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Land Rover Series III CD ROM Part 1 Introduction Speficications
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Land Rover Series III CD ROM Part 1 Introduction Speficications
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Land Rover Series III CD ROM Part 1 Introduction Speficications
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INTRODUCTION The purpose of this manual is to assist skilled mechanics in the efficient repair and maintenance of the range of vehicles given on the title-page. The procedures detailed, carried out in the sequence given and using the appropriate service tools, will enable the operations to be completed in the time stated in the Repair Operation Times. Indexing ‘The content pages list the titles and reference numbers of the divisions in alphabetical order. Operation Numbering Each operation is followed by the number allocated to it in a master index. The number consists of six digits arranged in three pairs. The master index of operations has been compiled for universal application to vehicles manufactured by British Leyland Motor Corporation and therefore continuity of the sumbering sequence is not maintained throughout the Each instruction within an operation has a sequence ‘number, and to complete the operation in the minimum time it is essential that these instructions are performed in ‘numerical sequence commencing at 1 unless otherwise stated. Where applicable, the sequence numbers identify the ‘components in the appropriate illustration. ‘Where performance of an operation requires the use of a service tool, the tool number is quoted under the operation heading and is repeated in, or following, the instruction involving its use, ‘An illustrated list of all service tools necessary to Gomplete the operations described in the manual i also References References to the left: or right-hand side in the manual are made when viewing the vehicle from the rear. With the engine and gearbox assembly removed, the water pump end of the engine is referred to as the front. To reduce repetition, operations covered in this manual do not include reference to testing the vehicle after repair. It is ‘essential that work is inspected and tested after completion and if necessary a road test of the vehicle is artied out particularly where sufety related items are Dimensions ‘The dimensions quoted are to design engineering specifi- cation, Alternative unit equivalents, shown in. brackets following the dimensions, have been converted from the anginal specification. uring the period of runningin from new, certain adjustments may vary from the specification figures given in this Manual. These adjustments will be re-set by the Distributor or Dealer at the After Sales Service, and thereafter should be maintained at the figures specified in the Manual. REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS. When replacement parts are required i genuine Land Rover replacements are used. ‘Attention is particularly drawn to the following points concerning repairs and the fitting of replacement parts and accessories: ‘Safety features embodied in the vehicle may be impaired if ‘other than genuine Land Rover replacements are fitted. In ‘certain territories, legislation prohibits the fitting of parts not to the vehicle manufacturer’ specification, Torque wrench setting figures given in the Repair Operation Manual must be strictly adhered to. Locking devices, where specified, must be fitted. I theeicieney ofa fcking device is impaired during removal it must be renewed. Owners purchasing accessories while travelling, abroad should ensure that the accessory and its fitted location on the vehicle conform to mandatory requirements existing in theit ‘country of origin. The terms of the Owners Service Statement ‘may be invalidated by the fitting of other than genuine Land Rover paris. is essential that only All genuine Land Rover replacements have the full backing of ‘the Owners Service Statement, Land Rover Distributors and Dealers are obliged to supply only genuine Land Rover service parts. POISONOUS SUBSTANCES WARNING Many liquids and other substances used in motor vehicles fare poisonous and should under no circumstances be consumed and should as far as possible be kept away from ‘open wounds. These substances among others include antifreeze, brake fluid, fuel, windscreen washer additives, lubricants and various adhesives. FUEL HANDLING PRECAUTIONS ‘The following information provides basic precautions which ‘must be observed if petrol (gasoline) is to be handled safely. It also outlines the other areas of risk which must not be ignored. ‘This information is issued for basic guidance only, and in any case of doubt appropriate enquiries should be made of your local Fire Officer. General Petrol/gasoline vapour is highly flammable and in con- fined spaces i alo very explosive and fot. ‘When petol/easoline evaporates it produces 150 times its own volun invapear ich hen ig n diluted with air becomes a readily table mixture. The vapour is heavier than air and will always ll to the lowest level. It can readily be distributed throughout a ‘workshop by air current, consequently, even a small spillage of petrol/gasolineis potentially very dangerous Always have a fire extinguisher containing FOAM COx GAS, or POWDER close at hand when handling or draining fuel, or when dismantling fuel systems and in areas where fuel containers are stored, ‘Always disconnect the vehicle battery BEFORE carrying ‘out dismantling or draining work on a fuel system, Whenever petrol/gasoline is being handled, drained or stored, or when fuel systems are being dismantied all forms of ignition must be extinguished or removed, any head- lamps used must be flameproof and kept clear of spillage. NO ONE SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO REPAIR COMPONENTS ASSOCIATED WITH PETROL/ GASOLINE WITHOUT FIRST HAVING HAD SPECIA- LIST TRAINING. Fuel Tank Draining WARNING: PETROL/GASOLINE MUST NOT BE EXTRACTED OR DRAINED FROM ANY VEHICLE WHILST IT IS STANDING OVER A PIT. Draining or extracting petrol/gasoline from vehicle fuel ten mut be cared out in well ventatd re, ‘The receptacle used to contain the petrol/gasoline must be more than adequate for the full amount of fuel to be extracted or drained. The receptacle should be clearly ‘marked with its contents, and placed in a safe storage area, Which meets the requirements of local authority regule- tions. WHEN PETROL/GASOLINE HAS BEEN EXTRACTED OR DRAINED FROM A FUEL TANK THE PRECAU- TIONS GOVERNING NAKED LIGHTS AND IGNITION SOURCES SHOULD BE MAINTAINED. Fuel Tank Removal ‘On vehicles where the fuel line is secured to the fuel tank outlet by a spring stecl clip, it is recommended that such clips are released before the fuel line is disconnected of the fuel tank unit is removed. This procedure will avoid the possibility of residual petrol fumes in the fuel tank being ignited when the clips are released. ‘As “an added. precaution fuel tanks should have a PETROL/GASOLINE VAPOUR warning label attached to ‘them as soon as they are removed from the vehicle. continued 01-3Pa ik Rene SE tama eo wees Raum a mae sant AERP, cate eos anc, wn eter ot a ot tea mae ee eee te cee e aae a Bplay Somat aeereny meee science mieten empty the tank. Immerse the tank completely in fa, Shiai dactmucitbaatae Eres cites shctetacte as ipa wrararviation Se ee EES eat scenes oe 01-4Preliminary Pages es tee .o1 General Specification Date... ee ee . 