Securities and Exchange Board of India: Master Circular
Securities and Exchange Board of India: Master Circular
Securities and Exchange Board of India: Master Circular
For effective regulation of the Mutual Fund Industry, Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) has been issuing various circulars from time to time. In order
to enable the industry and other users to have an access to all the applicable
circulars at one place, Master Circular for Mutual Funds has been prepared.
This Master Circular is a compilation of all the circulars issued by SEBI on the
above subject, which are operational as on date of this circular
Yours faithfully,
Harini Balaji
General Manager
Tel no.: 022-26449372
[email protected]
1. This Master Circular includes circulars issued upto June 05, 2018.
2. In case of any inconsistency between the master circular and the applicable
circulars, the contents of the relevant circular shall prevail.
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................. 5
CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................... 7
OFFER DOCUMENT FOR SCHEMES................................................. 7
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................. 22
OF ADDITIONAL PLAN .................................................................. 22
CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................. 33
NEW PRODUCTS ........................................................................... 33
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................. 42
RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ....................................................... 42
CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................. 47
DISCLOSURES & REPORTING NORMS ........................................... 47
CHAPTER 6 .................................................................................. 64
GOVERNANCE NORMS .................................................................. 64
CHAPTER 7 .................................................................................. 94
SECONDARY MARKET ISSUES ...................................................... 94
CHAPTER 8 .................................................................................. 98
NET ASSET VALUE........................................................................ 98
CHAPTER 16 ………………………………………………………………………215
1.1.1 The Offer Document shall have two parts i.e. Scheme Information
Document (SID) and Statement of Additional Information (SAI). SID
shall incorporate all information pertaining to a particular scheme.
SAI shall incorporate all statutory information on Mutual Fund.
1.1.2 The Mutual Funds shall prepare SID and SAI in the prescribed
formats2. Contents of SID and SAI shall follow the same sequence as
prescribed in the format. The Board of the AMC and the Trustee(s)
shall exercise necessary due diligence, ensuring that the SID/SAI and
the fees paid3 are in conformity with the Mutual Funds Regulations4.
1.1.3 All offer documents (ODs) of Mutual Fund schemes shall be filed with
SEBI in terms of the Regulations5.
a. Draft SID of schemes of Mutual Funds filed with the Board shall
also be available on SEBI’s website – for 21
working days from the date of filing.
b. AMC shall submit a soft copy of draft SID to the Board in HTML
or PDF format. For this purpose, AMC shall be fully responsible
1 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.5/ 126096/08 dated May 23,2008 and SEBI Circular
No – SEBI/IMD/CIR No.10/178129/09 dated September 29,2009
< ,,
2 For format of SID & SAI, please refer to the section on Formats
3 The filing fees was revised via gazette notification No. LAD-NRO/GN/2014-15/03/1089on
SEBI (Payment of Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2014 dated 23 May, 2014, applicable from
May 23, 2014.
4 SEBI Circular No. IIMARP/MF/CIR/01/428/97 dated February 28, 1997.
a. A single SAI (common for all the schemes) can be filed with
Board along with first draft of SID or can be filed separately.
After incorporating the comments/observations, if any, from
the Board, AMC shall file a soft copy of SAI with the Board in
PDF format alongwith printed copy of the same9, upload the
SAI on its website and on AMFI website.
8 SEBI Circular No. IIMARP/MF/CIR/01/428/97 dated February 28, 1997, SEBI Circular No.
14The existing schemes shall adopt the SID and KIM format as soon as possible but not later
than 12 months from the date of issuance of the circular- SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 5/126096/08
dated May 23, 2008. A confirmation in this regard shall be given in the half ye arly trustee
1.3.1 The AMCs shall file their replies to the modifications suggested by
SEBI on SID as required under Regulation 29 (2), if any, within six
months from the date of the letter. In case of lapse of six-month
period, the AMC shall be required to refile the SID alongwith filing
1.3.2 The scheme shall be launched within six months from the date of
the issuance of final observations from SEBI. If the AMC intends to
launch the scheme at a date later than six months, it shall refile
the SID with SEBI under Regulation 28 (1) along with filing fees.
1.4.2 This certification shall be disclosed in the SID along with the date
of approval of the scheme by the Trustees.
1.5.2 SEBI may revise the Standard Observations from time to time and
in that case the date of revision shall also be mentioned.
While filing the SID and SAI, AMC shall highlight and clearly
mention the page number of the SAI and SID on which each
standard observation has been incorporated.
1.6 KIM
1.6.1 Application forms for schemes of mutual funds shall be
accompanied by the KIM in terms of Regulation 29 (4). KIM shall be
printed at least in 7 point font size with proper spacing for easy
readability. KIM shall be updated at least once a year and shall be filed
with SEBI.
1.7.1 Trustees and AMCs shall ensure that the SID of the schemes and
SAI are readily available with all the distributors/ISCs and confirm
the same to SEBI in the half yearly trustee report.
22SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/4/51/2000 dated June 5, 2000, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/16/400/02 dated March 26, 2002, SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/01/071/02 April
15, 2002.
14 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
500 etc.) as a benchmark index depending on the investment
objective and portfolio.
24SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/16/400/02 dated March 26, 2002. Also please note that for
review of scheme performance with benchmark indices please refer to section on governance
25SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/4/51/2000 dated June 5, 2000
1.9.1 In case of open ended and close ended schemes (except ELSS
schemes), the NFO should be open for 15 days.
1.9.3 The maximum period for which initial offering of Mutual Fund
scheme eligible under RGESS shall be open for subscription shall
be thirty days27.
26SEBI Circular no MFD/Cir.No 9/120/2000 dated November 24, 2000. SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647 /2010 dated March 15, 2010. The provisions mentioned shall
be applicable for all NFOs launched on or after July 01, 2010
27 SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/02/2013 dated February 6, 2013
28 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/42 dated March 18, 2016.
29 will be applicable for NFOs launched on or after April 1, 2016
1.9.5 The mutual fund should allot units/refund of money and dispatch
statements of accounts within five business days from the closure
of the NFO and all the schemes (except ELSS, RGESS) shall be
available for ongoing repurchase/sale/trading within five business
days of allotment”. However, for Mutual Fund scheme eligible
under RGESS, the period within which Mutual Fund/ AMC
should allocate the units, refund money and issue statements of
accounts, shall be fifteen days from the closure of the initial
1.10.3 Therefore, in order to bring more clarity and to protect the interest
of the investors, the following requirement shall be observed before
imposing restriction on redemptions:
1.10.5 The circular shall be applicable immediately for (i) all schemes to
be launched on or after the date of this circular and (ii) all the
existing schemes with effect from July 01, 2016.
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.22/2311/03 dated January 30, 2003.
Regulation 33(3) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds), Regulations, 1996.
37 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/Cir No 5/126096/08 dated May 23, 2008
38 Refer to format of half yearly portfolio disclosure under section on formats.
, The letter to unit holders and revised SID (if any) shall be issued
only after the final observations as communicated by the Board
in terms of Regulation 29(3) of the Mutual Funds Regulations
have been incorporated therein and final copies of the same have
been filed with the Board. Unit holders shall be given at least 30 days to exercise exit option.
During this period, the unit holders who opt to redeem their
holdings in part or in full shall be allowed to exit at the NAV
applicable for the day on which the request is received, without
charging exit load. Disclosures:
SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MFD/CIR No.5/12031/03 dated June 23, 2003.
42 Regulation 18(15A) of the Mutual Funds Regulations.
Refer format of half yearly portfolio disclosure under section on Formats
44 Please refer to SID Format under section on Formats
45 Please refer to SID chapter for further details
46 SEBI Circular No- SEBI / IMD / CIR No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15,2009
47 SEBI Circular No- Cir / IMD / DF / 15/ 2010 dated October 22, 2010
48 SEBI Circular No-IIMARP/MF/CIR/01/294/98 dated February 4, 1998
49 Regulation 29(3) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
50 SEBI Circular No. SEBI / IMD / CIR No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15, 2009
27 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
2.4 Single Plan51
2.4.3 Other plans will continue till the existing investors remain
invested in the plan.
2.5.2 Such separate plan shall have a lower expense ratio excluding
distribution expenses, commission, etc., and no commission shall
be paid from such plans. The plan shall also have a separate NAV.
i. Equity Schemes
v. Other Schemes
2.7.2 Mutual Funds would be required to adopt the list of stocks prepared
by AMFI in this regard and AMFI would adhere to the following points
while preparing the list:
2.7.3 Subsequent to any updation in the list, Mutual Funds would have to
rebalance their portfolios (if required) in line with updated list, within
a period of one month.
3.1.2 AMCs shall not enter into any revenue sharing arrangement with
the underlying funds in any manner and shall not receive any
revenue by whatever means/head from the underlying fund. Any
commission or brokerage received from the underlying fund shall
be credited into concerned scheme’s account57.
3.1.3 Fund of funds mutual fund schemes shall adopt the total expense
structures laid out in Regulations58, which Asset Management
Companies shall clearly indicate in the SIDs.
59 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR. No.4/58422/06 dated January 24, 2006, SEBI Circular
No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.2/65348/06 dated April 21, 2006, SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR
No.14/84243/07 dated January 15, 2007.
60 Regulation 2(mb) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 introduced vid e Gazette
3.2.2 Valuation: The NAV of units under the GETF Scheme shall be calculated up
to four decimal points as shown below: Physical verification of gold underlying the Gold ETF units shall
be carried out by statutory auditors of mutual fund schemes and
reported to trustees on half yearly basis. The confirmation on physical verification of gold as above shall
also form part of half yearly report72 by trustees to SEBI.
w.r.t physical verification of Gold. This will be effective from the half yearly report ending April
2011 by Trustees to SEBI.
73 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.9/74364/06 dated August 14, 2006.
74 Regulation 2(ea), 33(2A) and 38A of the Mutual Funds Regulations introduced vide Gazette
3.3.2 The proposed portfolio structure indicated in the SID and KIM
shall be rated by a Credit Rating Agency registered with the Board
from the view point of assessing the degree of certainty for
achieving the objective of capital protection and the rating shall
be reviewed on a quarterly basis.
3.3.4 It shall also be ensured that the debt component of the portfolio
structure has the highest investment grade rating.
