Geothermal Energy Resources and Utilization: 1. Introduction
Geothermal Energy Resources and Utilization: 1. Introduction
Geothermal Energy Resources and Utilization: 1. Introduction
D. Chandrasekharam
This paper gives an overview of the present status of non-conventional energy sources of
India, world geothermal resources, its advantages over other conventional energy sources,
various uses and technologies involved in utilizing this energy source. Exploration methods
used to assess the resources are explained in brief. Various geothermal provinces of India and
their power generating /direct use potential are described in detail.
Geothermal energy is a domestic energy resource with cost, reliability and environmental
advantages over conventional energy sources. It contributes both to energy supply, with
electrical power generation and direct-heat uses.
For generation of electricity, hot water is brought from the underground reservoir to the
surface through production wells, and is flashed to steam in special vessels by release of
pressure. The steam is separated from the liquid and fed to a turbine engine, which turns a
generator. Spent geothermal fluid is injected back into peripheral parts of the reservoir to help
maintain reservoir pressure. In the absence of steam, heat from hot water is extracted through
a secondary fluid and the high pressure vapour from the secondary fluid is utilized to run the
If the reservoir is to be used for direct-heat application, the geothermal water is usually fed to
a heat exchanger and the heat thus extracted is used for home heating, greenhouse, vegetable
drying and a wide variety of other small scale industries. Hot water at temperatures less than
120 o C can be used for this purpose. Further, the spent hot water, after generating electricity
can also be used for direct application.
The competing goals of increased energy production for worldwide social development and
of mitigating release of atmosphere-polluting gases are not compatible using today's fuel mix,
which relies heavily on coal and petroleum. Development of geothermal energy has a large
net positive impact on the environment compared with development of conventional energy
sources. Geothermal power plants have sulphur-emissions rates that average only a few
percent of those from fossil-fuel alternatives. The newest generation of geothermal power
plants emits only ~135 gm of carbon (as carbon dioxide) per megawatt-hour (MW-hr) of
electricity generated. This figure compares with 128 kg /MW-hr of carbon for a plant
operating on natural gas (methane) and 225 kg/MW-hr of carbon for a plant using bituminous
coal. Nitrogen oxide emissions are much lower in geothermal power plants than in fossil
power plants. Nitrogen-oxides combine with hydrocarbon vapours in the atmosphere to
produce ground-level ozone, a gas that causes adverse health effects and crop losses as well
as smog. There are other environmental advantages to geothermal energy. Geothermal power
plants require very little land, taking up only a fraction of that needed by other energy
sources. Thus emission of CO2 and SO2 by geothermal power plants is far less compared
with conventional fossil fuel based power plants (Figure 1).
The estimated power shortage in India in the next five years will be 43,000 MW while the
total potential of non-conventional energy is about 50,000 MW. The power production status
of non-conventional energy in India is shown in Table 1(Chandrasekharam, 2000a):
Geothermal energy is not included here, although it has an estimated potential of about
10,000 MW (Ravi Shankar, 1996). The IPPs (Independent Power Producers) are not aware of
this potential and the country is not keen in developing this source due to the availability of
190 billion tones of recoverable coal resources which is supporting coal based power projects
and hampering the healthy growth of non-conventional energy program.
Excessive use of this source without adopting strategies to mitigate its effects will have
deteriorating effect on the quality of human life. In another decade emission of CO 2, SO2 and
Nx will exceed 1500 million tones, 1900 kilo tones and 1200 kilo tones respectively ( World
Bank Report 1999). This means CO2 emissions will be 775 million metric tones per year as
compared to 1000 million metric tones per year produced in the entire European Union! No
doubt the cost of electricity produced from coal is far less expensive compared with other
fuels. The present day cost of one unit of power is less than a rupee in the case of coal based
power while liquid fuel based power costs about Rs. 2 per unit (Mehta, 1999) and hydro
power costs about Rs. 1.50 (World Bank Report, 1999). But the expenditure spent to meet the
consequences (like disposal of fly ash; treating the coal with high ash content etc) is high
which automatically increases one rupee a unit to several rupees. The ash content in Indian
coal is about 45% and the annual production of fly ash is about 75 million tons and it may
cross 100 million mark very shortly. (Chandrasekharam, 2000). Only 5% of this ash is being
utilized at present.