04 Engine Tuning Data. eee os OS Torque Wrench Settings © 2. eee . 06 General Fitting Instructions... 2... fees +207 Recommended Service Lubricantsete. .. .. . . « bees 08 MAINTENANCE fee 10 ENGINE OPERATIONS — 2% litre 4 cylinder Petrol and Diesel Supplement for fvemain bearing engine atrearof mama 54, Camshaft ‘No. No. tence und rest Soe ee eee ee ee ee eng 12130 eet 2) —bearings--remove and refit 1213.13 12-3 Connecting rods and pistons removeandrefit..- 2... 2... 12.1701 12-4 Sovethaul os | pint Gooeo getaty tree Crankshaft ~iear oll seal-remove and refit. = 5. seen ee 122L20 0 12-10 remove and refit... ae P02 0123033 12 “overhaul Seer: Do 1122n46 12-11 Cylinder —head—remove and refit ce : 122910 12-14 overhaul 122918 12-17 essure check Petrol engite 1122501 12-13 —pressure check—Diesel engine 122501 12-23 Bide cover, front—remove and refit 122514 12-13 —side cover, rear—remove and refit 122516 12-13 Engine assembly—removeand refit. Ao 124101 12-25 Flywheel “remove and refit... 2. bee ee es 6125307 12-28 coverhaul ot See 22125310 12-28 starter ring gear—remove and refit ag SDI 1azs319 12-28 —spigot bearing-remove and refit’. |) | 12:53:20 12-28 on filter assembly, external—remove and refit = 12.60.01 —pump-remove and refit. = 12.60.26 —pump-overhaul a 521126032 sump-remove andreft 220° 222222220) lazeoaa Tappets-remove and refit. 2. ei! 229.57) Timing fear cover—remove and refit... oe + 1265.01 12-30 gear cover oil seal-remove and refit | DlLl LD laz6sos 12-30 ~geas—remove andrefit’ ed 2126522 12-32 “chain tensioner. pitt ut 12.65.28 12-34 Valve gear ‘remove and refit. oo ce 122034 12-21 “rocker shaft assembly—overhail” ee eer 12.29.55 12-23, ENGINE OPERATIONS ~ 2.6 litre 6 Cylinder Camshatt remove and refit se ee IRIBOL 12-36 Connecting rods and pistons Mremoveandteft es eee 2.1701 coratnaal 790 Cranksnatt “remove and refit. cece os. 122183 12-42 Toverhai | aie | 1242 continued01-6 Operation No. bees =. 1221.20 eerie 2010) 558 aB0 1229.21 eee 12.25.01 Distributor and oil pump drive shaft E eeape al efit Se eet ee 12.10.22 Engine assembly Sjemove andrrefit 2 vee 124101 Exhaust valve rockers and shafts “remove and efits sw . 12.29.36 Flywheel remove and eit : 2s. 1283.07 operand eee ee er 11233.10 Inlet valve rockers and shafts Nemoveandrefit rs. oe eae . 122935 Toverhaul (replacing bushes)" 211222. t 2122985 Oil filter, external Mremoveand refit ee 126001 © pump remove and refit’... 6 ss « Beer izs06 overhaul Piiiiiis ee esears zeae Oil strainer “remove and refit beeen 12.60.20 Oil sump remove and refit... . eee ee ee 1260.44 Spigot bearing remove and refit... beens ». 12.53.20 Starter ring gear “remove and refit beens = 1253.19 ‘Timing chain and gears “remove and refit... . ee 1265.12 Timing chain tensioner Smove and he ee 9 1265.28 ‘Timing gear cover and oil seal Mfemove and relitcover oo ee ee ee eo 1265.01 Ttemove and refit ol seal eager 12.65.05 EMISSION CONTROL Emission Control System Description and Operations Air injection system Air pump-removeand refit... oe - 17.25.07 “Air pump drive bolt-remove and refit. | 11S 21 andsis Stensioning 2 I! 21173813 “Air ral/manifold—remove andrefit’ 221211211 175g “Antirunvon valve—check ne LL Dll limos Sremoveandreit’ 22) 2D t 1740.01 “Check vavecsemoveandrelt se 221222 Danas cists ee cece i iiiit 173522 “Description ofystem 22221221! D111 1725.00 Grankcase breathing system “Crankcase emission valve—remove and refit... . =. « 17.10.09 ii9 ts “overhaul G6 : Description of system eee =Engine breather filter—remove and refit, Aeon “Flame trap-removeandrefit. - - 2 Ss "Adsorption canister aout “Description of system ss ss pees continued Page ‘No. 12-41 12-44 12-46 12-44 12-36 12-50 12-48 12-81 12-81 12-47 12-50 12-52 12-82 12-52 12-82 12-83 12-52 12-51 12-54 12-85 12-53.» 12-53‘No, Exhaust emission control system Accelerator pump linkage setting ©... 2... 1. 17.20.00 —Carburetter adjustments ante 17:20-00 —Carburetter throttle prop~ remove and refit Dibil ll ir203s Description of system... Piliiiit 1720.00 Fuel filter-remove and refit Dil D Df 217038 Ignition system description and ignition timing © © << . : 17.20.00 ‘Throttle controlled vacuum switchcheck and adjust’ |. | 17:20.24 remove and refit, <> | 17.20.25 Exhaust Gas Recirculation (E.G-R.) system “Description of system. ee ee ae EGR valve-overhaul 12) 12112 fomoveand refit a -system clieck See Fault diagnosis FUEL SYSTEM NOTE: Where fuel system equipment has emission control features, refer to Division 17 of this Manual. Accelerator throttle controls arrangements. «5... . . . . . . 19.00.00 Aircleaner “remove and refit... Se ee 6 19.10.08 “clean and refill PEDDLE PDIP DDD Dl itot6 ‘Tamperproof carburetters : ce 5 19.15.00 Carburetter ‘remove and refit os see . + + 19.15.09 “overhaul and adjust 5 slg) Cold start control cable “remove and refit : : cee es 1920.26 Diesel fuel system general notes and arrangement cee ss 1900.00 Engine stop control cable “removeandrefit. 2... see 19.20.32 Fuel distributor/injection pump remove, set timing and refit... - +. 19.30.07 Fuel injectors remove and refit cs 5 19:60.01 spray check. | 19.60.02 overhaul PEPE Dt tlt 2 sess Fuel lft pump —remove and refit 19.45.09 ‘overhaul PEP DPD tlt lias Fuel filters~Refer to Maintenance Division 10 Fuel system priming ey 19.50.01 Fuel tank —removeandrefit ©... + 19.55.01 Fuel tank gauge unit—Refer to Division’ ‘Thermostat switeh “remove and refit, 19.15.50 Hand control, engine speed remove and refit 19.20.29 ‘Throttle linkage “remove and refit 19.20.07 COOLING SYSTEM Coolant drain and refill. Se ee + 2610.01 continued Page No. 17-8 17-8 17-10 17-8 7-01 17-9 17-10 17-10 17-12 17-12 17-12 17-13 17-2 19-16 19-2 19-17 19-18 19-24 1924 1925 19-21 19-21 19-22 19-23 19-16 19-17 19-16 26-1 01-7ois Expansion tank “remove and refit Fan blades and pulley “remove and refit Radiator and front panel assembly—remove and refit Radiator “remove and refit, ‘Thermostat ‘remove and refit test Water pump ‘remove and refit, overhaul MANIFOLD AND EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust manifold, 26 litre models “remove and refit Exhaust system “front pipe-remove and refit... “intermediate pipe—remove and refit ”
