Ginecologia Women's Imaging Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ginecologia Women's Imaging Obstetrics and Gynecology
Ginecologia Women's Imaging Obstetrics and Gynecology
Radiologic Clinics of North America
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July 2003 (Vol. 41, Issue 4)
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Preface xi
Deborah Levine
Sonohysterography 781
Mary Jane O’Neill
Sonohysterography can distinguish focal from diffuse pathology reliably and has
become a crucial imaging test in the triage of postmenopausal bleeding and in pre-
menopausal patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding or infertility. Polyps and
submucosal fibroids are the most common focal findings at sonohysterography. In post-
menopausal patients, detection and accurate localization of findings, rather than lesion
characterization, are the primary goals of the procedure. Most, if not all, focal lesions in
this patient population require tissue diagnosis, even when the imaging features suggest
benign lesions.
Index 857
September 2003
Renal Imaging
Philip J. Kenney, MD, Guest Editor
November 2003
Imaging the Acute Abdomen
Emil J. Balthazar, MD, Guest Editor
January 2004
Arthritis Imaging
Barbara N. Weissman, MD, Guest Editor
May 2003
Multislice Helical CT of the Thorax
Phillip M. Boiselle, MD, Guest Editor
March 2003
Advances in Intestinal Imaging
Dean D.T. Maglinte, MD, and
Stephen E. Rubesin, MD, Guest Editors
January 2003
Body MR Imaging
David A. Bluemke, MD, PhD, Guest Editor
With the widespread use of home pregnancy tests, identify the yolk sac, fetus, and embryonic cardiac
women are confirming pregnancy at earlier and activity earlier and can confirm intrauterine pregnan-
earlier points in gestation. The rapid technologic cies at younger gestational ages and at lower levels of
advances in sonography and the widespread use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) [5 – 7].
endovaginal probes, has allowed imaging to keep Endovaginal probe transducer frequencies typ-
pace, providing women with specific information ically range from 5 to 7.5 mHz, and most of the data
regarding the status of their early pregnancies. Im- regarding early sac and embryo sizes are based on
proved spatial resolution in ultrasonographic images studies performed at these frequencies. Newer trans-
has allowed earlier confirmation of normal pregnan- ducers with higher frequencies of 10 mHz or higher
cies and earlier identification of pregnancy failures. provide better spatial resolution and can identify
The detection of ectopic pregnancy at younger gesta- features such as a yolk sac or double decidual reaction
tional ages has led to new, less invasive treatment at even earlier points in the pregnancy [8]. These
approaches. Recent studies indicate that the first higher resolution transducers also have the potential
trimester ultrasound may be effective in screening to provide earlier diagnosis of fetal abnormalities.
for chromosomal abnormalities and detecting struc-
tural defects. In this article, the author discusses
advances in first trimester ultrasound and their effects
on the interpretation of normal and abnormal studies. Normal pregnancy
Gestational sac
Transducer technology
The early embryo in the blastocyst stage is
The transvaginal probe has helped revolutionize implanted at approximately 6 to 7 days after fertiliza-
the assessment of early pregnancy and is believed to tion. The embryo becomes completely embedded in
be the transducer of choice for evaluating all early the endometrial decidua at 9.5 days after conception
pregnancies [1 – 3]. The higher frequency endo- (24 days after last menstrual period). By the end of
vaginal probes provide near field focusing and the the second week after fertilization, the conceptus has
ability to be positioned closer to the uterus, which grown to a total diameter of 2 to 3 mm and can be
provides better spatial resolution and improved diag- visualized with high-frequency endovaginal trans-
nostic accuracy. Transabdominal ultrasound provides ducers. During the third week after fertilization, the
little information regarding the fetus before the eighth exocoelomic cavity—a fluid filled cavity referred to
week of gestation. Before this gestational age, a small as the ‘‘gestational sac’’ by sonographers—can be
hemorrhage or clump of debris can be mistaken for seen routinely when it attains a diameter of 5 mm [9].
an embryo (Fig. 1) [4]. Endovaginal ultrasound can Early attempts to describe reliable ultrasono-
graphic finding of intrauterine pregnancy initially
were developed during the age of transabdominal
E-mail address: [email protected] imaging. These signs largely have been discarded or
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
664 E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679
Fig. 1. (A) Sagittal transabdominal image of 7-week gestational sac that contains amorphous echogenic material not clearly
identifiable as an embryo. (B) Endovaginal image obtained during the same examination clearly identifies the yolk sac and
embryo within the gestational sac.
supplanted by more reliable indicators that have reported a sensitivity rate of 92%, a specificity rate of
evolved in the age of transvaginal probes. To identify 100%, and an overall accuracy rate of 93%.
an intrauterine pregnancy before the development of This sign originally was described using trans-
a gestational sac, the concept of the ‘‘intradecidual abdominal sonography, however, and has not been
sign’’ was first introduced by Yeh et al in 1986 [10]. verified with transvaginal scanning. Laing et al’s
This sign describes a focal anechoic area eccentrically attempt to confirm the validity of this sign using
positioned in the endometrium that does not deform transvaginal scanning was not as successful. Detec-
the endometrium because of its small size (Fig. 2). tion of the intradecidual sign resulted in relatively
This sign is believed to represent the conglomeration poor sensitivity (34% – 66%) and specificity (55% –
of echoes caused by the embedded blastocyst, the 73%) rates [11]. These percentages demonstrated
proliferative plasmodial trophoblasts, and the adja- that the sign is unreliable and should not be used
cent decidua. Yeh et al were able to recognize the to verify a normal pregnancy in the age of trans-
appearance as early as 3.5 weeks’ menstrual age (or vaginal ultrasound.
1.5 weeks after conception), the same time at which The double decidual reaction reliably differentiates
pregnancy could be verified by the bioassay method between a true gestational sac and an intraendometrial
for hCG. For purposes of distinguishing between fluid produced from an ectopic pregnancy (pseudo-
early intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy, Yeh et al sac). The gestational sac first can be visualized endo-
Fig. 2. (A) Sagittal and (B) transverse sonographic views of the gravid uterus demonstrate the ‘‘intradecidual sac sign’’:
echogenic material surrounding a small cyst-like fluid collection located eccentrically within the endometrium.
E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679 665
Yolk sac
Fig. 3. Transverse endovaginal ultrasound at 5.5 weeks’ At the end of the second week after fertilization
menstrual age demonstrates the ‘‘double decidual reaction’’ of (4 weeks’ menstrual age), the primary (primitive) yolk
two concentric echogenic rings (arrows) around the intra-
sac begins to regress and the secondary yolk sac
uterine gestational sac implanted within the endometrium.
develops [16]. The secondary yolk sac is the first
object seen sonographically in the gestational sac
before the visualization of the embryo. It appears as a
vaginally at 4.5 weeks’ menstrual age but cannot be circular echogenic structure between 3 and 7 mm [17]
identified definitively as such before visualization of a and is initially detected in all patients by endovaginal
yolk sac or embryo [6,12]. The double decidual ultrasound by between 37 and 40 menstrual days
reaction was described by Bradley et al in 1982 (Fig. 4). Transvaginal scanning can demonstrate a yolk
as two concentric echogenic rings surrounding the sac with an hCG level as low as 2200 mIUnits/mL,
intraendometrial fluid collection that impress upon IRP [6].
the endometrial stripe in a normal early pregnancy The yolk sac is a valuable feature that distin-
(Fig. 3). The inner ring represents the decidua capsu- guishes normal intrauterine pregnancies. Ultrasono-
laris around the chorion, and the outer ring represents graphically visible before the embryo, detection of a
the decidua parietalis, separated by a thin rim of fluid yolk sac is a reliable indicator of a true gestational
in the endometrial cavity [13]. In an ectopic pregnancy, sac with a positive predictive value of 100% [14].
the decidual reaction presents as only a single echo- Because it confirms an intrauterine pregnancy, the
genic ring around the endometrial fluid collection. detection of a yolk sac in an endometrial fluid collec-
The double decidual reaction sign of intrauterine
pregnancy is present and identifiable from 2 to
9 weeks’ menstrual age but also was described before
the widespread use of endovaginal ultrasound. The
sign was considered useful in transabdominal scan-
ning between 4 and 6 weeks of age to establish an
intrauterine pregnancy before the yolk sac can be
visualized. It is universally present when the mean
sac diameter (MSD) is 10 mm. Using endovaginal
probes, however, a yolk sac almost always can be
identified at this point, which diminishes the use of
the double decidual reaction in distinguishing early
intrauterine pregnancies [14].
Some researchers have explored the concept of
using Doppler sonography to verify intrauterine preg-
nancies. Doppler ultrasound has been shown to
demonstrate a high-velocity, low-impedance arterial
flow adjacent to the developing trophoblast. This Fig. 4. Rounded echogenic structure (arrow) within the
pattern of flow is caused by the high pressure gradient gestational sac represents the early yolk sac, which distin-
between the maternal spiral arteries and the intervil- guishes this intrauterine fluid collection as a gestational sac.
666 E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679
Fig. 6. M-mode ultrasound identifies and measures embryonic cardiac activity (white arrows) and maternal cardiac activity
(black arrows).
E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679 667
157 F 13 bpm at 53 to 56 days’ gestation [20,21]. of the embryo. The MSD is a measurement of the
There is a low intraindividual variation in embryonic mean gestational sac size and is obtained by adding
heart beats at less than 10 gestational weeks, which the anteroposterior and craniocaudal diameters
indicates that a single measurement of embryonic obtained on the sagittal view of the uterus to the
heart rate is sufficient [22]. The presence of cardiac transverse diameter obtained on the transverse view
pulsations predicts a favorable pregnancy outcome in and dividing by three (Fig. 7) [12,25]. The sac size
90% to 97% of patients [23]. Once normal cardiac can be correlated with menstrual age in early preg-
activity is established, spontaneous abortion occurs in nancy by the following formula: menstrual age in
only 2% to 4% of cases [24]. days = MSD + 30 [12]. MSD increases approxi-
mately 1 to 1.5 mm/day for the first 50 to 60 days of
Age assessment pregnancy. Once the embryonic pole is detected,
measurement of the crown rump length of the embryo
The MSD provides the most accurate way to date is considered the most accurate ultrasonographic way
an early pregnancy on ultrasound before visualization to date the pregnancy [58].
Fig. 7. Measurement of the MSD. (A) Single measurement indicated by calipers obtained on the transverse view of the
gestational sac. (B) Anteroposterior and craniocaudal measurements obtained on the sagittal view of the gestational sac.
668 E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679
Fig. 9. (A) Sagittal and (B) transverse views of a large intrauterine gestational sac with MSD larger than 19 mm with no
embryonic pole or yolk sac indentified, which is consistent with a nonviable early pregnancy.
Fig. 10. (A) Sagittal views of the uterus with close-up view of the gestational sac (B) demonstrate an irregularly shaped
intrauterine gestational ac that contains yolk sac positioned low within the uterus (arrow). This gestational sac had not grown
within the past week, which is consistent with a missed abortion.
670 E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679
Fig. 12. (A) Endovaginal ultrasound shows a sagittal view of the uterus with a normal appearing endometrial stripe marked by
calipers. (B) Normal right ovary marked by calipers. (C) Transabdominal ultrasound of the right lower quadrant shows a complex
mass (arrow) high in the pelvis that contains a yolk sac and fetal embryonic pole, consistent with ectopic pregnancy.
Because the frequency of coexistent intrauterine formed to screen for a possible coexistent ectopic
pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy (heterotopic preg- pregnancy, especially in women who present with
nancy) is low at between 1/4000 and 1/7000 [42,43], pelvic pain and women with a history of assisted
the diagnosis of an intrauterine pregnancy effectively fertilization (Fig. 13) [36].
excludes ectopic pregnancy in most patients [39]. The rate of ectopic pregnancy is higher in women
Even in the presence of an intrauterine pregnancy, who undergo assisted fertility. Mol et al found an
however, evaluation of the adnexa should be per- overall incidence of ectopic pregnancy after in vitro
Fig. 13. Heterotopic pregnancy in a patient who had been taking Pergonal. (A) Intrauterine diamniotic twin pregnancy and (B)
large amount of echogenic free fluid in Morrison’s pouch (arrow) caused by heterotopic triplet pregnancy. The ectopic pregnancy
was removed surgically, and the patient delivered twins at term. (Courtesy of Deborah Levine, MD, Boston, MA.)
672 E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679
Fig. 14. Extrauterine gestational sac that contains yolk sac and embryonic pole in the adnexa, which are consistent with ectopic
pregnancy. (A) Transverse endovaginal image shows an empty uterus and left adnexal mass (arrows). (B) Close-up view of left
adnexa shows extrauterine gestational sac, which contains an embryonic pole marked by calipers and yolk sac.
fertilization and embryo transfer to be 5.1% [44]. The echogenic free fluid increases the sensitivity rate even
rate of heterotopic pregnancy has been increasing, higher to 56% [46]. Ultrasonographic assessment of
partly because of this expanding patient population. the pelvis has almost completely replaced culdocen-
The incidence of heterotopic pregnancy is approxi- tesis for the diagnosis of hemoperitoneum. Culdocen-
mately 1% of all pregnancies after in vitro fertiliza- tesis is invasive, less sensitive than transvaginal
tion [43,45]. In this population, ectopic pregnancy ultrasonography for the detection of blood, and has
cannot be excluded even if an intrauterine pregnancy a lower negative predictive value [47]. Transabdomi-
is detected. Because more than one embryo is typ- nal scanning of the paracolic gutters and Morrison’s
ically transferred after in vitro fertilization, hCG pouch may show free intraperitoneal fluid not appre-
levels are less helpful in diagnosing ectopic preg- ciated on the transvaginal approach [38,41].
nancy, and ultrasound plays an even larger role
in detection. Adnexal mass
An adnexal mass is the most common ultrasono-
Sonographic diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy: graphic finding in ectopic pregnancy, found in 65% to
specific findings 84% of cases [40,48 – 50]. The adnexal mass can
demonstrate various appearances. It can appear as a
The most specific sonographic sign of ectopic sac-like ring that correlates with an intact tube that
pregnancy is visualization of an extrauterine gesta- contains a gestational sac (Fig. 16). Alternatively, the
tional sac that contains a yolk sac or embryo (Fig. 14). mass can be solid or complex, which typically cor-
This sign carries a specificity rate of 100% but a low relates with an incomplete tubal abortion or, less
sensitivity rate of 15% to 20% [37,40,46]. likely, a ruptured tube (Fig. 17) [50]. The appearance
also can be subtle, recognized only by an asymmetry
Nonspecific findings
Free fluid
Small amounts of free pelvic fluid can be seen in
ectopic and intrauterine pregnancies. The presence of
echogenic fluid, especially when found in high
quantities or in association with an adnexal mass,
indicates a high risk of ectopic pregnancy. Echogenic
fluid correlates with hemoperitoneum at surgery
(Fig. 15) [47].
The presence of a moderate to large amount of
free fluid demonstrates a sensitivity rate of 28% but a
high specificity rate of 96% and positive predictive Fig. 15. Large amount of echogenic free fluid in the pos-
value of 86% for ectopic pregnancy. The presence of terior cul de sac in surgically proven ectopic pregnancy.
E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679 673
is detected, the pregnancy may be abnormal, and pared with surgical treatment [32]. Administration of
ectopic pregnancy should be considered. Mehta et al methotrexate has become an increasingly popular
reported that 33% of 51 patients without a definite therapy for the treatment of ectopic pregnancy
gestational sac and with hCG levels more than [32,58,59]. Pharmacologic therapy often results in
2000 mIU/mL IRP had normal intrauterine pregnan- decreased patient morbidity and increased preser-
cies on follow-up [26]. Strict reliance on a single vation of reproductive capability [32]. Methotrexate,
discriminatory hCG value is probably unwise, and administered either intramuscularly or intratubularly
serial values can be more helpful in distinguishing [36,58], causes either resorption or tubular abortion
among intrauterine, ectopic, and failed pregnancies. of the conceptus. Women who demonstrate lack of
Ultrasound may provide valuable information regard- free fluid outside of the pelvis on ultrasound, hemo-
less of the hCG level. dynamic stability, and no other comorbid conditions
are considered candidates for medical therapy. Most
Management protocols limit candidates to women with an adnexal
mass of less than 3 to 4 cm, lack of embryonic cardi-
Managing ectopic pregnancy in the outpatient ac activity, and hCG levels of less than 5000 to
setting has become a more viable option with earlier 10,000 mIU/mL. Failure of treatment is most closely
detection through endovaginal ultrasound and sen- linked to high hCG levels and the presence of embry-
sitive hCG assays. Outpatient management strategies onic cardiac activity [58]. At follow-up of patients
include laparoscopic salpingectomy or salpingo- treated with methotrexate, ultrasound may dem-
stomy, methotrexate administration, and close mon- onstrate that the adnexal mass or affected fallopian
itoring for spontaneous resolution [32]. tube has grown in size and become more vascular.
Spontaneous resolution of ectopic pregnancy can Treatment success can be monitored with declining
occur. Early sonographic diagnosis of ectopic preg- hCG levels [58,59].
nancy likely identifies some cases that would have
escaped diagnosis because of spontaneous resolution
without intervention. Atri reported that 24% of Fetal abnormalities
ectopic pregnancies sonographically diagnosed over
a 19-month period resolved spontaneously [56]. A series of recent studies suggested that the sono-
Pregnancies that are more likely to resolve dem- graphic observation of increased fetal nuchal trans-
onstrate findings such as a longer time interval from lucency in the first trimester can be used as a screening
the last menstrual period [33], small adnexal masses tool for chromosomal defects. Some other fetal struc-
of less than 3.5 cm and preferably less than 2 cm, low tural abnormalities are also identifiable in the first
serum hCG levels of less than 1000 mIU/mL, rapidly trimester on ultrasound. As sonographic technology
decreasing hCG levels, lack of a gestational sac, and improves, better spatial resolution also may enable
no cardiac activity detected. The more advanced and earlier diagnosis of more structural abnormalities.
vascular the adnexal mass or hematosalpinx caused
by the ectopic pregnancy, the less likely it is to Nuchal translucency
resolve spontaneously [33,56]. While resolving, the
adnexal mass of an ectopic pregnancy may increase Szabo and Gellen [60] were the first to report an
in size and become more vascular on ultrasound [56]. association between increased nuchal translucency in
Ultrasound is not reliable for identifying cases that the first trimester and chromosomal abnormalities.
are undergoing spontaneous resolution. The diagnosis Nuchal translucency describes the subcutaneous
is based on continuing clinical stability of the patient accumulation of fluid in the back of the fetal neck,
and decreasing serial hCG levels [33]. which can occur early in pregnancy. On sonography,
Although spontaneous resolution of ectopic preg- nuchal translucency represents the maximum thick-
nancy may occur, expectant management of patients ness of the subcutaneous translucency between the
with confirmed diagnoses remains controversial. The skin and the soft tissue overlying the cervical spine
benefit of expectant management over other conserv- (Figs. 19, 20) [61,62]. According to the criteria
ative treatments, such as medical treatment with published by the Fetal Medicine Foundation [63],
methotrexate or minimally invasive laparoscopic sur- images of nuchal translucency must include a mid-
gery, has not been established [36,57]. sagittal section, sufficient magnification of the image,
Since the late 1980s there has been a shift toward differentiation between fetal skin and amnion, and
treating ectopic pregnancy in the outpatient setting placement of the calipers on the echogenic lines (on-
and reaping significant medical cost savings com- to-on measurement) so that the maximal thickness
E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679 675
Fig. 21. (A) Coronal and (B) sagittal ultrasound of a 12-week fetus with absence of the cranium and separation of the cranial soft
tissue into two masses (arrows), which are consistent with anencephaly.
thickened nuchal translucency does not lead to a length usually measures less than expected by gesta-
cervical structural abnormality in the child [68]. tional age. Because mineralization of the skull occurs
at approximately 10 weeks’ gestation, diagnosis theo-
retically can be made after this point. Two studies
Fetal structural abnormalities performed in the United Kingdom demonstrated that
in units in which the sonographer was instructed to
Improvements in sonographic resolution have look for signs of acrania, sensitivity rate for detecting
made it possible to detect the presence of a wide anencephaly in the first trimester was 100% with no
range of fetal defects in the first trimester. In some false-positive cases [78,79]. First trimester fetuses
cases, the sonographic features are similar to those with anencephaly may demonstrate the ‘‘Mickey
described on second and third trimester scans, and in Mouse Sign,’’ which describes the appearance of
other cases there are characteristic features unique to the cerebral lobes in the coronal plane as two semi-
these early studies [76]. First trimester ultrasound is circular structures above the orbits surrounded by
particularly sensitive in detecting abnormalities in the amniotic fluid (Fig. 21) [78].
central nervous system, cervical region, and renal and Several of the soft signs for aneuploidy typically
gastrointestinal organs and is weak at detecting spina examined in the second trimester also can be detected
bifida and cardiac and limb deformities. In a screen- in the first trimester. Whitlow et al studied soft
ing study of an unselected low-risk population of
more than 6000 pregnant women scanned between 11
and 14 weeks’ gestation, the detection rate for struc-
tural abnormalities was 68% in early pregnancy.
When combined with the second trimester scan, the
rate increased to 85% [77].
Anencephaly, characterized by absence of the
cranial vault and subsequent disruption of the cere-
bral cortex, was one of the first fetal abnormalities
diagnosed by ultrasound. The first trimester findings
are notably different from those identifiable on sec-
ond trimester scans [77]. Whereas in the second
trimester the diagnosis of anencephaly is made par-
tially by the finding of prominent orbits and no brain
tissue or skull above the orbits, the first trimester
diagnosis relies on noting the absence of cranium
because cerebral tissue (angiomatous stroma) still Fig. 22. Transverse image of a fetal head at 12 weeks’ men-
may be present. In anencephaly, the crown rump strual age demonstrates a choroid plexus cyst.
E. Lazarus / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 663–679 677
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681 – 693
Ultrasound is commonly performed in the first Dandy Walker cyst or hydrocephalus. Later in gesta-
trimester for determining cause of bleeding or pain, tion, the choroid plexus fills the lateral ventricle,
establishing dates, and evaluating nuchal translucency which occupies most of the hemisphere (Fig. 2) [5].
in screening for aneuploidy. With improvements in Calvarial ossification occurs at approximately
ultrasound technology, the fine structures of the 10 weeks’ gestational age, which is why anencephaly
developing embryo and fetus can be visualized (Fig. 3) is difficult to appreciate early in the first
[1,2], which allows for early detection of embryonic trimester (Fig. 4). Even after 10 weeks, the absence
and fetal structural abnormalities. A combination of of a calcified cranium may be overlooked because the
transabdominal and transvaginal scanning allows for underlying cranial tissue may appear normal [6]. In a
assessment of anatomy in up to 95% of fetuses at 12 to study by Johnson et al of 55,237 fetuses at 10 to
13 weeks’ gestation [3]. In a study of low-risk women, 14 weeks’ gestation, 47 fetuses were diagnosed with
68% of fetal structural abnormalities were detected anencephaly. In the initial portion of the study, the
during first trimester sonography [4]. Early detection diagnosis was missed in 8 of 31 fetuses. After review
of structural anomalies is helpful in the diagnosis of of these cases, sonographers were given feedback
aneuploidy and in counseling patients regarding regarding the first trimester appearance of anen-
potential outcome when chromosomes are normal. cephaly; in the second portion of the study, 16 of
This article illustrates pathologic conditions that can 16 cases were diagnosed. This demonstrates that
be detected in early pregnancy and potential pitfalls in attention to ossification of the skull aids in the early
the evaluation of the developing embryo and fetus. diagnosis of anencephaly. In this study, the diagnosis
of anencephaly was made when there was absence of
the calvarium, even if the underlying brain tissue
Central nervous system appeared normal. When tissue is visualized above
the orbits, some call this exencephaly (Figs. 5, 6).
The sonographic appearance of the brain in the Because nearly all cases of anencephaly in the first
first trimester is different from its appearance later in trimester have tissue present above the orbits, it is
gestation. Between 7 and 9 weeks’ gestational age, believed that exencephaly is a precursor to anen-
the developing rhombencephalon is visible as a cystic cephaly [7,8].
space in the embryonic head, which should not be Encephalocele is the least common open neural
mistaken for an abnormality (Fig. 1). This structure tube defect, with an incidence of 1 to 4:10,000 live
contributes to the fourth ventricle, the brain stem and births. The bony calvarial defect allows herniation of
the cerebellum, and should not be confused with a the meninges alone or the brain and the meninges out
of the boundaries of the skull. The most common site
* Corresponding author. of occurrence is the occipital midline (Fig. 7) (75%)
E-mail address: [email protected] followed by the frontal midline (13%) and the parietal
(D. Levine). regions (12%).
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
682 I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693
Fig. 2. Sagittal (A) and coronal views (B) of a 12-week gestational age fetus with a normal brain. Note that the choroid plexus
fills the ventricle, and the ventricle fills almost the entire hemisphere.
I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693 683
Fig. 3. Anencephaly. Sagittal Gray-scale (A) and color Doppler (B) views show lack of an ossified cranium above the orbits.
The internal carotid arteries are seen to extend to the skull base and then abruptly terminate (arrows). (Courtesy of Dr. Peter
Callen, San Francisco, CA).
association with anomalies and poor outcome, small, herniation is more than 7 mm, an abdominal wall
smooth cysts that disappear after the first trimester defect is likely, because in normal fetuses this length
have a more benign course [18]. is 6 mm or less [19]. If the contents consist of liver or
stomach and if the protrusion is covered by membrane,
then an omphalocele is present (Figs. 14, 15). No
Anterior abdominal wall herniation should be visible once the crown rump
length is 45 mm or more [19,20]. Early diagnosis of
Physiologic herniation of the fetal bowel into the omphalocele is important because it is a common
base of the umbilical cord occurs normally between 8 feature of trisomies 18 and 13 [21,22]. In a study by
and 12 weeks’ gestation (Fig. 13). This midgut hernia- Snijders, 61% of cases of omphalocele detected in the
tion is visualized sonographically as slightly echo- first trimester were aneuploid [22].
genic areas in the base of the abdominal insertion of the If the bowel loops have an irregular margin,
umbilical cord. Failure of the intestinal loops to return then the defect is likely a gastroschisis (Fig. 16).
to the abdominal cavity results in the formation of an Differentiation of gastroschisis from omphalocele
omphalocele, which is a membrane-covered midline is important because gastroschisis is not associated
abdominal wall defect. When the length of the bowel with aneuploidy.
When the cord insertion site appears enlarged, it
is prudent to obtain a follow-up sonogram in 1 to
2 weeks. Because the bowel generally returns to the
abdominal cavity in that time period, the patient can
be counseled and managed appropriately.
Genitourinary tract
Fig. 4. (A) Sagittal view of embryo at 9 weeks and 3 days was interpreted as normal but with size less than dates. (B) Coronal
view of fetus during the second trimester demonstrates absence of brain structures above the orbits, consistent with anencephaly
that was missed in the initial scan.
Fig. 6. Exencephaly. Coronal view of the fetus (A) and axial views of brain tissue (B) in fetus at 12 weeks and 4 days with absent
calvarium. Note the appearance of malformed cerebral hemispheres as demonstrated by lack of demonstrable cerebral ventricles.
Fig. 7. Transabdominal (A) and transvaginal (B) views of the head in a 13-week gestational age fetus demonstrate herniated brain
tissue consistent with a large posterior encephalocele (arrowheads) with a normally ossified anterior skull (arrows).
686 I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693
Fig. 8. Coronal (A) and transverse (B) views of the lateral ventricles and coronal view of the posterior fossa (C) of a 12-week
gestational age fetus with dilatation of the lateral ventricles, seen as lucency in the cerebral hemispheres without choroid plexus.
The third ventricle is enlarged and there is splaying of the cerebellar hemispheres (long arrows). Although cerebellar
abnormalities are notoriously difficult to diagnose in the first trimester because the cerebellum is still developing, the
constellation of findings in this case is consistent with a Dandy Walker malformation.
I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693 687
Fig. 9. Sagittal (A), axial (B), and coronal (C) views of a 12-week, 3-day gestation demonstrate nuchal translucency with
septations. The extent of the translucency along the back of the fetus is denoted with calipers. This is clearly separate from the
amnion (arrow). Chromosomal analysis showed trisomy 21.
Fig. 10. Coronal view of a 12-week gestational age fetus with diffuse lymphangiectasia. Note diffuse lucency under the skin
(arrowheads), which is clearly separate from the amnion (arrow). Chromosomal analysis showed trisomy 18.
688 I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693
Fig. 11. (A, B) Transverse images of the fetal abdomen and umbilical cord at 9 weeks’ gestational age demonstrate a 4-mm cyst
(arrow) separate from the yolk sac (arrowhead). The cyst was not visualized 4 weeks later in a follow-up examination.
Fig. 13. Transverse view of the abdomen at 10 weeks and 2 days’ gestational age demonstrates physiologic bowel herniation.
Note the individual loops of bowel (arrow) within the base of the umbilical cord.
Fig. 14. Two fetuses with omphalocele and trisomy 18. Sagittal view (A) of 10-week gestation and transverse view (B) in a
12-week gestation each demonstrate an omphalocele (arrow).
I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693 689
Fig. 15. (A) Sagittal view of an 8-week embryo with a prominent cord insertion site (arrow). This was not noted prospectively.
(B) Follow-up examination at 16 weeks axial view of abdomen demonstrated an omphalocele. The chromosomal abnormality
was a de novo terminal deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 with a karyotype of 46, XY, del(5) (p15.3).