The reasons for low targets (Table 1) achieved through non-conventional energy sources are
many. For example, solar photo-voltaic (SPV) and solar thermal are far less economically
attractive than conventional technologies for, the current estimated cost of SPV modules are
around $ 4 to 5 Wp (peak watt). Assuming the cost to decline by 50% in future, the estimated
cost would be around $2.5 Wp which is highly uncompetitive compared with $ 1.05 for other
conventional sources. In the case of wind power, operational problems in matching demand
and supply exists since the wind velocity is seasonal (World Bank Report 1999). The
estimated cost of power produced using geothermal resources is less than Rs. 2 /kWh
(Entingh et al., 1994).
In future India has to fall in line with other countries in controlling emission of CO2, SO2 and
Nx into the atmosphere and thus has to depend on cheap, environmentally clean geothermal
energy resources.
Geothermal energy, in the broad sense, is the heat in the earth and released by conduction at
an average heat flux of 60 mW/m 2. The four prerequisites necessary to exploit geothermal
energy are (Economides and Ungemach, 1987):
a). A heat source which could be a magma body, or a simple hot rock at depth, b) Heat
carrier fluid, c) Permeable or fractured rock acting as a reservoir and d) Cap rocks providing
an impermeable and insulating cover
The most obviously usable geothermal resources require convective heat transfer i.e.
presence of fluid. This occurs at a limited number of locations. When ever conduction alone
prevails (any where) heat recovery requires that a fluid be forced through a large fractured
heat exchange area to sweep the energy stored in the rocks at depth. This is basically the
concept of hot dry rock technology, which is very promising. Hydrothermal resources are
classified according to the specific enthalpy of the fluid. Waters with temperatures between
30 - 120oC are called low enthalpy resources (0.03 to 0.4 MJ/kg); Waters with temperatures
above 120oC are termed as high enthalpy fluids (0.5 to 3 MJ/kg)
Location of geothermal provinces is dictated by the geodynamic model of the earth's crust,
known as the global plate tectonics. This theory accounts for the most of the geodynamic
processes affecting the earth's crust. These geodynamic processes include subduction,
subsidence, uplift, fracturing etc. These occurrences result in associated geothermal features
such as the distribution of heat flow, active tectonics, volcanism and hydrothermal
Currently there are an estimated 12,000 MW of direct use and over 8,000 MW of generating capacity in
geothermal resources world-wide. To put geothermal generation into perspective, this generating capacity is
about 0.4% of the World total installed generating capacity. The USA, Philippines, Italy, Mexico, Iceland
Indonesia, Japan and New Zealand are the largest users of geothermal energy resources (both direct and
indirect). Table 2 shows the location of present electric power generation from geothermal energy in order of
size per country. The 1999 capacity of 8246MW electricity was a 40% increase from the capacity installed in
Other countries with less than 20 MW generation are: Argentina, Australia Ethiopia, France (Guadeloupe)
,Greece, Portugal(Azores), Russia, Thailand (World Geothermal Congress, 2000). Currently geothermal
resources in over 30 countries provide directly used heat capacity of over 12,000 MW. These countries include:
Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Nicaragua, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,
Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey.
The majority of the earlier geothermal plants were funded and operated by National Power agencies around the
world with the exception of California where the development of the Geysers geothermal field was carried out
by privately funded utility companies. With the recent international trend towards de-regulation in the power
industry, private developers have become more directly involved in both resource assessment and development.
This has been particularly so in Indonesia and the Philippines.
The world map (Fig. 2) illustrates where geothermal resources are currently being utilised. The red dots indicate
power generation which includes small scale, rural development as well as large scale power plants. Direct use
is also applicable to the red dots. The blue dots indicate both high temperature and medium to low temperature
resources where direct use of the geothermal heat is being applied. The yellow dots indicate World Bank funded
projects, and the green dots indicate Hot Dry Rock (HDR) research is underway.
