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ssrcer omer sftaret ance arta oiferecoy AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA HR CORPORATE CIRCULAR (CPC) NO.3/2011 Sub: Revision of Scales.of Pay and Allowance: (Workmen) of AAL = * No.A-60011/40/2010:IR °° ees : January 24, 2041 respect of Non- Executives | In pursuance of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) reached between the Management and’ the “Recognized Union in its meetint held on 2" November, 2010, approval of Al Board; approval of ths’ Ministry of Civil Aviation conveyed vide letter No.AV.11018/01/2009-AAI dated 20.1.2011 and subsequent Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) signgé with the Union on 21.1.2011, it has been decided to revise the Scales of Pay ~ and Perks & Allowances in respect of the Non-Executives as follows: 1. COVERAGE . () ~ All Non-Executives ‘including probatioriers who were of the rolls of AAI as on 01.01.2007 and those ‘jgining thereafter including those separated on account of supérannuation, resignation, yoluntary retirement, death etc. on or after 01.01.2007 would be covered by this Order and will be paid arrears on account of wage revision upto the date they were in service.” (i) "The benefit of wage revision will not b@ allowed to the employees from the date they have ceased to be in the service of AAI on dismissaV/removal or left service without ? acceptance of resignation, 2, DURATION The ‘existing scales of pay of Non-Execuitivés are, revised w.e.f. 01.01.2007. The revised scales, which shall be éffective-for 10 years, are as under: “ 2.1... SCALES OF RAY S REVISED SCALES OF PAY 10200-23000 71000-24500 [NES "| 5300-115:6680-135.9110 ~ 11500-26000 | '5500-140-7180-160-10060, 12500-28500 '5800-160-7720-180-10860 E 13400-30500 st 580 '8500-200-8900-220-12860 15000-35500 7200-230-9960-250-14460 16000-38900 F 18500-40000 a TT we Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan’ Safdarjung Airpart, New De 24632950 weer: 91-112 1410000" Bhone’: 24892060. Fax seta oneaaiy ay aesr, a Peet - 110003 > : i 7 AN. 2.2 FITMENT BENEFIT ‘The Fitment Benefit will be an amount equal to 30% of pre revised basic pay as on 01.01.2007 + DA @ 78.2% on pre revised basic pay on 01.01.2007. (i) The Non-Executives who had joined AAI on or after 01.01.2007 will not be entitled to fitment benefit and their pay will be directly fixed in the revised pay scale. 2.3. FITMENT FORMULA () The basic pay of non-executives who were on the rolls of AAI as on 01.01.2007 in the corresponding revised pay scale will be fixed equal to the sum of: (2) Basic pay as on 01.01.2007 (Pre-revised) (b) BA @ 78.2% of basic pay [on (a) above] (c) Fitment benefit @30% of a+b (4) Aggregate amount = a+b+c (i) The sum so arrived at (d) above will be rounded off to the next 10 rupees to arrive at the revised basic pay from 01.01.2007. (ii) The proposed pay fixation in the revised scale of pay as on 01.01.2007 is enclosed as Annexure-l. INCREMENT 2.4 ANNUAL INCREMENT () The rate of annual increment will be @3% of revised basic pay and will be rounded off to the next multiple of €10/-. (i) The effective date of annual increment shall be from 01.4.2010 and the parameters/conditions mentioned in Corporate Personnel Circular (CPC) No.4/2010 dated 28" January, 2010 shall be followed. 3.2 STAGNATION INCREMENT The rate of stagnation increment will be @ 3% of the revised basic pay. On reaching the maximum of the revised scales of pay, incumbents will be eligible for grant of one stagnation increment on the next due date of annual increment on completion of two years of service, subject to maximum of three such stagnation increments. 3.3. INCREMENT FOR PROMOTION OF SMALL FAMILY NORMS This will be reviewed separately and the existing benefiincentive may be cdkgrues in the pre-revised scale of pay. 3.4 INCREMENT ON ACQUIRING HIGHER QUALIFICATION Employees granted increment (s) for acquiring higher qualification on or after 01.01.2007 will be paid lump-sum in lieu of increments in terms of CPC circular No.9/2010 dated 25,03,2010. hy 2 ARK. 3.6 PAY FIXATION ON PROMOTION On promotion, the basic pay of the employees shall be fixed in the higher scale after allowing one notional increment @ 3% of basic pay in the lower pay scale and rounded off to the next multiple of €10/-. 