Fig. 16. Sagittal view of the fetal abdomen at 11 weeks and 5 days’ gestation illustrates a prominent cord insertion site (arrow).
Follow-up was suggested, but the fetus was not scanned again until 19 weeks’ gestation, when the scan confirmed the presence
of gastroschisis.
Fig. 17. Sagittal view of a 13-week gestational age fetus shows a dilated pear-shaped bladder and a normal amount of amniotic
fluid. The presumed diagnosis was posterior urethral valves.
690 I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693
Fig. 18. Triploidy. (A) Sagittal view of uterus at 11 weeks’ gestation by unsure dates and 8 weeks 6 days’ gestation by crown
rump length. The placenta is slightly heterogeneous with some cysts. (B) Sagittal view of the placenta 3 weeks later shows an
enlarged placenta with multiple small cysts. (C ) Axial view at levels of chest shows diffuse skin thickening consistent with
lymphangiectasia. The combination of cystic placenta and abnormal fetus suggests the diagnosis of triploidy. Chromosomal
analysis showed triploidy, and histology of the placenta showed partial mole.
Fig. 19. Triploidy. (A) Transvaginal M-mode of a 7-mm embryonic pole demonstrates severe bradycardia (heart rate of 54). (B)
There are subtle placental cystic changes (arrow). The patient had a miscarriage, and histologic examination demonstrated a
partial mole.
I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693 691
Fig. 20. Triploidy. Sagittal view of fetus at 12 weeks’ gestation by dates and 10 weeks and 6 days’ gestation by crown rump
length. Note the small size of the fetal torso compared with the head caused by early asymmetric growth restriction.
Fig. 21. Conjoined twins at 7 weeks’ gestational age. Two heart beats were visualized.
Fig. 22. (A) Transverse view of a monoamniotic monochorionic twin gestation at 9 weeks 2 days. The fetal abdomens are imaged
together both in the transverse plane with no membrane seen between them. (B) Image obtained a few minutes later demonstrates
a separation between the embryos, and the more posterior twin is in the longitudinal plane. The change in position and seperation
of the twins exclude the possibility of conjoined twins.
692 I. Castro-Aragon, D. Levine / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 681–693
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last menstrual period shows an abnormal embryonic contour (calipers). (B) M-mode shows that the cardiac activity is in the
posterior aspect of the tissue (arrow). Differential diagnosis was hematoma adjacent to the fetal pole or conjoined twins. Follow-
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 695 – 708
Remarkable strides have been made in the past age [3] because younger women have constituted
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development largely has been driven by the evolution minority of trisomy 21 fetuses have been born to
of DNA analysis and changes in the childbearing women aged 35 and older (12.9%) [4]. Current birth
population. Screening tests of serum analytes and records in the United States indicate that there is a
ultrasound technology also have added to the current change in the child-bearing population, however,
complex algorithm that gives the lowest risk assurance with more women bearing children at advanced
of a euploid fetus. This article describes the available maternal age ( 35 years at time of delivery), such
invasive (definitive) and noninvasive (screening) test- that use of maternal age detects approximately 50%
ing that is available to diagnose aneuploidy, with of Down syndrome cases [5].
special emphasis on the role of ultrasound. Besides women aged 35 years or older at time of
delivery, patients at risk for fetal aneuploidy include
women with previous pregnancy complicated by
Background autosomal trisomy, a fetus with one major structural
defect or two or more minor structural defects
Autosomal trisomy is a result of meiotic non- identified at sonography, prior fetus with sex chro-
disjunction, which increases with maternal age, such mosome aneuploidy, parents with a known chro-
that at 35 years of age the inherent midtrimester risk mosomal translocation, parents who carry known
of trisomy 21, Down syndrome (DS), at 1/270, is chromosome inversions, and parents with aneuploidy
similar to the generally quoted rate of pregnancy com- themselves [6].
plication from amniocentesis at 1/200 [1,2]. There-
fore, at age 35 and older, genetic amniocentesis has
traditionally been offered routinely, since the risk of
Invasive testing: definitive detection/exclusion
pregnancy complication from amniocentesis is simi-
of aneuploidy
lar to the risk of carrying a fetus with autosomal
trisomy. Historically, most children with trisomy 21
Amniocentesis is a procedure usually offered
have been born to women younger than 35 years of
between 15 and 20 weeks’ gestation in which amniotic
fluid is removed under direct ultrasound guidance for
culture and cytogenetic analysis. The risk of preg-
nancy complication associated with amniocentesis is
* Corresponding author. Ultrasound – Department of
generally quoted as 1:200 (0.5%) [1,2]. Complications
Radiology, Milstein Hospital Building 4-156, Columbia include amnionitis, [7] rhesus isoimmunization, [8,9],
Presbyterian Medical Center, 177 Fort Washington Avenue, which can be prevented with prophylactic administra-
New York, NY 10032. tion of anti-D immunoglobulin to Rh-negative women,
E-mail address: [email protected] (N.E. Budorick). amniotic fluid leak or vaginal blood loss [10,11],
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
696 N.E. Budorick, M.K. O’Boyle / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 695–708
cramping and lower abdominal discomfort for up to situations in which a karyotype is urgently needed to
8 hours [12], and pregnancy loss [1,2]. Cytogenetic assist pregnancy management.
results are available between 10 and 14 days after the
procedure, and the diagnostic accuracy is more than
99% [13]. Noninvasive testing for aneuploidy
Early amniocentesis is offered between 11 and
13 weeks’ gestation for patients who desire earlier Maternal serum screening in the second trimester
evaluation of karyotype [14 – 17]. The complication
rate is higher than with traditional amniocentesis, Serum biochemical screening in the second tri-
however. The risk of pregnancy loss is 2.5% com- mester yields a higher case detection rate for aneu-
pared with 0.5% to 0.7% with traditional amniocen- ploidy than maternal age screening alone. Maternal
tesis [17]. Risk of talipes may be up to 1.4% over blood is drawn between 15 and 20 weeks’ gestation
that with traditional amniocentesis at 0.1% (back- for serum analyte evaluation. The results from 16 to
ground) [17]. Membrane rupture is more likely with 18 weeks’ gestation are the most accurate. Pregnan-
early amniocentesis, and there are significantly more cies complicated by fetal Down syndrome have
culture failures than with traditional amniocentesis maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels that are low
[17]. Because of these factors, early amniocentesis is (0.7 multiples of the median [MoM] or less) [28 – 30].
rarely performed. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels are
In chorionic villus sampling, a sample of chorionic elevated (2.04 MoM or more) in fetal Down syn-
villi is removed from the placenta through a plastic drome [31 – 34]. A third serum analyte that is altered
catheter via transabdominal or transcervical approach in fetal Down syndrome is unconjugated estriol,
using ultrasound guidance. This procedure is per- which is also found at lower levels (0.79 MoM or
formed between 10 and 12 weeks’ gestation, so results less) in affected pregnancies [31 – 34].
are available earlier in pregnancy than in routine The relative risk of aneuploidy derived from
amniocentesis. The transcervical route is the most maternal serum screening of these analytes is factored
commonly used approach. The transcervical route with race and diabetic status to modify the maternal
can be used for either anterior or posterior placentas, age-related risk of aneuploidy [34 – 36]. At a 5% or
but there are several contraindications, including more screen-positive rate, these three analytes iden-
the absolute contraindication of an active cervical tify 60% of trisomy 21 in women younger than
infection and several relative contraindications, such 35 years of age. In women older than 35 years of
as vaginal infection, vaginal bleeding or spotting, age, it detects 75% or more of all trisomy 21 cases
extreme anteversion or retroversion of the uterus, and can detect other aneuploid fetuses, because the
and large patient habitus that prohibits access to the screen-positive rate increases with maternal age [37].
uterus or adequate visualization of intrauterine struc- Screen-positive cutoffs are chosen using either the
tures at sonography [18,19]. The transabdominal midtrimester Down syndrome risk of a 35-year-old
approach is used when the placenta is anterior or woman as the screen positive cutoff (1:250) or a
fundal and not easily sampled by the transcervical cutoff that results in an acceptable balance of high
route. The risk of pregnancy loss at 1.1% to 1.3% detection rate and low screen-positive rate (1:190 or
is 0.6% to 0.8% higher than with traditional am- 1:200) [6]. These screening protocols may face future
niocentesis [13,20 – 24]. Oromandibular-limb hy- revision, because they are based on calculations of
pogenesis is more common among chorionic villus risk as determined by the maternal age-related risk of
sampling – exposed infants, especially when per- Down syndrome calculated in the 1980s. Because
formed before 7 weeks’ gestation and less so after current rates of birth to women older than 35 years of
9 weeks’ gestation [24 – 26]. age have increased since the 1980s, the screening
Cordocentesis, or percutaneous umbilical blood premise may be obsolete [6].
sampling, is puncture of the umbilical vein under Multiple-marker screening also can detect 60% to
direct ultrasound guidance for karyotype analysis of 75% of trisomy 18 fetuses. The profile is low levels
the fetal blood cells. This technique has the advantage of all three analytes [38 – 41]. Other aneuploidies are
of available results within 24 to 48 hours, but the rate not detected with great frequency using biochemical
of pregnancy loss is relatively high, reported at less screening; however, those missed are usually lethal,
than 2% [2,27]. This technique is used for various such as trisomy 13, or are sex chromosome abnor-
nongenetic situations (eg, blood transfusion, fetal malities that are not associated with severe mental
blood evaluation). Regarding genetic uses, percuta- retardation or other severe physical or developmental
neous umbilical blood sampling is used for rare limitations [6]. A new and promising serum analyte
N.E. Budorick, M.K. O’Boyle / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 695–708 697
Fig. 1. ‘‘Double bubble’’ appearance in the upper abdomen in a 22-week gestation. (A) The stomach and proximal duodenum are
fluid filled and dilated. (B) The two fluid-filled structures are seen to join, eliminating other diagnostic possibilities. There is
polyhydramnios from the upper tract gastrointestinal obstruction. This is characteristic of duodenal atresia, which may be seen in
trisomy 21.
diploid egg. The most common complement is XXY syndrome [64]. An ultrasound performed for detec-
and most of the rest are XXX. Miscarriage is com- tion of abnormalities that may alter a patient’s a priori
mon and accounts for 20% of abnormal spontaneous risk of aneuploidy is called the genetic sonogram.
abortuses. Toxemia may accompany a triploid preg- Use of minor ultrasound markers has changed
nancy [48]. Triploid fetuses typically have multiple from previously described scoring systems [65 – 69]
major malformations (up to 93% of cases) [61,62] to patient-specific risk adjustment schemata. Nyberg
and may have early-onset asymmetric intrauterine developed a method of risk assignment that is based
growth restriction, so the head may be disproportion- on the specific ultrasound findings combined with the
ately large compared with the body if detected in the a priori age-related risk of aneuploidy. This system is
second trimester [62]. When the extra chromosome called the Age Adjusted Ultrasound Risk Assessment
complement is maternally derived, the placenta is (AAURA) for Down syndrome [70,71]. In the
relatively small and there is severe intrauterine AAURA system, the ultrasound markers are not
growth restriction. When the extra chromosome considered equally but are weighted by the likelihood
complement is paternally derived, the placenta is
large and contains hydropic villi [63].
Fig. 3. Arthrogryposis of the hands in a 19-week gestation. Two images, one slightly more volar (A) and one slightly more dorsal
(B), of the same hand demonstrate disarrayed ossification centers of the phalanges (between arrows). This appearance is
characteristic of fixed clenching and overlapping of the fingers that may be seen with trisomy 18.
ratios (of associated aneuploidy) of the individual of those from women aged 35 to 39 years (12.5% false-
sonographic findings. Using AAURA and a thresh- positive rate), and 100% of those from women aged
old of 1:200, 74% of fetuses with Down syndrome 40 years or older (false-positive rate = 0).
were identified overall: 61.5% of those from women Bromley [72] recently published a modification of
younger than 35 years (4% false-positive rate), 67.2% the sonographic scoring index system initially pub-
Fig. 7. Large, septated cystic hygroma in a Turner syndrome (XO) fetus in an 18-week gestation. (A) Longitudinal image dem-
onstrates bulging, septated cystic hygroma in the neck region (arrows). (B) Axial image demonstrates the nearly circumferential
nature of this cystic hygroma (large arrows), with only sparing of the anterior chest skin (small arrows). Bilateral pleural
effusions are identified in the apical thoracic spaces bilaterally (*). (C) There also is ascites, surrounding suspended bowel loops
(arrow) and liver (dashed arrow).
702 N.E. Budorick, M.K. O’Boyle / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 695–708
Fig. 9. Pyelectasis at 16 weeks’ gestation. (A) In the axial image through the fetal kidneys, the anterior-to-posterior dimension is
measured (electronic ‘‘ +’’) and was more than 4 mm bilaterally. (B) In the coronal image, the configuration is that of a dilated
renal pelvis without caliectasis (arrows).
Fig. 13. Multiple, confluent choroid plexus cysts in a Fig. 14. First trimester gestation with nuchal fold measure-
16-week fetus with trisomy 18. ment (electronic calipers ‘‘ +’’).
N.E. Budorick, M.K. O’Boyle / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 695–708 705
studies seems to have high specificity for Down determined. The goal of second trimester ultrasound
syndrome [96]. screening is to identify at-risk fetuses better and offer
invasive testing to a more select group of patients. As
Combined first trimester screening approach the value of first trimester screening becomes more
evident and practical, and if the risk of chorionic
The National Institutes of Health has funded a villus sampling becomes an acceptable norm, the
prospective, multicenter trial to evaluate first trimes- patient population that reaches the second trimester
ter screening that combines nuchal translucency of pregnancy will be select. Therefore, we can antici-
measurements with biochemical markers and mater- pate that second trimester screening and invasive
nal age a priori risk, called the First and Second testing may be needed only in a minority of cases,
Trimester Evaluation of Risk trial. In this study, and the practice standards of prenatal testing and
first trimester nuchal translucency measurement, sonography (including minor ultrasound markers)
PAPP-A and free beta-hCG levels, and maternal age will change entirely.
are factored to determine risk for Down syndrome. In
the second trimester, the same patients are reeval-
uated as a control. The second trimester evaluation
consists of screening with the four serum analytes References
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709 – 727
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
710 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
Table 1
Sonographic prediction of chorionicity and amnionicity
Sonographic findings Clinical/pathologic findings
Placental masses Membrane Twin genders Chorionicity amnionicity Zygosity
2 Yes Differ DC/DA DZ
2 Yes Same DC/DA Either
1 Yes Differ DC*/DA DZ
1 Yes Same DC*/DA Either
Thicka DC*/DA Either
Thina MC/DA MZ
1 Not seen Same Uncertain Either
(Stuck twinb) MC/DA MZ
(Entangled cord) MC/MA MZ
Abbreviations: DC, dichorionic placentation (nonfused); DA, diamniotic; DZ, dizygotic; DC*, dichorionic placentation (fused);
MC, monochorionic placentation; MA, monoamniotic; MZ, monozygotic.
For membrane thickness, probability of correct prediction is highest early in pregnancy.
Membrane present, although it may not be seen.
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 711
Fig. 2. (A) This twin is female. (B) This twin is male. This is a dizygotic—and necessarily dichorionic—diamniotic
twin pregnancy.
diamniotic twin pregnancy. Because of the additional weaknesses of the membrane thickness approach is
layers, the DC membrane is thicker than the MC the lack of a strict definition regarding what con-
membrane. It is theoretically and practically possible stitutes a thick versus a thin membrane. With in-
to determine chorionicity on the basis of the thickness creasing gestational age, membranes also become
of the visualized membrane (Fig. 3) [7,8]. One of the progressively thinner in appearance. Judgment of
Fig. 3. First trimester obstetric sonograms with comparison of membrane thickness. (A) In this case, a thick membrane (arrow) is
seen, which indicates dichorionic—and therefore diamniotic—gestation. (B) In comparison, a thin intertwin membrane (arrow)
is seen in this monochorionic diamniotic pregnancy. This thin membrane represents two opposing layers of amnion.
712 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
have shown that the feeding arterial and draining or decreased) amniotic fluid volume in the co-twin
venous components of an AV anastomosis approach sac can be the result of many causes, but is not a
each other along the placental surface ‘‘unpaired.’’ manifestation of TTTS. Concomitant oligohydram-
They abut ‘‘nose to nose’’ on the surface where they nios and polyhydramnios in a MC twin pair are the
dive through a common foramen to supply blood requisite sonographic findings for the diagnosis of
to and drain blood from a single shared cotyledon TTTS (Fig. 12).
(Fig. 7). They are distinguished from a normal artery/ It is critically important to be as certain as possible
vein pair not by unusual blood flow patterns or that twins are MC before the diagnosis of TTTS is
spectral Doppler waveforms, but by their distinctive suggested. If sonographic findings confirm dichorio-
anatomic configuration [15,16] (Fig. 8). nicity because of different genders of the twins, the
ability to identify two placental masses, early con-
Unequal placental sharing firmation of two gestational sacs, the ‘‘twin peak’’
sign, or a thick membrane, then a diagnosis of TTTS
Detailed US examination of twin pregnancies should not be made, regardless of other features that
should include biometric assessment and determina- may suggest it.
tion of estimated fetal weight (EFW). It is helpful In addition to monochorionicity, other sonog-
to calculate the percent discordance [(larger EFW - raphic findings must be present before TTTS can be
smaller EFW)/larger EFW 100] between MC diagnosed [18,19]. There is a discrepancy in volume
twins. Discordance is often caused by unequal paren- status and urine production between the twins; the
chymal sharing of the placenta, with one twin having recipient often has a distended bladder and the donor
a marginal/velamentous cord insertion and a small has a small or—in some cases—not visible urinary
parenchymal share, while the larger twin has a more bladder, despite the presence of kidneys. As a result,
central cord insertion [17] (Fig. 9). The smaller twin there is a visible disparity in the amount of amniotic
may be growth restricted and develop oligohydram- fluid surrounding each twin. This condition is often
nios, but this condition should not be diagnosed as accompanied by significant disparity in the size of
TTTS. US assessment of placental sharing may be the twins. Most often, one twin (the recipient) is
gleaned by demonstrating the cord insertion sites into normal sized or nearly so and the other (the donor) is
the placenta (Fig. 10). Discordant twins, without small and commonly satisfies the established crite-
evidence of TTTS, warrant close surveillance, but ria for intrauterine growth retardation. Alternatively,
rarely is therapeutic intervention indicated. the predicted weight of the smaller twin may not
be less than the tenth percentile for gestational age
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome but may be discordantly small compared with the
larger twin.
Twin-twin transfusion syndrome results from With TTTS, the disparity in the volume of amni-
intrauterine vascular shunting between the circula- otic fluid can progress to extremes, in which one twin
tions of twins who share a placenta, and it is the most is in a markedly polyhydramniotic sac and the other
common complication of MC twinning, occurring in is in a virtually anhydramniotic sac. The appearance
approximately 10% to 20% of MC twin pregnancies of this extreme disparity has come to be known as the
[2,12,13,18]. Via intertwin vascular connections, ‘‘stuck twin’’ sign [21,22]. The ‘‘stuck twin’’ phe-
blood is transfused from the donor, who becomes nomenon originally was described within the context
growth restricted and develops oligohydramnios, to of proving diamnionicity when no membrane was
the recipient, who develops circulatory overload and sonographically visible. One fetus of a twin pair
responds with polyuria, which results in polyhy- moved freely within a normal or increased amount
dramnios. The sonographic demonstration of oligo- of amniotic fluid, but the other fetus resided in a
hydramnios/polyhydramnios in a MC twin pair is position adjacent to the lateral or anterior uterine wall
indicative of TTTS (Fig. 11) [19]. Often, but not al- (Fig. 13). Changes in position of the pregnant woman
ways, there is also discordance in fetal size between failed to show an appropriate gravitational response
the smaller donor and larger recipient twin. The dif- by the ‘‘stuck twin,’’ which indicated that the fetus
ference in fetal size is often, at least in part, a re- was held in place by an unapparent membrane. Once
flection of unequal placental sharing. The donor twin convinced that the fetus is being held in place by a
often has a velamentous, marginal, or eccentric cord membrane, searching the margins of the fetus often
insertion site, and the recipient has a more central one discloses the membrane (Fig. 14). Since its original
[20]. It is important to remember that normal amni- description, it has been noted that the ‘‘stuck twin’’
otic fluid volume in one sac and abnormal (increased phenomenon occurs most commonly with TTTS.
714 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
Fig. 5. Postpartum placental injection specimen from a Fig. 7. This monochorionic twin placental vascular injection
monochorionic pregnancy. The vessels within the umbilical study shows an arteriovenous anastomosis with blood flow
cord of each twin (a, b) are cannulated and injected with dye. in the direction of the arrows, from donor (A) to recipient
This specimen shows multiple vascular connections between (b). The arterial (A) and venous (V) limbs of this anas-
the twins’ circulations. tomosis have a characteristic configuration. Also shown are
normal arterial/venous pairs for each twin (arrowheads).
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 715
Fig. 10. Color Doppler sonograms show cord insertion sites into the shared anterior monochorionic placenta. (A) Central cord
insertion site for this twin. (B) Eccentric, almost marginal cord insertion site at the lateral aspect of the placenta for this twin.
Fig. 6. (A) Overview and (B) close-up photograph of an injection study of a monochorionic placenta. The umbilical cord of each
twin (a, b) was injected. Their vascular connections include a superficial arterio-arterial anastomosis on the placental surface,
with flow in the direction shown (arrows). Also shown are examples of normal arterial/venous pairs for each twin (arrowheads).
(C) Spectral Doppler waveform of an arterio-arterial anastomosis with characteristic bidirectional pulsatile flow.
716 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
Fig. 13. (A) Severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome. There is marked polyhydramnios of the recipient twin (R) and marked
oligohydramnios of the donor twin (D), which appears ‘‘stuck’’ adjacent to the anterior uterine wall. (B) Color Doppler sonogram
through the pelvis of the stuck twin shows flow in the umbilical arteries, flanking an empty urinary bladder (*).
Fig. 17. Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence. (A) Color Doppler sonogram shows close proximity of the two umbilical cord
insertion sites at the shared anterior placenta. Flow direction (arrow) within the umbilical artery (a) of the acardiac twin is
reversed. (B) Reversed umbilical arterial blood flow, away from the placenta and toward the abdomen, is shown on spectral
Doppler interrogation of the acardiac twin.
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 717
Fig. 14. (A) The donor twin in this case of twin-twin transfusion syndrome is ‘‘stuck’’ within an anhydramniotic sac, closely
adherent to the anterior uterine wall. (B) Careful sonographic evaluation along the margins of the stuck donor twin reveals a thin
intertwin membrane (arrow) in this monochorionic diamniotic gestation.
Some cases of TTTS respond to serial, large- reported to be associated with an improved outcome
volume amniocenteses of the polyhydramniotic sac, for both twins [35]. In one series, the reaccumulation
and an overall survival rate of 50% to 60% has been of urine in the bladder of the ‘‘stuck’’ twin after
reported with this technique [31 – 34]. The mech- amniocentesis was a predictive prognostic marker
anism by which large-volume amnioreduction works of survival in both twins, with sensitivity and spec-
is not well understood. Some cases have demonstra- ificity rates of 100% [36]. Researchers have sug-
ted dramatic response after amnioreduction, with gested that this response results from the presence
demonstration of increased urine production and of compensatory connections which allow for blood
filling of the donor bladder on short-interval (ap- to return from recipient to donor, in addition to at least
proximately 24-hour) follow-up US (Fig. 16). The one causative AV anastomosis. The returning flow
presence of improved fluid volume within the donor may be improved as a result of the amnioreduction
sac with continued empty donor bladder may be seen procedure. In some cases, however, no such response
as a result of intentional or inadvertent septostomy. is seen, and alternate therapy could be considered for
The presence of a well-visualized donor bladder these twins.
can be considered a manifestation of ‘‘response’’ to Laser photocoagulation of the placental vascular
amnioreduction, however. Such response has been anastomoses has been advocated by several authors as
Fig. 15. Twin-twin transfusion syndrome with hydrops of the recipient twin. (A) Coronal sonogram through the abdomen reveals
ascites (arrow). (B) Transverse image through the chest shows an enlarged heart with a small pericardial effusion (arrow).
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 719
Fig. 16. (A) After large volume amnioreduction for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, fluid (*) is seen within the amniotic sac of
the donor twin (D). The thin intertwin membrane is visible (arrow). (B) Urine is seen within the donor bladder (arrow). Before
the procedure, the donor twin had appeared ‘‘stuck’’ with an empty bladder.
a more direct, definitive therapy that targets the caus- tions with fetoscopic guidance may be of greatest
ative mechanism [37 – 42]. Some investigators elect to need and benefit.
coagulate all vessels seen crossing the interfetal sep- Significant potential complications of TTTS are
tum, whereas others aim to coagulate only the inter- fetal demise and brain pathology of survivors. As-
twin communicating vessels by distinguishing them at sessment also can include MR imaging of the fetal
fetoscopy from appropriate arteriovenous pairs con- brain before and after intervention for TTTS. In utero
nected to only one twin [41,42]. MR imaging to assess for the presence of sonograph-
There are ongoing trials and recent reports of out- ically occult parenchymal brain injury also is particu-
comes from TTTS treated with amnioreduction com- larly helpful if there has been demise of one of a MC
pared with laser. In one series, the overall fetal survival twin pair. This application is discussed further in the
rate was not significantly different between cases following section on twin embolization syndrome.
treated with fetoscopic laser coagulation compared Because of the high mortality and frequently rapid
with serial amniocenteses (61%, 89/146, verses 51%, onset of severe TTTS, a high index of suspicion is
44/86; P = 0.239) [43]. Some reports of therapy for needed whenever a MC twin pair is identified. Even
TTTS do not distinguish severity, or they use amnio- an apparent minor degree of fluid imbalance between
reduction or laser photocoagulation exclusively. It is the amniotic sacs is an indication for careful short-
possible that neither therapy is optimal for all cases. term sonographic follow-up.
These therapies perhaps should be viewed not as
alternative or rival methods of treatment. Rather, it is Twin embolization syndrome
postulated that the treatment algorithm should rely on
careful sonographic assessment and observation of A rare complication of MC pregnancy follows the
response to treatment in sequence. Large-volume in utero demise of one twin [44 – 47]. Benirschke [3]
amnioreduction can be used as a therapeutic maneuver noted a case of hydranencephaly, splenic infarction,
and as a diagnostic one. If response is observed by US and bilateral renal cortical necrosis in a surviving
(if increase in size of donor bladder is observed monozygotic twin in which the co-twin had died in
24 hours after amnioreduction), the pregnancy could utero. He theorized that the infarcted organs in the
be observed carefully with US surveillance. If there is surviving twin resulted from transfusion of thrombo-
no response to amnioreduction, it is postulated that plastin-rich blood from the dead twin to the live co-
compensatory returning vascular connections are twin through the vascular anastomoses in the shared
absent or inadequate. For such pregnancies, selective placenta. Researchers also have theorized that clot
laser photocoagulation of intertwin vascular connec- or detritus from the dead twin embolizes into the
720 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
circulation of the surviving twin. Alternatively, the is not well known or understood. MRI can help assess
cessation of cardiac activity and the loss of vascular for the presence of brain injury that resulted from in
tone in the dead co-twin may result in a large amount utero events, which may be occult by US.
of blood volume entering the dead twin from the sur- It is likely that immediate injury is triggered by
viving twin. This extra volume may result in exsan- co-twin demise and that severe, irreversible damage
guination or profound hypotension. has occurred by the time the imaging abnormalities
More recently, researchers have postulated that are apparent. Outcomes are probably not improved by
rather than actual embolization, the injury suffered by triggering immediate preterm delivery of the surviv-
the surviving fetus after the in utero death of one of a ing fetus. Monitoring of MC pregnancies with a dead
MC twin pair results from a sudden change in twin may enable recognition of characteristic struc-
placental vascular territory perfused by the still beat- tural defects in the survivor, however. Recognition of
ing heart. The impact of co-twin demise and the this syndrome is especially important for providing
likelihood of resultant injury to the survivor is likely accurate counseling for parents about prognostic
related to the degree of placental sharing, the number implications and anticipated poor outcome.
and type of intertwin vascular connections, and the
timing of demise. Bajoria et al studied the outcome Acardiac parabiotic twin
for the surviving twin after intrauterine co-twin death
[30]. For MC twins without TTTS, perinatal mortality Acardiac parabiotic twins can be seen only in MC
was higher in the group with superficial A-A or veno- pregnancies [53 – 55]. Although some acardiac twins
venous channels than the group with only multiple have an anomalous heart, fundamentally what is seen
bidirectional AV anastomoses. In the MC twin preg- is a fetus in utero who, without the aid of a function-
nancies complicated by TTTS, however, perinatal ing cardiac pump within its own torso, continues to
outcome for the surviving twin depended on whether grow progressively, albeit abnormally, during gesta-
the recipient or the donor twin died first. Outcomes, tion. The co-twin, termed the ‘‘pump twin,’’ is pro-
including the presence of intracranial abnormalities at viding the blood supply to its anomalous sibling.
birth, were significantly worse if the recipient twin Among the vascular communications, at the least
died first. an A-A and veno-venous communication must be
The damage to the surviving fetus is related, at least present to complete the circuit. These large vascular
in part, to its gestational age at the time of death of the communications are often seen along the placental
co-twin. Demise of the co-twin early in pregnancy surface that courses between the cord insertion sites,
results in atresia and tissue loss; demise later in which are usually close in position. This circulatory
pregnancy results in tissue infarction, probably as a connection allows for blood to bypass the placenta and
result of hypoperfusion from hypotension and brady- perfuse the acardiac twin with ‘‘used’’ blood from the
cardia. Rapidly proliferating organs, such as the grow- pump twin. Perfusion of the acardiac fetus depends
ing brain, kidneys, and gut, seem to be particularly entirely on the blood supplied by the pump through the
susceptible [48]. Brain lesions noted with this syn- vascular anastomoses at the placental level.
drome include hydranencephaly, porencephaly, cystic In the acardiac fetus, the direction of blood flow in
encephalomalacia, and ex vacuo hydrocephalus. the umbilical cord is reversed [54]. In the umbilical
The prevalence of twin embolization syndrome in vein, flow is away from the fetus. Flow is toward the
the setting of antepartum demise of one of a MC twin fetus and away from the placenta in the umbilical
pair is not firmly established. When this syndrome artery (Fig. 17). This occurs because the blood enter-
occurs, however, the prognosis is grim. MR imaging ing the body of the anomalous fetus is being pumped
has the potential to enhance the ability to identify by the co-twin into the umbilical artery of the
brain abnormalities that may not be detectable by acardiac twin. This phenomenon has led to an alter-
means of obstetric sonography [49 – 52]. Because MR native name for this rare, anomalous situation, the
imaging has a higher intrinsic sensitivity than US to so-called twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence.
tissue contrast, fetal MR imaging offers the potential The acardiac parabiotic twin may share the same
to visualize subtle brain abnormalities. amniotic cavity with the co-twin, which places the
This technology is of particular use in the evalua- pregnancy at additional risk of cord knotting, although
tion of MC diamniotic twins. There is a high risk of these pregnancies are usually MC, diamniotic. A
neurologic handicap in survivors of TTTS and other disparity usually exists in the distribution of fluid
complications of MC placentation, including twin between the twins; the anomalous twin is in the
embolization syndrome. The timing and cause of the sac that contains less amniotic fluid (usually oligo-
brain injury suffered by MC twins with co-twin demise hydramniotic). The anomalous twin sac may be anhy-
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 721
Discordant anomalies
Fig. 20. Monochorionic twin pregnancy discordant for major anomaly. (A) Transverse sonogram through the abdomen of the
normal twin (a) and the thorax of the affected twin (b). This is not a case of twin-twin transfusion syndrome or acardiac,
parabiotic twin. Amniotic fluid volume was normal for each twin, and twin B was shown to have a beating heart with normal
flow direction in its umbilical artery. Twin B has diffuse lymphangiectasia with integumentary edema (arrowheads) and bilateral
pleural effusions (arrows). (B) On another image of twin B, multiple large cystic hygromas (*) are shown.
