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A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF MIDDLE EGYPTIAN ay RAYMOND O. FAULKNER D.LIT., FSA. Lecturer in Ancient Egyptian in University Coleg, London GRIFFITH INSTITUTE ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM - OXFORD 1991 (© Gripen Insite, Osford 1952 "503 0 900416 327 Alig rrved ‘This bok wat publihed with a aid fram the Titer of Si Alan Gardin’ Tra or Finds ‘afr Bgypaagial Peron ermre9 1978 1995 108, 1986, 198,991 To DR. MARGARET MURRAY who first taught me Ancient Egyptian in gratitude and affection i pint lithographic in 198 by Diddle of Guiford ‘om set oinally re nd printed in Greet tre tthe Univer Pr, Oxford. Reprinted 1991 by Baler 6 Tanner Lid, ‘rame and Loudon PREFACE For a number of years it has been borne in upon me by experience in teaching and in conversation with colleagues that an urgent Egyptological requirement of the present day is an Egyptian dictionary which on the ‘one hand shall contain those words which a third-year undergraduate or an epigraphist in the field is most likely to meet in the course of his regular work, with textual or bibliographical references, and yet which shall be sufficiently concise to be reasonably portable and not exces- sively costly. In the nature of things no attempt to combine these in- compatibles can be wholly successful, but the need for such a book seemed to me to demand that the effort be made; apart from the in- valuable Vocabulary to Sir Alan Gardiner’s Egyptian Grammar there is no modern dictionary of Ancient Egyptian in English, and no modern general vocabulary in any tongue which provides references apart from the costly Worterbuch der dgyptischen Sprache in several volumes, which is not only the very reverse of portable, but is also beyond the reach of ‘most students and scholars of the present day, who to consult it must perforce have access to a specialized library. This book is therefore addressed primarily to the younger practitioners of Egyptology, though it is hoped that others may sometimes find it useful. ‘The present work has been designed as a concise dictionary of Middle Egyptian, since it is that phase of the language which has the widest general application. For the purpose of this book the term ‘Middle Egyptian’ has been taken as including texts from the Heracleopolitan period to the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty, omitting the Late Egyptian locutions which begin to appear from the reign of Amenophis I] onward. This exclusion applies also to words or meanings not recorded before the Nineteenth Dynasty, with a few exceptions the reasons for which be clear. It has proved desirable, however, to include references to Old Egyptian sources rather more frequently, since these at times shed light on the original significance of a word or provide instances of obvious relevance to Middle Egyptian usage; also the older texts often show the basic forms of words that have undergone phonetic change by the Middle igdom. On the other hand, old words which do not appear to occur in PREFACE ‘Middle Egyptian texts have not been recorded here apart from a very few instances where the reason for inclusion will again be obvious. On the other hand, certain Middle Egyptian words and phrases have been omitted by intent. These comprise most of the technical terms of the mathematical and medical texts which do not belong to everyday par- lance; for these, the specialized works on such texts should be consulted. In order to save space I have omitted also those words whose meaning is unknown, as well as the names of unidentified species of animals, Plants, and minerals; the broad categories of these items can often be gathered from the determinatives, and their inclusion would have added "unprofitable bulk to the book. When such words have been included, it is usually because they have received discussion in print. The names of ‘only the most important deities and localities have been noted; for the others, works on religion and geography should be consulted. ‘The method adopted to display the words is in essence that of the Vocabulary to Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar; first comes what may be considered a typical writing of the word in question, and this is followed by (a) the transliteration into modern characters; (b) the meaning, marked with a double underline; (c) a reference or references to texts displaying that meaning, or to works where the word is discussed; and (2) variant writings, also with references. These last do not pretend to be exhaustive, but display only significant differences; thus the occasional omission of a determinative, or the interchange of 4, —, and —+ have not usually been noted. In those scenes from tombs where we sce pic~ ‘tures of animals and the like with their names written above them, I have where possible treated these pictures as determinatives, justifying this course by the close interdependence of script and picture in Ancient Egypt. ‘The alphabetic arrangement of this dictionary is that usual in works of this nature, with the proviso that I have followed Gardiner in treating — and fas one letter s. Where the existence of original — (2) can be established from Old Egyptian texts, the earlier reading has been indi. cated in brackets at the first occurrence of a stem, e.g. ish (32h). Apart from such instances, the interchange of — and f as sole variant has usually not been noted. Following the practice of Erman and Grapow, Worterbuch der dgyptischen Sprache, causative verbs in s have been entered under that letter and not under the parent stem. PREFACE ix In order to attain maximum compression, the meanings given do not attempt to indicate the finer nuances, but generally are on broad lines; in some more important instances the provision of a larger number of references than usual will enable the student who looks them up to ascertain for himself something of the finer shades of meaning. On the other hand, there are words such as sp and shr where the demands of clarity have necessitated the quotation of original passages, usually in transliteration. The bibliographical references to be found scattered throughout this book, sometimes as a ‘blanket’ citation covering the whole range of meaning of a word, are mostly confined to the last half- century, the earliest work to be cited extensively being Gardiner’s Ad- monitions of an Egyptian Sage (Leipzig, 1909). As a rule, though not invariably, a given citation refers to the most recent discussion of a word. ‘The variant writings, if any, are normally collected at the end of each article, but often they are embodied in the text in order to avoid an ‘unnecessary repetition of references. The abbreviations employed are explained in the lists which follow. Since the nature of a word is usually obvious at a glance, such abbrevia- tions as n, (noun), adj. (adjective), and the like have been inserted only where circumstances demand them; the adjective-verb has been deemed to be but an extension of its basic adjective and has not been distinguished from it. Among the verbs, only the geminatae and ultimae infirmae classes have been specified as such; all unspecified verbs are to be regarded as immutable. Ina compilation such as the present work, containing more than 5,000 entries, the compiler in the nature of things owes much indeed to the researches of others. To mention names here would be invidious, but a glance at the list of works cited will show clearly enough the extent to which the present author has depended on the labours of other scholars, and to all such, whether personally known or unknown to him, he now makes due acknowledgement. To the Trustees of Sir Alan Gardiner’s Settlement for Egyptological Purposes is owed an especial debt of gratitude, inasmuch as it is they who have made possible the publication of this work at a very moderate price. RO. FAULKNER October, 1961 ABBREVIATIONS OF LEXICOGRAPHICAL TERMS abbr. adh col. comp. fl gem, en. imper. int infin interog. abbreviation, adjective, ‘anatomical. ticle. ‘common gender. callective ‘compound. dependent. determinative. cencltic feminine. figure, figurative Tollowed. Imperative, infers. infinitive, interrogative, Lower Egypt. Late Egyptian. literally. smatculine ‘mathematical. medical Middle Kingdom. ‘nomen divi negative. ‘nomen loi ron-enclitic numeral object. Old Kingdom, ordinal Papyrs ages). particle. plural; plate of publication poseenive reposition. pronoun uoted ‘quod vide. restored, fingula. fimilarly. tomething. ule, sub voce Upper Egypt. variant) verb, writing ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED dt. Or. ‘Adm. AEO Ap. Stud. Alphabet Amarna ‘Ane. Eg. ‘Ann. Serv. Barns, Ash, Barns, Ram. Bauer BD Bersh BH BM Breasted, Development Brunner, Siut Bull Caminos, Lit. Frag. Caminos, Lg. Mi Cenotaph Ch Bet Ch B. Text coa cr Die B. Da B.(X?, Did Ge. Dav. Ptah, Dav. Reh Dend. Dash Dream-book B. Edel EHT Erle Garten Acta Orientaia : ‘Aémonitions of an Egyptian Sage, P- Leyden 344, quoted by coluran and fine, Quotations by page of Gardiner’s edition (eg. Adm 99) refer to the writing-board BM 3643. For the commentary ‘on these texts see GAS below. AH. Gardiner, Ancient Epyption Onomastice, text volume, Agppiologichen Studien, ed. 0. Firchow (Festechrft in honour of 'H. Grapow, K. Sethe, Der Ursprung des Alphabets, in Nachrichten... Gttngen, i916. Nide G. Davies, The Roch Tombs of El Amarna, Ancient Egypt (journal), “Annales du Service det Antguits de Egypte. 1. W. B. Barns, The Ashmolean Outracon of Simuhe Te, Five Ramesseum Papyri. F, Vogetsang, Komentar 2u den Klagen det Bouern E. A. W. Budge, The Book ofthe Dead, 1898 edition. Vol. 1, Text. PLE. Newberry, El Bersheh. 1d, Beni Hatem. [British Museum stele, &c,, quoted by the old registration numbers. I.H. Breasted, Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Eeypt Hi. Brunner, Die Teste aus den Grabern der Herahleopoitensit von ‘Sit. Bulletin de Institut frangaisd'archéologie orientale du Caire R.A. Caminos, Literary Fragments in the Hieratie Seri. Id, Late- Egyptian Miscllanier, H. Frankfort, The Cenotaph of Seti I AH. Gardiner, The Chester Beatty Papyri No. 1 i, Hieratie Papyri in the Brith Museum, Third Series, Chester Beauy Gift, Vol. I. Text * ‘T.E. Peet and others, City of Akhenaten, Ade Buck, The Egyptian Coffin Text E, Naville, The Temple of Deir ef Bahari. 1d, The Xith Dynasty Temple at Deir ef Bahari N.{de G. Davies, The Rock Tombs of Deir el Gebrasi Id, The Mastaba of Piabhetep and Abhethetep at Saqqarch, 1d, The Tomb of Rekhomi-R2 at Thebr. W.M. B. Peteie, Dendereh 1d, Deshauheh, (Chester Beatty Papysi No. HL ‘The Ebers Medical Papyrus, E. Edel, Altagyptische Grammatik, Vol 1 ALH. Gardiner, Egyptian Hieratic Texts of the Net Kingdom. The "Papyrus Anartant | and the Papyrus Koller. K. Sethe, Brlduterung su den aegyptitchen Lesestdchen L Keimer, Die Gartenpflanzen im alten dgypten. iv ABBREVIATIONS OF TEXTS AND BOOKS CITED Gas Gauthier, Dict. géogr. ces Giza GNns Goyon Gr. Grit. Kes, Hamm. Horris Hatrab Helck Herdem, Hier Hier. Le, Hier, Pal Hymnen Whebhi Inser. dee Touiye Tradl yea INES gras Kenamin Komm. Py Keptor Lob. Lac. Sare. a. Leya. ihe Muk. Meir Ma. Maxp. Mereruka Mera Mil. ‘A. H. Gardiner, Admonitions of an Exyptian Sage, commentary HE. Gnuthier, Dicsionnaire des noms geogrophigues contenu dat les “estes hicrogiyphigues, B. Gunn, Studies in Egyptian Syntax. H, Junker, Giza ACH, Gardiner, Notes om the Story of Sinuhe, G. Goyon, inscriptions rupertres de Wadi Hammamat. A. H, Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar, 3rd edition, F. Ll. Grilfith, Hiertic Papyri from Kahn and Gurob, text volume. ‘For the individual papyei vee under P. Kah. J. Couyat and P. Montet, Ler Incriptions hidroplyphiquet pha gunn palate, 0; Le wal dat ‘D 0, Sih sn Habe 150, wa LDR 6. 5; a1; lk 1,4 del $1; mou; aath, mould, lak.m, 549; 97,7,06565 8.6 12355 tha LIKE, BIA nay. 32 LAE anda sate, ros. HO, Gif. 209, N82 waht a5. SH Ah pepe thicket, fo fas nis. WS hw. ory, 5 40; on WHS MK Pram. ef 300 0,53. BOHM of pit, dd, 19, an Se Siro B sags Sonos, Nezhs 7,07. Bd de pint ae, law, 55,1; va BS ahs spay BE hevwh, become a sini la, 567;% 4 ena, plas,ea, adj. glerious splendid, Uh. 11,246, 5; 249,3; hu, he, 5:4; 10,10; 94,5; hil, 1,03 Mes 81,249; Unb, 46; m8, 25 serviceably minded Mowaade, 640,95 1h m..'ckuill he ull with, B6% hats He meds mo Wf 'Sfound furour in his heart din, 6106, Tr BS dak.xe, 046: 09m. fame (2) lak te ba PS ha gd fall sys Ak 9b ww be good fe dk, ny (0S0.); 159.8 ORY), SORT spor fower of gd le, 23 (IN) dak 0r 69s ROM) 2243, TIHw(RL, 80442, RLY); mastery erie, B54 Gten 2, ins. RST anable Lana, ak 9,143 4; 00.6 £8.u0,10,SL uays. SSh sue saacu serpent, Ap s0>; Mak. ve, 13, 15;.02. 3° ep sy RS ike oe of gl, i 5,0. ia oe @ 5 Beh WSS shar afferc, tnechard [24 sbe ame, 20 4.959766 BOM shy stle-roomit, Con i, prgt; wr. Ser dy. Sle, [20 IRE hoigen(4)uhere samrinsand ul, By 515( B25); dak ¥, 259; T8 su (KS: D bonk of Hing, in, 6,034; deat; Bar na Bb images of ltt Ha meredinage, So 807, aesite 1D shy 01m henigen -daseller, eh. Wak. 2613; on, DESH By debe et ee Hippy romate perl, lk. 1246; 9 KON GHS), 26 14,202 W); aya, ovine -desctling im wir the and. qs, Make 1,142,135 0714,16- SNPS R shor sunlight ee amet teas 65; RSD dak. og, BEM 5153; eaaien INODR, 4. BLE Hg prose gieen, of fines and, plane, leriernay 1,245. Dee 094 5654 ates, Ap es, 801530 Bho shoe spa ttref staf, dah. ¥ 3,1. DoH if foes of appetite, i. t0scf Je 23,93, mb Be oA aptg fe feng (0 of ge, TH 501 BST 1hs seth, ante soe, enguane 248 6,01 RT Aker sate wan ' INS nina. ol fu flo ful of antes, 25 18,40;34 iimpalienl 89 267,56: (ant haslenghasry ouclf Aas); veal din. B22. (sad piety, fp.8205 0. ten NEA fabri IMs fall ladal nln cf Quoi, yh SS ING, vn of 4 held al sincere DD sat n.d: Sais, oF 2 14,00 2Dibd; Oo Pre54;H% Gp goo. IS hliah fisce plas, radios Bp. sayyou AMI tab v9.0 BUNA tye flame, eaves ryras SME sh sichee, Beans, Ram. pl. 24,26 rary é 1 Lihat ish INS aboot och) ach, Wh Try Lip bsy lt BSD); Sheith bad b(det. ; aN pis tj ab aaah 6, 81,7 (a). asa 854; Ptah, 51.6; dint, il, 302 (del). 7256; BH 16; van det, B Pyare. BQ pel, ob wy 8 +5 feos, 6159-295; dm. 13:63; ame ba gui bbw. SNE SF shes auto (my Ade. 313; misfertine fa.ton WA), IAS Tons of hte tate nene! NS ib fe Led, flo, Pit 07 B29218 ni div auth go ths, bb; Mn 205,17; the canth el, Bosn5; pile eath-gods Ap. (del 3) 2200; 7H 54,3 deb a0 wet) BAM ee uncles yt Hanch(ty Sm ver ef seggreaer, BN Pour of se nunc AS wa gpstt fed: WB ag fe ounce lab, 965) BOD ae sane eng REBT 2,4. Zag Dbyneny 5 R82 passe fy. 99y,08 145 cr 48 (alec ran WMD BU ase mrcrz asim WeWeL D Pham oy RePe stad Lo £005; NETIY 5 BME yn NTS eh Load a ship, ee, lah 3,104;5;in B 2h; aa Ry; take 144 NG Fe), FiLab; cargo inlosshif, Shab W6NBM), Loy; hes vgladen, ith lle Lb ay fae 8, 70.296 G9); lah. 107,060... BOSS ser sepa (man 4355500; cng faa 8.254800); Fah 20 s6chern). BOSS atta Load (my Mu Kw 35; sange lad. anca(s GAY), ods coffe, dtm. ,5. BB od gies pulpal, ora comap fn hd, (det-8) be egreasog SS sdirintiana vt Lesaoage of socedile dak, ‘| fea tp rbit; Seaman, ‘with; ah 0,14, 4; sd thn ‘Te afpuas-| in i Buby (sybian altack, TR 18h8)-m aig, La 4084.28 5547, TL) mB sder aggreuson, Fens 8) 101.297; k. 1, yy, 0000. NSP Paes 82,60; KS, dake, 972.5. INF id decay (oh), 18 25,2. INR see poche evsleping pile, Aden 4); 006 D820, 14.2 4 VS, & suede, Beso ry Lae needs £42 40%), SP Z suff. sag, {mez wD, AAAS fh 5; sportiveuly pays UD cori oan Gaye ase sg den yp mace go SBE 6 Lack of manor animal, Lkeh..26; Sin. Bini (S9); Ma. 2,3; m8 ABN) puck of rier, BH, 25, 29-4 UN MP); of Lake, Wes 6,0 UNA fe aandand for eutl-ofec, ia, Mak. 44,1 hi AIS stat round 09,15, lditoun 25; NS= ANTM nchese he ond amines ft rag. 2 fo. (3) nuit 104, 31023) vam BD 115 64K. ea sya. War 4, 1410; bia, jg, 3595 Mak. 1, 209,20. (ST Mich, 0005 9; ab bl ‘venom oeny official aj office daly, luk 043,3, it medi gc mith -gaddens, ver NBER, bys on aan, nS 0K 8 tf 509540; dnt int, ate ander a, ZAS 86. WIN 22 ob. sinf, alow, 28 i= Ze 8 AININE. bs grounds of mublle, Moe, Lia 24h fof JER is ANG dng sod, aa 8,225 mm INR e05;4WRG 14 45; MAR Be 06) ORM ter cg INS Baan. of F Summer. IASB dat erat. Keaged, BHT, attain old-age, Bu ryo-nstarngld age, din. 0166; ma; ram INSTR ak 15,106; PBroays. WINS A dt ange 8.6; ute sn34juan kD a Mga; lak 1,076; van AND fea p22. NMS age ofl svoman, 18 2435; mm lINMeP sD kebhs2-Gsto, 18° HD Mok 1, 134, MISSI ct hee at, 1206. Later utp of a mall calle’ Le aby cred Lt had) cast, caso: (2) Che fe aide of, Sethe, Reckla Pawn te pu 25,94; Baka, aa,ra; 41,0; FSR para. less 2 the haat By. s06(B2 AD J), Beush 1,15(F2 12), dake agit, ay Msin FN dilly ond, et aston, fy. shi VID), ou 125,35 (decoy, dak. {25 ads ayn; Ltchavnd, Mest § 20(del. 3:3) the feat, din, 8204 (det 020); Bist 23 (ofS); 80 367 FID BF itty Laster, din 055; 000 FIM Yok hiss. LDS His thy cat of fin. 615; 00n 41 Re gag 4D Fak 1940, PDE he ca wind va (NIB fy, 55k. HYP the cat wind, Sit, 4,24; ma. PP ake ssn, Bilas abet te foal Heh; Boysen); my 6 ‘in the cast of Mok. w,s20y(F2) Prawe ir. . We Gird-lrapl belo, 4 ASNT ise aderatizy, 8042; INST 905415; 485F no ns DOH NINN iso find he sacrifize, wo MEDS ISN sor us Maker, 420,14; Vi 3056,0iA was. GLAS 79,5, AID Alsen ofr, Mefeepy, 30.3. QM ING se hlourss fo UND MF is aes ne 80045 6; ht ra Vil of nthe Beyond, Msh.v, 246, 80 224ps. AIS aay Lei oye; fe weak rf healer dels Se, 7 08, UNS PR dar wine, dale 1 05,05 van lS PB oe, 75,0, Gaston, 2.167 ABS da gray She ys din O12; ef 288 56,45; 5470 FNODR cle enone, tort ios qadianes, ths; go, dt Ta 6;mun RYD ins arbca forme of hus “sunshine AIM eos fold, ame NG; MY ANY, 25655; Denali, 6p Ni call, summery dene, wih, Ld ye; b2us; fp; fis hs. Gs blow VIB sah er feap (ot) ak, of ar “wane quaung sels ate ak 10m8; 20. 