Annual Report 2009-10
Annual Report 2009-10
Annual Report 2009-10
1. Organization 1-6
Subordinate Offices
National Dairy Development Board
National Fisheries Development Board
Coastal Aquaculture Authority
Veterinary Council of India
Grievances Cell
Liaison Officer for SC/ST
Vigilance Unit
Progressive Use of Hindi
Animal Production and Health Information
Implementation of Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2005
2. Approach & Strategies 7-12
Role of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Sectors
National Policy for Farmers
Government’s initiative and assistance to States
Livestock Resources
Employment Generation
Value of Output
Other Contributions
Milk Production
Egg Production
Wool Production
Fish & Fish Seed Production
Export Earnings
Eleventh Plan
Annual Plan 2008-09 & 2009-10
3. Animal Husbandry 13-34
Schemes, Targets & Achievements
4. Dairy Development 35-52
Schemes, Targets & Achievements
5. Fisheries 53-70
Schemes, Targets & Achievements
6. Trade Matters 73
Procedure for Imports
7. Special Component Plan & Tribal Sub Plan 74
8. Empowerment of Women 75
9. International Cooperation 76
10. Special Livestock and Fisheries Sectors Package for Suicide-prone Districts 77-84
I Organization Chart 87
II List of the subjects allocated to the Department 88
III List of the attached/subordinate offices 89
IV Total Number of Livestock & Poultry-2003 90
V Production of Major Livestock Products-All India 91
VI State-wise Fish Production during the period 2003-04 to 2008-09 92
VII Marine Fisheries Resources of India 93
VIII Inland Water Resources of India 94
IX Fish Seed Production 95
X Financial Allocation & Expenditure during 2008-09 and 2009-10 (upto 31.12.2009) 96-97
XI State-wise Number of Veterinary Institutions 98
XII Import-Export Details of Livestock & Livestcok Products of
Aqcs Stations in India During the Year 2008-09 99
XIII Incidence of Animal Diseases in India During 2008 (January-December) 100-101
XIV List of 300 selected districts under the Scheme ‘Livestock Insurance’ 102-103
xv Audit Para 104
Abbreviations Used
AI Artificial Insemination
AIC Artificial Insemination Centre
AMF Anhydrous Milk Fat
APEDA Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
APHCA Animal Production and Health Commission for Asia and Pacific
ASCAD Assistance to States for control of Animal Diseases
BE Budget Estimate
BFDA Brackishwater Fish Farmers Development Agency
BOT Build Operate and Transfer
CAA Coastal Aquaculture Authority
CADRAD The Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis
CALF Centre for Analysis and Learning in Livestock and Food
CBPP Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia
CCBF Central Cattle Breeding Farms
CCRF Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
CDDL Central Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
CFSPTI Central Frozen Semen Production and Training Institute
CHRS Central Herd Registration Scheme
CICCEF Central Institute of Coastal Engineering for Fishery
CIFNET Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training
CMU Central Monitoring Unit
CPDO Central Poultry Development Organization
CPIO Central Public Information Officer
CSBF Central Sheep Breeding Farm
CSO Central Statistical Organization
CSS Centrally Sponsored Scheme
CVE Continuing Veterinary Education
DCI Drugs Controller of India
DGFT Directorate General of Foreign Trade
DMI Directorate of Marketing and Inspection
DMS Delhi Milk Scheme
DVCF Dairy Venture Capital Fund
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
ETT Embryo Transfer Technology
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FFDA Fish Farmers Development Agency
FMD Foot and Mouth Disease
FMD-CP Foot & Mouth Disease Control Programme
FSI Fishery Survey of India
FSU First Stage Unit
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographical Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
IASRI Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
IBM In Board Motor
IBR Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
IGFRI Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute
INAPH Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health
IOTC Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISS Integrated Sample Survey
IUU Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported
JD Johne’s Disease
MCS Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
MIS Management Information System
MLP Major Livestock Products
MMSRT Mobile Satellite Service Reporting Terminals
MPEDA Marine Products Export Development Authority
MSP Minimum Standard Protocol
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NCVT National Council for Vocational Training
NDDB National Dairy Development Board
NDRI National Dairy Research Institute
NFDB National Fisheries Development Board
NGC New Generation Cooperatives
NIC National Informatics Centre
NIFPHATT National Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest, Technology & Training
NPCBB National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding
NPRE National Project on Rinderpest Eradication
NSS National Sample Survey
NSS National Sample Survey Organization
OBM Out Board Motor
OIE Office International Des Epizooties
ONBS Open Nucleus Breeding System
PED Professional Efficiency Development
PRI Panchayati Raj Institution
PTP Progeny Testing Programmes
PVCF Poultry Venture Capital Fund
QR Quantitative Restriction
RDDL Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
RE Revised Estimate
RTI Right to Information
SHG Self Help Group
SIA State Implementing Agency
SIP Sanitary Import Permit
SLBTC State Livestock Breeding and Training Centre
SLCAnGR State Level Committee on Animal Genetic Resources
SLSMC State Level Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee
SMP Skimmed Milk Powder
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SSCC State Semen Collection Centre
SSU Second stage unit
STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases
TCD Technical Committee of Direction for Improvement of Animal Husbandry Statistics
TCMPF Tamil Nadu Co-operative Milk Producers Federations
TRQ Tariff Rate Quota
TSU Third stage unit
UBKV Uttar Banga Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya
VCI Veterinary Council of India
VKGUY Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojna
VMS Vessel Monitoring System
Chapter - 1
1 Organization
Table : 1.1
Total 38
1.3.2 A list of these subordinate offices is given at in fisheries. Dr. P. Krishnaiah is the Chief Executive
Annexure-III. Officer of the organization.
August, 2006 and the new council was constituted in 1.11.2 An Official Language Implementation
October, 2006 with Dr. A.L.Choudhary as the President. Committee is functioning in the Department under the
At present, 25 States and all UTs have adopted the Chairmanship of Joint Secretary (P&F). In accordance
Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984. Veterinary Council with the prescribed rules, four meetings of the
of India regulates veterinary education by developing Committee were held during the year. The progress
syllabus and licensing veterinary institutes to maintain in use of Hindi in the Department was reviewed in
uniform standards of activity across the country. these meetings. Suggestions were given to promote
the use of Hindi in official work. As a result of these
1.8 Grievances Cell suggestions, the percentage of correspondence in
1.8.1 A Grievances Cell has been set up in the Hindi has increased considerably.
Department to look into grievances of the public. The
1.11.3 In pursuance of orders of the Department
cell is headed by a Deputy Secretary level officer.
of Official Language and with a view to assessing
1.9 Liaison Officer for SC/ST the progress of Hindi in subordinate offices,
field offices located at Goa, Cochin, Jammu and
1.9.1 An officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary
Hyderabad were inspected by the officers of Hindi
in the Department has been designated as Liaison
Division. During these inspections, difficulties faced
Officer for SC/ST employees of this Department as well
by the concerned offices in doing their work in Hindi
as subordinate offices.
were discussed and remedial measures suggested.
1.10 Vigilance Unit Hindi Workshops were also organized during these
inspections where officials were apprised of the
1.10.1 A Vigilance Unit processes vigilance cases Official Language Policy of the Government and
pertaining to the Department and subordinate offices. also suggestions given as to how to promote Hindi
The Chief Vigilance Officer monitors the vigilance cases in Official Work.
on a regular basis. The Department along with its field
units observed Vigilance Awareness Week from 3rd to 1.11.4 During the year under report, the Committee of
7th November, 2009. Secretary (ADF) administered Parliament on Official Language inspected the Animal
the oath on vigilance to the officers and staff in the Quarantine and Certification Service, Kapashera, Delhi
headquarters at New Delhi. and Regional Office of National Dairy Development
Board, Noida. These inspection meetings were also
1.11 Progressive use of Hindi
attended by representatives from the Department.
1.11.1 The Department has made concerted efforts
during the year for promotion of Hindi in Official work. 1.11.5 Circular letters were also issued from time
The Hindi Section was actively involved in translating to time to all Officers/Sections emphasizing need for
various important documents like the Annual Report, proper implementation of the Official Language Policy
Outcome Budget, Parliament Questions, documents of the Government. In order to encourage officials to
related to Parliamentary Standing Committee and do their maximum work in Hindi, the Department has
Cabinet notes, etc. as well as in implementing the also introduced an incentive scheme providing for
Official Language Policy of the Government. cash awards.
1.11.6 Four Hindi Workshops were organized in the organized. A large number of officials participated in
Department during the period under report. Officials these competitions and cash awards were given to the
from various divisions attended these Workshops. successful candidates in a function presided over by
These workshops familiarized the participants the Joint Secretary.
with subjects like Official Language Policy of the
Government, measures to promote Hindi in official 1.12 Animal Production and Health In-
work, difficulties and remedial measures in doing formation
original work in Hindi, noting and drafting, etc. Officials
1.12.1 The website of the Department (
enthusiastically participated in these workshops and
in) was maintained and updated on daily basis, particu-
as a result, use of Hindi in official work is increasing in
larly on the status of Avian Influenza. The website has
the Department.
been enriched by publishing information under the Right
to Information Act. The Department has developed a
1.11.7 All letters received in Hindi were replied to in
web-based system for ‘Livestock Statistics’.
Hindi. Similarly, letters originated from the Department
to States located in region ‘A’ and ‘B’ were also sent 1.13 Implementation of Right to Infor-
in Hindi. Provisions of Section 3(3) of the Official mation (RTI) Act 2005
Language Act, 1963 were also fully complied with.
One Stenographer and four Lower Division Clerks 1.13.1 For the purpose of providing information of
were nominated for Hindi Stenography and Hindi public interest, the Department has designated Cen-
Typing training respectively during the year. Hindi tral Public Information Officers (CPIOs) under the
Fortnight was celebrated in the Department from relevant provision of the RTI Act. Similarly, separate
1st to 14th September, 2009 during which various CPIOs under RTI Act have been designated for various
competitions such as Hindi Essay Writing, Hindi Noting subordinate offices and autonomous organizations of
Drafting, Hindi Rajbhasha Gyan and Debates were the Department.
2.1 Role of Animal Husbandry, Dairy fodder, health care and remunerative prices for
Development and Fisheries that produce. The policy envisages addressing
sectors these issues through an appropriate strategy.
In the fisheries sector, a dynamic policy for the
The major goals of the National
2.1.1 Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development management and economic use of EEZ for a variety
Policy for Farmers are, inter
and Fisheries sectors play an important role in of economic activities, including fisheries, will be
alia, to protect and improve
the national economy and in the socio-economic evolved and put in place with the assistance of land, water, bio-diversity
development of the country. These sectors also NFDB. and genetic resources
play a significant role in supplementing family
essential for sustained
incomes and generating gainful employment in 2.3 Government’s Initiative and increase in productivity,
the rural sector, particularly among the landless Assistance to States profitability and stability of
labourers, small and marginal farmers and women,
major farming systems by
besides providing cheap nutritional food to millions 2.3.1 As Agriculture, including Animal Husbandry, creating an economic stake in
of people. Livestock are the best insurance against Dairying and Fisheries, is a State subject, the conservation, to strengthen
the vagaries of nature like drought, famine and emphasis of the Department has been on the bio-security of crops,
other natural calamities. supplementing efforts of the State Governments in farm animals, fish and forest
the development of these sectors. The Department trees, etc.
2.2 National Policy for Farmers
has been providing assistance to the State
Governments for the control of animal diseases,
2.2.1 The National Agriculture Policy 2007
focuses on the economic well-being of farmers, scientific management and upgradation of genetic
rather than just on production, as socio- resources, increasing availability of nutritious feed
economic well-being is the prime consideration and fodder, sustainable development of processing
of any agricultural policy, besides production and marketing facilities and enhancement of
and growth. The aim of the policy is, therefore, production and profitability of livestock and
to stimulate attitudes and actions, which should fisheries enterprises.
result in assessing agricultural progress in terms
of improvement in the income of farmers’ families, 2.4 Livestock Resources
not only to meet their consumption requirements
2.4.1 India has vast resource of livestock and
but also to enhance their capacity to invest in
farm related activities. poultry, which play a vital role in improving the socio-
economic conditions of rural masses. The State-wise
2.2.2 In the livestock sector, major constraints breakup of different species of livestock is given at
experienced by farmers relate to breed, feed and Annexure - IV.
Table2.1: Livestock Population
(Million Nos.)
India ranks first in respect of S.No. Species Livestock Census Annual Growth Rate (%)
buffaloes, second in cattle & 1997 2003 2003 over 1997 Annual
goats, third in sheep, fourth 1 2 3 4 5 6
in ducks, fifth in chickens and
1 Cattle 198.9 185.2 -6.89 -1.18
sixth in camel population in
2 Buffalo 89.9 97.9 8.90 1.43
the world.
3 Yaks 0.06 0.07 16.67 2.60
4 Mithuns 0.18 0.28 55.56 7.64
Total Bovines 289.0 283.4 -1.95 -0.33
5 Sheep 57.5 61.5 6.96 1.13
6 Goat 122.7 124.4 1.38 0.23
7 Pigs 13.3 13.5 1.51 0.26
8 Other animals 2.8 2.2 -22.18 -4.09
Total Livestock 485.4 485.0 -0.08 -0.01
9 Poultry 347.6 489.0 40.68 5.85
2.5.1 Animal Husbandry sector provides large self- 2.7.1 Livestock Sector not only provides essential
employment opportunities. According to National proteins and nutritious human diet through milk, eggs,
The contribution of livestock Sample Survey Organization’s latest survey on meat etc., but also plays an important role in utilization
and fisheries sectors to the Employment and Unemployment (July 2004-June 2005
of non-edible agricultural by-products. Livestock also
total GDP during 2008-09 NSS 61st round), 6.7 per cent of the work force was
provides raw material/by-products such as hides and
was 4.07 per cent. engaged in rural areas in animal husbandry sector as
skins, blood, bone, fat etc. The contribution of milk
compared to 5.5 per cent in rural and urban areas
combined in the country. The proportion of workers in alone (Rs.1,78,401 crore) was higher than paddy
animal husbandry and fisheries sectors together was (Rs.1,22,987 crore), wheat (Rs.83,414 crore) and
7 per cent in rural areas as compared to 5.8 per cent sugarcane (Rs.25,776 crore). The value of output
in rural and urban areas combined in the country. from meat group as per estimates of Central Statistical
Organization (CSO) at current prices in 2008-09 was
2.6 Value of Output
Rs. 48,610 crore.
2.6.1 According to estimates of the Central
Statistical Organization (CSO), the value of output 2.8 Milk Production
from livestock and fisheries sectors together at
2.8.1 India continues to be the largest producer of
current prices was about Rs.3,10,891 crore during
milk in the world. Several measures to increase the
2008-09 (Rs.2,61,000 crore for livestock sector and
Rs.49,891 crore for fisheries) which is about 26.8 per productivity of livestock, has resulted in increasing the
cent of the value of the output of Rs.11,58,400 crore milk production to 100.90 million tonnes at the end
from Agriculture & allied Sector. of 10th Plan (2006-07) as compared to 53.90 million
tonnes in 1990-91. The estimate of milk production & poultry and Rs.8,607.94 crore from marine
for 2008-09 is 108.50 million tonnes. products).
growth of 5 per cent per annum, meat and poultry up in other livestock products, especially, meat
achieving a growth of 10 per cent per annum. and poultry.
The targeted growth rate of fisheries is also 6
(v) There is a need to provide efficient and effective
per cent. The benefit of higher growth should be
decentralized services at the doorstep of
equitable, benefiting mainly the small and marginal
livestock farmers.
farmers and landless labourers who maintain bulk
of the livestock in the country. It should also benefit (vi) A mechanism for transfer of technological
poorly endowed areas like drought prone, arid and development to the producers’ should be
semi-arid areas. The sector should also provide instituted.
additional employment opportunities to the people (vii) There is a need to build a line of credit to meet
in rural areas especially women, who manage the requirement of livestock sector.
livestock in the household, thereby empowering
women. The strategy for the 11th Plan is based on 2.13.3 The Department has, accordingly, restructured
the following considerations: some of the existing schemes and has also introduced
(i) There is a need for institutional restructuring new schemes in the Eleventh Plan.
of the existing development machinery, both
at the national and State level. 2.14 Annual Plan 2008-09 & 2009-10
(ii) A sustainable and financially viable livestock
2.14.1 The Department was allocated Rs.1,000 crore
farming, which will generate wealth and self-
for the Annual Plan 2008-09, which was revised to
employment through entrepreneurship, is the
Rs.940 crore at the RE stage. The final expenditure
need of the day.
for 2008-09 was Rs.865.27 crore. For the year 2009-
(iii) The successful examples of public-private
10, the Department have been allocated Rs.1,100
partnership initiative should be replicated
crore. By the end of December 2009, the Department
and expanded during the 11th Five Year
has incurred an expenditure of Rs.630.47 crore.
(iv) Initiatives on the pattern of producers’ 2.14.2 The scheme-wise BE, RE and Expenditure for
organizations like ‘Anand’ need to be taken 2008-09 and 2009-10 are given at Annexure–X.
3.1 The Department has been operating 18 buffaloes. The farms at Andeshnagar and Chiplima
Central Livestock Organizations and allied institutions are producing HF x Tharparkar crossbred and Jersey
for production and distribution of superior germplasm x Red Sindhi crossbred bulls respectively. During
to the State Governments for cross-breeding and 2008-09, these farms produced 346 bull calves and
genetic upgradation of the stocks. The Department trained 2,912 farmers in dairy farm management.
also implements various central sector and centrally- Achievements of the year 2009-10 (till 31st December,
sponsored schemes for the development of 2009) are 315 bull calves and training of 2,093
infrastructure, and to supplement efforts of the State farmers.
Governments in achieving accelerated growth of
animal husbandry sector. There are seven Central Cattle Breeding This is a premier institute located at
Farms (CCBFs) located at Alamadhi (Tamil Nadu), Hessarghata, Karnataka, producing frozen semen of
Andeshnagar (U.P), Chiplima & Sunabeda (Orissa), indigenous, exotic crossbred cattle and Murrah buffalo
Dhamrod (Gujarat), Hessarghata (Karnataka) and bull for use in artificial insemination (AI). The institute
Suratgarh (Rajasthan). They are producing high also provides training in frozen semen technology
pedigree bull calves of indigenous, crossbred and to technical officers of the State Governments
exotic breeds of cattle and important buffalo breeds and acts as a centre for testing the indigenously
for distribution to States. The bull calves are produced manufactured frozen semen and AI equipments. The
from Tharparkar, Red Sindhi, Jersey, Holstein Friesian institute produced 8.66 lakh doses of frozen semen
and crossbred cattle and from Surti and Murrah and provided training to 277 persons in the field of
Frozen Semen Technology & Andrology during 2008- breeds of buffalo for confirmation of their phenotypic
09. During 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009), 6.80 breed characteristics and milk production level. These
lakh doses of frozen semen were produced and 218 are identified in their breeding tracts and publicity is
persons were trained. made for marketing of registered cows and buffaloes
and their calves. Primary registration of 14,882 and
3.2.4 Central Herd Registration Scheme 11,503 cows and buffaloes were done in 2008-09 and
(CHRS) 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009) respectively.
