BernaysEdward-Propaganda192879P (1) .Scan Text
BernaysEdward-Propaganda192879P (1) .Scan Text
BernaysEdward-Propaganda192879P (1) .Scan Text
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New York
Copyright • 1928 • by
To My Wife
Doris E. Fleischman
I. Organizing Chaos 9
II. The New Propaganda 19
Organizing Chaos
dominated by the relatively small number of per-
in every question, they would find
sons —a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty
it impossible to
ticians and commercial products and social ideas are What Mr. Wells says of political processes
brought to the consciousness of the masses. The in- equally true of commercial and
social processes and
struments by which public opinion is organized and all manifestations of
mass activity. The groupings
focused may be misused. But such organization and and affiliations of society to-day are
no longer subject
focusing are necessary to orderly life. to "local and sectional" limitations. When
the Con-
As civilization has become more complex, and as stitution was adopted, the
unit of organization was
the need for invisible government has been increas- the village community, which
produced the greater
ingly demonstrated, the technical means have been part of its own
necessary commodities and
invented and developed by which opinion may be Its group ideas and opinions by personal
contact and
regimented. discussion directly among its citizens. But to-day,
With the printing press and the newspaper, the because ideas can be instantaneously
transmitted to'
railroad, the telephone, telegraph, radio and air- any distance and to any number of people,
this geo-
planes, ideas can be spread rapidly and even instanta- graphical integration has been
supplemented by many
neously over the whole of America. other kinds of grouping, so that
persons having the
H. G. Wells senses the vast potentialities of these same ideas and interests may be
associated and regi-
when he writes in the New York Times:
inventions mented for common action even though
they live
"Modern means of communication the power — thousands of miles apart.
afforded by print, telephone, wireless and so forth, It is extremely
difficult to realize how many and
of rapidly putting through directive strategic or tech- diverse are these cleavages in our
society. They may
nical conceptions to a great number of cooperating be social, political, economic, racial, religious or eth-
12 13
Propaganda Organizing Chaos
ical, with hundreds of subdivisions of each. In the Grocer; National Hotel
Reporter; National Income
World Almanac, for example, the following groups Tax Magazine; National
Jeweler; National Journal
are listed under the A's: of Chiropractic; National
Live Stock Producer-
The League to Abolish Capital Punishment} As- National Miller; National
Nut News; National
sociation to Abolish War; American Institute of Poultry, Butter and Egg
Bulletin; National Provi-
Accountants; Actors' Equity Association; Actuarial
sioner (for meat packers);
National Real Estate
Association of America; International Advertising
Journal; National Retail Clothier;
Association; National Aeronautic Association; Al- National Retail
Lumber Dealer; National S^hty
bany Institute of History and Art; Amen Corner; News; National
Spiritualist; National
Rome; American Underwriter; The Nation's
American Academy in Antiquarian
Health; Naujienos (Lithuanian
Society; League for American Citizenship; Ameri- daily newspaper)-
New Comer (Republican weekly for Italians);
can Federation of Labor; Amorc (Rosicrucian Or-
Daily News; The New
der); Andiron Club; American-Irish Historical World (Catholic weekly)-
North American Banker;
Association; Antl-CIgarette League; Anti-Profanity North American Veterina-
League; Archeologlcal Association of America; Na-
The circulation of some of
tional Archery Association; Arion Singing Society; these publications is
astonishing. The
National Live Stock Producer
American Astronomical Association; Ayrshire Breed- has
a sworn circulation of
ers' Association; Aztec Club of 1847. There are 155,978; The National En-
gineer, of 20,328; The New World, an estimated
many more under the "A" section of this very
limited list.
circulation of 67,000. The greater
number of the
The American Newspaper Annual and Directory periodicals listed-chosen
at random from among
for 1928 lists 22,128 periodical publications In 22,128—have a circulation in excess of 10,000
America. I have selected at random the N's pub- The diversity of these publications
is evident at a
lished In Chicago. They are: glance. Yet they can only faintly
suggest the multi-
Narod (Bohemian daily newspaper) ; Narod-Pol- tude of cleavages which
exist in our society,
skl (Polish monthly); N.A.R.D. (pharmaceutical); along which flow Information
and opinion carrying
National Corporation Reporter; National Culinary authority to the individual
Progress (for hotel chefs); National Dog Journal; Here are the conventions scheduled
for Cleveland,
National Drug Clerk; National Engineer; National Ohio, recorded in a single recent issue of
Propaganda Organizing Chaos
Cenvention Dates" — a fraction of the 5,500 con- ever been made), they would still represent but a
ventions and rallies scheduled. part of those existing less formally but leading
The Employing Photo-Engravers' Association of vigorous lives. Ideas are sifted and opinions stereo-
America; The Outdoor Writers' Association; the typed in the neighborhood bridge club. Leaders
Knights of St. John; the Walther League; The Na- assert their authority through community drives and
tional Knitted Outerwear Association; The Knights amateur theatricals. Thousands of women may un-
of St. Joseph; The Royal Order of Sphinx; The consciously belong to a sorority which follows the
Mortgage Bankers' Association; The International fashions set by a single society leader.
Association of Public Employment Officials; The "Life" satirically expresses this idea in the reply
Kiwanis Clubs of Ohio; The American Photo-En- which it represents an American as giving to the
gravers' Association; The Cleveland Auto Manufac-
Britisher who praises this country for having no
turers Show; The American Society of Heating and
upper and lower classes or castes:
Ventilating Engineers,
"Yeah, we have is the Four Hundred, the
Other conventions to be held in 1928 were those
White-Collar Men, Bootleggers, Wall Street Barons,
Criminals, the D.A.R., the K.K.K., the Colonial
The Association of Limb Manufacturers' Asso-
Dames, the Masons, Kiwanis and Rotarians, the K.
ciations;The National Circus Fans' Association of
of C, the Elks, the Censors, the Cognoscenti, the
America; The American Naturopathic Association;
Morons, Heroes like Lindy, the W.C.T.U., Poli-
The American Trap Shooting Association; The
ticians, Menckenites, the Booboisie, Immigrants,
Texas Folklore Association; The Hotel Greeters;
The Fox Breeders' Association; The Insecticide and
Broadcasters, and —the Rich and Poor."
Yet it must be remembered that these thousands
Disinfectant Association; The National Association
of groups interlace. John Jones, besides being a
of Egg Case and Egg Case Filler Manufacturers;
The American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages; Rotarian, is member of a church, of a fraternal order,
and The National Pickle Packers' Association, not to of a political party, of a charitable organization, of
mention the Terrapin Derby —most of them with a professional association, of a local chamber of
banquets and orations attached. commerce, of a league for or against prohibition or
If all these thousands of formal organizations and of a society for or against lowering the tariflF, and of
institutions could be listed (and no complete list has a golf club. The opinions which he receives as a
16 17
Rotarian, he will tend to disseminate in the other
groups In which he may have influence.
racy has organized its group mind and simplified its THE NEW PROPAGANDA
mass thinking. To deplore the existence of such a
mechanism is to ask for a society such as never was
In the days when kings were kings, Louis XIV
and never will be. To admit that it easts, but expect made his modest remark, ''L'Etat c'est moi."
that it shall not be used, is unreasonable.
was nearly right.
Emil Ludwig represents Napoleon as "ever on But times have changed. The steam engine, the
the watch for indications of public opinion; always multiple press, and the public school, that trio
of the
industrial revolution, have taken the power away
listening to the voice of the people, a voice which
T)o you know,* he said in those
defies calculation. from kings and given it to the people. The people
days, *what amazes me more than all else? The actually gained power which the king lost For
impotence of force to organize anything.' '* economic power tends to draw after it political
It is the purpose of this book to explain the struc- power} and the history of the industrial revolution
ture of the mechanism wluch controls the public shows how that power passed from the king and the
mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special aristocracy to the bourgeoisie. Universal suffrage
pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a
and universal schooling regnforced this tendency, and
at last even the bourgeoisie stood in
particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the fear of the com-
same time to find the due place in the modern demo- mon people. For the masses promised to become
cratic scheme for this new propaganda, and to sug-
gest its gradually evolving code of ethics and prac- To-day, however, a reaction has set in. The mi-
nority has discovered a powerful help in
tice. influencing
majorities. It has been found possible so to mold
the mind of the masses that they will throw
their newly gained strength in the desired direction.
In the present structure of society, this practice is
inevitable. Whatever of social importance is done
1 19
of others, so that when those millions are exposed to The Scientific American^ in a recent issue, pleads
imprints.^ It for the restoration to respectable usage of that "fine
the same stimuli, all receive identical
American old word ^propaganda.'
may seem an exaggeration to say that the
public gets most of its ideas in this wholesale fashion- "There no word in the English language,"
is it
The mechanism by which ideas are disseminated on a says, "whose meaning has been so sadly distorted as
large scale is propaganda, in the broad sense of the word 'propaganda.' The change took place
an organized effort to spread a particular belief or mainly during the late war when the term took on a
decidedly sinister complexion.
am aware tiiat the word ^^jpro'^^mdsP carries to "If you turn to the Standard Dictionary, you will
many minds an unpleasant connotation. Yet whether, find that the word was applied to a congregation or
ness of the information published. the year 1627. It was applied also to the College of
In itself, the word "propaganda" has certain tech- the Propaganda at Rome that was foimded by Pope
nical meanings which, like most things in this world, Urban VIII, for the education of the missionary
ao 31
The New Propaganda
ganda. . . .
possessed of certain
religious or political, which is
" 'What
by is sauce for the goose is sauce for the
beliefs, and sets out to make them known, either
practicing propa-
gander,' says a wise old proverb. Let us make haste
the spoken or written words,
to put this fine old word back where it belongs, and
any restore its dignified significance for the use of our
mighty and must prevail, and if
"Truth is
discovered a children and our children's children."
body of men believe that they have The extent to which propaganda shapes the prog-
their privilege but
valuable truth, it is not merely
If they realize,
ress of affairs about us may surprise even well in-
their duty to disseminate that truth.
truth formed persons. Nevertheless, it is only necessary
this spreading of the
as they quickly must, that
effectively only
to look under the surface of the newspaper for a
can be done upon a large scale and
hint as to propaganda's authority over public opinion.
by organized effort, they will
make use of the press
to give it wide
Page one of the New York Times on the day these
and the platform as the best means
paragraphs are written contains eight important news
circulation. Propaganda becomes vicious and repre-
stories. Four of them, or one-half, are propaganda.
hensive only when its authors consciously and delib-
The casual reader accepts them as accounts of spon-
erately disseminate what they know to be lies, or
be prej- taneous happenings. Here are the
But are they?
when they aim at effects which they know to
headlines which announce them: "twelve nations
udicial to the common good.
a perfectly
" 'Propaganda' in its proper meaning is
Powers' stand in the Chinese muddle. What it says tions of the public to an enterprise, idea or group.
is less important than what it is. It was "made pub- This practice of creating circumstances and of
licby the State Department to-day" with the purpose creating pictures in the minds of millions of persons
of presenting to the American public a picture of
the is very common. Virtually no important undertaking
State Department's position. Its source gives it au- is now carried on without it, whether that enterprise
thority, and the American public tends to
accept and be building a cathedral, endowing a university, mar-
support the State Department view. keting a moving picture, floating a large bond issue,
The report of Dr. Pritchett, a trustee of the Car- or electing a president. Sometimes the effect on the
an at- by a professional propagandist,
negie Foundation for International Peace, public created
is is
happiness both for the Jew and for the Arab," this its soldiers.
direction is given to events, and how the men behind for an ideal, offers a picture of a nation all Nordic
modern propaganda. At this point American stock, feeling himself elbowed out of his
are examples of
attempt to define propaganda. rightful position and prosperity by the newer immi-
we may
24 25
Propaganda The New Propaganda
grant stocks, grasps the picture which fits in so neatly public at least for a time and for a given purpose.
