The Patient and His Illness A. Pathophysiology (Book Based)

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A. Pathophysiology (book based)

Chronic Chronic Chronic Pulmonary Pulmonary Pulmonary

Heart Renal Liver Trauma Embolism Infection
Failure Disease Disease

Inflammation Malignancy Fever

Increased Hypoalbuminemia
Systemic Vasodilation of Antipyretics
Hydrostatic Decreased oncotic capillaries
Pressure pressure in the Lymphatic
capillaries obstruction

Increased Impaired
Increased fluid capillary lympahtic
Movement from the permeability function
Capillaries to the
Pleural space Decreased pleural
Fluid absorption

Fluid accumulation in
The pleural space

Force of gravity

Movement of fluid
At the base of the lungs
Thoracentesis Thoracentesis
To be used to To be used for
Diagnose and analyze treatment and
The fluid aspiration of fluid
Chest X-ray Thoracostomy
(APL view) to be used for
Treatment and
Draining of fluid
Dullness on Absent or minimal
Percussion of breath sounds
The affected

Displacement of lung tissue

Pleuritic Direct pressure Mediastinal shift Indirect pressure on the
Pain on the lung contralateral lung
Tissue Dysnea

Reduction in
Lung expansion Decreased lung compliance

Decreased perfusion Decreased ventilation

On affected side on the affected side

Decreased blood Decreased oxygen

Circulation supply

Jugular Cyanosis Oxygen therapy for decreased

Distention oxygen supply
Pathophysiology (patient centered)
Predisposing factors: Precipitating factors:
Race: Asian Foods that are
Age: 62 years old low in salt and low in
Familial history: Arthritis, CAD and DM fat
Sex: Male

Virulent Microorganisms

Microorganisms enters the nose (nasal [passages)

Passes through the larynx, pharynx and trachea

Microorganisms enters and affects both airway and lung parenchyma

Airway Damage Lung invasion

Infiltration of bronchi flattening of epithelial cells

Infectious organisms lodges Macrophages and leukocytes

Stimulation of bronchioles Necrosis of bronchi tissue

Mucus and phlegm production

Alveolar collapse narrowing of air passage

Increase pyrogen in the body Difficulty of breathing Coughing productive



Necrosis of pulmonary tissue

Overwhelming sepsis

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