3.6 ANOMALY Any anomaly arising out of the wage revision w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in the revised pay scales, the same will be referred to the Anomaly Committee, CHQ for clarification. 3.7 LUMP-SUM PAYMENT / ADHOC ADVANCE Consequent upan revision of pay scales w.ef. 01.01.2007, the ad-hoc advance payment paid as per offiée order No.A-60011/49/2008-PP each dated 29" September, 2008 & 31% May, 2010 will be adjusted against the payment of arrears. . 4 DEARNESS ALLOWANCE. {) . The percentage of DA neutralization to non-executives in different pay ranges would be 100%. The Deamess Allowance in the revised pay scale as on 01.01.2007 will be zero. With effect from 01.04.2007, the Dearness Allowance payable will be governed as per Govt. directives as shown below: [SL.NO] QUARTERLY AVERAGE PERIOP FOR WHICH DA | DA PAYABLE ON | [PAYABLE % OF PAY 7 ‘SEP, OCT & NOV. 06 (01.01.07 TO 31.03.07 I 0.0% 2, | DEC, JAN FEB. 07 01.04.07 TO 30.06.07 08% | 3. | MAR, APR&MAY.07 | 01.07.07 T0 30.09.07 13% 4 JUNE, JULY & AUG.O7 01.10.07 TO 31.12.07 I 42% 5” | SEP, OCT & NOV. OF 01.07.08 TO 31.03.08 5B% 8. | DEC, JAN FEB. 08 01.04.08 TO 30.06.08 6% 7 | MAR, APR & MAY. 08 07.07.08 TO 30.09.08 ea% [a JUNE, JULY & AUG.08 09.10.08 TO 31.12.08, 12.9% [s SEP, OGT & NOV. 08 (01.01.09 TO 31.03.09 16.6% 70 | DEC, JAN & FEB. 09 (07.04.09 TO 30.06.09 76.5% | “i7__ | MAR, APR & MAY. 05 01.07.09 TO 30.08.08 185% 42 [ UNE, JULY& AUG.09 | 01.10.09 T0 31.12.08 25.3% (01.01.10 TO 31.03.10 \ 30.9% 14 | DEC, JANE FEB. 10 07.04.10 TO 30.06.10 34.0% 15 | MAR, APR & MAY. 10 01.07.10 TO 30.09.10 35.1% JUNE, JULY &AUG.10 [01-10-10 TO 37-12:10 | 30.8% ‘| (ii) DA installments would be released four times a year w.e.f. 1" January, 1“ April, 1% July and 1* October of each year based on the percentage increase in the quarterly average of AICPI for the quarter ending February, May, August and November respectively over AICP! 126.33 (Basic 2001=100). (ii (i (i (iv C wi i) i) i) ) ) i) AK. In calculating the quantum of DA payable on this basis, fraction of 50 paise and above will be rounded off to the next higher Rupee and fraction below 50 paise will be ignored, HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE (HRA) Payment of HRA on the revised Basic Pay will be at the following rales w.e-f 26.11.2008, Revised classification of cities with population le? of HRA (percentage | __ of revised basic pay) The classification of cities as notified by Central Govemment is enclosed as ANNEXURE“II HRA will be payable on the basis of actual basic pay drawn in the revised scale of pay w.e., 26.11.2008, Applicability of HRA in respect of employees posted at remote areas will be reviewed, Rent recovery @10% will be on revised Hasic pay w.e.f. 26.11.2008 in respect of staff residing in leased accommodation (wherever applicable). For those residing in Authority staff quarters/accommodation, the recovery towards license fee shall be made w.e.f. 26.11.2008 as under: Existing | Existing | Unified | Proposed rate of licence | Proposed rate of licence Category | Category | Category fee (in & fee for old houses — 25 (Metro) (Non Per month)* years old (declared as Metro) non-standard) p.m. in &* [= IA Al 70 60 A iB AZ 219 186 [os tT Bi 268 228 B ill B2 334 284 - iV ci | 449 382 c - cz | 562 478 *Subject to revision after every three years. CITY COMPENSATORY ALLOWANCE (CCA) \ City Compensatory Allowance will be dispensed with in the revised pay structure w.c.f 6. 26.11.2008. 7. PERKS & ALLOWANCES @ The effective date of revision of perks & allowances will be from 26.11.2008. (i) The following perks & allowances are introduced for selection of perks within the proposed parameters adopted under “Cafeteria Approach” subject to a ceiling of 46%. _@___ Washing Allowance/Uniform Maintenance Allowance (i) Reimbursement of Conveyance Allowance/Transport Assistance! Vehicle Maintenance (il) Education Allowance (iv) Hoste Charges (maximum 2 children) — HRD/Professional Updation Allowance | Concession (LTC) icity and Water Charges (x) Domestic Helper ()__ Canteen Allowance or Meal Vouchers | 7% (xi) ‘eleph ile/internet apecssaregl ac oe 4 2% (vi) Membership