with his prejudices, and makes it his own. He buys Formerly the rulers were the leaders. They laid
the sheet and pillow-case costume, and bands with out the course of history, by the simple process of
his fellows by the thousand into a huge group doing what they wanted. And if nowadays the
powerful enough to swing state elections and to successors of the rulers, those whose position or
throw a ponderous monkey wrench into a national ability gives them power, can no longer do what
convention. they want without the approval of the masses,
In our present social organization approval of the they find in propaganda a tool which is increasingly
public is essential to any large undertaking. Hence powerful in gaining that approval. Therefore, prop-
a laudable movemtnt may be lost unless it impresses aganda is here to stay.
itself on the public mind. Charity, as well as busi- It was, of course, the astounding success of prop-
ness, and politics and literature, for that matter, have aganda during the war that opened the eyes of
had to adopt propaganda, for the public must be the intelligent few in all departments of life to
regimented into giving money just as it must be regi- the possibilities of regimenting the public mind.
mented into tuberculosis prophylaxis. The Near The American government and numerous patriotic
East Relief, the Association for the Improvement of agencies developed a technique which, to most per-
the Condition of the Poor of New York, and all sons accustomed to bidding for public acceptance, was
the rest, have to work on public opinion just as new. They not only appealed to the individual by
though they had tubes of tooth paste to sell. We means of every approach — visual, graphic, and audi-
are proud of our diminishing infant death rate —and tory — to support the national endeavor, but they also
that too is the work of propaganda. secured the cooperation of the key men in every group
Propaganda does exist on all sides of us, and it
—persons whose mere word carried authority to hun-
does change our mental pictures of the world. Even dreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of
if this be unduly pessimistic —and that remains to followers. They thus automatically gained the sup-
be proved —the opinion reflects a tendency that is
port of fraternal, religious, commercial, patriotic,
undoubtedly real. In fact, its use is growing as
social and local groups whose members took their
its efficiency in gaining public support is recognized. opinionsfrom their accustomed leaders and spokes-
This then, evidently indicates the fact that any men, or from the periodical publications which they
one with sufficient influence can lead sections of the were accustomed to read and believe. At the same
Propaganda The New Propaganda
time, the manipulators of patriotic opinion
made use the home of fashion. Lyons is the home of silk. The
of the had made was deter-
of the mental cliches and the emotional habits attack to be at the source. It
alleged mined to substitute purpose for chance and to utilize
public to produce mass reactions against the
the terror and the tyranny of the enemy.
atrocities, the regular sources for fashion distribution and to
those prevalent twenty years ago. This new tech- help in the proper exploitation of their wares. An
nique may fairly be called the new propaganda. intelligent Parisian was enlisted in the work. He vis-
It takes account not merely of the individual, nor ited Lanvin and Worth, Agnes and Patou, and others
even of the mass mind alone, but also and
especially and induced them to use velvet in their gowns and
group was he who arranged for the distinguished
of the anatomy of society, with its interlocking hats. It
It sees the individual Countess This or Duchess That to wear the hat or the
formations and loyalties.
not only as a the social organism but as a cell
cell in gown. And as for the presentation of the Idea to the
from certain specific members of the organism. the atelier of the dressmaker or the milliner. She
Business offers graphic examples of the effect bought the velvet because she liked it and because
may be produced upon the public by Interested it was in fashion.
groups, such as textile manufacturers losing their The editors of the American magazines and fash-
markets. This problem arose, not long ago, when the ion reporters of the American newspapers, like-
product had long been out of fashion. Analysis cumstance, reflected it in their news, which, in turn,
showed that it was impossible to revive a velvet fash- subjected the buyer and the consumer here to the
ion within America. Anatomical hunt for the vital same influences. The result was that what was at
spot! Paris! Obviously! But yes and no. Paris is first a trickle of velvet became a flood. A demand
18 29
Propaganda The New Propaganda
was slowly, but deliberately, created in Paris and duce the results they desire.
Whether they realize
America. A big department store, aiming to be a It or not, they call
upon propaganda to organize and
style leader, advertised velvet gowns and hats on the effectuate their demand.
authority of the French couturiers, and quoted origi- But clearly it is the intelligent
minorities which
nal cables received from them. The echo of the need to make use of propaganda
continuously and
new style note was heard from hundreds of depart- systematically. In the active proselytizing minori-
ment stores throughout the country which wanted to ties in whom selfish interests and public interests
be style leaders too. Bulletins followed despatches. comode lie the progress and development
of Amer-
The mail followed the cables. And the American ica. Only through the active energy of
the intelligent
woman traveler appeared before the ship news pho- few can the public at large become
aware of and act
tographers in velvet gown and hat. upon new ideas.
The created circumstances had their effect. "Fickle Small groups of persons can,
and do, make the
fashion has veered to velvet," was one newspaper restof us think what they please
about a given sub-
comment. And the industry in the United States ject. But there are usually proponents
and opponents
again kept thousands busy. of every propaganda, both
of whom are equally
The new propaganda, having regard to the consti- eager to convince the majority.
tution of society as a whole, not infrequently serves
to focus and realize the desires of the masses. A
desire for a specific reform, however widespread,
cannot be translated into action until it is made articu-
should be des.gned, wha the hundred leading cities, the presidents of our col-
who tell us how our houses menus w
into them, what leges and universities and the foremost members of
Turniture we should put
what k,nd of sh>rts we their faculties, the most powerful financiers in Wall
should serve on our table, wha
„ust wear, wha. sports
we should '"dulge ", Street, the most noted amateurs of sport, and so on.
what char.fes we should Such a list would comprise several thousand
plays we should see,
s ang
'port what pictures
we should admire what persons. But it is well known that many of these
jokes we should laugh leaders are themselves led, sometimes by persons
we should affect, what women
If we set out to
make a list of the men and whose names are known to few. Many a congress-
position in pub he hfe, man, in framing his platform, follows the suggestions
who, because of their
the molders of
pubhc opm.on, we of a district boss whom few persons outside the politi-
lair y be called
"drafted" in response to "overwhelming popular de- There are invisible rulers who control the destinies
mand," but it is well known that his name may be of millions. It is not generally realized to what ex-
decided upon by half a dozen men sitting around a tent the words and actions of our most influential
table in a hotel room. public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating
In some instances the power of invisible behind the scenes.
invisible cabi-
pullers is flagrant. The power of the Nor, what is still more important, the extent to
table in a certain
net which deliberated at the poker which our thoughts and habits are modified by
little green house in Washington has become a na- authorities.
tional legend. There was a period in which the In some departments of our dally life, in which
major policies of the national government were
dic- we Imagine ourselves free agents, we are ruled by
tated by a single man, Mark Hanna. A Simmons dictators exercising great power. A man buying a
may, for a few years, succeed in marshaling mil- suit of clothes imagines that he Is choosing, accord-
make any pretense to being fashionable. Pans last season. The distinguished customer approves
mode of the short skirt, for of the idea.
fashion leaders set the
wearing which, twenty years ago, any woman would But how does this fact affect John Smith of
jail by
simply have been arrested and thrown into Topeka?
the New York police, and the entire
women's The gentleman tailor Is under contract with a
clothing industry, capitalized at hundreds
of md- certain large American firm, which manufactures
lions of dollars, must be reorganized to conform to men's suits, to send them instantly the designs of the
their dictum. suits chosen by the leaders of London fashion.
34 35
Propaganda The New Propagandists
Upon receiving the designs, with specifications as would work through certain group leaders on Tues-
to color,weight and texture, the firm immediately day for one purpose, and through an entirely diflFer-
places an order with the cloth makers for several ent set on Wednesday for another. The idea of
hundred thousand dollars' worth of cloth. The suits invisible government is relative. There may be a
made up according to the specifications are then ad- handful of men who control the educational meth-
vertised as the latest fashion. The fashionable men ods of the great majority of our schools. Yet from
in New York, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia another standpoint, every parent is a group leader
wear them. And the Topeka man, recognizing this with authority over his or her children.
leadership, does the same. The invisible government tends to be concen-
Women are just as subject to the commands of trated in the hands of the few because of the ex-
invisible government as are men. A silk manufac- pense of manipulating the social machinery which
turer, seeking a new market for its product, sug- controls the opinions and habits of the masses. To
gested to a large manufacturer of shoes that women's advertise on a scale which will reach fifty million
shoes should be covered with silk to match their persons is expensive. To reach and persuade the
dresses. The idea was adopted and systematically group leaders who dictate the public's thoughts and
propagandized. A popular actress was persuaded to actions is likewise expensive.
wear the shoes. The fashion spread. The shoe firm For this reason there is an increasing tendency to
was ready with the supply to meet the created de- concentrate the functions of propaganda in the hands
mand. And the silk company was ready with the of the propaganda specialist. This specialist is more
silk for more shoes. and more assuming a distinct place and function in
The man who injected this idea into the shoe in- our national life.
dustry was ruling women in one department of their New activities call for new nomenclature. The
social lives. Different men rule us in the various propagandist who specializes in interpreting enter-
departments of our lives. There may be one power prises and ideas to the public, and in interpreting the
behind the throne in politics, another in the manipu- public to promulgators of new enterprises and ideas,
lation of the Federal discount rate, and still another has come to be known by the name of "public rela-
were a national invisible cabinet ruling our destinies The new profession of public relations has grown
(a thing which is not impossible to conceive of) it up because of the increasing complexity of modern
36 37
Propaganda The New Propagandists
life and the consequent necessity for making the sel on public relations concentrates on the public con-
actions of one part of the public understandable to tacts of his client's business. Every phase of his
other sectors of the public. It is due, too, to the client's ideas, products or activities which may affect
increasing dependence of organized power of all sorts the public or in which the public may have an in-
upon public opinion. Governments, whether they terest is part of his function.
are monarchical, constitutional, democratic or com- For instance, in the specific problems of the manu-
munist, depend upon acquiescent public opinion for facturer he examines the product, the markets, the
the success of their efforts and, in fact, government is way in which the public reacts to the product, the at-
only government by virtue of public acquiescence. titude of the employees to the public and towards
Industries, public utilities, educational movements, the product, and the cooperation of the distribution
uct, whether they are majority or minority ideas, The counsel on public relations, after he has ex-
succeed only because of approving public opinion. amined all these and other factors, endeavors to
Public opinion is the unacknowledged partner in all shape the actions of his client so that they will gain
broad efforts. the interest, the approval and the acceptance of the
The public relations counsel, then, is the agent public.
who, working with modern media of communica- The means by which the public is apprised of the
tion and the group formations of society, brings an zctions of his client are as varied as the means of
idea to the consciousness of the public. But he is communication themselves, such as conversation, let-
a great deal more than that. He is concerned with ters, the stage, the motion picture, the radio, the lec-
courses of action, doctrines, systems and opinions, and ture platform, the magazine, the daily newspaper.
the securing of public support for them. He is also The counsel on public relations is not an advertising
concerned with tangible things such as manufactured man but he advocates advertising where that is indi- '
and raw products. He is concerned with public utili- cated. Very often he is called in by an advertising
ties, with large trade groups and associations repre- agency to supplement its work on behalf of a client.
senting entire industries. His work and that of the advertising agency do not
He functions primarily as an adviser to his client, conflict with or duplicate each other.
very much as a lawyer does. A lawyer concentrates His first efforts are, naturally, devoted to analyz-
on the legal aspects of his client's business. A coun- ing his client's problems and making sure that what
38 39
Propaganda The New Propagandists
he has to offer the public is something which the which, on behalf of his client, he may talk to the
public accepts or can be brought to accept. It is
futile to attempt to sell an idea or to prepare the Only after this double analysis has been made and
ground for a product that is basically unsound. the results collated, has the time come for the next
For example, an orphan asylum is worried by a step, the formulation of policies governing the gen-
it is not organized on the new "cottage plan." He the public relations counsel arose, perhaps, in the
of the client in this re- early years of the present century as a result of the
will advise modification
be urged to put on a fast
may insurance scandals coincident with the muck-raking
spect. Or a railroad
train for the sake of the prestige which it
will lend of corporate finance in the popular magazines. The
interests thus attacked suddenly realized that they
to the road's name, and hence to its stocks and
were completely out of touch with the public they
If the corset makers, for instance, wished to bring
product into fashion again, he would un- were professing to serve, and required expert advice
questionably advise that the plan was impossible,
toshow them how they could understand the public
themselves and interpret themselves to it.
since women have definitely emancipated
studies the groups which must be reached, and the and the public's benefit.
leaders through whom he may approach these groups. It tried to make a majority movement of itself
40 41
Propaganda The New Propagandists
gave health defined and his advice has definite bearing on the
and expert counsel. To individuals it
may be known as public visible drag on the company's whole dealings with
The public relations expert
Often he is called sec- the public. The counsel on public relations must be
relations director or counsel.
