Sapa Group - Shape Magazine 2006 # 2 - Aluminium / Aluminum
Sapa Group - Shape Magazine 2006 # 2 - Aluminium / Aluminum
Sapa Group - Shape Magazine 2006 # 2 - Aluminium / Aluminum
he level of activity is high at Sapa. The
year kicked off with strong demand on the
European extrusion market and demand has
since remained firm. We see favourable demand
on most markets where Sapa is active. All business
areas are experiencing market growth and healthy
business development.
Having been at Sapa for six months now, I
am still amazed by the complex geometries and
numerous functionalities that can be built into an
aluminium profile and the wide possibilities that our
profiles, building systems and heat transfer material
offer. Sapa has a winning concept! Close proximity
to the market and our customers is one of our cor-
nerstones and success factors, as exemplified by a
number of new and exciting co-operation opportu-
nities with new and existing customers.
During September, we inaugurated the extension
Wave of innovation in China.
Red-hot economic growth facilitates research and development.
of our heat transfer plant in Shanghai and, in connec-
tion with this, the company celebrated its 10-year
anniversary. We foresee continuous strong growth
on the heat transfer market, especially in China.
Continuous improvement and people manage-
ment were top of the agenda when Sapa’s 98 man-
agers met in Portugal to review the past year and
set the pace and direction for 2007. Application
sharing was on the agenda, with the aim of sharing
best practice throughout the Sapa Group.
Sapa is one of the leaders in all of our business
areas, a position we intend to strengthen. We will 04 10
do this by being customer focused and offering
Hydro-formed beam solved safety Skier keeps in shape using aluminium
high competence in all parts of the operations. We
problem in Volvo’s C70 sports car. roller skis.
work in accordance with Genesis,
a method that is based on con-
tinuous improvement throughout
our business. This, together with
a strong benchmarking system
involving application sharing
throughout the Group, and a
high focus on people and peo-
ple management is how we will
shape the future.
14 20
Corrosion in car radiators the force Old ice-hockey arenas become modern
Lennart Evrell,
driving Marja Melander. pleasure domes.
President and CEO
Sapa is an international business group that Shape is the Sapa Group’s customer magazine that Production: OTW Publishing
develops, manufactures and markets value-added is issued twice annually in ten languages. Shape is Printing: Davidsons Tryckeri, Växjö, Sweden
aluminium profiles, profile-based components and also available via the Internet at Cover photo: Magnus Glans
systems, and heat-exchanger strip in aluminium. Changes of address: Customers should inform
Sapa has sales of approximately EUR 1.6 billion and Editor-in-Chief: Eva Ekselius their contact person at Sapa, employees their
some 8,200 employees throughout Europe and in Editor: Anna-Lena Ahlberg Jansen salary department and others the Communications
Shaping the future the United States and China. Graphic design: Karin Löwencrantz Department on +46 8 459 59 00.
2 SHAPE • # 2 2006
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A crashworthy
The door beam in Volvo’s new sports model C70 was too heavy and did not comply with
safety requirements. When the car manufacturer contacted Sapa Automotive, it was
urgent. In just over six months, a hydro-formed aluminium beam was to be produced.
he steel door beam, which was normally used the first beams were delivered to Volvo’s plant in degree that it was time to purchase the tools that
4 SHAPE • # 2 2006
Before becoming a door beam, the profile is
processed in several stages, such as profile
washing, maturing and robot processing.
Finally, blind rivet nuts are assembled manually
How the door beam is made
(photo above).
He is also satisfied with the co-operation process are progressing as planned, which means at least
with Volvo and Pininfarina. , cars per year. The design life of a car model
“We had a satisfactory and open discussion is usually about five years and Sapa will be supply-
with Volvo in terms of technology, delivery, com- ing components for the c model as long as it is
mercial prerequisites and so forth. Pininfarina has being manufactured.
been very accommodating and we have had an Einarsson was unable to comment on the type
excellent relationship.” of door beam that Volvo will be using in future
Einarsson at Volvo also mentioned the open models. Steel constructions are still functioning
dialogue, which is a prerequisite for good results. satisfactorily in cars with roof beams.
