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Eastern University

“Case study on Banglalink”

Advertising and Public Relations (MKT-355)

Submitted To:
Habib Anwar Pasha
Faculty of Business Administration
Eastern University

Submitted By:
Md. Mehedi Hasan
Id: 073200072
Group # 02
Faculty of Business Administration
Eastern University

Submitted Date # 10th May 2010

Answer: - (1) Objective of Banglalink Campaign:
Objective of the banglalink campaign is to create mass level awareness to vote for
Natural Seven Wonders (N7W) nominee Cox’s Bazaar and educate mass people
regarding the voting procedure in both national and international aspect. The rational
consequence of the campaign is the achievement of holding a competitive position among
77 nominees in the second phase of the competition. The communication objective of the
campaign is to create mass level awareness through the corporate brand promise making
a difference.

Answer: - (2) Challenges of the Banglalink campaign:

Challenges of the banglalink campaign lay in upholding the country’s beauty in front of
the world to bring about a paradigm shift in perception. The awareness inside the country
is very limited. In comparison to the 430 other nominees the lack of technological,
infrastructural and other barriers compounded to the challenge. The brand level challenge
is to align the campaign with the corporate brand promise. The bigger challenges of this
campaign is how simply the mass could be made aware of the voting rights to be in the
competitive position among the other nominees and create a positive feel about
Bangladesh through the beauty of Cox’s Bazaar.

Answer: - (3) Fingerprint mark is chosen the campaign:

The finger print is chosen, the simplest, most common and the symbol of the category
(voting) basic:
• The fingerprint has been identified with genuine identification for more than a
• The finger print plays an important role during elections.
• It is identifiable with even the illiterate, let alone the ones they are targeting.
Answer: - (4) Campaign for Sundarban for teletalk:
Campaign Summary
Teletalk was arranging a campaign to vote for Sundarban. Sundarban was nominee for
Natural Seven Wonders (N7W). Objective of this campaign was to grate mass level
awareness to vote for Sundarban. Teletalk try to provide information about the voting
procedure of enucleated mass people in both national and international aspect. In this
campaign. Teletalk have earned expected success during of the campaign was the
achievement of holding a competitive position among 77 nominees.

Campaign Case
There are many challenge of the campaign. Such as to aware about voting for the
Sundarban. It a real difficult to upholding the Sundarban’s beauty in front of the people
as well as the world. Sundarban’s nomination in the 7 natural wonders of the world
presented such as opportunity. Till he campaign rolled out the non-resident Bangladeshis
carries out most of the voting activities. People in our country not so much awareness
about the campaign. In comparison to the 430 other nominees the lack of technological,
infrastructural and other barriers compounded to the challenge. An internal vote is the
real strength for the campaign. So the objective was dual pronged. Grate awareness,
instill pride and thus encourage voting. Teletalk was creating a Slogan by New7Wonders
members. "Let's vote for Sundarbans Forest as one and only the largest Mangrove Forest
in the World. This complied very well with the positioning of Teletalk.

Context and Background

The official new 7 wonders of the world campaign was a resounding success, in which
more than 110 million votes were cast and which took democracy to new global level.
Now, the second campaign organized by the non-profit new 7 wonders of nature, is off to
a promising start: Some 430 nominations from 224 different countries were submitted by
some half people within the first few months of the campaign. Sundarban is one of the
nominees out of 430 nominee’s from224 different countries.
The communication objective of the campaign was to create mass level awareness
through the corporate brand promise. The brand level challenge was to align the
campaign with the corporate brand promise. The bigger challenge of this campaign was
how simply the mass could be made aware of the voting rights to be in the competitive
position among the other nominees and create a positive feel about Bangladesh through
the beauty of Sundarban then finally drives them to take action. These are the
consequences by which the brand can fulfill its promise, by believing that "Let's vote for
Sundarbans Forest as one and only the largest Mangrove Forest in the World.

The Solution
The strategic solution was a positive identity to make a mark in the world, since the
whole is competing in this competition. The finger print was chosen, the simplest, most
common and the symbol of the category (voting) basic: The thumbprint/ fingerprint have
been identified with genuine identification for more than a century. The fingerprint plays
an important role during elections. It is identifiable with even the illiterate, let alone the
ones we are targeting. The objective of the campaign was to vote for Sundarban. The
objective was to become the first mover, own the category basic, and it was achieved.

The Activity
Media Amount Period
TV 2,235,020 November
Press 3,504,560 September to December
Outdoors 565,210 November
Activation 8,210,000 September to December

The Proof
Brand likeability increased, after on air the media & the mass feedback was outstanding
towards the brand and the campaign as well. The rational consequence of the campaign
was the achievement of the second position out of the rest whiles the campaign.

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