Datong AD370 Instructions

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DATONG ELECTRONICS LIMITED ULTRA-COMPACT RECEIVING ANTENNA SYSTEMS GIVING WIDEBAND COVERAGE FHOM 200kHz to 30MHz AT HIGH ‘SENSITIVITY. Mogots AD270 and A070 giv sitar rooeive performance to large conn ‘onal antenna sym yet Are ony 3 mebes in vera length Te bales pole contiration ash ves got recon alacant ence FEATURES (© vate n two veions ane fer oe uso only Mane 270. tne emor tbresormnnin 70) (© Overall engyh rt 2 mates yl gies somali rats comparable tolafae caverta rea ie oe tH arg (© The ecponse is cada and ns tuning auctor ecard when charaina ecuency, herferm el Tor austen ere pes 9 lo ate ook ene Designed io proteesonal stander of ow nao level and tong sign periermance Dipak cantguration ives choice cf polarisation plus useful cecuty and tnates need lx gourd pane or eatheomnec on Excolont talaneo and corsiant ouput impedance mewrise interns pickup bye fovcar No need tor expensive accessories such as anfeena tuner uns er ‘ating ents COMPACT AND UNOBTRUSIVE Modem HF recovers have been brought t a nigh kvl e development ans ‘12-boin compact ane convenient fo use. 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Telephone: (0532) 552461 MODELS AD 270 & AD 370 TUSTALLATION AND OPERATING DISTEYCTTONS Bower Source 4 DC power supply is requized capable of providing between 1% and 14 volts at 140 mA. Good stability is nob essential. A aains power mpply such as ‘the Datong Model NPY ie euttable. Battery operation is not meconmended due to the high ourrent drain (high current drain is necessary if good strong signal performance is to be achieved). NOTE When the power jack is inserted or withdmum it will be momentarily ghort cixeuited. Therefore unless the power aupply is short circuit proof (eg, Model 30%) switch off the supply before inserting or withdrawing the Jack. CAUTION Power to the head unit is fed up the coaxial cable from the Interface Unit. Any short circuit in the cable will therefore short out the aupply. If & power source with a high current capability is used (such as a car battery) such a stort cineuit sold burn out the cable or some of the components in ‘the Interface Unit. A fuse (0.5 4mp) showld therefore be used in series with such power supplies. Positioning for best results the dipole elementa showld be uounted ag far as posaible from surrounding objects, especially metal ones, and away from possible sources of intexforence such as fluovescent lights, TY receivers, or thermostats. Remerben that the will only Jetset the signals which exiet actually at the dipole eleuents. If the elements are screened by large wetal objects, signals will be reduced. ‘The antennas have the same directional properties as conventional dipoles. This means that if the dipoles are mounted horizontally maximum pick up will be from directions perpendicular te the axis of the dipole, On the other hand siguls arriving along the axis of the sipole will be vejeoted and this can be very useful if there is one dominant source of interference neazby. Careful positioning of the antenna can often give a big improvement as the interference source is mulled out. Waen the dipole is mounted vertically it will respond equally in ali horizontal dizections, with minimum pick up above and below, Normally it will be found that scwe signals are neceived best with the dipole vertical and others are better with it horizontal, ‘he best orientation for the dipole depenis on many factors such ae distence from transmitter, mode of propagation, transmitter polarisation, time. cf day, and operating frequency, and some initial experimentation is strongly advised. In generel for long distance and general puxpose reception, especially at frequencies above about 10 Miia, Vertical or near-vertical mounting is recommended. Vertical mounting will give omidirectionl reception of ground waves (e.g. from LF stations) and of low angle sky waves (e.g, from far distant or ' xt atations). Reception of high angle sky waves from mediwn distant stations will however be relatively poor. Horizontal mounting gives alnost omnidirectional reception of high angle sky Ss Spence Mis, Mil Lane, Bramiey.ieeds LS13 3HE.Enaland waves and directional reception of low angle sky waves. For the latter maximm response will be obtained when the line of the dipole wires is perpendicwlar to the line between antenna and transmitter, Mounting Model AD 270 Model