Tubular Truss Example

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EXAMPLE: TUBULAR CONNECTIONS FOR LATTICE GIRDERS INDER STATIC LOADIN GEOMETRY OF GIRDERS LATTICE GIRDERS are frequently used in buildings to support floors or roofs - particularly for large spans or heavy loads. SPAN is usually determined by basic functional requirements DEPTH is chosen based on experience of what satisfied deflection as well as strength, and is usually in the range !/14 - '/29 span for grade 50 steel, depending on type of structure, and end conditions, ie whether simply supported or continuous. For ROOF LATTICE GIRDERS the angles of braces will be largely determined by PURLIN SPACING. This is governed by the choice of profiled roof cladding available, and this will vary from country to country. In the following example a spacing of 2m is assumed, but longer cladding spans can be used to advantage, with reduced brace angle. EXAMPLE Span = 24m; Purlin spacing = 2m; Spanidepth + 16 Hence depth of girder = 1420mm and 6 = 54.89. Possible layouts are shown below. Open Large number construction | of components Reduced Joints'more numberof | complex components _ Increased Large moments service access | in top chord Pet : RSIS Shorter strut | Reduced service braces access Fig 1 Various geometrical configurations for roof girder ‘SIZING MEMBERS Maximum chord forces occur at midspan where as maximum brace forces will occur adjacent to supports, Sections may be chosen from Member Resistance Tables for axial force; based on pin-joint analysis. Generally CHS or RHS sections will be chosen with the same serial size along the length of chord, but allowing for variation in thickness if economically advantageous in the more lightly loaded parts. The size of brace section will be critical at the ends. Again the same serial size may be used throughout, but reducing the thickness of brace, or reducing its, external dimension as the brace forces reduce towards midspan. JOINT DESIGN should be considered alongside choice of the member section above. There may be advantage in using RECTANGULAR as opposed to SQUARE sections in order to give more advantageous joint geometry arrangements. Otherwise the main advantages of rectangular sections is to counter out of plane buckling of chords in compression, whether under normal compression or reverse loading in the tension chord due to wind effects. The orientation of the compression chord will also be very helpful in transferring intermediate purlin loads. Rectangular chords however will not be considered further in the example. Page 2 EABRICA’ IN Costs are made up of material costs, cutting and end shaping of members, together with welding up. A minimum weight solution is no guarantee of minimum cost. Variation in serial size is most worthwhile if a large number of girders are to be fabricated - otherwise there are total costs advantages in limiting the variation of serial size of both chords and braces. Simple end preparation will reduce fabrication, costs ie gap or fully overlapped joints. JOINT STRENGTH will be greatest for high brace/chord width ratios (d1/dg) and low ‘chord width to thickness ratio (do/to). For equal size brace members. 