Sometimes he in a position to deal effectively with rumors and sus-
retary or vice-president or director.
By what- picions, attempting to stop them at their source,
is known as cabinet officer or commissioner.
be called, his function is well counteracting them promptly with correct or more
ever title he may
42 43
Propaganda The New Propagandists
cooperate by enunciating clearly. It aims to bring
complete information through channels which
will be
about an understanding between educators and edu-
effective, or best of all establishing such
integrity that cated, between government and people, between
tions of confidence in the concern's
charitable institutions and contributors, between na-
rumors and suspicions will have no opportunity to
tion and nation.
take root.
The profession of public relations counsel de-
His function may include the discovery of new
The ideal of the profession is a pragmatic one. It is work. While recognizing, just as the lawyer does,
legislature making laws or a manufacturer making best light, he nevertheless refuses a client whom
a commercial product, understand what the he believes to be dishonest, a product which he be-
wants and to make the public understand the lieves to be fraudulent, or a cause which he believes
tives of the producer. In relation to industry, the to be antisocial. One reason for this is that, even
ideal of the profession is to eliminate
the waste and though a special pleader, he is not dissociated from
the friction that result when industry
does things or the client in the public's mind. Another reason is
makes things which its public does not want, or when that while he is pleading before the court — the court
the public does not understand what is
being offered
of public opinion —he is at the same time trying to
it. For example, the telephone companies maintain affect that court's judgments and actions. In law,
public relations departments to explain
extensive the judge and jury hold the deciding balance of
what they are doing, so that energy may
not be
power. In public opinion, the public relations coun-
burned up in the friction of misunderstanding.
sel is judge and jury, because through his pleading
the immense
detailed description, for example, of of a case the public may accede to his opinion and
which the company takes to choose
and scientific care
clearly understandable and distinguishable He does not accept a client whose interests con-
effort that is
names, helps the public to appreciate the flict with those of another client. He does not accept
good service, and stimulates it to
being made to give
be hopeless or
a client whose case he believes to
whose product he believes to be unmarketable.
He should be candid in his dealings. It must be CHAPTER IV
repeated that his business is not to fool or hoodwink
the public. If he were to get such a reputation,
his profession would be at an
end. The systematic study of mass psychology re-
usefulness in
When he is sending out propaganda material, it is
vealed to students the potentialities of invisible gov-
clearly labeled as to source. The editor knows from ernment of society by manipulation of the motives
whom it comes and what its purpose is, and accepts which actuate man in the group. Trotter and Le
or rejects it on its merits as news. Bon, who approached the subject man- in a scientific
Propaganda The Psychology of Public Relations
cases wc can effect some change in public opinion cumstances an Internationa] flight will produce
with a fair degree of accuracy by operating a certain spirit of good will, making possible even the con-
mechanism, just as the motorist can regulate the summation of political programs. But he cannot be
speed of his car by manipulating the flow of gaso- sure that some unexpected event will not
line. Propaganda is not a sdence in the laboratory this flight in the public interest, or that
some other
sense, but no longer entirely the empirical affwr
it is aviator may do something more spectacular the
that it was before the advent of the study of mass day before. Even in his restricted field of public
psychology. It is now scientific in the sense that it
psychology there must always be a wide margin of
seeks to base its operations upon definite knowledge error. Propaganda, like economics and sociology,
drawn from direct observation of the group mind, can never be an exact science for the reason
that its
and upon the application of principles which have subject-matter, like theirs, deals with human beings.
been demonstrated to be consistent and relatively If you can influence the leaders, either with or
constant without their conscious cooperation, you automatically
The modem propagandist studies systenutically influence the group which they sway.
But men
and objectively the material with which he is working do not need to be actually gathered together in a
in the spirit of the laboratory. If the matter in public meeting or in a street riot, to be subject to the
hand is a nation-wide sales campaign, he studies the influences of mass psychology. Because man is by
field by means of a clipping sennce, or of a corps of nature gregarious he feels himself to be member of
scouts, or by personal study at a crucial spot He a herd, even when he is alone in his room with the
determines, for example, which features of a product curtains drawn. His mind retains the patterns which
are loang their public appeal, and in what new direc- have been stamped on it by the group influences.
tion the public taste is veering. He will not fail to A man sits in his office deciding what stocks to buy.
investigate to what extent it is the wife who has the He imagines, no doubt, that he is planning his pur-
final word in the choice of her husband's car, or of chases according to his own judgment. In actual
his suits and shirts. fact his judgment a melange
is of impressions
Scientific accuracy of results is not to be expected, stamped on his mind by outside influences which xm-
because many of the elements of the dtuation must consciously control his thought. He buys a certain
always be beyond his control. He may know with a railroad stock because it was in the headlines yester-
fair degree of ortainty that under favorable dr- day and hence is the one which comes most promi-
Propaganda The Psychology of Public Relations
nently to his mindj because he has a pleasant new one, the propagandist can sometimes swing a
recollection of a good dinner on one of its fast whole mass of group emotions. In Great Britain,
trains; because it has a liberal labor policy, a reputa- during the war, the evacuation hospitals came in for
tion for honesty J because he has been told that a considerable amount of criticism because of the
J. P. Morgan owns some of its shares. summary way in which they handled their wounded.
Trotter and Le Bon concluded that the group It was assumed by the public that a hospital gives
mind does not think in the strict sense of the word. prolonged and conscientious attention to its patients.
has performed a similar service for persons who bought one last week; or because his neighbors be-
away from a line of
wished to frighten the public lieved he was not able to aflFord a car of that class;
action. or because its colors are those of his college fra-
By playing upon an old cliche, or manipulating ternity.
Propaganda The Psychology of Public Relations
It is chiefly the psychologists of the school of control that vast, loose -jointed mechanism which is
Freud who have pointed out that many of man's modern society.
compensatory substitutes The old propagandist based work on the mech-
thoughts and actions are ,
for desires which he has been obliged to suppress. anistic reaction psychology then in vogue in our
its intrinsic worth human mind was
A thing may be desired not for colleges. This assumed that the
unconsciously come
or usefulness, but because he has merely an individual machine, a system of nerves
to see in symbol of something else, the desire for
it a and nerve centers, reacting with mechanical regularity
which he is ashamed to admit to himself. A man to stimuli, like a helpless, will-less automaton. It
for purposes of
buying a car may think he wants it was the special pleader's function to provide the
that he would
locomotion, whereas the fact may be stimulus which would cause the desired reaction in
pleasing his wife. would create a conviction. Suppose the old type of
This general principle, that men are very largely salesmanship, acting for a meat packer, was seeking to
accept the reasons which men give for what they do. The newer salesmanship, understanding the group
It is not sufficient to
understand only the me- structure of society and the principles of mass psy-
chanical structure of society,
the groupings and chology, would first ask: "Who is it that influences
stands the psychological relation of dependence of The claims may all be true, but they are in direct
men upon their physicians. conflict with the claims of other piano manufac-
The old-fashioned propagandist, using almost ex- turers, and in indirect competition with the claims
clusively the appeal of the printed word, tried to of a radio or a motor car, each competing for the
persuade the individual reader to buy a definite consumer's dollar.
article, immediately. This approach is exemplified What are the true reasons why the purchaser is
in a type of advertisement which used to be con- planning to spend his money on a new car instead of
sidered ideal from the point of view of directness on a new piano? Because he has decided that he
and effectiveness: wants the commodity called locomotion more than
"YOU (perhaps with a finger pointing at the he wants the commodity called music? Not alto-
reader) buy O^Leary^s rubber heels —NOW." gether. He buys a car, because it is at the moment
The advertiser sought by means of reiteration and the group custom to buy cars.
emphasis directed upon the individual, to break down The modern propagandist therefore sets to work
or penetrate sales resistance. Although the appeal to create circumstances which will modify that cus-
was aimed at fifty million persons, it was aimed at tom. He appeals perhaps to the home instinct which
each as an individual. is fundamental. He will endeavor to develop public
The new salesmanship has found it possible, by acceptance of the idea of a music room in the home.
dealing with men in the mass through their group This he may do, for example, by organizing an ex-
formations, to set up psychological and emotional hibition of period music rooms designed by well
currents which will work for him. Instead of as- known decorators who themselves exert an influence
saulting sales resistance by direct attack, he is inter- on the buying groups. He enhances the effectiveness
ested in removing sales resistance. He creates and prestige of these rooms by putting in them rare
circumstances which will swing emotional currents and valuable tapestries. Then, in order to create
so as to make for purchaser demand. dramatic interest in the exhibit, he stages an event
If, for instance, I want to sell pianos, it is not suf- or ceremony. To this ceremony key people, persons
ficient to blanket the country with a direct appeal, known to influence the buying habits of the public,
The best artists use it. It will last for years." other groups, lifting the idea of the music room to a
54 55
Propaganda The Psychology of Public Relations
place in the public consciousness which it did not ance of the Jitney Players was staged for the benefit
have before. The juxtaposition of these leaders, of earthquake victims of Japan, under the auspices
and the idea which they are dramatizing, are then of Mrs. Astor and others. The social advantages
projected to the wider public through various pub- of the place were projected—a golf course was
licity channels. Meanwhile, influential architects laid out and a clubhouse
planned. When the
have been persuaded to make the music i-oom an post ofiice was opened, the public relations counsel
integral architectural part of their plans with per- attempted to use it as a focus for national interest
haps a specially charming niche in one corner for and discovered that its opening fell coincident with
the piano. Less influential architects will as a matter a date important in the annals of the American Postal
of course imitate what is done by the men whom they Service. This was then made the basis of the
consider masters of their profession. They in turn opening.
will implant the idea of the music room in the mind When an attempt was made to show the public the
of the general public. beauty of the apartments, a competition was held
The music room will be accepted because it has among interior decorators for the best furnished
been made the thing. And the man or woman apartment in Jackson Heights. An important com-
who has a music room, or has arranged a corner of mittee of judges decided. This competition drew
the parlor as a musical corner, will naturally think the approval of well known authorities, as well as
of buying a piano. It will come to him as his own the interest of millions, who were made
cognizant of
idea. It through newspaper and magazine and other pub-
Under the old salesmanship the manufacturer said licity, with the effect of building
up definitely the
buy a piano."
to the prospective purchaser, "Please prestige of the development.
The new salesmanship has reversed the process and One of the most effective methods is the utilization
caused the prospective purchaser to say to the manu- of the group formation of modern society in order
facturer, "Please sell me a piano." to spread ideas. An example of this is the nation-
The value of the associative processes in propa- wide competitions for sculpture in Ivory soap, open
ganda is shown in connection with a large real estate to school children in certain age groups as well as
development. To emphasize that Jackson Heights professional sculptors. A sculptor of national repu-
was socially desirable every attempt was made to tation found Ivory soap an excellent medium for
produce this associative process. A benefit perform- sculpture.