(ii) bring all breedable females among
cattle and buffalo under organized
breeding through AI insemination or
natural service by high quality bulls
within a period of 10 years;
(iii) undertake breed improvement
programme for indigenous cattle and
buffaloes so as to improve the genetic
makeup as well as their availability.
3.3.3 Components
(a) Streamlining storage and supply of
Liquid Nitrogen by sourcing supply
from industrial gas manufacturers and
setting up bulk transport and storage
systems for the same.
(b) Introduction of quality bulls with high
genetic merit.
(c) Promotion of private mobile AI service
for doorstep delivery of AI. Liquid Nitrogen Filling Container
(d) Conversion of existing stationary government 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009), an amount of
A.I. centres into mobiles centres. Rs.91.31 crore has been released.
(e) Quality control and certification of bulls and
services at sperm stations, semen banks and 3.3.5 Constitution of State Implementing
training institutions. Agencies (SIAs)
(f) Study of breeding systems in areas out of S ince inception of the project in October,
reach of AI.
2000, 27 SIAs have been constituted under the
(g) Institutional restructuring by way of entrusting project. These implementing agencies implement
the job of managing production and supply of the project in a professional manner. In case
genetic inputs as well as Liquid Nitrogen to of small States, which are unable to constitute
a specialized autonomous and professional viable SIAs, funds have been released to the
State Implementing Agency. State Governments for implementation of the
3.3.4 Progress of the Scheme
3.3.6 Increase in Coverage of Breedable At present 28 States and one UT are Animals
participating in the project. Financial assistance to the
tune of Rs.485.73 crore has been released to these Performance of AI centres and semen stations
States/UT upto 2008-09. During the financial year are given in Table 3.1 and 3.2.
Table 3.1: Performance of AI Centres
Agency No. of AI No. of AI (per centre per
AIC (Million) year)
Government 47,865
31.50 526
Private AI workers 12,000
Cooperative 13,000 11.00 846
NGO 4,000 1.50 375
Total 76,865 44.00 572
3.3.8 Development of Minimum Standard cooperative/Embryo Transfer Technology Laboratory
Protocol for Semen Production (MSP) and private farms. The RDDLs have started testing of
the bulls and bull mothers in most of the States and In order to produce frozen semen of infected bulls and bull mothers have been segregated.
uniform quality, a Minimum Standard Protocol The States have been requested to take up ring
(MSP) for semen production has been developed vaccination against FMD in a radius of 10 km around
in consultation with experts from BAIF, NDDB, frozen semen bull stations, farms and ETT labs under
NDRI (Karnal) and CFSPTI and the same was made the scheme ‘Assistance to States for control of Animal
effective from 20th May, 2004. Diseases (ASCAD)’.
negative selection pressure due to poor acceptability (d) Procurement of bulls for natural service:
of AI among buffalo population, availability of poor Distribution quality bulls for natural service in
quality of sires at semen stations and use of bulls the areas, which are not under AI coverage is
with unknown genetic potential under natural service. being taken up under this component. Some of
This situation has left the Murrah population in a state the owners of indigenous breeds in the breeding
of genetic stagnation. In order to develop buffalo tract do not accept AI for breeding their animals
population, Murrah bull production programme with and resort to natural mating. Quality breeding
an allocation of Rs.128.28 crore is being taken up bulls are being provided to these breeders to
during Phase-II. avoid degeneration of their stock.
(e) Quality control of goods and services at Major Components of NPCBB Phase-II sperm stations, semen banks and training
(a) Streamlining storage and supply of liquid institutions: This is being implemented
nitrogen: Infrastructure for bulk transport, through strengthening of sperm stations,
bulk storage and supply of liquid nitrogen is relocation of existing semen stations and
being created under the component. establishment of computer network with
(b) Bull production programme: This is being Management Information System (MIS) for
accomplished through field performance close monitoring.
recording programmes by State (f) Extension of private mobile AI practice
Implementing Agencies, dairy cooperatives, for door-step delivery: Under the component
breeders associations and other agencies. private mobile AI practice for door-step delivery
Under the component, identification and is being further extended by introduction
tagging of superior germplasm and rearing of new private AI workers. This is being
of male calves suitable for breeding upto accomplished by basic training in AI, support
breeding age in case of Murrah buffaloes for acquisition of equipments, tapering grants
and 1 year in case of cattle is being done. during initial practice period and provision for
Incentive to farmers is also admissible under regular delivery of frozen semen and liquid
the component. Production of quality exotic nitrogen at cost.
and crossbred bulls from imported embryos
and semen is also being taken up
under the component.
(c) Introduction of quality bulls with
high genetic merit: This is being
implemented through reorientation
and intensification of Progeny Testing
Programmes (PTP) established
during Phase-I, establishment of PTP
programmes in new areas/ milk pockets,
setting up of Open Nucleus Breeding
System (ONBS) and strengthening of
Artificial Insemination at Farmers’ Doorstep
bull mother farms.
(g) Conversion of stationary AI centres certification of semen, semen stations and AI
into mobile centres: Under the component bulls.
stationary AI centres are being converted (viii) Conservation and development of several
into mobile ones. Funds are being made indigenous cattle and buffalo breeds.
available for procurement of portable cryo-
containers, AI kits, and supply of quality 3.4 Feed and Fodder Development
breeding inputs and authorizing private
3.4.1 Adequate availability of feed and fodder to
practice for door step delivery of AI in
livestock is vital for increasing the productivity and
order to provide more effective and timely
also to sustaining on going genetic improvement
services to the farmers. initiatives. Optimum and efficient utilization of feed and
fodder resources holds key for successful commercial Expected Project benefits
livestock production.
(i) Increased and improved coverage of breedable
females. About 80 per cent of the total adult 3.4.2 The area cultivated under fodder is about
4.6% of the total cultivable area. Exclusive pastures
females among cattle and buffaloes will be
and grasslands are widespread and are grazed by
brought under organized breeding activity (AI the domestic animals. Total area under permanent
or natural service). pastures and grasslands is about 12.4 million hectare
(NABCONS). An area of 15.6 million hq is classified as
(ii) The project will induct and provide self-
wasteland and is also available for grazing. However
employment to about 20,000 private AI
majority of these lands have either been degraded
per the study conducted by NABCONS in 2007, a large (b) Grassland Development, including
gap exists between demand and supply of Feed and Grass Reserves: Assistance is given to
Fodder (FF) in the country: Government departments as well as NGOs/
village panchayats for improvement of
Table 3.4: Demand and Availability of Feed & Fodder degraded grasslands, common property
(Dry matter in million tones)
resources, grasslands, forest areas, gochar
S.N. Feed Demand Availability Gap
lands and wastelands by introducing high
1 Dry Fodder 416 253 163(40%)
2 Greens 222 143 79(36%) yielding varieties of grasses and legumes,
3 Concentrate 53 23 30(57%) improvement of soil conditions by treatment,
development of irrigation system etc for
3.4.4 Presently, the Department is implementing a
getting higher green fodder yield. Funding
central sector scheme, ‘Central Fodder Development
is in the form of 100per cent Central grant.
Organization’ and a ‘Centrally Sponsored Fodder During the year (till 31st December 2009), Rs.
Development Scheme’ to supplement the efforts of 430.05 lakh have been provided to the State
states in feed and fodder development. Governments of Gujarat (Rs. 224.00 lakh),
Sikkim (Rs. 50.00 lakh), Maharashtra ( Rs.
3.5 Centrally Sponsored Fodder 12.00 lakh), Kerala (Rs. 51.70 lakh), Uttar
Development Scheme Pradesh(Rs.10.10 lakh) and Andhra Pradesh
3.5.1 This scheme provides central assistance to (Rs. 82.25 lakh) for development of 1,065
States to supplement their efforts in feed and fodder hectare of grasslands/gochar lands.
development. The scheme is being implemented from (c ) Fodder Seed Production and Distribution
2005-06 with the following four components: Programme: Assistance is given to the State
(a) Establishment of Fodder Block Making Units Governments for augmenting production of
high yielding fodder varieties seeds through
(b) Grassland Development including Grass
registered growers on buy back arrangement
of fodder seeds from farmers. State Govt.
(c) Fodder Seed Production and Distribution. may involve SIA/Cooperatives/NGOs. Funding
(d) Biotechnology Research Projects pattern of the scheme is 75:25 (Central:
State/implementing agency). During 2009-10
(a) Establishment of Fodder Block Making
(till 31st December 2009), Rs.196.26 lakh
Units: Assistance is provided to the State
have been provided to the State Governments
Governments for establishment of fodder
of Rajasthan, Orissa and Kerala for production
block making units to encourage production
of 6,360 quintals of fodder seeds.
of straw based feed blocks. Funding
pattern of the scheme is 25:75 (Central: (d) Biotechnology Research Projects:
State/implementing agency). Assistance Assistance is given to the Research
of Rs.63.75 lakh for three fodder block Institutes/State Governments for production
making units (two in Maharashtra and one of Biotechnology Research Projects for
in Kerala State), has been released up to improvement of quality fodder seeds and
December, 2009. to improve the utilization of feed and
fodder by enrichment of rumen microbial seeds, conducted 8137 demonstrations, organized
ecosystem. Funding is in the form of 114 training programmes and 129 farmers’ fairs/
100per cent Central grant. During 2009- field days.
10, an amount of Rs.26.70 lakh for
completion of two research projects
sanctioned in 2006-07, have been
released to IGFRI, Jhansi.
3.6 Central Fodder Development
ii. Feeding balanced ration to livestock (Regulation of Manufacture and Sale) 2009
is the key to get optimum production. Order.
Emphasis is given on (from Kharif
2009-10) improving fodder quality by 3.7 Development of Poultry
combining legumes with non-legumes
3.7.1 Poultry Development is a household activity
under Central Minikit Testing Programme
in India. However, scientific poultry production in
of the Depar tment.
India gained momentum during the last four decades
iii. Generally unspecified mineral mixture is due to concerted efforts of the Government of
mixed up with manufactured concentrate India through policies, institutions and focused
feeds and fed to the livestock without research and the initiatives taken by the private
considering real deficiencies in a particular sector. The poultry sector has emerged from
area/region.DAHD has circulated the entirely unorganized farming practices to the
mineral deficiency chart developed by ICAR commercial production system with state-of-the-art
institute in Bangalore,among all the State technological interventions. Poultry sector, besides
Animal Husbandry Directors for taking up providing direct or indirect employment to people, is
mineral mixture production as per specified also a potent tool for subsidiary income generation
for many landless and marginal farmers and also
provides nutritional security especially to the rural
iv. State Govts. have been requested to take up poor.
fodder trees cultivation on degraded /waste
lands to improve green fodder availability. 3.8 Central Poultry Development
v. The department is in the process of
expanding the scope of the ongoing Centrally 3.8.1 The CPDOs located at four regions
Sponsored Feed and Fodder Development (Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Mumbai and
Scheme to include various technology Hessarghatta) have been playing a pivotal role in the
interventions for efficient utilization of feed implementation of the policies of the Government
and fodder. These include establishment with respect to poultry. The mandate of these
organizations has specially been reoriented to
of silage making units, introduction of
focus on improved indigenous birds, which lay on
chaff cutters, establishment of by-pass
an average 180-200 eggs per annum and have
protein units, training on Azolla cultivation
vastly improved feed conversion ratio in terms of
and establishment of Area Specific Mineral
feed consumption and weight gain. In these CPDOs,
Mixture Plants.
training is also imparted to the farmers to upgrade
vi. To check the manufacture and sale of their technical skills. Besides, CPDO, Hessarghatta,
spurious/low grade Cattle Feed and to ensure also trains in-service personnel from within the
availability of good quality feed for feeding country as well as overseas. Diversification with
of Dairy Cattle and Buffaloes, Department species other than chicken like ducks, turkey,
is in the process of finalizing Cattle Feed guinea fowl and Japanese quail is also undertaken.
The Central Poultry Performance Testing Center 3.9. Poultry Venture Capital Fund
(CPPTC), Gurgaon, is entrusted with responsibility
of testing the performance of layer and broiler 3.9.1 The Central Sector Scheme ‘Poultry Venture
varieties. The center gives valuable information Capital Fund’ is being implemented currently as
relating to different genetic stock available in the per erstwhile ‘Dairy/Poultry Venture Capital Fund’
country. pattern.
Table 3.5: Components and Provisions under PVCF
1. Establishing poultry breeding farm with low input technology birds and also for ducks/
turkey/Guinea Fowl/Quail/Emu/Ostrich etc. 30.00
7. Central grower unit (12,500 birds per batch and 4 batches per year). 20.00
(b) Rural Backyard Poultry Development (iii) Strengthening of policy and institutional
framework and linkages with research
3.10.3 This component is to cover BPL beneficiaries agencies are provided for, besides setting up
enabling them to gain supplementary income and nucleus breeding units.
nutritional support.
(iv) Variable project period allowed for small
and large animals.
(v) The States are required to prepare
an inventory of livestock breeds and
Genetic Resources (SLCAnGRs) have been constituted 3.13 Integrated Development of Small
in the States of West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Ruminants and Rabbits
Punjab, Gujarat, Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa
to guide conservation of animal genetic resources in 3.13.1 This CSS was approved in the first fortnight
these States. Other States are also being reminded to of April, 2009 for implementation in the 11th Plan
constitute SLCAnGR so that there is State level review of with an outlay of Rs. 134.83 crore. The budget
status of Animal Genetic Resources. allocation for the financial year 2009-10 is Rs.18.33
crore. The scheme envisages setting up 54 intensive
3.12 Central Sheep Breeding Farm, small ruminants development clusters with venture
Hissar (Haryana) capital through NABARD as well as infrastructure
development and institutional restructuring. The
3.12.1 The farm was established during the Fourth Five
Year Plan with the objective of producing acclimatized Scheme envisages constitution of a State Level
exotic rams for distribution to various State sheep Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee (SLMC) by
farms and training personnel in mechanical sheep each participating State to monitor progress of the A network of 27,562
shearing. In course of time and in accordance with scheme and formulate operational plan and policy Polyc linics/Hospitals/
recommendation of experts, the breeding programme with respect to implementation of the programme in Dispensaries and 25,195
of the farm was changed to produce crossbred rams the State. SLMCs’ have been constituted in the States Veterinary aid Centers
(Nali X Rambouilett and Sonad X Corriedale) as well of Kerala and Maharashtra. Other states are in the (including Stockmen Centers/
as Beetal goats. process of constituting SLMCs and the progress is Mobile Dispensaries),
being monitored in the Department. supported by about
3.12.2 During 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009),
250 Disease Diagnostic
the farm supplied 679 rams and 91 bucks. A total 3.14 Establishment/Modernization of Laboratories, are functioning
of 101 farmers were trained in mechanical sheep Rural Slaughterhouses in the States and Union
shearing and sheep management. The vaccination
Territories for quick and
programme for control of Brucellosis and pasture 3.14.1 This CSS is being implemented in Andhra
reliable diagnosis of livestock
management programme for control of Haemonchus Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Meghalaya through
infestation have yielded encouraging results in NABARD. The main objectives are: to establish a
containing mortality and improving general health of new system of slaughter of livestock; to establish
the animals. slaughterhouses, which can be operated by
entrepreneurs is rural and semi urban
areas having population less that 50,000; to
encourage value addition to products in rural
areas so that livestock owners get better
income with proper utilization of by-products;
to ensure hygiene in meat production from
slaughterhouses to consumers’ table by
establishing network of cold chains and
distribution on commercial basis; and to
minimize clandestine slaughter and provide
Beetal Goats at CSBF, Hissar pollution free environment.
3.15 Livestock Health Quarantine Stations (at New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai
and Kolkata) are operating smoothly from their own
3.15.1 With the improvement in the quality of livestock premises, which include a small laboratory. This
through launching of extensive cross breeding service has been further strengthened through
programmes, the susceptibility of these livestock setting up of two additional Animal Quarantine
to various diseases including exotic diseases has Stations at Hyderabad and Bangalore. The
increased. In order to reduce morbidity and mortality, import of Grand Parent (GP) stock of poultry,
efforts are being made by the State/Union Territory pets, laboratory animals and livestock products
Governments to provide better health care through has already commenced through Hyderabad and
Polyclinics / Veterinary Hospitals / Dispensaries / First- Bangalore airports. Land for establishment of
Aid Centers including Mobile Veterinary Dispensaries. Quarantine Stations at Hyderabad and Bangalore
The State-wise details of veterinary institutions has been acquired. The scheme helped to prevent
are given at Annexure – XI. In order to provide the entry of exotic diseases like Mad-cow disease
referral services over and above the existing disease (BSE), African swine fever, contagious equine
diagnostic laboratories in the States, one Central and metritis and many other diseases. Details of the
five Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratories are activities of the Animal Quarantine and Certification
also functioning. Vaccines are produced in the country Service Stations are given at Annexure-XII.
at 27 veterinary vaccine production units. Of these,
21 are in the public sector and 6 in private
the Institute has been completed. The Institute will be (a) Assistance to States for Control of Animal
fully functional soon. Diseases (ASCAD)
(c) Central/Regional Disease Diagnostic 3.17.2 Under this component, assistance is provided
Laboratories to State/Union Territory Governments for control of
economically important diseases of livestock and
3.16.3 In order to provide referral services over and poultry by way of immunization, strengthening
above the existing disease diagnostic laboratories of existing State Veterinary Biological Production
in the States, one Central and five Regional Units, strengthening of existing Disease Diagnostic
Disease Diagnostic Laboratories have been set Laboratories and in-service training to Veterinarians
up by strengthening the existing facilities. The and Para-veterinarians. Under this programme,
Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis during 2007-08 and 2008-09 about 248 and
(CADRAD) of Indian Veterinary Research Institute, 263 million vaccinations were carried out against
Izatnagar is functioning as Central Laboratory. The the targets of 150 and 175 million respectively.
Disease Investigation Laboratory, Pune, Institute of During 2009-10, about 240 million vaccinations are
Animal Health and Veterinary Biologicals, Kolkata, expected to be carried out against the target of 180
Institute of Animal Health & Biologicals, Bangalore, million. The programme also envisages collection &
Animal Health Institute, Jallandhar and Institute of compilation of information on the incidence of various
livestock and poultry diseases from States and
Veterinary Biologicals, Khanapara, Guwahati are
Union Territories. This information is disseminated
functioning as referral laboratories for Western,
in the form of Monthly Animal Disease Surveillance
Eastern, Southern, Northern and North-Eastern
Bulletin to all the States and Union Territories and to
region, respectively.
international organizations like Office International
3.17 Livestock Health & Disease Des Epizooties (OIE), Animal Production and Health
Control Commission for Asia and Pacific (APHCA), etc.