1 sin @ B= (ho +2e) cot @ - hy x Fore=0 ie noding joint This variation is clearly shown in the diagram, and aids the choice of members to satisfy gap requirements. It may also be used when by (or dy) # hg (or da) by taking the mean value hj = (hi + hy). Fig 2 Relation between angle, gap size, and member sizes for Warren joints CHS DESIGN EXAMPLE ‘The LAYOUT shown in Fig 1() is chosen. Span = 24m; Purlin spacing = 2.0m; Girder spacing = 6m. Loading: Imposed load (snow) 0.75kN/m? + dead load (estimated) of 0.50kN/m? For ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE P= (0.75 x 1.6 +0.5 x 1.4) 2 x 6kN ie P = 22.8kN DESIGN STRATEGY (A) Keep the same chord section throughout length based on max chord force. Keep the same brace section throughout length based on end panel forces. Try and keep small gap joints (g > ty +t) throughout. If this is not possible near ends, increase diameter of noding bracing and allow overlap - if this is still inadequate increase extent of overlap by varying eccentricity and changing the angle for these bracings. Page 3 Fig 3 Joint numbering system and loading for half span Depth of chord... L/16 = 1500m hence @ = 56.3° Midspan moment 20KN m <. F12 . 14 = 820/1500 = S47KN Max end shear 125/sin 56.39 = 151kN Effective length 11 - 130) . 800mm Effective length 2- 3 . 352mm (modified see below = 1260mm) From Member Resistance Tables the following sections are SATISFACTORY. ‘Chord: 114.3 x 6.3Gr50 CHS F =760kN tension, or 696kN comp. 114.3 x 5.09Gr50 CHS F = 611KN tension, or 557kN comp. Bracing: 60.3 3.2Gr50 CHS F = 204KN tension, or 160(167)KN comp. From p3 g/hg = (I/tan 56.39 - 60.3/114.3/(sin 56.39) = 032 -. g=3.7<2x j= 8mm Hence although the member strengths are adequate, the gap < ty + t2 Gap req = 8mm (say) ~. g/ho = 8/114.3 = 0.07. Hence if hi = 0.528 then @ = 53° Check: g = 9.6mm OK and D = 1350 say ie @ = 53.470 Fig 4 Member forces for noding joints with @ = 53.47 and D = 1350mm, CHECK SECTIONS: Bottom Chord ~ use 114.3 x 5.0 gr 50 CHS (611 > 608kN) OK Top Chord ~ use 114.3 x 6.3 gr 50 CHS (696 > 600kN) OK Bracing -use 60.3 x 3.2 gr50CHS( 167 > 156kN) OK JOINT STRENGTH BOTTOM CHORD. With the same chord section extending for the full length, the critical joint for bottom chord is JOINT No 2 - all the others will be acceptable because there is no reduction factor due to chord force (tension) ie f(n’) = 1.0. dy = 114.3mm; tp apa [ie camel). Fag) = ? [i exp(0.5g’ - 1.33)+1]~ — fyi = 355N/mm? Two checks on strength of joint are carried out. Fig 5 Details for Joint 2 (@ Deformation resistance based on strut brace force 2 Fyot d 1.8 + 10.2 ate 18’) f(a mat do £8) fla) 355 x 5.0? sin 53.479 Nira = {1.8 + 10.2 x 0.528} x 2.058 x 1.00 ie Nina = 163.3KN (i) Punching shear check 248 yn dp Nina = 333. 50x0x 603448 v3 2 si ie Niza = 271KN The design strength of the joint based on the strut brace Nid = 163.3KN (> 156KN) in 8 Based on the tie Nora = Nid ee a = 163.3KN (> 156KN) OK 2 o di ). dj _ 11.43 chord CHECK VALIDITY RANGE: 02 <@- 0.528) < 1.0; 54 = 9.42 brace } 2s -0.55¢ & S ) < 0.25; (g = 9.6mm) > 4 +1) Page 5 Chord: daft = 18.14; 7= 97; fyi = 355N/mm? Brace: dy/ty = dy/tg = 18.84; B = 0.528 8 = Gita = 9.6/6.3 = 1.523; fly’) = 1.889 Effect of chord axial force: 1” = Nosd/(Aofyo) = -93/760 = -0.122 f(a’) = 1 + 0.3n’ = 0.3m = 1 +033 (- 122) - 0.3 (.122)2 = 0.959 For this kind of joint with purlin load the joint is usually critical as a K joint - but Should also be checked as a CROSS JOINT - see JOINT 13 p6. Fig 6 Details of Joint 3 () Deformation resistance N 355 x 6.32 1Rd =" sin 53.470 (1.8 + 10.2 x .528} x 1.889 x 0.959 = 228KN (> 156kN) ii) Punching shear check Nina=23x271 = 341KN |S6KN) OK 228)> Nisa 28kN) OK JOINT OK 228) > (Nitsa JOINT STRENGTH TOP CHORD JOINT 1 22-BKN 600KN | 600KN — —~ 14:2/AN [42\ en Nisa PUNCHING|\ SHEAR PERIMETER Fig 7 Details of Joint 13 Page 6 This is a special joint which requires checking in three ways: @) asa Plated X joint (XP) given by XPI