Propaganda The Psychology of Public Relations
The Procter and Gamble Company offered a series housewife but also a matter of personal and intimate
of prizes for the best sculpture in white soap. The interest to her children.
contest was held under the auspices of the Art A number of familiar psychological motives were
Center in New York City, an organization of high set in motion in the carrying out of this campaign.
standing in the art world. The esthetic, the competitive, the gregarious (much
School superintendents and teachers throughout of the sculpturing was done in school groups), the
the country were glad to encourage the movement as snobbish (the impulse to follow the example of a
an educational aid for schools. Practice among recognized leader), the exhibitionist, and — last but
school children as part of their art courses was stim- by no means least — the maternal.
ulated. Contests were held between schools, be- All these motives and group habits were put in
tween school districts and between cities.
concerted motion by the simple machinery of group
Ivory soap was adaptable for sculpturing in the leadership and authority. As if actuated by the
homes because mothers saved the shavings and the pressure of a button, people began working for the
imperfect efforts for laundry purposes. The work client for the sake of the gratification obtained in the
itself was clean. sculpture work itself.
The best pieces are selected from the local com- This point is most important in successful propa-
petitions for entry in the national contest. This is
ganda work. The leaders who lend their authority
held annually at an important art gallery in New to any propaganda campaign will do so only if it can
York, whose prestige with that of the distinguished be made to touch their own interests. There must
judges, establishes the contest as a serious art event. be a disinterested aspect of the propagandist's activi-
In the first of these national competitions about ties. In other words, it is one of the functions of the
pieces of sculpture were entered. In the
500 public relations counsel to discover at what points
third, 2,500. And in the fourth, more than 4,000. his client's interests coincide with those of other indi-
BUSINESS AND THE PUBLIC growing out of mass production. Mass production
is only profitable if its rhythm can be maintained
The relationship between business and the public that is, if it can continue to sell its product in steady
has become closer in the past few decades. Business or increasing quantity. The result is that while,
to-day is taking the public into partnership. A num- under the handicraft or small-unit system of produc-
ber of causes, some economic, others due to the grow- tion that was typical a century ago, demand
ing public understanding of business and the public the supply, to-day supply must actively seek to create
interest in business, have produced this situation.
Its corresponding demand. A
single factory, poten-
Business realizes that its relationship to the public tially capableof supplying a whole continent with its
is not confined to the manufacture and sale of a given particular product, cannot afford to wait until
product, but includes at the same time the selling of public asks for product j it must maintain constant
itself and of all those things for which it stands in touch, through advertising and propaganda, with
the public mind. vast public in order to assure itself the continuous
Twenty or twenty-five years ago, business sought demand which make its costly plant profit-
alone will
to run its own affairs regardless of the public. The able. This more complex system of
entails a vastly
reaction was the muck-raking period, in which a distribution than formerly. To make customers is
multitude of sins were, justly and unjustly, laid to the new problem. One must understand not only his
the charge of the interests. In the face of an
own business the manufacture of a particular prod-
aroused public conscience the large corporations were uct —but also the structure, the personality, the prej-
obliged to renounce their contention that their affairs udices, of a potentially universal public.
were nobody's business. If to-day big business Still another reason is to be found in the improve-
were to seek to throttle the public, a new
similar to that of twenty years ago would
take place
ments in the technique of advertising
as regards —
both the size of the public which can be reached
and the public would rise and try to throttle big by the printed word, and the methods of appeal.
business with restrictive laws. Business is conscious The growth of newspapers and magazines having a
Propaganda Business and the Public
circulation of millions of copies, and the art of the dence and good will of the general
public. Business
modern advertising expert in making the printed must express itself and its entire corporate existence
message attractive and persuasive, have placed the so that the public will understand
and accept it. It
business man in a personal relation with a vast and must dramatize its personality and interpret its ob-
diversified public. jectives in every particular in which it comes into
Another modern phenomenon, which' influences contact with the community (or the nation) of which
the general policy of big business, is the new compe- it is a part.
tition between certain firms and the remainder of the An oil corporation which truly understands its
industry, to which they belong. Another kind of many-sided relation to the public, will offer that
public not only good
competition is between whole industries, in their oil but a sound labor policy. A
struggle for a share of the consumer's dollar. bank will seek to show not only that its management
When, for example, a soap manufacturer claims that is sound and conservative, but also that its officers are
his product will preserve youth, he is obviously at- honorable both in their public and in their private life.
tempting to change the public's mode of thinking A store specializing in fashionable men's clothing
about soap in general —a thing of grave importance will express in its architecture the authenticity of the
desirable to spend its money for metal furniture than facturing process, not only by wrapping
its loaves in
for wood furniture, it is clearly seeking to alter the dust-proof paper and throwing its factory open to
taste and standards of a whole generation. In either public inspection, but also by the cleanliness
and at-
tractiveness of its delivery wagons.
case, business is seeking to inject itself into the lives construction A
and customs of millions of persons. firm will take care that the public knows
not only
Even in a basic sense, business is becoming depend- that its buildings are durable and safe, but also that
ent on public opinion. With the increasing volume Its employees, when injured
at work, are com-
and wider diffusion of wealth in America, thousands pensated. At whatever point a business enterprise
of persons now invest in industrial stocks. New stock impinges on the public consciousness, it must seek
or bond flotations, upon which an expanding business give itspublic relations the particular character which
must depend for its success, can be effected only if will conform to the objectives which it is pursuing.
the concern has understood how to gain the confi- Just as the production manager must be familiar
Business and the Public
withi every element and detail concerning the mate-
them. The relationship between business and the
rials with which he is working, so the man in charge
public can be healthy only if it Is the relationship of
of a firm's public relations must be familiar with the
give and take.
structure, the prejudices, and the whims of the gen-
It is this condition and necessity which has created
eral public, and must handle his problems with the
the need for a specialized field of
utmost care. The public has its own standards and public relations.
Business now calls In the public
demands and You may modify them, but
habits. relations counsel to
advise It, to interpret Its purpose to
you dare not run counter to them. You cannot per- the public, and to
suggest those modifications which may make
suade a whole generation of women to wear long it con-
indicated, or whether both be quent letters urging them to use the product in which
Which method is
Propaganda Business and the Public
of the social group. It is not a question of ballyhoo, facility and promptness, with less damage to the
of creating a picturesque fiction for public consump- baggage, and less inconvenience to the passenger j
tion. It is merely a question of finding the appro- if the steamship company lets down, in its own in-
priatemodes of expressing the personality that is to terests, its restrictions on luggage; if the foreign
be dramatized. Some business men can be their own government eases up on its baggage costs and trans-
best public relations counsel. But in the majority of portation in order to further tourist travel; then the
cases knowledge of the public mind and of the ways luggage manufacturers will profit.
in which it will react to an appeal, is a specialized The problem then, to increase the sale of their
function which must be undertaken by the profes- luggage, was to have these and other forces come
sional expert.
over to their point of view. Hence the public rela-
Big business, I believe, is realizing this more and tions campaign was directed not to the public, who
more. It is increasingly availing itself of the serv- were the ultimate consumers, but to these other ele-
may bethe title accorded him). And it is my con- Also, if the luggage manufacturer can educate
viction that as big business becomes bigger the need the general public on what to wear on trips and when
for expert manipulation of its innumerable contacts to wear it, he may be increasing the sale of men's
with the public will become greater. and women's clothing, but he will, at the same time,
One reason the public relations of a business
why be increasing the sale of his luggage.
luggage industry attempted to solve some of its the wash-cloth and soap — a fight that very logically
problems by a public relations policy, it was realized might be taken up by health officials all over the
interest, can be educated to handle baggage with more or line of socially constructive action may very often
72 73
Propaganda Business and the Public
be the result of a desire on the part of the propa-
tions of service, if you haven't behind you a sympa-
gandist to meet successfully his own problem which thetic public opinion, you are bound to fail." This
the socially constructive cause would further. And the opinion of
is Samuel Insull, one the foremost
by doing so he is actually fulfilling a social purpose
tractionmagnates of the country. And the late
in the broadest sense.
Judge Gary, of the United States Steel Corporation,
The soundness of a public relations policy was expressed the same idea when he said: "Once you
likewise shown in the case of a shoe manufacturer have the good will of the general public, you
can go
who made service shoes for patrolmen, firemen, let-
ahead in the work of constructive expansion.
ter carriers, and men in similar occupations. He often many try to discount this vague and intangible
realized that if he could make acceptable the idea
element. That way lies destruction."
that men in suchwork ought to be well-shod, he Public opinion is no longer inclined to be unfavor-
would sell more shoes and at the same time further able to the large business merger.
It resents the
the efficiency of the men.
censorship of business by the Federal
Trade Com-
He organized, as part of his business, a foot pro-
mission. has broken
It down the anti-trust laws
tection bureau. This bureau disseminated scientifi-
where it thinks they hinder economic develop-
cally accurate information on the proper care of the
ment. It backs great trusts and mergers which it
feet, principles which the manufacturer had incor- excoriated a decade ago. The government now per-
porated in the construction of the shoes. The result
mits large aggregations of producing
and distributing
was that civic bodies, police chiefs, fire chiefs, and units, as evidenced by mergers among railroads and
others interested in the welfare and comfort of their
other public utilities, because representative govern-
men, furthered the ideas his product stood for and ment reflects public opinion. Public opinion itself
the product itself, with the consequent effect that
fosters the growth of mammoth industrial enter-
more of his shoes were sold more easily.
prises. In the opinion of millions of small investors,
The application of this principle of a common mergers and trusts are friendly giants and not
denominator of interest between the object that is
because of the economies, mainly
due to quantity
sold and the public good will can be carried to in-
production, which they have effected,
and can pass
finite degrees.
on to the consumer.
"It matters not how much capital you may have, This result has been, to a great extent, obtained
how fair the rates may be, how favorable the condi- by a deliberate use of propaganda in its broadest
Business and the Public
the and need to maintain good will with the greatest care
sense. was obtained not only by modifying
modified and watchfulness. These and other corporations of
opinion of the public, as the
a semi-public character will always have to face a
publics durmg
and marshaled the opinion of their demand for government or municipal ownership If
the business concern
the war, but often by modifying
such attacks as those of Professor Ripley are con-
itself. A cement company may work with road com- tinued and are, in the public's opinion, justified, un-
testing laboratories
missions gratuitously to maintain
less conditions are changed and care Is taken to main-
roads to the public.
in order to insure the best-quality
tain the contact with the public at all points of their
school of cookery.