Incidence of diseases of Livestock and Poultry in
3.17.1 This is being implemented throughout the India during the year 2008 is at Annexure-XIII.
country with macro-management approach by
(b) Professional Efficiency Development
amalgamating all the on-going Plan schemes with (PED)
some modifications since 2003-04. The scheme has
the following components: 3.17.3 The objective is to regulate veterinary
practices and to maintain the register of the
(a) Assistance to States for Control of Animal
veterinary practitioners. The programme envisages
Diseases (ASCAD)
establishment of Veterinary Council of India at Centre
(b) National Project on Rinderpest Eradication and State Veterinary Councils at State level in those
(NPRE) States/Union Territories which have adopted the
Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984.
(c) Professional Efficiency Development (PED)
(d) Foot & Mouth Disease Control Programme 3.17.4 Veterinary Council of India is imparting training
(FMD-CP) – New component on latest technical knowledge by way of Continuing
Veterinary Education (CVE). During 2008-09, against respectively were checked. During 2009-10, against
the target of 20 batches (each batch comprising of the same targets, about 2,41,027 villages, 1,00,440
20 veterinarians), 25 batches were trained under stock routes and 71,257 institutions have been
CVE programme. During 2009-10, about 20 batches checked.
of Veterinarians are expected to be trained.
(d) Foot & Mouth Disease Control Programme
(c ) National Project on Rinderpest Eradication
3.17.9 This is being implemented in 54 selected
3.17.5 Rinderpest is a highly infectious viral districts to control the Foot and Mouth Disease with
100 per cent funding, which includes the cost of
disease (Morbilli virus infection) of cloven-
vaccine and supporting expenses. However, the State
hoofed animals inflicting heavy mor tality in bovine
Governments are providing manpower, infrastructure
population as well as in small ruminants. The
and logistic support.
present National Project on Rinderpest Eradication
(NPRE) programme is being implemented in all 3.17.10 During the period from 2003-04 to 2008-
the States and Union Territories with 100 per cent 09, about 2,296.52 lakh vaccinations were carried
Central assistance. out. During 2009-10, against the target of 350
lakh vaccinations, about 370 lakh vaccinations are
3.17.6 The main objective of the scheme is to strengthen expected to be carried out.
the veterinary services for maintaining
required vigil to sustain the country’s freedom
The country was declared from Rinderpest & CBPP infection secured
free from Rinderpest on in May, 2006 and May, 2007 respectively.
25.05.2006 and from
Contagious Bovine Pleuro- 3.17.7 Physical surveillance through village,
pneumonia on 25.05.2007. stock route & institutional searches to
detect any re-occurrence of Rinderpest
and Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia
(CBPP) is being undertaken throughout
the country to maintain India’s freedom
Doctor Vaccinating Buffalo
status from these diseases. This physical
surveillance is done with the help of the staff of
3.18 Avian Influenza: Preparedness,
Animal Husbandry Department of the States &
Control and Containment
Union Territories to maintain freedom status.
3.18.1 The present wave of avian Influenza (commonly
3.17.8 During 2008-09, against the targets of known as ‘Bird Flu’) in poultry commenced in 1997 in
1,50,000 villages, 15,000 stock routes and 75,000 Hong Kong. A total of 62 countries reported Avian
institutional searches, about 3,50,962, 1,27,706 Influenza in domestic poultry/ wild life during the period
and 77,148 villages, stock routes and institutions 2003-2009, of which 50 countries have reported
this disease in domestic poultry. During 2009, Avian West Bengal affecting 15 districts, followed by
Influenza has been reported in 17 countries. two districts in Tripura during April, 2008. The
last outbreak of Avian Influenza was confirmed
3.18.2 India remained free from Avian Influenza in November, 2008 in 9 districts in Assam.
till mid-February 2006. The first episode was Subsequently, it recurred in 5 districts in West
repor ted in February, 2006 in Maharashtra, Bengal in December, 2008 and repor ted in Sikkim
Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. This was followed in January, 2009. A summarized position of the
by second episode in July 2007 in Manipur. The outbreaks of Avian Influenza upto December,
third episode was confirmed in January, 2008 in 2009 is presented below:
3.18.3 The following measures have been taken by (iii) Training of veterinary personnel in
the Government of India for control and containment preparedness, control and containment is
of Avian Influenza outbreaks as well as to prevent continuing. About 80% veterinary workforce in
its ingress into the country. the country has been trained to handle control
(i) Culling of entire poultry population in the and containment operations.
affected zone of 0-3 Kms. (iv) Reserves of essential material for control
operations have been developed and are
(ii) Continuous strengthening of preparedness
being expanded further.
to tackle any future eventuality in terms
of upgradation of laboratories, training of (v) Sensitization of general public on Avian
manpower, stockpiling of materials for control Influenza through Information, Education and
and containment etc. Communication (IEC) campaigns.
(vi) Transparent approach towards reporting not 3.19.2 The ‘Technical Committee of Direction for
only outbreaks but also information of unusual Improvement of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
sickness/ mortality in poultry and results of Statistics (TCD)’ guides the Department in the
laboratory diagnosis. conduct of the scheme. Directors of Animal
(vii) All the State Governments have been alerted Husbandry/Sheep Husbandry of all the States/UTs,
to be vigilant about outbreak of the disease. Directors of Directorate of Economics & Statistics
(E&S) of four selected States, representatives of
(viii) Imports of poultry and poultry products have
CSO & NSSO, Ministry of Statistics & Programme
been banned completely from HPAI positive
Implementation, representative of Directorate of
Economics & Statistics (E&S), Ministry of Agriculture,
(ix) Border check posts with neighboring countries
representative from Ministry of Rural Development
have been strengthened.
and representatives from other independent
(x) Guidelines issued to States for guidance of agencies such as National Dairy Development Board
poultry farmers. (NDDB), DMI, IASRI and Indian Statistical Institute
are the members of the Committee. Director
3.19 Animal Husbandry Statistics General, Central Statistical Organization, Ministry
of Statistics & Programme Implementation is the
3.19.1 The production of major livestock products
Chairman. States/UTs compile season wise as well
(MLP) like milk, eggs, meat & wool are estimated
as annual estimates of MLP. The annual estimates
on the basis of annual sample surveys conducted
under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme ‘Integrated are uploaded on the website of the Department and
Sample Survey’. All the States and Union Territories published in the biennial ‘Basic Animal Husbandry
are implementing the Scheme. The annual Integrated Statistics’ of the Department. The latest issue of
Sample Surveys for the estimation of MLP are the publication is for the year 2008.
conducted from March to February. The entire
period of one year is divided into three Seasons of 3.19.3 Refresher training Course in ISS
4 months each. These Seasons are: Summer (March methodologies had started during 2005-06. Since
to June), Monsoon (July to October) and Winter then, training has been held in all the States and UTs
(November to February). This helps in building up except Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand,
progressive estimates of aggregate and also takes Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Puducherry. The response
care of seasonality, if any, available in the characters was very good and States sent their feedback that
under study. The sampling design is a stratified such training should be repeated once at least in
three stage design with district as stratum. The first three years period.
stage units (FSUs) are villages, second stage units
(SSUs) are households and third stage units (TSUs) 3.19.4 During 2009-10, Depar tment approved the
are animals. Under the Integrated Sample Survey study proposal on ‘Estimation of Production and
Scheme, central assistance to the tune of 50 per Availability of Oilcake/Meal and Bran for Livestock
cent and 100 per cent of the expenditure on Salary Feed in India’ submitted by Centre of Economic
for the entitled posts is provided to the States and and Social Research, Delhi for a period of nine
the UTs respectively. months.
3.19.5 The Expenditure Finance Committee for 3.20.3 Out of budgetary allocation of Rs.23.11
11 Plan for ISS scheme decided to revise the
crore for 2009-10, an amount of Rs.20.41 crore
methodology for estimation of Major Livestock has been released up to December, 2009 to the
Products and to fur ther examine the scope of States/UTs. In addition, an amount of Rs.9.00 lakh
additional components which are more useful has been released to NIC for meeting the expenses
for making the policy. The Depar tment of Animal on computerization.
Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries has constituted
a Committee for revision of methodology 3.21 Livestock Insurance
under the Chairmanship of Animal Husbandry
3.21.1 For promotion of the livestock sector, it is
important that along with providing more effective
measures for disease control and improvement of
3.20 Livestock Census
genetic quality of animals, a mechanism of assured
3.20.1 The first Livestock Census was conducted protection to the farmers and cattle rearers is
during 1919-20 and since then it is being required against eventual losses of such animals. In
conducted quinquennilly by all States/UTs in India. this direction, the Government of India introduced
The data collected for the 18th Livestock Census a CSS ‘Livestock Insurance’ on a pilot basis during
in the series with 15/10/2007 as the date of 2005-06 & 2006-07 in 100 selected districts of the
reference is presently being processed. The country. The scheme continued during 2007-08
also. A full fledged scheme ‘Livestock Insurance’
Census is conducted with 100 per cent assistance.
was approved on 20.11.2008 in 100 newly selected
It provides disaggregated information on poultry,
districts on regular basis. The scheme covers 300
animal operated agricultural implements and
selected districts from 10.12.2009.
machinery, and fishery statistics.
3.21.2 This CSS being implemented in all the States
3.20.2 In the present Census, greater emphasis has
has twin objectives: providing protection mechanism
been given on collection of information on breed-
to the farmers & cattle rearers against any eventual
wise data in respect of all States/UTs. The results
loss of their animals due to death; and to demonstrate
of 18th Livestock Census would be brought out in
the benefit of the insurance of livestock. The scheme
two phases viz. All India Report (Provisional) based benefits the farmers (large/small/ marginal) and
on Quick Tabulation Plan, derived from Village level cattle rearers having indigenous/crossbred milch
totals and All India Report (Final results) based on cattle and buffaloes. Benefit of subsidy is restricted
Detailed tabulation Plan which would be derived to two animals per beneficiary per household. The
from computerised household data. National funds under the scheme are utilized for payment
Informatics Centre of the Department is processing of premium subsidy, honorarium to veterinary
the data received from States/UTs. All India Report practitioners and publicity campaign for creation of
(Provisional) is expected to be released by the end awareness. 50 per cent of the premium of insurance
of April, 2010 and All India Report (Final Results) is paid by the beneficiary and the remaining 50
in the course of 2010. per cent is paid by the Government of India. The
scheme is implemented through the State Livestock 3.21.3 The list of districts covered under this scheme
Development Boards. Where no such board exists, is at Annexure-XIV. An amount of Rs.23.28 crore
the scheme is being implemented through the State has been released to States during 2009-10 (up to
Directorate of Animal Husbandry. December, 2009).
4.1 The Indian Dairy sector acquired substantial Department implement four schemes in the dairy
growth momentum from 9th Plan onwards, achieving sector including a new central sector scheme
an annual output of 108.5 million tonnes of milk ‘Dairy Venture Capital Fund’. The National Dairy
during 2008-09. This has not only placed the Development Board (NDDB) continues its activities
country on top in the world, but also represents for the overall development of Dairy Sector in
sustained growth in the availability of milk and Operation Flood areas.
milk products for the burgeoning population of
the country. Dairying has become an important 4.3 Intensive Dairy Development
secondary source of income for millions of rural Programme (IDDP)
families and has assumed the most important role
in providing employment and income generating 4.3.1 The scheme ‘Intensive Dairy Development
opportunities. The per capita availability of milk Programme (IDDP)’ in Non-Operation Flood, Hilly
has reached at a level of 258 grams per day in the and Backward Areas’ was launched in 1993-94 on
year 2008-09, but it is still lower than the world 100 per cent grant-in-aid basis. The main objectives
average of 265 grams per day. Government of of the scheme are:
India is making efforts to increase the productivity = Development of milch cattle.
of milch animals and thus increase the per capita = Increasing milk production by providing India is the highest milk
availability of milk. Milk production and marketing technical input services. producer in the world
system in India is unique. Most of the milk is recording an average annual
= Procurement, processing and marketing of
produced by small, marginal farmers and landless growth rate of 4.3 per cent
milk in a cost effective manner.
labourers who are grouped into cooperatives at the since 2004-05.
= Ensure remunerative prices to the milk
village level. To provide them a steady market and
a remunerative price for the milk produced, about
13.90 million farmers have been brought under the = Generate additional employment
ambit of 1,33,349 village level dairy cooperative opportunities.
societies in the country as a part of Operation = Improve social, nutritional and economic
Flood Programme. status of residents of comparatively more
disadvantaged areas.
4.2 The efforts of the Department in the dairy
sector are concentrated on promotion of dairy 4.3.2 The scheme was modified in March, 2005 and
activities mainly in non-operation flood areas with was named ‘Intensive Dairy Development Programme
emphasis on building up cooperative infrastructure, (IDDP)’. It is presently being implemented in hilly and
revitalization of sick dairy cooperative federations backward areas and also in districts, which received
and creation of infrastructure in the States for less than Rs.50.00 lakh for dairy development under
production of quality milk and milk products. The Operation Flood programme.
4.3.3 The funds under the revised scheme are 06) with the ‘Intensive Dairy Development
released directly to the implementing agencies Programme’. The scheme has the main objective
(State Milk Federations/Unions). of improving the quality of raw milk produced
at the village level in the country. It is being
4.3.4 Since inception of the scheme, 86 projects implemented through the State Government
have been approved. Out of these, 47 projects by District Cooperative Milk Union/State Level
are under implementation and 39 have been Milk Federation. Under the scheme, there is a
completed. 207 districts were covered in 25 States provision for training of farmers on good milking
and a UT with a total outlay of Rs.501.84 crore till practices. The scheme is being implemented
31st December 2009, including ‘Special Livestock on 100 per cent grant in aid basis to the State
Sector and Fisheries Package for the Suicide Governments/Union Territories for components
Prone Districts in the States of Andhra Pradesh, viz. training of farmer members, detergents,
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala’. These projects stainless steel utensils, strengthening of
have benefited about 18.98 lakh farmers in 27,552 existing laboratory facilities, adulteration test
villages in various States procuring over 21.02 lakh kit, disinfectants, etc. The pattern of funding
kgs of milk per day and marketing milk of about for setting up of milk chilling facilities at village
17.42 lakh litres per day. Milk chilling capacity of level in the form of bulk milk coolers is in the
19.45 lakh litres per day and processing capacity ratio of 75:25 between Government of India
of 24.51 lakh litres per day has been created under and respective dairy cooperative society/union.
this scheme. Evaluation and impact study of the scheme has
been conducted by an independent agency and
4.4 Strengthening Infrastructure for final repor t has been submitted. Based on the
Quality & Clean Milk Production outcome of the study, the necessary revision/
modification will be carried out.
4.4.1 With increase in milk production, quality
standards prevalent today in milk production, 4.4.3 Since inception, the Department has approved
milk collection and processing need improvement. 137 projects spread over 21 States and one UT at a
The microbiological quality of milk is poor
due to lack of knowledge about clean milk
production and lack of post milking chilling
facilities in the villages. To compete in
international market for export of milk and
milk products, it has become necessary to
produce the dairy products of international
the 10 th Plan (2004-05). The scheme is being total cost of Rs. 213.12 crore with central share
continued during 11 Plan as merged (in 2005-
of Rs.173.80 crore till 31.12.2009. An amount of
Rs.15.56 crore has been released during
the year 2009-10 (till 31 st December
2009) for implementation of approved
projects. 5.30 lakh farmer members have
been trained and 1,439 Bulk Milk Coolers
(BMCs) with a total chilling capacity of
25.60 lakh litres have been installed and
1,011 existing laboratories have been
4.5.1 This scheme star ted during 1999-2000, 4.6 Dairy Venture Capital Fund
aims at revitalizing the sick dairy cooperative
4.6.1 To bring about structural changes in the
unions at the district level and cooperative
unorganized sector, measures like milk processing
federations at the State level. The rehabilitation
at village level, marketing of pasteurized milk in a
plan is prepared by National Dairy Development
cost effective manner, quality up-gradation and
Board (NDDB) in consultation with the concerned
up-gradation of traditional technology to handle
State Dairy Federation/District Milk Union. Each
commercial scale using modern equipments and
rehabilitation plan is to be implemented within management skills, a central sector scheme namely,
a period of seven years from the date of its ‘Dairy Venture Capital Fund’ is being implemented
approval. during 11th Five Year Plan after separating the
Poultry component of erstwhile ‘Dairy/Poultry
4.5.2 Since inception, the Depar tment has Venture Capital Fund’ scheme launched in 2004-
approved 34 rehabilitation proposals of Milk 05. Under this scheme, assistance is provided to
Unions so far in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, the rural/urban beneficiaries under a schematic
Haryana, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, proposal through bankable projects. Eligible
Maharashtra, Assam, Nagaland, Punjab, West beneficiaries, under the scheme, include agricultural
Bengal and Tamil Nadu at a total outlay of Rs. farmers/individual entrepreneurs and groups of all
245.44 crore with central share of Rs.122.91 sections of unorganized as well as organized sector
crore till 31 st December, 2009. The scheme including cooperatives and NGOs, from any part of
is being implemented on 50:50 sharing basis the country.
between Govt. of India and the concerned State
4.6.2 The scheme is being implemented through
Governments. Since inception, an amount of NABARD and funds amounting to Rs.122.99 crore
Rs.93.10 crore has been released under the were released to NABARD till 31st December, 2009,
scheme till 31 st December, 2009. Out of 34 Milk including Rs.10.00 crore released during 2009-10.
Unions, 17 have been turned around and earned NABARD has sanctioned 13,610 Dairy Units and
profit as on 31.03.2008. released Rs.129.62 crore till 31st December, 2009.
4.6.3 The following components are eligible for
financial assistance under the scheme:
Table 4.1: Components and Provisions under DVCF
Sl. Maximum total project cost*
No. (Rs. in lakh)
1. Establishment of small dairy Rs.3.00 lakh per unit (up to 10 animals)
farms - 10 animals unit -Any Non Operation Flood area.
(buffaloes/cross bred cows) for -The total cost depends on the infrastructural facilities required.
milk production.
2. Purchase of Milking Machines/ -Rs.15.00 lakh
Milk-o-Tester/Bulk Milk Cooling -Milking Machine, Milk-o-Tester and Bulk Milk Cooling unit (up to 2,000 litres
unit etc. capacity)
3. Purchase of dairy processing -Rs.10 lakh per unit.
equipment for manufacturing -Unit cost depends upon the quantum of milk to be handled and the type of
indigenous milk products. products to be manufactured.
-The total cost depends upon the investment on civil structures, type and
source of machinery.