of Professional Bodies | 2% (iil) Other Al : - [__Upto 10% (ii) Payment made on account of perks for tite period starting from 26.11.2008 shall be adjusted/ recovered against arrears payable. Accordingly, the existing perks & allowances stands discontinued w.e.f. 26.11.2008. ) The perks already paid in terms of order No.A.60011/49/2008-PP dated 29.09.2008 shall also be adjusted out of arrears payable, (x) Employees shall submit the option form enclosed at Annexure-lll. ®, TREATMENT FOR THE PERIOD FROM 26.11.2008 IN RESPECT OF PERKS & ALLOWANCES () The arrears on account of LTC will be admissible under cafeteria w.e.f. 26.11.2008. (i) On implementation of cafeteria, LTC scheme stands withdrawn. (i) Employees who have availed LTC for the period 2008-09 the amount will be adjusted, However, no recoveries are to be made. (iv) Adjustment will be made for those who havelyaies LTC for the block year 2010-11 (v) The revised perks & allowances will be payable from 26.11.2008 in respect of regular ‘employees. Accordingly, workmen in the grades of NE-1 to NE-10 will be required to choose from the list of perks & allowances from prospective date. The perks & allowances will be paid on consolidated basis @ 48% of basic pay without exercising any option under the cafeteria approach. (vi) Employees on study leave/EOL on any ground shall not be eligible to opt for perks & allowances under the cafeteria. wii) viiy (ix) 9. A No change in perks & allowances will be allowed during the financial year. ‘Those who have entered the regular service of the company on or after 26.11.2008 will be entitled to perks & allowances from the date of their joining service and may be paid appropriately on pro-rata basis In case of separation on account of superannuation, death or repatriation to parent organization, no option for cafeteria shall be taken, The balance amount of the approved perks of revised basic pay adjusting/recovering any sum already paid on account of other perks & allowances shall be paid. Income Tax exemption, if any, is required to be obtained directly from the Income Tax Authorities. Any clarification required in the implementation of these orders may be referred to Corporate Headquarters, New Delhi All payments on account of wage revision, perks & allowances shall be subject to income tax as per Income Tax Act. Employees would have to submit the documents/vouchers for claiming any Income Tax benefit wherever required. Exemption, if any, under the Income Tax Act shall be dealt by individual as per Income Tax laws. The perks & allowances which are considered as allowable income as per the prevalent Income Tax Rules, the said derks and the relevant provisions under Income Tax are as per ANNEXURE-IV andV. LOANS & ADVANCES The loans & advances are enhanced as under: (a) 0 «iy i) (wy) w HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE The ceiling limit for House Building Advance for new construction/purchase of ready built house will be raised from 27.5 lakhs to £20 lakhs subject to repaying capacity. The revised rates for interest beyond &7.5 lakhs will be at the rate of 9.5%. The loan for second house will be permitted only on disposal of the old / existing house and on repayment of balance loan amount alongwith interest. A provision for availing second HBA advance for enlargement / upgradation / renovation of the existing house and the difference of the loan will be permitted. HBA taken from other financial institutions / banks other than AAI on second charge can also avail the facility of HBA fé repayment of loan on submission of the required documents. \ Employees who have availed HBA to the extent of €7.50 lakhs and the house is still under construction can avail the enhanced loan as per the eli ib) CONVEYANCE ADVANCE a For purchase of Vehicle (Scooter/Motor Cycle/Car) For NE-6 and above The existing limit of conveyance advance for scooter/motor cycle will be enhanced from %40,000/- to %1,75,000/- for purchase of scooter/motor cycle/car subject to a Maximum limit of 90% of the cost of the vehicle or €1,75,000/- whichever is less subject to repaying capacity. The rate of interest upto €40,000/- shall be 6.5% and beyond %40,000/- shall be 9% per annum, For NE-3 to NE-5 The existing