[ke [tb [ke | tb [ke |b [ke [1b driver, passengers, payload and equipment. waa ena aa fence | uals] aahss| ali] sags | aang nas ashe Tout 19 2862 [13362546 1307 [2882] 1345] 2966 [1538 | 2950 [1376] 3034 | 1st | 3127] 1456)9211 Maximum Permissible Towed Weights [On-road | Offroad BEC KERB. j kg Ib | kg Ib WEIGHT. | ilers without brakes. . 500 1100) $00 1100] re he om 20 a a a ‘bal roar :: The weights above do not authorise use outside the lation fone wean | ean | eae | mae | TE Ruaeh saree mainracic ine Rear axle 1190 2624 1190 2624 1190 2624 1190 2624 SDanbination is being operated. Total 2120 4675 2120 4675 2120 4674 2120 4674 spopersted. Long-wheelbase weights High Capacity Pick-Up Weights a Ee] haete | eR e Cant [race ee 4-cylinder |4-cylinder |4-cylinder |4-cylinder |4-cylinder |4-cylinder | 4-cylinder | 4-cylinder ider | 4-cylinder Petrol” | Dies | Petrol” | Diesel Para” [Bsa (“pau | “sie | pean | Bis ke [ [ke | [ke | [ke |b is | |i lb] ke is ie is a Wa Front axle 785] 1733] 814] 1795} 794|1751) 823] 1815) 786] 1733] 815] 1797] 788|1797] si9fiso6] 799 | 812 818 831 saa VEHICLE oe ad ty kd s ‘s as Front axle 1000 2205 1000 2205 1000 2205 1000 2205 1000 1120ENGINE TUNING DATA. ENGINE 2% litre 4-cylinder Petrol models (Refer to. Division 17 for emission controlled engines) Type . Capacity ‘Compression ratio” Standard Optional Firing Order : ‘Compression pressure '8.0:1 compression ratio 7.0:1 compression ratio dling speed Fastidle setting Ignition timing, static '8.0:1 compression ratio 7.0:1 compression ratio Timing marks... ‘Valve clearance, inlet and exhaust DISTRIBUTOR Make/type Rotation of rotor Contact breaker gap Condenser capacity Serial number Centrifugal advance with TDC ignition tim- ing Decelerating check with vacuum unit dis- connected CCrankghaft apgle Engine rev/min 38. to 42 4500 30° to 34° 3500 228 to 26° 2500 12° to 16° 1200 4° to 128 900 Oto a 600 No advance below 450 ‘Vacuum advance Starts Finishes In line four cylinder four stroke, overhead valves 2286 cm? (139.5 in.) 80:1 (Engine number commencing 901. - 7.0:1 (Engine number commencing. a 11,2 ket om? (160 tof. in2) 10°9 kgf em? (145 [bf in) 300 rev/min 1,40 mm (0.055 in.) throttle buttery ‘clearance, 1200 + 50 rev/min ‘TDC when using 90 octane fuel 3¢ ATDC when using 85 octane fuel 3° BTDC when using 83 octane fuel ‘TDC when using 75 octane fuel On crankshaft pulley 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) Lucas 45D, Anticlockwise 0,36 mm to 0,40 mm (0.014 in. to 0.016 in.) 0.2 microfarad 5069) 89 mm (3,5 in.) He, 635 mm (25.0 ‘PARKING PLUGS Make/type ‘2.0.1 compression ratio 7.0:1 compression ratio Gap Gpaoccd IGNITION COIL Makeltype « Primary resistance at 20°C (68°F) | Consumption-igntion on at engine idle speet CARBURETTER Make/type Choke diameter Main jet Compensating (enrichment) jet - Pump jet Needle valve... altitude carburetter fain (120), airs) (us) ( Slow running (35) ENGINE 244 litre 4-cylinder Diesel models Type Capacity Compression ratio Firing order Idling speed Injection timing seiting Timing marks Valve timing — inlet and exhaust Injection timing. Valve clearance “inlet and’ exhaust 1. INJECTORS Make/type Nozzle size Opening pressure HEATER PLUGS Make/type DISTRIBUTOR PUMP Make/type Ditection of rotation Maximum speed setting (sealed) ‘Champion N12Y or Unipart GSP 131 ‘Champion N8 or Unipart GSP 130 0,75 to 0,80 mm (0.029 to 0.032 in.) HAI2 3.0 t0.3.5 ohms 2.0 amps approx. Zenith 361V 27'mm 125 150 65 (short stroke, outer hole) 175 ‘Altitude: 1524 to 2133 m (000 to 7000 ft) 2133 to 2743 m (7000 t0 9000 1) 2743 to 3657 m (9000 t0 12000 f1) 3657 to 4267 m (12000 to 14000 ft) 2143 to. 4267 m (9000 t0 14000 ft) Inline four cylinder four stroke, overhead 2286 cm? (139.5 in?) 23.011 13-42 590 # 20 rev/min B°BTDC. Op engine Sywhest and pump fan 0,25 mm (0,010 in) * CAV Pintaux_ BDNO/SPC 6209 135 Atm KLG GF 210/T or Champion AG4S CAV type DPA Clockwise, viewed from drive end 4,200 engine rev/min80 ENGINE 2.6 litre 6-cylinder Petrol models ‘Type Capacity Compression ratio ‘Standard... Optional "78:1 compression ratio 7.0:1 compression ratio Idling speed’ Fast idle setting Ignition timing, 8:1 compression ratio 7.0:1 compression ratio .. ‘Timing marks Valve clearance Talet Exhaust DISTRIBUTOR Make/type .. Rotation of rotor Centrifugal advance Decorating check with vacuum unit dis connecte nye Boome Sara cee vathticbuey BB Vu ane ee Ha sragune vcs Make/type In line six cylinder four stroke, inlet— greiad valves exhaust-side valves 2625 em? (160.3 in.”) 1.831 (Engine number commencing 941. 10:1 (Eigine number commencing 944...) Sg 9,48 to 10,5 kgf/em* (135 to 150 bf/in#) at 3000 rey min crank 9,84 Kaf/em® (140 Ibf/in-) 500 rev/min 1000 to 1200 rev/min (TDC when using 90 octane fuel ‘TDC when using 85 octane fuel 2° BTDC when using 83 octane fuel ‘TDC when using 80 octane fuel On crankshaft pulley 0,15 mm (0.006 in.) engine hot (0/25 mm (0.010 in.) engine hot or cold Lucas 2506. Anticclockwise 165 mm (6.5 in.) He. 635 mm (25.0 in.) He. ‘Champion NS or Unipart GSP 160 (7.8:1 and 7.0:1 compression ratio) 0,75 100,80 mm (0.029 t0 0.032 in.) IGNITION COIL, ‘Make/type : Primary resistance at 20°C (68°F) Consumption~ignition on at engine ile speed. CARBURETTER ‘Choke diameter ......... Metering needle Air valve return spring Needle valve... Feast ile interconnection setting « Float height... Lucas HAI2 3.0 to 3.5 ohms 1.5 amps Zenith-Stromberg 175CD-SE 41,275 mm (1.625 in.) B1B362.2/45 1827.2. B18353.2 1,75 mm 1,1 mm or No. $7 drill at edge of throttle 16 mm to 17 mm (0.629 in. to 0.669 in.)1-90 TORQUE WRENCH SETTINGS ENGINE~2% litre 4-cylinder ‘Connecting rod cap nuts Main bearing cap bolts: el engines 3 bearing Diesel entines Cylinder head bols: Petrol engines S]6 in, UNF 1/2in. UNF Diesel engines 5/6 in, UNF 1/2 in. UNF Rocker shaft bolts ‘Petrol engines 5/16.n. UNF . 1/2 in. UNF Diesel engines ‘3/16 in. UNF 1/2 in. UNF Starter dog: Petrol engines emetic ce bolts Oil filter bots Canister to housing Housing to cylinder bike Engine sump bolts ENGINE-2.6 litre 6-cylinder Petrol ‘Connecting rod cap nuts Main bearing cap bolts Cylinder head bolts 3/8 in. (9,5 mm approximately) dis- meter. 716 in. meter Starter dog? Flywheel bolts 20. 222..7 ‘Sump bolts : sun approximately) dia Fuel system 24 litre 4-cylinder Diesel Injector nuts Manifold and exhaust system 24% litre 4-cylinder Petrol Induction manifold to exhaust manifold nuts Clutch, ‘Clutch cover bolts 0,8 to 1,0 23 2,48 to 3,04 WE. ft. 2s 8s 100 18 65 18 90 18 65 18 90, 601065 2 2 20 8 30 50 60 to 65 2 6t08 "7 18 to25 Geurbox “Output drive Mange ut Paythat bot Rear axle and final drive Hub driving flange bolts... . Salisbury type axles: Differential case bolts Crownwheal bolts... Differential bearing cap boits| Differential cover bolts Rover type ales Bevel pinion diving Mange nut Crown whee bos. Differential bearing cap bolts Hub driving ange nut Front axle and final drive Hub driving fange bolts Hub driving flange nut =. Bevel pinion driving flange nut Crown whee! bots .. Differential bearing cap bois Upper swivel pin bolts Lower swivel pin nuts Steering ‘Steering wheel nut Ball joint nuts . . Relay lever pinch boits Steering box to support bracket bolts Steering box support bracket to chassis bolts Steering box drop arm nut Road wheel nuts, Brakes ‘Wheel cylinder bleed nipple . . Master cylinder to servo nuts... Tipping valve retainer “(Dual” system master cylinde Brake failure switch end pipe union Brake failure switeh unit to housing. - Fluid reservoir to master cylinder bolt (Single line servo) Fluid reservoir to master cylinder screws (dual line servo models) ee Servo assembly securing nuts - 4,20 5,2 91 to 10,4, 153 0 173 9 to 14,5 2,8 t03,5, eft, . 85 50 (apply Loctite 601) 3010 38 66 to 75, T11 to 125 93 to 105 20 to 28 85 401045 S0t065 ioto 13 301038 151020 85 0t045 S0t065 Soto6s 501065 40 30 35 50 to 60 1s 60 to 80 15 toss 4106 I6to19 35 to4s 16 16 201028 2t03 97-90 Suspension—all models Leaf spring “U" bolts front and rear Shackle nuts and bolts Windscreen wipers and washers ‘Wiper blade drive adaptor bolts Electrical equipment ‘Alternator shaft nut Heater plugs (diesel) Starter motor Petrol models Starter through bolts Diesel models ‘Solenoid to starter nuts Solenoid outer terminal nuts Starter yoke terminal outer nut » | Starter through bolts Starter earth stud nut |<. Eccentric pivot pin locknut 0,34 (34 kgf. cm) we. te. 58 601070 2.5 (30 tof. in.) 25 1030 281-10 GENERAL FITTING INSTRUCTIONS Precautions against damage T'- Always fit covers to protect wings before commencing ‘work in engine compartment. 