V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727 723
demise. In MC twin pregnancies with two living can be offered termination via vaginal delivery. In
fetuses, each with a beating heart, both provide blood late pregnancy, severity of conjoining influences
flow to and drain blood from a portion of the shared predictions of viability and decisions regarding mode
placenta. In almost all MC twin pregnancies, vascular of delivery. Cesarean section is reserved for poten-
communications at the placental level also connect tially viable and separable fetuses to minimize fetal
the circulations of the twins [13]. When selective morbidity and mortality and for conjoined twin con-
feticide is performed in the management of discor- figurations that obstruct labor.
dant lethal anomalies that affect one of a MC pair or The site and extent of twin fusion are highly
in other situations, including TTTS, twin emboliza- variable. Classification systems for conjoined twins
tion syndrome should be considered as an additional are based on the fused anatomic region. The name of
risk to the surviving twin. Isolated ligation or occlu- the region usually is followed by the suffix -pagus,
sion of the cord of the anomalous fetus is risky. In Greek for ‘‘fastened.’’ For example, craniopagus is
some instances, depending on the degree of placental head-to-head fusion; thoracopagus is chest-to-chest
sharing and the type of interfetal vascular connec- fusion; omphalopagus is abdomen-to-abdomen fusion.
tions, attempts should be made first to separate the These fusions are usually anterior-anterior and may
two circulations (eg, by means of selective laser involve more than one body region. The most common
occlusion at fetoscopy) before cord occlusion [57,58]. types of conjunction are thoracopagus, omphalopagus,
and thoraco-omphalopagus twins. Side-to-side fusions
Conjoined twins usually begin at the head or buttock end and tend to be
extensive. It is customary to name these large lateral
Conjoined twins are a rare malformation of mono- fusions, which incorporate multiple regions, on the
amniotic twins; the estimated incidence is 1:50,000 to basis of the anatomic part that remains separate. For
1:100,000 births [59]. As with all pathologic events example, dicephalus means two heads with fusion of
associated with monozygosity, conjoined twinning the thorax and abdomen (Fig. 21).
occurs sporadically. Conjoined twins develop from Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of conjoined twins
incomplete division of the embryonic disc. Division may be straightforward: joining of fetal parts may be
of the embryonic disc more than 13 days after obvious; however, a careful approach is necessary to
fertilization is usually incomplete and results in avoid misdiagnosis. The diagnosis should be consid-
fusion of the twins [6]. Most of these twins are born ered only when a single placental site is seen and no
premature, and the mortality rate is high. separating amniotic membrane is demonstrated (no
Prenatal diagnosis of conjoined twins and charac- DC or diamniotic twin gestation can be conjoined).
terization of the severity of the malformations is Significant sonographic findings include inability to
desirable for optimal obstetric management [60]. detect separate fetal skin contours, appearance of both
Severe forms of conjoined twins diagnosed early fetal heads persistently at the same level, no change
Fig. 21. (A, B) Conjoined twins: dicephalus. There is fusion of the thorax and abdomen, with separate calvaria and partially
duplicated spines.
724 V.A. Feldstein, R.A. Filly / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 709–727
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729 – 745
MR imaging during pregnancy is being used enced in detection and characterization of fetal anom-
increasingly to assess fetuses with complicated or alies, which lessens the perceived impact of MR
nonspecific ultrasound (US) diagnoses [1 – 13]. This imaging on patient care (Fig. 1).
article illustrates common artifacts and other pitfalls in
the performance of fetal MR examinations and sug- Is a recent ultrasound available for comparison?
gests techniques to improve image quality. Compari-
sons of anatomy visualized on fetal MR imaging Optimally, the US is performed immediately
versus US are demonstrated. The cases illustrated in before the MR examination (Fig. 2). Besides provid-
this article have been gleaned from more than 400 fetal ing sonographic diagnoses for comparison with the
MR imaging cases performed in the past 6 years at MR examination, an US that precedes the MR
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, MA). examination is helpful in directing placement of the
surface coil to the area of interest in the fetus with
respect to the maternal body (Fig. 3).
Practical comments: how we perform fetal
MR examinations What type of consent should be obtained?
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
730 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Fig. 1. Coronal MR image of a fetus at 19 weeks’ gestation When viewing (or filming) fetal MR imaging, one
referred for congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Confirmatory should enlarge the fetus to fill the image and then
sonogram showed an anechoic cyst in the chest, absent adjust window and level. This approach provides the
stomach below the diaphragm, and no mediastinal shift. best opportunity for evaluating the fetal anatomy.
Because of the lack of mediastinal shift, the confirmatory
sonographic diagnosis was believed to be a combination of Examination interpretation
foregut duplication cyst and esophageal atresia. MR showed
the diaphragm to be intact. Without a confirmatory US, this If a second opinion is good, a third opinion is
type of finding would suggest that MR showed increased even better. Just as the authors like to perform a
information compared with US. Because a confirmatory
sonogram was performed, the authors concluded that MR
showed no new information and did not change patient care.
Fig. 3. Three images of a fetus at 35 weeks’ gestation with bladder exstrophy. Note the decreased signal in (B) and (C) relative to
(A) in the maternal anterior abdominal wall and in the fetal structures, because the images in (B) and (C) are obtained at the edge
of the surface coil.
confirmatory sonogram, they also like to get a evaluate scans frequently has clarified the diagnosis
second opinion on their reading of the MR exami- (Fig. 6).
nations. Their experience is in high-risk obstetric
imaging. They commonly have fetal MR examina-
tions double read by pediatric radiologists. This is a Anatomy better visualized with MR imaging
wonderful trade of information, because pediatric
imagers may not be as familiar with fetal diseases Several anatomic areas in the fetus are better
but have a wider differential for some of the rare visualized with MR imaging than with US. A few
childhood disease processes. This advantage is espe- examples include the thymus (Fig. 7), major airways
cially important in assessment of the fetal central (Fig. 8), spleen (Fig. 9), soft palate (Fig. 10), and
nervous system. Having a pediatric neuroradiologist esophagus (Fig. 11).
732 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Fig. 4. Fetus at 35 weeks’ gestation referred for enlarged cisterna magna. Sonogram was normal (not shown). Sagittal (A) and
coronal (B) MR images show incidental finding of enlarged subtemporal vein (arrow). This is an example of the risk of MR
showing an unrelated finding that could increase parental anxiety. The patients were counseled that this was a vascular anomaly
that would have gone unrecognized if the MR examination had not been performed. Postnatal outcome was normal at 2 years
of age.
Fig. 5. Two fetuses at 28 weeks’ gestation. (A) The patient was scanned in supine position. (B) The patient was scanned in lateral
decubitus position.
D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745 733
Motion artifact
Bulk motion
Maternal motion results in motion of the entire field
of view during the imaging sequence and generally
results in a blurring of the entire image, with ghost
images in the phase encoding direction (Fig. 12).
Movement of a small portion of the imaged area results
in a blurring of that small portion of the object across
the image. Bulk motion artifacts can be distinguished
from Gibbs or truncation artifacts because they extend
across the entire field of view, unlike truncation ar-
Fig. 10. This midline sagittal view of the face outlines the
tifacts, which diminish quickly away from the bound-
soft palate (arrow) at 33 weeks’ gestation. The oropharynx
being filled with amniotic fluid aids in evaluation of this ary that causes them. If bulk motion is present, one
structure, which typically cannot be seen by US. should remind the patient to keep still. In general,
breath-holding is not needed during subsecond im-
aging sequences, but if the patient is moving during
imaging, a breath-hold could be helpful.
Fluid motion
This artifact is characterized by a signal void that
occurs in fluid. Fluid motion artifact occurs when
Fig. 13. Fluid motion. Two adjacent images from the same sequence. (A) Fluid motion has caused the amniotic fluid (arrow) and
the fluid around the spinal cord to lose signal. (B) The amniotic fluid motion is not visualized (arrow), and the amniotic fluid and
cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord are of high signal intensity.
spins excited by a slice-selective radio frequency the assumption that dark fluid on SSFSE imaging is
pulse change position with respect to the slice or caused by motion is shown in Fig. 17, in which the
spatial encoding gradients before their signal is low signal is caused by blood products.
recorded. Motion artifact can be seen in amniotic
fluid (Figs. 13 – 15) and in other fetal fluid collec- Repeat visualization of structure or nonvisualization
tions, such as cerebrospinal fluid (Fig. 13) and fetal of a structure
urine (Fig. 16). Because fetal imaging is typically If the fetus moves during the sequence and the
performed with single shot sequences, only the slice movement is in plane with imaging, it is possible that
that was obtained during the motion is affected. As a portion of the anatomy will be seen more than once
long as the fetus is not continuously moving, then (ie, a leg or arm appears in two places in the same
typically only one or two slices are degraded by sequence) (Fig. 18). More commonly, an extremity
motion during a typical sequence acquisition. If the
affected slices are not in the region of interest, then
the sequence does not need to be repeated. A pitfall in
Fig. 17. Pitfall of fluid motion: dark fluid caused by blood products. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image shows dark fluid above the
internal os (arrow). (B) Sagittal T1-weighted image (TR/TE 88.2/1.5) shows this same area to have heterogenous slightly
increased signal, consistent with marginal subchorionic hematoma (arrow). Also note the adnexal cyst (C).
D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745 737
Fig. 18. Two sequential images of the fetal hand at 32 weeks’ gestation. Moving extremities can cause a structure to be visualized
twice or not at all. In this case the same hand is seen twice: open with fingers extended (A) and in a more relaxed position (B).
This artifact is characterized by isolated lines or This artifact is characterized by localized distor-
broad bands of lines in the phase encode direction tions of the geometry or intensity of the image
being obscured by ‘‘zipper’’ artifacts (Fig. 20). Often, caused by inhomogeneities in the main magnetic
a single area of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is field (Bo). Spatial distortion results from long-range
visualized (Fig. 21). This artifact occurs when un- field gradients, where Bo varies over scales that span
wanted radio frequency signals from outside the many voxels. These changes in Bo cause the spins
magnet are picked up during data reception. Most in different voxels to have slightly different preces-
causes of radio frequency contamination are beyond sion frequencies. Because spatial position is encoded
immediate control. A list of things to do if one sees this by the precessional frequency of the spins, these
artifact follows. alterations in frequency can make the signal from
spins in one location seem to come from a different
Ensure scanner room door is closed completely position, which results in geometric distortions of
when scanning. the image [22]. Susceptibility artifact is rare with
Shut off extraneous equipment inside the scan- SSFSE imaging, but it can occur (Fig. 22). Things
ner room. to do if you see this artifact include perform-
Ensure no wires from other medical equipment ing shimming to improve the Bo homogeneity,
are entering the scanner room from the outside. using shorter TE sequences, and increasing read-
Call service engineer. out bandwidth.
738 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Signal-to-noise ratio
Fig. 21. Radio frequency interference. Image of the fetal head at 22 weeks’ gestation (A) and twins at 24 weeks’ gestation (B). In
both of these images a bright area is seen that does not correspond to any anatomic structure. (A) The artifact is in the fetal brain
and could interfere with diagnosis. (B) The artifact is in the maternal soft tissues and is not important to making a diagnosis. Note
that the entire image is distorted by lines of alternating increased and decreased signal intensity.
Fig. 22. Susceptibility artifact. Coronal image through the Fig. 23. Gibbs ringing artifact. A fetus with bilateral cleft lip
uterus at 20 weeks’ gestation shows multiple geographic and palate and a pseudomass in the midline face at 18 weeks’
areas of increased and decreased signal in the amniotic gestation. Ripples of high and low signal intensity (arrows)
fluid. The pattern of these alternating lines suggests sus- radiating away from the fetal amniotic fluid interface are
ceptibility artifact. caused by Gibbs artifact.
740 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Fig. 25. Slice thickness. A fetus at 19 weeks’ gestation with ventriculomegaly. (A) Slices are 4 mm thick. (B) Slices are 3 mm
thick. Note increased signal but increased blur in (A) compared with (B).
D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745 741
Fig. 27. Sagittal views of the fetal head in fetus with tuberous sclerosis at 36 weeks’ gestation. (A) Image is taken with a
128 256 matrix. (B) Image is taken with a 256 512 matrix. Both images show the small nodules (subependymal tubers,
arrows) projecting into the ventricle. The image in (B) has better resolution than (A) but has the same diagnostic information.
742 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Fat saturation
Fig. 29. (A) Sonogram and (B) MR image of fetus with nuchal thickening. Note the soft tissue with septations behind the
neck seen on the sonogram (arrow). On MR imaging, the nuchal area has a more simple cystic appearance because of the high
fluid content.
D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745 743
Fig. 30. US (A,B) and MR imaging (C,D) in a fetus with a meconium pseudocyst (arrowheads) and intraabdominal
calcifications (arrows) at 19 weeks’ gestation. Whereas the pseudocyst is well visualized on MR imaging, the punctate
calcifications are not visualized.
744 D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745
Fig. 31. US (A,B) and MR imaging (C,D) in a fetus at 21 weeks’ gestation with a small echogenic mass in the liver. The mass is
well seen on US (arrows) but is not visualized on MR imaging.
D. Levine et al / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 729–745 745
Pelvic floor relaxation, which is the abnormal inserts on the parasymphyseal portion of the pubic
descent of the bladder, uterus/vaginal vault, or rec- rami. It extends posteriorly to form a sling around the
tum, is a significant women’s health issue that rectum, which serves two purposes: (1) the orifices of
affects primarily parous women older than 50 years. the pelvic floor are kept closed and (2) the bladder
The condition is worsened by obesity and chronic neck is elevated and compressed against the pubic
obstructive pulmonary disease. Up to 50% of such symphysis. Both muscles help to maintain a stable
women have some degree of genital prolapse. 10% to position of the pelvic organs and fecal and urinary
20% of this group seek help from a physician. continence. The iliococcygeus originates from the
Symptoms range from urinary or fecal incontinence same fibers as the external anal sphincter. From
to procidentia, but most women report increased there it extends laterally to insert at the arcus ten-
pelvic pain or pressure and protrusion of at least dineus, or white line of the pelvic sidewall, and pos-
some tissue, usually through the vagina [1 – 4]. Many teriorly to form a firm midline raphe just anterior to
women also must use manual pressure on the peri- the coccyx. The posterior raphe is often called the
neum or vaginal fornices to complete defecation. For levator plate. The iliococcygeus provides a physical
severely afflicted women such as these, pelvic floor barrier to organ descent and is the major support of
relaxation becomes a health and significant lifestyle- the posterior compartment.
limiting problem. Inferior to this level, the urethra and vagina extend
through the urogenital hiatus. The rectum extends
beyond the pelvic diaphragm at this level and is
Anatomy separated from the vagina by the perineal body and
anal sphincter.
The pelvic floor can be divided into three compart- The pelvic organs are also supported by a series of
ments: (1) the anterior compartment, which contains fascial condensations called ligaments. When the
the bladder and urethra, (2) the middle compart- muscles of the pelvic floor are damaged, usually
ment, which contains the vagina, cervix, and uterus, during childbirth, support of the pelvic organs falls
and (3) the posterior compartment, which contains to the fascia. The pubocervical fascia extends from
the rectum. the anterior vaginal wall to the pubis and supports the
All three compartments are supported by a remark- bladder. Elastic condensations of the endopelvic
able collection of fascia and muscle that forms the fascia, called the parametrium and paracolpium, sup-
urogenital diaphragm, or pelvic floor. The muscles port the uterus and vagina. The parametria are com-
that provide the major support of the pelvic organs posed of the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments, both
are two components of the levator ani: the pubo- of which elevate and provide superior support to the
rectalis and the iliococcygeus (Fig. 1). The pubo- uterine corpus. The paracolpium have been divided
rectalis, a portion of the pubovisceralis, arises and into three levels and extend from the vagina laterally
to the sidewalls [5]. The posterior wall of the vagina
and rectovaginal fascia supports the rectum, sigmoid
E-mail address: [email protected] colon, and portions of the small bowel. These fascial
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
748 J.R. Fielding / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 747–756
Fig. 1. Sagittal (A) and axial (B, C ) line drawings demonstrate the pubococcygeus and the iliococcygeus muscles that are the
major components of the levator ani. On sagittal images the pubococcygeal line is drawn from the last joint of the coccyx to
the inferior aspect of the symphysis. In contrast to the sagittal drawing, the anococcygeal raphe, or levator plate, usually parallels
the pubococcygeal line in women with intact pelvic floors. (From Cardozo L. Urogynecology. New York: Churchill-Livingstone;
1997. p. 325 – 6; with permission.)
J.R. Fielding / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 747–756 749
upward contraction, and Valsalva maneuver. Because During the past 10 years, MR imaging has
it is done in the sitting position, it most closely emerged as a competitor to other imaging modalities
mimics the physiologic state [12]. In most institutions for evaluation of the female pelvic floor. The main
it is used primarily to identify posterior compartment advantages of MR imaging are ability to evaluate the
abnormalities, so the bladder is not opacified. 1 hour three compartments of the pelvic floor simultane-
before the study, the patient is a given a barium meal ously during rest and strain and direct visualization of
to coat the small bowel loops. Barium paste is placed supporting structures [13,14]. Disadvantages include
into the rectum, usually with the aid of a caulking the requirement that the examination be performed in
gun, and the patient places a tampon soaked in the supine or left lateral decubitus position, although
Fig. 4. Sagittal images obtained during defecography performed on a 56-year-old woman who complained of incomplete
evacuation. (A, B) The patient is in the sitting position on a commode chair. (A) The patient is evacuating the rectum. No anterior
rectocele is identified. (B) Multiple loops of small bowel extend posteriorly and inferiorly to the anorectal junction (arrow). This
is diagnostic of a rare posterior enterocele.
J.R. Fielding / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 747–756 751
one group working with an open configuration mag- ing if necessary. If a perineal hernia or ballooning
net reported no significant difference between upright of the puborectalis is suspected, these images can be
and supine findings [15]. Because pelvic floor MR performed in the coronal plane. A standard fast
imaging is a relatively new technique, the remainder spin-echo or turbo spin-echo (Siemens) sequence is
of this article is devoted to a discussion of imaging then obtained in the axial view to provide high-
protocols and interpretation. resolution images of the supporting structures of
puborectalis, pubocervical fascia, and fascial con-
densations supporting the urethra. T1-weighted and
MR technique contrast medium-enhanced images are not required.
Room time for this examination is approximately
Obtaining high-quality, useful images requires 15 minutes. Comparison of this and similar MR tech-
careful attention to patient preparation and examina- niques with colpocystodefecography has revealed
tion technique. Just before imaging, the patient is good correlation [16].
asked to void, which prevents a distended bladder
from distorting adjacent anatomy. If the examination
is focused on the posterior compartment, 60 cc of MR anatomy
ultrasound gel is placed in the rectum using a small
catheter. A multicoil array, either pelvis or torso, is On sagittal images, the pubococcygeal line should
wrapped around the inferior portion of the pelvis and be drawn between the last joint of the coccyx and the
the patient is placed in the supine or left lateral inferiormost aspect of the symphysis. Urologists and
decubitus position. It is important that the coil be gynecologists use this line as an indicator of the
placed low enough so that prolapsing structures can pelvic floor. In early work, Yang et al [17] used
be seen. gradient echo images to define maximal normal
After a rapid T1-weighted or gradient echo large descent of the bladder base (1 cm below), vagina
field-of-view localizer sequence in the sagittal plane, (1 cm above), and rectum (2.5 cm below) with
the midline is identified. This image should encom- respect to the pubococcygeal line. In practical terms,
pass the symphysis, bladder neck, vagina, rectum, descent of the bladder or vagina more than 1 cm
and coccyx. The patient is then coached on how to below the pubococcygeal line indicates some degree
maintain maximum Valsalva. Most women can main- of laxity, whereas descent of more than 2 cm in a
tain maximal pressure for less than 10 seconds. Using symptomatic patient often requires surgical therapy.
an ultrafast T2-weighted imaging sequence, such as Rectal abnormalities, such as anterior rectocele, intus-
single shot fast spin-echo (on GE magnets [General susception, and enterocele, are identified in the same
Electric Medical Systems, Milwakee, WI]) or half fashion as with defecography. There are other impor-
Fourier acquisition turbo spin echo (on Siemens tant findings on sagittal images. The levator plate
magnets [Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Malvern, should remain parallel to the pubococcygeal line at all
PA]), sagittal midline images 10 mm in thickness are times. Caudal angulation of the levator plate more
obtained at rest and at maximal Valsalva strain. Table 1 than 10° indicates loss of pelvic floor support [18,19].
shows typical pulse sequence parameters. Each image Measurement of the H and M lines are useful
is obtained in approximately 3 seconds. The strain ways to quantify loss of pelvic floor support (Fig. 5)
images can be repeated after additional verbal coach- [20]. The H is drawn from the inferior aspect of the
Table 1
Pelvic floor protocol for evaluation of relaxation and incontinence
Slice thickness/ Flip Matrix freq Number
Sequence Plane TR (msec) TE (msec) FOV (cm) gap (mm) angle phase excitations
Localizer Sagittal 15 5 350 – 400 10 mm / 0 1° 160 256
HASTEa Sagittal NA 90 300 10 mm / 0 / 1 slice 180° 128 256 1 acq/
center low
T2 Turbo SE Transverse 5000 132 200 – 400 3 mm / interleaved 180° 270 256 2 acq
T2 Turbo SE Coronal 5000 132 200 – 240 5 mm / 1 mm 180° 270 256 2 acq
Abbreviations: freq, frequency; HASTE, half Fournier single shot turbo spin echo; NA, not applicable; SE, spin echo.
Repeat this sequence at maximal strain (Valsalva).
752 J.R. Fielding / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 747–756
Fig. 5. T2-weighted (2200/96) pelvic MR image of a 46-year-old healthy, continent volunteer. Sagittal images of the subject at
rest (A) and at strain (B) show minimal inferior movement of the pelvic viscera. The bladder neck is marked with a star. The
levator plate (black arrows) remains parallel with the pubococcygeal line (upper line of white solid arrows). The H (lower
line of white solid arrows) and M (open arrows) lines are less than 5 cm and 2 cm, respectively, which indicates an intact
levator hiatus. (From Fielding JR. Practical MR imaging of female pelvic floor weakness. Radiographics 2002;2:295 – 304;
with permission.)
symphysis pubis to the posterior wall of the rectum times rotates clockwise. This kinking of the urethra at
and measures the anteroposterior dimension of the the level of the bladder neck often masks the presence
pelvic hiatus. The M line is drawn as a perpendicular of stress incontinence. The more the patient strains,
from the pubococcygeal line to the posteriormost the less urine leaks out. A mobile urethra is also
aspect of the H line. It measures the height of associated with damage to the internal urethral
the hiatus. In healthy women, the H line should sphincter (Fig. 7). On axial images, the puborectalis
not exceed 5 cm, and the M line should not exceed may be avulsed or thinned, which indicates muscle
2 cm. Values more than these indicate loss of pelvic damage. Increased signal intensity of the puborectalis
floor support. compared with the obturator musculature likely indi-
Axial images should be reviewed for muscle cates fatty infiltration and has been reported in
integrity and signal intensity and for the vaginal
shape and location. The puborectalis should extend
from the parasymphysial insertion posterior to the
rectum. It should be of similar width along its entire
course without evidence of gaps or fraying (Fig. 6).
The width of the levator hiatus at the level of the
symphysis rarely exceeds 4.5 cm in healthy volun-
teers; however, there is some overlap with incontinent
patients. The vagina normally should be of an H or
butterfly shape and be centered in the pelvis [21].
Fig. 7. Stress incontinence and incomplete bladder emptying in a 55-year-old woman. Sagittal T2-weighted images (2200/96) at
rest (A) and at strain (B) show significant descent of the bladder, with rotation of the urethra into the horizontal plane (arrow)
with strain. This may mask stress incontinence. (From Fielding JR. Practical MR imaging of female pelvic floor weakness.
Radiographics 2002;2:295 – 304; with permission.)
association with stress incontinence [22]. Abnormal their uteri undergo reapproximation of the utero-
shape or location of the vagina is a good indication of sacral and cardinal ligaments in addition to a para-
a paravaginal tear (Fig. 8). These findings are critical vaginal repair.
to the referring surgeon. Large cystoceles with pre-
sumed paravaginal tears are usually treated with a
fascial repair and bladder suspension procedure. Posterior compartment pathology
When physical examination, urodynamics, and MR
imaging suggest a mobile urethra, a sling procedure is A rectocele or enterocele can occur alone or in
often performed to increase pressure on the urethra combination with other pelvic floor defects to form
and coaptation of the walls at rest.
Fig. 9. A 63-year-old woman complained of incomplete bowel evacuation and pelvic pressure. Sagittal T2-weighted (2200/96)
MR image at rest (A) and at strain (B) show a large fibroid that is likely preventing descent of the anterior and middle
compartments. The levator plate is vertically oriented (black arrow), and there is development of a rectocele (white arrow),
which indicates significant damage to the posterior compartment. (From Fielding JR. Practical MR imaging of female pelvic
floor weakness. Radiographics 2002;2:295 – 304; with permission.)
Fig. 11. Pelvic pressure and protrusion of tissue through the pelvic floor in a 68-year-old woman. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted image
of the patient at strain shows global pelvic floor weakness with a severe cystocele and moderate descent of the uterus and rectum.
(B) Axial T2-weighted image (4400/12) shows the bladder protruding through the labia (arrow). (From Fielding JR. Practical
MR imaging of female pelvic floor weakness. Radiographics 2002;2:295 – 304; with permission.)
maximizes symptoms and imaging findings. Disad- of thin (3 mm) axial T2-weighted images that encom-
vantages include the low signal to noise images pass the important soft tissue organs and bony land-
obtained using available 0.5 T equipment. marks. A three-dimensional rendering program is then
performed that allows various degrees of opacity and,
Three-dimensional volumetric analysis depending on the program used, color. The model
pelvis can be rotated at will. This technique has been
The formation of three-dimensional models of the used to define the volume of the puborectalis in healthy
muscular supports of the female pelvic floor is pri- young women and demonstrate that diminished vol-
marily a research tool. The models can be used to ume correlates well with worsening pelvic floor
quantify muscle volume, simulate lithotomy views, relaxation [18,26]. It is hoped that in the future this
and plan resection of vulvar tumors or repair of the tool can be used to predict surgical outcomes, thereby
pelvic floor [26]. The technique is based on acquisition enabling correct triage of the patient at presentation.
Fig. 12. Cystocele and vaginal vault prolapse in a 74-year-old woman. (A) Sagittal T2-weighted MR image (2200/96) obtained at
maximal strain shows a large cystocele (arrow). (B) After surgical repair, midline image obtained with the same MR parameters
shows a small residual posterior fascial defect (arrow). (From Fielding JR. Practical MR imaging of female pelvic floor
weakness. Radiographics 2002;2:295 – 304; with permission.)
