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Chapter 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Exercise Set 4.1 1 . (foayle) = (2) af + (F09)(2) = (Yer 2) — (fog)(2) = f(lz)) = S(z- (go f)(z) = of f{2)} = ofa +3) =2+3- 5 Gente) = o( 32) = (eayla) = fate) =s( )- (9° f)(2) = o(f(2)) eh?-Tae Ne, 2 4 taesite) = o(3e-3) = r-ig+izes (£0.0)(z) = Flal2)) = £(008) = 20 (g0 J)lz) = off (2)) =9(20) = 005 (foate) = (ya) == (90 fa) = Ye =i] (F2)@2) = fale) = se? -9) = VE 585 = VE = [a (96 J)2) = alf(e)) = o(VEFS) = (VEFS—Sae48 (go f)a) = ve (Fog) = faa) = GS -( I oe lte T+e 7 10, 12. 1. (feaylz) = fol) = fe +t (go f(z) = (+1) S41? sale + 47 = a+ 32? + 32 +1 = 52? - 10r-5 +32 4347= oh? 47 46 (go Fz) = g(fz)) Ba Se8 48247 (go fa) = a8 + Be’ 4h? ar 10 (go fle) = (@- 1) + Ae Po ae? 4 Se 14 28 Sat tr 5 4. 16. 4. - Ale) ‘This is 4+ 3x to the Sth power. The most obvious answer is f(z) =x and g(z) = 4+ 4x Fe) =, ale) -8 This is 1 divided by (x ~ 2) to the 4th power. One ‘bivious Answer is fe) = — nd g(x) = (« — 2) Another possibilty is f(z) = — and g(x} = ( F(x) (2) =Ie+7 f(z) -Fue)=« 176 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 18, f(z} = [2|, 92) = 19. f(z) = 2%, o(2) Plz) = 225 +527, o(2) = (2 -1)/8 25. (2) F(z) a) Use the distance formula, distance = rate x time, Substitute 3 for the rate and t for time, r{t) =3t y(z) estz) = y(s(z}) {2-324 12) = 2a —20) 26. by se the formula for the area of a citcle At) 9} (Aor)(t) = A(r(t) = A(Gt) = n(3t)? = Bre? This function gives the area of the ripple in terms of time ¢ 27. We interchange the first and second coordinates of each ordered pair to find the inverse of the relation. tis (8.7). @=2), 4,3), (-8,8)), 28. (1,0). (6.5), (-4,-2)} 29. We interchange the first and second coordinates of cach ordered pair to find the inverse of the relation, It is: (+1, 1), (4)-3)}. 1), (6.2), (3,8), (0,2)} 31. Interchange + and y y= ae8 1 B= 4y-5 82. 2y! + 5x? = 33. Interchange x and y. 34. a5. 36. ar. 38. 39. 40, a. a2. a3. 44. Graph + = y* — 8. Some points on the graph are (8,0), (-2,-1), (-2,1), (1,=2), and (1,2). Plot these points and draw the curves. Then reflect the graph across the fine y = 2 Graph y = |r|. Some points on the graph are (0,0), (-2.2), (2,2), (5,5), and (5,5). Plot these points and draw the graph. Then reflect the graph across the line y= 2. See the graph in Exercise 37. ‘The function is one-to-one, beeaurse no bor eresses the graph more than once, mntal line ‘The function is one-to-one, becouse no horizontal line crosses the graph more than once. ‘The function is not one-to-one, because there are ‘many horizontal lines that eross the graph more than, The function is not one-to-one, because there we many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than once, ‘The function is not one-to-dne, because there are many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than onee. The function is omve-to-one, beenuse no horizontal line crosses the graphi more than once, Exercise Set 4.1 ur 45. The function is one-to-one, because no horizontal line crosses the graph more than once, 46. The function is one-to-one, because no horizontal line erosses the graph more than once. 47. The graph of f (2) Since there is no horizontal line that crosses. the graph more than once, the funetion is one-to-one. sz — 8 is shown below, 48. The graph of {(2) Since there is no horizontal line that crosses the graph more than once, the function is one-to-one. ix is shown below, 49. The graph of f(z) = Since there are many horizontal lines that crass the graph more than ance, the function is not one-to-one is shown below. 50, The graph of f(x) = j2| — 2 is shown below. Since there are many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than once, the funetion is not one-to-one, 51, The graph of fz) = |x +2] is shown below. Since there are many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than once, the funetion is not one-to-one. 52. The graph of /{2) = Since the horizontal line y ‘more than once, the functio 0.8 is shown below, 0.8 crosses the graph 8 ‘The graph of f(z} is shown below. Sines there is no horizontal line that crosses’ the graph more than once, the function is one-to-one. 2 54. The graph of fi Sinee there is no horizontal line that crosses the graph more than once, the funetion is one-to-one. is shown below, 178 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5B. Both the domain and the range of f are the set of all real numbers, Then both the domain and the range of f+ are also the set of all real numbers 56. 27 ~ 1.08%, _i7-x =z Wide Both the domain and the range of f are the set of all real numbers. Then both the domain and the range of J are also the set of all real numbers, Yi 10 the domain’ and the range of f are the set of all bers. Then both the domain and the range Iso the set of all real numbers, Both the domain and the range of f are the set of all real numbers, Then both the domain and the range of J! are also the set of all ren! numbers, ba. VEO, Wee t3xe0 8 Ys -6 ho = ‘The domain of f is (3,00) and the range of f is [0, 00) ‘Then the domain of {-? is (0,00) and the range of $7? 48 (3,00). 60. i [ Both the domain and the range of J are (~o0,0) U (Q,00), Since fo! = f, f-* has the same domain and range. ~ pee n= fee Since it is specified that « > 0, the domain of f is (0.00), The range of f is (4,00). Then the domain of fis [-4, oc) and the range of f~? is (0,00). 6 y= 3 xx =O; y i vi Since it is specified that «x 0, the domain of f is [0,00), The range of f is (~o0,3]. Then the domain of {~* is (90, 3] and the range of f-! is [0,00), ats = Gr- 9, y= 63. Exereise Set 4.1 179 Both the domain and the range of f are the set of all, real numbers. Then both the domain and the range of J! are also the set of all real numbers. 64. Both the domain and the range of f are the set of all real numbers, Then both the domain and the range cof {7} are also the set of all real numbers, 65. s) The graph of fiz) 4 is shown below. It passes the horizontal line test, 50 it is one-to-one, b) Replace F(z with yp yore Interchange z andy: z= y-+4 Solve for yi) a—4=y Replace y with f4(z): f(r) 4 66. 8) The graph of f(z) = 7—z is shown below, It posses the horizontal line test, so itis one-to-one, b) Replace f(x) with yy Interchange x and ys =u Solve for ys y=T-2 Replace y with fo¥(r): fox) = 67. a] The graph of f(2) = 2x —1 is shown below. Tt passes the horizontal line test, soit is one-to-one. b) Replace f(z) with ys y=2r—1 Interchange x and ys = 2y—1 +t Solve for ys = =y Replace y with fax): fe) 68. a) The graph of f(z) = S248 is shown below. te passes the horizontal line test, soit is one-to-one b) Replace f(z) with ys y=5e48 Interchange x and yo r= 5y +8 Solve for a Replace y 69. 