Kindergarten News: Glory To God
Kindergarten News: Glory To God
Kindergarten News: Glory To God
kindergarten news
S T. P A U L L U T H E R A N S C H O O L
Book Orders
Glory to God z
Due today! Please let me know if “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace
you would like to order and
haven’t had a chance to.
to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:14
R.M.H. In Religion we have been We have been practicing our skip
Gifts for the learning about all the special counting, addition, subtraction
Ronald events leading up to Jesusʼ birth! and patterning in Math!
House are What a joyful time!
In Language this week we
needed by this
Tuesday! There studied the letter V and thought
is a copy of their of a whole ʻvase-fullʼ of words!
wish list by the
Kindergarten We have been hard at work
door. practicing our Christmas songs!
We did a great job singing in
chapel on Wednesday and canʼt
nnn wait for you to hear us on Friday
11:30 Dismissal night!
on Friday, Dec. 17th. Please send
a lunch with your child if they
are staying for child care.
LIbrary Books
Due to the Christmas break, the
Word Wall children will not be bringing home
Keep looking for that library books. Each child was
environmental print able to check out a book for the
at home! We will classroom this week. We will
keep working on this return the books before we leave
until the end of for Christmas and you don’t have
January! to keep track of library books until