4. Establishment of dairy product -Rs.20 lakh per unit.
transportation facilities including -Unit cost depends upon the quantum of milk/milk products to be transported/
cold chain. handled and the type of products to be transported.
-The total cost depends upon the investment on type and source of transport
vehicle and machinery.
4.6.4 The evaluation and impact study of the decline in reproductive efficiency; increase incidences
scheme has been conducted by an independent of animal diseases particularly viral and protozoan in
agency and final report has been submitted. Based animals in milk and decline in milk production.
on the outcome of the study, the necessary revision/ 4.7.2 As per a study conducted by National Institute
modifications will be carried out. of Animal Nutrition and Physiology in 2005, the
deficit with regard to green fodder, dry fodder and
4.7 Deficit Monsoon and its Impact on concentrate was 11 per cent, 28 per cent and 35 per
Dairying cent respectively. Drought like situation has further
aggravated this deficiency.
4.7.1 The impact of deficit monsoon on livestock
sector will be manifested in many forms, such as: scarcity 4.7.3 As quality green fodder was not available,
of crop residues and other feed ingredients because of during the monsoon season farmers have met
reduced crop production and increasing crop failure; requirement of roughages from dry fodder from the
available reserves of earlier crops. Thus the dry permission for import of 10,000 MT Skimmed
fodder in required quantity will not be available with Milk Powder (SMP) under Tariff Rate Quota
the farmers from January –April 2010 or till wheat is (TRQ) of 5per cent for 2009-10 and has
harvested. agreed ‘In Principle’ on the proposal for
import of 10,000 MT for 2010-11.
4.7.4 Reproductive efficiency among breedable Against a target of 6.00 lakh Minikits for
bovines decline substantially due to deficiency of 2009-10, total 9,23,155 Minikits of improved
green fodder and quality concentrates. Animals do fodder varieties have been distributed to
not come into heat at the right time (i.e. within 90 supplement the efforts of States to increase
to 100 days after calving) and dry period increases fodder production and its availability to the
significantly. Some times animal come into heat but livestock.
do not conceive because of anovulatory heat during
Milk Federations have been advised to have
stress period. The decline in milk production and
regular interaction among themselves and
reproductive efficiency will be the highest in crossbred
also with the Private Dairies to manage the
cattle followed by buffaloes. If dry period is increased
shortage of milk fat & SMP.
by one month the total milk production in the country
will decline by 11.25 Million Tonnes (As 75 million NABARD and Commercial Banks/Co-operative
animals are in milk). Banks implementing ‘Dairy Venture Capital
Fund’ scheme have been advised to expedite
4.7.5 Following steps have been taken to augment approvals of dairying proposals as dairying is a
the availability of liquid milk and stabilize the prices of major subsidiary occupation in the country and
milk and milk products (in the domestic market in view the best alternative during drought conditions.
of drought situation in the country): In order to reduce the burden on dairy farmers,
Export incentive given to milk fat (butter, Honb’le Agriculture Minister has requested
butter oil & others) under VKGUY have been Honb’le Finance Minister for exemption of
withdrawn for milk and milk products. excise duty, cess & Value Added Tax (VAT)
from molasses and also to impose 25per cent
On request of this Department, Ministry of
export duty on de-oiled cake, oilmeal/cake to
Commerce has withdrawn benefits under
reduce the price of cattle feed.
VKGUY for export of buffalo meat and has
reduced the benefits under VKGUY for the Request has been made to the Ministry of
export of oil cake/meal. Commerce to remove export incentive from
Issued Sanitary Import Permit (SIP) for
importing 23,493.55 MT of butter oil since
4.7.6 Development & Conservation of
January 2009. Till December 2009, about
Indigenous Breeds in the Light of
14,000 MT of butter oil has landed in the
Global Warming
On recommendation of this Department, the The cattle and buffalo genetic resources of
Department of Revenue has reduced custom India are represented by 30 indigenous breeds of
duty on Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF) to 30 per cattle including Rathi, Gir, Kankrej, Tharparkar, Sahiwal,
cent as applicable in the case of butter/ Deoni, Hallikar, Khillar Hariana etc. and 10 breeds of
butter oil. buffaloes including Murrah, Jaffarabadi, Mehsani,
The Ministry of Commerce has issued Surti etc. Indigenous animals are sturdy, endowed
with quality of heat tolerance, resistance to diseases are also implementing indigenous breed
and have ability to thrive under extreme nutritional development programmes for breeds like
stress. The negative impact of Global Warming/ Rathi, Kankrej, Krishna Valley, Dangi Khillar,
climate change on total milk production for India has Hallikar by involving farmers and Gaushalas
been estimated at about 1.60 million tonnes annually etc. Sabarmati Gaushala Bidaj has extensively
in 2020 ((National Institute of Animal Nutrition & utilized its core competency in embryo
Physiology 2005). The decline in milk production and transfer technology (ETT) to conserve and
reproductive efficiency will be the highest in crossbred preserve endangered germplasm. Under this
cattle. Global warming is likely to increase incidences programme, 169 viable embryos of Sahiwal,
of animal diseases particularly viral and protozoan 46 of Red Sindhi, 179 of Kankrej, 10 of Gir
diseases in crossbred animals. Therefore, there is cattle, 19 of Jaffarabadi, 22 Pandharpuri
a need to take programmes for development and and 43 Toda buffaloes have been preserved.
conservation of indigenous breeds. Sabarmati Gaushala Bidaj is also maintaining
indigenous bulls (Murrah, Sahiwal, Gir, Kankrej) Considering the importance of indigenous for semen production.
breeds in the national economy, Government has
undertaken the following steps for their development 4.8 Post Operation Flood and
and conservation: Consolidation of Cooperative
(i) The Department is implementing National
Movement – by NDDB
Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding 4.8.1 The National Dairy Development Board
since October 2000, which has focus on (NDDB) was set up in 1965 to promote, plan and
development and conservation of indigenous organise programmes for the development of dairy
breeds. Funds have been released to the and other agriculture based and allied industries along
participating States for procurement of bulls cooperative lines, and also to provide assistance in
for natural service, initiating bull production the implementation of such programmes. In 1987,
programmes, strengthening of bull mother the Parliament declared NDDB as a statutory body
farms and establishment of ONBS farms for corporate and an institution of national importance
important indigenous breeds (Sahiwal, Gir, under the NDDB Act.
Deoni, Kankrej, Hariana, Kenkatha, Hallikar,
Khillar etc) for their further development. 4.8.2 Strengthening the Cooperatives
During Phase-I of the project, an amount of During 2009-10, dairy cooperatives continued
Rs.58 crore has been released exclusively for
to avail technical and financial support from NDDB
development and conservation of indigenous
in the areas of strengthening cooperative business,
breeds. An amount of Rs.356.78 crore has
productivity enhancement, quality assurance, creation
been kept exclusively for development of
of a national information network and building dairy
indigenous breeds under Phase-II of NPCBB.
infrastructure. Up to December 2009, 98 plans of dairy
In addition to this, strengthening of field
cooperatives under the Perspective Plan 2010 with a
AI network, semen stations, establishment
total outlay of Rs.1,979.25 crore have been approved.
of private AI workers and organization of
Out of this, NDDB’s financial assistance in the form
fertility camps will also lead to development
of interest bearing loans, interest free loans and
of indigenous breeds.
grants aggregate to Rs.1,633.90 crore. The balance
(ii) National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) of Rs.345.35 crore is contributed by the Milk Unions/
and BAIF Development Research Foundation Federations.
4.8.3 Animal Breeding the Rathi breed is being carried out in Bikaner and
Sri Ganganagar districts of Rajasthan. NDDB is also NDDB in collaboration with various working on the Kankrej breed in Banaskantha and
implementing agencies like the Karnataka Milk Patan districts of Gujarat. A milk-recording programme
Federation, Mehsana Milk Union, Banaskantha Milk
for identifying elite cows and producing bulls from the
Union, Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala, Bidaj and Animal
bull mothers is a part of the Project. The bulls thus
Breeding Centre, Salon, continued to implement
produced are procured and distributed to various
progeny testing programmes for the production of
institutions for further dissemination through natural
quality bulls of Holstein Friesian (HF) and crossbred
HF cattle as well as Mehsana and Murrah buffaloes. service or the AI programme. These bulls have a
confirmed parentage, verified by the use of molecular The genetic potential of cattle and buffaloes markers, and they are also free from diseases like
can be improved through artificial insemination tuberculosis, Johne’s disease and brucellosis. In
using quality semen produced from high genetic addition, efforts to preserve indigenous breeds of
merit bulls. During the year, NDDB-managed semen cattle and buffaloes by in vitro methods, through
stations – Sabarmati Ashram Gaushala, Bidaj and frozen embryos and semen doses, continued in buffalo
Animal Breeding Centre, Salon – together produced
breeds like Jaffarabadi, Murrah, Pandharpuri and
about 109 lakh (provisional) doses of frozen semen.
Toda, and in cattle breeds like Gir, Hariana, Kankrej,
The eight dairy cooperative semen production
Khillar, Rathi, Red Sindhi, Sahiwal and Tharparkar.
stations added another 102 lakh (provisional) doses
of frozen semen. NDDB has developed an integrated NDDB has been providing financial assistance information system for breeding, nutrition and health
to some professional AI service providers to encourage care services called ‘Information Network for Animal
them to provide quality AI services on a cost-plus Productivity and Health (INAPH)’. The system is
basis at the doorstep of milk producers following a being pilot tested.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
4.8.4 Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology During the year, NDDB’s Indigenous Breed
Development Project for Rathi and Kankrej cattle NDDB’s advisory services to the cattle
breeds continued in their native tracts in Rajasthan feed plants of dairy cooperatives have helped in
and Gujarat. The conservation and development of maintaining the quality of feed and feed supplements.
More than 90 per cent of the feed produced by
the cooperative cattle feed plants conformed
to standard specifications. These plants have
also been able to increase their capacity
utilisation to around 95 per cent. Some of
the cattle feed plants also availed of NDDB’s
assistance for setting up bypass protein plants
across various locations.
programme is being implemented on a limited scale the zone. NDDB also continued to provide technical
in seven States namely, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, assistance for setting up mineral mixture plants.
Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar
Pradesh. The animals fed with a balanced ration under With the rising cost of concentrate feed
this programme have shown an improvement in the ingredients, green fodder is emerging as an economic
milk yield and there has also been a reduction in the source of nutrients. NDDB provided assistance to
cost of feeding per day per animal. dairy cooperatives for procurement of breeder seeds
of improved varieties of fodder crops from the Indian NDDB continued to undertake mineral mapping
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)/agriculture
programmes in different agro-climatic zones to set
universities. The dairy cooperatives organised
up plants for the production of area specific mineral
production of 3,500 tonnes of certified/truthfully
mixtures. During the year, mineral mapping work was
labelled seeds to enhance green fodder production.
completed for Sehore, Indore, Barwani and Mandsaur
Efforts are being made to popularise cultivation of high
districts in Madhya Pradesh. Calcium, phosphorus,
yielding varieties of forages and fodder conservation
sulphur, copper, zinc and cobalt were found to be
technologies through field demonstrations.
deficient in the ration of animals in these districts.
Based on the results of mineral mapping, an area- 4.8.5 Animal Health
specific mineral mixture formulation was developed for NDDB’s support for the Animal Disease
Control Project for control of Foot and Mouth
Disease (FMD) in Kerala, called ‘Goraksha’,
implemented by the State Animal Husbandry
Department, came to a close. A corpus fund
has been created from contributions by animal
owners for a part of the cost of the vaccine
and ear-tag, and from the annual contribution
by the Government of Kerala. The interest from
the corpus along with the charge being levied
on the animal owners to recover part of the
cost of the vaccine and ear-tag, as well as the
annual contribution from the Government of
Kerala has ensured continuation of the project
beyond five years.
Rhinotracheitis (IBR), bovine tuberculosis, Johne’s NDDB has been involved in arranging training
Disease (JD) and foot and mouth disease, but has on aspects such as clean milk production, dairy plant
also helped to maintain disease-free herds. The operations and hygienic and proper handling of milk
Laboratory also carries out the OIE-approved real- and milk products. Under the project ‘Nationwide
time PCR protocol, as a routine, to screen bovine Database on Milk Quality Parameters’, the testing of
frozen semen and to certify it to be free from the IBR milk samples for chemical as well as microbiological
virus. In addition, the Laboratory provides services parameters has been taken up by NDDB. The aim
for karyotyping, diagnosis of genetic diseases and of the project is to create a database of milk quality
parentage verification, to the organised farms. These parameters in the country to facilitate policy decisions
services are extremely useful for maintaining high for quality assurance. The results were shared with
quality bulls and to eliminate the abnormal breeding the respective dairy cooperatives for preparing and
stock from the population. implementing action plans to improve the quality of
milk. The Laboratory is also engaged in the
development of recombinant/new generation vaccines 4.8.7 Milk Procurement and Marketing
against IBR, FMD, bovine brucellosis, rabies and
multi-species tick infestations. The trials conducted The average milk procurement by dairy
on animals to study the safety and efficacy of these cooperatives during 2009-10 (up to December, 2009)
vaccines have shown encouraging results. The was more than 241 lakh kgs per day (provisional) as
development of a marker vaccine against infectious compared to 233 lakh kgs per day during the same
diseases will help to confer better immunity and period in the previous year, registering an increase
also facilitate differentiation between infection and of 3.4 per cent. The average milk marketing by
vaccination immunity. cooperatives was 211 lakh litres per day as against
201 lakh litres per day, registering a rise of about
4.8.6 Ensuring Milk Quality five per cent over the corresponding period in the
previous year. Dairy cooperatives continued to avail NDDB continued to assist dairy cooperatives in of NDDB’s assistance to expand their distribution
ensuring the quality of packed milk and milk products network, diversify their product portfolio, improve
through the use of proper technology and processes services, promote sales and to carry out consumer
covering the entire milk chain from the producer to awareness activities.
the consumer. This included support for establishment
of efficient milk collection and handling equipment 4.8.8 New Generation Cooperatives (NGC)
including milk analysers and bulk milk coolers in the
rural areas to retain the quality of raw milk reaching NDDB continued to promote New Generation
the dairy processing units. Cooperatives (NGC) initiatives in areas where large
volumes of surplus marketable milk have remained The milk processing units of dairy cooperatives untapped by the existing dairy cooperatives. By the
are also advised on production of quality milk and end of December 2009, about 1,50,000 producers
its products by optimum utilisation of resources. were organized into around 7,800 milk pooling
With a view to improve plant conditions for efficient points in nine States namely, Andhra Pradesh,
operations, NDDB assisted the dairy plants in quality Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Madhya
audit, energy conservation and loss reduction. The Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
milk processing units are also supported to implement Collectively, they procure an average of 6,61,000 kgs
environment management systems. of milk per day with a peak procurement of 10,80,000
kgs per day in 2009-10 upto December 2009. NDDB is 4.8.10 Projects
working with the Institute of Rural Management Anand
(IRMA) to design and develop Producer Company Various cooperative milk unions and
structures that would function as viable producer- federations across the country continued to avail
owned enterprises. of NDDB’s technical support to create new milk
processing and milk product manufacturing
infrastructure as well as to expand/
strengthen their existing facilities. NDDB
provided appropriate and affordable technical
solutions on a turnkey or consultancy basis
to cooperative milk unions and federations.
During the year, NDDB completed one
consultancy and six turnkey projects for
dairy plants. Besides, five consultancy
projects and 17 turnkey projects were at
various stages of implementation. NDDB
New Generation Cooperatives also extended support to various technical
sub-committees of the Bureau of Indian Some innovative practices in milk collection, Standards in updating various codes related to
testing and direct payment have been put in place dairy and utilities.
to ensure transparency and build confidence
amongst producers. A user- friendly payment 4.8.11 Product & Process Development
solution in collaboration with a commercial bank
has been introduced in some locations where NDDB continued to develop new product and
money is transferred directly to the account of process technologies and supported dairy cooperatives
each producer and a Business Correspondent of to add value to their business by expanding their
the bank makes cash payment to the producers at product range. To cater to the growing demand for
their villages/nearby Bulk Milk Cooler centre. health foods, NDDB developed a fibre-fortified low
calorie drink and probiotic emmental cheese during
4.8.9 Building a National Information the year. Two variants of processed emmental cheese
Network were also developed. The formulation and processing
parameters for commercial production of vegetable- AI and through natural service, setting up plants to
based raita were standardised. augment cattle feed, by -pass protein and mineral
mixture. The plan also proposes to bring 65 per cent NDDB extended technical support and
of the surplus milk produced under organized sector
supplied freeze-dried starter cultures for production
for procurement as against the present 30 per cent.
of fermented dairy products to various dairy
The cooperative and private sector would continue to
have 50:50 shares.
4.8.12 Centre for Analysis and Learning in 4.9.3 The Government is exploring World Bank
Livestock and Food (CALF) assistance to bring down the cost to the Government
and also to provide loans at a concessional rate. the importance and need Approach paper/ Preliminary Project Report has been
for reliable and efficient laboratory services for forwarded to the World Bank through the Ministry of
the livestock, dairy and food sectors, NDDB has Finance. NDDB is preparing State specific plans in
established a CALF at Anand. consultation with State Governments/ milk federations
to increase milk production. NDDB is having discussion With the state-of-the-art equipment, advanced
with World Bank Officials to finalise Detailed Project
technologies and qualified technical staff, CALF
offers a range of reliable and accurate analytical
services for food and feed and diagnostic services 4.10 Delhi Milk Scheme (DMS)
for genetic disorders and animal health. CALF follows
internationally recognised analytical methods and a 4.10.1 Delhi Milk Scheme (DMS) was set up in 1959
Quality Management System based on ISO:17025. with the primary objective of supplying wholesome
The Centre also conducts training programmes in food milk to the citizens of Delhi at reasonable prices
and feed analysis. as well as for providing remunerative prices to milk
producers. Manufacture and sale of milk products
4.9 National Dairy Plan like Ghee, Table Butter, Yoghurt, Paneer, Chhachh and
Flavoured Milk is also under taken as an allied activity.
4.9.1 National Dairy Plan is a strategic plan with The initial installed capacity of Delhi Milk Scheme was
proposed outlay of Rs.17,371 crore to achieve for processing/packing of 2.55 lakh litres of milk per
a target of 180 million tonnes of milk production day. However, in order to meet increasing demand for
annually by 2021-22. Milk production is expected
milk in the city, the capacity was expanded in phases
to grow at four per cent with an annual incremental
to the level of 5.00 lakh litres of milk per day. The
output of five million tonnes in the next 15 years.
