lets you add or remove

Note: Surfaces to remove collector and Details are available only if you
select surfaces or surface sets as references for the Remove feature.


o Edges to remove collector—Lets you add single closed-loop edges to be

used for the remove operation. This collector is available only if you select
single closed-loop edges as a reference for the Remove feature.

• Options

o Attachment—You can use one of the following attachment types to create

a Remove feature:

Solid—Creates the attachment type as solid.

Surface—Creates the attachment type as surface.

Note: Solid and Surface are available only if you select surfaces or
surface sets as references for the Remove feature.

Same quilt—Pro/ENGINEER extends the existing quilt and completes the

Remove feature.

New quilt—Pro/ENGINEER attaches a new quilt to the existing quilt and

completes the Remove feature.

Note: Same quilt and New quilt are available only if you select a single
closed-loop chain.

o Exclude Contours—Lets you select contours to be excluded from the

current Remove feature.

Exclude Contours collector—Lets you select the contours to be excluded

from the Remove feature for multi-contour surfaces. This collector is not
available if you select chains or if you do not select multi-contour surfaces
as the reference for the Remove feature.

o Find next possible solution—When you click Next or Previous,

Pro/ENGINEER determines the best possible solutions to create the Remove
feature. If you click Next and if Pro/ENGINEER is unable to find any other
possible solution, then both Previous and Next become unavailable.

Previous—Pro/ENGINEER displays a preview of the previous geometry

configuration to create the Remove feature. Previous is not available when
Pro/ENGINEER displays the first solution for the Remove feature.

Next—Pro/ENGINEER determines the next possible solution to create the

Remove feature and displays a preview. This option is available only if
Pro/ENGINEER finds more than one possible solution. If Pro/ENGINEER
determines multiple solutions, Next is available till the last solution is

• Properties

o Name—Displays the name of the current Remove feature. If required,

specify a new name.

o —Provides detailed information on the Remove feature in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Create a Remove Feature

1. Select a surface, surfaces set, intent surfaces, or single closed-loop chain in the
graphics window and click Edit > Remove. The Remove dashboard appears.

Note: The collectors in the dashboard appear based on the reference selected. If
you select surfaces, surface sets, or intent surfaces as the reference before you
enter the remove tool, the dashboard contains the Surfaces to remove
collector. If you select edge chain as the reference before you enter the remove
tool, the dashboard contains the Chain collector.

2. To add more surfaces, intent surfaces, or surface sets, click References on the
Remove dashboard. The Surfaces to remove collector is activated.

3. Select the surfaces in the graphics window or click Details adjacent to the
Surfaces to remove collector to add more surfaces.

4. To remove surfaces select the surface or surfaces in the Surfaces to remove

collector, right-click, and click Remove on the shortcut menu.

5. To create the attachment type as a surface, click the Options slide-up panel and
select Surface under Attachment.


o By default, Pro/ENGINEER creates the attachment type as Solid.

o Solid and Surface are available only if you select surfaces or surface sets
as references for the Remove feature.

6. To create the attachment type as a new quilt for single closed-loop chains, click
the Options slide-up panel and select New quilt under Attachment.

Note: By default, Pro/ENGINEER creates the attachment type for edges as Same

7. To exclude contours, click the Options slide-up panel and click the Exclude
Contours collector to activate it. This option is available only if you select
surfaces as references and the model contains multi-contour surfaces.

8. Select the contours in the graphics window to be excluded from the Remove

9. To view other possible solutions to create the remove feature, click the Options
slide-up panel and click Next under Find next possible solution.


If you click Next and if Pro/ENGINEER is unable to find any other possible
solution, then both Previous and Next become unavailable.

o If you click Next and if Pro/ENGINEER ceases to respond because a

solution may not exist, you can click adjacent to in the status bar
to continue working in Pro/ENGINEER.


10. Click on the Remove Surface dashboard to complete the Remove feature.

Remove Surface Tutorial

About the Remove Surface Tutorial

The Remove Surface tool creates geometry that is defined by extending a set of
adjacent surfaces. In this tutorial you work with five models to practice different
scenarios. You can download a model within the exercise.
In these exercises, you will work with the Remove Surface tool to accomplish the
following tasks:
• Remove surfaces from solids or quilts.

• Close gaps in quilts.

• Select multiple independent surfaces or gaps for removal.

• Query for additional solutions and then decide on which solution best suits your

• Perform multiple Edit > Remove operations to get the desired result. This is
sometimes required when Pro/ENGINEER creates solutions by inverting the
normal of a surface.

To save the original models for reference, click File > Erase in Pro/ENGINEER after
doing each exercise.

Removing a Surface from a Solid or Quilt

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open quilts.prt.

3. Click to select the surface on the Extrude 1 feature. When you use the Remove
Surface tool, you must first select what you want to remove and then click Edit >

Remove or .

Part – Help Topic Collection

4. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens. A preview of the
part with the surface removed appears.

5. Click the Options tab. Because you selected a surface to remove, you can click
Solid or Surface to specify the type of attachment. The default is solid.

6. Click to create the attachment as a solid. The Remove 1 feature appears in

the Model Tree and in the graphics window.

Closing Gaps in a Quilt

1. If you have not already done so download

2. Open quilts.prt. Notice the features listed in the Model Tree. Depending on
your previous work in this tutorial, the Extrude 1 in your model may look
different. In this exercise, you will work with the Moved Copy 1 feature.


3. Select the edges of the gaps in the quilt.

4. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens with a preview of
the attachment. In the Options panel you can select to make this attachment a
new quilt or to keep it as the same quilt. Select Same quilt (the default).

5. Click to create the Remove feature. Remove 2 appears in the Model Tree.

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6. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Selecting and Removing Multiple Surfaces or Gaps for Removal

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open select_exclude.prt.

3. In the Model Tree, select Round 2. Notice that Round 2 is divided by Extrude 1.


4. In the model, press CTRL+click to select the area that includes Round 2. Notice
that there are four contours in Round 2. In this exercise, you will exclude the
fourth contour from the Remove feature.

5. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens with the following
preview. The four contours are automatically selected for removal.

6. Click Options and then click the Exclude Contours collector to activate it.

7. In the model, select the fourth contour to exclude it from the Edit > Remove

Part – Help Topic Collection

8. Click to create the Remove feature. Remove 1 appears in the Model Tree.

9. Click Remove 1 in the Model Tree. The feature is highlighted in the graphics
window. Notice that the fourth contour is excluded from this feature.

Model with Remove 1 Feature Selected Close-up of Excluded Contour

10. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Querying for Additional Solutions

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open next_sol.prt and select the surface as shown:


3. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens and a preview of
the part with the surface removed appears.

4. For this exercise, assume that this is not the solution you want. To preview more
solutions, click Options and then click Next to see additional solutions. Another
solution is shown below:

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Note: Progressing to a preview of the next solution may take some time in
your production models. When you click Next, appears in the lower right
of the graphics window. If the preview of the next solution is taking longer
than expected and you want to stop the process, click . The feature is
maintained and all previous solutions are still available.

5. Click Previous to go back to the first solution.

6. Click to update the model. A Remove feature appears in the Model Tree.

7. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Using Remove Twice to Remove an Overhang

1. Download and extract to a directory for which you have
access. This zip file contains the model reverse_normal_two.prt.

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open reverse_normal_two.prt and select the surface as



3. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface Feature dashboard opens with a
preview of the model. Notice that the Remove feature extends beyond the
adjacent surface.

4. In the Options panel, click Next. Next becomes unavailable so this is the only

5. Click to create the attachment. The Remove 1 feature appears in the Model
Tree. In the graphics window, notice the overhang. If it is not the desired result,
you can perform another Edit > Remove operation

Note: This result contains a portion of the surface with a reverse normal.

Model with Remove Feature Close-up of Overhang

6. Select the surface as shown below:

Part – Help Topic Collection

7. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface tool dashboard opens with the
following preview:

8. Click to create the attachment. The Remove 2 Feature appears in the Model
Tree and the desired result is achieved.

Remove 1 Feature Remove 2 Feature


9. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Using Remove Twice to Uncover an Extrude Feature

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open covered_extrude.prt. Notice the Extrude 2 feature in

this part.

covered_extrude.prt Extrude 2 Feature

3. Select the surface as shown below:

4. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens and a preview
appears. Notice that a large portion of the hole is closed by the attachment.

Part – Help Topic Collection

5. In the Options panel, click Next. Next becomes unavailable so this is the only

6. Click . The Remove 1 feature appears in the Model Tree. If it is not the
desired result, you can perform another Edit > Remove operation.

View from One Side of the Part View from the Opposite Side of
the Part

7. Select the surface as shown below, and click Edit> Remove. The Remove
Surface dashboard opens and a preview appears.


8. Click . The Remove 2 feature appears in the Model Tree. Notice the Extrude 2
feature is no longer partially covered.

Remove 1 Remove 2 Part after two Edit >

Remove Operations

9. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Using Remove Once to Attain the Required Result

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER, open remove_normal_one.prt and select the surface as shown


3. Click Edit > Remove. The Remove Surface dashboard opens and a preview
appears. Notice that the Remove feature extends beyond the adjacent surface.

Part – Help Topic Collection

4. In the Options panel, click Next. Next becomes unavailable so this is the only

5. Click to create the attachment. The Remove 1 feature appears in the Model
Tree. In the graphics window, notice the overhang. In this case, it is probably the
result that you want. Another Edit > Remove operation is not necessary.

Note: This result contains a portion of the surface with a reverse normal.

6. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.


Engineering Features


About the Hole Feature

The Hole tool enables you to add simple, custom, and industry-standard holes to
your models. You add holes by defining a placement reference, setting offset
references, and defining the specific characteristics of the hole. As you work,
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the hole. Notice that a hole always
begins at the placement reference and extends to the specified depth. You can
directly manipulate and define the hole in the graphics window and in the dashboard.
You can create the following hole types:
• Simple—Consists of a revolved cut with a rectangular section. You can create the
following Straight holes types:

o Predefined rectangle profile—Uses (straight) geometry predefined by

Pro/ENGINEER. By default, Pro/ENGINEER creates 1-sided Simple holes.
However, you can create 2-sided Simple Straight holes by using the Shape
slide-up panel. 2-sided Simple holes are typically used in assemblies and
enable you to simultaneously format both hole sides.

o Standard hole profile—Uses standard hole profile as drill hole profile. You
can specify the countersink, counterbore and tip angle for the holes that
you create.

o Sketched—Uses a sketch profile that you create in Sketcher.

• Standard—Consists of an extruded cut based on industry-standard fastener

tables. Pro/ENGINEER provides industry-standard hole charts and tapped or
clearance diameters for the selected fastener. You can also create your own hole
charts. The thread notes are automatically created for Standard holes. You can
separate the hole axis from the hole thread surface and place the thread in a
specified layer. You can create the following types of Standard holes:

o —Tapped hole

o —Tapered hole

o —Clearance hole

o —Drilled hole

Hole Features vs Cut Features

Hole features are different from cut features in the following ways:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Hole features use a predefined placement scheme that can be more desirable
than the dimensioning scheme of the cut.

• Simple Straight holes and Standard holes do not require a sketch unlike cut

About the Hole Feature User Interface

The Hole user interface consists of:
Feature Icon
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
The Hole tool is identified by a on the Model Tree and on the Engineering features

The Hole dashboard displays the following options:

Simple Holes

• —Displays the Simple hole options enabling you to create holes using the
Predefined rectangle profile, Standard hole profile, or a Sketched profile. Simple
hole option is selected by default when you enter the hole tool.

o —Uses predefined rectangle as the drill hole profile.

o —Uses standard hole profile as the drill hole profile.

o —Uses a sketch to define the drill hole profile.

The following options are available only if you select Simple holes with predefined
rectangle hole profile or the standard hole profile as the drill hole profile:

• Diameter box—Controls the diameter of the Simple hole. You can type a new
value or select a most recently used value from the list. The Diameter box
corresponds to the first direction (side 1) Diameter box on the Shape slide-up

• Depth options list—Displays the first direction (side 1) drill depth options for
the Simple hole enabling you to change the drill depth. You can also select these
drill depth options from the Shape slide-up panel Side 1 depth options list.
Pro/ENGINEER provides the following drill depth options.


Note: If you want to control the second direction (side 2) depth independently,
you can use the Side 2 depth option list on the Shape slide-up panel.

o —Drills the hole in the first direction from the placement reference to a
specified depth. The Side 1 Depth box displays on the dashboard and on
the Shape slide-up panel. You can also select this depth option by using
Variable from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER selects this depth option
by default.

o —Drills the hole on both sides of the placement reference by half the
specified depth value in each direction. The Depth box displays on the
dashboard and on the Shape slide-up panel. You can also select this depth
option by using Symmetric from the shortcut menu.

o —Drills the hole in the first direction up to the next surface. You can also
select this depth option by using To Next from the shortcut menu. This
option is not available in Assembly.

o —Drills the hole in first direction to intersect with all surfaces. You can
also select this depth option by using Through All from the shortcut menu.

o —Drills the hole in first direction to intersect with the selected surface.
The Side 1 Depth Reference collectors on the dashboard and on the Shape
slide-up panel activate. You can also select this depth option by using
Through Until from the shortcut menu. This option is not available in

o —Drills the hole in the first direction to the selected point, curve, plane,
or surface. The Side 1 Depth Reference collectors on the dashboard and on
the Shape slide-up panel activate. You can also select this depth option by
using To Selected from the shortcut menu.

• Depth box—Controls the Simple hole first direction drill depth. You can type a
new value or select a most recently used value from the list. You must select the
Variable or Symmetric depth option to display this box. This Depth box
corresponds to the first direction (side 1) Depth box on the Shape slide-up

• Depth reference collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as

the Simple hole drill depth reference. This collector is available if you snap the
depth handle to a reference or select the To Selected or Through Until depth
option. This collector corresponds to the Depth Reference collector on the Shape
slide-up panel.

The following additional options are available if you select standard hole profile as
the drill hole profile:

• —Lets you add countersink to the hole that you create.

• —Lets you add counterbore to the hole that you create.

Part – Help Topic Collection

The following options are available only for Sketched holes:

• —Enables you to use an existing sketched profile (sketched section) to create

a Sketched hole.

• —Opens Sketcher enabling you to create a hole profile (sketched section) for
the new Sketched hole.

Standard Holes

• —Displays the Standard hole options enabling you to create holes using
industry-standard thread data.

• —You can use this option to toggle between the tapped or tapered and the
clearance or drilled hole sub-types. Pro/ENGINEER selects Tap by default when
you switch from Simple hole to Standard hole.

The following options are available when you select Tap:

o —Lets you create a tapped hole.

The following additional options are available for tapped holes:

—Lets you specify the depth of the Drilled hole till the end of the

—Lets you specify the depth of the Drilled hole till the tip of the hole.

o —Lets you create a tapered hole.

The following options are available when you clear Tap:

o —Lets you create a clearance hole.

o —Lets you create a drilled hole.

• Thread type box—Contains hole charts that enable you to define the Standard
hole profile. These hole charts consist of industry-standard thread type and
diameter information. Pro/ENGINEER provides hole charts and you can create
custom charts to meet your specific design needs. Note that you must not edit
the provided hole charts. The following hole charts are provided:


o ISO_7/1






• Screw size box—Contains the screw sizes for the hole chart that you
selected in the Thread Type box. You can type a new screw size or select a most
recently used screw size from the list. If you type a new size that is not in the
list, Pro/ENGINEER selects the nearest thread size. The screw size controls the
thread depth in the Thread Depth box on the Shape slide-up panel.

• Depth options list—Displays the depth options for the Standard hole enabling
you to change the drill depth. Pro/ENGINEER provides the following drill depth

o —Drills the hole from the placement reference to a specified depth. The
Depth box displays in the dashboard. You can also select this depth option
by using Variable from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER select this depth
option by default when you create a Standard hole.

o —Drills the hole up to the next surface. You can also select this depth
option by using To Next from the shortcut menu. This option is not
available in Assembly.

o —Drills the hole to intersect with all surfaces. You can also select this
option by using Through All from the shortcut menu.

o —Drills the hole to intersect with the selected surface. The Depth
Reference collectors activate on the dashboard and on the Shape slide-up
panel. You can also select this depth option by using Through Until from
the shortcut menu. This option is not available in Assembly.

o —Drills the hole to the selected quilt. The Depth Reference collectors
activate on the dashboard and on the Shape slide-up panel. You can also
select this depth option by using To Selected from the shortcut menu.

• Depth box—Controls the Standard hole drill depth. You can type a new value or
select a most recently used value from the list. You must select the Variable
depth option to display this box.

• Depth reference collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as

the Standard hole drill depth reference. This collector is available if you snap the
depth handle to a reference or select the To Selected or Through Until depth
option. This collector corresponds to the depth reference collector on the Shape
slide-up panel.

• —Creates a countersink for the Standard hole. The countersink angle and
diameter boxes display on the Shape slide-up panel enabling you to define the
countersink. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

• —Creates a counterbore for the Standard hole. The counterbore diameter and
depth boxes display on the Shape slide-up panel enabling you to define the

Part – Help Topic Collection

Slide-Up Panels
The hole dashboard contains the following slide-up panels:

Placement Slide-up Panel

The Placement slide-up panel contains the Straight or Standard hole placement
information enabling you to verify and modify it. This slide-up panel contains the
following options:
• Placement collector—Contains the primary placement reference that you
selected to place the hole. You can click this collector to activate it or use
Placement Reference Collector from the shortcut menu.

• Flip—Reverses the placement direction of the hole. You can also use Flip from
the shortcut menu.

Note: Flip is available only for Simple and Standard holes that use the
Variable, To Next, or Through All depth option.

• Placement type box—Displays hole placement types enabling you to define the
way in which the hole is placed. You must select a primary placement reference
on the model to display the hole placement types. Pro/ENGINEER provides the
following placement types:

o Linear—Places the hole on a surface by using two linear dimensions. This

type is available if you select a planar, cylindrical, or conical solid surface;
or a datum plane as the primary placement reference. You can also use
Linear from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER selects this placement type
by default if you select a surface or datum plane as the primary placement
reference. You can also create a linear hole by referencing a datum axis or
the axis of an existing hole only if the axis is normal to the primary
placement reference of the newly created hole.

o Radial—Places the hole by using a linear and an angular dimension. This

type is available if you select a planar, cylindrical, or conical solid surface;
or a datum plane as the primary placement reference. You can also use
Radial from the shortcut menu.

o Diameter—Places the hole by rotating the hole around a diameter

reference. This placement type uses an axis in addition to linear and
angular dimensions. This type is available if you select a planar solid
surface or a datum plane as the primary placement reference. You can also
use Diameter from the shortcut menu.

o Coaxial—Places the hole at the intersection of an axis and a surface. This

placement type uses a linear and axial reference. This type is available if
you select a surface, datum plane, or axis as the primary placement
reference. You can also use Coaxial from the shortcut menu.
Note: If you select an axis as the primary placement reference, Coaxial
becomes the only placement type available and Pro/ENGINEER selects this
type by default. Offset placement reference handles and the Coaxial
shortcut menu command are not available when using this placement type.


o On Point—Aligns the hole to a datum point that is located on or offset from

a surface. The type does not require offset placement references. This
placement type is available only if you select a datum point as the primary
placement reference.
Note: If you select a datum point as the primary placement reference,
Pro/ENGINEER selects On Point by default and it is the only placement
type available. Pro/ENGINEER does not provide a shortcut menu command
for this type.

• Offset references table—Contains the offset placement reference information

for the Straight or Standard hole enabling you to constrain the hole. Note that
this table is not available if the primary placement reference is a datum point (On
Point placement type). The Secondary References table contains the following

o Offset references collector—Contains the offset placement references

that you selected for the hole. If the primary placement reference changes,
Pro/ENGINEER uses the existing offset references only if they are valid for
the new hole placement. You can click in this collector to activate it or use
Secondary References Collector from the shortcut menu.

o Reference type box—Contains the secondary (offset) reference types

enabling you to define the secondary reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the
types based on the primary placement type selected. The box contains the
following options:

Offset—Offsets the hole from the secondary reference. This option is

displayed if you select the Linear primary placement reference and a
secondary placement reference. Pro/ENGINEER selects this option by

Align—Aligns the hole center to the secondary reference. This option is

displayed if you select the Linear primary placement reference.

Angle—Uses the secondary reference to determine the hole angle. This

option is displayed if you select the Radial or Diameter primary placement
reference type and a secondary reference (not including an axis).

Radius—Uses the secondary reference to determine the hole radius. This

option is displayed if you select the Radial primary placement reference
and select an axis as the secondary reference.

Diameter—Uses the secondary reference to determine the hole diameter.

This option is displayed if you select the Diameter primary reference and
an axis as a secondary reference.

o Reference value box—Controls the secondary placement (offset)

reference for the hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently
used value from the list.

• Dimension orientation reference collector—Contains the orientation

reference to constrain the hole. This option is available only if:

• You have selected Linear as the placement type.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• The axis of a hole or a datum axis that is normal to the primary reference is
selected as the secondary reference.

Shape Slide-up Panel

The Shape slide-up panel enables you to define the current hole geometry and
provides an illustration of the hole geometry to guide you. Pro/ENGINEER provides
different Shape slide-up panel options for the following hole types:
• Simple (Straight) holes—The Shape slide-up panel contains the following
options for Simple holes:

o Side 2 depth options box—Displays the second direction (side 2) depth

options for the Simple hole enabling you to change the drill depth. Note
that you can also use these depth options from the shortcut menu. Refer to
the Shortcut Menus section for more information. The Side 2 box contains
the following drill depth options:

Blind—Drills the hole in the second direction from the placement

reference to a specified depth. The Side 2 Depth box displays.

To Next—Drills the hole in the second direction up to the next surface.

Note that this option is not available in Assembly.

Through All—Drills the hole in the second direction to intersect with all

Through Until—Drills the hole in the second direction to intersect with

the selected surface. The Side 2 Depth Reference collector activates. This
depth option is not available in Assembly.

To Selected—Drills the hole in the second direction to the selected

point, curve, plane, or surface.

None—Does not drill the hole in the second direction. The Side 2 Depth
Reference collector activates. Pro/ENGINEER selects this depth option by

o Side 2 depth box—Controls the second direction (side 2) drill depth for
the 2-sided Simple hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently
used value from the list. You must select the Blind depth option from the
Side 2 box to display this box.

o Side 2 depth reference collector—Contains the second direction (side 2)

depth reference that you selected for the 2-sided Simple hole. You must
select the Through Until or To Selected depth option on the Side 2 box
to display this collector. You can click the collector to activate it or use
Depth2 References Collector from the shortcut menu.

o Side 1 depth options box—Displays the first direction (side 1) depth

options for the Simple hole enabling you to change the drill depth. Note
that the Side 1 Depth Options box and the Depth Options box on the


dashboard are similar boxes and contain the same depth options. Refer to
the dashboard section for more information about these options.

o Side 1 depth box—Controls the first direction (side 1) drill depth for the
Simple hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently used value
from the list. You must select the Blind (Variable) or Symmetric depth
option to display this box.

o Side 1 depth reference collector—Contains the first direction (side 1)

depth reference that you selected for the Simple hole. You must select the
Through Until or To Selected depth option in the Side 1 box or on the
dashboard to display this collector. You can click the collector to activate it
or use Depth1 Reference Collector from the shortcut menu.

o Diameter box—Controls the diameter of the Simple hole. You can type
a new value or select a most recently used value from the list.

• Sketched (Straight) holes—Pro/ENGINEER displays only the sketch geometry

in an embedded window in the Shape slide-up panel for Sketched holes.

• Standard holes—The Shape slide-up panel contains various options for

Standard holes depending on the following conditions:

The Standard hole is tapped. You must click on the dashboard to display
these options. The following options are available:

o Thru Thread—Taps threads through all surfaces in the Standard hole. This
thread depth option is not available for the Variable and Thru Next depth
options, or in Assembly.

o Variable—Taps threads to a specified depth in the Standard hole. This

thread depth option activates the Variable Thread Depth box.

o Variable thread depth box—Controls the thread depth for the Standard
hole. Variable threads. You must select Variable to activate this box.

o Drill point angle box—Controls the angle of the drill point for the
Standard hole. This box is available only if the Variable (Blind) depth option
is selected.

o Include thread surface check box—Creates a thread surface to

represent the internal threads of the Standard hole.

The Standard hole is a clearance (non tapped) hole. You must click on the
dashboard to turn off the tap option. Note that holes using the Variable (Blind)
depth option must be tapped. The following options are provided:

o Fit box—Displays fit options enabling you to define the hole clearance
diameter. The box displays the following options:

Close Fit—Creates a fit that is intended for the accurate location of parts
which must assemble without perceptible play.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Medium Fit—Creates a fit that is suitable for ordinary steel parts or for
shrink fits on light sections. The medium fit is about the tightest fit that can
be used with high-grade cast iron external members. This option is
available only if you select the ISO thread type from the Thread Type box
on the dashboard.

Free Fit—Creates a fit that is intended for use where accuracy is not
essential or where large temperature variations are likely to be
encountered, or both.

o Diameter box—Controls the diameter of the Standard clearance (non

tapped) hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently used
value from the list. This box is available by selecting certain screw sizes
from the Screw Size box on the dashboard.

The Standard hole contains a countersink. You must click on the dashboard
to display the following options:

o Countersink angle box—Controls the countersink angle for the Standard

hole. You can type a value or select a most recently used value from the

o Countersink diameter box—Controls the countersink diameter for the

Standard hole. You can type a value or select a most recently used value
from the list.

The Standard hole contains a counterbore. You must click on the dashboard
to display the following options:

o Counterbore diameter box—Controls the counterbore diameter for the

Standard hole. You can type a value or select a most recently used value
from the list.

o Counterbore depth box—Controls the counterbore depth for the Standard

hole. You can type a value or select a most recently used value from the

You can select the following depth options for Standard hole:

o Through All—This depth option displays the following:

Exit Countersink check box—Creates a countersink at the bottom of the

Standard hole. This option displays the Countersink Angle and Countersink
Diameter boxes. The Exit Countersink check box is available only if you
select the Through All depth option and if the hole exit surface is parallel to
the primary placement reference surface. This check box is not available in

Exit countersink angle box—Controls the countersink angle for the

Standard hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently used
value from the list. This box is available only if the Exit Countersink check
box is selected.


Exit countersink diameter box—Controls the countersink diameter for

the Standard hole. You can type a new value or select a most recently used
value from the list. This box is available only if the Exit Countersink check
box is selected.

o Through Until or To Selected—These depth options display the following:

Depth reference collector—Contains the depth reference that you

selected for the Standard hole. You can click the collector to activate it or
use Depth Reference Collector from the shortcut menu.

Intersect Slide-up Panel

The Intersect slide-up panel is available only in Assembly. Refer to the Assembly
documentation for more information.

Note Slide-up Panel

The Note slide-up panel enables you to view thread notes for a Standard hole.
Pro/ENGINEER also displays the thread notes in the Model Tree and in the graphics
window after you create the hole. Note that to view the notes in the Model Tree, you
must click Settings > Tree Filters in the Model Tree. In the Model Tree Items
dialog box, click the Notes check box under Display and click OK. The Note slide-
up panel is available only for Standard holes.

Properties Slide-up Panel

The Properties slide-up panel enables you to obtain general and parameter
information for a Straight or Standard hole. This slide-up panel contains the
• Name—Displays the current hole feature name enabling you to rename it.

• —Provides detailed hole feature information in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

• Parameters Table—Displays hole chart data that you have customized enabling
you to view the customized hole data in the Standard hole chart (.hol) file that
is being used. Note that to modify parameter names and values, you must
modify the hole chart file. This table is available only for Standard holes. The
Parameters table contains the following options:

o Name—Contains the name of each customized column in the hole chart


o Value—Contains the value associated with the corresponding Name


Shortcut Menus
You can use shortcut menu commands to quickly perform an action. Different
commands appear depending on the location of your pointer.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Place your pointer anywhere in the graphics window except over a handle and right-
click to display the following shortcut menu commands:
• Placement Reference Collector—Activates the Primary reference collector
located on the Placement slide-up panel enabling you to select a primary
placement reference for a Straight or Standard hole. Pro/ENGINEER selects this
by default.

• Secondary References Collector—Activates the Secondary reference

collector located on the Placement slide-up panel enabling you to select
secondary placement (offset) references for a Straight or Standard hole.

• Dimension Orientation reference Collector—Activates the Dimension

orientation reference collector located on the Placement slide-up panel
enabling you to select an orientation reference. This option is available only if you
select Linear as the placement type and an axis of a hole or a datum axis that is
normal to the primary reference as the secondary reference.

• Flip—Reverses the placement direction of the hole. Flip is available only for
Simple and Standard holes that use the Variable, To Next, or Through All depth

• Clear—Clears the reference from the active collector.

• Depth1 Reference Collector—Activates the first direction (side 1) Depth

Reference collector located on the dashboard and on the Shape slide-up panel
enabling you to select a depth reference. This command is available only for
Simple holes that use the Through Until or To Selected depth option.

• Depth2 Reference Collector—Activates the second direction (side 2) Depth

Reference collector located on the Shape slide-up panel enabling you to select a
depth reference. This command is available only for 2-sided Simple holes that
use the Through Until or To Selected depth option from the Side 2 depth options

• Depth Reference Collector—Activates the Depth Reference collector located on

the dashboard and on the Shape slide-up panel enabling you to select a depth
reference. This command is available only for Standard holes that use the
Through Until or To Selected depth option.

• Intersecting Components Collector—Activates the Intersecting Component

collector located on the Intersect slide-up panel. This command is available only
in Assembly and Auto Update is cleared.

Place your pointer over the depth handle and right-click to display the following
depth option shortcut menu commands. These commands are not available for
Sketched holes.
Note: For 1-sided Simple holes, a shortcut menu command drills the hole in first
direction (Side 1). For 2-sided Simple holes, you must place your pointer over the
Side 2 depth handle, right-click and use a shortcut menu command to drill the hole
in the second direction (Side 2).
• Flip—Reverses the depth of the hole. Flip is available only for Simple and
Standard holes that use the Variable, To Next, or Through All depth option.


• Variable—Drills the hole from the placement reference to a specified depth.

Pro/ENGINEER select this command by default.

• Symmetric—Drills the hole on both sides of the placement reference by half the
specified depth value in each direction. This command is available only for 1-
sided Simple holes.

• To Next—Drills the hole up to next surface. This command is not available in


• Through All—Drills the hole to intersect with all surfaces.

• Through Until—Drills the hole up to next surface. This command activates the
Depth Reference collectors enabling you to select a depth reference. This
command is not available in Assembly.

• To Selected—Drills the hole to the selected point, curve, plane or surface for
Simple holes. For Standard holes, drills the hole to the selected quilt. This
command activates the Depth Reference collectors enabling you to select a depth

Place your pointer over a secondary placement reference handle and right-click to
display the following shortcut menu commands:
• Linear—Places the hole on a surface by using two linear dimensions. This
command is available if you select a planar, cylindrical, or conical solid surface;
or a datum plane as the primary placement reference. Pro/ENGINEER selects this
command by default if you select a surface or datum plane as the primary
placement reference.

• Radial—Places the hole by using a linear and an angular dimension. This

command is available if you select a planar, cylindrical, or conical solid surface;
or a datum plane as the primary placement reference.

• Diameter—Places the hole by rotating the hole around a diameter reference.

This placement type uses an axis in addition to linear and angular dimensions.
This command is available if you select a planar solid surface or a datum plane as
the primary placement reference.

• Coaxial—Places the hole at the intersection of an axis and a surface by using a

linear and axial reference. This placement type uses a linear and axial reference.
This command is available if you select a surface, datum plane, or axis as the
primary placement reference.
Note: If you select an axis as the primary placement reference, Coaxial
becomes the only placement type available and Pro/ENGINEER selects this type
by default. Secondary placement reference handles and the Coaxial shortcut
menu command are not available when using this placement type.

Place you pointer in a collector that contains a reference (collectors on slide-up

panels) or a reference indicator (collectors on the dashboard) and right-click to
display the following shortcut menu commands:
• Remove—Removes the selected reference or the reference indicator from the
active collector.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Remove All—Removes all references from the active collector.

• Information—Opens the INFORMATION WINDOW to display detailed reference

information pertaining to the selected reference in the collector.

Hole Placement References

Placing hole features in your design requires that you select a placement reference to
place the hole, and offset references to constrain the hole position with respect to
selected references. You can verify and modify the hole placement references at any
time as you create your hole.

Placement Reference
The placement reference enables you to place the hole on the model. You can
relocate the hole by dragging the placement handle on the hole preview geometry,
or snapping the handle to a reference. You can also click the handle and then select
the primary placement reference. The hole preview geometry relocates.

Offset References
Offset references enable you to utilize additional references to constrain the hole
position with respect to selected edges, datum planes, axes, points, or surfaces. You
can define the offset references by snapping the secondary placement handles to
references. The secondary (offset) reference value appears in the graphics window
as shown below:

Offset References

• You cannot select an edge that is normal to the placement reference.

• Although offset references are needed for coaxial holes, Pro/ENGINEER does not
provide placement handles. Activate the offset reference collector and select the

• You cannot select an edge to define an internal datum plane. You need to create

a new datum plane. You can do this within the Hole tool by clicking on the
Datum toolbar. The Hole tool pauses and the Datum Plane tool opens.

Selecting the Axis of a Hole as Secondary Reference

You can select the axis of a hole or a datum axis as the offset reference. The
selected axis should be normal to the placement reference of the newly created hole.


You can also orient the orthogonal offset dimensions to be parallel to the specified
direction by selecting an orientation reference.
Pro/ENGINEER orients the offset dimensions in such a way that the first offset
dimension is parallel to the orientation reference as shown in the following
illustration. However, the first offset dimension is no longer parallel to the offset
dimension of the axis of the hole used as the offset reference.

1 Orientation reference

2 First offset dimension parallel to orientation reference

3 Newly created hole

• If you select a datum axis created with two offset references or the axis of a
linear hole as the offset reference, then Pro/ENGINEER assigns a default
dimension orientation reference and fully constraints the hole.

• If you select a datum axis created without any offset references or the axis of a
hole other than a linear hole, then you must specify a dimension orientation

Verifying and Modifying Hole Placement References

You can verify your placement references using the preview geometry in the graphics
window or by using the Placement slide-up panel. This panel contains the primary
and secondary reference information. You can also change the placement type in the
Placement Type box.
While the Hole tool is open, you can select new placement references or modify the
offset placement reference values.
Note: If the primary placement reference changes, Pro/ENGINEER uses the existing
secondary references only if they are valid for the new hole placement.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Hole Placement Types

After you select the placement reference, you can define the hole placement type.
Hole placement types enable you to define the way in which the hole is placed. You
can select a placement type by selecting a type from the Placement Type box on the
Placement slide-up panel or by placing your pointer over a secondary placement
handle, right-click and select a placement type shortcut menu command.
The following table lists the placement types for the Hole tool:

Hole Placement Type Example


Places the hole on a surface by

using two linear dimensions.

This type is available if you select a

planar, cylindrical, or conical solid
surface; or a datum plane as the
primary placement reference.

Pro/ENGINEER select this type by

default if you select a surface or
datum plane as the primary
placement reference.

Linear referencing an axis:

Places the hole by referencing a

datum axis or by referencing the
axis of another hole situated on the
same surface. The axis should be
normal to the primary placement
reference of the newly created
1 Orthogonal dimension

2 Newly created hole

3 Axis selected as secondary



Places the hole by using a linear

and an angular dimension.

This type is available if you select a

planar, cylindrical, or conical solid
surface; or a datum plane as the
primary placement reference.



Hole Placement Type Example

Places the hole by rotating the hole

around a diameter reference. This
placement type uses an axis in
addition to linear and angular

This type is available if you select a

planar solid surface or a datum
plane as the primary placement


Places the hole at the intersection

of an axis and a surface. Note that
the surface must be normal to the
axis. This placement type uses a
linear and axial reference.

This type is available if you select a

surface, datum plane, or axis as
the primary placement reference.

Note: If you select an axis as the

primary placement reference,
Coaxial becomes the only
placement type available and
Pro/ENGINEER selects this type by
default. Secondary placement
reference handles and the Coaxial
shortcut menu command are not
available when using this
placement type.

On Point:

Aligns the hole to a datum point

that is located on or offset from a

This placement type is available

only if you select a datum point as
the primary placement reference.
Note: If your primary placement
reference is a datum point, this is
the only placement type available.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Create a Simple Hole

You can create 1-sided or 2-sided Simple holes by following this procedure.
1. Select the approximate hole location on the model. This is your placement
reference. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

2. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > Hole.
The Hole dashboard appears and preview geometry of the hole is displayed.

3. Click to create a Straight hole. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

4. If you need to relocate the hole, drag the placement handle to the new location
or snap it to a reference.

5. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel. Refer to Hole Placement Types under See
Also for more information.

6. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. This enables you to target
the correct reference. Pro/ENGINEER automatically snaps the handle to the
reference and adds them to the Offset references collector on the Placement
slide-up panel.

7. To align the hole with an offset reference, select the reference from the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel and change Offset to

Note: You can change the reference type only for holes that use the Linear
placement type.

8. To modify the hole diameter, drag the diameter handle to the preferred diameter.
You can also double-click the diameter dimension in the graphics window and
type a new diameter value or select a most recently used value. Pro/ENGINEER
updates the preview geometry.

9. To define the hole depth, you can select a depth option from the Depth Options
list on the dashboard or drag the depth handle.


• Variable and Symmetric depth options enable you to drag the depth handle to
define the drill depth. All other depth options automatically snap the handle to a
reference. If you unsnap a snapped depth handle, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
Variable depth option by default.

• To drag the depth handle, or to type or select a new value, you must select the
Variable or Symmetric depth option. The following depth options are available
(shortcut menu commands appear in parentheses):


o (Variable)—Drills the hole in the first direction from the placement

reference to a specified depth. The Side 1 Depth box displays on the dialog
bar and on the Shape slide-up panel. Pro/ENGINEER select this option by

o (Symmetric)—Drills the hole on both sides of the placement reference

by half the specified depth value in each direction. The Depth box displays
on the dialog bar and on the Shape slide-up panel.

o (To Next)—Drills the hole in the first direction up to the next surface.
This option is not available in Assembly.

o (Through All)—Drills the hole in first direction to intersect with all


o (Through Until)—Drills the hole in first direction to intersect with the

selected surface. The Side 1 Depth Reference collectors on the dialog bar
and on the Shape slide-up panel activate. This option is not available in

o (To Selected)—Drills the hole in the first direction to the selected

point, curve, plane, or surface. The Side 1 Depth Reference collectors on
the dialog bar and on the Shape slide-up panel activate.

10. To define the second side for a hole, on the Shape slide-up panel, select the
second side drill depth option from Side 2. These options are similar to the list in
the previous step except that the (Symmetric) depth option is not available.
You can modify the second side drill depth in the slide-up panel or in the graphics

11. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the hole.

• If you want to reverse the hole depth direction, click Flip from the shortcut menu
or from the Placement slide-up panel. Flip is available only for Simple holes that
use the Variable, To Next, or Through All depth option.

• You can also relocate the hole by clicking the primary placement handle and then
clicking the new placement reference such as a surface or a datum plane.

• When you snap a handle, Pro/ENGINEER replaces the default handle ( ) with the
snapped handle ( ).

• To unsnap a snapped drill depth handle, press SHIFT and drag the handle from
the reference. You can now redefine the depth by dragging the handle, or by
typing or selecting a new depth value in the graphics window.

• To unsnap a secondary placement handle, simple drag it.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• To clear all references from the active collector, right-click in the graphics window
and select Clear from the shortcut menu.

• To remove a reference from a collector, select the reference in the collector,

right-click, and select Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Define Simple Hole Depth by Snapping to a Reference

In addition to dragging depth handles, or typing or selecting depth values,
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to define Simple hole depth by snapping to a reference.
Note that this procedure does not apply to Sketched or Standard holes.
1. Select the approximate hole location on the model. This is your primary
placement reference. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

2. Click Insert > Hole) on the Engineering Features Toolbar. The Hole tool
opens and preview geometry of the hole displays.

3. Click to create a Straight hole. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

4. Press SHIFT and drag the depth handle and snap it to a reference. As you drag,
notice that Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights each available reference as your pointer
moves over it. This enables you to target the correct reference. After you snap
the handle, Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Replaces the default depth handle ( ) with the snapped depth handle ( ).

o Selects the (To Selected) depth option on the dialog bar and the Shape
slide-up panel.

o Populates the Depth Reference collector on the dialog bar to indicate that
an item has been selected. The same collector on the Shape slide-up panel
contains the selected reference.

5. To redefine the depth, press SHIFT and drag the depth handle to unsnap it from
the reference. Notice that Pro/ENGINEER selects the (Variable) default depth
option on the dialog bar and replaces the snapped depth handle ( ) with the
default depth handle ( ). You can now snap the depth handle to another
reference, drag the handle to a preferred depth, or type or select a new depth
value using the depth boxes from either the graphics window or from the dialog

6. To define the hole depth for a second side (side-2), repeat the previous two steps
using the side-2 depth handle.

7. The Simple hole depth is defined. Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to create the
hole and close the Hole tool.

• If you want to reverse the hole depth direction, click Flip from the shortcut menu
or from the Placement slide-up panel. Note that Flip is only available for Simple
holes that use the Variable, To Next), or Through All depth option.


• If you want to use a datum point or datum plane as a reference, but one is not
present, you can create one without closing the Hole tool by opening the Datum
Point tool or the Datum Plane tool on the Datum Toolbar. Pro/ENGINEER pauses
the Hole tool.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select a reference in a collector,

right-click, and select Remove from the shortcut menu.

• You can always increase or limit the available references being highlighted by
using the Selection Filter box on the dashboard.

• You can also click the middle mouse button to create the hole.

To Create a Linear Hole by Referencing an Axis

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar or click Insert > Hole. The hole
dashboard appears with the default hole type set to , that is, Simple hole, and
the default Placement Type set to Linear.

2. Select a surface on the model where you want to place the hole. Pro/ENGINEER
highlights the selection. This is your placement reference. The preview geometry
of the hole is displayed in the graphics window.

Note: You can also select the placement reference surface before you activate
the hole tool.

3. Click the Placement slide-up panel on the dashboard and activate the offset
references collector by clicking it. Alternatively, right-click in the graphics window
and click Secondary References Collector on the shortcut menu.

4. Select a datum axis or an axis of an existing hole from the model. Alternatively,
drag the handle of the secondary placement reference to an axis.


o The secondary placement reference axis should be normal to the primary

placement reference.

o If you select the axis of a linear hole or a datum axis created with two
offset references as the secondary reference, then Pro/ENGINEER assigns
the first reference used to create the linear hole or datum axis as the
default dimension orientation reference and fully constraints the hole.

o If you select a datum axis other than the one created with two offset
references or an axis of a hole other than a linear hole as the secondary
reference, then you must specify a dimension orientation reference.

5. If you want to align the hole to the secondary placement reference, click the
Placement slide-up panel on the dashboard and select the secondary reference
from the secondary reference collector. Click Offset and change it to Align.

Part – Help Topic Collection

6. If you want to change the default orientation reference assigned by

Pro/ENGINEER, click the Placement slide-up panel on the dashboard and
activate the Dimension orientation reference collector by clicking it.
Alternatively, right-click in the graphics window and select Dimension
Orientation reference Collector on the shortcut menu.

7. Select a straight curve, straight edge, datum axis, datum plane, or a planar
surface as the dimension orientation reference.

8. Select the required depth option from the depth options box ( ) by clicking the
arrow next to it.

9. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates the hole and closes the hole

To Create a Sketched Hole

1. Select the approximate hole location on the model. This is your placement
reference. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

Note: You cannot create 2-sided Sketched holes.

2. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > Hole.
The Hole dashboard appears and the preview geometry of the hole is displayed in
the graphics window.

3. Click on the Hole dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER displays the Sketched hole


4. To open an existing sketch, click on the hole dashboard. The OPEN

SECTION dialog box appears.

5. Select an existing sketch (.sec) file and click Open in the OPEN SECTION
dialog box.

6. To sketch a new section, click on the hole dashboard. The Sketcher window

7. Create a new sketched section (sketch profile) for the hole and click in the
Sketcher window to close Sketcher.

8. To relocate the hole, drag the placement handle to the new location or snap it to
a reference.

9. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

10. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to
constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. This enables you to target
the correct reference. Pro/ENGINEER automatically snaps the handle to the


reference and adds the corresponding references to the Offset references

collector on the Placement slide-up panel.

Note: Offset placement reference handles are not available if you select Coaxial
as the hole placement type.

11. To align the hole with an offset reference, select the reference from the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel and change Offset to

Note: You can change the reference type only for holes that use the Linear
placement type.

12. To modify the sketched section, click on the hole dashboard. The sketched
section opens in Sketcher. The hole diameter and depth are driven by the sketch.
The Shape Slide-up panel only displays the sketched section.

13. Click on the Hole dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates the hole and closes the
Hole dashboard.

Sketched Hole Requirements

To create Sketched holes, you must either select an existing sketch profile (sketched
section) or create a new sketched section in Sketcher.
The sketched section must:
• Contain geometric entities.

• Be a closed loop with no intersecting entities.

• Contain a vertical axis of revolution (you must sketch a centerline).

• Have all entities on one side of the axis of revolution (centerline) with at least
one entity normal to the axis of revolution.

To Relocate a Hole by Snapping to a Reference

In addition to dragging the primary placement handle, or typing or selecting
secondary placement (offset) reference values, Pro/ENGINEER enables you to
relocate a hole by snapping to a datum point or an axis.
1. Select the approximate hole location on the model. This is your primary
placement reference. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

2. Click Insert > Hole) on the Engineering Features Toolbar. The Hole tool
opens and preview geometry of the hole displays.

3. Click to create a Straight hole or to create a Standard hole.

4. Press SHIFT and drag the primary placement handle to snap it to a datum point
or axis. Note that an axis cannot be normal to the axis of the current hole. As
you drag, notice that Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights each available reference as

Part – Help Topic Collection

your pointer moves over it. This enables you to target the correct reference. After
you snap the handle, Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Populates the Primary reference collector on the Placement slide-up

panel with the selected reference.

o If you selected a datum point, Pro/ENGINEER selects the On Point

placement type on the Placement slide-up panel.

o If you selected an axis, Pro/ENGINEER selects the Coaxial placement type

on the Placement slide-up panel.

o Replaces the default depth handle ( ) with the snapped depth handle ( ).

5. To unsnap the primary placement handle, press SHIFT and drag the primary
placement handle from the reference. Pro/ENGINEER selects the Linear (default)
placement type on the Placement slide-up panel and replaces the snapped
handle ( ) with the default handle ( ). You can now drag or snap the primary
placement handle to another reference, or type or select a new secondary
placement values to relocate the hole.

6. The hole is relocated. Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to create the hole and
close the Hole tool.

• If you want to snap to a datum point or axis as a reference, but one is not
present, you can create one without closing the Hole tool by opening the Datum
Point tool or Datum Axis tool on the Datum Toolbar.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select a reference in a collector,

right-click, and select Remove from the shortcut menu.

• You can always increase or limit the available references being highlighted by
using the Selection Filter box on the dashboard.

• You can also click the middle mouse button to create the hole.

To Create a Standard Hole

1. Select the approximate hole location on the model. This is your primary
placement reference. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

2. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > Hole.
The Hole dashboard appears and preview geometry of the hole is displayed.

3. Click to create a Standard hole. Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole

options on the dashboard.

4. To relocate the hole, drag the primary placement handle to the new location or
snap it to a reference.


5. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

6. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. This enables you to target
the correct reference. Pro/ENGINEER automatically snaps the handle to the
reference and adds them to the Offset references collector on the Placement
slide-up panel.

7. To align the hole with an offset reference, select the reference from the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel and change Offset to

Note: You can change the reference type only for holes that use the Linear
placement type.

8. To create a tapped hole, click on the hole dashboard.

9. To create a tapered hole, click on the hole dashboard.

Note: Tapped and Tapered holes are available only if is cleared.

10. To create a clearance hole, click and click on the hole dashboard.

11. To create a drilled hole, make sure is selected and click on the hole

12. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

13. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw

14. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

Note: To define a new depth by dragging the depth handle, or by typing or

selecting a new value, you must select the Variable depth option. The following
depth options are available (shortcut menu commands appear in parentheses):

o (Variable)—Drills the hole from the placement reference to a specified

depth. Pro/ENGINEER selected this option by default.

o (To Next)—Drills the hole up to the next surface. That this option is not
available in Assembly.

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o (Through All)—Drills the hole to intersect with all surfaces.

o (Through Until)—Drills the hole to intersect with the selected surface.

The Depth Reference collectors activate on the dialog bar and on the Shape
slide-up panel. This depth option is not available in Assembly.

o (To Selected)—Drills the hole to the selected quilt. The Depth

Reference collectors activate on the dialog bar and on the Shape slide-up

15. To add countersink to your hole, click on the Hole dashboard.

16. To define the countersink diameter or angle, click the Shape slide-up panel and
type or select a new countersink diameter or countersink angle in the
corresponding boxes.

17. To add counterbore to your hole, click on the hole dashboard.

18. To define the counterbore diameter or depth, click the Shape slide-up panel and
type or select a new counterbore diameter or counterbore depth in the
corresponding boxes.

19. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the hole and close the Hole dashboard.

To Create a Standard Coaxial Hole

1. Select an axis on the model. This is your primary placement reference for the
Coaxial hole. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selection.

2. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar. Alternatively, click Insert > Hole.
The Hole dashboard appears and Pro/ENGINEER performs the following:

o Selects the Coaxial placement type in the Placement slide-up panel.

o Aligns the hole preview geometry to the selected axis.

3. Click to create a Standard hole. Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole

options on the dashboard.

4. Click the Offset references collector on the Placement tab to activate it and
select a surface or a datum plane as the offset reference to constrain the hole.

5. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

6. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw


7. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

8. To add countersink to your hole, click on the Hole dashboard.

9. To define the countersink diameter or angle, click the Shape slide-up panel and
type or select a new countersink diameter or countersink angle in the
corresponding boxes.

10. To add counterbore to your hole, click on the hole dashboard.

11. To define the counterbore diameter or depth, click the Shape slide-up panel and
type or select a new counterbore diameter or counterbore depth in the
corresponding boxes.

12. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the hole and close the Hole dashboard.

To Create a Tapped Hole

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar or click Insert > Hole. The hole
dashboard appears with the default hole type set to , that is, Simple hole, and
the default Placement Type set to Linear.

2. Click on the Hole dashboard to change the hole type to Standard hole.

Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole options on the dashboard. and

are selected by default.

3. Select a surface on the model where you want to place the hole. Pro/ENGINEER
highlights the selection. This is your placement reference.

Note: You can also select the placement reference before you activate the hole

4. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

5. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. Pro/ENGINEER
automatically snaps the handle to the reference and adds them to the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel.

6. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

7. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw

8. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

Note: To define a new depth by dragging the depth handle, or by typing or

selecting a new value, you must select the Variable depth option.

9. To specify the drilled hole shoulder depth click on the hole dashboard and

enter a value in the box adjacent to .

10. To specify the drilled hole depth click adjacent to on the hole dashboard
and click and enter a value in the box adjacent to .

11. To add countersink to your hole, click on the Hole dashboard.

1. To define the countersink diameter or angle, click the Shape slide-up panel
and type or select a new countersink diameter or countersink angle in the
corresponding boxes.

2. To add counterbore to your hole, click on the hole dashboard.

3. To define the counterbore diameter or depth, click the Shape slide-up panel
and type or select a new counterbore diameter or counterbore depth in the
corresponding boxes.

4. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the tapped hole and close the Hole

To Create a Tapered Hole

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar or click Insert > Hole. The hole
dashboard appears with the default hole type set to , that is, Simple hole, and
the default Placement Type set to Linear.

2. Click on the Hole dashboard to change the hole type to Standard hole.
Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole options on the dashboard.

3. Click to change the hole type to Tapered.

4. Select a surface on the model where you want to place the hole. Pro/ENGINEER
highlights the selection. This is your placement reference.

Note: You can also select the placement reference before you activate the hole


5. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

6. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. Pro/ENGINEER
automatically snaps the handle to the reference and adds them to the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel.

7. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

8. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw

9. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

Note: To define a new depth by dragging the depth handle, or by typing or

selecting a new value, you must select the Variable depth option.

10. To add countersink or counterbore options to your hole, click or ,

respectively, on the Hole dashboard.

11. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the tapered hole and close the Hole

To Create a Clearance Hole

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar or click Insert > Hole. The hole
dashboard appears with the default hole type set to , that is, Simple hole, and
the default Placement Type set to Linear.

2. Click on the Hole dashboard to change the hole type to Standard hole.
Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole options on the dashboard. is
selected by default.

3. Clear tapping options by clicking on the Hole dashboard. The hole dashboard

layout changes and (clearance hole) and (drilled hole) are displayed.

Clearance hole is selected by default.

4. Select a surface on the model where you want to place the hole. Pro/ENGINEER
highlights the selection. This is your placement reference.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: You can also select the placement reference before you activate the hole

5. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

6. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. Pro/ENGINEER
automatically snaps the handle to the reference and adds them to the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel.

7. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

8. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw

9. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

Note: To define a new depth by dragging the depth handle, or by typing or

selecting a new value, you must select the Variable depth option.

10. To add countersink or counterbore options to your hole, click or ,

respectively, on the Hole dashboard.

11. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the clearance hole and close the Hole

To Create a Drilled Hole

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar or click Insert > Hole. The hole
dashboard appears with the default hole type set to , that is, Simple hole, and
the default Placement Type set to Linear.

2. Click on the Hole dashboard to change the hole type to Standard hole.
Pro/ENGINEER displays the Standard hole options on the dashboard. is
selected by default.

3. Clear tapping options by clicking on the Hole dashboard. The hole dashboard

layout changes and (clearance hole) and (drilled hole) are displayed.

Clearance hole is selected by default.


4. Click to change the hole type to drilled.

5. Select a surface on the model where you want to place the hole. Pro/ENGINEER
highlights the selection. This is your placement reference.

Note: You can also select the placement reference before you activate the hole

6. To change the hole placement type select a new type from the Placement Type
box on the Placement slide-up panel.

7. Drag the offset placement reference handles to the appropriate references to

constrain the hole. As you drag each handle, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
available references as your pointer moves over them. Pro/ENGINEER
automatically snaps the handle to the reference and adds them to the Offset
references collector on the Placement slide-up panel.

8. Select the desired hole chart in the box adjacent to (Thread Type) on the
Hole dashboard. Thread Type enables you to select industry-standard hole charts
(ISO, ISO_7/1, NPT, NPTF, UNC, or UNF).

9. Type or select a screw size in the box adjacent to .

Note: If you enter a screw size that is not listed, Pro/ENGINEER selects the
closest screw size. You can also drag the hole diameter handle to select a screw

10. To define the hole depth, select a depth option from the Depth Options list on the
dashboard, or drag the depth handle in the graphics window.

Note: To define a new depth by dragging the depth handle, or by typing or

selecting a new value, you must select the Variable depth option.

11. To add countersink or counterbore options to your hole, click or ,

respectively, on the Hole dashboard.

12. Click on the Hole dashboard to create the drilled hole and close the Hole

Using Hole Charts

Hole charts are space-delimited text files that contain fastener size diameter values.
The hole charts enable you to standardize the available thread, diameter,
countersink, and counterbore options when creating Standard hole features in your
Industry-standard hole charts (UNC, UNF, and ISO) are supplied with Pro/ENGINEER
in the load point, however these charts must not be changed.
You can create custom hole charts to meet your specific design needs. Hole charts
naming convention can contain no more than four characters and uses the .hol file
name extension. Typically, the four characters are the thread series for the chart.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Use the HOLE_PARAMETER_FILE_PATH configuration option to specify the directory for

your customized hole charts. Available hole charts are listed in the thread type box
on the Dashboard.
Hole charts have two main portions, TABLE_DATA and THREAD_DATA. Keep the
following in mind as you use and customize your hole charts:


PROE_VERSION The release for which the hole chart was created (for
example, 2002)

THREAD_SERIES The name of the hole chart; this usually corresponds to

the filename.

THREAD_CLASS The tolerance class for the hole chart and a parameter
that will be visible in the Thread Note (for example, 2b or

TABLE_UNITS The measurement system for the hole chart; value is

either inch or metric.

DEPTH_RATIO The relationship between the thread depth and the drill
depth (for example, 1.25). When you enter either the
thread depth or the drill depth on the Dashboard, the
other value is calculated automatically using this ratio.
Drill Depth is Thread Depth multiplied by Depth Ratio.

Note: You can override the default relationship of the

depth ratio by entering both the Drill Depth and the
Thread Depth values on the Dashboard, under the
condition that the drill depth value is greater than or
equal to the thread depth.

CALLOUT_FORMAT The format of thread notes created or shown in the

model and drawing. This is not a place to add text to a
note, but a place to define the way that the text of a note

THREAD_DATA (hole parameter values)

Any column you define is considered a hole parameter. The parameter name
and value are stored and displayed in the Parameters table in the Properties
slide-up panel on the Dashboard.

Each row requires a value in each column. If a value requires spaces, fill the
space with a dash. For example, format the screw size 1.125 inch (1 and 1/8
inch) as 1-1/8.

FASTENER_ID Displays in the Screw Size list on the Dashboard.

BASIC_DIAM The fastener diameter.


THREAD Threads per inch, or pitch (if metric).

TAP_DR Letter, fraction, number, or metric drill standard size.

TAP_DEC Decimal size in inch or metric of the tap drill. This value
appears in the diameter list box in the Dimension area on
the Dashboard. (See Note below.)

PERCENT_THREAD Ratio describing the actual engagement of fastener


CLEAR_DR_CLOSE Clearance drill, for close clearances.

CLOSE_DEC Decimal size in inch or metric of the close clearance drill.

This value appears in the diameter list box in the
Dimension area on the Dashboard. (See Note below.)

CLEAR_DR_MED Clearance drill, for medium clearances.

MEDIUM_DEC Decimal size in metric of the medium clearance drill. This

value appears in the diameter list box in the Dimension
area on the Dashboard. (See Note below.)

CBOREDIAM Counterbore diameter

CBOREDEPTH Counterbore depth

CSINKDIAM Countersink diameter

CSINKANGLE Countersink angle

BOTCSINKDIAM Bottom countersink diameter

BOTCSINKANGLE Bottom countersink angle

CLEAR_DR_FREE Clearance drill for free clearances.

FREE_DEC Decimal size in inch or metric of the free clearance drill.

This value appears in the diameter list box in the
Dimension area on the Dashboard. (See Note below.)

Note: For the TAP_DEC, CLOSE_DEC, MEDIUM_DEC, and FREE_DEC values, you cannot
edit the value on the Dashboard unless the HOLE_DIAMETER_OVERRIDE configuration
option is set to yes (the default is no). To prevent overrides of the system setting,
include the HOLE_DIAMETER_OVERRIDE configuration option in a file.

Formatting Thread Notes

Thread notes provide information about standard hole features in your design,
including the values listed in the hole chart for that hole.
You can customize the format and information to be displayed in your thread notes
by modifying the CALLOUT_FORMAT field in the Hole Chart.

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Use the following principles to customize your thread note format:

• Each parameter is preceded by an ampersand (&).

• A space should always follow a parameter name.

• Indicate line breaks with a slash (/).

• Use control characters (for example, <CTRL+A>) to get an extended ASCII


• If the hole is a member of a pattern, use the Pattern_No parameter in the thread
note to indicate the number of pattern holes in the pattern.

Note: You can also edit thread notes after exiting the HOLE dialog box. They are the
3-D notes attached to the hole features (Tools > Environment). You can preview
the thread note for a hole in the Notes slide-up panel when you are defining or
redefining a standard hole.

UNC Note

To display the following note, use the

following text in the CALLOUT_FORMAT field
of the hole chart:

&Screw_size &Thread_Series -
&Thread_Class TAP <CTRL-a>x<CTRL-b>
&Thread_depth / &Number_Size DRILL
(&Diameter ) <CTRL-a>x<CTRL-b>
&Drill_Depth -- (&Pattern_No ) HOLE

Metric Countersink Note

Use the following text in the

CALLOUT_FORMAT field of the hole chart:

&Diameter DRILL THRU, <CTRL-

a>n<CTRL-b> - &Csink_diameter x
&Csink_angle <CTRL-a>w<CTRL-b> /
&Metric_size x &Pitch PLUG TAP
<CTRL-a>x<CTRL-b> &Thread_Depth

Metric Counterbore Note

Use the following text in the

CALLOUT_FORMAT field of the hole chart:

&Diameter DRILL THRU, <CTRL-

a>n<CTRL-b> - &Cbore_diameter x
&Cbore_depth<CTRL-a>v<CTRL-b> /
&Metric_size x &Pitch PLUG TAP
<CTRL-a>x<CTRL-b> &Thread_Depth


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About the Shell Feature

The Shell feature hollows out the inside of the solid, leaving a shell of a specified wall
thickness. It lets you specify a surface or surfaces that you want to remove from the
shell. If you do not select a surface to remove, a "closed" shell is created, with the
whole inside of the part hollowed out and no access to the hollow. In this case, you
can later add the necessary cuts or holes to achieve proper geometry. If you flip the

thickness side (for example, by entering a negative value, or by clicking on the

dashboard), the shell thickness is added to the outside of the part.
When defining a shell, you can also select surfaces where you want to assign a
different thickness. You can specify independent thickness values for each such
surface. However, you cannot enter negative thickness values, or flip the thickness
side, for these surfaces. The thickness side is determined by the default thickness of
the shell.
You can also exclude one or more surfaces from being shelled by specifying the
surfaces in the Exclude Surface collector. This process is called partial shelling. To
exclude more than one surface, hold down the CTRL key while selecting the surfaces.
However, Pro/ENGINEER cannot shell material that is normal to the surfaces
specified in the Exclude Surface collector. You can also shell surfaces with adjacent
tangent surfaces.
When Pro/ENGINEER creates the shell, all the features that were added to the solid
before you created the Shell feature are hollowed out. Therefore, the order of feature
creation is very important when you use Shell (see example).

To access the Shell feature user interface, click in the Engineering Features
toolbar, or click Insert > Shell.

About the Shell User Interface

The Shell user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Shell tool, click on the Engineering Features or click Insert >


Dialog Bar
The Shell dialog bar consists of the following:
• Thickness—Lets you change the value for default shell thickness. You can type a
new value, or select a recently used value from the list.

• —Flips the direction of the Shell feature.

Slide-up Panels
The Shell dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—Contains the collectors of references used in the Shell feature.

• Options—Contains the options for excluding surfaces from the Shell feature.

• Properties—Contains the feature name and an icon to access feature


The References slide-up panel contains the following:

• Removed surfaces—Lets you select the surfaces to be removed. If you do not
select any surfaces, a "closed" shell is created, with the whole inside of the part
hollowed out and no access to the hollow.

• Non-default thickness—Lets you select surfaces where you want to assign a

different thickness. For each surface included in this collector, you can specify an
individual thickness value.

The Options slide-up panel contains the following:

• Excluded surfaces—Lets you select one or more surfaces to be excluded from
the shell. If you do not select any surface to be excluded the entire part is

• Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box, that lets you add or remove

Note: You cannot select quilt surfaces when you access the Surface Sets dialog
box through the Shell user interface.

• Extend inner surfaces—Forms a cover over the inner surfaces of the shell

• Extend excluded surfaces—Forms a cover over the excluded surfaces of the

shell feature.

• Concave corners—Prevents the shell from cutting through the solid at concave

• Convex corners—Prevents the shell from cutting through the solid at convex

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The Properties slide-up panel contains the Name text box, where you can type a
custom name for the shell feature, to replace the automatically generated name. It

also contains the icon that you can click to display information about the feature.

Shortcut Menus
Right-click anywhere in the graphics window to access the Shell shortcut menu,
which contains the following commands:
• Remove Surfaces—Activates the Removed surfaces collector.

• Non Default Thickness—Activates the Non-default thickness collector.

• Exclude Surfaces—Activates the Excluded surfaces collector.

• Clear—Removes all references from the collector that is currently active.

• Flip—Flips the shell side.

If you right-click on the handle or value connected to the O_THICK label, the
shortcut menu contains only the Flip command, which flips the shell side.
If you right-click on the handle or value connected to a THICK label, the shortcut
menu contains only the Remove command, which removes the current surface from
the collector of surfaces with non-default thickness.
If you right-click on the Individual Surfaces label, in the graphics window, the
shortcut menu displays the following additional commands:
• Remove Set—Removes the selected surface or surfaces from the Excluded
surfaces collector.

• Solid Surfaces—Constructs the surface set and adds all solid surfaces to the set.

If you right-click on the Seed and Boundary Surfaces label, in the graphics
window, the shortcut menu displays the following additional commands:
• Activate Set—Activates the selected set for adding or removing surfaces from
the set.

• Remove Set—Removes the seed and boundary surface set from the Excluded
Surfaces collector.

To Create a Shell Feature

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Shell.

Pro/ENGINEER applies a default thickness to the inside of all the surfaces,
creating a "closed" shell, and displays the preview geometry. The default
thickness value is displayed in the graphics window, preceded by the O_THICK
label connected to a drag handle, and in the box on the dashboard.