2 Cover seats and carpets, wear clean overalls and wash hands or wear gloves before working inside car 3. Avoid spilling hydraulic fluid or battery acid on paint ‘work. Wash off with water immediately if this occur. Use Polythene sheets in boot to protect carpets. 4 Always use a recommended Service Tool, ora satisfac- tory equivalent, where specified. 5 Protect temporarily exposed screw threads by replacing ruts or fitting plastic caps. Safety Preea Whenever possible use a ramp or pit when working beneath ca, in preference to jacking. Chock whess a8 ‘well as applying hand brake. 2 Never rely ona jack alone to support car. Use axle stands or blocks carefully placed at jacking points to provide rigid location, 3 Ensure that a suitable form of fire extinguisher is conveniently located. 4 Check’ that any lifting equipment used has adequate ‘capacity and is fully serviceable 5 Inspect power leads of any mains electrical equipment for damage and check that itis properly earthed. 6 Disconnect earth (grounded) terminal of car battery. 7 Do not disconnect any pipes in air conditioning refrigeration system, if fitted, unless trained and instructed to do so." A refrigerant is used which can cause blindness if allowed to contact eyes. 8 Ensure that adequate ventilation is provided when volatile de-greasing agents are being used. CAUTION: Fume extraction equipment must be in opera tion when trachloride, methylene chloride, chloroform, or perchlorethylene are used for cleaning purposes. 9 Do not apply heat in an attempt to free stiff nuts or fittings; aswell as causing damage to protective coatings, there is a risk of damage to electronic equipment and brake lines from stray heat 10 Do not leave tools, equipment, spilt oil ete., around or fon work area 11 Wear protective overalls and use barrier creams when necessaty Preparation 1 Before removing a component, clean it and its sur- rounding areas as thoroughly as possible. 2 Blank ‘off any. openings exposed by component re- moval, using greaseproof paper and masking tape. 3 Immediately seal fuel, oil or hydraulic lines when separated, using plastic caps or plugs, to prevent loss of fluid and entry of dirt. 4 Close open ends of ollways, exposed by component removal, with tapered hardwood plugs or feadily visible plastic plugs. 5 Immediately a component is removed, place it in a suitable container; use separate container for each component and its associated parts. 6 Before dismantling a component, clean it thoroughly with a recommended cleaning agent; check that agent ig suitable for all materials of component. 7 Clean bench and provide marking materials, labels, containers and locking wire before dismantling a ‘component. Dismantling ‘Observe scrupulous cleanliness when dismantling com- ponents, particularly when brake, fuel or hydraulic system parts are being worked on. A particle of dirt or ‘cloth fragment could cause a dangerous malfunction if trapped in these systems. 2 Blow out all tapped holes, crevices, oilways and fluid passages with an ai line, Ensure that any O-rings used for sealing are correctly replaced or renewed, if disturbed, 3 Mark mating parts to ensure that they are replaced as dismantled. Whenever possible use marking ink, which avoids possibilities of distortion or initiation of eracks, liable if centre punch or scriber are used. 4 Wire together mating parts where necessary to prevent accidental interchange (e-, roller bearing components). 5. Wire labels on to all parts which are to be renewed, and to. parts requiring further inspection before being passed for reassembly; place these parts in separate Containers from those containing parts for rebuild. 6 Do not discard a part due for renewal until after comparing it with a new part, to ensure that its correct, replacement has been obtained. Inspection—General 1 Never inspect a component for wear or dimensional check unless it is absolutely clean; a slight smear of grease can conceal an incipient failure, 2 When a component is to be checked dimensionally against figures quoted for it, use correct equipment Gurface plates, ‘micrometers, dial gauges, etc.) in serviceable condition. Makeshift checking equipment can be dangerous. 3. Reject @ component if its dimensions are outside limits quoted, or if damage is apparent. A part may, however, bbe refitted if its critical dimension is exactly limit size, and is otherwise satisfactory 4 Use “Plastigauge’ 12 Type PG-I for checking bearing surface clearances; directions for its use, and a scale giving bearing clearances in 0.0001 in. (0,0025 mm.) Stops are provided with it Ball and Roller Bearings NEVER REPLACE A BALL OR ROLLER BEARING WITHOUT FIRST ENSURING THAT IT IS IN AS- NEW CONDITION. 1 Remove all traces of lubricant from bearing under inspection by washing in petrol ora sutable de-greaser; ‘maintain absolute cleanliness throughout operations. 2 Inspect visually for markings of any form on rolling elements, raceways, outer surface of outer rings oF inner surface of inner rings. Reject any bearings found to be marked, ‘since any marking in these areas Indicates onset of wear 3 Holding inner race between finger and thumb of one hand, spin outer race and check that it revolves absolutely” smoothly. Repeat, holding outer race and Spinning inner race. 4 Rotate outer ring gently with a reciprocating motion, while holding inner sing; feel for any check of obstruction to rotation, and reject Bearing if action is fot perfectly smooth. 5 Lubricate bearing generously with lubricant appro- priate to installation. 6 Inspect shaft and bearing housing for discoloration or other. marking. suggesting. that movement has taken place between bearing and seatings. (This is particularly fo be expected if Tolated markings were found in operation’ 2.) If markings are found, use ‘Loctite’ in Installation of replacement bearing. 7 Ensure that shaft and housing are clean and free from ‘burrs before fitting bearing 8 If one bearing of pair shows an imperfection it is generally advisable to renew both bearings: an excep- tion could be made if the faulty bearing had covered alow mileage, a it could be established that damage ‘was confined to it onl 9 When fitting bearing to shaft, apply force only to inner fing of bearing, and only to outer ring when fitting into housing. Zao 7] Sc H H Y ry y Ba zzz |z10 oil 1 In the case of greaseubricated bearings (e.g, hub bearings) fill space between bearing and outer seal with recommended grade of grease before fitting seal. ‘Always mark components of separable bearings (e.. taper roller bearings) in dismantling, to ensure correct reassembly. Never fit new rollers in @ used cup. Seale “Always fit new oil seals when rebuilding an assembly. It is not physically possible to replace a seal exactly ‘when it has bedded down. Carefully examine seal before fitting to ensure that itis clean and undamaged. Smear sealing lips with clean grease; pack dust excluder seals with grease, and heavily grease duplex seals in ‘cavity between sealing lips Ensure that seal spring, if provided, is comrectly fitted. Place lip of seal towards fluid to be sealed and slide into. position on. shaft, using fitting sleeve when possible to protect sealing lip from damage by sharp corners, threads or splines. If fitting sleeve is not available, use plastic tube or adhesive tape to prevent damage to sealing lip. WA 5 6 Grease outside diameter of seal, place square to housing recess and press into position, using great care and if possible a “bell piece’ to ensure that seal is not tilted. (In some cases it may be preferable to fit seal to housing before fitting to shaft.) Never let weight of unsupported shaft rest in seal. 7 If comect service tool is not available, use a suitable drift approximately 0.015 in, (0,4 mm) smaller than ‘outside diameter ‘of seal. Use’ a hammer VERY GENTLY on drift if a press is not suitable. 