in CIDECT CHS Design Guide() (i) modified X joint allowing for the two braces acting together (i) punching shear in Gi) Case (i) XPI B for plate = ft = SHS = 0.831 of = Nag (in) a gag = 0.789; fn") = 1 +03 (-789) -03 6.789)? = 0.576 7 : 0 2a 5 2 = Hence Nord = Taig £00) fot FLEX TETT ¥ 576 6.32 = 124KN > 22.8KN Case (ii) The strength is given approximately by the design strength for inclined X joint, pail = 603 - 508 dg eliagees 5.2 355 x 6.32 5.2 5 (q fuote® - 5.2 355 x 6.32 f(n’) BT ESTE * 516 HOS sin 01 =918KN iii) The punching shear strength depends on the perimeter around the two braces shown in Fig 7. Assuming end circles rather than ellipses gives a lower bound. Perimeter with end circles = aa *8) + dy = ~sasiaT +9. 6)+ nx 603 = 359mm 0.355 2N1Ra sin 01 = io to (perimeter) =" 75> x 6.3 x 359 =463KN +. Nina = 288KN Hence design strength is the least of 91.8 and 288 KN, ie Nid = 91.8 > 14.2kN Note for Joints, when treated as a X joint - case (iii) Joint 13 22-6kN 22-BKN ~R6LEN = “Z6ZKN 262kN OBEN + 156 fon 14, ARN 142A 142\KN X joint K joint Fig 8 X and K force components on Joint 13 Fig 8 shows the worst possible scenario for axial load Wf = 5g OP = -0.345; f(a’) = 1 + 0.3 (345) -0.3 (-345)2 = 0.861 140 x 35! ‘ 52 fyate! 5.2 355 x 6.32 Hence NiRg 1. 8iB fo) a 886 x go 7 TKN Page 7 RY 5 ‘The chord section is the same all along its length, but the chord force varies, hence n’ and f(n’) varies. The bracing forces reduce towards mid-span. Examine the joint safety margin. Joint No NipakN | NisakKN | Nizd/Nisd Tt is worth noting that the bracing 3 228 156 1.46 load drops off at a faster rate than 5 205 128 1.60 the increase in chord axial force im 181 99 1.83 effects a reduction in the joint 9 160 1 2.25 strength for simply supported i 145 43 ae girders with uniform load. GRAPHICAL DESIGN AID. at 3 os a . a4 Tar 7 ft ae 2 34 Ha se. CET TT tas Bt as 1 t j a2: ba a2: T eles 7 rir ttt Scene Fig 9 Design curves for CHS K joints() Apply to Joint 3: di/dy = 0.528; g’ = 1.52 = 2; do/to = 22.86; Hence Cx = 0.41 to = 6.3; t1 =3.2mm; 6 = 53.479; n’ = -93/760 122; Hence f(n’) = 0.96 - : po 3) Hence Ni.ga= 0.41 x$3% 5 ab ars X 0.96 x (204) = 19TKN SIGN. i x5 CHS N415% 63 Cars NAB x SCHS BREGCHS xs CHS S (i) Wa-5e 36 Cas. Fig 10 Chord arrangement with varying thickness ‘There are clear advantages in using different thickness of top chord, but little justification for its use on the tension chord. Page 8 JOINT2, di/dg = 0.528; do/tg = 31.75: tne? 15,8702 [: el = 2304 exp (0.5 g’- 1.33) +1. 0.355 x 3.62 . Ni Saag ago (1-8 + 10.2 x 0.528) x 2.304 x 1.0 = 94.8KN < 156 Hence both joints 2 and 4 are INADEQUATE Increase bracings to 88.9x3.2CHS: di/dy =0.778, eel Ore -25.95 and g’ = -7.21 OVERLAP fio “tan 53.479 sin 53.47° 24 x 1. 1 ng’) = 15.8702 [1 +O Sets 2. Hence Nis OSE {1.8 + 10.2 x 778) x2.881x1 =161kN >156 OK ] = 2.881 33) #1, Hence both joints 2 and 4 are acceptable with 88.9 x 3.2 bracings with OVERLAP. Fig 11 Noding overlapped bracing for Joint 2 JOINT With 60.3 x 3.2 @ CHS bracings the strength is the same as Joint 2 p4 modified by f(n’) nf = -92.9/611 = -0.152: f(a’) = 0.947 Hence Ni .pq = 163.3 x 0.947 = 154.7 < 156 marginally weak ‘The strength can be increased by providing a modest amount of overlap, but this increases the fabrication costs, and produces eccentricity. Due to the eccentricity the out of balance moment is divided 50/50 on each side of joint. Check strength of member 3-5 under combined moment and axial force. RI \TTICE GIRDE! With the arrangement shown in Fig 4, using Member Resistance Tables the following Grade SOC RHS sections are suitable for Design Strategy A viz. Top Chord: 100 x 100 x 6.3 RHS F = 736kN Bottom chord: 100x100x5_ RHS F =671kN Bracing: 60x 60x 3.2 RHS F = 206kN Page 9 60x 60x32 7 ‘OkN [BGkKN Fig 12 Details of RHS Joint 2 Application limit checks: Section stuctres: 22 = 1 220.35 0K, BL = B = 218.75 <350K Width ratio: PL =P2 =06 > 0.35 OK; and >0.1+0.01 22 =0.288 OK ee ° bi+be 19. : ah 2 = 10 +. 