8D] som, pl aiding, 30263) PRIN BT slly monet, 00 ru . (oh Si aesye oma, BD 353,14) an. del. WD 4,5, INSNS8 4 lednjuned, 215573875 de dill, $4, dith,gt-() emising A fiom ak, abate, of foes Sosy. Var. SRV 25 sya slo shales, lb ¥, 14,5,» SW 9g 2, EDIT 0. UD aj putlainn, Aas 81,4, ISNA SP mee of ib UBS 5 we of iar “pestlence’ BNR Meade dew, £89 alle. Mra; gps, ak 953; Jouning any se thunderstorm, 6155 42 Tay peatdonce, Adlon.,5; C4. mith, $125 ede 0 ” ibe ie fbb, Camines fi: tang. $12; inflsnce, oe cit. pl. 9 (det. 2) ASRS iat net Wet 5d 20,16; Camines Lit fray $44, 605 13 INT ST Lade Bact of land, foe B48, [Bz bat inf come, of pers, din ag; Wale t113; of thingy Abed 3155; 6 lho Make, 04 oe, fe 1109S lof un ean, fs 125 12.3; Mak, 0,16; ely in Res; Shy ok. 6, atv bus Miomalic ane IS, MAW MAS* Uleteome, 5212.96, ITO ion in wher faubl ad. occurred, 542,76; IVAN 25 tome im peace! TR 8 Beachy; nelinn safely, Shc; 8H 131% Mak 2,329 1; m the “Welcome £162. nor, 3, INA ‘asthe consequence, oulinme of’ CASA. Tr A masiteg 2; AD Mate 510;404 dake, u4, 40 fas 010. 04. ehafy, Lins, oul, 81m; Rare, 8,0; ee hich is done, 81, 96.103. Vom IM Soe far 6, 128;4M A arse; SAAR SP mt 2,4 TE ie ed ney ft, 480.4, 29. 4D se fam, Bp. NDB de gated, le, Ep. NES eco snp. aah, Md Aeteofsa B39; Usk. 305 of ashing fr gold, 0n sb; woah outun inacrplion, Amanns,¥ab,21 bib satisfy’ sone, abn 9849; Sin bmg ae arden’ eat 8,206 Aad. 94 senb ofl sgt Bo bra; Lhe wth the faces 3 Be vengeful G3 su. Var. ad eo Mak 0 44 VSR cue seating 3 EST lft lkmeth a) Pah 50 POF ey bose PE AE ong speech: itm xj maan ET ote YASS sear heakfet, Gp ity; wr Ae even sph 5 0;ef tid. fg, (Ss cer coumef am insvipirn, Omani, 2624 GO Leb faut fp p.s28, 009; later “2 SP a VAIN Led Aeafe st corm ait ilefork, cus ma. . Qala ces ob yintrama, he united, Ap, 344(4~1)\, ~B)0), beac with’ Unk. 12951, nhl); ssserubleof frome, Bp tbh; 841,25, 0% U~H9 Py, lnk. w7, 366, 8019910: (2) ams fi atone, Lin Seb; amit Limba doe of dec, Lys. 6175 ts hse we lah 32538 CN) 304; db At nde’ ss4 IS), NE 2 seing out cloths, 841,245,441 44 wepeoul gape jie, Bosh. 3,3(Wa¢a); rasialine, $6. 55.0 5S, YD den faboen fy nbs; bash 3a dS SF p06, 24° FA Phar. 1035523 FH ak, s059, SF Leh, fom Ll, Beah, MEPS B dene necting £60909. fs hil, Neat; Tessa 2, (2) gee, GAS 103. Cf. sea isi GS oan. of cx mount uf HE coat anne Fy Uak 44; Ayer 2; 20m. BT he zisabiee, S Mok. we, 345,12. VOC aia abode of got a. 214m NAG 20h neon iar saellte, lak 51510, anged, 13/6. Tam SALE te oor; Sh (aah, 21,5, 5,5; UO s1 15 9B see under das Latarce, £8 93;14,10( det STB); feae 8, g.n8 ak 1, 07, cial, mith, full caf, f.$242. 3689, 11 4. i gruel, eo TL, 31%, HY2 eos dogal ace under Lyi ‘neal ef. the dead! JSS sly ache. nt, sahich...na, fom. 2a %,Y. $4202; 104.2; 44 3 older SPINS let aha katt Aecse.nal saat ay nf te he as $205) ar he wha is nating arhat comet, doco nat axial, 88.1610; wl MDE Opin SDAIN delper conan, lake 1,964. SPV at oun, lak atc fn fh oweoich is bul Jen 12490; flor, flooring, iid; Ua, 613,12. 2; ofp lull Ua mo purpose, NS. Lett esengching’ fh $2054; SODA dd separate Xa ‘front y, Loud 59; din, 032%; nj sith doukle obj, SiR 28-4; Ud. b, moj Cf GAS ui; dead. ‘belieen...and. Gp S00. SADT ddl spanaliony, Leas 81,251. Fike heast: physical, in. 634; Fars. oy; lak, 15,3 Asabeh Cheughls and af the m.isat an end send tame somenberthe pat fe; bak sha abd ib sees which adwamced my pasion Lagd. Virb; nby ib Ha thal which i inlet. iil) Ran any G05 97-6; Ue we mas ‘mcf the hing (ile) Unk, 42,19; fa mln the opinion ef’ ean 1,10: (stl desire bn. 8125; 2.9; 88 10,00 Adley: (2) Lima. FS 01101, 4 SB Belauh Masato stig, aden rd = 3), Yow 4 hy, MISS Bah, ssn. HISD PU hina, mean, din 696; van JK tse ue chout, i Ab. 0,0) sy, USES £6 sya. MIL snk supose Sh. 57; ram ISHS ea 6075119 dk. my 4 Sana of ba nefge! VSS anu. of ibs dance’ A850 2b sughtomany ae 0, fp nb ALB ily dance tno 0,24, OTN tak. 22,40 IP), 259.84 (ayn. 60 9 UNO LD) 9 AB JO) Olek, r042(UIS2, MOS see Betery ert, s1ihe; ram EDIE tern, AYE n Wa00 wan. fle adanum MH a afghan Cla 315 fn 8,24; rom ALP AL 8,55 US com, RIS Cte tae ti, aM Ril nt 524 MISS tay habhndee hip Aik x 55 vam IST gg. SSS WI SV cue glare, flee. 19, UO, th fadanwon 0 $6.246; wom AISI SE Sin0;4 IU 2ieb., of; Ball igs. iP en 19,2. (645 Eo 24. [ibe dpe “ ” He key NORA T Bm the sallion, dle se, 663,10; 6f Caminay, Le by Mie, 219. aor doth, mast, Sndi:(a) seer chamber f temple van 428, AE 0 rs Jen WES eee fo, a Mahia loality, wx S De, fauthin, Dice gégr 5b MIB hy St alone ran LIAO YS i, Lethe, Maine, 50. th Looth, £ Mah. 515; 135; 804,06 Laah, dak. 16,393 74 RT), ‘Ligue, Mofo, 52 (det. 11), $b. 100,15; de suftc Uke, 346,75 ww ALE Cairo aope, MIP te hancdcas of hire Alek. 12, 1271,20;204, EMM Raat WI ky fd Cay, Set C1 136;0n. Sec ep 1g he curate coud, reckon ufe, 248 51,7; Uke, 654,53 475 0iT, an make 15,4723, as 106; a, zach fem dade ag dela Ame forumk, Laing, me frm, Jen, 5409), sxamine ersory, Ep. 590-1287, 18 95,1; Hens BY, 70; ADR. W191 ang, 8H, 4; Lip. 1033; ecogrnige Ame Ay 500.5%2.445; pve schedules, JER ply; take headeof Unk 32 ‘sinh; sci aden once of dev, By.ingy. 2016; ambias, adler assem, offers, Br gbb, ife SH colleck Sessile recover ds sensed, Lp 200%; 18257 fam intelligent young man having hiswiiabout Ain’ sks (2)m, gecouniing dur Ye med my farnour ‘a wnoin Falacefexty10; esimaion: Soy v9 ferlagt foremost in thee of the iets, 286,64. AS pe ca ak or; Ait a MOST du pyrene lk. 3141313616 2 ipl qrain-menaure of u £Ast, he. $266 1, £Udiblour, Sndec. M2 iO pt. ael be, Lempbe ot Harnah, Sache, man, 55 5} NORD Ae name anak festival d the 12th month, Mikes, 41,7. 42 yb vrfanern, vam. 25,865,285 45 0y; bt ast he Souther I; hemp of na. IE, Ys fovarrte ster wich these gioup see under sf OES aps ‘feivate office, Ls 0418. WE hut fronts office, B64, 10, $03 © Spur nloc. Ekbomim, mr. S98, neo Hy 8S Yur demenliadjm. pl thea hp. §10; lanl, §54;dusl VSS 409 cts, ge Wop demon adj. mpl tha, mre, Bal, $54 4 eee demsonainadj. mpl these, war®, fy 510; tladal, $54, A 2 Siple demonslaadj. mpl. thee, $510; lal, ho dual 42S MES dementia. fie faa so; dual 029%, 48 MED inch demaonuts.adj. f pil. howe, Plural $60 OR ple dermonatod fl these,var. 29, by 1; lal, sho; daa Qees, 2. ISS ihe, 156. WIT pdr foaming ebbarsjmea D Bore dak, ono. Ny se under iu lek’ = gessdople (oh) Unk 2024 1. HUE four, guanlette, fs2bo WS iL pectengular, Bosh. 3,tn6; lak e225; Mind oy toed each, fean Ra. Ua Ff couch ea 1;an 4S SV ey. BSS ge Bee, dks b3567 mj ath fe fl headlong tbs qf bo erat Danek by horse’ dink ax, s160,1(4 av a $4), ABS daw thee, hewn eich, therfuo, fy s205,;-nljurtm the dead 6.15, Pc fon hate, gon Mak 204357 ob WENT) aide hy a Liisbing ABS Daw mean (ob) ddan 55:08 35; vem (ERA crs 215 fink ayes 8 4 Sessa DoD Za gunning, qicf, Adee 5, MDB Soe gueg, bint; oar NST Canninen, ft Inag pL10,31 DB 8 Sot La, Slt ob Jenion (Mebeshah), REO, AB dt wine of Sol, v.20, S07 144, AE intiy foaten itd of the Hing of 4, su1,25 by mr Mr, ss ABS Sm, geate 2) Le Yh. Heit 2 i BBN ay ae cick isin vam ENF, fst v.55 fla with supralive rearing ST, stich i JEN 4 bb; gpa ata @D, 0, Nathaly fro ME Sioa th farounle, B16 2; Wk. sng; aan 7 hm; 09,9 NESMAES Zong fe counciblor, 841, 6,1; 00043 uak-t,123,12- WEIN Za nye gegionnl officer Caine Lit Jong p23 AES ng ul sanbnad shiping pla 0143 VS ve. fo dat 15; sata side of loalily A 2, 3,02; Kee line 29215, Che Dest, Ryn. 2015; nk. a1, set); desgrationel fica pyle ih. 2,221), TADS try name of deli fetish, Camines Lit neg. 30,n.45 08 of HEN ng by rhein the Mrustrce, Lint, i. 4, sub; Deb B - amceaton 6), $5, aS apr rut aquatic animals manna, 15; lamier, Lit ag. fe HSS Se anda ale of shi, ak W549; of 2s 54, 3S deen gence an. To. syg.f 2 #45268 uh 21 il effin Ege a foo ak saad 10,1; 34.005 aca ur igh strand ean Ref, B60 145% ony nl 60.1, 25%; Jen 94, 294F; oman ef gang, 34,36: form Lee. hve F909. Lmagcancl Lit of names, Mah. 4); 904, EINE dak 10,4. ABS deny haf hsm dai for day, of den, in Ru HES: ny tse hich iin fl, Cina 20086; LE, 10m sci rs efor, of ie, 1 la Ray Bw eg A thy former heal dak. 36155 Simp Bt “those of former Limes, don. gy (det A"), Mk. Hit those which feceded them thir oyna, 3,49, sim. Jen, $4.2,23, eff 20034); atlean, mould of conduct, fas 81,93.218. SAB ioob eg she he vowhio ful’ the aga anaes Uo, 85, 6, PAIN SP ny dint Ramlotain, van ANTS, 20 1,294 MEIN SS tye aaaally pl) fllasing after of lime, dt ho 35;ghosae Halendarce ny lak, $203125% 08 (ts Nin aing. ember the Sedigquaad ), 16834,34 (SN, NOB; Choa of. Latin Linas , Hoke, 1b2 NTSB, 5415 be SSAB; dee fg 7 ow sing. Aewhe shall come aftr, f.15,u( No), ESN Hhes TB nig wooly, dik 10 $l ee 996.55. $RSF Lago) lad, a 8b 8 Caso VERSIE dnp goakey 80195 Lrmgar bs russ of famcramdsaralin, * Gemimos, Lit Snag. dosh giz! plac! couse! ont =B, of. fp. s9 veg ob, wan LO frag daft. in nid fm) “elongCovme) ran LB, fr. 45 03,35 140 UES Watt! Leen, Bi b4.105 aang, nos UY), ! hse Sp siry. Older form of im lie Flos, PENS tnyts ae i casio MESA also asl, rails wan SEN plea, Sanh NF cast fale ibe, Bw. lah. 4 BWR es aloo famale of ary wild. anime f ZAS oH 96. Te ewe 20 2 dew dent 999 zee (Strm alee, pnbgg; as MISO SS ihe, 9 7G dono; 9D Q Mat, 13, tire Nat ‘dale radon, PWditbour, 31, mob, 479 ams(> dim) ind, mi Jen sy ioq; well-dishoted, ‘a temple ut hig ing; Oye IR G ONION); fe pracios dese, Carmimes fit. nag. il 2,2,10( 9K); fe delighted, chaamed, nex DOS VION) ns tb te well a fiat 47D 9) dk ng ir fe pacino Ae VINO dt Laws Kindlineas Ay. 562 UN OB) dit, ln, a5; fen 192362 Make, bry ONT nbd poses f chi Lousne Cry (QR), unt omit great inegn, es of queen; Lak 1,14; 124,04 (Qin; Hoarand. (Lt. ‘sone, 84 1,25, 09-6 AS Rod) BISA tetys futtiamce, splendour, 84552; va.9S>R tik. .15,4; QAST 0 110; 9K 13,15 LO? dak wy, 1047 6. QIND" dcr Lond, dade, 54,6; rem. INES, 3; IDF 205592 Amara, W255) ANT din. 8110; Auk, Caines, Lit Snag. i 2, 2,8 470 sms shina cond, war. fpf bs, £34, NST nth, honoun-wemerattion, Ly et; Sin. 85; fry); the Sled Male of the dead, dim, 8191; fens 61322; Anh, 10,1137; mah ah, inde 8, fy. q; ef ten Hus. 5h dows honour, fos 8105. 47 SAN eas bay fs ning, fe homered, fn by! 84,9 (48%), 24 0 BVM) 44,5, by fiat plan 221 4789), VRS Bom rfurreredons, of the Mest dead, 203,805. 0B) lok wisqieie BUDD of the oped living, Wee.420 EWING), tak. decals BNR), FVM thal seed me, of dead aman, Bok. spas; ww lB s2. HARV de ship, Ma 29,2535, ; Aden rams SRY Uk 3 29 GOB Sen nis 655 Be. ugh Pre ita load, Camino, Lb tego AE ime eale, Lypi0g 5; ROU 5 YER un nadie ain, of the, Amun, GoD Smt n. dit, Aonaunel, eid, Inde. VEN dae ade seal hidden, Ligh V3; 5,299; 4 a5; wanda a Bp 349: (rr conceal, hide Rip, hn 516; ler VEHD innl secret (my, Cairo 20646. QE or evel (fan 8 18- GES dont secret place, Mak, 64,6. | 1 be era night had 0) igh aide he et, athe, eee Yan. hy. 540 4S Pyro, Wb the deat gman; in ba; del Ua. 659064; person ta goddam, se. 36), 65,04; wr Pe Bob a8, ok 51, Fuck we 995 10;4 es Bol hus FES domly. acghte-hand), Aibeste. §,14 (det); 80 454%); seater, ie 816, B13, 26,106; Mak, 02); Lhe West, Py, 621 Qo); Rin 23; lnk. I, 41,3 (det); 801m2, 1 Ply the west wri, din Bit; amie. 39 PF Py 55, FS dant the at aka, pa 80 24,2; 27% in (de ij ama We 29 PH anatd tome, ryt; asually $l VIS" Uak.2504 1561, wed of the dead. sn bli mis Towemost of the leaf Onria, passim, a pL. PDS, YEN au yoy BR fe yy Der Zenyl daly offerings Jen, 29; FE dak 204g kdeh Bone tlie netherurorld, Msh.B, ub; used of fomb, 481A). QDI cs urine de ‘Eindly disposed *$leasanty o'lak 10, $07, 1-2; yan gues 14: (ayn. of lems ‘misstatement! belle de 2a ABM att m die Stel one of the fuses of Swe, fp. 208k 4 5mm ISPD, OSI Gni097; SM 005400 I=RS hema rampart, Cah. 2, ne, eon pap by, ofagent(aynen-emch pants WJ inlinog pal: sp emphati four ef Pretors, f.fpe 558: (5) soca. irtg- Var. G9 dak o,f, tad lesa inf big, floh, a 643.096.10), ed ig; de49; lak Mth; Yoase; satry off tring cen, in. R15; 830; lak 3, 96 75654, 1; of Heing tamed es by anvil, Sir 84.185; ing abl anv event, fea 01,285; feb sx (aemone thing bad, Hak. se, 396,76; £1 55,10; and ‘the nile of romor| dng the footepainty, Hh. Lf 1.93; Jen 24 87525, 5;overcome hiouble, Caomines, Lit, Frag. putt 0) agach allan a julece, Mahe 1280, 1b; bn dar ‘the demi fa place, 205,845 mu ofall, 54; of aongGh a. 1; dain dt, Fg, wih; Mill 2,1; bm 26 ‘nthe oie ame, RB 1h, eg, Md iff; br me Yall dc cit G) ghpoina ‘lo'am office, 25 11; deo. 24; Mak 1, 65,13. ge, Ap, 186.007; aab1203; 8.159. (0) Miomalic usea: dn ‘hawt recourse te, Kee has.34,105; in jhuny, én] dong, make ans nb ef samgpihs, JE 30,16; se alae Caminey Ly Mise 515, ‘more neatlealy fi. 10545 for further usco of JER 30120.—Yar.P lak Hey NZS eh eda ron BRAS, fk, Olnde Ie fasta of gin ee £35, Mads ie of ai land 8,235, SY gle fom palace, 814,26 51-4 kfm rom foreign fers, Mak. 10, 665,65 y00,16; 7041; deg to he paid, Kah, 26, 95; gaaany of huenter, Sa, 690. Uar. BOSTT Bn 2,26,153-%, MB dagt refrain Pref amg, Lah. 310. tha hath fishy, va WS Saf. 4 Kh wbdae inf. dla, Th 35 fall loch Yrom! £1,231 tychowe, LAL; pol ewer for ial, 1056505206 15; van d B02 6,9, ST de cana of his, Lac 5 Web 0y3 10; ae EES, 741 MEMS: eye malin for handicuafle, adn. GTS in ehiny 1908. Laden enc, gre NEES tact hig, f OLE. doit, 518. WEST tab wal, din 005; 00 Hl din 817; Soba While Wall, namesf Mam phisand Uomeme, stor 129°f.Subar BRI easlian fonlicr fortes 605.12, 0.2 WIT ink fonce, stockade, a. 8ub;c7 1 66 run. det TE don nr MEI ca walt of w place bs, 21550, WEIR Babs heduonl, Lb i0q 5: VO dupe keagy ih 15.6. GC Sinus nal hilt ak m2; ,0 ADS pines!) 260.095 Ey aga OA sy No SSR apr dic doug as 02505; n0m NT Dena ple; Mle 4. TEU dam shinvf man fas thus; 1,394.59, ;ofanimal, din. Bigs (el) Mak, 23410 (del, PR); bg; her of shy, .8.5,12-13,¢. Bread, eaclopment, s1h,n- i ef cloth Cumines £fy, Mise 213 GEE da inde fromipl se, aml, $60 yoney wnlinciet(, Barna, Kem for Hose die 8800; Ma 12451; chy Mah, 19s; aly bork of mak id 19a y0199255m ad et Loan of wail 992,15 alto 17; on we mal pani, fob bonis inn nT ‘seashell! 28860, 045 fn ~~ 7 2s tae fg APrmeslone, Athy Seine, dr (he nfs) BY ‘andaline eh cit. Way ee thereof, cheele,ama. A, bs. A. > Sin. 6196; van NS Mk. ae, 1724, VG ay relaing b, p51, ee the compourida helo {a> NS day hadder, cme ISD MLN, of. Cha bth, sa 9B tahoe femegianale lie amd: fruit) loka, 12; ran IOS 9 46.1414; BEBM i yb G.2is 45,947 Gaskin 1.15. AES tab eyes Mk, yg; Ll 104 15 drm. rin dat WS 2 VER inl oy sumounds enclose, Mek ae, hosts759,12; (2) nine a veacl ith gold, 2516s 25 (dete o piece of rim) VIM 0 safe celine es 2 Comin Li rey #435; cam Book, 35; Chi, Such, tn NEN Stas calf hg, shank o man, K 54; animal, deal, pl t,314 detad sof Fine, Kaho ie; hence not hock’ as Jen 24,1706, WEN Phang ghted ney dah ns van L2IPlak yy LEP +30; q-neors. AAD tal unl, the Jon Landa, Hah 13 sollech gather ogether, Gy. 4ga(h'5 0), WhO) dak x24 UES), coin n lay, hor, ¥ Lop; ambrace Sp iibag; $11 10.27; nana some lgethor of fren, Bib a fade inde er a. Sho; belaying lime, $3; bey caSP cl, GEN SH hal, ams, fender nla Longer, 235 19,102, r NES inte flr cons, By. 265; 00 BRE sled misry, dab mn NAB 9, NES lad the afflicted may, Lr 5 NEM sad Leelfltel, Aad, yo; 292 NEN Pd “hai Aasaqe Ne incnfade foomef fen raenenth fas at ele sn SON of af. Dads dager hall beeper, Homé, 1; 8631. 1D ig den hay ab 4 men bgt ASSP cay, face 2.9%. Do day dl femary, Je0 4,01 Db Ping nf hat hector of he diadory BHo1; wan OK. PL Ulak. 05,5. GRD EG nny ei atondarac ye 443; oma 4 0B gabe lain ls 383376 ANOS? bg hoe pide, A605 0% IN ORD ing hou helmaman lak 5510; 82 5. G.neo2,qu% dag ht ounseer, adminisbialer, OH 1,30; sk, thy 10. OND FE da as heer ale -hens 205,974. ISISD Fag ae fesnclionany Mak. , 1058, 6; van SOESE roby. qa ZA becloral, (amines, Lt. Bag. peg 2,4 ded rhanton, Lyn 2061; fem TID faker, 1.3 QPP Layer eur of foal, Mak x95; NZ IDA Bb daly of sme, dine 82h 240; Al. Mab.a, 4759. N29 fea: NBS sof sn dae asin. aT Bk eye, din, 22g; iat ab ‘noonp aye Mk. 645 7;='twryone, took 6. She seading the masedaale Sy, 4 din. bilby Kah; 4, nat Anoten, Le esac inf (9 ale kegel humans bingy da 4; np; Bb 6.0, fom abn,‘ ongencleed yin filiiony fp. 94361-574,35 mabe, conalincl eorcrcle Mesings, Sin. 819 305; 4es.ya,17, Wr 55 Mak. 8,209, 494,413; fake gl arti ciate hay Abdh. 90,2; make decrees last aritteny decree, Lash 4 hae of cheng, dak, 26430. 752.5 4 gy59. Hb, ho; A Kaha to; Mill. 51; 4b. 44; Lak. 1045; 4; de mad ‘Youb wrk wriing, ape 26 27 Hak. 1,15; 02,5 obdiacl, 4, Anouble, fan 8,46103 4 fin) name 6b; sine din 8.399; Mak. Y 0b; Pac M. 33 1444; alia, 0 asta, in Brorja, flight, Baryja noise, Meat. 12,3; sim din. 8142; Sed 55; faa) 13; Meh, 5745 Mas: (anda: (an with of, 04. good, Lin 81-5; lta 4,23; jualice, feos 41,66; aged mw What eam Sao dade 2,9 sm, Weal; die 183; dan pe “othe will of PMlahs diya; a ‘far Ueattendamee on din. 8282-3) 2 wpb ease in bu Bat 360 4 pl 7; wl hrc ‘puniah; £68, 1- én); Dafa lathe Bidding f teas, phi qef 9h m7; dachal tothe leaoune ef? ean 845; BeL8 ror of 859 (EYwithout of dolamything) Lo 23, 40'S seit dese amassenEsonden ev reytel, eb. B17, fn bok meron f Your Mojaby will dona yousish, din..36; the landstivrmsnownd. mi in nhh as does a attevauohecl len 2,6. (ac Lae active, fess B36; 03,124; fbn aan the capaci of a efficial le, Meat 9,12; 5,3; SR As; fe 1129-30; UR. 3,55 exneing a offize, ele yn; Sin. 8235; fons, ra; Mak. 1 10; afroint ficial Fas, 84,296 bak a, 09,4, (up gchiove a nssult ov purpose, Millay s,s. by i-10;-din, 852.203. (im medica covet tgp a road, dah 5 86.266; ahh Aemnedey, $l: 44,10; hscal anvailment, fee. ham, 401 Win mathematical coins: ie ny x ny ‘work oul the excascf x envy, Cah sa; tax ap y multiply x hy y 424; 2 NP ‘square x, Jen 15.36, tm 4b. (pase fograntly, guccsed, P55; make foadpeos maintain, Px 5m) (O veyioue: fag oul rganden, fin 8305; simak, 73,10; eublivale crap, Sem bf; herform a miracle, Malet, :a-dance, din. 8 achane fr and dhink,, 01,8, 20; din. B8Y; goumer ern, dlak. te, Yu31; read aloud a hock, 80 wr '9; pect opel, Mew Hy, spend fase lime, in. 824; Bhd a 8,31 Make 2yb; elebralew fatal, fos 9 y; Wh. 199,10; arene Lands SMS; " Seaducl an expedition, JER 35,45; iafliat a round, £4e 24,1; marshal a foe, Gall 1 HE ‘bang with; hab, fry sorb eal swith; Bn isaio.ityg; AtEm adepa ffs as fen $12. Jvrvarcous Lechmical or idiomatic use nat included bose, eg. tu aur lony lace, see sundevthe second, clement, (qyevith various fcpositiona: dx me ‘make inle} lah. by,3, £6 516 3415; ‘hamge, ansforon ino} Meske.4,21; Amn 214; nel im acondance with’ Sh A 26 a lack bike} Mill. 2,; td, act im accordance swith’ Ube. 22; fs 1 dard mick p owhakisnight for} Jen 38,21,n.b; da mi pe ack foeply! do a thoutd: he dome) JER 12,126; 2A bo,y5;imfin. ink mi br ‘the comect Procedune! JERI 126: de m io for, action behalf of "helpy, £69. 