8 Press or drift seal in to depth of housing if housing is shouldered, or flush with face of housing where no shoulder is provided. NOTE: Most cates of failure or leakage of oil seals are ‘due to careless fitting, and resulting damage to both seals and sealing surfaces. Care in fitting is essential if ood results are to be obtained. Joints and Joint Faces 1 Always use correct gaskets where they are specified. 2 Use jointing compound only when recommended. Otherwise fit joints dry. 3 When jointing compound is used, apply in a thin uniform film to metal surfaces; take great care to prevent it from entering oilways, pipes or blind tapped holes. 4 Remove all traces of old jointing materials prior to reanembly. Do not use «'tool which could damage joint faces. 5 Inspect joint faces for scratches or burrs and remove ‘with a fine file or oil stone; do not allow swarf or dirt {o enter tapped holes or enclosed parts. 6 Blow out any pipes, channels or crevices with com- proted ate, Tenewing any Oring or seat eepaced by air blast Flexible Hydraulic Pipes, Hoses 1 Before removing any brake or power steering hose, clean end fittings and area surrounding them a3 thoroughly as possible, 2 Obtain’ appropriate blanking caps before detaching hose end fittings, so that ports can be immediately covered to exclude dirt. 3. Clean hose externally and blow through with airline. Examine carefully for cracks, separation of plies, security of end fittings and external damage. Reject any hose found faulty. 4 When refitting hose, ensure that no unnecessary bends are introduced, and that hose is not twisted before or during tightening of union nuts. 5 Gontainers for hydraulic uid must be kept absolutly 6 Do not store hydraulic fluid in an unsealed container. Ie will absorb water, and fluid in this condition would ‘be dangerous to use due to a lowering of its boiling point. 7 Do not allow hydraulic fluid to be contaminated with mineral oil, of use a container which has previously contained mineral oil. 8 Dornot re-use fluid bled from system. 9 Always use clean brake fluid to clean hydraulic ‘components. 10 Fit a blanking cap to a hydraulic union and a plug to its socket after removal to prevent ingress of dirt. 11 Absolute cleanliness must be observed with hydraulic, components at al times. 12. After any work on hydraulic systems, inspect carefully for leaks underneath the car while a second operator applies maximum pressure to the brakes running) and operates the steering. ‘engine continuedLo Metric Bolt Identification [An ISO metric bolt or screw, made of steel and larger than 6 mm in diameter can be identified by either of the symbols 180. M or M embossed or indented on top of the head. 2 In addition to marks to identify the manufacture, the head is also marked with symbols to indicate the strength grade eg. 8.8, 10.9, 12.9 or 14.9, where the first figure gives the minimum tensile strength of the ‘bolt material in tens of ke/sq. mmm 3 Zine plated [SO metric bolts and nuts are chromate passivated, a greenish-khaki to gold-bronze colour. Metic Nut Mentification ‘A nut with an ISO metric thread is marked on one face or on one of the flats of the hexagon with the strength grade symbol 8, 12 or 14. Some nuts with a strength 4, Sor 6 ate also marked and some have the metric Symbol Mon the flat opposite the strength grade smarking. 2 Acclock face system is used as an alternative method of indicating the strength grade. The external chamfers or 8 face of the nut is marked in a position relative to the Appropriate hour mark on a clock face to indicate the Strength grade. 3 A'dot is used to locate the 12 o'clock position and a Gash to indicate the strength grade. If the grade is above 12, two dots identify the 12 o'clock position. Hydraulic Fittings — Metrication WARNING: Metric and Unified threaded hydraulic parts Although pipe connections to brake system units incor- porate threads of metric form, those for power assisted Steering are of UNF type. It is vitally important that these two thread forms are not confused, and careful study should be made of the following notes. Metric threads and metric sizes are being introduced into motor vehicle manufacture and some duplication of parts must be expected. Although standardisation must in the Tong run be good, it would be wrong not to give warning of the dangers that’ exist while UNF and metric threaded hydraulic parts continue together in service. Fitting UNF. pipe nuts into metric ports and vice-versa should not happen, but experience of the change from BSF to UNF. indicated that there is no certainty in relying upon the ditference in thread size when safety is involved fo provide permanent identification of metric parts is not easy ‘but recognition has been assisted by the following means. (llus- ‘A Metric, B Unified.) 1 All metric pipe nuts, hose ends, unions and bleed screws are coloured black 2. The hexagon area of pipe nuts is indented with the letter ‘M’, 3. Matic and UNF pipe nuts are slightly itferent in shape. a > & a6 BE @) ‘The metric female nut is always used with a trumpet flared pipe and the metric male nut is always used with a convex flared pipe. 4° All metric ports in cylinders and calipers have no counterbores, but unfortunately a few cylinders with UNF threads also have no counterbore. The situation is, all ports with counterbores are UNF, but ports not ‘egfnterbored are most likely to be metric. 