8) The graph of f(z) = passes the horizontal li one-to-one, 4 == is shown below. It +7 vest, $0 the function is i b) Replace fiz) with yoy = ra 4 Interchange x and ya = wes ya Solve for ws e(y 4 yat= 4 y=5-7 180 Chapter 4 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 70. a} The graph of F(0 passes the horizontal line test, so It is one-to- 2 if shown telow. ‘it = b) Replace f(z) with ys y= a Imerchange x and ys t= —2 Solve for y: y= Replace y with f-"(x): i ara 71. a) The graph of f(z) == is shown below. It passes the horizontal line test, so the funetion is one-to-one. 1) Replace y¢2) with ys y= 24 Interchange @ and y: 2 = 24 3 Solve tory: (y—3)e—=y+4 ay Br ys4 my are4 vel) 3244 Bed z-1 Replace y with f-?(x): f-(z) 72. ) The graph of f(x) = passes the horizontal lin |_ ») 73. a) by 74. a) 75. 0) Replace. f(z) with ys Su Interchange 2 and ys = 7 We rl 243 Solve for - pra ~¥ Replace y with (2): f~"(z) ‘The graph of f(z) = x°—1 is shown betow. Tt passes the horizontal line test, so the function is one-to-one. Replace f(z) with ys y= 2° Interchange z and ys Solve for ye a4 Replace y with f~ The graph of f(x) = (x + 6)° is shown below. It passes the horizontal line test, so it is one-to-one. b) Replace f(z) with ys y= (x Interchange x and y: 2 = (y +5)? Solve for y Replace y with f-*(z2}: f- (2) = YE-5 yeas The graph of f(z) =cV/F—a? is shown below. Since there are many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than once, the one-to-one and thus does not that is a function. unction is not have an inverse Exercise Set 4.1 ist 76. a) The graph of f(2) =dx*— 202! +22? — 52 +1 b) Replace f(z) with y: y=4a +3 is shown below. Since there are many horizontal lines that cross the graph more than onee, the function is not one-to-one and thus does not have fan inverse that is a function, vz-3 =H (We take the principal square root since 2 > 0 in the original function.) Replace y with f(z}: fol Fr) 7 all z in the range of f(z), or J 333 Interchange x and yx = ty? +3 Solve for y: 2-3 TT. a) The graph of f(x) = 5x4 - 2, 2 below. It passes the ho one-to-one, Dis shown, 78. 8) The graph of f(z) = VE*T is shown below. It passes the horizontal line test, so the function is | C 3) Replace J(x).with 9: y= $292 a Interchange # and y: x= Sy?—2 Salve for ys w +2-= Sy? c+? b) Replace f(r) with ys y= V@FI Interchange 2 and ys 2 = y7FT > Solve for ys 2? = y+ Ga +2 P-ley Ys 7 Replace y with f-'(x): f-™(2) = 22-1 for all ¢ (We take the principal square root, because nthe range of f(z}, or f-'(x) =2*— 1,220. 220 in the original equation.) 80. 8) The graph af f(r) = V8 is shown below. It passes the horizontal line test, so the function is Replace y with f-'(x): f-Ea} = fees all xin the range of f(x), or f""(2) = 2-2 78.) The graph of f(z) = 4x? +3, # > 0 i shown below, Tt passes the horizontal line test, so the function is one-to-one. b) Replace f(z) with ys y= JE—B Interchange x and y: 2 = YJB Solve for ys 28 48—y Replace y with f(x); f(a) = 2 48 a 81. f(z) = ‘The function f multiplies ian input by 8 Then to reverse this procedure, J would divide each of its inputs by 3. Thus, f-'(2) = =, or ~ 182 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 1 ‘The function f multiplies an input by 7 and then adds 7. To reverse this procedure, f—? would sub- tract 7 from each of its inputs and then multiply by 4. Thus, f~'(z) = 4(x— 7), fle)= The outputs of f are the opposites, or additive in- verses, of the inputs, Then the outputs of f-? are the opposites of its inputs. Thus, /~!(z) = —z, f(x) = Ye-5 ‘The function / takes the cube root of an input and then subtracts 5. ‘To reverse this procedure, f~! would add 5 w each of its inputs and then raise the result to the third power. Thus, f-'z) = (@ +5)", fla) = Y= ‘The function f subtracts 5 from each input and then takes the cube root of the result. Ta reverse this procedure, f-? would raise each input to the third power and then add 5 to the result. Thus, f-'(z} = 45. fiz) = The outputs of f are the reciprocals of the Inputs, Then the outputs of f-? are the reciprocals of its inputs, Thus. -'(z) = 27%, We find (f-1 © s(x) and (f 0 f-')(2) and check to see that cach is 2. 4 7 we aa irene) and (f° f-!)(@) and cheek to see that each is x. Uap) = gay = 59 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 90. (fo f(z) = (WEFD dat (fof) (a) = W144 = = 91, Since f(F-'(z)) = f-'(F(@)] Sand J-*(F(e}) then f(J7*(5)) = 92, Since f-*(Fls)) = FF (2)) ==, then {-1U"(@)) = pond f(J-*(1258)) 1353. 99, a) 92) = Ae +12) (6) = 2(6 +12) = 2+ 18 = 36 9(8} = 2(8 = 12) b} The graph passes the horizontal line test and thus has an inverse that is a function. y=2%r+12) Interchange ¢ and y: x = 2(y +12) 2-24 Replace g(z) with 3: Solve for y y Replace y with g(x): g™! z Za 2 or 36-24 ©) 97 *(36) = go (a0) = gaa) (52) = m4. 100+ 52 z _ 100+ 5y Replace Cle) with y: y= Interchange and y: €7'(2) gives the number of people in the group, where x is the cost per person, in dollars 95, 8) pir) = UE*8 DO) = WLS 8 (io) = RSS HE = ins Exercise Set 4.1. 183 1120-45 3 Boo) = RS 99. Graph y= 52 —4 3 (50) = AS When 2 =0, y= p(s) = tS When = 2, y= 10 + lox-5 When x =4,y= wha) y, = Hate i Plot the points (0.4), (2,—1), and (4.2) and con: 10 Yih neet them with a straight line =15] 1s “0 a Lirs5 ) Replace Dir) with ys y= ny +5 Interchange © and ye r= 1 Solve for ys 10r = My +5 we 10r—5 = Ny Wr 5 _ aw 7? Replace y with D-H}: D-¥(y) = OES D"\(r) represents the speed, in miles per hour, that the car is traveling when the reaction dis tanee ier fet. 4) See part (b). 101. Graph y = 96. a) In 1998, ¢ = 1998 — 1995, or 3, N(3) = 0.6514(8) + 58.1500 = 55.1141 In 2000, t = 2000 — 1995, or 5 ) = 0.6514(5) + 53.1599 = 56.4169 = 0.65144 + 53.1599, x= 53.1599 2 O64 100 ni ly of 100 ©) N7*(f) represents the number of years after 1995 when ¢ loaves of bread are consumed per person per year. 97. Use the TRACE feature to find the coordinates of some points on the graph of the function. Then in- terchange the coordinates of each ordered pair to find some points on the graph of the inverse. Plot these points and draw the graph. 98. C and F are inverses Foz-2 1. ‘The zeros of the denominator are ~1 and 2, so the domain is (20, —1)U(—1, 2)U(2,00) and the lines z= —1 and x= 2 are vertical asymptotes 2. Because the degree of the nureratar is less than the degree of the denominator, the r-axis is the horizontal asymptote, ‘There is no oblique asymptste 3. The zero of the numerator is ~3, xo the Intereapt is (3,0), : 043 3 4. When 5 = 0, y= pF —5 = 5, wo the y ieee is (0 Find other function values to determine the shape of the graph and then draw it 184, Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 102. ¥” $ wat pa at va 103. Graph y= f(z) and ys = gle) and observe that the graphs are reflections of each other across the line y =z, Thus, the functions are inverses of each other 104. Graph yy = f(x) and yp = gla) and observe that the graphs are not reflections of each other across the line y =, Thus, the functions are not inverses, of each other 105. Graph gi = f(x) and yo = g(2) and obverve that the graphs are not reflections of each other across the line y =<, Thus, the functions are not inverses of each other. 