in What Way They Work
in What Way They Work
in What Way They Work
A biochip is a collection of miniaturized test sites (microarrays)
Arranged on a solid substrate that permits many tests to be
At the same time inorder to achieve higher throughput and speed .
Typically a biochips surface is no larger than a finger nail . Like
A computer chip that can perform millions of mathematical operations
In one second , a biochip can perform thousands of biological
Such as decoding genes , in a few seconds .
Oxy sensors
This oxygen chip is perhaps about two years away, but the dimensions
of another temperature – sensing chip has been reduced to 3mm per side.
The transition of certain semi conductors to their conducting state is inherently
sensitive to temperature, so designing the sensor was simple enough. With
some miniature radio frequency transmitters, and foam rubber earplugs to
hold the chip in place, the device is complete. Applications range from sick
children, to chemotherapy patience who can be plagued by sudden raises in
body temperature in response to their anti cancer drugs.
the two most successful cochlear implants are the clarion ( developed
at the university of California at San Francisco (UCSF) and Advanced Bionics
Corporation of Sylmar in California) and the Nucleus ( developed at the
University of Melbourne,Australis, and made by cochlear of Sydney,
Upgrades largely focus on improving the speech processing software, which
is operated by a minicomputer worn on the patient’s belt. Theoretically,
increasing the number of channels( and electrodes) could improve sound
But speech is perceived in an area of the cochlea only 14mm long, and
spacing the electrodes too close to each other causes signals to bleed from
one channel to another.
Antibiotic resistance results from the natural selection of stronger
bacteria over weaker ones. Stronger bacteria have mutated genes that confer
antibiotic resistance.
over 90% of genes done. Already the researchers are busily comparing their
consensus “reference sequence” to the DNA of individual people, and noting
any differences they detect.
Called single nucleotide polymorphism’s, or snps, these
spot differences in the identity of particular nucleotides record every way in
which a particular individual differs from reference sequence. Some single
nucleotide snips cause diseases like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. In
my case, particular snps give me red hair and elevated levels of cholesterol in
my blood.
Everything genetic about me that is different from you is caused by a few
thousand snps; otherwise you and I are identical.
The scary part is snps on chips.researchers planned to have identified
some 300,000 different snps by year’s end all of which could reside on a
single biochip.when anyone’s DNA is flushed over a snp biochip , the
sequences that light up will instantly reveal his snp profile.Every thing about
him that makes him,every gene that might affect his health,my behavior ,his
future potential –all are there to be read by any stranger clever enough to
interpret his profile.That much of what he is strongly affected by his genetic
makeup.researchers have proved beyond any real dispute that intelligence
and major personality traits like aggressiveness and inquisitiveness are about
80% inheritable.
Ones snp profile will reflect all of this variation ,a table of contents of my
chromosomes, a molecular windows to my soul. When millions of such snp
profiles have been gathered – and we’re talking years, not decades – any
computers worth keeping will be able to identify other individuals with profiles
like mine, and, by examining health records, standard personality tests, and
the like, correlate parts of my profile with particular traits.
But U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies are taking this technology
one giant step further. They fully intend to use Implantable Biochips to turn
every man, woman, and child into a controlled slave. Through cybernetic,
biochip brain implants, people will think and act exactly as pre-programmed.
What a tremendous bonanza for the coming Antichrist ! Inject the chip into a
man or woman’s brain and he or she instantly becomes a living vegetable and
a subservient, New World Order Slave !.
The Wall Street Journal says that a U.S. Naval research laboratory,
funded by intelligence agencies, is now able to unite living brain cells with
microchips.; some authorities fear that the Defense Departments intend to
produce an “army killer zombies !” One army expert alarmingly calls the new
biochip implant a “Frankenstein _ type weapon”.
Media Medical And Industrial Complex had a long term plan to implant
subcutaneous microprocessor for a variety of help , entertainment and
communication purposes by acclimating a generation of prospective
customers to such skin altering conditions.companies are seeding the
market for their future offerings.
If people feel that they loose their privacy because of Biochips, they
may resist use of it.But if they feel that it could help in a lot of ways
like detecting,minitoring and curing of diseases they can use them
So it is users of chip who determine its future .