AD 270 is intended to be suspended between its dipole wires using lengths of string or plastic twine (not supplied) tied to the loops on the enés of the antonna wires. Both wires should be stzetchod out in a straight Line and the coaxial feeder should run yerpendicular to the line of the wires for a distance of at least one metre. Synmetzy helps to maintain the excellent balance of the dipole. the weight of heavy lengths of feeder should be separately supported. yunting Model AD 370 The case of the head wit has four mounting holes outside the rubber gasket seal. It is intended that these holes be used to screw or bolt the head unit to a flat surface. Access to the mounting holes is obtained by removing the lid of the head unit after unscrewing the four 1id retaining sevews. The two stainless steel dipole elements must be fitted te the mounting posts on the head unit. Hach whip chould be securely clamped using both set sorews. A suitable Allon ey is supplied with the antema. The mounting post Into which the whips fit is itself screwed onto a stud mounted on the plastic case, Check thet these two parts are tightly serewed ‘together when installing the antemna. ‘The whips should be as fan as possible from other metal objects. If the head unit is mounted directly onto a wall, for example, the whips can be bent near the base so that they angle out sligitly from the’wall. When mounting the unit to a wall it is better to first fasten a piece of wood to the wall. The head unit can then easily be fastened to the wood using suitable wood screws, The sane nounting method can be used for chimney. mounting. To avoid possible ingress of water, position the unit’ eo that water cannot collect in the cable glanieentzy, and arrange for the ocaxial cable to point downwards as it leaves the gland. Length of feeder The length of feeder used between head wit and interface unit is not critical. Losses in the feeder can if necessary be made up using the extra amplification in the Interface Unit. With normal coaxial cable up to 100 uebres should be sabistactory, If a long cable mn is to be used good quality 50 chm cable is prefers: For short zuns ordinary TV type 75 ol coaxial cable will be quite suitable. Someching to the receiver ‘The antennas cone supplied with a singly terminated 1 metre jumper lead which comects between the output of the Intexface Unit and the input to the receiver, A plug mst be fitted to the cable to suit the receiver. If the receiver does not have a coaxial input connector connect the outer shield of the jumper lead to the “EARTE" connection and the centre conductor to the "ANTENA" connection. 4n alternative output lead already fitted with a PL 259 coaxial plug is available at extra cost, Altemative Dipole Zlewents Only two factors determine the length of the dipole elenents, Pizet, if they are too short the internal noise level of the head wit amplifier may be noticeable, second, if they are made too long the stronger signals will eventually overload the amplifiers and generate spurious sigala. he clenents supplisdf 3 notres overall) zeprosent a good choise fox nost applications. However if the antenna haa to be installed in a shielded position results may be improved if longer elements are used. The sensitivity is proportional to element length. Thus doubling the elements to 6 metres overall will sive an increase in sensitivity of 6 dhs. Aithough Model: AD 370 is supplied with steel whips the whip holders oan also accept wine elenents 1f desized, Such wire elements could be held in position by plastic twine as described fox Nodel AD 270. Tf alkernative dipole elements are used be sure to make them of equal length otherwise the antenna will be unbalanced and subject to interference plok-up ty the feeder cable. Choice of gain setting Under noma} conditions begt results will be obtained with the preamplifier inside the Interface Unit (IB 5) awitched out of cirenuits The extra gain with the preamplifier switched inte cireuit may be useful ccoasionally when vand conditions are exbrenely quiet and/or when extra Long cable runs are used. Boware of using the preamplifier wien signals are strong (after dark for example) a8 overload and spurious signal generation are likely. WARNING If the Active Antennas are connected to transceivers beware of accidentally transmitting, Tamage to the antenna will almost certainly result.

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