Epirus Albania Sherif Delvina

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GHCRIE DEWVINA | ra _-EPIRus, ‘Low ALBANIA CHAPTER ONE EPIRUS, LOW ALBANIA 1.4, TESTIMONIES ON ALBANIAN AUTHENTICITY IN EPIRUS. The ethnological characteristics of Epirus are contraries to those of the neighboring Greece. irs, let us start with the position the king had in Epirus.n Epic rus the king was not allowed to hold the crown on his head. The rights ofthe sovereign were limited. Without agreement ‘of juridical institutions, the king could not produce coins, nether could he declare war to another state; nor even conclude peace veaties and alliances with other states. During the war, the king executed the function of a military leader of Epirus, having only rights io commit sacrifices. Look what Plutarch says about Epirus’ kings: “The kings, after committing sacrifices to war's God in Passaron of Molossia, had the habit to bet with them to defend the kingdom according to the existing laws. This ceremony was conducted in the Presence of two other kings, surrounded by ther friends, who, on this ‘occasion exchanged a lot of presents” Pouquevile (1770-1838), luminist, consul of France near Al Pasha Tepelena, characterizes the Passaron of Epirus as “..the city where was seen, maybe forthe first time, the august union of sovereign and People, that of monarchic power and liberty". The ceremony of Passaron is quoted even by W. Tarn, to Antigonuss Gonat. Kings such 4, Fist Aleota, Anryba, Acacidae, Fyishus, etc, were dethroned or Killed according to the right of revocation. The position of women in Epirus changed from that in Hellas. tn ‘Greece reigned “tutela muliesum”. There, the women were excluded bylaw, from public lite (ownership, citizenship and privileged situation, <2. Up to kingdorn run) || © In Epirot coins the face of Diona is distinguished, on one side of _, Zeus of Dodona. in the numismatics of king Pyrthus, the women held 2. prs, Low Aberia ——— a remarkable place. These coins clearly speak of the high position the Epirus women held, in contrast with their companions’ position in Greece. This is also shown by the richness of female graves, discovered archeological expaditions. eu documented quite perfectly in painted ceramics are ‘also evidence ofthe important place by the women kept in this ancient land. A brass sab in Dodona, speaks of an Epirot woman, who offers her slave to another woman of this land, without any mediation. .Carapanos “Dodona and its Ruins", page 55-56, Athens, 1878). aie pis, “tutela mulierur” was inexistent. This conclusion is issued by archaeologist Pierre Cabane. This tutelage was missing in that time even in Thessaly, the Greek researcher, A.M.Vavakos points out. This data coincides with the definition made by Herodotus (or Thessaly, According to him, Thessalians were of Thesproti origin. Consequently, logic works. There are confirmed reasons that Epirus has issued brave ‘women, who equaled in bravery with men. It is worth mentioning here the terrible Olympia, the mother of Alexander of Macedonia, who put the golden crown to the killer of her husband, Philip Il, or Neris and Dejdameia, who were the last “forte men” of Aeacidae dynasty, which had vanished for ever and left the place to Epirot League. In Butrinto, Pierre Cabane tells, one third of slave owners were ‘women. When he speaks about the limits of this originality, he makes known that the place held by women in Epirus and Northern Greece was the same as that held in Central and Northern ilfyria. Reading the history of Epirus kings, you can find alot of non-Greek names, Giuseppe Nensi observes in his wotk, “Pyrthus", Torino, 1953. It is enough to mention Tharyps, Anyba, Alceta, Aeacidae, whose historical beings could not be put in doubt. ‘Typical arp the names of Trojan cycle; Neaptolemus, Pyrthus, Alexander, Teucer, Andromaca, etc. a “These kings made matching bondages with others, out of Epirus, asin cae of Obmps, mother of great Alexander with Philip Il of Macedonia. Pyrhus's women were not Greek. Antigone was the daughter of Ptolemy, a Macedonian. Bikena was the daughter ofan king, Bardyls, while Lanasa ‘was the daughter of Dyonisus, the tyrant of Syracuse. —— Spies. Low Aterce I. According to well-known cartographer, Kiepert, the map 1:500 000 “Epirus and Thessaly" (Berlin, 1880), is presented as follows: Molossia, 3500 km2; Thesprotia, 2050 km2, and Chaonia, 2400 km2, the total of Fiat League, 7950 km2. tn Epirot League, Mollasians occupied ‘almost half of Epirot territory. On page 59 of the work “Pyrthus”, of Pierre Leveque, itis observed that there existed a kinship tie between king of Taulants, Glaucias, and the royal family of Aeacidaes. Glaucias's wife, Beroia was an Epirot princess. ‘On’ page 89 of this book is shown Pyrthus's fidelity to his mother's ‘memory. In her memory, king Pyrthus produced brass coins, which on the righthad his beloved mother’s head, Phtia, daughter of Thessalian ‘Menon. Based on Plutarch, Leveque (IV) while speaking about the growing strength of Pyrrhus among Taulants, quotes: “The wild place of Taulants ‘as just released of atrocity; it missed the lucidity of Hellenism, which ‘Molossian princes had obtained from Greeks since the time of king Tharyps”. While on page 173, the same author notes: “We can say thatllyrians had remained more barbarous read: non-Greeks-SH.D.) than Epirots, but Hellenism began to influence them’, The author here means the radiation of Helen culture, which at that time included a ‘major part of ancient world. To “Old world’ vol. tll, Chicago, USA, 1983, in ‘Epigraphic searches in Epirus”, there are noted too, seven ‘months of Epirot old calendar: Gamilios, Apelaios, Agrianos, Kranelos, Halotropios, Datyos, Phoinikaios. But we have to assume the fact that the suffixes are put because they are written in Greek language. The ‘months of Epirot calendar are absolutely different from those of Greek calendar. “The father of ancient history Herodotus, in his monumental work “The History”, book eight, paragraph 47, « book which is dedicated to muse Urania, confesses that the Thessproti are neighbors with ‘Ambracias and Leucades, who came to Salanina battle against Persians from all comers of Greece. ‘According to Herodotus, Greece ended in Leucades islands, which {sto the west part of Acamania and Ambracias of Ambracia city, the ‘only Hellen colony in Epirot seashore. eas Le aris | Epirus did not take part in Trojan War, neither in the war against Persian, nor in Peloponnesien War, which was of a Greek character, because Epirus was not included in Hellen community. In Panhellenic Conference, organized by Pericles, none of Fpirot cities took part except for Ambracia, which, as it is known, was a Greek colony (Plutarch, Pericles, XVI). For Ephor of Cuma, Greece starts in Acarnania; this stands also for Strabo (Vl, 333). During all times Epirus, 4p to Berlin Congress, remained out of Greece historical borders. Ancient historians consider Epirots as barbarous. Its known that at that time if one was called barbarous, it ‘meant that he was not Greek. Grecks use today the word “Epirot” in order to hide the name “Albanian”. Albanians are the overwhelming, ‘majority of current Southern Albania inhabitants, which is extended up to Arta bay. Greeks, says Herodotus in his book Vit, paragraph l, dedicated to Polymnia muse, charged king Leonidas with 300 Spartans to defend ‘Thermopylae passes, in order to prohibit the entering of barbarians to Greece, Herodotus, even in paragraph 146 of this book states that in the ‘east of Thermopylae there was asteep and impassable mountain, which extended up to Acta mouniain.-To the east this road is limited by sea and some valleys and rivulets, There is only a passing way which goes to Phocis, Greece region, extending to the east by Aetolia. This pass, confesses Herodotus, is protected by a wall, constructed by inhabitants of Phocis. That wall was constructed, because they were frightened by “Thessalians, who had come from Thesprotia and were placed in Aeotida| (Thessaly). Phocis people had taken these measures to defend ‘themselves from Thessatians, who wanted to subdue and to keep them tinder their yoke. {In ancient times, Cams (Tsams) were neighbors with Phocis people and Thessaly was Thesproti land, thus, Cam. Herodotus’s data are accurate "he knew Greece quite well, had friendships with Athens’ elite, with Pericles, Sofocles, etc. His writings both by the intellectual elite, and the people, were held in great esteem. We should not forget that he knew the places he had been, He was curious for everything, —— pres. Low Aberia cee says Gustav Klotzsch in “Histoire ancienne”, vol. I, page 3. In page 4, he points out that the father of history remains an un-substtuted ciceron for everybody who seeks to know about Greece of fifth century before Christ. History has been, is and will be, as Latins say, life's teacher Here we remind all Albanian political partes that the ancient border cof