limit of conveyance advance for scooter/motor cycle will be enhanced from %40,000/- fo %60,000/- for purchase of scooter/motor cycle subject to a maximum limit of 90% of the cost of the vehicle or €60,000/- whichever is less subject to repaying capacity. The rate of interest upto 40,000/- shall be 6.5% and beyond %40,000/- shall be 9% per annum. (ii) For purchase of Moped/Scooty The existing limit for purchase of moped/scooty advance shall be raised from %20000/- to €30000/- applicable for remaining employees subject to a maximum limit of 80% of the cost of the vehicle or €30/000/- whichever is less subject to repaying capacity. The rate of interest shall be 6.5| (i) All other terms & conditions of conveyance advance will be applicable mutatis- mutandis. (c) | COMPUTER ADVANCE Employees eligible for availing computer advance as per the existing terms & conditions and having a basic pay of €13,440/- in the revised pay scales proposed shalll be entitled for a second computer advance equivalent to €45,000/- on completion of 5 years after drawal of first advance. The amount of advance will be restricted to 90% of the cost of the computer or 245,000/- whichever is less, The rate of interest shall remain the same, 49, FESTIVAL ADVANCE Existing limit of Festival Advance to employees is enhanced to €5000/- once in a year. The amount is recoverable in 10 equal monthly instalments 14, INTRODUCTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION LOAN FOR CHILDREN wi) Eligibility | All regular workmen whose children have secured | admission in professional courses from recognized! | approved Universities/ Institutions both in India or | abroad for two children, a Amount of Loan [The total amount of Children Higher Education Loan | ‘shall be decided based on the expenses involved in | [pursuing the course and repaying capaciy of | executives as under: | Interest Rate e iy) Repayment (ily Commencement of Recovery For studies in India: 80% of the total course fee | OR %10 Lakhs whichever is lower. (i) For studies abroad: 80% of the total course fee OR 815 Lakhs whichever is lower. (ii) Employees who have availed the loan for the purpose from other financial institutions/banks | ather than AAI can avail for repayment of such | rents, The rate of interest on Children Higher Education | Loan shall be linked with the cost of borrowings by AL. () The Joan granted to workmen under these | rules, together with the interest thereon, shall | be repaid in full before superannuation /| separation from service of the employee by | monthly installments within @ period of 15 years repayment of peal ia 10 yeas (120 installments) and interest in 5 years 69] installments) (i) It shpil be open to an employee to repay the amotint in a shorter period, if he so desires, | (iii) The Tinsurance policy to cover the risk on account of grant of educational loan and interest thereof shall be obtained by AAI. The entire premium shall be bome by employee. (iv) In case of death of an employee who has crawn this loan, the entire loan will be recovered from the said insurance cover. This loan shall be recovered from the pay of the month following that in which loan is drawn, (i) The existing terms and conditions for entitlement and the quantum of amount ‘mutatis-mutandis. payable shall be follow: 12. DEFINITION OF FAM ILY ‘The definition of the ‘family’ will be as per AAl Gazette Notifications. 13, MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT ~ OPD/ DOMICILE MEDICAL TREATMENT @ The reimbursement for OPD/Domicile Medical Treatment to be paid on self certification basis on monthly basis is introduced. The category wise annual ceiling will be as under: i LEVEL ‘SCALE OF PAY W.E-F. | 01.01.2007 Annual Ceiling (in 2) NE-I 70200-23000 75000 NE-2 71000-24500 17000 NE3 | ___ 11800-26000 NE-4 12500-28500 - - NES 13400-30500 NES 14500-33500 NE-7 15000-35500 NES 16000-38900 NE-9~ 17000-39500 — NE-10 48500-40000 a (i) The existiig system of reimbursement of outdoor medi¢al treatment bills stands dispensed with the introduction of the above. The Gazette Notification on medical allowance shall be amended suitably. (ii) The above scheme of medical reimbursement will be implemented from 01.02.2011 on pro-rata basis. (iv) The