106. Graph y; = f(z) and yz = g(x) and observe that the graphs are reflections of each other across the line y =z. Thus, the functions are inverses of each other. 107. The graph of f(z) = #2 — 3 is a parabola with vertex (0.8), TE we eonsider 2-values such that 2 > 0, then the graph 5s the right-hand side of the parabola and it passes the horizontal line test, We find the inverse of f(x) =a°- 3,2 20, Replace f(a) with a: Interchange & and y; 2-3 Solve for ys n+ Vera =y (We take the principal square root, because 2 2 0 in the original equation.) Replace y with {-(x): (2) = VES for all x in the range of f(z), or f(z) = EFS, 22-3. Answers may vary, There are other restrictions that also make f(:2) one-to-one 108. No; the graph of f does not pass the horizontal line test 109. Answers snay vary. f(z) Exercise Set 4.2 1, ef = BL5982 2. el = 22,026.4658 0856 . (BY some : 5. Graph f(2) = 3° Compute some function values, plot the correspond- ing points, and connect them with a smooth curve () 3. eta 1 Greph F(x) Compute some function values, plot the comespond- ing points, and connect them with a smooth curve. Exercise Set 4.2 = | y= fl) (ay) i 4) ae | 2 al 2 L a) 2 o| 4 1 6 2 36 a] 216 -3 oT (3,27) a 9 (-2,9) -1| 3 (-1,3) o 1 (0,1) 1 1 Mog ( 3) G9) 9 "9 1 pal - 1\e 9. Graph fle) (3) . ‘Compute some function vi ing points; and connect £ly=f@)| (oy) -3) 64 | (3,64) =2| 16 | (-2,16) st 4 (-1,4) o 1 (0a) 1 1 } 3 | Ga) 1 1 2 w (: sal 1 1 i (oa) alts, plot the correspond- hem with w smooth curve, 10. Graph f(2) = @) 485 11. Graph 2 = 3”, Choose values for y and compute the corresponding values, Plot the points (2,y) and connect them with 9 smooth curve. zl u] ty) 1 1 #73 (5-8) 1 1 3) | (2-2) 1 1 141 6) 1} 0} “G.o) sya] By 9} 2} @,2) ar] 3) (2r,3) 186 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Acro er 14, Graph = (2). rv] Ga i tly] &o a 2 4] (2 : || (se) 6 a ) = -2 1 16 « a L 4 4 1 16 4 64 3 = 8 3 os = ir 18. hz (2) Choose values for y and compute the corresponding a-values. Plot the points (x,y) and connect them with a smooth curve. 15. Graph y = Gea) Choose values for 2 and compute the corresponding (&.-3) arvalues. Plot the points (z.y) and connect them (4-2) ‘with a smooth curve, (@-1 elo tay) (1.0) =a] oorzal (3.00129 =2) 0.0338] (~2,0.0338) ~1] 0.0920] (-1.0.0920) a} 0.25 | (0.0.25) 1 | 0.6798] (1, 0.6796) 2.) 1.8473] (2,1.8473) 3 | 50214] (@,5.0214) 26. Graph y = 2e7* = y (ey) =3} 40.1711] (-3.40.1711) 2) 14.7781] (—2, 14.7781) 5.4366 | (—1, 5.4366) a} 2 0.2) 1 | 0.7358) (1,0.7858) 2| 02707} (2,0.2707) 3.| 0.0996 | (3,0.0996) Exercise Set 4.2 17. Graph f(z) =1-e77. ‘Compute some function values, plot the correspond- ing points, and connect them with « smooth curve. a y Gy) —3] -19.0885] (—, -19.0888) ~2} —6.3801 | (—2, -6.3801) =1] 1.7183 | (-1,-1.7183) 0} 0 (0,0) 1| 06321 | (1,0.6321) 2| ossi7 | (2,0.8647) 3| 0.9502 | (3,0.9502) 18. Graph f(e) =e — 2 z| ov (ew) -3) 1.9502] (—a,—1,9502) -2) ~1.8647] (—2, ~1.8647) ~1) 1.6821 | (—1,-1.6823) o} -1 (0-1) 1 | ores | (1,0.7188) 2| sas | (2,5.9901) 3 | 18.0855 | (3,18.0855) 187 19, Shift the graph of y = 2 left 1 unit y 8 LZ] =T 20. Shift the graph of y= 2 right 1 unit. yoo 8 |_| =T 21. Shift the graph of y down 3 units, yeR-3 4 4 =F 22, Shift the graph of y = 2* up 1 unit, yoo 8 LY = 28. Reflect the graph of y across the yeaxis, then across the 2-axis, and then shift it up 4 units. -3 188 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 24. Shift the graph of y= 2* right 1 unit and down 3 29. Shrink the graph of y= e* horizontally, oo ¥ 80. Stretch the graph of y = ¢* horizontally and reflect 3\* it across the yraxis 25, Shift the graph of y = (3) right 1 unit, it across the y-ax pees (3° s 3 I ~30} ho 3—— 3 logyy 2= 0.0310 tt log. t= 8 22, Qt = logga=t = 7.3801 = log, 7.3801 = 2 0.3679 = log, 0.3679 k = log, 3 26. ef = 4000 = log, 4000 27, ‘The logarithin ls the Fp ponent logs 5 1___1__ The base remnains the same. log, 7 = 7 4" 29. log0.01 = 2 is equivalent to logy, 1.01 = —2 “The logarithm is, th ponent togio0.01 = —2910"? = 0.01 L__1_____ The base remains ‘the same: 30. log? = 0.845 = 100-85 BL. 3.4012 = eB0h 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41, 42, 43. 44, 46. at. 48, 49. 50, 51. 52. 53. 193 In 0.38 = 0.9676 => «0.976 og, M=-2 07? = M log, Qak>=Q log, T! = 22 a =! InWS =e et Jog 3 = 0.4771 Jog 8 ~ 0.9081 log 532 = 2.7259 tog 93, 100 = 4.9680 log 0.97 = 0.2441 Jog 0.082 = ~1.0862 log{—2) does not exist, (The grapher gives an error message.) In50-~ 3.9120 5. In 2 = 0.6991 In(-4) does not exist. message.) (The grapher gives an error 1809.3 = 6.6962 1n0.00037 = ~7.9020 In(-1.32) does not exist. (The grapher gives an error message.) In0 does not exist. (The grapher gives an error mes- sage.) Leta = 10, 6 =4, and M = 100 and substitute in the change-of-base formula. logy 100 log, 100-= am) Tra02060 239219 16g20 log 20.= PET? = 2.7268 Let a = 6 = 100, and Mf 0.3 and eubstitute in the change-of-base fornuln n03 lose 08 = HOS T2307 4.605170 a —0.2614 ln . log, 100 = 228 — 3.0020 Tne 194 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 55. Leta = 10, b = 200, and M = 50-and substitute in lage the change-of-base formula. io Jog, 50 5 8 ‘ 0 lose 50 = fog. 200 1.698970 2.301030 0) 10 = 0.7384 10g 17 56, logs 5 1700 = E70 = 44602 5 aa Domain: (0,00) 57. Shift the graph of y = logya left 3 units. To Vertical ‘aayraptote: 2 = 0 use the grapher, we must first change the base. Here we change fom base 2 to base 10, We get 60, Shift the graph of y = log) r up $ units. Change = Wel 9) using tog, a = 22M with b= 2, Bb ee op MeO ya REE log 2, ° log, log? M=2+3,anda=10 34 beex log (x + 3) y=3+ pes Tog? * 5 ho q no 2 Domain: (0,00) Domain: i ae Vertical asymptote: =O Vertical asymptote: 2 = OPE em 3 61, Stretch the graph of y=In 2 vertically 58. Shift the graph of y = logs tight 2 units. Change See * logis — 2) yoalnx from bate 3 to base 10: y = “SE 2) trom base 9 to base 10: y = ME a loge y Togs 5 o| 10 f + o| 10 Domain: (0,00) Vertical asymptote: 2 =0 $s 62, Shrink the graph of y= In x vertically, Domain: 2/20) Vertical asymptote: x= 2 59. Shift the graph of y = logy down 1 unit. To use the grapher, we must first change the base. Here we loge change