Department has developed a web site
Districts will be categorised into 324 high potential
in for use by related users.
districts for intensive development and remaining 282
low potential districts for further expansion of the 4.10.2 Management
sector. DMS is headed by a General Manager. He is
4.9.2 Under this plan, the Government is assisted by Senior Officers viz. Deputy General Manager
contemplating to enhance milk production in major (Administration.), Deputy General Manager (Technical)
milk producing areas, strengthen and expand and Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer.
infrastructure to produce, process and market milk
through the existing and new institutional structures. There is a Management Committee, which
The plan envisages breed improvement through enjoys powers of a Department of Government
of India (except for creation of posts, writing off floods and drought in various States, DMS could not
losses and re-appropriation of funds exceeding procure adequate quantity of milk during the current
10 per cent of the original budget provision). financial year 2009-10.
The present Management Committee comprises
4.10.5 Production and Distribution of Milk
of the Joint Secretary (Dairy Development) as
Chairman, Director (Finance), President, Indian Delhi Milk Scheme is processing and sup-
Dairy Association, New Delhi, Managing Director, plying following types of milk at the selling price as
The Punjab State Coop. Milk Producers Federation indicated in the table 4.3:
Ltd., Chandigarh and General Manager, DMS as its Table 4.3: Milk Supplied by DMS
Sl. Type of Fat SNF Rate/per With effect
No. milk (in %) (in %) litre (Rs.) from
4.10.3 I.S.O.22000-2005 - Certification
1. Milk (Poly 3.0 8.5 Rs.22.00 01.11.09 DMS has been awarded ISO 22,000-2005 pack)
Certification valid from 04.05.2009 to 05.05.2012 by Toned Milk
M/s IRQS Mumbai and is in the process of obtaining 2. 3.0 8.5 Rs.20.00 16.08.09
ISO 14000-2004 Certification by the same body for Double
Environment Management. 3. Toned 1.5 9.0 Rs.19.00 16.08.09
DMS has a network of 1,441 4.10.4 Procurement of Milk 4.
Full Cream
6.0 9.0 Rs.28.00 01.11.09
outlets, which includes 436 Milk
4.10.6 Performance /Capacity Utilization chhachh manufactured and sold since 2005-06 is
indicated at Table 4.7 and Table 4.8. The present sale of DMS milk is around 3.80
Table 4.7: Manufacturing and Marketing of
lakh litres per day (LLPD) including custom packing for Flavoured Milk & Yoghurt by DMS
Mother Dairy. To utilize surplus processing capacity, (In thousand numbers)
around 75,000 litres of milk per day is being custom
Year Flavoured Milk Yoghurt
packed for Mother Dairy, Delhi. Cost of production of (In 200 ml. Pouches/ (In 100 gm. Kullars/
milk in DMS is given in Table 4.5. Bottle) Cups)
Production Sale* Production Sale
Table 4.5: Performance of DMS
2005-06 517 514 1,354 1,344
YearCapacity Milk Sale Variable Fixed Total
utilization (lakh cost cost cost 2006-07 112** 115 788 780
(%) litres) (Rs. per (Rs. per (Rs. per 2007-08 Nil 114** 372 360
litre) litre) litre)
2005-06 73.0 1,276.39 14.35 2.23 16.58 2008-09 Nil 299 674 586
2006-07 60.2 1,090.69 15.84 2.26 18.10 2009-10 Nil 163 584 574
2007-08 67.2 1,219.27 17.80 2.33 20.13 (upto Dec.
2008-09 76.0 1,371.72 18.10 2.60 20.70
Note: - * Sale includes previous year stock also.
2009-10 76.4 1,030.95 19.26 2.71 22.57 ** The production/sale of Flavoured Milk has been
(upto discontinued w.e.f. July, 2007. However, DMS has
Dec. 09) resumed supply of sterilized Flavoured Milk w.e.f.
07.11.2007, which is packed by Milkfed, Punjab. DMS is also manufacturing and selling Ghee
and Table Butter. The production and sale of Ghee and Table 4.8: Manufacturing and Marketing of Paneer
& Chhachh by DMS
Table Butter since 2005-06 are indicated at Table 4.6.
Year Paneer Chhachh
Table 4.6: Production and Sale of Ghee & (in 200 gm /1 kg. (in 200 ml.
Butter by DMS Pack) Pouches in
(Figures in M.T.) (in M.T.) Thousand
Year Ghee Table butter numbers)
Production Sale* Production Sale*
Production Sale* Production Sale*
2005-06 59.98 59.74 195 193
2005-06 658.88 593.95 38.85 33.84
2006-07 33.68 33.61 109 109
2006-07 293.29 375.95 31.40 37.06 2007-08 35.51 35.22 92 86
2007-08 651.78 505.17 46.45 38.75 2008-09 38.18 37.84 129 124
2008-09 493.40 605.93 27.78 36.71 2009-10 35.39 35.05 140 139
2009-10 220.11 237.54 25.40 28.14 Dec. 09)
Note: - * Sale includes previous year stock also.
Dec. 09)
Note: - * Sale includes previous year stocks also. 4.10.7 Physical Targets and Achievements DMS is also manufacturing and marketing
Yoghurt (in kullars), Flavoured Milk (in pouches), The targets and achievements regarding
Paneer (in 200 gm/1 kg pack) and Chhachh (in procurement of milk, production/sale of milk and milk
200 ml. pouch) for supply to the citizens of Delhi. products (ghee & butter) for 2008-09 and 2009-10
The quantity of flavoured milk, yoghurt, paneer and are given at Table 4.9.
Table 4.9: Targets and Achievements of DMS
Sl. No Major Component of the Scheme 2008-09 2009-10
Targets Achievements Targets Achievement
(upto Dec. 09)
1. Procurement of milk 912.50 1,100.38 912.50 752.96
( in lakh Kgs)
2. Sale of Milk (in lakh litres) 1,478.25 1,371.72 1,478.25 1,030.95
3. Production of
(i) Ghee (in M.T) 650.00 493.40 650.00 237.54
(ii)Table Butter (in MT.) 35.00 27.78 35.00 28.14 The following Table 4.11 indicates deficit of purchase price paid for skimmed milk powder, raw
DMS since 2006-07: milk and implementation of 6th Pay Commission’s
Table 4.11: Deficit of DMS recommendations.
Year Deficit (Rs. Crore)
2006-07 24.94 4.10.9 Cost of Production and Losses
2007-08 13.98
2008-09 10.99 The main reasons for losses are:
2009-10 (upto Dec. 09) 29.40 (i) Continuous increase in the cost prices of raw
Though the deficit came down from Rs.24.94 crore in materials, light diesel oil (LDO), water, polythene
2006-07 to Rs.10.99 crore in 2008-09, it increased film, electricity and other consumables.
to Rs.29.40 crore during the current financial (ii) Lower capacity utilization of plant during
year due to lesser procurement of raw milk, higher 2000-01 to 2004-05.
(iii) No up-gradation of major part of plant and ● Appointment of Distributors/Dealers to
machinery. promote the sale of milk.
● Ensuring regular and timely supply as per
4.10.10 Steps Taken to Reduce Losses: market demand
(i) Government is adopting professional approach ● Training of DMS personnel in dairy plant
in different area of operation such as operations and maintenance.
marketing, transportation and plant operation 4.10.13 Steps Taken to Improve Efficiency
for increasing overall efficiency.
(ii) Modernization of the obsolete plant, machinery The DMS plant is having a capacity of
and equipment is being undertaken to reduce processing/packing of 5.00 lakh litres of milk per
the cost. day (LLPD). With the increase in price of DMS milk
with effect from 1.3.2000, sale of milk came down
(iii) Monitoring the various efficiency parameters
from 4.5 LLPD to about 2.00 LLPD. The sale of
of DMS on monthly basis such as average daily
milk star ted picking up from April, 2003 onwards and
sale of milk, milk handled per unit of electricity
reached 3.50 LLPD (average) upto the year 2005-06.
and percentage of loss of liquid milk.
During 2006-07, due to shortage of milk because of
4.10.11 Improving Efficiency/Functioning of rains, floods and drought in various States, as DMS
DMS could not procure sufficient quantity of milk, therefore
could utilize only 60.2 per cent of its capacity including Quality Control Measures: The quality
custom packing of milk for Mother Dairy.
control standards have been made stringent to ensure
supply of good quality milk. An instant sodium meter The present sale of milk by DMS through its
has been installed in Quality Control Laboratory for outlets is around 3.10 lakh litres per day (LLPD). The
rapid assessment/detection of neutralizers or alkaline sale of DMS and custom packing of Mother Dairy
adulterants (if any) added to milk and milk products by milk by DMS taken together has reached 3.80
unscrupulous elements. For detection of contaminants LLPD enhancing capacity utilization of DMS plant.
& pollutants in milk, a Gas Liquid Chromatogram, 2
Nos. of Milko Scan – 133B and Electronic Milk Testing 4.10.14 Reduction in the Staff Strength of
Centrifuges have also been installed. DMS
4.10.12 Marketing of Milk In pursuance of the instructions issued by
● Custom packing of 75,000 litres of milk for Ministry of Finance to down size the Government
machinery and to reduce the administrative expenses,
Mother Dairy to utilize idle capacity.
the DMS has decided to reduce its working strength.
● Out-sourcing for transporting milk & milk The Table 4.12 depicts the continuous reduction in
products. staff strength of DMS:
‘A’ 25 25 25 16
‘B’ 46 47 47 27
‘C’ 853 674 587 376
‘D’ 1,222 1,021 885 702
Total 2,146 1,767 1,544 1,121
4.10.15 Reduction in Return Milk and Fat & (a) 20 KLPH milk pasteurizer.
SNF Losses
(b) 5 litre Mechanical Poly Pack Mchine. In the past, DMS was incurring an extra cost (c) ACB for 11 KV Substation.
on account of reprocessing of return milk. Various (d) PHE Amonia Condenser.
measures have been taken and the quantity of return
(e) Air dryer for air compressors.
milk has come down to the barest minimum.
(f) Electrical cubical panels for refrigeration.
4.10.16 Outsourcing of transport for
(g) 3 mechanical poly pack machines for 1 litre
transportation of milk
packing. Outsourcing of the transport fleet in phases
With the installation of these equipments, not only the
has been taken up. 58 routes, covering 42 routes
electricity consumption has been reduced but it has
in the morning and 16 in the evening have been
also improved the efficiency.
outsourced as on 31st December, 2009. With phasing
out of vehicles from DMS transport fleet more The present capacity utilization of DMS is
insulated vehicles are being deployed with labour and about 80 per cent. Efforts are being made to utilize
cash collection duties as per requirement of DMS. its capacity by increasing the sale of milk and milk
products leading to reduction in losses.
4.10.17 Upgradation and Modernization of
DMS Plant 4.10.18 Corporatization of DMS The DMS plant, which was installed at the The activities of DMS are purely commercial
time of its commissioning has become old and is in nature. In order to run it as a commercial entity
consuming more electricity etc. and adding to the and make it financially viable, the Union Cabinet has
loss of the organization. The installed capacity of the given ‘in principle’ approval to this Department’s
plant was for processing five lakh litres of milk per proposal to corporatize DMS. National Dairy
day. Presently, the DMS is processing about four lakh Development Board has taken up the job of
litres of milk per day. As the plant is old, it is almost preparation of feasibility report, AOA/MOA etc.
running to an optimum level and therefore, it may by direct negotiation/settlement in terms of Rule,
not be possible to process the milk at the level of its 176 of GFR. After completion of all formalities, the
installed capacity without up-gradation/automation. Department will bring a comprehensive proposal for
During current financial year 2009-10, the following corporatization of DMS before the Union Cabinet for
equipments have been installed and commissioned formal approval.
5.4.2 Development of Freshwater provides cent percent funding assistance.
Aquaculture During 2008-09, an additional area of The main objectives of the scheme are to 25,087 hectare was brought under fish culture and
popularize modern fish farming, creating employment 36,805 fishers were trained in improved practices.
opportunities and diversifying aquaculture practices The scheme has benefited about 40,073 persons.
and providing assistance to fish farmers engaged in Due to introduction of improved technology of fish
aquaculture. farming and the efforts of FFDAs, the national average
productivity of ponds and tanks covered under the In order to boost inland fish production, programme has reached a figure of 2600 kg/ha/
assistance in the form of subsidy is given to the fish annum.
farmers for construction of new ponds, reclamation/
renovation of ponds and tanks, first year inputs 5.4.3 Development of Brackishwater
(fish seed, fertilizers, manures, etc.), integrated fish Aquaculture
farming, running water fish culture, establishment With a view to provide technical, financial and
of fish seed hatcheries and fish feed mills, etc.
extension support to shrimp farmers in the small scale
Assistance is also given to progressive fish farmers
sector, 39 Brackishwater Fish Farmers Development
for purchase of aerators to further enhance the
Agencies (BFDAs) have been sanctioned in all the
productivity of fish. Subsidy for the above-mentioned
coastal States and the UT of Andaman & Nicobar
activities is given at higher rates to fish farmers
Islands. During 2008-09, additional area of about
who belong to Scheduled Tribes/Scheduled Castes.
2,317 ha. was brought under shrimp culture and
Financial assistance is also provided for freshwater
1,457 fishers were trained in improved practices.
prawn seed hatchery, laboratory, soil & water
testing kits, integrated units for ornamental fish and Since inception of the scheme till 2008-09,
transportation of seed in hilly areas. The expenditure
about 38,517 ha. water area has been brought under
towards developmental activities is being shared on
shrimp culture and 33,824 shrimp farmers have been
75:25 basis between the Government of India and
trained in improved practices of shrimp farming and
State Governments. For UTs, Central Government
the number of beneficiaries covered under the
programme is about 27,211 numbers, while
the productivity has reached to 1,200 kg/ha/
the target of covering 30,000 ha water area under range of their fishing operation primarily to increase
fish culture. the quantum of fish catch, income and thereby to uplift
their socio-economic status. About 46,223 traditional
5.5 Development of Marine Fisheries, crafts have been motorized so far since inception of
Infrastructure and Post-Harvest the scheme. The scheme has continued during the 11th
Operations Five Year Plan with the modification that the subsidy
benefit will be extended both for Out Board Motor
5.5.1 Programmes for Development of
Marine Fisheries (OBM) and In Board Motor (IBM) of 8-10 HP. Under
this component, 50 per cent of the unit cost is provided The Department has continued to extend as subsidy subject to a maximum of Rs.30,000/- per
financial assistance for the development of marine OBM/IBM, which is shared equally between the Centre
sector to implement several central sector and and State Governments. In the case of UTs, the Central
centrally sponsored schemes such as motorization of Government meets the entire subsidy. An amount of
traditional craft, assisting the small-scale mechanized Rs.176.30 lakh and Rs.214.00 lakh were released to
sector by subsidizing the excise duty on fuel, setting up various States/UTs during 2008-09 and 2009-10 (till
of infrastructure for safe landing, berthing and post- 31st December, 2009) respectively.
harvest operations etc. and thereby improving the
socio-economic conditions of traditional fishermen. Safety of Fishermen at Sea: The
hazardous nature of sea fishing often results in loss Based on Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) of life and fishing boats and implements, besides
exercise, the ongoing schemes were brought under injury and permanent impairment. Recent studies
a comprehensive scheme since 10th Five Year Plan, have pointed out that calamities occur mostly due to
titled ‘Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Development ill-equipped vessels and non-availability of an early
of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest warning system on board. This component is intended
Operations’ with necessary modifications. The to improve the sea safety to reduce loss of human life
scheme for 11th Five Year Plan has three major and property at sea. Under this component, subsidy
components viz. (i) Development of Marine Fisheries, is provided to the tune of 75 per cent of unit cost
(ii) Development of Infrastructure and Post Harvest of a kit consisting of GPS, communication equipment,
Operations and (iii) Provisions for taking up of echo-sounder and search & rescue beacon. The unit
Innovative Activities. cost of these equipments together works out to about
Rs.1.50 lakh and 75 per cent of which is provided as
5.5.2 Component-wise details of the subsidy. The component is implemented through State
scheme Fisheries Federations/Corporations and Panchayati Development of Marine Fisheries Raj Institutions. An amount of Rs.275.00 lakh has
been released during the year 2009-10 (till 31st Motorization of Traditional Craft: December, 2009) under this component.
Motorization of Traditional Craft, a production
oriented scheme was introduced during 7th Plan with Fishermen Development Rebate on HSD
the objectives of (i) technological upgradation of Oil: The scheme for reimbursement of Central Excise
traditional fishing sector, (ii) to help the fishermen Duty on HSD oil used by fishing vessels below 20
to reduce their physical strain and (iii) to extend the meter length was introduced from 1990-91 onwards
with a view to help the small mechanized fishing This component on multi-day intermediate class of
owners/operators to bring down the operational cost resource specific fishing vessels in the length range
of these vessels and thereby to encourage them of about 18 meters is implemented with a unit cost of
to increase the fishing days, fish catch and income. Rs.60.00 lakh on which a subsidy equivalent to 10 per
Under the restructured scheme for 11th Plan, Central cent of the cost, restricted to Rs.6.00 lakh is provided.
rebate equivalent to 50 per cent of the Sales Tax relief This component is implemented through States/UTs.
granted by the States/UTs on HSD oil used for fishing Prototype study of new intermediate vessel design
purpose with central subsidy limited to Rs.3.00/litre is undertaken through Central Institute of Fisheries
of HSD oil with a ceiling of 500 litres is provided Nautical and Engineering Training (CIFNET). An
per boat per month during active fishing months. amount of Rs.15.00 lakh has been released under
Subsidy is provided to the vessels of size less than 20 the above said scheme during the year 2009-10 (till
meters, registered before 10th Five Year Plan, which December, 2009).
are owned by fishers of Below Poverty Line (BPL)
category. Rs.1,500.00 lakh and Rs.749.00 lakh were Establishment of Operation of Vessel
released to various States/UTs during 2008-09 and Monitoring System: Vessel Monitoring System
2009-10 (till December, 2009) respectively under this (VMS) has been recognized as one of the important
component. management tools for Monitoring, Control and
Surveillance (MCS) of movement of fishing
vessels in the EEZ. this component has been
continued during the 11th Plan to establish
and operate VMS to regulate operation of
fishing vessels in EEZ. Entire cost of such
system is borne by the Government of India.
The Antrix Corporation, Bangalore has
developed software for VMS and installed a
6.3 meter antenna system including pedestal
reflector etc. at the premises of Indian
Coast Guard, Porbandar, Gujarat. Civil work
Fishing in Sea
related to control station has been completed and the Introduction of Intermediate Craft of Department is in the process of obtaining license for
Improved Design: Out of the estimated 3.9 million Mobile Satellite Service Reporting Terminals (MMSRT)
tonnes of potential marine fisheries resources, about from the Department of Telecommunication.