actual reimbursement of medical expenditure incurred towards chronic diseases in addition to the above will continue to be paid as per the existing policy. The chronic diseases need to be necessarily certified by AAI Medical Officer. (vy) At Airports where no AAI Medical Officer js available, the Officer-In-Charge/Airport Director shall issue sanction order for chroic diseases based on recommendation of Doctor concerned. (vi) The review of annual ceiling limit will be made after five years with the condition that the increase in no case be more than 15% of the annual ceiling proposed at para 13()) above. The next revision will be allowed w.e.f. 01.01.2014. 14, MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT - INDOOR The existing facility for indoor treatment will continue as per policy. However, room rent entitlement will be revised while finalization of empanelment of hospitals. 45. CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND. Consequent upon revision of pay scales w.e.f. 01.01.2007 employer's as well as employee's contribution to the PF etc. shall be recovered on the basis of the revised pay structure. The rates/ceilings of contribution to these funds shall be as applicable from time to time under the relevant Laws/Schemes. The payment of interest on CPF accumulation on arrears of pay and allowances shall be from the date of payment of arrears arising on account of revision of pay scales. 16, GRATUITY The Gratuity shall be paid as per Gratuity Regulations of AAI. However, the enhanced rate of Gratuity amount from 3.5 lakhs to 710 lakhs will be made applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2007 subject to approval of Govt. “AK. 17. NEW INDUCTIONS It has been decided that the basic qualification at the induction level for NE-1 shall be minimum 10" pass (Board Examination or equivalent) with immediate effect. 18. STATUTORY RECOVERIES () Recoveries towards Income Tax, Professional Tax etc. or any other statutory recoveries would be affected as per the relevant statutory provisions. Exemptions, if any, under the Income Tax Act shall be dealt by individual as per Income Tax Laws. (i) The pay fixation of empioyees will be done in consultation with local Finance Department on ad-hoc basis. The payments of arrears will be subject to ratification of pay fixation by the Corporate Headquarters. 19, SUPERANNUATION BENEFITS In terms of DPE guidelines, superannuation benefits shall be within the ceiling of 30% of the revised basic pay and DA w.e.f. 01.01.2007. This shall include contributory provident fund, gratuity, benevolent fund, pension and post retirement medical benefits 20. GIFT ON RETIREMENT The employees retiring on or after 1.8.2010 shall be given a gift costing not exceeding 23000/-, 21. PRODUCTIVITY AND COST EFFEC ESS (a) In order to improve productivity and also to make the organization cost effective, it is agreed to optimize utilization of manpower by extending responsibilities with multi-skiling and by redeploying manpower. (b) It is agreed that safety issues are given top priority. (c) _ Manpower will be rationalized depending upon requirement. Management and Union agree (a) The Union shall promote punctuality & attendance of employees. (b) To jointly pursue and promote industrial peace and harmony. (©) Accept all lawful orders involving transfer of employees and their job rotation. (d) To improve utilization of human resources in AA. (e) To cooperate in maintaining discipline at all levels. fu} To resolve all disputes and problems mutually by peaceful and constitutional means. (g) To support in achieving the mission of AL ()) Union will help in creating a sense of belongingness and pride in the organization. 