A gas company maintains a free
corporate existence.
rash and unreasonable to take
But It would be
come The public relations counsel should anticipate such
public opinion has
for granted that because
trends of public opinion and advise on how to avert
will always remain
over to the side of big business, it
of Har- them, either by convincing the public that its fears
there. Only recently, Prof. W. Z. Ripley
national or prejudices are unjustified, or In certain cases by
University, one of the foremost
modifying the action of the client to the extent nec-
on business organization and
which tended essary to remove thS cause of complaint. In such a
exposed certain aspects of big business
case public opinion might be surveyed and the points
In large corporations.
to undermine public confidence
supposed vot- of Irreducible opposition discovered. The aspects of
He pointed out that the stockholders'
financial the situation which are susceptible of logical ex-
often illusory; that annual
ing power is
planation; to what extent the criticism or prejudice
statements are sometimes so brief
and summary that
is a habitual emotional reaction and what factors are
are downright mislead-
to the man In the street they
dominated by accepted cliches, might be disclosed.
system of non-voting
ing; that the extension of the
In each instance he would advise some action or
control of corpora-
shares often places the effective
modification of policy calculated to make the read-
tions and their finances in the
hands of a small clique
corporations refuse
of stockholders; and that some
While government ownership is In most Instances
to permit the public
to give out sufficient Information
only varyingly a remote possibility, public ownership
the concern.
to know the true condition of
disposed of big business through the increasing popular In-
Furthermore, no matter how favorably
vestment In stocks and bonds, Is becoming more and
business in general, the
the public may be toward big
for public discontent
more a fact. The importance of public relations
utilities are always fair game
Propaganda Business and the Public
from this standpoint is to be judged by the fact that The growth of big business is so
rapid that in some
practically all prosperous corporations expect at some imes ownership is more international
than national
time to enlarge operations, and will nttd to float new It IS necessary to reach ever larger
groups of people
stock or bond issues. The success of such issues de- It modern mdustry and commerce
are to be financed
pends upon the general record of the concern in the Americans have purchased billions of dollars of for-
business world, and also upon the good will which it eign industrial securities
since the war, and Euro-
has been able to create in the general public. When peans own, it is estimated,
between one and two
the Victor Talking Machine Company was recently billion dollars'worth of ours. In each case
offered to the public, millions of dollars' worth of acceptance must be obtained for
the issue and the en-
stock were sold overnight. On the other hand, there terprise behind it.
are certain companies which, although they are fi- Public loans, state or municipal,
to foreign coun-
nancially sound and commercially prosperous, would tries depend upon the
good will which those coun-
be unable to float a large stock issue, because public tries have been able to create for
themselves here
opinion is not conscious of them, or has some unana- An attempted issue by an east
European country is
lyzed prejudice against them. now faring badly largely because
of unfavorable
To such an extent is the successful floating of public reaction to the
behavior of members of its
stocks and bonds dependent upon the public favor ruling family. But other countries have no difficulty
that the success of a new merger may stand or fall in placing any issue because the public
is already con-
upon the public acceptance which is created for it. vinced of the prosperity of
these nations and the
A merger may bring into existence huge new re- stability of their
sources, and these resources, perhaps amounting to The new technique of public relations
counsel is
millions of dollars in a single operation, can often serving a very useful purpose
in business by acting as
fairly be said to have been created by the expert a complement to legitimate
advertisers and adver-
manipulation of public opinion. It must be repeated tising m
helping to break down unfair
that I am not speaking of artificial value given to a exaggerated and overemphatic
advertising by reach-
stock by dishonest propaganda or stock manipulation, ing the public with the
truth through other channels
but of the real economic values which are created than advertising. Where
two competitors in a field
when genuine public acceptance is gained for an in- are fighting each other
with this type of advertising,
dustrial enterprise and becomes a real partner in it. they are undermining that
particular industry to a
Propaganda Business and the Public
point where the public may lose confidence in the
advertising machinery, it was comparatively easy to
The only way to combat such
whole industry. get country-wide recognition for a product. A corps
unethical methods, is for ethical members of the in-
of traveling salesmen might persuade the retailers,
dustry to use the weapon of propaganda in order to
with a few cigars and a repertory of funny stories,
bring out the basic truths of the situation. to display and recommend their article on a nation-
Take the case of tooth paste, for instan<:e. Here
wide scale. To-day, a small industry Is swamped
is a highly competitive field in which the preponder- unless it can find appropriate and relatively inex-
ance of public acceptance of one product over another pensive means of making known the special virtues
can very legitimately rest in inherent values. How- of its product, while larger industries have sought
ever, what has happened in this field? to overcome the difficulty by cooperative advertising,
One or two of the large manufacturers have as- in which associations of industries compete with other
serted advantages for their tooth pastes
which no
single tooth paste discovered up to the present time
Mass advertising has produced new kinds of com-
can possibly have. The competing manufacturer is
petition. Competition between rival products in the
an al-
put in the position either of overemphasizing same line is, of course, as old as economic life itself.
ready exaggerated emphasis or of letting the In recent years much has been said of the new com-
emphasis of his competitor take away his markets. petition, we have discussed it in a previous chapter,
He the weapon of propaganda which can
turns to between one group of products and another. Stone
effectively, through various channels of approach to
competes against wood for buildings linoleum against
the schools, the
the public—the dental clinics,
carpets j oranges against apples; tin against asbestos
women's clubs, the medical colleges, the dental for roofing.
and even the daily press—bring to the public This type of competition has been humorously
truth of what a tooth paste can do.
This will, of
illustrated by Mr, O. H. Cheney, Vice-President of
course, have its effect in making the honestly the American Exchange and Irving Trust Company
tised tooth paste get to its real of New York, in a speech before the Chicago Busi-
Propaganda is potent in meeting unethical or un- ness Secretaries Forum.
fair advertising. Effective advertising has become "Do you represent the millinery trades?" said Mr.
more Years ago, when the
costly than ever before. Cheney. "The man at your side may serve the fur
country was smaller and there was no industry, and by promoting the style of big fur col-
80 8i
Mass production can be split up. Big business will their lovely hats and costumes paraded on the run-
still leave room for small business. Next to a huge ning-board before an audience of the entire trade.
department store there may be located a tiny spe- The news of the event affected the buying habits
cialty shop which makes a very good living. not only of the onlookers, but also of the women
The problem of bringing large hats back into throughout the country. The story of the event was
fashion was undertaken by a propagandist. The mil- flashed to the consumer by her newspaper as well as
linery industry two years ago was menaced by the by the advertisements of her favorite store. Broad-
prevalence of the simple felt hat which was crowd- sides went to the millinery buyer from the manu-
ing out the manufacture of all other kinds of hats and facturer. One manufacturer stated that whereas be-
hat ornaments. It was found that hats could roughly fore the show he had not sold any large trimmed hats,
be classified in six types. It was found too that four after it he had sold thousands.
groups might help to change hat fashions: the society Often the public relations counsel is called in to
leader, the style expert, the fashion editor and writer, handle an emergency situation. A false rumor, for
86 87
Propaganda Business and the Public
instance, occasion an enormous loss in prestige A clipping from the Journal of Commerce of April
and money if not handled promptly and eflFectively. 4, 1925, is reproduced here as an interesting ex-
An incident such as the one described in the New ample of a method to counteract a false rumor:
York American of Friday, May 21, 1926, shows
what the lack of proper technical handling of public BEECH-NUT HEAD HOME TOWN GUEST
relations might result in. Bartlett Arkell Signally Honored by Com-
munities of Mohawk Valley
$1,000,000 LOST BY FALSE RUMOR ON {Special to The Journal of Commerce)
HUDSON STOCK Canajoharie, N. Y., April 3. —
To-day was
Hudson Motor Company stock fluctuated 'Beech-Nut Day' in this town; in fact, for the
widely around noon yesterday and losses esti- whole Mohawk Valley. Business men and prac-
mated at $500,000 to $1,000,000 were suf- tically the whole community of this region
fered as a result of the widespread flotation of joined in a personal testimonial to Bartlett
false news regarding dividend action. Arkell of New York City, president of the
The directors met in Detroit at 12:30, New Beech-Nut Packing Company of this city, in
York time, to act on a dividend. Almost im- honor of his firm refusal to consider selling his
mediately a false report that only the regular company to other financial Interests to move
dividend had been declared was circulated. elsewhere.
At 12:46 the Dow, Jones & Co. ticker service When Mr. Arkell publicly denied recent
received the report from the Stock Exchange rumors that he was to sell his company to the
firm and its publication resulted in further drop Postum Cereal Company for $17,000,000,
in the stock. which would have resulted in taking the indus-
Shortly after i o'clock the ticker services re- try from its birthplace, he did so in terms con-
ceived official news that the dividend had been spicuously loyal to his boyhood home, which he
increased and a 20 per cent stock distribution has built up into a prosperous industrial com-
authorized. They rushed the correct news out munity through thirty years' management of his
on their tickers and Hudson stock immediately Beech-Nut Company.
jumped more than 6 points. He absolutely controls the business and flatly
88 89
Propaganda Business and the Public
stated that he would never sell it during his life- The modern publicity director of a theater syndi-
time 'to any one at any price,' since it would be cate or a motion picture trust is a business man, re-
disloyal to his friends and fellow workers. And sponsible for the security of tens or hundreds of mil-
the whole Mohawk Valley spontaneously de- lions of dollars of invested capital. He cannot afford
cided that such spirit deserved public recogni- to be a stunt artist or a free-lance adventurer in pub-
tion. Hence, to-day's festivities. licity. He must know his public accurately and
More than 3,000 people participated, headed modify its thoughts and actions by means of the
by a committee comprising W. J. Roser, chair- methods which the amusement world has learned
man} B. F. Spraker, H. V. Bush, B. F. Diefen- from its old pupil, big business. As public knowledge
dorf and J. H. Cook. They were backed by the increases and public taste improves, business must be
Canajoharie and the Mohawk Valley Chambers ready to meet them halfway.
of Business Men's Associations. Modern business must have its finger continuously
on the public pulse. It must understand the changes
Of course, every one realized after this that there in the public mind and be prepared to interpret itself
was no truth in the rumor that the Beech-Nut Com- fairly and eloquently to changing opinion.
pany was in the market. A denial would not have
carried as much conviction.
God tends to make elected persons the will-less serv- appealing to the broad public. But it continually im-
This is undoubtedly part proved those methods in the course of competi-
ants of their constituents. its
ican critics constantly complain. The political apathy of the average voter, of
that the
No serious sociologist any longer believes which we hear so much, is undoubtedly due to the
verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders. _ a dictator, can. But, given our present political con-
and gifted politician is
under which every
Fortunately, the sincere ditions office seeker must cater to
propaganda, to mold and
able, by the instrument of the vote of the masses, the only means by which the
form the will of the people. born leader can lead is the expert use of propa-
dilemma, when
Disraeli cynically expressed the ganda.
people. Am I not their servant?" izing new issues, or in the problem of making the day-
92 93
Propaganda and Political Leadership
ance, and selling the public these Ideas and products.
affairs a vital part of
to-day administration of public Politics was the first big business in America.
propaganda, carefully
the community life, the use of Therefore there good deal of irony In the fact
Is a
masses, is an essen-
adjusted to the mentality of the
that business has learned everything that politics has
tial adjunct of political life.
had to teach, but that politics has failed to learn very
The successful business to-day apes the poli-
much from business methods of mass distribution of
tician. He has adopted the glitter and the ballyhoo ideas and products.
of the campaign. He has set
up all the side shows.
Emily Newell Blair has recounted In the Inde-
He has annual dinners that are a compendium
pendent a typical instance of the waste of effort and
speeches, flags, bombast, stateliness,
On occasion
money In a political campaign, a week's speaking tour
racy slightly tinged with
In which she herself took part. She estimates that on
he doles out honors to employees,
much as the re-
a five-day trip covering nearly a thousand miles she
its worthy citizens.
public of classic times rewarded
and the United States Senator with whom she was
But these are merely the side shows, the drums,
making political speeches addressed no more than
builds up an Image of
of big business, by which it
This is but 1,105 persons whose votes might conceivably have
public service, and of honorary
been changed as a result of their efforts. The cost
business stimulates
one of the methods by which
of this appeal to these voters she estimates (calculat-
directors, the work-
loyal enthusiasms on the part of
ing the value of the time spent on a very moderate
ers, the stockholders and
the consumer public. It is
business performs
basis) as $15.27 for each vote which might have been
one of the methods by which big
changed as a result of the campaign.
its function of making
and selling products to the
This, she says, was a "drive for votes, just as an
work and campaign of business con-
public. The real
Ivory Soap advertising campaign Is a drive for
the manufac-
sists of intensive study of the public,
sales." But, she asks, "what would a company execu-
of products based on this study,
and exhaustive
tive say to a sales manager who sent a high-priced
means of reaching the public.
use of every
speaker to describe his product to less than l,20O
campaigns to-day are all side shows, all
These are people at a cost of $15.27 for each possible buyer?"
honors, all bombast, glitter, and speeches.