2. Select one or more surfaces, that you want to remove during the Shell feature
creation. Pro/ENGINEER removes the selected surfaces and updates the preview


Note: You can also select the surfaces to be removed before you enter the Shell
tool. While creating or redefining the Shell feature, you can, at any time, select
additional surfaces to remove, or clear the selection of some of the previously
selected surfaces, by activating the Removed surfaces collector in the
References slide-up panel. This collector is always active when you start to
create or redefine a Shell feature.

3. To modify the shell thickness, type or select the new value in the box in the
dashboard You can also drag the handle connected to the O_THICK label, or
double-click the thickness value next to the O_THICK label and type or select
the new value.

4. To flip the shell side, click in the dialog bar. You can also use the Flip
command on the Shell shortcut menu.

5. To specify surfaces with a different thickness, open the References slide-up

panel and activate the Non-default thickness collector by clicking it. You can
also use the Non Default Thickness command on the shortcut menu and select
the surfaces.

For each selected surface with a non-default thickness, Pro/ENGINEER displays a

handle and an associated thickness value preceded by the O_THICK label. It
also adds a line with the surface name and thickness value (initially equal to the
default shell thickness) in the Non-default thickness collector on the
References slide-up panel. To modify a non-default thickness, drag the handle
connected to the O_THICK label attached to the surface. You can also type or
select a new value in the appropriate box in the Non-default thickness collector
or in the graphic window, next to the O_THICK label.

6. To exclude surfaces from being shelled, open the Options slide-up panel and
activate the Excluded Surfaces collector on the dashboard by clicking it.
Alternatively, you can also use the Exclude Surfaces command on the shortcut
menu and select one or more surfaces to be excluded from the shell.

7. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates the shell and closes the shell

To Create a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Shell. The Shell
dashboard appears.

2. Select one or more surfaces in the graphics window, that you want to remove
during the shell feature creation. The selected surfaces are added to the
Removed surfaces collector in the References slide-up panel.

Note: You can also select one or more surfaces to be removed before you enter
the Shell tool.

3. To modify the shell thickness, type or select the new value in the box in the
dashboard You can also drag the handle connected to the O_THICK label in the

Part – Help Topic Collection

graphics window, or double-click the thickness value next to the O_THICK label
in the graphics window and type or select the new value.

4. To exclude surfaces from being shelled, click the Options slide-up panel and
activate the Excluded Surfaces collector by clicking it and select one or more
surfaces in the graphics window, to be excluded. Alternatively, you can also use
the Exclude Surfaces command on the shortcut menu and select one or more
surfaces to be excluded from the shell operation.

5. To specify the surface extension type, select one of the following in the Options
slide-up panel under Surface Extension:

o Extend inner surfaces—Extends the inner surface of the shell.

o Extend excluded surfaces—Extends the excluded surface of the shell.

6. To prevent the shell from cutting through the solid at concave corners, ensure
that Concave corners is selected in the Options slide-up panel.

7. To prevent the shell from cutting through the solid at convex corners, click the
Options slide-up and click Convex corners.

8. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates the shell and closes the shell

Restrictions on Creating Shell Features

Note the following restrictions on creating Shell features:
• If the part has a corner between more than three surfaces, the Shell feature may
be geometrically undefined; in this case, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the trouble
area. The surface to be removed must be surrounded by edges (a fully revolved
surface of revolution is not valid) and the surfaces that intersect the edge must
form an angle through the solid geometry of less than 180 degrees. As long as
this condition is met, you can select any sculpted surfaces as the surface to be

• When you select surfaces that have other surfaces tangent to them for
independent thickness, all surfaces that are tangent must have the same
thickness, or the Shell feature fails. For example, if you shell a part that contains
a hole and you want the thickness of the hole wall to be different from the overall
thickness, you must pick both surfaces (cylinders) that make up the hole, then
offset them the same distance.

• By default, a shell creates geometry with constant wall thickness. If

Pro/ENGINEER cannot create a constant thickness, the Shell feature fails.

• Surfaces selected in a collector cannot be selected in any other collector. For

example, if you select a surface in the Removed surfaces collector, then you
cannot select the same surface in the Non-default thickness collector or the
Excluded surfaces collector.


Example: Shell and Feature Order

The order of feature creation is very important when you use Shell. When
Pro/ENGINEER makes the shell, all the features that were added to the solid before
you created the Shell feature are hollowed out. For example, the part shown in the
following illustration consists of an extruded solid and a through hole.

If you create a Shell feature and select the extruded spline surface (1) to be
removed, Pro/ENGINEER creates a shell of constant thickness around all existing
features, as shown in the next illustration.

To achieve proper geometry, reorder the Hole feature to come after Shell in the
model tree. The result is shown in the following illustration.

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Example: Creating a Shell Feature

This example shows creating a Shell feature. The original part is shown in the
following illustration.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Shell. The
system applies a default thickness on the inside of all the surfaces, creating a
"closed" shell, and displays the preview geometry.

2. Select the top surface as a surface to remove.

3. To modify the shell thickness, type 7 in the combo box in the dialog bar. The
system updates the preview geometry, as shown in the following illustration.


4. To specify that the bottom surface should have a different thickness, open the
References slide-up panel and activate the Non-default thickness collector by
clicking in it. Select the bottom surface.

5. It also adds a line with the surface name and thickness value (initially equal to
the default shell thickness) in the Non-default thickness collector. Click the
combo box and type 14 to specify the thickness at the bottom. The system
updates the preview geometry, as shown in the next illustration.

Part – Help Topic Collection

6. Click to create the Shell feature. The final geometry is shown in the following

Example: Creating a Shell Feature by Excluding Surfaces

This example shows you how to create a Shell feature by excluding surfaces.
Create a shell feature as described in another example. Follow the steps below to
exclude surfaces from being shelled. The original model is shown in the following


1. Open the References slide-up panel on the dashboard and activate the
Removed surfaces collector by clicking it.

2. Select the top surface as the surface to remove.

3. To exclude surfaces from the shell process, open the Options slide-up panel on
the dashboard and activate the Excluded surfaces collector.

4. Select the surfaces to exclude in the graphics window as shown in the following

Part – Help Topic Collection

1 Selected surfaces

5. Click to complete the Shell feature. The model, after shelling, is shown in
the following illustration.

1 Excluded surface


Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Concave Corners

This example shows you how to create a Shell feature by excluding surfaces and
prevent the shell from penetrating at concave corners.
Create a shell feature as described in another example. Follow the steps below to
exclude surfaces from being shelled and prevent the shell from penetrating at
concave corners. The original model is shown in the following illustration.

1 Concave corner

2 Surface to be removed

1. Open the References slide-up panel on the dashboard and activate the
Removed surfaces collector by clicking it.

2. Select the side surface (2) as the surface to remove.

3. To exclude surfaces from the shell process, open the Options slide-up panel on
the dashboard and activate the Excluded surfaces collector.

4. Select the surface to exclude in the graphics window as shown in the following

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1 Surface to be excluded

5. Click the Options slide-up panel and ensure that the Prevent shell from
penetrating solid at is set to Concave corners.

6. Click to complete the Shell feature. The model, after shelling, is shown in
the following illustration.

1 Shelling prevented at concave corner


Example: Prevent Shell from Penetrating at Convex Corners

This example shows you how to create a Shell feature by excluding surfaces and
prevent the shell from penetrating at convex corners.
Create a shell feature as described in another example. Follow the steps below to
exclude surfaces from being shelled and prevent the shell from penetrating at convex
corners. The original model is shown in the following illustration.

1 Convex corner

2 Surface to be removed

1. Open the References slide-up panel on the dashboard and activate the
Removed surfaces collector by clicking it.

2. Select the side surface (2) as the surface to remove.

3. To exclude surfaces from the shell process, open the Options slide-up panel on
the dashboard and activate the Excluded surfaces collector.

4. Select the surface to exclude in the graphics window as shown in the following

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1 Surface to be excluded

5. Click the Options slide-up panel and click Convex corners under Prevent shell
from penetrating solid at.

6. Click to complete the Shell feature. The model, after shelling, is shown in
the following illustration.

1 Shelling prevented at convex corner



About the Rib Feature

A Rib feature is a thin fin or web protrusion that attaches to solid surfaces in your
design. Typically, ribs are designed to strengthen parts in your design and are often
used to prevent unwanted bending. The Rib tool enables you to quickly develop both
simple and complex rib features.
Designing Rib features requires you to:
• Create a dependent section by selecting a valid Sketch feature (sketched datum
curve) from the Model Tree, or sketch a new independent section. A section
outlines the rib feature. Refer to About Sections in Sketch-based Features in the
Sections in Sketch-based Features book for more information on sections.

• Determine the rib material side with respect to the sketching plane and desired
rib geometry

• Set the appropriate thickness dimensions

You can enter the Rib tool either by clicking on the Features toolbar or by clicking
Insert > Rib on the main menu. You can enter the tool and begin designing your
Rib feature under the following conditions:
• Sketch Not Selected—Entering the Rib tool and then selecting an existing
sketch or creating a new sketch for the Rib feature.

• Sketch Selected—Selecting an existing sketch for the Rib feature and then
entering the Rib tool.

In either case, after you designate a sketch for the rib, the validity of your sketch is
examined and, if valid, it is placed in the collector. The reference collector only
accepts one valid rib sketch at a time.
After you specify a valid sketch for the Rib feature, preview geometry appears in the
graphics window. You can directly manipulate and define your model either in the
graphics window, in the dashboard, or a combination of the two. The preview
geometry automatically updates, reflecting any modifications.
There are two types of Rib feature available. However, the type is automatically set
according to the attaching geometry:

Straight Attaches to straight


Extrudes either to one

side or symmetrically
about the sketching

Part – Help Topic Collection

Rotational Attaches to surfaces of

revolution. The angled
surface of the rib is
conical, not planar.

Revolves the section

about the axis of the
parent, making a wedge
either to one side or
symmetrically about the
sketching plane. The
wedge is then trimmed
with two planes parallel
to the sketching surface.
The distance between the
planes corresponds to the
thickness of the rib and
attaching geometry.

Rib features are subject to normal feature operations, including patterning,

modifying, rerouting, and redefining.
Note: You must place Rib features while designing in Part mode. You can not create
ribs as an Assembly feature.

About the Rib Feature User Interface

The rib feature user interface consists of:
Feature Icon
Dialog bar
Slide-Up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
You can enter the rib feature tool by either:

• Clicking on the feature toolbar.

• Clicking Insert > Rib on the top-level menu.

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of commands positioned from left to right guiding you
through the design process. The dialog bar consists of:
• Thickness box—Controls the material thickness of the rib feature. The
dimension box contains the most recently used dimension values.


• —Enables you to switch the thickness side of the rib feature. Clicking the
button cycles you from one side to the other, and then symmetric about the
sketching plane.

Slide-Up Panels
Slide-up panels contain information about your rib feature references and properties.
Rib features use the following slide-up panels:
• References—Contains the following options so that you can view and modify the
references for your rib feature:

o Sketch collector—Contains the valid Sketch feature reference that you

selected for the rib feature. You can use Remove from the shortcut menu
(pointer in the collector) to remove the sketch reference. Notice that the
sketch collector can only contain one rib feature sketch reference at a time.

o Flip button—Enables you to switch the material direction for the rib feature
sketch. Clicking the button changes the direction arrow from one side to the

The following options are available only under certain conditions:

o Define button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher
to define an independent section. Note that Define is available only if the
Sketch collector is empty (no section defined or sketch selected). You can
also use the Define Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the
graphics window.

o Edit button—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling you to use Sketcher to
redefine the independent section. Note that Edit is available only for
sketch-based features that use an independent section. You can also use
the Edit Internal Sketch shortcut menu command from the graphics

o Unlink button—Breaks the association between the dependent section and

the parent Sketch feature. Pro/ENGINEER copies the Sketch feature
references to the new independent section. Note that Unlink is available
only if the rib feature uses a dependent section.

• Properties—Enables you to obtain information about and rename your rib

feature. The slide-up panel consists of:

• Name box—Enables you to customize the rib feature name by editing the
name box.

• —Slides open the embedded browser containing rib feature information.

Shortcut Menus
The following shortcut menus appear when you right-click a rib feature item in the
graphics window while defining, redefining, or modifying your rib feature:

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Context Menu Commands

Set Rib Right-click anywhere on the rib feature.

• Flip—Changes the thickness of material side to the
opposite side of the sketching plane.

• Symmetric—Makes the rib symmetric about the

sketching plane.

Set the Sketch Right-click the direction arrow.

Material Side
• Flip—Changes the sketch material side.

Handle the Right-click anywhere on the rib feature.

• Edit Sketch—Opens the Sketch dialog box enabling
you to use Sketcher to redefine an independent section.
Note that the rib tool must be open and you must be
working with an independent section.

• Clear—Deletes the sketch reference for the rib feature.

Right-click the Sketch collector in the References slide-

up panel.

• Remove—Deletes the sketch reference for the rib


Sketching Rib Features

When creating rib features you sketch a section of the rib to the silhouette of the
parent feature. You then thicken the sketch to either one side or both sides of the
sketching plane.
As you define your rib feature you can either sketch the rib after entering the rib tool
or pre-sketch the rib before entering the rib tool. In either case, the reference
collector will only accept one valid rib sketch at a time.
Valid rib feature sketches must meet the following criteria:
• Single open loop

• Contiguous and non intersecting sketch entities

• Sketch ends must align to attachment surfaces forming a closed area

While the work-flow for straight and rotational rib features is the same, each rib type
has specific sketch requirements. Keep the following in mind as you sketch your rib

Rib Type Sketch Requirement Valid Sketch Example


Rib Type Sketch Requirement Valid Sketch Example

Straight Sketch can be created on

any point as long as its line
ends attach to surfaces,
providing an area to fill.

Rotational Sketch must be created on

a plane that passes
through the axis of
revolution for the revolved
surface. Its line ends must
attach to surfaces,
providing an area to fill.

Whether you create an internal sketch or you seed your rib feature with an external
sketch, you can easily modify your rib feature sketch because it lives inside the rib
feature. Any modifications you make to an original seed sketch, including deletion,
do not affect the rib feature because an individual copy of the sketch is stored in the
feature. In order to modify the rib sketch geometry you must modify the internal
sketch feature, which is a sub-node of the rib feature in the Model Tree.

Defining Rib Features

In order to define the Rib feature thickness you must:
• Set a numeric value for the rib thickness

• Determine the rib material side with respect to the sketching plane

You can set a numeric value for the rib thickness either by dragging the handles to
the desired length or by typing or selecting a real number value in the dimension
box. The dimension box contains the most recently used dimension values.
You can determine the accurate material side for the rib using the preview geometry.
Setting the rib feature material side is a two step process. First, you must point the
direction arrow towards the side of the sketch line to fill. In most cases you will
accept the default direction.

Accept Default Direction Optional Direction Arrow

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Accept Default Direction Optional Direction Arrow

You must accept this direction You can choose either direction because
so the rib feature is filling an both options fill an enclosed area.
enclosed area.

Second, you must determine how to thicken the rib features about the sketching
plane: symmetrical or towards one side of the sketching plane. The default material
side is both sides, however, as you define and redefine your rib features you can
change material sides using either the shortcut menus, the dimension box, or the

Side One (one side) Side Two (one side) Both Sides

The following table displays the processes for changing material sides. Clicking on
the dialog bar rotates through the three material side options:

Material Side Change How to Set the New Material Side

Both sides -to- Side one or Do one of the following while defining or
Side two redefining:

• Right-click the rib feature in the graphics

window and clear Symmetric on the
shortcut menu.

• Click on the dialog bar.

Side one or Side two -to- Both Do one of the following while defining or


Material Side Change How to Set the New Material Side

sides redefining:

• Right-click the rib feature in the graphics

window and click Symmetric on the
shortcut menu.

• Click on the dialog bar.

Side one -to- Side two (and Do one of the following while defining or
vice versa) redefining:

• Right-click the Rib feature in the graphics

window and click Flip on the shortcut

• Drag the preview geometry to the

opposite side.

• Type a negative value in the dimension


• Click on the dialog bar.

To Create a Rib Feature by Creating an Internal Section

The work-flow for designing both straight and rotational rib types is the same
because the rib type is automatically determined by the attaching geometry.

1. Click on the Engineering Feature toolbar. You can also click Insert > Rib.
The Rib tool opens.

2. Click the References tab on the dashboard. After the References slide-up panel
appears, click Define. You can also use Define Internal Sketch from the
shortcut menu. The Sketch dialog box opens enabling you to use Sketcher. Refer
to To Create a Section in the Sections in Sketch-based Features book for more
information on creating sections.

3. In Sketcher, sketch the desired side-section and click . Sketcher closes and
the Rib tool resumes. Notice that preview geometry appears in the graphics
window and a direction arrow indicates the sketch side to fill.

4. If you want to change the fill side, click the direction arrow. The arrow indicates
the fill side. You can also use Flip from the References slide-up panel or from the
shortcut menu (pointer over the arrow and right-click).

5. Define the thickness of the rib by dragging the handle to the desired distance. By
default the thickness is symmetrical about the sketching plane. Note that if you
want to thicken only one side of the sketching plane, place your pointer over the
thickness handle, right-click, and select Symmetric from the shortcut menu

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(check mark cleared). You can then drag the handle to change define the

6. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the rib feature.

• You can also define the rib thickness by directly modifying the dimension in the
graphics window or by entering a value in the dimension box on the Dashboard.
The dimension box contains the most recently used dimension values and accepts
real number inputs.

• If you want to redefine the independent section, click Edit in the References
slide-up panel and use Sketcher. You can also use Edit Internal Sketch from
the shortcut menu. Refer to To Redefine a Section in the Sections in Sketched-
based Features book for more information.

To Create a Rib Feature by Using a Sketch feature

The work-flow for designing both straight and rotational rib types is the same
because the rib type is automatically determined by the attaching geometry.
1. To use an existing Sketch feature (sketched datum curve) as the basis for the rib
section, select the existing Sketch feature from the Model Tree and click on
the Engineering Feature toolbar. You can also click Insert > Rib. The Rib tool
opens, preview geometry appears in the graphics window, and a direction arrow
indicates the sketch side to fill. Notice that a section is created and placed in the
Sketch collector on the Reference slide-up panel. This section is dependent
(references the Sketch feature).

2. If you want to change the fill side, click the direction arrow. The arrow indicates
the fill side. You can also use Flip from the References slide-up panel or from the
shortcut menu (pointer over the arrow and right-click).

3. Define the thickness of the rib by dragging the handle to the desired distance. By
default the thickness is symmetrical about the sketching plane. Note that if you
want to thicken only one side of the sketching plane, place your pointer over the
thickness handle, right-click, and select Symmetric from the shortcut menu
(check mark cleared). You can then drag the handle to change define the

4. Double check your references and modify any properties using the appropriate
slide-up panels. Click the middle mouse button to complete the rib feature.

• You can also define the rib thickness by directly modifying the dimension in the
graphics window or by entering a value in the dimension box on the Dashboard.
The dimension box contains the most recently used dimension values and accepts
real number inputs.

• If you want to redefine the rib section, you can either redefine the parent Sketch
feature that the section is referencing, or you can redefine the section itself.


Refer to To Redefine a Section in the Sections in Sketched-based Features book

for more information.


About the Draft Feature

The Draft feature adds a draft angle between -30° and +30° to individual surfaces or
to a series of surfaces. You can draft only the surfaces that are formed by tabulated
cylinders or planes. You cannot draft surfaces with fillets around the edge boundary.
However, you can draft the surfaces first, then fillet the edges.
You can draft either solid surfaces or quilt surfaces, but not a combination of both.
When you select surfaces to be drafted, the first selected surface determines the
type of additional surfaces, solid or quilt, that can be selected for this feature.
For drafts, the system uses the following terminology:
• Draft surfaces—The surfaces of the model that are being drafted.

• Draft hinges—Lines or curves on the draft surfaces that the surfaces are pivoted
about (also called neutral curves). Draft hinges can be defined by selecting a
plane, in which case the draft surfaces are pivoted about their intersection with
this plane, or by selecting individual curve chains on the draft surfaces.

• Pull direction (also called draft direction)—Direction that is used to measure

the draft angle. This is usually the direction of mold opening. You can define it by
selecting a plane (in which case the pull direction is normal to this plane), a
straight edge, a datum axis, or an axis of a coordinate system.

• Draft angle—The angle between the draft direction and the resulting drafted
surfaces. If the draft surfaces are split, you can define two independent angles
for each side of the drafted surface. Draft angles must be within the range of –30
to +30 degrees.

Draft surfaces can be split either by the draft hinge or by a different curve on the
draft surface, such as an intersection with a quilt, or a sketched curve. If you are
splitting by a sketch that does not lie on the draft surface, the system projects it on
the draft surface in the direction normal to the sketching plane. If the draft surfaces
are split, you can:
• Specify two independent draft angles for each side of the drafted surface

• Specify a single draft angle, with the second side drafted in the opposite direction

• Draft only one side of the surface (either one), with the other side remaining in
the neutral position

To access the Draft feature user interface, click in the Engineering Features
toolbar, or click Insert > Draft.

Part – Help Topic Collection

About Split Draft

Split draft enables you to apply different draft angles to different portions of a
Draft surfaces can be split either by the draft hinge or by a different curve on the
draft surface, such as a sketched curve. If the draft surfaces are split, you can:
• Specify two independent draft angles for each side of the drafted surface.

• Specify a single draft angle, with the second side drafted in the opposite
direction. This option is available either for a draft split by a draft hinge, or for a
split draft with two hinges.

• Draft only one side of the surface (either one), with the other side remaining in
the neutral position. This option is not available for a split draft with two hinges.

The following illustration shows examples of split draft. Each example uses the draft
hinge (datum plane) as a split object.

1. Original part (before draft)

2. Using the Draft sides independently option

3. Using the Draft sides dependently option

4. Using the Draft first side only option

The next illustration shows an example of split draft using a sketched curve chain as
a split object.


1. Draft hinge (datum plane, side view)

2. Split object (sketched curve chain)

About Variable Draft

When you first define a Draft feature, a constant draft angle is applied to the whole
draft surface. This is called Constant draft. An example of Constant draft is shown in
the following illustration.

1. Draft surface

2. Draft hinge (sketched curve)

3. Surface selected to define Pull Direction

4. Draft angle

In Variable draft, you apply a variable draft angle at various control points along the
draft surface:
• If the draft hinge is a curve, the angle control points lie on the draft hinge

• If the draft hinge is a plane, the angle control points lie on the contour of the
draft surface

An example of Variable draft is shown in the next illustration.

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1. Draft surface

2. Draft hinge (sketched curve)

3. Surface selected to define Pull Direction

4. Draft angles

5. Draft angle locations (control points)

About the Draft User Interface

The Draft user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

Draft features are identified by the icon both on the Engineering Features
toolbar and on the Model Tree.


The Draft dashboard consists of the following:

• Draft hinges—Lets you specify the neutral lines or curves on the draft
surfaces, that is, the lines or curves that the surfaces are pivoted about. Click the
collector to activate it. You can select up to two planes or curve chains. To select
a second hinge, you must first split the draft surfaces by a split object.

• Pull direction—Lets you specify the direction that is used to measure the
draft angle. Click the collector to activate it. You can select a plane, a straight
edge or a datum axis, or an axis of the coordinate system.

• Reverse pull direction—Lets you reverse the pull direction (indicated by a

yellow arrow).

• Angle—Lets you change the value for the draft angle. You can type a new
value or select one of the recently used values from the list.

• Reverse angle to add or remove material—Lets you reverse the direction

of the draft angle, to switch between adding and removing the material.

For split drafts with independently drafted sides, the dashboard contains a second
Angle box and Reverse Angle icon, to control the draft angle on the second side.
Note: For Variable drafts, the Angle box and Reverse Angle icon are not available.

Slide-up Panels
The Draft dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• References—Contains the collectors of references used in the draft feature.

• Split—Contains the split options.

• Angles—Contains a table of draft angle values and their locations.

• Options—Contains the options defining draft geometry.

• Properties—Contains the feature name and an icon to access feature


The References slide-up panel contains the following elements:

• Draft surfaces—Lets you select the draft surfaces. You can draft only those
surfaces that are formed by tabulated cylinders or planes. You can select
individual surfaces or continuous chains of surfaces. The type of the first selected
surface, solid or quilt, determines the type of other surfaces that can be selected
as draft surfaces for this feature.

• Details—Opens the Surface Sets dialog box that lets you add or remove draft

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• Draft hinges—Lets you specify the neutral curves on the draft surfaces, that is,
the lines or curves that the surfaces are pivoted about. You can select up to two
draft hinges. To select a second hinge, you must first split the draft surfaces by a
split object. For each draft hinge, you can select one of the following:

o A plane, in which case the draft surfaces are pivoted about their
intersection with this plane.

o A curve chain located on the draft surfaces.

o Details—Opens the Chain dialog box that lets you manipulate the draft hinge

o Pull direction—Lets you specify the direction that is used to measure the draft
angle. You can select one of the following:

o A plane, in which case the pull direction is normal to this plane

o A straight edge or a datum axis, in which case the pull direction is parallel
to this edge or axis

o An axis of the coordinate system, in which case the pull direction is parallel
to this axis. Select the particular axis of a coordinate system, rather than
the coordinate system name.

o Flip—Lets you reverse the pull direction (indicated by an yellow arrow).

The Split slide-up panel contains the following elements:

• Split options—You can select one of the following:

o No split—Do not split the draft surfaces. The whole surface pivots about
the draft hinge.

o Split by draft hinge—Split the draft surfaces along the draft hinge.

o Split by split object—Split the draft surfaces by using a quilt or sketch. If

you are splitting by a sketch that does not lie on the draft surface,
Pro/ENGINEER projects it on the draft surface in the direction normal to the
sketching plane. If you select this option, Pro/ENGINEER activates the Split
object collector.

o Split object—You can either sketch the split curve by using the Define button
next to the collector, or select one of the following:

o A surface quilt, in which case the split object is the intersection of this quilt
with the draft surface.

o An external (existing) sketched curve.

o Define—Sketch the split curve on the draft surface or on another plane. If the
sketch does not lie on the draft surface, Pro/ENGINEER projects it on the draft
surface in the direction normal to the sketching plane.

o Side options—Lets you select one of the following options:


o Draft sides independently—Specify two independent draft angles for

each side of the drafted surface.

o Draft sides dependently—Specify a single draft angle, with the second

side drafted in the opposite direction. This option is available only if the
draft surfaces are split by the draft hinge, or for a split draft with two

o Draft first side only—Draft only the first side of the surface (determined
by the positive pull direction from the split object), with the second side
remaining in the neutral position. This option is not available for split draft
with two hinges.

o Draft second side only—Draft only the second side of the surface, with
the first side remaining in the neutral position. This option is not available
for split draft with two hinges.

Note: If you select No split under Split options, then Split object and Side
options are not available.
The Angles slide-up panel contains the following elements:
• For Constant draft, a single line containing an Angle box with the value of the
draft angle.

• For Variable draft, additional lines for each additional draft angle. Each line
contains an Angle box with the value of the draft angle, a Reference box with
the name of the reference, and a Location box specifying the location of the
draft angle control along the reference.

• For Split draft with independently drafted sides (both Constant and Variable),
each line contains two boxes, Angle 1 and Angle 2, instead of the Angle box.

• Adjust angles to keep tangency—Forces the resultant draft surfaces to be

tangent. Not available for Variable draft. Variable draft always keeps surfaces

If you right-click on the Angles slide-up panel, the shortcut menu contains the
following commands:
• Add Angle—Adds another angle control at a default location and with a most
recently used draft angle value. You can modify both the angle value and

• Delete Angle—Deletes the selected angle control. Available only if more than
one angle control is specified.

• Flip Angle—Flips the direction of the draft at the selected angle control location.
For a Split draft with independently drafted sides, you must right-click in an
individual angle cell for this option to be available.

• Make Constant—Deletes all the angle controls except the first one. This option
is available for Variable draft only.

The Options slide-up panel contains the following elements:

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• Exclude loops—Lets you select the contours to be excluded from draft surfaces.
Available only when the selected surface contains more than one loop.

• Draft tangent surfaces—If selected, Pro/ENGINEER automatically extends the

draft to include surfaces tangent to the selected draft surfaces. This check box is
selected by default. Clear it if the resulting geometry is invalid.

• Extend intersect surfaces—If selected, Pro/ENGINEER tries to extend the draft

to meet the adjacent surface of the model. If the draft cannot extend to the
adjacent model surface, then the model surface extends into the draft surface. If
neither of these cases are possible, or if you did not select the check box,
Pro/ENGINEER creates a draft surface that overhangs the edge of the model.

The Properties slide-up panel contains the Name text box, where you can type a
custom name for the draft feature, to replace the automatically generated name. It

also contains the icon that you can click to display information about the feature.

Shortcut Menus
Right-click anywhere in the graphics window to access the Draft shortcut menu, that
contains the following commands:
• Solid Surfaces—Allows you to select all the solid surfaces of the model. This
command is available only when the model has solid surfaces and one of the solid
surfaces is already selected.

• Draft Surfaces—Activates the draft surfaces collector and lets you select
surfaces to be drafted. You can draft only those surfaces that are formed by
tabulated cylinders or planes. You can select any number of individual surfaces or
continuous chains of surfaces. The type of the first selected surface, solid or quilt,
determines the type of other surfaces that can be selected as draft surfaces for
this feature.

• Draft Hinges—Activates the draft hinges collector. You can select up to two
planes or curve chains. To select a second hinge, you must first split the draft
surfaces by a split object.

• Pull Direction—Activates the pull direction collector. This direction is used to

measure the draft angle. You can select a plane, a straight edge or a datum axis,
or an axis of the coordinate system.

• Split by draft hinge—If you select this check box, Pro/ENGINEER automatically
uses the draft hinge as the split object.

• Make Constant—This option is available for Variable draft only. It makes the
draft Constant.

If you right-click the round handle connected to a draft angle, the shortcut menu
contains the Add Angle and Delete Angle commands. If you right-click the square
handle connected to a draft angle, the shortcut menu contains the Flip Angle
command. These commands are the same as when you right-click on the Angles
slide-up panel. Another way to add a draft angle is to hold down the CTRL key, click


the round handle connected to a draft angle and drag it along the edge to the
desired location.
If you right-click a pull direction arrow in the graphics window, the shortcut menu
contains the Flip command.

To Create a Draft Feature

This procedure describes the steps necessary to create a basic Draft feature. All
other procedures for creating Draft features are based on this one. For information
on how to create more complex Draft features, follow the links.

1. Click on the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Draft.

2. Select the surfaces that you want to draft. To select multiple surfaces, hold down
the CTRL key and select them. You can also use the Surface Sets dialog box to
collect surfaces. To access the Surface Sets dialog box, open the References
slide-up panel and click Details next to the Draft surfaces collector.

Note: You can also select one or more draft surfaces before entering the Draft

3. Click the Draft hinges collector on the dashboard to activate it and select a
plane or a curve chain located on the draft surfaces, as the draft hinge.

Note: If you do not have a plane or curve to use as a draft hinge, you can pause
the Draft tool and create one asynchronously, then resume the Draft tool.

4. If you select a plane as a draft hinge, then Pro/ENGINEER automatically uses it to

determine the pull direction. To change the pull direction, or to specify the pull

direction if you are using a curve as a draft hinge, click the Pull direction
collector on the dashboard to activate it and select a plane (in which case the pull
direction is normal to this plane), a straight edge, a datum axis, or an axis of a
coordinate system.

Pro/ENGINEER indicates the pull direction by a yellow arrow and displays the
preview geometry for a constant draft with the default angle of 1 degree. The
default draft angle value is displayed on the screen and in the box on the
dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER also displays two drag handles; a round one, located
on the draft hinge or on the draft surface contour, and a square one, connected
to the draft angle.

5. To modify the draft angle, type or select a value in the box in the dashboard. You
can also drag the square handle connected to the draft angle, or double-click the
draft angle value in the graphics window and type or select a value.

6. To flip the draft angle, click Reverse angle to add or remove material on
the dashboard. You can also drag the square handle connected to the draft angle
to the other side of the part surface to which it is attached, or type a negative
draft angle value.

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7. To flip the pull direction, click the pull direction arrow in the graphics window. You

can also click Reverse pull direction on the dashboard or Flip in the
References slide-up panel.

Note: Flipping the pull direction affects the direction of the draft angle.

8. Use other options in the Draft user interface to create more complex draft
geometry, if necessary. For more information, follow the appropriate link under
See Also.

9. Click on the dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER creates a draft of the selected


Example: Creating a Basic Draft

This example shows creating a basic Draft feature to add a draft angle of 5 degrees
to all sides of the part shown in the following illustration.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar.

2. Select any side surface. Because all the side surfaces are tangent to each other,
the draft automatically extends to all the surfaces around the part.

3. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar to activate it and select
the top plane as the draft hinge. The system automatically uses it to determine
the pull direction as well, and displays the preview geometry, as shown in the
next illustration.


4. Type 5 in the combo box in the dialog bar. The system updates the preview
geometry, as shown in the following illustration.

5. It is now easy to see that the draft removes material from the part surfaces. To

flip the draft angle, click the Reverse angle to add or remove material
icon in the dialog bar. The draft now adds material, as shown in the next

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6. Click to create the Draft feature. The final geometry is shown in the
following illustration.

Example: Excluding Surface Loops

The Exclude loops collector in the Options slide-up panel lets you select the
contours to be excluded from draft surfaces.
In the example shown in the following illustration, the two contours are considered a
single surface because they were formed by splitting a single solid surface with a cut.

To draft only one of the contours, activate the Exclude loops collector and pre-
highlight the surface edges (the loop) that you want to exclude, as shown in the next


Select the loop on the left, and it is excluded from the draft. Only the portion on the
right is drafted, as shown in the following illustration.

Example: Extending Intersect Surfaces

You can use the Extend intersect surfaces checkbox in the Options slide-up panel
to extend the draft to meet the adjacent surface of the model. If the draft cannot
extend to the adjacent model surface, then the model surface extends into the draft

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surface. If neither of these cases exist, or if you did not select the checkbox, the
system creates a draft surface that overhangs the edge of the model.
Note: The Extend intersect surfaces is not applicable in following cases:
• When the Split options is set to Split by split object, and one draft hinge is
selected, and the Side options is set to Draft sides independently.

• When the Split options is set to Split by split object, and two draft hinges are

In the following example, a draft is added to a cylindrical protrusion near the edge of
a box.

The draft in the illustration below is created without using the Extend intersect
surfaces option. The draft surface overhangs the model surface. The model surface
is not extended to the draft, and the draft is not extended to the model. The model
face that is overlapped by the draft keeps the same dimensions.

The draft below was created with the Extend option. The surface that would be
overlapped by the draft is extended so that the draft intersects that surface.


In the next example, instead, a draft is added to the side surface of the box near the
cylindrical protrusion.
If the draft is created without using the Extend intersect surfaces option, the
surface of the protrusion overhangs the draft surface.

If the draft is created with the Extend intersect surfaces option, the model surface
is extended so that the draft intersects that surface.

In the final example, in the part shown below, a draft is added to the highlighted side
surface of a box near a conical protrusion.

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If the draft is created without using the Extend intersect surfaces option, the
surface of the protrusion overhangs the draft surface.

If the draft is created with the Extend intersect surfaces option, then the draft
surface is extended so that the draft intersects the conical surface of the model.

To Create a Variable Draft

This procedure is based on the procedure for creating a basic Draft feature.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Draft. Create a
basic Draft feature by selecting the draft surfaces, the draft hinge, and the pull
direction. The system displays the preview geometry for a constant draft with the


default angle of 1 degree. The default draft angle value is displayed on the screen
and in the combo box in the dialog bar. The system also displays two drag
handles: a round one located on the draft hinge and a square one connected to
the draft angle. The round handle controls the location of the draft angle
application; next to it, the system displays the location factor along the reference
edge of the draft surface. The square handle controls the draft angle value.

2. To create an additional draft angle control, right-click on round handle connected

to a draft angle and select the Add Angle command from the shortcut menu.
The system adds another pair of drag handles at a default location, usually
halfway between the current draft angle location and the endpoint of the
reference edge (or the adjacent draft angle location, if there is one). The default
draft angle value is the same as the current one.

3. To modify the location of the new draft angle, click on the round handle and drag
it along the edge, or double-click the location value in the graphic window and
type or select the new value.

4. To modify the draft angle, type or select the new value in the combo box in the
dialog bar. You can also drag the square handle connected to the draft angle, or
double-click the draft angle value in the graphic window and type or select the
new value.

5. Repeat Steps 2 through 4 to create additional draft angle controls, as necessary.

6. When satisfied with the feature geometry, click in the dialog bar.


o You can use the Angles slide-up panel to add or delete draft angles and
modify their values and locations.

o Another way to add a draft angle is to hold down the CTRL key, click on the
round handle connected to a draft angle and drag it along the edge to the
desired location.

o To revert to a constant draft, use the Make Constant command on the

shortcut menu. It deletes all the draft angles except the first one.

o If you are using a datum plane or a quilt as a draft hinge, the additional
draft angle controls are located on the draft surface contour and projected
along the Pull Direction to the intersection with the draft hinge. You can
drag the draft angle control along the draft surface perimeter to be located
on a different edge, if desired. The location value reflects the position along
the current reference edge.

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Example: Creating a Variable Draft

This example shows creating a Draft feature with a variable draft angle. The original
part shown in the following illustration.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar.

2. Select the side surface (1) as the draft surface.

3. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar to activate it and select the top
plane (2) as the draft hinge. The system automatically uses it to determine the
pull direction as well, and displays the preview geometry, as shown in the next

4. Type 15 in the combo box in the dialog bar and click the Reverse angle to
add or remove material icon. The system updates the preview geometry, as
shown in the following illustration.


5. Right-click on any round handle connected to a draft angle and select Add
Angle. The system adds another draft angle control location, as shown in the
next illustration.

6. Double-click on the second draft angle value and change it to 5. The new preview
geometry is shown in the following illustration.

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7. Click on the round handle of the first draft angle control (the one that is at the
0.5 location) and drag it to the 0.25 location, as shown in the next illustration.

8. Click to create the Draft feature. The final geometry is shown in the following


To Create a Split Draft

This procedure is based on the procedure for creating a basic Draft feature. For
detailed information on how to create a basic Draft feature, follow the link under See

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Draft. Create a
basic Draft feature by selecting the draft surfaces, the draft hinge, and the pull
direction. The system displays the preview geometry for a constant draft with the
default angle of 1 degree. Modify the draft angle value, as necessary.

2. Open the Split slide-up panel and select an option from the Split options menu:

o Split by draft hinge—Split the draft surfaces along the draft hinge.

o Split by split object—Split the draft surfaces along a different line or

curve. If you select this option, the system activates the Split object

3. If you are splitting by a split object, select or sketch a split object. You can select
a sketched curve, a plane, or a quilt intersecting the draft surfaces. To sketch a
split object, click the Define button next to the Split object collector and sketch
a single continuous chain of entities on the draft surface or surfaces.

4. Select the desired option from the Side options menu:

o Draft sides independently—Specify two independent draft angles for

each side of the drafted surface. If you use this option, the system adds to
the dialog bar a combo box with the draft angle value for the second side
and an icon for flipping the draft angle direction for the second side.

o Draft sides dependently—Specify a single draft angle, with the second

side drafted in the opposite direction. This option is available only if the
draft surfaces are split by the draft hinge, or for a split draft with two

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o Draft first side only—Draft only the first side of the surface (determined
by the positive pull direction from the draft hinge), with the second side
remaining in the neutral position.

o Draft second side only—Draft only the second side of the surface, with
the first side remaining in the neutral position.

Depending whether you are splitting by the draft hinge or by a different object,
as well as on the split object type, not all of the options may be applicable for
your particular draft configuration.

5. When satisfied with the feature geometry, click in the dialog bar.

Example: Creating a Split Draft

This example shows creating a Split Draft feature. The original part is shown in the
following illustration. It consists of a solid extruded feature, created symmetrically on
both sides of the TOP datum plane, with rounds on all the vertical side edges.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar.

2. Select any side surface. Because all the side surfaces are tangent to each other,
the draft automatically extends to all the surfaces around the part.

3. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar to activate it and select
the TOP datum plane as the draft hinge. Note that this datum plane is exactly in
the middle of the part, because the extruded solid feature has been created
symmetrically on both sides of the sketching plane. The system automatically
uses this plane to determine the pull direction as well, and displays the preview


4. Open the Split slide-up panel and select Split by draft hinge from the Split
options menu.

5. Select Draft sides dependently from the Split side menu.

6. Type 10 in the combo box in the dialog bar. Click the Reverse angle to add
or remove material icon to the right of the combo box to change the draft side.
The system updates the preview geometry, as shown in the next illustration.

7. Click to create the Draft feature. The final geometry is shown in the
following illustration.

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Example: Creating a Split Draft Using Sketch

This example shows creating a Split Draft feature using a sketched split curve. The
original part is shown in the following illustration.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar.

2. Select the two opposite side surfaces (1 and 2) as the draft surface.

3. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar to activate it and select
the top plane (3) as the draft hinge. The system automatically uses it to


determine the pull direction as well, and displays the preview geometry, as
shown in the next illustration.

4. Open the Split slide-up panel and select Split by split object from the Split
options menu.

5. Click the Define button next to the Split object collector, select the side surface
(1) as the surface to sketch on, and sketch a single continuous chain of entities,
as shown in blue in the following illustration. Exit Sketcher.

6. By default, the two sides are drafted independently. Type 4 in the first combo box
in the dialog bar and 10 in the second combo box, which controls the draft angle

for the second side. Click the Reverse angle to add or remove material
icons to the right of each combo box to change the draft side. The system
updates the preview geometry, as shown in the next illustration.

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7. Click to create the Draft feature. The final geometry is shown in the
following illustration.

To Create a Split Draft with Two Hinges

When you create a split draft with two hinges, each side of the draft surfaces rotates
with respect to its own hinge. The sides can then be drafted either independently or

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Draft.

2. Select surfaces that you want to draft.

3. Specify the first hinge. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar to
activate it and select a plane or a curve chain located on the draft surfaces.


4. Specify the pull direction. The system displays the preview geometry for a
constant draft with the default angle of 1 degree.

5. Open the Split slide-up panel and select Split by split object from the Split
options menu. Select a quilt intersecting the draft surfaces as a split object. The
system displays the preview geometry for a split draft with sides drafted
independently, with the default draft angle of 1 degree for the second side. Both
sides of the draft surfaces are rotated about the first hinge.

6. Specify the second hinge. Click the Draft hinges collector in the dialog bar
to activate it, hold down the CTRL key, and select another plane or curve chain.
The preview geometry changes as the second side of drafted surfaces is rotated
about the second hinge.

7. Modify the draft angle values, as necessary. You can also select the Draft sides
dependently option from the Side options menu, which becomes available
after you specify the second hinge.

8. When satisfied with the feature geometry, click in the dialog bar.

Example: Creating a Split Draft with Two Hinges

This example describes creating a split draft with two hinges. The original part is
shown in the following illustration.

1. Click in the Engineering Features toolbar, or click Insert > Draft.

2. Select the side surface of the cylinder as the draft surface. The cylinder consists
of two halves; the second half is automatically added to the draft surfaces,
because by default draft is extended to tangent surfaces.

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3. Specify the first hinge. Click the Draft hinges collector and select the top
edge chain of the cylinder (1). This chain consists of two edges, corresponding to
the two halves of the cylindrical surface. To select the edges as a chain, select
one edge, hold down the SHIFT key, select the same edge again to indicate that
you are adding to this chain, then select the second edge. The Draft hinges
collector shows one chain.

4. Click the Pull direction collector and select the top of the cylinder to define
the pull direction.

5. Open the Split slide-up panel and select Split by split object from the Split
options menu. Select quilt (2) as the split object.

6. Specify the second hinge. Click the Draft hinges collector to activate it,
press the CTRL key, and select one of the bottom edges of the cylinder (3).
Release the CTRL key, hold down the SHIFT key, select the same bottom edge
again to indicate that you are adding to this chain, and select the second bottom
edge, corresponding to the second half of the cylindrical surface. The Draft
hinges collector now shows two chains.

7. Adjust the draft angles for both sides. The resulting geometry, with sides drafted
independently, is shown in the following illustration.

8. After you specified the second hinge, the Draft sides dependently option
becomes available in the Side options menu. If you select this option, the
resulting geometry is shown in the next illustration.


Note: In this example, instead of selecting the curve chains, you could have
selected the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder as the first and second
hinge, respectively.


About the Round Feature

Pro/ENGINEER enables you to create and modify rounds. Rounds are a type of edge
treatment feature in which a radius is added to an edge or edges, an edge chain, or
between surfaces. Surfaces can be solid model surfaces or traditional Pro/ENGINEER
zero-thickness quilts and surfaces.
To create rounds, you must define one or more round sets. A round set is an
organizational unit containing one or more round pieces (round geometry). After you
specify round placement references, Pro/ENGINEER uses default attributes, radius
values, and default transitions that best fit the referenced geometry to create the
round. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the round in the graphics
window enabling you to create and modify both round pieces and transitions before
feature creation. Note that the default settings accommodate most modeling cases.
However, you can define the round sets or transitions to achieve the preferred round

Anatomy of a Round
A round consists of the following items:
• Sets—Round pieces (geometry) created pertaining to the placement references.
Round pieces consist of unique attributes, geometric references, and one or more

• Transitions—Filler geometry that connects round pieces. Transitions are located

where round pieces intersect or terminate. Pro/ENGINEER uses default transitions

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during the initial round creation and provides many transition types allowing you
to create and modify transitions.

Round Sets and Transitions

Set Mode Display Transition Mode Display

Two edge references are selected for All transitions for the entire round
the round set. Pro/ENGINEER displays feature are displayed. Pro/ENGINEER
preview geometry of the two round displays the two round pieces for
pieces and the radius value. context.

1 Round piece 1 Transition

2 Edge reference 2 Round piece

About Round Types and References

Round Types
Using Pro/ENGINEER, you can create the following round types:

Constant Variable

The round piece has a constant radius The round piece has multiple


Round Driven by a Curve Full

The radius of the round is driven by the The Full round replaces the
datum curve. selected surface.

1 Datum curve

Round Placement References

The types of rounds that you can create are determined by the types of placement
references that you select. The following table describes each round reference and
lists the round types that you can create using each reference:

Reference Definition Example Round

Type Type

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Reference Definition Example Round

Type Type

Edges or Place a Two edges Constant,

edge round by Variable,
chains selecting Through
one or Curve,
more Full.*
edges, or
* For a Full
by using
an edge round, you
two round
The pieces
surfaces within a
bordering round set.
the edge
Note: The
form the two edges
must share
1 Edge reference a common
attachmen surface.
2 Round piece (with radius value)
t for the
round. Edge chain

Note: The
s across
until it
s a break
if you use
a One-by-
chain, the
1 Edge chain reference
does not 2 Round piece (with radius value)
across 3 Existing round geometry


Reference Definition Example Round

Type Type

Surface Place a Surface and edge Constant,

to Edge round by Variable,
selecting and Full.
a surface
first and
then an

The round
tangent to
The edge
does not
maintain 1 Surface reference
2 Edge reference

3 Round piece

Surface Place a Two surfaces Constant,

to round by Variable,
Surface selecting Through
two Curve, and
surfaces. Full*

The edges * For a Full

of the round, you
round will select a
remain third
tangent to surface as
the the Driving
reference Surface.
surfaces. This
1 Surface reference the
2 Surface reference and
3 Round piece (with radius value)
the size of
the round.

Part – Help Topic Collection

About Creation Methods and Cross-Section Shapes

Pro/ENGINEER uses default attributes to create the round geometry (round pieces).
These default attributes include the Rolling Ball creation method and the Circular
cross-section shape. You can change these attributes at any time in your design
session to achieve the preferred round geometry using the Sets slide-up panel
located on the Dashboard.

Creation Methods
Creation methods are the way in which Pro/ENGINEER creates the round geometry.
Different creation methods result in different round geometry. Pro/ENGINEER
provides the following creation methods:
• Rolling Ball—The round is created by rolling a spherical ball along the surfaces
to which it would naturally stay tangent. This is selected by default.

• Normal To Spine—The round is created by sweeping an arc or conic cross-

section normal to a spine. You must select a spine for this type of round. Note
that this option is not available for Full rounds.

Cross-Section Shapes
Cross-section shapes help define the round geometry. As with creation methods,
different shapes result in different round geometry. Pro/ENGINEER provides the
following cross-section shapes:
• Circular—Pro/ENGINEER creates a circular cross section. This is selected by

• Conic—Pro/ENGINEER creates a conical cross section. You can control the

sharpness of the conical shape by using a conic parameter (from 0.05 to 0.95).
You can create two types of Conic rounds:

o Conic—The Conic round is created with dependent legs. You can modify the
length of one leg and the corresponding leg automatically snaps to the
same length. The dependent Conic attribute is available only for Constant
and Variable round sets.

o D1 x D2 Conic—The D1 x D2 Conic round is created with independent

legs. You can modify the length of each leg independently providing a range
of Conic round shapes. If you want to reverse the leg lengths, simply use
the flip button. The independent Conic attribute is available only for
Constant round sets.

About the Round User Interface

The Round user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon


Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon
The Round tool displays the following icons:

• —Indicates a round feature in the Model Tree and it is displayed in the

dashboard to indicate that the Round tool is open. This icon also identifies the
Round tool on the Insert menu and on the Feature toolbar.

The Round dialog bar displays the following options:

Set Mode

• —Activates Set mode enabling you to work with round sets. Pro/ENGINEER
selects this by default.

Options for rounds with a Circular cross-sectional shape (default setting):

• Radius box—Controls the distance of the radius for the current constant round.
You can type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list. This
option is available only for Constant rounds.

• Radius Reference collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as

the distance reference for the current radius in the active round set. This collector
is available if you snap a handle to a reference or select Reference from the
Distance box in the Sets slide-up panel (left box under Radius table). This
collector corresponds to the Radius column collector in the Radius table.

Options for rounds with a Conic cross-sectional shape:

• Conic Parameter box—Controls the sharpness of the current Conic round. You
can type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list. This box
corresponds to the Conic Parameter box in the Sets slide-up panel.

• Conic Distance box—Controls the conic distance of the current Conic round. You
can type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list. This box
corresponds to the D column distance box on the Sets slide-up panel Radius
table. This box is not available for D1 x D2 Conic rounds.

• Conic Distance collectors—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as

the distance reference for the current radius in the active Conic round set. The
collectors are available if you snap a handle to a reference or select Reference
from the Distance box under Radius table on the Sets slide-up panel. The
collectors correspond to the D (Conic), or D1, D2 (D1 x D2 Conic) column
collectors in the Radius table.

• —Reverses the distance of a D1 x D2 Conic round.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Placement Ambiguity Option

• Next Solution—Displays each mutually exclusive group of round pieces enabling
you to view them and select one. Pro/ENGINEER displays this button only if the
round set has multiple mutually exclusive groups from the same reference.

Transition Mode

• —Activates Transition mode enabling you to define all transitions for the
round feature.

• Transition Type box—Displays the default transition type for the current
transition and contain a list of valid transition types based on the geometrical
context. This box enables you to change the transition type for the current
transition. The following is a complete list of transition types.

Note: Not all transition types listed will be available for a given context:

o Default—Uses the default transition type assigned by Pro/ENGINEER. The

transition type appears in parenthesis.

o Stop Case 1—Assigns stop references generated by Pro/ENGINEER.

o Stop Case 2—Assigns stop references generated by Pro/ENGINEER.

o Stop Case 3—Assigns stop references generated by Pro/ENGINEER.

o Stop at Reference—Enables you to assign stop references for the active

Stop transition. The Stop reference collector (located in the Transitions
slide-up panel and the dialog bar) activates.

o Blend—Blends between two round pieces. The tangent round geometry

stops at sharp edges.

o Continue—Continues the round geometry between two round pieces. The

tangent round geometry does not stop at sharp edges.

o Intersect—Extends two or more overlapping round pieces towards each

other until they merge forming a sharp boundary. This command is
available only if the active round set contains two or more overlapping
round pieces.

o Corner Sphere—Rounds the corner transition formed by three overlapping

round pieces with a spherical corner.

o Patch—Creates a patched surface at the location where three or four round

pieces overlap.

o Round Only 1—Creates a transition using compounded round geometry.

o Round Only 2—Creates a transition using compounded round geometry

• Capped check box—Creates end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active
transition and part geometry. This check box is available only if you select all of
the following: a transition type (other than Default), valid geometry, and the


Surface or New quilt attachment types from the Options slide-up panel.
Pro/ENGINEER does not select this check box by default. You can also use
Capped from the shortcut menu.


o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round pieces cannot be capped and the Capped check
box is ignored.

o This check box caps the gaps only of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. The dialog bar check box
overrides the slide-up panel check box enabling you to cap the gaps of the
active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the round piece ends for
the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Corner Sphere Transition Options

• R box—Controls the sphere radius for the active Corner Sphere transition. You
can type a new radius value or select a most recently used value from the list.

• L1, L2, L3 boxes—Controls the length for the active Corner Sphere transition.
You can type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list.
These value boxes are available only if you select the Corner Sphere transition

Patch Transition Options

• Optional surface collector—Indicates that a valid surface reference has been
selected to place a fillet for the active Patch transition. To activate this collector,
you can either click in it, use the Patch Optional Surface shortcut menu
command, or click in the Optional surface collector in the Transitions slide-up

• Radius box—Controls the fillet radius for the active Patch transition. You can
type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list. This box is
available after the Optional surface collector contains a surface reference.

Stop Transition Options

• Stop reference collector—Indicates that valid stop references have been
selected for the active Stop at Reference transition. To activate this collector, you
can either click in it, use the Stop References shortcut menu command, or click
in the Stop references collector in the Transitions slide-up panel. Note that
you must select the Stop at Reference transition type to display this option.

• Stop reference box—Contains the following options enabling you to stop the
active round piece.

Note: To display the Stop reference box, you must select the Stop at
reference transition type either a vertex or a datum point located on the spine
of the active round set as the valid stop reference.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Point—Stops the round set at a plane that passes through the selected
stop reference and is oriented normal to an edge with the stop reference.

o Isolines—Stops the round set at a plane that passes through the stop
reference and normal to the round surface.

Slide-up Panels
The Round dashboard contains the following slide-up panels:

Sets Slide-up Panel

You must activate Set mode to use this panel. The Sets slide-up panel contains the
following options:
• Sets list—Contains all round sets for the current round feature enabling you to
add, remove, or select a round set for modification. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
active round set. The Sets list contains the following:

o Set—Indicates a round set.

o New Set—Adds a new round set and makes it active. You can also use the
Add Set shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

o Cross-section shape box—Controls the cross-sectional shape for the active

round set. The box contains the following shapes:

o Circular—Creates a round set with a circular cross-sectional shape.

Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

o Conic—Creates a round set with a conic cross-sectional shape and

dependent dimensions (x- and y-axes). You can use this option for
Constant and Variable round sets.

o D1 x D2 Conic—Creates a round set with a conic cross-sectional shape and

independent dimensions (x- and y-axes). This option is available only for
Constant round sets.

• Conic Parameter box—Controls the sharpness of the current Conic round. You
can type a new value or select a most recently used value from the list. The
default value is 0.50. This box is available only if the Conic or D1 x D2 Conic
cross-sectional shapes are selected.

• Creation method box—Controls the creation method for the active round set.
The box contains the following creation methods:

• Rolling Ball—Creates a round using the Rolling Ball method.

Pro/ENGINEER selects this option by default.

• Normal to spine—Creates a round using the Normal to Spine method. You

can use this options only for Constant and Variable round sets.

• Full Round—Converts the active round set to a Full round or allows a third
surface to drive a surface-to-surface Full round. The Driving surface collector
activates if it is required, such as with a surface-to-surface round. Notice that you


can click Full Round again to restore the round to its previous state. Full Round
is available only if you select valid Full round references and both the Circular
cross-sectional shape and the Rolling Ball creation method. This button is not
available if you select Through Curve. The Full Round button corresponds to
the Full Round shortcut menu command.

• Through Curve—Allows the radius of the active round to be driven by the

selected curve to create a round driven by a curve. The Driving curve collector
activates. Notice that you can click this button again to restore the round to its
previous state. The Through Curve button is available only if you select valid
round references and both the Circular cross-sectional shape and the Rolling Ball
creation method (both are default settings). This command is not available if you
select the Full Round command. This button corresponds to the Through Curve
shortcut menu command.

• References collector—Contains the valid references that you selected for the
round set. You can click in this collector to activate it or use the References
shortcut menu command.

• Secondary collectors—The following collectors activate depending on the active

round type:

o Driving curve—Contains the reference for the curve that drives the round
radius to create a round driven by a curve. You can click in this collector to
activate it or use the Through Curve shortcut menu command.

Note: You can simply snap (SHIFT+click and drag) the radius to a curve
to satisfy this collector.

o Driving surface—Contains the reference for the surface to be replaced by

a Full round. You can click in this collector to activate it or use the Remove
Surface shortcut menu command.

o Spine—Contains the spine reference for Normal to Spine or Variable

surface-to-surface round sets. You can click in this collector to activate it or
use the Spine shortcut menu command.

• Details—Opens the Chain dialog box so that you can modify chain properties.

• Radius table—Controls the distance and location of the radius for the active
round set. The Radius table contains the following options. This table is not
available for Full rounds or rounds driven by a curve (Through Curve).

o # column—Lists the number of radii for the active round set.

Pro/ENGINEER displays one radius per row and highlights the current
radius. Notice that the # column always contains at least one radius.

o Radius column—Controls the distance of each radius for the active round
set. This column contains values and references. You can type a new
distance value or select a most recently used value from the list. Notice
that the Radius column always contains at least one value or reference.

Note: This column is not available for Conic rounds (see D and D1, D2
columns below).

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Location column—Controls the placement of each radius for the active

Variable round set. This column contains ratios and references. The
Location column is not available for Constant rounds and D1 x D2 Conic

o D column—Controls the conic distance of each radius for the active Conic
round set. This column contains values and references, and is available only
for Conic rounds.

o D1, D2 columns—Controls the conic distance of each radius for the active
D1 x D2 Conic round set. These columns contain values and references, and
are available only for D1 x D2 Conic rounds.

You can use the following shortcut menu commands from the Radius table:

o Add Radius—Adds a radius to the active round set.

o Delete—Deletes the current radius.

Note: You cannot use this command to delete radii that Pro/ENGINEER
places at the ends of round pieces.

o Make Constant—Deletes radii that Pro/ENGINEER places at the ends of

round pieces.

• Distance box—Controls the distance of the current radius (displayed in the

Radius table) for active round set. This box is located under the Radius table
(left) and contains the following options. Note that two Distance boxes are
appear for D1 x D2 Conic rounds. The second box replaces the Location box.

o Value—Sets the distance for the current radius by using a numerical value.
The distance value displays in the Radius table.

o Reference—Sets the distance for the current radius by using a reference.

This option activates a collector in the Radius table that contains the
reference information.

o Location box—Controls the placement location of the current radius (displayed

in the Radius table) for the active round set. This box is located under the Radius
table (right) and contains the following options. The Location box is available
only for Conic rounds with more than one radius and for Variable rounds.

Note: The active round set must contain more than the default radii (which are
automatically placed at the round piece ends and do not contain anchors) for the
box to appear.

o Ratio—Sets the location of the current radius by using a numerical value.

The location ratio displays in the Radius table (Location column).

o Reference—Sets the location of the current radius by using a reference.

This option activates a collector in the Radius table (Location column) that
contains the reference information.


Transitions Slide-up Panel

You must activate the Transition mode to use this panel. The Transitions slide-up
panel contains the following options:
• Transitions list—Contains all user-defined transitions for the entire round
feature enabling you to modify a transition. Pro/ENGINEER does not list default
transitions. You can view the default transition type for the active transition from
the Transition Type box on the dialog bar or from the shortcut menu. To activate
the Transitions list, you can either click in it or use the Transition Selection
shortcut menu command.

• Stop references collector—Contain the references for the active Stop at

Reference transition. This collector is available only if you assign the Stop at
Reference transition type to the active Stop transition. You can click in this
collector to activate it or use the Stop References shortcut menu command.

• Optional surface collector—Contain the references to place a fillet for the

active Patch transition. This collector is available only if you assign the Patch
transition type to the active transition. This collector corresponds to the Optional
surface collector in the dialog bar. You can click in either collector to activate
them or use the Patch Optional Surface shortcut menu command.

Pieces Slide-up Panel

Round piece management is performed using the Pieces slide-up panel. You can view
all round sets for the round feature, view all round pieces in the current round set,
trim, extend, or exclude these round pieces, and address placement ambiguity.
The Pieces slide-up panel contains the following options:
• Sets list—Lists all of the round sets for the entire round feature. The Sets list
contains the following:

o Set—Indicates a round set.

o New Set—Adds a new round set and makes it active. You can also use the
Add Set shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

• Pieces table—Lists all of the round pieces for the current round set and indicates
their current state as one of the following:

o Included—Does the following:

Indicates that the round pieces are included in the current round set
(selected by default).

Includes the selected round piece that is in an excluded state.

Restores a trimmed or extended round piece to its original state.

o Excluded—Excludes the selected round piece that is in an included state.

Note that this option is available only if the current round set contains two
or more round pieces that use one explicit placement reference. This can
occur if the round geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains. It can also

Part – Help Topic Collection

occur if a single round piece cannot be created at a certain radius value. For
example, a round that is too large to sweep around a corner.

o Edited—Indicates that the selected round piece was trimmed or extended.

You can also use these options from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.
Note that All included is available only from this shortcut menu. All included
includes all of the round pieces for the current round set that are in an excluded
state. This option also restores all trimmed or extended round pieces for the
current round set to their original state.

Options Slide-up Panel

The Options slide-up panel contains the following options:
• Solid—Creates the round feature as a solid that intersects the existing geometry.
This attachment type is available only if you select solids as round set references.
Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select solids as round set references.

• Surface—Creates the round feature as a surface that does not intersect the
existing geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as
round set references. Pro/ENGINEER does not select this by default.

• New quilt—Creates the round feature as a new quilt. This attachment type is
available only for surface round set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by
default if you select different surface quilts or both a solid and a quilt as round
set references.

• Same quilt—Creates the round feature as a surface that merges with the
reference quilt. This attachment type is available only for surface round set
references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select round set
references from the same surface quilt.

• Create end surfaces—Creates end surfaces to cap all of the round piece ends of
the round feature. This check box is available only if you select valid geometry
and the Surface or New quilt attachment types. Pro/ENGINEER does not select
this by default.


o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece ends cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the dialog bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active transition and part


Properties Slide-up Panel

The Properties slide-up panel contains the following options:
• Name box—Displays the current round feature name enabling you to rename it.

• —Provides detailed round feature information in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Shortcut Menus
You can use the following shortcut (right-click) menu commands to quickly perform
an action:

Set Mode: Collector Commands

• References—Activates the References collector (located in the Sets slide-up
panel) enabling you to select a placement reference for the round. Pro/ENGINEER
selects this by default. This command is available if another collector is present.

• Driving Curve—Activates the Driving curve collector (located in the Sets slide-
up panel) enabling you to select a reference curve to drive the radius of the
round. This command is available if you snap a radius to a curve, click the
Through Curve button on the Sets slide-up panel button, or select the Through
Curve shortcut menu command.

• Spine—Activates the Spine collector (located in the Sets slide-up panel)

enabling you to select a spine curve reference. This command is available if you
use the Normal to spine round creation method option (located in the Sets
slide-up panel) or if you create a surface-to-surface Variable round.

• Round Reference Point—Activates the Radius collectors (located in the Sets

slide-up panel Radius table and in the dialog bar) enabling you to size the current
round radius by snapping to a reference. This command is available only when
the highlighted radius in the table is driven by a reference.

• Location Reference—Activates the Location collector (located in the Sets slide-

up panel Radius table) enabling you to relocate the current round radius by
snapping to a reference. This command is available only when the highlighted
radius location in the table is driven by a reference

• Driving Surface—Activates the Driving surface collector (located in the Sets

slide-up panel) enabling you to use the selected surface to drive the location and
size of a Full round. This command is available when the Driving surface
collector is present.

• Clear—Clears the selected reference from the active collector.

Set Mode: Mode Command

• Show Transitions—Switches to Transition mode.

Set Mode: Round Set Commands

• Make Constant—Resets the active round to be driven by a single radius.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Make Variable—Adds a new radius to the active round set. If you are creating a
surface-to-surface round, the Spine collector (located in the Sets slide-up panel)

• Through Curve—Allows the radius of the active round to be driven by the

selected curve to create a round driven by a curve. The Driving curve collector
(located in the Sets slide-up) activates. A check mark appears next to this
shortcut menu command indicating that this round type has been selected.
Notice that you can click this command again to restore the round to its previous
state. The Through Curve command is available only if you select valid round
references and both the Circular cross-sectional shape and the Rolling Ball
creation method in the Sets slide-up panel (default settings). This command is
not available if you select the Full Round command. The Through Curve
command corresponds to the Through Curve button (located in the Sets slide-
up panel).