Flash steam plants totally dominate the marketplace, but over the past ten years many smaller
scale binary cycle plants have been installed while several combined (flash steam/binary
plants) have been installed. The majority of the World's geothermal power stations are base
load stations meaning that they operate 24 hours a day for 365 days. Allowing for a load
factor of about 80% and an average steam cost of Rs. 2 per kWh geothermal power.
High temperature geothermal reservoirs containing water and/or steam can provide steam to directly drive steam
turbines and electrical generation plant. More recently developed binary power plant technologies enables more
of the heat from the resource to be utilised for power generation. A combination of conventional flash and
binary cycle technology is becoming increasingly popular.
High temperature resources commonly produce either steam, or a mixture of steam and water from the
production wells. The steam and water is separated in a pressure vessel (Separator), with the steam piped to the
power station where it drives one or more steam turbines to produce electric power. The separated geothermal
water (brine) is either utilised in a binary cycle type plant to produce more power, or is disposed of back into the
reservoir down deep (injection) wells. The following is a brief description of each of the technologies most
commonly used to utilise high temperature resources for power generation.
This is the most common type of geothermal power plant. The illustration (Fig. 3) below
shows the principal elements of this type of plant. The steam, once it has been separated from
the water, is piped to the powerhouse where it is used to drive the steam turbine. The steam is
condensed after leaving the turbine, creating a partial vacuum and thereby maximizing the
power generated by the turbine-generator. The steam is usually condensed either in a direct
contact condenser, or a heat exchanger type condenser. In a direct contact condenser the
cooling water from the cooling tower is sprayed onto and mixes with the steam. The
condensed steam then forms part of the cooling water circuit, and a substantial portion is
subsequently evaporated and is dispersed into the atmosphere through the cooling tower.
Excess cooling water called blow down is often disposed of in shallow injection wells. As an
alternative to direct contact condensers shell and tube type condensers are sometimes used, as
is shown in the schematic below. In this type of plant, the condensed steam does not come
into contact with the cooling water, and is disposed of in injection wells.
Typically, flash condensing geothermal power plants vary in size from 5 MW to over 100 MW. Depending on
the steam characteristics, gas content, pressures, and power plant design, between 6000 kg and 9000 kg of steam
each hour is required to produce each MW of electrical power. Small power plants (less than 10 MW) are often
called well head units as they only require the steam of one well and are located adjacent to the well on the
drilling pad in order to reduce pipeline costs. Often such well head units do not have a condenser, and are called
backpressure units. They are very cheap and simple to install, but are inefficient (typically 10-20 tonne per hour
of steam for every MW of electricity) and can have higher environmental impacts.
In reservoirs where temperatures are typically less than 220 o C. but greater than 100o C binary cycle plants are
often utilised. The illustration (Fig. 4) shows the principal elements of this type of plant. The reservoir fluid
(either steam or water or both) is passed through a heat exchanger which heats a secondary working fluid
(organic) which has a boiling point lower than 100 o C. This is typically an organic fluid such as Isopentane,
which is vaporised and is used to drive the turbine. The organic fluid is then condensed in a similar manner to
the steam in the flash power plant described above, except that a shell and tube type condenser rather than direct
contact is used. The fluid in a binary plant is recycled back to the heat exchanger and forms a closed loop. The
cooled reservoir fluid is again re-injected back into the reservoir.
Fig. 5. Power From Moderate - Low Temperature Fluids
Combined Cycle power plants are a combination of conventional steam turbine technology
and binary cycle technology. By combining both technologies, higher overall utilization
efficiencies can be gained, as the conventional steam turbine is more efficient at generation of
power from high temperature steam, and the binary cycle from the lower temperature
separated water. In addition, by replacing the condenser-cooling tower cooling system in a
conventional plant by a binary plant, the heat available from condensing the spent steam after
it has left the steam turbine can be utilized to produce more power.