from base 3 to hase 10. We get y = 28% — “ log, Mf we ass os using, logs 3 with 6 = 3, M =x, an Hog, MT = ET with b= 8 AE a @=10, Domain: (0,00) Vertical asymptote: x =0 Exercise Set 4.3 63. Reflect the geaph of y = Inx aeross the x-axis and then shift it up 2 units. y=i~ Inx 3 y Domain: (0,00) Vertical asymptote: x =0 G4. Shift the graph of y = ina left 1 unit, y=ln(e+ 1) 3 di Domain: (—1,00) Vertical asymptote: 2 =—1 1 65, Graph as - window, or graph y in the same 3* and yp =loggr Tog 3? and use the grapher fea- ture that automatically graphs inverses to. graph vy = logy2, On a hand-drawn graph, we can graph y = 3° and then reflect this graph across the line x ta get the graph of y = logy a y= _ logx 72 Togs an bs 6 6 4 log 66. Graph y: = log,2 4? in the same ne Egg window, or graph y = 4? and use the grapher fea- ture that automatically graphs inverses to graph y = logy. (In the second alternative, we choose to graph y = 4* first since this can be done with- 1 the change-of-base formala.) On-a band- drawn graph, we can graph y =log,z and then re- fleet this graph across the line y =z to get the graph 195 67. Graph yi = logs and yp = 10° in the same window, or graph y = loge ond we the grupher featiare that automatically graphs inverses to graph y = 10%. On a hand-drawn graph, we can graph y = log and then rellect this grap across the line y = 2 te get, the graph of y = 10" y= logs, Y= 10" 4y by é G 4 68. Graph y; =e and gp = In x im the same window, or graph y = ¢ and use the geapher feature that automatically graphs inverses to graph y =In . On a hand-drawn graph, we can graph y =e and then reflect this graph seross the line y = x to get the graph of y= In x. 9.) We substitute 419.681 for P, since P is in thou- sands. (419.681) 0.37 in 419-681 + 0.05 2.3 ft/sec b) We substitute 2721547 for P, since P isin thou sands, w(2721.547) = 0.97 In 2721.547 + 0.05 3.0 ft/see c) We substitute 350.263 for P, since P is in thou sands, (950.963) = 0.37 ln 350.363 + 0,05 222 196 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions dd) We substitute 149.799 for P, since P is in thow- sands, tw(149.799) = 0.87In 149:700.4 + 0.05 = 10 ft/sec e) We substitute 94.466 for P, since P is in thou- sands, 4.468) = 0.37 In 94.466 + 0.05 % L.7 ft/see oF fy 10. a) R= tog = Jog 10785 = 788 To 95 Y) R= log 2 = jog 10 = 8.25 2) R= log Lt — tog n0* = 9.6 A) R= log 0 — hog 1078" = 7:85 % 5 ly os 2) R= tog ~Iog10"? =6.9 TL. a) S(0) = 78—15log(0+1) 18 ~15log1 7815-0 = 78% 78 ~ 15log(a + 1) b) sia) 78 — 15log5 = 78 — 15(0.698970) % 67.5% 5(24) = 78 ~ 15 log(24 + 1) 8 — 15 log 25 ~ 78 — 15(1.297940) = 57% *) y= 78-15 log (xt 1), x20 80 109 4) 50 = 78- 1otog(n +1) 28 =—lSlog{r +1) Subtracting 78 BR = tog(e + 1) Dividing by —15 2+1= 10% Using the definition of logarithen es 101 2 = 73 months 72. a) pH = —log(1.6 * 10-4) = —(-385) b) pH = —log(0.0018| « —(-2.9 ¢) pH = ~log[6.3 x 10-7] = ~(-6.2) = 6.2 @) pH = -log{1.6 x 10-4)» (78) = 7.8 ©) pH = ~log(6.3 x 1074) = (4.2) = 73. “Using the definition of logasithan —log|H*} logl Ht] At = 10784 Using the definition of logazitinm HY = 40x 10% ©) 32-=—logiH*] 8.2 = loslH*] Ht = 10-34 Using the definition of logarithm Ht 63x 10-4 d) 48 = —logl+) 48 = logiHt*] H+ =10-4# Using the definition of logarithm HY = 16 «10-8 Ta. a) N(1) = 1000+ 20011 = 1000 b) N(5) = 1000 + 200 in 5 = 1332 ©) y= 1000 + 200Inx 000 off 10 4) 2000 = 1000 +200 Ina 1000 = 200 In-a b=hha aa a © S148 thousand 75. a) L = 1log = 1010g 2510 BA decibels W bn idiag zens iy a Olog 2, $00, 000) = 64 decibels Exercise Set 4.3 10° a Te LOlog 10° 660 decibels 10 fo ©) L= log. 4) 1 = 10log 76. Reflect the geaph of f(z) =In x across the line y = x to abtain the graph of A(x) =e. Then shift this graph 2 units right to obtain the graph of g(z) = 77. Reflect the graph of f(2) = e* across the line y= = to obtain the graph of h(x) = In 2. Then shift this graph up 3 units to obtain the graph of g(x) =3 + Ine 7. -1) 1-20 1-6 “13 -3 2 Trot Sarr 6 3 10 =5 58 290 Tit 381280 ‘The remainder is —280, so f(—8) = ~280. 80. f(x) = (2 —4i)le + 4i)(e—1) (22 +16)(2-1) 2-294 162-16 VI\(e+ V7\(2—0) Mz) 81. 82. Using the changeof-base formula, we get logs 64 logy 16 Let Logg 64 = 2. ‘Then we have 1G? = 64 Using the definition of logerithm loge 64. (aye = 2 98, go t= nn logs _ 3 ‘Thon log316 2° BS. Using the change-of-base formula, we get logs 8 Tog, 8 = log, 8 =3 86. a7. 88. 89. 90. a1. 92. 93. 94. 95. 197 + He) = epg? +? mist be positive, so the domain is (—200)U(0, 00). + Fe) = logge x* must be positive, Since 2° > 0 for z > 0, the domain is (0, 20). F(a) = log(3x — 4) 32 —4 must be positive. We have Bn-4>0 4 E> e a ‘The domain is ( ») Hey= tn |x| must be positive, Since |r| > 0 fore # 0, the domain is (0,0) U (0,98). log(= — 8) jog? Observe that the graph of y; lies on or above the graph of yg for all inputs greater than or equal to 19. Thus, the solution set is [19, 2). Graph yy = logy (2-3) = and yp=4 _ log(2e +5) log? that outputs are negative for inputs between ~> and Graph y = log,(2r +5) Observe 2, Thus, the solution set is ( ve -2) Groph yy = 4 and y and use the Inter- s€ct feature to find the point(s) of intersection of the graphs. The point of intersection is (1.250, 0.891) Graph (€) is the graph of f(x) = Ln jx Graph (¢) is the staph of f(z) = [Ina Groph (b) is the graph of f(z) = Inz?. Graph (3) is the graph of gf) = | ln — 1)] #) pam 5 | 5 a b) Use the Zero feature. The aero is 1. ¢) Use the Minimum feature, ‘The relative mini- mum is ~0.368 at x = 0.968. There is no relative Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmie Functions 96.0) y=xtinx 2 oh ++I a byt ¢) Relative minimum: —O.184 at x = 0.607 Relative maximum: none Inx gra) y= A yn 1 | ———| 3 b) Use the Zero feature. The zero is 1 ) Use the Maximum feature, ‘There is no relative minimum. The relative maximum is 0.184 at a= 1649. 98. a) 9| 4 7 byt ©) Relative minimum: none Relative maximunn: 0.097 at = 1.763 Exercise Set 4.4 1. Use the product rule. logs(81 27 = logs 81 + log, 27 2. logy(S- 64) = logy 8 + logs 64 8. Use the product rile, Jogs(3- 125) = logs 5 + log, 125 4. logy(64 32) = log, 64 + log, 32 5. Use the product rule. log, BY 104, 8 + log, Y 6. loge Qt = log, Q + loge 7. Use the power rule, logy t = Blog, 8, log, 24 = 4log, 9. Use the power rule, logy = sloty 10. ny =Sing 12, Use the power rule log, K~* = -6 log, 12. log, @-* = -8 log, @ 48. Use the difference rule tia tag —g 76 1A. log, TF = log, 76 — log, 13 15, Use the difference rule, log, — = log, — log, y v 3 16. logy = = logy 3 ~ logy w log Gzg/'at log, 6 + log, 1 + log, y? + log, 2 Produet rule = log, 6+ logy 2+ Slog; y +4 lon, 2 Power rule 18. haga ry? Jog, 2° + tox, y? + log, = Slog, + logs y + ome = 248 19 ogy 2s = logs p?q° — lou, mB” Quotfent rule = logy p? + logy 9° — (omy m* + lox, 6°) Product rule = logy ? + loge ¢° — log m! — tow,” Jog, 9? + log, q° —loggm*—9 (log, t? = 9) logs» + bloga ~ Alog,.m ~9 Power rule 20. lo. Fe logy 22y — log, b? = logy 2? + log, y ~ logy 8? = logy 2? + logs y— 3 2osy2+ logs» — 3 Exercise Set 4.4 199 Bi Ng Flloes 2? —loea(o%)] Quotient rule 1 = pllos. 