• Full Round—Converts the active round set to a Full round or allows a third
surface to drive a surface-to-surface Full round. The Driving surface collector
(located in the Sets slide-up panel) activates if it is required, such as with a
surface-to-surface Full round. A check mark appears next to this shortcut menu
command indicating that this round type has been selected.
Notice that you can click this command again to restore the round to its previous
state. The Full Round command is available only if you select valid Full round
references and both the Circular cross-sectional shape and the Rolling Ball
creation method in the Sets slide-up panel. This command is not available if you
select the Through Curve command. The Full Round command corresponds to
the Full Round button (located in the Sets slide-up panel).

• Add Set—Adds a new round set and makes it active.

• Delete Set—Deletes the active round set.

You must place your pointer over a handle in the graphics window and right-click to
use the following round set modification commands:
• Add Radius—Adds a radius to the active round set. This command is not
available for D1 x D2 Conic rounds.

• Independent—Select this (check mark displayed) to create a D1 x D2 Conic

round enabling you to adjust the dimensions independently (corresponds to the
D1 x D2 Conic cross-sectional shape in the Sets slide-up panel). If it is not
selected (check mark not displayed), the Conic round is dependent (same as
Conic cross-sectional shape in the Sets panel). This command is available only
for constant Conic rounds.

• Flip—Reverses the distance of a D1 x D2 Conic round.

Set Mode: Collector Reference Commands

You must place your pointer in a collector and right-click to use the following
• Remove—Removes the selected reference from the active collector.


• Remove All—Removes all references from the active collector. The collector
must contain multiple references to use this command.

• Information—Opens the INFORMATION WINDOW to display detailed

information about the selected reference in the collector. This command is
unavailable for chain and surface references.

Transition Mode: List and Collector Commands

• Transition Selection—Activate the Transitions list (located in the Transitions
slide-up panel) enabling you to select a user-defined transition. This command is
available if a transition collector is displayed.

• Stop References—Activates the Stop references collectors (located in the

Transitions slide-up panel and in the dialog bar) enabling you to assign stop
references to the active Stop transition.

• Patch Optional Surface—Activate the Optional surface collectors (located in

the Transitions slide-up panel and in the dialog bar) enabling you to select a
surface reference to place a fillet for the active Patch transition. This command is
available only if you select a three-sided corner transition and assign the Patch
transition type to it.

• Clear—Clears the selected reference from the active collector.

Transition Mode: Mode Command

• Back to Sets—Switches to Set mode.

Transition Mode: Transition Commands

• Transition Type—These commands are identical to the transition types that are
available from the Transition Type box on the dialog bar. You can find a
complete list of transition types in the dialog bar section.

The following transition commands enable you to modify a transition:

• Delete Transition—Deletes the active transition.

• Make Transition—Creates a transition by selecting round piece edges associated

with a deleted transition.

• Capped—Creates end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active transition and
part geometry. You can select this command for each active transition that you
want to cap. This command is available only if you select all of the following: a
transition type (other than Default), valid geometry, and the Surface or New
quilt attachment types from the Options slide-up panel. Pro/ENGINEER does not
select this command by default. The Capped command corresponds to the
Capped check box located on the dialog bar.

Collector Reference Commands

You must place your cursor in a collector and right-click to use the following
• Remove—Removes the selected reference from the active collector.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Remove All—Removes all references from the active collector. The collector
must contain multiple references to use this command.

• Information—Opens the INFORMATION WINDOW to display detailed

information about the selected reference in the collector. This command is
unavailable for chain and surface references.

• When using a most recently used box, you can always select Default from the
list, enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the appropriate value for your
geometrical context.

• Always place your pointer in the collector or in the most recently used box and
right-click to use the shortcut menu commands for those options.

To Create a Constant Round

1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the round.
Notice that the round propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters a
break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the round does not
propagate across tangent neighbors.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that the selected references
are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.

3. To define a radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance or snap it to
a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics window
and dynamically updates the preview geometry.
Note: You can also type a new value in the distance value box or select a most
recently used value from the list on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to
the distance boxes in the Radius table (Radius column) located on the Sets
slide-up panel.

4. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

5. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can also use the Make Constant shortcut menu command (from either the
graphics window or from the Radius table on the Sets slide-up panel) to convert
a Variable round to a Constant round.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.


• To quickly define a radius, simply double-click the distance value in the graphics
window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

• To easily create a round as you work in the graphics window, select edge
references, right-click and select Round Edges from the shortcut menu.
Pro/ENGINEER opens the Round tool enabling you to continue working with the
round. Note that this command is available only if you select edge references.

To Create a Variable Round

Note: If you are using two surfaces to create a Variable round, refer to To Create a
Surface-to-Surface Variable Round under See Also.
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the round.
Notice that the round propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters a
break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the round does not
propagate across tangent neighbors.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove references.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that the selected references
are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.

3. Place your cursor over the radius anchor, right-click and select Add Radius from
the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER copies the radius and its value and places
each radius at each ends of the round pieces.
Note: These are the default radii for a Variable round. These radii do not contain
anchors and cannot be relocated. To delete these default radii, you must use
Make Constant from the shortcut menu. This command converts the active
round set from Variable to Constant.

4. To add another radius, place your cursor over the handle of the radius that you
want to copy, right-click and select Add Radius from the shortcut menu. These
additional radii contain anchors. You can drag an anchor or snap it to a datum
point reference to relocate the radius.
Note: You can select Delete from the shortcut menu to remove the radius.

5. To define a radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance or snap it to
a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics window
and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: You can also type a new value in the distance value box or select a most
recently used distance value from the list in the Radius table (Radius column)
located on the Sets slide-up panel.

6. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can also use the Add Radius, Delete, and Make Constant shortcut menu
commands from the Radius table on the Sets slide-up panel.

• You can also use Make Variable from the shortcut menu to convert an existing
Constant round to a Variable round.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a radius, simply double-click the distance value in the graphics
window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

• To easily create a round as you work in the graphics window, select edge
references, right-click and select Round Edges from the shortcut menu.
Pro/ENGINEER opens the Round tool enabling you to continue working with the
round. Note that this command is available only if you select edge references.

To Relocate a Radius Using a Reference

In addition to dragging an anchor or typing and selecting location ratios,
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to relocate a radius by snapping to a vertex or to a
datum point.

1. Select the placement references for the round and click . The Round tool

2. In the graphics window, select the radius anchor of a Variable round that you
want to relocate.
Note: You cannot relocate radii that Pro/ENGINEER places at the ends of round


3. Press SHIFT and drag the radius anchor to snap it to a vertex or to a datum
point. As you drag, notice that Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights the reference as
your cursor moves over it. This enables you to target the correct reference.
Pro/ENGINEER selects Reference from the Sets slide-up panel Distance box and
populates the Radius table Location collector with the reference information.

4. To relocate the radius, press SHIFT and drag the anchor to unsnap it from the
reference. You can then either snap it to another reference, drag the anchor to a
preferred location, or type or select a new location ratio from the Location
column in the Sets slide-up panel.

5. The radius is relocated. You can continue to work with rounds or click
enabling Pro/ENGINEER to create the round and close the Round tool.

• If you prefer to relocate a radius from the Sets slide-up panel, simply select the
radius to relocate in the Radius table # column and select Reference from the
Location box (located to the right under the table). After the location collector
activates, select the vertex or datum point from the graphics window. You can
also activate this collector using the Location Reference shortcut menu

• To quickly identify a radius from the Sets slide-up panel, place your cursor over a
radius number on the Radius table # column. Pro/ENGINEER dynamically
highlights each radius enabling you to select it.

• If you want to use a datum point, but one is not present, you can create one
without closing the Round tool by opening one of the Datum Point tools on the
Feature Toolbar.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Create a Surface-to-Surface Variable Round

Note: If you are not using two surfaces to create a Variable round, refer to To
Create a Variable Round under See Also.
1. In the graphics window, select two surface references.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove references.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that the selected references
are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Right-click in the graphics window and select Make Variable from the shortcut
menu. You can also place your cursor over the handle of the radius, right-click
and select Add Radius from the shortcut menu to make the round set variable.
Pro/ENGINEER activates the Spine collector located on the Sets slide-up panel.

4. Select an edge to define a spine for the round. Notice that the preview geometry
is hidden while you select the spine reference. Pro/ENGINEER copies the current
radius and its value and places each radius at each ends of the round pieces.
Note: These are the default radii for a Variable round. These radii do not contain
anchors and cannot be relocated. To delete these default radii, you must use
Make Constant from the shortcut menu. This command converts the active
round set from Variable to Constant.

5. To add another radius, place your cursor over the handle of the radius that you
want to copy, right-click and select Add Radius from the shortcut menu. These
additional radii contain anchors. You can drag the anchor or snap it to a datum
point reference to relocate the radius.
Note: You can select Delete from the shortcut menu to remove the radius.

6. To define a radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance or snap it to
a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics window
and dynamically updates the preview geometry.
Note: You can type a new value in the distance value box or select a most
recently used distance value from the list in the Radius table (Radius column)
located on the Sets slide-up panel.

7. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

8. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can also use the Add Radius, Delete, and Make Constant shortcut menu
commands from the Radius table on the Sets slide-up panel.

• To quickly define a radius, simply double-click the distance value in the graphics
window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
most recently used value from the list.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.


To Define a Radius Using a Reference

In addition to dragging radius handles, or typing or selecting distance values,
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to define a radius by snapping to a vertex or datum

1. Select the placement references for the round and click . The Round tool

2. In the graphics window, select the radius handle of a Constant or Variable round
that you want to redefine.

3. Press SHIFT and drag the radius handle to snap it to a vertex or to a datum
point. As you drag, notice that Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights the reference as
your cursor moves over it. This enables you to target the correct reference.
Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Replaces the default radius handle with a special handle in the graphics
window that contains the reference information.

o Activates the Distance collector on the Dialog Bar to indicate that an item
has been selected.

o Selects Reference from the Sets slide-up panel distance box and populates
the Radius table Distance collector with the reference information.

Note: If you snapped the handle, notice the snapping behavior. For Constant and
Variable rounds, Pro/ENGINEER hides the second radius handle and the radius
anchor. For D1 x D2 Conic rounds, Pro/ENGINEER separates the handles and
displays the unsnapped handle with the anchor to enable the handle to move

4. To redefine the radius, press SHIFT and drag the handle to unsnap it from the
reference. Notice that the default radius handle replaces the special handle. You
can then snap the radius handle another reference, drag the handle to a
preferred location, or type or select a new radius value using the value boxes
from either the Dialog Bar (Constant rounds only) or from the Radius table in the
Sets slide-up panel.

5. The radius is defined. You can continue to work with rounds or click enabling
Pro/ENGINEER to create the round and close the Round tool.

• If you prefer to define a radius from the Sets slide-up panel, simply select the
radius to define in the Radius table # column and select Reference from the
Distance box located under the table. After the distance collectors activate, select
the datum point or vertex from the graphics window.

• To quickly identify a radius from the Sets slide-up panel, place your cursor over a
radius number on the Radius table # column. Pro/ENGINEER dynamically
highlights each radius enabling you to select it.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• If you want to use a datum point, but one is not present, you can create one
without closing the Round tool by opening one of the Datum Point tools on the
Feature Toolbar.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Create a Round Driven by a Curve

1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create a Constant or
Variable round. Notice that the round propagates across tangent neighbors until
it encounters a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the
round does not propagate across tangent neighbors.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that the selected references
are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.

3. In the graphics window, press SHIFT and drag a radius handle to snap it to a
chain of curves as the Driving Curve reference. As you drag, notice that
Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights the reference as your cursor moves over it. This
enables you to target the correct reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview
geometry of the round.
Note: You can use Through Curve from the shortcut menu to restore the round
to its previous state.

4. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

5. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• If you prefer, you can create a Round Driven by a Curve using the Sets slide-up
panel. Simply, click the Through Curve button. Pro/ENGINEER activates the
Driving Curve collector.
In the graphics window, select a chain of curves. Pro/ENGINEER populates the
Driving Curve collector with the reference and displays preview geometry of the
round. Notice that the preview geometry is hidden while you select the Driving
Curve reference.

• You can also use Through Curve from the shortcut menu to create this round.
Notice that a check mark appears next to this shortcut menu command indicating
that this round type has been selected.


• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• If a Driving Curve reference is not present, you can click on the Feature
Toolbar to open the Sketch tool and create one.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to remove all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from a collector, select the reference that you want to
remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select Remove
from the shortcut menu.

• To easily create a round as you work in the graphics window, select edge
references, right-click and select Round Edges from the shortcut menu.
Pro/ENGINEER opens the Round tool enabling you to continue working with the
round. Note that this command is available only if you select edge references.

Example: Round Driven by a Curve

1 Edge reference

2 Datum curve

3 Round piece (Notice that Pro/ENGINEER copies the datum curve to complete the

To Create a Full Round

Note: If you are using two surfaces to create a Full round, refer to To Create a
Surface-to-Surface Full Round under See Also.
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the round. If
you use only edge references, the edges must share a common surface. Notice

Part – Help Topic Collection

that the round propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters a break in
tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the round does not
propagate across tangent neighbors.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove references.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that the selected references
are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.

3. In the graphics window, right-click and select Full Round from the shortcut
menu. Notice that a check mark appears next to this shortcut menu command
indicating that this round type has been selected. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview
geometry of the Full round.
Note: You can select Full Round again to restore the round to its previous state.

4. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

5. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

• To easily create a round as you work in the graphics window, select edge
references, right-click and select Round Edges from the shortcut menu.
Pro/ENGINEER opens the Round tool enabling you to continue working with the
round. Note that this command is available only if you select edge references.

To Create a Surface-to-Surface Full Round

Note: If you are not using two surfaces to create a Full round, refer to To Create a
Full Round under See Also.
1. In the graphics window, select two surface references for the Full round.
Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active round set or
to remove references.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Round. The Round tool opens and
Pro/ENGINEER displays the selected surface references. Notice that the selected
references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up panel.


3. Right-click in the graphics window and select Full Round from the shortcut
menu. Pro/ENGINEER activates the Driving Surface collector located on the
Sets slide-up panel. Notice that a check mark appears next to this shortcut menu
command indicating that this round type has been selected.
Note: You can also activate this collector using Driving Surface from the
shortcut menu.

4. Select a third surface as the Driving Surface. Pro/ENGINEER populates the

Driving Surface collector with the surface reference, replaces the surface with a
Full round, and displays preview geometry of the round.

5. At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

6. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

Rules for Creating a Full Round

The following rules apply for Full rounds:
• If you are using edge references, the edge references must share a common
surface. Pro/ENGINEER converts two round pieces within a round set to create
the Full round.

• If you are using two surface references, you must select a third surface as the
Driving Surface. This surface determines the location and sometimes the size of
the round. Pro/ENGINEER replaces this common surface with a radius to create
the surface-to-surface Full round.

• You can create a Full round for solid or surface geometry.

• You cannot create a Full round if:

o More than two edge references border the same surface.

o The round you are defining has a Conic cross-section shape.

o The round you are defining has been created using a Normal to Spine
creation method.

To Create a Conic Round

1. Create a constant or variable round. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of
the round.

Part – Help Topic Collection

2. Click the Sets tab on the dashboard. The Sets slide-up panel appears.

3. In the cross-section shape box, select Conic. Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Adds a conic parameter handle with a default value (0.5) to the current
radius for the round set.

o Displays the Conic Parameter box on the dashboard and on the Sets
slide-up panel.

o Modifies the radius table to include a D column containing a conic distance

value box for the radius. Note that the distance value box on the dashboard
is available only for constant rounds.

4. To define the conic parameter that controls the sharpness of the conic shape,
drag the conic parameter handle to the preferred value.

If you set the ratio_grid_interval configuration option to a value within the

range of 0 through 1, the conic parameter handle automatically snaps to the grid
in intervals of the specified value when you drag this handle.

Pro/ENGINEER displays the radius value in the graphics window and dynamically
updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new parameter or select a most recently used one
using the Conic Parameter box from the dashboard or from the Sets slide-up

5. To define a radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance or snap it to
a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics window
and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new value in the distance value box or select a most
recently used value from the list in the radius table (D column) located on the
Sets slide-up panel. The same method applies to the distance value box on the
dashboard. However, this box is available only for constant rounds.

At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

6. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can easily convert a conic round to a D1 x D2 conic round by placing your
pointer over the radius of the conic round, right-clicking, and selecting
Independent on the shortcut menu. If you click this command again,
Pro/ENGINEER restores the round to its previous state. Note that you can only
convert constant round types.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.


• To quickly define a distance or conic parameter, double-click the value in the

graphics window and type a new value and press ENTER or select a most recently
used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

To Create a D1 x D2 Conic Round

D1 x D2 Conic rounds enable you to define the round distance independently.
1. Create a constant round.

Note: You must use a constant round to create a D1 x D2 Conic round.

2. Click the Sets tab on the dashboard. The Sets slide-up panel appears.

3. In the cross-section shape box, select D1 x D2 Conic. Pro/ENGINEER does the


o Adds a conic parameter handle with a default value to the current radius for
the round set.

o Displays the Conic Parameter box on the dashboard and on the Sets
slide-up panel.

o Displays two distance value boxes on the dashboard and in the radius table
on the Sets slide-up panel.

4. To define the conic parameter that controls the sharpness of the conic shape,
drag the conic parameter handle to the preferred value. Pro/ENGINEER displays
the radius value in the graphics window and dynamically updates the preview

If you set the ratio_grid_interval configuration option to a value within the

range of 0 through 1, the conic parameter handle automatically snaps to the grid
in intervals of the specified value when you drag this handle.

Note: You can also type a new parameter or select a most recently used one
using the Conic Parameter box on the dashboard or from the Sets slide-up

5. To define a radius, drag each radius handle to the preferred distance or snap
each handle to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance values in the
graphics window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new value in the distance value box or select a most
recently used value from the list in the radius table (D1 and D2 columns) located
on the Sets slide-up panel. The same method applies to the two distance value
boxes on the dashboard.

6. To reverse the conic distances, click on the dashboard. Click it again to

return to the original distance. You can also place your pointer over the radius
handle, right-click, and click Flip on the shortcut menu.

Part – Help Topic Collection

At this point the round is complete. If you need to define the round further, refer
to the topics under See Also for more information.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can easily convert a D1 x D2 Conic round to a Conic round by placing your
pointer over the radius of the D1 x D2 Conic round, right-clicking, and selecting
Independent on the shortcut menu. If you click this command again,
Pro/ENGINEER restores the round to its previous state. Note that you can only
convert Constant round types.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and want to modify it, click Details on the
Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance or conic parameter, double-click the value in the

graphics window and type a new value and press ENTER or select a most recently
used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

Setting Ratio Grid Interval for the Conic Parameter Handle

You can set the ratio_grid_interval configuration option to a value within the
range of 0 through 1, so that the grid space is set to the value specified. The conic
parameter handle automatically snaps according to this grid value in intervals when
you drag this handle. The conic parameter controls the sharpness of the conic cross-
sectional shape of the round feature.
If you do not specify a value for ratio_grid_interval, the grid space is
automatically set to the default value of 0.05.

To Create a Normal to Spine Round

1. Create a Constant or Variable round. Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry
of the round. You cannot use the Normal to spine creation method with Full
rounds or rounds driven by a curve.

2. Click the Sets tab on the Dashboard. The Sets slide-up panel appears.

3. In the Creation Method box, select Normal to spine.

4. Do one of the following:

o If your round uses edge references, Pro/ENGINEER uses the first edge that
you selected as the spine reference for the round. Skip to step 6.

o If your round uses two surface references, Pro/ENGINEER activates the

Spine collector located on the Sets slide-up panel. Proceed to step 5.


5. Select an edge for the spine reference. Pro/ENGINEER populates the Spine
collector with the selected reference and displays preview geometry of the round.

6. If necessary, continue to modify the round using the procedures for the type of
round with which you are working.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Rename a Round Feature

You can rename the current round feature while working in the Round tool.

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click the Properties tab on the Dashboard. The Properties slide-up panel

3. In the Name box, type the new name for the round feature on which you are
working and press ENTER.

4. When you are finished working with the round feature, click . Pro/ENGINEER
renames the round feature, saves your modeling changes, creates the round, and
closes the Round tool.

To Retrieve Round Feature Information

You can retrieve information for the current round feature while working in the
Round tool.

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click the Properties tab on the Dashboard. The Properties slide-up panel

3. Click . Pro/ENGINEER opens the embedded browser and displays the round
feature information.

Tip: If additional information is available for the current round feature, simply click
the links in the browser.

Part – Help Topic Collection


About Round Transitions

Transitions allow you to specify how Pro/ENGINEER handles overlapping or
discontinuous round pieces. Pro/ENGINEER uses default transitions after you create
round geometry. These default transitions are selected according to the particular
geometrical context. For many cases, you will simply use the default transitions.
However, at some point, you will need to modify the existing transitions to achieve
the preferred round geometry.
You modify existing transition in the following ways:
• Define a Transition—Change the transition type.

• Delete Transitions and Make a New Transition—Delete one or more

transitions to free references and replace them by making a new transition for
the affected geometry.

Round Transitions
An understanding of round transitions will enable you to achieve the preferred round
geometry for your model. The following table describes the round transitions that
Pro/ENGINEER provides:

Round Transitions
Transition Example Description

Stop Terminates
Case 1 the round
using one of
Stop Cases.
R configures
each Stop
based on the

1 Round piece

2 Stop Case transition

3 Stop transition


Transition Example Description


Case 2

4 Stop Case transition

Stop Case 3

5 Stop Case transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Stop at Terminates
Reference round
geometry at
the datum
point or
datum plane
that you

1 Round piece

2 Stop at Reference transition

3 Datum point selected

4 Stop Transition

5 Existing round geometry

Blend Blend on a corner Creates a

fillet surface
between the
round pieces
using an

Note that all

stops at
sharp edges.

1 Round piece


Transition Example Description


2 Fillet surface

3 Stop transition

Blend between two collinear round pieces

1 Round piece

2 Fillet surface (Blend transition)

3 Stop transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Continue Continue between two collinear round Extends the

pieces round
into two
round pieces.
Note that
does not
stop at sharp
with Blend).

The resulting
looks as if
the round
was placed
1 Round piece first, and
2 Extension of round geometry (Continue
was cut
3 Stop transition away.
surfaces are
extended to
meet round


Transition Example Description


Corner Sphere Rounds the

formed by
round pieces
with a

By default,
the sphere
has the same
radius as the
1 Sphere (with radius value) round piece.
2 Fillet surfaces (with length values) you can
modify the
radius of the
sphere as
well as the
along each
enabling you
to blend it
into the
existing radii
using fillet

apply only to
where three
round pieces
overlap at a

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Intersect Intersect of two round pieces Extends two

or more
round pieces
towards each
other until
they merge
forming a

only apply to
two or more
round pieces.
1 Round piece

2 Intersect transition

3 Stop transition

Intersect for four round pieces

1 Round piece

2 Intersect transition

3 Stop transition


Transition Example Description


Patch Patch for three round pieces. Creates a

surface at
the location
where three
or four round

You can add

an additional
side to a
transition by
selecting an
surface on
which to
1 Round piece create a fillet
that contains
2 Patch transition
a radius.
3 Stop transition
This fillet

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Same Patch as above with an optional becomes the

surface fourth side of
the resulting
patch and is

Note: Patch
apply only to
where three
or four round
overlap at a

1 Round piece

2 Patch transition (with radius value)

3 Optional surface selected

4 Stop transition


Transition Example Description


Patch for four round pieces

1 Round piece

2 Patch transition

3 Stop transition

Round Only 1 Round Only 1 for three round pieces Round Only
having the same convexity. transitions
create a
In this example below, the corner
transition formed by three overlapping is
round pieces is rounded with a sweep. compounded
The sweep wraps around the round piece
with the largest radius.

Two types of
Round Only
are available
based on the

Notice that in
the example,
each round
piece has a

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


1 Round Only transition

Round Only 1 for three round pieces

having mixed convexity

1 Round Only Transition


Transition Example Description


Round Only 2 Round Only 2 for three round pieces Notice that
having the same convexity each round
piece has a

1 Round Only transition

Round Only 2 for four round pieces having

the same convexity

1 Round Only transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Round Only 2 for three round pieces

having mixed convexity

1 Round Only Transition

Defining Round Transitions

Consider the following when defining round transitions:
• If you copy, reroute, or place a group with a round that contains user-defined
transitions, Pro/ENGINEER removes these transitions from the resulting feature.

• If a round feature fails due to missing transition references, Pro/ENGINEER

displays an error message and instructs you to redefine the transitions by
selecting references for each transition. If a transition has invalid references, you
may repair the transition by replacing references that are missing or invalid, or
you can change the transition type.

• If the round set geometry is modified in Set mode (for example, references or
sets have been removed or added) resulting in the associated user-defined
transitions becoming invalid, Pro/ENGINEER will delete the invalid transitions and
reconstruct the default transitions for the round geometry. Note that
Pro/ENGINEER will always maintain user-defined transitions whenever possible.

To Define a Round Transition

Note: This topic is a Master Procedure in that some transitions require that you
follow an additional topic to complete the procedure. If you select one of these
transitions, simply follow the instructions.


1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click on the Dialog Bar to switch to Transition mode. Pro/ENGINEER displays

preview geometry of all transitions for the entire round feature.
Note: You can also use Show Transitions from the shortcut menu to activate
Transition mode.

3. In the graphics window, select the transition that you want to define.
Pro/ENGINEER makes the transition active.

4. Select one of the following transition types from the Transition Type box on the
Dialog Bar, or from the shortcut menu and follow the procedure for that
transition type.
Note: Pro/ENGINEER determines the valid transition types according to the
geometrical context of the selected transition. This means that not every
transition type listed below will be available to you for a particular transition.

o Default—Pro/ENGINEER determines the transition type that is the best fit

for the geometrical context. The transition type appears in parenthesis.
Proceed to step 6.

o Blend—Create a fillet surface between the round pieces using an edge

reference. Proceed to step 5.

o Continue—Extend round geometry into two round pieces. Proceed to step


o Intersect—Extend two or more overlapping round pieces toward each

other until they merge forming a sharp boundary. Proceed to step 5.

o Round Only 1—Create a transition using compounded round geometry.

This includes rounding the corner transition formed by three overlapping
round pieces by using a sweep that wraps around the round piece that has
the largest radius. Proceed to step 5.

o Round Only 2—Create a transition using compounded round geometry.

Proceed to step 5.

o Corner Sphere—Round the corner transition formed by three overlapping

round pieces with a spherical corner. Click To Define a Corner Sphere
Transition under See Also to define this transition.

o Patch—Create a patched surface at the location where three or four round

pieces overlap. Click To Define a Patch Transition under See Also to define
this transition.

o Stop Case 1—Terminate the round using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

o Stop Case 2—Terminate round using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Stop Case 3—Terminate round using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

o Stop at Reference—Terminate round geometry at the datum point or

datum plane that you specify. Click To Define a Stop at Reference
Transition under See Also to define this transition.

Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the transition and adds the selected
transition to the Transitions list located on the Transitions slide-up panel. Notice
that Pro/ENGINEER displays only user-defined transitions on this list. If you want
to remove a transition from the Transitions list, see the note at the end of this

5. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you select a transition type (other
than Default) and use the Surface or New quilt attachment type (see About
Round Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. Remember, the Dialog Bar
check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to cap
the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
round piece ends for the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

6. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu to remove a transition type
from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one of the following to restore
the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the selection (or Edit > Undo
setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Round tool.


• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps between the
active transition and part geometry.

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

To Define a Patch Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Round Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. To add a fillet to the Patch transition, click in the Optional surface collector
located on the Dialog Bar (or on the Transitions slide-up panel) to activate the
collector and select a surface for the Patch transition. Pro/ENGINEER does the

o Adds a fillet to the Patch transition and displays the fillet radius in the
graphics window and in the Radius box on the Dialog Bar. This fillet
becomes the fourth side of the resulting patch and is tangent.

o Populates the Optional surface collector on the slide-up panel with the
reference information. Notice that the corresponding Dialog Bar collector
indicates that an item has been selected.

2. To define the fillet radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance. The
preview geometry is dynamically updated.
Note: You can also type a new radius value or select a most recently used value
from the list in the Radius box on the Dialog Bar.

3. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Round Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this
check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. Remember, the Dialog Bar
check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to cap
the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
round piece ends for the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

4. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Round tool.
• You can also use Patch Optional Surface from the shortcut menu to activate
the Optional surface collectors.

• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• To quickly change a value as you work in the graphics window, double-click the
existing value. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER or select
a most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the round.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click and select Remove
from the shortcut menu.

To Define a Stop at Reference Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Round Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. After the Stop references collectors (located on the Dialog Bar and on the
Transitions slide-up panel) activate, select either a datum plane, a datum point
on the round set spine, or one or more part surfaces as the reference to which
the round geometry will terminate. Note that any reference selected will be the
new stop location. Pro/ENGINEER does the following:


o Populates the Stop references collector on the Transitions slide-up panel

with the reference information. Notice that the corresponding Dialog Bar
collector indicates that one or more items have been selected as references.

o Locates the Stop at Reference transition at the selected references and

displays the transition in the graphics window.

2. If you select a datum point or vertex as your stop reference, you can select one
of the following from the box on the Dialog Bar:

o Point—Stop the round set at a plane that travels through the stop
reference and that is oriented normal to the normal to an edge with the
stop reference. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

o Isoline—Stops the round set at a plane that passes through the stop
reference and normal to the round surface.

3. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Round Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this
check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. Remember, the Dialog Bar
check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to cap
the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
round piece ends for the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

4. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one

Part – Help Topic Collection

of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo: setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Round tool.
• You can also use Stop References from the shortcut menu to activate the Stop
references collectors.

• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the round.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click and select Remove
from the shortcut menu.

To Define a Stop Case Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Round Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Round Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this
check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. Remember, the Dialog Bar
check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to cap
the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
round piece ends for the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

2. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.


o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Round tool.
• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the round.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

To Define a Corner Sphere Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Round Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. To modify the sphere radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance.
Notice that you can also type a new radius value or select a most recently used
value from the list in the R box list located on the Dialog Bar. Pro/ENGINEER
displays preview geometry and the new radius value. Notice that the transition
length values for each edge are now displayed.
Note: The new radius must be greater than the radius of the largest overlapping
round piece.

2. To modify the transition length along each edge, drag each length handle to the
preferred length. The preview geometry is dynamically updated.
Note: You can also type a new length value or select most recently used value
from the list in the L1, L2, or L3 boxes on the Dialog Bar.

3. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Round Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this
check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece cannot be capped.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
round piece ends for the entire round feature. Remember, the Dialog Bar
check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to cap
the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
round piece ends for the round feature.

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

4. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo: setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Round tool.
• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• To quickly change a value as you work in the graphics window, double-click the
existing value. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER or select
a most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default from a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the appropriate value for your geometry.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the round.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.


Example: Corner Transitions

The following table illustrates possible combinations of corner transitions:

Corner Transitions
Transition R1 = R2 = (R1 = R2) (R1 = R2) R1< R2 <
Type R3 < R3 > R3 R3



surface 1

surface 2

surface 3

Only 1

Only 2

• R1, R2, and R3 are radii of respective round pieces

• Arrow indicates the patch optional surface selected

Part – Help Topic Collection

About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition

Pro/ENGINEER determines a transition type according to the selected placement
references and geometrical context. However, sometimes the available transitions
are not what is needed for the geometry. If this situation arises, you can delete one
or more transitions to free references and make a new transition. Pro/ENGINEER
configures the new transition according to the geometrical context. The following
table illustrates this process.
Note: If you delete one or more transitions and do not replace them by making a
new transition, Pro/ENGINEER restores the default transitions for the free references
because the geometrical input did not change and the transitions with the best fit for
the geometry are again selected.

Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition

In Transition mode, transitions are selected and deleted using Delete Transition
from the shortcut menu. The free round piece ends are selected (use CTRL+click),
and a new transition is created using Make Transition from the shortcut menu.

Deleting Two and Making One Deleting Two and Making One


Deleting Two and Making One Deleting Two and Making One

1 Transitions (Stop Case transitions) 1 Transitions (Intersect)

2 Free round piece ends 2 Free round piece ends

3 New transition (Continue) 3 New transition (Round Only)

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click on the Dialog Bar to switch to Transition mode. Pro/ENGINEER displays

preview geometry of all transitions for the entire round feature.
Note: You can also use Show Transitions from the shortcut menu to change to
Transition mode.

3. In the graphics window, select a transition that you want to delete, right-click
and select Delete Transition from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER deletes
the transition and frees the references. If needed, repeat this step to delete
another transition.
Note: The deleted transitions must share the same geometrical location in order
to make a new transition.

4. Press the CTRL key and click all of the round piece ends that are freed by the
deleted transitions. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selected round piece ends.

5. Right-click and select Make Transition from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
configures the new transition according to the geometrical context and displays it
in the graphics window. Notice that the transition type for the new transition is
displayed in the Transition Type box on the Dialog Bar, and on the shortcut
Note: If you do not select Make Transition, Pro/ENGINEER restores the default
transitions for the freed references because the geometrical input did not change
and the transitions with the best fit for the geometry was again selected.

6. If you want to change the transition type for the new transition, select the new
type from the Transition Type box on the Dialog Bar, or from the shortcut menu.

7. At this point, the new transition is complete. Do one of the following:

o Make another new transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with round sets.

Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the round,

and close the Round tool.

• If you need to return to the default transition after making a new transition,

simply delete the new transition and click . Pro/ENGINEER switches to Set
mode and restores the default transitions. Proceed to step 2.

• You can also delete a transition from the Transitions list on the Transitions
slide-up panel by using Delete Transition on the shortcut menu.

• If you delete the wrong transition, right-click and select Back to Sets.
Pro/ENGINEER switches to Set mode and recreates the default transition. Proceed
to step 2.


• If you made an error selecting a round piece end, right-click and select Clear
from the shortcut menu. Then, select the preferred ends. Remember to use the
CTRL key as you select multiple round piece ends.

Advanced Topics

Piece Management

About Piece Management

As you work with rounds, the ability to manage round pieces becomes essential.
Through piece management, you can better control your round features. Round piece
management is performed using the Pieces slide-up panel (click the Pieces tab on
the dashboard).
Using the Pieces slide-up panel, you can perform the following:
• View all round sets for the round feature

• View the current round set

• View all round pieces in the current round set

• View the current state of the round pieces (Included, Excluded, or


• Exclude round pieces from the round set

• Trim or extend round pieces

• Address placement ambiguity

About Round Patches and Round Pieces

To successfully exclude, trim, or extend round geometry, an understanding and
accurate identification of round patches and pieces is necessary. A round piece is
simply round geometry that is placed at the selected references. A round piece can
contain patches. A patch is a neighbor that is tangent to the end of the round piece
that is being created. This tangency occurs due to existing model geometry. The
following table illustrates round patches and pieces:

One Round Piece with Three Patches Two Round Pieces without Patches

After you select the edge reference, After you select two edge references,
Pro/ENGINEER automatically Pro/ENGINEER places two separate
propagates the round piece across all round pieces at the selected references
tangent points resulting in tangent to create the round. In the illustration
segments called patches. In the below, tangency does not occur due to
illustration below, tangency occurs due the vertex. This results in the two
to the existing round geometry. overlapping round pieces.
Pro/ENGINEER uses transitions to
resolve this discontinuous geometry.

Part – Help Topic Collection

One Round Piece with Three Patches Two Round Pieces without Patches

1 Edge reference 1 Edge references

2 Patch 2 Discontinuous round geometry

3 Patch

4 Patch

5 Existing round geometry

About Excluding Round Pieces

You can exclude one or more round pieces in a round set that contains multiple
round pieces by using the Pieces slide-up panel. Excluding pieces enables you to gain
more control over the round geometry.
Note: To exclude round pieces, the current round set must contain two or more
round pieces that use one explicit placement reference. This can occur if the round
geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains. It can also occur if a single round piece
cannot be created at a certain radius value. For example, a round that is too large to
sweep around a corner.
Excluding Round Pieces

Before Exclude After Exclude

The round placement reference is Round piece 2 is select from the Pieces
selected and the round geometry slide-up panel and Excluded is used.
propagates across tangent points. The Pro/ENGINEER excludes the round piece.
round piece radius is increased and the
geometry breaks resulting in round pieces
1 and 2.


Before Exclude After Exclude

1 Round piece 1

2 Round piece 2

3 Trim/Extend handle

4 Edge placement reference

5 Existing round geometry

To Exclude Round Pieces

Note: To exclude round pieces, the current round set must contain two or more
round pieces that use one explicit placement reference. This can occur if the round
geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains. It can also occur if a single round piece
cannot be created at a certain radius value. For example, a round that is too large to
sweep around a corner.

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens and
preview geometry of the round appears.

2. Click the Pieces tab on the dashboard. The Pieces slide-up panel appears.

3. On the Sets list, select the round set that contains the piece that you want to
exclude. All of the round pieces for the current round set are listed on the Pieces

4. On the Pieces table, select the round piece that you want to exclude and select
Excluded. The round piece is excluded from the model.

5. If you want to exclude another round piece, repeat step 3. and step 4.

Part – Help Topic Collection

6. To include an excluded round piece, select the piece and Included from the
Pieces table.

7. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate Sets mode and continue to work with

8. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• You can also use Excluded or Included from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• If you excluded multiple pieces in the current round set and want to quickly
include them all, simply select All included from the Pieces slide-up panel
shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.

About Trimming Round Geometry

You can trim round geometry (pieces) to achieve the preferred rounds for your
model. As you create a round, the round geometry automatically propagates across
tangent points and then stops at a non-tangent point. If you need to terminate the
round geometry before the non-tangent point, you can trim the round piece up to a
patch that you select. The table following table illustrates the trim process.
• You can only trim open round sets. If you want to work with a closed-loop round
set, you must first use open the round geometry.

• You cannot trim separate (overlapping) round pieces. To remove one of these
pieces, press CTRL and select the piece, or clear it from its respective collector.

• If you need to terminate round geometry at a different point other than a patch,
you must define a Stop at Reference transition.

Trimming Round Geometry

Description Example


Description Example

The round
reference is
selected and
the round
points due to
the existing

The round
piece is
from the
Pieces slide-
up panel and
appear (b).
As the left
handle is
dragged to
trim the
round piece,
Notice that
the cursor
and handle

Using the
geometry as
a guide, the
handle is
dragged to

Part – Help Topic Collection

Description Example

trim up the
third patch
(c). Notice
that the
the extent of
the trim.

Release the
button and
R trims the
round up to
the patch

1 Edge placement reference

2 Round piece (consisting of three patches)

3 Existing round geometry

4 Trim/Extend handles

5 Potential extension geometry

6 Trimmed patches


Description Example

7 Trimmed round geometry

To Trim Round Geometry

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens and
round preview geometry appears.

2. Open the Pieces slide-up panel and select the round piece to trim from the
Pieces table. Handles appear on the piece ends.
Note: If you have a closed-loop round set, you need to open it by removing a
patch. After you select the piece to trim, select a patch from the graphics
window. Pro/ENGINEER removes the patch and handles appear.

3. Drag a handle up to the patch where you want to trim the round piece.
Pro/ENGINEER trims the round piece. Notice that Edited appears in the Pieces
table for the selected piece. Repeat the process if needed.

4. To trim another round piece, repeat step 2. and step 3.

5. To restore the trimmed round piece to its original state, select Included from the
Pieces table or from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.

6. The trimmed round piece is complete. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate
Sets mode and continue to work with rounds.

7. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• If you trimmed multiple pieces in the current round set and want to quickly
restore all of them to their original state, simply select All included from Pieces
slide-up panel shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.

About Extending Round Geometry

You can extend round geometry (pieces) to achieve the preferred rounds for your
model. As you create a round, the round geometry automatically propagates across
tangent points and then stops at a non-tangent point. If you need to continue the

Part – Help Topic Collection

round geometry, you can extend the round piece up to a patch that you select. The
following table illustrates the extend process.
• You can only extend open round sets. If you want to work with a closed-loop
round set, you must first use open the round geometry.

• You cannot extend separate (overlapping) round pieces. To remove one of these
pieces, press CTRL and select the piece, or clear it from its respective collector.

• If you need to extend round geometry at a different point other than a patch, you
must define a Stop at Reference transition.

• Pro/ENGINEER uses an automatic blend to fill the gap around a corner. This blend
cannot be modified or deleted. If a blend cannot be added, extend cannot be

Extending Round Geometry

Description Example

The round
reference is
selected and
the round
stops at non-
points (a).

The round
piece is
selected from
the Pieces
slide-up panel
and the
appear (b).
As the right
handle is
dragged to
extend the
round piece,
Notice that


Description Example

added where
a gap exists
points. Also
notice that
the cursor
and handle

Using the
geometry as
a guide, the
handle is
dragged to
extend the
round piece
up to the
third patch
(c). Notice
that the
changes color
indicating the
extent of the

Release the
mouse button
R extends the
round piece
up to the
patch (d).

Part – Help Topic Collection

Description Example

1 Edge placement reference

2 Round piece (consisting of three patches)

3 Trim/Extend handles

4 Potential extension geometry (including blend transitions)

5 Round extension

6 Extended round piece

To Extend Round Geometry

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens and
round preview geometry appears.

2. Open the Pieces slide-up panel and select the round piece to extend from the
Pieces table. Handles appear on the piece ends.
Note: If you have a closed-loop round set, you need to open it by removing a
patch. After you select the piece to extend, select the patch to remove it.
Pro/ENGINEER removes the patch and handles appear.

3. Drag a handle to extend the piece. As you drag, the potential extension of the
round piece appears. Follow the extension up to the patch where you want to
extend the piece. Pro/ENGINEER extends the round piece up to the patch. Notice
that Edited appears in the Pieces table for the selected piece. Repeat the
process if needed.

4. To extend another round piece, repeat step 2. and step 3.

5. To return the piece to its original state, select Included from the Pieces table or
from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.

6. The extended round piece is complete. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate
Sets mode and continue to work with rounds.

7. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

• If you extended multiple pieces in the current round set and want to quickly
restore all of them to their original state, simply select All included from Pieces
slide-up panel shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.


About Round Placement Ambiguity

As you work with rounds, you may encounter a situation when more than one
possible placement location exists for the current round set. This can happen when
two surfaces intersect in multiple, distinct locations. If this situation occurs,
placement ambiguity results in which the placement of the round pieces is unclear
due to the selected references and part geometry.
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to easily address placement ambiguity using two
methods. The table below illustrates the two types of placement ambiguity and the
methods used to address them.
Placement Ambiguity

Ambiguity Type Example

Round Set

The round set

contains round
pieces that co-
exist and can be
placed in various
locations given
the selected
references and
part geometry.
If this occurs,
the round set

Method: Use the

Pieces slide-up
panel. From the
Pieces table,
select the round
piece to exclude
and select
Excluded. All
other pieces are
Included by

Part – Help Topic Collection

Ambiguity Type Example

1 Surface references

2 Round piece 1

3 Round piece 2

4 Round piece 1 excluded

5 Round piece 2 excluded

6 Both round pieces included


The round set

however, the
round pieces
cannot co-exist.
This results in
exclusive pieces.

exclusive pieces
can be placed in
between the
same referenced
surfaces. These
pieces are
exclusive in
which only one
can be selected
for the round.
This can occur if
surfaces from
two different
quilts are used
as references.

Method: Use the

Next Solution
button on the
Dialog Bar. Click
the button to


Ambiguity Type Example

view each group

and select the
preferred group
for the round.

1 Surface references

2 First round group displayed

3 After viewing groups, preferred round group is selected and

the round is placed.

To Address Round Placement Ambiguity

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. If you are addressing ambiguity between mutually exclusive groups of round

pieces, select a group by clicking Next Solution on the dialog bar.
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the next group of round pieces.
Proceed to step 5.

3. If the selected mutually exclusive group has round pieces that have unclear
placement, click the Pieces tab on the dashboard. The Pieces slide-up panel

4. On the Sets list, select the round set that contains the round pieces that you
want to address. All of the round pieces for the current round set are listed in the
Pieces table.

5. In the Pieces table, do one of the following:

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Exclude a round piece—Select the round piece to exclude and select

Excluded. Pro/ENGINEER removes the round piece from the model.
Note: You cannot exclude all of the listed round pieces.

o Include a round piece—Select the round piece to include and select

Included. Pro/ENGINEER displays the round piece on the model.
Note: Pro/ENGINEER includes all round pieces by default.

6. To exclude another round piece in the current round set, repeat step 5.

7. To include an excluded round piece, repeat step 5.

8. At this point, the ambiguity for the current round set has been addressed. Do one
of the following:

o In the Sets list, select another round set that contains ambiguity to

o Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate Sets mode and continue working
with round sets.

o Click . Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, creates the round, and

closes the Round tool.

• You can also use Excluded or Included from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• If you excluded multiple pieces in the current round set and want to quickly
include them all, simply select All included from Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.


About Round Attachment Types

After you create your round, Pro/ENGINEER attaches the round geometry to your
model using an attachment type. Using the Options slide-up panel, you can view the
current attachment type or change the way in which your round is attached by
defining a different attachment type.
The Options slide-up panel provides the following options:
• Solid—Create the round feature as a solid that intersects the existing geometry.
This attachment type is available only if you select solids as round set references.
Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select solids as round set references.

• Surface—Create the round feature as a surface that does not intersect the
existing geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as
round set references. Pro/ENGINEER does not select this by default.


• New quilt—Create the round feature as a new quilt. This attachment type is
available only for surface round set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by
default if you select different surface quilts or both a solid and a quilt as round
set references.

• Same quilt—Create the round feature as a surface that merges with the
reference quilt. This attachment type is available only for surface round set
references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select round set
references from the same surface quilt.

• Create end surfaces—Create end surfaces to cap all of the round piece ends of
the round feature. This check box is available only if you select valid geometry
and the Surface or New quilt attachment types. Pro/ENGINEER does not select
this by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece ends cannot be capped. For example, an L-
shaped open quilt cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active transition and part

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Using End Surfaces to Resolve Round Failures

If your round geometry has failed because it cannot be attached to the part, change
the attachment type in the Options slide-up panel from a Solid to Surface. This
enables you to save problematic round geometry as a quilt until you can resolve the
geometry errors. After you resolve the errors, you can create a new solid round from
the quilt by using the Solidify tool (Edit > Solidify).

To Define a Round Attachment Type

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click the Options tab on the Dashboard. The Options slide-up panel appears.

3. Under Attachment, select one of the following attachment types for the round

o Solid (you must select solids as references)

o Surface (you must select solids as references)

o New quilt (you must select a surface quilt as one of your references)

o Same quilt (you must select references from the same surface quilt)

Part – Help Topic Collection

4. If you selected the Surface or New quilt attachment type, you can click the
Create end surfaces check box to create end surfaces to cap all of the round
piece ends of the entire round feature. Pro/ENGINEER clears this check box by

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the round piece ends cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active transition and part

o You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

5. At this point, the attachment type is defined. You can continue to work with

round sets or click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the
round, and close the Round tool.

To Resolve Failed Rounds Using End Surfaces

If your round geometry has failed because it cannot be attached to the part, use the
following procedure to change the attachment type from a solid to a surface. This
enables you to save the problematic round geometry until you can resolve the
geometry errors. After you resolve the errors, you can create a new solid round from
the quilt.

1. Select the references for the round and click . The Round tool opens.

2. Click the Options tab on the Dashboard. The Options slide-up panel appears.

3. Click the Surface or New quilt attachment type. Note that New quilt is
available only if you select a surface quilt as one of your references.

4. If you need to create end surfaces to cap all of the round piece ends of the entire
round feature, click the Create end surfaces check box.

5. If you need to create end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active transition
and part geometry, click the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar. Remember,
you must be in Transition mode to cap the active transition.

6. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the round and closes the
Round tool.

7. Use the Pro/ENGINEER surface tools (surface extend, surface trim, etc.) to
modify the surface and resolve the errors.

8. Use the Solidify tool (Edit > Solidify) on the quilt to make the surface round a
solid round.


• Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping surfaces. If
not, the round piece cannot be capped.

• You cannot cap rounds between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Tip: You can also use the Capped shortcut menu command from within the graphics
window to quickly cap the gaps between active transition and part geometry.

Round References and Attachment Types

The following table provides possible attachment types based on geometric
• The table applies only to rounds with two references, such as surface-to-surface
or surface-to-edge rounds.

• Pro/ENGINEER overrides the attachment type settings that you select if it cannot
perform the action requested due to geometrical limitations.

Round References and Attachment Types

Geometric Default Optional Capped Ends

References Attachment Type Attachment Type

Solid-Solid Solid Surface Create end

surfaces (Options
Creates round Changes the slide-up panel
geometry to the default solid to a
check box)
limit of the surface.
reference set, Creates end
extends it to any surfaces to cap all
capping surfaces of the round piece
if possible. If ends of the entire
necessary, it is round feature
capped with a
You can use this
triangular patch
option if the solid
and made into
solid geometry round fails.

Solid-Quilt New quilt N/A N/A

Creates round
geometry to the
limit of the set,
trims it at a
straight line in
space, and does
not cap it with a
triangular patch.
The surface is

Part – Help Topic Collection

Geometric Default Optional Capped Ends

References Attachment Type Attachment Type


Quilt-Quilt Same quilt New quilt Create end

(same quilt) surfaces (Options
Creates round Changes the
slide-up panel
geometry to the default merged check box)
limit of the set, quilt into a new
trims it at a surface. Creates end
straight line in surfaces to cap all
space, and does of the round piece
not cap it with a ends of the entire
triangular patch. round feature.
The surface is
merged into the Note: Side
surfaces must
existing quilt.
exist in order to
extend and use
them as capping
surfaces. If not,
the round piece
ends cannot be
capped. For
example, an L-
shaped open quilt
cannot be capped.

You can use this

option if the solid
round fails.

Quilt-Quilt New quilt N/A N/A

(different quilts)
temporary round
geometry to the
limit of the set,
trims it at a
straight line in
space, and does
not cap it with a
triangular patch.
The surface is not
merged into the
existing quilt.


Auto Round

About the Auto Round Feature

The Auto Round feature enables you to create round geometry of a constant radius
on solid geometry or on a quilt of a part or assembly. The Auto Round Feature
creates Round features called Auto-Round Members (ARMs) and are represented on
the Model Tree as subnodes of the Auto Round feature. You cannot modify the order
in which the ARMs are created. The maximum number of edge chains that each ARM
of an Auto Round feature can contain is defined by the
autoround_max_n_chains_per_feat configuration option.
You can access the Auto Round feature by clicking Insert > Auto Round. The Auto
Round feature is available in the Part mode for models with solid or quilt geometry or
both. In the Assembly mode, the Auto Round feature is available for models with
assembly-level quilts.
Pro/ENGINEER provides a default name for each Auto Round feature as you create it.
The default name includes Auto Round and a sequentially incremented number, for
example, Auto Round 1. The default name for each ARM of the Auto Round feature
includes Auto Round # and a sequentially incremented number, for example, Auto
Round 1 [1]. You can rename the Auto Round feature as a whole but you cannot
rename the ARMs individually.
The Auto Round feature can have a maximum of two radii dimensions, one each for
convex and concave edges. Convex and concave radii are attributes owned by the
Auto Round feature.
You can define the result of an Auto Round feature while creating or redefining it.
The result can be one of:
• An Auto Round feature with subnodes

• A round group

After you modify the model and the Auto Round feature is regenerated, the order in
which the edges are rounded might change. Some edges that were not rounded
before the modification may be rounded while some edges that were rounded before
the modification may not be rounded. Pro/ENGINEER creates geometry checks for
edges or chains of edges that could not be rounded by the Auto Round feature. The
Troubleshooter dialog box displays the reason why the edges or chains of edges
could not be rounded. Geometry checks for edges or chains of edges that could not
be rounded by the Auto round feature are available when you redefine the Auto
Round feature. You can exclude these edges or chains of edges from the rounding
operation when you redefine the Auto Round feature. If you set the result of an Auto
Round feature to be a round group or if you convert an Auto Round feature to a
round group, the edges that could not be rounded are not reported as geometry
You can also convert an Auto Round feature to a round group by right-clicking the
Auto Round feature and clicking Convert to Group. A round group is a set of round
features. When you convert an Auto Round feature to a round group, the Auto Round

Part – Help Topic Collection

feature is regenerated and a regular group of round features is created. The

individual round features inherit the attributes of the Auto Round feature. When you
convert an Auto Round feature to a round group the following applies:
• The model is regenerated

• Geometry does not change

• Geometry checks are removed

• IDs of round geometry will change when ARMs are converted to regular round

• Features that reference the Auto Round feature might fail

• Undo regenerates the model and the Auto Round algorithm is triggered

• Undo recover's the original IDs of the round geometry

You cannot convert an Auto Round feature to a round group in a Family Table
instance. You must convert the Auto Round feature to a round group in the generic
instance. After you convert an Auto Round feature to a round group in the generic
instance and if you retrieve or regenerate an instance, Pro/ENGINEER removes the
Auto Round feature and copies the round group to that instance.
You cannot perform feature operations such as suppress, resume, pattern, and so
on, on the ARMs. However, you can obtain information on the ARM by right-clicking
the ARM and clicking Info > Feature. By default, the ARMs are not displayed on the
Model Tree.

About the Auto Round User Interface

The Auto Round user interface consists of:
Feature icon
Slide-up panels

Feature Icon

The Auto Round feature is identified by a on the Model Tree.

The Auto Round dashboard consists of:

—Lets you specify the radius to be applied for convex edges.

—Lets you specify the radius to be applied for concave edges.


Slide-up Panels
The Auto Round dashboard consists of the following slide-up panels:
• Scope

o Solid Geometry—Enables you to create Auto Round features on the solid

geometry of the model. This option is selected by default, if the model
contains solid geometry.

o Quilt—Enables you to create an Auto Round feature on a single quilt in the

model. This option is available only if the model contains one or more

o Quilt collector—Collects a quilt with two-sided edges to be rounded by the

Auto Round feature. This collector is available only if you select Quilt.

o Selected Edges—Enables you to create an Auto Round feature on selected

edges or intent chains.

o Selected edges collector—Enables you to select edges or intent chains to

be rounded by the Auto Round feature. This collector is available only if you
select Selected Edges.

o Convex Edges—Lets you select all convex edges in the model to be

rounded by the Auto Round feature.

o Concave Edges—Lets you select all concave edges in the model to be

rounded by the Auto Round feature.

o Exclude

o Excluded Edges—Contains the collector to exclude edges from the Auto

Round feature. You can select one or more edges or chains of edges to be
excluded from the Auto Round feature.

o Geom Checks—Lets you exclude an edge or a chain of edges that could

not be rounded by the Auto Round feature. The Troubleshooter dialog box
displays the reason why the edge or chain of edges could not be rounded.
Geom Checks is available when the Auto Round feature could not round
some of the edges and you want to redefine the Auto Round feature.

o Options

o Create Group of Regular Round Features—Lets you create a group of

regular round features instead of an Auto Round feature.

o Properties

o Name—Displays the name of the current Auto Round feature. If required,

specify a new name.

o —Provides detailed information on the Auto Round feature in the

Pro/ENGINEER browser.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Create an Auto Round Feature

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel on the Auto Round dashboard and select one of
the following options:

o Solid Geometry—To create an Auto Round feature on the solid geometry

of the model. This is the default.

o Selected Edges—To create an Auto Round feature on selected edges or

intent chains of the model.

o Quilt—To create an Auto Round feature on a quilt.


o Quilt is available only for models with one or more quilts. If the model has
more than one quilt, create a separate Auto Round feature for each quilt.

o The quilt collector is activated after you select Quilt. You must select a quilt
from the model to be rounded. You can select only one quilt to be included
in the Auto Round feature.

3. On the Scope slide-up panel, select Convex Edges to create Auto Round
features on all convex edges or select Concave Edges to create Auto Round
features on all concave edges of the model. You can also select both the options
to create Auto Round features on the convex and concave edges of the model.

4. To specify the radius of curvature for convex or concave edges, type or select a

value in the box adjacent to or , respectively.

5. To exclude certain edges from being rounded, click the Exclude slide-up panel
and select the edges from the model to be excluded from the Auto Round

6. To create a group of round features, click the Options slide-up panel and select
Create Group of Regular Round Features to set the result of the Auto Round
feature to be a round group instead of an Auto Round feature.

7. Click on the dashboard. The Auto-Round player window appears and the
Auto Round feature is created.

o To pause the creation of the Auto Round feature, click .

o Select Show each member to display each Auto Round member in the
graphics window as it is being created.

o To interrupt the creation of the Auto Round feature before all the edges are
rounded, click Interrupt.

o When you click Finish, Pro/ENGINEER completes the Auto Round feature.



o Interrupt and Finish are available only if you pause the Auto Round

o If you click Interrupt before the Auto Round feature is completed, and if
no changes are made to features created before the Auto Round feature,
then click Edit > Regenerate to resume the Auto Round feature from
where the feature was interrupted.

o If you make changes to features created before the Auto Round feature,
then regeneration of the Auto Round feature starts from the beginning.

o You cannot convert interrupted Auto Round features to round groups.

To Create an Auto Round Feature on Selected Edges

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel on the Auto Round dashboard and select
Selected Edges. The selected edges collector is activated.

3. Click Edit > Find. The Search Tool dialog box opens.

Note: Instead of using the Search Tool, you can also select the edges in the
graphics window to be included in the Auto round feature.

4. Under Look for, select Edge or Intent Chain, as required.

5. Under Look by, select one of Edge, Feature, Group, or Intent Chain.

6. Click the Attributes, History, Status, or Geometry tabs and specify the criteria
by which you want to search for edges or intent chains.

7. Click Find Now. The Search Tool displays the results in the items found area
of the Search Tool dialog box.

8. Select the required items in the items found area. The corresponding items are
highlighted in the graphics window.

9. Click to transfer them to the items selected area of the Search Tool
dialog box.

10. Click Close in the Search Tool dialog box. The selected edges are added to the
selected edges collector on the Auto round dashboard.

11. Specify other options on the dashboard as required and create an Auto Round

Part – Help Topic Collection

Example: Narrow Pair of Chains

Narrow pair of chains with same convexity

Narrow pairs of chains with same convexity are not rounded. Two or more chains are
considered to be narrow if the rounds created on them intersect each other.

1 Narrow pair of chains with same convexity

1 Narrow pair of chains with same convexity


Narrow pair of chains with different convexity

Each chain in a narrow pair of chains is rounded under different Auto Round
members. However, if a model contains a narrow pair of chains with different
convexity, the convex chains are rounded first.

1 Narrow pair of chains with different convexity

The following figure shows the model after the round operation is performed on the
narrow pair of edges with different convexity.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Edges of the same convexity but sharing a vertex that belongs to a

narrow pair of chains
The Auto Round feature does not round edges of the same convexity but sharing a
vertex with a chain that belongs to a narrow pair of chains. Rounding such edges
may cause problems while rounding other edges.


1 Non-narrow pair of chains

2 Common vertex

3 Narrow pair of chains

In the above illustration, the non-narrow pair of chains is not rounded as these
edges have the same convexity but share a common vertex with the narrow pair of

To Display Auto Round Members on the Model Tree

1. On the Model Tree, click Settings > Tree Filters. The Model Tree Items dialog
box opens.

2. On the General tabbed page, select Auto Round Member under Feature

3. Click OK. Auto Round Members appear on the Model Tree as subnodes of the
Auto Round feature.

Using the Auto-Round Player

You can use the Auto-Round Player to go backward or forward through the history
of the Auto Round creation to observe how the Auto Round members were created.

—Starts at the beginning of the regeneration of the Auto Round member. All
Auto Round members are suppressed.

—Steps backward through the Auto Round members, one feature at a time.

—Steps forward through the Auto Round members, one feature at a time.

—Moves to the last member of the Auto Round feature. All Auto Round
members are visible.

—Pauses the creation of the Auto Round feature.

Show each member—Displays each Auto Round Member in the graphics window as
it is being created. If you clear this option the graphics window is updated only after
all the ARMs are created, or when you click Interrupt or Finish.
Interrupt—Interrupts the regeneration of the Auto Round feature.
Finish—Completes the regeneration of the Auto Round member and closes the Auto-
Round player.

Considerations for Creating an Auto Round Feature

Note the following rules when you create an Auto Round feature:
• Convex edges in the model are rounded first. However, edges adjacent to narrow
surfaces are not rounded.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Narrow pairs of chains with same convexity are not rounded.

• Narrow pairs of chains with different convexity are rounded under different Auto
Round members.

• Short chains are rounded only if this rounding does not affect the rounding of
neighboring chains.

• Edges that share a vertex with a chain that cannot be rounded are not rounded,
as rounding one of these edges may cause problems in the rounding of other

• You can exclude edges from the Auto Round feature by selecting them in the
graphics window or in the Troubleshooter dialog box. You can also use the
search tool to select edges to be excluded.

• You can exclude edges or a chain of edges from an Auto Round feature. The Auto
Round feature does not fail even if the excluded edges disappear from the model
due to changes in the model. However, these edges remain excluded if further
changes to the model cause the disappeared edges to reappear.

• You can select multiple edges chains to be excluded from the Auto Round feature.
Edge chains can be regular chains or intent chains.

• An Auto Round feature fails if it cannot create any geometry.

• You cannot pattern an Auto Round feature.

• The Model Player (Tools > Model Player) moves forward and backward
through the Auto Round Members, but does not regenerate an Auto Round
feature if Regenerate features is not selected. However, if you select
Regenerate features, the Model Player regenerates the Auto Round feature
but does not move forward or backward through the ARMs.

About Excluding Edges from an Auto Round

When creating an Auto Round feature, you may want to exclude edges from the Auto
Round. To select the edges to exclude, activate the Exclude Edges collector on the
Exclude slide-up panel and then select the edges using any of these methods:
• Creating a Datum Reference feature by selecting the edges in the graphics

• Creating a Datum Reference feature by selecting the edges using the Search
Tool dialog box

• Selecting the edges using only the Search Tool dialog box

• Selecting the edges directly in the graphics window

In the Example topics listed under See Also, you are provided with a model for
download with each exercise.


To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Graphics

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel. By default, all Solid Geometry is rounded. To
exclude geometry, you must also use the Exclude slide-up panel.

3. Click Exclude. The Excluded Edges collector is activated.

4. Click on the Datum toolbar. The Auto Round dashboard is paused and the
Datum Reference dialog box opens. A Reference feature appears in the Model

5. In the graphics window, select the edges you want to exclude from the round.
The chains appear in the Datum Reference dialog box in the Chains collector.

6. After you select all the edges to exclude, click OK in the Datum Reference
dialog box.

7. Click on the Auto Round dashboard to resume the Auto Round feature. The
model appears with the selected edges highlighted. The Reference feature is
added to the Excluded Edges collector.

8. Click to create the Auto Round with the excluded edges. The Auto Round
feature appears in the Model Tree.

To Select Edges Using a Datum Reference and the Search Tool

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel. By default, all Solid Geometry is rounded. To
exclude geometry you must also use the Exclude slide-up panel.

3. Click the Exclude slide-up panel. The Excluded Edges collector is activated.

4. Click on the Datum toolbar. The Auto Round dashboard is paused and the
Datum Reference dialog box opens. A Reference feature appears in the Model
Tree. In the Datum Reference dialog box, Type is set to Intent Chain by
default and the Chains collector is activated.

5. Click . The Search Tool dialog box opens.

6. Under Look for, select Edge or Intent Chain as required.

7. Under Look by, select Edge, Feature, or Intent Chain.

8. Click the Attributes, History, Status, or Geometry tabs and specify the search
criteria for the edges or intent chains.

9. Click Find Now. The Search Tool displays the results in the items found area
of the Search Tool dialog box.

Part – Help Topic Collection

10. Click Options > Save Query To Feature in the Search Tool dialog box to save
the query with the Auto Round feature. The name of the Search Tool dialog box
changes to Rule Editor.

11. Click OK in the Rule Editor dialog box. The query is displayed in the Chains
collector in the Datum Reference dialog box.

12. Click OK in the Datum Reference dialog box. The Reference feature is
highlighted in the model.

13. Click on the Auto Round dashboard to resume the Auto Round feature. The
query is added to the Excluded Edges collector in the Exclude slide-up panel.

14. Specify other options on the dashboard as required and create an Auto Round

15. Click to create the Auto Round feature with the excluded edges. The Auto
Round feature appears in the Model Tree.

To Select Edges Using the Search Tool

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel. By default, all Solid Geometry is rounded. To
exclude geometry you must also use the Exclude slide-up panel.


o You can also use the collector in the Scope slide-up panel to specify what
you want rounded.

o If you click Selected Edges in the Scope slide-up panel, for example, you
would then specify the edges you want rounded. In this case, you do not
need to use the Exclude Edges collector.

o By default, Solid Geometry is selected in the Scope slide-up pane and

you would then use the Exclude Edges collector to exclude the items you
did not want to round.

3. Click the Exclude slide-up panel. The Excluded Edges collector is activated.

4. Click to open the Search Tool dialog box.

5. Under Look for, select Edge or Intent Chain.

6. Under Look by, select Edge, Feature, Group, or Intent Chain.

7. Click the Attributes, History, Status, or Geometry tabs and specify the search
criteria for the edges or intent chains.