1,160); YEA p at ms sre Gd do. 53,4 prin, ae 4, 12912: 2 a make for’ a place, Wesle: 12,17; deal with'an accusalisn, fag, 81,257; Ua, act againd, injure, £168. me. ov Tr Jeng ayn lammange todo sthing, feas 63,124; ‘ak with av views ba. fuanpose, CES10; in hE» da stthing against sl upon! Aone, PKiahs byt: bn hare nel im conjunction sith; leas, 62,126; Leb Wh 2 ha slien Lo! discclion, 9b 8 y3 1 WAft ‘ack in accordance with’ PKok, agus) Mak. 26, toh; deal who taal, Mh, I, 424 (cp auciliany veal, be 9335, 465: abe dete good) Ll See (vit doce, Las. 81149 a PPiur, wn Pg, ag dl, yo( PST); 25 (AER), naling sy 2. NS S35 da catele-to, 02,519; be ory thecot!BH1 30 SP) Mak, 1, 15, m(= M4) es a 4 Hyak aU Sarit mileh cous, lok. ¥,703,0-0. MUR ae plage ofamef ath 880015; er see nD, de of 4108 sagt L-com, lak. 13.5. foveal of &, LL, 20; 3604, 50¢ yy USS) dak. 26,4 MM, SET on. of dat ‘vine’ NT hs die sing, fin. B82; ver. dels. 88 992239; PR, 9.0£ 8.104, AS sf full form ent. fat.af 49. sedan, (2,0 ASB cay urady. Me (arn. olor, Sal. mith, 1 ff00)a Hse rey wal (9, £6.30, 5; dd 3,0 (ABS iy NP atje Hse dye Linen, Balin 45 (affine ohio); Bal 8.130. aN cle ating, Qo 6; f 5 2 W*S.age mith, Ap.orjremban dakar, agua de, 62 SMR sane tar misery pai MBN yoy Oho! LKah, 45; atder 94 bp bs QOS char camnh, dak-B, 655,15. tht dancing ritual, ran NJ ¥, se092,4 Alual dancers JER 32,14; a LSID AM 80 y4,0. WSN to pein, da 00 ON Log, of en 5, a0 MONS. thet delention, JEA 25,220. NON Aiba ingen Lag, fas 8 54-75 03,10. Of 5 54.4 ABU D chy peiizing, la. 1,9, Crean SH yp Wy, $10,6,, a> Uhey mn ecclaim sore, BD 5% 12-13, RB us (det.$); 1,4. WRU hy w fatal, kak. 24 26-95 25,384 BAS 2h fate nin dl Bisa WREST en dae, 195% WSS ihe cous Bream ook, 51; Bel. 8.651) 0 gt. NG es ntig expressing role 68510. Ts forse seit with this sign ste under ch, May Hg! du. sass. ANB dan of cha ight! WAS ihe able, Mab 12438; ag tha tml JER M4 ALS hug nsatane of mally dinky 064. MASS thar areabncay, B45 ANS 8 sa of nyt’ WS A Lhe indant Cin 201%3.1,20648 Land face, BH, 4,24 HS. wvnow-rch fant. then, thaafoe: ying ath, of. pp 50-8 Md. ded RT ihe mabe fainh, dda 505 BeBe cht fa fis rgd 6 VOD) a ts BDA), gf ft ess lbh 6,311 @ INE), oh. ihr eakimguish,anmal,2i3 5,1. 24f NOD chm dnorant ney lek 2044 RID MBSR rnd te arty ss (ene cicmpale) 1432, PAA punt (SORA Cominay i Jaap. bf Sava qualifying shar NOR encode ste cisampler fx 128s (0K, . PIR ama, B19; 1A23, 90 Ameen U9ON TITS aad peaiying abs sana. 20i, seam ancy NVR 4 Seay 50 Caminay bot VBS R che Geidight dark yj dS 9F a0 011s 198.7 1a, BOF Sow. Ba5n. Gf. cus. UA caries gol as Allele Bik ‘eany jr lnk; bys, am Lea Cat Founda, sone Landon figs. 1.06; ax AY Ber, MES 2c ont senate rnaehante ial EMC tvncttn somronch aby, ray ‘work dorstalon amo, 13,6 a= p 20 a Eig — tee 811, wean. 0. KASS dak 1, 45,5: (-Dworbshof, 81,6; Wk T4536; 503,12. Aaa A Th 5 6 WP din. 145; MBE dads 365; XDE 504 0. HM st iat palace, lade, 266, 6; aad aD DASAC Alder f the f Bip. sbo; vam. HA iit PAC Bek. 5. acts of ship, Meat 8; ad; 2 612 ASB); coma of ol- diy, R14 aby14;o athe lak ol det, 2); game aorkrnen, Sbaibh aid, 16(4); Meferholey 13 AAC is Le hight of aright, tm fig. ems, Las 059; B2,10 ie Light, ha‘ 81,104 (AIS i ib ight mindady 01,209, MA at ig hcas,fi.of ong, Jem s,u2 (L), AP ie op encl-fant:(2)inlemeg. fart ef. def 555. PAN ee dsathate ate incre MAPS det anciont 2; mylar dl Vb, 5 ANS dar ancien nes fe. 12,0. ISG ct ancien mes 842,25 05; 26,136; oan, NSD Reins daha, 295. AMUSE, day eld clothes rags, Aden 3; 40 NAPS da seed Ll rg; Caminay it. Ira. $2.2, 18 tte ur neroncl. fa, Gpsasa. RAB OS dr pcsrrd (np dak 163; 5031039055 PY dae Alou Yn Aol, fren ody se MISE USS 75), HPS ad aya daca serine, aka, se ign fey thaone, Amaia Qh Hol, wt, 30 (ton); an ARS Bl dak w, 137,06 ab) Bis, 10; war bo. AS gut fa Fab ‘sm aoytdet: © wan. QPS Fk ae, 131416 Me isp woh ake, 1393, es ot il wn og ding folkd, iat (ICS) 303,25 56; Lehi ino rosin, £5; Mak. 10,035 05V.25,5; 516; 88 12,0 UNIS opty soitaten dak mp0 05¥ 340 48 (20) Lamanioh ANTS Ts fan Quay, 260,.4°% ANE dak oben finden, terry; lohan 05: ninliana linger BKah. 34. (dele. SY); wit for, MWS.26 mone fort, oul fegamozsse Ma an of fant. Lat, ARs is ale find, Mee 55 em 2,195 cf ChB Sal, 3m. ‘ nota anton Mo, 4p 555) fon sh pabiva,, bm, 3,9. Beseaadons, £6 (£3), 4410; JAW ALS8; (morming) meal, Lp. por. Var VF eat, ples 458s Lito xy a ee tent fa mat Gothic, Bet. egt. 1, 10%. Aalenog, stat? ra NS (eg ero ie clic, sk 1, 594 06;700 4. A 3450; anlien {So (FT Mh 509; 54 83 fait ves ge (Fo ) 8b 218;5.0 IEP Ay, of Bd suscal, donk. 9,154 6, AA tee cer ens Lt farina Ags hit Sh bt Yeh. 1, abajo 9 yy; gecellent dime is'e.of plane, di 845. sim. List pg, 9503 ab 6 9419, 505,09; 1 de ib of dead, BB A610 thy ‘uniquely e., Mab 195 milena of. space, i, 243 lak 610; Lh ha 2 ‘well hs the hea’ Bury; elt lida, 8.1.10; 96; duerion in rank, Gy, Mac. 52:(L)of thinge concrete or absiract, eeallent, in. 8106; » Be ‘excendingly fh $3055. (rm aeealth, Bs; vial, excellence, Ly 5,15; Lea. by6; dial ploy 220; fil “wf sme, ab, mt wy of fp ge AE he Guster man ik x, 1243; aiacncre, £6 1h MAAS bur fate a, Mes 24; de: DU. 92hy7; 4 KAS det 0 WSS thee builder dak us nda ptt peor, yi st NBODN& thar atone quamy, CHS 11 Ha tty gamma, won FDR, cs sh; ah BY anes 0, BIW conof UAE mouning’ ORE chm shit, i ho; Uke, 14 (det 0)wx BN ae dart Nhe gape Ans fay ake 5 6;946 WB D), WE the daar valent, 2 1,[28) VBS Uys hoe, dah. 2505, HES cher councilors), ash 31516. 4 8 gh con ow, fy 50.17; 80:20% gfe mur loudbaal Machete 9s Planbihi, q3:(a)eb. de onrcast of sky, Bp. 93(8 TM); soa clouoands, p41 nsisbo Oe ep ABM ct, see lls an gr ut 43 53 ipl Aealow of the dead, 8 imb; rr NSE toy 262,2. fale, fs, 0; lak ©, 649,10; *% “t of ££ Mak 1, 4512 erry im general, JEN 20,0. fy bsy VED o futher, din 8.47; fea Biba; Unk 1, 2.1; deli ace Lo combo, £4 38 Mates; Dinh 6495 i forefathers, es 23 a 9B. CCP nn dene 15,515; 2 Cen. (ite ia father) fy. 053, 0B1 2, 4 We St nl gots father o titer Fo,5,51, aco, 0yA;100 ws ay Arsene bin Riya ANAS bear; (DID uk, 0,15, U9 120. 51, 9 1006549 dah INO vt NUNN Lie gucen ncgmanl, dak, 62,05; 012 rou fd, lymanen, bs. BD Somat) die tre, bin 204; 0D xis 14,0 S92 90 Mr SNC ima suffocation, ONS 16 2s gun, die, lake atts 12 4 6:th5 me filly Sich of sum, sayy a; hi hove taof da, 88 0,2, WS tnt toler golden, Ht 4, Jo. I 8 te heft Le; A. ith ino, din 0 (V9) teerbotes 97 AAP se afponenl, 156; wan DIE dak, 3444; Li ide pase tos f Hons, MPSS lw sere matey, Guth; en 43 > dal $l. 2 Some 9 HEC Lae wy our ef men dak tong 546, of sha, amines Lit ag. fla, 2151 ¢f shrineant jubilee AMT onload (SU re LE 60 90,245 Maly the dive! Alnhy 104.3(det. TP) (areapul,dd.oe, $25, 125 forstaice, 0b; bee fovushablig JER 23, 186;m04 fine 8233 (deb. 33), an NOE TT Mea. 0; rrcasueal lngth, shana bp. 92662. kaso, in Mit Hse seasonal sok, lsh 115; 00n ZY, GED cuithout £0) 124,554 lf ab hit fuopen lime sino QL 2) 9 mly at hen froper acosors dea $6, 18-14. BL ch daag, din Big; dey; Lah. 9, 26(deli8s); drat the dws hin. 863.8 Haha slik 3,299 5 ple lnds.c11,45; pullout og, By So dt: Longue, an 5 dase ff Mood, £6963; eaus oul inflammation, bt. [ee tae a a5 ae NaN teh forte, Lut 11, dlatnul, 2413. NS sa. of he sain’! [emg te tee sa! He oof. Like forse, Beate 84 BM); 15; lake pss of aie ean ley dis 4b fr 93; ia 3 Lak 36,4043; fae, Lake ssn, stony olf, BoA yy; fea. 81, 54; BH, 545 Sat, ang; lade n996; 2b, Lok; Jeg, ym 2} Memove cel Ay ogs, Tatas; stasat fenders, La 8,10%.246; congue din 8); Les. 13,20; Unk. 1, eisshgiar a herd tease dime, Baty, ak. 1416; excel, ins move, ‘ee Charon, Ly rbsbyb, Miomaliz. woes: JER 24 wy A. expt forded on ais movement emda 184 4 fy 44 He moe unansinghy Bq; nathan maving Land Stor th my hanged he Eb sith ae chase sho Mabey ay mind hi LU dt ire this ony and La heb fem Hh Eb ths adres fai me he exh (he dus, Sin 8354; it Kui by boa By 3.1045 1b ha evel fei ota; Ut at lake oan move nepatnly fit, Bh def 6 Srv congue JE 55j Bt hem ‘tho ing fm mee ment lak 3 1250, FA tr chief, fas rhe. Hoh Ay, Beal, Leas 81,92, NESTS hits chet, areas; apnens, fe ae ie ae! DK aa of Hie ‘ofponent, WEEK ut fey Bp 2oua;erm, Sy mira Kihid.se IER torayal hoes oy, 80391 5; 0 INA Bias, NMA cage gt, deste, yw. NZ id oh inf deaf, Bp 04g; 181 6; Legg 15: lee van, of id ite? i ia vb. in sense, Bp aybaags. 4S Me conain. nguincente burning, fp.365.1340( 4); fis 142, sacl srvous, Mok 22. 389,15; Bits, 1 OS) gedaan sea, 9,5. 4 2 aseaull 9 ¢ ob, Fe 2 ASMA tae greth 0, Sam. VB Oe batt hpisus. SIR Meo we, on, SET PII acon, aset, SN dab, so20, 4.00. Tar) womb, sean 1, fAb6,Fs; ug, Hl; NEO, a5q* OPIS 2 gmoath a mes-made ft 13,7} Mit. deatck Sua. a3. GS defuse non TEND 0535 5003; Beaks seq ie Sede i instock, sano Ld, Elba ah not, shone of fl, a 045 of shay ub; dal the Lar Banksia Lay, nob; dat, 139, van 29 osu SE lak 3458 ab a 95, NS he of dos yy 04,88 YOR we Lamdlscf the Sose-nclab iy REO 1, 208% Memb h Fd ned Linen, BD 36,3; van SN Pod 2, 1350,3, OS ie sea inaea setae, C44; 813,46 AM) govern, Jen ats del 2), sre 0s fialinant-commandes, lak, ryype(29), . PR Lhe de usually fll by iii of abo fin. daar HAE hovers of srry Mlk, $2,125); idee wv m6 Mlicalinanl-conman- de ofthe ary D0 25%; 160 34,46; demeliines aed aloe whens he spe fie function ares clean fo the wriler,eg. PKah. 3,15 Maker, 93,11 (4), JL ee cy, i deaf for? CH 24 RS dee fay out (2) enclosusey lok 1, 5,15 NOR ey hard of atl hn im an 42; Beh, 515 of elephamli A854 det Pf yas aaa nn SMS Dla teh st potesth tive 899 0,1 NOS ratte Lal tenngh 65: G.ncox, s6o% DKS cular the Ben marohus, Berth 5g; del. Usk 5119, %&O esi; of JA 3,53 tamed. AA tly marsha bie 255,mon lel Ke Bass, ES our. NSE cat atl cin donb, dak. 07009 rary ‘ener in. 83; HbA 7 lam; Kandy in. 642.200, Jr me sac under the fat slomint (2) eglen, fovine< ang ‘the souls nef the Liimt, p.1t0; i 067 ‘he oathen fpf Saypl, 288 51122; < bly the nthe ofthe she, Ege onthe Mnthern 2 Bases Egy pl, 2385 29;¢ faa ede Uk, 4,9, (Oeendilien, shale, faa 1,296; ddr, Mah. 11; ae dal Sang 12; ef, Bissyaa, 6 ares: lar 5 fine of cating Uk 89; tam Ba ainep while sandals! p.tqie Cm Sn means of subsislined, Peas R25, 4. Bal 24, 10,0.5; 01,199.03. (6) bach brace, £.$.v0r. “PSA yen sb,n.2. oc smmanl eatifze, pos alse) lak, 1 392,5peend seit, 1595 a Place ef records, FON Sha cn et ‘hinghne scile! Kaho PE cate cat ut on § serdar nd, Caminat Lit. Fag. fr accu el, cared 6 sy ea HS © dys, sateh orm gltching ram NGAS 2 6 ba doit 204 4, 303 ew chamber, 319, dle. Aad 975 Aale house, ACO, 206% AB a weithbold fon lak. 14,5. SUT laughta 8 SN hah 8 ake be a4; UR echonl! SMS. 2 i Ak 36 105,45 100 VEU BT; £8 04,1. ial pom bys 3032 3 the Sey Chabes the cli halle judgement, 26043, 22029);"o a wD ovchand’ Lak 36, ty 18 108 2 TE 4s salam, hillan, 183,95; vane PP Ra, sasha 17 00 fan ef hi, Taya SIM 0) grat of aig, dh fib leak 520 yh (prongs (Dv 0,06; of the hagh Ne, faa. b,r7; erdom. ib; ath 4 ant ‘ang 9-0, hin 82st ann degre, din tt an Bh; Berl, 0.25 of quality, din, 865,215) Lena BY 321; Malia, 22; Len. 11 END; of quantity, Berk. tebe, 7; plentiful rch, di eh im fasestion, Si, plo 22, fey tains, C80 40103; fi. iL Le umnogant’ Ba 5,4;47 SMG maguat, La saa; ser sa, Bol gor, SD dorno', NEO 1, 34% TES 4 greatness Lh Lin0; speak TV oatfally, Uo, 204, 1 SESS ot egueit thing, ol 1,13; fea 6,105; ‘i 04, $18; aot pent! $2055: Vasa. DOW, 25,45; "> OMG te TINY oer goodly, 52056; san LN ha 95) 2 Le hs. TaN cy exces x on's maths iftaenc! Lah. §,s1-2;00r 3S Lhind,y,2. laa 000 sm mw sus lt bt quandiancel all the cattle, bes bar M9 hee, 505 fhe pnder, Jem 24,5(«); 95,62. Vann. 3 NUDE Gch, 33,5; 3 yenays. FST 9 door, a1 ,26,200; aan Ei ats, 5 dk. 165 8010 16; =F ak, 129535 dn daa double doo, ing leaned (0; 37%)5 dag dow hacfer, st abeie, fds. SIS Tseyn the Eizo Leaases the down, Unk 24,13; aan. 8S Me 8055,13; 05 BHT, 26,202, fara a BER ae, Lean 01 shen gg Sr) Maha 1255( SPR): Oe aad ys 8 WF cathy lene, luk, b85,13;10,:105,0:91983 medal, fos. b1,12 (del..3). 4 MF ane euch, Mat he 213jran 5 Mab. wb; pl 23 OOD Bpigsy JARS 06 Lina ell, Ar big; am. 019. ARE ou gatos 00 36 SI aril influence causing disease, JEM-I, 39, EMP hf ching ile dngudesinalle, fas R2;¢f persons pleasant Ap ny) (ARIHY, wok. sees 10, 5 selfah, fru SRI tt stfnens ft 50 INIT 1 fod, fowtin, Sit A aside, sh deedh ter sean SI 12 HL ealiadarsing 15 Bb $6 hee, spent deren F611, 803,d; 246 IS se chuswalch, lak. 395,6, Vth Cain bn 245; dn. bs ble. 5, 206e.¢ mu 5 WA 2ena play 23 B)S 013,30; RB uk x, yay NSP coal dace womary, Iw K. 375 Mah.19§5, 70, N° Dak. 454. AINE Sgt heh anja ISS S46 6 a1 Shey Phaash, fina ys; 0410aitheat S); dat p.1yqunichout =) BT od inn lt fotite soil (); Beamer thy. TONS 0 le hind baad (dah yy van ANTE agi IND 2d be pale pai, £134, 9, NCA gar. 2.2, Boss sya age, amines Lik ag, a. 4 Sc? jal sn rn. ae Meer flat, of dear, fb 54 35 ag. 9S cay Heche than), Mak. ony 195 SSD) 50 1; at, A496 (Le S), cory hada anne seep Make 31543, 08 dc fool dak 05 19h Lala sty cb, ISS cf cob the hain, ens Js an. Sf wring at IS ccnp cant tg tey SN cng cope fe tonfine JER 106 25 ene IS anf da YS cr dagomar, vas, 7, Of p sb $25; dma cr tananan Lea be PT set oct, 917 TS 95 cal colt, small cattle, Aheefy and: goals, Serdom. 41S $2), dm, 58 18); Mab, by; goals onl, 5,0 in ER) fa 1g AS Fp, Ht OF, crt mda li abaya al she! Goes; cant sat wild gare, bon. 869; 11,9; Cust Spat able settles mann, Mele 17; nanely ofl cathe, Lin. 61, end ie general, £8 1 95th TYR); dado. 3; many CT 55 ADD), WN sos! ot ninf aad gerd Feag 3; 8243; Usk. 6413; net Ame, Sal e284; as By 18 aan, UMA, busing IAS, zis 54,39; BRIN see pag 9 poly or, 52. IN cose slr, fa 0, AMUN cay 0 sll, 6,302; 8,m3 RIMS), ade 2,9 delve BH); Maat we ta Cdak: fae anabed, cn tho ur reeue the Son 094; Bah. 34; dade abs,un; 10146 TO, ANUS crgt female rth, the Ka, HRS ound higand, hae 1206, a Wt cory eae, lah. 6,12. 5 Fs feof, cre fay Lake any van. BN EB ign, TM cr gobad net, neo as fgg -ch 0 a gas PRIME, cong « prmenled ink, aton, 06h DAS 0 carers, ak 135 04 393. AEN a hcg ho, fn dei sine, if Mak; fa'f fe By 2363, EEE caus planderer, fess 81,246; 0 BR b:01 ENG cmt Le rahaciay, fa 866393 19 54; aamscy fens. 5 Hit, pls, 231. +S cunt tise, fas 18. 9S 24 coy porch rain, Aha; 505 0 HEIN cl horny gn; die dak myalyen 205 fou nos STAB ‘roencen of at anc hoe, feather ad, sales alt Kinda of Lnestck, B54. fe Li, 156 AIT ob peal, Commas ft $oag. pha,452,49 PotBS pan biel tb inch company fi amide Mab g900 ogc ith’ 384, Gol ale, fc jase! Pt vonof Sh fing ain’ |S te attachonent fod spied rm Lt tae io a Lit fas 81,197. I leg fanenang ail i, Maia, p.25,m Ae te ef cht fad lf [LINO cher wikis, Uke m,1293,16. JS ception ita; IAL, 36H funy, ky a ma TS char inpsty £5 9.10,2.3;1a0n.¥ Y fp.isna. ROP ce ening Maku; on. I ram AT ngs IST ‘hes beahfoat like 544; vam. Ninn 1 11305, Liat, plas. Bde sete, ony ean Tab ELH chs cornea a shify UahV/55 16. UR Be cbs frcaend, rays (HANG dab 5y5 (BED without ob rake jaesentalion, 1; inl, pg, 16 (-8)%> Hh); tresnt or hae inh silual gel, Ler 65,9 £14); faovide, 2 ith’ Unk. 2, 1295 5(~A) 1%). HUB Meets ofteing line, din 896; aaa, HBR Bust; Bea Gino do Ae hes 7y.2;° Auk 1 097;,~ YU BIND ay, ER cbs glen, dak a, on shaytee sD he tout, mf 16 Aahen baling, nay raion ts 1412880 Hak. 0 1044; rardelin 5415 © Diggs gjvan cP ib 13, 4 Lesa, tN!) heb become excited (2, Unk, 151 16, PHY heb chacshold?, Mak m, sbs0,07 NE, bed gigas 2), shine (2, lak ban, 6 AUS 8 che fete, Caminoy £fy tise yy. 404 Sh, het elf of olfize aos. “Hh Lp. gsssey; file fonk, G04 (03), tbs ft we che pilchfork, Loyd. 06 1m. 21d bh Leroi 2) coor, dk. 61,19, 2A thy fang 21 2 wi ja, IAD, su; rer. det.> deat, hey 50. OA ch oe inf. cig aaliyah by 2 51 fly, lok 1, 154,13(del 3), [SU se chy the Winged Ba, 00 9.06, Fat a ag), tr aan en 5 Base, Kam 20. Ot tase cu ‘lh. 55 644380 a vel, ek uy Aes 5, kn acu, SER 4 hg, 24 Vs OE heath; Bre gia, BOM dak Gils DOS caw squifment, Msh1186,12;64,x BD da pte ab, mma 3h BS ya Boe cut Lin of jon, £49; mr. Ta O8 £Hak. 249. DS ce sailoy, 26653; ah 2,201 DEUS) 304,12; wordonen, s00 1375 Nefakote, 5 PITH), SST chy see laintic people, Mak. 3, 1304) PONE ching fectle, Jeng iy IN fy devour) van dt ZIM cfry pncambment, ING, cfoy ascat eleven 1 JER 20,1 ie Pde fy rss tab yng trmadee 18550 Bho 46 J abh fr cone (3, Braylon. det. YO ree LTA fost syel had -cloth, Bp yag; vas. deli Punks ayy; fest, 10. Ey hon. mn PSA anaes nS Banoo 5 es fayd.U. G. 28s 28te; fom. 5S loc, cit,n.2. Sm fcr Lady of read alex: Gay Uaclive ? Leb 37, cf. Jen #2, 34 (38). LN fae chet tak 1 54; va, STEM 3 Peat 4s PINE Shoo) sell, £20; 2253 lak 0b (AKAD, breathe in, 21655 co LE te diet dss Je 9580, m4; org ean Conscinut SBE 16: (2) fens Unk, 652,4. Qa Elk 30419, ARDS arcfcmad throw slick! R34 ce smear (of), 1605, a8 NTE coud mud, mud flat, 5607, 10% RBA cot Gans alieh 1023 6470; ARDS an. ARAN con thao the aos Bama tNA pel fees 5 H; ef. A602, ARNT concn sneer Coby deal [cpa come 42 us Coie inh a SOT tot guano ings, esk ,49,3 RAR acon linn for ead, e, CMa 1-15.20 decal, 892193; 6bngiof the cant anlar runed ering lk 2, ESS 0 creme fran, JA 3,10 Ti Aca nai finger ov lie Lisp dat. >); Mefet, 2, $6.46,10; claw, Bp rr3, 78.153; bon. ty15, DOV Nii the nails! Bat AR cat fuck ¢ Bian 34,05. 