5 The colour of the protective plugs in hydraulic ports indicates the size and the type of the threads, but the function of the plugs is protective and not designed as, positive identification. In production it is difficult to lise the wrong plug but human error must be taken into account. ‘The Plug colours and thread sizes are: UNF RED 3x24 UNF GREEN 20 UNF YELLOW ihr x 20 UNF PINK Wx 18 UNF METRIC BLACK 10x Imm GREY 12x1mm BROWN 14x 15mm 6 Hose ends differ slightly between metric and UNF. Gaskets are not used with metric hoses. The UNF hose is sealed on the cylinder or caliper face by a copper gasket by. the metric hose seals against the bottom of the port and there isa gap between faces of the hose and cylinder. Pipe sizes for UNF are ¢ in., % in, and & in outside diameter. Metric pipe sizes are 4.75 mm, 6 mm and 8 mm. 4.75 mm pipe is exactly the same as 4 in. pipe. 6 mm pipe 014 in. smaller than % in. pipe. 8 mm pipe is .002 in. larger than { in. pipe. Convex pipe flares are shaped differently for metric sizes, and when making pipes for metric equipment, metric pipe flaring tools must be used. Cm ——Cee Etim —-cato esa) continued +.0 ‘The greatest danger lies with the confusion of 10 mm and § in. UNF pipe nuts used for @ in. (or 4.75 mm) pipe. The $ in, UNF pipe nut or hose can be screwed into a 10 mm port but is very slack and easily stripped. The thread engagement Js very weak and cannot provide an adequate seal. ‘The opposite condition, 2 10 mm nut ina Zin. port, is, difficult and unlikely to cause trouble. The 10'mm nut will, screw in 1% of two turns and seize. It has a crossed thread, “feel” and itis impossible to force the nut far enough to seal the pine. With female pipe nuts the postion i of course ‘The other combinations are so different that there is no danger of confusion. Keys and Keyways [Remove burts from edges of keyways with a fine file and clean thoroughly before attempting to refit key. 2 Clean and inspect key closely; keys are suitable for refitting only if ihdistinguishable from new, as any indentation may indicate the onset of wear. fab Washers Fit new washers in all places where they are used ‘Always renew a used tab washer. 2 Ensure that the new tab washer is of the same design as, that replaced. Split Pins 1 Fit new split pins throughout when replacing any unit. 2. Always fit split pins where split pins were originally used. Do not substitute spring washers: there is always 4 good reason for the use of a split pin. 3 All “split. pins should be fitted as shown unless otherwise stated, Nuts 1 When tightening a slotted or castellated nut never slacken it back to insert split pin oF locking wire except in those recommended cases where this forms part of an adjustment. If difficulty is experienced, alternative ‘Washers of nuts should be selected, or washer thickness reduced. 2 Where. self'docking nuts have been removed it is advisable to replace them with new ones of the same type. NOTE: Where bearing pre-load is involved nuts should be tightened in accordance with special instructions. Locking Wire I Fit new locking wire of the correct type for all assemblies incorporating it. 2 Arrange wite so that ifs tension tends to tighten the bolt heads, or nuts, to which it is fitted Screw Threads 1 Both UNF and Metric threads to ISO standards are used, See below for thread identification. 2 Damaged threads must always be discarded. Cleaning up threads with a die or tap impairs the strength and closeness of fit of the threads and is not recommended. 3° Always ensure that replacement bolts are at least equal in strength to those replaced. 4 Do not allow oil, grease or jointing compound to enter blind threaded holes. The hydraulic action on screwing in the bolt or stud could split the housing, 5 Always tighten a nut or bolt to the recommended torque figure. Damaged or corroded threads can affect the torque reading 6 To check oF te-tighten a bolt or screw to a specified torque figure, first slacken a quarter of a turn, then restighten to the correct figure. 7 Always oil thread lightly before tightening to ensure a free running thread, except in the case of self-locking nuts. Unified Thread Identification Bolts A circular recess is stamped in the upper surface of the bolt head Nuts {A continuous line of circles is indented on one of the fats of the hexagon, parallel to the axis of the nut Studs, Brake Rods, etc. ‘The component is reduced to the core diameter for a short length at its extremity.SERVICE LUBRICANTS, FUEL, FLUIDS AND CAPACITIES CAPACITIES ‘The following capacity figures are approximate and are provided as a guide only. All oil levels must be checked using the dipstick or level plug, as applicable with the vehicle on level ground. Engine sump oil, 4-cylinder 5 Engine sump oll, 6cylinder <2. s Air cleaner oll, 4-cylinder ‘Air cleaner oll, -cylinder | ° Main gearbox oil... . Transfer box oll |: Rear differential") Front differential) Rover... Rear differential: Salisbury BHA... 2. ‘Swivel pin housing oileach) . 1. 2 Fuel tank, 4-cylinder models except Station Wagon . Fuel tank, cylinder models except Station Wagon. Fuel tank, 4-cylinder and 6-cylinder Station Wagon modeis Cooling system, 4-cylinder Petrol models, Cooling system, 6-cylinder Petrol models, Extra when refilling after fitting new filer, 4cylinder Extra when refiling after fitting new filter, 6
seose cowed 20W (40, 20W/50 —————— eSEeC | or SE/CC SSF/cG—orSE/CD Sse/coorsr/ee SSE/cD or SE/CD. 71 Main gearbox 3 | Transterbox 1 | Frontaierenat 36 | Reardiferentat WEP ————> ie | Seivel nosing RH. ADAGLA | Seve bousing CH a 2 | Secangbor BAL-L-2105 i} | Steering relay — Hh | Rearpovertuke-of [ 2 | Puilgyun ydezue winch gearbox : 1 Bros lnk ball oi, LH i) Brag tink ballfoint LH 1s | Pratt ball orn Re >| Tack red ball June LH 14 | Toenail on | Longitudinal rm bal Jom rear 21 | Longitudinal a NLGI-2 Multi-purpose lithium based grease 3 | Front hubs LH a | earn io) Remo c 38 | lontprepeite shat 3 | Rearropeller shart Windscreen washers UNIPART SCREEN WASHER FLUID—ALL SEASONS, or ater proprietary screen washer fi 24 | Clutch id reservoir UNIPART UNIVERSAL BRAKE FLUID or other brake Mus having a minimum bling point of 260°C (500°F) and comply- 3 | Brake tuid reservoir fag wiih FMVSS 116 DOT 3 5 | Engine cootng syne UNIPART UNIVERSAL ANTI-PREEZE. It not available use an ethylene glycol based anti-freeze (containing no meth- ‘anol) with non-phosphate corrosion inhibitors suitable for use in cast iron engines to ensure the protection of the cooling system ‘againet frost and corrosion. When frost protection is not required use a non-phosphate corrosion inhibitor.I-01 MAINTENANCE SUMMARY CHART—EXCLUDING AUSTRALIA KEY: MILEAGE x 1,000 MILES Operation No, Mileage 10.1003 1 10.10.06 3,9, 15,21,27, 33, 39,45 10.10.12 5 18, 30, 43 10.10.28 13,24, 36,48 (Operation Number 10.10.12}10.10.24 Intervals in Miles x 1000 6] 2 Intervals in Kilometces X 1000 io | 2 ENGINE 1 Check fro leaks x | x 2. Renew engine oi fiter x | ox 3. Renew engine oi x | x 4 Check crankcase breathing system ‘for leaks, Hoses for ‘security “and condition x | x 5. Toprupcarbuctir pision damper(s) (2.60mi) x | x Cheok/adjestearburettr idle seuings x | x 7 Clean fel pump sediment bow! (244 petrol only) | x & Check adjust valve clearances | x 5. Check cooing and heater systems for icaks, and hoses for security and i condition x | x 10 Check/topup cooling system Jak 11 Check adjust operation ofall washers and iop-up reservoirs , xix 12 Check diving belts: adjust or renew x | x 13 Lubricate soteerator contol inkage and peal pivot-check operation. | x |X 14 Check security of engine mountings 15 Clean engine breather hte x 16 Renew engine fame trap x 17 Renew fue iter element (2.6 oy) x 1 Clean fuel seimenter (dies!) 5 x 19 Chee ar inestion stm hose for secu and candiion 6 only) 5 x 20 Empty, clesn and ret air cleaner ol bath x 21 Drain fywheet housing if drain plug is fted for wading x | x 22 Check faclinjctor for burst pressure and test for spray x IGNITION 23 Clean/adj spark plugs x 24 Renew spark plugs x 25 Check dsributor points adjust or renew x | x 26 Lubricate dstibutor : x | x 27 Check adjust ignition ising, using eocironic equipment x | x Operation Number Intervals in Miles X 1000 Intervals in Kilometres X 1000 10.10.12| 6 10 10.10.24] 12 20 ‘TRANSMISSION 28 Check for il leaks 29 Check top-up clutch fuid reservoir 30 Choo tighines of prop. shaft coupling bits 31 Lubricate propshatt(s) 432 Check/top-up gearbox oi. 33 Cheek top-up transfer box oil 34 Check/top-up front axle oil 35 Check/ top-up rear axle/final drive oil 36 Check hydraulic clutch pipes and hoses visually for eracks, leaks and | chafing | 37 Clean axle breathers ‘STEERING AND SUSPENSION. 