8. If required, on the Status and Geometry tabs, click and make a selection
in the graphics window.


9. Click Find Now. The Search Tool displays the results in the items found area
of the Search Tool dialog box.

10. Select the items and click to move them to the items selected box.

11. Click Close. The Search Tool dialog box closes and the selected edges to
exclude are highlighted in the graphics window and listed in the Excluded Edges

12. Click to create the Auto Round with the excluded edges. The Auto Round
feature appears in the Model Tree.

To Select Edges to Exclude Directly in the Graphics Window

1. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard appears.

2. Click the Scope slide-up panel. By default, all Solid Geometry is rounded. To
exclude geometry you must also use the Exclude slide-up panel.


o You can also use the Selected Edges collector in Scope to specify what
you want rounded. If you click Selected Edges, for example, you would then
specify the edges you want rounded. In this case, you do not need to use
the Exclude Edges collector.

o By default, Solid Geometry is selected in Scope and you would then use
Exclude to exclude the items you did not want to round.

3. Click Exclude. The Excluded Edges collector is activated.

4. In the graphics window, select the edges you want to exclude. The edges you
select appear in the Exclude Edges collector.

5. Click to create the Auto Round with the excluded edges. The Auto Round
feature appears in the Model Tree.

Example: Creating an Auto Round on Selected Holes Using a

Datum Reference Feature
This example shows you how to create an Auto Round feature on selected holes
using the Datum Reference feature and the Search Tool to create a query and
save it with the Auto Round feature. Saving the query causes the Auto Round feature
to automatically update when you increase or decrease the number of holes.
1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER open autoround.prt.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard opens.

4. Click the Scope slide-up panel and select Selected Edges. The Selected Edges
collector is activated. In this example, you are defining the scope of what you
want selected, rather than specifying what you want excluded.

5. Click on the Datum toolbar. The Auto Round dashboard is paused and the
Datum Reference dialog box opens. A Reference feature appears in the Model
Tree. In the Datum Reference dialog box, Type is set to Intent Chain by
default and the Chains collector is activated.

6. Click on the Edit toolbar or click Edit > Find. The Search Tool dialog box

7. Under Look for, select Intent Chain.

8. Under Look by, select Feature.

9. Click the Attributes tab:

a. Under Rule, select Type.

b. Under Criteria, set Comparison to is equal to, Category to All, and Value
to Hole.
10. Click Find Now. The Search Tool displays the edges of all the holes in the
items found area.

11. Click Options > Save Query To Feature in the Search Tool dialog box to save
the query with the Auto Round feature. The name of the Search Tool dialog box
changes to Rule Editor.

12. Click OK in the Rule Editor dialog box. The query is displayed in the Chains
collector in the Datum Reference dialog box. The selected items are highlighted
in the graphics window.


13. Click OK in the Datum Reference dialog box.

14. Click on the Auto Round dashboard to resume the Auto Round feature.

15. Click . The Auto Round feature is created and appears in the Model Tree.

Part with Rounded Holes Close-Up of a Hole

16. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Example: Creating an Auto Round on Selected Holes Using the

Search Tool
1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER open autoround.prt.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard opens.

4. Click the Scope slide-up panel and select Selected Edges. The Selected Edges
collector is activated. In this example, you are defining the scope of what you
want selected, rather than specifying what you want excluded.

5. Click on the Edit toolbar or click Edit > Find. The Search Tool dialog box

6. Under Look for, select Intent Chain.

7. Under Look by, select Feature.

8. Click the Attributes tab:

a. Under Rule, select Type.

b. Under Criteria, set Comparison to is equal to, Category to All, and Value
to Hole.
10. Click Find Now. The Search Tool displays the edges of all the holes in the
items found area.

11. Select the items and click to move them to the items selected box.

12. Click Close. The Search Tool dialog box closes and the selected edges are
highlighted in the graphics window and listed in the Selected Edges collector in


13. Click . The Auto Round feature is created and appears in the Model Tree.

Part with Rounded Holes Close-up of a Hole

14. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.

Example: Excluding Edges Where a Quilt Intersects a Part

1. Download and extract

2. In Pro/ENGINEER open split_2_20.prt. Notice that a quilt divides the part. In

this example you round all the edges on the part except for the edges that
coincide with the quilt.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Click Insert > Auto Round. The Auto Round dashboard opens. Both the Scope
and the Exclude slide-up panels on the dashboard contain collectors. You must
use the Scope collector in conjunction with the Exclude collector to specify
exactly what you want rounded.

Note: If you want to round everything in the model, you do not need to use
these collectors.

4. In the radius box above the Exclude slide-up panel, type 10.

5. Click Exclude to activate the Excluded Edges collector. You can select the
edges to exclude directly in the graphics window, however, this can be complex
and time consuming. A more efficient and precise way to make your selection is
with the Search Tool dialog box.

6. Click . The Search Tool dialog box opens and the Geometry tab is available.
You will use the options in this dialog box to select the quilt.

8. Click the Geometry tab and set options as follows. Some are already set by

o Look For—Edge

o Look by—Edge

o Rule—Reference

o Reference Type—Surface/Quilt

o Comparison—conincides with

9. Under Reference click and then select the quilt in the graphics window.


10. In the Search Tool dialog box, click Find Now. In the items found box, 6
edges are listed.

11. Select the 6 items and click to move them to the items selected box.

12. Click Close. The Search Tool dialog box closes and the model appears in the
dividing quilt selected. The edges intersecting with this quilt are now excluded
from the Auto Round.

13. Click . Auto Round 1 appears in the Model Tree. All edges are automatically
rounded, except for the edges that intersect with the quilt that you selected in
the Search Tool dialog box.

Part After Auto Round Close-up of Edges Excluded

from the Auto Round

Part – Help Topic Collection

14. To save the original model for reference, click File > Erase.


About the Chamfer Feature

Pro/ENGINEER enables you to create and modify chamfers. Chamfers are a type of
feature where an edge or corner is beveled. Surfaces can be solid model surfaces or
traditional Pro/ENGINEER zero-thickness quilts and surfaces. You can create two
types of chamfers: corner chamfers and edge chamfers.

Corner Chamfers
You create corner chamfers using the CHAMFER dialog box (Insert > Chamfer >
Corner Chamfer) to define edge references and distance values for the corner
chamfer. Refer to Chamfer Types and References under See Also for more
Note: Because corner chamfer creation is a simple procedure, the chamfer
documentation addresses edge chamfers and refers to them as chamfers.

Edge Chamfers
You can create edge chamfers using the Chamfer tool. To create edge chamfers, you
define one or more chamfer sets. A chamfer set is an organizational unit containing
one or more chamfer pieces (chamfer geometry). After you specify chamfer
placement references, Pro/ENGINEER uses default attributes, distance values, and
default transitions that best fit the referenced geometry to create the chamfer.
Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the chamfer in the graphics window,
enabling you to create and modify both chamfer pieces and transitions before feature
creation. Note that the default settings accommodate most modeling cases.
However, you can define the chamfer sets or transitions to achieve the preferred
chamfer geometry.

Anatomy of an Edge Chamfer

An Edge Chamfer consists of the following:
• Sets—Chamfer segments that consist of unique attributes, geometric references,
and plane angles, and one or more chamfer distances: legs of the triangle formed
by the chamfer and the neighboring surfaces.

• Transitions—Filler geometry that connects chamfer pieces. Transitions are

located where the chamfer pieces or set ends meet or terminate. Pro/ENGINEER
uses default transitions during the initial chamfer creation and provides many
transition types, allowing you to create and modify transitions.


Chamfer Sets and Transitions

Set Mode Display Transition Mode Display

Two edge references are selected for All transitions for the entire edge
the chamfer set. Pro/ENGINEER chamfer feature are displayed.
displays preview geometry of the two Pro/ENGINEER displays the two
chamfer pieces and the distance chamfer pieces for context.

1 Chamfer piece 1 Transition

2 Edge reference 2 Chamfer piece

About Chamfer Types and References

Using Pro/ENGINEER, you can create different chamfers. The type of chamfer that
you can create is determined by the type of placement references that you select.
The following table describes the chamfer types and the placement references used:

Reference Definition Example Chamfer

Type Type

Part – Help Topic Collection

Reference Definition Example Chamfer

Type Type

Edges or An edge Two edges Edge

edge chamfer chamfer
chains removes
the flat
Note: section of
from a
(solid or selected
a two-
edge to
create a
surface) beveled
are valid
reference the two
to that
edge. 1 Edge references

Note: The 2 Chamfer pieces (with distance value)

Edge chain
s across
until it
s a break
if you use
a One-by-
chain, the
does not
tangent 1 Edge chain reference
2 Chamfer piece (with distance value)

3 Existing round geometry


Reference Definition Example Chamfer

Type Type

One Place a Surface and edge Surface

surface chamfer to edge
and one by chamfer
edge selecting
a surface
first and
then an

tangent to
The edge
does not
maintain 1 Surface reference
2 Edge reference

3 Chamfer piece (with distance value)

Two Place a Two surfaces Surface-

surfaces chamfer to-
by surface
selecting chamfer

The edges
of the
tangent to

1 Surface references

2 Chamfer piece (with distance value)

Part – Help Topic Collection

Reference Definition Example Chamfer

Type Type

One A corner Three edges Corner

corner chamfer chamfer
reference removes
, and material
three from the
edge corner of
placemen a part,
t creating a
dimensio beveled
ns surface
common between
to the the three
specified original
corner. surfaces
to the

1 Corner chamfer

About Chamfer Dimension Schemes

Pro/ENGINEER uses various attributes to create the chamfer geometry (chamfer
pieces). These attributes include the chamfer dimension schemes. The dimension
schemes enable you to easily define the chamfer plane angle and distance. Different
dimension schemes result in different chamfer geometry. To simplify the chamfer
creation process, Pro/ENGINEER uses a default dimension scheme. You can change
the default scheme at any time in your design session to achieve the preferred
chamfer geometry using the dimension scheme box on the dialog bar.
Pro/ENGINEER provides dimension schemes based on the placement references that
you select and the chamfer creation method used. So, not all dimension schemes are
available for a given geometry. The following dimension schemes are provided:
• D x D—Create a chamfer that is at a distance (D) from the edge along each
surface. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method only if
the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of the edge
chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-degree
surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to Surface chamfers,
constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces must be selected.

• D1 x D2—Create a chamfer at a distance (D1) from the selected edge along one
surface and a distance (D2) from the selected edge along the other surface.


Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method only if
the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of the edge
chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-degree
surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to Surface chamfers,
constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces must be selected.

• Angle x D—Create a chamfer at a distance (D) from the selected edge along one
adjacent surface at a specified angle (Angle) to that surface.

Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method only if
the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of the edge
chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-degree
surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to Surface chamfers,
constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces must be selected.

• 45 x D—Create a chamfer that is at an angle of 45 degrees to both surfaces and

a distance (D) from the edge along each surface.

Note: This scheme is available only for chamfers that use 90-degree surfaces
and the Tangent Distance creation method.

• O x O—Create a chamfer that is at an offset distance (O) from the edge along
each surface. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default only if D x D is not available.

Note: This scheme is only available if the Offset Surfaces creation method is

• O1 x O2—Create a chamfer at an offset distance (O1) from the selected edge

along a surface and an offset distance (O2) from the selected edge along the
other surface.

Note: This scheme is only available if the Offset Surfaces creation method is

Example: Chamfer Dimension Schemes

The following diagram illustrates different chamfer dimension schemes:

Part – Help Topic Collection

1 45 x D


3 D1 x D2

4 Angle x D

About the Chamfer User Interface

The Chamfer user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menu

Feature Icon
The Chamfer tool uses the following icon:

• —Indicates a chamfer feature in the Model Tree and is displayed in the

dashboard to indicate that the Chamfer tool is open. This icon also identifies the
Chamfer tool on the Insert menu and on the Feature toolbar.

Dialog Bar
The dialog bar consists of the following options:


Set Mode

• —Activates Set mode, enabling you to work with chamfer sets.

Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

• Dimension scheme box—Displays the current dimension scheme for the

chamfer set and contains a list of valid dimension schemes based on the
geometrical context. This box enables you to change the dimension scheme for
the active chamfer set. The following dimension schemes are available:

o D x D—Create a chamfer that is at a distance (D) from the edge along each
surface. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default.

Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method
only if the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of
the edge chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-
degree surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to
Surface chamfers, constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces
must be selected.

o D1 x D2—Create a chamfer at a distance (D1) from the selected edge

along one surface and a distance (D2) from the selected edge along the
other surface.

Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method
only if the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of
the edge chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-
degree surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to
Surface chamfers, constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces
must be selected.

o Angle x D—Create a chamfer at a distance (D) from the selected edge

along one adjacent surface at a specified angle (Angle) to that surface.

Note: This scheme is available using the Offset Surface creation method
only if the following conditions are met: For Edge chamfers, all members of
the edge chain must be formed by exactly two 90-degree planes or two 90-
degree surfaces (for example, the ends of a cylinder). For Surface to
Surface chamfers, constant-angle planes or constant 90-degree surfaces
must be selected.

o 45 x D—Create a chamfer that is at an angle of 45 degrees to both

surfaces and a distance (D) from the edge along each surface.

Note: This scheme is available only for chamfers that use 90-degree
surfaces and the Tangent Distance creation method.

o O x O—Create a chamfer that is at an offset distance (O) from the edge

along each surface. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default only when D x D
is not available.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: This scheme is only available if the Offset Surfaces creation method
is used.

o O1 x O2—Create a chamfer at an offset distance (O1) from the selected

edge along one surface and an offset distance (O2) from the selected edge
along the other surface.

Note: This scheme is only available if the Offset Surfaces creation method
is used.

• D box—Controls the distance of a current D x D, Angle x D, or 45 x D chamfer.

This box corresponds to the distance in the Distance table D column on the Sets
slide-up panel.

• O box—Controls the offset distance of a current O x O chamfer. This box

corresponds to the offset distance in the Distance table O column on the Sets
slide-up panel.

• D collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as the distance

reference for the active D x D, Angle x D, or 45 x D chamfer set. This collector is
available when you snap a handle to a reference or select Reference from the
distance box in the Sets slide-up panel (left box under Distance table). This
collector corresponds to the D column collector in the Distance table.

• O collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as the offset

distance reference for the active O x O chamfer set. This collector is available
when you snap a handle to a reference or select Reference from the distance
box in the Sets slide-up panel (left box under Distance table). This collector
corresponds to the O column collector in the Distance table.

• D1, D2 boxes—Controls the distance of a current D1 x D2 chamfer set. These

boxes correspond to the distance in the Distance table D1 or D2 column on the
Sets slide-up panel.

• O1, O2 boxes—Controls the offset distance of a current O1 x O2 chamfer set.

These boxes correspond to the offset distance in the Distance table O1 or O2
column on the Sets slide-up panel.

• D1, D2 collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as the distance
reference for the active D1 x D2 chamfer set. This collector is available when you
snap a handle to a reference or select Reference from the distance box in the
Sets slide-up panel (under the Distance table). This collector corresponds to the
D1 or D2 column collector in the Distance table.

• O1, O2 collector—Indicates that a valid object has been selected as the offset
distance reference for the active O1 x O2 chamfer set. This collector is available
when you snap a handle to a reference or select Reference from the distance
box in the Sets slide-up panel (under the Distance table). This collector
corresponds to the O1 or O2 column collector in the Distance table.

• Angle box—Controls the angle of the current Angle x D chamfer. This box
corresponds to the current angle in the Distance table (Angle column) on the
Sets slide-up panel. The box contains the following standard chamfer angles:


o 30.00—Creates a chamfer with a 30-degree angle.

o 45.00—Creates a chamfer with a 45-degree angle. Pro/ENGINEER selects

this by default.

o 60.00—Creates a chamfer with a 60-degree angle.

• —Reverses the distance of a D1 x D2, Angle x D, or O1 x O2 chamfer.

Transition Mode

• —Activates Transition mode, enabling you to define all transitions for the
chamfer feature.

• Transition Type box—Displays the default transition type for the current
transition and contains a list of valid transition types based on the geometrical
context. This box enables you to change the transition type for the current
transition. A complete list of transition types follows:

Note: Not all transition types listed below are available for a given context.

o Default—Pro/ENGINEER determines the transition type that is the best fit

for the geometrical context. The transition type appears in parenthesis.

o Stop Case 1—Terminates the chamfer using geometry configured by


o Stop Case 2—Terminates the chamfer using geometry configured by


o Stop Case 3—Terminates the chamfer using geometry configured by


o Stop at Reference—Terminates chamfer geometry at the selected datum

point or datum plane. The Stop reference collectors (located in the
Transitions slide-up panel and in the dialog bar) activate.

o Blend—Creates a fillet surface between the chamfer pieces using an edge


o Continue—Extends chamfer geometry into two chamfer pieces.

o Intersect—Extends two or more overlapping chamfer pieces toward each

other until they merge forming a sharp boundary.

o Patch—Creates a patched surface at the location where three or four

chamfer pieces overlap.

o Corner Plane—Chamfers the corner transition formed by three overlapping

chamfer pieces with a plane.

• Capped check box—Creates end surfaces to cap the gaps between the active
transition and part geometry. This check box is only available when you select a
transition type valid geometry (other than Default), and the Surface or New

Part – Help Topic Collection

quilt attachment types from the Options slide-up panel. Pro/ENGINEER does not
select this check box by default. You can also use Capped from the shortcut


o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped and the Capped
check box is ignored.

o This check box caps the gap only of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
chamfer piece ends for the entire chamfer feature. The dialog bar check box
overrides the slide-up panel check box enabling you to cap the gap of the
active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the chamfer piece ends
for the chamfer feature.

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Patch Transition Options

• Optional surface collector—Indicates that a valid surface reference is selected
to place a fillet for the active Patch transition. To activate this collector, you can
either click in it, use Patch Optional Surface on the shortcut menu, or click in
the Optional surface collector in the Sets slide-up panel.

• Radius box—Controls the fillet radius for the active Patch transition. You can
type a new radius value or select a most recently-used value from the list. The
Optional surface collector must contain a surface reference to display this box.

Stop Transition Options

• Stop reference collector—Indicates that valid stop references have been
selected for the active Stop at Reference transition. To activate this collector, you
can either click in it, use Stop References on the shortcut menu, or click in the
Stop references collector in the Transitions slide-up panel. Note that you must
select the Stop at Reference transition type to display this option.

Slide-up Panels
The Chamfer dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:

Sets Slide-up Panel

You must activate the Set mode to use this panel. The Sets slide-up panel consists
of the following options:
• Sets list—Contains all chamfer sets for the chamfer feature enabling you to add,
remove, or select a chamfer set for modification. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
active chamfer set. The Sets list contains the following:

o Set—Indicates a chamfer set.


o New Set—Adds a new chamfer set and makes it active. You can also use
the Add Set shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

• References collector—Contains the valid references that you select for the
chamfer set. You can click in this collector to activate it or use the References
shortcut menu command.

• Details—Opens the Chain dialog box so that you can modify chain properties.

• Distance table—Controls the distance and location of the chamfer set. The
Distance table consists of the following options:

o D column—Controls the distance of the current D x D or 45 x D chamfer.

This column contains values or references.

o D1, D2 columns—Controls the distance of the current D1 x D2 chamfer.

This column contains values or references.

o Angle column—Controls the angle of the current Angle x D chamfer. This

column contains the following standard chamfer angles:

30.00—Creates a chamfer with a 30 degree angle.

45.00—Creates a chamfer with a 45 degree angle. Pro/ENGINEER selects

this by default.

60.00—Creates a chamfer with a 60 degree angle.

o Distance box—Controls the distance (displayed in the Distance table) of

the chamfer set. This box is located under the Distance table and contains
the following options. Note that two Distance boxes display for D1 x D2

Value—Sets the chamfer distance by using a numerical value. The distance

value displays in the Distance table.

Reference—Sets the chamfer distance by using a reference. This option

activates a collector in the Distance table that contains the reference

o Creation Method box—Controls the chamfer creation method. This box

contains the following creation methods:

Offset Surfaces—Determines the chamfer distance by offsetting the

neighboring surfaces of the reference edge. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by

Tangent Distance—Determines the chamfer distance with vectors that are

tangent to the neighboring surface of the reference edge.

Transitions Slide-up Panel

You must activate the Transition mode to use this panel. The Transitions slide-up
panel consists of the following options:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Transitions list—Contains all user-defined transitions for the entire chamfer

feature, enabling you to modify a transition. Pro/ENGINEER does not list default
transitions. You can view the default transition type for the active transition from
the Transition Type box on the dialog bar or from the shortcut menu. To
activate the Transitions list, you can click in it or use the Transition Selection
shortcut menu command.

• Stop references collector—Contains the references for the active Stop at

Reference transition. This collector is available only if you assign the Stop at
Reference transition type to the active Stop transition. You can click in this
collector to activate it or use the Stop at References shortcut menu command.

• Optional surface collector—Contains the references to place a fillet for the

active patch transition. This collector is available only if you assign the patch
transition type to the active transition. You can click in this collector to activate it
or use the Patch Optional Surface shortcut menu command.

Pieces Slide-up Panel

Chamfer piece management is performed using the Pieces slide-up panel. You can
view all chamfer sets for the chamfer feature, view all chamfer pieces in the current
chamfer set, trim, extend, or exclude these chamfer pieces, and address placement
The Pieces slide-up panel consists of the following options:
• Sets list—Lists all the chamfer sets for the entire chamfer feature. The Sets list
consists of the following:

o Set—Indicates a chamfer set.

o New Set—Adds a new chamfer set and makes it active. You can also use
the Add Set shortcut menu command from the graphics window.

• Pieces table—Lists all the chamfer pieces for the current chamfer set and
indicates their current state as one of the following:

o Included—Does the following:

Indicates that the chamfer pieces are included in the current chamfer set
(selected by default).

Includes the selected chamfer piece that is in an excluded state.

Restores a trimmed or extended chamfer piece to its original state.

o Excluded—Excludes the selected chamfer piece that is in an included state.

Note that this option is only available when the current chamfer set
contains two or more chamfer pieces that use one explicit placement
reference. This can occur when:

The chamfer geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains.

A single chamfer piece cannot be created at a certain distance value, for

example, a chamfer that is too large to sweep around a corner.


o Edited—Indicates that the selected chamfer piece was trimmed or


You can also use these options from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.
Note that All included is only available from this shortcut menu. All included
includes all the chamfer pieces for the current chamfer set that are in an
excluded state. This option also restores all trimmed or extended chamfer pieces
for the current chamfer set to their original state.

Options Slide-up Panel

The Options slide-up panel consists of the following options:
• Solid—Creates the chamfer feature as a solid that intersects the existing
geometry. This attachment type is only available when you select solids as
chamfer set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default when you select
solids as chamfer set references.

• Surface—Creates the chamfer feature as a surface that does not intersect the
existing geometry. This attachment type is only available when you select solids
as chamfer set references. Pro/ENGINEER does not select this by default.

• New quilt—Creates the chamfer feature as a new quilt. This attachment type is
only available for surface chamfer set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by
default when you select different surface quilts or both a solid and a quilt as
chamfer set references.

• Same quilt—Creates the chamfer feature as a surface that merges with the
reference quilt. This attachment type is only available for surface chamfer set
references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select chamfer set
references from the same surface quilt.

• Create end surfaces—Creates end surfaces to cap all of the chamfer piece ends
of the chamfer feature. This check box is only available when you select valid
geometry and the Surface or New quilt attachment types. Pro/ENGINEER does
not select this by default.


o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece ends cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the dialog bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create cap for the gap between the active transition and part geometry.

Properties Slide-up Panel

The Properties slide-up panel consists of the following options:
• Name box—Displays the chamfer feature name enabling you to rename it.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• —Provides detailed chamfer feature information in the Pro/ENGINEER


Shortcut Menu
You can use the shortcut (right-click) menu commands to quickly complete a task.

Set Mode: Collector Commands

• References—Activates the References collector (located in the Sets slide-up
panel) enabling you to select a placement reference for the chamfer feature.
Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default. This command is only available when
another collector is present.

• Chamfer Reference Point—Activates the D or O distance collectors (located on

the Sets slide-up panel distance table and on the dialog bar) enabling you to
modify the chamfer distance or offset distance by snapping to a reference. This
command is available only when the highlighted distance in the table is driven by
a reference. This command is not available for chamfers using the D1 x D2 or O1
X O2 dimension schemes.

• D1 Reference Point—Activates the D1 distance collectors (located on the Sets

slide-up panel distance table and on the dialog bar) enabling you to modify the
chamfer distance or offset distance by snapping to a reference. This command is
available only for the D1 x D2 dimension schemes and when the highlighted
distance in the table is driven by a reference.

• O1 Reference Point—Activates the O1 distance collectors (located on the Sets

slide-up panel distance table and on the dialog bar) enabling you to modify the
chamfer offset distance or offset distance by snapping to a reference. This
command is available only for the O1 x O2 dimension schemes and when the
highlighted offset distance in the table is driven by a reference.

• D2 Reference Point—Activates the D2 distance collectors (located on the Sets

slide-up panel distance table and on the dialog bar) enabling you to modify the
chamfer distance by snapping to a reference. This command is available only for
the D1 x D2 dimension scheme and when the highlighted distance in the table is
driven by a reference.

• O2 Reference Point—Activates the O2 distance collectors (located on the Sets

slide-up panel distance table and on the dialog bar) enabling you to modify the
chamfer offset distance by snapping to a reference. This command is available
only for the O1 x O2 dimension scheme and when the highlighted offset distance
in the table is driven by a reference.

• Clear—Clears the selected reference from the active collector.

Set Mode: Mode Command

• Show Transitions—Switches to Transition mode.

Set Mode: Chamfer Set Commands


• Add Set—Adds a new chamfer set and makes it active.

• Delete Set—Deletes the active chamfer set.

• Dimension Scheme—These commands are identical to the dimension schemes

that are available from the Dimension Scheme box on the dialog bar. You can
find a complete list of dimension schemes in the Dialog Bar section of this topic.

You must place your cursor over a handle in the graphics window and right-click to
display the following chamfer set modification command:
• Flip—Reverses the distance of a D1 x D2, Angle x D, or O1 x O2 chamfer.

Set Mode: Collector Reference Commands

You must place your cursor in a collector and right-click to use the following
• Remove—Removes the selected reference from the active collector.

• Remove All—Removes all references from the active collector. The collector
must contain multiple references to use this command.

• Information—Opens the INFORMATION WINDOW to display detailed

information about the selected reference in the collector. This command is
unavailable for chain and surface references.

Transition Mode: List and Collector Commands

• Transitions' selection—Activates the Transitions list (located in the
Transitions slide-up panel, enabling you to select a user-defined transition. This
command is available when a transition collector is displayed.

• Stop References—Activates the Stop references collectors located in the

Transitions slide-up panel and in the dialog bar) enabling you to assign stop
references for the active Stop transition.

• Patch Optional Surface—Activates the Optional surface collectors (located in

the Transitions slide-up panel and in the dialog bar) enabling you to select a
surface reference to place a fillet for the active patch transition. This command is
available only if you select a three-sided corner transition and assign the patch
transition type to it.

• Clear—Clears the selected reference from the active collector.

Transition Mode: Mode Command

• Back to Sets—Switches to Set mode.

Transition Mode: Transition Commands

• Transition Type—These commands are identical to the transition types that are
available from the Transition Type box on the dialog bar. You can find a
complete list of transition types in the Dialog Bar section of this topic.

The following transition commands enable you to modify a transition:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Delete Transition—Deletes the active transition. You can also use DELETE.

• Make Transition—Creates a transition by selecting chamfer piece edges

associated with a deleted transition.

• Capped—Creates end surfaces to cap the gap between the active transition and
part geometry. You can select this command for each active transition that you
want to cap. This command is available only when you select a transition type
(other than Default), valid geometry, and the Surface or New quilt attachment
types from the Options slide-up panel. Pro/ENGINEER does not select this
command by default. The Capped command corresponds to the Capped check
box located on the dialog bar.

• When using a most recently used box, you can always select Default from the
list to enable Pro/ENGINEER to determine the appropriate value for your
geometrical context.

• Always place your pointer in the collector or in the most recently used box and
right-click to use the shortcut menu commands for those options.

To Create a D x D Chamfer
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.

Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the chamfer creation method that
you want to use. The default chamfer creation method is Offset Surfaces.

4. Select the D x D dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. The default chamfer dimension scheme is D x D. You can also select
this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the distance, drag the distance handle to the preferred distance or snap
it to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics
window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new value or select a recently-used value from the D
box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the distance box in the
Distance table (D column) located on the Sets slide-up panel.


6. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, simply double-click the distance value in the

graphics window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or
select a recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a recently used list to enable Pro/ENGINEER to
determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Create a 45 x D Chamfer
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.


o The part geometry must allow the creation of a 45-degree angle.

o Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the chamfer creation method that
you want to use. The default chamfer creation method is Offset Surfaces.

4. Select the 45 x D dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. You can also select this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the distance, drag the distance handle to the preferred distance or snap
it to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics
window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: You can also type a new value or select a recently-used value from the D
box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the distance box in the
Distance table (D column) located on the Sets slide-up panel.

6. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, double-click the distance value in the graphics

window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
recently-used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a recently-used list to enable Pro/ENGINEER to

determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector, right-click, and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Create an Angle x D Chamfer

1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.

Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the chamfer creation method that
you want to use. The default chamfer creation method is Offset Surfaces.

4. Select the Angle x D dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. You can also select this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the distance, drag the distance handle to the preferred distance or snap
it to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance value in the graphics
window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.


Note: You can also type a new value or select a recently-used value from the D
box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the distance box in the
Distance table (D column) located on the Sets slide-up panel.

6. To define the angle, drag the angle handle to the preferred chamfer angle.
Pro/ENGINEER displays the angle value in the graphics window and dynamically
updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new angle or select a recently-used angle from the
Angle box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the angle box in the
Distance table (Angle column) located on the Sets slide-up panel.

7. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

8. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, simply double-click the distance value in the

graphics window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or
select a most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector right-click and select
Remove from the shortcut menu.

To Create a D1 x D2 Chamfer
D1 x D2 chamfers enable you to define the chamfer distance independently.
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.

Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the chamfer creation method that
you want to use. The default chamfer creation method is Offset Surfaces.

4. Select the D1 x D2 dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. You can also select this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the distance, drag each distance handle to the preferred distance or
snap each to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the distance values in the
graphics window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new distance value or select a recently-used value
from the D1 or D2 box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the
distance box in the Distance table (D1 or D2 column) located on the Sets slide-
up panel.

6. To reverse the chamfer distances, click on the Dialog Bar. Click it again to
return to the original distances. You can also place your cursor over the radius
handle, right-click, and use Flip on the shortcut menu.

7. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

8. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, double-click the distance value in the graphics

window. When the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
recently-used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a recently-used list to enable Pro/ENGINEER to

determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click, and select Remove
on the shortcut menu.

To Create a O x O Chamfer
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.

Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.


2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the Offset Surfaces chamfer
creation method. Note that this is the default chamfer creation method.

4. Select the O x O dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. You can also select this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the offset distance, drag the distance handle to the preferred offset
distance or snap it to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the offset distance
value in the graphics window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new value or select a most recently used value from
the O box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the distance box in the
Distance table (O column) located on the Sets slide-up panel.

6. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

7. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, double-click the distance value in the graphics

window. When the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
recently-used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear from the shortcut menu
to clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click, and select Remove
on the shortcut menu.

To Create a O1 x O2 Chamfer
O1 x O2 chamfers enable you to define the chamfer offset distance independently.
1. In the graphics window, select the references from which to create the chamfer.
Notice that the chamfer propagates across tangent neighbors until it encounters
a break in tangency. However, if you use a One-by-One chain, the chamfer does
not propagate across tangent neighbors.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: Press CTRL+click to select additional references for the active chamfer set
or to remove a reference.

2. Click on the Feature toolbar or Insert > Chamfer > Edge Chamfer. The
Chamfer tool opens and Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry. Notice that
the selected references are in the References collector on the Sets slide-up

3. Click Sets. On the Sets slide-up panel, select the Offset Surfaces chamfer
creation method. This is the default chamfer creation method.

4. Select the O1 x O2 dimension scheme from the Dimension Scheme box on the
dialog bar. You can also select this scheme from the shortcut menu.

5. To define the offset distance, drag each distance handle to the preferred offset
distance or snap each to a reference. Pro/ENGINEER displays the offset distance
values in the graphics window and dynamically updates the preview geometry.

Note: You can also type a new distance value or select a recently-used value
from the O1 or O2 box on the Dialog Bar. The same method applies to the
distance box in the Distance table (O1 or O2 column) located on the Sets slide-
up panel.

6. To reverse the chamfer distances, click on the Dialog Bar. Click it again to
return to the original distances. You can also place your cursor over the radius
handle, right-click, and use Flip on the shortcut menu.

7. At this point the chamfer is complete. If you need to define the chamfer further,
refer to the topics under See Also for more information.

8. Click to save your changes. Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes
the Chamfer tool.

• If you are using a chain as a reference and you want to modify it, click Details
on the Sets slide-up panel and use the Chain dialog box.

• To quickly define a distance, double-click the distance value in the graphics

window. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER, or select a
recently-used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a recently-used list to enable Pro/ENGINEER to

determine the value.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear on the shortcut menu to
clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor still in the collector, right-click, and select
Remove on the shortcut menu.


To Define the Chamfer Distance Using a Reference

In addition to dragging distance handles, or typing or selecting distance values,
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to define a chamfer distance by snapping to a vertex or
datum point.

1. Select the placement references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool

2. In the graphics window, select the distance handle that you want to redefine.

3. Press SHIFT and drag the distance handle to snap it to a vertex or to a datum
point. As you drag, notice that Pro/ENGINEER pre-highlights the reference as
your cursor moves over it. This enables you to target the correct reference.
Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Replaces the default distance handle with a special handle in the graphics
window that contains the reference information.

o Activates the distance collector on the Dialog Bar to indicate that an item
has been selected.

o Selects Reference from the Sets slide-up panel Distance box (located
under the Distance table) and populates the Distance collector in the
Distance table with the reference information.

Note: If you snapped the handle, notice the snapping behavior. For D x D and 45
X D chamfers, Pro/ENGINEER hides the second distance handle and the chamfer
anchor. For Angle x D chamfers, the anchor is hidden. For D1 x D2 chamfers,
Pro/ENGINEER separates the handles and displays the unsnapped handle with the
anchor to enable the handle to move independently.

4. To redefine the distance, press SHIFT and drag the handle to unsnap it from the
reference. Notice that the default handle replaces the special handle. You can
then snap the distance handle to another reference, drag the handle to a
preferred location, or type or select a new distance value using the distance value
boxes from the Dialog Bar or from the Distance table in the Sets slide-up panel.
The chamfer distance is defined.

5. You can continue to work with chamfers or click , enabling Pro/ENGINEER to

create the chamfer and close the Chamfer tool.

• If you prefer to define a chamfer distance from the Sets slide-up panel, select
Reference from the distance box located under the Distance table. When the
distance collector activates, select the reference vertex or datum point from the
graphics window.

• To quickly identify a distance from the Sets slide-up panel, place your cursor over
a distance value in the Distance table. Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights each
distance handle enabling you to select it.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• If you want to use a datum point, but one is not present, you can create one
without closing the Chamfer tool by opening one of the Datum Point tools on the
Feature Toolbar.

• As you work in the graphics window, you can use Clear on the shortcut menu to
clear all references from the active collector.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click, and select Remove
on the shortcut menu.

• To quickly define a distance, simply double-click the distance value in the

graphics window. After the box opens, type a new distance value and press
ENTER, or select a most recently used value from the list.

About Chamfer Creation Methods

Pro/ENGINEER uses various attributes to create the chamfer geometry (chamfer
pieces). These attributes include the chamfer creation method. The creation method
is the way in which Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer geometry. Different creation
methods result in different chamfer geometry. To simplify the chamfer creation
process, Pro/ENGINEER uses a default creation method. You can change the default
creation method at any time in your design session by using the Creation Method
box on the Sets slide-up panel.
Pro/ENGINEER provides the following chamfer creation methods:
• Offset Surfaces—Determines the chamfer distance by offsetting the neighboring
surfaces of the edge reference. Pro/ENGINEER selects this creation method by

• Tangent Distance—Determines the chamfer distance with vectors that are

tangent to the neighboring surface of the edge reference.

To Create a Corner Chamfer

A corner chamfer removes material from the corner of a part.
1. Choose Insert > Chamfer > Corner Chamfer. The CHAMFER (CORNER):
Corner dialog box opens. Pro/ENGINEER selects the Corner element and
indicates the status as Defining.

2. In the graphics window, select the edge reference for the corner to chamfer.
Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selected edge and confirms the Corner element
status as Defined. The PICK/ENTER menu appears.

3. Do one of the following:

o Click Pick Point and select a point on the highlighted edge to define the
chamfer length along that edge for the vertex. Pro/ENGINEER selects this
command by default.


o Click Enter-input, type a length dimension value in the dimension box and

click . This defines the chamfer length along the highlighted edge for
the vertex.

4. After you have defined the first vertex, Pro/ENGINEER highlights the other edges,
one at a time, so you can define the other two vertices. Repeat step 3 to define
each vertex. Notice that you can select different defining methods for each edge.

5. Click OK in the dialog box. Pro/ENGINEER creates the corner chamfer.

Example: Corner Chamfer

The following illustration describes a corner chamfer:

To Rename a Chamfer Feature

You can rename the current chamfer feature while working in the Chamfer tool.

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click the Properties tab on the dashboard. The Properties slide-up panel

3. In the Name box, type the new name for the chamfer feature on which you are
working and press ENTER.

4. When you are finished working with the chamfer feature, click .
Pro/ENGINEER renames the chamfer feature, saves your modeling changes,
creates the chamfer, and closed the Chamfer tool.

To Retrieve Chamfer Feature Information

You can retrieve information for the current chamfer feature while working in the
Chamfer tool.

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

Part – Help Topic Collection

2. Click the Properties tab on the Dashboard. The Properties slide-up panel

3. Click . Pro/ENGINEER opens the embedded browser and displays the chamfer
feature information.

Tip: If additional information is available for the current chamfer feature, simply
click the links in the browser.


About Chamfer Transitions

Transitions allow you to specify how to handle overlapping or discontinuous chamfer
pieces. Pro/ENGINEER uses default transitions after you create chamfer geometry.
These default transitions are selected according to the particular geometrical context.
For many cases, you will simply use the default transitions. However, at some point,
you will need to modify the existing transitions to achieve the preferred chamfer
You modify existing transitions in the following ways:
• Define a Transition—Change the transition type.

• Delete Transitions and Make a New Transition—Delete one or more

transitions to free references and replace them by making a new transition for
the affected geometry.

Chamfer Transitions
An understanding of chamfer transitions will enable you to achieve the preferred
chamfer geometry for your model. The following table describes the chamfer
transitions that Pro/ENGINEER provides:
Chamfer Transitions

Transition Example Description



Transition Example Description


Stop Case 1 Terminates

the chamfer
using one of
Stop Cases.
R configures
each Stop
based on the

1 Stop Case transition

2 Chamfer piece

3 Stop transition

Stop Case 2

4 Stop Case transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Stop Case 3

5 Stop Case transition

Stop at Terminates
Reference chamfer
geometry at
the datum
point or
datum plane
that you

1 Chamfer piece

2 Stop at Reference transition

3 Datum point

4 Stop transition

5 Existing round geometry


Transition Example Description


Blend Blend on a corner Creates a

fillet surface
between the
pieces using
an edge

Note that all

stops at
sharp edges.

1 Chamfer piece

2 Fillet surface

3 Stop transition

Blend between two collinear chamfer


1 Chamfer piece

2 Fillet surface (Blend transition)

3 Stop transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Continue Continue between two collinear Extends the

chamfer pieces chamfer
into two
pieces. Note
that tangent
does not
stop at sharp
with Blend).

The resulting
looks as if
the chamfer
1 Chamfer piece was placed
first, and
2 Extension of chamfer geometry
(Continue transition)
3 Stop transition was cut
4 Extension of neighboring surface to Neighboring
meet chamfer geometry. surfaces are
extended to


Transition Example Description


Corner Plane Chamfers the

formed by
pieces with a

Corner Plane
apply only to
where three
1 Chamfer piece end (chamfer pieces are
overlap at a
under the transition preview geometry)
2 Corner Plane transition

3 Stop transition

Intersect Intersect of two chamfer pieces Extends two

or more
towards each
other until
they merge
forming a

only apply to
two or more
1 Chamfer piece chamfer
2 Intersect transition

3 Stop transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Intersect of four chamfer pieces

1 Chamfer piece

2 Intersect transition

3 Stop transition

Patch Patch for three chamfer pieces. Creates a

surface at
the location
where three
or four

You can add

an additional
side to a
transition by
selecting an
1 Chamfer piece surface on
which to
2 Patch transition create a fillet
3 Stop transition that contains
a radius.


Transition Example Description


Same Patch as above with an optional This fillet

surface becomes the
fourth side of
the resulting
patch and is

Note: Patch
apply only to
where three
or four
overlap at a

1 Chamfer piece

2 Patch transition (with radius value)

3 Optional surface selected

4 Stop transition

Part – Help Topic Collection

Transition Example Description


Patch for four chamfer pieces.

1 Chamfer piece

2 Patch transition

3 Stop transition

Defining Chamfer Transitions

Consider the following when defining chamfer transitions:
• If you copy, reroute, or place a group with a chamfer that contains user-defined
transitions, Pro/ENGINEER removes these transitions from the resulting feature.

• If a chamfer feature fails due to missing transition references, Pro/ENGINEER

displays an error message and instructs you to redefine the transitions by
selecting references for each transition. If a transition has invalid references, you
may repair the transition by replacing references that are missing or invalid, or
you can change the transition type.

• If the chamfer set geometry is modified in Set mode (for example, references or
sets have been removed or added) resulting in the associated user-defined
transitions becoming invalid, Pro/ENGINEER will delete the invalid transitions and
reconstruct the default transitions for the chamfer geometry. Note that
Pro/ENGINEER will always maintain user-defined transitions whenever possible.

To Define a Chamfer Transition

Note: This topic is a Master Procedure in that some transitions require that you
follow an additional topic to complete the procedure. If you select one of these
transitions, simply follow the instructions.


1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click on the Dialog Bar to switch to Transition mode. Pro/ENGINEER displays

preview geometry of all transitions for the entire chamfer feature.
Note: You can also use Show Transitions from the shortcut menu to activate
Transition mode.

3. In the graphics window, select the transition that you want to define.
Pro/ENGINEER makes the transition active.

4. Select one of the following transition types from the Transition Type box on the
Dialog Bar, or from the shortcut menu and follow the procedure for that
transition type.
Note: Pro/ENGINEER determines the valid transition types according to the
geometrical context of the selected transition. This means that not every
transition type listed below will be available to you for a particular transition.

o Default—Pro/ENGINEER determines the transition type that is the best fit

for the geometrical context. The transition type appears in parenthesis.
Proceed to step 6.

o Blend—Create a fillet surface between the chamfer pieces using an edge

reference. Proceed to step 5.

o Continue—Extend chamfer geometry into two chamfer pieces. Proceed to

step 5.

o Intersect—Extend two or more overlapping chamfer pieces toward each

other until they merge forming a sharp boundary. Proceed to step 5.

o Corner Plane—Chamfer the corner transition formed by three overlapping

chamfer pieces with a plane. Proceed to step 5.

o Patch—Create a patched surface at the location where three or four

chamfer pieces overlap. Click To Define a Patch Transition under See Also
to define this transition.

o Stop Case 1—Terminate the chamfer using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

o Stop Case 2—Terminate chamfer using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

o Stop Case 3—Terminate chamfer using geometry configured by

Pro/ENGINEER. Click To Define a Stop Case Transition under See Also to
define this transition.

o Stop at Reference—Terminate chamfer geometry at the selected datum

point or datum plane that you specify. Click To Define a Stop at Reference
Transition under See Also to define this transition.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Pro/ENGINEER displays preview geometry of the transition and adds the selected
transition to the Transitions list located on the Transitions slide-up panel. Notice
that Pro/ENGINEER displays only user-defined transitions on this list. If you want
to remove a transition from the Transitions list, see the note at the end of this

5. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you select a transition type (other
than Default) and use the Surface or New quilt attachment type (see About
Chamfer Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears this check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps between the active transition and part
geometry while the Create end surfaces check box located on the Options
slide-up panel caps all chamfer piece ends for the entire chamfer feature.
Remember, the Dialog Bar check box overrides the slide-up panel check
box. This enables you to cap the gaps of the active transition even if you
decide not to cap all of the chamfer piece ends for the chamfer feature.

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

6. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with chamfer sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the

chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu to remove a transition type
from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one of the following to restore
the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the selection (or Edit > Undo
setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Chamfer tool.
• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.


To Define a Patch Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Chamfer Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. To add an additional side to a three sided Patch, click in the Optional surface
collector located on the Dialog Bar (or on the Transitions slide-up panel) to
activate the collector and select a surface for the additional side. Pro/ENGINEER
does the following:

o Adds a fillet to the Patch transition and displays the fillet radius in the
graphics window and in the Radius box on the Dialog Bar. This fillet
becomes the fourth side of the resulting patch and is tangent.

o Populates the Optional surface collector on the slide-up panel with the
reference information. Notice that the corresponding Dialog Bar collector
indicates that an item has been selected.

2. To define the fillet radius, drag the radius handle to the preferred distance. The
preview geometry is dynamically updated.
Note: You can also type a new radius value and press ENTER or select a most
recently used value from the list in the Radius box on the Dialog Bar.

3. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Chamfer Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears
this check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
chamfer piece ends for the entire chamfer feature. Remember, the Dialog
Bar check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to
cap the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
chamfer piece ends for the chamfer feature.

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

4. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with chamfer sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the

chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Chamfer tool.
• You can also use Patch Optional Surface from the shortcut menu to activate
the Optional surface collectors.

• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• To quickly change a value as you work in the graphics window, double-click the
existing value. After the box opens, type a new value and press ENTER or select
a most recently used value from the list.

• You can always select Default in a most recently used list to enable
Pro/ENGINEER to determine the value.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the chamfer.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click and select Remove
from the shortcut menu.

To Define a Stop at Reference Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Chamfer Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. After the Stop references collectors (located on the Dialog Bar and on the
Transitions slide-up panel) activate, select either a datum plane, a datum point
on the chamfer set spine, or one or more part surfaces as the reference to which
the chamfer geometry will terminate. Note that any reference selected will be the
new stop location. Pro/ENGINEER does the following:

o Populates the Stop references collector on the Transitions slide-up panel

with the reference information. Notice that the corresponding Dialog Bar
collector indicates that one or more items have been selected as references.

o Locates the Stop at Reference transition at the selected references and

displays the transition in the graphics window.


2. If you select a datum point as your stop reference, you can select one of the
following from the box on the Dialog Bar:

o Point—Stop the chamfer set at a plane that travels through the datum
point and that is oriented normal to the chamfer set spine. Pro/ENGINEER
selects this by default.

o Isoline—Stop the chamfer set at a plane that travels through an isoline arc
at the datum point and normal to chamfer piece.

3. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Chamfer Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears
this check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
chamfer piece ends for the entire chamfer feature. Remember, the Dialog
Bar check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to
cap the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
chamfer piece ends for the chamfer feature.

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

4. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with chamfer sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the

chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.

Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Chamfer tool.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• You can also use Stop References from the shortcut menu to activate the Stop
references collectors.

• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the chamfer.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

• To remove a reference from within a collector, select the reference that you want
to remove, and with your cursor in the collector, right-click and select Remove
from the shortcut menu.

To Define a Stop Case Transition

Note: This topic is a continuation of the To Define a Chamfer Transition topic. If you
did not follow the procedure in that topic, please refer to it under See Also.
1. If you want to cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry by
creating end surfaces, click the Capped check box located on the Dialog Bar.
Notice that this check box is available only if you use the Surface or New quilt
attachment type (see About Chamfer Attachment Types). Pro/ENGINEER clears
this check box by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped.

o This check box caps only the gaps of the active transition while the Create
end surfaces check box located on the Options slide-up panel caps all
chamfer piece ends for the entire chamfer feature. Remember, the Dialog
Bar check box overrides the slide-up panel check box. This enables you to
cap the gaps of the active transition even if you decide not to cap all of the
chamfer piece ends for the chamfer feature.

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

2. At this point, the transition is defined. Do one of the following:

o Define another transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with chamfer sets.
Note: You can also use Back to Sets from the shortcut menu.

o Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the

chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.


Note: If you want to restore the default transition, select Default from the
Transition Type box on the Dialog bar, or from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
does not display default transition types on the Transitions list.
Do not use Delete Transition from the shortcut menu or use the DEL key to
remove a transition type from the Transitions list. If you do use it, you can do one
of the following to restore the default transition type: Press CTRL+Z to undo the
selection (or Edit > Undo setting), switch to Set mode, or close the Chamfer tool.
• You can also use Capped from the shortcut menu to cap the gaps of the active

• To preview various transitions before selecting one, simply place your cursor over
each transition type in the Transition Type box. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the
corresponding transition geometry in the graphics window.

• You can always select Default from the Transition Type box, or from the shortcut
menu enabling Pro/ENGINEER to determine the transition type for the chamfer.
Notice that the transition type is in parentheses.

About Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition

Pro/ENGINEER determines a transition type according to the selected placement
references and geometrical context. However, sometimes the available transitions
are not what is needed for the geometry. If this situation arises, you can delete one
or more transitions to free references and make a new transition. Pro/ENGINEER
configures the new transition according to the geometrical context. The following
table illustrates this process.
Note: If you delete one or more transitions and do not replace them by making a
new transition, Pro/ENGINEER restores the default transitions for the free references
because the geometrical input did not change and the transitions with the best fit for
the geometry are selected.

Deleting Transitions and Making a Transition

In Transition mode, transitions are selected and deleted using Delete Transition
from the shortcut menu. The free chamfer piece ends are selected (use CTRL+click),
and a new transition is created using Make Transition from the shortcut menu.

Deleting Two and Making One Deleting One and Making One

Part – Help Topic Collection

Deleting Two and Making One Deleting One and Making One

1 Transitions (Stop Case) 1 Transitions (Intersect)

2 Free chamfer piece ends 2 Free chamfer piece ends

3 New transition (Continue) 3 New transitions (Stop Case)


To Delete Transitions and Make a Transition

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click on the Dialog Bar to switch to Transition mode. Pro/ENGINEER displays

preview geometry of all transitions for the entire chamfer feature.
Note: You can also use Show Transitions from the shortcut menu to change to
Transition mode.

3. In the graphics window, select a transition that you want to delete, right-click
and select Delete Transition from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER deletes
the transition and frees the references. If needed, repeat this step to delete
another transition.
Note: The deleted transitions must share the same geometrical location in order
to make a new transition.

4. Press the CTRL key and click all of the chamfer piece ends that are free by the
deleted transitions. Pro/ENGINEER highlights the selected chamfer piece ends.

5. Right-click and select Make Transition from the shortcut menu. Pro/ENGINEER
configures the new transition according to the geometrical context and displays it
in the graphics window. Notice that the transition type for the new transition is
displayed in the Transition Type box on the Dialog Bar, and on the shortcut
Note: If you do not select Make Transition, Pro/ENGINEER restores the default
transitions for the freed references because the geometrical input did not change
and the transitions with the best fit for the geometry was again selected.

6. If you want to change the transition type for the new transition, select the new
type from the Transition Type box on the Dialog Bar, or from the shortcut menu.

7. At this point, the new transition is complete. Do one of the following:

o Make another new transition.

o Click to return to Set mode and continue working with chamfer sets.

Click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create the

chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.

• If you need to return to the default transition after making a new transition,

simply delete the new transition and click . Pro/ENGINEER switches to Set
mode and restores the default transitions. Proceed to step 2.

• You can also delete a transition from the Transitions list on the Transitions
slide-up panel by using Delete Transition on the shortcut menu.

• If you delete the wrong transition, right-click and select Back to Sets.
Pro/ENGINEER switches to Set mode and recreates the default transition. Proceed
to step 2.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• If you made an error selecting a chamfer piece end, right-click and select Clear
from the shortcut menu. Then, select the preferred ends. Remember to use the
CTRL key as you select multiple chamfer piece ends.

Advanced Topics

Piece Management

About Piece Management

As you work with chamfers, the ability to manage chamfer pieces becomes essential.
Through piece management, you can better control your chamfer features. Chamfer
piece management is performed using the Pieces slide-up panel (click the Pieces tab
on the dashboard).
Using the Pieces slide-up panel, you can perform the following:
• View all chamfer sets for the chamfer feature

• View the current chamfer set

• View all chamfer pieces in the current chamfer set

• View the current state of the chamfer pieces

• Exclude chamfer pieces from the chamfer set

• Trim or extend chamfer pieces

• Address placement ambiguity

About Chamfer Patches and Chamfer Pieces

To successfully exclude, trim, or extend chamfer geometry, an understanding and
accurate identification of chamfer patches and pieces is necessary. A chamfer piece
is simply chamfer geometry that is placed at the selected references. A chamfer
piece can contain patches. A patch is a neighbor that is tangent to the end of the
chamfer piece that is being created. This tangency occurs due to existing model
geometry. The following table illustrates chamfer patches and pieces:

One Chamfer Piece with Three Patches Two Chamfer Pieces without Patches

After you select the edge reference, After you select two edge references,
Pro/ENGINEER automatically propagates Pro/ENGINEER places two separate
the chamfer piece across all tangent chamfer pieces at the selected
points resulting in tangent segments references to create the chamfer. In the
called patches. In the illustration below, illustration below, tangency does not
tangency occurs due to the existing round occur due to the vertex. This results in
geometry. the two overlapping chamfer pieces.
Pro/ENGINEER uses transitions to
resolve this discontinuous geometry.


One Chamfer Piece with Three Patches Two Chamfer Pieces without Patches

1 Edge reference 1 Edge references

2 Patch 2 Overlapping chamfer pieces

3 Patch

4 Patch

5 Existing round geometry

About Excluding Chamfer Pieces

You can exclude one or more chamfer pieces in a chamfer set that contains multiple
chamfer pieces by using the Pieces slide-up panel. Excluding pieces enables you to
gain more control over the chamfer geometry.
Note: To exclude chamfer pieces, the current chamfer set must contain two or more
chamfer pieces that use one explicit placement reference. This can occur if the
chamfer geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains. It can also occur if a single
chamfer piece cannot be created at a certain distance value. For example, a chamfer
that is too large to sweep around a corner.
Excluding Chamfer Pieces

Before Exclude After Exclude

The placement edge reference is Chamfer piece 2 is select from the

selected and the chamfer geometry Pieces slide-up panel and Excluded is
propagates across tangent points. The used. Pro/ENGINEER excludes the
chamfer piece distance is increased chamfer piece.
and the geometry breaks resulting in
chamfer pieces 1 and 2.

Part – Help Topic Collection

1 Chamfer piece 1

2 Chamfer piece 2

3 Trim/Extend handle

4 Edge reference

5 Existing round geometry

To Exclude Chamfer Pieces

Note: To exclude chamfer pieces, the current chamfer set must contain two or more
chamfer pieces that use one explicit placement reference. This can occur if the
chamfer geometry breaks due to non-tangent chains. It can also occur if a single
chamfer piece cannot be created at a certain distance value. For example, a chamfer
that is too large to sweep around a corner.

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens and
preview geometry of the chamfer appears.

2. Click the Pieces tab on the dashboard. The Pieces slide-up panel appears.

3. On the Sets list, select the chamfer set that contains the piece that you want to
exclude. All of the chamfer pieces for the current chamfer set are listed on the
Pieces table.

4. On the Pieces table, select the chamfer piece that you want to exclude and
select Excluded. The chamfer piece is excluded from the model.

5. If you want to exclude another chamfer piece, repeat step 3. and step 4.

6. To include an excluded chamfer piece, select the piece and Included from the
Pieces table.


7. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate Sets mode and continue to work with

8. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes the
Chamfer tool.

• You can also use Excluded or Included from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• If you excluded multiple pieces in the current chamfer set and want to quickly
include them all, simply select All included from the Pieces slide-up panel
shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.

About Trimming Chamfer Geometry

You can trim chamfer geometry (pieces) to achieve the preferred chamfers for your
model. As you create a chamfer, the chamfer geometry automatically propagates
across tangent points and then stops at a non-tangent point. If you need to
terminate the chamfer geometry before the non-tangent point, you can trim the
chamfer piece up to a patch that you select. The table following table illustrates the
trim process.
• You can only trim open chamfer sets. If you want to work with a closed-loop
chamfer set, you must first use open the chamfer geometry.

• You cannot trim separate (overlapping) chamfer pieces. To remove one of these
pieces, press CTRL and select the piece, or clear it from its respective collector.

• If you need to terminate chamfer geometry at a different point other than a

patch, you must define a Stop at Reference transition.

Trimming Chamfer Geometry

Description Example

Part – Help Topic Collection

Description Example

The chamfer
reference is
selected and
the chamfer
points due
to the

The chamfer
piece is
from the
Pieces slide-
up panel and
appear (b).
As the left
handle is
dragged to
trim the
Notice that
the cursor
and handle

Using the
geometry as
a guide, the


Description Example

handle is
dragged to
trim up the
third patch
(c). Notice
that the
the extent of
the trim.

Release the
button and
ER trims the
chamfer up
to the patch

1 Edge placement reference

2 Chamfer piece (consisting of three patches)

3 Existing round geometry

4 Trim/Extend handles

5 Potential extension geometry

6 Trimmed patches

7 Trimmed chamfer geometry

To Trim Chamfer Geometry

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Open the Pieces slide-up panel and select the chamfer piece to trim from the
Pieces table. Handles appear on the piece ends.
Note: If you have a closed-loop chamfer set, you need to open it by removing a
patch. After you select the piece to trim, select a patch from the graphics
window. Pro/ENGINEER removes the patch and handles appear.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Drag a handle up to the patch where you want to trim the chamfer piece.
Pro/ENGINEER trims the chamfer piece. Notice that Edited appears in the Pieces
table for the selected piece. Repeat the process if needed.

4. To trim another chamfer piece, repeat step 2. and step 3.

5. To restore the trimmed chamfer piece to its original state, select Included from
the Pieces table or from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.

6. The trimmed chamfer piece is complete. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to
activate Sets mode and continue to work with chamfers.

7. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes the
Chamfer tool.

• If you trimmed multiple pieces in the current chamfer set and want to quickly
restore all of them to their original state, simply select All included from Pieces
slide-up panel shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.

About Extending Chamfer Geometry

You can extend chamfer geometry (pieces) to achieve the preferred chamfers for
your model. As you create a chamfer, the chamfer geometry automatically
propagates across tangent points and then stops at a non-tangent point. If you need
to continue the chamfer geometry, you can extend the chamfer piece up to a patch
that you select. The following table illustrates the extend process.
• You can only extend open chamfer sets. If you want to work with a closed-loop
chamfer set, you must first use open the chamfer geometry.

• You cannot extend separate (overlapping) chamfer pieces. To remove one of

these pieces, press CTRL and select the piece, or clear it from its respective

• If you need to extend chamfer geometry at a different point other than a patch,
you must define a Stop at Reference transition.

• Pro/ENGINEER uses an automatic blend to fill the gap around a corner. This blend
cannot be modified or deleted. If a blend cannot be added, extend cannot be

Extending Chamfer Geometry

Description Example


Description Example

The chamfer
reference is
selected and
the chamfer
stops at non-
points (a).

The chamfer
piece is
from the
Pieces slide-
up panel and
appear (b).
As the right
handle is
dragged to
extend the
Notice that
y added
where a gap
points. Also
notice that
the cursor
and handle

Part – Help Topic Collection

Description Example


Using the
geometry as
a guide, the
handle is
dragged to
extend the
piece up to
the third
patch (c).
Notice that
the potential
the extent of

Release the
button and
R extends
the chamfer
piece up to
the patch

1 Edge placement reference

2 Chamfer piece (consisting of three patches)

3 Trim/Extend handles

4 Potential extension geometry (including blend transitions)

5 Chamfer extension

6 Extended chamfer piece


Part – Help Topic Collection

To Extend Chamfer Geometry

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Open the Pieces slide-up panel and select the chamfer piece to extend from the
Pieces table. Handles appear on the piece ends.
Note: If you have a closed-loop chamfer set, you need to open it by removing a
patch. After you select the piece to trim, select a patch from the graphics
window. Pro/ENGINEER removes the patch and handles appear.

3. Drag a handle to extend the piece. As you drag, the potential extension of the
chamfer piece appears. Follow the extension up to the patch where you want to
extend the piece. Pro/ENGINEER extends the chamfer piece up to the patch.
Notice that Edited appears in the Pieces table for the selected piece. Repeat the
process if needed.

4. To extend another chamfer piece, repeat step 2. and step 3.

5. To return the piece to its original state, select Included from the Pieces table or
from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut menu.

6. The extended chamfer piece is complete. Close the Pieces slide-up panel to
activate Sets mode and continue to work with chamfers.

7. When completed, click . Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer and closes the
Chamfer tool.

• If you extended multiple pieces in the current chamfer set and want to quickly
restore all of them to their original state, simply select All included from Pieces
slide-up panel shortcut menu.

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.

About Chamfer Placement Ambiguity

As you work with chamfers, you may encounter a situation when more than one
possible placement location exists for the current chamfer set. This can happen when
two surfaces intersect in multiple, distinct locations. If this situation occurs,
placement ambiguity results in which the placement of the chamfer pieces is unclear
due to the selected references and part geometry.
Pro/ENGINEER enables you to easily address placement ambiguity. The table below
illustrates placement ambiguity and the method used to address it:
Placement Ambiguity

Ambiguity Type Example


Ambiguity Type Example

Chamfer Set

The chamfer set

contains chamfer
pieces that co-
exist and can be
placed in various
locations given
the selected
references and
part geometry. If
this occurs, the
chamfer set

Method: Use the

Pieces slide-up
panel. From the
Pieces table,
select the
chamfer piece to
exclude and
select Excluded.
All other pieces
are Included by

1 Chamfer piece 1

2 Chamfer piece 2

3 Edge reference

4 Chamfer piece 1 excluded

5 Chamfer piece 2 excluded

6 Both chamfer pieces included

To Address Chamfer Placement Ambiguity

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click the Pieces tab on the dashboard. The Pieces slide-up panel appears.

3. On the Sets list, select the chamfer set that contains the chamfer pieces that you
want to address. All of the chamfer pieces for the current chamfer set are listed
in the Pieces table.

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4. In the Pieces table, do one of the following:

o Exclude a chamfer piece—Select the chamfer piece to exclude and select

Excluded. Pro/ENGINEER removes the chamfer piece from the model.
Note: You cannot exclude all of the listed chamfer pieces.

o Include a chamfer piece—Select the chamfer piece to include and select

Included. Pro/ENGINEER displays the chamfer piece on the model.
Note: Pro/ENGINEER includes all chamfer pieces by default.

5. To exclude another chamfer piece in the current chamfer set, repeat step 4.

6. To include an excluded chamfer piece, repeat step 4.

7. At this point, the ambiguity for the current chamfer set has been addressed. Do
one of the following:

o In the Sets list, select another chamfer set that contains ambiguity to

o Close the Pieces slide-up panel to activate Sets mode and continue working
with chamfer sets.

o Click . Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, creates the chamfer, and

closes the Chamfer tool.

• You can also use Excluded or Included from the Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• If you excluded multiple pieces in the current chamfer set and want to quickly
include them all, simply select All included from Pieces slide-up panel shortcut

• To quickly locate a piece on your model, place your cursor over each piece in the
Pieces table and Pro/ENGINEER dynamically highlights it in the graphics window.


About Chamfer Attachment Types

After you create your chamfer, Pro/ENGINEER attaches the chamfer geometry to
your model using an attachment type. Using the Options slide-up panel, you can
view the current attachment type or change the way in which your chamfer is
attached by defining a different attachment type.
The Options slide-up panel provides the following options:
• Solid—Create the chamfer feature as a solid that intersects the existing
geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as chamfer
set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select solids as
chamfer set references.


• Surface—Create the chamfer feature as a surface that does not intersect the
existing geometry. This attachment type is available only if you select solids as
chamfer set references. Pro/ENGINEER does not select this by default.

• New quilt—Create the chamfer feature as a new quilt. This attachment type is
available only for surface chamfer set references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by
default if you select different surface quilts or both a solid and a quilt as chamfer
set references.

• Same quilt—Create the chamfer feature as a surface that merges with the
reference quilt. This attachment type is available only for surface chamfer set
references. Pro/ENGINEER selects this by default if you select chamfer set
references from the same surface quilt.

• Create end surfaces—Create end surfaces to cap all of the chamfer piece ends
of the chamfer feature. This check box is available only if you select valid
geometry and the Surface or New quilt attachment types. Pro/ENGINEER does
not select this by default.

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece ends cannot be capped. For example, an
L-shaped open quilt cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create end surfaces to cap the gaps between active transition and part

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Using End Surfaces to Resolve Chamfer Failures

If your chamfer geometry has failed because it cannot be attached to the part,
change the attachment type in the Options slide-up panel from a Solid to Surface.
This enables you to save problematic chamfer geometry as a quilt until you can
resolve the geometry errors. After you resolve the errors, you can create a new solid
chamfer from the quilt by using the Solidify tool (Edit > Solidify).

To Define a Chamfer Attachment Type

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click the Options tab on the Dashboard. The Options slide-up panel appears.