8 cnt aig of od, Hak. 9593; sock fo jan, b> 5. A oo sali, Wah, 616 (del Dry 30,15 ©) Laight f fice, aro, leanings, mle of frsons, 98,3; a, 10; Le Rind wb AE Bem the pleasant mart, fa 2,3; lok I, 7013 coy sling toma, 00 2, 5 FH cae an of de abe SN Dcacy complain, nr samba 6 A Bcc comlan, dokt,1085, comping, or 8 en chan, Men Ket Sanlir bat, quae OSS cau) ube. Gina, saree f Bimesline, BH, 26195; wan. BED Uk W, 24m 14; 2b Pas. ff. cos, ast Ncube abate for mating, dak, 2ny(det faker fn cut lel 1M catyt camuse for theabroe, Barns, Mare. pl.20,20. AC cae rh tgerm, fan hack, fa 8:99; 82,96 Wet )(det..s) Ma. K 0; come ach, nolunes, Leb. 03,Sin.056; ok. 38,514,2; fring back, fas 82,16 #icuk sandal sas, Mp pe 506,53. PO ch yeh fine, Sd we; Far 81 25; e419; Sach Loving ge, Leb, (03, Bk ong souls Mak, Sue enh live dees 415, sh coh ‘eaplives ace 4.x the Gk om. ‘live on, Ly foo, le, din Bibs. 187, 226; lnk, snganicnd he eins foi land ia bb3; ‘mb recip. Lise fy me! oath, fo. $218; FAN may. hel, te frcoperous anc 8555.31; Cuk may He L for cues $318;00 of. of a, 5p [isk sade 4h as Sade x rae, Ain 8256; aby abt, 16,49 gia ls fy says; d Tepe fing Ching agai, of de $5; ba lade ica ff ly, Sa 5 3945 Mae 4 40:5; (L) cuphemiatic fer ‘sarcop hagas 19,9 (deb), 44 (det Ft), am ‘oh “make fueriaion fs! sme, Las. 81623 RNa HFS cade pee, fry, kena ayer 05; il 5 5; fom: lit Maks 39,205; cnben mu i “mar Sldins JER 34, 98.45; hee Bhs ‘recipient fom the suyal lable) Jen 2 t6,n. FOS" chee the ling, lak 0,114, 5; 00 FP styis PA ana Hane $Sioh caplive de 13,2.6, an 35,195 99 bg FOF cub Ley roe arf Mem hin, Gathion Bil og. t ug, 860 TE 129% FO Pink, soeay, lak.ar, 5 134,129,365; me; eather Fe tab garland, dat sq5 14g am PES 114 84,4 be r,s FS trade Hooks of alabaster, Aalivul, 2,14, FPS cary £4, Botte; Mak, 169,6596400. $5 cab iter, ds Poa eobt ey of daly, £0 anh; mAb Wb 135.9 0 cube co, a8 44; van POL, BD Abbas 82 sor Pot enkt geal hal pls, Je0 bo 2g fab Fuky, 58 m2 Buk mdi fot 65,6; lak 3, 303,15; 82/6 AINE cate magi, SAMs bi. 826; cml ts esh e,lrk 15,3465 Ai fg RY Used me 72 5i(IS) B25; mgt nb caer rain fren nae m, Mak, 346,13. Yas, BSE 34,5; 22RD ian, Gf gate; 40.232 Eo fe a8 n—'maphseribe £20 60 RR ca fas dns; nay fame ae 8,025 19; hedininished, filles FS p cae he fof pate den PN AE cad a angen ik. boy; ma V2 en, AE cndur jan, G05 40, ZOD R cade day 0014; 00, But BY Tossa Weare | er mount ah ascend, aa place, din blak 1354 (ala 2)‘ ane, ortig VF); patend, ponelinl, of anand, bee, a sah yaasitors: Go2is abge; gas a Se cw, jvm AF, Gs 12, SBS cates they wha aacond (0, Caines fit ang. pl. 25 ef 99 Zhen seed pany, Pens 61,305; lak, 104.5; Tera uj, ee we, ig. ER eat toy fas, of Heathen, Ua 3 62,5 (det) esa fp-90; 80 by, 5; rm 6, 0s deb 3,6 [2 at Kite hat fmm, 88 dt 8 Kinda of animal fe, SMH, BOS, see teow ae cana. P28 cacy chin?) 60.406 1m; f- AB, Sect, 20,04 J Taf bag, abl. 8, Balt 90; vl celine Beh a, 2utey6 th dors Mak 1927 8lets Ba) agg (dele SS); grees lak 06,6614, y(det-%2); Sealed, $8033, 29(2) BYE cet gate, ip. 32.qsa (det, DY dik, oe EM), Lf of dele doo, t8 124,06; 134-2( MN, Lalit, sen omy MS), Hatle judge meal, fae. B1 38; Bah. 15,94; Uke, rofs,3( WE), noys— Mes), 4. LAs bos; ducing Lome, £153.21,» m)( MUP), Je4 a, 6.2.10 aS ak Beaks aera fn he waste in fran of snpent Von, SBA bb SAS ab dew a. 0 r9h5; vam. 463, Bak. 113,0, SS cob bnew, perrive, of: be wise shitled, min! arr. S42, IM cas ios 744 ek 2b tad lnk 970 5(T), ES coh sean, Lah. 94 r,a.35 Pe [ah heme mr 7 died AA oh tasket Bah, PWN cay Last day ef the renlt, wn. = AWS, Zale Me Ho, $e sabe MMe waka, ty cokey abt Lf the ye dbo 505; fe 445.10, 20,04 US ch note, Ap. soy; erm; ver AIS 60 454. BE ch palace, deat Sy Ma, 2563; Lanble,0 4,25; 29. AP ha, Du, Bio dig b50. ANY Hh cult sane dak 24m 2; moecftin Ee Bosh 7; dk. Hib with dt 2 Yoyo; ron; ancl lien tit ile Abo, AY ch sito assay din of, Bpr492; van ALE ak oy He form Land, dake 192, 2 bby 10, 743,19; 006, BE 10,18 PS Pedy cubtnt, dia 6, 200; von.S SP pls 304 A190 Sono 585 WE bem ner; PEN ramen Ge 00.1,97% aS hs fight upeb, ha. t4, 1; in 0 a * wi inn e103; nich nj Kil “ere la. Sus Ba Sh ily che sounding, ile’ Pan 8,274f. $60 4,9, ».10, C8) 7 foe TY ye lowe Pp. ye; Ua 9, 511, chear a ‘those with srk fed, Bp. 264 Cm, Bin, 8128104 Mak 60595047 1 By “acapencf nabs HOR 9 SE shit of mail bn, stan. ON} din rt bse; Wak 5 so hy seamen, Lest SDB hr cll grains ak 9917 BOS ha gato din 06.128.9; ra OO T b.,raye; RSA 1077 ‘Hh aloof cations in general Oi et dals SES) ches nse’ se, 26 BABnC he fatlegiouned, Mak 13,16; vor. jy, 13, 02 xia st warship, Soviet CARS hy fs Lefer nila, Jen 30 PAA hsm ondng tule 0255 mola fang en OAR A, ray waasion CMsh. 42a. OS Beh 115,004 94 Maha, 4.2. Gf $60 39,40. YR che shana, bin 834; B10; faa 34; Medea Aoushards om widthalanl, offs, dag. 855-6; lsh 3,187.9; hyn at ‘the planecf's succeeds de, luk, 54,:6( 9); van. he fo ab byo,5; (be he af ‘sepress( Lt. ‘land et) mereg, 95-4; sand ty, fip.230; sland. el of plans, 264; aise elt, a‘ oside, Bp. tou, Ml we te fy, Wee b22; BuIA 31; A against “done, Leas 81,186; with f+ infin. ‘arise and do aithing! Wesle.6,21-23; aniae = succeeds (as nator) lk. 1813; Ain make azeusalion aginst’, 88 45;2-3; alton, n'on' done, Usk 3, 105,3; 18 Pincay, fea 81,202.24 3; a le 101 5409) soa, JER 6352 ‘fr? Aba, 5,3; idiomalie uses: Ai ib ‘persistent? Sia. 054; Re m Id ‘enter on a! 28 sy 97; ec fos lee! fas aif P29; Bersh. TE, 24, Ait 45 ZS bbq; hc ha fase) indulgent Je 8 14, 54(20); dt nls AE “Falance outta; BM. 113j nd Lt produce sting, Wale 0; ouce. vb, Mp. fy bybt2, HAD, che cormonial slang of pensons fur 15,1 dake, 0054182) Prep positions of things, Atal. b2; Lousne C140 EID), 614,054, 3 He inegoed onder ink 36,525,12( ¥en), PDT: Meas attendance, rai, 45 10. Yatche attendant, femelle, gos uo. PSD chur stand-by hethon Lut, plig 5. YO he heap, dak 195; sanyo pls a 406; fi, alllinenl, Sea thar 1); Maks, y48, te TY; a7; quail (maths) eA 2 196 fl elon sacalthe niches Sine. Bie, rb 6; 13,8; Adon. 2,5: Bcc ele, fer 4.1; Mak 2,012,400. fa e708. BY che mmeasere for Ler, Uk 10,7556, 4 zd Aue shi Sin Ba ny; ese 9.4; lak, 326,14 F292) sh, oll 3 her ha feat 4515061 YR chet eat, ships dak, ua YAS Ph lifeline, Leb 9 ak 65 es a anf User ic Hfline, ta bot; ered, fete of ime, fee ime hie nf “induc hime, este, 22 ars. $9 anbins,!S ¥senmphsio, G54 ak x, 510,12; 99 cy 99565; Bosnia. YS Th fang, Lint, py 260, Mak bo yan age Shi ohn nite the aby ak 42,16; Hoag, rons 1297 4. 15 aE he obs. $y, in. 612; Mah, 10,1 10bn. Ace alsa che ea Re ss0ofeimyof fbr, dak, 803, SING chon pctingush fre, fy any £8,291;quonch chout, Buide ES eas au (da: ont Moke, n42, 12; desiog Cake ary, 1%. FEIN wan ef cae “hag! SDE van. of hn image’ MR yl a Joo chk wf a gon, rahoral comsrae, 4. ith, ny oO Tn. of hbo “aight! Ke of si. fy Lh aang, Mib.¥ 60; 00n dete rR 0g; 5 Lin, fea BB ee a sno; BOK sen ay, p0.2,22. a= am chew voracious? sini fapargrs ae Aout lige Ma Kes tarde Pla ty 1536 re ONL rye TELE nal gudionce chamber yg» ey harbor 3, Wi; Leal Loot Yoling room, NS tothe; JERS, 155-6 Tam. TF 0€ 1 din, 255, FONE Aalaal ng, FE 2 Uh muon g, 80% fest 16 Br pebrey itd bj80 25; uichm lak ae pa, A), [eke- a HEB wos SBP fot filet my dah.w, 20,3, ates filet Qader, UBD, SBF groan, 288 15, SS Gd soncalled colar, 8603, § m4; un 28k 125,14; 2° iby, 5:09 SO solereil a2, cf. R604 6m SR Gis hyaad, Chom T AD cay 0 ay. mang, omen Lin 053.43. 155 lak a9, ‘re him ef lal Ls br; mac, leaf dn, ty lk, b 5; by; Odo 103; pick, mein din 8 wy Ash. m, Doma; sndimang: homrne Zs 'ofucphet! 8 fsasada, stem, S205, (On quant, mulitade aweng geal yf Mak bape ny EL tf affling, Bayg, ‘Bearkan, ye males and lls mi dig Ab mang, ye Mah, 9453;the al of yer i ie har an reatoesil m 33 fine much, dr fob — Varn. BS fad Pak Rigg fer yen PRINTF i mada of ti, din 85 lak a6 SPA); oman of gett, Bo the mang the macs, Adon 12,up6 as), By 3p RTD cia charter, be loquacious, hens; f Rann. IL. PAN Bis de noi, Mam 1,626; fancy T, nl (es S894 Bl) BA i dove (2), Wak. 3, 155)-176,7; 82 = 5 shraous(, Comines, Ll ray. iS" Mg ( cask (2) abrandaonl, Amara 19, right. BA, A ender, mila lake, 609,3;T, 96; Lb.i16;9413; €. inl domed addon Hemel by i, lad 314,12; no's okey Lass, 90819 0 'inl'a lal JER 26 Says nla do 806; Ma. 2,120 3); nosy aA) ieh ‘eaning inl” faspety, es y2,19-19; fa ‘la roud, k8657; ‘olde, dhl nm; ‘hy'a door, £8 126,13; Lem dime, Meals; Ht foe ‘ome in amd.ys oat tone and yo! 615-9 alow. fs Sh gts7i: chaage, mv ‘inks foes, RB 5,3; deal, M7, 300; Lak sx, wimg; Rane the enlace: 4 fea Jo; aim. f Hah tu, 52; by, Mak 3935, ey ee eke cat £0 s Spo thet SK ‘bucbad. man man haing. the 6 fayrich me stl nn sult f ‘ore who Mode in fly without: bing amnownsed’ Bowh, 3,21 lp, Br); we bes tha aie having ie nly Lin eh, 50,9 ib cme abimale! uly)3; TRS ‘olin face lo face! fa ‘Glged,, Jen 22,52; a, of su, $7; par aground (Df si, Meat 81,25, BA TI dil snlimale fiend, eb. nyi2gtas; ear, 89 testy a BAT has mera fenilan in utc, Root, 2a BAB hor fata mil 15; 85,3 (uilbrt 9, SMe hoe female snout, IA, 12; wan & byes BE dae does dai 05 6; hy favo fod, dn. 01y (339), Boiyiy; Haag. 83; 81,83; a few (n) ‘mae fo. Weake.4,20( S40 Te); Fas. 8487; income, restows, { Kak, 22, 96,35, 25; Mak 1, 30,16, aI hs pad facie acca, ar 8,05 8.1514 Lesbaig 87,. tbh. 32, 50,6( 2M); cha ie Maaightforumad; 4313;9,10; soalea hs hily, dist lin ab: yeh inane fess 8,0} 262: Gans. scanight, of iv, 0N 354 FN); fig. of using Guth, i; corsecl foul, € aon ka: Jr disightrens JER 43,16, sbaight dealing, Aaighl: Soreness fst 172.253; 0.135; cant sense of speech, fas Sugg; A AY oma Leabaith; by. 5195; =2' Mx ccrding bk x 416. aN i Aig wsbinight’-dealer, Lea 8,192. MMe chiye ne balencing, Cay. 8,15; m fut excels, Jehu, 4,5 (a, veh “th ch FSMD S hse noe, dak, 66; 02046; a0. ZOOS 34 4b ae che ches he, Mok. 36, nb, Be gt resinous varnioh (ftom Ayia, lak. 3,670.9 son Gt atecpanaliond grainy dial t.g,357; Lah 243, an,.B 1a! BB ee fedeatal for vase, ak a, 23,007 04 oth sain mash, el, din B24; ham: 11,020; earkier V6, cf. Gus 42; Lh i fare ene x0 Heber brewery, dow YF on. of cde fick! Pn shen tan, RES, BRE ge sas va AS cd Meaase 37,515, bh] (SD; lnk a 12093; fwd “safe and ound of persons Pic, 32,12 Ga) ak, 5b; 20, te; fooperousandl fff Bah 29925 wk nba: Ame ale, 2,31 FN Bede flee Din dt a nel gine 0! B16 (emended), Paid hack up, destroy hake 0 (det) 1g, den. 12,0, [AON cde slaughlen, mausace, Th ig, vere Caine 2024, (3 ER od edge-mangin of calioation din. 69,000. au; AE fea 43,14. [i ef fot pease SIL 4 aan Uh, 7554, Tynan 8, 4 5415; S010 Cham Y, be; drt. GY Mortforschung 25: Ved foster (2), fens 64133. SS de the af, ham gma ee F803 9, LM nk 56 fp 0ny, KS SS chown adrminisialey Gf 43,9004. Sd VS hin PARTS gu a gil Cina fia. gl, Mak 9949 (A944; m cdo (folecly’ se ,85;m.1; soalao m 3,22, 04(31); mo Ce gh Te donot he atany fm devil shar lined!” aheni,y HENS cs guide, mare, songdect, ba) 19 Ane cde aamet 8 he nih, by, NE dnt quill, Cd deith, be. tag [apa mcar a 4 2 za wih “ ¥ Seg ones ne. fast. nat, fo $1530 van 9 Bays Sut ff. fone pl thar, them, their var we dcbct, ego, Mah 1,305, b15, 135 1,5; 13, 15; ade © fans Kay, SY deiiet-superinlondent} fas 81143; 0s ROG Hah 9 2 RDG weit cord, bo, 3,b.16.16 AD Ge heed n'o, Aas 8,21 song me inl, 19; pte, 155; 8B 1240 PUN wr far adj. hd nt; din bb; 80545, 4 ‘font, 116,215 leks, {per ys ade of space, hae 02; fiat 81241, ROb%y1; of Lima ong ae, for rug tie tal, 608 54 Varn USD faa 50,13 dak 6 4,2; ARO 565, ARES aan. ys 2) falda nde condition, wasn ALS BAILA, cas saith many ide malic use ad: snd wt) ha Sera fear fll on their babies dial, pb.13,10; wey iit ‘who were inthe act of coming’ ROb4g; wf 3 walt he has la. fos eceauiry fi eoapise (lk. 14,3 PBS Sees poate, in ry fan 849 2) lak. 90,6 BED 2am; dele Gp wit ‘begin journey, 922,45 wil mw apne aatty fo’ Souk 51,3; Fig causing cocnyone LAr wth Ais pus lash Ua. 152,12 ull on aad’ fullowa line f emda, 6; dd wtb ‘adhere fst he dngal, devoted him, 2087; isl pu, 221.Jon TAD Esco blow under pie, Shagh 20; Bah, 5; Beas Rnb; Make 3 nb; ard nb on owen, Ma 3; sy JER 32, $6, EE yal th mee Seeda-ef-dorus name of NE. fronts forte Jenks; ww DEE ws, Hoo, ef Comins Lit. rag. p20, AM wipeutin gain, Bb. 13,02,; US tyia3, wea IMD i, PDA soca captain oof ship, lak. gah, ABYSS wre wove of sa, Lob yo.n0 PORN Sister oh take counae’ lak. ates Svat det ab 20389, BNE sant cond, dak. 18,64, .;000.det Niags,n PONUINA4 ot fing ne hymen ng RA Es Mert m Loe dau, Northern Nubia, Lb gM. 9342;0r- Aes 060,10. G. AeOT, 270%; JeA anyug; Hush b, 50. AIDC woih soot lon, £65557 954 lll, LMh 7, schet age, Shays. ASI wot lth ty design sil oh hl sadling cites La. ISS as ce high Lying aguzublinal Land fiat pb ,201; vB LSS chi. PSUS tits wll ody of the ed Cry canal wilh the tal Sgroneny Hyd RIM aim faker LE sysrs AB Rass daaunfe of elafne, 507 6 Caminas ft reg $3 ons ef ts TA wih ob. co ions gol dove, Lay dot, Ue; SRL 15M 00,55 ay, a hy 9. eo i, hi; ge nema 2 93h “te Abs, Mack limber, Je 16; alana a. carga, ibd. 63; slore uf gerd cid. 64; lay anid, discand, ili. bw 65; cae aside, een, igre Horas 0.15 15; JER3,8q)m1; Ahh 1, Mu; sekraaide shing n° for sone, 2382; imate offerings, che, Yk; Yoo, § 19,7; Lang dauor ar building, ZR b1,2y; anton thing ha nt a negislen, Us, w09, 3.7; adel, bx el AChind, ¥2, 3; filel a. comp, Usk, 655,15; sl death, 2 anne people hth ter, 139/16; dary, RBG, y; grit for seme: Drink, dan sf nevierd n wiht Sarentt wail for you oven aerilon offering duink £3 lady, Labi 7 froumil, with, Fel. adore f, Ge siti (ridiomatic uses of (0): w0h tp ‘bow the head, Megmnery ty; lak 3, 6,5; a3 09h tem xa gmp by y, Mind rb wh fy mar ga vy inde y Sy x2h2; uh som tof m, 50 Lake oof s00~ 56, ba, s0sh he [ash = Bet Sh 5 ily ide Bah, 3h24, hh ba byl the fee b- fooun ‘pal lathe ysound's hushaside, 24,19 (apinbrans, five long, endune :6f persena, in. 8240; Leas 8 to; Make, 154,05 wth te BY ef east at le, 49; 0th 0 Ads ache Ruler of Love, sn eng 40315; dang 593 5,f use 1 88 0915; Bsr‘ Ua, 1 Adeol. 60; Hob. 0,1550,5; fe falionl, fea 61,264, Var MBLT 9s Shade 96; din. 090; Vuk tt 1346. Ths. ib behind, palin, fas lq, 20; laa 6204-10; 2B niyb; woh ih x aula Lab staat), Lemency,lansolonce Lin 8206p N51; én enor for wth ‘mduring? £8769. ALLS srs fael olabions ‘dock, sas; ron UOTE Be rg, TAS aortas wrecth, gland, Caminoy Lil rag pla, 2,2; al sayy I), gh NOE ecklace, 510 HINT; th3.b5,5 TLC). SY wh fille f gold, 5,4; ran. LS ,7 Teo wiht furceaimal seliny Mab 39,608.04 TAN wrhye Lemenes, duke, 765;6 SANE soe cnn dak 5K yan Th ap, TB iyo OK wh fod omy Bp. isan;raa AUDOR 19 22574, AUCH rAd ob sin Kanda of land, tyr isin; he conn, posions Sip aint; amr A226 90,0 ARS ky slenned frat Wale 14, vau QOH ba cor, AM dk 0862, $0596; Jens, ron, ane sectli, Mak.a;-man SNM A. gby; ed Bursa Vossen dinion. Jey Ald 2; oe hase dan i, ak 225 5.2314. sme, SEA, 23( 4038 NS Wasp the Sal, oof gu Mot, ak nb, 5; 00 ACPro a. UBM sat own. he nained decaned, Bos. 25; Mah. 10,3 4%) bu: me ak. 1518 DNS, hah confusion with de 083,15 AI Tea oh khoneaed, gly, 08 by; 24,7; Lealig, 258 547% luk T3025. hone dae fs ged ov bing eat a13;244,9 AES). Gf $034,182). INCH wig shouting 7 dese 1 AINE wig a t Lal, ply agin De 1.249; debs. B fos 16 Duk. 1,276, SS, 18. RDM sate espinal 0 £1 26 Vseed fates flant, Bp. 5; vax. PU dake, 1245, Tsod fspeyrcform colusmny, Unk. tt, 934/4. Bo wl amulet im shape of last, REr20,7 802165, TED seid af green, a thaa(N), Ode. 310; it, pg; ade of kt, ee, Grane, fam. pa; fresh, Make 1, 335,0,155q(V*), 15,00; nau of for, fdlh, $55; feast 6; hale, stindey, Lop. uf; 862,55 HoI.h 22; foulumale ha, ea 15 fede 240, 4( AVA), 2641553242; 4 408d “wqorouly! fh. 6205;5, cre ad aucceauliy! ex tha: bam vl mate eon lluk 3,132, 1; mae] Liflunish 5406. Ve word foninale many le aye He wid eqreon alone, f.5;,0;000.13, lak, 6659. Ne Pasde geen Linen, dak 1034; mak i869. eect LCase §, ef JEN 0, 7; habeas en 3.3 D\*) wile eens hae Spb; wan LON ib; sont hi 2Aab. 5 50 PBN soil haut 0 golfer Loaf Mak. 549. ana Mi Wa ll nme and tly of at a Ko, dths, dan §5:A8.0 Tiitwondt naumeas im dan ay wilt ‘nae’ lnk i, 5,18. oe wat 5 4 2a wen ASD wrt foe ¢ ship, 2s 543. TD watge m die cab godde fajyt, ube, 14459 yr; ran FeRbac a4 15, Ror 166% VES ‘the loa deapenl- gedaan Usa. lok ms, 2648, PANG wsdyt halle clams dks 5; mn IME rey PINES td the sce, L154, Bay lak 03,65 mn SES ABE s236; Po REVS tgs, SENT setting cna ANE gony, Dd fren, Sonevan SHS, a, fy gs, SOB. umm ce, (05 bb. oy eden ha Bowe! oma D, Gosug. DOB M6 ots sacred bark Lb. et; Ma, Son 80 4,0; sk (9) Lh la ner 48! Jen i940. Alls dab lsh, soy, 0. SHS ace hana uid sre sory se aside m5 00 deli 0 lah. 3; 7 tig. iaee Bb fH boty nde. ans 2340, a. am ne, the fs Aw wether; ben bi ee, 23; 06 wb ‘ergo $108; me ‘med’ several, $2615 90. ue Yonah on salen day Be thing ‘all Lagat saieg; sre berwe ‘all Logethen, 0 0, 2H aumique re only din. 896 lik 4,9; J 221 81 Oise he hf nique peje tole lord Bp anil SF). NP aed b Sinf Laloe, Athair 2 By Se fas 5 “Epo. SI ety tee ingle: sr arty‘dele Companion, 61.2, r(S);3 0625); Ma 2515 Dba nar ste Dale Hing Ceeuine bt pl. 2), Mn ely ‘single bebisk lbh x, 564,1031550)5; ab8 ily the Lme stl, fn, 259M) Ma Xs bry well f isl daghte, aM, SS Fewest captive, Lome cnt ENS wel goa, dna gram. “Gin de, ph ya SB welt noyelanacas dak 15, 1863 390,08. STNG we casse (ob and n), G05 testo SY scar fame, im 3 weer rival fanment lak 09,9 som. 8b 5, eh awn, ale me wtcar ‘nae art 25 ey 15( “9, ak a, 13 Aaa a child Sin blide; RB sia ea linen of lace, Lb, 46; 150 (dat.c>). PS Barca faioey, Hab 3, 546,5: SAY wear soldicn, 245 53,06; Jen 9405. (TE seh op png Mak 6,150 9153; buy BB 49: nin vb fail al, Mealy Rb. dah, Mel, 525; Mak 23 4: ana ob leans fas, Wah 9, 23,15: stunt, Serb, fut; Del Bb, Yam fifi, Mle YR 91 Ft op; iad ye 052; er, (FEB rch puta, vw (TS neo 08%. Fl welt fuialia, Care 20240,6. (TB ech sere aa fest, Neferhotif, 32; van.) ea 12,12, (GIS that fyizely syvrice, lt, 159; 10% TES dd 5 TEE wit sas fale ll: han eeiny othe he, sa. a stfering lal, lk. 1,166,137), (Twill meat fering, Sib p29 lab 19,1; TS 8 + suffice deat bape (TA Le 3 06fT. MS 0p 29;(T RSA aflicg5 (FS Prvchas sacred role ah. 13, 80043 5,000, (TES Preagas, FP Bombs is: SEB wey end dn horns hull in 8 se; sublie nations dey. 6213; lick. mt 15,4 (del 20); gh: 4u0, 1 fe bent, ceed aly, of fant of the bey, bre bys; Le b5,12. SA seen juniper, duh 3, 9Y4p joan dali) ba Se SA soc fle din 10g ae 620; fla agin ne, of al rece Forel, 80 214,10; rssh forth, of child ab neh, ese. 164.1y.24 YZ SA thcn fag din 1, furcaur~ br 3B 4 wha pet SL se plgts, dn oaosyamu. 9H% 6 irais6, STA Maury, Seats VEeS socaue haslineas of speech, Ls 0,201 PS Scat fg ak 655 fee $b Pah. 523.24; foo, fea. u,22($). Sot Se weal desert plaleau mam dei", 2, GS. SS wat adeinitatinedinison Egypt, tals aijef ale 288 1916; quarter of quild Caine 20034; Britivw; of necropolis Los $2,24 (S), of.65.20; fant iment Beal hb’ n yal ge ming daags, $y 3.46 DS cae cil gdeninialin a9 3.034165 ila sn uate; socatin w bs Conliotler of the ascot); Mab 12,15 ef. JER 34, ayo stale ofl 4 online of the Rube ae’ 60 20,85,9.5;19. So Masel adminisialiin, Laure cbs wt Caine 20025, SAM) sch canal Beary Lah pl 363; ron. P20. 