38 Check condition and security of steering unit joints, relays and gaiters 39 Check security of suspension fixings 40 Cheek /adjast front and rear wheel alignment 41 Check steering rack /gear for oil/fuid leaks. | 42 Check shack absorbers for Nui leaks 43 Check top-up steering relay unit 44 Check/top- up steering box 445 Check /adjust steering box 46 Check /top-up swivel pin housing oil BRAKES 47 Check visually hydraulic pipes and unions for chafing, eaks and corrosion 448 Check top-up brake fluid reservoir(s) 49 Check handbrake operation; adjust to manufacturer's instructions 50 Check footbrake operation; adjust to manufacturer's instructions (manual) 51 Inspeet brake linings for wear, drums for condition 52 Lubricate handbrake mechanical linkage and cable guides (iever pivot) '53 Check brake servo hose(s) for security and condition ELECTRICAL, 54 Check function of original equipment wipers and warning indicators $3 Check topap battery letrolyic '56 Clean and grease battery connections 57 Check/adjust headlamp alignment 58 Check, if necessary renew wiper blades ¢. interior and exterior lamps, horns, EXHAUST AND FUEL PIPES '59 Cheek fuel system for leaks, pipes and unions for chafing and corrosion {60 Check exhaust system for leaks and security... ....++ ES KX % 20000 208 HH 220 22220 x 2X 220K 3000230000006 perros xxzor MAINTENANCE SUMMARY CHART—EXCLUDING AUSTRALIA ‘Operation Number Intervals in Miles X 1000 Intervals in Kilometres X 1000 10.10.12 6 10 10.10.24 12 2 WHEELS AND TYRES 61 Check that tyres comply with manufacturer’ specification 62 Check adjust tyre pressures including spare 163 Check tyres for tread depth and visually for external cuts i fabric, exposure cof ply of cord structure, lumps or bulges {64 Check tightness of road wheel fastenings 63 Check yes fo external ens in tyre fabri ‘exposure of ply cord structure, lamps bulges, IMBORTANT: if pes donot conform wth egal equiremens, repro (6 Interchange oadwheels (including spare) BODY 67 Lubricate all locks and hinges (NOT steering lock) 668 Check condition and security of seats and seat belts 69 Check rearview mirror(s) for cracks and crazing 10 Check operation of all door and bonnet locks 1 Check operation of window controls ‘2 Check operation of seat belt inertia reel mechanism. 73 Ensure cleanliness of controls, door handles and steering wheel GENERAL. 74 Road Roller test and check function of all instrumentation 75 Report additional work required xx xx HO xx xx xx ex 22 22290 xx ‘At 24,000 mile (40,000 km) intervals, the following operations should be carried out: (Lubricate propeller shaft sealed sliding joints. Gi) Renew gearbox oil (Gi). Renew transfer box oil (iv) Renew final drive unit(s) ol () _ Renew swivel pin housing ol. ‘At 36,000 mile intervals — Renew air filter in brake servo unit. ‘At 48,000 mile intervals ~ Clean fuel pump filter (2.6 only) BRAKES — PREVENTIVE MAIN- TENANCE In addition to the recommended periodical ipeton of brake components viable, asthe car ages, and asa precaution against the tect of wear and deen 10 make a more searching inspection and renew part as neceatary. Sex page 10-18 for deta£01 MAINTENANCE SUMMARY CHART — AUSTRALIA ONLY — ADR27A ~ 2% PETROL, Detailed maintenance operations for specific emission control items are contained within section 17 of this manual. MAINTENANCE INTERVALS. Service Km x 1000 OPERATION NO. A 16 10.1003 B ——_-S.15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 10.10.06 © 10,30, 50,70 10.10.12 D 20,60) 10.10.28 EB 40,70 10.10.50 NOTE: The service schedules are based on an annual total of approximately 20,000 km. Should the yehicle complete substantially less Kilometres than this per annum, it is recommended that a ‘C’ service is completed at six month intervals and a ‘D' service at twelve month intervals a[tefic|ofe Key to operation numbers to. 10. fro, fio. | 10. and mileage intervals, Yo. | to | 10. | 10, | 10. 03} 06| iz] 24) 0 Operation Description Clean and test crankcase breather valve... i ENGINE Renew engine flame trap Check/top up engine oil level eed Check/top up cooling system x Gheck/adhust operation ofall wate and fop up reservoirs... Renew engine oll «<< Renew engine oil filter’ °° Lubricate accelerator contro! linkage (and pedal pivot) ~ check operation . Check coolna/heater system for leks and hoses for security and eqgaition 5 ‘Check for oll leaks Check/adjust torque oPeylinder head uts/bolts ‘Check driving belts, adjust or renew Cheek security of engine mountings Check /adjust carburetter idle settings Drain flywheel housing, if drain plug is fitted "| (for wading) ee x | x Check security of EGR vaive operating lines. Check EGR system . Check/adjust choke settings (Manual chokes)..." |x Check crankcase breathing system for leaks hoses/pipes for security and condition x xx xx x x 220 > xx x MX XK RK KK KK KK OK KK KK Key to operation numbers and mileage intervals 10. |10. 03] 06 Check crankcase breathing and evaporative loss systems; check hoses/pipes and restrictors for Blockages, security and condition ‘Check/adjust valve clearances Clean fuel pump sediment bowi ‘Gheck/adjust carburetter throt Top Empty, clean element, and refill ar cleaner off bath Clean engine breather filter Renew engine breather filter IGNITION Renew spark plugs Lubricate distributor Check/adjust ignition timing ising électronic juipment Check security of distributor vacuum unit line and operation of vacuum unit, Ghee ignition wiring for fraying, chafing and jeterioration Clean distributor cap, check for tracking Check coil performance on oscitioscope | ° Renew distributor points TRANSMISSION heck fo lui jeck/top up gearbox oll | | Check/top up fear axle/final drive oil heck tightness of propeller shaft coupling alts = Lubricate propshaft(s} Lubricate propshaft sesied sliding joint - Renew final drive unit(s) oi Check/top up transfer box oil © ‘Check/top up front axle oil Renew transfer box oil ‘Cheek cluteh pipes for leaks and chafing Check/top up clutch fluid reservoir Renew gearbox oil. Clean axle breathers xxx xx x HX xx xxx x xx KKK XX KK XX Ox RRO KOK KK KKK KO OX 222K continuedrot MAINTENANCE SUMMARY CHART ~ AUSTRALIA ONLY Key to operation numbers and mileage intervals als 10. | 10. To. } 10. 