3. Under Attachment, select one of the following attachment types for the chamfer

o Solid (you must select solids as references)

o Surface (you must select solids as references)

o New quilt (you must select a surface quilt as one of your references)

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o Same quilt (you must select references from the same surface quilt)

4. If you selected the Surface or New quilt attachment type, you can click the
Create end surfaces check box to create end surfaces to cap all of the chamfer
piece ends of the entire chamfer feature. Pro/ENGINEER clears this check box by

o Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping
surfaces. If not, the chamfer piece ends cannot be capped.

o This check box is different from the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar
and the Capped shortcut menu command. The latter two enable you to
create end surfaces to cap the gaps between active transition and part

o You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

5. At this point, the attachment type is defined. You can continue to work with

chamfer sets or click enabling Pro/ENGINEER to save your changes, create

the chamfer, and close the Chamfer tool.

To Resolve Failed Chamfers Using End Surfaces

If your chamfer geometry has failed because it cannot be attached to the part, use
the following procedure to change the attachment type from a solid to a surface. This
enables you to save the problematic chamfer geometry until you can resolve the
geometry errors. After you resolve the errors, you can create a new solid chamfer
from the quilt.

1. Select the references for the chamfer and click . The Chamfer tool opens.

2. Click the Options tab on the Dashboard. The Options slide-up panel appears.

3. Click the Surface or New quilt attachment type. Note that New quilt is
available only if you select a surface quilt as one of your references.

4. If you need to create end surfaces to cap all of the chamfer piece ends of the
entire chamfer feature, click the Create end surfaces check box.

5. If you need to create end surfaces to cap the gaps between active transition and
part geometry, click the Capped check box on the Dialog Bar. Remember, you
must be in Transition mode to cap the active transition.

6. Click to save your changes, Pro/ENGINEER creates the chamfer, and closed
the Chamfer tool.

7. Use the Pro/ENGINEER surface tools (surface extend, surface trim, etc.) to
modify the surface and resolve the errors.

8. Use the Solidify tool (Edit > Solidify) on the quilt to make the surface chamfer a
solid chamfer.


• Side surfaces must exist in order to extend and use them as capping surfaces. If
not, the chamfer piece cannot be capped.

• You cannot cap chamfers between a solid surface and a quilt surface.

Tip: You can also use the Capped shortcut menu command from within the graphics
window to quickly cap the gaps between the active transition and part geometry.

Chamfer References and Attachment Types

The following table provides possible attachment types based on geometric
Note: Pro/ENGINEER overrides the attachment type settings that you select if it
cannot perform the action requested due to geometrical limitations.
Chamfer References and Attachment Types

Geometric Default Attachment Optional Capped Ends

References Type Attachment Type

Solid-Solid Solid Surface Create end surfaces

(Options slide-up
Creates chamfer Changes the
panel check box)
geometry to the limit default solid to a
of the reference set, surface. Creates end surfaces
extends it to any to cap all of the
capping surfaces if chamfer piece ends of
possible. If the entire chamfer
necessary, it is feature.
capped with a
You can use this
triangular patch and
made into solid option if the solid
chamfer fails.

Solid-Quilt New quilt N/A N/A

Creates chamfer
geometry to the limit
of the set, trims it at
a straight line in
space, and does not
cap it with a
triangular patch. The
surface is

Part – Help Topic Collection

Geometric Default Attachment Optional Capped Ends

References Type Attachment Type

Quilt-Quilt Same quilt New quilt Create end surfaces

(same (Options slide-up
Creates chamfer Changes the
quilt) panel check box)
geometry to the limit default merged
of the set, trims it at quilt into a new Creates end surfaces
a straight line in surface. to cap all of the
space, and does not chamfer piece ends of
cap it with a the entire chamfer
triangular patch. The feature.
surface is merged
Note: Side surfaces
into the existing
quilt. must exist in order to
extend and use them
as capping surfaces.
If not, the chamfer
piece ends cannot be
capped. For example,
an L-shaped open
quilt cannot be

You can use this

option if the solid
chamfer fails.

Quilt-Quilt New quilt N/A N/A

Creates temporary
chamfer geometry to
the limit of the set,
trims it at a straight
line in space, and
does not cap it with a
triangular patch. The
surface is not merged
into the existing


Construction Features

Features: Shaft, Neck, and Flange

To Create a Shaft
Shafts are analogous to sketched holes. Both are created by sketching sections of
revolution then placing them on the model. However, shafts add material instead of
removing it.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Shaft. A SHAFT dialog box opens and the
PLACEMENT menu appears.

2. As with sketched holes, you must sketch the centerline axis of revolution as

3. Place the topmost portion of the section on the placement plane. Because
material is added for a shaft, the shaft projects away from the part instead of
into the part.

Note: Insert > Advanced > Shaft is available when the configuration option
allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Example: Creating a Shaft

The following figure illustrates a shaft feature.

To Create a Neck
A neck is a special type of revolved slot that creates a groove around a revolved part
or feature.
You always create a neck on a Through Axis datum plane and sketch it inside the
part. You must align both ends of the section to the revolved surface of the parent
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Neck. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Choose an angle to specify the number of degrees in the revolution.

3. Create or select a Through Axis datum plane as the sketching plane.

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4. Sketch the neck cross section open with the ends aligned to the silhouette edge
of the part or feature.

5. Sketch the centerline that becomes the axis of rotation.

In creating a neck, Pro/ENGINEER revolves the section around the part to the
specified angle measure, removing the material inside the section.
Note: Insert > Advanced > Neck is available when the configuration option
allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Example: Neck Feature

Sketching the section

Perspective view of the section

The completed feature


To Create a Flange
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Flange.

2. Choose an angle to specify the number of degrees of revolution.

3. Set up or select a Through/Axis datum plane as the sketching plane.

4. Sketch the flange cross section open with the ends aligned to the silhouette edge
of the revolved part or feature.

5. Sketch the centerline that will become the axis of rotation.

A flange is analogous to a neck, except it adds material to the revolved solid.

Therefore, you should sketch the section outside the part.
Note: Insert > Advanced > Flange is available when the configuration option
allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Example: Creating a Flange

The following figure illustrates a flange feature.
Sketching the section

Perspective view of the section

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The completed feature


To Create a Pipe
The pipe feature is a three-dimensional centerline that represents the centerline of a
Given the diameter of a pipe (and, for a hollow pipe, the wall thickness), a pipe
connects selected datum points either with a combination of straight lines and arcs of
specified bend radius, or a spline.
After the pipe feature is created, you can determine its length by using Info from
the toolbar.
Before you start to create a pipe feature, reference datum points must already exist.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Pipe. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click one command from each of the following command sets:

o Geometry—Create a pipe feature with a hollow or solid geometry.

No geometry—Create the pipe trajectory only.

o Hollow—Create a hollow pipe with a specified wall thickness.


Solid—Create a pipe with solid geometry (a rod).

o Constant Rad—The bend radius for all arc segments of the pipe will be the

Multiple Rad—The bend radius for each arc segment is specified and can
be modified separately.

3. Click Done.

4. If you selected Hollow, type the values for the outside diameter and wall
thickness. The CONNECT TYPE menu appears. Use the commands on the
CONNECT TYPE menu to add, delete, and insert points to redefine a pipe
trajectory, as well as specify tangency to a linear trajectory.

5. You can create the pipe trajectory by connecting the datum points. One of the
CONNECT TYPE menu commands can be used interchangeably on the same pipe
to construct the trajectory. The commands are as follow:

o Spline—Create the trajectory as a three-dimensional spline passing

through the datum points.

o Single Rad—Create the trajectory by connecting datum points with

alternating straight lines and arcs with a constant radius, starting and
ending with straight lines. The datum points are connected with straight
lines, then the breakpoints are filleted with the arcs of the specified bend

o Multiple Rad—Create the trajectory by connecting datum points with

alternating straight lines and arcs with a variable radius, starting and
ending with straight lines. The datum points are connected with straight
lines, then the breakpoints are filleted with the arcs of the specified bend

You can connect datum points in a datum point array using one of the CONNECT
TYPE menu commands:

o Single Point—Select individual datum points. These points can have been
created individually or as part of a datum point array.

o Whole Array—Connect in consecutive order all the points in a datum point


6. You can add, delete, or insert points while creating or redefining the pipe feature
using the following commands:

o Add Point—Add to the definition of the curve an existing point, vertex, or

curve end through which the curve will pass.

o Delete Point—Delete from the definition of the curve an existing point,

vertex, or curve end through which the curve currently passes.

o Insert Point—Insert a point between already selected points, vertices, and

curve ends. This modifies the curve definition to pass through the inserted

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point. The system prompts you to select a point or vertex before which to

7. Use one of the techniques below to complete the creation of the pipe trajectory,
depending on the command you chose:

o Spline—Start picking points; the system connects them with a spline.

o Single Rad—Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to enter a bend radius value after

you have selected the third datum point of the trajectory. The system uses
this radius for all the other bends in the current pipe feature.

o Multiple Rad—Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to enter a radius value for each

bend defined by three consecutive points. The SEL VALUE menu lists all
the existing radius values for this pipe. Either select one of the listed
values, or choose the New Value option and enter the new value.

o Spline—(alternating with either Single Rad or Multiple Rad)—Create a

trajectory for the first option, then the other. Connect the trajectory points

Note: As you select datum points, the system constructs segments of the pipe
feature. If a segment cannot be constructed, Pro/ENGINEER ignores the last
datum point selection.

8. When you have finished creating the trajectory, choose Done.

After the pipe is created, you can modify the diameter, wall thickness (if any), and
bend radii.
You can redefine the feature attributes by toggling between the following OPTION
menu commands:
• Geometry and No geometry—If you choose Geometry, Pro/ENGINEER
constructs the pipe feature with hollow or solid geometry. If you choose No
geometry, the system constructs the pipe trajectory with no hollow or solid

• Hollow and Solid.

You cannot redefine the pipe trajectory type or toggle between the following pipe
• Line/Arc and Spline

• Constant Rad and Multiple Rad

You can redefine the feature references. When you choose References from the
Note: You can insert datum points as you redefine a pipe feature. To do this, the
datum points must be older than the pipe feature. If they are not, you can reorder


Creating Pipes in Assembly Mode

You can construct pipes in Assembly mode as either a part feature or an assembly
When you create a pipe as a part feature in Assembly mode, you can use datum
points on other parts. However, when you attempt to retrieve and regenerate the
model in Part mode, the system issues a warning if some of the datum points belong
to other parts.
Although the system displays the pipe trajectory, it will not show the "external"
datum points. To resolve the conflict, you can change the pipe trajectory in Part
mode by modifying the remaining datum points.
A pipe can also be an Assembly feature, although it will have no geometry. The
process of creating an Assembly pipe feature is the same as described previously,
but the system does not display the Geometry and No geometry options.

Creating a Part Consisting Only of a Pipe Feature

To create a part consisting only of a pipe feature, start with three default datum
planes, create a datum point array, then create a pipe.

Creating Pipe Connections

For two separate pipes to be connected without creating an unattached feature, you
must align their segments.

How to Create Pipe Connections

1. Create both datum point arrays using the same coordinate system.

2. Create an intermediate one-point array using that coordinate system.

3. Write relations to determine coordinates of the intermediate point, relative to

those of its neighbors. For instance, in the example below, the relations are as

DX6 = (DX2 + DX3) / 2

DY6 = (DY2 + DY3) / 2

DZ6 = (DZ2 + DZ3) / 2

To find the dimension symbols corresponding to the X, Y, and Z coordinates of

the points, use the Info option.

4. Create the pipes, using the intermediate point as the last point in one pipe and
the first in another.

5. Regenerate the model.

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Compound pipe

1. First array

2. Intermediate point, located on the line connecting points 2 and 3

3. Second array

4. First pipe created through points 0, 1, 2, and 6 with bend radius R1; second pipe created through
points 6, 3, 4, and 5 with bend radius R2

Specifying Part Accuracy for Pipes

The part accuracy value is very important, especially when you are creating long,
thin pipes.

Creating Pipes with Multiple Radii

If you create a pipe with multiple radii, make sure all the radial values are different.
Otherwise, the system creates only one dimension for equal radii and you will not be
able to control them individually.
If equal radii are required, modify the pipe after it has been created.


Example: Pipe
Hollow pipe feature with geometry

Creating a Pipe Feature in Assembly Mode

Perspective view

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Side view

Sketched Cosmetic Features

About Sketched Cosmetic Features

Sketched cosmetic features are "drawn" on the surface of a part. They include such
things as company logos or serial numbers that are stamped on an object.
Sketched cosmetic features are also used to define the boundaries of a region for
FEM partial loads. Other features cannot reference the cosmetic feature (dimensions,
Use Edge, and so on).
Sketched cosmetic features do not have to be regenerated or dimensioned. However,
when in a non-parametric state, their section or location cannot be modified.
If you want a non-parametric section and you dimension the section anyway, you
can use Sketcher mode to modify the shape of the feature. Then delete all the
dimensions before you choose Done. When the system prompts that the section is
unresolved, type yes to continue.
Unlike other features, cosmetic features can have a line style. You can use the Cosm
Font option from the GEOM TOOLS menu to set the color, font, and style of the
Each individual geometry segment of the feature, whether a single feature or a
pattern, can be set to a line style; they do not all have to be the same.
When you redefine a cosmetic feature, the line style can not be changed. If the line
style does not have the default width, or if it uses a user-defined font, it is replaced
with the appropriate default values.


To Create a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature

1. Click Insert > Cosmetic > Sketch. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click Regular Sec, and Xhatch or No Xhatch.

3. Set up sketching references and sketch the feature. Click Done when finished.

4. Pro/ENGINEER displays the cosmetic feature. If you selected Xhatch, the cross-
hatch is displayed.

Regular Section Sketched Cosmetic Feature

A regular section cosmetic feature stays right where you sketch it, whether in space
or on a part surface. It is a flat feature.
Regular section cosmetic features can be cross-hatched when they are created. The
cross-hatching is displayed in all modes, but is modifiable only in Drawing mode. In
Part and Assembly mode, the cross-hatch will be displayed at 45°.
If you create a cosmetic feature as a pattern, any changes to a member of the
pattern, including cross-hatch modification, also changes every other member of the

Example: Creating a Regular Section Cosmetic Feature

The following figure illustrates a patterned cosmetic feature with cross-hatching.

To Create a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature

Projected section cosmetic features are projected onto a single part surface; they
can not cross part surfaces. Projected sections cannot be cross-hatched or patterned.
1. Click Insert > Cosmetic > Sketch. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click Project Sec and Done.

3. Select the surfaces onto which the feature will be projected and click Done
Select and Done Refs.

4. Set up the sketching plane.

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5. Specify section references, sketch the section, and click Done.

Example: Creating a Projected Section Cosmetic Feature

The following figure illustrates a sketched cosmetic feature that is projected.

a. Sketched section

b. Surface for projection

c. Resulting feature

Cosmetic Threads

About Cosmetic Threads

A cosmetic thread is a cosmetic feature that represents the diameter of a thread. It
is displayed in purple. Unlike other cosmetic features, you cannot modify the line
style of a cosmetic thread, nor are threads affected by hidden line display settings in
the ENVIRONMENT menu. You can create cosmetic threads using cylinders, cones,
splines, and nonnormal planes as the references. Threads are created with the
default tolerance setting of limits.

Types of Cosmetic Threads

Cosmetic threads can be external or internal, and blind or through. When a
cylindrical surface is used, you create the cosmetic thread by specifying the minor or
major diameter (for external and internal threads, respectively), starting surface,
and thread length or ending edge. When a conical surface is used, the major
diameter varies on each point of the reference surface. In this case you specify the
thread height instead of the major or minor diameter. The ThreadHeight parameter
is the gap that is measured from the reference surface perpendicular to the thread
center axis.


Cosmetic Thread Starting Surfaces

You can select the following surface types to start a cosmetic thread:
• Quilt surface

• Regular surface

• Split surface (such as a surface that belongs to a revolved feature, chamfer,

round, or swept feature)

For an UpTo surface, you can select any solid surface or a datum plane.
Note: A thread that uses a depth parameter (a blind thread) cannot be defined from
a nonplanar surface. A blind external cosmetic thread fails if the minor diameter is
equal to the diameter of the placement surface.

To Create Cosmetic Threads

1. Click Insert > Cosmetic > Thread. The COSMETIC: Thread dialog box opens
listing the required elements for the thread—Thread Surf, Start Surf,
Direction, ThreadLength, Major Diam (or ThreadHeight in case of a conical
surface), and Note Params.

2. Select a cylindrical or conical thread surface.

3. Select the starting surface of the cosmetic thread. An arrow appears, indicating
the feature creation direction.

4. Click Flip, if necessary, and then click Okay. The SPEC TO menu appears.

5. To set the thread length click Blind, UpTo Pnt/Vtx, UpTo Curve, or UpTo
Surface, and then click Done.
Note: If you chose UpTo Surface, you can select a solid surface or datum plane,
or you can create a datum plane on the fly. If you chose Blind, the system
prompts you for the feature depth. Type the feature depth and click .

6. If a cylindrical surface is used, type the diameter of the thread. If a conical

surface is used, type the height of the thread. The default value of these
parameters is displayed.

Note: Whether a thread is external or internal is determined by the geometry of

the thread surface. If it is a shaft, the thread is external; if it is a hole, the thread
is internal.

For an internal thread, the default diameter value is 10% larger than the hole
diameter. For an external thread, the default diameter value is 10% smaller than
the shaft.

7. Click one of the following commands in the FEAT PARAM menu to modify the
parameter file:

o Retrieve—Browse for a parameter file to read in.

o Save—Type a new name for the parameter file and save it.

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o Mod Params—Open the parameter file and edit its content.

o Show—Open an information window containing the thread parameter


8. Click Done/Return.

9. Click Preview to display the thread outline and then click OK.

Cosmetic Thread Parameters

The following table lists the parameters that can be defined for a thread at its
creation or later when the thread is added. In this table, pitch is the distance
between two threads.

Parameter Name Parameter Value Parameter Description

MAJOR_DIAMETER Number Thread major diameter

THREAD_HEIGHT Number Thread height (used for conic


THREADS_PER_INCH Number Threads per inch (1/pitch)

FORM String Thread form

CLASS Number Thread class

PLACEMENT Character Thread placement (A for

external, B for internal)

METRIC TRUE/FALSE Thread is metric

You can manipulate thread parameters as you can manipulate other user-defined
parameters. Click Tools > Parameters to add, modify, delete, or display thread

Using the Parameter File to Define Cosmetic Threads

The parameter file contains thread parameter information. It can be used as an
alternative method for defining cosmetic threads. You edit the parameter file using
the Note Params option in the COSMETIC: Thread dialog box. You can use the
parameter file to create customized cosmetic threads. For example, define two
thread diameter values to place a metric thread on an English unit part, and vice
• Cosmetic-thread parameter values can be specified in both the parameter file and
the feature creation user interface. By default, the values specified in the feature
creation user interface are used by Pro/ENGINEER. If you change the values in
the parameter file, or if you read in a new parameter file, the values specified in
the feature creation user interface remain unchanged. For example, if you specify


a thread diameter of 2.5, and then you change the parameter file so the diameter
is 3.5, the thread diameter remains 2.5.

• The associativity between the parameter file and the creation user interface
exists only during feature creation. If you modify the values in the parameter file,
they lose their associativity with the model. When you redefine the feature and
the diameter or the thread type, the parameter file remains unchanged unless
you manually change it.

• The PLACEMENT value in the parameter file is based on whether the thread is
external (the thread surface geometry is a shaft) or internal (the thread surface
geometry is a hole).

• You can click Info > Feature and select the cosmetic thread feature to display
the values you specified during feature creation and the values in the parameter

Example: Creating Cosmetic Threads

The following figures illustrate blind and through thread features.
Blind External Thread (male)

a. Start surface

b. Thread surface

c. Thread length (depth)

Through External Thread (male)

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1. Start surface

2. Thread surface

3. Ending surface

Internal Thread (female)

1. Hole

2. Thread outline

To Create Custom Cosmetic Threads

1. Create a simple part on which you want to create the thread. For example,
extrude a cylinder, and then extrude a radial hole through it.


2. Create an extruded surface that goes through the solid material using a circle as
its section. This surface will be the main feature of the thread.

Note: When you create the surface features, try to pick the minimum number of
references to make a simpler UDF.

3. Create a copy feature of the extruded surface. Use the Exclude surfaces and
Fill holes option and select the edges of the hole on the surface.

4. Click to create a surface trim feature. Select the thread as the Trimmed
curve and the copied surface as the Trimming object.

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5. Group the surface features in a UDF.

Creating Custom Cosmetic Threads

A custom cosmetic thread is a thread that is saved as a group. You can create
custom threads for normal and nonnormal (profile) surfaces. To create a custom
cosmetic thread, create a User-Defined feature (UDF) and store it in a custom
directory. The default custom cosmetic threads directory
<loadpoint>/intudfs/threads contains predefined external and internal custom
cosmetic threads.
• To enable the creation of cosmetic threads as UDFs, set the configuration file
option allow_udf_style_cosm_threads to yes.

• To avoid the loss of data, back up the custom cosmetic thread directory before
updating an installation.

• Parameters assigned to the cosmetic thread are saved with the UDF.

• To include thread parameters in an assembly drawing, you must add the part
that contains the thread to the drawing. Choose Detail, Show, Note, Feat &
View to select a feature in a drawing view.


To Create a Groove
A groove is a projected cosmetic feature. You create a groove by making a sketch
and projecting it onto a surface. However, the groove feature cannot cross surface
You can use the groove feature in the manufacturing process with the Groove
option, where the tool follows the groove path.
1. Click Insert > Cosmetic > Groove. The FEATURE REFS menu appears.

2. Select the surface onto which to project the feature.

3. Set up the sketching plane and reference.


4. Sketch the groove section.

5. Choose Done after the section is successfully regenerated. The groove feature is
projected onto the selected surface and has no depth.

Note: Because a groove is a cosmetic feature, you can modify the display of its
geometry using Redefine > Line Style. Groove features can be patternized.

Example: Creating a Groove

The following figures illustrate how to create a groove feature.
Sketching the groove feature


User-Defined Cosmetic Features

The option User Defined accesses groups from the FEAT CLASS menu. It functions
like the option Create from the GROUP menu.

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Advanced Features


About Sweeps
A sweep feature is created by sketching or selecting a trajectory and then sketching
a section to follow along it.

Rules for Defining a Trajectory

A constant section sweep can use either a trajectory sketched at the time of feature
creation or a trajectory made up of selected datum curves or edges. As a general
rule, the trajectory must have adjacent reference surfaces or be planar.
When you define a sweep, the system checks the specified trajectory for validity and
establishes normal surfaces. A normal surface is the surface whose normal is used to
establish the Y-axis of the trajectory. When ambiguity exists, the system prompts
you to select a normal surface.
Depending on the type of chain selected as a trajectory, the following occurs:
• All chain segments reference edges—The normal surfaces are the adjacent
surfaces of the edges. If the edges are two-sided, the system prompts you to
choose one set of surfaces.

• All chain segments reference entities that belong to a datum curve, created by
referencing surfaces (for example, by using the Projected option)—The normal
surfaces are reference surfaces of the curve. If the curve references two sets of
surfaces, the system prompts you to choose one.

• All chain segments reference a sketched datum curve—the normal surface is the
sketching plane of the curve.

• The chain of edges/curves is planar (other than a straight line)

• The normal surface is the plane defined by the chain.

• Datum curves that you select for the trajectory must be created with one of the
following commands:

o Sketch

o Intr. Surfs

o Use Xsec

o Projected

o Formed

o OffsetfromSrf

o Two Projections from any curve that lies in a plane


Consider the following special cases:

• If a datum curve and its adjacent surfaces were bent by a toroidal bend feature,
you can use that curve as a trajectory.

• If you extend the chain with Trim/Extend in the CHAIN menu, the system
accepts that chain if it is planar.

Note that a sweep may fail if

• A trajectory crosses itself

• You align or dimension a section to fixed entities, but the orientation of the
section changes when its is swept along the 3-dimensional trajectory

• An arc or a spline radius is too small, relative to the section, and the feature
intersects itself traversing around the arc.

To Create a Swept Feature

1. Click Insert > Sweep > Protrusion. The PROTRUSION: Sweep dialog box
opens and the SWEEP TRAJ menu appears.

2. Click Sketch Traj to sketch the directory or Select Traj to select the directory.

o Sketch Traj—Sketch the sweep trajectory using Sketcher mode.

o Select Traj—Select a chain of existing curves or edges as the sweep

trajectory. The CHAIN menu allows you to select the desired trajectory.

3. If the trajectory lies in more than one surface, such as a trajectory defined by a
datum curve created using Intr. Surfs, the system prompts you to select a
normal surface for the sweep cross section. Pro/ENGINEER orients the Y-axis of
the cross section to be normal to this surface along the trajectory.

4. Create or retrieve the section to be swept along the trajectory and dimension it
relative to the crosshairs displayed on the trajectory. Click Done.

5. If the trajectory is open (the start and end points of the trajectory do not touch
and you are creating a solid sweep, click one of the following ATTRIBUTES
commands, then click Done.

o Merge Ends—Merge the ends of the sweep, if possible, into the adjacent
solid. To do this, the sweep endpoint must be attached to part geometry.

o Free Ends—Do not attach the sweep end to adjacent geometry.

6. If the sweep trajectory is closed, click one of the following SWEEP OPT menu
commands and then click Done:

o Add Inn Fcs—For open sections, add top and bottom faces to close the
swept solid (planar, closed trajectory, and open section). The resulting
feature consists of surfaces created by sweeping the section and has two
planar surfaces that cap the open ends.

o No Inn Fcs—Do not add top and bottom faces.

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7. Click Flip, if desired, then OK from the DIRECTION menu to select the side
from which to remove material for swept cuts.

8. Select OK in the dialog box to create the sweep.

Sweep Geometry
The sweep will have a mitered corner if the trajectory has straight line segments that
form an angle.
Sweep with Mitered Corner

1 Angles in sweep trajectories create sweep corners

Non-Tangent Trajectory Segments

Sweeps can be made along trajectories consisting of non-tangent entities. However,
as the section is swept along, the resulting geometry should not have any gaps. This
is shown in the following illustration.
Sweeping Along Non-Tangent Entities—Correct Sweep

1 Trajectory

Sweeping Along Non-Tangent Entities—Incorrect Sweep


1. Trajectory

2. Gap in the sweep geometry

Three-Dimensional Sweeps
You can create sweeps along a three-dimensional path with a three-dimensional
spline for the sweep trajectory. You can modify the Z-coordinates of spline points.
All other Sketcher entities must lie on a two-dimensional sketching plane.
In all other respects, three-dimensional sweeps are created in the same way as two-
dimensional sweeps. For such applications as creating springs, you can also create
an advanced feature helical sweep by sweeping a section along a helical trajectory.

Example: Sweeps

Solid Sweeps with Closed Trajectories

Closed Trajectory, No Inn Fcs. Section must be closed.

Closed Trajectory, Add Inn Fcs. Section must be open.

Note: When creating a surface sweep with a closed trajectory, use No Inn Fcs with
an open or closed section. Add Inn Fcs requires only an open section.

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Constant Section Sweep

A constant section sweep can use either a trajectory sketched at the time of feature
creation or a trajectory made up of selected datum curves or edges. As a general
rule, the trajectory must have adjacent reference surfaces, or be planar.
The following figure illustrates a constant section sweep.

a. Sweep uses as a trajectory a datum curve created from the intersection of two

A sweep may fail if

• A trajectory crosses itself

• You align or dimension a section to fixed entities, but the orientation of the
section changes when its is swept along the 3-dimensional trajectory

• An arc or a spline radius is too small, relative to the section, and the feature
intersects itself traversing around the arc (see the following illustration)

Self-Intersecting Feature

a. Trajectory (Radius 1.0)

b. Section (Radius 1.5)


Free and Merged Ends

a. Merged ends

b. Free ends

c. The trajectory ends at intersection with solid geometry, but the sweep end is unattached.

To Create a Three-Dimensional Sweep

1. Create a two-dimensional spline and dimension it to a Sketcher coordinate

2. Modify the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates for one or more spline points. You can
modify the spline coordinates manually, or by using a spline definition file.

Note: You cannot modify coordinates of the spline if its endpoints are attached to
other entities in the sketch.

Example: Three-Dimensional Sweep

Spring Created from a 3-D Spline

a. 3-D spline

b. Cross section

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Helical Sweeps

About Helical Sweeps

You create a helical sweep by sweeping a section along a helical trajectory.
The trajectory is defined by both the profile of the surface of revolution (which
defines the distance from the section origin of the helical feature to its axis of
revolution) and the pitch (the distance between coils). The trajectory and the surface
of revolution are construction tools that do not appear in the resulting geometry.
Helical Swp is available for both solid and surface features. Use the following
ATTRIBUTES menu options in mutually exclusive pairs to define the helical sweep
• Constant—The pitch is constant.

• Variable—The pitch is variable and defined by a graph.

• Thru Axis—The cross section lies in a plane that passes through the axis of

• Norm To Traj—The cross section is oriented normal to the trajectory (or surface
of revolution).

• Right Handed—The trajectory is defined using the right- hand rule.

• Left Handed—The trajectory is defined using the left-hand rule.

To Create a Helical Sweep with a Constant Pitch Value

1. Click Insert > Helical Sweep and then click the type of helical sweep you want.
A dialog box corresponding to the type of Helical Sweep you selected opens, and
the ATTRIBUTES menu appears.

2. Define the feature by selecting from the ATTRIBUTES menu, then click Done.

3. Pro/ENGINEER places you in Sketcher. Specify the sketching plane and its
orientation. Sketch the profile of the surface of revolution and the axis of
revolution. When sketching the profile, follow these rules:

o The sketched entities must form an open loop.

o You must sketch a centerline to define the axis of revolution.

o If you chose Norm To Traj, the profile entities must be tangent to each
other (C1 continuous).

o The profile entities must not have a tangent that is normal to the centerline
at any point.

o The profile starting point defines the sweep trajectory starting point. You
can modify the starting point by clicking Sketch > Feature Tools > Start


4. When finished sketching, click .

5. Enter the pitch value (the distance between the coils).

6. Pro/ENGINEER places you in Sketcher to sketch the cross section that will be
swept along the trajectory. Sketch the cross section based about the visible cross

7. For a surface feature, you can specify if the feature has closed or open ends.
Click the Attributes element on the dialog box and click Define. Click Open Ends
or Capped Ends from the ATTRIBUTES menu, then Done.

8. When finished sketching the cross section, click to exit Sketcher.

9. Click OK on the <Helical Sweep Type>:Helical Sweep dialog box.

Example: Creating a Helical Sweep

Cross section of the Helical Sweep

a. This circular section will be swept along the trajectory.

Helical Sweep Feature with Constant Pitch

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Profile for a Helical Sweep

a. This centerline is the axis of revolution.

b. This line will be rotated about the centerline to define the surface of revolution.

To Create a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch Value

1. Click Insert > Helical Sweep and then click the type of helical sweep you want.
A dialog box corresponding to the type of Helical Sweep you selected opens, and
the ATTRIBUTES menu appears.

2. Define the feature by selecting from the ATTRIBUTES menu, then click Done.

3. Pro/ENGINEER places you in Sketcher. Specify the sketching plane and its
orientation. Sketch the profile of the surface of revolution and the axis of

4. While in the profile section, sketch control points on the profile or on the axis of
revolution. These control points are used to define the pitch value along the pitch

5. When finished sketching, click .

6. Enter pitch values at the trajectory start and end.

7. While the profile section is displayed in the original window, the system displays
a subwindow with the initial pitch graph in it.

8. Finalize the graph by transferring the pitch control points from the profile sketch
onto the graph. Choose Define from the GRAPH menu.

Using options in the DEFINE GRAPH menu, do one of the following:

o Add Point—Add a reference point to the graph by selecting a point in the

profile section, or the start or end point. Enter the desired pitch value at
this point. The system locates the selected control point along the X-axis of
the graph and draws a line with the length equal to the specified pitch


o Remove Point—Remove a pitch control point by picking it in the profile


o Change Point—Change the value of the pitch at any selected control point,
including the start or end point. Select a point in the profile section to
change its value and enter the new value.

9. After the graph is defined, choose Done/Return from the DEFINE GRAPH
menu. To check the graph data, choose Info in the GRAPH menu. The system
displays the Information Window with the pitch data table.

10. Choose Done from the GRAPH menu.

11. Pro/ENGINEER places you in Sketcher mode to sketch the cross section that will
be swept along the trajectory. Sketch the section.

12. When finished sketching, click .

13. Click OK on the <Helical Sweep Type>:Helical Sweep dialog box.

Creating a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch Value

You can create a helical swept feature with a variable pitch.
In this case, the distance between the coils is controlled by a pitch graph. The initial
graph is created when you specify the pitch value at the start and end points. You
can then add more control points to define a complex curve that governs the
distance between the coils along the axis of revolution.
Special considerations for using the Variable option are as follows:
• In a pitch graph, control points with different pitch values are connected by a
monotonic curve. Control points with equal pitch values are connected by a line.

• In the resulting geometry, the average distance between coils along each portion
of the axis (the segment between two control points in the pitch graph) is the
average of the pitch values given at two consecutive control points.

Example: Creating a Helical Sweep with a Variable Pitch

Helical Sweep Feature with Variable Pitch

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Initial Pitch Graph

a. The start point

b. Distance along the axis of revolution

c. The end point

d. Pitch value

Finalizing the Pitch Graph

a. The profile section

b. Select each control point in the profile section and enter the corresponding pitch value.

c. The resulting graph

Types of Helical Sweep Features

Using the Constant option


Constant distance between the coils

Using the Variable option

Variable distance between the coils

Using the Norm to Traj option

a. Axis of revolution

b. This section is normal to the trajectory

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Using the Thru Axis option

a. Axis of revolution

b. This section is in a plane that passes through the axis of revolution.

Using the Left Handed option

Using the Right Handed option

Boundary Blend

About the Boundary Blend Feature

With the Boundary Blend tool, you can create a boundary blended feature between
reference entities that defines the surface in one or two directions. The first and last
entities selected in each direction define the surface boundary. Adding more


reference entities, such as control points and boundary conditions, allows you to
more fully define the surface shape.
The rules for selecting reference entities are as follows:
• Curves, part edges, datum points, and ends of curves or edges can be used as
reference entities.

• In each direction, reference entities must be selected in consecutive order.

However, reference entities can be reordered.

For blended surfaces defined in two directions, the outer boundaries must form a
closed loop. This means that the outer boundaries must intersect. If the boundaries
do not terminate at the intersection points, Pro/ENGINEER automatically trims them
and uses the relevant portion.
Curves selected for blending need not contain the same number of entities.

About the Boundary Blend User Interface

The Boundary Blend user interface consists of the following items:
Feature icon
Dialog bar
Slide-up panels
Shortcut menus

Feature Icon

To access the Boundary Blend tool, click in the Base Features toolbar or click
Insert > Boundary Blend.

Dialog Bar
The Boundary Blend dialog bar contains two collectors. The two collectors indicate
selected curve chain references to add, remove, or redefine. The two collectors
correspond to the first-direction curves and second-direction cross curves. Click in
the collector to activate and collect curves for that direction or use the corresponding
shortcut menu.

Slide-up Panels
The Boundary Blend dashboard displays the following slide-up panels:
• Curves—Creates a blended surface using the curves selected in the first and
second direction and controls the selection order. Select the Closed Blend check
box to form a closed loop surface by blending the last curve back to the first
curve. Closed Blend is only applicable to single direction curves where the other
collector is empty. Details opens the Chain dialog box so you can modify the
chain and surface set properties.

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• Constraints—Controls the boundary conditions including tangency conditions for

edge alignment. Possible conditions are free, tangent, curvature, and normal.

o Display drag handles—Shows drag handles to control the boundary

stretch factor.

o Add side curve influence—Enables side curve influence. In a one-

directional blended surface, for boundary conditions specified as Tangent
or Curvature, Pro/ENGINEER makes the side edges of he blended surface
tangent to the side edges of the references.

o Add inner edge tangency—Sets the tangent inner edge condition for one
or both directions of a blended surface. This condition applies only to
surfaces with multisegment boundaries. You can create a blended surface
with patches that are tangent across inner edges. In some cases, when
geometry is complex, dihedral angles at inner edges may deviate from

o Control Points—Adds control points and shapes the surface by mapping

locations on input curves. New Set in the Sets column adds a new set of control

o A control options list contains the following predefined control options:

• Natural—Blended using the general blending routine and resets the

parameters for input curves using the same routine to obtain the best
approximation for the surface.

• Arclength—Minimal adjustments are made to the original curves. Curves

are blended using the general blending routine except curves are divided
into equal pieces and blended piece-by-piece.

• Point to Point—Blended point-by-point. Point 1 in the first curve is

connected to point 1 in the second curve and so forth.

• Piece to Piece—Blended piece-by-piece. Curve chains or composite curves

are connected.

• Developable—If two tangent curves in one direction are selected, you can
toggle to determine if you want the developable option or not.
o Options—Selects curve chains to influence the shape of the blended surface or
approximate direction in the user interface.

o Details—Opens the Chain dialog box so you can modify the chain set

o Smoothness—Controls the surface roughness, irregularities, or


o Patches in direction (first and second)—Controls the number or patches

along u- and v- directions used to form the resultant surface.

• Properties—Renames the blend feature or displays information about the blend

feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.


Shortcut Menus
In the graphics window, right-click to access the Boundary Blend shortcut menu:
• First Direction Curves—Creates a surface feature by specifying bounding
curves, edges, or datum points in one direction.

• Second Direction Curves—Creates a surface feature by specifying bounding

curves, edges, or datum points in two directions.

• Influencing Curves—Creates a blended surface using boundary curves or edges

and additional curves. Pro/ENGINEER evaluates the curves or edges and creates
a blended surface approximating the reference entities, and it allows you to
control the amount of deviation from the curves.

• Control Points—Adds control points to control the shape of the blended surface.

• Clear—Removes all items from the active collector.

You can right-click on the sensitive zone located next to each outside boundary (first
and second directions) to access a shortcut menu with the following control boundary
• Free—No tangency conditions are set along the boundary.

• Tangent—The blended surface is tangent to the reference surface along the


• Curvature—The blended surface has curvature continuity across the boundary.

• Normal—The blended surface is normal to the reference surface or datum plane.

About Boundary Blend Reference Entities

When you select curves for a boundary blend surface, Pro/ENGINEER allows you to
select curves in the first and second directions. In addition, you can select additional
curves that the blended surface will try to approximate.
The rules for selecting reference entities are as follows:
• Curves, part edges, datum points, and ends of curves or edges can be used as
reference entities. Datum points or vertexes can only appear first or last in the

• In each direction, reference entities must be selected in consecutive order.

• For blended surfaces defined in two directions, the outer boundaries must form a
closed loop. This means that the outer boundaries must intersect. If the
boundaries do not terminate at the intersection points, the system automatically
trims them and uses the relevant portion.

• If you want to use continuous edges or more than one datum curve as one
boundary, select curve chains by holding down SHIFT.

• Curves selected for blending need not contain the same number of entities.

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• When you specify curves or edges defining the shape of the blended surface, the
system remembers the order in which reference entities were selected and
assigns an appropriate number to each chain. You can rectify the order by
clicking the curve set in the reference table and dragging it wherever required.

To Create a Boundary Blend in One Direction

1. Set the selection filter to Geometry (optional).

2. Select the curves in the first direction of the surface. To select multiple curves,
hold down CTRL. Options, located in the References slide-up panel, provides
additional functions to construct chains and surface sets.

3. Click or Insert > Boundary Blend. The dashboard appears and shows a
preview of the blended surface.

Note: Click Curves and select the Close Blend check box to form a closed loop
by blending the last curve back to the first curve.

4. Click to accept boundary blend conditions.

To Create a Boundary Blend in Two Directions

1. Click or Insert > Boundary Blend. The dashboard appears.

2. Click Curves and select the curves in the first direction of the surface. To select
multiple curves, hold down CTRL. Detail provides additional functions to
construct chains and surface sets.

3. Click the Second direction collector box.

4. Select the curves in the second direction of the surface. To select multiple curves,
press CTRL.

5. Click to accept boundary blend conditions.

To Create a Boundary Blend

1. Click or Insert > Boundary Blend. The dashboard appears.

2. Create a one- or two-directional blend. Refer to See Also for more information.

3. Click the following dashboard slide-up panels to further develop the boundary

• Constraints—Control the boundary conditions including tangency conditions for

edge alignment and side curve influence.

• Control Points—Add control points and shape the surface by mapping locations
on input curves. Right-click and click Next Chain in the shortcut menu to leave
the control point for a curve undefined and skip to the next curve.


• Options—Select curves that influence the shape of the blended surface or

approximate direction in the user interface.

• Properties—Rename the blend feature or view information about the blend

feature in the Pro/ENGINEER browser.

4. Click to preview geometry or to accept boundary blend conditions.

Example: Blended Surface

The following figure shows how to create a surface by blending curves in one

4 Select these curves in order 1-2-3, or 3-2-1.

The following figure shows the resulting surface feature.

The following figure shows how to create a surface by blending curves in two

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4 Curves selected in the first direction.

5 Curves selected in the second direction in order 1-2-3 or 3-2-1.

The following figure shows the resulting surface feature.

To Create a Boundary Blend Surface Using Approximate Curves

1. Select boundary curves in the first and second directions.

2. Click Options and click the influencing curves collector box.

3. Select the curves to approximate. The selected curves are displayed in the
influencing curves collector box.

4. Type a value in the Smoothness box. The value must be from 0 to 1.

5. Specify the number of surface patches in the first and second directions in the
Patches in direction boxes. The greater the number of patches, the closer the
surface is to the selected curves. If Pro/ENGINEER cannot construct the surface
using the number of patches specified, you can enter a different number of
patches. The range is from 1 to 29 patches.

6. If necessary, define other optional elements.

7. Click to preview geometry or to complete the feature.

About Defining Boundary Conditions

You can apply conditions to blended boundaries that constrain the new surface
feature to existing surfaces or quilts. When you define boundary contraints,
Pro/ENGINEER attempts to select default references based on the boundaries
specified. You can accept the system defaults, or you can select your own
The boundary conditions are free (default), tangent, curvature, and normal. Consider
the following information about boundary conditions and referenced entities:
If Tangent or Curvature is specified and the boundary consists of a chain of one-
sided edges or a curve from one-sided edges, the referenced entity is set by default,
and the boundary automatically has the same reference surfaces as the one-sided


If Normal is specified and the boundary consists of a sketched curve, the referenced
entity is set to sketching plane, and the boundary automatically has the same
reference plane as the curve. If Normal is specified and the boundary consists of a
chain of one-sided edges or a curve from one-sided edges, the default reference
entity is used, and the boundary automatically has the same reference surfaces as
the one-sided edges.
For all other combinations of boundary conditions and boundaries, the referenced
entity is set to the selected surface and Pro/ENGINEER prompts you to select a
reference surface or plane for each segment of the boundary.
Sensitive zones (free, tangent, curvature, and normal) are displayed on your model
allowing you to identify conditions on each boundary. You can right-click on the
sensitive zone located next to each outside boundary (first and second directions) to
access a shortcut menu with control boundary conditions.

Setting Boundary Conditions

By setting boundary conditions, you can create blended surfaces that are tangent or
curvature continuous to adjacent references (quilts or solid surfaces), are normal to
a reference surface or plane, or have continuous curvature across the boundary with
another surface.
Select the Add inner edge tangency check box to set the tangent inner edge
condition for one or both directions of a blended surface. This condition applies only
to surfaces with multisegment boundaries. You can create a blended surface with
patches that are tangent across inner edges. In some cases, when geometry is
complex, dihedral angles at inner edges may deviate from zero.
Select the Add side curve influence check box to enable side-curve influence.

To Define Boundary Conditions

1. Click Constraints in the dashboard.

2. The Boundary column lists all surface boundaries. In the Condition column,
click the box adjacent to the boundary for which you want to set the boundary

3. Select one of the following boundary conditions from the Condition drop-down
list box:

• Free—No tangency conditions are set along the boundary.

• Tangent—The blended surface is tangent to the reference surface along the


• Curvature—The blended surface has curvature continuity across the


• Normal—The blended surface is normal to the reference surface or datum


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Note: For conditions other than Free, select reference surfaces. Selecting the
boundary displays the surface referenced for the boundary conditions in the
surfaces list.

When the boundary conditions are set to Tangent, Curvature, or Normal, if

required, click Display drag handles to control the boundary stretch factor.
Alternatively, you can type the stretch value in the Stretch Value box. The
default stretch factor is 1. The value of the stretch factor influences the direction
of the surface.
4. Set boundary conditions for all the boundaries as required.

5. Define other optional feature elements or click to complete the feature.

Note: Alternatively, you can right-click on sensitive zones located next to each
outside boundary (first and second directions) to access and control boundary

About Boundary Blend Control Points

You can control the shape of the surface by using boundary blend control points. For
curves in each direction, you can specify points to be connected with each other. Two
types of points can be selected as control points:
• Vertices of the datum curves or edges used to define the boundary

• Datum points that lie on the curve

Right-click and click Next Chain on the shortcut menu to leave the control point for
a curve undefined and skip to the next curve. Pro/ENGINEER assigns a sequential
number for each set of blend control points.
Blend control points help you to implement the design intent more accurately by
allowing you to create surfaces with an optimal number of edges and surfaces. By
eliminating unnecessary small surfaces and extra edges, you can achieve a smoother
surface shape and avoid undesirable twisting and stretching of surfaces.

Using Boundary Blend Control Points

You can control the shape of the surface by using boundary blend control points. For
curves in each direction, you can specify points to be connected with each other.
Using boundary blend control points can help you to implement the design intent
more accurately by allowing you to create surfaces with an optimal number of edges
and surfaces. By eliminating unnecessary small surfaces and extra edges, you can
achieve a smoother surface shape and avoid undesirable twisting and stretching of
Depending on the type of curves selected, the following parameters to blend curves
are available:

Case Parameter Description


Case Parameter Description

Any Natural Blended using the general blending

routine and resets the parameters for
input curves using the same routine
to obtain the best approximation for
the surface.

Any Arc Length Minimal adjustments are made to the

original curves. Curves are blended
using the general blending routine
except curves are divided into equal
pieces and blended piece-by-piece.

Only splines with Point to Point Blended point-by-point. Point 1 in the

an equal number first curve is connected to point 1 in
of interpolation the second curve and so forth.

Any curve, curve Piece to Blended piece-by-piece. Curve chains

chain, or Piece or composite curves are connected.
composite curve
having an equal
number of entities
or segments.

Input are two Developable If curves in one direction are

tangent continuous selected, you can toggle to determine
curves whether you want the developable

To Specify Boundary Blend Control Points

You can optionally define boundary blend control points after you define references
for the blended surface.
1. Click Control Points in the dashboard.

2. Right-click in the Sets collector and click Add. The default control point set is
valid for the first direction.

Note: When you start specifying blend control points, the first boundary in the
first direction is highlighted by default.

3. Select a vertex or datum point from the first boundary. Points on he current
chain that are valid for control point selection are highlighted in red. Select a
matching blend control point. To skip one curve, right-click and select Next
Chain in the shortcut menu to leave the control point for a curve undefined and
skip to the next curve. After one set of blend control points is defined, they
appear in Sets as Set 1. You can select New Set from the Sets column of the
Control Points table to add a new set of control points.

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4. To specify blend control points in the second direction, click Second and continue
in a similar manner.

5. Optionally, you can select one of the following predefined control options from
the Fit list:

o Natural—Blended using the general blending routine and resets the

parameters for input curves using the same routine to obtain the best
approximation for the surface.

o Arclength—Minimal adjustments are made to the original curves. Curves

are blended using the general blending routine, except curves are divided
into equal pieces and blended piece-by-piece.

o Point to Point—Blended point-by-point. Point 1 in the first curve is

connected to point 1 in the second curve and so forth. This option is only
available for spline curves with an equal number of spline points.

o Piece to Piece—Blended piece-by-piece. Curve chains or composite curves

are connected. This option is only available for curves with an equal number
of pieces.

o Developable—If two tangent curves in one direction are selected, you can
toggle to determine whether you want the developable option.

6. Click when you have finished defining boundary blend control points.

Example: Specifying Boundary Blend Control Points

This example shows the effects of using boundary blend control points.
The following figure shows a blended surface created without control points. The
blended surface feature consists of 4 surfaces.

1 small surface

The following figure shows a blended surface created using control points. The
blended surface feature consists of 3 surfaces.


About Side Curves and Boundary Blends

You can control geometry of an improved blended surface so that the shape and
properties of side curves are propagated into the shape of the blended surface.
Although the system changes the geometry of the blended surface with respect to
the specified side curve influence, in some cases the resulting changes may not be
visually apparent without using surface visualization or analysis tools. When you
enable side curve influence, the following surfaces result.

One-Directional Blended Surface

In a one-directional blended surface, for boundary conditions specified as tangent or
curvature continuous, the system makes the side edges of the blended surface
tangent to the side edges of the reference. The next two figures demonstrate the
effect of side-curve influence on a one-directional blended surface. The first figure
shows a surface created without using side-curve influence.

1 Blended surface, created tangent or C2 to the reference surfaces

2 Reference surfaces

3 Side curves

4 Bounding curves

5 Side curves

Part – Help Topic Collection

The second figure shows a surface created using side-curve influence. In this
example the side curves are used for determining the shape of the side boundaries
(curves a and b) of the blended surface.

1 Side curves

2 Select these boundaries

Two-Directional Blended Surface

In a two-directional blended surface, the system propagates the behavior of the side
curves (that border the selected boundary) into the surface shape along the specified
boundary (see the following figure). If you apply side curve influence to Boundary 1,
then the shapes of the side curves a and b are propagated into the surface shape
along Boundary 1.

1 Boundary 1

The next two figures demonstrate the effect of side-curve influence on a two-
directional blended surface. Note that the blended surface is shown with porcupine
curvature to illustrate the subtle differences in the surface shape. Notice that when
side-curve influence is used, porcupine curves maintain the same curvature pattern
of the side-curves longer than in the surface without side curve influence.
The first figure shows a surface created without side-curve influence.


The second figure shows a surface created with side-curve influence.

1 The arrows point to the curves where side-curve influence is specified. These
curves properties are propagated into the blended surface.

Tip: Working with Antitangent and Tangent Boundaries

You can create a boundary blend surface between two antitangent boundaries. The
following figure shows two antitangent curves, trimmed at a common point. Notice
that the angle between tangency vectors of the two curves is 180 degrees.

Part – Help Topic Collection

1 Tangency vector of Curve A

2 Tangency vector of Curve B

3 Curve A

4 Curve B

5 180 degrees

Specifying tangency conditions for both antitangent boundaries may create

contradictory constraints for the resulting geometry. As a result, the feature may fail
or produce a surface that does not comply with the specified tangency conditions.
A blended surface feature cannot be created when bounding curves become tangent
to each other.

Parallel Blends

About Parallel Blends

You create parallel blends using the Parallel option in the BLEND OPTS menu. A
parallel blend uses several blend sections that are created on the same sketching
plane and then projected normal to the sketching plane.
Depending on how the blend sections are projected, there are two types of parallel
• Regular Sec—This type of parallel blend allows multiple sections. The first
section remains on the sketching plane. Each subsequent section is projected
normal to the sketching plane at a specified distance in the direction of feature

• Project Sec—This type of parallel blend uses only two sections created on a
planar surface or datum plane. The sections are projected onto two solid

Sections Used for Parallel Blends

Consider the following information about sections for parallel blends:
• Parallel blend sections cannot be saved and retrieved as ordinary sections.

• First and last sections can be defined as a point or a blend vertex.

• You can retrieve a saved section into the blend only if the blend is not the first
feature in the model. The retrieved section is added to the current section and
can be placed into different sections with variations in rotation angle and size.

Note: You can dimension a section to the previous section or a local coordinate


Modifying Blend Sections

When you modify the section for a parallel blend feature, the system displays the
dimensions and contours for all sections.
Note: You can place or move the starting point of a section only when it is active. To
activate the section, toggle sections until the section you want is active.

Projected Section Blends

Projected section blend allows you to create two sections on the same planar surface
or datum plane and then project these sections onto two opposing solid surfaces.
The depth of this type of blend is defined by two intersecting surfaces. The first
section is projected on the first surface selected, and the second section is projected
on the second surface selected.
Each section must lie within the boundaries of its selected surface and cannot
intersect other surfaces.
• In Assembly mode, you cannot use an external reference as a surface to project

• If you make a cut in a parallel projected blend, the sections must be closed.

To Create a Parallel Blend with a Regular Section

1. Click Insert > Blend and then click the type of blend you want. The BLEND
OPTS menu appears.

2. Click Parallel > Regular Sec > Done. The Protrusion: Blend, Parallel dialog
box and the ATTRIBUTES menu appear.

3. From the ATTRIBUTES menu, choose one of these options followed by Done:

o Straight—Connect blend sections using straight lines.

o Smooth—Connect blend sections using smooth curves.

4. Define the sketching plane, direction of feature creation, and section orientation.

5. You are placed in Sketcher. Accept the default or select different dimension

6. Create the first blend section.

7. To create the next sections, click Sketch > Feature Tools > Toggle Section.
The first section turns gray and becomes inactive.

8. Create the second section. If you want to continue creating sections, click Toggle
Section after each section.

9. When you finish creating sections, click to exit Sketcher.

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10. Choose the depth option from the DEPTH menu. Click Done.

11. Define the feature depth as required.

12. Click OK on the Protrusion: Blend, Parallel dialog box.

To Create a Parallel Blend with a Projected Section

1. Click Insert > Blend and then click the type of blend you want. The BLEND
OPTS menu appears.

2. Click Parallel > Project Sec > Done. The Protrusion: Blend, Parallel dialog
box and the ATTRIBUTES menu appear.

3. Define the sketching plane, direction of feature creation, and section orientation.

4. You are placed in Sketcher. Accept the default or select different dimension

5. Create the first blend section.

6. To create the second section, click Sketch > Feature Tools > Toggle Section.
The first section turns gray and becomes inactive.

7. Sketch the second section.

8. Click to exit Sketcher.

9. Select the intersecting surfaces. The first section is projected on the first selected
surface. The second blend section is projected on the second selected surface.

10. Click OK on the Protrusion: Blend, Parallel dialog box.

Non-Parallel Blends

About Non-Parallel Blends

Non-parallel blends (Rotational and General options) have some particular
advantages over parallel blends:
• Sections can be non-parallel, but do not have to be. Parallel blends can be
created simply by entering a 0° angle between sections.

• A section can be created by importing from an IGES file.

Sketched Versus Selected Sections

Non-parallel blend sections can be created by sketching them (using Sketch Sec),
or by selecting three-dimensional entities (using the option Select Sec)
The restrictions for selecting section entities are as follows:
• All the entities must lie in the same plane.


• For rotational blends, the planes of all sections must intersect at a single axis. For
rotational blends with only two sections, there is never ambiguity. However, if
more than two sections are defined and they do not form a single axis, the
feature fails.

Open and Closed Blends

Non-parallel blends can be open or closed. If you specify Closed, Pro/ENGINEER
uses the first section of the blend as the last section and creates a closed, solid

Specifying Tangent Surfaces

You can create a smooth transition between the surfaces of a blend feature and
surfaces of an adjacent feature on the same part. Open, smooth blends can have a
tangent surface specified for each segment in the first and last sections.

To Specify Tangency Conditions for Non-Parallel Blends

1. Select Tangency element and Define from the dialog box.

2. If you want the blend should be tangent to any surfaces at the first end, click Yes
at the prompt. Each segment in the first section is highlighted sequentially.
Select a surface for each highlighted entity.

3. If you do not want to specify tangency for the highlighted segment, click Done to
move to the next segment.

4. Repeat the process for the other end of the blend.

Example: Specifying Tangency Conditions for Non-Parallel Blends

The following figure illustrates tangent surfaces.

Blend Tangent to Adjacent Surfaces


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To Import a Section for a Non-Parallel Blend

When creating a section for a general or rotational blend, instead of sketching a new
section, you can retrieve a previously saved section into Sketcher. Once the section
is retrieved, you can adjust the section location, scale, and orientation.
Note: A retrieved section must contain a coordinate system.
1. Define the blend attributes as required.

2. When you enter Sketcher, click Sketch > Data from File.

3. Select a section from the Open dialog box. A section appears in the Sketcher

4. You can move, scale, or rotate the section directly in the graphics window.
Alternatively, you can scale and rotate the section using the Scale Rotate dialog
box. When finished adjusting the section, click on the Scale Rotate dialog

5. Click to exit Sketcher.

6. Continue with the feature creation.

Creating Non-Parallel Blend with an Imported Section

You can import an IGES file section to use for non-parallel blends. Consider the
following rules:
• Modifying the dimensioning scheme of the feature causes Pro/ENGINEER to
prompt you for a new IGES file name. There must be a one-to-one
correspondence between existing IGES entities and the replacement IGES entities
(the first entity in the IGES file replaces the first entity in the section).

• The IGES entities are placed using their absolute coordinate values. There is no
option to scale or dimension the resulting sketch.

• The IGES file section must be closed and all endpoints must be matched exactly
with another endpoint. Otherwise, import of an IGES file may fail.


To Cap a Blend
To create a capped blend, select Capped Ends on the ATTRIBUTES menu.
1. For the last section of the non-parallel blend, create a coordinate system and a
point entity.

2. When finished sketching the section, click to exit Sketcher.

3. Choose an option from the CAP TYPE menu:

o Smooth—Create a cap that is smooth.

o Sharp—Create a cap that is sharp.

Capping a Blend
The first and last sections of a blend can each be a point. This caps the end of the
blend feature with either a sharp or smooth transition to a tip. The end subsection of
a parallel blend must always form a sharp cap.
Smooth and sharp caps create very different features. The smooth cap is created by
forcing all geometry to be tangent at the point section. The sharp cap allows the
geometry to flow straight towards the point section.
The best way to control the shape of the feature as it approaches the cap is to use as
many sections as are necessary to achieve the desired result.
Note the following information about capped blends:
• The Z-axis is normal to the surface at the point entity. Entering rotation values
for the X- and Y-axis affects the feature definition of a smooth cap.

• For a smooth cap, the point entity must be located within the boundaries of the
previous section (picture where it would be if you used the same dimensions, but
had sketched it on the previous section).

To Create a Rotational Blend

1. Click Insert > Blend and then click the type of blend you want. The BLEND
OPTS menu appears.

2. Click Rotational and Done. The feature creation dialog box and the
ATTRIBUTES menu appear.

3. Choose from the mutually exclusive pairs of elements in the ATTRIBUTES menu,
then choose Done. The choices are as follows:

o Straight—Create a straight blend by connecting vertices of different

subsections with straight lines. Edges of the sections are connected with
ruled surfaces.

o Smooth—Create a smooth blend by connecting vertices of different

subsections with smooth curves. Edges of the sections are connected with
spline surfaces.

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o Open—Create an open solid shape.

o Closed—Create a closed solid shape. Pro/ENGINEER uses the first section

of the blend as the last section.

4. Use Sketch Sec to sketch the sections of the blend, or Select Sec to select
three-dimensional entities.

5. If you are sketching the section, add a coordinate system using Sketch >
Coordinate System.

6. When finished sketching the section, click to exit Sketcher.

7. For sketched sections, first enter the Y-axis rotation angle for the next section
(120° maximum).

8. The system displays a separate window for you to sketch the next section. After

sketching the section, click to exit Sketcher.

9. The system prompts you whether to continue to the next section. If you reply
"yes", continue creating sections.

10. If you are creating a smooth blend and selected Tangency in the dialog box,
create the blend with surfaces tangent to adjacent geometry.

11. When you have sketched or selected all sections, select OK on the dialog box.

Creating a Rotational Blend

A rotational blend is created by sections that are rotated about the Y-axis. You enter
angular dimensions to control section orientation and can dimension sections from
their Sketcher coordinate system to control radial placement. You must add a section
coordinate system in Sketcher mode. You cannot use the default coordinate system.
If you define a rotational blend as being closed, Pro/ENGINEER uses the first section
as the last section and creates a closed solid feature. There is no need to sketch the
last section.


Example: Creating a Rotational Blend

Sketched Rotational Blend

a. Section 3 is rotated at 90 degrees with respect to section 2 about the y-axis.

b. Section 2 is rotated at 45 degrees with respect to Section 1 about the y-axis.

c. Section 1

To Create a General Blend

1. Click Insert > Blend and then click the type of blend you want. The BLEND
OPTS menu appears.

2. Click General and Done. The feature creation dialog box and the ATTRIBUTES
menu appear.

3. Choose either Straight or Smooth from the ATTRIBUTES menu.

4. Use Sketch Sec to sketch the sections of the blend, or Select Sec to select
three-dimensional entities. When sketching the section, add a coordinate system
using Coord System in the ADV UTILS menu. For sketched sections, enter the
X-, Y-, and Z-axis rotation angle (120° maximum) as prompted to determine the
orientation of the next sketch, or reply "no" to the prompt (after the second
section is defined) whether to continue to next section.

5. After all the sections of the blend are finished, enter an offset depth value for all
sections but the first. This dimension is the straight-line distance between
coordinate system origins.

6. If you are creating a smooth blend and selected the Opt Tangency element in
the dialog box, create the blend with surfaces tangent to adjacent geometry.

7. If you are creating a smooth blend, select tangency and section options. You can
create the sections of the blend by sketching (using Sketch Sec), or by selecting
three-dimensional entities (using Select Sec).

8. When you have sketched or selected all sections, select OK in the dialog box to
create the feature.

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Example: Creating a General Blend

General Blend


Cap Type Affects the Feature Shape

"Smooth" cap

"Sharp" cap


Open Blend

Closed Blend

Swept Blends

About the Swept Blend User Interface

The Swept Blend User Interface consists of the following items:
• Feature icon

• Slide-up panels

• Dialog bar

• Shortcut menus

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Feature Icon
The Swept Blend tool displays the following icons:

• —Indicates a swept blend in the Model Tree and is displayed in the dashboard
to indicate that the Swept Blend tool is open. This icon indicates the Swept Blend
tool in the Insert menu.

Slide Up Panels

Choose references and set options for the Swept Blend.
• Trajectories—Collects up to two chains as trajectories for the swept blend.
Sections are normal to the trajectory checked in the N column.

• Details—Click to open the Chain collection dialog box.

Note: For more information on Chains search the Fundamentals functional area
of the Pro/ENGINEER Help Center.

• Section plane control—A list of options that controls the section plane

o Normal to Trajectory—The sketching plane is normal to the specified

trajectory (checked in the N column). This is the default.

o Normal to Projection—The Z-axis is tangent to the Origin Trajectory

projection at the direction specified. The Direction reference collector
activates prompting you to choose a direction reference. No
horizontal/vertical control is required.

o Constant Normal Direction—The Z-axis is parallel to a specified direction

vector. The Direction reference collector activates, prompting you to
choose a direction reference.

o Horizontal/Vertical control—Set the horizontal or vertical control.

o Normal to Surface—The Y-axis points in the direction of the surface

selected, normal to any surface associated with the Origin Trajectory. This
is the default when the origin trajectory has at least one associated surface.
Click Next to toggle through possible surfaces.

o X-Trajectory—Visible when there are two trajectories. The X-trajectory is

the secondary trajectory and it must be longer than the Origin trajectory.

o Automatic—X-axis position is determined along the origin trajectory. This

is the default when no surfaces are associated with the origin trajectory.

o X direction reference at start—Specify the x-axis direction at the start of the

trajectory by clicking the collector to activate it. Select a direction reference. a
direction reference can be a datum plane, datum axis, coordinate system axis, or
any linear entity. When the collector is empty, the system automatically
determines a Default x-axis direction at the start of the swept blend.


o Flip—Click to flip reference direction.

This panel enables definition of swept blend cross sections. The sections sketched or
selected for the swept blend are listed in the sections table. Section types cannot be
mixed. Select an option:
• Sketched Sections—Select a point on the trajectory and click Sketch to define
a cross-section for the swept blend.

o Sections—A table of the cross-sections defined for the swept blend. Only
one section is active at a time. It is highlighted in blue in the table. Sections
are numbered and ordered chronologically as they are added to the list. The
column labeled #, displays the number of entities in the sketched cross

o Insert—Click to activate a new collector. The new section is the active


o Remove—Click to remove the selected section from the table and the
swept blend.

o Sketch—Opens Sketcher to define a sketch for the cross section.

o Select Location—Activate to collect chain ends, vertex, or datum point to

locate a section.

o Rotation—Specify the section’s rotation angle about the Z-axis (with a

value between –120 and +120 degrees) for each vertex or datum point
where a section is defined.

o Section X-axis directions—Set the x-axis direction for the active section.
Available only when Automatic is selected for X/Y axis control. When
Horizontal/Vertical control in the References panel is selected, the section
X-axis direction in the Sections panel is synchronized with the X direction
reference at start

o Selected Sections—Select previously defined sections as swept blend cross



o A section containing a sketch point must be a start or end section and not
an intermediate section.

o Sections—Each row of the table acts as a reference collector.

o Details—Opens the Chain dialog box to select or modify chain geometry

for the active section.

Note: For more information on Chains search the Fundamentals functional area
of the Pro/ENGINEER Help Center.