3.4.1 A real estate mutual fund scheme78 can invest in real estate assets
in the cities mentioned in:
For format of Half Yearly Trustee Report please refer section on Formats
76 For format of bimonthly CTR please refer section on Formats
77 SEBI Circular No - SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/124477/08 May 2,2008
78Regulation 49 A(a)(i) of SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996
3.5.2 Vide notification 51/2012 dated November 23, 2012, the scheme
has been notified by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of
Finance (MoF). The notification is available on the website of
Income Tax Department under section “Notifications”.
3.5.6 Mutual Funds / AMCs are directed to create wide publicity of the
scheme among the investors, including displaying details on their
website. The universe of strategic investors in the IDF has been expanded
to include, inter alia, FPIs registered with SEBI which are long
term investors subject to their existing investment limits. With
reference to regulation 49L of the SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996 the following categories of FPIs are designated
as long term investors only for the purpose of IDF:
a. Foreign Central Banks
b. Governmental Agencies
c. Sovereign Wealth Funds
d. International/Multilateral Organizations/ Agencies
e. Insurance Funds
f. Pension Funds
g. Foreign feeder funds, having at all times, at least 20% of their
assets under management held by investors belonging to one
of more of the above categories of FPIs83 With reference to regulation 49P (1) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996, the investments in bank loans shall be made
only through the securitization mode.
4.1 An Operating Manual85 for Risk Management has been developed to ensure
minimum standards of due diligence and Risk Management Systems for all
the Mutual Funds in various operational areas (for e.g. Fund Management,
Operations, Customer Service, Marketing and Distribution, Disaster
Recovery and Business Contingency, etc.) and is enclosed herewith as
Annexure 2.
4.2 The Risk Management practices covered in the Operating Manual are
under three categories as detailed below: Under each head of risk, the Manual covers the exemplary practices
followed by some / most of Mutual Funds in India. However, the
extent and degree of observance of these practices differs among the
Mutual Funds. Mutual Funds shall accordingly develop their systems
and follow these practices. Mutual Funds shall follow the practices which have been indicated as
mandatory in the operating manual. These are Risk Management
function that shall be assigned to Compliance Officer or Internal Risk
Management Committee or to an external agency
a. Disaster Recovery and Business Contingency plans, and Mutual Funds shall adopt these practices as a part of their due
diligence exercise after considering the size of their operations.
4.3.1 Mutual Funds shall adopt the following approach to implement the Risk
Management System: After identifying the same, Mutual Funds shall review the progress
made on implementation of the systems on a monthly basis and place
the progress report in periodical meetings of the Board of the AMC
and Trustees. The Board of the AMC and Trustee(s) shall review the progress made
by the Mutual Funds with regard to Risk Management practices and
the same shall be reported to the Board at the time of sending CTR(s)
and Half Yearly Trustee Reports.
4.4 Stress Testing of Liquid Fund and Money Market Mutual Fund
Schemes 86
4.4.1 As a part of risk management framework, Mutual Funds (MFs) carry out
stress testing of their portfolio, particularly for debt schemes. In order
to standardize this practice across industry, AMFI came out with Best
Practice Guidelines dated September 12, 2014 on stress testing of Liquid
Funds and Money Market Mutual Fund Schemes (MMMFs).
4.5.1 In order to ensure that MFs / AMCs are able to carry out their own credit
assessment of assets and reduce reliance on credit rating agencies, all
MFs/ AMCs are required to have an appropriate policy and system in
place to conduct an in-house credit risk assessment / due diligence
before investing in fixed income products.
5.2.2 Further, while listing net assets, the margin amounts paid should
be reported separately under cash or bank balances.
5.3 Unaudited Half Yearly Financials94
5.3.1 The publication of the unaudited half-yearly results shall be made
in line with provisions of the Regulations95, in the format prescribed
in Twelfth Schedule.
5.3.2 The half yearly disclosures96 of the unaudited financial results
on respective website should be made in a user-friendly and
downloadable format (preferably in a spreadsheet).
92 SEBI Circular Cir/ IMD/ DF/ 11/ 2010 dated August 18, 2010
93 For formats on disclosure of derivatives, please refer to the section on Formats
94 SEBI Circular MFD/CIR/1/200/2001 dated April 20, 2001 & SEBI Circular No. IMD/CIR
5.4.1 The scheme wise annual report shall be hosted on the website of the
Mutual Funds/ AMCs and on the website of AMFI. The Mutual
Funds/ AMCs shall display the link prominently on their websites
and make the physical copies available to the unitholders, at their
registered offices at all times.
5.4.2 Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall e-mail the scheme annual reports or
abridged summary thereof to those unitholders, whose email
addresses are registered with the Mutual Fund.
5.4.3 In case of unitholders whose email addresses are not registered with
the Mutual Fund, the Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall undertake an
exercise of communicating to the unitholders, through a letter
enclosing self-addressed envelope enabling unitholders to 'opt-in'
within 30 days, to continue receiving a physical copy of the scheme-
wise annual report or abridged summary thereof.
97 SEBI Circular No. IMD/CIR No.8/132968/2008 dated July 24, 2008, Circular
No.Cir/IMD/DF/16/2011 dated September 8, 2011 and SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/92
dated June 05, 2018
98 For format of abridged schemewise report, please refer the section on formats
5.4.6 Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall provide a physical copy of the abridged
summary of the Annual Report, without charging any cost, on
specific request received from a unitholder.
5.4.8 These websites should also be linked with AMFI website so that the
investors and analyst(s) can access the annual reports of all mutual
funds at one place99. However, as per the Regulations100, a copy of
5.6.1 Wherever the Mutual Funds discloses the AUM figures for the fund,
disclosure on bifurcation of the AUM into debt/equity/ balanced etc,
and percentage of AUM by geography (i.e. top 5 cities, next 10 cities,
next 20 cities, next 75 cities and others) shall be made. The Mutual
Funds shall disclose the aforesaid data on their respective websites
& to AMFI and AMFI shall disclose industry wide figures on its
5.6.2 Mutual Funds shall disclose the following on monthly basis on their
website and also share the same with Association of Mutual
Funds in India (AMFI)105:
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.3/211/2001 dated April 30, 2001.
102 For further details, refer Section II – Scheme Governance in the Chapter on Governance
103 Please refer the section on Formats for requisite formats
104 SEBI Circular No.Cir/IMD/DF/13/2011 dated August 22, 2011
105 SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/05/2014 dated March 24, 2014
106 SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/07/2014 dated April 2, 2014
5.7.1 Mutual Funds / AMCs shall disclose on their respective websites the
total commission and expenses paid to distributors who satisfy one
or more of the following conditions with respect to non-institutional
(retail and HNI) investors:-
5.7.2 Mutual Fund / AMCs shall, in addition to the total commission and
expenses paid to distributors, make additional disclosures110
regarding distributor-wise gross inflows (indicating whether the
distributor is an associate or group company of the sponsor(s) of the
mutual fund), net inflows, average assets under management and
ratio of AUM to gross inflows on their respective website on an
yearly basis.
5.7.3 Mutual Funds / AMCs shall also submit the data mentioned in
5.7.1 and 5.7.2 to AMFI and the consolidated data in this regard shall
be disclosed on AMFI website. The tenure for which the fund manager has been managing
the scheme shall be disclosed, along with the name of
scheme’s fund manager(s);
5.8.3 Separate SID / KIM for each MF scheme managed by AMC shall also
be made available on MFs / AMCs website.
117 SEBI Circular No. Cir /IMD/DF/2/2010 dated May 13, 2010
118 For disclosure format please refer to section on Formats.
56 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
be vetted and signed off by the Trustees of the concerned Mutual
5.12.2 The Mutual Funds are advised to: Upload the report for the financial year within 2 months of the
close of the financial year. Include the report in their annual reports, as part of the Report of
the Trustees.
5.14 Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall make continuous efforts to update email
ID and mobile number of all unitholders. The said contact details
shall be used for sending e-mails and SMS as envisaged in the
circular. 122
119 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18/198647/2010 dated March 15, 2010
120 Regulation 25 (8) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
121 Please refer to the section on Formats
122 SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/92 dated June 05, 2018 MCR124 shall be submitted to the Board by 3rd working day of each
month by way of an email. Hard copy should also be sent by hand
delivery/courier. Details of the new schemes launched shall be reported in the MCR
for the month in which the allotment is done. For example, if an
NFO closes in the month of July and the allotment is done in the
month of August, then, the details of the new scheme shall be
reported in the MCR for the month of August that will reach SEBI
by 3rd of September.
123 SEBI circular MFD/CIR/07/206/2001 dated July 19, 2001, SEBI circular No IMD/Cir
No.15/87045/2007 dated February 22, 2007, SEBI circular SEBI/IMD/CIR No 3/124444/08
dated April 30, 2008, SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/42 dated March 18,
124 For format of MCR please refer to section on Formats.
5.17.2 The CTRs129 should be submitted by the AMC to the Board once in
every two months so as to reach within 21 days of completion of the
two months period. As a compliance of SEBI Regulations is a
continuous process, AMCs are advised to incorporate the
modifications/additions under the relevant sections of the format,
126 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR NO 13/118899/08 dated February 29, 2008, SEBI Circular
No MFD/CIR/12/16588/02 dated August 28, 2002 & SEBI Circular No
IIMARP/MF/CIR/05/788/97 dated April 28, 1997, SEBI Circular No. IIMARP/10772/93 dated
July 14,1993,
127 For details on format of NSR please refer the section on Formats.
128 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR NO 6/98057/07 dated July 5, 2007, SEBI Circular No
5.18.1 AMC should submit the annual statistical report to SEBI in the
prescribed format by 30th of April each year131.
130 IIMARP/CIR /08/845/97 DATED May 7,1997, MFD/CIR/02/110/02 dated April 26,2002, SEBI
Cir No- IMD/CIR No 6/72245/06 dated July 20,2006,
131 For format of ASR refer the section on Formats
Quarterly Movement of Net Assets- SEBI CIR – IIMARP/MF/CIR/05/788/97 dated April 28,
1997 required mutual funds to submit the statement for quarterly movement of net assets.
However, SEBI circular MFD/CIR/12/16588/02 dated August 28,2002 stated that such
Statement of movement of net assets /portfolios are no more to be submitted
132SEBI Circular No.MFD/CIR/07/384/99 dated December 17, 1999 and MFD/CIR/08/23026/99
5.20.2 The Trustee(s) shall also review all information and documents
received from the AMC(s) as required under the compliance process.
134SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/09/014/2000 dated January 5, 2000, SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/MFD/CIR/10/039/2001 dated February 9, 2001.
135 Please refer the formats section for format for reporting by AMC to Trustees
136 Regulation 18(23)(a) of SEBI (MF) Regulations, 1996
For format of Trustee Report, please refer to the formats section.
61 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
5.20.5 AMC(s) and the Trustees shall update the reporting formats including
relevant provisions of amendments made to the Mutual Funds
Regulations and/or guidelines and/or circulars issued by the Board
and shall specifically comment on their compliance.
5.21.1 Mutual Funds are required to submit the Annual Information Return
under section 285 BA in the Income-tax Act. As per this requirement,
Trustees of Mutual Funds or such other person managing the affairs
of the Mutual Funds (as may be duly authorized by the trustees in
this behalf) have to report specified financial transactions in
electronic media to Income Tax Department giving PAN of the
transacting parties in an Annual Information Return (AIR).
5.21.2 Some common errors in these returns have been pointed out by the
Directorate of Income Tax (Systems) as:
5.21.3 In this regard, AIRs are required to be filed only by the Mutual Fund
and no separate AIR has to be furnished for each scheme of the
Mutual Fund.
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.010/024/2000 dated January 17, 2000.
64 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
6.2 Review and Reporting of Transactions140
a. Directors of the AMC shall file with the trustees on a quarterly basis
details of transactions in securities exceeding Rs.1 lac141. Trustees shall review all transactions of the Mutual Fund with the
associates as defined below on a regular basis and ensure that
Regulations are complied with143.
140 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/09/014/2000 dated January 5, 2000, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR No.010/024/2000 dated January 17, 2000, SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/MFD/CIR/10/039/2001 dated February 9, 2001.
6.3.5 Mutual Funds are required to have a minimum of 50 per cent and
two-third independent directors on the Board of the AMC(s) and
Trustees respectively149. In case the composition of the directors
does not meet these requirements, Mutual Funds are required to
150 For biodata of directors (AMC and Trustee), please refer to section on Formats
151 For biodata of directors (AMC and Trustee), please refer to section on Formats
152 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/125 dated November 30, 2017.
67 Master Circular for Mutual Funds No independent trustee or independent director shall hold office
for more than two consecutive terms, however such individuals
shall be eligible for re-appointment after a cooling-off period of 3
years. During the cooling-off period, such individuals should not
be associated with the concerned MF, AMC & its subsidiaries and
/ or sponsor of AMC in any manner whatsoever. Existing independent trustees and independent directors shall
hold office for a maximum of 10 years (including all preceding
years for which such individual has held office). In this respect,
the following may be noted:
a. Individuals who have held office for less than 9 years (as on
November 30, 2017) may continue for the residual period of
b. Individuals who have held office for 9 years or more (as on
November 30, 2017) may comply the aforesaid provision in a phase
manner, within a period of 2 years. 153
c. Such individuals shall subsequently be eligible for re-appointment
after a cooling-off period of 3 years, in terms of Para
and Para above. Applicability
156 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.4/216/2001 dated May 8, 2001, SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/IMD/CIR No.7/13391/03 dated July 11, 2003.
157 Regulation 25(9) & 23(b) of SEBI (MF) Regulations, 1996
158 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/124 dated November 17, 2016.
161 SEBI Circular No. SEBI / IMD / CIR No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15,2009
162 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.7/13391/03 dated July 11, 2003.
74 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
Officer. Employees of AMC(s) and Trustees are prohibited from
applying in any reserved quota such as promoters’ quota,
employees’ quota etc. Employees shall not participate in any
private placement of equity by any company.
d. The Compliance Officer shall maintain a record of all requests for pre
clearance regarding the purchase or sale of a security, including the
date of the request, the name of the access person, the details of the
proposed transaction and whether the request was approved or
denied and waivers given, if any, and its reasons. All access persons shall submit, in the form prescribed by the
Mutual Fund of which the AMC is the investment manager, details
of their personal transactions of purchase or sale of securities to the
Compliance Officer. The details to be submitted are as follows: All employees other than access persons shall submit, in the form
prescribed by the Mutual Fund, to the Compliance Officer: The Board of the AMC and the Trustees shall review the compliance
of these Guidelines in their periodic meetings. They shall review the
existing procedures and recommend changes in procedures based
on the AMCs experience, industry practices and/or developments in
applicable laws and regulations. They shall report compliance and
any violations and remedial action taken by them in their reports
submitted to the Board.
6.6.7 For ease of reference these provisions are consolidated and provided
at Annexure 7.
166 SEBI Cir MFD/CIR/05/432/2002 June 20, 2002 and SEBI Cir
SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2016/124 dated November 17, 2016
167 MFD/CIR/09/014/2000 dated January 5, 2000 If there is a breach of the 25% limit by any investor over the
quarter, a rebalancing period of one month would be allowed
and thereafter the investor who is in breach of the rule shall be
given 15 days notice to redeem his exposure over the 25 % limit.
Failure on the part of the said investor to redeem his exposure
168SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.10/22701/03 dated December 12, 2003, SEBI Circular
No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.1/42529/05 dated June 14, 2005.
<<, The Scheme(s) and individual Plan(s) under the Scheme(s) shall
6.9.4 Applicability
6.9.5 Redemptions
6.10.1 It has been observed that many debt oriented schemes are operating
with a very low AUM. In the interest of investors, it is important
that debt oriented schemes have an adequate corpus to ensure
adherence to the investment objectives as stated in Scheme
Information Document and compliance with investment
restrictions specified under SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,
d) In case of breach of points (b) and (c) above, the AMC shall scale up
the AUM of such scheme within a period of six months so as
to comply with point (b) stated above, failing which the
provisions of Regulation 39 (2) (c) of SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulations, 1996 would become applicable.
6.11.1 AMCs and Trustees shall review the performance of their schemes
on periodic basis172. Such review can take place by comparing the
performance of the schemes with benchmark indices as well as in
light of the performance of the entire Mutual Funds industry by
relying on data published from time to time by independent research
agencies and financial newspapers and journals. Corrective action
if required may be taken in case of unsatisfactory performance. Its
compliance should be reported in the bimonthly CTRs of AMCs and
half-yearly reports of the Trustees to SEBI (while reporting
compliance of Regulation 25(2) on exercise of due diligence in
investment decisions).
6.12.1 Total Return variant of an Index (TRI) takes into account all
dividends/ interest payments that are generated from the basket of
constituents that make up the index in addition to the capital gains.
172 SEBI Circular No. dated July 27, 2000 & SEBI Cir 16/400/02 dated March 26, 2002. (i) Mutual funds shall use a composite CAGR figure of the
performance of the PRI benchmark (till the date from which TRI
is available) and the TRI (subsequently) to compare the
performance of their scheme in case TRI is not available for that
particular period(s).
Benchmark PRI value as on date of Benchmark TRI value as on last day of the -1
introduction of TRI value . month preceding the date of advertisement
Benchmark PRI value as on date of X Benchmark TRI value as on date of
inception of the scheme introduction of TRI value
Thus, in the above example (for advertisements in the month of December, 2017 the last
of the preceding month would be November 30, 2017),
CAGR= 12.20%
(iii) Mutual funds shall use the composite CAGR as explained above, subject to
making the following disclosure:
*As TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance
is calculated using composite CAGR of XYZ (name of the benchmark index) PRI values
from date.... to date... and TRI values since date...."
6.12.3 This circular is applicable to all schemes of Mutual Funds with effect from
February 1, 2018.
174 SEBI Circular No SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 9/176988/2009 dated September 16, 2009
90 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
6.19 MFs should play an active role in ensuring better corporate governance
of listed companies.
6.20 AMCs shall disclose their general policies and procedures for
exercising the voting rights in respect of shares held by them on the
website of the respective AMC as well as in the annual report
distributed to the unit holders from the financial year 2010-11.
6.21 AMCs are required to disclose on the website of the respective AMC as
well as in the annual report distributed to the unit holders from the
financial year 2010-11, the actual exercise of their proxy votes in the
AGMs/EGMs of the investee companies in respect of the following
6.21.1 Corporate governance matters, including changes in the state of
incorporation, merger and other corporate restructuring, and anti-
takeover provisions
6.21.6 Any other issue that may affect the interest of the shareholders in
general and interest of the unit-holders in particular.
175 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647 /2010 dated March 15, 2010
91 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
6.22 AMCs shall be required to record and disclose specific rationale
supporting their voting decision (for, against or abstain) with
respect to each vote proposal176.
6.23 AMCs shall additionally be required to publish summary of the votes
cast across all its investee company and its break-up in terms of total
number of votes cast in favor, against or abstained from.
6.24 AMCs shall be required to make disclosure of votes cast on their
website (in spreadsheet format) on a quarterly basis, within 10
working days from the end of the quarter. Further, AMCs shall
continue disclosing voting details in their annual report. The votes
cast by the Mutual Funds may be given in the revised format177 for
disclosure of vote cast in respect of resolutions passed in general
meetings of the investee companies and in the format178 for
presenting summary of votes cast.
6.25 Further, on an annual basis, AMCs shall be required to obtain
certification on the voting reports being disclosed by them. Such
certification shall be obtained from a “scrutinizer” in terms of Rule 20
(3) (ix) of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014
and any future amendment/s to the said Rules thereof. The same shall
be submitted to the trustees and also disclosed in the relevant portion
of the Mutual Funds' annual report & website. 179
6.26 Board of AMCs and Trustees of Mutual Funds shall be required to
review and ensure that AMCs have voted on important decisions that
may affect the interest of investors and the rationale recorded for
vote decision is prudent and adequate. The confirmation to the
180 For disclosure of voting by mutual funds in general meetings of listed companies, please
refer to the section on formats
93 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
7.2.1 The applicable margins shall be paid as per the guidelines issued by
SEBI and as directed by stock exchanges from time to time.
7.3.1 Mutual Funds are not permitted to operate in the securities market
without furnishing a valid Unique Client Code (UCC).184 Mutual Funds
are required to obtain UCC from the Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
(BSE) or The National Stock Exchange Ltd. (NSE) whenever a new
scheme(s) or plan(s) (wherever the portfolio of the plans is different) is
181 SEBI Circular No. SMD-II(N)/2113/94 dated April 12, 1994. Further, in this regard, circulars
issued by SEBI from time to time may be considered.