756 J.R. Fielding / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 747–756
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
758 A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767
Fig. 3. Endometrial polyp demonstrated by (A) hysterosalpingography (arrows) and (B) transvaginal sonography (cursors).
location of uterine masses. Small, mostly intracavi- Bicornuate uterus is associated with a low incidence
tary masses can be removed hysteroscopically. Large of fertility complications and usually is not treated.
myomas with an intramural component may require An incompetent cervix is associated with bicornuate
uterine artery embolization or laparotomy with myo- uterus, and serial scanning during pregnancy to assess
mectomy. If surgical resection is planned, MR imag- cervical length can be helpful. Class V (septate
ing should be considered to differentiate myomas uterus) consists of two uterine cavities and a single
from adenomyosis [3], because the latter is not fundus. The septum also can involve the cervix and
resectable (Fig. 5). vagina (Fig. 8). Of the correctable lesions, a uterine
septum has the highest incidence of fertility and
Congenital uterine anomalies pregnancy problems; therefore the septum is usu-
ally removed hysteroscopically (Fig. 8B). Class VI
Congenital uterine anomalies have been estimated (T-shaped uterus) is caused by diethylstilbestrol ex-
to occur in at least 1% of women [4]. They are a posure in utero. Diethylstilbestrol was an estrogen
result of defects in paired müllerian duct develop- compound used in the United States in the 1950s,
ment, fusion, or resorption and are associated with 1960s, and occasionally in the 1970s in women with
renal anomalies in 20% to 25%. The anomalies have threatened abortion. In addition to a small, T-shaped
been classified into seven groups based on their uterine cavity, these women may have a mucosal
prognosis for future fertility and surgical treatment ridge or hood superior to their external cervix and
[4]. Class I (segmental müllerian agenesis) is mani-
fested by variable absence of the uterus or cervix. It
presents as absence of menstrual bleeding at puberty
and may be associated with pelvic pain because of
retrograde menses. It may or may not be surgically
correctable depending on the findings. Class II (uni-
cornuate uterus) is caused by absence of development
of one of the müllerian ducts (Fig. 6) and is almost
always accompanied by absence of the kidney on the
same side. There is an association with fertility and
pregnancy difficulties; however, there is essentially
no treatment. Class III (uterus didelphys) results in
two separate uterine horns, cervices, and vaginas. In
general, it is not associated with fertility or pregnancy
problems and usually is not treated. Class IV (bicor-
nuate uterus) is characterized by two separate uterine Fig. 4. Intracavitary myoma demonstrated by sonohyster-
horns, usually one cervix and one vagina (Fig. 7). ography. Color flow is visualized within the lesion.
760 A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767
Fig. 5. Uterine myoma suspected by clinical findings. (A) Transvaginal sonography demonstrates enlarged uterus with possible
mass. (B) Sonohysterography outlines ill-defined mass projecting into the cavity (arrows). (C) MR imaging demonstrates that the
mass is adenomyosis and not a myoma (arrows).
Fig. 6. Unicornuate uterus by hysterosalpingography (A) and MR imaging (B). Note the nonfunctioning rudimentary horn (arrow).
early embryo and conduction of the early embryo from infundibulum, which is the trumpet-shaped distal end
the ampulla into the uterus for implantation. The of the tube that terminates in the fimbria. Patency of the
normal fallopian tube ranges in length from 7 to fallopian tubes is established when contrast medium
16 cm, with an average length of 12 cm. The tube is flows through them and freely around loops of bowel
composed of a ciliated mucosal epithelial layer sur- at the time of salpingography, using either fluoroscopic
rounded by three smooth muscle layers. The tube is or sonographic guidance.
divided into four regions (see Fig. 1): (1) the intramural The interstitial portion of the fallopian tube may
or interstitial portion, which occurs in the wall of the be delicate and thread-shaped or may be funnel-
uterine fundus and is 1 to 2 cm long; (2) the isthmic shaped, assuming the configuration of a small trian-
portion, which is approximately 2 to 3 cm long; (3) the gle or diamond. The isthmic portion is normally
ampullary portion, which is 5 to 8 cm long; and (4) the thread-shaped. Diameter of both regions is approxi-
Fig. 7. Bicornuate-septate uterus by hysterosalpingography (A) and MR imaging (B). The indentation of the serosal contour of
the uterine fundus though small makes this technically bicornuate uterus, and likely not clinically significant. Correct
categorization and determination of significance of uterine anomalies is debated by fertility specialists.
762 A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767
Fig. 8. Septate uterus. (A) Complete uterine and cervical septum by MR imaging. (B) Postoperative hysterosalpingogram
demonstrates normal cavity after resection of uterine septum; cervical septum was not resected to avoid incompetent cervix. Two
cervical canals are demonstrated (arrows).
mately 1 mm. Proximal tubal obstruction is obstruc- may be explained by a temporary or easily dislodged
tion in the first 3 to 4 cm of the tube. The cause of entity, such as amorphous debris in the tubal lumen.
proximal tubal obstruction is frequently unclear, but Tubal spasm, or some temporary inability to visualize
infection and subsequent inflammation are leading the fallopian tubes, does occur, however, probably
causes in all reported series [6]. Histopathologic much less often than originally proposed. It seems to
findings in resected proximal tubal segments include be a more common cause when the proximal tubal
plugs of amorphous debris, chronic inflammation, obstruction is unilateral. Placing the patient prone and
obliterative fibrosis, and salpingitis isthmica nodosa waiting 5 minutes before slowly reinjecting contrast
(SIN) (Fig. 9). Together these lesions account for agent into the uterus may help sort out patients with
70% to 85% of anatomic occlusions at the uterotubal temporary nonvisualization versus true mechanical
junction. Unusual causes include granulomatous or obstruction. If the proximal tubal obstruction persists
‘‘giant cell’’ salpingitis from tuberculosis, foreign despite these maneuvers, tubal catheterization with
bodies, and some parasitic infestations. Intraluminal selective salpingography can be performed (Fig. 9).
endometriosis occurs in approximately 10% of tubes Diverticula in the isthmic segment of the tube are
resected for proximal occlusion and may exist with- caused by SIN (Fig. 10). SIN was described more than
out relation to visible lesions elsewhere in the pelvis. 100 years ago as irregular benign extensions of the
Müllerian anomalies of the fallopian tube are rare, but tubal epithelium into the myosalpinx associated with
cornual occlusion is seen with variants of unicornuate reactive myohypertrophy and sometimes inflamma-
uterus, and atresia of tubal segments, including the tion. There is an association between SIN and pelvic
proximal isthmus, can occur. inflammatory disease; however, it is not clear whether
Several authors have noted a lack of major histo- SIN is caused by pelvic inflammation or whether SIN
logic findings in patients despite persistent proximal is congenital and predisposes to inflammation. SIN is
occlusion. It was assumed that the cause of this focal and located only in the isthmus in most affected
discrepancy was ‘‘tubal spasm,’’ which was estimated women; however, SIN occasionally can be found in
to be the cause in up to one third of women with the interstitial and ampullary segments. Compared
proximal tubal obstruction. No anatomic or functional with control populations, SIN has a higher incidence
proximal tubal sphincter was identified, however, and in women with tubal pregnancy and in women with
no reliable ’’antispasmodic‘‘ was discovered [7]. Care- proximal tubal obstruction. SIN associated with tubal
ful histologic analysis of tubal specimens resected for obstruction requires treatment to restore tubal pat-
proximal occlusion revealed amorphous debris in ency, which can be accomplished by fluoroscopically
approximately one third of women [8]. Discrepancy guided tubal catheterization and recanalization (see
between clinical and imaging diagnosis of proximal Fig. 9) [9]. If this approach fails, tubal patency can be
tubal occlusion and subsequent pathologic findings accomplished by surgical resection and anastomosis.
A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767 763
Fig. 9. Fallopian tube catheterization and recanalization in a woman with tubal obstruction associated with SIN. (A) Selective
salpingography demonstrates the proximal occlusion and isthmic diverticulae of SIN (arrows). (B) Small guidewire used to
recanalize occlusion. (C) Repeat selective salpingogram demonstrates a patent tube.
Whether SIN in the absence of tubal obstruction requires optimal tubal imaging, because the normal
requires surgical resection is debatable. rugal folds are subtle.
The ampullary portion is the longest portion of the Obstruction of the fimbrial portion of the tube is
tube. It gradually widens from 1 to 2 mm at its characterized by dilation of the ampullary portion of
proximal end to approximately 15 mm, where it joins the tube, which sometimes can be massive, and no
the fimbriated infundibular portion. Subtle ampullary free spill of contrast agent into the peritoneal cavity
rugal folds can be demonstrated by salpingography, despite adequate filling of the tubes and rolling the
and occasionally the fimbriae are outlined by contrast patient (see Fig. 10). The amount of dilation of the
material. Abnormal rugal folds imply damage of tube does not necessarily predict surgical results. A
the epithelium from infection and usually coexist dilated tube may be soft and pliable with an intact
with a dilated and sometimes distally obstructed tube epithelium and offer an opportunity for surgical
(Fig. 10). Abnormal rugal folds can occur in a patent correction. An obstructed but minimally dilated tube
tube, and they indicate reduced chances for concep- may have an indurated and thickened wall that cannot
tion. The visualization of abnormal rugal folds be reconstructed. The visualization of normal ampul-
764 A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767
Peritoneal cavity
lary rugal folds probably improves the chances for Ovary and adnexa
successful tubal reconstruction.
Dilation of the ampullary portion of the tube in the Normal ovary
absence of complete occlusion indicates perifimbrial A follicle is recruited by unknown mechanisms to
phimosis, or adhesions around the fimbria that im- grow in the follicular phase, and it demonstrates an
pede egress of fluid. Adhesions around the tube are average increase in diameter of 2 to 3 mm/day. When
usually a result of chlamydial or gonococcal infection this ‘‘dominant’’ follicle attains an average diameter
or endometriosis. It may be difficult to differentiate a of 22 mm, it ruptures. Normal rupture can be accom-
dilated tube from loculated spill of contrast agent. panied by a decrease in size or an increase in size. On
Fimbrial phimosis can be mild or severe, but gener- sonography echoes in the lumen of the follicle may
ally the presence of at least a pinpoint opening in the appear. Fluid around the ovary also may be seen.
distal tube carries a more favorable surgical prognosis Ultrasound is considered by some to be the best
than complete occlusion. It also increases the risk of method for determining when ovulation will occur
post-HSG peritonitis, however. Patients with dilated and documenting when it has occurred [11]. The
tubes should receive a total of 5 days of antibiotics, variable appearance of the event makes the use of
usually doxycycline (100 mg) orally twice a day. If ultrasound problematic, however.
the patient is not already taking antiobiotics at the After menstruation, the ovaries should contain a
time of the procedure and a dilated tube or tubes few small follicles and sometimes a subtle heteroge-
are demonstrated, she should receive doxycycline neous area that may be the corpus luteum. The
(200 mg) orally before she leaves the department, presence of one or more cysts larger than approxi-
followed by 100 mg orally twice a day for 5 days [1]. mately 2 cm in diameter—particularly if accompa-
Persistent tortuosity of the tube in all projections is nied by a serum estradiol concentration of more than
associated with peritubal adhesions (Fig. 11), although 100 pg/mL—indicates persistent follicle activity that
some normal tubes can demonstrate this finding. could interfere with response to ovarian stimulation
A woman with severely damaged fallopian tubes medication. Suppression of the cyst or cysts with oral
but a normal uterine cavity is a good candidate for in contraceptives may be considered [12].
vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (see Fig. 10). In
vitro fertilization and embryo transfer consist of Polycystic ovary syndrome
ovarian stimulation, needle aspiration of the oocytes
from the follicles using transvaginal ultrasound Polycystic ovary syndrome is often found during
guidance, incubation of the oocytes with sperm, evaluation for infertility. The inhibition of release of
and catheter delivery of two to four developing follicle-stimulating hormone and leutinizing hormone
A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767 765
Fig. 11. A 29-year-old woman with infertility. (A) Hysterosalpingogram demonstrates occlusion of the right tube in the proximal
ampullary portion and tortuosity of the left tube, which is patent. MR imaging demonstrates a left ovarian endometrioma, which
is low signal on T2-weighted images (arrow) (B) and high-signal on T1-weighted images (arrow) (C). (D) T2-weighted MR
imaging demonstrates adhesions (arrows) that explain the tubal findings.
from the pituitary gland is the underlying mechanism syndrome as evidenced by low follicle-stimulating
of polycystic ovary syndrome. As a result, follicles in hormone and leutinizing hormone and high estrogen
the ovary begin to grow but do not develop properly. and androgen levels, however, and the ovary may
The immature follicles produce estrogen and andro- appear normal by ultrasound. The chronic elevation
gen that further inhibit the pituitary gland and prevent of estrogen may cause some women with polycystic
normal ovulation. A round ovary with multiple small ovary syndrome to develop irregular bleeding, a
immature follicles may be evident by ultrasound, thickened endometrium, or even endometrial carci-
and it confirms the diagnosis of polycystic ovary noma. The chronic elevation of androgens causes
syndrome (Fig. 13) [13]. A woman may have the some women to develop hirsutism.
766 A.S. Thurmond / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 757–767
Fig. 12. A 32-year-old woman with pelvic pain and infertility. (A) Transvaginal sonography demonstrates bilateral endometriomas
(arrows) that are composed of low-level echoes. (B) On the left side, an adhesion from the ovary to the posterior cervix is
demonstrated (arrow).
The most common cause of polycystic ovary cation for endometriotic implants is the ovaries, and
syndrome is obesity. Fat produces estrogen, which endometriomas are often bilateral (see Fig. 12). Endo-
inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone and leutinizing metriosis is the presence of endometrial tissue outside
hormone and leads to the cycle described previously. of the endometrial cavity. It usually presents in the
Other causes of polycystic ovary syndrome are dia- reproductive years and is probably caused by retro-
betes and adrenal, thyroid, or pituitary dysfunction, grade menstruation [14]. Pelvic pain and dyspareunia
which affects the delicate hormone balance required are associated with endometriosis, although some
for normal ovulation. women with extensive endometriosis may be asymp-
tomatic. Large endometriomas are likely to be diag-
Endometriosis nosed; however, small implants are not well visualized
by any imaging techniques.
Endometriosis may cause infertility because of
anatomic or chemical factors. The most frequent lo-
cologic, obstetric, and breast radiology. Boston: Black- [11] Rosen GF. Ultrasound in reproductive endocrinology.
well Scientific; 1996. p. 127 – 31. In: Schlaff WD, Rock JA, editors. Decision making in
[7] Thurmond AS, Novy MJ, Rosch J. Terburaline in di- reproductive endocrinology. Boston: Blackwell Scien-
agnosis of interstitial fallopian tube obstruction. Invest tific; 1993. p. 386 – 91.
Radiol 1988;23:209 – 10. [12] Worley RJ. Ovulation induction: clomiphene. In:
[8] Sulak PJ, Letterie GS, Coddington CC, et al. Histology Schlaff WD, Rock JA, editors. Decision making in
of proximal tubal occlusion. Fertil Steril 1987;48: reproductive endocrinology. Boston: Blackwell Scien-
437 – 40. tific; 1993. p. 447 – 52.
[9] Thurmond AS, Burry KA, Novy MJ. Salpingitis isth- [13] Pache TD, Wladimiroff JW, Hop WC, Fauser BC. How
mica nodosa: results of transcervical fluoroscopic cath- to discriminate between normal and polycystic ovaries:
eter recanalization. Fertil Steril 1995;63:715 – 22. transvaginal US study. Radiology 1992;183:421 – 3.
[10] Bustillo M. Assisted reproductive technology in the [14] Klein NA, Olive DL. Management of endometriosis-
United States and Canada: 1992 results generated from associated infertility. In: Schlaff WD, Rock JA, editors.
the American Fertility Society / Society for Assisted Decision making in reproductive endocrinology. Bos-
Reproductive Technology Registry. Fertil Steril 1994; ton: Blackwell Scientific; 1993. p. 488 – 94.
62:1121 – 8.
Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769 – 780
Abnormal vaginal bleeding is a frequent presenting the Pipelle in postmenopausal women with sample
complaint in women in the postmenopausal or peri- size – weighted sensitivity rate of 99.6% [2].This
menopausal period. Postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) study was performed by sampling known cases of
may be defined as any vaginal bleeding in a postme- endometrial carcinoma while the patients were on the
nopausal woman not on hormone replacement ther- operating table. In the authors’ own attempt to per-
apy (HRT) or unscheduled bleeding in a woman on form a metaanalysis regarding endometrial biopsy,
HRT. The differential diagnosis is broad, but irregular they found that none of the literature met adequate
or excessive vaginal bleeding can signify an under- criteria to be included. The major problem with the
lying malignancy of the female genital tract. Bleeding biopsy literature is a lack of blinded studies with
occurs in 80% to 90% of women with endometrial adequate gold standard proof of outcomes.
cancer, and the prevalence of endometrial cancer Sensitivity rate for detection of atypical hyper-
among women who present with PMB has been plasia varied from 39% to 100%, with weighted sen-
reported to range from 1% to 60%, although a 10% sitivity rate of the Pipelle in postmenopausal women
prevalence of endometrial cancer in this population being 88% [2]. The false-negative rates for endo-
has been accepted by most authors [1]. All women metrial biopsy in the office may be more than 15%,
who present with postmenopausal bleeding should be whereas even dilation and curettage had up to 11%
evaluated for potential malignancy, including endo- false-negative rate for endometrial carcinoma [3,4].
metrial cancer, premalignant atypical endometrial One study reported only a 43% sensitivity rate for
hyperplasia, and cervical cancer. detecting endometrial carcinoma with endometrial
It is well established that women with PMB biopsy [5]. The actual sensitivity rate for endome-
require further evaluation to exclude carcinoma. To trial biopsy remains unknown, and only when large
date, however, no universal algorithm exists for enough trials using hysteroscopy as the gold stan-
proceeding with an evaluation of a woman with dard for evaluating endometrial disease are pub-
PMB. Tissue sampling is the most definitive diag- lished will this information become available for
nostic procedure; however, the techniques have accurate evaluation.
variable sensitivity and specificity. In a recent meta- Because up to 90% of PMB has a benign cause,
analysis of endometrial sampling methods, the sen- questions have arisen regarding the appropriate-
sitivity rate for detection of endometrial carcinoma ness of performing biopsies on all patients with
ranged from 25% to 100%, with the best results from bleeding. Subsequently, imaging techniques, mainly
transvaginal ultrasound, have been explored to help
determine which patients are at higher risk of ma-
* Corresponding author. lignancy and would benefit from tissue sampling
E-mail address: [email protected] and which are more likely to have a benign cause
(T.J. Dubinsky). for the bleeding.
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
770 K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780
In 2000, a panel of physicians convened by the excludes patients with endometrial carcinoma. In a
Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound met to discuss prospective study of 1110 women with PMB, endo-
the role of sonography in women with PMB. The metrial pathology was found most frequently with
panel members included experts in the fields of endometrial thickness more than 8 mm, and no
radiology, obstetrics and gynecology, gynecologic endometrial cancers were detected in women with
oncology, epidemiology, and pathology. The panel thickness of 4 mm or less [9]. Similarly, an evaluation
concluded that PMB demands further evaluation and of 419 women with PMB assessed the sensitivity of
that either transvaginal sonography or endometrial two thresholds: more than 4 mm and more than 8 mm.
biopsy could serve as the first diagnostic interven- The authors reported a sensitivity rate of 95.1% and
tion. The panel also concluded that further studies specificity rate of 54.8% for the 4-mm cutoff and
were needed to determine which approach is more 83.8% and specificity rate of 81.3% for the 8-mm
effective [6]. cutoff [10]. Using a threshold of 5 mm or less, a study
of 182 women with PMB found no cases of carci-
noma, but 3 patients had hyperplasia [11]. Another
Background study concluded that a threshold of 4 mm or less can
reliably exclude malignancy in women with PMB
Pelvic ultrasound has been used to evaluate the [12], with an estimated one case of carcinoma missed
uterine cavity for fibroids, endometrial thickness, for every 250 women scanned with a stripe of less
endometrial homogeneity, and the presence of abnor- than 5 mm [5].
mal vascularity within the endometrium. In the Some authors reported even a thicker stripe as an
absence of visible anomalies (such as fibroids), adequate threshold for excluding endometrial adeno-
endometrial thickness has been used as a marker for carcinoma. Mateos et al [13] reported a prospective
endometrial pathology. The technique most often trial of transvaginal sonography followed by endo-
used to evaluate the endometrial thickness is a metrial sampling in 168 women with PMB not on
measurement of the anterior and posterior layers of estrogen. Using a cut-off of 6 mm, they reported
the endometrium in the sagittal plane at the level of 88.6% sensitivity rate, 90.6% specificity rate, and
the maximal estimated thickness. This technique has 92% positive predictive value (PPV) for any endo-
been demonstrated to be highly reproducible with metrial pathology.
high intraobserver (r(I) = 0.96 – 0.97) and interob- One caution is that cases of endometrial carci-
server (r(I) = 0.954) reliability [7]. Some authors have noma have been detected in women with an endo-
suggested that assessing the morphology of the endo- metrial stripe as thin as 3 mm [14]. In one study, three
metrium based on ultrasonographic appearance may of nine cases of carcinoma had a thickness of 3 mm
add additional information. The presence of cysts [14]. This study also reported mean thicknesses lower
within the endometrium is associated with benign than that of most studies (6 mm for carcinoma),
origins of bleeding, such as polyps, whereas endo- however, which suggested that a difference in tech-
metrial hypoechogenicity and inhomogeneity are nique may partially account for their findings. Some
associated with an increased risk for malignancy. authors have suggested using 3 mm as a threshold to
Many studies have been conducted on the use of reduce the chance of missing cases of carcinoma at
transvaginal sonography to evaluate PMB. In 1997, the expense of specificity. The real issue with ultra-
Smith-Bindman et al [8] published a metaanalysis of sound concerns the outcome of symptomatic patients
the use of transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate endo- who are evaluated with ultrasound and found to have
metrial thickness in women with PMB. They included a thin endometrium or have biopsy that is negative
35 prospective trials with 5892 patients in their and then are followed on an annual basis. Because it
analysis. The authors determined that a threshold is accepted that both modalities miss some cases of
endometrial thickness of 5 mm had a sensitivity rate endometrial carcinoma, it becomes relevant to deter-
of 96% for endometrial carcinoma and 92% for other mine which cases are missed and for what reasons
endometrial disease. The sensitivities were not sig- and whether these women are ultimately diagnosed
nificantly different in women taking HRT. The spec- correctly in time to treat them successfully.
ificity of an abnormal thickness was lower (81% for
all endometrial disease), however, so that an abnor-
mal ultrasound result still must be followed with Atrophic endometrium
either tissue sampling or saline infusion sonography.
Many studies have shown that a threshold of Bleeding in postmenopausal women is commonly
5 mm for pursuing endometrial sampling reasonably caused by atrophy of the endometrium and exposure
K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780 771
Fig. 1. (A) Mid-sagittal ultrasound image demonstrates a thin atrophic endometrium. (B) Mid-sagittal image obtained during a
saline infusion sonohysterogram demonstrates virtually no endometrium consistent with atrophy.
Endometrial polyps
Fig. 3. (A) Mid-sagittal ultrasound image demonstrates a slightly heterogeneous thickened endometrium. (B) Sonohysterogram
image demonstrates a pedunculated heterogeneous mass consistent with a polyp (and less likely a fibroid).
raphy and SIS for detection of endometrial polyps significant form is hyperplasia with atypia that is
found a significantly greater sensitivity (93% versus believed to be a precursor to endometrial cancer.
65%) and specificity (94% versus 76%) for SIS over 30% to 40% of all carcinomas are noted to have
transvaginal sonography alone [16]. coexisting atypical hyperplasia [17]. The atypical
hyperplasia is often focal, however, and may be
found in the background of simple hyperplasia or
Endometrial hyperplasia normal endometrium.
Fig. 4. (A) Transverse ultrasound image demonstrates a small focal echogenicity within the endometrium consistent with a small
polyp. (B) The corresponding saline infusion sonohysterogram image demonstrates the small sessile polyp seen on the
transvaginal ultrasound image.
K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780 773
Fig. 5. Transverse ultrasound image demonstrates a small Fig. 7. Mid-sagittal view during saline infusion sonohyster-
cyst within the endometrium. A large polyp was demon- ography of an intramural fibroid with submucosal extension.
strated at saline infusion sonohysterography, and it was
removed at hysteroscopy.
trium), submucosal (protruding into the uterine cavity
sound, but the endometrial-myometrial interface is and distorting the endometrial cavity), or peduncu-
not disrupted. lated (arising from a stalk, similar to a polyp). Fibroids
with submucosal extent are believed to cause vaginal
bleeding by increasing the surface area of the endo-
Uterine leiomyomas metrium and disrupting the normal sloughing process
(Fig. 7). In postmenopausal women, these benign
Uterine leiomyomas, frequently referred to as fi- tumors usually regress, and malignant degeneration
broids, are common benign neoplastic growths of is rare. In the presence of continued hormonal stimu-
smooth muscle cells within the myometrium. They lation, however, they may continue to be symptomatic.
occur in up to 40% of women over the age of 35 [18]
and are seen on 75% of hysterectomy specimens [19]. Sonographic appearance
These benign tumors regress with estrogen with-
drawal. They are overgrowth of muscle tissue and Leiomyomas have a varied appearance on ultra-
are pseudoencapsulated and noninvasive. They can be sound depending on location within the uterus. A
subserosal (arising from the exterior surface of the generalized enlargement of the uterus, irregularities in
uterus), intramural (completely within the myome- the external surface or endometrial cavity, and areas of
hyperechogenicity or hypoechogenicity within the
surrounding myometrium all suggest leiomyomas.
Calcifications also may form within the leiomyomas
and be visualized sonographically. Submucosal leio-
myomas are the most likely to cause vaginal bleeding
and may appear as an area of increased echogenicity
bulging into the endometrial cavity with echogenicity
similar to that of the myometrium. It can be difficult to
distinguish a leiomyoma from a blood clot or a polyp
[20]. Leiomyomas also may obscure the endometrium
on imaging or cause an overestimation of endometrial
thickness, which would lead to further evaluation.
Endometrial carcinoma
Sonographic appearance
Fig. 9. Mid-sagittal view of the endometrium in a postmen-
Signs suggestive of endometrial carcinoma on opausal woman shows a thickened endometrium with ill-
ultrasound include a distended or fluid-filled uterine defined margins. Histology revealed endometrial carcinoma.
cavity, an enlarged or lobular uterus, and prominent
echogenicity of the endometrium (Fig. 8). A normal
postmenopausal uterus usually measures less than Qualitative markers have been reported as sug-
50 cc [21], and uterine enlargement is seen in at least gestive of malignancy, including endometrial cavity
71% of women with endometrial adenocarcinoma fluid collection, irregularity of the myometrial-endo-
[22]. A recent study reported a 0.6% prevalence rate metrial interface (Fig. 9), and inhomogeneity of the
of endometrial cancer in women with PMB and endometrium. In 1995, Weigel et al [25] suggested
endometrial thickness of 4 mm or less. This preva- that the addition of assessment of the endometrium
lence increased to 19% in women a with thickness of for homogeneity, presence of a central echo, and
5 mm or more [23]. The authors concluded that in echogenecity would be most useful in assessing
women with endometrial thickness less than 4 mm, women whose endometrial stripe is in the ‘‘gray
endometrial biopsy may not be required. Many other area’’ of 4 to 10 mm. They calculated 100% sen-
authors agree with this threshold [24]. Others suggest sitivity of irregular endometrial interface in predicting
an even thicker threshold of 6 mm [14]. Several endometrial carcinoma. In cases in which intrauterine
studies suggested that an endometrial thickness of fluid is found, the measurement of endometrial thick-
more than 15 mm is highly specific for the diagnosis ness is calculated to exclude the fluid and measure
of endometrial carcinoma [24]. only the endometrium itself.
The sonographic texture of the endometrium also
has been studied as a marker of endometrial pathol-
ogy. In a retrospective study of 68 postmenopausal
women who underwent vaginal sonography, Hulka
et al [26] reported that cystic spaces within the
endometrium were predictive of polyps, endometrial
hyperplasia often appeared hyperechoic, and endo-
metrial carcinoma appeared heterogeneous. There
was also significant overlap in the diagnoses [26].
In a more recent study of 207 women with PMB, the
morphology of the endometrium was categorized as
homogenous, focally increased echogenicity, dif-
fusely increased echogenicity, or diffusely inhomo-
geneous in addition to measurement of endometrial
thickness. The authors reported that in three of three
cases of endometrial cancer with a thickness of less
Fig. 8. Diffusely thickened endometrium in a postmeno- than 6 mm, all had inhomogeneity. 10 of 11 cases
pausal woman. Because the risk for endometrial carcinoma is of endometrial cancer with a thickness of more than
high in this group of patients, she underwent endometrial bi- 6 mm also had an inhomogeneous endometrium [27].
opsy immediately, which confirmed endometrial carcinoma. Adding morphologic characteristics increased the
K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780 775
specificity and negative predictive value and de- diagnosis in 88% of patients and resulted in a change
creased the sensitivity rate from 100% to 77.8% in patient treatment in 80%.
