The Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation: College Application Fee Waver Letter of Recommendation

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The Almighty Latin King & Queen


College Application Fee Waver
Letter of Recommendation

To be completed by applicant (please print or type):

1. Name: ___________________
Last Name/Family First Name Middle

Street Apt. City State Zip

High School/Learning Institution

Proposed College/University and Department or Program of Study

5. Agreement Respecting Confidentiality Students have the right to

review certain materials submitted as part of the application for this
scholarship. The student may waive this right in regard to this letter of
recommendation as a means of insuring the recommender of the
confidentiality of any statements or evaluation offered in the letter regarding
admission. Please indicate whether or not you chose to waive this right of
review by checking the appropriate box then signing and dating the form.

□ I waive/ □ I do not waive my right to inspect and review this letter of

Signature of Applicant______________________________________

To be completed by the recommender:

The person named above has applied to be considered for a college

application fee waver through one of’s initiatives. Please
complete the summary evaluation below. An additional statement concerning
the applicant, which elaborates the information in the summary, would be
appreciated. The recommendation will become a part of the applicant’s
consideration process so any information you can provide will be essential to
making a decision.

1. Name: ___________________
Last Name/Family First Name Middle

2. Contact Information:
Email Address

Home Phone Office Phone Cell Phone

High School/Learning Institution (If Applicable)

4. How long have you known the applicant?


5. In what capacity?

6. Relationship to applicant?

Please rate the applicant to

the following:
1. Does Applicant posses the
ability to think critically or “outside the box”? _____
2. Does Applicant show interest in his/her class discussions? _____

3. Is the Applicant interested in extracurricular activities (sports,

clubs, etc.)? _____

4. Is the Applicant involved in his/her community? _____

5. Is the Applicant conscious of social issues in his/her community?


Score Key:
1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= Not Sure 4= Agree 5=
Strongly Agree

Recommendation for College Application Fee Waver

 Not Recommend  Recommend with Reservation  Highly

Please feel free to write any additional comments you wish to make at the
bottom of this form or on a separate page.

Signature Date

Title or position













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