2" — (log, p® + 10g, 9°)| Product rule a (log, 2* — Yoga p — log, a*) (6 log, x - Slog, p — Slog.) Power rule feat 22. hope 1 (log. v2" —log, x") eilpe tal (logy? + log, 2* —logga*) Js togey + 20g, # — log, 2) = (log. y +2log, #—Alog, 2 2 4 =logey + Slog. 2 ~ Slog. Bey + 5 log. s ~ Glos. fa 7 ote a a I mnt? 38 a 1 Power rule (log, mn! ~ tog, as) Quotient rule 1 4 = qllos. m* + log, n!? — (log, a + log, 8*)] Product rule 1 * 2 3 (log, m® + log, n'* — log, a? — log, 6°) 4 Flow, m® +1og, n!?—3-log, b°) (los, a3 =3) te log, m+ 12 log,» — 3 — Slog, b) Power rule 2g, m+ Blog, n - $= Flora log, a + log, bY) (4 +8log, 6) 2 3 = 24 Flogy 25. log, 75+ log, 2 = log, (75-2) = log, 150 Product rule 26. log;0.01 + log 1000 = Tog(0.01 - 1000} = log 10 = 1 27. 1og10,000 — log 100 = og 2000 8 a0 Quotient rule: = log 100 L 29. Slog, 2 + Alog, y ~ $log, x = logy +4? + log, gf —log, 2° Power rule Hyd — tog, 2 = log, 2! Product rule Quotient rule Simplifying 2 1 5 . Sloga # ~ 5 lot y = log, eY® — tog, yt! = z lola = lot log, v BL Ing? 2 ln yz =In2®—In(y@)? Power rule sing=In2 (ye =z] 2 =in= jovient rule = Quotient rl =inz 32. In2e+ 9(Inz —Iny) = In Qe +8 e = inde “G) = inae(=) 2 ¥ 38. In? 4) Ine +2) Boa nes Quotient mite _ etme = EMEA pretirine =In(e=2)— Reinoving a factor of 1 200 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions oe Jota Va — loa log, a — log, x log, 3, Ine (Int — 5) + n(x + 5)] = Inz —3in|(x—8)(2+5)] Product rule Inz —3in(2" — 25) = Ine —In{z* — 25)? Power rule Quotient rule 36. =a3 the+y) e312 -3) =s +In(x + y) In( — 3) +in(z +9) = In 9)? + Inte + 9) Inllx —3)°/9(@ + y)] a 3 a7. 3 anaz® zindx® 5 = Saat fay In2y” Writing 4 as 2 = In(2%28)9/? — in(2y!®)4/9 = Ina) In 2/y%) fa ad ptt Power rule Quotient rule ¥ 38, wn (SEVEN oan os 39. og, log,5 Quotient rule 1.0986 — 1.6004 = ~0.5108 40. 4. 42. 43. 45. 46. ar 48. 49. 50. 51. logy 15 = logg(5-5) = log, 3 + 10,5 1.0986 + 1.6094 2.708 toss t = liep es Bua =0~ 1.6004 = 1.6004 (logy 1 = 0) 5 loge 3 = lowe 5 — log, 9 = 1.6094 - 1.0986 = 0.5108 oR, V5 = tog b/? d toes Pore? zile 1 (log, b= 1) 10g VF = top, 837 logs 5b = log, 5 +logsb Product rule = 1600441 — (logsb= 1) = 2.6004 og,9 = Log, 32 2log,3 = 2(1.0986) = 21972 Power rule logs 75 = towyl3 5?) logy 8 + Jogy 5? logs 3 +2108 5 0986 + 2(1.6094) =4gi74 Product rule Power rule 1 logs; = lost — lous Exercise Set 4.4 52. log,a¥¥ = V3 53,gh6% <42 (ale == 2) 5a. 5ieHa(te-3) oe gpg 55.10 =e (alee 56. BT. Ine =8t flog, a® 5B. log 10™ 59. f(z) = a7, o(z) log, Since f and g are inverses, we know that ({-29}(2} = z and (g° f(z) = 2. Now (f 9 g)(z) = f(a(z)) £ (logy 2) = a'?#* *, so we know that als * =x, Also (ge f(a) = 9(F(2)) = 9{a*) = log, a*, so we know that log, a” =z. These results are alternate proofs of the Logarithm of a Base to. Power property and the Base to a Logarithmic Power property. 60. log, ab? # (log, a)(log, 6%). Ifthe first step had been correct, then so would the sevond step. The correct procedure follows: log, ab? = log, a + log, ## = 143log,6 81. (1—4i)(7 + 61) = 7+ 61 — 281 241? = 746-281 +24 31-22% en, BEE 351 63. Graph y = 22? — 182 ~ 7 and use the Zero feature twice, ‘The z-intereepts aire (0.5, 0) and (7,0). The zeros are —0.5 and 7. G4, Graph-y = *~327+92—1 and use the Zero feature, The z-intercept is (1,0) and the zero is 1, 201 65. 9% = Be B= 2 (al doe ‘The solution is 4. 66. Ine The solution i —1 GT. toggle? +2y +9") + losa(e — ») logg|(2? + ey +y*)(x — y)] Product rule log, (z* —y*) ‘Multiplying 68. Jog, (a? — 6°) — log, (a +8) 10 pio = lo. or logg (a? — ath 4 a7b? — abi? + abt — ati 00° — 207 + ab! — 2) 69. log, = Oe = logge — y) —log,(2? — y*)/? Quotient rule = legal — y)— Powe (2? vy?) Power rule = logge) ~ Elogalts + y)(e'~ wll = Lopate ~ v) ~ bloga + v) + loses — v] Product rule L 1 = loga( ~ 2) ~ 5loBaCe + v) ~ 508 Ce =v) L ‘ 1 t Jog, (= — v) — 5 log, (e+ ¥) 70, toga VT= 3 = lor, (9 — 22)? lea = ples? 1 3 Joga (3 + #)(3 - z)) = Hoga (8 +2) +1og,(3—=)] te og Ti crila = log. (8 +2) + 5 log, (8-2) 202 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions nm. 80. log Let log,),2 = and solve for n. logyye@? =n Substituting a? for 2 Power rule = floss v?s? —tongze") Quotient rule ‘Thus, logy)a:t = -2 when logge =D ibe ahs Rect Vecdl) Reduce vol 81. We use the change-of-base formula. a loge W-log, 12 ose 18 1 Togujgg 999 logaqg 1000 = }etog.y + 7log, 2—Slog, 2). Power rule 7 logy 12 lowe 18 4 = 810 Teo Toga 2 =t-347-4-3-2) 4ogi0 989 login 1000 i tn ee a1 gg Jog 11 1ogig12 losin 999 - 2 ogg 10 2 Topyp 11 * Togig 12 "~~ fogyy 999 *°S10 7000 = log 1000 72. log, M + log, N = log, (M+ NY Leta = 10, M = Ll, and N = 10, Thon logig! + lomo 10= 0.4 1 = 1, but Logyo(l + 10) = lousy 11 = ogg} = log, = = log, 2 1.0414. Thus, the statement is false. ‘Then log, 2 = —y and x = a-¥ 73. logs M = log, N = log, 3 1 $0 logy at = y. Thus, tor. (2) - ‘This is the quotient rule, so it is true. * logy 2= logy ye: dog, AL " . OBA tage AM — ogg fv Oa TA og, v7 1982 M — dog 88 lage ne =H) 4 hen fa? _ 2 3 Let M =a? and a Then —-*—— = = = 2, but toga I = 186 — logs? —log, a =2=1= 1. Thus, the'tatement is a false j é wu (gobo) =e (ty) log, ML j seve VE 75, PBN Log, af log, 0", ‘The statement is edges cae pee, true by the power rule iv lose — va 8) 76. log, #* = Slog, x is true by the power rule. TT. log, 82 = log, 8+log, + = log,z+log, 8 Thestate. Exercise Set 4.5 spent is true by the product rule and the commute- . tive property of addition. 1, 3 = 81 * 78. logy (MU N)F = wlogay{Mf- N) = The exponents ‘are the same. r(logy M+ logy Ny (logy M-+1) ‘The solution is 4 logy M4 . ew The statement is true. 1 79. tog, (1) = tom, 2 = 1 logy r= 12 ‘The solution is 8 Exercise Set 4.5 203 1 a 3 a8 gp w=3 on’ 2 ‘The solution 4. ‘The exponents are the same. 3 The solution is 5 e238 fog 2* = log 43 Tking the common logasithm on both sides log? = log 38 Power rule log. 33 Tog? py 25185 03010 2 504d ‘The solution is 5.044, 2 = 40 ‘og 2* = log 40 clog? = log 40 og 40 Tog? L502 ** 3010 ax 5322 The solution is 5.322 se? = 195 =) %=7 42 = 10 pels 473 8 The sol 3 lution is 8 = 16 os Br-5=2 3r=7 ag The solution i 9 27 = 988.97 38 = 9.3)? gh age get gh a ghee bz + er 0 = 452-3 0 = (22-1) +3) 1 sss ors 2 The solutions are -3 and 3 gees gett we tde = —3 ete + (e+3)(e+1 r=-3 or r=-1 The solutions are ~3 and a B= log Bit log 84 = 2 ‘The solution is 0.959. 