22, GENERAL (The Ministry of Civil Aviation in its approval vide letter dated 20.01.2011 has mentioned that the revision of perks and allowances to non executives w.e.f. 26.11.2008 and revision of pay of non executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007 subject to AAI giving the undertaking that AAI will approach DPE within a period of three months and obtain their approval to the deviation that they have already made. In the event DPE does not agree, AAl shall reverse the hike and recover the excess paid. Hh “AK. (i) All payments /recoveries arising out of the implementation of revised pay scales shall be made simultaneously, (ii) The TA, Claims, Overtime Allowance and Ex-Gratia payments already made will be treated as full and final and will not be re-opened, (iv) The effect of basic pay due to HPL/ EOL/ leave without pay availed will be suitably adjusted while computing the arrears of pay & allowances as admissible. (%) During HPL, proportionate allowance under cafeteria (i.e. half) would be payable. Similarly, during EOL/ Leave without pay, no allowances will be payable. (vi) Those who have entered the reguilar service on or after 01.01.2007 will be entitled to perks & allowances from the date of their joining service and may be paid appropriatély on pro-rata basis. (vil) The Memorandum of Settlement with the Union is in full and final and Union will not raise any demand during the operation of wage period on matters covered under this settlement. (vil) Paymentrecoveries of all other allowances, benefits etc, will be continued to be made on the basis of existing rules, terms & conditions. 23. PAYMENT OF ARREARS The payments on account of arrears be made within 20 days from the date of issue of this order to all the employees covered under the order, jafter first week of February 2011 24, INTERPRETATION/ CLARIFICATIONS All issues arising out of implementation of this Office Order, which require interpretation / clarification will be referred to the Corporate Headquarter for decisions. te (K. 4 JHA) MEMBER (HR) Encl: As above To The President, AAEU Copy to : |. REDs, NR/WR/ER/SR/NER I Airport Directors, Chennai Kolkata II Director, AA (NIAMAR) New Delhi IV. Principal, CATC, Allahabad V. EDs, FIU/ RCDU Vi. GMs, CRSD/E&M Workshop Vil. All Airport Directors we AR. ANNEXURE-1 TEVEL- NE lExisting Scale 4400-75-5300-90-6920/- jExisting Scale _ 4900-95-6040-110-8020/- Revised Scale _10200-23000/- __IiRewised Sate _ 11000-24500/- Pay Feed as on Pay Fixed as on prenevseser | pnezeax% | sonoreraon | onoro7imine [SUMO] a Revised 182 aonoreraon | ororo7inine | Rounded nearest Revised Seale = 10 Revised Seale == 700.00 320.80 7sn28 70193.04 io200.00 | 800.00 3a3i.80 751854 1135134 71360000, 4475.00 3209.65 730236 1036679 10370.00 | 4995.00 3906.00 267033 1as7La2 71580.00 2550.00 3558.10 243257 | 0540.55 10550.00 | 080.00 3980.38 2a.i 1791.49 1800.00, 2625.00 3616.75 2972.53 1071428 10720.00 | 515.00 2058657 2771.90 1201.57 72020.00, 4700.00 3675.40, 2512.82 10888.02 10890.00 5280.00 7128.95 2322.59 1223165 3240.00 4775.00 3734.05 2552.72 31062.77 12070.00 5375.00 4203.25 2873.48 1245173, 2460.00, 4850.00 3792.70, 2592.61 31235.54 13240.00 $470.00 4277.54 2924.26 12671.80 12680.00 4925.00 3851.35 2632.51 11409.26 12410.00 3565.00 2351.83 2375.05 12691.88 12900.00 5000.00 3910.0 2673.00 1583.00 1159000 “5660.00 2426.12 3025 84 7311196 13120.00 5075.00 3958.55 2713.10 1176.75 11750.00 5755.00 2500.81 3076.52 13332.03 1340.00 5150.00 4027.30, 2758.19 12930.49 11940.00 5850.00 2574.70 3127.41 3552.42 13560.00 5225.00 2005.95, 2793.29 32104.24 32110.00 5945.00 4648.99 317620 1377219 13780.00 5300.00 “144.50 2033.38 32277.98 12280,00 040.00 4723.28 3228.98 33992.26 14000,00 5390.00 221498 2683.49 12486.47 12490.00 6150.00 2209.30 3267.79 34247.09 1450.00 5460.00 2285 36 252961 12694.97 12700.00 260.00 1895.32 3346.60, 34502.92 1410.00 3570.00 4355.76 27772 12903.45 12910.00 6370.00 1981.34 3405.40, 34755.74 14760.00 3660.00 4426.12 3025.4 33111.95 13120.00 ‘6480.00 3067.36 3468.21 3501157 15020.00 5750.00 4496.50 307395 1332045 13330.00, 5590.00 5153.38 3525.01, 15265.39 15270.00 5840.00 4566.58 3122.06 13528.94 13530.00, ‘5700.00 5239.40 358182 3552122 15530.00 3930.00 0637.25 3170.18 13787.44 13740,00 6810.00 5325.42 3640.63, 157605 15780.00 6020.00 14707 64 3218297 | _13945.93 1395000 622000 San. 3689.43, 16030.87 16040.00 6120.00 4778.02 3266.42 14154.43 14160.00 7030.00 5497.46 3758.26 16285.70 16280.00 6200.00 488.20, 351452 4362.92 14370.00 7140.00 3583.48 3817.08 36540.52 6550.00 6290.00 4918.78 3362.63 3457.61 34580.00 7250.00 3669.50 3875.85 1579535, 6800.00 6380.00 4989.16, 361075 3477991 14780.00 7360.00 575552 303466 17050.18, 17060.00 6470.00 5059.54 3058.86 4988.40 14990.00 7470.00 