Acronym of Banking Sector
Acronym of Banking Sector
Acronym of Banking Sector
AMC Asset Management Company CCDM Credit Counselling and Debt Management
BFS Board for Financial Supervision CFMS Centralised Funds Management System
BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial CFS Consolidated Financial Statements
Reconstruction CFT Combating Financing of Terrorism
BoP Balance of Payments CGTSI Credit Guarantee Trust for Small
BOS Banking Ombudsman Scheme
CIBIL Credit Information Bureau of India Limited
BPLR Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
CLCC Central Labour Co-ordination Committee
BPSS Board for Payment and Settlement
Systems CLF Collateralised Lending Facility
BR Act, 1949 Banking Regulation Act, 1949 CMP Conflict Management Policy
BR Act, 1949 Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (as CP Commercial Paper
(aACS) Applicable to Co-operative Societies)
CPOS Central Point of Supervision
BSE Stock Exchange, Mumbai
CPPAPS Committee on Procedures and
BSR Basic Statistical Return Performance Audit on Public Services
CPSS Committee on Payment and EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
Settlement System
EME Emerging Market Economy
CRAR Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets Ratio
ESOP Employee Stock Option Plans
CRCS Central Registrar of Co -operative
Societies ETF Empowered Task Force
CSA Co-operative Societies Act EXIM Bank Export Import Bank of India
DLIC District Level Implementation Committee FFMC Full Fledged Money Changer
GCS Gold Card Scheme IRDA Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority
GDCF Gross Domestic Capital Formation
IRS Interest Rate Swap
GDP Gross Domestic Products
IS Information System
GDR Global Depository Receipt
IT Information Technology
GFD Gross Fiscal Deficit
ITGGSM Internal Technical Group on
GIC General Insurance Corporation of India Government Securities Market
HFC Housing Finance Companies KVIB Khadi and Village Industries Commission
HFT Held for Trading
KYC Know your Customer
HRD Human Resource Development
LAB Local Area Bank
HTM Held To Maturity
LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
IADI International Association of Deposit LIBOR London Inter-Bank Offered Rate
LIC Life Insurance Corporation of India
IBS International Banking Statistics
LME London Metal Exchange
ICAI Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India LOLR Lender of Last Resort
ICCOMS Integrated Currency Chest Operations LTCCI Long-term Rural Co -operative Credit
& Management System Institutions
NAFCUB National Federation of Urban Co - OECD Organisation for Economic Corporation
operative Banks & Credit Societies and Development
OLRR On-line Reject Repair
NAFSCOB National Federation of State Co -
operative Banks Ltd. OLTAS On-line Tax Accounting System
NIA New India Assurance Company Limited PSB Public Sector Bank
NSE National Stock Exchange RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement System
SAO Seasonal Agricultural Operations SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SJSRY Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojna VRS Voluntary Retirement Scheme
SLAF Second Liquidity Adjustment Facility WADR Weighted Average Discount Rate
SLBCs State Level Bankers' Committees WGRFIS Working Group on Future Role of
Financial Institutions
SLEPCS State level Export Promotion
Committees WPI Wholesale Price Index