She finds It "amazing that the very men who make
the main business of
for the most part unrelated to
their millions out of cleverly devised drives for soap
supplying the
studying the public scientifically, of
and bonds and cars will turn around and give large
public with party, candidate, platform,
and perform-
Propaganda Propaganda and Political Leadership
and that m sell- make a proposed plan of the activities of the parties
must prepare its policies carefully,
America, and Its elected officials during the coming terms of
ing an Idea to the large buying public of
must proceed according to broad plans. The
The entire campaign A big business that wants to sell a product to the
cal strategist must do likewise.
broad basic public surveys and analyzes its market before It takes
should be worked out according to
a single step either to make or to sell the product.
plans. Platforms, planks, pledges, budgets, activities,
If one section of the community Is absolutely sold to
personalities, must be as carefully studied, appor-
96 97
Propaganda Propaganda and Political Leadership
the idea of this product, no money is wasted in re- eted. The first question which should be decided
selling it to it. If, on the other hand, another sec- is the amount of money that should be raised for the
tion of the public is irrevocably committed to another campaign. This decision can be reached by a care-
product, no money is wasted on a lost cause. Very ful analysis of campaign costs. There is enough
often the analysis is the cause of basic changes and precedent in business procedure to enable experts to
improvements in the product itself, as well as an index work this out accurately. Then the second question
of how it is to be presented. So carefully is this of importance is the manner in which money should
analysis of markets and sales made that when a com- be raised.
pany makes out its sales budget for the year, it sub- It is obvious that politics would gain much in pres-
divides the circulations of the various magazines and tige if the money-raising campaign were conducted
newspapers it uses in advertising and calculates with candidly and publicly, like the campaigns for the war
a fair degree of accuracy how many times a section funds. Charity drives might be made excellent
of that population is subjected to the appeal of the models for political funds drives. The elimina-
national campaign duplicates and repeats the em- raise the entire prestige of politics in America, and
phasis of a local campaign of selling. the public interest would be infinitely greater if the
As in the business field, the expenses of the politi- actual participation occurred earlier and more con-
cal campaign should be budgeted. A large business structively in the campaign.
to-day knows exactly how much money it is going Again, as in the business field, there should be a
to spend on propaganda during the next year or years. clear decision as to how the money is to be spent.
It knows that a certain percentage of its gross re- This should be done according to the most careful
ceipts will be given over to advertising —newspaper, and exact budgeting, wherein every step in the cam-
magazine, outdoor and poster j a certain percentage paign is given its proportionate importance, and the
to circularization and sales promotion —such house as funds allotted accordingly. Advertising in news-
organs and dealer aids; and a certain percentage papers and periodicals, posters and street banners, the
must go to the supervising salesmen who travel exploitation of personalities in motion pictures, in
around the country to infuse extra stimulus in the speeches and lectures and meetings, spectacular events
98 99
books, magazines, letters, posters, circulars and ban- sonalities, by establishing contact with the group
ners, newspapers; —
through pictures photographs and leaders who control the opinions of their publics.
motion pictures; through the ear lectures, speeches, But campaigning is only an incident in political
band music, radio, campaign songs. All these must life. The process of government is continuous. And
be employed by the political party if it is to succeed. the expert use of propaganda is more useful and fun-
One method of appeal is merely one method of ap- damental, although less striking, as an aid to demo-
peal and in this age wherein a thousand movements cratic administration, than as an aid to vote getting.
and ideas are competing for public attention, one dare Good government can be sold to a community just
not put all one's eggs into one basket. as any other commodity can be sold. I often wonder
It is understood that the methods of propaganda whether the politicians of the future, who are re-
can be effective only with the voter who makes up sponsible for maintaining the prestige and effective-
his own mind on the basis of his group prejudices and ness of their party, will not endeavor to train poli-
desires. Where specific allegiances and loyalties exist, ticians who are at the same time propagandists. I
as in the case of boss leadership, these loyalties will talked recently with George Olvany. He said that a
operate to nullify the free will of the voter. In this certain number of Princeton men were joining Tam-
close relation between the boss and his constituents many Hall. If I were in his place I should have
lies, of course, the strength of his position in politics. taken some of my brightest young men and set them
It is not necessary for the politician to be the slave to work for Broadway theatrical productions or ap-
of the public's group prejudices, if he can learn how prenticed them as assistants to professional propa-
tomold the mind of the voters in conformity with his gandists before recruiting them to the service of the
important thing for the statesman of our age is not One reason, perhaps, why the politician to-day is
somuch to know how to please the public, but to slow to take up methods which are a commonplace
know how to sway the public. In theory, this educa- in business life is that he has such ready entry to the
tion might be done by means of learned pamphlets media of communication on which his power depends.
explaining the intricacies of public questions. In The newspaper man looks to him for news. And
actual fact, it can be done only by meeting the con- by his power of giving or withholding information
ditions of the public mind, by creating circumstances the politician can often effectively censor political
which set up trains of thought, by dramatizing per- news. But being dependent, every day of the year
104 105
Propaganda Propaganda and Political Leadership
and for year after year, upon certain politicians for due to the tariff in force. He would see that these
news, the newspaper reporters are obliged to work in exhibitions were ceremoniously inaugurated by prom-
harmony with their news sources. inent men and women who were interested in a low
The political leader must be a creator of circum- tariff apart from any interest in his personal political
stances, not only a creature of mechanical processes of fortunes. He would have groups, whose interests
stereotyping and rubber stamping. were especially affected by the high cost of living,
Let us suppose that he is campaigning on a low- institute an agitation for lower schedules. He would
tariff platform. He may use the modern mechanism dramatize the issue, perhaps by having prominent
of the radio to spread his views, but he will almost men boycott woolen clothes, and go to important
certainly use the psychological method of approach functions in cotton suits, until the wool schedule was
which was old in Andrew Jackson's day, and which reduced. He might get the opinion of social workers
business has largely discarded. He will say over the as to whether the high cost of wool endangers the
radio: "Vote for me and low tariff, because the high health of the poor in winter.
tariff increases the cost of the things you buy." He In whatever ways he dramatized the issue, the at-
may, it is true, have the great advantage of being able tention of the public would be attracted to the ques-
to speak by radio directly to fifty million listeners. tion before he addressed them personally. Then,
But he is making an old-fashioned approach. He is when he spoke to his millions of listeners on the
arguing with them. He is assaulting, single-handed, radio, he would not be seeking to force an argument
the resistance of inertia. down the throats of a public thinking of other things
If he were a propagandist, on the other hand, al- and annoyed by another demand on its attention on j
though he would still use the radio, he would use the contrary, he would be answering the spontaneous
it asone instrument of a well-planned strategy. questions and expressing the emotional demands of
Since he is campaigning on the issue of a low tariff, he a public already keyed to a certain pitch of interest
not merely would tell people that the high tariff in- in the subject.
creases the cost of the things they buy, but would The importance of taking the entire world public
create circumstances which would make his conten- into consideration before planning an important event
tion dramatic and self-evident. He would perhaps is shown by the wise action of Thomas Masaryk, then
stage a low-tariff exhibition simultaneously in twenty Provisional President, now President of the Republic
cities, with exhibits illustrating the
additional cost of Czecho-Slovakia.
1 06 107
Propaganda Propaganda and Political Leadership
Czecho-Slovakia officially became a free state on query as to whether the newspaper makes public
Monday, October 28, 19 18, instead of Sunday, opinion or whether public opinion makes the news-
October 27, 19 18, because Professor Masaryk real- paper. There has to be fertile ground for the leader
ized that the people of the world would receive more and the Idea to fall on. But the leader also has to
information and would be more receptive tq the an- have some vital seed to sow. To use another figure, a
nouncement of the republic's freedom on a Monday mutual need has to exist before either can become
morning than on a Sunday, because the press would positively effective. Propaganda is of no use to the
have more space to devote to it on Monday morning. politician unless he has something to say which the
Discussing the matter with me before he made the public, consciously or unconsciously, wants to hear.
announcement. Professor Masaryk said, "I would But even supposing that a certain propaganda Is
be making history for the cables if I changed the untrue or dishonest, we cannot on that account re-
nique in the new propaganda. The criticism Is often made that propaganda tends
It will be objected, of course, that propaganda will to make the President of the United States so Im-
mechanism becomes obvi- portant that he becomes not the President but the
tend to defeat itself as its
ous to the public. My opinion is that it will not. embodiment of the idea of hero worship, not to say
The only propaganda which will ever tend to weaken deity worship. I quite agree that this Is so, but how
itself as the world becomes more sophisticated and are you going to stop a condition which very accu-
intelligent. Is propaganda that is untrue or unsocial. rately reflects the desires of a certain part of the
Again, the objection is raised that propaganda is public? The American people rightly senses the
utilized to manufacture our leading political person- enormous importance of the executive's office. If the
alities. It is asked whether, in fact, the leader makes public tends to make of the President a heroic symbol
propaganda, or whether propaganda makes the of that power, that is not the fault of propaganda but
leader. There is a widespread impression that a lies in the very nature of the office and its relation to
good press agent can puff up a nobody Into a great the people.
The answer is the same as that made to the old ing up of the man to fit the office, is perhaps still
108 .109
ballroom. Great Britain lost an invaluable oppor- modeled on the peace feelers which were used during
tunity to increase the good will and understanding the war to sound out the disposition of the enemy to
between the two countries when it failed to under- make peace or to test any one of a dozen other popu-
stand the importance of correct public relations coun- lar tendencies. It is the method commonly used by
sel for His Royal Highness. a politician beforecommitting himself to legislation
The public actions of America's chief executive are, of any kind, and by a government before committing
if one chooses to put it that way, stage-managed. itself on foreign or domestic policies.
no Ill
Propaganda Propaganda and Political Leadership
It IS a method which has little justification. If a Propaganda bridges this interval in our modern
politician is a real leader he will be able, by the skill- complex civilization.
ful use of propaganda, to lead the people, instead of Only through the wise use of propaganda will our
following the people by means of the clumsy instru- government, considered as the continuous administra-
ment of trial and error. tive organ of the people, be able to maintain that inti-
The propagandist's approach is the exact opposite mate relationship with the public which is necessary
of that of the politician just described. The whole in a democracy.
basis of successful propaganda is to have an objective As David Lawrence pointed out in a recent speech,
and then to endeavor to arrive at it through an exact there is need for an intelligent interpretative bureau
knowledge of the public and modifying circum- for our government in Washington. There is, it is
stances to manipulate and sway that public. true, a Division of Current Information in the De-
"The function of a statesman," says George Ber- partment of State, which at first was headed by a
nard Shaw, "is to express the will of the people in the trained newspaper man. But later this position began
ernment and the government legal equality with men. This does not mean that
to the people.
their activities are Identical with
Such an official would be neither a propagandist nor those of men.
a press agent, in the ordinary understanding of those Women in the mass still have special Interests and
terms. He would be, rather, a trained technician
activities In addition to their economic pursuits and
and public trends, in order to keep the government Women's most obvious Influence
Is exerted when
informed about the public, and the people Informed they are organized and armed with the weapon
about the government. America's relations with propaganda. So organized and armed they have
South America and with Europe would be greatly made their influence felt on city councils, state legisla-
improved under such circumstances. Ours must be tures, and national congresses, upon executives, upon
a leadership democracy administered by the intelli- political campaigns and upon public opinion gener-
gent minority who know how to regiment and guide ally, both local and national.
the academic sense of the word, Is not sufficient. It from the standpoint of the leadership they have ac-
must be enlightened expert propaganda through the quired in actual political positions or in actual
creation of circumstances, through the high-spotting holding. The professional woman politician has had,
of significant events, and the dramatization of im- up to the present, not much influence, nor do women
portant Issues. The statesman of the future will thus generally regard her as being the most Important
be enabled to focus the public mind on crucial points ment In question. Ma Ferguson, after
was all,
of policy, and regiment a vast, heterogeneous mass simply a woman home, a catspaw for a deposed
in the
of voters to clear understanding and intelligent action. husband i Nellie Ross, the former Governor of Wyo-
114 "5
Propaganda Women's Activities and Propaganda
ming, is from all accounts hardly a leader of states- tions. These covered such broad interests as child
manship or public opinion. welfare, education, the home and high prices, women
If the suffrage campaign did nothing more, it
in gainful occupations, public health and morals, in-
showed the possibilities of propaganda to achieve cer- dependent citizenship for married women, and others.
tain ends. This propaganda to-day is being utilized To propagandize these principles, the National
by women to achieve their programs in Washington League of Women Voters has published all types
and in the states. In Washington they are organized of literature, such as bulletins, calendars, election in-
as the LegislativeCommittee of Fourteen Women's formation, has held a correspondence course on gov-
Organizations, including the League of Women ernment and conducted demonstration classes and citi-
tions for its city. It can also arrange travelling ex- CHAPTER VIII
hibits of the art work of its members or show the art
work of schools or universities.