3 million tonnes has been exploited. The remaining
potential exists mainly in the deep sea, which is beyond Promoting Fuel Efficient and
the fishing capacity of small-scale fishing boats. Environment Friendly Fishing Practices: This
Adequate number of appropriately designed boats is a new component introduced during the 11th
would be required to judiciously exploit the fisheries Plan. Fishermen by and large use traditional fuels
potential of the EEZ. Accordingly, this component was like kerosene, diesel and petrol for operating their
included in the macro scheme to acquire an appropriate engines. These fuels not only pollute the air but also
design and to provide the financial incentives to slowly deteriorate the marine environment. Further,
fishermen groups to take up new generation craft. the spiraling price of these conventional fuels is
making the fishing venture increasingly uneconomical. marine fisheries. The activities undertaken under
Shortage of kerosene through PDS has already put this component include (i) conducting awareness
burden on fishermen in certain States. In order to programmes, (ii) implementing Code of Conduct
overcome this, the LPG kit for use on OBMs is a recent for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), (iii) capacity
development through sustained R&D efforts. The evaluation, (iv) undertaking community out reach
results obtained from a pilot study indicates positive programmes on sustainable fisheries and (v)
factors such as reduced wear and tear to the engines, production of Audio visuals on over fishing/over
lower cost of operation and a substantial reduction capacity. The Government of India provides 100
in emissions. The use of LPG kit in OBMs is being per cent financial assistance to undertake these
encouraged to undertake environment friendly fishing. activities. This component is implemented through
Under this component, Central financial assistance to States/UTs, PRIs, Central Fishery Institutes, NGOs
the tune of 30 per cent cost of LPG kit with a ceiling and Fishermen Organizations/Societies.
of Rs.10,000/- is provided to the beneficiaries. This
component is implemented through State Fisheries Development of Infrastructure and Post
Harvest Operations
Federations/Corporations and Panchayati Raj
Institutions. Establishment of Fishing Harbours &
Fish Landing Centers Management of Marine Fisheries:
Over capacity and over fishing are the two identified Development of infrastructure facilities
major factors contributing to resource depletion in for the fishery sector is one of the important factors
marine capture fisheries. Many parts of the world’s that contribute to augment marine fish production
oceans have their major commercial stock either and its exports. In order to meet the infrastructure
totally depleted or dangerously heading towards requirement of fisheries sector, a centrally sponsored
the point of depletion. Unsustainable fishing scheme, with the objective of providing infrastructure
practices, damage to marine habitat and Illegal, facilities for safe landing and berthing of traditional
Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing are other fishing craft, mechanized fishing vessels and deep
major activities, which are negatively impacting the sea fishing vesselswas initiated in 1964. The facilities
stock levels. Maximization of fish production and created under the scheme are fishing harbours and
exports through various developmental strategies fish landing centres which include breakwater, wharf,
have occupied the centre-stage of our fisheries jetty, dredging, reclamation, quay, auction hall, slipway,
planning since independence. Since
the exploitation of fisheries resources
in the territorial waters have either
reached the optimum level or exceeded
in certain instances, focus has to be
shifted to scientific management of our
marine fisheries with development of
appropriate tools and techniques in
harmony with international guidelines in
the matter. This new component aims at
initiating science-based management of Fishing Harbour
workshop, net mending shed and other ancillary necessary facilities to provide remunerative prices to
facilities. the fish farmers for their produce and make available
fresh fish at reasonable prices to the consumers. Since Tenth Five Year Plan, the scheme Under this scheme, State Fisheries Cooperatives,
has been merged with the CSS on Development of Cooperative Federations and primary cooperatives
Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest are assisted in strengthening their marketing
Operations as a component on ‘Establishment of infrastructure to minimize the post-harvest losses
Fishing Harbours and Fish Landing Centres’. The through ideal marketing system. Since reintroduction
Central financial assistance under this component of the scheme during 10th Five Year Plan, 13 ice
is provided to various implementing agencies plants/cold storages, 29 fish retail outlets/kiosks
consisting of (i) 75 per cent to Coastal States, and 29 insulated/refrigerated vehicles were setup
Port Trust, Fishermen Cooperative Societies/ in the country. During 11th Five Year Plan, 13 fish
Organizations/Associations and 100 per cent to preservation and processing facilities, 18 fish retail
UTs for (a) construction of minor fishing harbours outlets and 98 fish transport facilities were set up in
and fish landing centres; and (b) upgradation/ the country.
expansion/repair/renovation of existing minor fishing
7 major fishing harbours, The component under the ongoing plan
harbours and fish landing centres, (ii) 100 per cent
62 minor fishing harbours period consists of four sub-components namely
assistance to Coastal States, Port Trust, Fishermen
and 194 fish landing centers (i) Developing fish preservation and storage
Cooperative Societies/Organizations /Associations
have been taken up for infrastructure, (ii) Developing retail fish marketing
for construction of major fishing harbours, including
implementation in various infrastructure, (iii) Assistance for fish transport
expansion/modernization of existing major fishing
coastal States/UTs. Besides, infrastructure and (iv) Development of Central Fish
harbours and (iii) 50 per cent assistance to Private
one major fishing harbour, 13 Markets in metros and big cities. This programme
Entrepreneurs for construction of major/minor
minor fishing harbours and is implemented through Government Undertakings,
fishing harbours and fish landing centres on Build,
11 fish landing centers have Corporations, Federations, Marketing boards,
Operate & Transfer (BOT) basis.
been taken up for repair and Cooperative Societies, Self Help Groups, NGOs,
renovation/ modernization. Self Help Groups of Women, SHGs of SC/ST, Private During the financial years 2008-09 and
Companies owned by fishermen, SCs/STs.
2009-10 (till 31st December, 2009), Central financial
assistance of Rs.2,828.70 lakh and Rs.2,860.73 lakh Financial assistance to the tune of
respectively were provided to various beneficiary
Rs.186.22 lakh and Rs.84.73 lakh were released
States/UTs for development of fishing harbours and
to various beneficiaries during the financial years
fish landing centres and other infrastructure facilities.
2008-09 and 2009-10 (till 31st December, 2009)
respectively. Strengthening of Post Harvest
Infrastructure Assistance for Maintenance of Dredging
of Fishing Harbours and Fish Landing The Central Sector Scheme implemented
till the end of 8th Five Year Plan was reintroduced
as a component under the CSS on Development of In order to cater to the needs of safe
Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest landing and berthing facilities for various categories
Operations for 10th Five Year Plan with view to create of fishing vessels plying along the coast of the country,
fishing harbour and fish landing centre facilities have R&D studies in fisheries.
been developed under the centrally sponsored
scheme in association with maritime States, Union 5.5.3 Progress of the CSS during 2008-09
Territories and Port Trusts. Every fishing harbour/fish and 2009-10
landing centre is subjected to siltation due to natural
phenomenon. Periodical maintenance and dredging is Rs.49.56 crore was released during 2008-09
inevitable to keep the harbour/landing centre basin fit and Rs.42.45 crore has been released during 2009-
for safe navigation. 10 (till 31st December 2009) to the implementing
agencies under the scheme Development of Marine Realizing the siltation problem faced Fisheries, Infrastructure and Post Harvest Operation.
by existing fishing harbours and fish landing
centres, a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger 5.5.4 Development of Deep Sea Fishing
‘TSD Sindhuraj’ has been procured under the
Japanese Grants-in-aid programme with an aid of On the basis of the guidelines issued by the
Japanese Yen 1,248.00 million. TSD Sindhuraj is Department during November, 2002 (amended in
September 2004) permitting Indian Flag Vessels
ideal for dredging in shallow waters. The dredger
in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone, Indian
can remove siltation of about 2 lakh cubic meters
companies are issued Letters of Permission (LOPs)
for import & operation of resource specific vessels. The operation and maintenance of the By the end of 2009-10, 82deep sea fishing vessels
dredger has been carried out through the Department belonging to 20 Indian Companies/Firms are holding
of Ports, Government of Kerala, for which the valid LOPs and are authorized to fish in the Exclusive
maintenance cost and insurance etc. is borne by the Economic Zone (EEZ) of India beyond territorial
Centre under the scheme. Besides, central assistance waters.
to the tune of 50 per cent of the cost of dredging/
5.6 National Scheme of Welfare of
de-silting at existing fishing harbours and fish landing
centers has been provided to various implementing
agencies for dredging/de-silting of existing fishing
5.6.1 This scheme has the following four
harbours and fish landing centres. In the case of components:-
Union Territories, 100 per cent cost of maintenance
dredging is borne by the Union Government. (a) Development of Model Fishermen Villages;
(b) Group Accident Insurance for Active Provision for Taking up of Innovative Fishermen;
Activities. (c) Saving-cum-Relief and
(d) Training and Extension This is a new component introduced under
the CSS during the 11th Five Year Plan period. Under this (a) Development of Model Fishermen Villages
component, financial assistance is provided for taking
innovative activities in marine fisheries/infrastructure, The objective of the component is
human resource development, strengthening of to provide basic civic amenities such as housing,
fisheries management, monitoring, evaluation and drinking water and construction of community hall
for fishermen. A fishermen village may consist of has been increased to Rs.30/- per head which will
not less than 10 houses. The villages would be be subsidized by the Centre and the State on 50:50
provided with tube wells at the rate of one tube basis.
well for every 20 houses. For recreation and
(c) Saving-cum-Relief
common working place, a fishermen village with
at least 75 houses is eligible to avail financial The objective of this component is to provide
assistance for construction of a community hall.
financial assistance to fishermen during lean fishing
Unit costs under the scheme is Rs.50,000/- for a
season. Under this component, beneficiary has to
house, Rs.30,000/- for the tube-well (Rs.35,000
contribute a part of the earnings during non-lean
for North Eastern Region) and Rs.1,75,000/- for
months. A contribution of Rs.600/- in 9 months
community hall. The expenditure is shared equally
of fishing period is being made by fisherman and
between central and state government. In case of
Rs.1,200/- are being contributed by the Centre and
union territories, the expenditure is fully borne by
the State on 50:50 basis. The total sum of Rs.1,800/-
the Centre. The Government has increased the unit
is distributed to fisherman @ Rs.600/- per month for
cost for a fisherman’s house from Rs.40,000/- to
three months of lean period. In case of UTs, entire
Rs.50,000/- during the 11th Five Year Plan.
governmental contribution of Rs. 1,200/- is met by
the centre.
(b) Group Accident Insurance for Active
Fishermen (d) Training and Extension T he objective of this component is to provide The main objective of this component is to
insurance cover to fishermen engaged actively provide training to fishery personnel so as to assist
in fishing. Such active fishermen are insured for them in undertaking fisheries extension programmes
Rs.1,00,000/- for one year against accidental death effectively. The scheme provides assistance to fisher
or permanent total disability and Rs.50,000/- for folk in upgrading their skills. To enhance training
permanent partial disability. The upper limit for facilities, assistance is also provided for setting up/
insurance premium is Rs.30/- per head. 50 per cent upgradation of training/awareness centres in states/
of the annual premium is subsidized as grants in aid union territories. From the year 1999-2000, this
by the Centre and remaining 50 per cent by State scheme is being operated with 80 per cent central
Governments. In case of a Union Territory, 100 per assistance in case of States and 100 per cent central
cent premium is borne by Government of India. A assistance in case of union territories and other
single policy is taken in respect of all those States/ organizations. Other components of the scheme are
Union Territories that are participating through to publish manuals to provide adequate extension
FISHCOPFED. During the 11th Plan, the Government material, production of video films on the technologies
has increased the insured sum to Rs.1,00,000/- and its publicity, to conduct meetings/workshops/
against accidental death or permanent total disability seminars, etc. of national importance. The scheme has
and Rs.50,000/- for permanent partial disability. been merged with ‘Welfare Programme for Fishermen’
Accordingly, the upper limit for insurance premium during 2005-06.
5.6.2 Progress of Scheme during 2008-09 (a) Sample survey for estimation of inland
and 2009-10 fishery resources and their potential and fish
production. A sum of Rs.25.15 crore was released to
(b) Census on marine fisheries
States/UTs/FISHCOPFED during 2008-09 to cover
about 3.55 lakh fishers under Saving-cum-Relief (c) Catch assessment survey for inland and marine
component, for construction of 8,666 houses, to cover fisheries
33.20 lakh fishermen under Group Accident Insurance (d) Development of GIS
component and for training of fish farmers.
(e) Assessment of fish production potential in
coastal areas During 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009), a
sum of Rs.32.37 crore has been released to States/ (f) Evaluation Studies/professional services
UTs/FISHCOPFED to cover about 3.86 lakh fishers (g) Registration of fishing vessels
under Saving-cum-Relief component, to construct
(h) Development of database of fisheries
6,125 houses for fishers, to cover 28.31 lakh fishers
cooperative of India
under Group Accident Insurance, establishment of
three training-cum-awareness centre and training of (i) Mapping of smaller water bodies and
6,088 fishermen. development of GIS based fishery management
system The Government of India has approved the (j) Strengthening of Statistical Unit at
continuation of the National Scheme of Welfare of Headquarters
Fishermen during the 11th Five Year Plan with an
(a) Sample Survey for Estimation of Inland
outlay of Rs.180.00 crore. The Government has also
Fishery Resources and their Potential and
approved change in the pattern of funding for the
Fish Production
North-Eastern States from 50:50 to 75:25 between
the Centre and North-Eastern State to give impetus Sample survey to prepare benchmark
to development in these States in respect of the first estimates of inland fish production along with
three components. potential of inland fish production and productivity,
was conducted in the initial years of 11th Five Year
5.7 Strengthening of Database and Plan. It is now proposed to conduct pilot study for
Geographical Information System production potential of 22 districts of three States,
for Fisheries Sector namely, Haryana (6), Karnataka (9), Assam (7).
(c) Catch Assessment Surveys for Inland & (g) Registration of Fishing Vessels
Marine Fisheries Issue of registration of fishing vessels Catch Assessment Survey of Inland and along with other coastal security issues have been
Marine Fisheries are conducted on regular basis and greatly emphasized after terrorist attack in Mumbai
the States are furnishing quarterly estimates of fish on 26/11/2008 and to have a uniform system for
production based on data collected through sample registration of all types of fishing vessels, irrespective
surveys. The methodology of sample surveys were of their size and tonnage in lieu of different registration
developed by Central Inland Fisheries Research regimes adopted by coastal States/UTs is desirable.
Institute (CIFRI) for inland and CMFRI for marine This component will be implemented in nine
fisheries. coastal States and four UTs besides establishing
(d) Development of Geographical Information requisite infrastructure facilities for creation of
System of the Fisheries Sector centralized database in Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, New Delhi. Under For the development of Geographical this component, 100per cent central financial assistance
Information System (GIS), inland waterbodies of area is provided to all Coastal State Governments, UTs and
0.5 ha. and above were mapped during 10th Five Year National Informatics Centre (NIC) for development
Plan using satellite images of LISS III in all the States of required software and creation of necessary
and LISS IV in five States. During 11th Five Year Plan, infrastructural facilities. Besides, entire cost for
LISS IV images are being used for all the States and development of centralized database in New Delhi
coverage of waterbody, greater than 0.5 hectare, will and its management, maintenance and operation will
be taken. be met under the Scheme.
(e) Assessment of Fish Production Potential (h) Development of Database of Fisheries
in Coastal Areas Cooperative of India It is essential that data on different It is necessary to study socio-economic
species harvested from brackishwater aquaculture status of fishers especially income, literacy, technical
farms is included in overall production data to knowledge etc. FISHCOPFED will conduct survey
arrive at correct production data. In this direction, and record the facilities available with primary level
a proper methodology will be evolved for collecting cooperative societies in 30 States and 4 UTs of
this information through farmers/collection India. FISHCOPFED will also appoint Field Surveyors/
centres/processing plants and task of survey for Investigators for this purpose. FISHCOPFED is
potential estimation is being done by CIFRI/State running four Regional Offices in Andhra Pradesh,
Governments. Assam, Chhattisgarh and Orissa.
mapping of all water bodies for an area of 5 cottah The institute conducts various courses including
(0.08 acre) or more along with related activities (i) four year degree course ‘Batchelor of Fishery
associated with such water bodies on scale of 1: Science (Nautical Science)’ approved and affiliated by
4000 by application of Remote Sensing Technologies, Cochin University of Science & Technology recognized
conceived in year 2007. The project proposal by UGC; (ii) Two Trade courses, Vessel Navigator &
includes mapping of water bodies and development Marine Fitter of duration of two years, approved by
of GIS based fisheries management system. the Ministry of Labour, affiliated to National Council
(j) Strengthening of Statistical Unit at for Vocational Training (NCVT) and (iii) short term
Headquarters training programmes for the benefit of students from
professional colleges, sister organizations, fisheries Due to shortage of staff and infrastructure departments of the State Govt. etc.
at Headquarters, it is not possible to compile
statistics for this Scheme and hence, it is proposed During 2008-09 and 2009-10 (till 31st
to engage contractual Data Entry Operator and December 2009), 95 persons and 72 persons were
purchase essential infrastructural items like PC with trained respectively in these two main training courses.
software packages, photocopier, scanner and other In addition, 904 and 325 candidates were trained
consumable goods for which an amount of Rs.10 in short-term training programmes for sponsored/
lakh is proposed. Departmental candidates in fishing technology, gear
technology, marine engineering etc. during the said
5.7.2 Progress of the scheme during 2008- years.
09 and 2009-10 Expenditure to the tune of Rs.7.18 crore and A sum of Rs.2.40 crore was released for the Rs.4.49 crore were incurred during 2008-09 and
year 2008-09 and a sum of Rs. 7.95 crore has been 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009) respectively.
released during 2009-10 (till 31st December 2010)
under the scheme. 5.8.2 National Institute of Fisheries Post
Harvest, Technology & Training
5.8 Assistance to Fisheries Institutes (NIFPHATT), Cochin.
5.8.1 Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical The Integrated Fisheries Project was renamed
and Engineering Training (CIFNET), by the Government of India in 2008 as National
Kochi Institute of Fisheries Post Harvest Technology &
Training. Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical &
Engineering Training (CIFNET) was established in During 2008-09, 227.89 tonnes of fish were
1963 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of processed and 139.15 tonnes of fish were marketed.
India at Cochin. Further two units of the institute were During the year 2009-10 (till 31st December 2009),
set up at Chennai and at Visakhapatnam. The primary the Institute has processed 113.40 tonnes of fish
objective of the institute is to make available sufficient including job work for outside parties and sold 88.41
number of trained operatives for fishing vessels and tonnes of fish and fish products through stalls, mobile
technicians for shore establishments. units, contractor sales etc valued at Rs.47.52 lakh.
The Institute has imparted training to a total of 637 The institute has procured two monofilament
trainees in various disciplines during the year 2008- long liners in 2005 in replacement of two
09 and generated revenue of Rs.72.03 lakh from all decommissioned vessels. These vessels, provided
sources. with facilities for carrying out scientific work on board,
are utilized for demonstrating the monofilament Expenditure to the tune of Rs.1.74 crore and fishing technology to fishermen apart from carrying
Rs.1.48 crore were incurred during 2008-09 and out survey of the oceanic tuna resources.
