Myths Analysis Table

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Use the following table to assist you in your analysis.

Share with other groups and find out more about the stories they analyzed and
complete the table below. An example has been provided for your reference.

No. What is the gist of the story What truths are expressed in the What does it tell us about the things What does it tell us about the struggles
story humanity needs to figure out in order humankind go through?
to achieve progress?
1 The Man with a Red Feather The development of the intellect is a Humanity has to figure out ways to That nothing come easy. Every praiseworthy
on His Head – it is a story gradual process and with the gift of transcend the limitation impose on them endeavor requires tremendous hard work and
about how humanity come to understanding, humanity can by nature. In the process of transition to sacrifices. The seer has to ‘wrestle’ the man
learn about corn and pumpkin overcome challenges in life. At some agriculture, humanity figure out how to with a red feather to get the knowledge of corn
plants. point in life, humanity transition to plant and secure food for their survival and pumpkin.
agriculture and build civilization.
In the context of TOK, myths (being a tool of
the indigenous societies to past down wisdom)
help us, the knower to appreciate how
knowledge can be generated (via stories) and
distributed (across generation) to keep certain
cultural element (application of agricultural
knowledge) alive.

2 The legend of Chang’e - it is a How extensive curiosity and bad Humanity has to figure out that we have Tell us the dangers of curiosity.
Chinese myth about how actions lead to irreversible to be happy with what we have as well as Even the closest people to us can grow and
Chang’e was forced to eat the consequences. being careful of who to trust since the change to actually betray us and yet there will
elixir because Hou Yi’s It also brings an explanation as to closest people can eventually betray us. always be someone trustworthy of our love and
apprentice discovered the elixir how there is now a single sun in the It also teaches us the value of sacrifice be willing to sacrifice their mortality in order to
and wanted to steal it. sky. It also portrays the evolution of and that sometimes in order to lead to do what’s right.
humanity in the sense of empathy greater consequences, great sacrifices
and understanding of one's actions. have to be made. To link it to TOK we can In the context of TOK, the myth “The legend of
It pushes man and woman to build a mention the idea of responsibility and Chang’e” is passed down from indigenous
relationship based on trust and how anyone with great powers will societies to convey the message of
dependency on each other. encounter great responsibility. appreciating and treasure the time of being
with your family and friends, as well as to be
happy with what we have and not be greedy.
3 The Dedication of Ekalavya - The fact that we have to respect our Humanity should value the people who The struggle of picking the right path. To make
the story about how Ekalavya teachers since teachers educate us teach and pass down knowledge as the right decisions that protect and improve
pursues dedication and hard about how we should live life and the much as their own parents, and that to yourself in life, you need to never stop learning
work to be a successful archer moralities of life so we can move live a rich successful life one never stops from teachers.
but ultimately respects his forward on the right paths. Teachers learning from teachers.
teachers and elders by giving are the ones who are able to make In the context of TOK, the myth “The
up his thumb as a sign of their students capable and dedication of Ekalavya” passed down from
loyalty, however still remained successful. indigenous societies helps us to appreciate
successful with using his other knowledge and most importantly the people
fingers. He was ultimately who show us knowledge, and explain how
blessed for his loyalty to applying the knowledge you learnt will lead you
archery. in life.

4 Nvwa created humanity – it is a Human society is primarily built on Humanity needs to understand themselves Finding love and a life partner is not easy, and
story about how humanity came rules. The rule is the fundamental unit of better in terms of desire and to trust each humans should have a deep conversation with the
into existence & how marriage was society. It regulates and limits our other. Only that, mankind can then proceed to partner before marriage. Marriage is not something
behaviour. make more progress. that should be easily considered, and be broken off.
introduced. Marriage is a very important matter in
terms of having future generations. It
affects both people who are involved in
the marriage. Thus, it must be
considered carefully.

What do these stories have in common?

There is a strong sense of trust amongst all the stories mentioned above. Life doesn’t become pink easily, hard work has to be
accomplished in order to experience a reward. Moreover, appreciation is a valuable attribute, as we have to appreciate and be
grateful for everything we have and own, such as knowledge, family, friends, etc. It is also important to show kindness and respect to
everyone but not be fooled when others do not show back this respect.

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