6.13, Tm Meh. 296. PRIM wots ditt slime, Bel fe 51, haa. show dem ingi@ uni 2); ek 9013 88313 wh th haaneds Usk, 1326 451343 05 hy tm Be hale cnfie et, Besser, ity ws TE Bry dah, 5550; wh ‘othe sight’ innfinove vision, $6.56 9;6114; soba ha ean sight Seat, 4; Mah m3 57 136,10; shenlu, ehlore a region dl. 8,30, hel. A); 652; mbays( LA) sesealar mater Bush. pb; Bm 0( 1B), rahe sulin le si, with off he sen lnk 351 Bek shew court of lomple, dak. seo $e wht shening, Boshi. Ed Sale ute, aco x, ust, DAM ePabiyt moidanmat det. rs4.0; 0, LOR 2 Du Sb ahi of n,n 8 Uk shh RY any sb gly A poecina matt 1 ship og r.man Car 2004 Cmines Lt Jung, 446-2.2,13; verflous Leas 81,294; Ah 3s, 1996 12; Kcxcessive, of yealice, Less bya5a,h SAT she sie hiokly 2 Ald, 105 6 SUS esate satay dad pi the Ant 9.50 solr ralvand 998 SJ alow wand, war dala mn REO RY Rf. Pk wit, 2. SAL wh fe bight, manne, 1; mu det. Plu. 200. Sle td oh ban tb by;035% 0 hat SIRF atte bass) Lb bb huming, dd IS sep horney hn. yos.1303; Loe of head,Je0 22,06; frou Sp.p.nba, F1s,n.0; hy seh ig, ak bs 5 ef of mown, BD 34,2; eb ofthe carchs furthest sth, Lahm, 1864; 270)9; 605 ah nb hb ubfr abdomen, Sen22 soy lefecheel, ' Bis hot (SOY), headadres, a; penille, bem, 150213 Oh sl wt Sing. hr, Ay. ga SW)i Abed by B0a1g 6 of women, o.the sorb cn, Ritdbihy eae 5 Unk. 2059; re ‘the fut enaklooe lf (Ho sarc adit, lak, 218,16; 00d, 86656; quarny, Bouk.x, p24; Eroapunale e032 50; pan harale dah. bg; Th, OM, 3, dinide prods Mak, 3345; judge cndslantsat Lass, plitiomer, Si, pL, 266( 4 $0), Mabon t0bay 0; ste 3 hay Yodge ec x andy’ £ LoD Bn (o); Maks, 8,5; whe mack reveal fiuth} JEM 2,4, 0.4; discern, a secret {Wh x, 15,4; dining msm-f thy name, 254,m; fake ol place, fp, 21; Zl a at “ef ilndelailah it, Byam, BEN, by p538,24 Vis schl judgement, fatiowl 20,16. WR sd oh ain ut ff, mack gun, YM ny deci (sk 144,39 n)a5 YO*T oped exept lu, fe sng WD RP auc o howehatd 2 our Camines fy nix. suyjemn. YOR Fbah,. 102. VS atu ivenling achedale, fos 83,134 00 We Nanning 1.22, YR or dbo Gr, YP Hah ry, then; [tert ae 0 6 shen sing VSS fest message, din 83 3 Uae 25,0% 5B), hasines mmission A 3; SL Go 8B), bi bur, 103,26, 166 45), bm 0 Ser) dehet, 0,2 (BR) whl bre Juonish; flo 2.38, 4~5(%); behest, Sin. Biby.rp7; dash, Unk. Wtofe 13 (dels); naaes 2): fat bas me ul veomen lecame tiled ab the me! 546,16, ESS SP adut idaiy masse agenl. commicaionty, Wim ple ence Lylanden, feb 5. Nom. 82s Pode bgn; Ve Yb say; Sp VSIP ano MVE G20, SED sont de apa Lagat lak on Shin; ase. 4 Anahi, HAL 1,30 Wuptac frat da ofthe rnanth anditefeatival, Jena, 5.4; don. Sew $4 44; fov.de on. Falah Rew Yor Qey ondit fia ik. oqqmn 595,12; tous, JL ae ai cate, lk 66; ran DEK Cr, 40. SIN fs fangs COT 45 "ff SRG sof ob, Lath about discuss, Gs ah he Le. = gain nope, fess 811085 Bebe a fla, $00 ig 6 SRB) n Lal subj consersalion $0531, SE some ck A 20,06; sombth abt heared’ Gus 3. SE al gatcwrery, 659s js, dee VE? Mab 119513 SPR somal thick Lath Mak. 6,315,000 det 8 145,25 Gaminns Li ag. 4.15. STF sant mass men, EFA sym chatty in ST ast inccrmallation’ lk. may rygs oe SERN); fhachenas 864 59924; AE, Mak, 08,5; 38,1322, 5(det 0), PSE te, La ay ee 9 sp quay, e, bss, tnt hn th nn Bf mg pl RF ah nthe sigh fave, fe 2440.5; Teo; ill me Wake 190,051,904 rhea vision () Batra ham. 459,35 fublicappenrarice, ak e203 a 9d eka Judge publi Senin fi SL sod of Sin ain hay Aya by; L15B 5 4(0) 8 60163 6 ang “aeifof Rama feu 83,6; 0011646; aus by, Ree tia. 26,1 Asta, Ad. '2, hj neg ac, Pan. th insolent fh, 10 SF Fu. mies eee de high tne of Aca Beings, 260 3,304 2, akp% Se Fasr mg -tmew' of the lef Upper Layfit'adminialrabive lille, dlk, 1,048. AM Dan blr Spent magico goa fp. 20; of King tsk 263; fom. erlahur of goddeneg 25,13; ess Les 15et Q) lak. ray (deb GIN g seve shyis; hele. B), SEEM sor hh sue inaloument for Opening the Math, Hon-amiin by AI 1,5. ST she fon unl he Mauer after, ih it of Tsk al Memphis Neos, 384521, 24%. x. . SHS Sn sone monn physician, 205 5665 BSE andi Grcalat othe Five! high foucsbel theth at Sevmeprlis 288 54,104. Bee as tat oe ny dyn of yoddee dn hp 5 2b as, B+ 2 wat Gown ef user Lyyht dak. 24, 4. Beene Gumel hoses Loght Ly ih PW wt sacud bark lenny, De wat sacued cow, Caine 100H0- Belen. dentinal aa eno; mu. 2 0,14; 22 lake 04 rp DWT age don fol lak. 5299. BM = Fagt cathe fov training luidy Adm. BM ene sig lam ob Payal ings roo SRN. BS Ge a Hah bay 205s By 0y a; anal din TTeetidet #). Ss NAD wing cherie luk 65556578 lela, 2a. BD yous; BM Dgig; Be Ws We sic; gen, £502. Dh eh aint sn, ith unguen; smein unguntusnefoscs A 35; wan. dela tank. 1, rams ELD: wok sentovent, dk se, 10513, £6 3604 (de. 2). Behe fi sake sinlment, ML y515;23,0% 4 Matforschasng , 36 BWA srkey ansinter, amines fil Snag. sbaithn2. Bh aro head rest, LAahoihs5;Qdon BS oth shen the day, spond lime, en 64.15; Raa 8,25 el br nS Hand all day in the sun of medicaments, £534; end-much time on aqued, Meat; sock, fe auras, fd ©), te fe li, BOM iy snther senliy cas. VA wd Segre wean ti A agh rg; Cdabslg 3S PBS), lb, 1a, anand nae dig ebis9; and Ub the hea iat beaks oly on 690 Bosun 33,405 15th weary heanled's the inert oof dead iris, 09 14,19, £8118; Yrmararnd “the uncaring alan) fo. 34. FE TAM serdr weninen dd. 5:7 SS sd oh sing. rape A Cann Ala atags, 1 fi at 8) mig fates 185619; Wak. m, 122116; fail a. My. 510; 251;%y reasorvef iibcsdont, f heos, Kamest,u SNS) fe lacking, mie’ ft (LI), 2; ae 00, PES whe failure, Hea 04 292. SOREN M his mance? erm 43 SON Ea whl of. pire, £6 sya: n hole, £522 SEN lin thooreden fence, ee,C11 000 dels, Sy, ons 605 55,00 evil spirit, eK. falloff, of seal, 5b 166; 955. SEE have enor of ead, £802; bre. 2,24 133 me “ SHG sg whol las SARS ft caution Lp nos; nt 4292; Uhh-¥, 6550s ShE a0 o0g9 BS what oasis esse ngion, Unk 9 m (dels ty 33095. ef 860.1, 236%. ENR he gus dal dn 99. SHI wks hewrstne, Make 2,106,333, 1445,5 9X), Berk. x, pas(SUB), ‘ch flowers flan, Th 3 b(t Ny; Bersh x play; cut crop, fos 6410; Qdm, 513 (dela 99) dak, 649,10. S16 wt sittage mn NG, Pca 18 acon sor ill, 21 dt 32 Rasy. SUM PR oh family bined, Bax il dn. 8qu.04 an AS) FE die 6200; ei SANE 506 BS he or ase fatomele, Spe 59 9 SS Wh 5995; ab, she Lit Lats lied’ umsael fooktoms fer by,21, 13,26) dak. 4 2; 0he ete the bing of the Nd’ the stan of theimundatin as. fekh fina 39(0; Meher ovthing, fn, 3105‘). 2159( DNB) Ab sj the landoaarie eal Ub th: (2) sli, m Yo’ ak 3, 5( ED); 3 home after seork, Leber (S484), SEB het cope ci with anf lab ile mo any, 8 whe instigate labs, 193, 5.4( SD) 6(22.1. PLS whe fk Agaskestisachell Bay fam. fis fore, he JH pyar SIT Ske fisherman, fea 6,230; besces, Bech. ry ES" pl) san pi, SPR BH so s995, ASB beaks 6; ans02, 3 Wk x, 1151 Mn fahersaned ats 4. Bouk.x2¥ eon 34,24 ST whe ible nations 2) lak 10 65h4; 4. Jen 2,10. DIDS. chad depen inspires 3h, that ho, by ube, Fas. EIN ch ap (hoof ad, le ct by shoo aehs PISA who nepal an acon: sth ht hat 1. anothes fro l fosourcegain, lik, 1,35 5a ch it again death cg) sb mS A thing again, 1435; soho he Ne arch again’ Bel A; whos hos edna 8 ot fetid iat, 25; schrmnut act mang ume MR, 3559; m0 schon ot He ty ere agin ill th frig Rena rele gn 510 with 1 afore nfs; so alo BB 601 Ma, 19 58); mv sch ‘again, dnd. , tor $9515; 4 0 who opal! synomyn ef sh, 6836, mathn ‘aga, Wak a, (re opecch, usually with det, Bs rcheals por, in 8316 date. t2,2.4.15; 8 1 es by 20; 80 om rit abroad, hin B22; ahom 3 ound the relat in Bau; whan dd sefeat! EL, 40,4 ASM Bengt ntinued hosing ef ind Shs... ESS AB shoras herald, ents 03,41; egal nepilian Kah. 24,36, wh nay Winga Ki, 003,228. Vu kG hit Hy ateid Saik-n, usa, Bosh as JES somal meh f thaewill now be histhe again! vou.d KY 7, €S2, dy dtd 1, 3609529. JEDI isfy Aehelilions f sthing seid, dm. f.4y, SIS sla atl hai 000416 il aly 594 uel fama bi. YOR wh ft of Mien dl 8 ven ey, ai, p.2. SF ak night, lst pl.ne; van ENT Comins Bit Ina. tho ha. DEP ht danbaces fel y-2. SED cole, dd 1; la 1396 ent eole bony joss ans, DS py Sah ighs SUB Pst a2 4y.m.4; 9 uk xe 5,0, STD us Lato column, 841, a9 cP Pafs fatt Bast ref svn, dbo SE ase aah ce fam ose fy 654.1076; 8015.5; omy ol, 3 $hassu;. Ean 8 0 sta mal So ge Ue bly bn acs sate. és & =a mee SER dea dake resins ST daria DENA stam ice OFM ahs fe felch ac ali lb 10.2 TSS* marinas SOP RS hy in SERN fas 0,20; SEP Peakem ara SENT ea. of ch night! Se Maas adit dockyand dak in 5;25865 34; cnpenlot woshep of danse SEP uhe Lepain fal; muff, endure, CAS os; ke fabiontasith sine, datos 207 Van. del, a Un. 10,1063, 06. YES he folcrance, fos 6,21 © Bei hel ain, 66.259;247;24 0; 0b 8. am. © Lewd fain, Aden. 5, Hob. SIN sk ob sin. au 21,1; Bhan I, SBN sett sear, £ 51 16;42,20; abl 1941 Saas icrack, chinks 2) ral indo SP msn height of fopanid, hh Sa, anes. AS st ty 9) Late, Cominay, Lt 3 pesae th nae gai tne Bs Berga; S Bakery Fraga SESE sal oh inline Se ac agi fas 8,257: ns elec Unk. 3534 SPRY drnanna 134,22 HB; gum, Llosa 0,08) sagyshoesy eas 8,281; 92,07. SPE Hoff daggd, ag 8205; 00. SSK oo Tweak neck, 601g, (det. 9), 179. WE sas sions Wet 14: Maar 9m6( TY powell Ua 15 (de 25) 29617 (SM; 115.5; orb, uP ae 6 1b; fos b5 019); wealth, nflamsish, Biba tke hh gt; sole Ub ol of heal MAS. 3,10; 16 556 15; tn, Fhe, ri; dnb 10, Aunt ‘rch in years, Kop 12,3; so fas ‘nich in splendid Uk 1.6/0. TIS 3 sy cathy, ma, ake g;van TP dabnad 5; TRF dss, Sites seth ac ihr, 0 TG sai, Tog, TASS Barty, TES se gy ka, ray 16200 4; mon Mee 545 TESS ida 305 SIS wash cal He p.say win SPSS soba Heed, wide, faa 05 dil ls, 2 det) yen eine Bio movements, ip.115; of mermenla, List, pn; of riches din Biol Se); doth ni Shave space, 80 443.7; timo ttawaled lamp, dba, 234, 9036 “fe fron of 35,3; aos ib generous, Leg. Vb,;sathe at ‘spacious of place se 0 2 4.toqs (2) edt Mak, sh. 2 fll, CD); 2056 6142, SHE seh sunt menlal cella, 5,95 47513; albe. B 54,9; nn 200k SAS oh Lge, de, la tr. SB 255 PSPS wake fag, in, 6 IQ ht hall, cout, Saal, 9; Uk 3,040; van 23415, EE voy,2y; BD f000,1. G-acox, 206% SS ws (ord oh iliane swinale, Op.sie, ham. ab; £h 2,120 (CLR) Arana. fas flail, & Mam I, A; Bak. 5,10 SB). SS Aaa anine, Op. cryjonnn. PSE re ay 5; ISH nel Bn. SPESI* wo dic oul, of race, datiud, 29.23, SEES wat caret fe dlapidaed, p.yag Meith 150; 641,25, 34( 9 Se): 1 dilapclabin, Camino Lt Sag. ple 2. SISA ssn Gael froly, din. ous (9 2B), lok. 0hy2; (ob3 1; fe anhin- devel, 075,105 9 wile 'umbindered ‘wilh free access; Bersh.st, 24 lft; wos ¢ fecal fame; Mak st, 09244 (dela $)jsole not "fof movement, 05616 wile 48 i fools 2b1s; sslin MEL of lel aglatoneut, By iln sho or reaching of gourmance A. 56-4; ‘in anbliany manne, Jeo 98,245 bins deal aalitrnily wih, [a ede yo 0 with ‘Sd atrial fall f hain 22; le dete, feb; 086 Lb Yehatplas 9 Lb 5 he: gr so found deo, ning, xc 104m; “Aim ated dag ma aif soma} cs thence) ining Aol le his horses, R666, Miams Lesolale a place, £ l62 345m. SS. of tad inal! DOS sels widgeon fy. page, Gas.m : | Sak fadten,00 3, 30(0b0 >); var. PNT ream os, §,20. SEED wi tr lau Rant dk, 502 eile pains fs) 95h 1. SST sabe dekacy, ny mr dele XT ty, SSB ke chews Pah Sue, M6515; Adem eal a. morsel Carmines fotgjomn PGS ham se, Dy. SIF stl anauer (ob sender), fe 260.261; Md mtb het. Donly), Lob; ann 0,14.152.216 4. sime wit n, di 4b LB Lt; a 8,50; wilh fd. with disect of, kes thb; answer for condul, lak. He, 5117; dul ‘make a, Mes; sail ha fr alte ine, lak 3, a6 Saks, Acsponse 2), B12. SUS ae ole ak 785,288 by0 RIT ail hull Web 096 2 SINE wtye heads, Muck EIN, see pri, he with 693,20. SOM he fro fet ‘a heaskedispositan, boims; ef Tie, 156, SOM le savef cow, Mali 26,5; var dels, SE Luk 3 595,00. SRY salons nef mati lam, 2344, a0 beer-meaause,128,7( ISP 9), SES wae erering the nek of ply, A Aves Lisl, pl mpadet. (2 rakefg of fordond dink, ht $5219. ST Dsdau peuty fos lalle, Yow Bah 1,5, ven. POSE 80 224,2. PSS dg fy dr, amon ren Ode; Se ded ad ty “let 3. TS | SAD wor.of olS “eninae, SS Bid addicts Ayn dia B25; Meal. question sine, flan 81, 214220; Hhi5; kee (SD), ebah.0, 25.24; auuenl, Jen ry thu); wd.» mat “omvile speak! 84,15, SE Bhat oh sin chy havnt oH 004 3099 fy. robe 8 Magy jeg bo. p1y; rs 8 yu; PORN mu K 2,5 SBN Hangyt Lather Ye fig sae of La, fas 8253; of. Je04 m5. SOE soar aie ship, e120; rm. SIN 2isb534, VOMIT Bo seb, PES R argh (9), slack, romig lnk, 4165 752,10( 193): n, wearinens largo, p12. 1500; slackness romiserzay Lek. b417;05,18 18S), 436.6; 1050, 16 (abbr. DS), AS RSUAB trays the Langu naa the ded, lak 47635000 IDE AD 5 SBS toy sity wstey ABI fay check, of fluid harms A31. AB ILEN % bigs chovn bushi? Ap. rot3; oa JBPOS, £ 22,0. ABS b Ober daggen din 8124; 704 1849 Flak 1515 BER see bt bolo JBI baat dipper, br. a2,5 ABIL seep Af ANE Be ale lsh s9 sah 15 5000, BAS Ba, has ME Mak, Aa Kis ‘math Dl} 1952, 18. JJ kt Meck of atime, dalrl 4,10. LGD Be waa of mal shape, kt, 69 WRT ket foe, Blas, K Loney, Lin.813; Pah by, Unk.a,br.7, van deli Qurngs, & 7h 03, YRS be crosnef Lower yh, hymen, 3,2. TAR The golden of Lower ly Comin Li: Say A635, 436; 2,0 RS Ly King of Zoe, Loyp 28 24 053346650 Mo & nj Wo Mak, 30, fb Bie ng Bp segs ns 0 a fise~ hs “Hing of rand LS Bape, he eas 011095 < MEW ata gerd comple 8555040. Wt ter character qualita vom lS NA, 32% cosy JA dak 15 64,15, SOO gga, AINE i fre 14 2396; SSS 00 hn AS yb Gsens, 2340.2. Yor 2. see under ime. So big conaiaing f Hore lok, 254,4,0n JEM ITY, JoeB, fyy.s00. AE gente al ns eb Wy be hf LE BL Be Yan Wk on 2,4; ARI 5 AS 33; 125 aonen 28 he pitts, Lith, Sine, 14, Jo bist fern vessel, SAIA 1, S82 hat quan ake, 1355 JTS hie mining region, ming, Jean pg Aina, 963;20m JO R9 F 553 SNS $6 b.25-4; IOS fos. 15,2. ATS Bere produce of mine, tj. IVER ee thu. SOS 8 heanen, Mak.v, 55, 5,vam. SS 013,53, MS tak a, 495,554 19925 JE bebe rf; DISA 80 95,6 ATMs Liye fimamend 05,53 . NFB fil aso inf sender, mamel nb Bo gg; lk. 1 sys IME, be (ME, 656,510, he at ga (Ba infind) 968. SOFA fn. rade mail lb, 44.1; V0 #8034, 94 16q1)15; LB ns. OMS. LO ves.of Le ‘Reason’ 10S Phebe cclamation, 80405 agenflerve discaue EL 46; -0n det 14 24,4, ANS on af, havi fb. 10.0; ali, 52; faa 8,123; 8-Hah da, Bos adeno be gro hearing toh. 33,1; herbie ‘vil (0) fa. 5); fa nb bi, ‘th manner edi phy: (m) anil BH a, 388 INS bin eid (my Aa 8183; Beh 33,15; easing! Bt ASE Lb felon, 101, 39)in R21, Uk 9; £8 (9) nef pis; Seb rif dE fyi AA Ae fale siy of ing lok 5704. IN agg, ads bbe dink, Bpsath 065 5b det A); lad 009d Fhe Sian, BO 6410. ARP. deat neck, Bpirrg; Bel. ag; van det: «Mok a, resy 0. SASF set’ inandatin ord, A. 27,vem 1-2) S iid; JAR SS 16653665, BAN srboyig; PLS se 13,5 FS inundated land, lbb3,11956 Fh fein for onigation, COR Mt, f. 1b. FS Pid aaa ne leery Batdaay SA 80227,15; 00 deity, pp. wbs; 001m 5,2 (det), JAN PA Meh vk ginfintiane howe abundance te well seid, lok 2, 30,3 (Bj sy 10;6465; 8016545 Peinuundabed ld. 117331: Lana floed,inandate ak. 444; 363,00, Ah be fe detested, Lebo AS ha hace, eat 3 Mo asp (Dj aqua; denn af fo 3.) desert, nh 1,810; Lobe SCy2s, 10; fur nb ‘eocnyone dh. S103; mur woe Bll | vb @ ‘ogathit 08 0, 2;}mefind lo adi. Lb fon alatinct nm, 04 laut ae under the second dement SS ther dela, Unk 6,91 ar del 38 Py. 127 Oder fv of tut Lebow. SS Gs but oh detest abrminal, Liat bb 265k, bs\e;r590, 5; 9494 et Soin. abomination, B41 (SPSS), da, 990,6 ugg OE), 199,08 St SMR SS barytie thou whe are aborinali, lik 25, AAR fos magnate notable, Sit 11 miavad)ioms. SSSA gh. AAW shane ca fos ide, e070; ALIAS I> Camino ft ay Hans. AA SIS. vaanof fit ody). WIS We facet oine | J Sei bbe heak inal. paveclens, JER 20,05. LAWS tt regina, m0 3,0 AACS Many collar horas, 860 5,18. SIS tht sig (reaching bs shoubdeuty akg sven LIU 2a ug; AISVR deh, u6s,5. JIT bh wl Babel, neo 3,93. LS Dihot fan ok 1,19; an. dabser 347. LANG see below ov. ban ESE fae heen, ok. ,19093 0 857, hes RO wg meade ly DS SEs bat 90 hand sardatine: (3) cor able, lth, Shine, 32; (03 54 4 «din, berlin Lathe, JAAS ated ef aie, 28 4,0 Aaa ing $2 v9 deli. 9,8, Jeng 136. JF bah obagom, fa cr 2,15; 8961, Lcome el of male, 80 e,r0ldet.A), a3 See Hone srcafleer, Unk. oe, 925 te (etn) Tria Lr head Maen Mtb pl, ME 54,9 (det 0); 893m .h. fot full, 6959, UE aw dates, ak 10,200, WR, Hh 2575 ANU Packs LOC 5 6 q. Acoz, 2354 SGU antiebait dates, fea y305. Ue Put date palm, Unk.ae 3 ANCL, Sater ove) date wine, £6.39; ran. AC ah. 5,57 ALAA fan bad) sree becsort, fa iI); Modem, ayy 2S) so47 6 At bn ft Bam; ak. bbb, ant cay bat 4 dongle, Sook sweetness din. hgo;rvan ST Xe 865; Xe dks 22% 16: CeiF fut Late cakey fey; ne oar 24a SENS. cae scon’ Mk 3,1 INSTAR bugle coin Qa SES bee in bs ‘ulibe! ldo bb2;anbse hecbaner 65,5 JSS bad demnpost, 60 2b ef 84h; 2 buh Non only in Luboonsuchich ct the rising sen, Uh 4,86 90n.at Ym, 2082.6. flip air of brzast, JE 2,4 Vi ttl dec fovemed, cf ssoman, Ite 50; of JER ditt. Bi YER he flabettunn, Jen 2,10 LAA Ls fle, sin. 863; Ud. 91,1 13), 0 54.4 OSS tsa fugitive, (us 9. What Ah forced Labouy, Uae, 1344 95 100 MSs bas ALS th ct of Lr, 9 ob; ui off fous aps, Uc, 9b 803,08 Tee ar 1% 5 hi Cthe galt ak yh Heda g let) v0 ANI Fy a IMF tH ym SF ideo cal Lyne DUN he hat, dk, 95; dee $8 by 8th 6 hem laf in hella (2) Adri Uther Agyp neo SA Bhd nde cf Bode winged snk Uk 21500 SO JER 24,28 AR Hh counlig mansion, fille, 4; tox, 200% Gaming Ly thie ne $ SO nt felon lake, x00 dats Ff (dual) 6 54u;ca2s,n;0b. T0436 Hyrue the soatled fasatt, vom. 19 JE dethe, Atine sy aeenae? Hur heat 2) Pp 502. 90%; Bp 125,3. DE ae andr Bahr Amel Ahtt dnide naa quality, Lit pl 24 APS se above 2.» Lf AS bo Ciena ve inliodace Some, inl al b.38, 08 046 MR (yeh Moka, 03,12 AVES) rong; iid bins 102 1 sp20ts 8191.54; bing in aati offaia, orcol astect) Wak. 178312: dbs, enter, Mask. 53; ldo, frsos 7m ‘tam offi, Adres st) nb; Ags. G. cus y. ANS ba gectet cm ak, nem, el 5234 Jo bur secret image of ged, fe 717; va0 MN dake ea, WK Ding. LN fa eyo, inp racine Mabe s(lls. Bf of fort oe, Sousryayis 2% infix of foreign amignanla 67 NF ur ssutt coregsience, Mei, 97 [lee ii bar morbid discharges $636,189, IP van. of 8 Yj! IISA boar flame, Usk. 6154 JP) 20 34; be malt foedrand(,8036%1.22. JWR dos protect, out pl 21 [J 0 bol faa) gypome 507 194, APS tok disemboel, Bp rath DST Sus nlaail, LV tis matted fanboy), 266, 2298; Jen nbs it 4 mab lh (5 433,16 JE4. ‘ndellious fa egasna; Unk. 5,104 7.02, nb Anaybes,s( 2123), baat Adee Ait abana‘ nail) lnk 2,4. 