182 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/230/2001 dated August 14, 2001
183 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.8/290/01 dated July 30, 2001, SEBI Circular No. The Mutual Funds shall be treated at par with a registered FII in
respect of position limits in index futures, index options, stock
options and stock futures contracts. The Mutual Funds will be
considered as trading members like registered FIIs and the schemes
of Mutual Funds will be treated as clients like sub-accounts of FIIs.
185 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.01/1756/04 dated January 27, 2004. The combined futures and options position limit of Mutual Funds
for stock derivatives contracts shall be 20% of the applicable
Market Wide Position Limit (MWPL). 189 Positions limits as specified by SEBI for Mutual Funds and its
schemes from time to time shall be applicable191.
190 Please refer SEBI Circular No SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/13 dated February 20, 2017
‘Participation in derivatives market by Mutual Funds.’
191 Please refer SEBI Circular No DNPD/Cir – 29/2005 Dated September 14, 2005 for position limits
7.5.2 The following position limits195 in IRF shall be applicable for Mutual
Fund level and scheme level:
192 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MFD/CIR No.03/158/03 dated June 10, 2003.
193 RBI Circular dated November 1, 1999.
194 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MFD/CIR No.03/158/03 dated June 10, 2003.
195 SEBI Circular No. CIR/MRD/DRMNP/26/2014 dated September 15, 2014
196 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/05/432/2002 dated June 20, 2002
197 Regulation 44(1A) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
97 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
8.1.2 NAV of all Mutual Fund schemes except for Fund of Fund Schemes
shall be updated on AMFI’s website and the Mutual Funds’ websites
by 9 p.m. of the same day200.
8.1.3 Fund of Fund Schemes shall have an extended time up to 10 a.m. the
following business day in this regard201.
8.1.4 Delay beyond 10 a.m. of the following business day in case of Fund of
Fund schemes and 9 p.m. on the same day for all other schemes shall
be explained in writing to AMFI and the Board and shall also be
reported in the CTR(s)202 in terms of number of days of non adherence
of time limit for uploading NAV on AMFI’s website and the reasons for
8.1.5 204 Mutual Funds/ AMCs shall explain the methodology of calculating
the sale and repurchase price of unit with the help of a simple
numerical example at all relevant places such as on their respective
website, AMFI website and Scheme Information Documents, etc.
8.1.6 In case the NAVs are not available before the commencement of
business hours on the following day due to any reason, Mutual Funds
shall issue a press release giving reasons for the delay and explain
when they would be able to publish the NAVs205.
8.2.1 To ensure uniformity, Mutual Funds shall round off NAV up to four
decimal places for index funds and all types of debt & liquid/money
market schemes.
8.2.2 For all equity oriented and balanced fund schemes, Mutual Funds
shall round off NAVs up to two decimal places. However, Mutual Funds
can round off the NAVs up to more than two decimal places in case of
equity oriented and balanced fund schemes also, if they so desire207.
Relevant disclosure in this regard shall be made in the SID/SAI208.
SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.5/63714/06 dated March 29, 2006.
204 SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/92 dated June 05, 2018
205 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.5/63714/06 dated March 29, 2006.
206 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/08/514/2002 dated July 22, 2002, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/11/16159/2002 dated August 22, 2002.
207 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/11/16159/2002 dated August 22, 2002.
8.3.1 Mutual Funds should follow the Guidelines enumerated below with
respect to uniform Cut -off Timings:
8.3.2 Definitions:
c. ‘Liquid fund schemes and plans’ shall mean the schemes and plans
of a Mutual Fund as specified in the guidelines210 issued by SEBI in
this regard211.
8.3.3 Applicability The Guidelines on Cut off Timings for applicability of Net Asset Value
of Mutual Fund scheme(s) and/ or plan(s) shall be applicable to all
schemes and plans of Mutual Funds except:
SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 11/78450/06 dated October 11, 2006.
210 Please refer to the Section on liquid schemes
211 SEBI Circular No.SEBI/IMD/CIR No.13/150975/09 dated January 19, 2009 Mutual Funds shall reckon the Cut-off Timings for their schemes
and plans in compliance with these Guidelines and the same shall
be uniformly implemented for all investors. Mutual Funds shall ensure that each payment instrument for
subscription or purchase of units is deposited in a bank
expeditiously by utilization of the appropriate banking facility, so as
to comply with the requirement in Clause above.
a. where the application is received upto 2.00 p.m. on a day and funds
are available for utilization before the cut-off time without availing
any credit facility, whether, intra-day or otherwise – the closing NAV
of the day immediately preceding the day of receipt of application;
c. The funds are available for utilization before the cut-off time without
availing any credit facility whether intra-day or otherwise, by the
respective liquid schemes. Mutual Funds shall calculate NAV for each calendar day for their
liquid fund schemes and plans.
8.3.6 Cut-off Timings for schemes and plans other than liquid fund schemes
and plans The funds are available for utilization before the cut-off time
without availing any credit facility whether intra-day or
otherwise, by the respective switch-in income/debt oriented
mutual fund schemes/plans. Paragraphs 8.3.5 and 8.3.6 shall apply to ‘switch in’ transactions as
if they were purchase transactions and to ‘switch out’ transactions
as if they were repurchase transactions. Cut off timings as prescribed under Paragraphs 8.3.5 and 8.3.6 shall
apply with reference to the point of time at which the applications
are received at such official points of acceptance.
, ,,, ,
for CTR format, please refer to the section on formats
For Trustee report, please refer to the section on formats
106 Master Circular for Mutual Funds The Half Yearly Trustee Reports shall contain a declaration on
whether the Trustees are satisfied with the systems and procedures
of the Mutual Fund designed for the purpose of compliance with
these Guidelines.
Regulations218 provides that the AMC shall not acquire any of the
assets out of the scheme property which involves the assumption of
any liability which is unlimited or which may result in encumbrance
of the scheme property in any way. AMC’s are advised to strictly
adhere to the said provision.
8.4.2 Every application for purchase shall be stamped on the face and the
corresponding payment instrument shall be stamped on the back
indicating the date and time of receipt and running serial number.
The application and the payment instrument shall contain the same
serial number.
8.4.4 Different applications shall not be bunched together with the same
serial number.
8.4.5 Blank papers shall not be time stamped. Genuine errors, if any, shall
be recorded with reasons and the corresponding applications requests
shall also be preserved.
8.4.6 The time stamping machine shall have a tamper proof seal and the
ability to open the seal for maintenance or repairs must be limited to
vendors or nominated persons of the mutual fund, to be entered in a
proper record.
8.4.7 Breakage of seal and/or breakdown of the time stamping process shall
be duly recorded and reported to the Trustees.
8.4.9 Any alternate mode of application that does not have any physical or
electronic trail shall be converted into a physical piece of information
and time stamped in accordance with these Guidelines.
8.4.10 Mutual Funds shall maintain and preserve all applications/ requests,
duly time stamped as aforesaid, at least for a period of eight years219
8.5.2 Exit loads shall be charged as a percentage of the NAV i.e. applicable load
as a percentage of NAV will be subtracted from the NAV to calculate the
repurchase price.
220 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/08/514/2002 dated July 22, 2002 & SEBI Circular No.
SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009
9.1 Definitions222
9.1.1 Non Traded Securities223
222SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/8/92/2000 dated September 18, 2000, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/14/088/2001 dated March 28, 2001 and SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
<, When a security (other than debt securities) is not traded on any
Stock Exchange on a particular valuation day, the value at which it
was traded on the selected Stock Exchange, as the case may be, on
the earliest previous day may be used provided such date is not
more than thirty days prior to valuation date.
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
226 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002. AMCs shall value non traded and/or thinly traded securities “in
good faith” based on the Valuation norms prescribed below: Based on the latest available Balance Sheet, Net Worth shall be
calculated as follows:
c. The value as per the Net Worth value per share and the capital
earning value calculated as above shall be averaged and further
discounted by 10 per cent. for illiquidity so as to arrive at the fair
value per share.
d. In case the EPS is negative, EPS value for that year shall be taken
as zero for arriving at capitalised earning.
229 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.16/ 193388/2010 dated February 02, 2010
230 SEBI Circular No.Cir/IMD/DF/6/2012 dated February 28, 2012
231 SEBI Circular No.Cir/IMD/DF/6/2012 dated February 28, 2012
3. The Yields for pricing the non traded debt security would be
arrived at using the process as defined below.
9.3 Methodology:
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
115 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
a. Government of India dated securities will be grouped into various
duration buckets such as 0.164-0.25 yrs233, 0.25- 0.5 yrs234, 0.5-1
year, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years and 6 years and the
volume weighted yield would be computed for each bucket. These
duration buckets may be changed to reflect the market value more
closely by any agency suggested by AMFI giving benchmark yield/
matrix of spreads over benchmark yield. Mark up for credit risk over the risk free benchmark YTM as
calculated in 9.3.1 above, will be determined using the trades of
corporate debentures/bonds of different ratings. All trades on
appropriate stock exchange during the fortnight prior to the
benchmark date will be used in building the corporate YTM and
spread matrices. Initially these matrices will be built only for
corporate securities of investment grade. The matrices are dynamic
and the spreads will be computed every week. The matrix will be
built for all duration buckets for which the benchmark GOI matrix
is built to effectively link the corporate matrix with the GOI
securities matrix. Accordingly:
236 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR.No 23 / 066 /2003 dated March 7,2003
237 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
238 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
, ,,, , Chief Executive Officer (whatever his designation may be) of the
AMC shall give prior approval to the use of discretionary mark up or
down limit.
a. The securities with call option shall be valued at the lower of the
value as obtained by valuing the security to final maturity and
valuing the security to call option. In case there are multiple call
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
240SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/8/92/2000 dated September 18, 2000.
119 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
options, the lowest value obtained by valuing to the various call
dates and valuing to the maturity date is to be taken as the value
of the instrument.
a. The securities with put option shall be valued at the higher of the
value as obtained by valuing the security to final maturity and
valuing the security to put option. In case there are multiple put
options, the highest value obtained by valuing to the various put
dates and valuing to the maturity date is to be taken as the value
of the instruments. Securities with both Put and Call option on the same day
a. The securities with both Put and Call option on the same day would
be deemed to mature on the Put/Call day and would be valued
< ,,
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/14/442/2002 dated February 20, 2002.