He was also very impressed by the fact that Sapa For Sapa, the assignment contributes vital expe- Automated hydro-formed cell
was able to meet the tough deadline. rience for the future. 1. Aluminium profiles formed in a moulding.
“From the beginning, Sapa had a positive atti- “Yes, body components are an interesting area 2. A robot moves the component to a
tude and rapidly produced a concept, and when for us. This was a complicated and pretty major processing station where another robot
hydro-forming tools were to be ordered, it all went project, which we proved that we were capable to cuts the correct length and a third robot
very quickly. The company satisfied all of our conduct,” says Bjuhr. performs the initial processing.
demands,” states Einarsson.
The new c was presented last autumn and
sales in Sweden began in the spring. To date, sales
3. The component then moves to washing
and maturing (heat treatment to increase
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 5
Quantity becomes
“Made in China” has long been regarded as synonymous with mass production. But China is now
changing direction and is focusing on attaining world leadership in research and development.
At Sapa Heat Transfer in Shanghai, everyone is well prepared.
iring on all cylinders, China has “Sapa Heat Transfer Shanghai, together with ing could promote its capability for innovation.
taken the pole position in Foreign our sister company in Sweden, function as a glo- Sapa’s Japanese customers have very long test-
Direct Investment (fdi) which, cou- bal solutions provider for brazed automotive heat ing periods before approving new products, the
pled with a scorching growth rate exchangers,” explains Sternsjö. “In other words, foundation of r&d, which leads to proper use of
of nearly percent on average, has we provide rolled aluminium products specially equipment and when needed, trouble-shooting.
fuelled an economy at break-neck designed for all kinds of heat exchangers used in Sapa feels this has prepared and positioned it to
speed for nearly a decade. According the automotive industry, such as heaters, radiators, offer more.
to China’s Ministry of Commerce, evaporators, condensers, charge air coolers and oil
the number of foreign-invested research and devel- coolers.” NEW ALLOYS MEAN more r&d to meet requirements
opment (r&d) centres in China jumped from When asked about the potential for r&d devel- for reducing material thickness. The industry
in to nearly in . In a September opment in China, Sternsjö smiles: started to move from copper to aluminium
survey of multinationals conducted by the un “The ambition is definitely there. In a genera- years ago, mainly because the material was lighter
Conference on Trade and Development, China tion, the market will be more mature, but the and more cost efficient. Today, the industry is
was the most frequently cited location for r&d people are certainly open-minded, willing to learn driving toward smaller and lighter products with
expansion, far ahead of the United States and India and are very business oriented.” In China, many a long service life, with the focus on materials that
– China’s main competitor on the innovation track. foreign managers resort to micro-management in offer down gauging and corrosion resistance (all
Three decades of foreign investment trans- order to solve problems. “I resist this temptation important in Shanghai’s ultra-humid environ-
formed China into a manufacturing powerhouse. and prefer to focus on teaching and training – this ment).
No longer content to idly serve as a factory to is key because the future is now, this is year zero “In the past seven years, the competition has
the world, Beijing plans to technologically leap- and it makes for a more sustainable company.” mushroomed. The government is pushing to revi-
frog the competition by strengthening domestic talise the North East and Guangdong in the south
innovation. A campaign engineered to propel the WITH THE COMPETITIVE environment currently is always strong,” elaborates Sternsjö. “However
country into more advanced niches of a global prevailing in China, employee retention is a wide- they haven’t reached our production capacity and
economy – creating a juggernaut of low-cost, spread concern but Sternsjö believes that Sapa’s we plan to use r&d to further distance ourselves.”
high-tech innovation unlike anything the world employees (averaging just years old) appre- Sapa’s sales volume went from tonnes in
has ever seen. ciate the corporate culture at Sapa. to a projected , tonnes in .