03] 06 10, m4 10. $0 STEERING AND SUSPENSION Check/top up swivel pin housing oil ‘Check/adjust steering box... Check condition and security of steering unit joints relays and gaiters . Check security of suspension fixings". Gheck/adjst front and rear wheel alignment Renew swivel pin housing oil Check/top up steering relay unit’ Check shock absorbers for Muid leaks | | Check/top up steering box . : Check steering rack/gear for oii/ituid Teaks BRAKES Inspect brake linings for wear and drums for condition Check/top up brake Mid reservoirs Check footbrake operations/adjust to manufacturer's instructions (Manual) Check hand brake operation, adjust to manufacturers instructions (Check brake servo hose(s) for security and condition Lubricate hand brake mechanical finkage and cable guides ‘Check visually hydraulic pipes and unions as for chafing, leaks and corrosion . . ELECTRICAL Check function of original equipment, i. interior and exterior lamps, horns, wipers, and washers and warning indicators creer Check/top up battery electrolyte + ‘Clean and grease battery connections Check/adjust headlamp alignment Check, if necessary renew, wiper blades’. Check output of charging system HK OO x x x x x Xx 30 x x xX x xox x x x 230% OK KO 2 20 HO HII HOO to operation numbers and mileage intervals 10 |10. Yo. | 10, 10, 10. FUEL AND EXHAUST PIPES ‘Check exhaust system for leaks and security Cheek fuel system for leaks, pipes and unions for chafing and corrosion Gheck condition of fue ler ap scl Renew fuel line filter... WHEELS AND TYRES Interchange road wheels (including spare) Gheck/adjust tyre pressure including spare ‘Cheek that tyres comply with manufacturers eee ghtness of rad wel isin eck tightness of roa esienin heck tyres for oxternal cuts in the fab, fexposure of ply or cord structure, lumps or bulges Check tyres for tread depth, vieaily for external cuts in fabric, exposure of ply or cord structure, lumps or Bulges. -- SIMPORTANT ~ if tyres do not conform with legal requirements report to the owner BODY Lubricate all locks and hinges (not steering Tock). Check condition and security of seats and seat belts... (Check tear view mirror for cracks and crazing Gheck operation ofall door, bonnet and boot locks Check operation of window controls Check operation of seat belt inertia reel mechanism. Ensure cleanliness of contol, door anes and” steering wheel... ee ROAD TEST Road/roller test and check function of all instrumentation Report additional work required xx xx xx Xxx x XX xKKK x xx XxX x x OK XX Xx xx Additional work. ‘At 60,000 km/3 year intervals which ever is the sooner:- Renew the air filter in the brake servo unit.s-or Engine ol eve! Alt models Inaddition to changing the oil and filter atthe mileage intervals stated in the Maintenance Summary Chart, the oil level in the sump should be checked daily or weekly depending upon the conditions under which the vehicle is “operating. Proceed as follows: 1 Stand the vehicle on level ground and allow the oll to drain back into the sump. 2 Withdraw the dipstick, wipe it clean, reinsert to its full depth and remove & second time to take the reading. Add fll as necessary; never fill above the SH mark. 3. The oil Ievel. dipstick on 4-cylinder models carries three marks: “H’, ‘L’ and “MIN L. Under normal circum Stances the oil level should not be allowed to. fall below the minimum Tevel mark "MIN L’ 4 However, when ‘the Land-Rover is being used at steep angles, the oil should not be allowed to [all below the intermediate mark ‘L’. This will obviate any danger of oil pump starva- tion when the vehicle is facing down- hill ata steep angle. ENGINE (1) Check for oil leaks in engine compart ‘ment; rectify as necessary (2) & (3) Engine oil changes and filter replace ment. Oil changes co Tocchange the engine oi 2 u 2 Run the engine to warm up the oil, then stop. Remove the drain plug in the right- hand side of the sump. Allow oil to drain away completely and replace the plug. To change filter located at right-hand side of engine on 4-cylinder models, left-hand side on 6-cylinder models. Place oil tray under engine, Unscrew the bolt from the filter adaptor. Remove the container. Remove the element. Discard the used filter element and large rubber washer. Wash the container in petrol. Place the new filter element in the container and reassemble the unit, using the new large rubber washer supplied with the element. Ensure that all the sealing washers are in position snd intact, and that the container is correctly located in the adaptor. Tighten the filter retaining bolt to 1.6 gh m (12 Tbr fy) Refill with oll of the correct grade through the filler at the front of the engine; the total capacity including filter is: 4-cylinder models: 6,0 litres (QL Imperial. pints) 12. US pints; 6- cylinder models: 5,5 litres (10 Im pperial pints) 11 US pints. Run engine and check for oil leaks at filter and drain plug.o-o1 (4) Crankease breathing system Examine for leaks and change pipes or clips where necessary. (5)Carburetter hydraulic damper—6- eylinder Petrol models 1 Unscrew the cap on top of the suction chamber, withdraw cap and hydraulic damper, replenish the damper reservoir as necessary with SAE 20 oil to within about 12 mm (0.5 in.) from the top of the tube. Then replace cap and hydraulic damper. (©) Carburetter slow-running _adjustment— Apter trl eda. (aate Citar only) The only adjustments provided at the carburetter are a throttle stop screw and a yolume control screw. Should the carburetter require adjustment for any reason, proceed as follows: 1 “Run the engine until normal operating temperature is obtained. If necessary adjust the throttle stop screw to give the correct idling speed. 2 Adjust the volume control screw so that the engine will idle evenly with no tendency to stall on snap closure of the throttle. 3° Check that, as the throttle is opened slowly, there is a clear positive accele- ration of the engine speed. 4 Finally, it may be necessary to re adjust ihe throttle stop screw to give a ‘satisfactory idle speed. Carburetter_ slow-running adjustment cylinder models. (Basic Carburetter only) 1 Run the engine until normal operating temperature is obtained, If necessary adjust slow-run screw to give the correct idling speed. 2 Lift. the carburetter piston approxi- mately 1 mm (0.031 in.) 3 If the engine speeds up immediately the mixture is too rich and the jet adjustment serew must be turned anti clockwise, thus weakening the mix- ture; if the engine stops immediately, the mixture is too weak and the jet adjustment screw" should ‘be turned clockwise to enrich the mixture If the engine just falters and then continues to run evenly. the adjust: ‘ment is correct. 4 Finally adjust ‘the slow-run screw to get a smooth idling speed 5 The fast idle screw should not require adjustment. 6 For starting at temperatures down to =18°C (°F) push ‘turn the spring-loaded choke adjustment screw so that the peg is at rightangles to the slot as lustrated. Leave in this post tion. Whep starting at temperatures below =I8"C (0°F) turn the screw until peg is recessed in slot. (7)Fuet sediment bowl—4-cylinder petrol models ‘The fuel sediment bowl, located on the Fight-hand side of the engine provides ‘additional filtration between the pump and carburetter, Clean as follows: 1 "Remove the bowl by slackening the thumb screw and swinging the retainer to one side. Remove and clean the filter gauze in clean petrol. 3° Ensure that the sealing washer is in good condition. 4 Replace gauze and refit the bowl. 5 Prime the pump by operating the handLor Fuel pump 6-cylinder petro! models—Clean filter ‘A single type electric fuel pump is fitted land is located above the right hand chassis member midway along the vehicle. ‘To ‘remove ihe pump for filter cleaning, ‘proceed as follows: 1 "Disconnect the fuel pump feed lead at the snap connector. 2 Disconnect the fuel inlet pipe from the pump and block the end of the pipe by" suitable means to prevent fuel
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