120 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
9.6 Illiquid Securities242
9.6.2 All Mutual Funds shall disclose as on March 31 and September 30 the
scheme wise total illiquid securities in value and percentage of the net
assets while disclosing Half Yearly Portfolios to the unit holders. In the
list of investments, an asterisk mark shall be given against all such
investments which are recognised as illiquid securities.
9.6.3 Mutual Funds shall not be allowed to transfer illiquid securities among
their schemes. The definition of NPA may be applied after a quarter past due date
of the interest. For e.g. if the due date for interest is 30.06.2000, it
will be classified as NPA from 01.10.2000. After the expiry of the 1st quarter from the date the income has fallen
due, there will be no further interest accrual on the asset i.e. if the
due date for interest falls on 30.06.2000 and if the interest is not
received, accrual will continue till 30.09.2000 after which there will
be no further accrual of income. In short, taking the above example,
from the beginning of the 2nd quarter there will be no further accrual
on income. On classification of the asset as NPA from a quarter past due date
of interest, all interest accrued and recognized in the books of
accounts of the Mutual Fund till the date shall be provided for. For
e.g. if interest income falls due on 30.06.2000, accrual of interest
will continue till 30.09.2000 even if the income as on 30.06.2000
has not been received. Further, no accrual will take place from Both secured and unsecured investments, once they are recognized
as NPAs, call for provisioning in the same manner and where these
are related to close ended schemes, the phasing would be such that
to ensure full provisioning prior to the closure of the scheme or the
scheduled phasing whichever is earlier. The value of the asset shall be provided in the following manner or
earlier at the discretion of the Mutual Fund. Mutual Funds will not
have discretion to extend the period of provisioning. The
provisioning against the principal amount or installments shall be
made at the following rates irrespective of whether the principal is
due for repayment or not.
a. 10 percent of the book value of the asset shall be provided for after
6 months past due date of interest i.e. 3 months form the date of
classification of the asset as NPA.
b. 20 percent of the book value of the asset should be provided for after
9 months past due date of interest i.e. 6 months from the date of
classification of the asset as NPA.
c. Another 20 percent of the book value of the assets shall be provided
for after 12 months past due date of interest i.e. 9 months from the
date of classification of the asset as NPA.
d. Another 25 percent of the book value of the assets shall be provided
for after 15 months past due date of interest i.e. 12 months from the
date of classification of the asset as NPA. Book value for the purpose of provisioning for NPAs shall be taken
as a value determined as per the prescribed valuation method.
b. Thus, one and half years past the due date of income or one year
and three months from the date of classification of the ‘asset’ as an
NPA, the ‘asset’ will be fully provided for. If any installment is fallen
due, during the period of interest default, the amount of provision
shall be the installment amount or above provision amount,
whichever is higher.
a. In case a company has fully cleared all the arrears of interest, the
interest provisions can be written back in full. When the Mutual Fund has received income/ principal amount after
their classifications as NPAs:
a. If the rating of the Bond comes down to Grade ‘BB’ (or its equivalent)
or below
b. If the company is defaulting in their commitments in respect of
other assets, if available.
c. Full Net worth erosion. Provision should be made as per the norms set at 9.7.4 above as
soon as the asset is classified as NPA. Full provision can be made if the rating comes down to Grade ‘D’ (or
its equivalent). Mutual Funds shall make scrip wise disclosures of NPAs on Half
Yearly basis along with the Half Yearly Portfolio Disclosure in the
format prescribed245. The total amount of provisions made against the NPAs shall be
disclosed in addition to the total quantum of NPAs and their
proportion to the assets of the Mutual Fund scheme. In the list of
investments and asterisk mark shall be given against such
investments which are recognized as NPAs. Where the date of
redemption of an investment has lapsed, the amount not redeemed
shall be shown as ‘Sundry Debtors’ and not investment, provided,
that where an investment is redeemable by installments, that will be
shown as an investment until all installments have become overdue.
245 For formats of Half yearly disclosure, please refer to the section on Formats
127 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
9.8 Investment in Unlisted Equity Shares246
a. Based on the latest available audited balance sheet, Net Worth shall
be calculated as the lower of item (1) and (2) below:
3. The lower of (1) and (2) above shall be used for calculation of Net
Worth per share and for further calculation in (c) below.
b. Average capitalisation rate (P/E ratio) for the industry based upon
either BSE or NSE data (which shall be followed consistently and
c. The value as per the Net Worth value per share and the capital
earning value calculated as above shall be averaged and further
discounted by 15 per cent for illiquidity so as to arrive at the fair
value per share.
d. In case the EPS is negative, EPS value for that year shall be taken
as zero for arriving at capitalised earning.
9.9.1 In case of securities purchased by mutual funds do not fall within the
current framework of the valuation of securities then such mutual
fund shall report immediately to AMFI regarding the same. Further, at
the time of investment AMCs shall ensure that the total exposure in
such securities does not exceed 5% of the total AUM of the scheme.
9.9.2 AMFI has been advised that the valuation agencies should ensure that
the valuation of such securities gets covered in the valuation
framework within six weeks from the date of receipt of such intimation
from mutual fund.
9.9.3 In the interim period, till AMFI makes provisions to cover such
securities in the valuation of securities framework, the mutual funds
shall value such securities using their proprietary model which has
been approved by their independent trustees and the statutory
9.10.1 All mutual funds shall provide transaction details, including inter
scheme transfers, of money market and debt securities on daily basis
to the agency entrusted for providing the benchmark yield/ matrix of
spread over risk free benchmark yield. Submission of data251 would
help in daily matrix generation and would improve uniformity and
accuracy of valuation in the mutual funds industry.
250 SEBI/IMD/CIR No.16/193388/2010 dated February 02, 2010 and Cir/IMD/DF/4/2010 dated
June 21, 2010
251 SEBI Circular No.MFD/CIR/23 /066 / 2003 dated March 7, 2003. For disclosure of transaction
9.11 Consistency
9.11.1 All AMC’s shall ensure that similar securities held under its various
schemes shall be valued consistently.
In case inflows from beyond top 30 cities is less than the higher of
(a) or (b) above, additional TER on daily net assets of the scheme shall
be charged as follows:
Daily net assets X 30 basis points X New inflows from beyond top 30 cities
254 SEBI Circular No. IIMARP/MF/CIR/01/428/97 dated February 28, 1997, SEBI Circular No.
IIMARP/MF/CIR/07/826/98 dated April 15, 1998, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/9/120/2000 dated November 24, 2000.
255 Regulation 52(4) of the Mutual Funds Regulations,1996
256 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/120/2000 dated November 24, 2000.
257 SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012.
258 Regulation 52 of the Mutual Funds Regulations,1996
259 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/16 dated February 02, 2018.
10.1.3 The additional TER on account of inflows from beyond top 30 cities so
charged shall be clawed back in case the same is redeemed within a
period of 1 year from the date of investment.
(b) Any change in the base TER (i.e. TER excluding additional
expenses provided in Regulation 52(6A)(b), 52(6A)(c) of SEBI
(Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 and Goods and Services Tax
on investment and advisory fees) in comparison to previous base
TER charged to any scheme/plan shall be communicated to
investors of the scheme/plan through notice via email or SMS at
least three working days prior to effecting such change. (For
example, if changed TER is to be effective from January 8, 2018,
then notice shall be given latest by January 2, 2018, considering
at least three working days prior to effective date). Further, the
notice of change in base TER shall be updated in the aforesaid
section of website at least three working days prior to effecting
such change.
10.1.14 Further, each item of expenditure accounting for more than 10% of
total expenditure shall be disclosed in the accounts or the notes
thereto of the schemes271.
(a) AMC shall not collect any additional management fees referred
to in Regulation273.
(b) Mutual Fund Schemes to be launched including those for which
observation letter have been issued under Regulation274 would
be required to carry out the changes in SID and file the same
with SEBI before the launch.
, ,,
SEBI Circular No. IIMARP/MF/CIR/07/826/98 dated April 15, 1998.
271 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/120/2000 dated November 24, 2000.
272 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647 /2010 dated March 15, 2010
273 Regulation 52(3) of SEBI Mutual Funds Regulation, 1996 and SEBI Circular No.
10.3.1 AMC(s) can charge Service Tax, as per applicable Taxation Laws, to
the scheme(s) within the limits prescribed under Regulations277
10.3.2 Mutual funds /AMCs may charge service tax on investment and
advisory fees to the scheme in addition to the maximum limit of
TER as prescribed in Regulation 52278.
10.3.3 Service tax on other than investment and advisory fees, if any, shall
be borne by the scheme within the maximum limit of TER as per
Regulation 52279.
10.3.4 Service tax on exit load, if any, shall be paid out of the exit load
proceeds and exit load net of service tax, if any, shall be credited to
the scheme.
10.3.5 Service tax on brokerage and transaction cost280 paid for execution of
trade, if any, shall be within the limit prescribed under regulation 52
of the Regulations.
275 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.3/211/2001 dated April 30, 2001, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR No.5/153/2001 dated May 24, 2001.
276 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/04/430/2002 dated June 19, 2002, SEBI Circular No.
CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012.
277 Reg.52(6) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996.
(a) There shall be no entry load282 for all Mutual Fund schemes.
(c) The load balances are maintained as ‘liabilities’ in the books of the
scheme and are not included in the net asset value (NAV). The
usage283 of the load account shall be subject to the following:
The accretions after July 31, 2009 can be used by mutual funds
for marketing and selling expenses including
distributor’s/agent's commissions without any restrictions
mentioned in Para (b) above.
(d) The exit load charged284, if any, after the commencement of SEBI
(Mutual Funds) (Second Amendment) Regulations, 2012, shall be
credited to the scheme.
(e) The distributors should disclose all the commissions (in the form of
trail commission or any other mode) payable to them for the
different competing schemes of various Mutual Funds from
amongst which the scheme is being recommended to the investor.
10.4.2 The above guidelines became applicable for:
(a) Investments in mutual fund schemes (including additional
purchases and switch-in to a scheme from other schemes) w.e.f
August 1, 2009
10.4.3 The AMCs are required to bring the contents of these guidelines to the
notice of their distributors and monitor compliance.
(e) The statement of account shall clearly state that the net
investment as gross subscription less transaction charge and give
the number of units allotted against the net investment.