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o Add Blend Vertex—Click to place a handle on a vertex of the selected

section. Drag the handle to the desired vertex.


You cannot add a Blend Vertex at the start point of a section.

You can add Blend Vertices only to start and end sections which are located
at trajectory vertices. You cannot add to intermediate sections.

This panel enables defining tangency between the geometry produced by start or
end section entities and component surfaces. Set a Condition:
• Free—The start or end section is a free end.

• Tangent—Select a surface for tangency. The Entities collector advances

automatically to the next entity.

• Normal—The start or end of the swept blend will be normal to the section plane.
The Entities collectors are not available and no references are required.

When a sketched end section contains a single point, available options are Sharp—
no tangency (the default) and Smooth—tangency. The entity table is not available.
Note: You cannot define tangency for a thin protrusion.

This panel enables setting options for controlling the shape of the Swept Blend
between its sections. (You can apply Cap ends to all options.)
• Cap ends—Cap ends with a surface.

• No blend control—No blend control set.

• Set perimeter control—Set to make the perimeter of the blend vary linearly
between sections. Opens Create curve through center of blend to place the
curve at the center of the swept blend.

• Set cross-section area control—Specify cross-section area at specified

locations of the swept blend.

o Area Location—Table displaying location and area of cross-sections.

Predefined cross-sections appear in non editable rows. Click in the table to
activate it. Select points on the trajectory and enter the cross-section

Note: Area control conflicts are indicated by a yellow dot in the collector. Right-
click and select What's wrong to open the Troubleshooter dialog box. The
message area of the dialog box informs you of the action to take. When the area
control point is out of range as a result of geometry modifications performed
outside of the tool, a warning message displays in the message area of the


dashboard. Click Info > Geometry Check. The Troubleshooter dialog box

• Name—The name of the Swept Blend.

• —Click to open feature information in the browser window.

Dialog Bar

• —Create a solid feature.

• —Create a surface feature.

• —Remove material from a solid or quilt.

• —Create a thin feature for a surface or surface trim. This option is not
available for Swept Blends created from selected sections.

• —Flip the material side of the cut, or flip the direction of thickness, inside or
outside the section.

• Quilt Collector—Select the surface to trim

• —Flip to set the side to inherit the quilt ID when the trim is set to keep both
sides of the trim quilt.

• —Pause the tool.

• —Resume the tool.

• —To view geometry as you configure it and to enter or exit verify mode.

• —Accept the swept blend and exit the dashboard.

• —Exit the dashboard without accepting the swept blend.

Note: If you are working in an assembly, (Solid) is automatically selected when

you click (Remove Material).

Shortcut Menu
A shortcut menu is available when you right-click in the main window while creating
a Swept Blend. The options available are identical to those in the slide-up panels.
Selected options are indicated by a circle.

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• Trajectory—A trajectory must be selected for the shortcut menu to activate.

• Section—Activate collector to select sections.

• Normal Direction—Activates direction collector for Normal Direction. Visible

when Constant Normal Direction is set for the active section.

• Start X Direction—Select a plane or straight entity to initialize x-axis orientation

for the section being defined.

• Projection Direction—Activates the direction collector. Visible when Normal to

Projection is selected.

• Section Location—Select a location point or vertex.

• Section X Direction—Select a surface or datum plane normal to the X direction.

• Area Ctrl Reference—Activate collector for area control points. Visible when Set
cross-section area control is selected.

Collector Options:
• Clear—Remove content from the active collector.

Sections options:
• Sketched Sections—Sketch cross sections

• Selected Sections—Select cross sections

Collector shortcuts:
• Insert—Insert a new section after the active section in the list

• Remove—Remove the active section

• Sketch—Open Sketcher to define the active section

Sketching plain (z-axis) orientation options

• Normal to Trajectory—Section plane control

• Normal to Projection—Section plane control. Direction is required.

• Constant Normal Direction—Section plane control

X/Y orientation options:

• Normal to Surface—Set Horizontal/Vertical control. Visible if surface is present

• X-Trajectory—Visible when secondary trajectory exists and Section Plane

Control is set to Normal to Trajectory.

• Automatic—Set Horizontal/Vertical control.

Right-click a Tangency tag to open a shortcut menu with the following options:

• Free—Indicated by in the main window.

• Tangent—Indicated by in the main window.


• Normal—Indicated by in the main window.

Right-click a section tag to open a shortcut menu with the following options:
• Remove Section

• Insert section

• Sketch

Right-click a Trajectory tag when there are two trajectories to open a shortcut menu
with the following options:
• X Trajectory

• Normal trajectory

About Swept Blends

A swept blend can have two trajectories: an Origin Trajectory (required) and a
Secondary Trajectory (optional). Each Swept Blend feature must have at least two
sections and sections may be added between these two sections. To define a
trajectory of the swept blend, you can select a sketched curve, a chain of datum
curves, or edges. Only one trajectory is active at a time.
You sketch the sections to be blended at specified segment vertices or datum points
on the Origin Trajectory. To orient a section, you specify the direction of the sketch
plane (the Z-axis) and the horizontal/vertical direction to that plane (the X or Y
axis). Use the Selected Sections option to select sections that were sketched
before you enter the swept blend tool. Use the Sketched Sections option to sketch
sections at points along the selected Origin Trajectory.
Note the following restrictions:
• For a closed trajectory profile, one section must be located at the start point and
at least one other section at another location.

• Section references at the chain start and end points of the trajectory are dynamic
and update if the trajectory is trimmed.

• Section locations can be referenced to model geometry, a curve for example, but
modifying the trajectory may invalidate the references. In this case the swept
blend feature will fail.

• All sections must contain the same number of entities.

You can control swept blend geometry by using an area location and by controlling
the perimeter of the feature between the sections.
An area location allows you to specify the exact area of the cross section of the
swept blend at the selected point on the Origin Trajectory. You can add or remove
points on the Origin Trajectory at which to specify the swept blend sectional area.
You can also change the value at user-defined points.

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The following table lists terminology common to sketching plane (z-axis) orientation
options for variable section sweeps and swept blends.

Term Definition

Normal To The section plane remains normal (perpendicular) to

Trajectory the origin trajectory throughout its length. The generic
(default) sweep.

Constant Normal The z-axis is parallel to the specified direction

Direction reference vector. The direction reference must be

Normal to The section plane remains normal to the origin

Projection trajectory as it is viewed along the projection
direction. The z-axis is tangent to the projection of the
Origin Trajectory at the direction specified. The
direction reference must be specified.

To Create a Swept Blend (basic)

To create a swept blend you must first define the trajectory. Sketch the trajectory,
or select existing curves and edges. Extend or trim the first and last trajectory
entities. Use the Swept Blend dashboard or shortcut menu commands to configure
the swept blend.
1. Click Insert>Swept Blend. The Swept Blend dashboard appears.

2. Open the References pane. You are prompted to select a trajectory.

3. Select a trajectory. The first trajectory selected is the Origin Trajectory.

4. Click Details to open the Chain dialog box to set trajectory references.

5. Click a Section plane control option.

o Normal to Trajectory

o Normal to Projection

o Constant Normal Direction

6. Set Section plane control options.

7. Set the Horizontal/Vertical Control options.

8. Open the Sections panel and select the type of cross-section.


o Select Section

o Sketch Section

9. If you click Sketch Section, select a location point and click Sketch. Sketch the
section. Click Insert to select an addition point at which you want to specify a

10. If you click Select Section, select a section. Click Insert and select an
additional section. At least two-cross sections must be defined.

11. Open the Tangency panel to define tangency between the ends of the swept
blend and neighboring model geometry.

12. Open the Options panel to set swept blend area and perimeter control options.

13. Click Swept Blend options from the dialog bar. Click to create a solid or surface
swept blend as well as other options.

14. When all cross-sections have been sketched or selected, click to generate the
Swept Blend feature.

Example: Creating a Swept Blend

Completed Swept Blend

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Section Definition

a. This point was added for Area Control.

b. Origin Trajectory

Note: Each section remains displayed as the next section is created.

To Modify a Swept Blend Using Area Control

The Set cross-section area control option lets you add or remove control points
to/from the Origin Trajectory. You can specify or change area values at these points.
1. Open the Options panel.

2. Select Set cross-section area control. A table collector of locations and areas
appears. All sections areas display.

3. Click in the collector to activate it and select a new datum point or vertex on the
trajectory. The area automatically displays in the Area column.

4. To change the area of the new section, select the area and enter a new value.
The area of the swept blend at the selected point updates to the new value.

Note: A new datum point can be created on-the-fly if none exists.

5. To remove an area control point, right-click the point in the table and select

Note: An area control point cannot be coincident with a section location.


Example: Controlling the Perimeter of a Swept Blend

Using the Set Perimeter Option

a. Section 1, Perimeter 1

b. Section 2, Perimeter 2

c. Perimeter 3. If Per. 1 = Per. 2, then Per. 3 = Per. 1 = Per. 2.

d. Origin Trajectory

About Blend Vertices

All sections of a swept blend must have the same number of entities. When one
selected section of a swept blend has fewer entities than other selected sections, a
Blend Vertex can be used as a entity. A handle on the selected section allows moving
the Blend Vertex. It automatically snaps to a point or vertex on the selected chain. A
Blend Vertex can sit on a point located on an entity.
When more than one Blend Vertex can share the same location, an indicator displays
the number of vertices at that point.

Example: Creating a Blend Vertex

1. Section 1

2. Section 2

3. Blend Vertex

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To Control the Perimeter of a Swept Blend

The Blend Control options let you select a method for controlling the shape of the
swept blend between its sections. Open the Options panel to set the following
• Set perimeter control—Controls the shape of the feature by controlling its
perimeter between the sections. If two consecutive sections have equal
perimeters, the system attempts to maintain the same cross-section perimeter
between these sections. For sections that have different perimeters, the system
uses linear interpolation along each curve of the trajectory to define the
perimeter of the feature between its sections.

Note: You cannot specify both perimeter control and tangency conditions for the
swept blend—only one of these conditions is allowed.

• Create curve through center of blend—Show a curve connecting the centers

of the feature’s cross-sections. This option is available only with the Set
perimeter control option.


Tweak Features

About Tweak Features

Pro/ENGINEER offers several advanced features to deform or alter (tweak) the
surface of a part:
• Local Push—Deform a surface by pushing or pulling on a circular or rectangular
region of a surface.

• Radius Dome—Create a dome on a limited region of a surface.

• Section Dome—Create a dome from sketched sections.

• Ear—Create a protrusion that is extruded along the top of a surface and bent at
the base.

• Lip—Create a lip on selected edges that can be used for interlocking parts. This
feature cannot be created as an Assembly feature, but the dimensions on mating
parts can be controlled through relations.

• ToroidalBend—Bend a selected solid, surface, or datum feature in two directions

to produce a toroidal or revolved shape.

• Spinal Bend—Bend an object about a curved spine by continuously repositioning

cross-sections along a curve.

• Solid Free Form—Tweak a surface by dynamic manipulation.

• Bend Solid —Bend solids or curves using the references of a flatten quilt feature.

• Flatten Quilt—Flatten surfaces by transformation.

Local Pushes

To Create a Local Push

A local push deforms a surface by pushing or pulling on a circular or rectangular
region on the surface.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Local Push.

2. Set up a sketching plane and sketch the local push boundaries (sketch the

3. Pick the surfaces on which to apply the local push.

Note: Insert > Advanced > Local Push is available when the configuration file
option allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Defining a Local Push

Sketching a local push boundary is different from all other sketches in that the
system displays a rubberband rectangle instead of a rubberband line when you click

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the left mouse button. All other sketcher options are identical when creating a local
You can create multiple boundaries for the local push. To sketch a rectangular local
push boundary, do the following:
1. Locate the pointer on the sketching grid and click the left mouse button. The
system displays a pick box.

2. Enclose the desired area within the selection rectangle and click the left mouse
button. This region can extend beyond the surface.

Pro/ENGINEER always prompts for a surface for placement of the local push for two
• Local pushes can be sketched across surface boundaries and can be created on
more than one surface.

• The surface that is the sketching plane does not necessarily have to be the
surface upon which the local push is placed. The local push is placed upon the
surface that is selected after the prompt.

Defining the Local Push Height

After you create the local push, the system gives it a default height, measured from
the sketching plane.
You can modify this parameter to create the desired deformation of the surface. A
positive value deforms the local push out from the part surface, while a negative
value deforms it into the surface of the part.

Example: Local Push

Local Push Feature

a. Sketching plane

b. Surface to be pushed


c. Sketched boundaries

d. Two Pushes with positive deformation

Radius Domes

To Create a Radius Dome

The Radius Dome option allows you to create a dome feature. A radius dome
deforms a surface and is parameterized by one radius and one offset distance.
It is useful for creating qualitative deformations on a surface. If you want more
precise control over the geometry, use a section dome feature.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Radius Dome.

2. Pick a surface to dome. The surface to dome must be a plane, torus, cone, or

3. Select a datum plane, planar surface, or edge to which to reference the dome

4. Enter the dome radius. The radius value can be positive or negative, resulting in
a convex or concave dome.

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5. Pro/ENGINEER creates the domed surface using two dimensions— the radius of
the dome arc and the distance from the arc to the reference datum plane or
edge. The radius of the dome is the radius of an arc that passes through the two
edges of the domed surface. Thus, a larger radius value results in less elevation
from the original surface. The placement dimension affects the dome steepness:
The closer the dome arc to the middle of the domed surface, the less the dome

6. On non-rectangular surfaces, Pro/ENGINEER trims the dome to the part edges

(see the next figure).

Note: Insert > Advanced>Radius Dome is available when the configuration file
option allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Example: Radius Dome

Original part

a. Reference edge

b. Surface to be domed

Radius Dome feature


Section Domes

About Section Domes

A section dome replaces a planar surface with a sculptured surface. This surface can
be defined by a sweep or a blend.
The swept dome uses two perpendicular cross-sections to create the sculptured
surface. The blended dome uses parallel sections blended together to create the new
surface. With the blended dome, you can use a reference profile to help generate the
Before creating the section dome feature, consider the following restrictions:
• The surface to be domed must be horizontal when you sketch the sections.

• Specify the sketching plane for the section dome as you would normally sketch
on a part. Because the cross-sections must be perpendicular to the profile, it may
be necessary to reorient the view between sketches using the View option.

• Pro/ENGINEER adds or removes material while creating a section dome,

depending on how high or low the section is sketched in relation to the specified
surface. For example, if the sections are attached to the surface, some material
around the edges will be removed.

• Sections should not be tangent to the sides of the part.

• You cannot add a dome to a surface that is filleted along any edge. If you want a
fillet, add the dome first, then fillet the boundary.

• It is not necessary to have the same number of segments for each section.

• Sections should be at least as long as the surface and do not have to be attached
to the surface.

• Sections must be sketched to be open.

To Create a Section Dome (basic)

1. Click Insert>Advanced > Section Dome. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Specify the type of dome:

o Sweep—Create a dome by sweeping the first profile along the second

profile, sweeping the second profile along the first profile, then using the
mathematical average of the two surfaces to create the dome.

o Blend—Create a dome by blending two or more sections.

o No Profile—Create a blended dome without using a profile. This option is

not accessible when you have selected the Sweep option.

o One Profile—Create a dome feature using a reference profile.

Note: The Section Dome is available when the configuration file option
allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

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To Create a Swept Section Dome

You can create a swept section dome using a profile and one section that is
perpendicular to it.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Section Dome. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Choose Sweep and One Profile.

3. Pick the planar surface to be domed.

4. Create the profile by indicating the sketching plane, then sketching and
regenerating the section.

5. Return to the default view and choose Done.

6. Create one section perpendicular to the profile by selecting or creating a

sketching plane and sketch the section.

7. Click Done to complete the dome.

Example: Swept Section Dome

Original part

a. Section

b. Profile


Part with Swept Section Dome

c. The domed surface

To Create a Blended Section Dome with No Profile

You can create a blended section dome feature without using a profile. In this case,
the system creates the domed surface by blending parallel sections.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Section Dome. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click Blend and No Profile from the SECTION DOME menu.

3. Select the planar surface to turn into a dome.

4. Specify a sketching plane for the first section and sketch the first section. When
selecting a sketching plane, the viewing direction arrow indicates the positive
direction for offset sections.

5. When finished creating sections, click to exit Sketcher.

6. Enter the distance between the first section and the new section to sketch. The

orientation of the sections is the same. Sketch the new section and click. . At
least two sections must be used for this option. Note that the previous sections
are toggled to a light gray color when you sketch the new section.

Be sure to orient the start points of the sections so the correct points are
connected for the dome. The start point is displayed as a small circle on the
sketch. To reorient the start point, click Sketch > Feature tools > Start Point.

7. If other sections are required, enter yes to continue and create new sections
as needed. If no other sections are required, answer no to the prompt.
Pro/ENGINEER then generates the dome.

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Example: Blended Section Dome without a Profile

Original Part

a. Section 1

b. Section 2

Part with Blended Section Dome without a Profile

Note that the entire surface was domed, even though only two sections were

To Create a Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile

1. Click Insert > Advanced > Section Dome. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Click Blend and One Profile from the SECTION DOME menu.

3. Pick the surface from which to make a dome.

4. Specify a sketching plane for the profile, sketch the section, and choose Done.


Create the first section by indicating a sketching plane that is perpendicular to

the profile. The viewing direction of the section indicates the positive offset
direction for additional sections. After orienting the sketching plane, the system
displays a set of crosshairs at the intersection of the sketching plane and the

When you sketch the section, the system displays a circular start point at the
beginning of the sketch. All start points for additional sections should be lined up.
When you have finished with the sketch, choose Done.

5. Sketch the next section by choosing the sketching plane and completing the
sketch. At least two sections are required for a blended dome.

6. If another section is required for the dome, answer "yes" to the prompt asking if
you want to proceed to the next section, then sketch the next section. Note that
the previous parallel sections toggle to a light gray color. If no other section is
required for the dome, answer "no" to the prompt to complete the dome.

Note: A dome is always created over the entire specified surface. If the sections are
sketched where they do not cover the entire surface, Pro/ENGINEER extends the
dome as necessary to complete it.

Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile

You create a blended section dome with one profile and two or more sections.
Pro/ENGINEER adds or removes material, as necessary, from the edges of the
specified surface to create the dome.
Whether material is added or removed depends on the sections being sketched. A
section that dips below the surface removes material. A section that is above (to the
positive side of) the surface adds material.
The profile and the sections of a single-profile blended dome are not necessarily
related. This feature allows you to dimension to the profile by selecting the horizontal
and vertical centerlines displayed while sketching a section.
The centerlines are put there for your convenience, but you do not have to
dimension to them.
If you do not dimension to the profile, you can modify the profile without affecting
the resulting dome. If you dimension to the profile, modifying the profile
automatically moves the sections and modifies the dome.

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Example: Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile

Original Part

a. Section dimensioned to profile

b. Centerlines

c. Profile

d. Section dimensioned to part

Part with Blended Section Dome with a Single Profile


To Create an Ear Feature

An ear is a protrusion that is extruded along the top of a surface and can be bent at
the base.
1. Click Insert > Advanced > Ear. The OPTIONS menu appears.

2. Select the type of ear feature you want


o Variable—The ear is bent at a user-specified, modifiable angle, measured

from the surface from which the ear is extruded.

o 90 deg tab—The ear is bent at 90°. No dimension is created for the angle.

You can redefine ears from one type to another. The dimensioning of the two ear
types is:
• Variable ear—The length of the sketched section represents the overall length of
the inside edge (including the length of the bent portion).

• Tab—The length of the sketched section represents the distance between the
bottom and the top of the outside edge (including the projection of the bent
portion on the plane of the straight portion).

Note: Insert > Advanced > Ear is available when the configuration file option
allow_anatomic_features is set to yes.

Sketching the Ear Section

When you sketch an ear, remember the following rules:
• The sketching plane must be perpendicular to the surface to which the ear will be

• The section for the ear must be open with the endpoints aligned to the surface to
which the ear will be attached.

• The entities that are attached to the surface must be parallel to each other,
perpendicular to the surface, and long enough to accommodate the bend.

The radius of the bend is measured from the sketching plane out of the screen.
Pro/ENGINEER bends the ear at the specified angle, measured from the surface from
which the ear is extruded. The ear bends towards you, out of the screen, and is
extruded into the screen to the specified thickness.

Example: Dimensioning an Ear Feature

Ear Feature

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a. Sketching plane (hidden surface)

b. Section

Dimensioning an ear to a part

a. Straight edge

b. Parallel lines perpendicular to edge

Bend dimensions of an ear feature

a. Bending line (normal to page)


About a Lip Feature

You can create a lip feature on mating surfaces of two different parts in an assembly
to ensure that the interlock geometry is the same on both parts. A lip is created as a
protrusion on one part and a cut on another.
A lip is not an assembly feature—it must be created on each part separately. You can
set appropriate connections between dimensions on both parts through relations and
A lip is constructed by offsetting the mating surface along the selected edges. The
edges must form a continuous contour, either open or closed. The top (or bottom)
surface of the lip copies the geometry of the mating surface; you can draft the side
surface with respect to the lip direction.


Lip direction (the direction of the offset) is determined by the normal to a reference
plane. The draft angle is the angle between the normal to the reference plane and
the side surface of the lip.
The following figure shows the lip feature parameters.

a. This surface repeats the shape of the mating surface

b. Draft angle

c. Mating surface (could be reference plane too)

d. Side offset

e. Selected edge

f. Lip offset

Usually, the reference plane is coincident with the lip (mating) surface. You must
select a separate reference plane in the following cases:
• The mating surface is not a plane.

• You want the lip creation direction not to be normal to the mating plane. The lip
feature will then be distorted.

At any point of lip feature creation, the normal to the mating surface must be either
coincident, or form a slight angle with the normal to the reference plane. The closer
the normals, the less the lip geometry distortion.

To Create a Lip Feature

1. Choose Feature > Create > Solid > Tweak > Lip, or Insert > Advanced >

2. Select adjacent edges to form a lip. You can select edges using Single, Chain, or
Loop (the same way as for a round feature). Choose Done when you have

3. Select the mating surface (the surface to be offset).

4. Enter the lip offset from the selected surface.

5. Enter the side offset (from the selected edges to the draft surface).

6. Select the drafting reference plane.

7. Enter the draft angle.

8. Pro/ENGINEER creates the lip feature.

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Note: The Lip option on either the TWEAK menu or the Insert > Advanced menu
is available when the configuration file option allow_anatomic_features is set to

Example: Lip Feature

Initial model

Enter the positive offset from the mating surface.

a. Select this plane

b. Select this surface (and edges)


Enter the negative offset from the mating surface.

a. Select this plane

b. Select this surface (and edges)

Toroidal Bends

About Toroidal Bends

The ToroidalBend option bends solids, nonsolid surfaces, or datum curves into
toroidal (revolved) shapes.
For example, you could use this option to create an automobile tire from a flat solid
object. When you include a datum curve in the bend, the system first creates its
copy and then bends it.
The feature creates two bends at the same time. To define the bend profile, or
sectional curvature of the toroid shape, you sketch a chain of entities. The second
bend is determined by two parallel planes that define the radius of the toroid.
When creating a toroid, the system rotates each of the parallel planes around the
intersection of the neutral plane and the end surface by the angle specified.
To define the bend, you must select a coordinate system. The X-vector of the
coordinate system defines a neutral plane in the bent object. This point does not
have to lie on the geometric entity; however, it is recommended for geometric
Note: If the coordinate system does not lie on the profile, the sketched profile must
consist of tangent entities.
The neutral plane defines the theoretical plane of zero deformation (elongation or
compression) along the sectional thickness of the bent material.
The material that lies outside the plane is elongated to compensate for the bend
deformation, and the material that lies inside the bend is compressed to
accommodate the deformation.

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To Create a Toroidal Bend

1. From the FEAT menu click Create > Solid > Tweak > ToroidalBend, or
Insert > Advanced > Toroidal Bend.

2. The OPTIONS menu appears. Choose Variable, 90, 180, 270, or 360 to
indicate the angle of the bend.

3. Choose One Side or Both Sides to indicate whether to create the feature on one
side or both sides of the sketching plane.

4. Specify whether datum curves should be contracted during bending by choosing

one of the following options:

o CrvBendContract—Datum curves are contracted radially while bent.

o CrvBendExpand—Datum curves are not contracted radially while bent.

o CrvFlatContract—Datum curves remain planar and are contracted within

the neutral plane.

o CrvFlatExpand—Datum curves remain planar and are expanded within the

neutral plane.

Note: Toroidal bend features created with a Flat option require all curves
included in the bend to lie in the neutral plane.

5. The DEFINE BEND menu appears with the following commands:

o Add—Select objects to bend.

o Remove—Cancel the selection of objects from the bend feature.

6. Choose Add and select solid surfaces, quilts, or datum curves to include in the
bend. When you bend datum curves, they are displayed in both the bent fashion
and in their original locations.

Note: The included objects must not exceed the boundaries specified by the end
planes; otherwise, the toroidal bend may fail.

7. Choose Done to finish selecting the objects to bend.

8. Pick a sketching plane and a sketcher reference plane to sketch the sectional
bend profile.

9. Sketch a chain of entities (spline, arc, line, and so on) to define the shape of the
cross section of the toroid.

10. Create a sketcher coordinate system.

11. Select two parallel planes to bend toward each other at the specified angle. These
parallel planes define the radius of the toroid. For a 360-degree bend, these
planes meet.


Example: Creating a Toroidal Bend

The following figures illustrate the steps for creating a toroidal bend.
1. Base object

2. Select the features to bend.

a. Cuts added to base object (optional)

b. Sketching plane (DTM3)

c. Surface picked to bend (includes cuts)

3. Sketch the bend profile and the axis of revolution

a. Sketched 3-point arc

b. Sketcher coordinate system

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The following figure shows the area of compression in a toroidal bend.

a. Neutral plane (no deformation)

b. Region of elongation deformation

c. Region of compressed deformation

Spinal Bends

To Create a Spinal Bend

The Spinal Bend option bends a solid or quilt about a curved spine by continuously
repositioning cross-sections along a curve. Planar cross-sections perpendicular to an
axis are repositioned perpendicular to the trajectory with no distortion. All
compression or distortion is done longitudinally along the trajectory.
1. Click Feature > Create > Solid > Tweak > Spinal Bend, or Insert >
Advanced > Spinal Bend.

2. Specify the feature attributes by choosing from the OPTIONS menu. The options
are as follows:

Sketch Spine—Sketch the spine trajectory.

Select Spine—Select an edge or chain of edges to define a spin trajectory.

No Prop Ctrl—Do not adjust the resulting geometry.

SecProp Ctrl—Adjust the resulting geometry to control the distribution of a

varying cross section mass property along the spine. This property is defined by
relations. Choose one of the following options:

o Linear—The section property varies linearly between the values at the start
and end points.

o Graph—The section property varies, per the graph values, between the
values at the start and end points.

The resulting spinal bend feature is defined by the same family of cross-sections,
regardless of whether you choose No Prop Ctrl, SecProp Ctrl and Linear, or
SecProp Ctrl and Graph. However, the distribution of the cross-sections in the
spinal bend differs for each of these choices.


3. Select a solid or quilt feature to bend. You can bend only one quilt feature, or you
can bend all the solid features in the part. If you select a solid feature, the
system makes the original solid feature invisible after the spinal bend feature is
created. However, the feature and its geometry can still be selected. If you select
a quilt feature, the original quilt feature remains visible.

4. Sketch or select the spine, per the selection made in Step 2. The spine must be
C1 continuous (tangent). If the spine is not also C2 continuous (curvature
continuous), the feature surfaces might not be tangent. If you chose SecProp
Ctrl, the plane that passes through the start point of the spine, and is normal to
the spine, must intersect the original quilt or solid feature.

5. If you chose No Prop Ctrl, go to Step 8.

6. If you chose SecProp Ctrl, Pro/ENGINEER displays the SKETCHER menu.

Sketch the coordinate system to be used in the calculation of cross section
properties. This coordinate system will be projected onto the plane of each cross

7. Enter feature relations that define the symbol SEC_PROP as a function of the
mass properties of the original quilt or solid cross-sections. The right side of the
relations can include the following:


o CENTROID_X, CENTROID_Y—Coordinates, with respect to the sketched

coordinate system, of the center of area of the cross section

o IXX, IXY, IYY—Planar moments of inertia of the cross section, with

respect to the sketched coordinate system

IYY_AT_CENTROID—Planar moments of inertia of the cross section, with
respect to a coordinate system at the centroid and with axes parallel to the
specified coordinate system
o PRINCIPAL1—Greater planar principal moment of inertia

o PRINCIPAL2—Lesser planar principal moment of inertia

8. Use the SETUP PLANE menu to specify a second plane, which must be parallel
to the first, to define the volume of the original quilt or solid to be bent. If you
chose the SecProp Ctrl option, both planes must intersect the original quilt or
solid. The system creates and displays the first plane, which defines the volume.
It is normal to the spine, passes through the start point of the spine, and can be
referenced when you are creating the second plane.

9. If you chose Graph, select an existing graph feature. The graph must pass
through the points (0, 0) and (1, 1) and must be monotonically non-decreasing
(that is, with no horizontal tangent to the curve) in the interval 0 to 1.

10. If you chose SecProp Ctrl, the system places each cross section of the original
quilt or solid at the trajectory parameter (trajpar) on the spine, according to the
following formula:

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G(Trajpar)=(F(p) - F(0)) / (F(p1) - F(p0))

The variables are as follows:

o G()—If you chose Graph, this is the function defined by the reference
graph feature. If you chose Linear, this is the function defined by trajpar
itself (the identity function).

o F()—The cross section property function defined by feature relations.

o p—The properties of the original quilt or solid cross section (AREA,

CENTROID_X, and so on).

o p0, p1—The properties of the first and last cross sections defined by the
two planes specified in Step 8.

Example: Creating and Modifying a Spinal Bend

The following figure illustrates a linear spinal bend with SEC_PROP = AREA.

Before Spinal Bend

a. Feature to be bent

b. Spine

After Spinal Bend


Cosmetic Mesh View of Linear Spinal Bend

You can pick on the spinal bend and choose Next to display the original solid/quilt,
highlighted in red (see the following figure).

Modifying or Redefining a Spinal Bend

1. Linear spinal bend after selecting to redefine.

a. Original feature appears in red. Select the spinal bend feature.

2. Redefine spinal bend to use Section Property Control and Graph.

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3. Cosmetic mesh view after redefining section property control to Graph.

4. Spinal bend redefined as No Prop Control.

To Redefine a Spinal Bend

1. Select the feature and click Edit > Definition. Click one of the following
elements and click Define.

o Attributes—Redefine the attribute value SecProp Ctrl or NoProp Ctrl;

Linear or Graph. If you choose SecProp Ctrl, Pro/ENGINEER displays a
default coordinate system and asks you to sketch a coordinate system for
the first section. You can either align the sketched coordinate system to the
default one or offset it.

o Section—Redefine the spine, if sketched; redefine the cross section, if you

chose SecProp Ctrl.

o References—Reselect the quilt, graph, end plane, or cross section

properties. Choose one of the following SPINAL BEND menu options:

Quilt/Solid—Redefine the spinal bend to be a quilt or solid.

End Plane—Redefine the second plane, defining the volume of the original
quilt or solid to be bent.

Equations—Redefine the relations.

Graph—Redefine the graph feature.

2. Click OK when you finish editing the definition.


UDFs and Groups

Creating a UDF

About User-Defined Features

A User-Defined Feature (UDF) consists of selected features, all their associated
dimensions, any relations between the selected features, and a list of references for
placing the UDF on a part. User-defined features can be subordinate or standalone.
The UDF dialog box provides a running status of these UDF elements during UDF
creation and modification.

Subordinate UDFs
A subordinate UDF gets its values directly from the original model at run time, so the
original model must be present for the subordinate UDF to function. If you make any
changes to the dimension values in the original model, they are automatically
reflected in the UDF.
A model can have more than one subordinate UDF associated with it. Items in the
family table of a subordinate UDF show the identifiers and symbols from the original

Standalone UDFs
A standalone UDF copies all the original model information into the UDF file. Because
of this, a standalone UDF requires more storage space than a subordinate UDF. If
you make any changes to the reference model, they are not reflected in the UDF.
When you create a standalone UDF, you have the option of creating a reference part
by copying the original part from which the UDF is derived. The reference part has
the same name as the UDF, with the extension _gp. For example, if you name a UDF
radial_holes, the reference part is named radial_holes_gp.prt. A reference part
displays UDF references and elements through the original features.

UDF Recommendations
Follow these recommendations for creating a UDF:
• Make sure you have the desired dimensioning scheme.

• Provide the necessary relations between the defining features before you create
the UDF.

• Although a reference part is not required for a standalone UDF, it is useful to

have a reference part displayed when you place a UDF. The system highlights the
dimensions to be entered and the reference information at the appropriate times
during the UDF placement. If you have no reference part, the number of UDF
elements you can modify is limited.

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UDF Restrictions
• When creating a UDF or copying features, you cannot mix features from the
merged geometry group (created with the By Copy option) with features outside
of this group.

• Parameters not used in relations are not copied with UDFs to another part.

• A UDF created in Part mode can be used in Assembly mode to create assembly
features, as long as that UDF does not contain features that are not allowed for
assembly features (such as rounds).

• When you copy a group with an advanced round which contains user-defined
transitions, the system removes user-defined transitions from the resulting
feature. Redefine the round transitions in the new feature, as appropriate.

Dimension Types
You can create a UDF with the following dimension types:
• Variable dimensions—Dimensions for which you will enter values when you place
the UDF in a part.

• Invariable dimensions—Dimensions that you will not change when you place the
UDF in a part.

• Table-driven dimensions—Dimensions and dimension tolerances for which values

are given in a family table. Every instance in the family table has its own
dimension values.

About Creating a UDF Library

Before you create a UDF, you may want to create a UDF library directory. By default,
Pro/ENGINEER creates the UDF in the current directory.
If you create a UDF library directory, make sure all users have Read access
permission. When you create a UDF library, copy the UDF files, name.gph and
name_gp.prt (for standalone udfs), to this UDF library directory.
To access the UDF library directory in Pro/ENGINEER, specify the directory name
with the configuration file option pro_group_dir.
You can set up the directory tree to support the UDF library hierarchy. You can easily
walk through this directory tree to search for a specific UDF to place on a part as a
group. However, when you retrieve a part with a dependent group, the group file
must be located in the directory set by the pro_group_dir option.

To Create a UDF (basic)

There are some elements you must define before you create a UDF. Other elements
are optional and may be defined during UDF creation or later during modification.
1. Click Tools > UDF Library. The UDF menu appears with the following


o Create—Adds a new UDF to the UDF library.

o Modify—Modifies an existing UDF. If there is a reference part, the system

displays the UDF in a separate part window. This command is not available
in Assembly mode.

o List—Lists all the UDF files in the current directory.

o Dbms—Performs database management functions for the current UDF.

o Integrate—Resolves the differences between the source and the target


2. Click Create.

3. In the Graphics window message area, type a name for the new UDF and click
. The UDF OPTIONS menu appears.

4. Click one of the following commands in the UDF OPTIONS menu:

o Stand Alone—Copies all the required information to the UDF.

o Subordinate—Copies most of the information from the original part at run



o A standalone UDF cannot have an assembly as a reference model, but a

subordinate UDF can.

o Punch and Notch UDFs (Pro/SHEETMETAL) cannot be subordinate.

5. Click Done. The UDF <udf name> Standalone or UDF <udf name>
Subordinate dialog box opens listing the following elements. Note that
Features is selected by default.

o Features—Selects features to include in the UDF.

o Ref Prompts—Enters prompts for specifying placement references. The

system will print these prompts to guide you when you place the UDF.

o Var Elements—Specifies feature elements that you want to be able to

redefine when you place the UDF in a part.

o Var Dims—(Optional) Selects dimensions that you want to modify when

you place the UDF in a part and enter prompts for them.

o Var Parameters—(Optional) Selects parameters that you want to modify

when you place the UDF in a part.

o Dim Prompts—(Appears if Var Dims is defined) Selects dimensions whose

prompts you want to modify and enter new prompts for them.

o Dim Values—(Optional) Selects a dimension that belongs to the UDF and

enter its new value.

o Family Table—(Optional) Creates family table instances for the UDF.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Units—(Optional) Changes the current units.

o Ext Symbol—(Optional) Includes external dimensions and parameters in

the UDF.

The UDF FEATS and SELECT FEAT menus also appear. The Add and Select
commands are selected by default.

6. Select one or more features to add to the UDF.

7. Click DONE on the SELECT FEAT menu and Done/Return on the UDF FEATS

8. Type or select the default prompts for the references used by the selected
features. Each reference is highlighted as you are prompted to enter or accept
the default prompt. For example, if you type bottom surface for the highlighted
surface, then when you place the UDF, the prompt Select the bottom surface

When you specify a prompt for a placement reference that is used by more than
one feature in the UDF, specify either single or multiple prompts for this

o Single—Specifies a single prompt for the reference used in several

features. When the UDF is placed, the prompt appears only once, but the
reference you select for this prompt applies to all features in the group that
use the same reference.

o Multiple—Specifies an individual prompt for each feature that uses this

reference. If you select Multiple, each feature using this reference is
highlighted, so you can enter a different prompt for each of them.

The MOD PROMPT and SET PROMPT menus appear.

9. To accept the prompts you set, click Done/Return on the SET PROMPT menu.

To make changes before setting the prompts, use Next and Previous from the
MOD PRMPT menu to select the prompt or prompts you want to change.

Note: To change a single prompt (specified for the placement reference used in
several features) into multiple prompts, find a prompt that you want to change,
click Multiple, and type an individual prompt for each feature.

10. When all required UDF elements are defined, you can click OK in the UDF dialog
box to create the UDF, or continue to define the optional elements and then click

To Define Variable Elements in a UDF

When you create a UDF, you can specify feature elements (for example, attributes or
a section of a particular feature) that you want to redefine when you place the UDF.
Note: As an alternative to defining variable elements, you can skip references during
the placement of the UDF, and the system will ask you to redefine the features that
have missing references.


1. Create a UDF.

2. Select the Var Elements element in the UDF dialog box and click Define. The
Select dialog box opens.

3. Select a feature that belongs to the UDF for which you want to specify variable
elements. The VARIABLE ELEMENT OPTS menu appears.

4. Click ALL or None and Done. The Select dialog box opens.

5. Repeat step 13 for as many features as required, then click OK in the Select
Dialog box.

6. In the UDF dialog box, click Define.

To Define Variable Dimensions in a UDF

You can select dimensions that you may want to modify when you place the UDF.
1. Create a UDF.

2. In the UDF dialog box, select the Var Dims element and click Define. The VAR
DIMS Menu (Add, Remove, and Show commands) and the ADD DIMS menu
(Select Dim, Select All, Show All commands) appear. The menus default to
Add and Select Dim. The Select dialog box opens.

3. Accept the default, Select Dim, to add one UDF dimension as variable

4. Select a dimension from the graphics window and click OK in the Select dialog

5. Continue to click Select Dim and repeat step 6 until all UDF dimensions you
want to make variable are selected.

6. Click OK in the Select dialog box, and Done/Return on the ADD DIMS and
VAR DIMS menus. In the Graphics window message area, you are prompted to
enter a prompt for a dimension value.

7. Type the prompt for dimension value and click . If you selected more than one
dimension to be variable, the prompt appears again. The prompts you type are
the prompts you will see when you place the UDF.

8. Repeat step 7 as required.

9. In the UDF dialog box, Var Dims is now Defined. Click OK.

Note: If you want to remove a variable dimension, click Remove from the VAR
DIMS menu. Specify the selection method by choosing one of the options in the
REMOVE DIMS menu: Select Dim, Select All, Remove Last.

Part – Help Topic Collection

To Define Variable Parameters in a UDF

From the UDF dialog box, you define what parameters you want to make variable.
When you place the UDF, you are then given the opportunity to change the values
for parameters you defined as variable.
1. Create a UDF.

2. In the UDF dialog box, select the Var Parameters element and click Define.
The Select dialog box opens.

Note: If you are modifying the UDF and previously selected features or
Annotation Elements to make variable, then those features and Annotation
Elements are automatically selected in the Model Tree.

3. Select the features or Annotation Elements for which you want to define variable
parameters and click OK. The Select Parameter dialog box opens. A feature or
Annotation element you selected appears in the Look In selection box. All
parameters for the item are listed in the Parameters Table.


o You can only select features that contain parameters.

o An element in an Annotation Feature may contain parameters, when the

Annotation Feature does not. If this is the case, you must select the
element, instead of the feature. In the example below the Annotation 2
feature has no parameters. You must instead select AE_NOTE1 which does
contain parameters.

o You cannot include Annotation Features in a UDF.

4. Click the Variable check box for all listed parameters that you want to make

5. In the Look In box, select another feature or Annotation Element and repeat
step 4 until you complete your selections.

Note: Change the entity type in the first Look In box to expand or reduce the
number of items from which you can select. For example you may want to
change the type to Part, Assembly, or Feature.

6. Click Close in the Select Parameter dialog box.

7. Click Define or OK in the UDF dialog box.

To Activate Pro/PROGRAM in a UDF

Pro/PROGRAM is available only for subordinate UDFs.
In your Pro/PROGRAM design, include only features needed to define the UDF. You
can add any standard Pro/PROGRAM control statements.


1. Create a UDF.

2. Click Pro/PROGRAM in the UDF dialog box and click Define. The PROGRAM
menu appears.

3. Click one of the following commands:

o Show Design—Show the current design in the Information Window.

o Edit Design—Modify the design with the system editor. The GET INPUT
menu allows you to choose the source of values for the Pro/PROGRAM
inputs for the model. Choose Current Vals to use the current values, Enter
to enter new values from the keyboard, or Read File to read in new values
from a file. The system then adds the Pro/PROGRAM design for the UDF
features to the model. If a Pro/PROGRAM already exists in the model, the
system integrates the changes.

4. Click Done/RETURN.

When you add an instance of a subordinate UDF on a model, the system copies any
Pro/PROGRAM control statements that affect the UDF features into the model, and
executes the program. Pro/ENGINEER also copies INPUT statements (see the
Fundamentals manual). You copy relations in the same way as regular UDFs.
Note: The control statements are copied only once at placement time. They are not
recopied on regeneration, even if the group is UDF-driven.

To Use Database Commands on UDFs

1. Click Tools > UDF Library > Dbms. The DBMS menu appears.

2. Click one of the following commands to perform standard database management

operations on UDFs:

o Save—Save the UDF to disk.

o Save As—Save a copy of the UDF under a new name.

o Backup—Save the UDF to a specific directory on disk.

o Rename—Change the name of a UDF object.

o Erase—Erase the UDF from memory.

o EraseNotDisp—Erase all the objects that are not being displayed in the
current session.

o Purge—Purge all previous copies from the disk.

o Inst Dbms—Generate an instance index file for UDF instances regenerated

and stored in the current directory.

o Delete All—Delete the UDF from memory and disk.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: When you use DBMS commands, consider their effects on UDFs. When UDF-
driven groups are present in your part, renaming and deleting removes needed

About Variable Annotation Element Parameters in UDFs

You can define the parameters of Annotation Elements to be variable in a UDF. First,
you define the parameters for the Annotation Element, then, designate the
parameters as variable while you are creating or modifying the UDF. When you place
the UDF, you can change the parameter values for those parameters marked as
variable, or you can keep the current values. You can define any Annotation Element
as variable, if the parent Annotation Feature is also included in the UDF.
Surface Finish, Geometric Tolerance, or Driven Dimension Annotation Elements
contain parameters that get created automatically. These parameters and the
associated Annotation Elements, are listed in the table below:

Annotation Parameter Additional Information


Surface PTC_ROUGHNESS_HEIGHT For only those Annotation

Finish Elements with surface finishes
that use roughness_height as
a variable text

Geometric PTC_GTOL_PRIMARY_TOL Primary tolerance


Driven PTC_DIM_TOL_VALUE + - Symmetric tolerance mode


Driven PTC_DIM_LOWER_TOL_VALUE + - or Nominal tolerance mode


If the Annotation feature in your UDF contains a Surface Finish, Geometric Tolerance,
or Driven Dimension Annotation Element, and it contains a parameter in the above
table, then you can make the parameter variable. To do so, define the Var
Parameters element when you are creating the UDF and then select Variable in
the Select Parameters dialog box. When you place the UDF, you can keep or
change the values for these parameters. If you change the value of a variable item
when you place the UDF, the corresponding annotation is automatically selected in
the graphics window,
Note: If a dimension has a Limits tolerance mode, you cannot have a variable
annotation value.


Placing a UDF

About Placing a UDF in a Model

When you place a UDF, you copy the features it includes into your model. The copied
features become a group that can be independent or dependent on the UDF file.
• A group that is placed as independent does not update when changes are made
to the UDF file. All the required UDF values are copied into the part, along with
the group.

• A group that is placed as dependent is changed whenever the non-variable

dimensions of the UDF are altered and an update is performed.

When a UDF is created as subordinate and placed as a dependent group, it is

indirectly driven by the original model of the UDF. When you retrieve the part with a
dependent group, the changes from the original model are reflected in the group.
Note: Dependent groups update dimension values only if the features included in the
UDF have not changed since the UDF was placed. If features are added to, or
removed from a UDF, updating the UDF in a model does not add or remove the
features. To add or remove features to or from a UDF, make a copy of the old UDF,
rename it, and then recreate this new UDF in all models in which the old UDF was

To Place a UDF Using Reference Mapping

1. Create a UDF.

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select a UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined Feature
dialog box opens. Click one of the following:

o Make features dependent on dimensions of UDF—Toggle the

dependency of the copied group on changes to feature dimensions specified
in the UDF file.

o Advanced reference configuration—Place the UDF group by mapping

references. Clear this check box to manually define feature placement using
the feature redefinition interface. Each feature in the group is redefined.

o View source model—Retrieve and display the UDF source (reference)

model in a separate window.

4. Click OK. The User Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the
Placement tab.

5. Select a reference from the References of Original Features list. The reference
is highlighted in the reference model window.

6. Select a matching reference for the user-defined feature from the Model Tree or
graphics window. The selected item appears in the reference collector.

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7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all the references on the References of Original
Features list.

8. Click . The Preview dialog box opens. The UDF is regenerated and temporarily
placed in the target model. Proceed according to the following scenarios:

o When there are no alternative orientation options to place the UDF, click
Yes to place the UDF or No to return to the User Defined Feature
Placement dialog box.

o When there are alternative orientations, specify datum plane directions,

silhouette edges, and hole location as relevant:

a. Select the features orientation direction and click Flip or Next to

change the UDF placement orientation.

b. Click to update the preview of the UDF in the new orientation.

c. Click to accept the orientation and place the UDF or to return to

the User Defined Feature Placement dialog box.
Note: If the regeneration fails during the initial preview, only the successfully
regenerated features are displayed. You can change feature orientations and update
the preview display to attempt resolving the failure. Alternatively, you can return to
the User Defined Feature Placement dialog box to change the placement

Preserving Feature Properties on UDF Placement

When a UDF is placed the copied features that are included in it preserve their
visibility status as set in the source model. UDF features that are hidden in the
source model remain hidden after UDF placement.
Note: The hidden status of a standard hole note is not carried over to the target
• Feature properties of a UDF that was created prior to the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire
4.0 release are not preserved. You can modify the UDF to update the feature

• UDF feature properties are always independent. Any updates to the source model
features that are done after UDF placement are not passed to the placed UDF.

Placing a UDF with Restricted Parameters

When placing a UDF that contains a feature with feature-level or Annotation Element
level table-restricted parameters, the restriction definitions of the parameter set
created in the target model are taken from one of the following:
• The restriction definition file of the target model

• The external definition file


• The UDF

If model-level relations exist in the UDF, the parameters involved in these relations
are created in the target model. If some of these parameters belong to a table-
restricted parameter set in the source model, then you must create the entire
parameter set in the target model. A conflict preventing the creation of parameters
within the parameter set may result from any of the following conditions:
• Parameters with the same name exist in the target model

• Parameters are not restricted

• Parameters have their own restriction definitions.

In such cases only the parameters involved in the model-level relations are created
as non-restricted parameters.

To Alter Variable Values in a UDF

1. Create a UDF with variables (elements, parameters, or dimensions).

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select the created UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined
Feature dialog box opens.

4. Click OK. The User Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the
Placement tab.

5. Define placement references and click Variables.

6. Select a variable type of from the Variables list, or select All (default) to view all

7. Select a variable from the Variables table, enter a new value in the Value
column, and press ENTER. The Value field is updated. Repeat this step for all the
variables you want to change.

8. Click to confirm the group placement.

To Specify UDF Placement Options

1. Create a UDF.

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select a UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined Feature
dialog box opens.

4. Click OK. The User Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the
Placement tab.

5. Define placement references and click Options.

6. Specify the placement scale by selecting one of the following options:

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Keep dimension values (default)—Keep the same numeric value for all
dimension values, regardless of any difference in units for the model and
the group. For example, the dimension 25 inches becomes 25 millimeters.

o Keep feature size—Keep the size of the features and convert the
dimension values according to the target model units (for example,
millimeters to inches). This option is available only for models and groups
that do not share the same measurement units.

o Scale by value—Scale all dimensions by a specified scale factor. Group

units are not changed. Enter a value in the Scaling factor text box.

7. Specify how non-variable dimensions are treated by selecting one of the following

o Unlock—Visible and can be modified

o Lock—Read only

o Hide—Not visible

8. Add or remove features from the Redefine these features list to specify which
features will be redefined during UDF placement. Features with variable elements
are checked for redefinition by default.

9. Click or clear the Skip orientation and preview (for this session) check box.

10. Click to confirm the group placement.

To Specify UDF Placement Relations

1. Create a UDF with external symbols (parameters or dimensions).

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select the created UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined
Feature dialog box opens.

4. Click OK. The User Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the
Placement tab.

5. Define placement references and click Relations.

Note: The Relations tab is enabled only when external symbols are defined in
the UDF.

6. Select a dimension or parameter from the Original dimensions and

parameters list. The selected item is highlighted in the reference model window.

7. Select a matching dimension or parameter to map to the original model. The

selected item appears in the dimension collector.

Note: A new parameter can be created or an existing one can be used.

8. Repeat the previous step for all the items on the Original dimensions and
parameters list.


9. Click to confirm the group placement.

To Rename a UDF
1. Create a UDF.

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select a UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined Feature
dialog box opens.

4. Click OK. The User Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the
Placement tab.

5. Click Properties.

6. Enter a new name in the Name text box.

7. Click .

To Place a UDF by Redefining Features

1. Create a UDF.

2. Click Insert > User-Defined Feature. The Open dialog box opens.

3. Select a UDF group file and click Open. The Insert User-Defined Feature
dialog box opens.

4. Clear the Advanced reference configuration check box and click OK. The
Scale dialog box and the reference model window open.

5. Specify the placement scale by selecting one of the following options:

o Keep dimension values (default)—Keep the same numeric value for all
dimension values, regardless of any difference in units for the model and
the group. For example, the dimension 25 inches becomes 25 millimeters.

o Keep feature size—Keep the size of the features and convert the
dimension values according to the target model units (for example,
millimeters to inches). This option is available only for models and groups
that do not share the same measurement units.

o Scale by value—Scale all dimensions by a specified scale factor. Group

units are not changed. Enter a value in the Scaling factor text box.

6. Click OK. The copied features are opened in edit definition mode one by one.

Note: Only those features that require references will be opened for redefinition.

7. Redefine feature placement and references. After redefining each feature of the
group, click to continue to the next.

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Previewing a UDF
You can preview a reference model of a subordinate UDF in the Pro/ENGINEER
browser while you browse through folders or when working with the Windchill
Properties page. After you open your target model, find the UDF you want to use,
and drag it from the Pro/ENGINEER browser into the graphics window.
Note: Preview is available only for subordinate UDFs. UDFs created as standalone
cannot be previewed.
When placing a UDF using the Insert > User-Defined Feature command, click
View source model to open the reference model of the selected .gph file.
Tip: To make UDF previewing easier, the model should contain only one UDF. After
you create the UDF, save the reference model in the view that clearly shows the

Browsing UDFs by Parameters

If you want to search for a UDF by properties other than the name, make sure the
reference model has designated model parameters (or annotation elements) that are
linked to the feature parameters. Then you can search the library of reference
models and use Where Used query to find the desired UDF.
For example, a UDF is created with an Annotation feature that has a surface finish
sf0:AE_ID=60 with leaders to two separate surfaces. To search by the model
parameter, you must create a model parameter sf0 in the reference model, and then
create a relation sf0=sf0:AE_ID to set the value of the surface finish to the value of
the model parameter. This enables you to search a UDF library or UDF reference
models for sf0=60. You can then use the Where Used query to find the desired
UDF, and download or check it out to your workspace.

Defining Skipped References

To place the UDF correctly, you must define all references that were left undefined in
the User Defined Feature Placement dialog box. Each skipped reference is
defined using a corresponding dashboard.
The procedure for defining a skipped reference varies, depending on the type of
reference skipped.
• If the skipped reference is used by an element other than a sketched section,

o The dashboard appears or a feature creation dialog for (non-dashboard

features) opens.

o Redefine the element that uses the skipped reference.

• If the skipped reference is a sketching plane or horizontal references of a section:

o The dashboard appears or a feature creation dialog for (non-dashboard

features) opens for the feature that uses the skipped reference.

o Define the section element and sketch plane.


• If the skipped reference is used by a section (other than a sketching plane or

horizontal reference)

o The dashboard or the Menu Manager (non-dashboard features) appears for

the feature that uses the skipped reference.

o Select Sketch and the part reappears in the sketching view. Choose one of
the following:

DragAndDrop—Place the existing UDF section directly on the part by using

the drag-and-drop technique. After you select this option, a red outline of
the section, attached to the cursor, appears on the screen. Using the
mouse, move the section to its new location and place it by pressing the left
mouse button. Dimension the section to the part and regenerate it. To quit
section placement, press the middle mouse button.

Note: The DragAndDrop option is not available for the sections that are
either fully aligned to part geometry or created with the Use Edge option.

Create New—Discard the existing UDF section and create a new section.
Confirm your intent by choosing Confirm. The SKETCH menu appears and
you can sketch a new section.

Redefining a Missing Reference Used by Several Features

Consider the following when redefining a missing reference used by several features:
• If the skipped reference has a single prompt for all features—You must redefine
this reference for each feature where it is used. For example, if you use an edge
to place a hole and a cut, and you have set up a single prompt for both features,
you must reselect the reference edge for both the hole and the cut if you skip the
edge reference when you place the group.

• If the skipped reference has individual prompts for all features, you must redefine
this reference only for the feature where it was skipped.

Feature, Dimension, and Parameter Names in a Group

After you place a UDF in a new part, new names are assigned to the features and
dimensions according to their consecutive order in the part. Parameters within a
feature are always unique when created. Therefore, when a feature in a group is
renamed, the parameter is still unique to the now renamed feature.
Note: If the UDF has features, dimensions, or parameters with user-defined names,
these names are preserved in the resulting group.
When feature names already exist in the destination model, features within the
group are automatically renamed. To view the original names, select the feature,
right-click, and select Info > Feature.
For example, the model tree below contains two UDF groups: Group TEST1 and
Group TEST2.

Part – Help Topic Collection

• The model already contains Extrude 1, therefore, the Extrude features in Group
TEST1 are renamed Extrude 2 and Extrude 3 because this is how they fall
sequentially in the model.

• The Annotation Feature in GROUP TEST2 is renamed Annotation 3 because

Annotation 1 and Annotation 2 already exist in Group TEST1.

• The AE_NOTES are renamed to AE_NOTE0, AE_NOTE1, and AE_NOTE2.

Renaming Annotation Elements in UDFs

Annotation features consist of Annotation Elements. You may need to place a User-
Defined feature (UDF) containing one or more Annotation Features into a model that
also contains Annotation features. If the names of any Annotation Elements from the
UDF you are placing, are the same as the names of the Annotation Elements in the
target model, then the Annotation Elements from the UDF are automatically renamed
when they are placed.
For example, if the Annotation feature in the UDF contains Annotation Element
TEST_A, and this UDF is placed two times in a target model which also contains the
Annotation Element Test_A, then the following occurs:
• The first time the UDF is placed, the Annotation Element is renamed TEST_A_1.

• The second time the UDF is placed, the Annotation Element is renamed

To Change the Group Type

Select a dependent UDF group in the Model Tree, right-click, and choose
Disassociate from the shortcut menu. The UDF group becomes independent of
changes to the UDF file.
• Independent UDF groups cannot be made dependent.

• If all dimensions of a dependent group are redefined, the group becomes



To Replace a UDF Group

1. Create a UDF.

2. Select the created group in the Model Tree, right-click, and choose Replace from
the shortcut menu. The Replace dialog box opens.

Note: If the group to be replaced is placed with embedded datums, a warning

message appears. To proceed with group replacement you must un-embed all the
embedded datums.

3. Select one of the following options:

o Family Table—Replace the existing UDF with a family table instance. This
option can be used only when family table instances are defined for the
selected UDF.

o Manually retrieve UDF (default)—Browse for a UDF of your choice.

4. Click OK to retrieve a replacement UDF.

5. Select a UDF group file and click Open. If replacement is possible, the User-
Defined Feature Placement dialog box opens to the Options tab.

Note: When replacing a UDF group, the system looks for the same reference list
in the replacement group. If references differ, replacement is not possible.
Replacement of UDF groups is ideal when a family table member group is
replaced with a group that contains a different instance of the same family table.

6. Specify UDF placement options and click . The original group is replaced with
the selected group.

Replacing a UDF Group With Family Table Instances

When a UDF group is replaced by a Family Table instance, the children of the old
group are automatically mapped to the replacement Family Table instance. Rerouting
the children is only necessary if the number of references in the original group is
different than that in the replacement group. To enable this automatic reference
reroute set the group_repl_with_recycle configuration option to yes.

To Resolve a Placement Failure

When placement of a UDF fails because of incorrect references, you can either
redefine the failed features or place the UDF incompletely by including only the fully
defined or successful features.
When you redefine the incomplete group to specify missing feature references, the
properly redefined features appear in the group.
1. When the UDF placement fails, the UDF Placement Failed dialog box opens.

Note: Click Info to investigate the reason for the placement failure.

2. Select one of the following options:

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Adjust orientation and position

o Redefine failed feature

o Return to UDF Placement Dialog

o Keep already placed features and quit the UDF Placement Operation

o Cancel the UDF Placement Operation

Note: If a UDF feature fails during regeneration, the RESOLVE FEAT menu

3. Click OK.

Creating a Local Group

About Local Groups

Local groups differ in the following ways from the groups defined from UDFs:
• You cannot replace local groups.

• When you create a local group, you do not give placement references. Local
groups provide the only way to collect several features to pattern in one
operation as if they were a single feature.

When you create a local group, you must select the features in the consecutive
sequential order of the regeneration list. A quick way to do this is to select the
intended group by range.
If there are features between the specified features in the regeneration list, you are
prompted to group all the features in between. If you do not want to group some of
the features within the sequential order, first reorder the features.
For example, you can select features 2, 3, and 4, but you cannot select features 2,
3, and 17. In this case, reorder feature 17 to feature 4.

To Create a Local Group

Use one of the procedures below to create a local group.

To Create a Local Group Using the Shortcut Menu

1. In the Graphics window or the Model Tree, select the features you want to group.
The group must contain all features between the features you select. For
example, if your model tree lists DTM1, DTM2 and DTM3 you can create a group
by selecting any of the following combinations:

o DTM1 and DTM2

o DTM2 and DTM3

o DTM1, DTM2, and DTM3


2. Right-click and select Group. Group LOCAL_GROUP appears in the model tree.

Note: You can also click Edit > Group.

To Create a Local Group Using the Menu Manager

1. Click Edit > Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

2. Click Group > Local Group.

3. Type a group name and click .

4. Select each feature to include in the local group or select the starting and ending
features. If you select the starting and ending features click yes when prompted
to include the features between the starting and ending features.

5. Click Done. The local group feature is created and is listed in the Model Tree.

Note: To create a local group of the Analysis type, you must have the appropriate
license. When you select features to include in the local group of the Analysis type,
the Analysis feature must be the last item selected.

To Select a Local Group Feature from the Graphics Window

You can directly select a Local Group feature from the Model tree. From the Graphics
window you must first select a feature in the Local Group to select a Local Group
1. If you are selecting the Local Group feature only:

a. In the graphics window, select a feature belonging to a Local Group feature.

b. Right-click and select Select Group. The Local Group feature is selected.
2. If you are selecting other features and the Local Group feature:

a. In the graphics window select all required features except a feature belonging
to the Local Group feature.
b. Select a feature in the Local Group feature and right-click. A shortcut menu
c. Select Select Group. The Local Group feature is selected.
Note: The Select Group command is only available when a feature belonging
to the Local Group feature is the last in your feature selections.

Note: When you want to include a Local Group in your feature selections, you
must select a feature belonging to the Local Group feature last, to make the
Select Group command available.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Operations on Groups

About Working with Groups

After you place a UDF on a part, all features belonging to the UDF, become a group.
The following feature operations treat groups as a single feature.
• Delete

• Ungroup

• Group

• Suppress

• Rename

• Edit

• Edit Definition

• Pattern

Note: To pattern a group with external references in Assembly mode, the parent
assembly must be in session.
To Replace, Disassociate, or Update a group, click Edit > Replace or select the
group, right-click, and click Replace.

Replacement Conditions
Pro/ENGINEER attempts to replace group instances that are from the same family
table and to replace groups that are not members of the same table or that do not
have a defined table.
If the existing group has the same references and prompts (such as edge—left edge,
surface—place surface, and axis—axis), as the replacement group , then the groups
are replaced.
If the existing and replacement groups have different references and prompts then
the groups cannot be replaced. For example, if the existing group has the references
and prompts edge—right and surface—left, and the replacement group has edge—
right and edge—left, you cannot replace the groups.

Replacing a Group
After you place the UDF, you can replace it with another one that has the same
number of references and lists them in the same sequence.
When you replace the group, the system suppresses the original group and keeps it
in the model. The suppressed groups are available for selection when you replace the
group next time.


Children of the suppressed group are suppressed with the group. For example, when
you replace a patterned group, the pattern becomes inactive, and it becomes active
when the original group is replaced back.
In a group defined from a UDF that has a family table, you can replace any instance
with any other instance of the same family table.
Note the following restrictions:
• Both groups must have the same number of prompts, type, and order of
references. For example, a group that uses a linearly placed hole cannot be
replaced with a group that uses a radially placed hole; one has two references to
edges or surfaces for linear dimensions, the other has one reference to axis for
rotational center and one reference to the edge or surface for angular dimension.
These are not compatible.

• Groups with suppressed children cannot be replaced.

• You cannot replace a Local Group.

Deleting a Replacement Group

Deleting the active group from the part deletes all the associated groups.

To Copy a Group
You can use the Copy command to copy a Local Group or a group placed in your
model using Insert > User-Defined Feature.
Note: If you have an annotation feature in the group you want to copy, and you
want to hide the annotation feature in the copy, set the configuration option
autohide_copied_group_af to yes. If the original group containing the annotation
feature is subsequently deleted, then the annotation feature in the first copy
becomes visible. If the first copy of the group containing the annotation feature is
deleted, then the annotation feature becomes visible in the second copy, and so on.
1. Create a UDF.

2. Place UDF in your model.

3. Create a Local Group in your model.

4. Select one of the groups in your model.

5. Click Edit > Copy followed by Edit > Paste or Edit > Paste Special.

6. If you click Edit > Paste, a copy of the group is pasted in the model tree and the
dashboard opens so you can place the feature.

7. If you click Edit > Paste Special, the Paste Special dialog box opens.

8. Click the Dependent Copy checkbox and click Fully Dependent with options
to vary.

Note: Dependent Copy and Fully Dependent with options to vary are the

Part – Help Topic Collection

9. Click OK. The group is copied and the group name is appended with a
number. If it is the first copy of the group the group name is appended with _1.
Copied appears before each feature in the group and each feature is given a
unique number. For example

is copied to

Because Extrude 3 and Extrude 4 existed in the model, Copied Extrude 5 and
Copied Extrude 6 are created.

10. If you set autohide_copied_group_af to yes, appears next to the Annotation

feature in the model tree and you cannot see the Annotation feature in the
Graphics window. To unhide the feature, select it, right-click, and select Unhide.
View > Visibility > Unhide All will not unhide this feature.

To Copy a Group and Vary Dependency

1. Create a copy of a group using the Paste Special command.

2. Right-click one of the features in the copied group, and click Copied Feature. A
shortcut menu appears with the following commands:

o Varied Items—Opens the Varied Items dialog box to edit dependency of

copied feature elements.

o Break Dependence—Makes the copied feature independent of the original.

o Remove Dependence—Completely removes the dependence on the


3. Click Varied Items. The Varied Items dialog box opens. Use this dialog box to
designate what in the copy you want to vary from the original.

4. Add items to vary. For example, to vary dimensions, click the Dimensions tab,

and click . Dimensions are highlighted on the model.

5. Select a dimension you want to vary. Continue selecting until all the dimensions
you want to vary are added.

6. Click the References, 3D Notes, and Parameters tabs to vary items as


7. Click OK on the Varied Items dialog box to vary the dependency of the
attributes whose values you changed. Although the copied group is still
dependent on the original group, the items you specify in this list may now vary
from the original.