12, ost = 10-4 1og.28* = log 10-* log 28 = —3e + log28+ 32 = 0 F(log28 +3) =0 2=0 The solution is 0, 13. ¢ = 1000 Inet = In 1000 = In 1000 Using log, a? = 1 ® 6.908 The solution is 6.908, 0.04 Indio Ino.od t=—n0d4is ania ‘The solution is 4.219. 204 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions ds. e-baie = 98 Ine" = In 0.08 —0.08t = 1n0.08 n.08 —1.0E 2.5987 —0.03 be 4191 ‘Phe solution is 4.191, 16. 100089 = 5000 e008 5 Ine? = Ing 0.09¢ = Ins ns 009 17,883 ‘The solution is 17.883. qr. (e-1)In2 zind =zin2—-In2 In2=zln2— Ing In2 = a(In2— In) Ind ing-in3 0.6931 Cesar — 10986 ~* Owe ‘The solution is 1.710, 18. logi**? = log dt (242) log5 = (1-2) logd slog + 2log5 = log 4 — 2 log 4 logs +rlog4 = log4—2log5 (log 5 + log 4) = log4 — 2log 6 log 4 ~ 2log 6 ogi + log 2% -0.612 The solution is -0.612 19. (3.9)* =48 log(3.9)* = tog 48 rlog3.9 =log4e ow 48 Tog 35 qm 18812 5911 a= 284d ‘The solution is 2.844, 20. 250 (1.87)? = 0 250 = (.87)* og 250 = log( 1.87)? og 250 = zlog 1.87 log 260 log 87 8.821 = 2 ‘The solution is §.821, 21. tetas e*+1= Set — Multiplying by e* e*—5e+1=0 This equation is quadratic ine’, 52 vOl 2 rein ) 41567 ‘The solutions are —1,567 and L567. 22. * be“ oo se ener 6 (3) +2) 3 or a2 Ing. No solution n3 2 * 1099 ‘The solution is 1.099. ag SO a et = 3c —3e-* Multiplying by & de“ = De® Subtracting e* and adding e-* dem 3 2=e% — Multiplying by e* In2=Ine= ng= In 2 O3d7 =r ‘The solution is 0.347. a 24. toe 8 SPAS = Bo 89 Het a 7h5 7 ‘The number 5 raised to any power is non-negative, ‘Thus, the equation has no solution, Exercise Set 4.5 205 25. logge =4 Check: For 1 = 5* Writing an equivalent hee rig. exponential equation 7 ea Jog 10 + log(t0 - 9)? 4 og 10+ log 1 The solution is 625, 140 a 1|1 TRUE For -4 logz +log(z — 9) log(—1) +1og(—1~9) 71 ‘The solution is + | 8 The number —1 does not check: because negative OT: Wepre ‘The base ie 10 numbers do not have logarithms. ‘The solution is 10, = 10-4, or 0.0001 B84. logg(-+1) + logg(e —1) = 3 ‘The solution is 0,0001 logg(lz + 1)fe— 0] = 8 1 (2+1)@-1) = 2% 1=8 10! ‘The solution is 10, a0: tna: ‘Ths bases ‘The number 3 checks, but —8 does not. The solution eaelne is3 ‘The solution is ¢ 88. logs(x +1) ~ logs =2 30. inz eel 1 logs &) 2 Quotient rule tee = 4 1 ai ‘The solution is e~?, or 4, = é 241g BL. log,(10 +32) = 5 = P= 10+8e e+1= Oe 32= 10432 1s 6ir 22 = 32 ot mcs Bae “ 1 3 The answer checks. The solution is 2. 22 ie answer checks, ‘The solution is 2 st pede. ea 36. loge —logte +3) = —1 32. logig y= -} Sas 48 S104 z43 Be id z43 7 10 loz = 2+3 ‘The answer checks. ‘The solution is —4i7 fee 7 1 83. loge +log(e—9)=1 ‘The base is 10. a logiolz(e— 9}) =1 The answer checks, The solution is + (2-9) = 10! at 92 =10 z-92-10=0 (2-10)(2+1) =0 0 ore 206 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions B37. log, +3) + logy(x—3) 4d, be +10 = 3x + 40 logy (x + 3)(@ - 9)} Product rule Graph yy = be +10 and y2 = 92 + 40 and find (e+ 32-3) = 4 ‘The number 5 checks, but —5 does not. The solution 38. Infe+ 1) —Inz = Ind 1 ‘The answer checks. The solution is = thecks, The solution is 5 89. log(2e + 1) - loge - 2) =1 tog (FF) = 1 Quotient rule 24) = 10'=10 2e+1 = 102-20 Multiplying by 2-2 w= 82 aL, 3 ‘The answer checks, The solution is 40. toge(2 +4) + logst2—4) =2 logs|e + 4)(z 4] = 2 st 16=25 Pau ea aval Only VT checks. The solution is 77. ef = 14,009 Graph u: = 7 and yp = 14.009 and find the first, coordinate of the point of intersection using the In- tersect feature, The solution is 0.367. ae 42. 0.0822 = 0.034 Graph y; = 0.0820 and yp = 0.084 and find the first coordinate of the point of intersection using the Intersect feature. The solution is ~17.607, 48. re™* —1=3 Graph y: = we —1 and yy = 8 and find the first coordinate of the point of intersection using the In- tersect feature, ‘Phe sohition is 0.621. 4b. 46, a 48. 49, 50. Bl. 52. 53, 5a. the first coordinates of the points of intersection us- ing the Intersect feature. The solutions are ~10 and 0.366. Aln(x + 3.4) =2.5 Graph y: = din(x+3.4) and ye = 2.5 and find the first coordinate of the point of intersection using the Intersect: feature, The solution is ~1.532. Ing? =~a? Graph y; = Inz? and y, = 2? and find the first coordinates of the points of intersection using the In- tersect ferture. The solutions are —0.753 and 0.753. logge + loga(e + 2) =2 < loge , logte +2) _ Graph vi = eg + ogg and we = 2 and find the first coordinate of the point of intersestion using the intersect feature. The solution is 7.062. logy 2+ 7 = 4 Logs 2 _ log loge Graph y= (og +7 ond w= 4~ PEE and find the first coordinate of the point of intersection us ing the Intersect feature. The salution is 0.1.41 logg (+1) ~logg(2s~ 3) = 1 loge +7) _ log(2x— 3) Tog log 5 and find the first coordinate of the point of inter- section using the Intersect feature. The solution is 2d Graph and y= 1 Graph y: = In Sz and yy =32—8 and use the Inter sect Feature to find the points of intersection. “They are (0.0001, 7.9997) and (3.445, 2,396), Solving the first equation for y, we get 14-232 24 = 2.3 y= Spe Graph yy = I and vy = 1.1ln(z = 2.05) and use the Intersect feature to find the point of intersection. It is (4.093, 0.786). Graph yy = 2.3ln(2+10-7) and yp = 102-00"? and use the Intersect feature to find the points of inter- section. They are (-9.694,0.014), (—3.334, 4.593), and (2.714, 5.971). Graph gy = 2.3In(z+ 10.7) and y = 10-072" and use the Intersect feature to find the point of intersection. It is (7.586, 6.084), ‘The final result would have been the same, but to Jog. 2506 O08loge It seems best to take the natural logarithm on both sides since the final computation for ¢ is simpler. find ¢ we would hove computed Exercise Set 4.5 55. ‘Trace along the graph of y — Ing to find the s-value that corresponds to the value on the right-hand side ‘of the equation. 36. f(x) =—2* + 62-8 f(3)=-3° +6-3-8=1 ‘The vertex is (3,1). b)r=3 c) Maximum: Latr=3 ‘The vertex is (0, —6), b) The line of symmetry is 2 =0. ©) Since the coefiicient of the 2*-term is positive, the function has a minimum yalue. It fs the sec~ ond coordinate of the vertex, ~6, and it occurs when z= 0. 58. H{z) =3 ah 3a HQ) =3-2 12:24 16=4 The vertex is (2,4) byr=2 ©) Minimum: 4 at 2 =2 a) 2? 42-7 59. G[2) e a) = G(-1) = 4-1? - 4-1) -T=-5 ‘The vertex is (-L,—8). ») The line of symmetry is = —1 ©) Since the coefficient of the x?-term is negative, the function has a maximum value, It is the seo- ond coordinate of the vertex, —5, and it occurs when 2 =—1 60. In(lnz) = 2 Ing =e a = et = 1618.78. ‘The answer checks. ‘The solution is e, or 118.178. 61. In(loge) =0 logz =e” loge x=10'=0 ‘The answer checks. The solution is 10. 