A literary club may step out of its charmed circle Education is not securing its proper share of pub-
of lectures and literary lions and take a definite part lic interest. The public school system, materially and
in the educational life of the community. It can financially, is being adequately supported. There is
sponsor, for instance, a competition in the public marked eagerness for a college education, and a
schools for the best essay on the history of the city, vague aspiration for culture, expressed in innumer-
or on the life of its most famous son. able courses and lectures. The public is not cognizant
Over and above the particular object for which the of the real value of education, and does not realize
woman's club may have been constituted, it commonly that education as a social force is not receiving the
stands ready to initiate or help any movement which kind of attention it has the right to expect in a democ-
has for its object a distinct public good in the com- racy.
munity. More important, it constitutes an organized It is felt, for example, that education is entitled
channel through which women can make themselves to more space in the newspapers j that well informed
felt as a definite part of public opinion. discussion of education hardly exists j that unless such
Just as women supplement men in private life, so an issue as the Gary School system is created, or out-
they will supplement men in public life by concen- side of an occasional discussion, such as that aroused
trating their organized efforts on those objects which over Harvard's decision to establish a school of busi-
men are likely to ignore. There is a tremendous field ness, education does not attract the active interest of
for women as active protagonists of new ideas and the public.
new methods of political and social housekeeping. There are a number of reasons for this condition.
When organized and conscious of their power to in- First of all, there is the fact that the educator has
fluence their surroundings, women can use their newly been trained to stimulate to thought the individual
acquired freedom in a great many ways to mold the students in his classroom, but has not been trained as
world into a better place to live in. an educator at large of the public.
120 121
Propaganda for Education
In a democracy an educator should, in addition to
difficult psychological problem. The teacher finds
his academic duties, bear a definite and wholesome
himself in a world in which the emphasis is put on
relation to the general public. This public does not
those objective goals and those objective attainments
come within the immediate scope of his academic du-
which are prized by our American society. He him-
ties. But in a sense he depends upon it for his liv-
self is but moderately or poorly paid. Judging him-
ing, for the moral support, and the general cultural
self by the standards in common acceptance, he can-
tone upon which his work must be based. In the
not but feel a sense of inferiority because he finds
field of education, we find what we have found in
himself continually being compared,
politics and other fields — that the evolution of the
his own pupils, with the successful business
in the minds of
man and
practitioner of the profession has not kept pace with
the successful leader in the outside world. Thus the
the social evolution around -him, and is out of gear
educator becomes repressed and suppressed in our
with the instruments for the dissemination of ideas
civilization.As things stand, this condition cannot
which modern society has developed. If this be
be changed from the outside unless the general public
true, then the training of the educators in this re-
alters its standards of achievement, which it is not
spect should begin in the normal schools, with the
likely to do soon.
addition to their curricula of whatever is necessary
Yet it can be changed by the teaching profession
to broaden their viewpoint. The public cannot un-
itself, if it becomes conscious not only of its indi-
derstand unless the teacher understands the relation-
vidualistic relation to the pupil, but also of its social
ship between the general public and the academic
relation to the general public. The teaching profes-
sion, as such, has the right to carry on a very definite
The normal school should provide for the training
propaganda with a view to enlightening the public
of the educator to make him realize that his is a two-
and asserting its intimate relation to the society which
fold job: education as a teacher and education as a
it serves. In addition to conducting a propaganda
on behalf of its individual members, education must
A second reason for the present remoteness of edu-
also raise the general appreciation of the teaching
cation from the thoughts and interests of the public
profession. Unless the profession can raise itself by
is to be found in the mental attitude of the pedagogue
—whether primary school teacher or college profes-
its bootstraps, it
—toward world
sor the outside the school. This is a
Propaganda cannot change all that is at present un-
Propaganda Propaganda for Education
"How the professor's discovery happened to be The college was anxious to preserve its aloofness
chronicled in the popular press is, also, in retrospect, from the world. ...
a matter o£ interest. . . . I£ left to his own de- "The colleges used to resent outside interest in
vices, he might never have appeared in print, ex- their affairs. They might, somewhat reluctantly and
cept perhaps insome technical publication, and his contemptuously, admit reporters to their Commence-
remarks there would have been no more intelli- ment Day exercises, but no further would they
gible to the average man or woman than if they had go. . . .
"Popularization of this message from antiquity view a Harvard professor, he has merely to tele-
was due to the Initiative of a young man named phone the Secretary for Information to the
James W. D. Seymour. . . .
University. Officially, Harvard still shies away
"It may surprise and shock some people," Mr. from the title 'Director of Publicity.' Informally,
Merrill adds, "to be told that the oldest and most however, the secretary with the long title Is the pub-
dignified seats of learning in America now hire press licity man. He is an Important official to-day at
governing body and the faculty, maintain a pub- that his university takes its proper place in the com-
licity office, with a director and a staflF of assistants, munity and therefore also in the community mind,
for the purpose of establishing friendly relations and produces the results desired, both in a cultural
with the newspapers, and through the newspapers, and In a financial sense.
"This enterprise breaks sharply with tradition. In ture which It should, one of two things may be
the older seats of learning it is a recent innovation. wrong: Either the media of communication with
130 131
Propaganda for Education
Again, it may be the general opinion that the
the public may be wrong or unbalanced} or his in-
work of a certain institution is 80 per cent post-
stitution may be at fault. The public is getting an
graduate research, an opinion which may tend to
oblique impression o£ the university, in which case
alienate public interest. This opinion may be true
the impression should be modified; or it may be that
or it may be false. If it is false, it should be cor-
the public is getting a correct impression, jn which
rected by high-spotting undergraduate activities.
case, very possibly, the work of the university itself
If, on the other hand, it is true that 80 per cent
should be modified. For both possibilities lie within
of the work is postgraduate research, the most should
the province of the public relations counsel.
be made of that fact. It should be the concern of
Columbia University recently instituted a Casa
the president to make known the discoveries which
haliana, which was solemnly inaugurated in the
are of possible public interest. A university expe-
presence of representatives of the Italian govern-
dition into Biblical lands may be uninteresting as a
ment, to emphasize its high standing in Latin studies
purely scholastic undertaking, but if it contributes
and the Romance languages. Years ago Harvard light on some Biblical assertion it will immediately
founded the Germanic Museum, which was cere- arouse the interest of large masses of the popula-
moniously opened by Prince Henry of Prussia. The
tion. zoological department may be hunting
Many colleges maintain extension courses which for some strange bacillus which has no known re-
bring their work to the knowledge of a broad public. lation to any human disease, but the fact that it is
It is of course proper that such courses
should be
chasing bacilli is in itself capable of dramatic pres-
made known to the general public. But, to take an-
entation to the public.
other example, they have been badly planned,
Many universities now gladly lend members of
from the point of view of public relations, if they their faculties to assist in investigations of public in-
are unduly scholastic and detached, their effect may
terest. Thus Cornell lent Professor Wilcox to aid
be the opposite of favorable. In such a case, it is
the government in the preparation of the national
not the work of the public relations counsel to urge census. Professor Irving Fisher of Yale has been
that the courses be made better known, but to
called in to advise on currency matters.
that they first be modified to conform to the impres- In the ethical sense, propaganda bears the same
sion which the college wishes to create, where that is
relation to education as to business or politics. It
compatible with the university's scholastic ideals.
may be abused. It may be used to overadvertise an
institution and to create in the public mind artificial
modern sense.
The great enemy of any attempt to change men's
habits is inertia. Civilization is limited by inertia.
Our attitude toward social relations, toward eco-
nomics, toward national and international politics,
continues past attitudes and strengthens them under
the force of tradition. Comstock drops his mantle
of proselytizing morality on the willing shoulders of
a Sumner; Penrose drops his mantle on Butler; Car-
negie his on Schwab, and so ad injinitum. Opposing
this traditional acceptance of existing ideas is an active
public opinion that has been directed consciously into
movements against inertia. Public opinion was made
or changed formerly by tribal chiefs, by kings, by
religious leaders. To-day the privilege of attempt-
ing to sway public opinion is every one's. It is one
of the manifestations of democracy that any one may
Propaganda Propaganda in Social Service
try to convince others and to assume leadership on center, would have greater authority than the same
behalf of hisown thesis. point of view issuing from any other
locality, par-
New ideas, new precedents, are continually striv- ticularly when that point of view
was at odds with
ing for a place in the scheme of things. the traditional southern point of view. Atlanta
The social settlement, the organized campaigns was chosen.
against tuberculosis and cancer, the various research
The third step was to surround the conference
activities aiming directly at the elimination of social
with people who were stereotypes for ideas that car-
diseases and maladjustments — a multitude of altru- ried weight all over the country.
The support of
istic activities which could be catalogued only in a
leaders of diversified groups was
book of many pages —have need of knowledge of the
grams and letters
were dispatched
to leaders of re-
public mind and mass psychology if they are to
ligious, political, social
and educational groups, ask-
achieve their aims. The literature on social service
mg for their point of view on the
purpose of the
publicity is so extensive, and the underlying prin-
conference. But in addition to these group leaders
ciples so fundamental, that only one example is nec-
of national standing it was particularly
essary here to illustrate the technique of social service important
from the technical standpoint to secure
the opinions
of group leaders of the South, even
A social service organization undertook to fight from Atlanta it-
self, toemphasize the purposes of the conference
lynching, Jim Crowism and the civil discriminations to
the entire public. There was
against the Negro below the Mason and Dixon line. one group in Atlanta
which could be approached. A group
The National Association for the Advancement of of ministers
had been bold enough come out for a greater inter-
the Colored People had the fight in hand. As a
racial amity. This group was approached and agreed
matter of technique they decided to dramatize the
to cooperate in the conference.
year's campaign in an annual convention which would
concentrate attention on the problem. The event ran off as scheduled. The program
Should it be held in the North, South, West or itself followed the general scheme. Negroes and
East? Since the purpose was to affect the entire coun- white men from
the South, on the same platform,
try, the association was advised to hold it in the pressed the same point of view.
South. For, said the propagandist, a point of view A dramatic element was spot-lighted
here and
on a southern question, emanating from a southern there. A national leader from Massachusetts agreed
136 137
Propaganda Propaganda in Social Service
in principle and in practice with a Baptist preacher
ably a result of this and other efforts of the Associa-
from the South. tion.