103; 1n ds 0dhks, 198,07 LoD 505,02. Maka, 1505,; 20799, Make b2, 2. 14180 tether pecabeitinnce, Aotna;ef. be, 16 44 Haw spine, £ha. brit 326 AUD ths pregnant ra; amr deli ARM lk 2661 ALB Hs frcgiamt woman, ata, 26. Jus 2 the mona fips, '383; ering lat gra JB), eb! VUNG the fascia; eas. LA von of Big ewan ABE bara shipuneched mary, Leas. 61 15 eRe, JOVSF, see under fi Fagor BESTT bye qnengding, Loa b6, 20; fas Ribs JOPSY); lk xy 79¢ (J-Ss), ABTS Wes srry ering, Unk 644; 0eb9 UB Se); teh, 20,7 7,24 BRS iPee snegden lok sie. IBIAS Ae hay inany, Ua seb BINS Les see Lelowrunder Bt. FRE ex af Lt emer gar [eee Fig %6 sy Be ube AHN Hig diol. defy 8.12; n06s 28 bo ye UES) Wk 3,100, 1; Hawi insolent mart, Liat 4,236; lak 1,44 5. IH939%, iw defiant mangle, £165; 00, La sha, LESS 23 Moher, 3306; SOS Paty, AA deh sind ty of the heal 5 ASAE th squalor? long) AS ehh exape oon. SE JEn A, zis syst AB Me oh inlians py, CT 27480 6 (AF )dn 8154 JBN S), Pah ss 0 CBN) ions elon, foahe £05, ha mith reo; deb.s-9d- m1, Nz™ ur dneunabte disease or nson, P&4. mith, 200, A Hike mation, 69 2151. SIR Lat ern, cation STP Lan 82 peor ast PRC Hae Lad of pond, AEA Lal tecome faint wa, sehousted, Pp tov0 (det. C); 78 24,33; loka bay t0;b5 408; 10442; bl fn oumeaal faint hele es 5.6. 15 SSA tat sreahnesy in mur bit shildren 0 hf fen Ma 2 5494544 AS SS, telah sentir melon, ese JAB 0 ty jon 3 05;203,6;20 TENDS eat, age, ALIS fay masthead, 1406 of PEt, 04 AR Be at sll Ln, 0 bid 204 a pe mal, tad bith, pot Es fe Sasefr ota, 8 Pn be. fe, peor, 8 fap bleging 62:58 fuheoman lt Jat of ening Bie! dl, 215 Sort V OS © yodoof Pluk ss 5; sion TE 29,36 (BS © 4), PSM shay beavers din Ry; 0254; fea Sng dike 5,9; sahnjaseof anefy,JE822,91 BA br thisthine hn thy yen din 85 bf hb Lr the weather i dy loko, 156%; fale lus. Qbbr.o- Unk. 32, 19,19. RIS Ardemonst. avd ont og this, the a BDH tr sinena. BM hoy he of fos FRI fog foamy et lng af dp 5. SRDS poet cash sin. swith past meaning aA EDT fy 50 BRR Hg Hla 80 by.050545 100 KI 555, ORS pt cake Leaf sel in eHfesings 80,05 fa ynaa-a;pbaagencial Lam fon eninge da 205 KBS" 109), BONS jaye lek on dvs, 603616. KD pact gnigalle Land 2) fain 42.0, n003, 0° RD pel quail 2 Dace, BE jase fuimacval lime past t1'p.L.of the cath lk. x33, 133314,2( 2) srs KeSoven) fase th the Linning oie a8 985 ef ely ily du Uedt pect it rb Tenn dy ydonthe fo. place of the Lor of all;re 1,106. BOS prety mason ga ak 9m rp ROY D payee pre RINVS 8); dit pl thar BOSD); pasty Lay. ot the Soo dade Aete mas $a enciantfomity but, pLibuXe I); ean, K D9! pl: aed. rman uw hae the fg Bp. so. FSS S jue facheed gos, Let yy 06. KNEE jot funder, of ln, 8.19 4. Ke tah scratch co) Bp ono KES B&t m die Me sho serathele ben oils 80 ras, 10;703; vam. OnE, 2; Sater Unk, 2060 BR ge ‘elit pide der ip bas fe tinned eof ale of feed ba RN Sd) aio drains lla bre, (OK). [asd dsene a 4 frr~ fumes] RT jus wnt pat, 1a je RNY 001456 2 0 sou, RS ph a flat chin ceo Leni ays Lit 40, wr" P0 9p, SOfaheia SAR fale feline, in. 01. 39;000 SONS Pag Pak. 5, BRP mill 6,04 dare iyo ROMNS putgt shetl ttle ys sat en 29 VON) 5 (33), flake of stone, bate; patahend, {6.616 340), 1919; 2 Habeyss(OC DS CO), PNG jog squat e735 BOIND sd Slt ceo ncnte, i 3782 Kah 22;00, RNS Wear ORE jd « Loaf Aya sn; wn. DN deka a, OW hy flea, er 3215. OM gis Crea tm (?D4eed, Jen }-S? FA pet pabicianw; mankind, AS fet gene wba, sb SA cus anes?) a0 5846 ae weraef emt Slag (2) OS pedal ths cf. fp sb5: (2) whe? hat ty.5u95; 0) uhichavr LI, 191 5 SBP aga. Supe xeas. OSU fry demnanat this, tha, fp 3h oss OS eafent n be. fatnat, fauthir, Bic peptic CE MIIDtntys the pucplecf Foine, lk 20,3356;305 06 af demerit yond), SEIN, Gu as vera, of domain oy tha, 510-25 he of, $1.0 J ss fc Hin upaide dour fp 227. 514; BHI 4(h. =); gp105,10; Laan the tte ‘againal ‘ime, Nae, Sot 1055; pe fa ohrouta nul, Unk, 1312, 0. AM prey poversnl ty, dial toy: tM pct snlesacl, Unk 2, 5. 95a FP face Lin orev ands ove lnk 1, 1283 EE fur mouse, $53; Ab gua BH6 HONS fore cutoff joint, Bel Boy; full out ha, 663, EI pa clay, Camines, hit ong pl. 2.98, pt sex om 234 HO Aa tok dale out a toat fy.s35(det. 1S); 950 (be, SE; wale eas, 2ejcon 22,;'bo tal fig. fr'enlrden calf of proces iy 61, 278d, FY, sural lord, 00 206,12; poke () w'at'done with alick,u4h,s;tahond fpevisions, Fas 8,9 Ph aa, drs; Hea 81,35; le 14; foachol, dat ph y294j 6.0% Mab witht 9 £00. jaan ‘home, Jen sh abt fo Kowa 8.0, 18 Mak ar, 4 at; SIA, 9; Be hw propa 1303 Mak bboy bg fe ‘slarands ace ft, Lafont se 18 palace, Lok, 94,05 ‘nde 'falace, ste Helo, Loople ean 8,197; Care 20563, 14; Mak a2, 4 fs ere la, 26,100; dete se dle SSE dy) fy nel of the admminidtakien, Lok, 4; Berk. 1,4; fiat pg, 290-1. ho Gucal Howe, palace: Aaln Pharaoh, 4y.f.75,JEn0 0; oan.c3 Rel. fe HMA cok Suef Lp line sili wm FF tena [SSD Joon aia shane Lat S-fah Je n0. 30 PEP hapa PHA fab palace ding LF dit sane vn Kh rs, POSTS pacmait daa, Jen a0 1. DL pa.mer mabinal shrine ff 6 at Bey 280 423 13; yaa croc Drm 5 FP eenba ‘ovace God bean, fa, Unk qu v5.8 [PBS tacnfy frp abahey Ad 95 van P di 50 FES panaur hin apt palace, Court din. 8 21; Dest b i; fo 45 lk, aed of regal ares 630133 of Hg of UK im conic Aiak 5,224; Wr, 545,13; lmple Se0942.5; ran PAN dia pl, Wk, 35,10; FED 0b 13 caret 9e w at PEED parvor national saine of LLat ea sqainsseaplace of covenalion 29.25; we FEMORAL 45; withenl fy Ben Mt fal of building, tes JEAte pwn he p NEO, 215%; wma. “Pdiak ar, 735,0. rain iy ee vx BO psu, Ea eg PES ta hay gtound floes, Aeon 20% pape Labour wlaltishment, Now, r0j" = Ea fadat eling hoor vor. 5 Gs SF fuckin ‘Med, Abts reason of £4, Neo aisk PR ped call, cymes 2° cnt poh SMe pug cat Lowen Ade 95 lak 3 19995 Bick 34,3 fet fa-9 sparta of Phas lak re, 12,3; £ Hah, 38;10-13 aim. ef gute, Lede, rye 0. fal Bf pass gu come old 6k bf, Aen bn ink the dag a 3 fy ig. lh 09,4 ‘ab bs, inal ai, ayy, acs ‘oul; Ba thhsugh'a doo. a 5,ch tv. fr. de come in amd goout ‘cere come $0 1, 3,11-125 698,105, 8-9; 4 me fe “cme blared an occusation, 3,22313;4n bio cute dn, tb (31 forks fs yombapainat land in soa, nes 03;h on Be masing frm ha neveaaacac, 2 n496 fl m-< desert ferme amg ‘Madea 451; Hf ne Blind, faa 8.013,68 JER 62,5; sscape, dobgsim ‘fom, Mk 390 969; ba from 79,2; ferwnowned,of naman ener. ok B45 1:5104246.— () of thingy, come out, Berk. Fea 81,19; lak. 1211, Eh ni seuiqyy ay; Banat forth of ain, Lb S32, of spin ev offerings, Liat, ples 205; engi 165 mrt; AS at auny inte foment 4295; RAL 8 10 ‘pufvin flame; dh d 130. (ged socond, x Ue) 5,35 ak. ba; JER 5,8. 55 fa he you vbih; Laks pups Higher, Leas Bi; fuvn'sdvance agains pation in wer, eh $y 10; ur ‘aacends nde desctnd, Lng; B00, 19m; ere a gs Ain Bog in 0544-5. Ih ajanit fin R 00; 4orhs ange ‘paasls ind fab RBs fe SOL flan nts des 1a; Uhaonging, case, dak. 36413. — Leaublracled, hind, 23,001.24, f. furs, Van. SU. 15095 Cupp ag. ED. 18657 SSA ft aida rrceascen da by 1, 1 lgh Vda) Ak, 2.4; 70810; et UR Chebincal rising of Sathish x anféjubyiy,s9413;4275; fot me wd female, 2s Uy SNS pny her chamion stu, a be SUS Yury ferocious bul 2M faye xt, J00 1, p24. SSS fw melon, 80°14; frrcenin, 81,5 ouleame, result, A. 5;8h3, 4,6; ete y( Sit) lak 095;hs wT attra’ gs; faba, det), Als, 351 6S) 9:9 ecient of age, g,2( 1A), SSI four cee suaplan JEG, t4 5; var de. lke 1,676; far hr more thant, BSA fe Land emerge frm inandaticy bo 26. Si prc heachie, Sin 850; Pea 8 toch fo) ade 2991822, 7; fe hel evsith fur work!” Bowk.t, p20; tel Boy. SAT fa welt £06 ib EER for inw cca offerings, slater SEAS funhouse pips 56 Jot winter, $up.209, Joe hat ui, lak 6,0; sed, aan gu) fill 0685 aneacrs ef ffi, poi, fon 8 D0) Anke, 4,2;362,4( 29); 276,229). OAL pat late Unk say; 490/25 90m LA ag Alfictee 6, TRAP fighting’ luke, bg, feo hon, e a thls the JR wf feo J Sti nd piniamy, ed exide df lend, 80 2,3. 2 th seach peer onflase din R20; 020; fb k 4.1 a lal, in 625%; Uob 2, 0 i fib ut nccording ex youn. me ‘oy fei; phe f Hatha couldenat Le rgpalled at running, nk, 195 06; diom. 137813 ;altadr sacl ea 961-3; penal sitet oy, Mill; fal ding ching las, 595 Mah. 20 6558; grad hy doing sithing, Phy; attack sme, feos 8,36; fu 805 Tapas Unk, seb y1801) cenkeal a will 1 5(ned) sear fish, fas 8,26)3 Ame nith coment, Cna8),319. Yarn. ORR 84,54; 00-9 La 5 6; Dak, bog. PPS pany Kinet hind gunna dah sag 59-9) Abi Laan PSM, bac of jas fon of Fosse, S14 301; flea imarthorn ‘past Oiler 2b rigs me phy thas a the dm aes e035 0200, Aeaquaad. of army, dabinl, 12; na, bey 1303, 6; lian of sip Ard. Mah. 9062.74 14; ard, in bathe concrete and abit. smues Lhd; din. 857, busin feb Mo, 5,3;201 0b; gub gic OPUS) tt fry make ane fy emp en sen har an 30st hag Sig Aennahace lack Camiros Bk Iau; phuny nde, 179 ASEM plang zc, £b.054; v0. —PUN8 bn 2,1. Gp.neonn, OSM AS fury sero hi, ket 1075, vam. 2008 bo,s; P98 re ayaa Pa phen snding of, fe sn HOSS: plane the far noth, lak, 2705; yb; ane menarche 03 1ay3jaan.2b U BOK; 555, BSE plow marshland, 9; lade 647 00m, BD soy. em 46; PCR apne, SY flak cous of aun, 26:47 YS phon aun, Uke 402,16. HP ply pal sang, Heh; ona; af hing py Kah 290 wy b247. Ba NA fame; NOS 14 1435 8nS ak. 559599 163,910 25514, OF bay. ONS pd wb a gt at ho ain ininma br ey of i bd bith 14 SETS rca ak, 005 85s wand BRE n.dir OOS phe hind grainy Slt Com, pb PI ph) a dink, 2157; 89 Ppa SEE sls fuge 1b; laa inert a sect 258 bay pho he ‘cea ef thought! all 20,3( 84); ‘an of Ast lak, 2437 2S fhe 4aly ovate ge 8A), PEN? 1 paserrent, dak, 0,1 SEG ho decking of aif, oft. ais bn. SB va. ef phd hismmed-upuide down’, SA fhe wn erre lirm abrut hanaand infiens) fey 1162) b(So); 5103); Yoo ah. 1,23 (60 sy llakt bsg SOT ysl tb “aneline the heart to; Uivk. B48, 16; fen mv ne ‘noen, b55 1; newolre, of au, 20.09, move abou, of lb ak 3.14,4; ag urea trcose, 832, 03246 (eb acl aren ovo ney, 9432; RU 3; fame Lele ahalt, dirk. 1595; cincumarbulale wallyh; powade Reon, 8 12,10; yoaall a pofeyrus JE0 23, toh; lst distort what is dai, fs. (2yasith fcfrsitone: fee my ‘goabout in’ fp ua; pervade! Usk 240,72 ‘hen owt, Bp 01; lak 2; byron; ‘fay roel Li, ry Ala Hot,a1q(eeS): fb £) ‘po round about’ ‘encomproal meircle Bp. 248. 550, bag; Unh.e, 203,15; conney about'a region, Rpt; SV i go rnund about fouctioay rival diseci, dk 832,9;¥ Th powmbulain of he srall! cermin courrnaney, 2hyb; 2625p Cusp hi 'rie arma omnace thee 3.9.4 [hk alt w 4s Heep ‘ee; har A alin cincalithat the, Lb: fib me flea’ Make gin — phe me ME pranade with atin Be phigrn( 2) ra, ‘hs msn de, fs 92 me ES env. lub hy SE flat freeinin romay £8345 23; b.223 10, SEB ag. ES Blt Caciting sat derptond bf, 20 belay Eernion tll, ren SR 0 TF, cus gy SS phaly aette, Uak.m, 1126. SS phen mle Kina bap haalis £8 55,6-7; rm, SES 44, SA BHD dakae,oy0,n, G.ne0 3,754. Mh couiol (9 ewes dik-m, 12449. 9 ana. of 34 ‘oaln-ft! O04 fod soy -t un fu fanaa 2A 8b an po VO tah 5 Lin, 096; EA sayeth 4 ya, ILA fut mode. ing, Sin..892. SIS pau ptsaliny of ford dink, Make, 972,6 +0 fw rma af, run, dlc, Ry; van 2S Wades 246, AB peta) shan 3p lok; ing S12; Heast th, of Cha. Yo ym; tba pon hd “hey were bilig eager Laight Madi Raseblini,T.0b, ed toh vb lions disanay oo han: inka Se dibaught (dt x fe aitam, “with, GS SRST pas abl labour Unk, 2140 6 =X hal dive, 30 (HR) e097, 84,25 (Ea ,shane mah! Sa yin; Sia ph 6372; 4a; Ulde obey Lawn. 3; ad 1m Boar ‘beak silence) feb. jail aon 8.19.8; fl gu midnight 940% Komi 130, SKIT fll phaning ea, fan s3f4 105, shane funny Uk 3,03 SOD AT ute lial, Boutin. Ji fal otc mating cdf Mak, 4; Oonavan ab eat lly hart din, 843. PEE ful- Hf alsa insment fo Oeming the Mouth var 507 ais IE, fo 24, tm ON gb stmt Apa lake 4 jd 6402S Bn, atte fy sa (toy had at ncn gol, lnk, 1; v0.2 NTT Ax82y 28 cram, enbiadisbing hy. prt nbc of Orionlalin, 4.2, 3h, EB pede cate the Ning ot th natn yan FE, Gob. 2 6340. G.288 618; Onanbalin lec, 91 R fd shing fp oy, Te 2S qa OVS paar ook, shine tn soprne 2 Eka wp, SEA reggae 003;-« Wobin gawk PH 345; She Cah, yat ST padnlzar the cneus mon and sts fsivnl, C1 3,16; v00, OSS o4 3,24; 0 3 29645 RO ebb; OH bsya; NS iis LY pe sh heady fig el, 305 deli} std, toby alls 23) fac fag ten cf O64, dil 330; sepa combat gb; lice ead am nos LL Bray. pel.30,11, Ps fl aida. 57a) aed cel fu sro ed LY) Aacadout aumings 2100, Ah. 55 JER mg tora Rak x52 29,36, 9 9, see above av. fo, poe 240 ba be, Suni ab byes fauthin Dit. gag 5420 “dll of € dake 45 4;van. SCANTY 36.9 45,3, 83 coneaed Gf isu [sgt eet % a thd EBSD page cheney maibans 2 Neferhaip a lie may BEV; 20, (Bes; peceal 62,9, lohen 285 bap; ef umanda dong. WA), ga Eb pow. haan; Caine 20543 6( BDIN%)fupsohe ‘Bonet 80, rit Ky 2b £ Ram, c1,3(dt.B), ef Barna, Kam. pug. BES gs entiance of hiding hs 04185; of harign, Les th BIS) mouth Arley lake bomg( BTV); cer, Lit pl. 5; fabtefal 54 Usk , 12743; 1240,1350695,13( BI) BN fy feel ak igi eer 8° nb Bo page lad om fang, Jen 2,48 8 Alb liad, nsady, Po. sns; Lamaple enomizs Hah, din. Ruste 4%, Mak. 30, 555,10, (et. 23) 309,05 1277133 also anitten aa.ophina (55,62) bull (te bialiampbing prostate foc Sls see Lebo laa 4; mn SME 6, 229% 03g BR np. a; 224 fant; NE da, pl maze ea EG ining whet, what? var.aw0$B, bs sp 256.97. [4S iain pad altel a1 tk dic Flak, Landman —Alelmbery, sky RS th eal, 08 13,0; of. Jen 95 bu(4) 29 i at hem, A ara 2; Haha Bayt; a ul Leeda camied, Pyro i0us; fe abelched. outin cleisance, Moke, 9444. J fal re, fips at lst achic Kad met teem erected) lnk 12, c01,10. LIT ple de, dele 1,5; vam Li Tay kan ogneeg Gf ince, 0, JAP de atin Pat flat, aks 103jodet), 8h. 36,5; en. 5,0; Jas plot dal, Bonny, fans fi. APS wen of atch? Jal S Sripasut danddancer9, erbanss, 2, a atte cond, Bibs; ie foundaion, ceremony, lok 36, Gra) 16y He (Se 15 aac out aus Se0 14, p10; man ongponnd, Adon ld A; gakend lf im eff), Rises; doau boar, Mh, 97,2; diffe erfrd, Borys He eglad 55; pd noluct for. absiing, $5 3 pe ary serine’) fir-aighle;fvesciant' Comines, Lby Mise. bt Ja tt de, £0 spade astierszayyssivanwes yan; « tuagy; a Mink STE dlp Lewmar, ie. 2,2;00n.— wt Mak 36,249, FST) fl ott ch of sabia LG, ta; eat Gerf-caple, AO, 2%; JEANS Ean commande lcci. van Se Ua ub, AV ly figs, dn oraa1b gb CONDE, 2 ola cl oa, de 35 wn V8 di 70°19 ec P Hah; see alas 1 21 V2. Ts manne fr figment, ah. 93 7 de mtn fondly At 4st fede 6h. kt snp hashes a heif, Beaker, righ om Sf off pre Say eins ills, Jp 3m daa Tas y-6 SB fu ot sin. nifty lial 2, laa; yc, exengouphert, La 81qr(Sh A), 2ns;dikem,225,5, dd ya; auigh, Tey 0B); eat 81324; 86121 C~D DY frcsont, fi 1sgo( DN Vy, i, bs elie taney ile, Bf, Mam, bb216 3B); 2 PS ail oy din 8346-45 fabs: (2) the wind rade) Ah de BG fecal inact 0,0 Habs oan. Cf fiyt neunnd! IMF fig weight cy se0, reo. PITT Joye nase, se0n4,500. SIMI pg ptt sing 603m UB se are pg ff Jensen (ao e 4 eee [ST four fod sutdlig 2) Ua, aby PDT fun magnifiamen sloadous di 59k. hash Ab a: magni eI 2m SINR fk feshere, 6. (fig) BON k shen mar 2s 51,5 ef 6S 15 wich ms vo AS FIT oe INI essay SO UF fob acute (ty semst sock) TER tak » sek, to; s0itgis on); lilinal spy fam. 04 Wh focrme maggots TE) Pf our, dak. 7$2,2; £0 uo gaan, SE © Op a1; odin Bay PUD fry Beaks, spof Thoth, ven M2 pse0 v1 “SD Hh vb liana hose roan, Rass; bah sdet.P); Loren do. 515;¢f pec ldo fey; fag, i 8146; fen 5 cxab eon, 207 dating, Hltirate, Ap nig byl lek. 1018,3; Lane mht hind ee, Be; ful ado thing sl fol infin, Ain By; Unk 5403s a deal ne Plaze, dim. B24; fos. 8h1b (alle); Moke 1, 128015: main of ling lsh, 3b he — B= YO fhe niger 40 © He quash (my, Neferti, br, PN gt on cock, Sel PTR fh w cake, S.eym STINE phy pewurd (hand my eae; fs 8 30; fen 89-4; 000, Mabe wiso7i6; 5 agus; a 55.0; 9 Co argeie. SSS fh teemptiy, Ad bn; fe eat thrash ooessin, Lar ide. 4). (ff he shor’ FAT fly shor et, Jena gmt Santen oe Oh 22998,9. SDS fem hagas, Hamm; vf. shar dle Usk.x 20. SETA fede lee, lak, 55 gas tee faa UD fot ofldinate ineription, dawn, 2b 26(with “fr “V). ia fit lint, C44 dmith, wo; vardats © amIE C3. oS fae fish (62045, Sis fa ob. vin. tlc, Hor lak ble lan Bd 2 28 Mbrost Lines, Unk 1, 953,1; full out hair, £8 63,18; remove taka risinken).| SSP soca (oy ho 3.9 SS fat sweat (my, bre 10.09; dlak oe, 1293,18 SS" fr foun, fh 294 FF 0 5H ei fat crfomof lat, lp. ara.bbi ay catlquantalte,cT5, 129. [Saxo fdr fourth, fp sls 5,2. - a fe obser die, pat Pane By 129,12.259=62, wlll ®; nk be; el deed bbb ta (elo Bs); tan oul, of dana, lam tet: size portion, Lane amnion 2 uy fiber she mace himself nl fein ke as areengechere al mee), Waka wby ts. aS BS ufo ach appeal, is sit Lymeaneef; ron, oko 24 namely (arch padicalion) tere effi cougar, when, os though, fost; Louth ith, Jonas 6b; 9,20. Soma, mam, ace bla fev mab, met ale, se undowthe send, element JS am enct. fun, var BM, tps as0. me ~ me 100 a ake mcd] SS ana pat etd NB sanjay ith afi, BS, eof Spot sy0,an mk, 3S mz inlonog. who? what? ver. 44S to wv iat, what ren Bg] 1221 3:46; rua heath ml hve) mL aha ffise? fy oy 7 Sug. IS muna. impor dont vo. SS red done j madd Lendl! o5 100. BS impor fake! mk ae le yonslf ofl silfon Sg.sus, IS wanef a tome!” hans shear of boat, Bo 2126.7; PVD ibn lah.y, 1053; PN DY zg Bon, 13,6. SN mn ss tat a P vanaf inst ‘char. EIN rats oh 2 gor.ur Ciane see, din 4. upisy; dees siraithout op, in, 818 Rn Uk. 1 10; Lock ues, ego, hd 28.29.199; lds 5; Asse the performance o a ash, lak. 573; 037,18.15; 5210; mafeck sono, Loa. yg; Mok ae, yo ryt nm foes afpanns ats to) flattened. Sy i hinliama Lerkow at event, Loy, 3; Leck, nab; fleas 83,21; dia, lA 6 le, W263; 4 lowand’s take cone of, fea 1,5; lake hed flak 3 rye beste); minder ovesd, fp.nyg. Vow. lah a be, 14337 164,16; 2 Nf tag nap. a4t; rm geminal foresee £357 f.244). JY" 0 aspect ohearance Neferkath bb. 6-2 RI), (aight in Amu (9 in the af fy Spe 296 SON) we maf it chef in! By ab: (2 xshecing i mses m mae io’ och ili lok. 3 1249; 1005 6290). EIN 70 msn fa minor, Caine asons. Fis dag, 106; ph AY 602,20. TYE mt ha yz Bi 36 dak ayaa. FIM 5 anst fire dvke 1952; eae (det, BY; warn IND py de 20, 79> geen; JUS Alka ssc; FRY Fm mst Lames, TRsI,3. EASE mbes (orf Lion, Ayres, TIMEPR £4645 7A een, tok. t2; SANS ag, DMI MEST as 5 BUN? onrye fry Annan A276 [2 mre (iadjanderh thu of speech, 8H 2.7mm); S92, uth; Bp, 0a. AZ 6.02605; xzabs fom rr en. counrd La tnwe(3 a DN), fab ‘alas lal! So bs-b( 2 %), si. din, Re M3695 163,95 Jul, Aightcous 28.15,1, Ak. 30, 1010,0, Lice, Loge, m'Xe\ 1, 5994 NA); 101g 125, Aight, of etl Mok. 3, yr aghely dling of Ringehip 01%; lensing, fo tb the haan of dak 6,209,396 5; dein endo alone to Abus (oyade. fiubg, really: mb mre 'onel, precise, fas bi 96-7, ex sy; bog re hruat:f msc 't.a fasourile of Ris miatcss Unk. 6, whe; hay m3¢ omer. fa~ owned Bors 3,24 loutr, 8; rishtly: am at mse whoacls ‘JEN 4,59 (C). tor denen mere Ave fusb abeve. [250 SB an ren fur vb Lejualfid indica 2 againat'de, diyrire, 0,5; pr o(S32Y; cr, 9; dak by; £6 Dar, 5; bun mrcae ‘he of £8 2.4; tien Ak 30,4619 0p ‘pus fied opto mamecef decd, 5x3,9-5(UB) ef fussio auehicf Hows, R8121( SB); fe biumphant, hI.A78, 23: ww fualification, windization, Dh. 3,12; Mak, 115; bdr 2 dah. fos yo); Mod. 1, 54,15 127406. Cf. INES ra 2k B in msct hulk, 802604; fan O,67.162 (2), Uahar gyn Bj moms “uly, bin Babs; fb. a5; night doin nightoousmens loans, r2(B)a42,b.y (BY) 8 uae fice, Pas 1,252,307, Mk. ts, nightcay daly. frost mat wou 108 mand mk nk hacky allo fadgement i the yond, Huh4; 8B 206, (So WOBVL), TB Yuophet of Masel ok. 036, 4;149)!