2009-10 (till 31st December 2009) respectively.
5.8.4 Central Institute of Coastal
5.8.3 Fishery Survey of India (FSI) Engineering for Fishery (CICEF),
Bangalore The Fishery Survey of India (FSI) is responsible
for survey and assessment of marine fishery resources The Central Institute of Coastal Engineering
of the Indian EEZ with its headquarter at Mumbai. The for Fishery (CICEF) formerly known as office of
FSI has six operational bases at Mumbai, Mormugao and the Pre-Investment Survey of Fishing Harbours
Kochi along the West Coast, Chennai and Visakhapatnam (PISFH), a subordinate office of this Department
along the east coast and Port Blair in the Andaman & was established in January 1968, under technical
Nicobar Islands. A total of 13 ocean ongoing survey and manpower assistance from the Food and
vessels are deployed for fisheries resources survey Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
and monitoring. Besides resources surveys, the FSI Development Programme (UNDP). The main
monitors the fishery resources for the purpose of objectives were to identify potential fishery harbour
regulation and management, makes an assessment of sites existing all along the coastline of the Country for
suitability of different types of craft and gear for deep- the development of fishery harbours, to undertake
sea and oceanic fishing, imparting in-vessel training to engineering and economic investigations for the
CIFNET/Polytechnic trainees, disseminates information selected fishery harbour sites and prepare techno-
on fishery resources through various media to the economic feasibility reports (TEFR). The office of
fishing community, industry, other end users, etc. The PISFH was renamed as CICEF in August 1983 and
survey fleet of the Institute undertakes bottom trawl additional mandates were entrusted to undertake
survey, midwater/columnar resources survey and long reconnaissance surveys for selection of suitable sites
line survey for demersal, columnar and oceanic tunas existing in all the maritime states for the development
and allied resources as well as for oceanic sharks. of brackishwater shrimp culture farms. During the period 2008-09 and 2009-10, the This Institute, till the end of the end of December
survey vessels collectively had 1,480 fishing days and 2009, has carried out engineering and economic
755 fishing days respectively, expending a total fishing investigations for the development of fishery harbours
effort of 3,324 hours and 1,910 hours and operated and fish landing centres at 79 sites and prepared TEFRs
2,74,428 hooks and 1,16,183 hooks respectively. for 78 sites. This Institute has also reconnoitred about
66,200 ha., of brackishwater area and engineering Expenditure to the tune of Rs.31.87 crore investigations were carried out over 15,600 ha., in all the
and Rs.21.47 crore were incurred during 2008-09 maritime states for the development of brackishwater
and 2009-10 respectively. shrimp culture projects.
5.9 National Fisheries Development Departments in the Central Government and
Board (NFDB) also coordinate with the State/Union Territory
5.9.1 National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) (iii) To improve production, processing, storage,
was set up in September, 2006, with its head quarter at transport and marketing of the products and
Hyderabad to realize the untapped potential of fisheries culture fisheries.
sector in inland and marine fish capture, culture,
(iv) To achieve sustainable management and
processing & marketing of fish, and over all growth of
conservation of natural aquatic resources
fisheries sector with the application of modern tools of
including the fish stocks.
research & development including biotechnology for
optimizing production and productivity form fisheries. (v) To apply modern tools of research and
development including biotechnology for
5.9.2 The activities of the Board are focused optimizing production and productivity form
towards increasing the fish production of the country fisheries.
to a level of 10.3 million tonnes, to double the (vi) To provide modern infrastructure mechanisms
exports from Rs.7,000 crore to Rs.14,000 crore and for fisheries and ensure their effective
provide employment 3.5 million persons by extending management and optimum utilization.
assistance to various agencies for implementation of
(vii) To generate substantial employment.
activities under inland, brackish water and marine
sectors. It will propagate a platform for public-private (viii) To train and empower women in the fisheries
partnership for fisheries sector.
(ix) To enhance contribution of fish towards food
5.9.3 Objectives of the National Fisheries
and nutritional security.
Development Board
(i) To bring major activities relating to fisheries 5.9.4 Achievements of the National Fisheries
and aquaculture for focused attention and Development Board:
professional management.
(ii) To coordinate activities pertaining to (a) Intensive Aquaculture in ponds and tanks
fisheries undertaken by different Ministries/ An amount of Rs.17.79 crore has been
released till December 2009 during 2009-
10 to 14 States for the following activities:
l Construction of new ponds in 1612.98
ha., renovation of ponds, inputs for 1547.98
ha, 2 hatcheries, trout culture in 275
ha., training and demonstration to 3066
beneficiaries in intensive aquaculture.
l Technology up-gradation schemes.
l Development of community
Stocking of Sea Bass in Cage participation for enhanced fisheries
management model for chaurs and
mauns in Bihar by CIFE (Rs.56.97
lakhs), Quality seed production
and stock up-gradation of carps
through use of cryo-preservation
technology in the selected
hatcheries of Andhra Pradesh
and Orissa (Rs.27.86 lakhs),
up-gradation and refinement for
seed production and grow out
technology for indigenous cat Domestic Marketing of Fish
fish magur. capacity building on handling, processing and packing
of fish hygienically.
(b) Reservoir Fisheries Development
(e) Mariculture An amount of Rs.11.33 crore was released to
11 States towards seed stocking in reservoirs covering An amount of Rs.0.07 crore was released to
an area of 3,07,892 ha. and training & demonstration research institutions towards HRD programs.
to 5,462 members in reservoir fisheries management.
(f) Infrastructure for Post Harvest
(c) Coastal Aquaculture Processing An amount of Rs.2.32 crore was released to 3 An amount of Rs.14.17 crore was released
States to conduct the training of 520 beneficiaries on towards Modernization of Fishing Harbours,
development of infrastructure for aquatic quarantine Establishment of net making units, Establishment of
facility at Chennai. SPF shrimp seed Multiplication Center at Srikakulam,
Andhra Pradesh.
(d) Fish dressing centres and solar drying of
fish (g) Domestic Marketing An amount of Rs.0.09 crore was released to Rs.8.84 crore was released for modernization
3 States towards training of 655 fisherwomen for of whole sale fish market at Nellore; setting up of one
modern fish retail outlet at Bhimavaram and
setting up of five retail outlets at Rajhamundry
in Andhra Pradesh, modernization of whole
sale fish market at Ukkadam and setting up
of 5 retail outlets by TNFDC, Tamil Nadu and
establishment of 4 units of ornamental and
fish markets by BENFISH, West Bengal.
fisheries in Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra and vide Gazette Notification dated 22nd December, 2005.
Kerala, establishment of fish feed mills in Assam and The main objective of the Authority is to regulate
Maharashtra and cage rearing and grow out of Indian coastal aquaculture activities in coastal areas in order
major Carps in two units of cages in coal pits on pilot to ensure sustainable development without causing
basis in Barbani in Burdwan district, West Bengal. damage to the coastal environment. The Authority is
empowered to make regulations for the construction
5.9.5 Human Resource Development and operation of aquaculture farms in coastal areas,
Programme inspection of farms to ascertain their environmental
impact, registration of aquaculture farms, fixing NFDB is mandated to train and empower standards for inputs and effluents, removal or
the fisheries officials, progressive farmers and demolition of coastal aquaculture farms, which cause
entrepreneurs in technical, financial and managerial pollution etc.
skills to play a vital role in the development of fisheries
sector. It desires to achieve this by having a partnership 5.10.2 Activities and Achievements of the
with the existing fisheries research institutes under Authority
ICAR, training institutes under Ministry of Agriculture
and Ministry of Rural Development. One of the major tasks accomplished by
the CAA was the registration of shrimp farms on The training programmes were started in the recommendations of the State and District Level
the month of September, 2009 and 29 training Committees constituted for this purpose. Besides
programmes were organized with 458 participants clearing the applications for registration, the Authority
in different fields of technical, administrative, financial discussed many vital issues such as norms for
and cooperative matters by the end of December registration of hatcheries, antibiotic residues in shrimp,
2009. An expenditure of Rs.53.38 lakh was incurred standards for probiotics and feed, High Tide Line (HTL)
in organizing such trainings. Apart from this, an and Inter Tidal areas, Environment Impact Assessment,
amount of Rs.4.94 lakh was spent towards organizing stocking density etc. As per the guidelines notified by
seminars/workshops and for advertisements under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, the
HRD. team constituted by CAA inspected 50 hatcheries and
the committee constituted by the Ministry permitted Budget outlay for NFDB for 2006-2012 is 24 hatcheries to import SPF L. vannamei broodstock
Rs.1550.00 crore. In the year 2008-09 and
2009-10 (up to December 2009), Rs.46.90
crore and Rs.85.00 crore were released to
achieve the intended objectives.
as well as for seed production and sale of post larvae 83 farms with water spread area (WSA) of
to the registered farms. 794.51 ha. have been inspected by the Inspection
Committee constituted by the CAA and based on During the year, CAA has considered and bio-security, ETS and other stipulated conditions, 28
approved 4,630 applications recommended by the farms with WSA of 49.17 ha. have been permitted to
DLCs/SLCs for registration and issued Registration undertake SPF L. vannamei culture in the States of
Certificates. Altogether 15,352 Registration Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Certificates have been issued to coastal aqua farms
since inception of CAA. Total area of the 4,630 A total of 155 hatcheries have been
farms registered with CAA during 2009 for farming provisionally registered by MPEDA for tiger shrimp
is 8773.06 ha. seed production as per CAA Act, 2005.
CHAPTER 6 to 9
7.1 The Department of Animal Husbandry, corollary, the various schemes implemented by
Dairying & Fisheries is implementing various Central the Depar tment benefit these sections of the
Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes, mainly society. Since, none of the schemes implemented
aimed at strengthening the infrastructure of the by the Depar tment, except welfare programme for
State Governments for the development of livestock, fishermen, is directly beneficiary oriented, it has
dairying & fisheries sectors. None of the schemes, not been possible for the Depar tment to maintain
except Welfare Programme for Fishermen, is a record of the number of people belonging
directly beneficiary-oriented. A large population to the Scheduled Cates, Scheduled Tribes and
of the country belonging to the Scheduled Castes, women benefiting from these schemes. Keeping
Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of in view the nature of the schemes, the State
the society and women are engaged in activities Governments/Implementing Agencies have also
in the livestock and fisheries sectors. As a not been maintaining such a record.
8.1 Women in Animal Husbandry & 8.1.4 In the Poultry Sector, especially in the scheme
Dairying for promotion of rural poultry, it has been felt that as
rural poultry is an income supplementing scheme and
8.1.1 The Department does not have any specific mostly implemented by women, emphasis in training
scheme designated for empowerment of women. should be given to women.
However, the Department has always emphasized
on providing benefits to women engaged in animal 8.1.5 Similarly, in the scheme for conservation of
husbandry, dairying & fisheries. breeds, the conservation of sheep, goat and small
ruminants are directed towards sectors in which
8.1.2 In the Animal Husbandry sector, men and women are being identified to take up such schemes.
women work hand in hand with certain activities like
8.1.6 Women are actively involved in allied fisheries
feeding the animals, milking of animals etc. mostly
activities like fish seed collection, fishing of juvenile
performed by women. However, role of both men
fishes, collection of mussels, edible oysters, sea
and women are complementary in the field of animal
weeds, fish marketing, fish processing and product
husbandry and it is not possible to segregate the
development etc. Training, micro finance, organizing
functions into specific grouping.
them into groups and capacity building are the thrust
areas for enhancing their involvement and participation
8.1.3 Women have been at the fore-front of
in the fishery sector.
dairy cooperative movement, which was initially
carried under the Operation Flood Programme 8.1.7 Schemes/Programmes implemented by the
and later also under the Integrated Dairy Department have been beneficial to women. All the
Development Programme implemented by the States/Union Territories have been requested to
Government. maintain record in this regard.
10.1 A number of districts in the States of Andhra animals will not be purchased, as the beneficiary
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala have farmers cannot afford to take any risk. It is suggested
seen higher incidence of suicide by farmers due to that a team of three persons viz., the beneficiary,
economic distress. There are 31 such identified local veterinarian and a representative of the District
districts (16 in Andhra Pradesh, 6 in Maharashtra, Administration or bank may purchase the animals.
6 in Karnataka and 3 in Kerala). In order to provide Beneficiary seeks out an animal for purchase,
economic relief to the farming population in these which is inspected by the aforesaid team. If the
districts, this Department is implementing a ‘Special team approves the selection, the animal is tagged
Livestock Sector and Fisheries Package for the Suicide and vaccinated. The bank pays the purchase price
Prone Districts in the States of Andhra Pradesh, directly to the seller. Each identified beneficiary is
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala’, which has provided with two animals. One animal is purchased
following components: initially and the second animal after six to seven
months of the purchase of the first animal so that
(a) Induction of high yielding milch animals
lactation cycle is staggered with continuous milk
10.1.1 It has been decided to induct 1,000 high production and income generation. Induction of
yielding milch animals per district per year so that cattle in excess of 1000 per district per year by
small and marginal farmers who are more vulnerable utilizing savings is also allowed. Beneficiary may
to economic distress may have an alternate source of use the entire subsidy amount of Rs. 30,000/- for
income. For this, the farmers are provided subsidy to purchase of two milch animals, without making any
the extent of 50 per cent of the cost of purchase of investment on the animal shed, if he/she already has
the required shed.
animals, with balance coming through loan from banks,
for which NABARD provides adequate refinance. Thus, (b) Calf rearing programme
a total of 3,000 high yielding milch animals would
be inducted in each of the affected districts over 10.1.2 Induction of 1000 high yielding milch animals
a period of three years that is from 2006-07 to per district per year for three years will also result in
2008-09. The average cost of a high yielding milch induction of 500 female calves per district in each of
animal is Rs.30,000 per animal (including shed). The these years. As the farmers in the identified districts
Government of India provides the subsidy component. may not be able to meet the rearing cost of the calves,
The State Governments decide the breed(s) of animals it has been decided to provide 50 per cent subsidy
that may be purchased. Purchasing milch animals with on their rearing cost of the calf animals for a period
calf at foot (age within one month) is the ideal time of one year. The cost of rearing, including milk, feed,
for buying milch animals so that benefits of major part fodder and health cover is assessed at Rs.40/-per
of the lactation is available to the farmer. Pregnant animal per day. 50 per cent subsidy is borne by the
Government of India.
(c) Providing cattle / buffalo breeding of animals inducted for a period of one year, which
services is estimated at Rs.300 per animal per year. This is
borne by the Government of India under the centrally
10.1.3 The National Project for Cattle & Buffalo
sponsored scheme ‘Assistance to States for Control of
Breeding (NPCBB) is already being implemented in
Animal Diseases’. Additional animals inducted under
the four States. It has been decided to extend the
the package may also be extended health cover for
cattle/buffalo breeding services, free of cost, to all the
a period of one year, without involving any additional
breedable cattle and buffaloes in the 31 districts and
financial implication.
intensify them through door-to-door services. This
relaxation is applicable only once for every animal (e) Establishment of milk chilling units
in these districts. Further it has also been decided
to cover 70 per cent of the breedable animals once 10.1.5 It is necessary to provide chilling centres
by estrus synchronization. The cost of providing for holding the milk to facilitate procurement. It has
AI services at the doorstep was fixed at Rs.450 been decided to provide necessary funds under this
per animal (assuming three inseminations per package to set up chilling centres for every 10,000 to
successful conception) in 2006, which was reduced 12,000 litres of milk producing cluster of dairy units.
to Rs.300/- per animal in 2007. The saving of Funds would be provided by the Government of India
Rs.150 /- per animal was to be used to meet the from the outlay for the centrally sponsored scheme
additional requirement for estrus synchronization ‘Intensive Dairy Development Programme’ (IDDP) to
as the cost had increased from Rs.500 per animal establish 50 chilling units over a period of five years.
to Rs.650 per animal in 2007. The permissible As per existing norms, funds under the IDDP can be
cost of estrus synchronization has been increased provided for only those districts which were not covered
from Rs.650/- to Rs.750 for Protocol I and Rs.800 by ‘Operation Flood’ or in which expenditure under OF
for Protocol II. The savings achieved by exercising was less than Rs.50 lakh. It has been decided to waive
economy in the implementation of the AI coverage these conditions in respect of these 31 districts.
can be utilized for supply of mineral mixture and kits
(f) Feed and fodder supply programme
for detection, preservation and control of mastistis.
Taking up de-worming and provision of urea molasses 10.1.6 The high yielding milch animals (average milk
blocks as a substitute for estrus synchronization is
production - 10Kg./day) need about 14 to 15 Kgs.
also allowed to bring animals into fertile heat. The
of balanced feed and fodder per day, which can be
funds requirement for implementing this component
processed and compressed into a block. Such blocks
is provided by the Government of India under the
can be produced commercially by establishment of
fodder block making units. The blocks can be easily
(d) Provision of health care to dairy animals transported and stored in banks and supplied to the
farmers on a weekly/fortnightly basis. Daily requirement
10.1.4 The farmers in the affected districts may not of 31,000 high yielding cows and buffaloes comes to
be able to afford the expense involved in proper health 31,000 fodder blocks (14-15 kg. each). For feeding
care of the high yielding cows/buffaloes. It has been of such blocks, 25 per cent of the cost of Rs.100 for
decided to provide health care services in respect each block will be provided as subsidy by the Central
(g) Establishment of fodder block making ha. area in each of these 31 districts, may be taken up
units under the existing scheme ‘Development of Freshwater
Aquaculture’. The scheme provides assistance for
10.1.7 It has been decided to establish fodder block construction of ponds and input costs for the first year.
making units in the affected districts, where adequate As per norms, the capital cost per hectare comes to
quantity of crop residues, dry fodder etc. are available. Rs.2.00 lakh and input costs Rs.30,000. It has been
The fodder blocks produced by such units may be decided to double the existing subsidy of 20 per cent
balanced to provide the requisite nutrients, including in the case of general category farmers and 25 per
vitamins and minerals for high yielding cows. The feed- cent for SC/ST farmers to 40 per cent and 50per
fodder blocks are also convenient for transportation cent respectively. As against the existing provision of
and storage. At present, a subsidy of 25 per cent is sharing of subsidy in the ratio of 75: 25 between the
provided for establishment of a plant costing about Centre and the States, cent percent subsidy for the
Rs.85 lakh with a production capacity of 30 tonnes farmers in these districts will be borne by the Central
of feed-fodder block per day. In relaxation, it has now Government. Renovation and repair of ponds is also
been decided to increase the subsidy to 50 per cent permissible activity under this component.
to attract entrepreneurs of such plants and establish
20 units in the suicide prone districts. Provision of (i) Conducting Fertility Camp
feed concentrate as an option for fodder blocks is
also allowed in view of the farmers’ preference for 10.1.9 It may not be necessary to take recourse to
concentrate feed readily available in the market. In estrus synchronization to bring animals into fertile
place of 10 fodder block making units involving a heat. Some of the animals suffering from sub-fertile
financial outlay of Rs.4.26 crore for the entire period conditions may be brought into heat with minor
of package, two fodder block making units at a cost interventions such as provision of micro mineral
of Rs.85 lakh per unit may be established and the supplements, fat-soluble vitamins and antibiotic
remaining funds of Rs.3.41 crore may be utilized therapy at an average cost of Rs.150/- per animal.
for setting up 100 mini feed mixing plants at a cost In this manner, more number of female animals can
of Rs.6.5 lakh per unit approximately, providing be made fertile by spending less than the cost of
subsidy of 50 per cent to the beneficiary. Further, re- hormonal treatment for estrus synchronization. Funds
appropriation of funds from the component ‘Fodder made available for breeding services component of
Block Making Units’ to other activities or for up- the Special Package may be utilized for the purpose.
gradation of existing cattle feed plants, is allowed
(j) Pregnant Animal Feeding Programme
provided the feed produced in such cattle feed plants
is supplied to the animals inducted under the Special
10.1.10 It provides for provision of nutritional support
Package at a subsidized rate.
to animals in later stages of pregnancy from sixth
(h) Fisheries Programme month onwards by giving one kg. of cattle feed per
day. The feeding programme for pregnant animals
10.1.8 It has also been decided to provide farmers in in their late pregnancy will lead to higher milk yield
the 31 districts with an opportunity for supplementary following calving. Further, provision of one dose of
income through fisheries by development/creation of anti-helmentic during third trimester of pregnancy
water bodies. A fisheries programme, initially in 100 and one dose during the first week after parturition
to improve the milk production capacity of the animals equipments, Rs.11,041/- for feed cost and
has also been approved. Funds for the purpose at Rs.1,300/- for health/insurance cover. The
the rate of Rs.1,010/- per animal may be met from component is expected to help generating
the savings available for breeding component of the an annual return of Rs.52,000/- from the
package. second year.