[28]. The combination of quantitative and qualitative One study suggested that SIS may be as effective
findings may improve the predictive value of trans- as hysteroscopy in evaluation of the endometrium. In
vaginal sonography. a prospective study of 105 women with PMB and an
A study of SIS found that difficulty with disten- endometrial stripe of more than 5 mm, all patients
sion of the uterus at the time of saline infusion was were evaluated with SIS followed by hysteroscopy.
associated with a sevenfold increased risk of malig- The authors found a 96% agreement between SIS and
nancy, although in this study the sensitivity rate for hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of focal lesions and a
detecting carcinoma was less than that of conven- similar sensitivity rate (80%) for diagnosing polyps.
tional transvaginal sonography (44% versus 60%) Hysteroscopy distinguishes between benign and ma-
[29]. Sensitivity also may be improved by careful lignant lesions primarily because tissue sampling can
attention to technique. Fleischer [30] recommends (1) be performed during hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy is
surveying the entire endometrium in the sagittal and the gold standard because of the ability to perform
coronal planes before measuring the anteroposterior directed biopsy. The limitations of hysteroscopy are
double-layer thickness in the sagittal plane near the the invasive nature, requirement for expensive equip-
fundus, (2) assessing the texture of the endometrium, ment, and general anesthesia. Office-based hystero-
(3) measuring uterine volumes, and (4) measuring scopy instruments that held the promise of increased
endometrial blood flow. convenience and affordability have not lived up to
Research has suggested that ultrasound may be expectations. A small study compared transvaginal
valuable in the staging of endometrial cancers [31] sonography, SIS, and hysteroscopy and found that
with regard to depth of invasion into the myome- patients rated transvaginal sonography as signifi-
trium. Surgical staging is currently the gold standard cantly less painful than the other two procedures [33].
and the standard of care. Distant metastases and Modalities such as color flow and power Doppler
lymph node involvement and myometrial extension imaging have been reported to increase the sensitiv-
are better evaluated with CT and MR imaging. Once a ity and specificity rates of ultrasound in detecting
diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma is established, endometrial pathology. Amit et al [34] reported on a
these are better imaging methods than ultrasound for prospective study of 60 women with PMB and
staging the disease. reported a sensitivity rate of 86% and sensitivity
rate of 89% for power Doppler (pulsatility index
point cutoff 1.0). On the other hand, Sheth et al [35]
Additional techniques evaluated color duplex Doppler in postmenopausal
women with thickened endometrial stripes and found
Other techniques have been proposed to add that low-impedence arterial flow in benign and
accuracy to the imaging of the endometrium. Saline malignant lesions was not significantly different.
infusion sonohysterography has been applied to the The presence of a single draining vessel is highly in-
evaluation of PMB because the infusion of saline into dicative of the presence of a polyp (Fig. 10), whereas
the endometrial cavity may improve the differenti- more diffuse flow with multiple areas of aliasing
ation of intraluminal masses and shape of the endo- increases the risk of carcinoma (Fig. 11). Lack of
metrium. Dubinsky and colleagues correlated SIS flow does not exclude the presence of an endoluminal
findings with pathologic diagnosis on curettage or lesion, however.
hysterectomy in 88 women with vaginal bleeding. Three-dimensional ultrasound is a technique with
The authors defined a suspicious endometrial appear- emerging applications that has been studied for evalu-
ance as either focal endometrial thickening ( > 4 mm) ation of PMB. In particular, the ability to produce
or a focal inhomogeneous endoluminal mass. For coronal images of the cornua may increase the sen-
detection of carcinoma using this definition, they sitivity of SIS slightly for lesions in this location that
found a sensitivity rate of 89% and specificity rate may be difficult to appreciate fully otherwise. Abnor-
of 46%. One case of carcinoma in situ was associated malities of the endometrium that occur in women with
with a benign-appearing endoluminal mass on SIS. congenital variants of the uterus also may be imaged
The authors concluded that all endoluminal masses to greater advantage with three-dimensional ultra-
require further evaluation to exclude carcinoma [32]. sound techniques. In general, however, the actual
More recently, Bree et al [15] estimated a sensitivity benefit of three-dimensional imaging in most patients
rate of 98% and specificity of 88% for SIS and is probably limited as long as careful attention is paid
estimated that the use of SIS added certainty to the to imaging technique.
776 K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780
Fig. 10. (A) Color flow image of the endometrium demonstrates a solitary feeding vessel. The presence of such a vessel
significantly increases the probability that a polyp is present. (B) In another patient with a polyp, during saline infusion
sonohysterography one large branching vessel is seen.
Yaman et al [36] demonstrated good reproducibil- Three-dimensional ultrasound also has been demon-
ity with three-dimensional technique in assessing strated to be a valid measurement technique in
endometrial volume with mean interobserver cor- assessing volume [37]. In one study, using a cutoff
relation of 0.95, which was superior to that of volume of 13 mL had a sensitivity rate and PPV of
two-dimensional thickness measurements (0.76). 100% and 91.7%, respectively, in diagnosing endo-
metrial cancer in women not on HRT with PMB [38].
In the latter study, the mean endometrial thickness
and volume in women later found to have endome-
trial carcinoma were 29.5 mm and 39 mL, respec-
tively, whereas women with atrophic endometrium
had a mean thickness of 5.3 mm and volume of
0.9 mm. Patients with hyperplasia or polyps were in
between, with a mean thickness of 15.6 mm and
volume of 5.5 mL [38].
Special populations
sonographic appearance of the endometrium. Recent states (obesity, chronic anovulation, unopposed estro-
studies suggest a high false-positive rate from screen- gen therapy), personal history of breast cancer with or
ing of asymptomatic women on tamoxifen because a without tamoxifen therapy, and family history of en-
physiologic thickened myometrium may be mistaken dometrial, ovarian, breast, or colon cancer. No studies
for endometrial hypertrophy by transvaginal sonog- in the literature actually provide any evidence for this
raphy [40]. This is probably better evaluated with SIS; practice, and a recent cost analysis by Medverd and
however, there is reluctance to subject all women Dubinsky [45] indicated that the prevalence of car-
on tamoxifen to annual SIS examinations. Current cinoma would have to be higher than is actually pres-
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology rec- ent in any of these populations to make biopsy more
ommendations for screening women on tamoxifen cost minimizing than ultrasound.
therapy include annual gynecologic examination with
Pap tests and bimanual examination.
Women on sequential HRT also present a diag- Summary
nostic challenge because most women continue to
have monthly bleeding and the primary symptom of Transvaginal ultrasound with SIS is a cost-min-
endometrial cancer may be disguised. In a premeno- imizing screening tool for perimenopausal and post-
pausal menstruating woman, endometrial thickness menopausal women with vaginal bleeding. Its use
varies from a mean of 4 mm in the early follicular decreases the need for invasive diagnostic procedures
phase to 11.5 mm just before menses [41]. Even long for women without abnormalities, and ultrasound
after menopause, the uterus retains the capacity to increases the sensitivity of detecting abnormalities
grow in response to hormonal administration. Re- in women with pathologic conditions. Vaginal sonog-
search has demonstrated that vaginal sonography is raphy is preferred over uniform biopsy of postmeno-
accurate is assessing endometrial thickness in this pausal women with vaginal bleeding because it (1) is
population [42]. The mean endometrial thickness a less invasive procedure, (2) is generally painless,
increases significantly with therapy, however, with a (3) has no complications, and (4) may be more
mean of 4.3 mm in one study. Another study of sensitive for detecting carcinoma than blind biopsy.
women with PMB reported that women on HRT had Transvaginal sonography is rarely nondiagnostic.
a mean thickness of 5.7 mm and increased the Endometrial sampling is less successful in women
threshold for thickened endometrium in their study with a thin endometrial stripe on ultrasound than in
from 4 mm or less in women not on HRT to 8 mm or women with real endometrial pathologic condition.
less in women in HRT [43]. A limitation of ultrasound is that an abnormal
The optimal timing for evaluation of the endo- finding is not specific: ultrasound cannot always
metrium in women on HRT is during the period reliably distinguish between benign proliferation,
immediately after withdrawal bleeding to avoid hyperplasia, polyps, and cancer. Although ultra-
false-positive results. Another trial that evaluated sound may not be able to distinguish between
endometrial thickness in postmenopausal women on hyperplasia and malignancy, the next step in the
HRT found a mean thickness of 3.2 to 3.6 mm. The clinical treatment requires tissue sampling. Because
authors also reported that 9% of these patients with of the risk of progression of complex hyperplasia to
an endometrial thickness of more than 4 mm had carcinoma, patients with this finding may benefit
abnormal endometrial findings on hysteroscopy with from hormonal suppression, dilatation and curettage,
endometrial biopsy [44]. A thickened endometrium endometrial ablation, or hysterectomy, depending on
was a more sensitive predictor of pathologic con- the clinical scenario. The inability to distinguish
dition than irregular bleeding. Although it is not these two entities based on ultrasound alone should
practical or cost effective to screen all postmeno- not be seen as a limitation because tissue sampling
pausal women on HRT for endometrial pathologic is required in either case. Occasionally (in 5% to
conditions, this study provided further evidence that 10% of cases), a woman’s endometrium cannot be
irregular bleeding in the absence of ultrasonographic identified on ultrasound, and these women also need
findings of endometrial proliferation is most like sec- further evaluation.
ondary to benign atrophic changes rather than abnor- Ultrasonography also may be used as a first-line
mal cellular proliferation. investigation in other populations with abnormal
In most gynecology training programs, students uterine bleeding. In a multicenter, randomized, con-
are taught that biopsy always should be performed trolled trial of 400 women with abnormal uterine
in women with high pretest probability for endome- bleeding, the investigators found that transvaginal
trial cancer. Such risk factors include hyperestrogenic sonography combined with Pipelle endometrial bi-
778 K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780
Fig. 12. Proposed algorithm for evaluating women with abnormal vaginal bleeding.
opsy and outpatient hysteroscopy was as effective as examination and endometrial biopsy and hystero-
inpatient hysteroscopy and curettage [4,8]. The sub- scopy as indicated [46].
jects included women older than 35 years with Hysteroscopy is likely to become the new gold
PMB, menorrhagia, intermenstrual bleeding, post- standard in the future because of its ability to visu-
coital bleeding, or irregular menses. Transvaginal alize directly the endometrium and perform directed
sonography may be a cost-effective, sensitive, and biopsies as indicated. As office-based hysteroscopy
well-tolerated method to evaluate most women with becomes more practical and widespread, the tech-
abnormal bleeding in combination with physical nique may become more cost effective. An evaluation
K.G. Davidson, T.J. Dubinsky / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 769–780 779
plan using transvaginal sonography as the initial [11] Briley M, Lindsell DR. The role of transvaginal ultra-
screening evaluation followed by endometrial biopsy sound in the investigation of women with post-meno-
or, more likely, hysteroscopy is likely to become the pausal bleeding. Clin Radiol 1998;53:502 – 5.
[12] Bakour SH, Dwarankanath LS, Khan KS, Newton JR,
standard of care (Fig. 12).
Gupta JK. The diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound scan
It remains unproven whether certain patients at
in predicting endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in
higher risk for carcinoma should proceed directly to post-menopausal bleeding. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
invasive evaluation. Women on tamoxifen with per- 1999;78:447 – 51.
sistent recurrent bleeding, women with significant [13] Mateos F, Zarauz R, Seco C, Rayward JR, del Barrio P,
risk factors for carcinoma, and women with life- Aguirre J, et al. Assessment with transvaginal ultraso-
threatening hemorrhage comprise this group. Further nography of endometrial thickness in women with post-
studies are still necessary to evaluate high-risk pa- menopausal bleeding. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol 1997;
tients and determine whether ultrasound or biopsy is 18:504 – 7.
really the most cost-effective initial test. [14] Buyuk E, Durmusoglu F, Erenus M, Karakoc B. Endo-
metrial disease diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound
and dilation and curettage. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
1999;78:419 – 22.
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781 – 797
Mary Jane O’Neill, MD
Division of Abdominal Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
White Building Room 270, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
Sonohysterography (SHG) is a valuable, min- therapy should be examined during the proliferative
imally invasive, sonographic examination that plays phase of the menstrual cycle (days 0 – 14) to
a crucial role in the triaging of abnormal uterine decrease the likelihood of false-positive findings
bleeding. SHG augments the traditional transvaginal [4]. During the secretory phase, the endometrium
ultrasound (TVUS) examination by distending the not only is thicker but also tends to appear more
endometrial canal with saline, which allows each heterogeneous and irregular in contour (Fig. 1). This
individual layer of the endometrial lining to be eval- appearance leads to increased rates of false-negative
uated separately. The single-layer evaluation made and false-positive diagnoses during SHG for endo-
possible with SHG significantly improves detection metrial pathology and decreases overall sensitivity
and characterization of focal and diffuse endometrial and specificity of the examination. During the
processes over that of TVUS alone [1 – 3]. Focal proliferative phase, the normal endometrium is thin
lesions involve less than 25% of the endometrial and homogeneous (Fig. 2), which allows much more
surface area and are unlikely to be diagnosed without definitive evaluation of endometrial and subendo-
hysteroscopically guided biopsy. Although the ability metrial processes.
to accurately detect focal endometrial lesions non-
invasively with SHG has had the largest impact on the
management of abnormal bleeding in postmenopausal
patients, the diagnosis and management of dysfunc-
tional bleeding and infertility in premenopausal
patients also have improved significantly. The
improvement is largely because of the detailed evalu-
ation that the study provided regarding the location
and extent of subendometrial processes that affect the
endometrium and endometrial cavity. This article
reviews the technique, indications, and diagnostic
findings during SHG.
Patient preparation
All premenopausal patients and all postmeno- Fig. 1. Coronal SHG in 33-year-old woman with inter-
pausal patients on sequential estrogen replacement menstrual bleeding preformed at day 23 of menstrual cycle.
The secretory endometrium is thick and heterogeneous
(arrows). The lobulated contour (arrowheads) can cause
E-mail address: [email protected] false-positive and false-negative findings at SHG.
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
782 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 3. Sagittal SHG in 63-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding. (A) Initial saline infusion reveals no focal
abnormalities. The catheter (arrow) is in the inferior aspect of the endometrial cavity. (B) After retraction of the catheter into the
superior portion of the cervical canal (arrow), a focal endometrial lesion arising from the posterior endometrial surface in the
lower uterine segment is revealed (arrowhead). Pathology showed a benign endometrial polyp.
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 783
entire single layer thickness of the endometrium is less of the absolute thickness, the endometrium
completely evaluated without interference from the should be homogeneous in echotexture and smooth
catheter (Fig. 3). in contour [4].
If the cervical os is stenotic and cannot be accessed
with the 5 Fr catheter, access can be achieved using Postmenopausal
the Seldinger technique. This technique involves a
0.038 glide wire (Cook, Bloomington, IN) to gain The normal single layer of the postmenopausal
initial access into the endometrial cavity. Once this endometrium is homogeneously echogenic, smooth
wire has been introduced, a small 5 Fr tapered dilator in contour, and uniform in thickness (Fig. 4). The
(Cook, Bloomington, IN) can be advanced over the absolute thickness is considered normal or atrophic
wire. The study can be performed through the dilator if less than 2 mm in symptomatic women and 2 to
after the wire has been removed. Using this technique 3 mm in asymptomatic women on estrogen replace-
when routine catheter placement fails significantly ment or tamoxifen [5 – 7].
improves the technical success rate of SHG.
The normal single layer of the premenopausal Until recently, triage of patients with abnormal
endometrium during the early proliferative phase is uterine bleeding was based primarily on the findings
slightly hypoechoic, thin, and homogeneous in thick- of office endometrial biopsy and TVUS [1,2]. With
ness (see Fig. 2). There is no widely accepted limit the advent of hysteroscopy and SHG, however, it is
to the single layer thickness in premenopausal pa- evident that most causes of postmenopausal bleeding
tients, but a single layer thickness more than 6 mm (PMB) are secondary to focal endometrial or sub-
is unusual and should be evaluated carefully and endometrial processes, such as endometrial polyps or
possibly biopsied in symptomatic women. Regard- submucosal fibroids. These entities involve only a
Fig. 5. (A) Sagittal SHG in 54-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) demonstrates the typical appearance of an
endometrial polyp. The lesion is homogeneously echogenic and arises from a narrow stalk from the posterior endometrial surface
in this retroverted uterus (arrow). Note the normal thin remaining single layer of the endometrium (arrowheads). (B) Multiple
polyps identified (arrows) on coronal SHG in 52-year-old woman with PMB. It is not unusual to identify more than one
endometrial lesion at SHG. Each lesion should be localized accurately.
784 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
small proportion of the endometrial lining and are Triage of abnormal endometrium in asymptomatic
significantly underdiagnosed by office endometrial postmenopausal patients on estrogen replacement
biopsy secondary to sampling error [5 – 8]. therapy or tamoxifen
Because patient management is dictated by the
presence or absence of focal endometrial lesions, the Patients on estrogen replacement therapy and
primary goal of SHG is not to diagnose specific tamoxifen have a higher risk of focal and diffuse
endometrial lesions accurately but rather to determine endometrial pathology and commonly have abnor-
whether the abnormality that affects the endometrium mally thick or heterogeneous endometrial stripes
is focal or diffuse. If there is a focal abnormality, it without symptoms. SHG plays an important role in
must be localized accurately so that the hysteroscopic detecting potential focal endometrial lesions in this
surgeon can remove it reliably. Although imaging subgroup of asymptomatic patents.
features suggest particular diagnoses, none is sensi-
tive or specific enough to dictate patient care in the Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
setting of PMB [9,10]. In principle, all focal lesions
in symptomatic PMB should be investigated with Sonohysterography in the premenopausal patient
hysteroscopic sampling. population serves a more specialized role. Endome-
Fig. 6. (A, B) Doppler interrogation of the stalk of the polyp arising form the posterior endometrial surface in this 51-year-old
woman with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) demonstrates the characteristic prominent color Doppler flow (arrows). (C) Doppler
interrogation of the base of a submucosal fibroid in a 56-year-old woman with PMB demonstrates a similar vascular pedicle
(arrow). This feature is most often seen in endometrial polyps but is nonspecific and is occasionally observed in other endometrial
and subendometrial pathologies.
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 785
trial polyps are less common in these patients but can premenopausal patient is the diagnosis of small foci
cause intermenstrual bleeding and infertility [1]. SHG of retained placental tissue in patients who remain
plays an important role in defining the extent of symptomatic after failed dilatation and curettage for
submucosal extension in patients with abnormal retained products of conception.
vaginal bleeding and suspected submucosal fibroids.
Assessing the extent of submucosal component can
help guide the mode of resection chosen by the Pathology
gynecologic surgeon.
Focal lesions
Infertility and pregnancy complications
Endometrial polyps
Because of the cross-sectional view of the cavity, Endometrial polyps are the most common focal
SHG plays an important role in the diagnosis and endometrial lesions and account for approximately
staging of intrauterine adhesions in patients with 30% of cases of PMB [1]. Histologically, polyps
infertility. Another more limited role of SHG in the represent hyperplastic growths of endometrial glands,
Fig. 7. (A) Coronal SHG in 57-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) demonstrates an endometrial polyp with a
broad base of attachment (arrowheads). When this finding is observed, the interface between the base of the polyp and the
underlying myometrium should be scrutinized closely for any irregularities or evidence of invasion. (B) Sagittal SHG in a
57-year-old woman on tamoxifen reveals a large polyp with multiple intralesional cysts (arrowheads). This polyp had foci of
severe atypia at histopathology. (C) Sagittal SHG in a 61-year-old woman with PMB shows a broad-based, hypoechoic,
heterogeneous polypoid lesion arising form the endometrial surface in the fundus (arrow). Although this polyp represented a
benign polyp on pathology, this feature indicates a higher likelihood of more aggressive histology.
786 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 8. (A) Coronal SHG in a 61-year-old woman on estrogen replacement therapy shows a benign broad-based endometrial
polyp with a normal distinct endometrial myometrial interface (arrowheads). (B) Coronal SHG in a 52-year-old woman with
postmenopausal bleeding shows a broad-based endometrial polyp with disruption of the smooth endometrial myometrial
interface (arrowheads). This finding suggests myometrial invasion. A benign polyp was found at histology with no myo-
metrial invasion or cytologic atypia.
and stroma and can be found in premenopausal and Most polyps, even those with typical benign
postmenopausal patients. Common presentations features, are eventually removed hysteroscopically
include PMB, intermenstrual bleeding, metorrhagia, because continued PMB complicates future clinical
and infertility [11]. patient management and because foci of hyper-
On SHG, polyps typically are well-defined, homo- plasia or carcinoma in situ cannot be excluded
geneous, echogenic solid lesions with a narrow base sonographically.
of attachment to the underlying endometrium (Fig. 5).
There is often a well-defined vascular pedicle within
the stalk when Doppler evaluation is performed, but
this is not a feature specific to polyps [12] (Fig. 6). It
is not unusual to identify more than one endometrial
polyp during SHG. This is one reason to perform
SHG for localization even in patients with strong
suspicion for focal endometrial lesions at TVUS. Ac-
curate detection and localization of the lesions before
operative hysteroscopy increase the success rate of
surgical resection.
Less commonly, polyps can have a broad base
of attachment, contain cystic components, and con-
tain areas of hypoechogenicity/heterogeneity within
the polyp (Fig. 7). The heterogeneity within en-
dometrial polyps most likely indicates prior hem-
orrhage, infarction, or inflammation [13]. The
interface between the endometrium and the under-
lying myometrium should be interrogated closely in
all focal endometrial lesions, particularly when the
Fig. 9. Sagittal SHG in 37-year-old patient with severe
point of attachment is broad based or other atypical menorrhagia shows a large submucosal fibroid (arrow). Sub-
features are present (Fig. 8). If the interface is mucosal fibroids tend to be more heterogeneous, hypo-
distorted or poorly visualized, the likelihood of a echoic, and larger than endometrial polyps. Note the thin
more aggressive process is significantly increased layer of normal endometrium covering this mass, which in-
[14,15]. dicates the submucosal location of the lesion (arrowheads).
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 787
Fig. 10. (A, B) Coronal and sagittal SHG in two different postmenopausal patients with bleeding demonstrates submucosal
fibroid (arrows). These lesions could not be distinguished sonographically from polyps because the endometrial layer over the
lesions is atrophic and is not visualized. Definitive characterization with biospy proved that these lesions were fibroids. A more
typical appearing endometrial polyp also was found in the first patient (curved arrow).
788 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 11. (A) Coronal transvaginal ultrasound in 47-year-old woman with heavy menses demonstrates a centrally located fibroid
(arrow). (B) SHG shows that this fibroid projects approximately 50% of its total volume into the endometrial cavity (arrows). (C)
Coronal SHG in a 32-year-old woman with dysfunctional uterine bleeding shows a submucosal fibroid with less than 50%
protrusion into the endometrial canal (arrows). (D) Sagittal SHG in a 47-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding
demonstrates a submucosal fibroid with more than 50% protrusion into the endometrial cavity (arrows).
tamoxifen usage, nulliparity, obesity, and hyperten- monly a broad-based, echogenic mass that does not
sion and diabetes. distort the endometrial-myometrial interface (Fig. 15).
Endometrial hyperplasia is usually a diffuse thick- When only focal thickening is observed, the lesion
ening of the echogenic endometrial stripe; however, should be sampled hysteroscopically to avoid the
focal areas of endometrial hyperplasia occasionally possibility of sampling error during office biopsy.
can be seen. The focal form of hyperplasia is more
difficult to differentiate from endometrial polyps dur- Endometrial cancer
ing SHG because of the considerable overlap of Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gyne-
sonographic characteristics of the two lesions. Hyper- cologic malignancy in the United States, and it affects
plasia and carcinoma in situ also can be contained predominantly postmenopausal women. Although
within otherwise benign endometrial polyps [21] endometrial cancer is the most prevalent gynecologic
(Fig. 14). Focal endometrial hyperplasia is most com- cancer, because of early detection, it accounts for
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 789
Intrauterine adhesions
Patients who present with infertility or recurrent
pregnancy loss are at increased risk for intrauterine
adhesions. Adhesions are poorly detected by TVUS
because they are compressed within the cavity and
the endometrium often appears normal. Occasionally
adhesions may be suspected when small echogenic
foci or linear hypoechoic bands are detected in the
endometrial lining [24].
Fig. 12. Coronal SHG in a 31-year-old woman with severe Sonohysterography is highly sensitive in detecting
bleeding demonstrates a large endoluminal submucosal and grading the severity of intrauterine adhesions
fibroid (arrow). Note the thin layer of endometrium on the [23,25]. SHG is more sensitive than even hysterosal-
surface of this lesion (arrowheads). pingography because of the improved cross-sectional
capabilities associated with ultrasound. Adhesions
just 1.5% of cancer deaths [11]. PMB is a common appear as mobile, thin or thick echogenic bands that
symptom of endometrial cancer and leads to early bridge the endometrial cavity (Fig. 18) [25]. As the
detection in most cases. Only 4% to 5% of cases of severity of adhesions progresses, the endometrial
PMB are caused by endometrial cancer, however cavity becomes less distensible during saline infusion
[1,4]. Endometrial cancer usually involves a large (Fig. 19) [26]. Adhesions are often associated with
percentage of the endometrial lining and is readily echogenic endometrial scars, but either entity can be
diagnosed with office endometrial biopsy. Lesions seen without the other (Fig. 20).
can be small and polypoid, however, and may
require a specific hysteroscopic biopsy for diagnosis Retained products of conception
(Fig. 16). Retained products of conception are usually com-
There is a wide variability in the SHG appearance pletely managed with TVUS and dilatation and
of endometrial cancer. Large, broad-based, heteroge- curettage without routine need for SHG. A small
Fig. 13. Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) SHG in a 36-year-old woman with heavy menses and suspected submucosal fibroid shows
the classic sonographic findings of adenomyosis. Note the presence of myometrial cysts (arrows), myometrial echogenic
nodules (arrowheads), and asymmetric anterior wall swelling causing a slight impression on the endometrial lining and cavity
(curved arrows).
790 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 14. (A) Coronal SHG in a 73-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding (PMB) shows a lobulated polypoid mass (arrows)
arising from the posterior endometrial surface. The interface between the polyp and myometrium is normal (arrowheads).
Pathology demonstrated an endometrial polyp with foci of endometrial hyperplasia with severe atypia. (B) Coronal SHG in a
53-year-old woman with PMB demonstrates a broad-based, hypoechoic, lobulated polypoid lesion (arrows) with a poorly defined
interface with myometrium (arrowheads). Pathology revealed an endometrial polyp with foci of endometrial carcinoma.
percentage of patients remain symptomatic despite drug binding at the estrogen receptor has either
repetitive dilatations and curettage because of unde- proestrogenic or antiestrogenic effects depending on
tected foci of retained placental tissue. SHG is the the cell type. Both effects are seen within the endo-
ideal test to identify and localize the residual tissue in metrium, as evidenced by the increased rates of focal
these problematic cases. Retained products of con- and diffuse endometrial pathology and endometrial
ception can have a wide variety of appearances atrophy that have been reported in patients on tamox-
during SHG, but they tend to be more irregular in ifen [28,29]. When endometrial abnormalities are
contour and less homogeneous than typical endome- detected, there is an increased risk for more aggres-
trial polyps [27] (Fig. 21). sive histology within the lesion (Fig. 24) [24].
Tamoxifen also can cause cystic changes in the
Diffuse lesions inner myometrium just beneath the endometrium that
lead to pseudo-thickening of the endometrium on
Endometrial hyperplasia
Diffuse endometrial hyperplasia has a similar
appearance and etiology to that described for focal
hyperplasia, except the abnormality involves a larger
percentage of the endometrial lining (Fig. 22).
Endometrial cancer
Diffuse endometrial cancer has a similar appear-
ance and etiology to that described for focal cancer,
except the abnormality involves most of endometrial
lining. Interrogation of the myometrial-endometrial
interface along the entire base of attachment is crucial
in assessing the invasiveness of a lesion suspected to
represent endometrial carcinoma (Fig. 23).
Fig. 15. Sagittal SHG in a 61-year-old woman with
Tamoxifen-induced subendometrial changes
postmenopausal bleeding shows a long segment of focal
Tamoxifen is a nonsteroidal compound used in endometrial thickening in the posterior endometrial surface
prophylaxis and therapy of breast cancer in premeno- (arrows). The remainder of the endometrium is normal in
pausal and postmenopausal women. Tamoxifen thickness (arrowhead). The interface with the myometrium is
inhibits estrogen-dependent tumor growth by com- normal (curved arrows). Pathology revealed endometrial
peting with estrogen at its receptor sites. The effect of hyperplasia with mild atypia.
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 791
Fig. 16. Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) SHG in a 65-year-old patient with postmenopausal bleeding shows a broad-based
heterogeneous polypoid mass (arrows) with a poorly defined endometrial-myometrial interface (curved arrows). The anterior
endometrium is normal (arrowhead). Office biopsy suggested endometrial atrophy, but hysteroscopic biopsy revealed invasive
endometrial carcinoma.
TVUS (Fig. 25) [30]. This subendometrial process is endometrial thickening, such as endometrial cancer
poorly understood, and different theories exist for the and hyperplasia and aggressive tissue sampling must
pathophysiolgy of this lesion. The most widely be performed (Fig. 26) [30].
accepted theory is that tamoxifen causes a reactiva-
tion of preexisting adenomyosis with the inner layer
of the myometrium [31,32]. This process of cystic Sonohysterography triage of
degeneration of the inner myometrial layer is often postmenopausal bleeding
associated with endometrial atrophy, further compli-
cating diagnosis. If the endometrium is not clearly Postmenopausal patients can be divided into three
distinct from the cystic lesions, it is not possible to specific clinical categories: patients with PMB,
distinguish this process from other causes of true patients on estrogen replacement therapy, and patients
Fig. 17. Sagittal (A) and three-dimensional reformatted long axis (B) SHG in a 66-year-old woman on tamoxifen for breast
cancer. The endometrial cavity is nondistensible in the region of the heterogeneous, annular mass (arrows). The cavity above and
below the mass is filled with saline (arrowheads). Pathology revealed noninvasive endometrial carcinoma.