207 ing = Ving 1 gine ine Ly 2. a Gpllne)P = In Squaring both sides Lawase igs?) Ing = Let u = Ing and substitute. r=loor 2 34-5 8,886, 110,521 Both answers check. ‘The solutions are 1 and e™, or 1 and 8,886,110.521. ving = In yz Ving = 5 Inz Power rule tax densi! Squat both sds Vanayt O= ;(ing}* —Inz Let u = Ine and substitute, pag o(- 1 or Su 1 z 0 or oO Ing=4 reel e 54.598 Both answers check. The solutions are Land ef, or Land 54.598. Jogs(log. 2) = 0 logy = 8° log, = 1 z= ‘The answer checks. The solution is 4, logy)? — logy 2? (logs 2)? - Blog 2—3 Let 0 logs % substitute: 208 Chapter Exponential and Logarithmic Functions w-2u-3=0 y(w+1)=0 u=3 or z= or ant 3 Both answers check. The solutions are 2 and 27. 66. (logit)? dogs? = 3 (log)? — 2logr—-3 =0 Let u = loge and substitute, wa du-3=0 (ut L(u-3) =0 w=-lor u=3 loge 1 or lagr = 3 1 teh oo = 100 Both answers check, The solutions are — and 1000, 67. Ina? = (In)? Binz = (nz)? (In)? — Qin Let u=Inz and substitute. O=u?-2u 0=ulu-2) u=0 or w=? Int =0 or Inz=2 7.389 Both answers check. ‘The solutions are 1 and ¢?, or Land 7.389, talo@ =e 68. FOF 414 =0 (e*— 2)tet -7) 7 or Ine? =In7 or w= nT += O693 of 2 = 1948 ‘The solutions are 0.699 and 1.946. 69. 5% 3.57 42=0 (5 — 1)t5* — 2) 0 This equation is quadratic in 5* log 5* = log] or zlogs=0 or clogs = log2 0 or = ME Sat igs ‘The solutions are 0 and 0.431 10, 2(inz) = in6 a(int~In6) = In6 -shG= 16 (nt reel The solution is —L Both answers check. The solutions are ~9 and 9, Ta, ane log2boa® = los 5 log ¢ loge = log2* — log 100 (logs)? = Slog -2 (log 2)? —3log2 +2=0 Let u = loge and substitute. 2 3u42=0 (u-1)(u-2) =0 w=l or uaz logr=1 or loge =2 f= or r= 107 =100 Both answers check. The solutions are 10 and 100, 73. Inglkt = 4 Ing-Ine =4 (ine)? Ing = 42 Ine 2 of Inx=2 roe? of rae e013 or 2 7.389 Both answers check. The solutions are e~? and €2, or 0.135 and 7.389, Exercise Set 4.5 15. 6. 7. 78. 79. (Ga 4e=7 z eng z ‘The solution is 5. [1og_ 2| = log, [2], a> 1 Graph y: = |log z| and y2 = log|z|. (Here we let a= 10.) Observe that the graphs intersect at z = 1 land that they coincide for x > 1. This will be the case for all a> 1. Thus, the solution set is [2, 00). Infe—2) > 4 Graph yr = In¢x—2) and yp = 4. Using the Intersect feature, we find that the first coordinate of the point of intersection of the graphs is 56.598. Observe that the graph of y; lies above the graph of yo for all 2- values greater than 56.598. Thus, the solution set is (56.598, 50) eed ect 5 Ine < 1n08 2 < -0.223 ‘The solution set is (~o0, ~0.298). ‘This exercise could alsa be done graphically. [logs 2| +3 logs [z| = 4 Note that we must have a > 0. First consider the case when 0 <2 <1. When 0 0.) 25 cannot be a solution since we assumed 0 <2 <1, Now consider the case when x > 1 logs © > 0, 50 | logs 2| have: In this case logs 2 and |z| =z. Thus we logs 2+ Slogy2 = 4 ogy 2 = 4 Yoggz = 2 255 This answer checks. The solution is 5. 209 or oo or log2®* or 2? log2 logs, log 1 bog? Tog 2 = 41524 or = 800 ‘The solutions are —1.860, —1.524, 1.524, and 1.860. 81, a = logy 225, 50 8° = 225 = 157, 5 = logy 15, 90 2° = Then 8% = (2)? (aye = ge = 3a = 2 2 am 5b 82. logy 125=3 and lowe 5 ema (logins 5)°*'7* is equivalent to o=( ‘Then logga= logs 3 83. loga|log, (log, 2)| = 0 yields «= 64. logs{loga Clog y)] =0 yields y = 16. log. (log, (loge 2)) = 0 yields 2 =8. 4+ 1648 Then e+ y +e 3, 84. fle) Replace f(z) with ys y = Interchange x and ys x e Solve for y: ze! = e2¥—1 Multiplying by O= ey ser 1 ‘Using the quadratic formula with a = 1, 6 = —2, and ¢ = —1 and taking the positive square root (since o> 0) we get = STVE TE Then we have y =n (Ee) Replace y with f(z) = revPat Pie) =n GF) 210 Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Exercise Set 4.6 1. 8) Substitute 6.0 for Py and 0.013 for & in P(t) = Pye, We have P(t) = 6.02%, where P(t) is in billions and t is the number of years after 1999. 1b} In 2005, ¢ = 2005 — 1999 P(6) = 6.06) 6.5 Billion In 2010, ¢ = 2010 ~ 1999 = L. PULL) = 6.06" «6,9 billion c) Substitute 8 for P(t) and solve for t 8 = G.gel008" 4 © goons ned ous 4 5 = oor ing 4 ln t wos riat ‘The world population will be 8 billion about 22.1 yr after 1999, In2 Es BB ye 4 t= oS y 2 a} Plt) = ove b) y= tonebttr 400 HE 4.4% per yr a0. per 4, a) In 1996, ¢ = 1996 — 1985 = 11. ‘3600 = sone" Talk In7.2 = Inell® In7.2 = 11k in7.2 mF O79 a & Pf) = 5006017 b) In 2000, ¢ = 2000 — 1985 = 15, P(15) = 600257809) = 7300 |, C= 2004 ~ 1985 = 19. Plt) = Poe 24,313, 062, 400 = 5, 644, 0006628 24,313,062, 400 ‘5,644,000 tn ( 24:313:062, 400 5, 61,000 amet ‘There will be one person for every square yard of Jand about 822 yr after 1998, 6. In 2003, P@ara) 2003 ~ 1626 = 377. 4977) =~ $301, 000, 000, 000,000 7, a) Substitute 10,000 for Fy and 5.4%, or 0.054 for k PA) = 19, 000098 b) We can use the TABLE feature of a grapher, set in ASK made, to evaluate P(e) = 10, 000e"5# for the desired values of We enter y = 10, 0000 04, P(1) a $10, 555 P(2) = SLL, 140 P(3) = $13, 100 P(10) % $17, 160 Ina = 128 yr 8a) 7 © ) T= Tagg SELB P(5) = 35, 00090629) = $47, 719.88 Exercise Set 4.6 211 b) 7130.90 = 5000e* 1.4618 = e* In 4618 In 1.4618 = 5k In 4618 007k TAM RR ind > Soa eat ©) 11, 41a 71 = pe008e0) ui,414.71 “prey =F $7500 ~ Py In? _., = gaai S839 4) k= 82 © 0.068, or 6.9% i 17, 580,32 = Pye 08818) 17,580.82 “aE = $12,800 = Py . We use the function found io Example 5. If the mummy has lost 46% of Its carbon-14 feom an ini- tial amount Pp, then 947%F), or 0.54% remains, We substitute in the function. O.54R) = Fe P0012 0.54 = e-Poovi2e 1n0.54 = Ine~oanattt In0.54 = —0,00012¢ ino.5d 0.00012 515 St ‘The mummy is about 35 years old, 10. 85%P) of the carbon-14 has been last, 20 68%P), O.B5P) remains. 0.057) = Pre~P.n00tre 0.65 = eH wnize 1n0.65 = Ine-?-s0012 In0.65 = ~0,00012t 0.65 = 000012 3590 = t ‘The statue is about 3590 years old. la) Ks 2 0.231, or 23.1% per min k= 2 = 00816, of 3.18% per yr 1995 — 1950 = 45, (0) = Maen 071, 520 = 5, 647, 8006-HH9) 2,071,520 asp 67.8) 2,071,520 i» Strraon) = 2,071,520 ts OPEIEROY ase (ears) aE 0.022 = NGt) = 5,647, Bode" b) In 2000, ¢ = 2000 — 1950 = 0, N (50) = 5,647,800e"" 240) = 1,879, 989 In 2005, t = 2005 — 1950 = 5: N{55) = 5,6547,800e~ 725 = 1, 684, 199 In 2080, t= 2010 — 1950 = 60. N{60) = 5,647, 800e-2 2219 4, 508, 727 9 100,000 = 5,647, 800<~8 #8 100,000 oz 5,647,800 100,000.) _ , _-ooaze 5647 800, 100,000 tn ( SOE YY = 0.022 (ea on) one tn ( 200.000 5,647, 800, 6.032 Id at Only 100,000 farms will remain about 183 years after 1950, or in 2133. 212 ‘Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 13. a) Substitute 1996 — 1985, or 11, for ¢; 80 for Py; and 67 for P(11) and solve for k. 67 = 80e-* sde-Oo1e, ‘The desired equation is P(t 1b) In 2002, t = 2002— 1985 = 17. P(17) = 80e-8 6007) ~ 61 Tb per person ¢) 20 = 802-0 0188 0.25 = e-0-0168 10.25 = Ine“ 1n0.25 = 0.0168 In0.95 =0.016 ~ 86.6 = t ‘The average annual consumption of beef will be 20 Ib per person after about 86.6 years. 