5241.54 3003.46 37305.00 37330.00 6560.00 5129.92 3506.90 15196.80 1520000 7580.00 5827.56 405227 17559.88 7560.00 6650.00 520030 3555.09 15405.39 15410.00 7590.00 2013 58 #4107 1781465 17820.00 6740.00 527068 3603.20 1961388, 15620.00 7800.00, 6099.60 2169.88 19069.48, 18070.00 6830.00 5341.06, 3651.32 15822.38 5830.00 7910.00 6185.62 2228.69 1832431 18330.00 6920.00 senna 3599.49 36030.87 316020.00 020.00 | 6271.64 4287.49 38579.13 38580.00 is Existing Scale LEVEL - NE-3 5300-115-6680-135-9110/- - Existing Scale Te LEVEL=NE-@ 5500-140-7189-160-10060/- Revised Scale 11500-26000/- Revised Scale _12500-28500/- Pay FEE 36 ended te | Pay Fixed as 9] rounded to nearest Pre-Revised BP DA@ 78.2% 30%0F BP&DA | 01.02.07 inthe | °™" nearest) pre-Revised BP [email protected] 30%OF BP& DA 01.01.07 inthe 10 Revised Scale z10 Revised Scale 7 5500.00 aaa Tae 12277 8 T3800 3500000 307.00 754050 32761.30 TSO 5415.00 43453 7A04.86 12584.39| 1250.00, 5640.00 4410.48 3015.14 3065.62 13070.00, 3530.00 2574.46 795638 12810.80 172870.00 5780.00 4519.56 3089.99, 3336995 7390.00 5648.00 2614.39 3017.82 3307.21 1300.00, 5920.00 4629.48 3154.83 3571437 73720.00, 5760.00 450832 307930 13383.62 13350.00, 6060.00 4738 92 3239.68 14038.60 4080.00 5875.00, 4598.25 310.78 13610003 73620.00 6200.00 4848.40 31452 74362.92 14370.00, 5990.00, 688.18 320225 13876.83 13860.00, 6340.00 4957.68 3309.36 3468726 4690.00 5105.00 a7rea 3263.73 TauaZ.e 14150.00, ©2000 5067.36 3466.22, 3501157 5020.00 [6220.00 4868.08, 3325.21 34409.25, 14410,09 | 6620.00. 517686 3539.05 35335.89 5340.00, $335.00 2953.97 7586.69 18675.66 14680.00, 6760.00 528632 3613.90, 7566022 75670.00 _] 6450.00 5023.90 348.17 39982.07 74350.00, 900.00 530580 3688.76 75964.54 75550.00 3565.00 513389 350865 35208.48 1521000 7050.00 550528 3763.58 75308. 86 16310.00 6680.00 5223.76 357118 15474.89 75480.00, 7190.00 561476 3838.43, 765633.19 715520.00 9815.00 $520.33 364330 35787.63 15790.00, 7340.00 5739.88 3973.96, 7003.86 37010.00 5950.00 5634.50 371547, 3610037 15110.00, 7500.00 5865.00 4008.50, 1737450 77380.00 7085.00 3540.87 37876 16413.11 15420.00 7650.00 5990.12 4035.04 3745.16 7750.00 7220.00 5686.08 3859.81 16725.85 16730.00 720.00 611524 #180 57 1811581 18120.00 7355.00 3751.61 3931.58 17038.59 17060.00 7980.00 624036 256.1 1486 47 18490.00 7490.00 5857.18 200615 2735133 17360.00 2140.00 6365.48 4351.66 1865712 7860.00 7625.00 5962.75 207633 17664,08 7670.00 300.00 6480.60 4437.18, 19227.78 1920.00 7760.09 6068.32 14850 37976.82 7860.00 460.00 6615.72 GDI 79598.48 73600.00 7885.00 6173.89 222087 7980.56 18290.00 9520.00 e703 4508.25 1969.09 19970.00 030.00 6279.46 202.8, 38502.30 18610.00, 2780.00 6965.96 4698,79 20339.75 2040.00 $165.00 585.03 #a65.01 3] —29915.08 18920.00, 2940.00 699108 A778 32 20730.40 30720.00 8300.00 490.50 wa3738 19227.78 18230.00 ‘100.00 711620 4864.6 21081.08 21090.00 $435.00 596.37 250935 39500.52 1950.00 $260.00 72a 32 495040 21051.72 7460.00 8570.00 S701.76 aS8152 19853. 19660.00 9420.00 736644 3085.93, 3822.37 7130.00 8705.00 607.31 2655.69, 20266,00 20170.00, 3580.00 7481.56 SigLa7 7293.03 7200.00, [i000 eo1z8 725.85 20678.74 20480.00, $740.00 7616.68 5207.00 72563.68, 72570.00, £975.00, 7038.45 wane 20791 49 720800.00 9900.00 774.80 5250.54 3934.34 72940-00 5110.00 724.02 a70.21 704 2110.00 10060.00 786692 3376.08, 75305.00 2330.00 AR. Existing Scale LEVEL- NE-5 5800-160-7720-180-10960/- Existing Scale 6300-180-8460-200-12050/- Revised Scale 13400-30500/- Revised Scale — 14500-33500/- Tay Fred acon Pay Fradaron rrenevsedse | paersax | aonoreraca | exczorinine [PHt2ne0"] merevsesar | pa@reax | sonoreraor | oroiarintre | Mundestonesret Revised Scale e Revised Scale i some | ase | aos [taka [as m0 aD roe TS858 Taso S500 | —age0.18 | —stesa2" | —saane a | — nso as0.0 $0673 Maekat SOULS7 1502000 | s120.00 4785.86 327175 1417759 1180.00 | 6860.00 5208.12 3560.04 15428.56 15830.00 29000 | —aaio35 | —masy2s | —sasanas | —sass000 e400. 