792 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 18. Sagittal SHG in two different patients, both after hysteroscopic myomectomy, with mild (A) and moderate (B) uterine
adhesions (arrows). The cavity is still distensible in both cases. The thickness of the bridging band is thicker and more irregular
in the case of moderate adhesions.
on tamoxifen. In patients with PMB, TVUS is the recommend SHG for evaluation of all cases of
initial examination performed. If the endometrium PMB, even in cases in which the TVUS is normal [9].
measures less than 4 mm by TVUS, endometrial With SHG, a single layer thickness of the endo-
atrophy is likely to be the cause of the PMB, and metrium of less than 2 mm is considered diagnostic
continued follow-up or one-time biopsy confirmation of endometrial atrophy. Thickening of the endome-
of atrophic endometrium is generally performed. The trium more than 2 mm by SHG suggests diffuse
likelihood of endometrial carcinoma arising in a endometrial pathology, and office endometrial biopsy
homogeneous endometrium with a double layer of should be performed to obtain a specimen for diag-
4 mm is negligible [22]. If the endometrium measures nosis. When focal endometrial abnormalities are
more than 4 mm, is heterogeneous in echotexture, or identified, hysteroscopic-guided resection of the
is not visualized by TVUS, SHG is required to assess abnormality is required to avoid sampling error
for focal versus diffuse endometrial pathology. Some related to the nonspecific office endometrial biopsy
authors propose a more aggressive approach and [23,25].
Fig. 19. (A) Sagittal SHG in a 42-year-old woman with secondary infertility demonstrates a nondistensible cavity and irregular
endometrial lining with an echogenic, nonshadowing focus in the body of the uterus (arrow). (B) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI
reveals presence of hypointense linear adhesion within the T2 bright endometrium in the same location (arrow).
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 793
Fig. 20. (A) Coronal TVUS and SHG (B) in a 53-year-old woman with perimenopausal bleeding. The echogenic focus initially
believed to represent a polyp on TVUS (arrows) was shown after SHG to represent an area of fibrosis within the posterior
endometrial surface. No polypoid mass was detected on SHG, and endometrial biopsy revealed atrophy.
Asymptomatic postmenopausal patients who un- metrial lesions. SHG and office hysteroscopy dem-
dergo TVUS for the purpose of surveillance because onstrate high sensitivity and specificity for the
of hormone replacement therapy or tamoxifen ther- diagnosis of focal and diffuse endometrial lesions
apy are managed slightly differently from patients and can be used effectively in the triage of PMB.
with PMB. In patients on estrogen replacement ther- Reported sensitivity and specificity rates of SHG
apy, many observers allow the double-layer thickness for focal and diffuse endometrial lesions are 80%
of the endometrium to be up to 6 mm before more to 90%, similar to rates reported for hysteroscopy
specific evaluation with biopsy or SHG is attempted, [10,16,17,23,25]. Both methods are well tolerated by
provided the stripe remains smooth and homoge- patients and have high technical success rates.
neous. In cases in which the stripe appears thicker Because of the smaller size of the SHG catheters
than 6 mm but otherwise seems normal, reimaging and the ability of the fluid to pass by proximal
earlier in the hormonal cycle may eliminate the need lesions, fewer failures related to cervical stenosis
for additional evaluation [33]. Some observers sug-
gest SHG and histologic sampling in asymptomatic
patients on hormone replacement therapy when the
endometrial thickness is more than 4 mm [23].
Patients on tamoxifen therapy who have abnor-
mally thick or heterogeneous endometrial stripes are
managed more aggressively than patients in the two
other groups because of the higher incidence of
neoplasia in this group of patients [30]. Dilatation
and curettage provides a more complete method of
endometrial sampling in the cases of diffuse endo-
metrial pathology or abnormalities of the endome-
trial/myometrial interface than office endometrial
biopsy alone.
Fig. 21. Sagittal SHG in a 27-year-old woman with
persistent bHCG elevation and bleeding despite repeat dil-
Sonohysterography versus hysteroscopy atation and curettage. A small focus of placental tissue is
identified along the posterior endometrial surface (arrow)
Office hysteroscopy provides another minimally and resected hysteroscopically. Pathology revealed retained
invasive means of diagnosing focal and diffuse endo- products of conception.
794 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 22. Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) SHG in a 67-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding. There is diffuse thickening of
each endometrial layer (calipers). The anterior endometrial surface demonstrates an irregular interface with the underlying
myometrium. Pathology revealed hyperplasia without atypia.
and proximal adhesions are encountered with SHG imaging test in the triage of PMB and in premeno-
when compared with hysteroscopy. pausal patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding
or infertility. Polyps and submucosal fibroids are
the most common focal findings during SHG. In
Summary postmenopausal patients, detection and accurate
localization of findings, rather than lesion character-
Sonohysterography can distinguish focal from ization, are the primary goals of the procedure.
diffuse pathology reliably and has become a crucial Most, if not all, focal lesions in this patient popula-
Fig. 23. Sagittal (A) and coronal (B) SHG in a 72-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding. There is diffuse irregular
thickening of the posterior endometrial layer (arrows). The anterior endometrial surface is normal (arrowheads). The
endometrial-myometrial interface is highly irregular (curved arrows). Pathology revealed invasive endometrial carcinoma.
M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797 795
Fig. 24. Coronal SHG in a 65-year-old asymptomatic patient on tamoxifen shows a large polypoid lesion that contains multiple
cysts that arise from the lateral endometrial surface (arrow). Pathology revealed an endometrial polyp with foci of carcinoma in situ.
Fig. 25. (A) Sagittal TVUS in a 68-year-old asymptomatic patient on tamoxifen shows a markedly thickened endometrial stripe
(arrows). Multiple cysts are seen at the central and peripheral portions of the endometrial stripe (arrowheads). (B) Sagittal SHG
in same patient demonstrates that all of the cysts are subendometrial (arrowheads). The thin atrophic endometrial can be seen
overlying the largest of the subendometrial cysts (arrow). Endometrial biopsy performed under hysteroscopic guidance revealed
endometrial atrophy.
796 M.J. O’Neill / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 781–797
Fig. 26. (A) Sagittal SHG in a 76-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding on tamoxifen. Multiple peripheral cysts are
present (arrowheads), but the endometrial lining cannot be seen distinctly (arrows). Histology revealed endometrial atrophy. (B)
Sagittal SHG in a 69-year-old asymptomatic patient on tamoxifen demonstrates peripheral cysts (arrowheads) but no distinct
endometrial lining (arrow). The interface between the endometrium and myometrium also is indistinct. Histology revealed
noninvasive endometrial cancer.
tion require tissue diagnosis, even when the imag- postmenopausal bleeding. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand
ing features suggest benign lesions. 1999;78:447 – 51.
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T, Granberg S. Transvaginal ultrasonography of the
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799 – 811
The noninvasive nature of MR imaging is bene- masses, postcontrast and fat suppression or chemical
ficial in evaluations of what are probably benign shift images may be required. Chemical shift imaging
diseases in young women of reproductive age. Al- helps to distinguish fat from blood [6]. Postcontrast
though MR imaging is believed to be safe even images are highly accurate for detection and char-
during pregnancy, a cautious approach that involves acterization of complex adnexal masses [7].
waiting until after 12 weeks’ gestation is recommend-
ed [1,2]. Disadvantages of MR imaging are its high
cost and long scanning time. Its excellent tissue Normal and function related masses
contrast underscores its importance in the evaluation
of adnexal masses, however, because it allows spe- Normal ovaries on MR imaging
cific diagnoses of fat, blood, and fibrous tissue. Even
if normal in size, an ovary may present with tiny foci In women of reproductive age, normal ovaries
of endometrial implants or dermoid cysts that are were identified in 82 of 84 of cases on MR imaging
only identifiable on MR imaging; however, MR [8,9]. T2-weighted images reveal the zonal anatomy
imaging is generally used as a problem-solving of the ovary, which consists of lower intensity cortex
modality. When ultrasound results are inconclusive, and higher intensity medulla. Many cysts that exhibit
the use of MR imaging may alter treatment decisions, high intensity are embedded in the cortex. When less
eliminate the need for surgery, and result in reduced than 25 mm in diameter, these cysts are called
overall costs [3,4]. physiologic cysts and include follicles at various
stages of development, corpus luteum, and surface
inclusion cysts [8,9]. The size and number of cysts in
MR imaging technique ovaries of women of reproductive age change during
their menstrual cycle. A dominant follicle can enlarge
Fasting for several hours and the administration of by 20 to 25 mm [10]. The corpus luteum may present
an anticholinergic agent are mandatory conditions as a cyst with a thick, enhancing, and occasionally
when imaging the pelvis in nonpregnant patients. convoluted wall or as an enhancing nodule. A hemo-
With the use of a phased array multicoil, T1-weighted siderin deposit along the inner aspect of the cyst wall
images are obtained using a spin-echo technique, and may be observed as a line of high intensity on
T2-weighted images are obtained using a fast spin- T1-weighted images and as a line of low intensity
echo technique. Currently, ultrafast imaging tech- on T2-weighted images (Fig. 1) [8,9]. The presence
niques are not accepted as an alternative for fast of an enhancing nodule may cause a problem in
spin-echo technique [5]. In evaluations of pelvic differentiating a hemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst
from a malignant cyst. The corpus luteum gradual-
ly involutes into the corpus albicans, which is not
E-mail address: [email protected] perceptible on imaging findings. In postmenopausal
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
800 K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811
Fig. 1. Normal ovary with a corpus luteum; a cyst distinctly larger than others. (A) T1-weighted image shows thin line of high
intensity that represents a hemosiderin deposit along the wall (arrowheads). (B) T2-weighted image shows a line of relatively
low intensity along the wall (arrowheads). (C) Postcontrast image shows a thick, enhancing, and convoluted wall.
women, ovaries show more homogeneous low sig- These cysts usually range from 3 to 8 cm and have a
nal intensity and are hardly identifiable because of thin wall filled with a simple fluid or a small amount
their fewer ovarian cysts. The hilum of the ovary of blood. Luteal cysts have a thick and enhancing
and the mesovarium may be identified as a well- wall. Luteal cysts are the masses most commonly
enhancing structure. encountered during pregnancy, and they typically
regress after 7 to 8 weeks’ gestation [10]. A small
Functional cysts amount of hemorrhage is common in a luteal cyst and
presents as a layer of low intensity at the bottom of
Functional cysts are common. When a follicle the fluid content on T2-weighted images. It is called a
fails to involute or ovulate, a follicular cyst develops. ‘‘hematocrit effect’’ [11]. With a larger amount of
K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811 801
Fig. 2. Ovarian bleeding from luteal hematoma in acute phase. (A) T1-weighted image shows free peritoneal fluid of intermediate
signal and a mass (arrows) of mixed signal intensity that contains slightly higher signal intensity. (B) T2-weighted image shows
mass (arrows) of mixed signal intensity that consists of high and distinct signal intensity within a free fluid that shows a lower
signal than urine. (C ) The wall of luteal hematoma is enhancing (arrowheads).
802 K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811
Benign neoplasia
Fig. 5. Endometriomas. (A) T1-weighted image shows two cysts of high signal intensity. (B) T2-weighted image shows the cysts
to be of heterogeneous low signal intensity. The dorsal cyst shows a lower signal than that of the ventral one. If the lesion
exhibits high signal on T1-weighted image and low signal on T2-weighted image, the diagnosis of endometriotic cyst is reliable.
(C ) Fat suppressed image shows no reduction in signal intensity of the lesion. The diagnosis of an endometrioma is reliable if the
lesion consists of multiple high intensity cysts on T1-weighted and fat sat images.
tumors [24]. Cysts may be central or eccentric and called Meigs’ syndrome and can be a diagnostic
should be distinguished from necrosis by their thin pitfall. The hypointense signal of the tumor on T2-
walls and smooth inner surfaces. Benign ovarian weighted images is a diagnostic clue.
tumors, such as fibromas and thecomas, occasionally Although low signal intensity of solid tissue is
are associated with ascites and hydrothorax, which usually a reliable indicator of benignancy, it should
usually indicate malignancy. Such a condition is be noted that Krukenberg tumors also can exhibit low
K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811 805
Fig. 6. Brenner tumor associated with mucinous cystadenoma. (A) T1-weighted image shows two components that exhibit low
signal and intermediate signal intensities. (B) T2-weighted image shows a cystic component (representing the mucinous tumor)
and solid tissue (representing the Brenner tumor) that exhibits distinct low signal intensity. (C ) Postcontrast image shows a weak
enhancement in the solid tissue.
signal intensity [26]. Bilaterality and prominent that exhibits prominent high signal intensity on T1-
enhancement favor diagnosis of Krukenberg tumors and T2-weighted images and reduced signal on fat
[26,27]. saturation images (Fig. 7) [6,29]. Reduced signal
Sclerosing stromal tumors differ clinically from intensity on fat saturation image is a diagnostic sign
fibrothecomas by being most common in young for a dermoid cyst and distinguishes it from an
women. Important MR imaging findings are striking endometrioma. Rokitansky protuberances are fre-
enhancement, higher than that of the uterus, pseudo- quently identifiable and may resemble solid protru-
lobulation that consists of low intensity nodules set sions on precontrast images. Contrast enhancement
against high intensity background on T2-weighted is usually absent in these protrusions, however. Al-
images, and a peripheral rim [28]. Preoperative diag- though dermoid cysts are typically filled with seba-
nosis of this benign tumor may help to offer a less ceous fluid, huge dermoid cysts in younger age
invasive treatment option, such as laparoscopic sur- groups may be filled with simple fluid and have scant
gery. Because this tumor easily can be mistaken as a fatty tissue [30].
Krukenberg tumor on histologic studies, the role of Immature teratomas, malignant counterparts of
imaging is important. dermoid cysts, also present as huge cystic masses
filled with simple fluid and scant fatty tissue. As
Germ cell tumors with other germ cell tumors, dermoid cysts are
commonly associated with an elevated level of
Germ cell tumors are the most commonly encoun- serum marker CA 19-9. If the lesion is associated
tered tumors in children and young adults. More than with a slightly elevated level of alpha-fetoprotein, an
95% of germ cell tumors are benign dermoid cysts, immature teratoma should be considered, because the
which are referred to as mature cystic teratomas. two conditions are not distinguishable on imaging
Dermoid cysts are usually filled with sebaceous fluid findings alone.
806 K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811
Fig. 7. Dermoid cyst. (A) T1-weighted image shows a cyst that contains a layer of high and intermediate signal intensities.
(B) T2-weighted image shows that both contents exhibit high signal intensity. (C ) Fat suppressed image shows reduced signal
intensity of both contents, indicating fatty fluid. The upper layer represents pure sebaceous fluid, and the lower layer represents
sebaceous fluid mixed with hair or desquamated epithelium.
K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811 807
Struma ovarii is a germ cell tumor but consists is usually ill defined and associated with prominent
of a monodermal component with thyroid tissue, in ‘‘mesh-like’’ linear stranding that radiates from the
contrast to other teratomas, which have three dermal mass to the adjacent pelvic structures [32]. Lympha-
layers. MR imaging findings may be diagnostic of denopathy may be observed.
this condition. Typical findings include a multiloc-
ulated cystic mass with numerous minute loculi, Actinomycosis
thick content that exhibits low signal intensity on
T2-weighted images, and striking enhancement [31]. Granuloma may be caused by an actinomycosis
A thyroid scintigram may confirm a diagnosis. infection. Actinomycotic granulomata may lack typ-
ical clinical findings of inflammation from the begin-
ning. The lesion may have a cystic component, but it
Inflammatory masses predominantly presents as a solid mass that exhibits
low signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging. The
Chronic inflammatory masses develop as sequelae mass tends to show diffuse and widespread involve-
of acute pelvic inflammatory diseases or granuloma- ment of the uterus, bilateral adnexa, and muscles of
tous diseases. These conditions are occasionally mis- pelvic girdles, and it resembles extensive invasion by
taken as gynecologic malignancies because they uterine cancer [33]. Aggressive transfascial extension
frequently involve multiple pelvic organs and show is an important characteristic of actinomycosis, and
no obvious inflammatory signs. In some clinical set- the presence of transfascial extension should indicate
tings, MR imaging may offer an accurate diagnosis of actinomycosis in the absence of any known pelvic
these problematic conditions. malignancy. Identification of a foreign body, such as
an intrauterine contraceptive device, further favors a
Chronic stage of tubo-ovarian abscesses diagnosis of actinomycosis. Diagnosis is established
with identification of a sulfur granule within the mass
Acute pelvic inflammatory disease typically (Fig. 8).
presents with acute inflammatory symptoms, and
ultrasound is the modality of choice to evaluate this Tuberculosis
condition. If an acute condition is inadequately
treated, however, the lesion progresses insidiously Tuberculosis typically presents as adnexitis, lym-
to a chronic inflammatory mass. This progression phadenitis, or peritonitis. Prominent lymphadenop-
usually results in a mixed solid and cystic lesion athy associated with endometritis resembles an
having a thick wall with variable signal intensity of advanced uterine cancer, whereas massive ascites
the fluid. Hydrosalpinx and pyosalpinx are frequently and peritoneal enhancement mimic ovarian cancer
identifiable. Because of associated edema and a with peritoneal carcinomatosis. Diagnosis is difficult
tendency to adhere to the adjacent tissue, the lesion because symptoms are vague. Massive ascites, lymph
Fig. 8. Pelvic actinomycosis. (A) T1-weighted image shows a lesion that involves bilateral adnexa, the uterus, and left pyriform
muscle. This pattern of extension is called transfascial extension. (B) T2-weighted image reveals a predominantly solid mass of
relatively low signal intensity with a small cystic component (arrowheads).
808 K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811
node enlargement, and adnexal masses should indi- pin. With the advent of imaging findings and more
cate tuberculosis if the usual clinical evaluation has sensitive laboratory tests, most patients are identifi-
failed to identify gynecologic malignancies. Culture able while in an asymptomatic status. Sonographic
of abscess fluid or polymerase chain reaction analysis findings in association with elevated human chorionic
is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. gonadotropin and clinical findings, such as abnormal
vaginal bleeding after amenorrhea, are diagnostic in
many cases. If sonographic findings are inconclusive,
Other uncommon benign adnexal masses however, MR imaging helps to make a more confi-
dent diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, because MR
Magnetic resonance findings occasionally help to imaging is sensitive for blood elements. Acute he-
make an accurate diagnosis of uncommon benign matoma exhibits intermediate signal intensity on
conditions that may resemble gynecologic malignan- T1-weighted images and distinct low signal intensity
cies. Examples discussed in this section include on T2-weighted images [13]. The wall in hematosal-
hematocele caused by ectopic pregnancy, torsed pinx is prominently enhanced, which represents
adnexal masses, massive ovarian edema, and solid increased blood flow because of implantation. Rare-
adnexal masses caused by endometriosis. ly, an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy proceeds to
chronic stage hematocele and shows prominent high
Hematosalpinx and hematocele caused by signal intensity on T1- and T2-weighted images.
ectopic pregnancy
Ovarian torsion
Typical presentation of ectopic pregnancy is acute
abdominal pain and bleeding in a patient with a Acute abdominal pain is a typical presentation of
positive test result for b-human chorionic gonadotro- torsion, but it also frequently presents with vague
Fig. 9. Torsed ovary with massive hemorrhagic infarction. (A) T1-weighted image shows a mass of intermediate signal associated
with a beaked protuberance, which indicates a pedicle (arrowheads). (B) T2-weighted image shows distinct low intensity, which
indicates necrosis. (C) Postcontrast image reveals complete absence of any enhancement.
K. Togashi / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 799–811 809
Fig. 10. Massive ovarian edema. (A) T2-weighted image shows the ovary (arrowheads), which is extremely swollen but still
keeps the shape of a fava been, and the ovarian hilum (arrows). Within the ovary, fine radiations from the hilum can be seen. (B)
Postcontrast image shows strong enhancement of the ovarian hilum (arrows) and a lack of enhancement of the entire ovary,
except for weak enhancement in the radiations.
symptoms that make clinical diagnosis difficult. vic structures, but it occasionally appears in an
Imaging findings vary according to the stage of adnexa. Because of a hard consistency of the lesion,
torsion (eg, the extent of edema and ischemia). With this condition may be mistaken for ovarian cancer on
hemorrhage and necrosis, torsion presents as a ne- palpation. MR imaging may be helpful in obtaining
crotic mass that lacks enhancement. At an early stage, an accurate diagnosis of endometriosis [38,39]. The
a torsed ovary is swollen with multiple follicles solid mass exhibits distinct low signal intensity on
separated by edematous stroma. In both stages, the T2-weighted images, which reflects its fibrocollage-
common finding is the presence of a thick pedicle nous nature. Punctate foci of high signal intensity on
between the mass and the uterus [34,35]. Another T1-weighted images are frequently identifiable within
important finding that favors a diagnosis of torsion is the solid mass. The presence of an endometriotic cyst
an absence or diminished enhancement of the mass. If further progresses a diagnosis of endometriosis.
one can make an early diagnosis of an incomplete
torsion with vague symptoms based on imaging
findings, prompt surgical intervention helps to sal-
vage ovaries (Fig. 9). Summary
treatment decisions and net cost analysis. Radiology trial cyst in a pregnant woman: a case observed with a
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813 – 839
Osteoporosis imaging
Thomas M. Link, MDa,*, Sharmila Majumdar, PhDb,c
Department of Radiology, Technische Universität München, Ismaninger Straße 22, Munich D-81675, Germany
Departments of Radiology, Orthopedic Surgery and Growth and Development, University of California at San Francisco,
MRSC, Box 1290, AC 109, 1 Irving Street, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA
Department of Bioengineering, University of California at Berkeley, Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
814 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
As populations age, the incidence of osteoporosis estrogen receptor modulators, estrogen, and calcito-
and subsequent fractures increases. In Western civi- nin are effective drugs in preventing osteoporotic
lization—the United States and Europe—osteoporosis fractures. Research has shown recently that an estro-
is already the most prevalent bone disease and will gen/progestin replacement therapy has substantial
generate major problems for public health institutions side effects, including an increased risk of breast
[5]. In California, osteoporosis accounted for more cancer that increases with the duration of use [11].
than $2.4 billion in direct health care costs in 1998 Because of these side effects and to limit the sub-
and more than $4 million in lost productivity because stantial costs associated with these medications, sen-
of premature death [6]. Most of the cost results from sitive and specific diagnostic techniques are required
hip fractures and other fractures. Only 15% of costs to assess the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Therapy
are for people with a diagnosis of ‘‘osteoporosis’’ per also must be initiated at a relatively early stage before
se, and of this group, most of the costs are associated fractures occur.
with a secondary—not a primary—diagnosis. Ac- The best established diagnostic techniques to
cording to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, assess osteoporosis focus on BMD (ie, DXA and
more than 40% of middle-aged women will suffer QCT). Several newer emerging techniques are quan-
one or more osteoporotic fractures during their titative ultrasound and high-resolution tomographic
remaining lifetime. The most important fracture sites techniques that analyze bone structure, such as high-
are the proximal femur, spine, and distal radius. Hip resolution MRI and CT. Conventional radiographs
fractures are the worst complication of osteoporosis, are not suited for determining bone mass but are es-
with substantial morbidity and high 1-year mortality sential for assessing osteoporotic fractures, which are
rates. The rate of hip fractures is expected to triple particularly important in the spine.
over the next three decades [7,8]. Vertebral fractures
occur with a higher incidence earlier in life than other
types of osteoporotic fractures [9]. It is difficult to Imaging of fracture and deformity
determine the exact number of fractures that occur
annually, however, because many cases are clinically Osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures have im-
undetected [10]. portant health consequences for older women, includ-
Several therapies are available to prevent osteo- ing disability and increased mortality [12]. Because
porosis and osteoporotic fractures. In addition to these fractures can be prevented with appropriate
calcium and vitamin D bisphosphonates, selective medications, recognition and treatment of high-risk
Fig. 1. The spinal fracture index is a semiquantitative score that was developed by Genant et al [16] and differentiates four grades
of fracture. (From Genant HK, Wu CY, van Kuijk C, Nevitt MC. Vertebral fracture assessment using a semiquantitative
technique. J Bone Miner Res 1993;8:1137 – 1148; with permission of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.)
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 815
patients are warranted. In a cross-sectional survey, Because most vertebral fractures do not come to
Gehlbach et al [13] analyzed 934 women aged clinical attention, the radiographic diagnosis is im-
60 years and older who were hospitalized and had a portant. The severity of vertebral fractures may be
chest radiograph obtained. Moderate or severe ver- visually determined from radiographs using a semi-
tebral fractures were identified for 132 (14.1%) study quantitative score, the so-called ‘‘spinal fracture
subjects. Only 50% of the contemporaneous radi- index,’’ which was previously developed by Genant
ology reports identified a fracture as present, how- et al (Fig. 1) [16]. In this score, four grades are
ever, and only 17 (1.8%) of the 934 participants had a differentiated: grade 0 = no fracture; grade 1 = mild
discharge diagnosis of vertebral fracture. Few hospi- fracture (reduction in vertebral height 20% – 25%);
talized older women with radiographically demon- grade 2 = moderate fracture (reduction in height
strated vertebral fractures were identified or treated 25% – 40%); grade 3 = severe fracture (reduction in
by clinicians. The results of this study should increase height more than 40%). Fig. 2 shows examples of
the awareness of the radiologist in diagnosing ver- different grades of osteoporotic fractures in the tho-
tebral fractures. The presence of one vertebral frac- racic and lumbar spine in postmenopausal patients.
ture increases the risk of any subsequent vertebral Several other scores have been developed, such as
fracture fivefold [14], and 20% of the women who the ‘‘spine deformity index’’ and the ‘‘radiological
have a recent diagnosis of a fracture will sustain a vertebral index’’ [17 – 19], but these scores are used
new fracture within the next 12 months [15]. less frequently.
Fig. 2. Spine radiographs. (A) Moderate grade 2 fracture of a thoracic vertebra (T9) with a height reduction of nearly 40%
(arrow). (B) Grade 1 fracture of a lumbar vertebra (L2) with a wedge-like deformity and a maximum height reduction of 20% to
25% (arrow).
816 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Conventional radiographs of the spine are not nosis of osteoporotic and malignant pathologic frac-
suited to determine BMD in the early diagnosis of tures may be difficult. Fractures located above the
osteoporosis because it takes a bone loss of more T7 level, associated with a soft tissue mass or osseous
than 20% to 40% before osteoporosis is visualized in destruction and involving the posterior part of the
the radiographs [20]. Morphologic signs described on vertebrae in conventional radiographs, most likely are
spine radiographs, such as a coarse trabecular struc- malignant. CT and MRI may be helpful in differenti-
ture and a frame-like appearance of the vertebrae, are ating osteoporotic and malignant fractures and depict-
also not reliable [21]. ing multiple lesions, soft tissue masses, or destructive
Conventional radiographs are important in the changes (Fig. 4). Diffusion-weighted MR sequences
differential diagnosis of osteoporosis, however, be- and iron oxide contrast media in MRI have been used
cause several other diseases may present with bone successfully to differentiate malignant and benign
loss and fractures. In rare cases, osteoporosis may bone marrow pathologic conditions [22,23].
present with a coarse trabecular structure with thick Conventional radiographs of the proximal femur
vertical trabeculae suggestive of vertebral heman- and the distal radius are usually obtained after a low
gioma. This so-called ‘‘hypertrophic atrophy,’’ how- impact trauma with persistent symptoms in post-
ever, is generalized and the trabecular bone structure menopausal elderly individuals. In many cases, frac-
appears more coarse than in hemangioma (Fig. 3A). tures may be occult in conventional radiographs.
Important differential diagnoses in osteoporosis are Bogost et al showed that 37% of proximal femur
osteomalacia, hyperparathyroidism, renal osteopathia, fractures were not detected in conventional radio-
and malignant bone marrow disorders (eg, plasmo- graphs, which were demonstrated in MR scans of
cytoma and diffuse metastatic disease). Endplate frac- these patients [24]. Non-enhanced T1-weighted and
tures are found in Scheuermann’s disease (Fig. 3B) short T1 inversion recovery or spectrally fat saturated
and malignant lesions (Fig. 4). The differential diag- T2-weighted sequences are recommended in patients
Fig. 3. Differential diagnosis, conventional spine radiographs. (A) Osteoporosis presents with a coarse trabecular bone structure
similar to vertebral hemangioma (hypertrophic atrophy) (arrows). (B) Deformity of multiple vertebrae caused by Scheuermann’s
disease with fractured endplates and nonossified apophyses (arrows).