our country with Greece followed the line of Leucades islands, lonian sea, Acamania, Aetoli, Phocis, Loctis, and ended in the Egean Sea. ‘While today, Odysseus’ sons want to displace our border with Greece to Shkumbin River! The main regions of southern Albania, ethnically and historically Albanians, are even those of Flat, Paramythia, Gumenica and all Epirus Lup to Preveza, with loannina, Konica, Florina and Kastora. In all these places, in particular in ameri (Tsamouria, the Albanian language is spoken: itis spoken at hore and in safe places out of home. In Greece exist severe orders, issued by Greek government, that ‘Gams should not speak their language. These orders have banned the use of Albanian spoken language in that partof southern Albania, given to Greece by London Conference of 1913. Large numbers of Orthodox people live in those areas, who speak ‘Albanian language, 2s well as Albanian Muslims, compulsorily converted into Orthodox religion. These Albanians, in informal environments are called by Greeks, Albanophons Greeks, which means, Greeks speaking ‘Albanian language. These invented expressions, serve the organized ‘chauvinist Pan-Hellenic goals and propaganda. ‘The former Greece’s Prime Minister himself, the notorious cchauvinist, Venizelos, confessed that Greece's North is inhabited:by Albanians. Let him speak: “itis absolutely exact that North population is of Albanian origin’. (1. Skéndo, Extrait de ta Revue “Les peuples libres", numero d’avrl les revendications albanaises, Lausanne, 1919). i word “North”, L. Skendo stresses, is understood Epirus to Arta " ‘And now let's see Greek-Albanian borderin the Middle Ages. George \ Acropolites (1217-1282) has witten about the war fought by Epirus espot, Michael Il against Byzantine troops. Let’s see what ne says on 16, Epirus, Low Abr ——— this: “We retreated, thus, up to their borders (the troops of despot Michael t-SH.D), ie. up to Prene mountains (the mountains of today’s Pindus - SH.0.), Which separate Oli sind New Cpirus from the old world. (Georgios Acropolites, Chronical work, publisher, Teubner, Lipsiae, 1903) Greek land, according to Georgios Acropolites; was beyond the mountains of Pindus, thus, Epirus is not a Greek land. We must not forget that Georgies Acropolites has been a diplomat, politician, historian and teacher of Byzantinun’s emperor, Theodor I! Lascaris; hhe has also been chief commander of Byzantine army. ‘But these aforementioned sayings, are admitted even by Theodor Sutariot; Byzantine historian, who was born and lived during the XIll ‘century. He states all these in his work “Introduction to Chronicles” KKN. Sathas, Biblioteca Graeca medii aevi VID. ‘George Pachimeris, Byzantine historian of the XI century, who during his life has held important state functions, considers Albanians as Ilyrians. He limits Greece to the South Thessaly River. Lets see what he says for Peneu river (Selemvria). Pachimeris emphasizes that: “Byzantium’s emperor, Michael Vill Peleologue ordered to attack Iyrians and tribal regions, as well as those beyond Peneu tive, the so- called, true Greece”. ("Histoty”, First Volume, book I! 26, page 137, Bonnae, 1835). Pachimeris confirmed thai Hellas at that time was Confined to today’s Selemvria River, yesterday's Peneu, These Byzantine historians accurately confirm that Epirus and Macedonia had never been Greek lands. If we go back several centuries before the time of historian Pachimeris, we will see what Hellas included. The reply would be accurately given by Greek scholars. In Sinecdemos of Jerocles (VI ‘century A.D) is pointed outthat old Greece at that time included only regions of Beotia, of Attica, Phocis, Euboea and Peloponnesus. ‘Donald Edgar Pitcher in ‘An historical geography of the Ottoman Empire from the earliest times to the end of the sixteenth century”. Leiden £.8rill, 1972, expressed himselfas follows, about the expansion of Albanians in the second half of the XIV century: “In the second half pres, bow piberia§ 2 of XIV century, in North they extended to Zeta (Montenegro) and in South between Epirus and Corinthian bay”. It ie evident that, old and new historians are of the same opinion about Greece's historical frontiers Greek chauvinists should never forget that possessions of Gjin Zenebishi were extended from Argiro to Glyk, while those of Gjin Bue Shpata up to Naupactus. ‘Theodor Mommsen in “Storia di Roma Antica’, volume primo, Roma-Torino, Casa Editrice Nazionale, Poux Viarengo, 1903, page 362 of