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Sa0L se 54052 32550000 3500.09, 555.9 erage | 306177690830 0 585000 718872 5524.63 3073.34 35080.00 317000 Tia aa7555—| 217399113000 7023000 7422 545827 e524 73660.00 3340.00 70388 299336 | 21637-09160 00 T4000, Hra72 Sse Bens. 32240.00 9360.00 TATE Si1078 | 22146.70 | 2215000 073000, 37522 $7557 BHi0.78 32970000 3780.00 7eH7 96 522839 | 2268635 [2266000 1006000, 7072 $850.22 3sa0.94 75390000 7000000 782000 534500 | 28166.00 | zs17000 7zi000, 3765.2 s50287 35969.09 3397000 3072000 7552.08 sae361 | 2367565 | 23600.00 146000, e172 e765 7asa8.24 38550.00 eaa0.00 | —s16a08 5622 | 24485 30 | 249600, 173000, 5722 e26037 aria 77130000 1066000 e562 5698.84 | —24694.95 | 2470000 7196000, #5272 39382 27083 7770.00 7088000 | 8508.6 58i64s__| 2520461 | 2521000 7271000 3548.22 es2747 22285 59 22220.00 1110000 58020 se3ene_, | as7ie26 | 572000 246000 saa72 ceo 220644 72670.00 13320.00, 3852.24 eosn.67 SY _26723.91 36230000 32710.00 9939.22 194.77 79463.59 29450.00 11520000 s02828 siesz8 | 2673356 [2674000 296000, 013472 sez 3007334 30030.00 1176000 31863 ene 80 | 27B88.29—| 7795000 57000 1035027 7065207 30802 79 30530.00 1158000 | 5368 36 ca0esi | a7752.87 | 2776000 5080.00 1050572 795.72 sue ae 35190.00 220000 | 3540.20 ssria_| 2262.59 | 2997000 3571000 Tora 72337 3176058 3177.00 12420000 srizae 663573 [3877.17 | 878000, 556000 root 72 e630 328.74 31320000 13640.00 sobs a 75732 | _28nmi.na | 2995000 feria naz 759667 sre 32529.09 Bae6000 | a00se G Breas | 296000 T6600 1507.72 Tiab32 3349808 3350000 L LEVEL-N LEVEL-NE-10 Existing Seale 000-260-11120-250-16340/- Existing Scole 900-300-1600 Revised Scale _17000-29500/- Revised Scale __18500.40000/- Fay Fred azn ay Fired aon reevsedse | [email protected]% | aoxiorsa DA | o102.07inthe FUMIE MIE] oremavsedar | [email protected]% | sovorePROR | o1.0L07Inthe | Foundedtonearest Revised Sale = 10 Revised Scale itis T0000 SIE wae 16532.80 TESIODS 3560.08 7038.00 we 0869.40 70850000 5260.00, 6855.32 4435.60 8135.2 49140000 3300.00 7272.60 297178 71568.38 7150.00 2520.00 652.8 755479 a9737.83 1974000 9500.00 7507.20 51246 72239:36 2240.00 3720.00 6265.96 4695.78 70338.75 3034000 3900.00 7784.60 529258 22934.34 72340.00 3040.00 7085.28 485278 20982.06 30950.00 30200.00 7976.0 525292 75629.32 73830000 9300.00 7272.60 w97h78 7isaa 38 7150.00 0500.00 5211.00, 3613.30 24328.30 24330000 3360.00 747552 Sin0.78 7246.70 72150.00 0800.00 3285.60 3773.58 35019.28 25020000 3820.00 7679.24 S2a9.r1 | 3749.03 Bars 11100.00 3680.20 “ss3a05_ | 25740.26 35720000 0080.00 7882.56 S3e877 7335133 2336000 | 1140000 3014.80 6036.04 26408.24 36410.00 10320.00 3085.58 3527.76 23953.64 z396003-—=|—"11700.00 9149.40 e2sa52 2710822 27110.00 10860.00 5289.20 586676. 28555.96 24560.00 2000.00 3384.00 6415.20 37798:20 27600.00 0860.00 589252 3805.76 35158.28 35160.00 22300.00 3610.60 6575.58 38498.18 78500.00 1120.00 3695.8 504075 3576059 3577000 72600.00 9853.20 3735.96 36100.16 79190.00, 1410.00 022.62 6099.78 3643241 36440000 12900.00 0087.80 98634 35e0.14 29890.00, 3700.00 3149.40 25482 ai04.22 3711000 3200.00 0322.40, 7056.72 30570.12 30580.00 31990.00 3376.18 6208.85 3777603 3780000 1350000 0557.00 72730 3527410 31260.00 32200.00 3600.56 56685 7844785 78450000 15800.00, 70793.60 737788 31968.08 31970.00 32570.00 3629.74 671952 7519.66 7912000 74100.00 3102620 753786 32664,06 32670.00 37860.00 T00s652 ca7456 E7918 39400.00 74400.00 3126080 7a624 75350.08 33360000, 3150.00 30288.30 7028.55 30463.29 3047000 14700.00 12405.40 ase 3405402 34060.00, 33440.00 30510008 785.02 3135.10 31140000 75000.00 32730.00 2015.00 34749.00 3475000, 3750.00, 3073685 7340.06 31606 92 3110.00 35300.00, 73964.60, 817838 35463.98 35450.00 4020.00, 30965 64 7255.08 32478 73 32490.00 15600.00 3719920, 9338.76 3518.96 | 34510.00 auis02 7es0a3" 3915055 33160000 5900.00, 72433.60 500.14 36853.94 35840.00, 4500.00 3141720 7a05.16 33622.36 3343000 76200.00 2668.40 356052 3752892 3753000 | 4890.00, 71648. 58 736035 3as58.17 34500.00 36500,00, 32503.00 3820.50 38273.90 3523000 35180.00 1187076 311523 35165 99 3517000 36800.00 35137.60 e081 22 36918.88 38920000 35470.00 12097 54 #27026 35657 80 35840.00 37100.00, 3537220 9141.66 39613.86 39620.00 35760.00 3232832 2425.0 35500.62 35510.00 17400.00 3606.60 930208 0308.94 40000.00 36050. 1255.10 a58033 sas.a 37190, 3700.00 aaea140 Baca aaes.82 | #00000 aesa000 | 1277786 e353 | 3785324 37860.00 1800.00, 14076.00 9522.80 ‘aie96.20 | 4000.00

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