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 817
with a high clinical suspicion of fracture but negative Single-photon absorptiometry is another tech-
radiographs (Fig. 5). nique for measuring peripheral BMD that uses a
highly collimated photon beam from a radionuclide
source (such as iodine-125) to measure photon
Osteodensitometry attenuation [28]. This technique measures BMD of
the distal radius and the calcaneus. Because single-
Several techniques have been used to measure photon absorptiometry is a single energy technique, a
bone density. Photo densitometry was one of the first standardized water bath is required. This method has
quantitative techniques that was used to determine a high precision and low exposure dose, but the use
bone mass of the calcaneus, metacarpals, and pha- of a radionuclide source is a limitation of this
langes [25]. Digital x-ray radiogrammetry is a new technique. The same applies to dual-photon absorpti-
method that automatically identifies regions in radius, ometry, which may be used for the spine, hip, and
ulna, and the three middle metacarpals and measures total body because of the dual energy technique
bone density [26]. This method has a high precision (typically gadolinium-153 with energies of 44 and
and reliability and may be used in standard radio- 100 keV), which reduces the soft tissue contribution
graphs of the forearm to predict hip, vertebral, and substantially [29]. This technique has a high precision
wrist fracture risk [27]. and a low exposure dose, but the scanning time is
Fig. 4. Pathologic vertebral fracture caused by bone metastasis. (A) Conventional spine radiograph depicts fractures of two
thoracic vertebrae (arrows). Sagittal T1-weighted (B) and short T1 inversion recovery MR images (C) show multiple neoplastic
lesions (arrows) of the spine in addition to the vertebral fractures.
818 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Fig. 5. Osteoporotic proximal femur fracture caused by minor trauma. The femoral neck fracture was not depicted on the
conventional radiograph (A) but is clearly shown in the coronal short T1 inversion recovery MR image (arrow) (B). The MR
examination was performed because of persistent pain 4 days after the initial trauma.
When analyzing DXA scans, several pitfalls that trochanteric region, and the intertrochanteric region.
may be operator dependent must be considered, such Ward’s ROI has an inferior precision compared with
as mislabeled vertebrae, misplaced disk space mark- the other ROIs and is currently not used as a
ers, wrong sized ROIs, use of a fractured or deformed standard ROI. The precision for hip BMD and the
vertebra for measurement, and opaque artifacts in the annual rate of loss are lower compared with AP
analysis region. These analysis errors are of greater spine DXA and the least significant change is higher
magnitude than the machine’s intrinsic precision (Tables 1, 2).
errors [38]. DXA of the proximal femur is a particu- As in DXA of the lumbar spine, several operator-
larly important examination because it is currently dependent errors may occur in the proximal femur
one of the best techniques to assess fracture risk of and should be detected by the radiologist [38,40].
the hip (Fig. 7). The examination of the hip, however, Most of these errors are caused by improper position-
is more demanding than that of the spine [39]. The ing of the patient and the ROIs. Correct positioning of
proximal femur must be positioned in a standardized the patient includes internal rotation of the hip with a
fashion and several ROIs must be placed correctly. straight femoral shaft (the lesser trochanter should not
The correct location of these ROIs varies according to or just barely be visualized). Correct positioning and
the manufacturer. Standard ROIs are the neck region, size of the ROIs, in particular the neck box, may vary
the trochanteric region, and the intertrochanteric re- according to the manufacturer (eg, Lunar/GE systems
gion and Ward’s ROI (the square of 1 1 cm with have a standardized size of the neck box that is placed
the lowest density within the proximal femur). The automatically in the region of the neck with the
ROI that is used most frequently is the total femur. smallest diameter). Osteoarthritis, Paget’s disease,
The total femur ROI consists of the neck region, the fracture, vascular calcifications, calcific tendinitis,
820 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Table 1
Accuracy, precision, and radiation exposure of techniques used for bone mineral density measurement
Radiation exposure,
Techniques Location Accuracy [%] Precision [%] effective dose [mSv]
Older techniques
Photo densitometry Phalanx, metacarpals 10 5 <5
DPA Lumbar spine, proximal femur 2 – 11 2–3 5
2–5 3
SXA Radius, calcaneus 4–6 1–2 <1
Dual energy QCT Lumbar spine 3–6 4–6 f500a
enostosis, and avascular necrosis of the hip are also low, which is a potential limitation for monitoring
potential sources of error. Conventional radiographs BMD. Dedicated devices have been developed that
may be required if an atypical density profile is are portable and inexpensive and have shorter scan
shown. If these lesions are too large or developmental times [49]. It has been shown that these techniques
dysplasia of the hip is found, BMD must be deter- may be useful in assessing osteoporosis and fracture
mined at a different site. risk [50]. In comparison with spine and hip DXA
Recently an upper neck region has been intro- measurements, however, the peripheral BMD mea-
duced that is supposed to predict the risk of femur surements are less suited to predicting fracture risk of
neck fractures better than the complete neck ROI the spine and proximal femur. They may be useful in
(Fig. 8) [41]. The thickness and porosity in the upper reducing the cost of detection of osteoporosis, how-
neck region are believed to be critical to maintaining ever, and provide a greater opportunity for identifica-
femoral strength. The upper neck region also dem- tion of women at risk for fracture [49].
onstrates a more rapid age-related decline than the
standard femoral neck region [42]. An automated hip Quantitative computed tomography
axis length measurement also is included in one of
the manufacturer’s newest software analysis pack- Standard QCT is performed on the lumbar spine;
ages, which is supposed to improve the prediction of usually the first to third lumbar vertebrae are ana-
proximal femur fracture (Fig. 8) [43 – 46]. Dual femur lyzed. In contrast to DXA, QCT allows a true den-
measurements are recommended to reduce precision sitometric, volumetric measurement (in mg/mL) of
error and facilitate the evaluation of skeletal response trabecular bone, whereas DXA gives an areal BMD
to therapy at the femur [47,48]. (in mg/cm2), which includes trabecular and cortical
Peripheral DXA techniques include those that bone. Because the trabecular bone has a substantially
analyze the distal radius and the calcaneus. These higher metabolic turnover, it is more sensitive to
techniques have high precision and low radiation changes in BMD (annual rate of bone loss in QCT
exposure, but annual BMD loss at these sites is 2% – 4% versus 1% in AP DXA of the spine). On the
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 821
other hand, the precision of QCT is lower than that assessment because these vertebrae usually have an
of DXA (1.5% – 4% versus 1%), and significant increased BMD.
longitudinal changes must be larger (6% – 11% ver- QCT may be performed at any CT system; how-
sus 3% – 4%) (Tables 1, 2). A big advantage of QCT ever, a calibration phantom is required and dedicated
is that it is not as susceptible to degenerative changes software improves the precision of the examination.
of the spine as DXA. Osteophytes, facet joint de- The patient is examined supine, lying on the phantom
generation, and soft tissue calcifications (particular- usually with a water- or gel-filled cushion in between
ly aortic calcification) do not falsely elevate the to avoid artifacts caused by air gaps. A lateral digital
BMD in QCT. As in DXA, however, fractured or radiograph respectively scout view is used to select
deformed vertebrae must not be used for BMD mid-vertebral slice positions of L1-3 parallel to the
Fig. 6. DXA. Anteroposterior spine of a 79-year-old postmenopausal, white woman. (A) The DXA scan of the lumbar spine with
L1-4 ROIs. Note that the areas of the facet joints in L1, L2, and L4 appear denser than in L3, which corresponds to degenerative
changes (osteoarthritis of the facet joints). (B) This is reflected in the absolute BMD data, in which the areal density in L1, L2,
and L4 is higher than in L3. Applying the WHO guidelines to the T-scores, L3 would be evaluated as osteopenic (T-score =
1.6), whereas the other vertebrae would be considered as normal. (B) The age-matched standard deviations (Z-scores) also are
shown, which are in or above the normal range. (C) The BMD of L3 is presented in relation to patient age, the absolute BMD
values (left), the T-scores (right), and the Z-score (gray areas).
822 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Fig. 6 (continued ).
vertebral endplates (Fig. 9). Automated software that solid-state ‘‘Cann-Genant’’ phantom (Fig. 10A) [57]
selects the mid-vertebral planes may be useful in and (2) the phantom developed by Kalender et al
reducing the precision error [51]. Usually a slice (Fig. 10B) [58,59]. The latter phantom has a small
thickness of 8 to 10 mm is used (Fig. 9). A low- cross-section and is constituted of only two density
energy, low-dose protocol (eg, 80 kVp and 146 mAs) phases: a 200 mg/mL calcium hydroxyapatite phase
is recommended to minimize radiation exposure and a water equivalent.
(down to an effective dose of 50 – 60 mSv, including Several ROIs have been used to determine the
the digital radiograph) [52]. Bone marrow fat in- BMD in the axial sections of the vertebrae. Manually
creases with age and may decrease BMD falsely. placed elliptical ROIs (Fig. 11A) and automated
The actual BMD may be underestimated by 15% to image evaluation with elliptical and peeled ROIs
20%. Because of age-matched databases, however, (Fig. 11B) have been described [58,60]. The ROI
the clinical relevance of this fat error is small [53]. A developed by Kalender et al uses an automatic
dual-energy QCT technique was described to reduce contour tracking of the cortical shell to determine a
the fat error. Because this technique has increased ROI analyzing trabecular and cortical (as visualized
radiation exposure and decreased precision, however, by CT) BMD separately [58]. The use of automated
its use is limited to research purposes [52,54]. ROIs improves the precision of BMD measurements
To transform the attenuation measured in Hounds- [59,61]. Steiger et al [60] have shown that elliptical
field units into BMD (mg/mL), calibration phantoms and peeled ROIs yield similar results and have a high
are required. The patient and the phantom are exam- correlation (r = 0.99).
ined at the same time, which is defined as simulta- Data obtained by QCT are compared with an age-,
neous calibration. The Cann-Genant phantom with sex-, and race-matched database (Fig. 12) [62,63].
five cylindrical channels filled with K2HPO4 solu- T-scores used for the assessment of osteoporosis ac-
tions (of known concentrations) was the first phantom cording to the WHO definition have been established
in clinical use [55,56]. Because of the limited long- for DXA but not for QCT, although they may be given
term stability of these solutions, however, solid-state by the software of the manufacturers. If these T-scores
phantoms with densities expressed in milligrams of are used to diagnose osteoporosis, a substantially
calcium hydroxyapatite/mL were developed, which higher number of individuals compared with DXA
do not change with time and are more resistant to will be diagnosed as osteoporotic, because BMD mea-
damage. Two phantoms are currently used: (1) the sured with QCT shows a faster decrease with age than
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 823
DXA (Fig. 12). Researchers have advocated using imal femur, is feasible within a few seconds. These
BMD measurements analogous to the WHO defi- data sets can be used to obtain three-dimensional
nition but with thresholds corresponding to lower images, which provide geometric and volumetric
T-scores. Felsenberg et al [52] classify BMD values density information. A drawback of these techniques,
from 120 to 80 mg/mL as osteopenic and BMD values however, is a relatively high exposure dose, which
less than 80 mg/mL as osteoporotic, which corre- has been estimated as high as 350 mSv for the spine
sponds to a T-score of approximately 3. and 1200 mSv for the hip using software developed
With spiral and multislice CT, acquisition of larger by Kalender et al [64]. The primary advantage of
bone volumes, such as entire vertebrae and the prox- volumetric QCT of the spine is an improved precision
Fig. 7. DXA. Proximal femur of a 53-year-old postmenopausal, white woman. (A) The DXA scan of the proximal femur with the
ROIs: the neck ROI (*), the trochanteric ROI (**), Ward’s ROI (arrow), and the intertrochanteric ROI (***). The total BMD is
determined from the measurements in the neck ROI, the trochanteric ROI, and the intertrochanteric ROI. Note that the lesser
trochanter is only barely depicted. Applying the WHO guidelines to the T-scores, the total proximal femur ROI is in the normal
range (B). This ROI also should be used for the diagnosis, although Ward’s ROI is within the osteopenic range. (C) The BMD of
the total femur ROI is presented in relation to patient age, the absolute BMD values (left), the T-scores (right), and the Z-score
(gray areas).
824 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Fig. 7 (continued ).
for trabecular BMD measurements, which was 1.3% underlying basis of this method is the attenuation
as determined during an in vivo study [65]. An of sound waves as they pass through bone and the
algorithm developed by Lang et al [66] processes time taken for a sound wave to propagate through
volumetric CT images of the proximal femur to bone. A transducer is placed close to an easily
measure BMD in the femoral neck, total femur, and accessible bone with little soft tissue overlying it,
trochanteric regions. This technique has a high pre- and as the signal travels through the bone it is
cision rate of 0.6% to 1.1% for trabecular bone and attenuated. The attenuation increases with frequency,
may be used to determine geometric measures, such and the rate of attenuation over a given frequency
as the cross-sectional area of the femur neck and the range is measured and provides a measure of broad-
hip axis length. These measurements may be useful in band ultrasonic attenuation. The speed of sound
optimizing fracture prediction of the proximal femur. is also measured by many commercial ultrasound
Dedicated peripheral QCT scanners have been de- devices, and this measure is obtained by the time
veloped to assess the BMD of the distal radius [67].
These scanners have a low radiation dose and a
high precision with a short examination time but Table 2
have the same limitations as peripheral DXA in the Least significant change for quantitative CT and dual x-ray
monitoring of patients with osteoporosis. Although absorptiometry and average annual bone mineral density
this technique is potentially suited to predict fracture loss and monitoring time interval in healthy women
risk, studies have shown the limitations of this after menopause
technique in predicting spine fractures and proximal Rate of BMD
hip fractures compared with other bone densitometry LSC (%) loss (%/y) MTI (y)
techniques [68 – 70]. DXA, femur 4–8 0.5 – 1 5–6
DXA, AP spine 3–4 0.5 – 2 3
Quantitative ultrasound DXA, radius 3 1 3
QCT 6 – 11 2–4 3
Quantitative ultrasound techniques recently have Peripheral QCT (radius) 3 1 3
been proposed for the assessment of osteoporosis, in Abbreviations: AP, anteroposterior; LSC, least significant
particular at peripheral skeletal sites such as the change; MTI, monitoring time interval; QCT, quantitative
calcaneus, tibia, and the phalanges [71 – 75]. The CT; y, year.
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 825
Fig. 8. (A) Advances in DXA of the proximal femur show the upper neck region (arrow), which constitutes the upper half of the
neck region and (B) the hip axis line, which includes a femoral and an acetabular part.
Fig. 9. QCT of the lumbar spine. (A) A lateral digital radiograph is shown with the mid-vertebral slice positions of L1-3 that
are aligned parallel to the vertebral endplates. (B) Depiction of a 10-mm thick section of L2 with the calibration phantom (*)
and the gel cushion (**). An automated, peeled ROI (which determines cortical and trabecular bone mineral density sep-
arately) was used.
This gives rise to localized inhomogeneities in the The impact of bone on the MR properties of mar-
magnetic field that depend on the number of trabecular row was first investigated in an in vitro experiment in
bone marrow interfaces, the size of the individual 1986 by Davis et al [82] at a field strength of 5.8 T.
trabeculae, and the field strength. The diffusion of The investigators found that as bone density in-
water in these magnetic field inhomogeneities results creased, there were concomitant increases in the mag-
in an irreversible loss of magnetization and shortens netic field inhomogeneities and decreases in T2*. At
the marrow relaxation time T2. This effect also a field strength of 0.6 T, Rosenthal et al [83] showed
depends on magnetic field strength and is greater at that in excised cadaveric specimens the relaxation
higher magnetic field strength. In addition to these time T2* of saline present in the marrow spaces was
effects on marrow relaxation, an effect may occur in shorter than that of pure saline. Calibration of T2*
the presence of trabeculae, that is, the modification of with measures of BMD have been undertaken in vitro
the marrow relaxation time T2*. In specific types of [83 – 89] and in vivo [90 – 94]. Investigators also have
MR imaging sequences (eg, gradient-echo sequences) found that T2* variations with bone density depend
in addition to diffusion-mediated loss of magnetiza- on the spatial resolution at which the images are
tion, the magnetization is further lost irreversibly as a obtained [90] and on the three-dimensional distri-
result of the field inhomogeneities. This loss results in bution of the trabecular bone, or structure, as shown
a characteristic relaxation time T2*, which includes in computer studies [85,95] and phantom experiments
the additional contribution caused by field inhomoge- [83,96 – 98].
neities and the T2 relaxation properties. This effect In the area of osteoporosis, the biomechanical
forms the basis of quantitative MR imaging. properties of trabecular bone are of ultimate impor-
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 827
Fig. 10. (A) QCT calibration phantoms show a solid-state ‘‘Cann-Genant’’ phantom, comprised of five density phases. (B) The
phantom developed by Kalender et al with a small cross-section, is comprised of two density phases.
tance. Using specimens from the human tibia [99] fact that the ultrasound measure is a single point
and vertebrae [100], it has been shown that T1/T2* measure and could be measuring a small and variable
increases linearly as the elastic modulus increases. region between subjects. The heterogeneity in the
Correlations between ultimate compressive strength bone density and its impact on T2* in the calcaneus
and T2* have been studied in porcine bone [86] and was quantified in vivo by Guglielmi et al [104], who
human vertebral samples [101]. showed that the shortest relaxation time occurs in the
Clinically, Sebag et al [102] showed qualitatively superior talar region that corresponds to the highest
that bone marrow in the presence of trabecular bone BMD. They also demonstrated a linear correlation
showed increased signal loss in gradient-echo images, between MRI and DXA measurements (r = 0.66 for
where T2* effects predominate. Subsequently, quan- T1/T2* versus BMD). In a case control study, T2*
titative estimates of T2* in regions of varying bone measures of the proximal femur distinguished
density, such as in the epiphysis, metaphysic, and between subjects with hip fractures and normal sub-
diaphysis, were measured by Ford et al [92] using a jects [105]. A combination of relaxation time mea-
technique known as interferometry and localized pro- sures and BMD improved the ability to discriminate
ton spectroscopy. In a small sample size, researchers persons with vertebral fractures from individuals
also have shown that T2* values potentially may without [106].
distinguish osteoporotics from normals [91]. In vivo
calibration of T2* with trabecular bone density has
been obtained from coincident measurements in the Imaging of trabecular bone structure
forearm, distal-femur, and proximal tibia using MRI
and QCT [103]. In the context of osteoporosis, in addition to the
Fransson et al [94] correlated T2* in the tibia with quantity (mass) or the density of bone mineral, other
measures of BMD in the proximal femur and calca- factors such as the extent of mineralization, the
neal ultrasound. The investigators found good corre- macro-architecture of the bone, the trabecular bone
lations between T2* with BMD but relatively lower micro-architecture, and bone turnover play a role in
correlation with ultrasound measures. This could be defining bone strength. Several methods to assess
caused by the significant heterogeneity of bone these parameters are under study, and they aim to
structure in the calcaneus and in the tibia and the extend knowledge in the area of bone biology.
828 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
Fig. 11. Different ROIs used for the analysis in QCT. (A) An elliptical ROI that was placed manually. (B) An automatically
placed ‘‘peeled’’ ROI, which determines trabecular and cortical BMD separately.
Fig. 12. Age-related decrease of BMD in QCT, which is more substantial than that found in DXA of the lumbar spine. The
BMD of L3 in an individual patient is shown in relation to age and age-matched normal BMD. Although manufacturers give
T- and Z-scores (in this 62-year-old female patient the T-score would be 3.2 SD and the Z-score 0.7), these are not
established for QCT.
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 829
Fig. 13. (A) Three-dimensional rendering of trabecular bone specimen imaged after photographing 5 mm thick layers in
sequence, using a serial grinder to reveal the subsequent layers. The radiographs in B – D, which were obtained using
different orthogonal projections, reveal differences in trabecular pattern caused by the anisotropy and orientation of the three-
dimensional trabecular network.
830 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
obtained with DXA in predicting the presence or used the same technique and found significant differ-
absence of fractures elsewhere in the spine. Buck- ences between patients with osteoporotic spine frac-
land-Wright et al [116] analyzed magnification radio- ture and age-matched controls.
graphs of lumbar vertebrae in an experimental and
clinical study using fractal signature analysis. Similar Quantitative ultrasound assessment
analysis by Link et al [117] using morphometric
texture parameters and direct magnification radio- In early studies, quantitative US was found to
graphs have shown that texture measures may have depend on the orientation of trabecular bone [123]
some relevance in predicting biomechanical prop- and researchers postulated that it provided a measure
erties. In the study by Veenland et al [118] on direct that was a combination of trabecular bone density and
magnification radiography of human cadaveric ver- structure, especially in the calcaneus. Subsequent
tebrae, texture parameters based on mathematical studies questioned the role of quantitative US in the
morphology were assessed. Multivariate regression assessment of trabecular bone structure and have
of fracture stress versus BMD and the textural param- shown that in the commercial ultrasound devices,
eters showed that for the female vertebrae, a com- ultrasound measures seem to depict bone density
bination of one texture parameter and BMD gave a alone [124].
better prediction of fracture stress than BMD alone.
Several authors used calcaneus radiographs to Assessment from three-dimensional
analyze bone structure with fractal dimension. Les- tomographic images
pessailles et al [119 – 121] performed in vitro and in
vivo studies and compared fractal dimension derived In addition to projection radiographs, new emer-
from a fractional Brownian motion model with bio- ging micro-CT methods and MR imaging methods
mechanical stability, bone histomorphometry, and are being used in the study of bone structure. Fig. 14
osteoporotic status. The authors found a significant shows a representative micro-CT image of an iliac
correlation between this texture measure and biome- crest biopsy of trabecular bone, and similar images of
chanical strength; however, BMD performed substan- the distal radius also may be obtained in vivo using a
tially better. In an in vivo study, Pothuaud et al [122] prototype device [125 – 128].
Fig. 14. (A) A three-dimensional rendering of a micro-CT image of trabecular bone obtained from an iliac crest biopsy. The
image resolution was 34 34 34 mm obtained using a Scanco, mCT 20 (Scanco, Switzerland). (B) An in vivo image obtained
through the distal radius using a prototype scanner. (Courtesy of Andres Laib, Scanco, Switzerland.)
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 831
With the advent of phased array coils and im- sures to investigate the resolution dependence of
proved software and hardware, it has been possible to MR-based measures and then calibrating MR-derived
push the frontiers of MR imaging. The three-dimen- measures of bone structure.
sional imaging capability, along with the fact that MR Hipp et al [129] compared the morphologic ana-
imaging is a nonionizing modality, makes it poten- lysis of 16 specimens of bovine trabecular bone
tially attractive as a tool for imaging trabecular bone using three-dimensional MR reconstruction (92
structure. The marrow surrounding the trabecular 92 92 mm3) and two-dimensional optical images
bone network, if imaged at high resolution, reveals (23 23 mm2) of the six faces of the samples. Rec-
the trabecular network (Fig. 15). Using such mCT and ognizing that it is not possible to reconstitute ac-
MR images, multiple different image processing and curately the ‘‘true’’ trabecular bone structure from
image analysis algorithms have been developed to high-resolution MR imaging, Majumdar et al [130]
quantify the trabecular bone structure in two or three introduced the notion of ‘‘apparent’’ trabecular bone
dimensions. The measures that have been derived so network. Whereas the ‘‘apparent’’ network is not iden-
far are many, and some of them are synonymous with tical to the ‘‘true’’ histologic structure, it still re-
the histomorphometric measures such as trabecular flects some ‘‘apparent’’ morphologic and topologic
bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, trabecular properties that are highly correlated to the ‘‘true’’
spacing, trabecular number, connectivity, fractal structure [130,131]. These studies and others [132]
dimension, tubularity, and maximal entropy. show good correlation between the MR-derived and
Several calibration and validation studies have other high-resolution imaging – derived measures,
been undertaken in which MR-derived measures of such as trabecular separation and number, moderate
structure are compared with measures derived from correlation for trabecular bone volume fraction, and
other modalities, such as histology, micro-mCT, and poor correlation for trabecular thickness. These corre-
BMD, and with biomechanical parameters. One of lations indicate that MR imaging can depict trabecular
the primary issues in MR-derived visualization and bone structure, although the absolute measures differ
quantitation of structure arises from the fact that the from the measures obtained at higher resolution. The
spatial resolution of the MR images is often compa- poorer correlation of trabecular thickness is explained
rable to the thickness of the trabecular bone itself, by the fact that the image resolution is comparable to
which gives rise to partial volume effects in the the dimensions of the trabeculae being measured, and a
image. The image may not depict thin trabeculae or small sampling error, or a partial volume effect, in the
may represent an average or a projection of a few estimation leads to a large percentage error.
trabeculae. Recognizing that MR-derived measures The effect of slice thickness on standard morpho-
are not identical to histologic dimensions—a major logic measurements has been investigated by Kothari
focus in the field—has been used to establish mea- et al [131]. Vieth et al [133] compared standard
Fig. 15. Axial images of the distal radius obtained at 1.5 T (A) spin-echo and (B) gradient echo. The dark network
represents the trabecular bone network, whereas the higher intensity background represents marrow-equivalent material in
the trabecular spaces.
832 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
morphologic measurements of 30 calcaneus speci- related to horizontal and vertical ultimate stresses
mens using MR imaging (195 195 mm2 in-plane (r > 0.8, P < 0.001).
resolution and 300/900 mm slice thickness) and con- Link et al [136] used texture parameter measures
tact radiographs (digitized with 50 50 mm2 in-plane on high-resolution MRI (156 156 300 mm3) of
spatial resolution) of sections obtained from the same proximal femur and spine specimens. Whereas the
specimens. The results of this study showed that correlation between elastic modulus and BMD was
MR-based measurements were significantly corre- R2 = 0.66 for the spine specimens and R2 = 0.61 for
lated with those obtained from digitized contact the femur specimens, a multivariate regression model
radiographs. Partial volume effects caused by slice that combined BMD and texture parameters increased
thickness and image post-processing (thresholding) the correlation to R2 = 0.83 for spine and R2 = 0.72
had substantial impact on these correlations, how- for femur.
ever: the thicker the slice, the poorer the correlation. In vivo, the skeletal sites most commonly imaged
Lin et al [134] confirmed correlation between are the radius [130,137 – 142] and calcaneus
structure parameters derived from MR imaging and [143 – 146]. The distal radius is a site with a large
serial grinding images and established that the quantity of trabecular bone and is a common site for
heterogeneity of calcaneal bone structure, as deter- osteoporotic fractures. It is easily accessible with lo-
mined from MR imaging, is real and is correlated to calized surface (detection) coils, and subjects are
the magnitude of the spatial heterogeneity using able to tolerate immobilization comfortably for the
higher resolution microscopic images. period required for high-resolution imaging. The
The accuracy of a new model-independent mor- calcaneus, although not a typical site for osteoporotic
phologic measure, based on the distance transfor- fractures, has been used with success to predict frac-
mation technique applied to high-resolution MR ture at other sites, and this skeletal site is well adapted
imaging of human radius specimens with in vivo to high-resolution MR imaging. The phalanges
resolution of 156 156 mm2 in plane and 300 or recently have been of increased interest as a site for
500 mm in slice thickness, has been investigated by bone density measurement [147,148] and can be
Laib et al [135]. These measures were compared with imaged by high-resolution MRI.
high-resolution mCT images (34 34 34 mm3), and The image contrast can be manipulated in MR
good correlation was found between the two sets of imaging based on the specific pulse sequence used,
measurements, with the best R2 = 0.91 for TbN. and the appearance of trabecular bone can be varied
The feasibility of using MR imaging at the based on whether a spin-echo or gradient-echo
resolution of 117 117 300 mm3 to better predict sequence is used [149]. The high susceptibility dif-
mechanical properties was established by Majumdar ference between bone and marrow induces suscep-
et al [132] using a set of 94 specimens of several tibility artifacts at their boundary, which in the case of
skeletal sites, with a wide range of bone densities and in vivo imaging could have a high impact on the bone
structures. Among several results reported in this structure quantification [149]. Although spin-echo
study, it was shown that MR-based structural mea- images may be preferable to reduce this effect,
sures, used in conjunction with BMD (evaluated gradient-echo images acquire an equivalent volume
from quantitative CT measures), enhanced the pre- in considerably less time and can be exploited in vivo
diction of bone strength. Using a stepwise regression at several skeletal sites. By the optimization of the
model, including structural parameters in addition to pulse sequence timing (short echo time) in gradient-
BMD, resulted in an improvement of the prediction echo imaging, one can attempt to minimize the
of the mean elastic modulus (evaluated from non- susceptibility artifact. Fig. 15A shows a represent-
destructive testing). The adjusted correlation coeffi- ative axial scan through the distal radius using a spin-
cient increased from 0.66 to 0.76 for all specimens, echo – based method, whereas Fig. 15B shows a
0.71 to 0.82 for vertebral specimens, and 0.64 to 0.76 representative scan using a gradient-echo – based
for femoral specimens. technique. The quantitative evaluation of structure
MR imaging (117 117 300 mm3) of vertebral from these images also constitutes a major area of re-
midsagittal sections of lumbar vertebrae and standard search. The processing of high-resolution MR images
morphological parameters were calculated by Beuf et generally consists of several stages [140]. Newitt et al
al [101]. Ultimate stress was estimated in two per- [140] have shown that each stage must be stan-
pendicular directions (horizontal/vertical) using com- dardized and normalized to ensure a high degree of
pression testing applied to two cylindrical samples reproducibility. In particular, these authors described
drilled in each vertebra close to the midsagittal a standardized analysis system with considerable
section. All the morphologic parameters were cor- reduction of human interaction. The efficiency of
T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839 833
Fig. 16. Axial images through the distal femur at (A) 1.5 T and (B) 3 T. (Image obtained by David Newitt, UCSF, and Ann
Shimakawa, GE Medical.) The spatial resolution is 195 195 1000 mm for both, and the imaging time at 3 T is half the time
taken at 1.5 T.
this system was evaluated in terms of reproducibility parable to radius or spine BMD measures but was not
(2% – 4%) and has been applied successfully in sev- as pertinent as the competence of hip BMD alone.
eral cross-sectional [139,146,150 – 152] and longit- With the advent of higher field magnets for clinical
udinal studies [153,154]. imaging (Figs. 16,17) and computerized image pro-
Some noise reduction – based preprocessing tech- cessing, MR imaging promises to provide an impor-
niques have been applied before the binarization tant complement to standard methods of assessing
stage, such as low pass filtering [137] or histogram osteoporosis and response to therapy. Slices can be
deconvolution [155]. The use of some postprocess- obtained at a resolution of 195 195 1000 mm.
ing schemes after the binarization, based on either With higher field, improved coils, there is potential for
morphologic criterion relative to the shape and
morphology of the trabeculae [156] or topologic cri-
terion relative to the numbers of bone and mar-
row components [157], have been applied. Wu et al
[158] proposed a sophisticated histogram model
taking into account the partial volume effect charac-
terizing MR imaging using a probabilistic approach.