10.6.1 AMC(s) shall not charge entry and/or exit load on bonus units and
units allotted on reinvestment of dividend. Necessary disclosures in
this regard shall be made in the SID filed with the Board289
10.7.1 Revised filing fee291 as per the SEBI (Payment of Fees) Amendment
Regulations 2014 would be applicable to those scheme(s) whose SID
has been filed with SEBI on or after May 23, 2014.
10.8.2 Further, the parity among all classes of unit holders in terms of
charging exit load shall be made applicable at the portfolio level.294
288 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 14/120784/08 dated March 18, 2008
259 SEBI Circular No. CIR/ IMD/DF/24/2012 dated November 19, 2012
290 SEBI Cir No. SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 5 / 169030 / 2009 dated July 8, 2009
291 Gazettee Notification No. LAD-NRO/GN/20014-15/03/1089 on SEBI (Payment of Fees)
Mutual Funds shall ensure compliance with this circular on or before August 24, 2009
293 SEBI Circular No - SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 7 /173650 / 2009 dated August 17,2009 and
SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 5/126096/08 dated May 23, 2008 (clause 16 of the
standard observations)
294 SEBI Circular No - SEBI / IMD / CIR No. 7 /173650 / 2009 dated August 17,2009
11.2 These guidelines are applicable to all Mutual Fund schemes/plans which
intend to declare the dividend irrespective of their dates of launch.298 The Trustees shall decide the quantum of dividend and the record
date in their meeting299. Dividend so decided, shall be paid,
subject to availability of distributable surplus. Record date shall be the date which will be considered for the
purpose of determining the eligibility of investors whose names
appear on the register of unit holders for receiving dividends. The
NAV shall be adjusted to the extent of dividend distribution and
statutory levy, if applicable, at the close of business hours on
record date. Within one calendar day of the decision of the Trustees with
respect to the dividend to be distributed, the AMC(s) shall issue a
notice to the public communicating the decision including the
record date. The record date shall be five calendar days from the
issue of public notice. Such notice shall be given in at least one English daily newspaper
having nationwide circulation as well as in a newspaper published
in the language of the region where the head office of the Mutual
Fund is situated. The notice shall, in font size 10, bold, categorically state that
pursuant to dividend distribution, NAV of the scheme would fall
to the extent of payout and statutory levy (if applicable).
300SEBI circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647 /2010 dated March 15, 2010
301Ninth and Eleventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
147 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
Scheme Balance Sheet (including Abridged) provides for disclosure
of Unit Premium Reserve.
11.3.2 Unit Premium Reserve, which is part of the sales price of units that
is not attributable to realized gains, cannot be used to pay dividend.
Therefore: When units of an open-ended scheme are sold, and sale price is
higher than face value of the unit, part of sale proceeds that
represents unrealized gains shall be credited to a separate account
(Unit Premium Reserve) and shall be treated at par with unit
capital and the same shall not be utilized for the determination of
distributable surplus. When units of an open-ended scheme are sold, and sale price is
less than face value of the unit, the difference between the sale
price and face value shall be debited to distributable reserves and
the dividend can be declared only when distributable reserves
become positive after adjusting the amount debited to reserves as
per Regulations302.
302 Paragraph 2(a) (ix) of Eleventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
148 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
12.1 Investments by Index Funds:304
12.2.1 The ‘liquid fund schemes and plans’ shall make investment in
/purchase debt and money market securities with maturity of upto 91
days only 307. This shall also be applicable in case of inter scheme transfer
of securities 308 Explanation:
Inter-scheme transfers of securities having maturity upto 365 days and held in other schemes
as on February 01, 2009 shall be permitted till October 31, 2009. With effect from November
149 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
case the principal is to be repaid in more than one payout then the
maturity of the securities shall be calculated on the basis of weighted
average maturity of security.
b. In case of securities with put and call options (daily or otherwise) the
residual maturity of the securities shall not be greater than 91 days309
12.2.2 The above requirements shall be disclosed in the SID and shall form
part of the investment allocation pattern. Any deviation from these
requirements shall be viewed as violation of investment restrictions.
12.3.1 Close ended debt schemes shall invest only in such securities which
mature on or before the date of the maturity of the scheme310
1, 2009 the requirements stated at paragraph 12.2.1 above shall apply to such inter-se
scheme transfers also.
309 w.e.f May 01, 2009.
310 SEBI Circular No IMD/CIR No 12/147132/08 dated December 11, 2008.
311 SEBI Circular No.CIR/IMD/ DF/ 21/ 2012 dated September 13, 2012 and SEBI Circular No.
12.4.5 The revised investment restrictions at issuer level, sector level and
group level shall be applicable to all new schemes and fresh
investments by existing schemes from the date of this circular (i.e.
February 15, 2016).
12.4.6 Existing mutual fund schemes shall comply with the revised
investment restrictions at issuer level, sector level and group level
within a period of one year from the date of issue of this circular (i.e.
February 15, 2016). Existing close ended schemes shall not be
required to sell their investments to comply with the restrictions.
However, if existing close ended schemes sell their investments then
their fresh investments shall be subject to the restrictions. The AMC(s) shall report to the Trustees on a quarterly basis about
the level of lending, in terms of value, volume and intermediaries
and also earnings and/or losses, value of collateral security etc.
SEBI Circular No MFD/CIR/01/047/99 dated February 10, 1999.
314 Regulation 44(4) of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996.
315 SEBI Circular No - SEBI / IMD / CIR No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15,2009 The Trustees shall offer their comments on the above aspects in the
Half Yearly Trustee Report filed with the Board.316 In case an existing SID does not provide for lending of securities,
Mutual Funds may still lend securities belonging to the scheme, in
accordance with the SEBI Guidelines, provided approval is obtained
from the Trustees and the intention to lend securities is conveyed
to the unit holders.
316 Regulation 18(23)(a) of the Mutual Funds Regulations. Further, for format of Half Yearly
Trustee Report please refer to section on Formats.
317 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/120/2000 dated November 24, 2000.
, ,,
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/9/230/2001 dated August 14, 2001.
Clauses 10 and 11, Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds), Regulations, 1996.
320 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.8/18944/03 dated October 6, 2003.
321 Clauses 1 and 1A, Seventh Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds), Regulations, 1996.
322 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.6/63715/06 dated March 29, 2006.
323 Clause I of Schedule VII of SEBI (Mutual Fund), Regulations, 1996 Such deposits shall be held in the name of the concerned scheme. No mutual fund scheme shall park more than 15% of their net
assets in short term deposits of all scheduled commercial banks
put together. This limit however may be raised to 20% with prior
approval of the Trustees. Also, parking of funds in short term
deposits of associate and sponsor scheduled commercial banks
together shall not exceed 20% of the total deployment by the
Mutual Fund in short term deposits. No mutual fund scheme shall park more than 10% of the net
assets in short term deposits with any one scheduled commercial
bank including its subsidiaries. Trustees shall ensure that funds of a particular scheme are not
parked in short term deposit of a bank which has invested in that
324 SEBI Circulars No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.9/20306/03 dated November 12, 2003, SEBI Circular
No. SEBI/IMD/Cir No.1/91171/07 dated April 16, 2007, SEBI and Clause 8 of Seventh
, ,,
Schedule of Mutual Funds Regulations, 1996.
325 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/Cir No.1/91171/07 dated April 16, 2007. Half Yearly portfolio statements shall disclose all funds parked in
short term deposit(s) under a separate heading. Details shall also
include name of the bank, amount of funds parked, percentage of
NAV. Trustees shall, in the Half Yearly Trustee Reports certify that
provisions of the Mutual Funds Regulations pertaining to parking
of funds in short term deposits pending deployment are complied
with at all points of time. The AMC(s) shall also certify the same
in its CTR(s). Except for clause ( the above guidelines shall not apply
to term deposits placed as margins for trading in cash and
derivatives market329. However, duration of such term deposits
shall be disclosed in the Half Yearly Portfolio330.
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/6/73/2000 dated July 27, 2000.
328 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.9/20306/03 dated November 12, 2003.
329 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/Cir No.7/129592/08 dated June 23, 2008.
330 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/Cir No.7/129592/08 dated June 23, 2008
12.11.1 According to the RBI guidelines332 issued to all SGL account holders,
to make transactions in government securities transparent, a monthly
reconciliation system has been introduced between RBI and Mutual
Funds maintaining SGL/CSGL accounts with respect to Government
Securities on an ongoing basis.
12.11.2 Mutual Funds shall reconcile the balances reported in the monthly
statements furnished by RBI with the transactions undertaken by
12.11.3 The reconciliation procedure shall be made part of internal audit and
the auditors shall on a continuous basis, check the status of
reconciliation and submit a report to the Audit Committee. These
reports shall be placed in the meetings of the Board of the AMC and
Trustees. Mutual Funds shall submit, on a quarterly basis to the RBI,
a certificate confirming compliance with these requirements and any
other guidelines issued by the RBI from time to time in this regard.
Compliance shall also be reported to the Board in the CTRs of AMC(s)
and Half Yearly Trustee Reports.
SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/19/22474/2002 dated November 20, 2002.
332RBI Circular No.P.D.O.SGL.CIRR/1945/2002-2003 dated November 1, 2002.
158 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
12.12 Participation of mutual funds in repo in corporate debt
securities333 The Trustees and the Asset Management Companies shall frame
guidelines about, inter alia, , the following in context of these
transactions keeping in mind the interest of investors in their
a. Category of counterparty
d. Applicable haircuts Mutual funds shall ensure compliance with the Seventh Schedule
of the Mutual Funds Regulations about restrictions on
investments, wherever applicable, with respect to repo
transactions in corporate debt securities.
335 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.7/104753/07 dated September 26, 2007 & SEBI
Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.2/122577/08 dated April 8, 2008.
336 SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.2/122577/08 dated April 8, 2008. Government securities where the countries are rated not below
investment grade. Short term deposits with banks overseas where the issuer is rated
not below investment grade.
a. Aforesaid Securities
a. The Board of the AMC and Trustees shall exercise due diligence
in making investment decisions and record the same.337 They
shall make a detailed analysis of risks and returns of overseas
investment and how these investments would be in the interest of
investors. Investment shall be made in liquid actively traded
securities /instruments.
b. In case the SID of an existing scheme does not provide for overseas
investment, the scheme, if it so desires, may make such
investments in accordance with these Guidelines, provided that
338 For Half Yearly Results, please refer to the section on Formats
164 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
prior to the overseas investments for the first time, the AMC shall
ensure that a written communication about the proposed
investment is sent to each unit holder and an advertisement is
given in one English daily newspaper having nationwide
circulation as well as in a newspaper published in the language of
the region where the Head Office of the Mutual Fund is situated.