Medium temperature resources are normally hot water with temperatures ranging from 100 o C to 220o C. The
most common technology for utilising such resources for power generation is the binary cycle technology . This
technology is described above under high temperature resources.
Direct use technologies are where geothermal heat is used directly rather than for power generation and are built
around the extraction of heat from relatively low temperature geothermal resources, generally of less than 150 o
C. Because geothermal heat is non-transportable, (except short distances by fluid pipeline) any applications
must generally be sited within10 km or less of the resource . For many resources, the relatively low temperatures
and/or pressures in the reservoirs means that they have insufficient energy and/or pressure differences to
naturally carry the fluids to the surface and pumps are frequently used (either down-hole or at the surface).
The type of technology selected for utilising geothermal heat for direct use applications is dependent on the
nature of the geothermal fluid and the type of direct use planned. In many direct use applications, the
geothermal fluid cannot be used directly, such as in drying processes or where clean steam or hot water is
necessary, as geothermal fluid often contains chemical contaminants. In such cases heat exchangers are utilised
to extract the heat from the hot geothermal fluid and transfer it to either clean water, or in the case of drying
processes, to air.
There are two main types of heat exchangers commonly used. They are plate heat exchangers and shell and
tube. The heat exchanger technology employed in the geothermal industry is the same as is commonly used over
a wide range of industries where heat exchangers are utilised.
Commonly used heat pump technology can also be employed in order to utilise geothermal heat for air
conditioning and refrigeration applications.
Whether geothermal energy is utilized for power production or for direct use applications,
there are issues in geothermal utilization that often have technical implications.
Geothermal fluids often contain significant quantities of gases such as hydrogen sulphide as
well as dissolved chemicals and can sometimes be acidic. Because of this, corrosion, erosion
and chemical deposition may be issues, which require attention at the design stage and during
operation of the geothermal project. Well casings and pipelines can suffer corrosion and /or
scale deposition, and turbines, especially blades can suffer damage leading to higher
maintenance costs and reduced power output.
However, provided careful consideration of such potential problems is made at the design stage, there are a
number of technological solutions available. Such potential problems can be normally overcome by a
combination of utilising corrosion resistant materials, careful control of brine temperatures, the use of steam
scrubbers and occasionally using corrosion inhibitors.
Provided such readily available solutions are employed, geothermal projects generally have a very good history
of operational reliability. Geothermal power plants for example, can boast of high capacity factors (typically 85-
With all projects of significant size, geothermal projects are developed through a series of
logical stages, which may be summarized in the Geothermal Development Flow Chart (Fig.
6). This figure shows the various stages in a typical geothermal project. Decisions to proceed
to the next stage are normally made progressively through out the project.
Surface exploration
Resources prioritization
Recconnaissance and
10. Application of Chemical techniques in geothermal exploration
The application of chemical techniques has become an integral part of any geothermal
exploration programme. During the pre-drilling stages of exploration, geochemistry of
thermal waters and gases may provide information on deep conditions and processes not
obtainable by geological or geophysical techniques. The dissolved constituents in the
thermal waters can be grouped into two major groups i.e. a) chemically, non-reactive and
b) chemically reactive groups. The first group may be called tracers and the second, the geo-
The tracers, once enter the fluid phase, ideally remain unchanged, providing a tag allowing
their origin to be traced back to their. These include noble gases like He and Ar and other
conservative elements like Cl, Li, B, Rb, Cs and N2 .
Out of the constituents mentioned above, Na, K, Mg, Ca, SiO2, Cl, Li, B, Rb and Cs enter the
liquid phase while He, Ar H 2, H2S, CH4 and CO2 enter the vapour phase in geothermal
systems. These constituents are very useful in estimating the thermal reservoir conditions
and the reservoir temperature. We shall see how these constituents are used in estimating the
reservoir temperature. Those chemical constituents that are used in estimating the reservoir
temperature are known as geochemical thermometers. Two such important geothermometers,
the silica and cation geothermometers, are discussed below. They are known as water
geothermometers because they enter the liquid phase in geothermal systems.
