Principal Stress Stress in Variant

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Principal stresses

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[edit] Principal Stresses in Two and Three Dimensions

The principal stresses are the components of the stress tensor when the basis is changed in such a way
that the shear stress components become zero. To find the principal stresses in two dimensions, we

have to find the angle at which . This angle is given by

Plugging into the transformation equations for stress we get,

Where are the shear tractions usually zero in a body?

The principal stresses in three dimensions are a bit more tedious to calculate. They are given by,

The quantities are the stress invariants.

[edit] Related Content

Maximum Principle Stress Theory - According to this theory failure will occur when the maximum
principal stress in a system reaches the value of the maximum stress at elastic limit in simple tension.
This theory is approximately correct for cast iron and brittle materials generally.


Von Mises Stress (Distortion Energy Theory) - This theory proposes that the total strain energy can be
separated into two components: the volumetric (hydrostatic) strain energy and the shape (distortion or
shear) strain energy. It is proposed that yield occurs when the distortion component exceeds that at the
yield point for a simple tensile test.


More information on Von Mises Stress can be found here.

General information on solid mechanics can be found here.


The beauty of Von Mises stress is that in the real world "everything" fails by shear. That's why it has
emerged as the favorite failure theory. Having said that, the world of material failure is highly stochastic
- subject to statistical variation. So as good as the theory is, you still need significant factors of safety if
you don't want your project to come crashing down.

You find Von Mises stress from the principle stresses by using a big ol gnarly equation or three. It is
always a smaller value than maximum principle stress (by definition) BUT it is aligned in the direction
that has to support the maximum shear load. This can be very helpful in design.

hth (and i hope that I'm not too rusty on this subject)

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