The communication to unit holders shall also disclose the risk
factors associated with such investments.
a. The Board of the AMC and Trustees shall review the performance
of schemes making overseas investments with appropriate
benchmark(s) as disclosed in the SID.
339 Please refer the section on formats for format of proposal for investments in foreign securities
and ETFs
340 SEBI Circular No. IMD/CIR. No.1/165935/2009 dated June 09, 2009
341 Regulation 43(1) of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
12.17.1 AMC(s) shall exercise due diligence and care in all investment
decisions as would be exercised by other persons engaged in the
same business.346 Further AMC(s) shall maintain records in
support of each investment decision which will indicate data,
facts and opinion leading to that decision. While broad
12.17.2 The Board of the AMC shall develop a mechanism to verify that
due diligence is being exercised while making investment
decisions especially in cases of investment in unlisted and
privately placed securities, unrated debt securities, NPAs,
transactions where associates are involved and instances where
the performance of the scheme(s) is poor.
347 For Half Yearly Trustee Report please refer to the section on Formats
168 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
12.18 Norms for investment and disclosure by Mutual Funds in
derivatives348 The total exposure related to option premium paid must not
exceed 20% of the net assets of the scheme.
348 SEBI Circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/ 11/ 2010 dated August 18, 2010
169 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
d. The quantity of underlying associated with the derivative
position taken for hedging purposes does not exceed the
quantity of the existing position against which hedge has been
taken. Mutual Funds may enter into plain vanilla interest rate swaps for
hedging purposes. The counter party in such transactions has to
be an entity recognized as a market maker by RBI. Further, the
value of the notional principal in such cases must not exceed the
value of respective existing assets being hedged by the scheme.
Exposure to a single counterparty in such transactions should not
exceed 10% of the net assets of the scheme.
a. 349To reduce interest rate risk in a debt portfolio, mutual funds may
hedge the portfolio or part of the portfolio (including one or more
securities) on weighted average modified duration basis by using
Interest Rate Futures (IRFs).The maximum extent of short position
that may be taken in IRFs to hedge interest rate risk of the portfolio
or part of the portfolio, is as per the formula given below:
(a) The correlation for past 90 days between the portfolio and
the IRF is at least 0.9 or
Position Exposure
Long Future Futures Price * Lot Size * Number of
Short Future Futures Price * Lot Size * Number of
Option bought Option Premium Paid * Lot Size * Number
of Contracts. The provisions shall be applicable for all new schemes launched
post the issue of the aforementioned guidelines. For all existing
12.19.1 Certain SIDs provide that the subscription to the scheme can be
made during a specific period (known as specified transaction
period) and the repurchase of units is permitted on all business
days subject to applicable loads (except for redemption during
specified transaction period when no load is charged). These
schemes are generally referred to as ‘interval schemes’.
350 SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF /19/2010 dated November 26, 2010
351 Applicability:
The AMC shall ensure compliance with the requirements mentioned in Clause 12.16.2 from
the date of next specified transaction period or April 1, 2011 whichever is later. Schemes for
which observations (final) under Regulation 29 of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996
have been issued but are yet to be launched would be required to carry out the changes in
Scheme Information Document and file the same with SEBI before the launch.
174 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
scheme). The specified transaction period shall be of minimum
2 working days.
In case of securities with put and call options the residual time for
exercising the put option of the securities shall not be beyond the
opening of the immediately following transaction period.
(1) the term "Person" shall carry the same meaning under Section
2(31) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
(2) the phrase “resident in India” shall carry the same meaning as in
the Income Tax Act, 1961
13.2.2 MF shall ensure that only QFIs who comply with para 13.2.1 are
allowed to invest under these routes.
13.2.3 MF shall ensure that QFIs meet the KYC requirements as per the
FATF standards, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
(PMLA) rules and regulations made thereunder, and SEBI circulars
issued in this regard before accepting subscriptions from QFIs.
13.2.4 The aggregate investments by QFIs under both the routes shall be
subject to a total overall ceiling of US $10 billion for equity schemes.
13.2.6 MF can accept subscriptions from QFIs till such time the
investments by QFIs under both the routes reaches US $8 billion
13.2.7 MF shall file with SEBI a report about the total subscription and
redemption by QFIs on a daily basis as per the format. MF shall
prepare such report on actual receipt and payment basis. SEBI will
disseminate on an aggregate basis the total amount of investments
by QFIs in equity and debt schemes of the MF on SEBI’s website.
When the total investment reaches US $8 billion in equity schemes
or US $2.5 billion in debt schemes, MF shall stop accepting fresh
investment from QFIs unless they get allotment of limits out of the
remaining limit of US $2 billion in equity schemes or US $0.5 billion
in debt schemes respectively in the auction process referred in para
13.2.8 MF/ DP shall ensure that the units held by QFIs by way of
UCR/demat holding are non transferable and non tradable.
13.2.9 MF/ DP shall capture the bank account details of the QFIs
designated overseas bank account and shall ensure that all
subscriptions are received from that overseas account and
redemption proceeds are also transferred into the same overseas
account. MF/ DP shall also ensure that the overseas bank account
which QFIs has designated for the purpose is based in countries
which are compliant with FATF standards and are signatory to
13.2.12 MF/ DP shall ensure that units/ UCRs held by QFIs are
free from all encumbrances i.e. pledge or lien cannot be created
for such units.
13.2.13 MF shall comply with all the requirements as per the PMLA, FATF
standards and SEBI circulars issued in this regard on an ongoing
13.2.14 MF shall ensure that all the investor related documents/ records
of the QFIs are available with them.
13.2.18 MF/DP shall require QFIs to submit necessary information for the
purpose of obtaining PAN. MF/DP may use the combined PAN
cum KYC form to be notified by CBDT for QFIs. MF/ DP may take
any additional information/ documents from the QFIs other than
those mentioned in the common PAN cum KYC from to ensure
compliance with Para 13.2.3 above.
13.3.1 There shall be 3 parties under this route - QFIs, qualified DP and
13.3.2 A QFIs can open only one demat account with any one of the
qualified DPs and shall subscribe and redeem through that DP
only. MF alongwith the DP shall have adequate systems to ensure
the compliance of the same.
13.3.4 The qualified DP shall open a demat account for the QFIs after
ensuring all the requirements as per the PMLA, FATF standards
and SEBI circulars issued in this regard.
13.3.5 For the purpose of account opening, MF can rely on the KYC done
by DPs. Further, MF shall obtain the relevant records of KYC/ other
documents from the DP and ensure compliance with para 13.2.14.
However, MF shall comply with PMLA, FATF standards and SEBI
circulars issued in this regard from time to time on an ongoing
13.3.6 The qualified DP shall open a separate single rupee pool bank
account with a designated AD Category -I bank, exclusively for the
purpose of investments by QFIs in India.
c. If for any reasons, the DP is not able to remit the money to the
MF scheme account within the stipulated timeframe as
mentioned in para-b, the DP shall immediately return the
money to the designated overseas bank account of the QFIs.
d. MF shall process the order and credit units into the demat
account of the QFIs.
Dividend This Circular shall be applicable with effect from May 01, 2018.
13.4.1 There shall be four parties involved - QFIs, UCR issuer (based
overseas), SEBI registered Custodian (based in India) and MF.
13.4.2 QFIs can subscribe / redeem only through the UCR Issuer.
13.4.3 MF shall appoint one or more UCR issuing agent overseas and one
SEBI registered custodian in India.
13.4.6 MF shall seek no objection from SEBI before appointing any UCR
issuer and furnish the details and information sought by SEBI
about the UCR issuer. SEBI reserves the right to seek additional
information / clarification and direct action, including non
13.4.7 MF shall comply with all the requirements as per the PMLA, FATF
standards and SEBI circulars issued in this regard on an ongoing
13.4.10 MF shall ensure that for every UCR issued by UCR issuer,
Custodian in India shall hold corresponding number of units
against it i.e., there shall be one unit of MF scheme for every unit
of UCR.
b. UCR issuer shall forward the order of QFIs to the MF/Custodian. Upon
receipt and transfer of funds to India; the MF shall issue units to the
custodian and custodian in turn confirm to the UCR Issuer to issue
UCR to the QFIs.
13.5 The investment by the QFIs in MF equity and debt schemes under this
scheme shall also be subject to the relevant and extant FEMA
regulations and guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India under
FEMA, 1999 from time to time.
14.2 In addition to the provisions of the Sixth Schedule, mutual funds shall
comply with the following:359
14.2.3 Pay out of Dividend/ Bonus: While advertising pay outs, all
advertisements shall disclose, immediately below the pay out figure
(in percentage or in absolute terms) that the NAV of the scheme,
pursuant to pay out would fall to the extent of payout and statutory
levy (if applicable).
357SEBI Circular No.Cir/IMD/DF/13/2011 dated August 22, 2011 and SEBI Circular
No.Cir/IMD/DF/6/2012 dated February 28, 2012
358 Sixth Schedule of SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 as amended via gazette notification If a Mutual Fund scheme has not been managed by the same fund
manager for the full period of the information being published in
the advertisement, the same should be disclosed in a footnote
14.3.2 When a scheme has been in existence for more than 1 year but less
than 3 years or 5 years, the same shall be mentioned as a
footnote in the performance advertisement of the Mutual Fund
14.3.3 Where the scheme has been in existence for less than one year, past
performance shall not be provided361.
14.3.5 For the sake of standardization, a similar return in INR and by way of
CAGR must be shown for the following apart from the scheme
14.4.1 Mutual Funds shall not offer any indicative portfolio and indicative
yield. No communication regarding the same in any manner
whatsoever shall be issued by any Mutual Fund or distributors of its MFs/AMCs shall disclose their credit evaluation policy for the
investments in debt securities. MFs/AMCs shall also disclose the list of sectors they would not
be investing. MFs shall disclose the type of instruments which the schemes
propose to invest viz. CPs, CDs, Treasury bills etc MFs shall disclose the floors and ceilings within a range of 5% of
the intended allocation (in %) against each sub asset
class/credit rating. For example, it may be disclosed that x-y %
would be in AAA rated bank CD as per the sample matrix below:
15.1.2 The AMC(s) shall be liable to pay interest @ 15 per cent per annum
to the unit holders.369 AMC(s) must ensure that the interest amount
due for the period of delay in dispatch of repurchase or redemption
and/or dividend is added to the proceeds when such payments are
made to the investors. Such interest shall be borne by the AMC(s).
