Exemplification Essay - Notes

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“thm ol a eeyeat are vivid and compelling enough te sorte hwo ene greathatiptomakesivgg, ree fm Pe a the fl rang ther sect She rs mf dal op Seo Sa ingen Saco ing cy dean nil undersand ane oe a however, use so much det however detail that er readers will get bogged down sod aan _ ‘mine engages rea he ieee po Sa nhs ev a themselves, Grae presents tenwcv Presents a powerful portrait of fer parents cal they Focus on Revision After eating rata per crt etailabout her parent ston sa thought Grace could goin Soll beat and could explain her examples in one depth perhaps wltng about the quota herpurene ede a ae other physica da ther physical dangers of teirjobs. In addition, Grace thom span the discussion in paragraph 3 about her pany lee wa haps anticipating questions s Incanto sme of her weds might have a ek ‘quire them to work overt than the minimum sae? I not howe Paragraph 4 paragraph psi demande! ofthe ail he the to of ther obs. Fay the advo another tude anced comment experiences more immediate torendens decided to follow the her parents to make! ‘The selections that tons that appear inthis chapel de Hon toexplanand lai, to add intrest ort puna Pa AND RAYMOND HULL Launnce eter (1919-190, an academic an education specialist, an Ry ond Hull (19781985, ahuinrist rd playwear on the 1989 (tate The Reto Price: Wy Tans Aways Co Wrong. tn the preface (othe book, Hull explained tate tad tecome increasingly applied at the numberof procs pwople experience with businesses a Oia ns fom tae of ting sien bil going oan old address despite Messe ens to give the business ne oe) Uo ones of catastrophic Importance tes collapsing ony few yearslter constuction) Dr Pee, Ht discovering a imprompt conversation, had the explanation for ih widespread inepsade within any hierarchy. employees tend to be ro seers ura eve at chch hey an incimpetent operon the dis of the Teton, Wa sort tne of he publication of feck he ter Peer Fred entered the language “The Peter Print drack sh achord Peause appeared at atime whe corporate and governmental enucaces were increasingly being viewed \inespoaive, netic ied wih ed tape and mina-mambingy ste Incdon the meeptonce of “management eer” aba gta academic Uieipin elle eter and Hilt have some fun spooing the experts” The llwing ring fist chapter of Te Peer Pre, which presents iethsis along wih sme git king examples ‘The Peter Principle \When twas boy I yas taught thatthe men upstairs knew what they were doing, Iwas ol, "Pete, the more you know, the Further you go." [Stayed in school until graduated from college and then vent frth into the world clutching firmly these ideas ane! my new teaching certificate. ‘Daring the Bist year of teaching l was upset to find that a numberof teach fr school principals, supervisors, and superintendents appeared to be raware of their profesional responsibilities and incompetent in exceut- ing ther duties For example my principal's main concerns were that al ‘eindow shades be tthe same level, that classrooms should be quiet and thatno one step on or near the rose beds. The superintendent's main con ems were that no minority group, ne matter how fanatical, should ever tcoffended and that all fic fris be submitted on time, The children’s ‘sication appeared farts from the administrator's mind “At fist thought this was a special weakness ofthe schoo! system in wich tought 0 L applied for certiication in another province. fill! out the special forms, enclosed the required documents, and complied will ingly with al the red tape. Several Weeks later, back came my application antl the documents! No, there was nothing wrong with my credentials; the forms were correctly fll out an oficial departmental stamp shovred that they had ‘Deen received in good order. But an accompanying letter said, “The new we

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