- AM cared ce ling tabs Son ces, Maen eo IN nl jt ty Le 3; the nih he Hse dood i. 9 (2M; 20 254, JH aac oh cso fen, fea; lak 315; make sana n “taste, Lake, 3613: adp i fe offend dr 22) Yad dek-» Dal B 01,97 [Yi acer producls, Beashx, pb lnk. 120,4(Zhor); ffi, Heats mircarg n' liam ola ablenlian fe link. 810621; d3d mse a gat am ines, Lita. fpr torre aside in the ncighboushend ‘accompanying Ap.ge4ts Lpesp-rmse' opponent! 61,55. SR mse ohlians lad, guide, diet; tnd dasth; thresout rahe fom shi, 804 595 Mien ship TA ay 4 3(del-@); poked Liab; paddle usta (ef ducnoerd Arith 1 2b: inlaws, 4b out on journey Lonth Ven. F hes ha me a I. 2S mx Sank of aceon ov lahe, fas hh; Pah. 23,16. wos 2s C% ded x, suazZint Cina Lt tray 2, 3-473 Usk m3 SAS C Pca hecge, Fear 8155; wr 2A aka, 95 15 35P o uty 2 Ere ensees hind of woo, Ado, 7S Unset hablo fen fyi ft Sag phe NASI) fag PISS maa sna of ight lake var, jana, TST st, TESS soy ol ond ring. nes faa 03 109 7S); saa sp lake 18532), Kenan hs (7D); feats, 00 19165; 164 fags FIVE. mut wnewthing, L676, Paes ies ame Mah 35009 (PS) rab 45 806); momsart ean net tg FAS aneathia dae var. 0.K APY Ll Bat, 5,0, PSS mat neo lana, mann, ab aief Ldilbers, 24 Se Mafld mdi: Makct cal C-geddesy, JER 2h 64 FTF mys dere lr ah, m0, RS 4 (6 06g 0; DS TEL (482, Commies, Lik, rag 4.03855 FER ane of ame, 3,01 225 Mane lb aaa pe vig INRA turn dapascss sre,an'f' Salil, 23,8. PAR sth mur welled man pauper, 1754; 002 NRO dalnul ay) PNR fees 64229; DM RUSS pa na; UR Se dakscby 3; PR sousyv. DIME mats anise, fae Bane fob 24; Qdm. 6; lnkems0yh,0. SESS maw view inv nun-cubl JER W258, TENS rnrh soreath, dak 22,15 9194 (det Me; W242, psy FIM rsh pasting, drdem. ro. Fema mh shoal, Lath. van. 079 (phy, Bu 5,24. PE Arsh fare, Gus £0.156;700. TPF Lounre Cty a. PMateL rt Loe f mam; heck efanimalsennsyon; ver. 0S Ap sy AN? map hosel, var. SMS, sen ss, DINAN ashe fadden.c13, 54,20 2s or INAS. cit, RAH oy 09 Jaz € anslt mandrake (?, JER 14, 133.134. PIR Nf mst fomalemeney rend £97 mint Sug p28 Haff tab, 8s; ata of com, 893653; rmauaing- ro) ak 3st 7S mst uote Sethe btcing rin. 7 teh 15 IE lake 43,78 bao [raf arin va 108 lab many: ASS Bt froctains 61 11; von ZL, 278 Bus, as >I mst acclaim, Lowre 616.9. BA an imper. some! ven BM, fos 336, IK face BF lc waters, lak. bb; ms FRESH, sx snden mur, ryt BoM ge sed “Ftd ey 84 nz joc, fe, cording et, on, fo s190;1 nd bulf bins, AAS the he! ben. Bibs, Ay ae bein cccordingly nb, ffs RSP ond the canal of ste, L920 Be ll cofey of document, in 173.201 SA ally coual 6 inl le $10; varn A dlatnak 63:44 Caine x053 1g. SEM ttc cau (my fas 81,243; 0.513; din. 8205; JER pg. SPD tly, hemesy Uk. 1622 16: $3: ‘ll the the, Sin.Ba2..r0g;rilt ng 'the L hereof Shad, 22.125; ldeale, hewise Male 5,22; toler n mitt, ak-x2,656,16; R8bo,5; m mit Sup, Lb. bb; nett bog, Sh ya; Mal, 2, BONE, gl ain ao 3,18, 3c mit former neem ais SYS lr cal, 8.09.7; ats Lak, 5616; form AMV Abb ESL anf sca! RIE tt pce, Ye gpm. 82 se0 4,20. Cf. cus 2, Ni py sedacotm of ements? gam AIK, SAU, Castle. Vo maine min ida $205, 8B, Jo mint axe, van ST, 8, cus suisy BS, PY vasof meet Torml! ade shanties, SIR sh og. aeons ans. BSS it nut unm of 6, Bipcyania AAR De dimen i: Ss*ms jo inthe Rad peat changes ether sith oar fy mcm “wecing thal 5223. NE Mtlonct Bind of foal, Lah, 22,116; 30 RSM cach gen Ap. 21g;v0m KM go6; TEST eos. TAR mchayuythe irl,» judicial tody,cns.s0. PING mctogt Aouacof the Sia aman SU Fey ah Cs Gass. So BRIE cf Harfrmn, Py raraj vem. "Boe 231.5; nnn dem, 3p. INA ancf headoman block, 18 2,16. SFO D menke pendant, Caro ar09a. DES cnt day bak of sun-gnd, dete, dou a1, 360 26062; -o 8 i; MANY. eR a8 ng SNS Umer fovtinwle,succenful tab ui des 0,5 SNL) Lit Rn 3, 8 grb 5 dake 9g nS I), Hounishing sem 2560: m- guceen, AD 10,5; fa .a IMG mehet fom, Le qb; v00 DLE bei DHS Gado royr3e15, FTW dada, a4; oes 36,3; cf- dea 0.206. SNSIM I wachs brave thd ghge. Fn spake, dim. 02.233, A; Meats Ss 16; An, Caines, Hig. Aran £91015; fo mac Soya la hint, bon, 85; Mak. 190416; ime. 33,2;1093, Fr me 1b ‘ot te tel FESS aa leaf tual dancer oon ASYM, cso; tar, AND act raother, fens. 164 eae 3 ak, 5, Bong j-vann, Sak, 2 15, DP Ama; SPreas; NS Pers. SS" rat die Mt Make m9, FID ma sigh, doko, £8 2 SPSL aonf gels, Uk 129r; palace guard ill 2x(3 4%, 1 Fiat pn 2. cee term SN Tiuaele ou MEF at, 19a Noreen ba; of Komi gg [I sere fp comang, vom BA SRM fa sry; ade thew 2051 URN um Lramspet cattle, soar igy. JIMMIE yo of gry sadn BSR meng gate th Abe van. OR dak 3, gH [ree BS mk ae igen fu fo J am vf. iniame fe fiven,extadshed.,ordluninng of hing, dk. 1.2;140, 1a; of erin, sh; Asn, 55 of hain, it lis Leste 04, tie bean = slut haan, ends 3:60; bhi gzof fort of alance\ fi), ag sy1y Uo. 150%; sim. 545315; of ohen things, conc ov abl 1316; sag sistgnatagsst: oie; of nth iw Rage manne Ok. 377m ath ‘ea Aablished amd dang. Living, hiv, bersh.t,15; ‘cand anduaing, of deede, Wad sy ame facoercusef quer din ibm and enduring, of Building, Ql. 2,nj he fined, sich faut, m'in's Leattnched, milo, fhe, Arnith, 158; nora, my‘, darn asl, mn fa 20am‘ of poopy, Wok, 12,15; £. d.2e, 40%), (20 liama atabtih, Uke .19,10; peas sith fingers dm. [A ra dit arena auf 5140; Aran aa ella, including, lk, 1303,1h1303,25 905,00; m mn ‘ak the fied nal of EA 20g 02. SF me so-so, someone, Ma 0h Tt Kk aloe form 52239), 0 Ra Ww, Dit ef thingy, mov ing sample thereof La A mnt wr the dike, Loo 2,5 (det.x) 0 Rar It, 6a; fas 231; 2.8 mal imd Vhawe food i ome’ Lea thb mailer dy i fein Lode such, sething’ deals. tyr7:ru by meat in this fashion, ChB, Meet b5,n.5; he mont Seeraething} dr: @)eaabentief neceplacle f Lowne 222b,a4.2-h pug anden. Jd OE see under rad fan Seat én mrt aly, mana, 21), 25 mn 9 me fell safer, Lb 92 5 eile, ser ror 34,2154. 28; Peffrine akof Sra, bre 2618; Cah 5,23; hens 6, Helioubled abou, fm. Gf Mil aspx. JS23s Bhvin sick man, Unk W,9y2,6 JSAP man malady, Lan fp Sef ay li) oka Sarrful, Bay b; suffering, fas 8,250; 28 nhs; mw RS Miaka, tala FOS. ann anablur (my disk 18,0; f.n80 7, 257%. aS mut chigh of man (usually dash) £ Mak. 59:64; K by; hasench of x Sil, at, 3 (det. F), Jed jan, Ua. b35,2.16;s2syel——AP); on measure of apc, fu 5244) (22h. Jia ond ans. mooy ship, Mak x, 2,x(alaedela. 12), Fea. 62, 1025 lea; Hip tb mag me hi 8; altachy ml cul serie, Mak 3,246 with; aba, 2 et 48), sae the dasuriong, Leas. 61,107; nenie the den, 115: inbiamna, dic, {h.2.8(det Y); dlak-¥.63, ade tem anit mening. fool, dha A; eat 2201); achibping oat, Mereruka, fed — mae ot 4 ef: mk [Ud PY std death, ule 6,05 hos; (dete), ¥413; in. 8 210(delz A. EUS teat Balen Mik, 365997 J—bo Damnit mecklace srcred te Hathin, wn — af gnsi0o. [NSS mn dual thighs by JESU mm cod, Ua ms22,48, [mdr aunt nort, Al ti 50g; of diseaae, £8.25,9. HDS mir evieman, 805,64; edo nln tame Aeon it? Ton, | NUNS ty iss0 SD an, 25,994 wher, sary APH 28 un. [— 04 muni act as hendoran, fip.996 [ESA murnc mune (vb) dk ax,20,15; von. det. domarna, 3, 2, 10 J mnac nusse (m3 Unk. 39156 420,12, 08b-S 1995, mj dele. D673, 4, ME, 65; aed of mer, fe 151 8. [AS mney made ruse, ak. fF 0,19; 5; 1033, nj Mare Sa ok Aa 8 ancl mile cous, lk. yap; vor. deli. Xp 105,10. FFB tar madi ny, de. 96; vas. mem hy a es ronar in of line, nk e184; 123,4; 8S, PS ase Baca BE, [ma mnt pigeon, prot. ran MNF, OK, eos s67 PPS SS maar higtona fens R24. $08 at memueerl passive; of table objec dba, 23,3136, 1; 0 22 gg SUN ena ahendantef mmaenl, sho bing lak by; 551359 1300909 mut Leow planation, GAS; van sae tlnk e929, 900 165,06; SP icon D0 tee under mnnur ‘forza! SD mpi ot, tained ald sarull Boohsinfantig;sldion, én gon eral $60 39,34. ann DO B, Mak 264,53, Aad gy UB 2g SER thou, 2H pet. 6105: “, Sel ape Band for anv er anble, 83,719; van dels Lab. 4p 1 399,10 P——" mame reove quickly of feroes, lk: 105,16; mase abrat, fone] ake f earth, ted bo; he shifted, of founda Aik. 3,0, ISON mnt cattle, bin Rib; Bau; Uk. 12, Soha momma forreny Mlk 3, 434,16; F229 3,19; 28> gs, FASS N° tafe me. Memphi nom, i22% POM menhd, Heide ae, pr g5e; vor SABA doh. x, 50,1. SS Nit hy ware, Wate. 3,13; Mortforchuong ¥,s6,v0n = BM C3, 107, PA 1 nk apres ilanl, rf 33,63; Seu a, 23;00 IKE ma dX LP lamar oth (0 om lips, Uk t0 35 Amen, Pes rch, sing fend, 605 3.09 B snnh thisel (a.andvb, Bull, 23,0ff. J BH snk futon, of hing, ee, din Bi Weal gy; ia, p4224(— 2); RBs, 55 Waka 1046 (dala 98) 1 596,16 (abla, Baa of officials, in. bu; offen ous, of commande counsel, ele, din Bing; Lea bg, 20} Make, bo105 193,25 170%) rhs eyo scallcith'aftaing 1, 23mt0; ell -dishored, devotic. n'le! BH, 24 by i023; agin ar a i 5,203; Mak. rye Ha sing lathe ean fo9ays;11, Unde, 0246, Atdendid of. buildings ay ef anamahty at; ly ha mighty sample, 6; 5 mbar fe dhs take embellished with fruit-beet 43110; oaths, material, 03,5; Lani, of ocorshife, 0 10,5; seecellent, of occasions lsh 1,434, 1, cfdzeda, tsa; ,sell- Hanae Bs 15125 8.3, hab; Mak. qus; 0; elt callliched df moment, List e216 asad thorughly Chan ly throughly. Iu $30,5 AES Fi anmbur ceebonce, iaiea dene lnk 8,985,548 ej 10M a nbs, ON peaing, OE hit 5,203. aS mnht willngnetel heart lok 4,0 225% ogee 2 mh fej (moe lak 30 bo. ui mma AS iB the third rmtde, Maeve, Ae Pmt lie of foie amines Lt Snags; clathing lnk 1243208 OU att, fee so7.say al Se minal Lack (2,642, 26,278 [MT es meres) fn for liquids, L325 BASE 20. Gi rund contoushe, $1. pure. Si mt yellow (Docks, J68 20,108; Baus, Kam 33. A nk come fs amend, Jen rg 4,2, 21 a mkt ant? dk, 85. Pet mabt fon, Ap siren ANN ankl or oot lace, £Mah. 2,19: 4) chapel fey 4h2»-o (S23]2), PSR maak Lull bail rn by hing, Cairo 28092. Ee aut snitin fr Bla, GS mint AIDING snot potting vesel, Jem bat 298 trimer din Mont dk. 5 ;241)31200, (det 9) ER din 8, | RSVR mndie Bedain, A.yan; Uak.r2a,; 2,19, 6( ND) tink Lee’ of ia’, fea 835; Mak 3,5. INY FE) 106 6; Su nier (nur) Mink "rood 8 fea 52,13; 13,5;lak 2,200,2(03 00) JOY staal, gu; ak 2946) of male, fp gu 9), AL 94, tal mmdt chee van. 2%, 29%, sen 2, mi; 2862, 20 SN BNP nme faahal eas 6,12; 00m A ak, yb, Cf sg 0m 3. TRS ry aj aici, diseased, 6h; 39735;10; hal rat ance diseae, 8193; painful ale, Elo. me, bemysp.as; ml, 5); of a Aca a Pp.ass; mth. hawe compassion on le sorry fur Ler.s0g; Sin, 813300 4a Hem tedispleasing Li, Laan. 7; Ht amr talamity, db Asan: ole seal, Lis a, s(ndet My, $b: m.ppaing eae B25; £6.17; aitonanl, dm 34 2,05, EIS SB ou sick man, Lobia PINT RS anal jing, £13,100 a4 FSA ron fare, fp; din 8304 lk 4am ERD ay a0 Tam canal Aes 5; Mak, yall ake, 80643; vane. Boab; SOES (tb) amines, at rag, p52. TS Way Lida Laugh AaB. 630,51 Dag fe Pm seein T Eh owacosef at tH3,09; dak ganyty (VT), SPA foromanvof 4.05 4: (i) sowenly endeiny fin Wier; Uke 16683 (rani PE class lal 20,35 panliaany supporto, Mile 15, Merchants 54.10 BORD); iting. x2 dee bam; SY " (ur, Moke). SFA ma coll rarences, lost ys, 14:2), sunderbings, dim b155, 815, 25,10-1;, TR 2,0( SMBS), dak ae, yn s(ain)509. PBR na fall Cains Lt rey ,355 139545 rang all alee SE Bom wh sinf Lot, BA my, Sin Bbboeysa3;lok x, 30%,2;465,2; una ih desire, bin. 8230236} ena 81127, Mab sith fot inf, dp § 303; ath fol shen}, $814; 462,15 052,1, TARE Bet bins. SY "Bnet don ry die 866.16 8 BY) 223 dk he a4 Sind desing, feos 81,206; din. 6.235; 1 met mmneet ‘im ender that 4y.s181, SSB rey che saelt- beloved nko, 11413; 2am. SW 15 15, 8S s545) SSM dit play fom. See fp ssh. FSO a mith jan Ap 9, 807550 SS me find, dal. in13; pron det: Pen 3,15; lakers SSS mm sil lth, Mah, y,aade Py Lame of elathey dae, dae TS As that mdi, sian: goddeny vom S BM Ga 54; Jen 23,105. Sis met Rind boat, Bob $, ISS rt tet, fe 63.0. fab ‘lect felows. mad mabe 1a 13 id kt SleraniF sounding pole, ak 6428. SVB mud pun apreunads of ship eM 9,010. SU sy fgg butt, 67,900. SUBS 1,365 SE fy SE mca Moris hall Arann 2,25 ran EE HH B02 Maks SUS mgt fark shore Leas 4; Abele; 62; fob bu; Ah. d hg, £2 63 7(det, S); erdbaade (2) fea 84260; quarg Je.012,93;1573;Raight of ian, ae ck bab mong ‘the coust ia clean, fens. 81,130, MF romgt cot von RMP 9y SAT WS Strmagre Aypian wenrion Uk s659; rou S87 UR Vib sg5 4; TU RBL 05,6 Solid sory SSS me hind ord, lak sngg; ran BE oy OM ban PS Swe desat, Med. 2.4; my anf the coat incl lnk. 36615, of 168 aeu(gg. DY Neuer harboured Bal pgs SDN muergl Mack stork, 100 35 s6nay; pla SS Pmunt sbiel (A850; aena of alalues, 812 24,2 ela) SMa mgt Lemnput ef incense, dha 64. ah Shsmh decang (3, of Auildinge ke, 20246, RSID Jelbem mble chariot, n603,bs% ym 9D JS aba, v3.0. SARS malay oh sing. Le fergetfl neglectful bof Usk 59954355; ik the heart is f= haadefectie action, $b. 13,15. Tam. I“ Unde 2635; NESS 49.2 KBs tout 16; APD rahe ° ST aml frgelfelnens negligence, Samon.igg; oure 6 hy; mbt: it neglgond ecm 9.35 Mak. 4,58 35; of pvr Rent actin, Los 102, asa t a Sebi rhe sil, grease, Aim don ta; din. 8295; bm. 20( D/H dak.ae, | Fovads of wh mith far’ SMO mbit mileh coy Py.s50. BSP abt family ke, 0,5. MOS natal: dey — quando. specoh’ Jen 3536; 02, PSOURISE onl cafe, Canines dit. dang. plea SSE ann mill jan, 0154 lok 10315; 2008 BEE maa, 6 PU ers, “ah wary van by pfu mallchildren) Rabb J mh cuit, amt, AP, sath JSS mht amd culit rho aroura, ablr.2 dy. f tsa; Liditlou, be, 2S ah ama fil, B19; La 14; bd 195k, 197; Beall Camines, 2 hy Tris ba; fey full 285 tri Mad. nlf (03), rake ache, Unk, 9,35 mle ini, 286,59; Ae. 36,225, 2.25 ma fy den gee acount! Fras 81,251; mh adang ary’ faker: 3; Jermaine of ndinal names le Gofats,s: india full aa fhm of dete fsk 6 bye; hf Had why compete fot; Mok, ny, mi fall menue faa 5; Arinfin'seb about |teyin doing althing, dig, Stud. a; mh bt act. / SS mht the comple a nt ete fat P hit ene whe aliuall, cofidant, dis pl 5 Unk, vo; 10, mec on iat. 4,94, mj; Lead, B26; Adeeb, ke al, dae 5g ge, ag ea with my Meson 5 gry indbclions, Unk. 1, 53.0; capping, bho, 4.95 b¢h.1,8, verh tamy off cape’ nb hs. eS mh algo), fa hdl 9050 1854, SB ub oh vip fe concn, fos ely; Lake hag a fo in. ng, end, on tefen re SAK): n.cong, Bb be. IN MB my guondion,c17,105;vemttD hd; MUD M8 SDs aC cht bowl, Wak. b0%,17)8255u; Llib; van det. 3 .6.43,16, [ES Pmt for (dk [Al he me 0s he he feat TH: Ohi 80 D105 5: Aan femkwveeba sk, 14 4 nas Sw mbt flock-untos Lip. 501.508. 4 mie inte. the Della, marshes, 283 uy SNP rhb a nerthene, 872; 813,25,35;Uak 995,18: oath Bip. 70 (29 tin fea 895; dea ag; 4, Maha, 2h; mb me monthurnad fe Mod. 2, tn 1019 daln mB a, Ap $44 2 mbit south, lk. 134.2. CN rehliur nonthownena ok I,5mjr4 214 500m SALE, 194. Ld aebayl orth suid, Unk 1,51; ubry i; var 328, with dele ES Hern fromthe north, morther’ fob 2. pl ne (CDR), Bina Leger ATE Rrissnmu sy be 28S Ab pe Wi onbur.s ow £4, 283 44,20; ram Sl dk. 25,0; 84 2444 TEID din. 6341 TSS aba flac eater. van a Non, agin med, due. Adel, $43. AS % oe liners Chace. uk. vb T Tenby ot ok fick Mebane ram WOT grb; TT 34g be A SP furl, Cons. 81,205; of. lamina, Lf Tse 0. SRV aks fac of th head bn ops; SYN AL 94 BOY ara agli Le 19 Se pln en goil tm. en vhf serpents i sai LB, 8000, KI45 309) ANG cb teh 2a Ab shissryo( A), lanntvef ha Cyrame df a aspen opin, th Oiledene’ 2020); bb; cued adaens Ua. 95, a(det, D\):0) 4 Board gerne, Memb, Lelanaenspitl PML rabge he ied ener, Aaron 54; 80429, 1 SUK oaBnd franlney 2, fas By 70 BB eh sepect sme, van NS, Sut, 4, 5,202.62. STAGA a made fut bind, cass. MIND bot dalenee danny; 2am Rape the 8, Bg. Tis, eR 1 fag ST Mole fs cng RATA kg SSSI isu 5601 ug, ajled san. Gf senqyns ISTINIM also. fone male gual adjust, countering; make loath: drtians Se bihe with 1, mb thee Mike im displ Liran.dels 1G, G5 ug. STIS webu shed, Carrs, it: Saag, for BEN Rent guastnn) ma 2D" MID 0 mbot fe Bp ogy; dena BL an. of ra “o-bying den REST ver.if mbrus fusines. OT bul eg secane mel, 8341959112539 ASS while on crnament of gold, lak x, 3665343. SINE aint «clad soled meet, . KSA wes, taheank, wl kext, abo BSR rs ot soto. SEE Sa ns Joy. fat a 96; 8,96, BBS yp Ne Bi, 3 NR sas 72 ly ony rum NTE dB dak vb NES ao Dera yn; Ap NT Mee sy, KE LMR ga, PS 2 Fae dows lying lard, Serdone.2; 02 = Lda, r5.0 SB nf slorhouse, fanny Leas Rey; doy ,3; Brin; qf-acox, at frkawr rmsa ue ny Bint pakee PRES bi Low place im ad Lp cry mon 'hang head’ ale. 12,23-b. SEY rahe dealing busines ordinanceamangement of uildng hous ‘govern’ a land; ‘do tends busines fuovide fr a'me; owed mbna yovern, n8109; vam NST dak abs ABO Tights: BSnr02g KE Sen, pegs INI SS mblie intestines am INES. atom, asa” Ne ee nop iat ies. SAA matman bing, gcse lof pened things, Sh L ps; 026g Meas 3 Mok. 1,4. 5); 101b,15; ring aneny broty,1004,10; gakind hand, $a147; Lahke oi, 26 56,15;Alrk w,1923,6— cf. 28 o5,96; Gs 100. Yaar, 25 Aad 3; BNI Uk, 206,055 7-196 9% ena 15, Lp. DS, RS as, 2) datas def, nla Ubeale 1, lo, Jen 34 ph, 2,16. SNFES! ma :—jn tne cand; — ulnar tering fear son BFS, iis os.34. STA at wala, lak. 15518 Uhm nat sper fain, fu pnb F3) IDE nat bin. ean gine ith eat gr.a3 1 (IND) A Mad, alk Dang sala of gael, 014, A); da, ofr, Ma. 705m; Be ee, 86 (det. Bh. 296; Mahe, 221,3( BB); 0b parent Weal. 5; fa. tim 9. 