The company’s gate glides open, revealing a Sapa’s present plant capacity is , tonnes
ROLLING WITH THIS new ideology, Sapa Group is neatly kept compound coloured in beige, trimmed per year. The plant’s present capabilities include
positioning itself on the cusp of this innovative smartly in blue. The parking lot is reaching levels a thickness range of .-. millimetres and a
wave. The Group established Sapa Heat Transfer of bumper-to-bumper parking, filled with newly width ranging from millimetres and upwards.
(Shanghai) Ltd in , where managing director purchased cars. Ten years ago, we would have seen The plant earned ts certification in .
Torbjörn Sternsjö has spent the last seven years a line of bicycles, five years ago, shuttle busses fer- Since , Sapa has made investments totalling
with an hour-long drive to Jiading (in the outer rying employees. But today… it’s the car. million u.s. dollars in production facilities that
reaches of Shanghai). Sapa believes that focusing on sales and market- include a new casting centre, an upgraded hot
6 SHAPE • # 2 2006
Yan Xiaohua at Sapa Heat Transfer in
Shanghai assessing the situation.
The ambition is
definitely there. In a
generation, the
market will be
more mature
Sapa’s new centre for research and development was opened in September.
Activities here include product development and materials testing. Jimmy Jiang is
R&D Manager at the centre.
8 SHAPE • # 2 2006
A broader range
When Ericsson needed larger coolers for its radio base stations
in Asia, Sapa had the solution. Friction stir welding enables
Sapa Profiles in Shanghai to manufacture virtually any width
mericans say aluminum, the British alu- to a child’s Play-Doh machine – push the material
10 SHAPE • # 2 2006
The new skis are lighter,
provide excellent balance and
are robust and durable
Short starting stretch
for roller skis
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 11
time he walked through the gates of and the atmosphere at Sapa are very good. home. Sometimes he and his wife Birgitta com-
Svenska Metallverken in Finspång. “There’s never any friction, not even between the bine interests, such as the time they rented a car in
He had completed seven years of different Sapa companies in Sweden. I also have to the United States and drove around buying spare
primary school and was starting in say that Sapa has always had good management.” parts and also visited Memphis.
the occupational school that the “Graceland was awesome,” notes Axelhed.
company ran at that time. AFTER WORKING 50 years in a company, it is impos- Elvis may be king, but Fats Domino and Chuck
His father already worked at the sible not to have views about management. What Berry are the favourites. Both are naturally repre-
company, so it was an easy choice. And Axelhed then are Axelhed’s recommendations to manage- sented in his record collection of some vinyl LPs.
never regretted it. On the contrary, he believes that ment?
it was fortunate that he did not take another job. “It may sound obvious, but the most impor- P H OTO S U S A N N E K R O N H O LM
“I learned everything about mechanical engi- tant thing is to be percent clear about what
neering: lathing, milling, planning, welding, drill- the company does. We have operations in many
ing, filing…” recalls Axelhed. countries, and quite simply those who lead the
The premises where he attended occupational company must keep tracks on what is going on,” Lars Axelhed in brief
school still exist, but that is about all. Today, says Axelhed.
operations are completely different, and Axelhed Technical development over years has been
has followed the company’s development all the so considerable that the company is hardly the
way through buy-outs, name changes and breath- same today.
taking technical developments. “Everything is so much more advanced. The
“One of the most momentous events was in materials that we worked with then weighed
when what was then Gränges was listed on kilos. Today they weigh ten tonnes.
the exchange,” he recalls. “On the other hand, there was much more
heavy manual lifting before. Today, the job is not
Age: 65.
AFTER A BREAK for military service when he was as physically demanding, and there are tools and
Home: Single-family home in Finspång.
, Axelhed returned with greater ambitions. He lifting devices. On the other hand, there’s a mental
Family: Wife Birgitta (also born and raised
began his education to become an engineer at pressure at the workplace that was not there before.
in Finspång), sons Peter and Sonny and four
night school, four nights a week for five years in The machines have to be kept running at all times,
grandchildren, all living in or around Finspång.
parallel with his full-time job. In addition, he mar- which increases the stress,” observes Axelhed.
