Muller Sales Sheet
Muller Sales Sheet
Muller Sales Sheet
experience spiritual
experience spiritualautonomy.
Through The Traditional Study of Angels, rediscover and develop the Angelic States
of Consciousness that represent the essence of the divine qualities and virtues.
By reactivating these powerful Angelic Energies in your thoughts, feelings
Marketing Campaign and actions, you will awaken a new way of understanding dreams, signs,
and synchronicity.
48,000+ sold internationally By reading the real-life experiences told in this book, discover that the greatest
teaching is that which is received through personal experience. Become aware that
National TV, radio, print,
every event, meeting and word contributes to our evolution.
and Internet campaign
In simple language, Kaya and Christiane Muller share with us the wealth of this
Internationally targeted teaching and its application to daily life. They share their own experience and that
seminars and workshops
of individuals who practice this ancient path of knowledge.
Online marketing campaign,
including ads on
National trade
marketing campaign
Author podcast
Available via Ingram, Baker & Taylor and from Emerald Book Company (800.932.5420)