Single Sideband Systems
Single Sideband Systems
Single Sideband Systems
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AM Single-Sideband Suppressed
• AM single-sideband suppressed carrier (SSBSC) is a form of
amplitude modulation in which the carrier is totally suppressed and
one of the sidebands removed.
• It can be seen that the sideband power makes up 100% of the total
transmitted power.
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AM Single-Sideband Reduced
AM Independent Sideband
• AM single-sideband reduced carrier (SSBRC) is a form • AM independent sideband (ISB) is a form of amplitude modulation in
of amplitude modulation in which one sideband is totally which a single carrier frequency is independently modulated by two
different modulating signals.
removed and the carrier voltage is reduced to
approximately 10% of its unmodulated amplitude.
• The single-sideband output signals from the two modulators are
combined to forma double-sideband signal in which the two
• To produce a reduced carrier component, the carrier is sidebands are totally independent of each other except that they are
totally suppressed during modulation and then reinserted symmetrical about a common carrier frequency.
at a reduced amplitude. Therefore, SSBRC is sometimes
called single-sideband reinserted carrier. • One sideband is positioned above the carrier in the frequency
spectrum and one below. For demodulation purposes, the carrier is
generally reinserted at a reduced level as with SSBRC transmission.
• The frequency spectrum.and relative power distribution Figure 6-le shows the frequency spectrum and power distribution for
for SSBRC are shown in Figure 6-1d. The figure shows ISB.
that the sideband power constitutes almost 100%
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AM Vestigial Sideband
• AM vestigial sideband (VSB) is a form of amplitude
modulation in which the carrier and one complete
sideband are transmitted, but only part of the second
sideband is transmitted.
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• A circuit that produces a double-sideband suppressed-
carrier signal is a balanced modulator.
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• With the carrier polarity as shown in Figure 6-5b, diode switches D1 and D2 are
forward biased and on, while diode switches D3 and D4 are reverse biased and off.
Consequently, the modulating signal is transferred across the closed switches to T2
without a phase reversal.
• When the polarity of the carrier reverses, as shown in Figure 6-5c, diode switches D1
and D2 are reverse biased and off, while diode switches D3 and D4 are forward
biased and on. Consequently, the modulating signal undergoes a 180°phase
reversal before reaching T2.
• Carrier current flows from its source to the center taps of T1 and T2, where it splits
and goes in opposite directions through the upper and lower halves of the
transformers. Thus, their magnetic fields cancel in the secondary windings of the
transformer and the carrier is suppressed.
• If the diodes are not perfectly matched or if the transformers are not exactly center
tapped, the circuit is out of balance, and the carrier is not totally suppressed. It is
virtually impossible to achieve perfect balance; thus, a small carrier component is
always present in the output signal. 11 12
Single-Sideband Transmitter:
Filter Method
• Figure 6-12 shows a block diagram for a SSB transmitter that uses
balanced modulators to suppress the unwanted carrier and filters to
suppress the unwanted sideband.
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• In the transmitter just described, the original modulating-
signal frequency spectrum was up-converted in three
modulation steps to a final carrier frequency of 22.1 MHz
and a single upper sideband that extended from the
carrier to 22.105 MHz.
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Crystal filters
• The crystal lattice filter is commonly used in singlesideband systems. The
lattice comprises two sets of matched crystal pairs (X1 and X2, X3 and X4)
connected between tuned input and output transformers T1 and T2.
• X1 and X2 are cut to operate at the filter lower cutoff frequency, and X3 and
X4 are cut to operate at the upper cutoff frequency. The input and output
transformers are tuned to the center of the desired passband, which tends
to spread the difference between the series and parallel resonant
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Single-sidebands receivers:
Single-Sideband BFO Receiver
• The output from the IF amplifier stage is heterodyned (beat) with the
output from a beat frequency oscillator (BFO). The BFO frequency is
equal to the IF carrier frequency; thus, the difference between the IF
and the BFO frequencies is the information signal.
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Coherent Single-Sideband BFO
• Figure 6-20 shows a block diagram for a coherent single-sideband
BFO receiver.
• The carrier recovery circuit is a narrowband PLL that tracks the pilot
carrier in the composite SSBRC receiver signal and uses the
recovered carrier to regenerate coherent local oscillator frequencies
in the synthesizer.
Single-Sideband Envelope
Detection Receiver
• Figure 6-21 shows the block diagram for a single-sideband receiver that
uses synchronous carriers and envelope detection to demodulate the
received signals.
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• Single-sideband transmitters are rated in peak envelope
power (PEP) and peak envelope voltage (PEV) rather
than simply rms power and voltage.
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