Profession: Mechanical engineer at Sapa
ried and built a summer home in his spare time. One of many innovations that Axelhed consid-
“I’m still building the summer house. The latest ers important is friction stir welding, which makes
Union assignments: Cashier and negotia-
addition is glassing in the porch. I’m also still mar- it possible to produce large surfaces, such as floors
tor in local branch of the Swedish Union of
ried,” Axelhed reveals. for refrigerator ships and sides for the carriages of
Clerical and Technical Employees in Industry.
After night school, he became a mechanical underground trains.
Employee representative on Sapa AB’s Board
engineer, a job he has retained ever since. Today “Technical development must continue, and
of Directors.
he works with customisation and improvement of Sapa should develop towards manufacturing even
Travel: Six trips to the United States plus travel
production equipment at Sapa Industriservice. more advanced products from a technological
to Egypt, China, India and other countries.
Half of his working time, however, is devoted to viewpoint,” Axelhed relates.
Collects: Vinyl LPs and has some 400.
union work. Since , he has been an employee “The simplest production of profiles is like cut-
Cars: Volvo S70 for daily travel and 67 Ford
representative on Sapa ab’s Board of Directors. ting cookies. Anyone can do it. Sapa should con-
Galaxie convertible during the summer.
“In local trade union work, we have to support tinue its development toward more specialisation,”
Favourite TV programs: News, British
those who are unable to keep up. Not everyone says Axelhed.
crime series and comedy shows.
is as strong, but all employees are committed and Axelhed himself is heading towards retirement
Reading: Mostly biographies about Elvis and
skilled at their jobs,” notes Axelhed. and will have time to spend on his personal interests.
other rock legends.
As a union official, he has also been active in Highest on the list are travel, cars and rock‘n’roll.
Future plans: Dividing time between summer
the European Works Council, which he helped to His car, a Ford Galaxie convertible that
home and travel.
form. He regrets that it is now being phased out he maintains lovingly, is only driven during the
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 13
areas where there is more water than firm ground,
such as in the Netherlands.
The Dutch company Aqua-life is developing the
concept of floating housing. The company has built
a prefabricated house on an aluminium platform with
investment in France aluminium modules designed and manufactured by
Sapa in Benelux. The entire project from start until
the first prototypes were raised took three months.
Sapa is investing about 7.5 million euros “Aqua-life was looking for an aluminium supplier
in a new vertical lacquering plant in Puget, that could offer project-oriented technical support
France. and that also wanted to participate in the develop-
“With this investment, we’re meeting ment of a new product,” says Rikwijn Boon, project Waterfront location guaranteed with the Aqua-life home.
increasing market demand for volume, manager at Sapa.
quality and delivery times,” says Fernand Because the aluminium modules can be and have an estimated lifetime of 60 to 80 years.
Venturi, president of Sapa Profiles in assembled in the desired size, there is no limit to “The market potential is highly substantial, given
France. how large an area the platforms can occupy. The that a large proportion of the world’s most densely
In the new factory, aluminium profiles will modules consist of an open aluminium framework populated areas are in river deltas. At such places,
be powder coated while hanging vertically, and are filled with the plastic material EPS to make land is relatively inexpensive, since it is not possible
instead of the traditional method in which them float. In freshwater, the aluminium platforms to use conventional construction methods,” con-
they are coated horizontally. This technique can be used without extra corrosion protection cludes Boon.
results not only in greater productivity but
also in a surface with a very high finish.