To Pattern a Group
You can pattern groups created from UDFs and local groups using Pattern from the
shortcut menu.
You can select all the dimensions in the selected group as incremental dimensions
except those used to create a feature pattern within the group. When you create a
patterned group, one member represents the whole group. When regenerating,
however, Pro/ENGINEER regenerates all the features individually.
1. Select a Group, right-click, and select Pattern. The Pattern tool opens.

Note: Alternatively click or Edit > Pattern.

2. Create a pattern.

3. Specify the variable dimensions, increments, and number of instances.

Tip: Patterning a Group

When you pattern or copy a group, be careful which placement dimensions you
select to increment or vary.
If a feature in a group references another for placement (for example, a chamfer
references the edge of a hole), you need to change only the placement dimensions of
the referenced feature.
If you place features in a group separately, you must change the placement
dimensions of each member. Otherwise, features with unchanged dimensions will
have several copies superimposed on each other.
A feature created using the Use Prev option (to select sketching and reference
planes) has its own dimension if the previous section plane has one. To pattern a
group that includes this feature, you must select and modify these dimensions.

To Use Groups to Copy Features Quickly

Another way to copy features quickly, without having to specify all the references is
to use the GROUP shortcut menu commands: Local Group, Pattern, Unpattern,
and Ungroup.
For example to copy features using the GROUP menu options:
1. Choose from the GROUP menu.

2. Select the group you want to pattern and right-click.

3. Select Pattern. The dashboard appears.

4. Specify the variable dimensions, increments, and number of instances.

5. Choose Unpattern to remove the pattern setting for a family table generic part,
then select the pattern.

6. Choose Ungroup to disassemble the groups into individual features and select
each group instance.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Rules for Patterning Groups

Remember the following rules when you work with groups and patterns:
• If the features of a group reference a pattern, you can create a pattern of the
group referencing that base pattern (that is, a group reference pattern).

• If patterned groups are unpatterned, each group member behaves like a group of
copied features. For dimension patterns, variable dimensions again become
variable dimensions and can be modified individually. Other dimensions are still
shared by the group unless you ungroup them and make them independently
modifiable using the Make Indep option. You can delete an individual group to
create an irregular pattern-like setting.

• You cannot ungroup patterned groups. You must first unpattern the groups, then
ungroup them. The process of unpatterning and ungrouping features does not
automatically give them individual dimensions. The original parent dimensions
selected for the group and pattern still control all the features. To make them
independently modifiable, use the Make Indep option.

• You can not pattern a feature that belongs to a group pattern. The workaround is
to modify the number of group members to one, pattern the feature, then
pattern the group again.

• If you redefined a feature in a group pattern, the system will recreate the pattern
and assign new IDs to pattern instances. Children of the original pattern
members will fail because they lost their references.

• When you replace a patterned group, the pattern becomes inactive.

About Deleting and Suppressing Members of a Group

When working with groups, you can delete or suppress the entire group, or only
specific members of the group. When you delete or suppress a component or feature
who are members of a group and have children, you can delete or suppress the
entire group or only the group members affected by the operation.

To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member

To Delete or Suppress Individual Members

1. Select a group member to delete or suppress in the graphics window or Model

2. Right-click and choose Delete or Suppress from the shortcut menu. The Delete
or Suppress dialog box opens.

3. Click OK to delete or suppress all highlighted features or components.

To Delete or Suppress an Individual Group Member with Children

1. Select a group member with children to delete or suppress in the graphics
window or Model Tree.


2. Right-click and choose Delete or Suppress from the shortcut menu. The Delete
or Suppress dialog box opens.

3. Click OK to delete or suppress all highlighted features or components.

4. Click Options to select children of individual group members to delete or

suppress. The Children Handling dialog box opens.

5. Clear the Delete entire group or Suppress entire group check box to select
an operation for individual group members affected by deleting or suppressing
the parent.

6. Select an operation for each group member from the list:

o Delete—Deletes the group member.

o Suppress—Suppresses the group member.

o Suspend—Suspends the group member temporarily until you assign new

references when you quit the Children Handling dialog box.

o Freeze—Freezes the group member.

Note: This command is only available for components.

7. Click OK.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Modifying the Part

About Editing Parts

The Editing state you are in determines what is and what is not available when you
edit or modify a part. The changes you can make include the following:
• Change the properties (value), text, and text style for feature and section

• Redefine a feature or section.

• Delete or suppress a feature.

• Edit references and parameters

• Group multiple features into one feature.

• Move datum tags.

• Change datum properties (plane and axis only).

• Change the curve line type and color (datum curves and cosmetic curves).

• Create a Setup Note.

Edit functionality is available from a shortcut menu after selecting a part entity from
the Model Tree or from the Graphics Window. Some of the commands on edit
shortcut menu are also available from the Pro/ENGINEER Edit menu.
You can edit multiple entities at one time, however, only those commands that are
valid for the entity or entities selected are available. For example there are fewer
editing commands available when both a Datum and a Feature are selected, than
there are if one feature is selected.
In some applications you must use the Modify command from the Part Setup (Edit
> Part Setup) menu on the Menu Manager for editing commands.

About States of Editing

There are three levels or states in which you can be working when editing a feature.
The state determines what is available for selection so you can, for example, change
values easily and efficiently. Feature editing is the highest level at which you can
edit. When you complete your dimension or sections editing and exit, you remain in
the top level Feature editing state.
• Edit Feature—This is the top editing level. From here you can go to the other
editing states.

• Edit Dimension—After selecting a dimension, editing is filtered so only

dimensions are available for selection and change. When you exit dimension
editing, you are still in Edit Feature.


• Edit Section—After selecting a section, editing is filtered so only subitems for

the section are available for selection and change. When you exit section editing,
you are still in Edit Feature.

General Editing

To Make Features Read-Only

To ensure that certain features cannot be modified at a later time,.you can make
them read-only.
The dimensions, attributes, scheme, and so on of read-only features can not be
modified and are not regenerated when the part is regenerated. However, you can
add features to the parts that intersect the read-only features.
When you make a feature read-only, Pro/ENGINEER makes it, and all the features
that came before it in the regeneration list, read-only.
1. Select the feature in the Model Tree or in the graphics window.

2. Click Edit > Read Only. The R-ONLY FEAT menu appears.

3. Click one of the following commands:

o Select—Pick a feature to make it and all previous features read only.

o Feat Num—Enter a feature external identifier to make it and all previous

features read-only.

o All Feat—Make all features read-only.

o Clean—Remove the read-only setting from the features.

4. Click Done/Return.

To Rename a Feature
Select the appropriate procedure, based on the application in which you are working.
Note: You cannot rename the top-level Part or Assembly in the Model Tree.

To Rename a Feature from the Model Tree

1. Select the feature name on the model tree and right-click. A shortcut menu

2. Click Rename and type the new name for the feature.

Note: You can also double-click the feature name and then type the new name.

To Rename a Feature Name Using the Menu Manager

1. Click Edit > Setup. The PART SETUP menu appears.

2. Click Name. The NAME SETUP menu appears.

Part – Help Topic Collection

3. Click one of the following commands:

o Feature—Name or rename all features, including datum points.

o Detail Item—Rename a surface finish, geometric tolerance or symbol

instance to modify symbol name

o Other—Name datum axes that were created as part of another feature

(such as a hole), curve segments making up composite curves, datum
points, surface features, and feature edges.

4. Select the feature or axis to be modified. Enter NEW NAME appears at the
bottom of the graphics window.

5. Type the new name and click .

• If a datum point array feature contains a single point only, the name of the point
and the name of the feature are identical.

• Names cannot contain spaces and are limited to 31 characters.

To Modify Features with Multiple Sections

When you redefine sections of features that contain multiple sections, you must
specify the section that you want to change.
1. Right-click a feature in the Model Tree and click Edit Definition.

2. Select the Sections element in the feature dialog box and click Define. The
SECTIONS menu appears.

3. Select an action from the SECTIONS menu.

4. From the SPECIFY menu, select a section or trajectory that you want to modify.

Note: In addition to the Specify command, you can use the following selection

o Select—Select the approximate location of the section to modify. The

system selects the closest section to the pick, moving in the direction
towards the first section.

o All—Display the dimensions for all the sections and trajectories in the

To Move the Text of Datum Planes and Coordinate Systems

Select the appropriate procedure, based on the application in which you are working.

To Move the Text Using the Shortcut Menu in Part and Assembly
1. Select the datum plane or coordinate system in the Model Tree or the graphics
window and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.


2. Click Move Datum Tag.

3. Click the point in the graphics window where you want to move the datum plane
tag or the coordinate system text. The text moves to the point you selected and
a line connects the text to the original location.

To Move the Text Using the Menu Manager

1. On the PART menu click Modify>Move Datum.

2. Select the datum plane name text to move, then click a new location. The text
appears with a leader line attached to the corner where the text originally

Note: You cannot move datum text when the datum is normal to the screen
(appearing as a line).

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties

Select the appropriate procedure, based on the application in which you are working.

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties Using the Shortcut Menu

1. Select the datum plane or axis in the Model Tree or the graphics window and
right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

Note: Alternatively, select the datum plane or axis in the Model Tree and click
Edit > Properties.

2. Click Properties. The Axis or Datum dialog box opens.

3. Change the name, type, or placement of the element you selected.

4. Click OK to see the changes in the graphics window.

To Edit Datum or Axis Properties Using the Menu Manager

1. On the PART menu click Modify > Datum/Axis.

2. Select the datum plane or axis to modify. The Datum dialog box or the Axis
dialog box appears.

3. Change the name, type, or placement of the element you selected.

4. Click OK. The graphics window refreshes to reflect your changes.

To Edit Datum Curve Line Style

1. Select the datum curve or datum curves in the Model Tree or the graphics
window and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Properties. The Line Style dialog box opens. (Alternatively, select the
datum curve or curves in the Model Tree and click Edit > Properties).

Part – Help Topic Collection

Note: If your application uses the Menu manager, on the PART menu click
Modify > Line Style, and select the curve whose attributes you want to modify.

3. Use the options described below to modify line style:

o Style—Sets the line style name by selecting a from a list of existing line
style names.

o Existing Line—Selects an existing line using Select Line.

o Line Font—Sets a line font by selecting from a list of all available line

o Color—Sets the color of selected lines using the Color dialog box.

4. Click Apply to apply the line style or Cancel to close the dialog box without
making changes. If you click Reset, the line style resets to the original values.

Editing Dimensions

About Editing Dimensions

You can directly modify dimension values in the Graphics window. The most recently
used dimension value is displayed on the model and a list of previous values is
available in the attached list box. The mode in which you are working determines the
steps you must take to see the dimensions you want to modify, and the way in which
you can modify dimension properties, text, and text style.
In most applications you use the Dimension Properties dialog box to change the
properties, dimension text, and dimension text style. In other applications, you must
use the Menu Manager to complete these tasks.
When you choose to edit a feature, you can select dimensions and change their
values and properties, or select a section and isolate the editing just to the section
dimensions. You can also isolate the kinds of elements you want to select by filtering
your selection.

Negative Dimensions
Pro/ENGINEER supports negative dimension values. How the dimensions are
displayed, and how the configuration option show_dim_sign affects the display, is
determined by the type of dimension
Some dimensions in Pro/ENGINEER use references outside the feature and determine
the location of the feature. Other dimensions control feature shape.
Most dimensions controlling feature shape are displayed as positive values. If you
enter a negative dimension value, geometry is flipped to the opposite side but the
dimension value remains positive. For these dimensions you can click or type a
negative dimension value to flip the feature direction. The configuration option
show_dim_sign has no control over this type of dimension.


show_dim_sign controls the display of dimension type that determines the location
of a feature. For this type of dimension there is no button available to flip the
geometry. When set to no, negative values create geometry to the opposite side and
dimension values remain positive. When set to yes, the value appears as it is
entered. Entering a value with the opposite sign flips the geometry, and with the
same sign increases or decreases the value.

To Edit Dimension Properties, Text, or Text Style

The procedure below applies to most applications. If the menu manager is available
in your application, refer to table of contents and select a procedure under Using
the Menu Manager to Edit.
1. If you are working in the graphics window,

a. Set the Selection Filter to Features.

b. Double-click on a feature to select and edit it. All feature dimensions appear.
c. To select more than one feature for editing, press CTRL+double-click.

o Pressing CTRL+double-click selects or removes an item and activates Edit,

enabling you to change dimension values and properties for the selected

o When editing more than one feature, only feature level dimensions appear.
To edit sketch level dimensions, select the sketch. Feature dimensions are
also available in this case.

2. If you are working from the Model Tree:

a. Select one or more features and right-click.

b. Select Edit to see the feature dimensions in the Graphics window.

o When you are selecting more than one feature to edit, only feature level
dimensions are available.

o When in Assembly mode, click Settings > Tree Filters > Feature to see
the features listed in the Model Tree. You can also select Features from the
selection filter.

o If you select a copied dependent feature containing a section, then Make

Sec Indep appears in the shortcut menu. You must make the section
independent before you can modify (edit) the section.

3. Double-click a dimension to select it, right click and select Properties. The
Dimension Properties dialog box opens.

Note: If the dimension is dependent, the command Make Dim Indep appears in
the shortcut menu. Click Make Dim Indep to make the dimension independent.

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4. Click the appropriate tab to modify the properties, dimension text, or text style
for the selected dimensions. Changes are visible in the graphics window.

5. When your modifications are complete, click OK.

• If Fractional is selected in the Properties tab, set the denominator you want.
The specified denominator overrides any value set with the configuration option

• When Decimal is selected in the Properties tab, the default number of decimal
places for dimensions is two. To increase the precision, type a value in Number
of decimal places. You can also change the number of decimal places using the
configuration option default_dec_places.

• To turn on Tolerance mode in the Properties tab, click Tools > Environment
and click Dimension Tolerances. You can then set the tolerance mode in the
Properties tab. You can also set tolerances to display by setting the
tol_display configuration option to yes.

• You can change the value of the selected dimension from the Nominal value
box in the Properties tab.

• Use Flip Arrows in the Properties tab to toggle the display of arrowheads
between inside and outside the dimension extension lines.

• In the Dimension Text tab, you can add text to a dimension value (such as
diameter, ref, or type ) and special symbols. Type @D at the point in your text
where you want the dimension to display.

To Change Dimension Values

The procedure below applies to most applications. If the menu manager is available
in your application, refer to the table of contents and select a procedure in table of
contents under Using the Menu Manager to Edit.
1. If you are working in the graphics window,

a. Set the Selection Filter to Features.

b. Double-click a feature to select and edit it. All feature dimensions appear. (To
select additional features press CTRL+click.)
c. To select more than one feature, press CTRL+double-click.
Note: After you double-click to select a dimension, the Selection Filter changes
to Dimensions. You can then edit other visible dimensions by placing the pointer
on the dimension and right-clicking.

2. If you are working from the Model Tree, select one or more features, right-click,
and select Edit to see the feature dimensions in the Graphics window.

Note: When in Assembly mode click Settings > Tree Filters > Feature to see
the features listed in the Model Tree.


3. If you select only one dimension, you can change the dimension value in any of
the following ways:

o Right-click and select Value, click Edit > Value, or double-click the
dimension. A value box appears. Type a new value or select a value from
the list. The most recently used value is at the top of the list.

o Right-click and select Properties or click Edit > Properties. The

Dimension Properties dialog box opens. In the Properties tab, type a
new value in the Nominal value box and click OK. The selected dimension

4. If you select more than one dimension, right-click and select Properties or click
Edit > Properties. The Dimension Properties dialog box opens. In the
Properties tab, type a new value in the Nominal value box and click OK to
change the selected dimensions.

Note: When you are selecting more than one feature to edit, you will not see all
the dimensions for the features. Only those dimensions you can edit at the same
time appear.

5. To leave the edit dimension state, but remain in editing mode, right-click and
select Exit Edit Dimension. The Selection Filter changes to All.

Tip: To edit more than one section,

a. Set the Selection Filter to Sections.
b.Double-click the section to select and edit.
c. To select and edit additional sections, press CTRL+double-click.

To Change Overall and Dimension Tolerances

1. Set the configuration option tol_display to yes or click View > Display
Settings > Model Display and select tolerances. The general tolerances for the
part are displayed in the bottom area of the Graphics window.

2. To see the dimension tolerance ranges for a feature, select the feature in the
model tree, right-click and select Edit, or double-click the feature in the Graphics

3. Select the tolerance or the tolerances you want to change.

4. If you are changing a general tolerance

a. Select the tolerance. A value box appears in the Pro/ENGINEER message area.

b. Type a new value and click . The new tolerance value is displayed.
5. If you are changing one dimension tolerance value for a feature follow one of the
procedures below:

o Select the dimension tolerance, right-click, and select Value. A value box
appears. Type or select a value.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Double-click the dimension tolerance. A value box appears. Type or select a


o Select the dimension tolerance (both the upper limit and lower limit are
selected), right-click and select Properties. The Dimension Properties
dialog box opens. Type new values in the Upper limit and the Lower limit

6. If you are changing more than one dimension tolerance:

a. Select the dimensions to change, right-click, and select Properties. The

Dimension Properties dialog box opens.
b. Type new values in the Upper limit and Lower limit boxes.
c. Click OK.
7. To leave the edit dimension state, but remain in editing mode, right-click and
select Exit Edit Dimension. The Selection Filter changes to All.

Using the Menu Manager to Edit

To Modify Dimension Values Using the Menu Manager

If the menu manager is not available, refer to the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. On the Part Menu, click Modify > Value.

2. Select a feature. Dimensions appear in the Graphics window.

3. Click a dimension. A value box appears.

4. Type a new dimension or select a dimension.

5. Click Regenerate to recalculate the part using the new dimension values.

To Modify Dimension Cosmetics

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. On the Part menu, click Modify > DimCosmetics.

2. Click one of the following commands:

o Format—Toggles the dimension format between fraction and decimal.

o Num Digits—Changes the number of decimal places displayed in the


o Text—Adds text or special symbols to the dimension.

o Symbol—Changes the symbolic name of the dimension.


o Move Dim—Moves the dimension itself, and the associated leader lines, to
a new location.

o Move Text—Moves the text associated with the dimension to a new


o Flip Arrows—Toggles the display of the arrowheads between inside and

outside the extension lines.

o Assign Tol—Assigns a tolerance table reference to the dimension.

To Modify the Dimension Format

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. Click PART > Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Click Format. The DIM FORMAT menu appears.

3. Select what you want as a result of the conversion, Decimal or Fraction.

4. Select any number of dimensions to convert. You can convert fraction to fraction,
decimal to fraction, and so on.

5. Click Done.

6. If you are converting to fractions, type the denominator you want.

Note: The specified denominator overrides any value set for the
dim_fraction_denominator option in the configuration file.

Modifying the Dimension Format

The system can display dimensions in decimal or fractional format. You can specify
configuration file options to cause the system to automatically use one format or the
If you want to convert only a few dimensions to the other format, use the Fraction
and Decimal options from the FORMAT menu.
When converting to fractions, remember the following:
• The system prompts you for the value of the largest allowable denominator. Valid
denominators are the numbers by which the largest denominator can be evenly

• A fraction is separated with a hyphen. When you enter fraction values, always
enter them as "#+#/#", such as 1+5/8.

When converting to decimals, remember that Pro/ENGINEER uses the current

number of digits of each selected dimension. Normally, a fraction to decimal
conversion is exact.

Part – Help Topic Collection

However, if the current number of digits is too small, the system truncates and
changes the value. For all exact conversions, you need a maximum of five digits
You can mark approximate fractional dimensions driven by a relation by setting the
mark_approximate_dims configuration option.

To Add Text to a Dimension

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
The Text option from the DIM COSMETIC menu allows you to add text to a
dimension value (such as diameter, ref, and typ), as well as special symbols.
1. Click PART > Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Pick the dimension to add the text.

3. Type the text. You can enter several lines of text, but each line must end with

To place the dimension within the text (other than the start of the line) type[@D]
at the point within the text, where you want to locate the dimension.

4. To complete the text string, press ENTER two times.

You can also define your own special fonts and symbols.

To Modify a Dimension Symbol

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
The Symbol option in the DIM COSMETIC menu allows you to rename the symbolic
name of a dimension. For example, you can change the symbol for the diameter of
the hole from d8 to hole_dia.
1. Click PART >Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Click Symbol.

3. Select the symbolic dimension to rename.

4. Type the desired text followed by ENTER. If you select a symbolic dimension and
you press ENTER for the text input, the symbolic dimension remains unchanged.

Modifying a Dimension Symbol

• When you change a dimension symbol, the system updates any relations or
family tables that use that symbol.


• Pattern symbols cannot be modified. If you must name the symbol, use a
parameter and establish a relation, setting the pattern symbol to the
appropriately named parameter.

• You cannot modify the name of a tolerance symbol. For example, if you have a
dimension d0 with tolerances +p0 and +m0, you cannot modify the name of +p0
or +m0.

To Modify Dimension Locations

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. Click PART >Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Click Move Dim.

3. Select the feature for which you want to display the dimensions, then select the
dimension to move.

4. Click the point where you want to relocate the dimension. The dimension, the
extension lines, and the leader lines automatically adjust to the new location.

To Modify the Number of Decimal Places in a Dimension

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
The default number of decimal places for dimensions is two. To increase the
precision of a particular dimension, enter a new value with the desired precision. To
decrease the precision of a particular dimension follow the procedure below.
1. Turn tolerance display on by clicking Tools > Environment and selecting
Dimension Tolerances.

2. Click PART > Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

3. Click Format> Nominal

4. Select a dimension. Its tolerance display changes to nominal.

5. To modify the number of decimal places to display for one or more dimensions
(including reference dimensions), click Num Digits from the DIM COSMETIC

6. Enter the number of significant digits (the default value is 2 for non-angular
dimensions, and 1 for angular dimensions).

7. Select the dimensions whose display is to be changed.

You can also set the default number of digits using the configuration file option
default_dec_places, with a value in the range 0 to 14.

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Note: Modifying the number of decimal places for a dimension rounds the value of
the dimension.

To Move Dimension Text

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
Move Dim moves both the dimension and its text to any new location. Use Move
Text to move dimension text only.
1. Click PART > Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Click Move Text.

3. Select the dimension text to move then click a new location for the text. The
dimension leader line moves.

To Switch Dimension Arrowheads

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. Click PART >Modify > DimCosmetics. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Click Flip Arrows. The display of arrowheads toggles between inside and outside
the extension lines.

To Make Copied Feature Dimensions Independent

If the application in which you are working requires that you use the Menu Manager,
follow the procedure below, otherwise follow the procedure To Edit Dimension
Properties, Text, or Text Style.
1. Click PART >Modify > Make Indep. The DIM COSMETIC menu appears.

2. Select a copied feature. All the dimensions of the features are displayed. If you
copied the feature using Dependent, the dimensions on the parent feature are

3. Select a shared dimension to make independent. After you select a dimension, all
the features that share the dimension are highlighted in yellow.

4. Select the features that are to have that dimension independent.

5. Click Done. After a dimension is made independent, modifying it for one of the
features does not affect another feature.

Making Copied Feature Dimensions Independent

When you use the Dependent command to create a feature by copying another
feature, all the dimensions of the parent feature (except those selected as variable


when copying by References) become shared between the parent feature and its
If you modify the value of a shared dimension, both features change simultaneously.
Use the Make Indep command to make any shared dimension (including the
number of pattern instances) of the copied feature independent from that of the
parent feature. The MAKE INDEP menu contains the following commands:
• Dimension—Select the dimensions that the copied feature shares with its parent
to make them independent of the parent feature.

• Section—Pick a copied feature to make its section independent from its parent

Note: When in Part or Assembly Modes, you can make a dimension independent by
selecting the dimension, right-clicking, and selecting Make Independent on the
shortcut menu.

Redefining Sections

Redefining Section Geometry

When you redefine a section, you can resketch any portion of the section. When you
delete an entity that is referenced by another feature, the system asks for
confirmation. You can respond in one of the following ways:
• Yes—The system suspends the child feature, and regeneration may fail after you
have redefined the parent. If regeneration fails, Pro/ENGINEER enters the
Resolve environment.

• No—The entity will not be deleted. You can then replace the sketched entity with
another entity, thereby keeping the reference that the child feature needs.

• Abort the section redefine—Reroute or modify the scheme of the child feature
so that the section redefinition is successful.

You can redefine features that were created using the Sketcher text just as any other
features of the same type. When you redefine a section, you can edit the text and
modify the font.
Note: Redefining a section of a copied feature is similar to redefining its parent.
When you attempt to redefine a copy, Pro/ENGINEER displays the section used to
define the parent.

To Replace Section Entities

Instead of resketching a section entity, you can replace it with another one by using
the Replace command. This allows the new entity to keep the ID of the original one
and to preserve any data (for example, geometric tolerances) that may be
associated with the original entity.
1. Enter Sketcher with a section that you want to modify.

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2. To replace an entity, you must sketch a new entity. You cannot use an old one.

Tip: When an entity is split by intersecting, one portion of the entity is old, while
the other is new—and can be used to replace another entity of the section.

3. Click Edit > Replace.

4. Select the new entity that you want to use.

5. Select the old entity that you want to replace. The system deletes the old entity
and any dimensions associated with it. You cannot restore the deleted entity or
its dimensions.

Note: You can intersect or fillet all entities except circles without losing the children.

Example: Replacing Section Entities

In the following example, on entity with children is being deleted, and two entities
with children are being intersected. When an entity is intersected, one portion of it
retains the old entity ID, and the other portion gets a new ID. To retain the children,
you can use this new entity to replace the old one.
In the following example, entities 1 and 3 have children. Instead of deleting them,
you can replace 1 with 2 and 3 with 5 in order to preserve children of the entities 1
and 3.

Modification Example

To Add or Remove a Section in a Blend

You can add or remove a section when you are redefining a parallel or non-parallel
blend. You cannot add or remove sections for swept blends. Pro/ENGINEER
renumbers all blend sections as necessary after you have added or removed one or
more sections.
For a parallel blend subsection, deleting all entities in the subsection automatically
removes it. To add a new subsection, toggle to an empty subsection and sketch. If


the total number of subsections changes, you must enter all the required depth
values again.

Removing a Section
1. Right-click a blend feature in the Model Tree and click Edit Definition. The
system displays the feature creation dialog box.

2. Select the Section attribute and click Define. Pro/ENGINEER displays the

3. Choose Sketch from the SECTION menu. The system displays the blend
subsections in Sketcher.

4. Click Sketch > Feature Tools > Toggle Section to toggle to the subsection
that you want to remove.

5. Delete the section geometry.

6. Toggle to the section that remains in the blend.

7. Click to exit Sketcher.

8. Enter new values for the distance between each section.

9. Click OK in the dialog box.

Adding a Section
1. Right-click a blend feature in the Model Tree and click Edit Definition. The
system displays the feature creation dialog box.

2. Select the Section attribute and click Define. Pro/ENGINEER displays the

3. Choose Sketch from the SECTION menu. The system displays the blend
subsections in Sketcher.

4. Toggle to an empty subsection.

5. Sketch a new subsection.

6. Click to exit Sketcher.

7. Enter the depth between each blend section.

8. Click OK in the dialog box.

• You can not insert a new section between two existing sections.

• Any additional sketches added to the blend are placed behind the last section
created before the redefine.

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To Redefine a Section in a Parallel Blend

1. Select a blend feature in the Model Tree, right-click, and select Edit Definition.
The feature creation dialog box opens.

2. Select the Section attribute and click Define. Pro/ENGINEER displays the

3. Choose Sketch from the SECTION menu. The system displays the blend
subsections in Sketcher.

4. Click Sketch > Feature Tools > Toggle Section to toggle to the subsection
that you want to change.

5. Modify the section geometry as needed.

6. Click to exit Sketcher.

7. Enter new values for the distance between each section.

8. Click OK in the dialog box.

To Add or Remove a Section in a Non-Parallel Blend

Removing a Section
1. Select a blend feature in the Model Tree, right-click, and select Edit Definition.
The feature creation dialog box opens.

2. Select the Section attribute and click Define. The system displays the
SECTIONS and SPECIFY menus. The SPECIFY menu lists the existing blend

3. Choose Remove, then choose one of the sections in the SPECIFY menu. The
system redisplays the SPECIFY menu with an updated list of blend sections, so
you can add, remove, or modify another section, if desired.

4. When you have finished redefining the blend, choose Done from the SECTIONS

5. Click OK in the dialog box to regenerate the feature.

Adding a Section
1. Select a blend feature in the Model Tree, right-click, and select Edit Definition.
The feature creation dialog box opens.

2. Select the Section attribute and click Define. The system displays the
SECTIONS and SPECIFY menus. The SPECIFY menu lists the existing blend

3. Choose Add from the SECTIONS menu, then choose the number of the section
you are adding from the SPECIFY menu. This allows you to insert a new section
after an existing one.


For example, if you are adding a section to a blend that already has three
sections, the options in the SPECIFY menu are Section 2, Section 3, and Section
4. The Section 2 option inserts your new section between the existing sections 1
and 2. The Section 3 option inserts your new section between the existing
sections 2 and 3. The Section 4 option places your new section after the existing
section 3.

4. Enter the x-, y-, and z-axis rotation angles for the section you are creating.

5. The system displays a subwindow with the sketcher grid. Sketch the new section
and regenerate it.

6. Enter the depth value for the new section.

7. Pro/ENGINEER redisplays the SECTION and SPECIFY menus, so you can

redefine another section, if desired. When you have finished, click OK in the
dialog box to regenerate the feature.

To Redefine a Dimensioning Scheme

You can change the dimensioning scheme (how a feature is dimensioned) by
choosing Scheme from the SECTION menu. Redefining the dimensioning scheme
changes only how the feature is dimensioned.
1. Select a feature and right-click. A dialog box defining the selected feature is

2. Select the Section element and click Define. The SECTION menu appears.

3. Pro/ENGINEER displays the SECTION menu. Choose Scheme.

4. Select a feature. The system rolls the part back to the state it was in at the time
the feature was created. This prevents you from dimensioning the feature to a
feature created after it.

5. For sketched entities, add or delete dimensions to change the scheme.

6. When you add new dimensions, Pro/ENGINEER numbers the symbolic dimensions
sequentially, starting with the most current value. For example, if the current
model has dimensions d0, d1, ..., d27, when you modify the scheme to add new
dimensions, the new dimensions start with d28.

7. When you have finished, choose Done. Select one of the buttons in the dialog
box, if desired, then select OK.

Pro/ENGINEER regenerates the part to its full state with the new dimensioning
scheme. For successful regeneration to occur, the revised dimensioning scheme must
be sufficient (not over- or under- dimensioned).

Side Effects of Modifying a Dimensioning Scheme

When you modify the scheme of a feature, you can delete or add dimensions, and
align or unalign the features. This causes a change in the symbolic representation of
feature dimensions that affects drawings and relation files of parts and assemblies.

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Deleting dimensions using the Scheme option obsoletes any relations that contain
the deleted dimensions. You must update the relations file to reflect the changes to
the relations, or use Dimension > Replace instead.
New dimensions added to a scheme will not retain any cosmetic modifications made
to the old dimensions.
Note: Dimension notes with obsolete symbolic dimensions replace the dimension
with asterisks ("***").

To Create Incomplete Features

You can suspend feature creation without losing data that you have already defined.
This produces an incomplete feature, which you can complete later (for example,
when required geometric references are available for feature definition). Because you
have not finished feature creation, the system can not generate geometry for the
incomplete feature.
An incomplete feature differs from a failed feature in the following respect: It is
intended to be left unfinished until the design intent is clarified or geometry it
depends on becomes available. A fully defined feature cannot be made incomplete.
Incomplete features are listed in the feature status column of the Model Tree as
To leave a feature incomplete when creating a feature:
1. Choose OK from the dialog box.

2. When the system asks you if you want to leave the feature incomplete, choose

3. You can exit Sketcher with an incomplete section by choosing Done from the

4. To finish an incomplete feature, redefine and complete the definition of all

required elements.

Redefining Features

About Redefining Features

You redefine a feature to change how a feature is created. The types of changes you
can make depend on the selected feature. For example, if a feature is created using
a section, you can redefine the section, feature references, and so on.
After redefining, features with no external references regenerate starting from the
first modified feature, which may or may not be the feature you are redefining or
rerouting. In calculating where to begin regeneration during the redefining
operations, Pro/ENGINEER does not consider features with an external reference. For
example, if you modify feature 10, then redefine feature 15, the regeneration begins
with feature 10.


Pro/ENGINEER recreates the feature using the new feature definitions. When you
redefine the feature sections, you may need to redefine or reroute any child feature
whose reference edge or surface was replaced. If you make any changes to the
feature that causes the feature redefinition to abort, you enter the Resolve
When you redefine a feature that was created using the options Copy, Mirror, and
Dependent, the system issues a warning message stating that the selected feature
is a dependent copy of the highlighted feature.
If you choose Continue from the WAITING menu, the system displays the
REDEFINE menu with the options Attribute, Direction, Section, and Depth. For
example, if you choose Section after you select the options to redefine, the system
asks for confirmation because the section of the selected feature will become
When you preview the redefinition, the system removes the feature geometry and
creates temporary geometry for your changes. When you exit from the user
interface, the system regenerates the part.
If you quit the redefinition of a feature, Pro/ENGINEER attempts to restore the part
to its original state, without regenerating the geometry of the model. After you have
redefined certain part features, if you quit the redefinition, the system must still
regenerate the geometry of later features.

To Redefine Features with Elements

1. Select the feature in the model tree or double-click the feature in the graphics

2. Right-click and select Edit Definition. The dashboard appropriate for the feature
you are redefining appears or a dialog box defining the selected feature opens.

3. If the dashboard appears, use the appropriate options to redefine the feature. For
more information, see the Help for specific feature on which you are working. If
the dialog box defining the feature opens, go to step 4.

4. Double-click the element or select the element and click Define.

5. Pro/ENGINEER prompts you for the information needed to redefine the element.

To Redefine Features with No Elements

1. Select the feature and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Edit Definition. The REDEFINE menu appears with the following
commands. (Not all commands are available for all features.)

Attributes—Retrieves and redefines the feature attributes.

Direction—Redefines the direction in which the feature is created, relative to the

sketching plane.

Section—Modifies or reconstructs the section.

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Scheme—Enter Sketcher mode to redefine the dimensioning scheme.

Flip—Changes the side to which material is added or removed.

References—Reselects the placement references of the feature (such as UpTo

Surface), removing edges from a round definition, and so on.

Boundaries—Resizes the selected surface.

Scheme—Changes the dimensioning scheme by redimensioning the section.

Curves—Redefine curves created from file.

Corner—Redefines corner rounds of round feature

Placement—Reassembles component into the assembly by specifying new


Pattern—Redefine the pattern type and the pattern increment types.

Style Curves—Redefines a scan curve feature or scan curves of a blended


3. Click the available and appropriate commands for the feature on which you are
working. Follow the prompts to complete the process.

To Redefine a Merged Part

You can redefine a merge or mold feature created using the Reference option. The
redefinition allows you to replace the reference member with another instance from
the same family.
1. Choose Redefine from the FEAT menu, or Edit > Redefine, and select a
reference member feature in the merged part.

2. Choose References and Done from the REDEFINE menu.

3. The system displays the INSTANCES menu, which allows you to select an
instance or show or edit the family table.

4. Choose the appropriate option. As soon as you have selected an instance name,
Pro/ENGINEER replaces the reference member with the new instance.

Redefining Datum Curves From File

To Redefine Imported Datum Curves

You can edit the definition of an imported curve with the Curves command in the
1. Select the imported datum curve in the model tree or the graphics window and
right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Edit Definition. The EDIT CURVES menu appears. Use the commands
below to redefine the curve:


o Edit File—Edit the current curve file. The system displays the file
feat_#.ibl (where # is the internal identifier) in the system window. This
file follows the IBL format, regardless of how it was imported. All the
changes are reflected on the curve as you exit the editor.

Note: When you open a file in the IBL format, it loses the tangency

o Create—Adds additional curves to the same feature by selecting points on

the model (datum points, vertices, curves, and coordinate systems).

o Spline Pnts—Displays the SPLINEPNTS menu.

o Adjust—Adjusts the datum curves so they intersect.

o Trim/Extend—Trims or extends selected curves up to a curve or surface.

o Split—Splits a curve at the intersection with another.

o Merge—Merges curves together.

o Delete—Deletes all the curves selected.

o Measure—Measures a curve.

Note: When you redefine an imported curve with children, the Merge and Delete
options are not available.

Creating New Curves

You can add new curve segments to the curve feature using the Create option in the
You create the curve by selecting points for it to pass through. These points can be
datum points, edge and curve vertices, curves, and coordinate systems. Selecting a
datum curve creates a point for the new curve on the selected datum curve.
The points are used only to establish the offset from the reference coordinate system
for the original feature. You can edit all the curves using the Edit option.

To Decrease the Number of Spline Points Using Deviation

1. Choose Sparse from the SPLINEPNTS menu.

2. Choose the spline on which you wish to reduce the number of points.

3. Enter a deviation value that will cause the spline to be redrawn without one or
more of its points. This value must be a positive number.

4. The system displays the spline resulting from the change in green, and tells you
how many points will be removed. If the changed spline is acceptable, choose
Accept from the MOD ACTION menu. If not, choose Reject, and enter a
different deviation value.

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For each spline, you may need to try several different deviation values before
achieving the desired result, because the proportion of the spline by which points
are interpolated varies from spline to spline.

To Make a Spline Smoother

1. Choose Smooth from the SPLINEPNTS menu.

2. Choose the spline that you want to make smoother.

3. Enter an odd number of points that will be averaged together to smooth the
spline. For example, you could enter 1 (which does not change the spline at all),
3, or 5.

Pro/ENGINEER averages the centermost point on the spline, and the appropriate
equal number of points on each side of it (one point on each side if you entered
3, or two points on each side if you entered 5).

4. The system displays the spline resulting from the change in green. If the
resulting spline is acceptable, choose Accept. Otherwise, choose Reject and try
again with a different number of points.

To Add Points to a Spline

1. Choose Show (if you want to see each point as you add it).

2. Choose Add.

3. Select the curve at the locations where you want the points added.

To Decrease the Number of Spline Points by Deleting Points

1. If the points on the spline are not already visible, choose Show from the
SPLINEPNTS menu and pick the curve from which you will be removing a point.
The system displays the points in red.

2. Choose Remove from the SPLINEPNTS menu. Pick the point that you want to

3. The system displays the spline resulting from the removal of this point in green.
If the resulting spline is acceptable, choose Accept. Otherwise, choose Reject
and try again.

4. Pro/ENGINEER deletes the point and changes the spline accordingly.

To Move Curve Points

1. Choose Move from the SPLINEPNTS menu.

2. Select a curve.

3. Select a reference plane. Choose an option from the REF PLANE TYPE menu:

o View Plane—The reference plane is parallel to the screen.


o Select—Select any planar surface or datum plane.

o OscPlnAtPnt—The reference plane will be through the point being moved.

Pro/ENGINEER constructs the reference plane from the spline tangent and
curvature vectors at the selected point.

Note: You can move the splines only in the reference plane.

4. Select the point to move and an adjustment range. The adjustment range is
between any two points (the point being moved must be within this range) and
establishes the area where the spline curve will change.

If you click the middle button or select the two endpoints, the entire curve can
change shape. You must accept or reject changes to the spline after you move
each point.

Use the Done move option in the MOVE SPL PNT menu to accept the changes,
or the Quit move option to cancel the process.

The Show option displays the points of a spline. Choose Show and pick a curve. The
system displays the spline points like small white axes. The points remain displayed
until you choose Blank from the SPLINEPNTS menu.

To Adjust a Curve
To adjust imported datum curves so they intersect, redefine the datum curve using
the Adjust option in the EDIT CURVES menu. All curves to be adjusted must
belong to the same curve feature.
1. Choose Adjust from the EDIT CURVES menu. Select one of the options from the

o Fixed—The curves selected remain fixed. If you select this option for the
first set of curves, the second set will be adjustable automatically.

o Adjustable—The curves selected will be adjusted.

2. Select curves in the first direction. These are curves that cross the second set of
curves. Choose Done

3. If you chose Adjustable for the first set of curves, you need to select again from
the ADJUST TYPE menu for the second set of curves. Select curves in the other

4. For the curves to be adjusted, you need to set the extent of the curve that will
change. To set the extent, select spline points that are highlighted in green.

5. When the curve is adjusted, answer the Pro/ENGINEER prompt to keep the

When you select curves to adjust, selecting the curve itself adjusts the curve, while
selecting the endpoint for the curve trims the curve to the intersection.

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Example: Adjusting the Curve

Adjusting the Curve

1. Select these two spline points as the extents of the adjustment.

2. Select this curve for the second direction.

3. Select this curve as Fixed for the first direction.

4. The curve adjusts to intersect the other curve.

Adjusting Curve Endpoints

1. Select this curve at the endpoint for the second direction.

2. Select these two spline points as the extents of the adjustment.

3. Select this curve as Fixed for the first direction.

4. The curve adjusts to intersect the other curve.


To Split a Curve
1. Choose Split from the EDIT CURVES menu.

2. Select the curve segments to split. Choose Done when you have finished.

3. Select a surface or another datum curve that intersects the first curve.

4. Pro/ENGINEER splits the selected segments of the first curve at the points of
intersection. If the reference curve or surface intersects a segment between its
points, the system adds a new point. The system highlights new curves in green,
and you can accept or reject the changes.

To Trim or Extend a Curve

You can trim or extend a curve by selecting the curves to trim or extend, then
selecting the reference curve or surface to which to trim or extend.
1. Choose Trim/Extend.

2. Select the curves to trim or extend. Choose Done

3. Select the reference curve or surface.

4. The system lengthens or shortens the curves, as needed, to the reference. If the
curve is satisfactory, choose Accept.

To Merge Curves
Merging curves connects imported curves at their endpoints and merges them into
one curve.
1. Choose Merge.

2. Choose an option from the PICK CURVES menu, and select the curves. The
PICK CURVES options are as follows:

o Two Curves—Merge any two imported curves.

o Chain—Merge connected curves that form a chain with no gaps.

Example: Merging Curves

The next figure illustrates how to merge curves.

Part – Help Topic Collection

1. Merge these three datum curves using the Chain option.

2. Merge these 3 datum curves using the Chain option.

3. Merge the resulting curves using the Two Curves option.

4. The resulting datum curve.

Inserting and Reordering Features

To Insert Features
Normally, Pro/ENGINEER adds a new feature after the last existing feature in the
part, including suppressed features. Insert mode allows you to add new features at
any point in the feature sequence, other than before the base feature or after the
last feature.
1. Select the feature and click Edit > Feature Operations. The FEAT menu
appears. Click Insert Mode > Activate.

2. Select a feature after which the new features will be inserted. All features after
the selected one will be automatically suppressed.

3. Click Create and create the new features as usual

4. Cancel insert mode in one of the following ways:

o Click Edit > Resume to resume the features that were suppressed when
you activated insert mode.


o Click Cancel from the INSERT MODE menu. Pro/ENGINEER asks you
whether to resume the features that were suppressed when you activated
insert mode, then automatically regenerates the part.

Note: The system grays out the Cancel and Activate commands in the INSERT
MODE menu in turn, depending on whether the insert mode is currently active.
At any time, you can click the Return command from the INSERT MODE menu to
return to the previously active menu.
If the feature after which the new features will be inserted is a merged-by-copy
feature, the system redisplays the part to show only merged features. The INSERT
FEAT menu appears with the options Create Copy and Mirror Geom. After you
click Done from the INSERT FEAT menu, the system redisplays the whole part and
exits Insert mode.

To Reorder Features
1. Select the feature and click Edit > Feature Operations. The FEAT menu

2. Click Reorder.

3. Click a selection method from the SELECT FEAT menu:

o Select—Selects features to reorder by picking on the screen and/or from

the tree tool. You can also click Sel By Menu to enter the feature number.
When finished selecting, click Done Sel.

o Layer—Selects all features from a layer by selecting the layer. When you
finish, click Done Sel from the LAYER SEL menu.

o Range—Specifies the range of features by entering the regeneration

number of the starting and ending feature.

A system message lists the selected features for reorder and states the valid
ranges for the new insertion point.

4. Click Done from the SELECT FEAT menu.

5. Click one of the commands in the REORDER menu:

o Before—Insert the feature before the insertion point feature.

o After—Insert the feature after the insertion point feature.

6. Select a feature to indicate the insertion point.

Reordering Features
You can move features forward or backward in the regeneration order list, thus
changing the order in which they are regenerated. You can reorder multiple features
in one operation, as long as these features appear in consecutive order.
Feature reorder cannot occur under the following conditions:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• Parents cannot be moved so their regeneration occurs after the regeneration of

their children.

• Children cannot be moved so their regeneration occurs before the regeneration of

their parents.

Suppressing. Deleting, and Resuming Features

About Suppressing and Resuming Features

Suppressing features is like removing them from regeneration temporarily. However,
you can unsuppress (resume) suppressed features at any time.
You can suppress features on a part to simplify the part model and decrease
regeneration time. For example, while you work on one end of a shaft, it may be
desirable to suppress features on the other end of the shaft.
Similarly, while working on a complex assembly, you can suppress some of the
features and components for which the detail is not essential to the current assembly
You may want to suppress features to:
• Concentrate on the current working area by suppressing other areas.

• Speed up a modification process because there is less to update.

• Speed up the display process because there is less to display.

• Temporarily remove features to try different design iterations.

Note: Unlike other features, the base feature cannot be suppressed. If you are not
satisfied with your base (first) feature, you can redefine the section of the feature, or
delete it and start again.

About Deleting Features

Deleting a feature removes the feature from the part permanently.
When you select a feature for deletion that has children, you must account for the
children. You can delete them, too, but Pro/ENGINEER provides a way to save the
children by rerouting.
Note: Normally, Pro/ENGINEER regenerates all the features from the first modified
feature or the first feature with an external reference, onward, when you select
Regenerate. In calculating where to begin regeneration during Delete operations,
Pro/ENGINEER does not consider features with an external reference.

To Suppress or Delete Features

You can delete or suppress one or more features using the Delete and Suppress
commands from the main toolbar or from a shortcut menu. When you click Edit >
Delete, additional delete and suppress commands are available for you to use..


To Delete or Suppress One or More Features

1. Select a feature in the Model Tree or in the graphics area.

2. Do one of the following:

o Right-click and select Delete or Suppress .The selected feature and its
children are highlighted in the Model Tree and a Suppress or Delete
message window appears. Go to step 3.

o Click Edit > Delete or Edit > Suppress. Depending on what command
you selected, three additional (Delete or Suppress) commands appear.
Click one of the commands below:

Delete or Suppress—Deletes or Suppresses the selected feature or

features and all children of the selected feature or features. The selected
feature and its children are highlighted in the Model Tree and a Suppress
or Delete message window appears. Go to step 3

Delete to End of Model or Suppress to End of Model—Deletes or

suppresses the selected feature or features and all following features.

Delete Unrelated Items or Suppress Unrelated Items—Deletes or

suppresses any feature or features other than the selected feature or
features, and their parents.

Note: Click to undo any of the commands described in step 2.

3. Click OK to suppress or delete the feature and all the children of the feature or
click Options (if available) and the Children Handling dialog box opens.

4. In the Children Handling dialog box, select one of the objects and right-click.
Depending on the object selected, and whether you are suppressing or deleting,
some of the following commands are available. The same commands are
available from the Status, Edit, and Info menus in the Children Handling
dialog box.


o You can select more than one object in the Children Handling dialog box,
however, only Suppress and Suspend, or Delete and Suspend, are
available with a multiple selection.

o If the feature has external children, Local and External appear under
Children. When you select an object in the dialog box, either Local or
External is selected.

Delete—Deletes the selected feature.

Suppress—Suppresses the selected child.

Suspend—Suspends action on the selected child. The feature is retained until

the part is regenerated. You must then decide how to handle the feature.

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Freeze—(Assembly Mode only) Keeps the selected feature in its current location
and is available for components only.

Replace References—Reroutes the selected feature. The REROUTE REFS

menu and the message Do you want to roll back the part? appear.

If you type yes, the part returns to the state it was in prior to the feature
creation. and all features created after the rerouted feature are removed. Roll
back the part if many of the features are younger than (created after) the
rerouted feature. This prevents the possibility of using a younger feature as a
reference and invalidating the reroute process.

If you type no, the REROUTE and REROUTE SELECT menus appear.

Redefine—Redefines the selected feature. If you are redefining an object, the

appropriate feature dashboard or feature dialog box appear.

Show References—Shows the references on which the child feature is

dependent. The SHOW REF menu appears from which you can show the
reference identifier and highlight the reference geometry for each reference of
the highlighted child by stepping through the references using Next and
Previous. .

Info—Provides Feature, Model, Parent/Child, and Global Reference viewer

information on the selected feature.

Note: If you create a feature in a part and dimension it to another part in the
assembly, the other part becomes the external parent. If you then suppress that
external parent, the system highlights all the dependent children in blue, and
displays the EXTCHILD menu. This menu allows you to abort the suppression of
the feature, or suspend all the external children.

5. For each object, select the action you want to take or accept the default status.

6. Click OK.

Side Affects of Features

When you delete a feature whose dimensions are used in a relation, the relation
becomes invalid. To fix the relation, use commands in the OBSOL RELS menu:
• Commnt Rels—Convert the obsolete relations to comments.

• Delete Rels—Delete the obsolete relations.

• Edit Rels—Edit the relations. With Edit Rels you can add comments to, delete,
and edit the relations. You cannot exit from the editor until you have edited
obsolete relations.

Note: If the relations file contains conditional logic statements that depend on
the deleted feature, the system forces you to edit the relations file to fix the


If you delete a feature that has a note attached to it, the note remains in the
drawing but the extension line to the feature disappears. If the note included
dimensions of the feature, they appear with the default display of ***.
If you delete a feature that has dimensions included in a family table, the affected
columns of the table become obsolete.
If you delete a feature that was referenced when assembling parts, the parts will not
reassemble. Pro/ENGINEER provides you with several options for recovering the

To Resume Features
1. Click Edit > Resume.

2. Click one of the following commands.

o Resume—Resumes the selected feature or features.

o Resume Last Set—Resumes the last set of features suppressed. A set can be
one feature.

o Resume All—Resumes all suppressed features.

To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Model Tree

1. In the Model Tree, click Settings > Tree Filters. The Model Tree Settings
dialog box opens.

2. Under Display, click the Suppressed Objects check box. A checkmark appears
in the box.

3. Click OK. Each suppressed object is listed in the Model Tree with a bullet.

4. In the Model Tree, select the suppressed feature or features you want to resume.

5. Click Edit > Resume > Selected. The objects are displayed in the Model tree
without the bullet.

Note: Selected is only available when you select the suppressed feature or
features first.

To Select a Suppressed Feature Using the Search Tool

1. Click to open the Search Tool dialog box

2. In the Status tab, select Regeneration.

3. In the Comparison box, select is equal to and in the Value box, select

4. Click Options and select Suppressed and Highlight Items.

5. Click Find Now. The suppressed features are highlighted.

Part – Help Topic Collection

6. Click to clear features you do not want selected.

7. Click OK. The Search Tool dialog box closes

8. Click Edit > Resume > Selected. The selected suppressed features are

Note: Selected is only available when you select the suppressed feature or
features first.

Rerouting Features

About the Reroute Command

Rerouting breaks the parent-child relationship by letting you change feature
The Reroute command is available when you:
• Click Edit > References.

• Select a feature in the model tree, right-click, and select Edit References.

• Select a feature in the graphics window, right-click, and select Edit References.

• Select an object in the Children Handling dialog box, right-click and select
Replace References.

You can only reroute external references in the environment (the level in an
assembly) in which they were created.
Pro/ENGINEER checks the rerouting of features to determine if the new reference
and the old reference are compatible. If the references are not compatible,
Pro/ENGINEER issues a warning message and continues processing.
The following features cannot be rerouted:
• Rounds that have user-defined transitions

• Grouped patterned features

• Read-only features

To Reroute Features
This command is available when the feature you select has children. You can reroute
the children of the feature you have selected.
1. Select a feature in the Model Tree or in the graphics window and right-click. A
shortcut menu appears.

2. Click Suppress or Delete. The select feature and its children are highlighted in
the Model Tree and a Suppress or Delete message window appears.

Note: You can also use Edit>Suppress or Edit>Delete after selecting the


3. Click Options and the Children Handling dialog box opens.

4. Select an object and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

5. Click Replace References. The REROUTE REFS menu and the message Do you
want to roll back the part? appear.

6. Type yes, to return the part to state it was in before the feature was created or
type no and the REROUTE and REROUTE SELECT menus appear.

7. Click one of the following commands from the REROUTE REFS menu:

o Reroute Feat—Reroute a feature by selecting new references.

o Replace Ref—Select a referenced entity and replace it with another entity,

as prompted. Click one of the following commands from the SELECT TYPE

o Feature—Selects a feature, then replaces all the referenced (parent)


o Indiv Entity—Elects an individual reference entity, such as an edge,

vertex, or plane.

After you successfully replace the references for the selected object, the
Children Handling dialog box opens.

8. If you are not to rolling back the part, click one of the following commands from
the REROUTE menu.

Alternate—Selects or creates an alternate reference for the feature. Use the

Make Datum option, if necessary, to construct new references. Make sure the
datum planes themselves do not reference the parent feature.

Same Ref—The current reference remains the same.

Ref Info—Shows information about the highlighted reference. This option gives
the reference identifier and the type of reference. This is important because you
can only reroute to like reference types.

Done—Finishes the rerouting process.

Quit Reroute—Quits the reroute for the current feature. Even when you quit the
reroute process, any datums created during feature reroute remain in the model.

9. Follow the above steps for each object you want to reroute, or for which you
want to replace the references.

10. After you complete all the necessary actions on the objects in the Children
Handling dialog box, click OK.

11. Pro/ENGINEER regenerates the feature. If the automatic regeneration is

successful, the new parent-child relationships are established; if not, the original
references are restored.

Note: To permanently retain the references defined with the automatic

regeneration, you must explicitly click Edit > Regenerate before you save the part.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Working with Simplified Representations

About Simplified Representations

The design of a part can become quite complex. Pro/ENGINEER provides simplified
representation functionality that allows you to do the following:
• Simplify the display of a design by showing less detail by including or excluding

• Limit the display of a design to a selected portion of the total part geometry by
specifying a "work region."

• Exclude (or include) selected surfaces from the display of the design.

• When you modify a feature, you must regenerate all the features after that
feature, even those that have been removed by a work region cut. To avoid
regenerating features that are not visible in the specified work region, use both
the Features and the Work Region commands when you create the simplified

• When you create features in a simplified representation with a work region, you
cannot select edges and surfaces created by the work region cut.

• You cannot use both Work Region and Surfaces in the same simplified

To Create a Simplified Representation (basic)

1. Click View > Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. Click New and type the name for the simplified representation

3. Press RETURN.

4. Click the representation and right-click. A shortcut menu appears.

5. Click Redefine. The EDIT METHOD and .REP ATTR menus appear. Click
commands from the submenus and then click Done.

o To set the rule for selecting features use Include Feat, and Exclude Feat.

o To specify how to retrieve the simplified representation use:

Regenerate—Recreate the simplified representation by regenerating the

master model. The master model must be in session. The GeomSnapshot
is not valid for Regenerate.

Accelerate—Use the accelerator file to speed up the retrieval of the

simplified representation.

o To define the type of data for the simplified representation:Whole Model

and GeomSnpshot.


To Include or Exclude Features

Before you start defining a simplified representation, you can change the default rule
for specifying features.
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column double-click to select the representation.

Note: You can also click the representation in the Names column and click
Display>Set to select it.

3. Right-click and select Redefine. The EDIT METHOD menu appears.

4. Click Features. The FEAT INC/EXC menu appears with the following

o Exclude and Include—Pick a feature to exclude from or include in the

representation. (The opposite of the default rule appears.)

o Undo—Remove an instruction for excluding or including a feature.

o UpdateScreen—Update graphical view of the model according to the

specified changes.

o Display Mode—Modify the number of features displayed in the Model Tree

window. Use the following commands in the DISP MODE menu to change
the structure of the tree:

Show All—Show all features.

DefaultFeats—Show only those features whose status conforms to the

default rule.

Marked Feats—Show only those feature whose status is opposite to the

default rule.

5. To exclude features, click Exclude and select the features from the Model Tree.

6. Click Done from the FEAT INC/EXC menu to complete the selection.

To Edit a Simplified Representation Using the Model Tree

You can use the Model Tree shortcuts to edit existing simplified representations of
the model by including/excluding features.
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column, click the representation to select it.

3. Click Display > Add Column. A column is added to the Model Tree. The name of
the representation is displayed at the top of the column. A definition of the
representation is displayed in the first line of the column.

4. Click in the column you just added and a text box opens for each item in the
model tree.

5. For each item in the model tree, select the one of the following from the text box.

Part – Help Topic Collection

o Default—Undoes the include/exclude action.

o Include—Includes this feature in the model for this simplified

representation (available for the exclude default rule).

o Exclude—Excludes this feature from the model for this simplified

representation (available for the include default rule).

The status of the feature changes.

To Create a Work Region

Create a simplified representation by creating a work region that removes a portion
of the model from display. Each simplified representation can have its own work
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column click a representation to select it.

3. Right-click and select Redefine. The EDIT METHOD menu appears.

4. Click Work Region. The SOLID OPTS menu appears.

5. Specify the type of cut you want to create by Click one of the commands in the

6. The dialog box for defining the cut of the specified type appears. Define the cut

7. When you finish defining the cut, click OK from the dialog box.

• Work regions behave in a manner similar to cut features, except that geometry is
removed from the display only rather than physically removed from the model
(that is, from the regeneration list).

• When a simplified representation is active, the system applies the work region
cut; otherwise, the cut is suppressed.

• Once you create a work region, you can redefine it by using the Redefine
command in the WORK REGION menu; this brings up the dialog box so you can
select the feature elements that you want to redefine.

• To delete a work region, click Delete from the WORK REGION menu.

To Create a Simplified Representation from Part Surfaces

You can create a simplified representation by copying part surfaces to create a
surface envelope.
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column and click a representation to select it.

3. Right-click and select Redefine. The EDIT METHOD menu appears.


4. Click Surfaces from the EDIT METHOD menu. The dialog box or the dialog bar
appears, listing elements for defining surfaces.

5. Select the surfaces.

6. When you finish selecting surfaces, click OK or .

To Update an Accelerated Simplified Representation

1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column, click the representation to select it.

3. Right-click and select Update Reps. The UPDATE REP menu appears.

4. Click one of the following commands.

o Update—Updates and save outdated accelerated simplified representations

to disk. Pro/ENGINEER updates all the outdated representations that are in
the accelerator file, even if they are not in session.

o Info—Displays the Information Window, listing all outdated

representations, including the name of the master representation, the name
of the simplified representation, and whether it is in memory.

o Cancel—Cancels the update.

5. If you click Update, the CONFIRMATION menu. appears. Click Confirm to

update the simplified representations, or Cancel.

Note: You can also update any out-of-date representations that are in session when
you save the part.

To Create a Geometric Snapshot

A geometric snapshot representation does not include any parametric information,
such as dimensions or parameters—just visible geometry that can be used for
referencing. Pro/ENGINEER can detect when a snapshot is out-of-date, but you must
explicitly initiate the update. This command is available only if you selected
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. Click the Simp Rep tab

3. In the Names column, click the representation to select it.

4. Right-click and select Redefine. The EDIT METHOD menu appears.

5. Click Attributes > Accelerate>GeomSnpshot.

6. Click Done. A geometry snapshot representation is created.

The following restrictions apply to geometric snapshots in Part mode:

Part – Help Topic Collection

• You cannot make any modifications to geometric snapshots, such as changing

dimensions or parameters.

• Because no dimension or parameter information is available, you can not make

any references to them in relations.

To Create an Accelerated Simplified Representation

You can create accelerated simplified representations by setting special attributes.
An accelerated simplified representation is saved to a file to make retrieval quicker.
Instead of regenerating the master representation to get a simplified representation,
you can retrieve the (accelerated) simplified representation by itself.
1. Click View > View Manager. The View Manager dialog box opens.

2. Click the Simp Rep tab

3. In the Names column, click the representation to select it.

4. Right-click and select Redefine. The EDIT METHOD menu appears.

5. Click Attributes > Accelerate > Whole Model. An accelerated representation

is created.

Note the following when creating accelerator files:

• Whole Model includes the entire model (with geometry, dimensions, parameters,
and so on) in the simplified representation. The resulting representation is fully
associative and modifiable. This option requires the presence of the master model
in memory.

• An accelerator file is named part_name.xrp.

• There can be only one accelerator file per part.

• Accelerator files do not have version numbers.

• If you use the Save As or Backup option on the master model, the
corresponding accelerator files are not created.

• If you rename or delete the master model, Pro/ENGINEER automatically renames

or deletes the corresponding accelerator file.

To Erase a Simplified Representation

You can erase a simplified representation of the current object from memory with or
without the current object.
Use one of the following procedures to erase a simplified representation.

To Erase using the View Manager

1. Click View > Manager.

2. In the Simp Rep tab Names column select the representation.


3. Right-click and click Remove. A Confirm Delete message appears.

Note: You can also click Edit > Remove.

4. Click Confirm.

To Erase Using the Menu Manager

1. Click File > Erase > Current. The OBJ ERASE menu appears.

2. Click one of the following commands:

o Current Obj—Erase the current object and its simplified representation.

o Simplfd Reps—Erase the simplified representation by placing the check

mark in front of its name in the SELECT REP menu.

3. Click Done Sel.

Working with Part Accuracy

About Changing Part Accuracy

The Accuracy command modifies the computational accuracy of geometry
calculations. Part accuracy is relative to the size of the part. The valid range is 0.01
to 0.0001, and the default value is 0.0012. Note that if you decrease the value of
part accuracy, the regeneration time also increases.
You should use the default part accuracy unless you need to increase it. In general,
you should set the accuracy to a value less than the ratio of the length of the
smallest edge on the part to the length of the largest side of a box that would
contain the part. Even so, use the default accuracy until you have a reason not to do
In the following situations, you may need to change the part accuracy:
• Placing a very small feature on a large part.

• Intersecting (through merge or cutout) two parts of very different size.

For the two parts to be compatible, they must have the same absolute accuracy.
To use the same absolute accuracy, estimate each part size and multiply each by
its respective current accuracy. If the results differ, enter a value for the
accuracy of the parts that yields the same results for each.

You may need to increase the part accuracy of the larger part by entering a
smaller decimal number. For example, if the size of the smaller part is 100 and
the accuracy is .01, the product of these numbers is 1. If the size of the larger
part is 1000 and the accuracy is .01, the product of these numbers is 10. Change
the accuracy of the larger part to .001 to yield the same product.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Working with Absolute and Relative Accuracy

Absolute accuracy is the smallest size (measured in the current units) that
Pro/ENGINEER can recognize.
To enable the absolute accuracy functionality, set the configuration option
enable_absolute_accuracy to yes. The absolute accuracy functionality improves
the matching of parts of different sizes or different accuracies (for example, imported
parts created on another system).
In general, you should use relative accuracy for most part models. You should
consider using absolute accuracy only when you are doing one of the following:
• Copying geometry from one model to another during core operations, such as
Merge and Cutout.

• Designing parts for manufacturing and mold design.

• Matching accuracy of imported geometry to its destination part.

You can match the accuracies of a set of parts mainly in two ways:
• Give them all the same absolute accuracies.

• Designate one of them (perhaps the smallest) as the "base" part and assign its
accuracy to the other parts.

To Specify Relative Accuracy

The first time you bring up the ACCURACY menu for a part, the Relative option is
active and highlighted (because the part is initially created with Relative accuracy).
Thereafter, the accuracy type you used last will be active when you access the
Set configuration file option accuracy_lower_bound to override the lower boundary
of the relative accuracy range. The specified values for the lower boundary must be
between 1.0000e-6 and 1.0000e-4.
1. Click Edit > Setup. The PART SETUP menu appears.

2. Click Accuracy. The prompt Enter relative part accuracy is displayed.

3. Type the new relative accuracy and click to accept or keep the existing
value. If you do not change the accuracy, the PART SETUP menu appears again.
If you change the accuracy, a prompt appears asking you to confirm the
regeneration of the entire part.

4. Click Yes or No. The PART SETUP menu is displayed.

Note: The default value 0.0012 given in the brackets is the hard-coded default value
for relative accuracy.


To Specify Absolute Accuracy

The first time you bring up the ACCURACY menu for a part, the Relative option is
active and highlighted (because the part is initially created with Relative accuracy).
Thereafter, the accuracy type you used last will be active when you access the
You must set the configuration option enable_absolute_accuracy to yes, to see
the ACCURACY and ABS ACCURACY menus. To set a default absolute accuracy, set
the configuration option default_abs_accuracy.
1. Click Edit> Setup. The PART SETUP menu appears.

2. Click Accuracy. The ACCURACY and ABS ACCURACY menus appear.

3. If you select Absolute from the ACCURACY menu, the ABS ACCURACY menu
appears with the following commands:

o Enter Value—Enters an absolute value.If the previous accuracy type was

Relative, nnnn is the default value for absolute accuracy specified by the
configuration file option default_abs_accuracy. (If no value for
default_abs_acuracy is specified, then the prompt shows only units inside
the brackets.)