(iii) Poultry: This involves a provision of
(k) Goatery, piggery, poultry and sheep
farming 100 dual purpose low input technology birds
in scavenging mode of feed in two batches of
10.1.11 In order to provide additional avenues 50 each. A total investment of Rs.13,000/-
of generating subsidiary income to the affected on cost of birds, shed and equipment,
population in the identified districts, goatery, piggery, supplementary feed cost, health/insurance
poultry and sheep farming were also included in the with a subsidy of 50per cent with a ceiling of
Special Package. The identified beneficiaries may Rs.6,500/-.
select these options depending on local conditions. (iv) Sheep Farming: Sheep farming may
The details of goatery, piggery, poultry and sheep be taken up as an additional component of the
farming are as follows: scheme with a total outlay of Rs.1 lakh for a
(i) Goatery: Beneficiary will be provided unit of 40 ewes and 2 rams with a subsidy
a unit of 40 does and 2 bucks with shed/ of 50per cent. Subsidy includes Rs.34,500/-
equipment, one year’s feed cost and health/ for procurement of animals and the remaining
insurance cover, involving a total investment for shed/equipments, feed cost and health/
of Rs.1,00,000/-. An amount of Rs.51,500/- insurance coverage.
will be available as subsidy and the balance
(l) Pen and Cage Culture:
comes as bank loan. Out of the subsidy of
Rs.51,500/-, an amount of Rs.32,000/- is for 10.1.12 Pen and cage culture are modern fish
the induction of animals, Rs.9,640/- for shed seed rearing technologies to increase fish
and equipments, Rs.5,400/- as feed cost production. The productivity of fish seed can be
and Rs.4,060/- for health/insurance cover. enhanced manifold by resorting to cage culture in
The component is envisaged to generate reservoirs. Similarly, pen culture is a low-cost and
an annual return of Rs.40,000/- from the effective technology suitable for rearing fish seed
second year. from spawn to fingerlings stage within the reservoir
(ii) Piggery: Under this component, itself. An amount of Rs.15,000/-, including capital
three sows and one boar will be provided expenditure of Rs.10,000/- and operative cost of
involving a total investment of Rs.90,933/- Rs.5,000/- is provided to produce fingerlings at
on cost of animals, shed/equipment, one the rate of 13.2 kg/Cu.m. per crop per cage of 54
year’s feed cost, health/insurance cover. Cu.m. An amount of Rs.6,750/- will be provided as
This includes Rs.45,500/- as subsidy and subsidy and the remaining amount comes in the form
the balance as bank loan. The subsidy of bank loan. It is envisaged to generate an income
component provides Rs.6,500/- for of Rs.21,384/- with a net profit of Rs.6,384/- from
induction of animals, Rs.28,666/- for shed/ these activities.
(m) Mitigation of Agrarian Distress in Idukki Dairying and Fisheries. After examination of these
District and Development of Kuttanad proposals, a sum of Rs.6.17 crore was released
Wetland Eco-system
during 2009-10 (till 31st December, 2009).
National Livestock Policy, Bio-diversity and Animal Genetic Resources, Animal Care/Animal Welfare
Administration, Central Cattle Development Organization, NPCBB, Dairy Development, DMS, NDDB and all matters related
to Dairy Division, Parliament, International Cooperation and Vigilance.
Livestock Health, Veterinary Council of India, National Institute of Animal Health, Animal Quarantine & Certification
Services, Plan Coordination, Trade and Codex Matters.
Poultry, Central Poultry Development Organizations, Feed & Fodder, Central Fodder Development Organizations, Goat,
Sheep, Pig, Equine & Pack animals, Slaughterhouses, Meat and Meat Products, General Coordination, Animal Husbandry
Extension, Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
All matters related to policy, regulation and development of fisheries, Fisheries Institutes namely, FSI, CIFNET, NIFPHATT
& CICEF and the matters related to NFDB.
Livestock Census, Livestock Insurance, Integrated Sample Survey and all matters related to Animal Husbandry
List of Subjects allocated to the Department of
Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries
The following subjects falling within List I of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India:-
1. Industries, the control of which by the Union is declared by Parliament by law to be expedient in
public interest as far as these relate to Development of Livestock, fish and birds feed and dairy,
poultry and fish products with the limitation that in regard to the development of industries, the
functions of the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying (Pashupalan aur Dairy Vibhag)
do not go further than the formulation of demand and fixation of targets.
2. Liaison and cooperation with international organizations in matters relating to livestock, poul-
try and fisheries development.
3. Livestock Census.
4. Livestock Statistics
5. Matters relating to loss of livestock due to natural calamities.
6. Regulation of Livestock importation, Animal Quarantine and Certification.
7. Fishing and fisheries (inland, marine and beyond territorial waters).
8. Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai.
The following subjects falling within List III of the Seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India: -
9. Profession of Veterinary Practice.
10. Prevention of the extension from one State to another of infectious or contagious diseases or
pests affecting animals, fish, birds.
11. Conversion of indigenous breeds, introduction and maintenance of Central Herd Books for
indigenous breeds of livestock.
12. Pattern of making assistance to various State Undertakings, Dairy Development Schemes
through State agencies/Co-operative Unions.
For the Union Territories the subjects mentioned in Part I and II above, so far as they exist in regard to
these territories and in addition to the following subjects which fall within List II of the Seventh Schedule
to the Constitution of India :-
13. Preservation, protection and improvement of stocks and prevention of diseases of animals,
fish and birds, Veterinary training and practice.
14. Courts of wards.
15. Insurance of livestock, fish and birds.
16. Matters relating to cattle utilization and slaughter.
17. Fodder Development.
List of Attached/Subordinate Offices
Total Number of Livestock and Poultry – 2003
(Figs. In thousands)
States/Uts Cattle Buffaloes Sheep Goats Pigs Horses Mules Donkeys Camel Yaks M Total Total
& Mithun Livestock Poultry
Jammu & Kashmir 3084 1039 3411 2055 2 172 40 24 2 47 24 9900 5568
Rajasthan 10854 10414 10054 16809 338 25 3 143 498 - 0 49138 6192
Uttar Pradesh 18551 22914 1437 12941 2284 154 52 182 16 0 0 58531 11718
Chandigarh 6 23 0 1 0 - - - - 0 0 30 152
Lakshadweep 4 0 0 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 146
All India 185181 97922 61469 124358 13519 751 176 650 632 65 278 485002 489012
Production of Major Livestock Products – All India
State-wise Fish Production during the period 2003-04 to 2008-09
(In ‘000 tonnes)
Marine Fisheries Resources of India
Inland Water Resources of India
Sl. No State/Uts Rivers & Reservoirs Tanks & Flood plain Brackish Total
Canals (Lakh Ha) Ponds Lakes & Water Water
(kms.) (Lakh Ha) Derelict (Lakh Ha) Bodies
Water bodies (Lakh Ha)
(Lakh Ha)
1 Andhra Pradesh 11514 2.34 5.17 - 0.60 8.11
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2000 - 2.76 0.42 - 3.18
3 Assam 4820 0.02 0.23 1.10 - 1.35
4 Bihar 3200 0.60 0.95 0.05 - 1.60
5 Goa 250 0.03 0.03 - Neg. 0.06
6 Gujarat 3865 2.43 0.71 0.12 1.00 4.26
7 Haryana 5000 Neg. 0.10 0.10 - 0.20
8 Himachal Pradesh 3000 0.42 0.01 - - 0.43
9 Jammu & Kashmir 27781 0.07 0.17 0.06 - 0.30
10 Karnataka 9000 4.40 2.90 - 0.10 7.40
11 Kerala 3092 0.30 0.30 2.43 2.40 5.43
12 Madhya Pradesh 17088 2.27 0.60 - - 2.87
13 Maharashtra 16000 2.79 0.59 - 0.10 3.48
14 Manipur 3360 0.01 0.05 0.04 - 0.10
15 Meghalaya 5600 0.08 0.02 Neg - 0.10
16 Mizoram 1395 - 0.02 - - 0.02
17 Nagaland 1600 0.17 0.50 Neg - 0.67
18 Orissa 4500 2.56 1.14 1.80 4.30 9.80
19 Punjab 15270 Neg 0.07 - - 0.07
20 Rajasthan 5290 1.20 1.80 - - 3.00
21 Sikkim 900 - - 0.03 - 0.03
22 Tamil Nadu 7420 5.70 0.56 0.07 0.60 6.93
23 Tripura 1200 0.05 0.13 - - 0.18
24 Uttar Pradesh 28500 1.38 1.61 1.33 - 4.32
25 West Bengal 2526 0.17 2.76 0.42 2.10 5.45
26 A and N Islands 115 0.01 0.03 - 1.20 1.24
27 Chandigarh 2 - Neg Neg - 0.00
28 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 54 0.05 - - - 0.05
29 Daman and Diu 12 - Neg. - Neg. 0.00
30 Delhi 150 0.04 - - - 0.04
31 Lakshadweep - - - - - 0.00
32 Pondicherry 247 - Neg 0.01 Neg. 0.01
33 Chhattisgarh 3573 0.84 0.63 - - 1.47
34 Uttaranchal 2686 0.20 0.01 0.00 - 0.21
35 Jharkhand 4200 0.94 0.29 - - 1.23
Total 195210 29.07 24.14 7.98 12.40 73.59
Source: State Governments/ Union Territories.
Fish Seed Production
Financial Allocation and Expenditure during 2008-09 & 2009-10
(up to 31.12.2009)
(Rs. in crore)
S. SCHEMES BE 2008- RE 2008- Actual BE 2009- RE 2009- Exp. 2009-
No. 09 09 Exp 2008- 10 10 10 up to
09 Dec. 09
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I Animal Husbandry
A Centrally Sponsored Scheme
1 National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding 61.00 89.70 87.37 112.25 115.53 91.31
2 Poultry Development 22.09 10.52 9.74 28.00 19.89 12.93
3 Establishment/ Modernization of Rural Slaughter 0.01 0.01 0.00 5.00 2.42 0.00
4 Utilization of fallen Animals (NEW) 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
5 Conservation of Threatened Livestock Breeds 1.90 1.90 1.95 4.00 4.00 2.53
6 Centrally Sponsored Fodder Development Scheme 10.00 10.97 9.28 10.80 10.30 7.20
7 Livestock Insurance 16.00 8.50 6.50 30.00 28.00 23.28
8 Livestock Health and Disease Control 120.00 142.82 147.14 220.32 139.86 93.26
8.1 Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases 77.75 99.75 104.19 85.00 101.47 72.75
8.2 National Project on Rinderpest Eradication 4.00 4.85 4.79 4.85 4.33 2.61
8.3 Professional Efficiency Development 4.20 4.20 4.15 4.20 4.20 3.54
8.4 Foot & Mouth Disease Control Programme 34.05 34.02 34.01 34.02 29.77 14.36
8.5 Strengthening of Existing Hospitals/Dispensaries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
8.6 National Control Programme of PPR (NEW) 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 0.04 0.00
8.7 National Animal Disease Reporting System (NADRS) 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.24 0.04 0.00
9 Livestock Extension and Delivery Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
Total CSS (Animal Husbandry) 231.00 264.42 261.98 410.39 308.55 230.51
B Central Sector Schemes
1 Livestock Census 130.00 126.80 126.83 23.11 23.00 20.50
2 Integrated Sample Survey 9.00 9.00 5.71 9.00 6.94 6.85
3 Central Cattle Development Organizations 14.00 19.72 16.53 23.47 24.73 16.72
4 Central Sheep Breeding Farms 2.00 2.21 1.91 2.21 2.30 1.54
5 Central Fodder Development Organizations 8.00 10.70 11.71 17.37 25.53 15.35
6 Central Poultry Development Organizations 6.00 9.90 9.78 9.90 12.68 7.15
7 Directorate of Animal Health 10.00 17.95 10.09 27.50 15.66 10.02
8 Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and 15.00 0.02 0.00 18.33 12.27 0.00
9 Piggery Development (NEW) 8.00 0.03 0.00 3.00 0.04 0.00
10 Salvaging and Rearing of Male Buffalo Calves (NEW) 25.00 0.05 0.00 4.00 0.02 0.00
11 Food Safety and Traceability (NEW) 3.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00
12 Poultry Venture Capital Fund (NEW) 20.00 0.50 0.00 10.00 16.00 10.00
Total CS (Animal Husbandry) 250.00 196.89 182.56 147.90 139.18 88.13
Total Animal Husbandry (CSS &CS) 481.00 461.31 444.54 558.29 441.73 318.64
(Rs. in crore)
S. SCHEMES BE 2008- RE 2008- Actual BE 2009- RE 2009- Exp. 2009-
No. 09 09 Exp 2008- 10 10 10 up to
09 Dec. 09
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
II Dairy Development
1 Intensive Dairy Development Programme 29.99 32.49 31.62 32.49 35.49 21.57
2 Strengthening Infrastructure for Quality and Clean Milk 20.00 20.60 21.29 20.60 21.54 15.56
Total CSS (Dairy Development) 50.00 53.10 52.91 53.10 57.04 37.13
3 Dairy Venture Capital Fund 40.00 35.00 35.00 38.00 20.00 10.00
Total Dairy Development (CSS & CS) 98.00 98.10 97.90 101.10 96.71 52.77
III Fisheries
1 Development of Inland Fisheries & Aquaculture 12.00 12.90 13.60 17.90 19.00 15.50
2 Development of Marine Fisheries, Infrastructure & 45.00 44.99 49.56 60.00 61.00 42.45
Post Harvest Operations
3 National Scheme of Welfare of Fishermen 25.00 25.00 25.15 33.00 36.00 32.37
3. National Fisheries Development Board 75.00 46.90 46.90 135.00 100.00 85.00
IV Secretariat and Economic Services 6.00 6.00 4.96 6.00 6.00 3.56
V Special Livestock Sector and Fisheries Package 160.00 160.00 132.91 75.00 75.00 32.96
for the Suicide-prone Districts in the States of A.P,
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala.
VI Externally Aided Projects (Preparedness, Control and 40.00 34.20 6.43 61.11 29.16 11.82
Containment of Avian Influenza)
Note: Letters of Authority issued to the CPWD and funds released to UTs without legislature etc. will account for any variation
with booked expenditure.
State-wise details of Veterinary Institutions
SL. LIVESTOCK and related products IMPORT EXPORT
1 Aquatic Animals (Nos.) 2,00,580 62,063
(Prawn, Shirmp, Fishes etc.)
2 Birds (Nos.) 5 -
3 Cat (Nos.) 155 148
4 Dog (Nos.) 1,429 671
5 G.P. Chicks, including Ducklings (Nos.) 1,97,663 71,930
6 Horses/Donkeys (Nos.) 163 22
7 Lab. Animal (Nos.) 15,768 2
(Guinea Pig, Rat, Mice, Rabbit etc.)
II Related Products
1 Animal By Products (Kg.) 6,59,84,575 7,29,047
(Finised Leather, Glue, Wool, Hair, Ox Gall, Bile Acid, Sutures etc.)
2 Animal Feed (Kg.) 7,36,301 24,599
(Poultry, Mice, Horses etc.)
3 Bone & Bone Products (Kg.) 35,728 1,04,01,223
(Including Crushed Bones, Grist,
Buttons, Pearls, Handicraft Items etc.)
4 Feather (Kg.) 900 -
(Including Processed And Shuttle Cock, Brushes etc.)
5 Fish & Fish Meat Products (Kg.)
(Chilled, Frozen, Smoked etc.) 69,61,505 3,81,287
6 Fish Feed/Oil Paste and By Products (Kg.) 21,65,759 1,21,89,647
(Including Prawn Feed, Shrimp Feed, Artemia Cysts, Corals, Shells etc.)
7 Gelatin/Ossein and Products (Kg.) - 2,69,46,707
8 Hatching Eggs (Nos.) 3,500 1,03,69,501
9 Hooves, Nails, Claws, Beak & Horn Products (Kg.) 25,95,074 84,41,061
(Dried, Meal, Cores, Grist, Buttons, Handicraft Items etc.)
10 Meat & Meat Products (Kg.) 4,11,627 2,75,000
(Poultry, Pork.)
11 Meat & Meat Products (Kg.) 11,470 -
(Lamb, Goat etc.)
12 Milk & Milk Products (Kg.) 53,41,361 16,37,705
(Cheese, Ghee, Whey Powder, Casein, Ice Cream, Butter,
Yogurt, Lactose, Butter Oil etc. )
13 Pet Food/Dog Chews (Kg.) 28,60,783 24,14,398
14 Pig Bristles (Kg.) 2,73,238 450
17 Serum/Albumin/Plasma Including Anti Serum, Urine (ltrs) 18,224 1,356
18 Spf Eggs (Nos.) 2,66,960 -
19 Sweets/Processed Food (Kg.) - 31,04,874