“We’re increasing capacity significantly
for the benefit of both our profile custom-
ers and building systems customers, which
Joint effort for new customer
Sapa Profiles Ltd in the United Kingdom received Sapa Profiles Ltd received the order in February.
is a growing segment,” says Venturi.
one of it largest-ever orders this spring. A total of By May, everything had been delivered. To meet
According to Lennart Evrell, President
1,650 tonnes of aluminium profiles were delivered the delivery requirements, Sapa Profiles in Sweden
and CEO of Sapa, France is Sapa’s larg-
to Trax Portable Access. The profiles will be used as had to help out. In total, 200 tonnes of profiles
est single market.
mobile floors and walkways at sporting and leisure were delivered from Sapa in Sweden. This type of
“We have a leading position in France.
events or for temporary road and bridge construction. capacity utilisation between two Sapa companies
This investment will contribute to our con-
“The order was valued at about 4 million British is called cross-border trading, a concept that Sapa
tinued success,” says Evrell.
pounds,” notes Dave Humphries, sales director at would like to refine.
Sapa Profiles Ltd. According to Humphries, Sapa Profiles Ltd will
Trax Portable Access is a completely new cus- continue to work with Trax Portable Access.
tomer for Sapa Profiles Ltd. Sapa received the order “We’re in the process of developing a new
due to its ability to meet the customer’s requirements product together. If the trials go well, we will deliver
for delivery of such a large quantity in a short time. large volumes of materials to them during 2007.”
A happier salmon
In Norway, salmon are spawning more happily than in a long time. The reason
is an aluminium solution that has been used with great success in the rivers to
prevent the spread of the salmon parasite gyrobactilus, which kills the fish.
“The first treatment of a river was performed two years ago, and the parasite
has not returned. Neither have we found the parasite in any other rivers that we have
treated,” says Espen Lydersen, researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research,
who believes that the aluminium solution is the future.
The acidic aluminium solution is poisonous for salmon in higher concentration, but by adapting the dosage to
the water level and chemical properties of the water, the parasite dies. Previously, the insecticide rotenone was
used, which killed both the salmon and the parasite.
14 SHAPE • # 2 2006
With the aid of a microscope,
aluminium material can be
studied in detail.
Problem-solvers in Finspång
Research and development work should result in more than just reports;
it should solve problems and accelerate business development.
“That’s why it’s important for us to understand how Sapa’s products are
applied,” says Jan Strid, manager for Sapa Technology.
“Research and development is particularly stimulating when we can solve problems for our customers,” Bosse Bengtsson and Johanna Elverson examine a
says Jan Strid. profile cross section.
apa Technology, the Group’s research and The facility also has special equipment, includ-
16 SHAPE • # 2 2006
I believe we have
a good balance
between science
and industrial
Passivation experiments can involve very simple equipment.
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 17
18 SHAPE • # 2 2006
High speed
When business progresses
favourably for the Finnish
Wärtsilä company, Sapa Profiilit
also develops well, which is the
current situation. The engine
manufacturer has been a
customer of Sapa for 18 years.
Wärtsilä’s order books are
full and a positive trend can be
seen on all of the company’s
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 19
The Läkerol arena in Gävle,
Sweden, has been completely
renovated over the course
of a year. The arena has the
capacity for just over 8,000
spectators following the
Ice hockey’s
In Sweden, ice-hockey halls have been transformed from
dilapidated arenas to modern entertainment temples for the
entire family. Inspiration came from the large NHL arenas in
“We had to scale everything down to Swedish conditions,”
says architect Ulf Bergfjord.
20 SHAPE •# 2 2006
new luxury home
ne of Sweden’s national sports, ice hockey, Molson Centre. These are larger than the Swedish the exterior give
The Läkerol Arena The Löfbergs Lila The Kinnarps Arena The Ejendals Arena The Cloetta Centre The Swedbank
City: Gävle. Arena City: Jönköping. City: Leksand. City: Linköping. Arena
Inauguration year: City: Karlstad. Inauguration year: Inauguration year: Inauguration year: City: Örnsköldsvik.
2006. Inauguration year: 2001. 2005. 2004. Inauguration year:
Total cost: EUR 17.4 2001. Total cost: EUR 14.7 Total cost: EUR 14 Total cost: EUR 27.2 2006.
million. Total cost: EUR 19.6 million. million. million. Total cost: EUR 21.2
Architect: Bergfjord & million. Architect: Flensborns Architect: Sweco Architect: Bergfjord & million.