Hwang et al [159] used spatial correlation analysis
and deduced parameters such as intertrabecular spa-
cing, contiguity, and tubularity. A combination of
some of these parameters was predictive of the
vertebral deformity [160].
More recently, distance transformation technique
was applied to high-resolution in vivo MR imaging of
the distal radius (156 156 500 mm3) in post-
menopausal women [161]. Morphology-based
parameters were evaluated without assumption of
any structure model, and the most significant para-
meter in distinguishing subjects with vertebral frac-
ture (n = 88) from those without vertebral fracture
(n = 60) was the intraindividual distribution of
separation (standard deviation of the trabecular bone Fig. 17. A sagittal image through the calcaneus obtained
separation parameter). Using receiver operating curve at 195 195 500 mm at 3 T. (Image obtained by Ann
analysis, the competence of this parameter was com- Shimakawa, GE Medical.)
834 T.M. Link, S. Majumdar / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 813–839
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841 – 856
Breast ultrasound is used routinely as an adjunct Improper technique of breast imaging can result in
to mammography to help differentiate benign from improper interpretation of breast lesions. The Mam-
malignant lesions. In patients younger than 30 years mography Quality Standards Act passed by congress
of age or patients who are pregnant, ultrasound may in 1992 oversees aspects of screening mammography
be the first or sole imaging modality to evaluate for [4]. Although there are no such laws for breast
breast pathology. Other less common uses of breast ultrasound, the American College of Radiology has
ultrasound include potential staging of breast cancer guidelines for imaging the breast with sonography
and evaluating breast implants. Ultrasound is useful [5]. One study [6] reviewed 152 breast ultrasounds
in guiding interventional breast procedures. Although performed at 86 sites and found that 60.5% did not
still controversial, some studies have advocated using comply with at least one of the American College of
ultrasound for screening for breast carcinoma in Radiology guidelines. Some of these errors in com-
asymptomatic women [1 – 3]. This article reviews pliance resulted in misinterpretation of normal breast
the multiple current uses of ultrasound in the evalu- tissue as a mass, classic benign lesions as indeter-
ation of the breast. minate, and cancers as benign lesions [6].
Several recent studies have used relatively new
sonographic techniques of spatial compound imaging
Technique [7], tissue harmonics imaging [8], and three-dimen-
sional imaging [9 – 11] in the evaluation of breast
Breast ultrasound should be performed using a disease. Compound imaging of the breast has been
high-frequency transducer of 7.5 MHz or higher. A shown to increase lesion conspicuity by enhancing
linear array transducer is preferred. A standoff pad soft tissue contrast, improving the definition of tumor
may be used to evaluate superficial lesions. The margins, and improving evaluation of the internal
patient should be placed in a supine or oblique architecture and surrounding distortion. A potential
position, with ipsilateral arm above the head. The disadvantage of compound imaging is that it
breast is scanned in either the transverse and sagittal decreases acoustic shadowing [7]. No study has
planes or the radial and antiradial planes. The retro- evaluated if these improvements affect sensitivity
areolar area is evaluated by angling the transducer in and specificity of breast ultrasound. In the author’s
multiple planes to avoid shadowing artifact produced department, conventional and compound imaging
by the nipple. Focal zone placement should be techniques are used in scanning the breast, because
optimized and gain settings adjusted so that the fat it is easy to switch from one technique to the other.
in the breast appears gray. If a lesion is present, it A study that evaluated 73 breast lesions (25 cysts,
should be imaged in two planes, and the location 36 solid lesions, and 12 indeterminate lesions) with
should be noted by clock face position on the breast tissue harmonics imaging found that it was signifi-
and distance from the nipple. cantly preferred for lesion conspicuity and overall
image quality [8]. The study did not address whether
this improved the accuracy of ultrasound in diagnosing
E-mail address: [email protected] breast lesions, however.
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
842 T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856
Another study that compared two-dimensional to Unlike other areas of the body, fat within the breast
three-dimensional ultrasound found that three-dimen- is hypoechoic. The dense breast tissue is echogenic
sional ultrasound had a higher specificity (64.1% by on ultrasound (Fig. 1). Solid masses are usually
two-dimensional imaging compared with 86.9% by hypoechoic, and caution should be made not to
three-dimensional imaging) for diagnosing malig- mistake an island of fat surrounded by dense breast
nancy [11]. The researchers evaluated 186 solid nod- tissue for a solid mass. Shadowing from Coopers
ules and used three-dimensional ultrasound to examine ligaments can be seen; however, this does not persist
the peripheral tissues of the lesion. Depending on the with compression or change in scanning plane and
pattern of peripheral tissue, all lesions were placed should not be mistaken for pathology.
into two groups. When hyperechoic bands of sur-
rounding fibrous tissue appeared to be pushed
smoothly aside from the central image, it was defined Gray-scale sonographic evaluation of the breast
as a ‘‘compressive pattern.’’ When thick hyperechoic
bands converged according to a stellar pattern, toward Cystic lesions
a hyperechoic, irregular rim that surrounded a hypo-
echoic central core of a mass, it was defined as a Ultrasound is 96% to 100% accurate in the diag-
‘‘converging pattern.’’ The researchers concluded that nosis of cysts [12 – 15]. In the 1970s, ultrasound
a compressive pattern on three-dimensional ultrasound decreased the number of biopsies for benign masses
provided an additional argument to alleviate biopsy for 25% to 35% by reliably identifying simple cysts
a lesion with a low index of suspicion on two-dimen- [15,16]. A simple cyst is defined as a thin-walled
sional ultrasound; however, if a lesion had suspicious anechoic lesion with sharp anterior and posterior
features on two-dimensional imaging, regardless of the borders and posterior acoustic enhancement (Fig. 2).
three-dimensional results, intervention was warranted. Reverberation artifact can result in linear internal
Three-dimensional imaging is cumbersome and time echoes at the anterior part of a cyst [15]. A proposed
consuming. In the author’s department, where all breast ultrasound lexicon [17] suggests that if a cyst
patients are scanned real-time by the radiologist, does not meet all of these criteria, it should be
three-dimensional imaging has been found to be of classified as either ‘‘complicated’’ or ‘‘complex.’’ A
little diagnostic value. ‘‘complicated’’ cyst has multiple low-level internal
echoes but other features of a simple cyst (Fig. 3).
One study that evaluated 308 such lesions with ultra-
Normal breast anatomy sound found a malignancy rate of 0.3%, which is lower
that the 2% for a Breast Imaging Reporting and Data
The skin is seen as an echogenic layer that System (BI-RADS) 3, probably benign [18] lesion,
measures up to 3 mm in thickness. Deep to the skin which suggests that such lesions can be managed with
is breast tissue, which has different appearances follow-up imaging studies instead of intervention [19].
depending on the overall density of the breast and In contrast, a ‘‘complex’’ cystic mass has suspicious
the distribution of fatty and fibroglandular tissue. features, such as a mural nodule, thick septations, or a
Fig. 1. Normal breast ultrasound. Arrowheads denote normal skin, and open arrows denote the interface between the breast tissue
and pectoralis muscles in a diffusely fatty (A) and diffusely dense (B) breast.
T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856 843
Solid lesions
Fig. 12. Use of power Doppler to increase specificity for malignancy. (A) Gray-scale ultrasound of a palpable abnormality in a
28-year-old woman shows a relatively benign appearing nodule (calipers). (B) Power Doppler ultrasound shows hypervascularity
with multiple penetrating vessels. Histology from ultrasound-guided core biopsy revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856 845
ity rate of 98.4% and negative predictive value (NPV) tations in 4 of 38 (10.5%) cancers by at least one of the
of 99.5% [22]. three reviewers, however. A high interobserver vari-
Stavros et al have been criticized for including in ability for evaluating sonographic features of tumors
their study masses that by standard mammographic also has been reported by other researchers [27].
criteria should not have been biopsied [25]. Zonder-
land et al [24] used criteria similar to Stavros et al and Common features of some benign and malignant
classified lesions into five categories (benign, prob- solid lesions
ably benign, equivocal, probably malignant, and
malignant) based on mammography and combination Infiltrating ductal carcinoma not otherwise speci-
of mammography and ultrasound. In their study, for fied is the most common breast cancer [28]. This
patients who underwent mammography and ultra- cancer classically appears as an irregularly shaped
sound, the addition of ultrasound increased sensitivity hypoechoic mass with shadowing and distortion of
from 86% to 95% and specificity from 89% to 92%. the surrounding tissues (Fig. 6). Infiltrating lobular
Ultrasound increased diagnostic accuracy by diag- carcinoma, which comprises 7% to 10% of all breast
nosing 25 additional cancers out of the 338 total cancers [29,30], invades the breast tissue in a single-
cancers in their study population (7.4%) [24]. file pattern without a desmoplastic reaction, which
Skaane et al [21] examined 142 fibroadenomas and potentially makes it harder to detect on imaging. Up to
194 invasive ductal carcinomas with respect to shape, 12% of cancers may not be seen on ultrasound, and up
contour, echotexture, echogenicity, sound transmis- to 15% of those seen may present with only vague
sion, and surrounding tissues and found NPV of shadowing without a mass (Fig. 7) [2,31]. Medullary
100% for palpable tumors and NPV of 96% for non- carcinoma, although uncommon, can appear as a well-
palpable tumors, if strict criteria were applied. They defined solid mass with posterior acoustic enhance-
found that a thin echogenic pseudocapsule was a ment and be mistaken for a benign lesion on ultrasound
feature most predictive of benignity. Irregular shape [26,32]. Although ductal carcinoma in situ typically is
and contour, extensive hypoechogenicity, shadowing, seen as isolated microcalcifications on mammography,
echogenic halo, and distortion of the surrounding 6% to 10% can be seen as a solid mass on ultrasound
tissue were highly predictive of malignancy [21]. [33,34].
In a study by Rahbar et al, three radiologists each Inflammatory breast cancer typically produces
reviewed 162 solid masses [26]. Characteristics eval- nonspecific skin thickening on ultrasound. This thick-
uated included shape, margins, width-anteroposterior ening unfortunately is indistinguishable from other
dimension ratio, echotexture, echogenicity, posterior causes of skin thickening, including infectious causes,
echo intensity, presence/absence of pseudocapsule, such as mastitis. The presence of an abscess favors an
edge refraction, and calcifications. They found that if infectious etiology.
the three most reliable criteria were strictly applied, the Metastases to the breast are rare and can occur via
overall cancer biopsy yield would have increased from lymphatic or hematogenous spread [35]. Metastases
23% to 39%. They also found false-negative interpre- that occur via lymphatic spread can be indistinguish-
Fig. 6. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. (A) Open arrows mark a 4-mm irregular, hypoechoic mass with shadowing. (B) In another
patient, arrows mark a 1-cm microlobulated hypoechoic mass with mild posterior acoustic enhancement. Both lesions had
histology of infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
846 T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856
Fig. 13. Lymph nodes. (A) Calipers mark a benign axillary lymph node with echogenic, fatty hilum (h). (B) Calipers mark highly
suspicious, enlarged lymph node with no fatty hilum in a patient with breast cancer.
T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856 849
Nodal involvement: assessment of the primary cancer stereotactic procedures. There is no radiation, which
is particularly important to pregnant patients.
Several studies have evaluated the role of Doppler Fine needle aspiration biopsy in breast tumors was
flow in the primary breast carcinoma in assessing first reported by Fornage et al [93] in 1987. The
nodal status [33,47,48,85 – 87]. One study that used success rate is variable, however, and it requires
Power Doppler found that although many breast adequate sampling using proper technique and proper
cancers demonstrated flow with Power Doppler, handling of the specimen. It also depends on the
patients with cancers in whom vessels were not experience of the cytopathologist [94 – 96]. In the
detectable were unlikely to have lymph node involve- proper setting, fine needle aspiration biopsy can have
ment (NPV, 90%) [33]. Lee et al [48] used color a high sensitivity rate of 95% and NPVof 98% [97]. In
Doppler to study 32 breast cancers and found a the study by Fornage et al, in which one radiologist
significant association between higher tumor flow obtained all 1136 specimens, there were 27 (2%)
and nodal metastases for T1 lesions (V 2 cm) but inadequate samples. Of these, 14 occurred in the first
not for larger lesions. Holcombe et al [86] studied 150 samples and 13 in the subsequent 986 samples.
color Doppler flow in 28 breast cancers and found These results highlight the point that there is a ‘‘learn-
that when three or more vessels were seen on color ing curve’’ to the technique of performing fine needle
Doppler, the patients were more likely to have lymph aspiration biopsy [97].
node involvement. In 1993, Parker et al [98] reported the use of core-
needle biopsy of the breast using real-time ultra-
Screening ultrasound in patients with known sound. They used a 14-gauge needle and reported
breast cancer 100% accuracy after sampling 132 lesions, with no
complications. The following year, Parker et al [99]
Evaluation of mastectomy specimens has shown performed a larger, multi-institutional study that eval-
additional malignant foci in 30% to 63% of patients uated the results of core-needle biopsy in 6152 le-
believed to have unifocal breast cancer by clinical and sions, performed with sonographic or stereotactic
mammography evaluation [88,89]. Three studies guidance. They reported a cancer miss rate of 1.2%
[90 – 92] evaluated a cumulative total of 391 patients to 1.5% (depending on the inclusion or exclusion of
with known breast cancer or high suspicion of breast mammary intraepithelial neoplasia, respectively) but
cancer. Using whole breast(s) ultrasound, they found also pointed out that ‘‘surgical excisional biopsy is not
one or more additional cancers in 55 of 391 (14%) pa- perfect’’ either. In this larger study, there was a 0.2%
tients. Management was altered in 47 of these 55 wo- rate of clinically significant complications.
men (12% of total of 391 women). Based on these The results of these studies and others [100,101]
studies, some researchers advocate routinely scanning have led to the routine use of ultrasound in guiding
the ipsilateral or both breasts when an index lesion is for core-needle biopsy (Fig. 15A) and preoperative
seen. Others continue to scan only the region of in- needle location (Fig. 15B) of breast lesions.
terest. Some patients who have multifocal cancer and
have only been scanned in the region of interest may Intraoperative ultrasound guidance
escape detection because they are treated with post-
lumpectomy irradiation. Other patients may present Intraoperative ultrasound, when performed by
later with ‘‘recurrent’’ or ‘‘new’’ breast cancer lesions trained individuals, is another method of localizing
that actually were present but undiagnosed previously. breast lesions. Harlow et al [102] used intraoperative
ultrasound to excise 65 breast cancers and reported
achieving negative excision margins at first operation
Ultrasound-guided procedures in 97%. They point out certain advantages of intra-
operative ultrasound compared with preoperative
Fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy needle location. The advantages include improved
patient comfort, more optimal choice of location of
Assuming a lesion can be seen, there are certain incision, and ability to evaluate the specimen and
advantages to performing aspiration, biopsy, or local- surgical bed such that if the lesion is found close to
ization with ultrasound guidance. The lesion can be margin, reexcision could be performed immediately
visualized at all times during sampling, which at time of initial operation.
ensures accurate needle placement. The procedure is Moore et al [103] evaluated 51 patients who
easier for the patient, who can be supine to slightly underwent lumpectomy for palpable breast cancer,
oblique versus upright or prone for mammographic or 27 of whom had intraoperative ultrasound and 24 of
850 T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856
Fig. 15. Ultrasound-guided procedures. (A) Core needle biopsy shows the biopsy needle (tip marked by arrows) through the lesion
(L) being sampled. (B) Preoperative wire localization shows the hook wire (arrowheads) to be through the lesion to be excised.
whom did not. They found surgical accuracy and Yang et al [109] examined 89 breast cancers with
margin status to be improved with intraoperative high-resolution ultrasound and found it to be 95%
ultrasound. They also reported no significant change sensitive and 91% accurate for detection of micro-
in operating room cost or length of total surgery time. calcifications. Gufler et al [107] examined 49 clusters
Smith et al [104] used intraoperative ultrasound to of microcalcifications seen on mammography and
assist in the excision of 81 lesions, including 25 can- found ultrasound to have an overall sensitivity rate
cers and 56 benign lesions. They reported 100% of 75%, with 66.6% sensitivity rate for detection of
accuracy of intraoperative ultrasound to localize the benign lesions and 100% detection of malignant in
lesions and 96% accuracy in predicting margins of situ and invasive cancers. Teh et al [110] used high-
the carcinomas. frequency ultrasound and Power Doppler to visualize
and biopsy microcalcifications in 37 patients. They
found the presence of Power Doppler flow helpful in
Microcalcifications on ultrasound directing successful biopsy in eight cases (including
benign and malignant lesions).
Thirty-five percent to 45% of nonpalpable breast
cancers detected at screening present as clusters of
microcalcifications on mammography [105]. With Screening for breast cancer
higher frequency transducers, we are more able to
detect mammographically isolated microcalcifications Mammography is the only widely accepted
with ultrasound (Figs. 16A, B). One study examined imaging modality used to screen for early, otherwise
76 patients with 7.5 MHz and 10 MHz transducers and occult breast cancers. Many lesions are indistinguish-
found increased visibility of microcalcifications from able by mammography. Three older studies reported a
45% to 74% in benign breast lesions and 91% to 97% cumulative total of 236 incidental sonographically
in malignant lesions [106]. The ability of ultrasound to detected lesions and found none to be malignant based
identify microcalcifications more often when associ- on either biopsy or long-term follow-up [13,111,112].
ated with a mass also has been reported by other More recent studies have shown that incidental cancers
authors [22,107,108]. The hypoechogenicity of the are detected with sonography performed in asympto-
underlying mass provides more contrast for detection matic patients and in patients being scanned for benign
of the echogenic nonshadowing foci that are the and malignant disease [1,3,22,97,113].
microcalcifications (Fig. 16C). Although ultrasound Buchberger et al [1] performed ultrasounds on
cannot be used to distinguish benign from malignant 6113 asymptomatic patients with dense breasts on
microcalcifications definitively, when the microcalci- mammography and found 23 malignancies in 21 pa-
fications are seen associated with a mass on ultrasound tients seen on ultrasound only. Of another 687 patients
(even if isolated on mammography), there is a higher scanned because of palpable or mammographic abnor-
incidence of invasive cancer [22,108]. malities, ultrasound found 5 additional cancers, 3 in
T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856 851
Fig. 16. Microcalcifications. (A) Screening mammogram (not shown) revealed an area of pleomorphic microcalcifications without
associated mass. Ultrasound of this region shows multiple tiny echogenic foci (open arrows) that correspond to the
microcalcifications seen mammographically. Ultrasound-guided core biopsy was performed, with specimen radiograph
demonstrating microcalcifications. Histology revealed high-grade ductal carcinoma in situ. (B) Another patient had multiple
more diffuse microcalcifications on mammography (not shown). Ultrasound that was performed for a lump was negative for the
area of clinical concern. Sonographic evaluation of the area of mammographic microcalcifications was performed. It showed tiny
echogenic foci (arrows) adjacent to small anechoic cysts consistent with microcalcifications within microcysts. Although no
histologic diagnosis is available, these have been stable mammographically for more than 2 years. (C) Ultrasound in another patient
shows a suspicious hypoechoic mass with tiny echogenic foci (arrows) within it. Histology revealed infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
women with malignant index lesions and 2 in women followed and others that were biopsied. The added
with benign index lesions. Gordon et al [113] scanned ‘‘cost’’ (of performing the test, potentially increasing
12,706 women with palpable or mammographic patient anxiety and discomfort, and potentially
abnormalities and found 44 additional cancers increasing morbidity from increased number of biop-
detected with ultrasound only. These cancers were in sies) must be weighed against the benefits of finding
30 women, 15 with malignant index lesions and 15 these sonographically detected cancers. The only way
with benign index lesions. Kolb et al [3] performed to determine the true independent contribution of
3626 ultrasounds in asymptomatic women with dense ultrasound to breast cancer screening is to perform a
breasts on mammography and found an additional randomized, blinded, controlled trial with death as an
11 cancers seen only on ultrasound. endpoint [114].
There is no current dispute that if ultrasound is
performed, incidental cancers will be found. The
controversies lie in weighing the benefits against the Breast implants
cost and assessing whether detection of these other-
wise occult cancers will result in increased patient MR imaging currently is more sensitive and accu-
survival. In addition to the incidentally found cancers, rate than ultrasound at evaluating silicone implants for
in three studies [1,3,113] ultrasound detected an addi- rupture [115]. When MR imaging is not readily avail-
tional 2088 benign lesions, some of which were able or if it cannot be performed (because of claustro-
852 T.S. Mehta / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 841–856
staging of breast cancer and evaluating patients with [13] Sickles EA, Filly RA, Callen PW. Benign breast le-
implants. Recently there has been an interest in using sions: ultrasound detection and diagnosis. Radiology
ultrasound to screen asymptomatic women for breast 1984;151:467 – 70.
[14] Egan RL, Egan KL. Automated water-path full-breast
cancer, as is done with mammography. Further studies
sonography: correlation with histology in 176 solid
must be performed to assess if this reduces mortality
lesions. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1984;143:499 – 507.
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Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 857 – 862
Abdominal wall, ultrasonography of, in first trimester, Biopsy, fine-needle aspiration, of breast cancer,
683 – 684 ultrasonography in, 849
Abscesses, tubo-ovarian, MR imaging of, 808 – 809 Bleeding, ovarian, MR imaging of, 802
postmenopausal. See Postmenopausal bleeding.
Acardiac parabiotic twin, radiofrequency ablation of,
721 – 722 Bone mineral density, definition of, 813
ultrasonography of, 7190722 dual x-ray absorptiometry of, 818
Actinomycosis, ovarian, MR imaging of, 808 – 809 Bowel herniation, ultrasonography of, in first
trimester, 683 – 684
Adnexal masses, benign, MR imaging of, 809, 811
Breast cancer, screening for, ultrasonography in, 851
in ectopic pregnancy, ultrasonography of,
672 – 673 Breasts, ultrasonography of, 841 – 856
contrast-enhanced Doppler, 846 – 847
Aliasing, on fetal MR imaging, 736 for cystic lesions, 842 – 843
Amniocentesis, to diagnose aneuploidy, 695 – 696 for implants, 851 – 852
for microcalcifications, 850 – 851
Amnioreduction, for twin-twin transfusion syndrome, for solid lesions, 843 – 846
717 – 718 in males, 852
intraoperative, 849 – 850
Anencephaly, ultrasonography of, in first trimester,
non-contrast-enhanced Doppler, 846
676, 681
normal anatomy in, 842
Aneuploidy, prenatal diagnosis of, 695 – 708 screening, for cancer, 851
amniocentesis in, 695 – 696 for known cancer, 848 – 849
chorionic villus sampling in, 696 technique for, 841 – 842
cordocentesis in, 696 to guide fine-needle aspiration biopsy, 849
maternal serum screening in, 696 – 697, to stage cancer, 847 – 849
704 – 705 nodal involvement in, 847 – 848
ultrasonography in, 676 – 677, 697 – 699, 704 tumor size and grade in, 847
Down syndrome, 699 – 702 Brenner tumors, MR imaging of, 805
triploidy syndrome, 698 – 699
trisomy 13, 698 Bulk motion, on fetal MR imaging, 734
trisomy 18, 697 – 698, 702, 704
trisomy 21, 697
Turner syndrome, 698 C
Central nervous system, ultrasonography of, in first
Arterio-arterial anastomoses, in placenta, 712 – 713 trimester, 681 – 682
Arteriovenous anastomoses, in placenta, 713 Cervix, in female infertility, 758
Axillary involvement, by breast cancer, ultrasonog- Chorionic villus sampling, to diagnose
raphy of, 847 – 848 aneuploidy, 696
0033-8389/03/$ – see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
858 Index / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 857–862
Color duplex Doppler imaging, of postmenopausal Endometriosis, and female infertility, 766
bleeding, 775 solid, MR imaging of, 811
Computed tomography, quantitative, of osteoporosis, Endometrium, in ectopic pregnancy, ultrasonography
820 – 824 of, 673
in postmenopausal bleeding, ultrasonography of.
Congenital heart disease, ultrasonography of, in first
See Postmenopausal bleeding.
trimester, 684
sonohysterography of. See Sonohysterography.
Conjoined twins, ultrasonography of, 723 – 724
in first trimester, 691 – 692
Cordocentesis, to diagnose aneuploidy, 696
Cystourethrography, voiding, of pelvic floor relaxa-
tion, 749 Fallopian tube, in female infertility, 760 – 764
Cysts, breasts, ultrasonography of, 842 – 843 Fat saturation, on fetal MR imaging, 742
ovarian, MR imaging of, 800, 802 – 803 Female infertility, 757 – 767
cervix in, 758
congenital uterine anomalies and, 759 – 760
endometriosis and, 766
D fallopian tube in, 760 – 764
Defecography, of pelvic floor relaxation, 749 – 750 peritoneal cavity in, 764
polycystic ovary syndrome and, 764 – 766
Dermoid cysts, ovarian, MR imaging of, 808
uterine cavity filling defects and, 758 – 759
Digital x-ray radiogrammetry, of osteoporosis, 817 uterus in, 758
Discordant anomalies, in monochorionic twins, 722 versus normal ovaries, 764
versus normal reproduction, 757
Doppler imaging, of breasts, 846 – 847
Fetal abnormalities, ultrasonography of, in first
of postmenopausal bleeding, 775
trimester, 674 – 676, 682
Double decidual reaction sign, in ultrasonography, of
Fetal magnetic resonance imaging, 729 – 745
gestational sac, 664 – 665
artifacts on, 734 – 738
Down syndrome, maternal serum screening for, in aliasing, 736
first trimester, 704 bulk motion, 734
ultrasonography of, in second trimester, 699 – 702 fluid motion, 734 – 735
Dual x-ray absorptiometry, of osteoporosis, 818 – 820 Gibbs ringing artifact, 738
motion artifact, 734
partial volume artifact, 738
radiofrequency interference, 737
E repeat visualization or nonvisualization,
Ectopic pregnancy, hematosalpinx and hematocele 735 – 736
due to, MR imaging of, 809 susceptibility artifact, 737
ultrasonography of. See Ultrasonography, consent for, 729
in first trimester. image quality on, 738, 740 – 742
fat saturation, 742
Edema, ovarian, MR imaging of, 809, 811 patient body habitus and use of surface coil,
Edward syndrome, ultrasonography of, in second 740 – 741
trimester, 696 – 698 signal inhomogeneity, 741 – 742
signal-to-noise ration, 738, 740
Embryonic heartbeat, ultrasonography of, 666 – 667 indications for, 729
Embryonic pole, ultrasonography of, 666 interpretation of, 730 – 731
monitoring during, 730
Encephaloceles, ultrasonography of, in first
patient positioning for, 729 – 730
trimester, 681
pitfalls in, 742
Endometriomas, MR imaging of, 803 protocol for, 730
Index / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 857–862 859
Radiofrequency ablation, of acardiac parabiotic twin,
721 – 722 T
Tamoxifen, and assessment of postmenopausal
Radiofrequency interference, on fetal MR bleeding, 776 – 777
imaging, 737 subendometrial changes due to, sonohysterog-
Retained products of conception, sonohysterography raphy of, 790 – 791
of, 789 – 790 Teratomas, ovarian, MR imaging of, 808
Thecomas, MR imaging of, 805
S Three-dimensional ultrasonography, of postmeno-
Saline infusion hysterography. pausal bleeding, 775 – 776
See Sonohysterography.
Three-dimensional volumetric analysis, in ultra-
Salpingitis isthmica nodosa, and female infertility, sonography, of pelvic floor relaxation, 755
762 – 763
Torsion, ovarian, MR imaging of, 809
Sclerosing stromal tumors, MR imaging of, 805, 808
Trabecular bone structure, in osteoporosis.
Serum human chorionic gonadotropin levels, in ec- See Osteoporosis.
topic pregnancy, 673 – 674
Transvaginal ultrasonography, of tamoxifen-induced
Sex-cord stromal tumors, MR imaging of, 805, 808 subendometrial changes, 792
Signal-to-noise ratio, on fetal MR imaging, 738, 740 Triploidy, ultrasonography of, in first trimester, 684,
Single-photon absorptiometry, of osteoporosis, 686, 691
817 – 818 Triploidy syndrome, ultrasonography of, in second
Snowstorm sign, in ultrasonography, of breast trimester, 698 – 699
implants, 852 Trisomy 13, ultrasonography of, in second
Sonohysterography, 781 – 797 trimester, 698
catheter insertion for, 782 – 783 Trisomy 18, ultrasonography of, in second trimester,
of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, 784 – 785 696 – 698, 702, 704
862 Index / Radiol Clin N Am 41 (2003) 857–862