If the radio had been in eflFect, the whole country Many churches have
made paid advertising and
might have heard and been moved by the speeches organized propaganda part of their regular activities.
and the principles expressed. They have developed church advertising committees,
But the public read the words and the ideas in which make use of the newspaper and the billboard,
the press of the country. For the event had been as well as of the pamphlet. Many denominations
created of such important component parts as to maintain their own
periodicals. The Methodist
awaken interest throughout the country and to gain Board of Publication and Information systematically
support for its ideas even in the South. gives announcements and releases to the
press and
The editorials in the southern press, reflecting the the magazines.
public opinion of their communities, showed that the But in a broader sense the very activities of social
subject had become one of interest to the editors service are propaganda A
campaign for
because of the participation by southern leaders. the preservation of the teeth seeks
to alter people's
The event naturally gave the Association habits in the direction of more frequent
itself brushing of
substantial weapons with which to appeal to an in-
teeth. A campaign for better parks seeks to alter
people's opinion in regard to the desirability
creasingly wider circle. Further publicity was at- of tax-
ing themselves for the purchase of
tained by mailing reports, letters, and other propa- park facilities. A
campaign against tuberculosis is an attempt
ganda to selected groups of the public. to con-
vince everybody that tuberculosis
As for the practical results, the immediate one can be cured, that
persons with certain symptoms should immediately
was a change in the minds of many southern editors
go to the doctor, and the like. A campaign
who realized that the question at issue was not only to lower
the infant mortality rate is an effort to alter the
an emotional one, but also a discussable onej and
habits of mothers in regard to feeding, bathing and
this point of view was immediately reflected to their
caring for their babies. Social service, in fact, is
readers. Further results are hard to measure with a
identical with propaganda in many cases.
slide-rule. The conference had its definite effect in
Even those aspects of social
service which are
building up the racial consciousness and solidarity of
governmental and administrative, rather than
the Negroes. The decline in lynching is very prob- table and spontaneous, depend on
wise propaganda
for their effectiveness. Harry Elmer
about," Mr. Barnes states, "progress in penology is portant part. When art galleries seeic to launch the
doomed to be sporadic, local, and generally ineffec- canvases of an artist they should create public accept-
tive. The solution of prison problems, then, seems ance for his works. To increase public appreciation
The following clipping from the New York Times "These 'prints ferronnieres' are the first tex-
of February i6, 1925, tells the story from an actual tiles to show the influence of the modern
incident of this sort: M,
master, Brandt, The silken fabrics pos-
sess a striking composition, showing character-
"Copyright, 1 925, by The New York Times
Brandt motifs which were embodied in the
Company — Special Cable to The New York
department stores in New York, Chicago and other sition of Decorative Arts, he did so. As Associate
cities asked to have this exhibition. They tried to Commissioner I assisted in the organizing of the
mold the public taste in conformity with the idea group of important business leaders in the industrial
which had the approval of Paris. The silks of art field who went to Paris as delegates to visit and
Cheney Brothers — a commercial product produced in report on the Exposition. The propaganda carried
quantity — ^gained a place in public esteem by being on for the aims and purposes of the Commission
associated with the work of a recognized artist and undoubtedly had a widespread effect on the attitude
with a great art museum. of Americans towards art in industry j it was only a
The same can be said of almost any commercial few years later that the modern art movement pene-
product susceptible of beautiful design. There are trated all fields of industry.
few products in daily use, whether furniture, clothes, Department stores took it up. R. H. Macy &
lamps, posters, commercial labels, book jackets, Company held an Art-in-Trades Exposition, in which
pocketbooks or bathtubs which are not subject to the the Metropolitan Museum of Art collaborated as
laws of good taste. adviser. Lord & Taylor sponsored a Modern Arts
In America, whole departments of production are Exposition, with foreign exhibitors. These stores,
being changed through propaganda to fill an eco- coming closely in touch with the life of the people,
nomic as well as an esthetic need. Manufacture is performed a propagandizing function in bringing to
being modified to conform to the economic need to the people the best in art as it related to these in-
satisfy the public more beauty. A
demand for piano dustries. The Museum same time was alive
at the
manufacturer recently engaged artists to design mod- to the importance of making contact with the public
ernist pianos. This was not done because there ex- mind, by utilizing the department store to increase
isted a widespread demand for modernist pianos. art appreciation.
Indeed, the manufacturer probably expected to sell Of ail art institutions the museum suffers most
few. But in order to draw attention to pianos one from the lack of effective propaganda. Most pres-
must have something more than a piano. People at ent-day museums have the reputation of being
144 145
Propaganda Art and Science
morgues or sanctuaries, whereas they should be come to the museum. It is also a question of mak-
leaders and teachers in the esthetic life of the com- ing the museum, and the beauty which it houses, go
munity. They have little vital relation to life. to the people.
The treasures of beauty in a museum need to be The museum's accomplishments should not be
interpreted to the public, and this requires a propa- evaluated merely in terms of the number of visitors.
gandist. The housewife in a Bronx apartment doubt- Its function is not merely to receive visitors, but to
less feels little interest in an ancient Greek vase in the project iself and what it stands for in the community
Metropolitan Museum, Yet an artist working with which it serves.
a pottery firm may adapt the design of this vase The museum community for a defi-
can stand in its
to a set of china and this china, priced low through nite esthetic standard which can, by the help of in-
quantity production, may find its way to that Bronx telligent propaganda, permeate the daily lives of all
apartment, developing unconsciously, through its fine its neighbors. Why should not a museum establish
line and color, an appreciation of beauty. a museum council of art, to establish standards in
Some American museums feel this responsibility. home decoration, in architecture, and in commercial
The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York production? or a research board for applied arts?
rightly prides itself on its million and a quarter of Why should not the museum, instead of merely pre-
visitors in the year 1926; on its efforts to dramatize serving the art treasures which it possesses, quicken
and make visual the civilizations which its various de- their meaning in terms which the general public
partments reveal} on its special lectures, its story understands?
hours, its loan collections of prints and photographs A recent annual report of an art museum in one
and lantern slides, its facilities offered to commercial of the large cities of the United States, says:
firms in the field of applied art, on the outside lec- "An underlying characteristic of an Art Museum
turers who are invited to lecture in its auditorium like ours must be its attitude of conservatism, for
and on the lectures given by its stafF to outside or- after all its first duty is to treasure the great achieve-
ganizations} and on the free chamber concerts given ments of men in the arts and sciences."
in the museum under the direction of David Mannes, Is that true? Is not another important duty to
which tend to dramatize the museum as a home of interpret the models of beauty which it possesses?
beauty. Yet that is not the whole of the problem. If the duty of the museum is to be active it must
It is not merely a question of making people study how best to make its message intelligible to
146 147
Art and Science
the community which it serves. It must boldly as-
and Telegraph Company, the Western Electric Com-
sume esthetic leadership.
pany, the General Electric Company, the Westing-
As in art, so in science, both pure and applied.
house Electric Company and others have realized the
Pure science was once guarded and fostered by
Now importance of scientific research. They have also
learned societies and scientific associations.
understood that their ideas must be made intelligible
pure science finds support and encouragement also
to the public to be fully successful. Television,
in industry. Many of the laboratories in which ab-
broadcasting, loud speakers are utilized as propa-
stract research is being pursued are now connected
ganda aids.
with some large corporation, which is quite willing
Propaganda assists in marketing new inventions.
to devote hundreds of thousands of dollars to scien-
Propaganda, by repeatedly interpreting new scien-
tific study, for the sake of one golden invention or
tific and inventions to the public,
ideas has made the
discovery which may emerge from it.
public more receptive. Propaganda is accustoming
Big business of course gains heavily when the in-
the public to change and progress.
vention emerges. But at that very moment it
assumes the responsibility of placing the new inven-
tion at the service of the public. It assumes also the
responsibility of interpreting its meaning to the
The industrial interests can furnish to the schools,
the colleges and the postgraduate university
the exact truth concerning the scientific progress of
our age. They not only can do so j they are under
obligation to do so.Propaganda as an instrument of
commerdal competition has opened opportxmities to
the inventor and given great stimulus to the research
scientist. In the last five or ten years, the successes
man communication which may not also be a means publication might benefit any one. This point of
of propaganda, because propaganda^ is
deliberate view is now largely abandoned. To-day the leading
simply the establishing of reciprocal editorial offices take the view that the real criterion
between an individual and a group. governing the publication or non-publication of mat-
The important point to the propagandist is ter which comes to the desk is its news value. The
relative value of the various
instruments of
the newspaper cannot assume, nor is it its function to
propaganda, and their relation to the masses, assume, the responsibility of guaranteeing that what
constantly changing. If he is to get full reach for
it publishes will not work out to somebody's interest.
his message he must take advantage of these There is hardly a single item in any daily paper, the
of value the instant they occur. Fifty years ago,
publication of which does not, or might not, profit or
the public meeting was a propaganda
instrument par
injure somebody. That is the nature of news. What
excellence. To-day it is difficult to get more
than a
the newspaper does strive for is that the news which
handful of people meeting unless
to attend a public
it publishes shall be accurate, and (since it must select
extraordinary attractions are part of the program. from the mass of news material available) that it
The automobile takes them away from home, the shall be of interest and importance to large groups
radio keeps them in the home, the successive of its readers.
editions of the newspaper bring information to them
In its editorial columns the newspaper is a per-
in office or subway, and also they are sick of the sonality,commenting upon things and events from its
ballyhoo of the rally. individual point of view. But in its news columns
Propaganda The Mechanics of Propaganda
the typicalmodern American newspaper attempts to that will be commercially advantageous to the men
reproduce, with due regard to news interest, the out- who market them; if they consist of Henry Fords
standing events and opinions of the day. with epoch-making cars — then all this is news. The
It does not ask whether a given item is propaganda so-called flow of propaganda into the newspaper
or not. What is important is that it be news. And in offices of the country may, simply at the editor's dis-
the selection of news the editor is usually entirely cretion, find its way to the waste basket.
independent. In the New York Times — to take an The source of the news offered to the editor
outstanding example —news is printed because of its should always be clearly stated and the facts accu-
news value and for no other reason. The Times edi- rately presented.
tors determine with complete independence what is The situation of the magazines at the present
and what is not news. They brook no censorship. moment, from the propagandist's point of view, is
They are not influenced by any external pressure nor different from that of the daily newspapers. The
swayed by any values of expediency or opportunism. average magazine assumes no obligation, as the
The conscientious editor on every newspaper realizes newspaper does, to reflect the current news. It
that his obligation to the public is news. The fact of selects its material deliberately, in accordance with
its accomplishment makes it news. a continuous policy. It is not, like the newspaper,
If the public relations counsel can breathe the an organ of public opinion, but tends rather to be-
breath of life into an idea and make it take its place come a propagandist organ, propagandizing for a
among other ideas and events, it will receive the particular idea, whether it be good housekeeping, or
public attention it merits. There can be no question smart apparel, or beauty in home decoration, or de-
of his "contaminating news at its source." He creates bunking public opinion, or general enlightenment or
some of the day's events, which must compete in liberalism or amusement. One magazine may aim
the editorial office with other events. Often the to sell health; another, English gardens; another,
events which he creates may be specially acceptable fashionable men's wear; another, Nietzschean phi-
to a newspaper's public and he may create them with losophy.
that public in mind. In all departments in which the various magazines
If important things of life to-day consist of trans- specialize, the public relations counsel may play an
atlantic radiophone talks arranged by commercial important part. For he may, because of his client's
telephone companies; if they consist of inventions interest, assist them to create the events which
152 153
Propaganda The Mechanics of Propaganda
further their propaganda, A bank, in order to em- radio will tend to be withdrawn from the news-
phasize the importance of its women's department, paper.
may arrange to supply a leading women's magazine To what extent is the publisher alive to this new
with a series of articles and advice on investments phenomenon? It is bound to come close to American
written by the woman expert in charge of this de- journalism and publishing. Newspapers have recog-
partment. The women's magazine in turn will nized the advertising potentialities of the companies
utilize this new feature as a means of building addi- that manufacture radio apparatus, and of radio
tional prestige and circulation. stores, large and small; and newspapers have ac-
The lecture, once a powerful means of influencing corded to the radio in their news and feature col-
public opinion, has changed its value. The lecture umns an importance relative to the increasing atten-
itself may be only a symbol, a ceremony; its impor- tion given by the public to radio. At the same time,
spond to leadership.