On your way to school, you saw two girls sleeping on the floor without anything to protect themselves with, then
you turn your head and there are another group of boys sleeping in the cart wearing ragged clothes shivering, then
again as you walk forward you saw a man and a woman who are wary with their well being but seem contented;
you realize just then that what you saw is a family who is a victim of social injustice and depression which justifies
their vulnerability as a human person. But are we so sure to generalize that it’s not their own choice to live in that
kind of situation or are they really a victim of life’s wrath and other people’s profligacy. How can they cope up in
this society? How can we help them? How can we make a difference?
The quotation, “Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail,” by Ralph Waldo
Emerson could be an inspiration to homeless people who are willing to make a new start. It will certainly be a
physical and mental challenge at first because it’s hard to rise up from one’s own upbringing as we are already
used to it. But considering the fact they are also human, having both hands and feet to carry themselves
throughout life is mainly based on their decision and good judgment. Every man is capable of changing his own life
according to his own imagination and preference or on how he wants to sculpt it, and at the same time living with
it to the fullest. “Homeless” people are just a term for lazy people who cannot find solution to their own problems
and are already contented with what they are born with. But it should not be the case for those people who are
willing to open a new chapter in their lives; there are no such words as unfortunate and unlucky to such people
who are eyeing for success. Some celebrities from showbiz circles are an example; they are the evidence of hard
work before fame. Not all of them are born with the good things in life; some cannot even meet their own basic
necessities, yet they soon came to a realization that they needed a better life, and that is to provide for his family
and himself. Oprah Winfrey for example, having been born into abject poverty in rural Mississippi, Winfrey went
from being a young girl clothed in potato sacks (literally) to the richest and most powerful female media mogul in
the world. How? She moved away from her disruptive and abusive household and got herself disciplined. She got
supported in school; which she used effectively by gaining honors. At the age of 30, she was stationed at AM
Chicago as host, a faltering local TV show, and in less than a year she turned “AM Chicago” into the hottest show in
town. Today known as the, “The Oprah Winfrey Show. For Ms. Oprah Winfrey the show is not just for
entertainment but also to help other people rise up from poverty stricken life as she had once gone through. A very
good example of this is our fellow Filipina, Charice Pempengco. This is the true joy in life - being used for a purpose
recognized by yourself as a mighty one; being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap;
being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world
will not devote itself to making you happy. Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. In life there
is a saying, “Give it your all and expect nothing.” Because in life it is all about you, no one can help you, but
yourself. There are no easy paths in life; everyone must persevere to experience true joy. So, if Oprah can do it
and other people who are in the same situation had done it, why can’t other people do it also?
We read on the foreheads of those who are surrounded by a foolish luxury that fortune sells what she is thought to
give by Jean De La Fontaine is an inspirational quotation that intends to give a message to those people who could
lend a hand in times of great distress for our fellow Filipinos, who just needed even a simple love and kindness
from their fellow countryman. Knowing that you are able to help in some way or another, knowing that you had
just given a future and a dream to a person, isn’t it just wonderful.
Norman B. Rice once said, “Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light”. A
thing cannot be finished when we do not work hand in hand, that is why in some ways big or small we people could
make a difference.
Open your heart - open it wide; someone is standing outside. ~Quoted in Believe: A Christmas Treasury by Mary