If the previous accuracy type was absolute, nnnn is the current absolute
value. Note that units is the part’s units (for example, inches).

o Select Model—Assigns absolute accuracy value from a different part in


4. If you click Enter Value

o Type the absolute part accuracy value and click to accept. You are
prompted to regenerate the part.

o Click Yes to regenerate or No to return to the Accuracy menu.

5. If you click Select Model, the Open dialog box opens with a list of parts
currently in session.

o Double-click to select one of the parts. A message appears stating the

absolute accuracy of the part you selected.

o Click to accept the value. If you enter and accept the value, you are
prompted to regenerate the part

Flexible Parts

About Flexible Parts

A flexible part can be included in an assembly in various states. A spring, for
example, can have various compression conditions in different places in an assembly.

Part – Help Topic Collection

The part name, geometry, and structure remain the same in both the original
component and the flexible component placed in an assembly. Varied Items that
define flexibility are set for the part.
In order for the part to be flexible, the following varied items can be defined:
o Dimensions, tolerances, and parameters numeric values

o Suppress and resume feature states

The original part has properties that are shared by all instances of the flexible
components placed in an assembly. The varied items are individually assigned values
for each instance of the part in the assembly. Interfaces can be defined for the part
as well, to automate placement in the assembly
For more information search the Assembly functional area of the Pro/ENGINEER Help

To Prepare Varied Items

1. Click Edit > Setup > Flexibility. The Flexibility: Prepare Varied Items dialog
box opens. Use the Flexibility: Prepare Varied Items dialog box to define
varied items for flexibility. It contains the following tabs::

o Dimensions—Define flexibility for a part by selecting one or more

dimensions. This is the default.

o Geometric Tolerances—Define geometric tolerances (permissible

deviations from a specified value of a structural dimension). Tolerances
ensure that a flexible component will not be flexed to the breaking point.

o Parameters—Opens the Select Parameters dialog box. Select an existing

flexibility parameter and click Insert Selected to insert into the
Flexibility: Prepare Varied Items dialog box parameter list.

o Surface Finish—Select the surface finish of a flexible part. The surface

finish flexes along with the part and needs a flexible definition to remain

o Features—Suppress or resume a feature in a part to make it flexible.

2. Select the applicable tab. You are prompted to select items.

3. Select an item and click to add to the Varied Item list.

4. Finish defining all Varied Items for the part and click OK.

To remove a varied item from the list click . Click Cancel to exit the dialog box
without defining varied items.

To Define a Flexible Part


You must define varied items to make a part flexible. When placing the part in an
assembly, all or some of the varied items receive values that define the flexibility of
the part. Additional varied items can be added in Assembly mode.
1. Create the part you want to make flexible.

2. Click Edit > Setup > Flexibility. The Flexibility: Prepare Varied Items dialog
box opens.

3. Choose the desired tab and select an item at the prompt. Click to add it to
the items list.

4. Continue adding or removing varied items to define all those required. Multiple
varied items of multiple types can be defined.

5. Click OK. The part has predefined flexibility.

Copying Features

Copying Features

About the Copy Command

The Copy command in the FEAT menu allows you to copy existing features of the
same or a different model and place them at a new location on the active part.
You can copy any number of features at one time. The Copy command creates a
local group of the copied features.
When you copy a feature, you can vary the following:
• References

• Dimension values

• Placement location

When you redefine a section of a feature that has a child created using Copy >
Dependent, you cannot delete entities referenced to external geometry and you
cannot align entities to external geometry.

Terms and Definitions

The following table presents definitions of and uses for the feature copying

COPYING FEATURES Definition Copy features from any model by

selecting new references, translating,
rotating, or mirroring.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Uses Save time by reusing features from any


Establish dependency between

dimensions of different features in the
same model.

USER-DEFINED Definition A set of features from any part that can

FEATURE (UDF) be placed in any other part by
specifying new references.

Uses Establish a library of commonly placed


Reuse features from any part.

Enforce consistent design techniques

by creating dependencies for a UDFs
parent model.

Important User-specified prompts for defining

aspects of references guide you in placing the

Let you specify new values for

dimensions when placing the UDF with
"variable dimensions."

Provide a simple way to create

variations of features in the UDF with
Family Tables.

Let you incorporate Pro/PROGRAM into

the UDF for further customization.

GROUP Definition A named set of consecutive features

that is the result of copying features,
placing a UDF, or creating a local

Uses Simplify selection for operations

involving multiple features such as:
Pattern, Delete, Copy, Suppress, and

Help organize the model tree by

collapsing related features into a single

Rules for Copying Features

Consider the following rules for the copy operation:


• If you copied geometry with Copy, Mirror, All Feat, any features inserted after
you created the copy feature will not be copied. To avoid this, use Mirror Geom.

• You may not mirror or use the Same Refs option without also copying the
features that own the references if those references have been consumed in the
process of feature creation (for example, the edge reference of a round is
consumed after the round is created).

• When you copy a round with user-modified transitions, only default transitions
are copied with the round.

• If there is ambiguity between the new and old references, the system will issue
additional prompts (for example, if one of references is a datum plane, the
system will ask you to select the side of the plane to use).

For specifics of copying features in Assembly mode, see the following section.

Using the Copy Command in Assembly Mode

To copy features in Assembly mode, choose Copy from the ASSY FEAT menu; this
displays the COPY FEAT menu.
Consider the following restrictions in Assembly mode:
• In Assembly mode, the All Feat option is dimmed in the COPY FEATURE menu.

• You cannot mirror assembly components using Feature, Copy. Instead, use
Component > Create > Mirror.

• A feature that contains external references to a different assembly component

must either be copied in the assembly that contains the external reference, or be
redefined in that assembly to eliminate the external reference.

To Copy Features
1. Click Edit > Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

2. Click Copy, choose the appropriate options from the COPY FEATURE menu, and
click Done.

3. Select features to be copied.

4. The Group Elements dialog box appears, listing elements for the specified copy

5. Define all elements in the dialog box.

Using the COPY FEATURE Menu

You can copy features into the current part, with or without external references,
from parts or assemblies. You can copy features from a different model by using new
You can also copy features from another version of the same model by using the
same or new references.

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When you copy a feature with new references, Pro/ENGINEER makes all the
necessary prompts, highlighting each placement reference so you can enter the
corresponding reference.
The COPY FEATURE menu lists different options for copying features.

Specifying the Placement Method

Specify the placement method by choosing one of the following commands:
• New Refs—Copy features with an option to select new references for the copied

• Same Refs—Copy features using the same references as the original features.
You can vary dimensions in the copied features.

• Mirror—Copy features by mirroring about a planar surface or a datum.

Pro/ENGINEER mirrors the features automatically without displaying a dialog box.

• Move—Copy features by specifying translation and rotation. This option allows

for additional transformation beyond what you can achieve by varying

Specifying Features to Copy

Specify features to copy by choosing one of the following commands:
• Select—Select features from the active model to copy.

• All Feat—Select all the features to copy.

• FromDifModel—Select features from a different model to copy. This option is

available with New Refs only. See the Independent option.

• FromDifVers—Select features from a different revision of the current model to

copy. This option is available with either New Refs or Same Refs. See the
Independent option.


Specifying Dependent or Independent

Specify whether the resulting features should be independent by choosing one of the
following options:
• Independent—Make the dimensions of the copied feature independent of the
dimensions of the parent. A feature that is copied from a different model or
version is automatically independent.

• Dependent—Make the dimensions of the copied feature dependent on the

dimensions of the parent. When you redefine the section of the dependent copy,
all the dimensions show up on the parent. When you modify the original section,
the system also updates the dependent copy. This option refers to sections and
dimensions only. All other references and attributes are not dependent.

To Copy Features within the Same Model

Use the New Refs and Same Refs options to create a copy by using the placement
references (modified or the same) of the features selected for copy.
1. Click Edit > Feature Operations. The appears.

2. Click Copy. The COPY FEATURE menu appears.

3. Click New Refs or Same Refs, Select, Independent or Dependent, and


4. Select the features that you want to copy and click Done. The Group Elements
dialog box opens.

5. The dimensions for the selected features are displayed and the GP VAR DIMS
menu appears, listing the dimensions. As you scroll down the list, the
corresponding dimensions on the model are highlighted. Select dimensions to
vary by picking the feature dimensions from the screen or by clicking the
appropriate checkbox in the GP VAR DIMS menu. Click Done.

6. At the prompts, type the new values. If you click Same Refs, the selected
features are copied.

7. If you click New Refs, the WHICH REF menu appears and highlights each
planar or linear reference for every selected feature, sequentially, in the
reference color. Click one of the following commands:

o Alternate—Pick a new reference for the copied feature.

o Same—Indicate that the original reference should be used for the copied

o Skip—Skip the current reference so you can redefine it later.

o Ref Info—Provide information explaining the placement reference.

When you have specified all the references, Pro/ENGINEER copies all the selected

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8. Redefine the dimensions or references, if desired, or click Done from the GRP
PLACE menu.

Copying Features Using New References

If you copy a feature and choose new references (sketching plane and reference
plane) for the resulting feature, two different arrows appear to indicate the direction
of the new planar references.
The system highlights the original reference plane and its corresponding new
reference plane in the reference color.
The original reference has a reference color arrow attached to it, pointing in the
viewing direction for that plane. The new reference has a red arrow attached to it.
Flip the direction of the red arrow if necessary, then choose Okay from the
DIRECTION menu to indicate which side of the new reference corresponds to the
original reference with the reference color arrow.

To Copy Features with SameRefs, FromDifVers

You can copy features from a different model (part or assembly) or from another
version of the same model. When you copy a feature from one model to another, the
feature will regenerate with the accuracy of the model into which it is copied. It is
best, if possible, to have similar part accuracy in both models.
1. Retrieve the part or assembly from which you want copy features.

2. Activate your destination model

3. Click Edit>Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

4. Click Copy. The COPY FEATURE menu appears.

5. Click Same Refs, FromDifVers, and Done from the COPY FEATURE menu.

6. Select a model from which to copy the features. To indicate the source model,
the system prompts you to click in the model window; this activates this model
so you can select the features to copy.

7. Select the features to be copied and click Done from the SELECT FEAT menu.
After you select the features, the destination model becomes active again and the
dialog box opens.

8. The system prints the units in the Message Window. Specify the placement scale.
Click Done from the SCALE menu.

9. Choose OK from the dialog box. The selected features are copied into the current
model, keeping the same references.

Note: If a reference is missing in the destination model, you are prompted to

respecify all feature references. To define a missing reference, click Alternate and
pick a reference on the model.


To Copy Features by Mirror

The Mirror option in the COPY FEATURE menu adds geometry to the part by
creating a mirrored copy of existing features and intersecting them with the part.
1. Click Edit>Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

2. Click Copy. The COPY FEATURE menu appears.

3. Click Mirror.

4. Select the features to copy, or click All Feat.

5. Click Independent or Dependent to establish whether the dimensions of the

mirrored feature depend on those of the parent, then click Done.

6. If you use Select, select the features you want, and click Done from the SELECT

7. Select or create the mirror plane.

To Copy Features with New Refs, FromDifModel or FromDivVers

1. Click Edit>Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

2. Click Copy. The COPY FEATURE menu appears.

3. Click New Refs, FromDifModel, FromDifVers, or FromInheritance and


Note: The FromInheritance option is available only when an Inheritance

Feature exists in the model.
4. Select a model from which to copy the features.

5. Select the features to be copied.

6. Click Done from the SELECT FEAT menu. The dialog box opens and the units
are displayed in the message window.

7. Click Done from the SCALE menu. The WHICH REF menu appears and you are
prompted to select a reference that corresponds to the highlighted reference in
the source model.

8. Click one of the following commands:

o Same to keep the same reference

o Alternate to choose a new reference

o Skip to skip the current reference so you can redefine it later.

Note: When you use the New Refs option to copy a feature and a feature
reference is missing in the other version, use Alternate to select a new

9. If any of the references are missing, the INFORMATION Window opens with a
list of the skipped references. Do one of the following:

Part – Help Topic Collection

o To redefine the missing references, click Confirm from the

CONFIRMATION menu. Redefine the feature element that uses the
skipped reference.

o If you do not want to redefine the missing references, click Cancel from
the CONFIRMATION menu. The GP REFS menu appears. Click the
appropriate checkboxes to specify or the references you want and click
Done. The WHICH REF menu appears. Use the Alternate, Same, and
Skip commands to resume the process of specifying the references which
you identified with the checkmarks.

10. To complete the procedure, click Done from the GRP PLACE menu, or click any
of the following commands in the GRP PLACE menu:

o Redefine—Redefine the group elements.

o Show Result—Preview the geometry.

o Info—Show the current status of the group prompts.

Copying Features by Mirror

Consider the following information about the features copied with the Mirror
• Sections always regenerate at the pre-mirror location, using the original

• If features are mirrored about a datum created with Make Datum, the datum
plane becomes an independent feature in the model, providing a visual reference
for the mirrored copy.

• Mirroring with All Feat creates an additional merge feature that is

interdependent with the copied features. The merge feature is both a parent and
a child of the copied features.

• Mirroring with All Feat mirrors suppressed features.

• Mirroring coordinate systems always preserves the right-hand rule.

Pro/ENGINEER mirrors the X- and Y-axes of the coordinate system appropriately
and then determines the Z-axis.

To Copy Features by Moving

You can copy features to new locations on the part by translating them with respect
to a coordinate system.
1. Click Edit>Feature Operations. The FEAT menu appears.

2. The COPY FEATURE menu appears.

3. Click Move.

4. Click Select to select individual features to copy, or All Feat to copy all features.


5. Click Independent or Dependent to establish whether the dimensions of the

translated feature depend on those of the parent and click Done. The SELECT
FEAT menu appears.

6. Select the features and click Done. The MOVE FEAT menu appears.

7. Define the movement of the copied features with the following commands.

Note: You can use the commands Translate and Rotate together to define a
single movement.

o Translate—Move (translate) the copied features using the GEN SEL DIR
menu to specify the direction. Then, enter the translation (offset) distance.

o Rotate—Rotate the copied features using the GEN SEL DIR menu to
specify the direction. Then, enter the rotation angle. The GEN SEL DIR
commands are as follows:

o Plane—Select a plane, or create a new datum plane to which the direction

will be normal.

o Crv/Edg/Axis—Select as the direction an edge, curve, or axis. If you

select a non-linear edge or curve, the system prompts you to select an
existing datum point on the edge or curve to specify a tangent.

o Csys—Select an axis of a coordinate system as the direction, then enter the

translation value for the coordinate system type.

Copying Features by Translating

Note: For features created by translating copies of two other features (for which the
dimensions of one of the original features is only referenced to the other feature
being copied):
• Pro/ENGINEER translates the copied dimension references, along with the

• The copy and translation process automatically creates a group for the geometry
and its dimensions. You can use the Ungroup option in the GROUP menu to
allow independent selection of the individual dimensions and redefinition of the

To Redefine the Copied Element

You can redefine a copied feature while you are in the copy environment only.
1. Highlight the element in the Group Elements dialog box that you want to modify
and click Define.

2. If you selected the variable dimensions, the system displays the GP VAR DIMS
toggle menu. If you selected the references, Pro/ENGINEER displays the GP
REFS toggle menu. In either case, toggle on the items you want to change, then
choose Done.

3. Enter the new values, as prompted.

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4. Click OK in the dialog box to regenerate the part.

To Make a Dependent Copy Independent

1. Click Modify > Make Indep.

2. The MAKE INDEP menu appears, enabling you to make a dependent copied
feature independent of its parent, as if it had been copied using the
Independent command

Mirroring the Model

To Mirror the Model

In addition to using the Mirror tool, you can mirror all part geometry at one time by
using the Menu Manager.
1. In an active session of Pro/ENGINEER, click Edit > Feature Operations. The
Menu Manager appears.

2. Click Copy > Mirror > All Feat > Done. The SETUP PLANE menu appears.

3. Select a plane or create a new datum about which to mirror the part.
Pro/ENGINEER creates a new merge feature containing the mirrored geometry,
merged with the original geometry.

Example: Mirroring the Model

Original part

a. Mirror plane


Original part mirrored once

a. Mirror plane

b. Cut added after mirror

Original part mirrored twice

Note: Mirroring coordinate systems follows the right hand rule. Pro/ENGINEER
mirrors the x- and y-axes of the coordinate system appropriately, then determines
the Z-axis.

Resolving Feature Failures

About Resolving Feature Failures

To prevent regeneration problems, Pro/ENGINEER checks for geometry errors. If
needed it automatically activates the Geom Check command so you can view the
feature that has the possible errors, review the feature definition and make changes
to elminate the potential problem.
When Pro/ENGINEER regenerates a model, it recreates the model feature by feature,
in the order in which each feature was created, and according to the hierarchy of the
parent-child relationship between features. Regeneration can fail for reasons such as

Part – Help Topic Collection

bad geometry, broken parent-child relationships,and missing or invalid references.

Pro/ENGINEER attempts to provide critical information so that you can decide what
steps you need to take to resolve or prevent a problem.
When regeneration fails, Pro/ENGINEER enters the Resolve environment (also
referred to as Fix Model Mode) where the following occurs:
• File > Save is not available.

• The failed feature and all subsequent features do not regenerate. The current
model displays only the regenerated features as they were at the last successful

• If you are working outside of a feature tool, Pro/ENGINEER displays the

RESOLVE FEAT menu and the Failure Diagnostics window.

• When working inside some feature tools, the Troubleshooter dialog box opens
so you can get information about the problem first. After diagnosing the problem,
open the Failure Diagnostics window and use RESOLVE FEAT menu.

Note: In non-dashboard applications, the feature dialog box, instead of the feature
dialog bar, opens. If this is the case, you can either redefine the feature or click
Resolve to obtain diagnostics or make changes to other parts of the model.

About Backing Up the Model and References

Working with the Backup Model

For both diagnosing and fixing the problem, you can choose to work on the current
(failed) model or backup model. The backup model shows all features in their pre-
regenerated state, and can be used to modify or restore dimensions of the features
that are not displayed in the current (failed) model.
If Tools > Environment > Make Regen Backup is selected Pro/ENGINEER uses
the regenerated backup model. A copy of the model is saved as
regen_backup_model####.prt prior to each regeneration. After successful
regeneration of the feature, the copy is removed.
If Tools > Environment > Make Regen Backup is not selected, then
Pro/ENGINEER uses the last saved pre-failure version of the current model.

Creating Backup References

Backup references are used to prevent feature failure when a reference model is not
in session. When a backup reference is available you can highlight and dynamically
preview a reference when the original is not present.
Some reference types, such as Direction References and Chains, are automatically
backed up. You can create additional backup references from Tools > Assembly
settings > Reference Control.
When the original reference is missing and a feature uses a backup reference:


• The feature is regenerated with the backup references when possible and the
backup reference is shown in the collector and can be highlighted

• Reference status is displayed in the collector and in the Troubleshooter dialog


• Preview is available. You can choose to make changes and complete the feature
using the backup reference or to cancel the tool.

When original reference is missing and the feature has no backup reference, the
• The Feature fails.

• A missing reference is marked in the collector.

• No preview.

• Cannot resolve the failure until the reference is replaced, the original is found, or
the feature is Suppressed or Deleted. Canceling the tool will not resolve the

When original reference has become invalid and the feature has no backup
• The Feature fails.

• Failed/invalid reference is marked in the collector.

• No preview.

• You cannot resolve the failure until the reference is replaced, or the feature is
suppressed or deleted. Canceling the tool does not resolve the failure.

To Troubleshoot a Feature Failure

From the Troubleshooter dialog box, you can see warnings and errors encountered
in regeneration, highlight the items to locate them in the model, and obtain
information about these items.
1. When working in a feature tool you can open the Troubleshooter dialog box
using either of these methods, in addition to the methods listed in step 2.

Note: When the Troubleshooter dialog box opens appears in the dialog

o Click . If there is a problem with the geometry. the Troubleshooter

dialog box opens. (This does not apply to all features.)

o Select and right-click a collector containing a red or yellow dot

( , for example) and select What's Wrong from the shortcut

In the Troubleshooter dialog box, the feature is listed, followed by items

containing errors. Each item is preceded by (warning) or (error).

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2. When working in a feature tool or outside of a feature tool, you can open the
Troubleshooter dialog box using either of these method.

o Click Info > Geometry Checks (available in Fix Model mode only).

o Click Tools > Model Player (if available) and select Geometry Checks
from the Model Player dialog box.

In the Troubleshooter dialog box, the feature is listed, followed by items

containing errors. Each item is preceded by (warning) or (error).

3. Select an item in the Troubleshooter dialog box. A message describing the

problem appears. If present, the geometry is highlighted in the model. Continue
to select items as required.

4. With an item selected, select commands from any of the following menus:

o File—Saves the message to a file or model note.

o Edit—Ignores errors, display errors as notes in the Graphics window, or

erase all notes in the Graphics window. You can also use the Ignore and
Note columns for these actions.

o View—Changes your view or select Customize to turn the Attributes

window (Ignore and Note) on or off.

o Info—Displays feature or item information

Note: Menus and commands are available as required. For example, File > Save
as Note is not available for a missing reference.

5. When you have finished working with the Troubleshooter dialog box, click OK.
The RESOLVE FEAT menu may appear or already be open. If it is not, go to step

6. Click . The Failure Diagnostics window opens, and the RESOLVE FEAT
menu appears.

To Diagnose and Resolve Feature Failures

When you are working outside of a feature tool, and your geometry fails during
creation, redefinition, or regeneration, the Failure Diagnostics window opens, and
the RESOLVE FEAT menu appears. When you are working inside a feature tool click

after troubleshooting the problem

1. In the Failure Diagnostics window, note the reason for failure. You may see
something like: FEATURE #17 ROUND). PART XYZ, failed regeneration.
Could not construct feature.

2. To further investigate the problem, click:

o Overview to see instructions on how to resolve the problem

o Feature Info for detailed information on the failed feature.


o Resolve Hints (if available) for suggestions on how to fix the failed

3. Minimize the Failure Diagnostics window. It closes automatically when you

resolve the problem.

4. Use the commands in the RESOLVE FEAT menu to fix the failed feature.

Undo Changes—Undoes the changes that caused the failed regeneration

attempt, and return to the last successfully regenerated model. The system
displays the Confirmation menu so you can confirm or cancel this request.

Investigate—Investigates the cause of the regeneration failure using the

Investigate submenu.

Fix Model—Rolls the model back to the state before failure and select commands
to fix the problem.

Quick Fix—Displays the QUICK FIX menu with the following commands:

o Redefine—Redefines the failed feature.

o Reroute—Reroutes the failed feature.

o Suppress—Suppresses the failed feature and its children.

o Clip Supp—Suppresses the failed feature and all the features after it.

o Delete—Deletes the failed feature. To manage its children, use the Delete
All, Suspend All, or Reroute All commands.

After fixing the failure, the model.regenerates

5. Click Yes to exit Resolve Feature mode.

Note: To explore alternative methods for fixing the failed feature without losing
the changes you made,

a. Click Save or Save As before exiting Resolve Feature mode. Then

b. Click No from to re-enter Resolve Feature mode.
c. Try another method to resolve the failure.


The INVESTIGATE menu lists the following options:
• Current Modl—Uses the current active (failed) model for operations.

• Backup Modl—Uses the backup model, displayed in a separate window (the

system displays the current model in the active window) for operations.

• Diagnostics—Toggles the display of the failed feature diagnostic window.

• List Changes—Shows the modified dimensions in the Main Window and in a pre-
regenerated model window (Review Window), if available. Also, display a table
that lists all the modifications and changes.

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• Show Ref—Opens the Reference Viewer in which parents and children of the
current feature are listed. Expand the feature, right-click a reference, and choose
Delete References or Info > Reference Info from the shortcut menu. When
selected, items are highlighted in the Graphics window.

• Failed Geom—Displays the invalid geometry of the failed feature. This command
may be unavailable. The FAILED GEOM menu displays a list of features with
failed geometry and a restore command.

• Roll Model—Rolls the model back to the option selected in the ROLL MDL TO
submenu. The options are as follows:

o Failed Feat—Roll the model back to the failed feature (for the backup
model only).

o Before Fail—Roll the model back to the feature just before the failed

o Last Success—Roll the model back to the state it was in at the end of the
last successful feature regeneration.

o Specify—Roll the model back to the specified feature.


If you choose the Fix Model option, Pro/ENGINEER displays the FIX MODEL menu.
Choose either Current Modl or Backup Modl and an appropriate option from the
The FIX MODEL menu has the following options:
• Current Modl—Perform operations on the current active (failed) model.

• Backup Modl—Perform operations on the backup model, displayed in a separate

window from the current model in the active window.

• Feature—Perform feature operations on the model using the standard FEAT

menu. The system displays the CONFIRMATION menu so you can confirm or
cancel the request only if the Undo Changes option is not possible. However,
the Undo Changes option is always possible if you used the Regen Backup
option in the ENVIRONMENT menu.

The SELECT FEAT menu Failed Feat command selects the latest failed feature.
Pro/ENGINEER displays a message in the Message Window when you successfully
redefine the feature and automatically regenerates the model.

When you choose Done from the FEAT menu, the system displays the
Information Window with a message stating that the model has been
successfully regenerated.

The system also displays instructions so you can either exit the Resolve
environment or continue to make changes before you exit.

• Modify—Modify dimensions using the standard MODIFY menu.


• Regenerate—Regenerate the model.

• Switch Dim—Switch the dimension display from symbols to values or vice versa.

• Restore—Display the restore menu so you can restore dimensions, parameters,

relations, or all of these to their values prior to the failure. The RESTORE menu
options are as follows:

o All Changes—Restore all the changed items.

o Dimensions—Restore the dimensions.

o Parameters—Restore the parameters.

o Relations—Restore the relations.

• Relations—Add, delete, or modify relations, as necessary, to be able to

regenerate the model, using the MODEL REL and RELATIONS menus.

• Set Up—Display the standard PART SETUP menu to perform additional part
setup procedures.

• X-Section—Create, modify, or delete a cross-sectional view using the CROSS

SEC menu.

• Program—Access Pro/PROGRAM capabilities using the PROGRAM menu (for

more information, see Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER).

Relation Constraint Violation

When the part has been modified so a relation constraint has been violated,
Pro/ENGINEER displays the violated constraint in the Information Window.
After you exit the Information Window, the system prompts whether to continue
regeneration. If you answer No, Pro/ENGINEER restores the previous dimension
values. Otherwise, regeneration continues.

Reducing Regeneration Time

When you regenerate a part after modifying it, Pro/ENGINEER recalculates the
geometry of the part. For example, changing dimensional values, editing relations, or
altering dimension tables require part regeneration.
Pro/ENGINEER performs a fast regeneration by regenerating only the features
affected by certain actions.
Pro/ENGINEER performs fast regeneration in the following situations:
• Modifying dimension values—The part regenerates from the earliest modified
feature only.

• Resuming features—The part regenerates from the earliest resumed feature.

• Redefining features, and modifying schemes and patterns—The part

regenerates from the earliest modified feature only.

Pro/ENGINEER regenerates the entire part when you modify the following:

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• Part accuracy

• Part unit value

You can significantly enhance regeneration time by doing the following:

• Create identical or varying patterns instead of general patterns.

• Suppress features that have not been modified since the last regeneration.

To Step Through Feature Creation

With the Model Player, you can go backward or forward through the feature creation
history in the model in order to observe how the model was created.
1. Click Tools > Model Player. The Model Player dialog box opens.

2. Select one of the following options to control feature regeneration and display:

o Regenerate features—Regenerates each feature in sequence, starting

from the specified feature, as the model moves forward. If this box is
cleared, features will be rolled forward without regenerating.

o Display each feature—Displays each feature in the Graphics window as it

is being regenerated or rolled forward. Future features are not displayed
until they are regenerated. If this box is cleared, the entire display is
updated only when the desired feature is reached and the model playback
is complete, or when you stop model playback.

o Compute CL—(Manufacturing only) When selected, the CL data is

recalculated for each NC sequence during regeneration. If cleared, no CL
data is calculated during regeneration.

3. Click one of the following to select where (at which feature) to start part

o —Starts part regeneration at the beginning of the model, with feature

number 1.

o —Starts part regeneration with the last feature, and moves backwards
through feature regeneration.

o —Steps backward through the model one feature at a time.

Regenerates the preceding feature in the model.

o —Steps forward through the model one feature at a time. Regenerates

the next feature in the model.

o Slider Bar—Drag the slider handle to the first feature at which you want
model playback to begin. The features are highlighted in the Graphics
window as you move through their position with the slider handle. The
feature number and type are displayed in the selection panel (such as #16
(CHAMFER)), and the feature number is displayed in the Feat # box.


o —Selects a starting feature from the Graphics window or the Model


o Feat #—Specifies a starting feature by typing the feature number in the


The feature you specify becomes the starting feature, and all features that
occur after it (if you are using forward playback) or before it (if you are
using backward playback) are suppressed.

The model playback process begins.

4. To stop the playback at the current feature, click .

5. For the current feature, select from the following options:

o Show Dims—Displays the dimensions of the current feature .

o Feat Info—Provides regular feature information about the current feature.

If you choose this option, the system displays a window with the feature

o Geom Check—Investigates the geometry error for the current feature. This
option is accessible only when the system encounters a geometry error.

o Fix Model—Activates Resolve mode by forcing the current feature to abort

regeneration. When you exit Resolve mode, Pro/ENGINEER brings you back
to the Model Player at the current feature. You can then continue to move
backward or forward through the model.

o Close—Closes the Model Player and enter Insert mode at the current
feature (the last feature to be generated). You can choose this option at
any time during model playback mode.

o Finish—Closes the Model Player and return to the last feature in the model.
Pro/ENGINEER restores all features. You can choose this option at any time
during model playback mode.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Using Geometry Checking

To prevent regeneration problems, Pro/ENGINEER checks for geometry errors. If
needed, the Geom Check command is automatically activated in the INFO and
TRIM MODEL menus and in the Model Player, if open, for those features that are
successfully created.
For example, if a problematic geometric condition is detected during feature creation
or regeneration, the message WARNING: Design intent is unclear. Use Info >
Geometry Check for more details appears.
Use the Geom Check command to view the feature that may have an error, so you
can revise its definition to eliminate the potential problem. The GEOM CHECK menu
provides a namelist of problem features and a Restore command.

What May Cause a Geometry Check Warning?

The following cases might cause the system to issue a geometry check warning:
• Using blind features to extrude all the way through a part or intersect another

When the blind depth is not quite enough, there will be a little gap, which will be
detected by Pro/ENGINEER. Do not modify the extruded value only—redefine the
feature to use one of the Thru depth options.

• Sketching intersecting features on drafted surfaces

You may not notice the slight angle of the draft, but the feature you sketch will
not quite align with the feature to be intersected. You should either sketch the
feature on the original non-drafted surface or use the option Use Edge so the
entities align exactly.

To Use the FEAT FAILED Menu

1. If a feature fails during creation and it does not use the dialog box interface,
Pro/ENGINEER displays the FEAT FAILED menu with the following options:

o Redefine—Redefines the feature.

o Show Ref—Opens the Reference Information Window dialog box in

which parents and children of the current feature are listed. Click Filters to
select what you want to see in the dialog box, and use the ActionsMenu or
right-click selected items to get reference information. When selected,
items are highlighted in the Graphics window.

o Geom Check—Checks for problems with overlapping geometry,

misalignment, and so on. This command may be dimmed. If a shell, offset
surface, or thickened surface fails, the system stores information about the
surfaces that could not be offset. The GEOM CHECK menu displays a list of
features with failed geometry and a Restore command.

o Feat Info—Get information about the feature.


2. If a feature fails, you can redisplay the part with all failed geometry highlighted in
different colors. The system displays the corresponding error messages in an
Information Window. Features can fail during creation for the following reasons:

o Overlapping geometry—A surface intersects itself. If Pro/ENGINEER finds

a self-intersecting surface, it does not perform any further surface checks.
The system highlights the overlapping geometry in red and the
corresponding points of intersection in white, and displays an error

o Surface has edges that coincide—The surface has no area.

Pro/ENGINEER highlights the surface in red and displays an error message.

o Inverted geometry—Pro/ENGINEER highlights the inverted geometry in

purple and displays an error message.

o Bad edges—Pro/ENGINEER highlights bad edges in blue and displays an

error message.

o Sheetmetal form—Pro/ENGINEER highlights sheetmetal form features that

fail in red.

Feature Relations

About Feature Relations

When creating or editing features, you can type an expression in place of a
dimension value. This adds a relation that controls the dimension.
You can type an expression in place of a dimension in the following cases:
• When modifying dimensions in the graphics window, double-click the dimension
value and type an equation in the dimension box.

• When creating or editing a feature, type an expression in the dimension box

located on the dashboard. For example, when creating an extrusion, you can type
an expression in the depth dimension box.

• When editing dimensions using a dialog box, type an expression in the dimension

To add a relation as a dimension value:

1. If dimensions are not displayed, double-click a feature to show its dimensions.

2. Click Info > Switch Dimensions to show dimensions in symbolic format.

3. For the dimension that you want to control by a relation, type an expression in
the dimension box. For example, d2*2.

4. A dialog box prompts you to confirm if you want to add a part level relation. Click
Yes. The system evaluates the relation and assigns its value to the dimension.

Part – Help Topic Collection


Glossary for Part

Term Definition

blind Extrudes a section from the sketching plane by the specified

depth value.

corner round A round created at a point where two or three areas or

surfaces meet or intersect.

corner transition A round transition that is applicable to round pieces

converging, meeting, or intersecting at corners.

dependency A state where one object uses a functionality of another


dome A concave shape whose distinguishing feature is that the

concavity faces downward.

draft direction Direction that is used to measure the draft angle. You can
define it by selecting a plane, a straight edge, a datum axis,
or an axis of a coordinate system.

draft hinge Draft hinges are Lines or curves on the draft surfaces that
the surfaces are pivoted about.

draft surface The surface of the model that is being drafted.

extrusion A manufacturing process where a billet of material is pushed

or drawn or both through a die to create a shaped rod, rail,
or pipe. The process usually creates long length of the final
product and may be continuous or semi-continuous in
nature. Some materials are hot drawn whilst other may be
cold drawn.

full round A full round is one in which every part of the surface or the
circumference is equidistant from the center.

graph feature A diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional,

between two sets of numbers as a set of points having
coordinates determined by the relationship.

group member Individual features that belong to a set or group.

helical sweep A section that is swept along a trajectory.

lip A protrusion on one part while being a cut on another.


Term Definition

local push To deform a surface by pushing or pulling on a circular or

rectangular region of a surface.

pattern A model or feature used as an archetype to create


pattern leader A feature selected for patterning is called the pattern leader.

protrusion A part that protrudes or extends outward.

rib A projecting molding on the underside of a vault.

round set A group of rounds of the same kind that belong together
and are used together.

silhouette A drawing of the outline of an object, filled in with uniform


sparse Occurring in limited numbers; not very dense.

straight blend The act of blending components together thoroughly, so

that the constituent parts are indistinguishable from one

subsection A section of a section or a part of a part. A part of

something already divided.

sweep To cover or extend over an area.

swept blend A blend that is influenced by a trajectory on which the blend

sections are located.

tangency A surface or curve having contact at a single point or along

condition a line without crossing.

thin feature A feature that is relatively small from one surface to the
opposite surface.

toroidal bend A ring-shaped surface generated by rotating a circle around

an axis that does not intersect the circle

transformation The process or result of changing from one appearance,

state, or phase to another.

tweak To make minor adjustments to improve the shape of the


unpattern An operation on a group pattern that allows you to remove

the pattern definition and leave the pattern instances as
individual groups.

Part – Help Topic Collection

Term Definition

variation One that is slightly different from others of the same kind.


4 patterning ........................... 78, 79

45 x D chamfer ................... 512, 525 referencing .......................... 71, 72

A standalone .....................72, 75, 76

absolute accuracy Asynchronous datums....................71

specifying ............................... 723 Asynchronous datums....................72

absolute accuracy ....................... 723 attachment types .. 484, 485, 564, 565

accuracy axes

changing for a part .................. 721 modifying the name, type, or

placement ............................ 685
specifying absolute .................. 723
axes .......................................... 685
specifying relative .................... 722
Axis pattern ............................... 235
accuracy.................................... 721
alternate origin .......................... 203
basic section dome
alternative origin ........................ 242
creating .................................. 639
angle of revolution...................... 106
basic section dome ...................... 639
Angle x D chamfer ............... 512, 526
spinal ..................................... 652
switching for dimensions........... 694
toroidal ................................... 649
arrowheads................................ 694
bends ........................................ 649
assemblies..................................... 4
bends ........................................ 652
associativity................................... 2
Blend feature
Asynchronous datums
adding a blend vertex ............... 132
deleting ...............................80, 81
creating .................................. 130
different from regular datums...... 71
example of blend vertex ............ 132
displaying as feature-subnode 71, 73
example of imported file............ 135
dragging and dropping 71, 74, 75, 76
examples of blend geometry ...... 131
embedding...........................71, 72
importing ................................ 132
mirroring .................................. 79
modifying ................................ 133
moving..................................... 79
overview ................................. 129

Part - Help Topic Collection

Blend feature ............................. 129 boundary curves

blended section dome creating a variable offset ........... 298

creating with a single profile...... 642 offsetting ................................ 298

creating with no profile ............. 641 user interface for offsetting........ 296

example with no profile ............ 642 using the Points/Vertex Options

table .................................... 298
example with single profile........ 644
boundary curves ......................... 296
overview.......................... 639, 643
blended section dome ................. 639
capping blends............................ 619
Chamfer feature
adding or removing sections...... 696
addressing placement ambiguity 563
general................................... 621
attachment types ..............564, 567
modifying ............................... 131
creating a 45 x D chamfer ......... 525
non-parallel ............................ 616
creating a corner chamfer.......... 532
parallel ................................... 614
creating a D x D Chamfer .......... 524
redefining sections in parallel .... 698
creating a D1 x D2 chamfer ....... 527
rotational................................ 619
creating an Angle x D chamfer ... 526
blends....................................... 129
creation methods ..................... 532
bottom up design ........................... 3
defining an attachment type ...... 565
Boundary Blend feature
defining the distance using a
creating.................................. 604
reference.............................. 531
creating a one directional.......... 604
defining transitions ................... 542
creating a two directional .......... 604
deleting transitions and making a
creating approximate curves ..... 606 transition.............................. 551

curve influence ........................ 611 dimension schemes .................. 512

example ................................. 605 examples .........................513, 533

overview................................. 600 extending chamfer geometry ..... 562

reference entities ..................... 603 geometry .......... 508, 509, 512, 555

user interface .......................... 601 offset surfaces ......................... 532

Boundary Blend feature ............... 600 overview ................................. 508

Boundary blend tool See Boundary patches and pieces ................... 552
blend feature........................... 600
placement ambiguity ................ 562


renaming ................................ 533 example .................................. 610

resolving failed chamfers using end skipping .................................. 609

surfaces............................... 566
specifying................................ 609
retrieving information............... 533
control points ............................. 608
set and transition modes........... 508
coordinate systems
snapping to a vertex or datum point
moving text for ........................ 684
.......................................... 531
coordinate systems ..................... 684
tangent surfaces ...................... 532
Copy feature
tips for defining transitions........ 542
across models ...................152, 165
transitions ................ 508, 534, 549
applying transformations ........... 158
trimming chamfer geometry ...... 557
cancel pasting.......................... 153
types and references ......... 509, 512
converting to an inner boundary
user interface .......................... 514
copy .................................... 157
Chamfer feature ......................... 508
copying a curve........................ 157
Chamfer feature ......................... 509
copying a surface ..................... 156
Chamfer feature information ........ 533
copying an edge ....................... 157
Chamfer geometry 508, 509, 512, 555,
copying inside a closed sketch curve
557, 562
........................................... 157
Chamfer tool See Chamfer feature 508
copying multiple features ...149, 152
components ................................... 4
creating dependent copies .148, 158,
conditions 160, 161, 166

defining .................................. 607 creating dimension dependency. 158,

159, 160
conditions.................................. 606
creating independent copies...... 148,
configuration options
163, 164, 166
overview..................................... 7
excluding patches and holes ...... 156
setting ....................................... 7
in same model ......................... 161
configuration options....................... 7
mapping references ...........167, 168
conic rounds ................ 420, 441, 443
missing references.............150, 169
Constant ............................ 203, 239
overview ................................. 154
constant orientation .................... 198
replacing references ................. 150
constant rounds .................. 416, 432
sketch-based ....................159, 166
control points
skipping references................... 150

Part - Help Topic Collection

to the clipboard ................ 147, 152 example .................................. 583

user interface .......................... 154 overview ................................. 580

using common references ......... 150 parameters.............................. 582

using new references ............... 150 Cosmetic Thread feature .............. 580

using same references....... 150, 169 creation methods and cross-section

shapes for Round features ......... 420
using varied items tables ... 160, 162
creation methods for Chamfer features
varying dependency .. 148, 158, 160,
............................................. 532
Curve pattern ............................. 235
Copy feature .............................. 154
copying features
trimming ................................. 192
by translating .......................... 733
curves ....................................... 192
using mirroring........................ 731
using move ............................. 732
extruded cut, creating.................95
copying features....725, 727, 729, 730
revolved cut, creating ............... 110
copying features......................... 731
copying features......................... 731
corner chamfer.................... 509, 532
D x D chamfer .....................512, 524
D1 x D2 chamfer..................512, 527
groove features ....................... 586
data management commands
sketched cosmetic feature......... 578
using with user-defined features. 663
thread features........................ 580
data management commands ....... 663
cosmetic.................................... 578
Datum Axis feature
Cosmetic Groove feature
creating a datum axis ........... 29, 30
creating.................................. 586
overview ...................................26
example ................................. 587
placing set datum tag annotations 26
Cosmetic Groove feature ............. 586
preselecting references ...............30
Cosmetic Thread feature
user interface ............................27
creating.................................. 581
Datum Axis feature .......................26
creating as a user-defined feature
.......................................... 586 Datum Coordinate System feature

creating custom cosmetic threads creating ....................................59

.......................................... 586
creating from file........................62


creating offset ........................... 60 Datum features

orienting................................... 60 creating asynchronously ..............71

overview................................... 57 Datum features.......16, 26, 50, 57, 63

user interface ............................ 58 Datum features.............................71

Datum Coordinate System feature .. 57 Datum Plane feature

Datum Curve feature adjusting...................................22

creating by connecting points ...... 55 creating ....................................21

creating from equations .............. 52 creating angularly offset..............23

creating through points............... 54 creating offset............................22

creating through points on a surface overview ...................................16

............................................ 56
placing set datum tag annotations 16
creating using a cross section ...... 52
selecting references ....................26
datum curves through points ....... 54
user interface ............................17
importing.................................. 51
Datum Plane feature......................16
overview................................... 50
datum planes
rules for creating ....................... 57
moving text for ........................ 684
Datum Curve feature .................... 50
datum planes ............................. 684
datum curve sketched
Datum Point feature
creating.................................... 51
display of ..................................34
overview................................... 50
user interface ............................ 50
general .....................................34
datum curve sketched ................... 50
offset from a coordinate system ...45
datum curves
sketched ...................................44
adding points to a spline ........... 704
Datum Point feature ......................34
decreasing spline points..... 703, 704
Datum Point feature ......................44
modifying line style .................. 685
Datum Point feature ......................45
moving and adjusting . 704, 705, 706
Datum Point feature ......................49
redefining imported.................. 702
datum points See Datum Point feature
smoothing a spline ................... 704 ...............................................33

splitting .................................. 707 datums

datum curves ............................. 685 modifying the name, type, or

placement ............................ 685

Part - Help Topic Collection

datums ..................................... 685 Draft feature

DBMS creating a basic draft ................ 395

using with user-defined features 663 creating a split draft ................. 407

DBMS ....................................... 663 creating a split draft with two hinges

........................................... 412
depth options for extrusions........... 90
creating a variable draft ............ 402
design intent.............................. 2, 4
excluding loops ........................ 398
extending intersect surfaces ...... 399
entering an expression ............. 745
overview ................................. 387
dimension.................................. 745
split draft ................................ 388
Dimension pattern ...................... 235
user interface .......................... 390
dimension schemes for Chamfer
features.................................. 512 variable draft ........................... 389

dimensions Draft feature .............................. 387

adding text to.......................... 692 Draft tool See Draft feature .......... 387

defining in a user-defined feature661 E

making independent for copied Ear feature

feature ................................ 694
creating .................................. 644
modifying a symbol .................. 692
example .................................. 645
modifying cosmetics ................. 690
sketching the section ................ 645
modifying decimal places .......... 693
Ear feature ................................. 644
modifying formats.................... 691
modifying locations .................. 693
defining in a user-defined feature660
modifying overview .................. 686
elements.................................... 660
modifying properties, text, text style
Embedded datums
.......................................... 687
converting to standalone .............76
modifying values .............. 688, 690
copying .....................................77
moving text ............................ 694
creating feature .........................74
redefining dimensioning schemes699
deleting .............................. 80, 81
switching arrowheads ............... 694
display order .............................73
dimensions ................................ 661
editing ......................................77
dimensions ................................ 686
feature operations ......................77
Direction pattern ........................ 235


mirroring .................................. 78 extruded cuts ...............................91

moving..................................... 78 Extruded feature

patterning................................. 78 depth options.............................90

redefining ................................. 77 feature types .............................82

suppressing .............................. 80 making changes to .....................99

Embedded datums ...................71, 72 overview ...................................82

end surfaces preselecting the sketching plane for

using to resolve failed Chamfer
features ............................... 566 sections for................................88

using to resolve failed Round user interface ............................83

features ............................... 486
Extruded feature ...........................82
end surfaces .............................. 484
extruded surfaces .........................91
end surfaces .............................. 487
extrusions See Extruded feature......82
end surfaces .............................. 564
end surfaces .............................. 567
Exclude Surfaces ........................ 364
diagnosing features .................. 742
Excluded surfaces ....................... 372
feature.................................... 735
Extend excluded surfaces ............ 364
fixing the model ....................... 740
Extend feature
investigating feature ................. 739
creating a same surface extension
failures ...................................... 735
.......................................... 263
feature names
creating a tangent suface extension
.......................................... 264 modifying ................................ 683
creating a to plane surface extension feature names ............................ 683
.......................................... 265
feature-based modeling ...............2, 4
creating an approximate surface
extension ............................. 264 features

overview................................. 260 Asynchronous datums .................71

user interface .......................... 261 Blend...................................... 129

Extend feature ........................... 260 Boundary Blend........................ 600

Extend inner surfaces.................. 364 Chamfer.................................. 508

external sections ................. 136, 141 Copy....................................... 154

Extrude tool See Extruded feature .. 82 copying ................................... 725

Part - Help Topic Collection

Cosmetic Groove ..................... 586 Pipe........................................ 572

Cosmetic Thread...................... 580 Radius Dome ........................... 637

creating incomplete.................. 700 redefining................................ 700

Datum Axis ............................... 26 redefining copied...................... 733

Datum Coordinate System .......... 57 reordering ............................... 709

Datum Plane ............................. 16 rerouting ................................. 714

Datum Point .............................. 33 Revolved ................................. 100

draft ...................................... 387 Rib ......................................... 379

Ear ........................................ 644 Round..................................... 415

Extend ................................... 260 Section Dome .......................... 639

Extruded................................... 82 Sections in Sketched based Features

........................................... 136
failures ................................... 735
selecting for a local group.......... 674
Fill ......................................... 268
selecting suppressed................. 713
first............................................ 5
Shaft ...................................... 569
Flange .................................... 571
shell ....................................... 364
Helical Sweep .......................... 594
Sketched Cosmetic ................... 578
Hole ....................................... 329
Solidify ................................... 305
inserting ................................. 708
Spinal Bend ............................. 652
Intersect................................. 266
suppressing, resuming, and deleting
Lip ......................................... 646
....................................710, 713
LocalPush ............................... 635
Sweep .................................... 588
making copied independent....... 734
Thicken ................................... 300
making read-only..................... 683
Toroidal Bend .......................... 649
Merge .................................... 184
Trim ....................................... 190
Mirror..................................... 169
tweak ..................................... 635
Move...................................... 174
User-Defined ....................... 5, 657
Neck ...................................... 569
Variable Section Sweep ............. 113
Non-Parallel blend.................... 616
features ........................................ 4
overview..................................... 4
features ........................................ 5
Parallel Blend .......................... 614
features ..................................... 169
pattern ................................... 194
features ..................................... 184


features .................................... 329 created at a curve's intersection ...39

field datum points created at the center ..................39

creating.................................... 49 created at the intersection of entities

overview................................... 49
created offset from a point ..........42
field datum points......................... 49
created on a curve or edge ..........38
Fill ............................................ 242
created on or offset from a surface
fill boundary .............................. 198
Fill feature
overview ...................................34
creating a Fill feature ............... 270
user interface ............................35
overview................................. 268
general datum points.....................34
redefining a Fill feature ............. 271
geometric snapshots.................... 719
user interface .......................... 269
geometry checking
Fill feature ................................. 268
preventing regeneration problems
Fill pattern ................................. 235 ........................................... 744

Fill tool See Fill feature ................ 268 geometry checking ...................... 744

Flange feature grooves

creating.................................. 571 creating .................................. 586

example ................................. 571 example .................................. 586

Flange feature............................ 571 grooves ..................................... 586

flat surface features See Fill feature groups

............................................. 268
creating a local ........................ 674
Follow rotation ........................... 203
local groups overview ............... 674
Follow surface ..................... 203, 239
patterning user-defined features 679
formed datum curves See Wrap
rules for patterning................... 680
feature ................................... 253
working with groups overview .... 676
full rounds ............416, 439, 440, 441
working with the GROUP menu... 679
working with user-defined feature
general blends groups ................................. 676
creating........................... 621, 622 groups ....................................... 674
example ................................. 622 H
general blends ........................... 621 Helical Sweep feature
general datum points

Part - Help Topic Collection

creating with a constant pitch .... 594 overview ................................. 266

creating with variable pitch ....... 596 redefining................................ 268

examples ................................ 595 user interface .......................... 266

examples of variable pitch......... 597 Intersect feature ......................... 266

overview................................. 594 Intersect tool See Intersect feature266

Helical Sweep feature.................. 594 L

Hole feature library

creating a 2-sided simple hole ... 346 creating for user-defined features
........................................... 658
creating a sketched .................. 350
library ....................................... 658
creating a standard coaxial hole with
countersink .......................... 354 line style

creating a standard hole ........... 352 modifying for a datum curve ...... 685

hole charts.............................. 359 line style .................................... 685

overview................................. 329 Lip feature

placement............................... 342 creating .................................. 647

thread note formatting ............. 361 example .................................. 648

types ..................................... 329 overview ................................. 646

user interface .......................... 330 Lip feature ................................. 646

Hole feature............................... 329 Local Push feature

I creating .................................. 635

IGES defining .................................. 635

importing to create non-parallel example .................................. 636

blends ................................. 618
Local Push feature....................... 635
IGES ......................................... 618
modifying dimensions ............... 693
making copied features............. 734
locations .................................... 693
making dimensions .................. 694
independent............................... 694
measurement types for offset curves
independent............................... 734 ............................................. 295

internal sections .................. 136, 141 Merge feature

Intersect feature creating .................................. 187

intersecting sketches or surfaces 267 oveview .................................. 184


user interface .......................... 186 Move feature .......................... 78, 79

Merge feature ............................ 184 Move feature .............................. 174

merge part multiple sections

redefining ............................... 702 modifying features containing .... 684

merge part ................................ 702 multiple sections ......................... 684

Merge tool See Merge feature....... 184 N

Mirror feature Neck feature

mirroring all the geometry in a part creating .................................. 569

.......................................... 173
example .................................. 570
mirroring patterns............. 169, 173
Neck feature............................... 569
mirroring selected features ....... 173
Non-Parallel Blend feature
overview................................. 169
adding and removing sections .... 698
user interface .......................... 171
capping................................... 619
Mirror feature..........................78, 79
creating a general blend ............ 621
Mirror feature............................. 169
creating a rotational ................. 619
model attributes ............................. 4
creating with an imported section618
example of blending tangent ...... 617
fixing ..................................... 740
example of creating a general blend
models ...................................... 740 ........................................... 622

modes importing a section ................... 618

set and transition mode for Chamfer overview ................................. 616

tool ..................................... 508
specifying tangency conditions ... 617
set and transition mode for Round
Non-Parallel Blend feature ............ 616
tool ..................................... 415
normal to spine rounds .........420, 444
modes....................................... 415
modes....................................... 508
offset curves
Move feature
creating a fan curve offset ......... 296
moving patterns ........ 158, 174, 179
creating along a surface ............ 291
overview................................. 174
creating normal to surface ......... 290
rotating ........................... 179, 180
measurement types .................. 295
translating ....................... 179, 180
user interface .......................... 289
user interface .......................... 176

Part - Help Topic Collection

using graphs ........................... 291 replace offsets ......................... 286

offset curves .............................. 272 types ...................................... 272

Offset feature using graphs............................ 291

Boundary offset user interface ... 296 using the Expand option ............ 281

constraining with a sketch......... 282 Offset feature ............................. 272

creating a fan curve offset ........ 296 offset from a coordinate system datum
creating a variable boundary curve
offset .................................. 298 creating ....................................47

creating offset curves along a overview ...................................45

surface ................................ 291
offset from a coordinate system datum
creating offset curves normal to points .......................................45
surface ................................ 290
Offset tool See Offset feature........ 272
creating offset surfaces by
expanding ............................ 281 orientation ................................. 203

creating offset surfaces with a draft origin ........................................ 198

.......................................... 282 P
creating standard offset surfaces 275 Parallel Blend feature
creating using Replace.............. 286 creating with a projected section 616
draft offsets ............................ 283 creating with a regular section ... 615
example of a Replace offset....... 286 overview ................................. 614
example of creating an offset surface Parallel Blend feature................... 614
with side surfaces ................. 279
parametric design .......................... 2
example of Normal and Translate
offsets ................................. 284 parent-child relationships ................ 4

example of offsetting a curve .... 293 Part

measurement types for curves... 295 design concepts .......................... 2

Offset curve user interface ........ 289 design planning........................... 3

Offset surface user interface...... 272 features and parts ....................... 4

offsetting a Boundary curve ...... 298 modeling process ........................ 4

offsetting a curve along a surface291 overview .................................... 2

offsetting a curve normal to surface parent-child relationships ............. 4

.......................................... 290
putting it all together ................... 5
overview................................. 272
Part.............................................. 2
Points/Vertex Options table ....... 298
partial shell ................................ 364


parts............................................. 4 Pattern feature ........................... 194

Pasting Pattern tool See Pattern feature .... 194

cancel pasting ......................... 153 Pipe feature

multiple features............... 149, 152 creating .................................. 572

varying dependency ... 147, 154, 158 creating in an asssembly ........... 574

Pasting...................................... 149 creating pipe connections .......... 574

Pasting...................................... 150 example .................................. 577

Pasting...................................... 150 Pipe feature................................ 572

Pasting...................................... 158 placement ambiguity ... 481, 483, 562,

patches and pieces .............. 471, 474
pattern...................................... 242
activating in a user-defined feature
Pattern feature
........................................... 662
axis patterns ........................... 197
Pro/PROGRAM ............................ 662
creating dimension patterns ...... 210
Project feature
creating fill patterns ................. 239
creating by selecting chains ....... 250
creating reference patterns ....... 236
creating by sketching ................ 250
creating table patterns ............. 231
example .................................. 251
dimension patterns .................. 196
overview ................................. 248
direction patterns .................... 196
user interface .......................... 248
editing the pattern table ........... 234
Project feature............................ 248
examples ................................ 202
Project members on surface ......... 239
fill patterns ............................. 198
Project tool See Project feature ..... 248
overview................................. 194
projected ................................... 203
reference patterns ................... 198
projected datum curve See Project
regeneration options ................ 200 feature.................................... 248

table patterns.......................... 198 projected section

user interface .......................... 203 creating a cosmetic feature........ 579

using negative increment .......... 211 projected section ........................ 579

using relations......................... 212 projecting a curve See Project feature

............................................. 248
varying location and size of
instances ............................. 211 projection surface ....................... 198

Part - Help Topic Collection

properties relative accuracy

modifying dimensions of ........... 687 specifying................................ 722

properties.................................. 687 relative accuracy......................... 722

Q Revolve tool See Revolved feature. 100

quilts Revolved feature

joining and intersecting ............ 184 angle options ........................... 106

trimming ................................ 192 axis of revolution...................... 105

trimming with a quilt ................ 193 creating a solid ........................ 108

quilts ........................................ 184 creating a surface..................... 111

quilts ........................................ 192 external axis............................ 105

R making changes to ................... 113

Radius Dome feature overview ................................. 100

creating.................................. 637 preselecting the sketching plane for

example ................................. 638
sections for.............................. 105
Radius Dome feature................... 637
user interface .......................... 101
Revolved feature......................... 100
using to define a Chamfer distance
.......................................... 531 Revolved feature......................... 105

using to define a Round radius... 437 Rib feature

using to relocate a Round radius 434 creating .................................. 385

references ................................. 416 overview ................................. 379

references ................................. 509 rules for defining ...................... 383

regeneration rules for sketching .................... 382

diagnosing feature failures ........ 742 types ...................................... 379

geometry checking................... 744 user interface .......................... 380

reducing time .......................... 741 Rib feature ................................. 379

regeneration .............................. 741 rotation plane ............................. 203

relations rotational blends

creating a variable section sweep example .................................. 621

with relations ....................... 123
rotational blends ......................... 619
example ................................. 124
rotational ribs features................. 379
relations .................................... 123


Round feature retrieving information ............... 445

addressing placement ambiguity 483 rules for creating a full round ..... 441

attachment types..................... 484 set and transition modes ........... 415

creating a conic round .............. 441 setting ratio grid interval ...441, 443,
creating a constant round ......... 432
snapping to a vertex or datum point
creating a D1 x D2 conic round .. 443
....................................434, 437
creating a full round ................. 439
tips for defining transitions ........ 458
creating a normal to spine round 444
transitions ................ 415, 446, 468
creating a round driven by a curve
trimming round geometry.......... 477
.......................................... 438
types and references ................ 416
creating a surface-to-surface full
round .................................. 440 user interface .......................... 420

creating a surface-to-surface Round feature............................. 415

variable round ...................... 435
Round feature............................. 416
creating a variable round .......... 433
Round feature information............ 445
creation methods and cross-section
shapes................................. 420 Round geometry .. 415, 416, 474, 477,
defining a radius using a reference
Round tool See Round feature....... 415
.......................................... 437
rounds driven by a curve.......416, 438
defining an attachment type...... 485
defining transitions .................. 458
deleting transitions and making a
transition ............................. 470 dimensioning ........................... 699
examples ......................... 439, 467 schemes .................................... 699
extending round geometry ........ 480 Section Dome feature
geometry.................. 415, 416, 474 blended with a single profile
overview .............................. 643
overview................... 415, 416, 446
creating a basic........................ 639
patches and pieces................... 471
creating a blended with no profile
placement ambiguity ................ 481
........................................... 641
relocating a radius using a reference
.......................................... 434 creating a swept....................... 640

renaming ................................ 445 creating with a single profile ...... 642

resolving failed rounds using end example .................................. 640

surfaces............................... 486

Part - Help Topic Collection

example of blended section with no Setting ratio grid interval ............. 444
profile.................................. 642
Shaft feature
example of blended with a single
creating .................................. 569
profile.................................. 644
example .................................. 569
overview................................. 639
Shaft feature .............................. 569
Section Dome feature.................. 639
Shell feature
section entities
creating .................................. 366
example ................................. 696
example .................................. 370
replacing ................................ 695
order of feature creation ........... 369
section entities ........................... 695
overview ................................. 364
section plane orientation
restrictions .............................. 368
constant normal ............... 128, 129
user interface .......................... 364
normal ..............124, 125, 126, 127
Shell feature............................... 364
section plane orientation.............. 114
Shell tool See Shell feature........... 364
shelling...................................... 372
adding or removing in non-parallel
blends ................................. 698 simplified representations
modifying features with multiple 684 creating .................................. 716
redefining ............................... 695 creating a work region .............. 718
redefining in parallel blends....... 698 creating accelerated ................. 720
removing or adding in blends .... 696 creating from part surfaces........ 718
sections..................................... 684 creating geometric snapshots..... 719
sections..................................... 695 editing using the model tree ...... 717
Sections in Sketched based features erasing ................................... 720
creating an internal section ....... 141 including and excluding features. 717
overview................................. 136 overview ................................. 716
selecting an external section ..... 141 updating ................................. 719
user interface .......................... 137 updating accelerated................. 719
Sections in Sketched based features simplified representations ............ 716
............................................. 136
Sketched Cosmetic feature
Setting ratio grid interval
creating a projected section ....... 579
for rounds........................ 441, 443
creating a regular section .......... 579


example projected section......... 580 example .................................. 654

example regular section............ 579 redefining................................ 656

overview................................. 578 Spinal Bend feature ..................... 652

Sketched Cosmetic feature .......... 578 Standalone datums

sketched datum curves converting to embedded datums ..75

creating.................................... 51 Standalone datums .......................75

overview................................... 50 Standalone datums .......................76

user interface ............................ 50 straight rib features..................... 379

sketched datum curves ................. 50 surface offsets

sketched datum points creating .................................. 275

creating.................................... 45 creating with a draft ................. 282

overview................................... 44 user interface .......................... 272

user interface ............................ 44 using Replace .......................... 286

sketched datum points .................. 44 surface offsets ............................ 272

sketching plane surface trim

preselecting .............................. 89 extruded ...................................97

sketching plane ............................ 89 revolved.................................. 112

slots See cuts............................... 91 surface trim..................................92

solid protrusions See Extruded feature surfaces See quilts ...................... 193
............................................... 93
Sweep feature
Solidify feature
creating .................................. 589
creating a cut .......................... 309
creating a 3-D.......................... 593
creating a patch....................... 309
example closed trajectories ....... 591
creating a protrusion ................ 308
example constant section .......... 591
overview................................. 305
example free and merged ends .. 591
patch conditions ...................... 310
example of 3-D ........................ 593
types ..................................... 305
example self-intersecting........... 591
user interface .......................... 307
examples of geometry............... 590
Solidify feature........................... 305
overview ................................. 588
Spinal Bend feature
see also Helical Sweep feature .. 588,
creating.................................. 652 594

Part - Help Topic Collection

Sweep feature............................ 588 types ...................................... 300

sweeps user interface .......................... 301

Helical Sweep feature ........ 594, 652 Thicken feature........................... 300

Sweep feature ......................... 588 Thicken Sketch feature

sweeps...................................... 588 extuded ....................................94

sweeps...................................... 594 revolved.................................. 109

sweeps...................................... 652 Thicken Sketch feature ..................94

Swept Blend feature Thicken Sketch feature ................ 109

example ................................. 633 Thin feature See Thicken Sketch

Swept feature, see Sweep feature. 588
through curve round See rounds
driven by a curve ..............416, 438
modifying dimension ................ 692
tolerances .................................. 689
top down design ............................ 3
Table Pattern ............................. 235
Toroidal Bend feature
creating .................................. 650
specifying for non-parallel blends 617
example .................................. 651
tangency ................................... 617
overview ................................. 649
Toroidal Bend feature .................. 649
modifying properties of............. 687
moving dimension.................... 694
specifying................................ 120
moving for datum planes and
types ...................................... 120
coordinate systems ............... 684
trajectories................................. 120
text .......................................... 684
text .......................................... 687
defining Chamfer...................... 542
text style
defining Round......................... 458
modifying properties of............. 687
deleting Chamfer transitions and
text style................................... 687
making a transition ................ 551
Thicken feature
deleting Round transitions and
creating.................................. 303 making a transition .........468, 470

creating a scaled...................... 304 transitions...........................415, 446

overview................................. 300 transitions.................................. 508


transitions ................................. 534 V

Trim feature variable dimensions

changing the trimming object .... 193 defining in a user-defined feature661

overview................................. 190 variable dimensions..................... 661

user interface .......................... 191 variable elements

Trim feature............................... 190 defining in a user-defined feature660

Trim tool See Trim feature ........... 190 variable elements........................ 660

Tweak features variable rounds ............ 416, 433, 435

overview................................. 635 Variable Section Sweep feature

Tweak features........................... 635 creating .................................. 117

U overview ................................. 113

UDF (see User-Defined feature) .5, 657 user interface .......................... 114

unsuppress (see Feature, suppressing) Variable Section Sweep feature ..... 113
............................................. 710
Variable Section Sweep tool See
User-Defined feature Variable Section Sweep feature .. 113

activating Pro/PROGRAM........... 662 W

assigning names to group work region

parameters .......................... 671
creating .................................. 718
creating.................................. 658
work region ................................ 718
creating a library ..................... 658
Wrap feature
creating as first ........................... 5
creating .................................. 256
creating cosmetic threads ......... 586
example .................................. 256
defining variable dimensions ..... 661
origin of .................................. 253
defining variable elements ........ 660
overview ................................. 253
patterning groups .................... 679
user interface .......................... 254
rules for patterning groups........ 680
Wrap feature .............................. 253
using data management commands
Wrap tool See Wrap feature.......... 253
.......................................... 663
wrapped datum curves See Wrap
working with the GROUP menu .. 679
feature.................................... 253
User-Defined feature................... 657


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