book Il, chapter Vil writes “Cosi rimesso nel retaggio patemo, tutti si strinsero intorno a lui. | valorosi Epirot, gli albanesi dell’antichita’ (Thus, just when he was put at the head of kingdom (of fatherhood inheritance), all ..jted around him (King Pyrrhus-SH.D), Epirot bravemen, Albanians of ancient times) We must not forget that Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903) is considered as the most distinguished researcher of ancient Roman world, His glory reached the apotheosis by winning the Nobel Prize (1902) at the age of 85 years. He wrote a lot of books and, among them is “The History of ancient Rome“, quoted. above. But let's proceed. Look here what the well-known Byzantine historian of VI century, Procope of Caesarea, says about our Greek neighbors: “In the ‘wat, Greeks are called coward soldiers as though Greece never had a fight man’. (Procope of Caesarea, “Omnia”, vol. Il, I, Lipsiae). This historian, in aforementioned paragraph sees the difference between Byzantium, which was a conglomerate of peoples, and Greece, which ‘was a part of that multinational empire. The people of Byzantium Beope according to Procopeof Caesarea, didnot fel ke Greeks at all pir, Lo arbres ———— 1.2. HISTORICAL SOURCES ON SOUTH ALBANIA (THE EPIRUS) Southern seaside of nowadays Albania (the Epirus) has been inhabited in ancient times by Epirots, the Albanians of antiquity S trabo in his work “The Geography", book Vl, paragraph V1, confesses that “Chaones, Thesprot and, after them Cassopaei who are Thesproti, were located along the seaside, a rch belt, which covers the area from Ceraunia mountains until Ambracia bay”. ‘cylax, in his work “Periplus”, makes us known that “After Thesproti comes Molossians and after them Ambracia, a Greek city”. So, for Seylax, aswell as fora lot of other Greek and Roman historians, Greece started just from Ambracia city. Ambracia was the only Greek city in jrot seaside. cee during Middle Ages, Epirus’ shores were inhabited by our ancestors. The Rumanian academician, Nicola lorga, in “Brief History of Albania and Albanian people’, Bucharest, 1919, writes: “Michael Comnenus, founder of Epirus Despotate, during his reign full of riots, was a Greek chief of Albanian race” : Inthe Vil* chapter of this history, which is enttied, “Albanian States”, is sid: “The major part of Epirus population remained Albanian; also, Albanians and Viachs comprised the greatest part of Lepant shores population. Further on, this historian makes us known that “bishops of ‘Arta and loannina had their episcopates in Albanian land”. In order to reinforce much more this truth, we are quoting a document of XV century, | | | | | | Epirus, Low Aber i 1443 Joseph Valentine S.J. Document 4792 (Acta Albaniae Veneta). “Omissis” means neglected or left out. This word isin Latin ; this title was put to official documents which have not been forgotten. “In continuity, the same, a lot of foreign ships are in Arta bay, Atneaca (Arpica) of that seaside, which is extended up to the aforementioned bay; these ships brought grain to that area and, because ths seaside is close to the borders of our counties as, Hulichi (Margélli, so even Barga (Parga) and other harbors, which were given to Corcyra the grain ‘taken from Ganar (Fran), in Barga (Parga), in Gumenica (Gumenicé!, in Mista (Nista) and other shores where our ships are, is transported to Arta bay (Arta) and different countries of Carlo Tocco. This is due to Ragusians who give some more aspras per moco (Mog) = measure, which was used for cereab) to send it there, because Albanians have ‘not dropped this habit. Waring the Splendid Sir, Dogale, this would ‘ot, all this cereal could have been turned back to Venice and your customs would have occur more profit, therefore I would Eke you to ‘order that no-ships be anchored. Asa matter of fact, foreigners could not load cereals from Fanar (Frar), of from Ulichi (Margellci) up to Arta bay, without the permission and wish of Corcyra's Regiment.” The main importance of this testimony remains in the fact that it ‘confesses that those lands belonged to Albanians and ths clearly speaks that Albanians of Cameria seaside, cams, have bought the cereal by its real price, without paying additional aspras. Kitabi- -Bahriyye “Bahriyye book" is written by the scholar, geographer and map- ‘maker, Piri Reis, Istanbul, 1520 and presented to Sultan Selim 1-st in 1526. This book, completed with a lotof valuable maps, i filed among the most prominent works