15.1.3 Details of such payments shall be sent to the Board along with the
CTR(s).370 Investors shall also be informed about the rate and
amount of interest paid to them. Non compliance with these
directions may invite action under the Mutual Funds Regulations.
SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MFD/CIR/2/266/2000 dated May 19, 2000.
SEBI Circular No. SEBI / IMD / CIR No 14 / 187175/ 2009 dated December 15,2009
369Regulation 53(c) of the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996.
15.2.1 The unclaimed redemption and dividend amounts, that were earlier
allowed to be deployed only in call money market or money market
instruments, shall also be allowed to be invested in a separate plan
of Liquid scheme / Money Market Mutual Fund scheme floated by
Mutual Funds specifically for deployment of the unclaimed
15.2.2 AMCs shall not be permitted to charge any exit load in this plan and
TER (Total Expense Ratio) of such plan shall be capped at 50 bps.
15.2.4 Investors who claim the unclaimed amounts during a period of three
years from the due date shall be paid initial unclaimed amount
along-with the income earned on its deployment. Investors, who
claim these amounts after 3 years, shall be paid initial unclaimed
amount along-with the income earned on its deployment till the end
of the third year. After the third year, the income earned on such
unclaimed amounts shall be used for the purpose of investor
15.2.5 The AMC shall make a continuous effort to remind the investors
through letters to take their unclaimed amounts.
15.3.1 AMCs shall allot the units to the applicant whose application has
been accepted and also send confirmation specifying the number of
units allotted to the applicant by way of email and/or SMS’s to the
applicant’s registered email address and/or mobile number as soon
as possible but not later than five working days from the date of
closure of the initial subscription list and/or from the date of receipt
of the request from the unitholders. The CAS shall be generated on a monthly basis. The AMCs /MF-
RTAs shall provide the data with respect to the common PANs to
the depositories within three days from the month end. The The depositories and the AMCs/ MF-RTAs shall ensure data
integrity and confidentiality in respect of the shared information.
The depositories shall utilize the shared data only for the purpose
of providing CAS and shall not share the same with their
Depository participants. Where Depositories are required to
share such information with unregulated entities like third party
printers, the depositories shall enter into necessary data
confidentiality agreements with them. The CAS shall be implemented from the month of March 2015
with respect to the transactions carried out during the month of
February 2015.
a. Each CAS issued to the investors shall also provide the total
purchase value / cost of investment in each scheme.
15.7.1 ASBA facility which investors have been enjoying for subscription to
public issue of equity capital of companies has been extended to the
investors subscribing to New Fund Offers (NFOs) of mutual fund
schemes. It shall co-exist with the current process, wherein cheques/
demand drafts are used as a mode of payment.
15.7.2 The banks which are in SEBI’s list shall extend the same facility in
case of NFOs of mutual fund schemes to all eligible investors in
Mutual Fund units.
15.7.3 Mutual Funds shall ensure that adequate arrangements are made by
Registrar and Transfer Agents for the implementation of ASBA.
Mutual Funds/AMCs shall make all relevant disclosures in this
regard in the SAI.
a. Eligibility -IAF shall be allowed through online mechanism and only for
resident individual investors.
b. Applicability
c. Liquidity
i. Liquidity for IAF has to be provided out of the available funds with the
scheme and MFs/ AMCs should put in place a mechanism so that
adequate balance is available in the bank account of the scheme
to meet liquidity/ redemption requirements under IAF. Such
mechanism may be based on historical trends of instant access. For
example, AMCs offering IAF may set aside in cash at least 3 times of –
the higher of, last one month’s or three month’s daily average of
redemptions under instant access on a rolling day basis. AMCs should
also lay down robust processes for continuous monitoring and for
funding the redemptions under the IAF.
ii. MFs/ AMCs cannot borrow to meet the redemption requirements
under IAF.
d. Disclosures
i. AMCs shall make appropriate disclosures in the scheme related
documents about IAF and ensure that no mis-selling is done on the
pretext of instant availability of funds to the investors.
ii. Appropriate disclosures shall be made to the investors mentioning the
scenarios under which IAF may be suspended and that IAF request
would be processed as a normal redemption request in such
15.10.1It shall be mandatory for the investors of the Mutual Funds schemes
to mention their bank account numbers in their
applications/request for redemption. For this purposes Mutual
Funds shall provide space in applications and redemption request
386 SEBI Circular No. MRD/DoP/Cir-05/2007 dated April 27, 2007, SEBI Circular No.
MRD/DoP/Cir-08/2007 dated June 25, 2007, SEBI Circular No. MRD/DoP/MF/Cir-08/2008
dated April 3, 2008
, ,,
15.11.3 AMCs may publish the same as small booklets. In such a case, while
the booklets must bear SEBI name and logo, AMC may give their
name as publisher. This may also be displayed prominently on their
web sites
15.11.5 Board may be kept informed about the steps taken by the AMCs in
this regard from time to time.
16.3 Further, such intermediaries and employees shall also adhere to the
Guidelines specified by the Board and AMFI.392
16.4.1 The AMCs shall regulate the distributors by putting in place a due
diligence process as follows:
390 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.10/310/01 dated September 25, 2001, SEBI Circular No.
MFD/CIR/20/23230/2002 dated November 28, 2002, SEBI Circular No. SEBI/MFD/CIR
No.01/6693/03 dated April 3, 2003, SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.2/254/04 dated
February 4, 2004, SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR/06/210/2002 dated June 26, 2002.
391 Exemption for Senior Citizens: Senior citizens with experience in distributing Mutual Funds
units are exempt from the mandatory certification examination if they have completed 50
years of age and have experience of at least 5 years as on September 30, 2003.391 They
are also required to follow the guidelines prescribed by the Board and AMFI. They had to
attend a mutual fund training programme and a certificate to that effect endorsed by a
mutual fund should be submitted to AMFI.
392 SEBI Circular No. MFD/CIR No.10/310/01 dated September 25, 2001, SEBI Circular No. The due diligence process shall be initially applicable for distributors
satisfying one or more of the following criteria: At the time of empanelling distributors and during the period i.e.
review process, Mutual Funds/AMCs shall undertake a due
diligence process to satisfy ‘fit and proper’ criteria that incorporate,
amongst others, the following factors:
16.5.3 Non compliance with the Code of Conduct shall be reported by the
Mutual Funds to the Board and AMFI. Further, no Mutual Fund shall
deal with intermediaries contravening the prescribed Code of
16.7.1 With effect from June 01, 2010, the certification examination for
distributors, agents or any other persons employed or engaged or to
be employed or engaged in the sale and/or distribution of mutual
fund products, would be conducted by the National Institute of
Securities Markets (NISM)397. The text of notification in this regard is
enclosed herewith as Annexure 6.
16.7.2 Under the existing instructions, the agent/ distributor was exempted
from the AMFI certification examination if he had completed fifty
years of age and had at least five years of experience in distribution
of mutual fund units. As per regulation 4(3) of the Certification
Regulations, persons who have attained the age of fifty years or who
have at least ten years experience in the securities markets in the
sale and/ or distribution of mutual fund products as on May 31,
2010, will be given the option of obtaining the certification either by
passing the NISM certification examination or qualifying for
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) by obtaining such
classroom credits as may be specified by NISM from time to time. On a one time basis, send statement of holdings and all transactions
since inception of that folio in duplicate to the investor and seek
confirmation from the unit holders on the duplicate copy.
17.1.4 The Trustees were required forthwith to confirm to Board that the
steps had been taken to address the above and also send a status to
the Board as and when process was completed to their satisfaction. All new folios/ accounts shall be opened only after ensuring that
all investor related documents including account opening
documents, PAN, KYC, PoA (if applicable), specimen signature are
available with AMCs/RTAs and not just with the distributor. For existing folios, AMCs shall be responsible for updation of the
investor related documents including account opening
403 SEBI Circular No Cir /IMD/DF/9 / 2010 dated August 12, 2010
225 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
documents, PAN, KYC, PoA (if applicable), specimen signature by
November 15, 2010.
404SEBI Circular No - SEBI /IMD / CIR No.11/183204/ 2009 dated November 13,2009
405SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.11/78450/06 dated October 11, 2006
226 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
examination406.All such stock brokers would then be considered
as empanelled distributors with mutual fund/AMC.
406 Please refer Chapter 16 on Certification and Registration of Mutual Funds intermediaries
407 For Code of Conduct, please refer to Annexure I
408 Please refer Chapter 16 on Certification and Registration of Mutual Funds intermediaries
409Please refer Chapter 16 on Certification and Registration of Mutual Funds intermediaries
410 Please refer to Chapter 8 – Net Asset Value for details on cut off timing provisions
411 For details on dispatch of statement of accounts. refer to Chapter 15- Investor Rights and
412 SEBI circular no.CIR/IMD/DF/9/2011, dated May 19, 2011
228 Master Circular for Mutual Funds
name of the scheme, in all Statement of Account/Common
Account Statement (CAS) issued to the investors.
18.1.4. In case of any queries and clarifications with regard to the SEBI
Intermediary Portal, intermediaries may contact on 022-26449364
or may write at [email protected].
18.2.1 The amended Regulation mandates that AMCs shall appoint separate
fund manager for each separate fund managed by it unless the
investment objectives and assets allocations are the same and the
portfolio is replicated across all the funds managed by the fund
18.2.3 Wherein a fund manager is common across mutual fund schemes and
schemes/products under other permissible activities of AMC, then
the AMC shall: in case the difference between the annual returns provided by the
schemes managed by the same fund manager is more than 10%
18.3.1 All the mutual funds shall ‘Label’ their schemes on the parameters
as mentioned under:
Mutual Funds may 'product label' their schemes on the basis of the
best practice guidelines issued by Association of Mutual Funds in
India (AMFI) in this regard.
The product label with respect to (a) & (b) shall be placed in proximity
to the caption of the scheme and shall be prominently visible.