Water geothermometers are classified into two groups i.e. 1) based on temperature dependent
variations in solubility of individual minerals and 2) based on temperature dependent
exchange reactions which fix the ratios of certain dissolved constituents (Fournier, 1991).
The silica minerals are ideal members under group 1 while other cations such as Ca, Mg, Na
and K are ideal under group 2. Temperature estimation based on group 2 members require
evaluation of activity coefficients for two or more dissolved species in order to calculate the
temperature at which solution-mineral equilibrium was last attained. The calculation of
activity coefficients must take into account the total composition of the fluid and the result
vary as a function of temperature. Simple techniques for estimating the reservoir
temperatures based on silica and cations are described here.
The solubility of silica mineral decreases drastically and linearly as temperature decreases
below 340o C. If temperature vs silica concentration in thermal waters are plotted, they define
a straight line within this temperature limits. Similarly the dissolved silica in liquid after
steam separation (90 - 250o C) also defines a similar line. The equations for such straight
lines results in the following equations:
Quartz -no steam loss to C = ( 1309/5.19 - log S ) - 273.15 (1)
The above two equations are extensively been used for calculating geothermometer
temperatures in the range of 100 - 250o C. However (Fournier, 1991).
Cation geothermometers are widely used to calculate the reservoir temperatures from surface
thermal waters. This technique is based on ion exchange reactions with temperature
dependent equilibrium constants. An example is the exchange of Na and K between co-
existing alkali feldspars:
[K Al Si 3 O 8] [Na]
K eq =
Similar equation can be written for monovalent and divalent ions such as K and Mg , thus
The variation of K eq with temperature can be obtained by an integrated form of van't Hoff
Since 1 Ho changes little with temperature in the range of 0 to 300o C, a plot of log Na/K
versus temperature will approximately be a straight line. Equations for straight line, like that
develpped for silica geothermometery have been proposed by several workers and two most
widely used equations are given below:
In India nearly 400 thermal springs occur, distributed in seven geothermal provinces. These
provinces include The Himalayas: Sohana: West coast; Cambay: Son-Narmada-Tapi
(SONATA): Godavari and Mahanadi. These springs are perennial and their surface
temperature range from 37 to 90o C with a cumulative surface discharge of over 1000 l/m.
Figure 7 shows the location of these geothermal provinces. These provinces are associated
with major rifts or subduction tectonics and registered high heat flow and high geothermal
gradient (Figure 7) For example the heat flow values and thermal gradients of these
provinces are 468 mW/m2; 234o C/km (Himalayas); 93 mW/m2; 70o C/km (Cambay); 120 -
260 mW/m2; 60-90o C/km (SONATA); 129 mW/m2; 59o C/km (west coast); 104 mW/m2; 60o
C/km (Godavari) and 200 mW/m2; 90o C/km (Bakreswar, Bihar). The reservoir temperature
estimated using the above described geothermometers are 120 o C (west coast), 150o C
(Tattapani) and 200o C (Cambay). The depth of the reservoir in these provinces is at a depth
of about 1 to 2 km (Chandrasekharam, 2000; Minissale et al., 2000 and references therein:
see web : These geothermal systems are liquid dominated and
steam dominated systems prevail only in Himalayan and Tattapani geothermal provinces. The
issuing temperature of water at Tattapani is 90o C; at Puga (Himalaya) is 98o C and at Tuwa
(Gujarat) is 98o C. The power generating capacity of these thermal springs is about 10,000
MW (Ravi Shanker, 1996). These are, as mentioned above, medium enthalpy resources.
From the point of power generation technology described above in Part I, these resources can
be utilized effectively to generate power using binary cycle method (Fig. 4). Since majority
of these springs are located in rural India, these springs can support small scale industries in
such areas. Dehydrated vegetables and fruits have a potential export market and India being
an agricultural country, this industry is best suited for India conditions. An example of the
cost involved in dehydration of fruits using conventional heat and geothermal heat, from
Central America, is given in the following table 4. This gives an idea about the economic
potential of geothermal resource.