of naval history. Information provided by ‘maps of “Bahriyye” work, remains very actual even today. This precious bookisof a great importance when compared with other geographical, ‘economical and social-geographical contemporary works. The author shows a number of facts, which are not found in other books. "Justin the second volume of this book are exposed extensions of pre, Low piers Venice possessions in our country. (Piri Reis gives details for the possessions of Venice in early XVI century) {Let's stop in Parga: i «Pargaisa natural castle atthe seaside. Thatisa Venetian possession. ‘Above Parga castle is a high mountain which is named Mazarak (which trweans Arrows Mountain), Surroundings ofthis mountain are inhabited by Albanians, Parga has no appropriate land to be tilled and sown. Inhabitants of these areas secure their existence by workingas sawers". ‘PiriReis, Babviyye, voll, page 622, 1988, Ankara, publishing of Culture and Toutism Ministry of Turkish Republic) : ‘Vincenc Zmajevic, the Archbishop of Tir, the apostolic visitor of “Albania and Serbia, in his report on these countries in 1702-1703, ‘writes “Albania includes al that seaside country, which extends from Pastrovic, the last border of the Republic of Venice, up to Ambracia Bay, including here also Arta’s lake. It means that Albania includes not only Tivar and Ulgin cites, which belonged to Dalmatia, but even beyond the whole Epirus, which extended from Vlora up to Arta lake, ‘as well as the major part of Macedonia”. As regards Himara he says = cits inhabitants are Catholics exercising Greek rites, thus, they depend ‘on Pope, not on Istanbul Patriarchate. Neapolitan sovereignty, an attempt of Ferdinand the Fourth of Bourbons (Gennaro Maria Monti, Milano, 1941). Without reference to all correspondence of numerous letters of 11789-1795 period, afile of Bourbon Foreign Ministry, we are publishing here some of the most important documents, based on an offical ‘translation of a precious document, edited in Greek language in 1791. ‘That is signed by representatives of Himaré, Vuno, Lukové, Qeparo and Lékurés villages. “This documents a leter, by which Himariots demand that the King, Ferdinand 1, gives his protection to aforementioned villages. For this reason, they have sent to that king, major Gjika. Himariot representatives confess inthis letter that: “To you (Ferdinand IV-SH.D) ‘we are pinning our hopes, devoutly kissing your Excellency hands full ——. eprus, Low atari of respect and love, we humbly sign. ‘The Province of Himara, on 9 January 1791, to Your devoted and kneeling sovereignty, always servant and obligated” In addition to representatives of Himara villages, even another large ‘numberof himariots adhered in those years under Neaples sovereignty ‘af Himaya, Documents speak about this. in these documents are included not only the abovementioned villages, but also a ot of other border villages of Orthodox religion, as well as of Muslim belief, {Photocopy of “the lists of Himara inhabitants") {Accordingly to the names who signed the above document) Himara of “Vorio-Epirus” at the end of XVIII century 1. In this vilage the name Giké is mentioned eight times, an Albanian traditional name. We are giving here the names of eight himariots in ‘which is included this name: Gjtka Kokéveshi, Gjika Andrea, Gjika Burbo, Gikoci, Gjika Kokaleksi, Gika Spiro, Gjika Andrea, Gika Todori, Spiro Cesorgiika (Qesargika). 2. In this document appear characteristic names and surnames of Albanian area such as, Varfi, Gjika, Pristi Prift), Kasneci, Koka, Gini, Boci, Gjoka, Gjoni, etc. 3. Pathronyms composed of Albanian traditional character as = Gjonushi, Kokéveshi (Kokaveshi), Stragini, Kokalelsi, Gjkog, Cesorg (Qesar Gjika), Zaknagjoka Zahogjoka), Kondaleksi (Kendoaleksi), ‘Andrealeksi, Varfilia, Petragiini Petrogiini), Dhimil Shimilia, Dhimolia). Dhimaleksi, Dhimstano (Ohimostano}, Dhimokil, which issues from ‘Dhimomikel. Kill is shortening of the anthroponymy, Mikel (Michael), is albanianism, as is albaniarism, Koc. 4, Names consisting of three parts are distinguished here : ‘Dhimo Strati, Kovaci, Polimer Andrea Varfi, Dhimo Pano Gjonushi, Stelio Muciko Cezare, Mikel Nikolla Pristi (priest), Gjika Spiro Dhimstano, Marko Nikolla Meneko, Dhimo Nestore Kasneci, Dhimo Dhimkil Stragjini,etc.. 5. There are occasions when several anthroponym and pathronym ‘elements are similar to those of Albanian-catholic confession, despite

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