Ivarsson Architects. Architect: Bergfjord & Arkitektkontor. FFNS Falun. Ivarsson Arkitekter. Architect: Bergfjord &
Made of aluminium: Ivarsson Architects. Made of aluminium: Made of aluminium: Made of aluminium: Ivarsson Arkitekter.
Facades, doors, win- Made of aluminium: Facades and doors. Facades, doors, fixed Facades, décor pro- Made of aluminium:
dows, powder-coated Facades and doors. windows, fire doors, files, windows and Facades, doors, décor
facade sections, doors powder-coated facade doors. profiles, powder-coated
and door leafs. sections, interior sec- facade sections,
tions and natural ano- windows and décor
dised windows. profiles.
# 2 2006 • SHAPE 21
Expertise yielded
new assignment
It was skills in friction stir welding, FSW, that convinced train manufacturer
Bombardier to turn to Sapa. In co-operation, the two companies have
developed the most advanced cooler ever manufactured by Sapa.
BOMBARDIER TRANSPORTATION PLACES rigorous Sapa has been involved in to date,” says project was nothing similar to copy,” explains Nyström.
demands on the liquid coolers used in its trains, manager Henrik Nyström. Since the cooler has to be light (depending on
such as good cooling capacity, high strength Two problems needed to be tackled. Firstly, it the model, three to six are used per train), alumin-
and surface fineness, which impose considerable was necessary to find a flow that resulted in mini- ium was the obvious material. It is cheap and easy
demands on processing. Furthermore, the compo- mal temperature variations on the cooler’s surface, to design already at the profile stage. By remov-
nents must be light. so that the heat would not damage the electronics ing all unnecessary metal, the team succeeded in
The problem with the coolers from the previous in the cooler. reducing the weight to kilos.
supplier was that they did not perform according “The old cooler had a vertical liquid flow. We “Since an increasing amount of equipment is
to Bombardier’s requirements. discovered that a horizontal flow was better from used in a modern train, we work to reduce weight
“We wanted a supplier that could assume the viewpoint of temperature,” says Nyström. in various ways,” explains Zimmermann.
responsibility for the entire process. Sapa Mass From the beginning, Bombardier was interested
Transportation in Finspång, Sweden, had the SECONDLY, THE WORK involved assembly of the in purchasing – coolers annually. However,
equipment, expertise and necessary skills. cooler in such a manner that it provided enhanced demand has already increased and will be
Together, we could rapidly solve the problem,” strength and surface fineness. This is when Sapa’s manufactured next year. Sapa has already delivered
says Tobias Zimmermann, project manager at fsw skills came to use. In the old coolers, mig coolers to Bombardier.
Bombardier in Turgi, Switzerland. welding was used, which exposed the material Both companies are very open to more co-
The development work commenced in the to a higher temperature. The result was poorer operation projects in the future.
spring of . In September this year, Bombardier strength and an increase in the deformation of the “I would be happy to work with Sapa again,”
and Sapa presented the finished product at the metal when cooling. says a pleased Zimmermann.
InnoTrans Exhibition in Berlin, Germany. “The challenge was to combine cooling capac-
“It’s the most advanced and complex cooler that ity and assembly into a finished product. There P H OTO B O M B A R D I E R
22 SHAPE • # 2 2006
A lift for persons with
The Danish company Vela represents innovation – also when it
comes to chairs for persons with mobility impairments. The com-
pany’s new model is specifically adapted to the child, and
not the reverse.
ela is a Danish furniture producer that The transition from steel to alu-
which has been available in the market for two aesthetics. We considered steel, but found that
years,” says Peter Markoff, product development aluminium was superior. For a small type of prod-
manager at Gustafs Interiors. uct, aluminium is more economical and also more
“Using aluminium profiles, it has been pos- flexible,” says Markoff.
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