1b)m4 2, form ama mb. Lim fibiations, On 5261; creole, of ged lake, 290,13;504075 Bing forth, of fields 7, 33,45 make, fashion Labt,6; 14 5:15, Aste, 13; 88 10, 4:10; JERS 3m.2, Brag chil Adah. 924, edo HIN); usually in ry. 106.294 Abd, bgo.aih— A Bu hingachtdnen, Lit phs.a2; ren FODDER in 677 WNP at metho, dlr. as slbed Smut oh chile, stfepning, Lp. ok 1,1, 16(Ih° $9), young of animal ok bby (AER). APSA emaust $inth, Bu,25 63; Weal (Ih whoo rast fe brinagain, ak, 90565003 7,674 00 MO PS Bachidarief vain nyo.a; 28% L of Lins, PSTD dag of taped hd, 2, matt gink-child, Mk. ve 6, WR one golf dit ps1 IN ns Suc, dk, 3,6 ADS me onch punt nel, indeed, $s. p51 BIND monde posit, vn. MELA, APA SE, NI, 285 apc ANU smog walinf, Legs ven. NA, Camino, Lt dag. pl,9.2 ANF? agen, 6 Mie fb ea SS 88 A ys KING snayt fetal Unk x, 9; dist nea DSMUS), AIO PLAT “the Bom aden; 0am HAWES open; NBS nag AIS joopecn(, Goyer bt, BSP Vaan ose caring bot fp.qs0gsy; va NB) 2 Asbn2. ASE mush hand of tread, Je025, 16,1 MSS all Lin ts te! hit, nlp 2g dlak, 14,5 (det. SB), sore oe, swith fa, 150.2 (dete. AY; dead (Low ‘ith Jen ib $2400 IBIS na a la), 24 ven HIB NES 2am 891 IISEVI mar farpesny Camino fi Sag. 4.2.2; ve Noe OE 1, ssf. 2s 550, 54194. M16 sank alate; uae becharsda ury, 5 2 [BS hom mash (mck) wscodile, fel, §93;raun SM hs deste. 2.0; NENT Yak. $0515; fre abt, 2s st nul). ME mahe abode of gods Uk 53, ran-dela P16; ap2abu AIDC mobil dering teal) J€0 22,106; bth place?) fp. 10s (dels 8, Fyre natal ety Beding Alacer eal, tr; abede of yo Meperts 87 AVERT); necro, Loyd VON). raft male ie Zi ey WPS Te Moke mdi Meskbénel goden of hh, la. 3495;ve det Nel 9] heh, dag eed in the Mouth’ Mair 3 jp 23,02. iehrote ininfto bag ws Blom weno? AO atin, Uk, BIS rss nie, tena 50;0.9; det. Flak ogy s,2; mas mechs mail oki bbs, (eat, B33 1ldet. 0). OT malls framciorek ef chanie la, by5 WIS, sk Leather, h.74,7; Laka, byt.an iS abt Milly My (2, a yg Ask vg (et. ©.) desc), 9 bidet O);ef- Homan. Ap. 1 31552, BI UR aks shin, fntey20; Leather, £60 5,25¢f Jen wt. BG nob: — ny mat ‘oan fats SIT ABLS moet night Lae of aun god dk, 96,6; 000, AISCAGE ir NYS ap 05,4; 55 Msgs, Gf othe Loup, 21, TRISS Daher omelet, Une, 34,0015;349; 000/23 yy BS nafr offing, 435; van. NSN Taken 6 BEDS Deaf 300 22,106; fom. mate, Bp. det Hs2Di mle ental shrine, 8 cf feb te rom SMe id; FS din ig, APS wonof made most ANTS mode houmels, £81205; ef Rox, reat IMAG eudent Hack oy. taint, Sb Libs £l.343;bn.200y rn Qe. Adee, 35 DE Jean pega; BODE, se ngopoll S sux 35 II aad oh win. die tae fea 2 ha Bog (DRE, dk a, by 5; 158.4 (del Sr) a, yy; anal wrwsillingly fees. Bgg; m madd ‘al sh Sam umuillng # Hah. shun; si Mok 94,3; £45 0-¥, 210) PD snadat habia hall, of emilee, dul, ptr»; verlhl US dk soe, SS wads anenoos fom SSB 23,00. e BPS rude cay Mose fm; Shy, sr03sbiamr. $92.5 A ak soll LAAs na a8 fang Makan fomen,s084,95 ng rd pal neo 25%; froma, JEA44 dpa dan gneraianine) neo, 214, Lous m rt Lealinaal commas the hog 5,264; Cohn oir sold 1609436 a NS daa, 9.15 16 anc napedaton van 8, eo. ke ae ena 924-30 SGA mic march, Qadech, 221 SSO onic he shoulder Made, aba, uj ehisp 2 RSV ner sume, Lab. s99. » SSR ond j TR 23,35; dleate.2,0(det, Pan. 8S OTF aK, i Se T ibe yeas BSL ml cening meal le. to,van Nee fp oes Sk alt for, dk 3,100, 15 van. ,(det.>} swith, det.0 gee sender mbit ‘oupport! SNE ably fretting ah va deta OF Uh ty JE what sunt pede Us, 104950 BYR doe 234 NEB sy RSM see under mek BRU rnkhy fash of che head, gg; K rng EWS smb fa. the back 5 cgrone, lk 47,5; eachow til, 0,3; fe axeglctut fa of dab. dig Bad. 2. f= mi io a Bie lm NOH nti wale, fon. 9s DSM sks container for document, zis 501 GBD angs shinmishen(?) Jens 50,5; yen. na OWT Yak 15435; Sal nto, SR. the mt mado die, Mr; ns 8195; lk 9 oasis, of ship Lh doe} death, din 8.29.209; Leas 82,123; Lb. i2.Vaas, RS lah, 4b 16) NAF 9b5 13 MP dh. L 123; S Cairo 20536; ™ 20030, SN. mat dead man, £0695 ef rns Sevu(le); Adem, 6; mata man, fea 145; Nt dead seman, Llib 5; tly; aim Ney 23 te Ks 3,2 ER a tresel davct (nat: (2) rusele cf. £8 Jmith, 37; Carn Ka... [2D von of mua mathe Pm falas, CE. 3 J=X ra elif Pf clac,im mt f'n rectangle Unk 122,15; mn. oS U22,5 Pima, YH ly sbinigh tfouwand, pcre, Paya N),3;1418(S Nfs ta} nin. 8 1 pagan of ea of festa, 129,10; ustiomang, ides 5,22 Ch GS 85; Je0 8,16 nb: oxaclilude, szaeloany: 4 nmi ‘eraes of 0/00 Sh3; hau. aby the seackdag f! ahem, bs7,25 at ht lt iy i'doing asenything exactly night 108% 6 Po MeN nlp pectin, Uke, gg. fre enim see und, ltt Jaret mut exact momant, £848, far VM dts mtu ae clion(? Gn 75,n.33 fas SNP mtg ‘rtiotln of priestly fl Kab. 6; vane BH) uae of the office, 'p.-conbiollership Hak.18, ERNE ven of ioe lok FUN, PAN van. ali Semoun! fas iit semen, Shem y:c6ryaC Sin) fi den fogeny, sath Aes Suh (2ifiotsen, Fyn. ts, Mu X32; ll will ), B. [ESN sanof mii tema’ Po a OD tat discus, Unk, tin; descuasing Sharte VK: forseride so snitten 2 smden min Wate neward, (xl gw 106, 2 2 miliuet nearaad.(), lak. I, hh 6 S15; BS Mai nada Ales 360.2050; inlians fe fous rentrrntd, in.6 221; HEY. SVT ant fame renown, din.biso; vam SNS, eka, 23.9, Nissan, PMdeisos, Jac mint Listimang, Je 824,20 SIND aia wines, 8095; ; 8886; AKabuvay; Laka ane, (= NP); awit the ogee ible testimony Unk 16, 503,3, ‘oli Hod, e0 1,9; van. 8) manna 36,248 © lit dd, Unk 19,3 ha Ja aS ont-hit concubine 1820; 400. ASD ous SIRS mts flout vex: speech sone, lg Sd. 43(¢), BoC a mse Land heritage? lsk-x, 1038, RRA nim turmans garment, JER i pf. SSE Si min gen van a SIAN 2s hatha; Ahi, 0 fren mlb aa a iy mah SE ange pad sy, Ail 10, Aamensiin,u( 22 E654 (B=), Wok graney( oma), core, Leas 81,3 SAVED ny; mb obey Sia pig 290 VIF), mk bs “de Loyal fa bay 18; the rnin “eho nen i the path; a SAY natin mle shai (Ld fath finder? bin. 6 28del #). a6 SNES cs Me m.foe. Mckamni, var. SN"2 £a,nc0 7,173" EVE van. of anbinat hewn bem ad staff, cr 10510 22,21; Leak: on0,u; nod Jen 19; WEP ma dar ‘a old pe suppl of aged arent, C533 4ah. 14; Boh, 99. US ada (2 in — OO oldamichs, 86 be Madar ose tab allen lant, soak, Lr i. 82; Ae, 357; Abd. 1s. 73-u; le Uk. 1502, 15; mduy me ‘apeak, against 4493's obeal, JER 20, 5,n-2; mdar hue disfuale with fol. 5-6; Sore yoo Lass with nk te, 1in, rsd mde dab Yinlerfoek aniiing' 165,05 Arama, addnesa see, Pipe 15%. (yn, ahecch, werd, Sh 5; in 105; Faas 0175; fr. 5,35 plea, JEAN $9 022); SANs mene apelt recitation, obs TVA Mopeach by! fy. sety Yer ard mada, wd sd, Ton AMP Lp. u20; VS ds 15 FSB rif da Didi. 03;8 Mk WS B ras wrnd of Sod divine decee fy.293( WN) fia 0,3; in il sacred uvitinge Bersh.X, puns Sir Ty 1 ple (UW), Loure cry dik, tbo, ; unitten chanaclins seript Unk 124,2(Tre), sus CUT), NEB nae speech word, laa 0172. qras; fa sbjue,kansi(U2); alk, lak a, torn; andt mt how mace) Lown clase 120,350; Legal lea, haa 1,20 Uk. Bn 54 anil snd, fa B15, lak, 51cm of tn, Aah, T1265; qnattn offen, dea. 1(detin); Laat; Weake.r9 ddd 3,24, ubs5} 1139, 2B mat proverk! Peas B19; effin, 037. 2 Are ude sod, al VEX Donat father, ethan 23.29 (4 at); speaker dads, aagay( 29). BolN mde sha ofAif, dig gb alo vinten hy 0922815 fe, 2 de 9.7 SN Sa) fm planed, of fot lak (del, se whe conser aca yey ll e823 ra tb Babi: Khana. cul dover, gparng, fy, o>; 9024, N rmad nas. 10, 4. 15259 ff; SR an mde car magma the Sonaef eb, 2 bb 18 55,66. TINE ind deeh, Seeamlarl 45; so0s4g (det Ay; bea, M), SV Sanat dep Naw: J 14,95; 900- 01 NS dan uso Gf. Jen, 198 SOV i nda fale, Bp. az02. PING mat hy, vo, SNTG,8, fe sant; Atos, go MEDS at tall cae nk jan;rmn. NSW 80 06 SNe si, Wak 23,5 00,05;20y give oWisayn Gsea asa Si mdse all, Uakev, 170,12; Le se ldet books mstnt. nthe bof as itl o leat, Bo ogts;am mdi ‘read. at, aloud; 801§6,6;297,14; 11 yds Sinbad madat “bac, Meal. b 215 leben, dispatch fyp.ngu( KL jak 3,667) 125, 5.10; Bb lay mi “etter -camien Jearnys;ver tp eek shige, van. 53 LOY four mit eulplin’ 04,4 ‘ HSV tds m Lee Deda, Madi R60 3,x3; 12644 28593, 39; ven NUD) Si ke, as aed SMES tndiw Iredjay people Meda; lain semi rditany desert lice, sears locecit, tame BLM x connsa; PLE Uak.s, gus. Ried adit ext fos pases SUT mndide fale foal lie ipais; 7k 2y. a8 SSIS meitt draines for Lge, 14 10 Radin fra Let SZ Lode shutout alovms, CXak. 2,4; watl in easung lok st oro NEU SUT rath ft sera gais-q3rm NI Laure ci Ch BM 828 frat Ta as Eh S mlb fet e345. OL dh dweal with insignia, 8 8n2 4. Nt madh hess liber, B60,16.16;63,3; Mane, din. L 2; build shi, 08 4 6,1 oan. 8 Make, 36,19; 08 ge, 15, A Sain 769; sboay pd B40 24 D hondh ewer of atone, Munich 17; carpenter Cairo 20041 (a); 64 228(); SW head esi 2g—- nb FS et Bios, F- ka, 509 ‘Rings umguant-maker, of Ak 2,961, Bebgatelen SNIVS © mdf chisel uscd in Opening the Mouth! Jens, y,%1 BS edd press hand eA, 1, Srt i ila nd oheet da hal 854 Mabe101922,6(4%, soalao alin madd 1931117 23,5; dar ach mdf Che feet tahard hil; Brey; sie the mouth in fuavrang nilisal, th.t.Ar ry OR), pit radi « 'yeanof the aboke of aad’ eof diatioas lak 133,15 faac Eigen Pas thai; dia, phys dla, hy og dng ths ah fone om with’ oule,23,5;rndad wt Lela obedient dit ph.nai(Pb ath, Mabe, 054, svaleo mad re, Les b59; 01H) Abd 1, 165 WS maar: madus mil m inceordinig lathe witlef; Bribie, ® a fc for (inane) diseclion le fran sun, deus riod of Himes fecanse, Sp. subir; hebonga le, 141,29 Saveg Gelonga ka (me), i513, Sythe; e-mll Because, $223 j J mip gem adj ocelenging La femoym pl cf dof spt ng ade therchor frit Gr.$205;); Leauae of it ldk.1,26,1.( 10); aed offer Armpuratne Je 4, 14,m-b, Gh PSBA 40,5. Os suff fre, dee Aelous TT nope, uszoun, rane var.en, Spf Bed | ny auf. fren, idual se hoy, us Lie our, 4p.83i5 rarely, for suff, aduabend. ots me meg fn: arnt the Laman indecent" a of. os 45.8.6 38, Miler for freon, fp tbe Thine Srowmeet £8, fea 95,12; Maker, r4316; 90. 00V dons Yah nadie Meith, Ua, 5; van PDB. 6 16s Ve laminas, dit. pte aN nb wralen, Masiderss 1a; of Uphael 3, We ns deme eulnan $, this these; lat the Aps$uoras sa BW aaag 2 pone dip my; soalio mph, mig ele, $.suay. Reo wt weaving. Aer, BOE, ast, RFK an. of maser ier BY Fase heege, Unkarisigs. dm ni oh inf Nia, dn real Speeasod (Ab, fas 63,106; seal By. 12306; How down amvemert, Bp. gy2( TW); brn back enik, Lah get nid of areng, Mak 22,16; thang mile fea.1,u0( 4-9, dinfie.); darken (aun, Br sqi( cna): indians haink mfr dd. 3,10 (Mem). ASA ate wrong dang, lak 1.23 5 TASS isu beg, Taa,t1;20, AT Uk a yn4035 DAC W de, Aba; all. Ska T, 24m BS whack, Ayub vin 48 Fd. 205m 9H wh go; @ DM Fe Vita fowl, L210; van, 78 Sint pl§ 308. TS ate pranern walirs wa SS, Sp-fisiq 2», feralto wnat, SO net Suey Reasen, 894,13; 00. Si Ue rye. de alae al, Siete too, i 06 oh. 1a; ah, sjabl.c fe t3; ase of Yes, “the iy Mek gyal nia sa th athens C3, ed nb ab‘ clermiliy = necropolis, din. 641; £168.11; UIT, 20,6. Ha they them, vor. dp. $594 081.3; eb ba 2 © iy Leal of gods, fa 19 Bat 1 15;40 DS fob g; oN Made aladeyar— ance ab SNF alte ce oem mmon, BO UGE; v0, beyej0 1 Borah 0. Ba tm wae fe glad) loka, aby, OTA are ecling! pinta TT, des 205192), yng mae gr Susi t0b4g nye meat any; avalon yma fy hg BP 365; ee rayreg ‘in gpeing’ JER 34,14; v0 lak mupray, BD U6 FD ts indiana vb. paler summers Usha 5o16;mabe ican 15,9; nla 2 all sur, in a; Bon; nh, alan aan, Adee, 205 32: ama. gesmomen; £621 2-133. Boy, Nefebolt $a aby name, Maka, 2155, ; carck, Oye; fou. 26; db mani fv oe ‘he sit Be dubled anvigmoramad A512; recite, Bouk.1, ng; 8 uth; trohe the fureral ncpast, din. 09s; nls brut 'e.0.number= moktareckening lick, Myst Win mds = Brak y ‘divide x by yl JEW 15,113-0.12 1 demmvmons lle TE, n26s; 182440. — Tan. WD dink 26, 185. TIS S ae he choi guroned ede 5H Unk, 9,3 nzchones, hind, ,2. TS Sak cil door, P hamet, giv, 1; var Pet on sy2.0 a serpent cemen, lak.5f 445,B0b 7; va. cat 8 04,7 TING nit innpede 18 2,2b; von a dad 2,25. Cf.2is a5 60, Tle Baittt slammer, Sh-dry. [Bo ned ah Simp Mawel, Bh A 3; Mok 5033, 2.9: liana lense walineny, Uk 3,34, erase dene, Bp. 33.2100 eis ct expeditin, Unk 1, 66,1. TSS mel vhf. fe Aenionl, es m2. 84 meyt mooring. post, dab. a yas. Once smooth ch.B Jeal, wins; undecmabed lak 251095 (bh OR). n drecthnes of conpleaimn Dada. 5: oh. min smoothly, € Rao IE 831 SY cu papent ako 15. Shiga Ia Saha catfish, 68 235467. ay — ry fiw mane lat of genvad: a 4s PRD raat m die ik the hy gods TR 264 210d), Aa 2665 oe elf, Moda, 3,15,32,734; 205410. Tes. CLD 1 262. 2 ing rms within, 3A, f.390, paar ba stacks POSES ate below ar rat. Tae adge, van. B39, fy sass: LD cr demonal-sren this thes, fp} 10,3 QrQ0 me bing A sg2e;t ak aujcrs byl DVL) cheer S00 m anf Gfetime fa tong period of yeas Unk. 1543,5; mk SND hp Uchold ages ‘ne ge by Mein 29400 ada for ar ucile, iy, wnat che faeper tine! Hk, 105,23; uo 410 som TR 16; BB; a0, FRA nue fe weak, 8b>; Barnsley rp. QOD nw weakness, dint, 1.6265; fees 80. OY sce ork san, SZ, FB se sy0 8 it nue hana, lak. 49015 860 7,048 vn. da, BR Arena nz ks ba y2j$bs,pl.y2. aut you: forencaning, BH, 15 Ue 2,4( 0S 5) cord, 0 9933 (250). OY Ss mt wh sinf cane fon, fake cared, fb s; lak 2,0; A. yu; collect, Serable, (05 by; Je0 23,099 TN nes aalin forme ni ae Fnatedag in 9 nf rt chin fering the Mouth, p.t0n 9 LA 117; of Mein ur, fe 25.n.20 SPV ry ann Sil 55 loka g fled den 2 de bs; ect, £87112. asn. OCF tin. 8204; Uke bn 5M 8 7, ODM nut swat canal Ap ub; lnk 803,141 45a amt (DE), woave, Sd 5.105; fas 6,59 0), PSM A many oh. snfininns et, Ein place lub. 0;cone WE ne, frog ntacak 138 iq hearde ~ aby Cairo wncssians bring tach seme lok. 24,802 °Y2), 3; 965 AED rw dish, lelishenlled, 1h159,89008 12; fall ral hain bp reos( E) ESI ak ote, dak 800910; amine, Lit Sra: ln3.65; 2 rake ‘nak df ord'a oo cabile, $u$ abt; bands of metal, fr.r34()8). OPIS: much hind enemies, ka bs, ut 604 mush Lansvh heat, £.ng,1;6,b;inbone be scorched, Cave 28050, 9S rues sheet (0 ef mela lak, Yoh, 9 ma Liar aide, hs asl lik ph tat oye me NPC maa a ta ing sry, fs 92; pemeaey1,7 make a ianelfuith me, 0s mr acy bd abe SP) 3004.03 0 Fue redding clothes of itd, $b ng,22-15 FS Ta er oh inf. Goin.) query ub il, Unk.w, 10475 353,9. TQOe TE mad sine, 6b. bng; nn 58051 34410 PTE moder Mok 36195, 5:514,4;9bh 9; van. 55, OPE tosgin, STi sen plage PVE deh. 34 bp, Bag 6 ees OAS nudty itera, aged amines it Ina, il, 2,5 TS ab fi, ben. a4, Sse ube fasket, typ. s57, Seabed ialen the degenn, lake, 2105242, (6); 4b dgar bal: ay ‘the dander epg; WS E the (tgeanilandens oie 900 28% rae» WIRE dukes, 97. Ae fnider bull shrnsjnrsoqaie thu Lith hing Mk 3,42 (det. D);n0 5 :aldot 3); fies 1: put baru brother eves friend th 94-9 (det); hue ‘agreat £5, Pea tiga jb pe ‘Lef heaven’ 992,2-3; 0b Lent "poses af a fse Bn 8,42; ae wat verse fb dry ‘mastinef prudence’ Bin. 8x4; nb dnt ‘workman fae 81, SPS nb coh ‘Bek hfe sarcophagus ihm, wey qint; rd. dat 039. SED nbn dy Lond of she oda th 2 uh; 80.015; fing, ill 2(det PP lary Wee tow ou hausernd eth, Cairo 2.0594 f,3; vam. 8 Sk sc, og, Pins “Flt Lady, mishcu: nbt-f iar’, Caine 20543 5 (del 9D) rb yb of the ba pan le 0 bt Masi! 134; aba he aan din 821; ult HE ‘Lf heaven, e270 (det. SB a alkene ‘Misuse QU oof quer, in tiny; godng IAA, 2g, 2 = BSR nto hut m. din Nephi bee g.23; van. W Bel & 46 DE they Ihe Sun Ladies ‘Mehl ond Sige, Boge 1d, 231.2; ofthe lee Crowns 45,12; 292,09; shh) am ac Sih. a opine * Ph sng ll a ao ha hing ra flag Set ult nueny land} din. 11; Suish Shad ep ob mh, some pint ike’ Feag, 6.25; nbrer nb ‘all the goles din, Bano; movment nb ‘att hinda of cattte: Rose ad ‘erenpone! eachene, each MA. § 103; wed seaport om Hhdgg; din. B26 FUP eacnhody sim SIS BE UA, bss, 80 vethagite TINE wh ot inf. gas, dia pbs, 23; v0. GAT Uke 555,09 A sy, "Fi ae old din. 093,005,505], dk 2 36 ‘thasion ifs gold silhoehcep, les, Re Sena rel ile Maya TSS abe oh 3inp melt mela, 015,4(S1ES)coatobjectsin mal a.75,15; Mok a, 364 (IVEY), gild, 934-121 413,12; model, fashinn, JE 6.99, TERA ts the Gelder Dr, off thir, 0 Me nbyl gold collar, JER ni, las ge, re. The ge f.s0s Sia. TION: nly getdate ld 144, FB nt nde. rib near Sukh, neon, 26; ly Heef Om deth dob. sv, ngs UNG nly ndee. Ombi, im mts, neoar st ar =} 7 1st geht, TB ads ingle Woke yrzvam Th Aer, AUS OBL Unde, 2034 6. TBI bs ig (2, kaha 50529 48 TY alin flame Syma 4 Sea pleba:inlianrv, fury, Bp 206, Abi, Tad abt faming ene erofenaci Ante nt Tbe whit sued, PR. 0,35; ng.2-3. TUNA abeks feat, dr. ib,m, TTA bal guard, dbx 2112;00n. IAA ae, 9, TRO nbs giyyhhag ENT aifenuj e020; det Borbe9. TAT whe bard dovrswith mal, ah. b5, 387,33); 617916 det 0). TR ld ait sora fy omnes, Lit brag. fae TW Kean of hair, 80 5, TTY nl Lestat, nk, 16,15 Sony TW thd nbd) the Soil One, 90 wy 20mb;29ge. TASES AR nbdarha hase ba character enema ef Syplneo 304%. TRE nfs heuwt, Cine 20050, RG aps a cake loaf, dia pl. 94. TRB aprps flan, £864, bith, ss. a Ga Pnpmbt em, JEA23, wo. EN nde grain, A tob ged, ill. 2,2, Tow. 04 dak. 444,u; LiGusy TA rons. ae Tinga Aa of ell, 8 715 flat ala, basi JER 5 an; von det ei TE 26 62. TACT pl bine negion, Je 29 8. “Dea nd slay by Eph 01235 00, DS TA 267, PO SV np shaafe heife,c7 1,0. = nf demenats. chat, thane, va, D5 IN fp. $10; nfs us ‘th it ss! Beha; ed nf rg it ‘asca described abe, Ph 4b. Uqasss oe, fob ng; £69.06 QD) me nh Gas. o. SW aynghlyen NCS ze me SARC nt loca wind, van. Sf Be bith, St UR fal fo ae dare 6; vom. SR x, 06; POM a, a5, FPS AS nf akin of fal, aah. 20, 15g. Mak oy alin salen MEO Qi SNE cfs Hows an rut of ‘nose, C738. ate cu SS afr anveld 0) dr. ‘he (ef appearance, Leauliful fair, Mua K.s 5; Weal 55k 209,2;329, 2 Billy of face, 2s 83,u5; 100 9,23: of. quality, good dine goody, din 8 at.et 203; Leas. R35; 81 bs. 318-4; feb ba; lak. ym; necensang JERS, 125; nf bail pleasing, apts Def charactor rfuale, gor fais lak, 14,35 183; dhe 15g fa 5; Ad i bine ly she ses Rinks thane a Bev regular asasend, fos shit (3): of ernditios, afte, well, gore, din. 83. 20h; ha hd hl dee goles nf mit wall saith’ hp. §1n; m chicur mfr inde Lime’ ese 22; webl-aubplied. sth Spas mera sith pordching fay 26; my; ea E84 (5) sin fined enfressions: ASS ood’ (ry, bin 0 yo-5; £455 fens 81,285 Ale, 2,126, (18); goodness; Lob 109; fess Bi, 210-1; mie uh mbnf ‘all gerd Chang Meae5j0,26 lke 74 0;08 comment ‘alluellondeg, dah. 45; sb nf in wong 9 order, JE8 95 62; 20% b yeed' (me, feu s0,19; Cob “ehapey event) din. bib; Lak. hy; a gond dent, 67; ff nf a mx “hes mon night cause; feas. 81,208 2939 0 ge ginning’ fs tyq;Bouhs, 44; a Man oucceafably, fea yo (Wade hap, s205.4; rake np ‘amen full account) he 1. SF aft good thongs thd ub;0rbue, 5 (Sm); good whats por, fas 8152; Bobs es bao; Mok. 12,2; 459,05 99316; inden, Bull 30,94,

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