06 6.4 OK Inclination of braces changes to 8; = 53.75 with g= 20mm Eccentricity: From p3 ex} ( (g + hy / sin 6;) tan 01 - ho } i 6 : =i - 100} = 5 {20 - 33758) tan 53.75° 100} 14.37mm PT os -0.55 <(E- 0.144) 025 required OK A\ll application limits as modified are satisfactory, and the joint resistance can be calculated. 13 ENTRI It should be noted, however, that in order to gain a satisfactory gap application limit, an eccentricity of 14.4mm has been introduced. This means that the out of balance moment should be divided equally on each side of the joint for a continuous chord but completely on member 2-4 for Joint 2. The strength of chord member can be checked and found adequate under ‘combined moment and axial force. ASSESSMENT OF STRENGTH FOR JOINT 2 For the type of joint in RHS section, five types of failure mode must be checked for this type of RHS Joint, ie Page 10 1 2a) () 3 4 chord face yielding chord shear combined axial/shear force resistance effective branch width resistance punching shear resistance and the lowest value taken as critical. Yieldis 2 Nizg= 98 Hatem [PEEP] 105 40) sin 0; 0 where y= 32 = 1 =10 Ar max applied compressive chord load = ‘chord tension capacity 2. f(a) =13 +249 where mis negative for compression f(n) = 1.0 for tension go 355X 5? [60 + 60] 195 Nipa= 89 ST | 1005 x 1.0 = 186KN sin 9) Due to symmetry Nons= Mine e =Nipa = 186kN Chord Shear Capacity. The chord shear capacity check in the gap area is not normally required for some chords, but is given here to illustrate the method of checking advocated for rectangular chords. fyo Ay Nira = 1Rd "3 sin 81 where: Ay = (2ho + Gbo) to where a V =applied shear force Vp = shear capacity of section h : che = & ts Be) ‘Ao for RHS sections Ay=1106mm2; @=0.21; V=125.3KN; Vp =226.5kN =355 x 1106 Nard = Nard = 73 sin 53.70 ~ 781KN Page 11 Combined chord shear and axial loadin gap a ib Nod = (Ao - Av) fyo + Av fyo(1 - (y-P PS (o.Rd = (Ao - Av) fyo ( (FP ops Noa = (1888 - 1106) x .355 + 1106 x 3ss[1 7 (2383) P = 782.35 + 392.63 x 0.83 =605N > OK? Effective Width Branch Capacity Nira = fyiti (2hy - 4t + bi + bert) 10 where bett= Fog me Sb PEE: «0 =46.8mm Nipa = Nora = 0.355 x 3.2 (120 - 12.8 + 60 + 46.8) = 243KN Punching Shear Nona= qin [ant ba+ ben] By 7b Sti =30mm < 60 OK bep 0.355 x5 120 Nura = NaRd="5 sin 53.750 a a 30] = 303kN Nod = Nira = 303KN Summary for RHS Joint 2 Failure Mode Case Nira kN. Nod KN (1) Chord face yielding 186 186 (2a) Chord shear 281 281 (3) Bracing bearing 232 232 (4) Punching shear 303 303, (2b) Combined chord shear and axial face Nord =605KN > 93kKN (Nosa) where Niza = 186KN and No.pd = 186KN > 156kN OK Page 12 In this instance, where all geometry in the joint is symmetrical, itis only necessary to calculate for one brace. If the joint has unequal geometry or different square braces the resistances must be calculated for each member in tum. Where square chords are used, it is only required to check for chord face yielding (case 1) as this will be the limiting failure mode. All other calculations apply to rectangular chords. They have been illustrated here for explanation purposes. Page 13,

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