14, a) t = 1997 — 1987 = 10 20 = BeKtt0) 2g = tok In25 = Inelo* In25 = 10% In25 0 7 * 0.0916 = & V(t) = Se, where ¢ is the number of years after 19 In2 °) T= Sooi6 4) 2000 = gedortsr = Toye In 250 = Ine 8 In 250 = 6.0916¢ In 250 ooo16 ~ 6o~t ‘The value of the eard wall be $2000 about 60 yr after 1987. ) The $200 value in 2000 is neatly § times the estimated value found in part (b). The value incteased dramatically after MeGwire’s 70- homerun season in 1998. 15. 8 a 8) ITE 9g 2200. o& asst 20 i 2000 NO = ae ® NO = Tyga Tom ~ 8 ©) (2) = NO) = Tip ge 3a ~ 2000 a 8) = Siggeaae = 1718 i 2000 N(2) = a aa ©1971 vie) 200 (8) = pray 1097 16. 9) ost s0 . Ea §) NO) = yap oem *? ¢) In 1996, ¢ = 1996 ~ 1984 = 12. 19) = 30 N02)= Tyo 9 In 2002, = 2002 1984 = 18 : 50 §08)= pam = 8008 4) No; the function increases toward a limiting value of 50st —+ oc, but it never actually tench teat Valo, wa ys — 2m 3000 of 30 2500 ») PO) = para = H00 3500 PO) = pp = 800 2500 P06) = ae © 2 Exercise Set 4.6 213 18. 19. 20. 2, 22, 23. 24. 2500 TF 5.B5eW 09a) 2500 Ty base oSaTH 2500 Tyan oe = 2059 = 2396 = TB The data have the pattern of a decreasing exponen tial function, so function (d) might be used as a model ‘The data have an S-shaped pattem, so finetion (f) might be used as a model, ‘The data have a parabolic pattern, so function (a) might be used as a model, The data fit the pattern of a polynomial function with degree greater than two. ‘Thus, function (b) might be used as a model ‘The data have a logarithmie pattern, so- function (e) might be used as a model. ‘The data have the pattern of an increasing expo- ential function, so function (c) might be used as a model a) An exponential finction appears to fit the data. b) y = 204, 297.6056(1.027905316)* We can convert this equation to an equation with base ¢, if desired. y = 204, 207 60566=(" 2027008016) 204, 297,6056e002rs2408TT= Tn each case © is the number of years after 1950, The coefficient of correlation r is approximately 0.9962. Since this Is close to 1, the function is a good fie ©) 1,000,000 3 so o 4) Tn 2000, x = 2000 — 1950 = 50. u = 204, 297.5056(1,027905316)" ~ 808,945 In 2025, x = 2025 — 1950 = 75. 0-4, 297, 6056(1.027905816)" ~ 1,609, 706 25. a) y a7. a) 4195491964 (1.025306189)= We can convert this equation to an equation with base ¢, if desired. y= 4.1954gig6dertial = 4.19549196422.024091280 In each case = is the number of years after 2000 and y is in millions, 505189) ‘The coefficient of correlation r is approximately 0.9954, Since this is close to-1, the funetion is & good fit. b) a5 ¢) In 2005, ¢ = 2005 — 2000 = 5, y= 4.195491964(1.025306189)° = 4.8 mi In 2025, t = 2025 — 2000 = 25. y = 4.195491964 (1.025406189)%* = 7.8 million In 2100, t = 2100 — 2000 = 100. y = 4.195491964(1.025906189)' = 51.1 million 26. a) Using the logarithmic regression feature on a gra- her, we get y = 84.94353992 —0.5412834098 In 2. b) Fors =8, ys 83.8%. For t= 10, y= 83.7%, For r= 24, y= 88.2%, For = 36, © 88.0%. ©) 82 = 84.9453992 — 0.541 2834098 ln2 Graph 11 = 82 and yo = 84.94353902— 0.5412834008 Inr and find the first. coordinate Of the point of intersection of the graphs. It is approximately 240, so test scores will fall below 82% efter about 230 months. 10,000. b) Linear: y = 1429.2142862 — 580.0714286; 3? = 0.9641 Quadratic: y = 158.09528812 + 480.642857L2 + 260.4047619; R? ~ 0.9905 Exponential: y = 445,8787388(1.796315606)"; 7? 0.9361 The value of R? is highest for the quadratic fune- tion, os we determine that this function fits the data best. 2d ©) 10,000 V go o ho a d) In 2010, 2 = 20101996 = 14. For the linear function, when « = 14 y = $19, 479 million, or $19,479 billion, For the quadratic funetion, when x 837, 976 million, or $37.976 billion, For the exponential function, when x = Md, y $1,009, 205 muillion, or $1009.295 billion. Given the rate at which the revenues in the ta- bble are increasing, it appears that the quadratic function provides the most realistic prediction. Answers may vary. 4g 28, a) Using the logistic regression feature on a grapher, ean eee See OaBSi012 oe We gel Y= Tyga pdgdoL eo aR bb) Bor 2 = 55, p= 72.2%, Fors = 100, y= 99.9% ¢) y= 100 is an asymptote: as more and more ads fare run, the percent of people who bought the product approaches 100% 29. Answers will vary. 30. Measure the atmospheric pressure P at the top of the: building. Substitute that value in the equation P= 14.7e'.000052., and salve for the height, or alti- tude, a, of the top of the building. Also measure the atmospheric pressure at the base of the building and solve for the altitude of the base. Then subtract to find the height of the building. 3 y= 6-0-2486 Slope: 0; grintercept (0,6) 32. 8r~1dy= 14 3r—M = toy winterce:( 3 rey 33. Chapter ;_ Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 3425-4 Slope: undefined: y-intercept; none 35. P(t) = Pret 50,000 = Pye? 78) 50,000 _ ware $14,182.70 = Py 36.2) P= Rett Pe a= Poor Pe =F, bb) Fj = 50, 0006~?-°°4% = $15,800.21 ST, 480e-8 009 — 150¢0-004 430 2m 150 =F 32 = eb 103.2 = Inte 1n3.2 = 0.007% 103.2 ‘aor ~? $166.16 © p 38. P(4000) — Pye-#o0022(40005 =0.619P), oF 61.9%F) ‘Thus, about 61.9% of the carbon-L4 zemains, so about 38.1% has been lost. 89. To find & we substitute 105 for Ty, 0 for To, 5 for t, and 70 for T(2) and solve for k. 70 = 0 +(105 ~ oie“ 70 = 105e~5* 0 105 70 108 70 05 tk 70 in 0.081 = & ‘The function is T(t) = 10527999 Now we find 7(10) (10) = 105e~°.981005 9 46-7 °F 40. To find k we substitute 94.6 for Ty, 70 for Tp, 60 for ¢ (1 br = 60 min), and 98.4 for T(t) Exercise Set 4.6 93.4 = 70+ [94.6 — 70[e-*60) 23.4 = 24.6678 23.4 Bo ‘The function is T(t) = 70-4 24.6279." We substitute 98.6 for T(t) and solve for & 98.6 = 70+ 24.6¢-P-0008t 28.6 = 24.6¢-0.0008 2B. 0.0008 tne H.00082 0.0008 wos 26 £= Syoo0s ~ —188 “The murder was committed at. approximately 188 minutes, or about $ hours, before 12:00 PM, or at about 9:00 AM. (Answers may vary slightly due to rounding differences.) 4a. octane In ete) 42. a) At tm: 1= Iyem240) 0.2471, 24.7% of Ip remains. ALB T= fye72) = 0.015% 1.5% of [y remains, AtS me: T= ye!) = 0.009% 0.09% of Ja rernains. AV 80m: T= Bye 49 ae (3,98 x 107) fg Now, 3.98 x 10-® = (3.98 x 10°#*) ¥ 107, so, (3.88 x 10-9) % remains. b) £ = fem! 40 = 0.000008 45 ‘Thus, 0.00008% remeins, 215 48.0 yar Iny = In(as Iny=Ina+ Inet Iny=Inats Y=x+Ine ‘This function i of the form y = ma-+0, so it is linear, 44. y=act Iny = In(az*) Iny=Ina+blng Yslna4ox ‘This function is of the form y = mar+b, so itis linear.

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